AgriBulletin September 2011

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September 2011

Boervroue geniet sukses met bokke - bl 3 en 4

‘n LiN Groep Publikasie • A LiN Group Publication


September 2011

African dairy boom expected

— Tetra Pak

Emerging and developing markets are projected to account for more than 60% of world output in 2020, compared to a 40% contribution by advanced economies. Africa alone will see significant growth in liquid dairy products consumption, which will climb from around 15 billion litres in 2010 to almost 25 billion litres in 2020. “There’s a new generation of educated, upwardly mobile consumers who are unlocking exciting possibilities for the dairy industry to provide distinctive, convenient and diversified new products,” says Dennis Jönsson, president and CEO of Tetra Pak Group. “Africa’s emerging economies – and their growing and increasingly prosperous urban populations –consume an ever-increasing share of the world’s liquid dairy proTetra Pak, the global food processing and packaging so- ducts,” says Rae McGraw, Tetra Pak’s marketing director, lutions company, has released the fourth annual Dairy Southern Africa. Index that this year indicates a decade-long dairy boom Dairy producers have a unique opportunity too in that and a surge in African consumption of almost 50%. in developing countries up to 50% of food spoils before it reaches the consumer, according to the report.” The Tetra Pak Dairy Index is an annual report designed to help dairy producers identify new opportunities for growth while offering all industry watchers information on the latest facts, figures and trends related to the global dairy industry. The latest report also indicates that the focus on

food safety and long-term health is expected to sharpen, with educated consumers empowered by communications technology to research the origin and benefits of what they eat and drink. Convenience will be paramount as more of the world’s population migrates to big, bustling cities. Mobility, both social and geographic, will shape the demands of consumers. The report found that global demand for liquid dairy products set to surge by 30% from 2010 to 2020. It also forecasts that by 2014, packaged milk will outsell “loose” milk in the developing world for the first time, as economic growth and city living spur demand for healthy and convenient products. Sustainability will become a central issue as demand for resources puts pressure on the environment and increases the need for technological innovation. This shift is expected to mark a turning point in white milk consumption for millions of people around the world. Global demand for all forms of liquid dairy products — white milk, flavoured milk, drinking yoghurt, sweetened condensed milk, lactic acid drinks, and baby and toddler milk — will grow from some 270 billion litres in 2010 to 350 billion litres by 2020. The data contained in the report are collected from a variety of Tetra Pak and external sources and analysed by Tetra Pak’s dairy market experts. The Dairy Index also includes Tetra Pak’s analysis of the industry based on its day-to-day work with dairy customers, governments, non-governmental organisations and local communities around the world supporting every aspect of the dairy value chain.

ABOUT TETRA PAK Tetra Pak is the world’s leading food processing and packaging solutions company. Working closely with their customers and suppliers, they provide safe, innovative and environmentally sound products that each day meet the needs of hundreds of millions of people in more than 170 countries around the world. With almost 22,000 employees based in over 85 countries, they believe in responsible industry leadership and a sustainable approach to business. Their motto, “PROTECTS WHAT’S GOOD™,” reflects the vision to make food safe and available, everywhere.

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Ons hou die boer ingelig We keep the farmer informed

September 2011


Stokperdjie word gou volskaalse bokboerdery

LiN Nuus/Bulletin Die kapaters word verkoop wanneer Die onskuldige spelerigheid van ‘n paar hulle ‘n massa van tussen 30 en 35 kg jong boklammertjies het ‘n boervrou bereik. Die afsetpunt is in Belfast, Mpuin die Laeveld laat besluit om ‘n groe- malanga, waar hulle deur Badenhorst pie boerbokke as stokperdjie groot te Afslaers opgeveil word. Nagenoeg maak. negentig persent van die diere gaan Vandag bestuur me Debora Verster na KwaZulu/Natal, waar bokvleis veral van die Harmonieblok ‘n boerbokkudde onder die Indiërgemeenskap hoog op van meer as tweehonderd wat binne net die spyskaart is. meer as twee jaar tot stand gebring is. Wat boerbokke so ‘n lonende bedryf Haar mikpunt om ‘n teelkudde van maak, is dat ‘n ooi binne 24 maande drie driehonderd ooie as eenheid te vestig, is keer lammers kan voortbring. Die eerste reeds in sig. dragtigheid lewer ‘n en... ’n ooi kan binne Verster sê die aanvank24 maande drie keer keling op en daarna volg like kennismaking met dié tweelinge en selfs drielammers voortbring. linge. boksoort het haar belangstelling so geprikkel dat die gedagte aan Die lampersentasie van Verster se ‘n volskaalse boerdery sommer gou pos- kudde staan op die oomblik op 160% per gevat het. jaar. Lamtyd is Maart en Desember, maar In 2009 het haar man Arné – ‘n bees- en skuif nou ook na Augustus. Pryse is in die groenteboer van Harmonie – 55 bokke winter op sy beste en die teelprogram is aangeskaf en aan haar toevertrou. Dit so aangepas om hierby in te skakel. “Die stokperdjie-deel is lankal vergete. het vinnig gegroei na tweehonderd met twintig manlike diere, terwyl sy Nou is dit ‘n voltydse bedryf en tydens BO: Me Debora Verster staan tussen ‘n deel van haar kudde boerbokke in die Harmonieblok. reeds ‘n honderd kapaters uit die kud- lamtyd is ek dag en nag in die kraal,” sê LINKS ONDER: Die boerbokke op die Verster-plaas is kerngesond, danksy goeie bestuur en nougesette parasietbehandeling. ONDER: ‘n Trop boerbokke stap aan weiveld toe. Verster. deproduksie verkoop het.


Nog ’n vrou slaan ’n slag met bokke LiN Nuus/Bulletin ‘n Paar klippe se gooi van die Verster-boerdery in Harmonie staan me Bien van Vuuren trots voor haar bokkrale. Sy is die vrou van mnr Bennie van Vuuren (Bennie Bees), verteenwoordiger van die Rooivleisprodusente-organisasie (RPO) en vasvatter van die Rubbervale-veeveilings wat elke eerste Donderdag van die maand gehou word. Me Van Vuuren sê haar boerdery met boerbokke is nog in sy kinderskoene, maar dis ‘n uitstekende kudde met uitsoek-ooie en teelramme uit Louis Trichardt se wêreld. Haar man is heeltyds besig met sy bees- en groenteboerdery, terwyl sy op haar eie die bokbedryf bestuur. Sy het skaars vyf maande gelede in alle erns met die bokke begin en die klein kudde van sowat tagtig ooie het reeds ‘n rits lammers opgelewer. Een van die twee teelramme kom uit die bokstoet van me Tania Botha naby Polokwane en is die seun van Somer, ‘n kampioenbok in Limpopo. Volgens die Van Vuurens bly hartwater die grootste bedreiging vir boerbokke en hulle word noukeurig daarteen versorg. Me Bien van Vuuren

Die Van Vuurens se teelram wag nog op registrasie voor hy ‘n amptelike naam kry, maar is die seun van Somer, ‘n erkende boerbokram in Limpopo.

September 2011

Wees bedag op kabelen dieseldiefstal LiN Nuus/Bulletin Misdaad op plase in die vrugteproduserende gebiede kan in die volgende paar maande ‘n opwaartse kurwe beleef, sê mnr Corrie Large, sekuriteitsman van Letsitele en AgriLetaba se hanteerder van plaasveiligheid. Dis feitlik die einde van die plukseisoen in die sitrusgebiede en die meeste van die plukarbeid wat van Mosambiek en Zimbabwe kom, keer nie dadelik terug huis toe nie. Hulle bly minstens nog ‘n paar maande in die omgewing. Dis wanneer gevalle soos kabeldiefstal en die verdwyning van brandstof, veral diesel, begin toeneem.

Large sê boere moet veral oplet wie almal snags in die werkershuise saamdrom, terwyl voetgangers op plaaspaaie ook sal toeneem. “Ons ervaring is dat dié mense saans omstreeks 22:00 in kampongs gaan skuiling soek en douvoordag aanbeweeg tot ‘n volgende bestemming.” Elke sektor moet sorg dat plaasveiligheid opgeskerp word. Vee- en wilddiefstal skiet in die laaste paar maande van die jaar gewoonlik die hoogte in. Dit is nie potslagters nie, maar sindikate wat werklose en loslopende mense inspan om die insamelingswerk te doen, sê Large.

Komitee bekyk toestand van spoorvervoer in SA Die persentasie van landbouprodukte wat jaarliks in SA per spoor vervoer word, het van meer as 80% in 1985 tot 30% in 2010 afgeneem. Padvervoer van landbouprodukte het baie duur geword en dit het ‘n groot invloed op die prys wat die verbruiker vir kos betaal. Dit spruit uit voorleggings wat die nasionale bemarkingsraad en Transnet oor die stand van spoorvervoer aan die portefeuljekomitee op landbou, bosbou en visserye gemaak het. Dr André Jooste van die bemarkingsraad het gesê ‘n groot potensiaal bestaan vir die vervoer van produkte per spoor. Dit is egter deur ‘n woordvoerder van Transnet, me Khumalo, weerlê. Volgens haar is die seisoenale aard van landbou, lae volumes, die ver-

skeidenheid van oplaaipunte en die invoer/uitvoer wanbalans knelpunte uit ‘n spoorvervoer-oogpunt. Transnet vervoer veral hout, suikerriet, bier en graan, maar Khumalo het toegegee dat die infrastruktuur erg agteruit gegaan het. Die meeste waens is baie oud (sommige tot 30 jaar). Graan wat per spoor vervoer word, het afgeneem van 7,8 ton in 1992 tot 3,5 ton in 2010. Lede van die komitee het hul kommer oor die toestand uitgespreek en wou weet waarom Transnet nie belê in ‘n beter netwerk en nuwe waens nie. Transnet is ook gekritiseer vir hul standpunt dat lae volumes nie lonend is nie, veral aangesien opkomende boere nog nie groot volumes kan produseer nie.

September 2011



September 2011

Farmers to feel effects of climate change

Prolonged drought, seasonal cold spells and extreme more subtle and could include, amongst others, chang- s such little is known about the effect climate change is temperature highs in occasional years all negatively es in flowering times, failure to open buds, skewed gen- having on African (and southern African) crops. Now local researchers from the Ndlovu Node of the impact farmers by reducing agricultural production der ratios and inhibited or delayed maturation. Current through a loss of livestock or crops. understanding of these effects is based mainly on stud- South African Environmental Observation Network What then, are the possible impacts of global climate ies undertaken in the temperate regions of Europe, and (SAEON) in Phalaborwa and the School of Geography, change; which predicts Archaeology and Environmental Studies (University temperature increases of of the Witwatersrand) are between -2 to 4oC and more variable rainfall by the end working together to adof the 21st century? dress the questions surUnderstanding the porounding climate change and crops in the local contential impacts of climate text. change on agriculture is The objective is to comchallenging. In some areas of the world potentially pare crop production data positive effects of global (for example bud opening change (such as the exdates, full flowering dates, tension of the growing full or partial petal drop season) may to some exdates, spraying dates, hartent cancel out expected vest dates, yield data, etc) negative impacts (such as with temperature and preincreased drought). cipitation records across However, the overall im- LEFT: The recent drought in the Eastern Cape negatively mate change. RIGHT: The timing of different reproductive southern Africa over the pression is that agriculture impacted both the quantity and quality of oranges pro- stages, such as fruit filling in these avocados, is driven by past several decades to as a whole will suffer as duced during the 2010/2011 season. The small, blemished temperature and can be linked to specific management determine what impact global temperatures con- fruits produced were rejected as ‘unattractive’ by the ex- practices. Shifts in these dates, as is likely under climate climate change is having tinue to rise. The situation port market. Increased variability in rainfall and prolonged change, will require operational adjustments within the on the timing and success droughts in the future are just one of the symptoms of cliagricultural sector. is further complicated as of the various reproducminimum temperatures are increasing at a faster rate tive stages (termed phenophases) of crop production, than maximum temperatures and high latitude temand on the eventual yields. perate regions are warming faster than the tropics. Increasing the number of crop types (but with an emWhat is certain is that the negative impacts of climate phasis on fruit) that are included in this project, togethchange will not be felt equally around the world, with er with analysing as much crop production and climate the greatest production losses expected in developing data as possible from as long a time period as possible countries due to their limited capacity to adapt. It has (at least 2 decades or more would be ideal) will help been estimated that in some African countries yields scientists understand climate change as relevant to agfrom rain-fed agriculture could be reduced by as much riculture in South Africa. as 50% by 2020, and that Africa as a whole could suffer Each data record shared is a piece in this puzzle and from as much as a 17% reduction in agricultural outwith improved understanding of how the world is reput potential by 2080 (sourced from the 2007 Fourth sponding, we will be better placed to face and react to Assessment Report issued by the Intergovernmental the challenges of the future climate. Anyone in possesPanel on Climate Change). Such projections mean that sion of crop production data (anything from the dates of specific reproductive events to management pracfarmers need to be aware of the likely changes, and be tices and overall yields) is encouraged to please contact open to the possibility of planting alterative (more suitable) crops more suited to the new environment. one the researchers to discuss adding their information to a growing project database. It is also important to understand how climate change The ratio of male to female flowers produced by mango Enquiries can be made to Dr Dave Thompson on 013 can act to reduce yield and profit in agriculture. De- trees in dependent on temperature. Changes in temperapending on the crop and the severity of the changes in ture could decrease the number of female flowers pro- 735 3540 (, Professor Stefan Grab on climate, the worst case scenario will be outright plant duced, thereby compromising the potential number of 011 717 6512 ( or Ms Jennifer Fitchett on 072 550 6829 ( death. However the more likely consequences will be fruits matured. Photo’s: Dr Dave Thompson


September 2011

Beerseun en jongboer van die jaar

— saam handhaaf hulle ’n hoë standaard LiN Nuus/Bulletin ‘n Gerekende deel van die vars groente wat daagliks in Freshmark en Spar se supermarkte verskyn, kom uit die grond en pakhuis van Dawn Farm, ‘n deel van Beerseun Boerdery naby Ofcolaco in die Harmonieblok. Die pakhuis is langs die Lydenburgpad en skaars veertig kilomerter van Tzaneen. Dit is die domein van Limpopo se Jongboer van die Jaar, mnr Willem de Beer, waar hy saam met sy pa Willie en broer Kobus ‘n intensiewe bedryf tot stand gebring het. De Beer het aan die Hoërskool Merensky gematrikuleer en daarna sy studies aan die landboukollege in Nelspruit voltooi. Nadat hy sy praktiese jaar by ZZ2 gedoen het, is hy in 2005 terug na die familie-onderneming as algemene bestuurder. Volgens hom spesialiseer hulle in boontjies, suikermielies, murgpampoentjies, soetrissies, eiervrug en botterskorsies. Hulle plant self, verpak die produkte volgens die klant se spesifikasies en vervoer dit met hul eie voertuie na die afsetpunte om die koueketting te behou. Oestyd is die hele twaalf maande van die jaar. Die maatskappy het ook ‘n eie atjarfabriek, waar al die boerdery se mango’s opgesny en verwerk word. Hulle koop ook mango’s van kleinboere in die distrik vir dié doel. De Beer is benewens die heeltydse boerdery ook betrokke by gemeenskapswerk. Hy het ingeskakel by die Maitjene Gemeenskapsontwikkelingstrust en vroeër vanjaar vir hulle ‘n kantoorgebou opgerig. Hy staan hulle ook met raad en daad by oor landbousake. Dit is nie die eerste keer dat erkenning na Dawn Farm kom nie. Verlede jaar was hulle een van vyf finaliste vir Freshmark in Centurion in die groep se verskaffer-vandie-jaar kompetisie. Hoë standaarde word met die verbouing en verpakking gehandhaaf en die plaas is GlobalGap geakkrediteer.

BO: De Beer wys ‘n deel van sy produkte wat met groot sukses aan die handel gelewer word. ONDER: Vars boontjies op Dawn Farm staan gereed om versend te word.

Mnr Willie de Beer, eienaar van Beerseuns, saam met sy seuns Willem en Kobus.


September 2011

Chinese vanger sit vlieë koud Die wêreldwye vlieëplaag kry deesdae al groter teenstand soos die tegnologie vorder om dié lastige insek hok te slaan. Die Amerikaners werk reeds jare lank aan projekte om vlieë suksesvol te bestry. Hulle het uitgebreide programme om die insek uit mensgeskepte sones te verwyder om die lewe vir mens en dier draagliker te maak. In Tzaneen is ‘n ervare entomoloog, mnr Frank Honiball en sy seun Stephan onder die Mnr Stephan Honiball handelsnaam Vital Bugs besig om vinnig veld te wen in die stryd teen vlieë. Hulle span ‘n klein perdery in om vlieë se papies op biologiese wyse skadeloos te stel. Die ingewikkelde proses is so eenvoudig dat jy met

die korrekte verspreiding van die wesp van byna al die vlieë op jou werf ontslae kan raak. Dit werk uitstekend by melkplase, voerkrale en enige ander plek waar baie diere in ‘n beperkte ruimte aangehou word. Mnr Stephan Honiball verduidelik vlieë word by die duisende per dag geteel en het ‘n lewensiklus van agt dae. Hulle bring papies voort wat aan die wesp, Muscidifurax raptor, blootgestel word. Dit parasiteer die papie en stel dit skadeloos, maar het geen invloed op enige ander organismes in die omgewing nie. Die raptors word in hoeveelhede van 5 000 in geperforeerde sakkies versprei op plekke waar vlieë gereeld voorkom, soos mishope en ander broeiplekke. Dit is nagvretende organismes en doen hul ding in die stilte sonder om enige gevaar vir mens of dier in te hou. Etlike boere van format gebruik reeds die biologiese oplossing op hul vlieëplae met groot sukses. Honiball sê die produk word landwyd bemark. Hulle maak goeie vordering met die verspreiding, maar verskeie ander verspreiders van ‘n soortgelyke produk het ook tot die mark toegetree. Volgens hom is Vital Bugs se produk endemies aan Afrika, terwyl ander vervaardigers hul wespe uit Amerika invoer en ‘n van ‘n swakker gehalte is. Die nuutste toevoeging tot hul reeks produkte is ‘n grasgroen en droeë vlieëvanger uit China. Die vanger is veral handig omdat dit die monitering van vlieë vergemaklik. Op die oomblik span die meeste boere en nywer-

aars die Red Top-vlieëvanger in, maar dit is ‘n nat proses waarin die vlieë disintegreer en die getalle vlieë in ‘n gebied gevolglik nie behoorlik bepaal kan word nie. Die Chinese vanger word nog op die proef gestel en sekere aanpassings moet nog deur Vital Bugs gedoen word voor dit aan die publiek beskikbaar gestel sal word. Benewens monitering sal die nuwe vanger ook ingespan word om saam met die wespe te help sorg dat die insek sy moses op alle plekke sal teenkom.

REGS: Die droeë vlieëvanger uit China is nou ook in Limpopo beskikbaar.

Eskom hersien protokol Veiligheid op plase is belangrik vir boere wat moet verseker dat die veiligheid van hul gesinne, personeel en eiendom die nodige aandag geniet. Eskom erken die belangrikheid hiervan in die hersiene weergawe van sy dokument vir toegang tot plase. Die bestaande dokument waaroor Eskom Holdings serwitute geregistreer het en waarop elektrisiteitsinfrastruktuur voorkom, is ‘n saak van belang vir Eskom, het uit onlangse vergaderings met georganseerde landbou geblyk. Daarby het die hoë voorkoms van misdaad op plase ‘n dringendheid by Eskom laat ontstaan, om inisiatiewe in te stel wat die beweging van personeel en kontrakteurs wat toegang tot plase verlang, sal beheer. Die hersiene weergawe sal Eskom in staat stel om toegang tot plase te be-

werkstellig deur proaktiewe kommunikasie en uitkenning van personeel en kontrakteurs. In dié weergawe word erkenning gegee aan AgriSA se protokol vir toegang wat vooraf-gereelde besoeke moniteer sonder die bedoeling om toegang te weier. Eskom se dokument beskryf prosesse wat toegepas moet word om dié toegang moontlik te maak. AgriSA verwelkom die ongste ontwikkeling en sal dit ten volle steun. ‘n Welkome toevoeging in dié verband is die spesifieke insluiting van toegang tot wildplase, nadat verskeie versoeke uit die wildbedryf hieroor ontvang is. AgriSA is voorsien van die name en kontakbesonderhede van Eskom se verteenwoordigers wat gekontak kan word. Die name is reeds aan AgriSA se streekkantore gestuur.

Census 2011 and Agriculture The Census 2011 will take place during 10 tot 31 October this year, with the information collected that will assist government and the private sector (including the agricultural sector) in the planning, evaluation and monitoring of programmes and policies. The information will be kept confidential

and will not be shared with other research agencies and government structures. Stats SA’s enumerators can be identified by their Stats ID cards, census overskirts for field workers (yellow), field supervisors (blue) and yellow satchels and caps. AgriSA will keep its members up to date with the necessary information.

Skakel ons gerus met u nuus by 015 307 7248.

September 2011



Control residue limits, says CRI Integrated pest management (IPM) tar emetic is no longer being produced was one of various significant topics in South Africa.” He added that recently registered prodiscussed at the recent meeting of the monthly Constantia citrus ducts such as Dantop and Delegate should be used study group. with caution until more is Dr Tim Grout, research and technical manager learnt about possible effects on natural enemies at Citrus Research International (CRI), gave an in citrus growing. The use of CRI’s IPM scorupdate on managing the ing system can be used spring pest complex and emphasised what changes to provide a total score had taken place concerfor the season’s spray programme. The scores for ning maximum residue lidifferent treatments are mits (MRL’s). available in the member He pointed out that some retailers overseas area of as are wanting proof that citpart of the Production Grout Guidelines volume 3. rus growers are conductThe meeting on 6 September was ing integrated pest management. “This is the last season that endosulfan sponsored by Arysta LifeScience SA, the can be used before 90% petal fall. Methi- largest distributor of agricultural chemidathion can no longer be used and tar- cals in SA and a world leader in this field.

September 2011

Nuwe trekkers vir munisipaliteite

’n Bestelling van 55 TAFE-trekkers en voorlaaiers is onlangs deur die TAFE-agentskap van Polokwane aan verskeie munisipaliteite in Limpopo gelewer. Teen ‘n gemiddelde prys van R242 000 per eenheid was dit ‘n bestelling van meer as R13m. Die maatskappy het nog ‘n groot deurbraak gemaak met ‘n bestelling van 65 trekkers vir die Angolese regering, wat eersdaags afgelewer sal word.


September 2011

Subaru nou ook by J&D Fasteners beskikbaar Die handelsnaam Subaru hardloop soos ‘n renperd deur die meeste mense se gedagtes as die betroubare voertuig uit die Ooste. Min weet egter dat dié naam ook gekoppel word aan ewe betroubare kraggereedskap en toerusting. J & D Fasteners in Tzaneen het benewens ‘n magdom wêreldwye handelsname nou ook die agentskap vir Subaru-kragtoerusting verkry. Saam met die betroubare Robin-masjiene lyk dié winkel al meer na die eenstopdiens vir kragtoebehore. Na ‘n aanvanklike nederige begin in 1993 het die maatskappy twee keer verhuis en is nou in Kudustraat in die ou nywerheidsgebied gevestig. Mnr Tiaan van der Westhuizen het die besigheid in 1998 oorgeneem en sy klantebasis stelselmatig uitgebou. Met die jongste skuif sowat drie maande gelede was daar ‘n duidelike toename in klante weens die ligging en groter toeganklikheid van die perseel. J & D Fasteners verskaf bykans enige bout, moer of meganiese komponent onder die son. Wat nie in die winkel beskikbaar is nie, word onmiddellik vir die klant opgespoor en bestel. Hul diensgebied is hoofsaaklik in en om Tzaneen en verder tot in Phalaborwa en Hoedspruit. Van der West-huizen is alleen-eienaar in Tzaneen, maar is deel van ‘n groter J & D-groep met ‘n winkel wat ook die Polokwane-streek bedien.

Knoeiwerk in agri LiN Nuus/Bulletin Die boer ruil sy John Deere-trekker wat altoos in bome vasry, in op ‘n Massey Ferguson maar verseg om die trekkerdrywer te vervang. Dit is die status van die regering se dreigemente met die Groenskrif en om die Grondwet vir grondhervorming te verander, sê AgriSA oor die jongste uitlatings van mnr Gugile Nkwinti, die minister van landelike ontwikkeling en grondsake. “Dit het as ‘n totale skok gekom, omdat AgriSA se gesprek met die regering sedert Nkwinti se oorname van die departement geskoei was op die grondslag dat die De Jager Grondwet die vertrekpunt sou bly,” sê AgriSA se adjunk-president, dr Theo de Jager. Hy sê die minister se uitlating bring die integriteit van die gesprek tussen die regering en AgriSA in die gedrang, want AgriSA kan geen samewerking gee as billike kompensasie op grondoordrag nie gewaarborg is nie.

De Jager sê ook dit is die groot verskil tussen Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe wat grondkwessies betref. Die rede hoekom daar so ‘n groot uitvloei van beleggings uit SA is, is omdat die regering se houding jeens die Grondwet onder verdenking is. “Dit is vir SA boere veel makliker om belange en finansiering in lande soos Mosambiek en die Kongo te kry, as hier.” Hy sê die rede vir die mislukking van die grondhervormingsplan het niks te make met die Grondwet nie. “Dit gaan oor korrupsie en die onbevoegdheid van amptenare wat dit in ‘n geknoei omgeskep het.” Inmiddels sê die voorsitter van AgriLetaba, mnr Dries EnsEnslin lin, die aankondiging skok in die sin dat die Grondwet nie gewysig kan word om by regeringsbeleid in te skakel nie. “Regeringsbeleid moet aangepas word om aan die grondwet gevolg te gee, en as die omgekeerde gebeur, het ons moeilikheid,” sê Enslin.

The Water Research Commission (WRC) celebrated forty years of water research at a conference held in Kempton Park recently. Given the view that water would be one of South Africa’s most limiting resources in the 21st century, the establishment of the WRC in 1971 was deemed to be of national importance, in order to generate new knowledge and promote the country’s water research. Over the past four decades the WRC played an enormous role to provide the country with solutions and sufficient knowledge to address the water challenges. The WRC

boasted significant improvements in irrigation technologies with innovative models contributing to increased efficiency in water use planning. One such model is the internationally recognised and award-winning Water Administration System (WAS), which has assisted the Vaalharts irrigation scheme to save millions of litres per year. The conference focused on existing research knowledge, particularly related to water security, sustainability, efficiency and water quality. A total of 125 eminent scientists and subject experts presented papers and knowledge gaps related to these themes.


September 2011

Green Paper challenges market economy principles “AgriSA will fully participate in the working groups of the national reference group on land reform, appointed by Minister Nkwinti to prepare commentary on the Green Paper on Land Reform, but is concerned that the minister already at this stage deemed it necessary to caution that the ruling party is willing to amend the Constitution if it proves to be a hindrance to land reform,” says Mr Johannes Möller, president of AgriSA. The transformation policy committee of Agri A this week met in Pretoria to discuss the recently released Green Paper on Land Reform and to do preparations for this organisation’s input during the consultation process. It was the view of this committee that the Green Paper erred with its contextualisation of the land reform challenges as well as with the correct identification of reasons hampering acceptable progress with land reform. Möller said that although “a sustained production discipline for food security” is mentioned in the Green Paper as one of the principles underlying government’s land reform proposals, there is reason to believe that government leans largely on socialistic principles in their endeavours to “deracialise the rural economy” within the framework of “ubuntu” values, to achieve a “democratic and equitable land allocation and use across race, gender and class”. The Green Paper gives scant recognition to the need for upholding market principles or to promote private

sector participation for achieving land reform objectives, whilst many of the proposals, if implemented, will require increased government involvement in the land market as well as with service delivery. “If this philosophy and approach serve as point of departure for policy development and implementation, it is highly likely that the outcome of this process will be detrimental to commercial agriculture.



The contextual framework should be amended to identify the correct reasons for failure with land reform and should also serve to foster the confidence of commercial farmers to continue investing in the productive capacities of their farms. “If these realities were acknowledged by the Green Paper, different solutions than those which are proposed, would have been presented for consideration. We therefore, at this stage, deem it totally inappropri-

ate that constitutional amendments should be contemplated to expedite land reform whilst delivery failures are at the heart of the problem,” says Möller. AgriSA’s further involvement with the Green Paper will be guided by the following principles endorsed by AgriSA’s 2010 Congress: AgriSA is committed to orderly, well planned and economically sustainable land and agrarian reform; AgriSA has taken part and will continue to participate in all national forums and platforms created to enhance co-operation and co-ordination between stakeholders; Market related compensation in relation to land reform is not negotiable as individual landowners cannot be expected to make sacrifices for the purposes of realising a national imperative; AgriSA is convinced that the current impasse and related consequences cannot be blamed on the failure of the “willing buyer, willing seller” approach, or on a lack of cooperation and support from stakeholders, or on greed of landowners, or on political spitefulness, but is rather a consequence of poor implementation of programmes and legislation; Land ceilings, a right of first refusal in favour of the state and similar interventions encompassing private land ownership are not the solution to expedite land reform and will hamper production, financing and growth in the agricultural sector; AgriSA is committed to rooting out corruption of any form and calls on all participants to act accordingly and co-operatively; and AgriSA will adopt a positive, solution oriented approach seeking solutions within the confines of the rule of law and the Constitution. AgriSA appointed representatives in the six working groups of the national reference group on land reform national reference group and will prepare and submit a comprehensive response on the Green Paper. Enquiries: Mr Johannes Möller on 082 647 8481, Dr Theo de Jager (Deputy President AgriSA) on 082 332 2110 or Ms Annelize Crosby (Advisor Legal and Land Affairs, Parliamentary Liaison, AgriSA) on 082 388 0017.


September 2011

Land Reform Department SIU investigation — DA requests progress report “It has been six months since the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) embarked on an investigation into irregularities at the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform,” said Ms Lindiwse Mazibuko, the DA’s Shadow Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform. “Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Rural Development and Land Reform has yet to receive a progress report on the progress of this crucial investigation,” she said. She continued: “During a briefing by Minister Gugile Nkwinti to the portfolio committee, he admitted that the Land Reform Green Paper did not address the Department’s internal challenges, as ‘there were too many’. “Given this reluctance by the Minister to provide a clear picture of the challenges facing his Department, I will therefore be writing to the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee, Stone Sizani, requesting that he invites the SIU to appear before Parliament as a matter of urgency, to provide the committee with a status report on the investigation. The Proclamation issued by President Jacob Zuma in March this year mandated the SIU to investigate allegations of serious financial mismanagement in the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform, specifically relating to: the application for and awarding of grants; the transfer of land; payment of funds to beneficiaries;

AgriSA on climate change Given the peculiar position of the agricultural sector in relation to climate change, AgriSA’s president Johannes Moller pinpointed several aspects to be addressed as part of a future process in preparation for the international UNFCCC meeting to be held in Durban later this year. He said agriculture that is adversely affected by climate change should get official recognition as it has a huge potential to provide solutions to climate change mitigation and adaption. A commitment is needed for substantial increase in investments in and support for agriculture. The sector must be prioritized in international strategies as well as in budgets in order to increase agriculture’s resilience to climate change while boosting economic growth. He also asked for recognition of farmers’ organisations as partners, as the link between farming communities and the international carbon market, and as a link to the international institutions. The ability of the agricultural sector to contribute to renewable energy and biofuels in particular should as required by the New Growth Path and the Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP2) be subjected to renewed scrutiny. The international UNFCCC meeting in Durban will be held from 28 November to 9 December.

is die boer se genoot

irregular expenditure; and wasteful and fruitless expenditure. “As the Department’s oversight authority, it is es-


sential that the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee be apprised of the current circumstances under which it is operating. It is also imperative that, as committee members go about the business of posing questions to the Minister, requesting information from and referring cases to the Department, we be able to ascertain which specific matters are being addressed as part of the ongoing SIU investigation. “The DA is committed to ensuring that Parliament plays its part in bringing this Department — which has been all but crippled by financial mismanagement, maladministration, and failure to effectively implement its mandate — out of the red, and on the road to full functionality. “However, this can only be achieved once we know the full extent of the problems currently plaguing the Department,” Mazibuko said.


September 2011

Youth lack resources to gain economic powers Orlando Chauke The Willing buyer-willing seller model has failed the South African youth according to Limpopo provincial treasure David Masonto. Speaking during a MLFM Youth Entrepreneurship Awards ceremony held at the Giyani stadium, Masonto said “the willing buyer willing-seller model is making it very difficult for youth to gain access to productive land.” He said “South African youth still do not have economic resources to exercise economic freedom, simply because they do not have financial resources, technology and land to become entrepreneurs”. He said those that succeed in becoming entrepreneurs find it very difficult to enter the professional market, since they do not have money to acquire the best technology and resources to develop and market their product the way their competitors do, because banks are not easily accessible to them. “Young people who succeed in producing commodities find it very difficult to enter the market, partly because they do not have access to efficient technology and can’t compete with their competitors,” he said, adding that this makes it very difficult for these young people to sell their products in the wider market. Nevertheless, Masonto commented those that received awards for youth entrepreneurship and said, they should continue doing things for themselves, and that those that are in the agricultural field should approach Land Bank for financial support. RIGHT: Andries Sebopetsa all smiles as he walks away with an overall award.

“If you can’t write a business plan, we have the National Youth Development Agency in the province which you can approach for help,” he said, adding that the government has put aside R9 billion to help create jobs in the country, and that the youth should be creative to access these funds. “On the matter of access to the market, the national youth agency has a campaign called “Buy Youth Campaign,” where young entrepreneurs arrange with big companies to buy from them,” explained Masonto. Meanwhile, Andries Sebopetsa could not contain his excitement at being an overall winner at the ceremony. He walked away with R5 000 plus a laptop for his computers project,

topped by another R 5000 for being an overall winner of the three young entrepreneurs who got R5 000 each for the success of their respective projects. “I never planned to win this. I just did my thing the way I could to succeed — this is a bonus to me and will make sure that I put it to good use,” he said. Andries runs a small computer training project where he trains young people to operate computers. The awards were hosted by MLFM in conjunction with GY promotion, a company that stage the annual Giyani show.

Yield sluk Avello en ander in

Die Yield Chemical Group het in 2004 begin met die koop van ‘n klein industriële chemikalieë onderneming in Kroonstad met die naam Alfa Agro Chem Industrieel (later Ububele Alfa Chemicals). Die groep se totale omset in die bedryf was toe R13 miljoen per jaar. Volgens mnr Matthys Mocke, hoofbedryfsbeampte, het die bestuur vinnig besef dat ten einde die beste pryse aan sy klante te lewer, dit noodsaaklik was om terugwaarts te integreer en het gevolglik in 2005 Enviro Weed Control gekoop, wat registrasies besit het vir verskeie industriële chemikalieë produkte. Die model het so goed gewerk vir die groep dat besluit is om sy belange na die landbou chemikalieë sektor uit te brei. Tydens die daaropvolgende paar jaar is verskeie landbouchemikalieëverspreidingsondernemings gekoop, soos Novon WTP, Alfa Agro Chemicals en Avello. Hierdie aankope het die groep se landbouchemikalieë-bedrywighede in die posisie geplaas om klante reg oor Suid Afrika te diens met die uitsondering van ‘n groot deel van die Wes-Kaap. Dieselfde strategie is gevolg as destyds met die industriële chemikalieëbedryf en RT Chemicals is genader om deel van die groep te word. Eers is slegs 50,1% bekom en onlangs ook die balans van RT Chemicals se

aandeelhouding. Met RT Chemicals se produkreeks vir ‘n verskeidenheid van gewasse en tesame met hul verhouding met groot multinasionale verskaffers, is Yield Chemical Group nou in ‘n posisie om ‘n uitgebreide diens aan klante te lewer. Die groep het ook gedurende die laaste drie jaar homself in die vasteland gevestig en is aktief in verskeie Afrika-lande . Mocke sê die maatskappy glo dat voedselsekerheid wêreldwyd en in Suid-Afrika ‘n groot probleem word. Die aanvraag na voedsel word al groter en die beskikbare landbougrond al minder, sowel as die beskikbaarheid van vars water. Produksiemetodes van produsente sal gevolglik moet verbeter, wat ‘n groter vraag na beter saad, kunsmis en beskermingsprodukte tot gevolg sal hê. Die landbouchemikalieë-bedryf in Suid-Afrika is tans in ‘n konsolidasiefase en vervaardiging- en verspreidingsondernemings beweeg al hoe nader aan mekaar. Die groep glo dat daar in die toekoms moontlik vier of vyf nasionale verspreiders sal wees, wat ‘n positiewe invloed op die kosteketting vir die produsent sal inhou. Yield se produkte is nasionaal (met die uitsondering van die Kaap) beskikbaar op kleinhandelvlak en word in die Kaap versprei deur die Paarl-gebaseerde Nexus AG groep.


September 2011

Veldwagters ontvang gevorderde opleiding — wil verskil maak in renosterstropery LiN Nuus/Die Pos Die groep veldwagters op die foto hierby het onlangs ná ’n suksesvolle gevorderde veldwagterskursus tydens ‘n parade hul sertifikate ontvang. Die opleiding van veldwagters, met die oog daarop om daadwerklik teen renosterstroping te kan optree en ’n verskil te maak, het ’n werklikheid geword. ’n Tweede groep veldwagters het by dieselfde geleentheid hul sertifikate en medaljes as gevorderde veldwagters tydens ’n tweede parade ontvang. Dié veldwagters het ’n kursus op Vaalwater voltooi, wat deur Quemic (Unique Solutions by Dinamic People) onder leiding van mnr Li Lotriet by die opleidingskamp van die Weltrac Training Centre op die Welgevonden-wildreservaat aangebied is. Dit is ’n strawwe kursus oor 42 dae. Die kursus fokus onder meer op fiksheid, veldkennis, vuurwapenkennis, skietvernuf, spoorsny en spanwerk. Van dag een af is die regte houding en dissipline, wat

alles deel maak van ’n veldwagter se beroep, as platvorm gebruik. Die toepassing van gespesialiseerde tegnieke, taktiek en opleiding is goed deur die leerders aanvaar, en dit was duidelik dat spanwerk uiters belan-

grik was vir die groep. Veldwagters uit verskeie gebiede soos onder meer Mpumalanga, Noordwes en Limpopo het die opleiding bygewoon. Hulle vorm deel van die verskillende provinsies se Toerisme en Parke-afdelings, asook privaat wild-

Hartlike gelukwense! Mnr Pieter Duvenhage, eienaar van die plaas Leeudraai in die Mooketsi-distrik word volgende maand 88 jaar oud. Hy is ‘n bekende tamatieprodusent en boer reeds 46 jaar lank. Die maatskappy Atlas Organic Fertilizer van Meyerton het laat weet dat Duvenhage al die jare met dié maatskappy sake gedoen het en hom goeie gesondheid vorentoe toewens. Sy boerdery word deesdae deur sy seun Theuns behartig en Leeudraai se tamaties het al die jare kerngesond gebly.

Mnr Pieter Duvenhage en sy vrou, Linda.

reservate. ’n Wye gebied kan dus voorts uit dié groep gedek word. Dié groep veldwagters was reeds behulpsaam en betrokke by twee vorige insidente waar daar in twee afsonderlike gevalle elf verdagtes aangekeer en twee geskiet en gewond is. Vier vuurwapens is tydens die voorvalle afgeneem en twee voertuie gekonfiskeer. Die kursus is moontlik gemaak deur organisasies soos Radio Jakaranda 94.2 en se Rhino Telethon wat in Oktober 2010 van stapel gestuur is. Hulle was verantwoordelik vir die skenking van apparate en materiaal wat nodig was in die aanbieding van die kursus. Daar is verder ook bydraes ontvang uit die buiteland en maatskappye in Suid-Afrika vir wie die renoster se voortbestaan belangrik is. • Sedert die begin van die kursus is reeds 31 renosters uitgewis.

Hoenderboere kry hulp en opleiding Die Suider Afrikaanse Pluimveevereniging het onlangs by AgriSA geaffilieer en hou sy opleiding in samewerking met die KwaZulu/Natal Pluimvee-instituut (KZNPI). Kursusse word in Oktober en November aangebied in Gauteng, KZN en die WesKaap.

Onder die kursusse wat aangebied sal word, is broeierybestuur, hantering van die kommersiële lêhen, telerbestuur en braaikuikenproduksie. Meer inligting kan verkry word by of telefoon 011-795 2051.


September 2011

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