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Junie 2012

Geniet ‘n lemoen in ‘n nuwe seisoen


Dit gaan sukkel met korporatiewe permitte Dit het aan die lig gekom dat die deProbleme word al ‘n geruime tyd ondervind om die korporatiewe per- partement van arbeid nie afteken op mitte betyds te bekom. In 2010 het die die aansoeke nie en derhalwe word die departement van binnelandse sake ‘n korporatiewe permitte nie uitgereik nie. Dit is tydens ‘n gesprek met die deprojek van stapel gestuur om Zimbabwiese werkers in Suid-Afrika by te staan, partement van arbeid opgevolg. Daar word tans in Nedlac onderhandel oor om die nodige permitte te bekom. Tydens ‘n gesprek met dié departe- die “Employment Services Bill”, wat ment het AgriSA ook versoek dat hulle hierdie aansoeke in die toekoms gaan boere help met korporatiewe permitte reguleer. Vir die huidige word gewat nie uitgereik word nie. Daar is reeds in Desember 2010 ‘n skrywe aan die poog om ten minste terugvoerdirekteur-generaal van die departe- ing oor die aansoeke te bekom. ment hieroor gestuur. In die skrywe is Persone wat aansoek gedoen het vir rgaderve n va genoem dat permitte vanaf Julie 2010 korporatiewe permitte en wat terugvos m tu Stuur da vir gratis s ering afwag, kan die volgende inligting nog afgewag word. on n aa s. ings, skoue, en Geen antwoord is op aan AgriSA vir opvolging stuur: . sie ika bl pu • Die boerdery of identiteit se naam waardie skrywe gekry nie. dakteur by Skryf aan die re in aansoek gedoen is; Hierdie saak is ook tydens ‘n vergam jean@bulletin • Datum waarop die aansoek ingedien is; dering in Julie 2011 opgevolg en ‘n • Verwysigingsnommer wat verkry is met skrywe met ‘n versoek vir ‘n vergadeEP IEGRO elke maand: D die indie-ning van die aansoeke; U ring aan die adjunk-direkteur-genT S SITRUS Dinsdag van • Die kantoor/distrik waar dit ingedien is. eraal van die departement gestuur, l te a s a Eer ntia-s Die inligting kan gestuur word aan Deirmaar daar is nie op die skrywe ge, Consta ILING Letsitele ALE BEESVE n elke a v reageer nie. g V a R d RUBBE rste Donder Die ee bervale Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen, 0850 : Rub , EES maand RUIT WILDSF ildlife Estate 015 307 7248 015 307 7684  P W S e HOED e, Blyd is ’n publikasie van Bulletin 15 Juli Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset 13 tot . G it A ru D p E s R d Redakteur: Jean Aucamp e E in o O Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin. H B rre A EXPO neen Skoute Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. LETAB a z Bemarker: Thinus van Deventer Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. stus, T 1 Augu Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Boere wat afhanklik is van seisoenwerkers sukkel om korporatiewe permitte te bekom, om van buitelandse werkers se dienste gebruik te maak. Boere in Mpumalanga, Limpopo en die Wes-Kaap en in arbeidsintensiewe bedrywe soos die wol- en vrugtebedryf, maak gebruik van arbeiders van Lesotho, Mosambiek, Swaziland en Zimbabwe.

Junie 2012

SA may export to Thailand The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) announced the establishment of a new market for the export of fresh citrus to Thailand. Negotiations between the two countries for the establishment of this market started fourteen years ago. It was quite a lengthy process due to the fact that concluding bilateral phytosanitary market access protocols within the WTO-SPS rule-based framework is a slow process, and is highly dependent on the technical capacity of both parties. This provides SA’s citrus growers with a further opportunity to participate in export markets for citrus.. The citrus fruit covered by this export market are: Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) i.e. Navel and Valencia cultivars, Mandarin (Citrus reticulata) i.e. Clementine and Satsuma cultivars, Lemon (Citrus limon) i.e. Eureka cultivar, Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi) i.e. Marsh, Rose and Star Ruby cultivars. Quarantine pests that are of current concern to Thailand are listed in the importing conditions for this market. Among the requirements, there is a mandatory phytosanitary treatment (cold treatment) for false codling moth, Mediterranean fruit fly and Natal fruit fly that may be conducted pre-export (on land) or in transit. Fruit types to be exported to Thailand must be produced in and sourced from commercial orchards that have been registered with and pre-approved by the DAFF.


Junie 2012

Don’t under-estimate aloes’ healing qualities Sixty scientists, horticulturalists and dedicated enthusiasts from twelve countries — as far apart as the United States and Australia — got together at the Blyde Canyon Forever Resort for the Inhlaba Indaba last week. The conference venue was perfectly chosen for them to indulge in their passion for aloes, since this is true aloe country, with the highest density of aloe species in the world.

NTK kry nuwe bloed NTK Tzaneen het ‘n splinternuwe man aan die stuur van sake. Mnr Frikkie van Vuuren, ‘n ervare bestuurder wat goed vertroud met die boerdery-sektor is, bestuur sedert die begin van Mei die tak. Van Vuuren is van Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal en het verskeie diplomas vir onder meer voerbestuur aan die Universiteit van die Witwatersrand verwerf. Na sy studies het hy eers by Afgri gewerk, toe as areakoördineerder van risikobestuur vir TWK (wat Afgri se KwaZulu-Natal-takke gekoop het) en daarna is hy na die hoofkantoor in Piet Retief verplaas. Hy het toe vir dertien maande as takbestuurder van die hardewarewinkel daar gewerk, voordat hy by NTK aangesluit het. Van Vuuren, sy vrou en twee kinders het toe gepak en na Tzaneen verhuis, om hier NTK se tak te bestuur. Hy is ‘n kranige sportman. Hy het Cravenweek-rugby gespeel en vir vyf jaar vir KwaZulu-Natal se span gehengel. Hy geniet ook boogskiet. Klantediens is baie belangrik vir Van Vuuren. Sy doelwit is om sy personeel se kennis uit te brei en die boerebesigheid in die omgewing te laat groei. Sy personeel gaan opleiding ontvang, om hulle goed vertroud te maak met NTK se wye reeks produkte, sodat hulle die beste moontlike diens aan klante kan bied.

The word Inhlaba in Zulu means aloe, as well as the month of May; when the aloes flower. The Inhlaba Indaba was the first ever dedicated conference on aloes, and it was organised by the SA National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and the Succulent Society of SA (SSSA). Prof Gideon Smith, the director of SANBI, welcomed everybody on behalf of both organisations. He said that the SA is a plant paradise, with twice as many species as continental Europe, and the same number of species as the USA, despite being only a seventh of its size. The opening lecture by Prof Braam van Wyk of the University of Pretoria focussed on the natural history of aloes. Their distribution in the world shows the typical Gondwanaland pattern — from the days when the continents had not yet drifted apart— and aloes occur in Southern, Eastern, and North-Eastern Africa, as well as in Madagascar and Saudi Arabia. The plants have been known and used for 2 000 years and were first mentioned by Pliny the Elder in the first century AD. Their medicinal and nutritional value is well known, and they are also of great interest to horticulturalists. These beautiful plants are among the few native plants on which proper breeding work has been done. Van Wyk warned that aloes are prone to disease and difficult to grow for the average gardener. Ms Ronell Klopper from SANBI gave the deligates more fascinating information about aloes of the world. There are some common features, such as succulent leaves and tubular flowers, but the variation is enormous. There are about 600 taxa (this includes both species and

subspecies), and the number increases continuously. Aloes are used in both traditional and modern medicine. The classical use was for “blood cleansing” (in other words as a laxative/purgative) in the days when food was poor and caused digestive problems. The bitter taste in the mouth stimulates the flow of gastric juices and improves digestion — this is known as the “amarum effect”, similar to the gin & tonic which stimulates your appetite before a meal. Aloe is the main component in the top selling traditional medicine in Lennon’s “Lewensessens”, which is used to settle upset stomachs and can be bought in the smallest of villages. A lot of other medicinal properties which have been ascribed to aloes can simply be explained by the well-being which follows when your stomach feels better. The anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer effects ascribed to aloes are in Van Wyk’s opinion anecdotal and debatable. The bitter gel is also used for topical treatment of wounds and burns both in humans and animals, but the same effect can be achieved with other substances, such as honey. The juice is today mainly used for tonic drinks and other so-called functional food, and has become a multi-million dollar business in the USA. Aloes from specific areas were presented by dr Ernst van Jaarsveld, who gave a fascinating account of his trips to Namibia and Angola in search of new and existing species, and by Mr Tom McCoy, who, thanks to living in Saudi Arabia, was able to talk about the aloe species from this country which most scientists do not have access to.


Junie 2012

First president from smallholder farmers The Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions (SACAU) has made an historical move towards smallholder farmer leadership with the election of Felix Jumbe, president of the smallholder farmers-based Farmers Union of Malawi, as its president. Jumbe replaced Douglas Taylor-Freeme of the Commercial Farmers’ Union of Zimbabwe at SACAU’s agm which was held in Antananarivo, Madagascar. TaylorFreeme, who served as president for three terms, was awarded honorary SACAU membership in recognition of his remarkable contribution. Dr Theo de Jager of AgriSA remains the vice-president, while Hajasoanirina Rakotomandimby from Coalition Paysanne de Madagascar (CPM) was elected as a board member for his first term. The other board members are Salum Shamte of the Agricultural Council of Tanzania and Ishmael Sunga who is secretary to the board, and CEO of SACAU. The new SACAU board has balanced representation from both small and largescale farming sectors. Newly-elected Jumbe pledged support for farmer sustainability: “The strength of SACAU is dependent on strong national farmers’ organisations. Our point of emphasis will be to look at sustainability of the farmer on the ground. Is the farmer making money out of what he or she is doing, because that is what matters and that is what will build our organisation.” Jumbe also emphasised a focus on building capacity of farmer organisations in the region: “We will also look at sustainability of national farmers’ organisations. If the national organisations are not able to influence policy in their countries, it will not be possible for SACAU to achieve its goals.” Outgoing president Taylor-Freeme paid tribute to SACAU and urged the membership to advocate for their concerns: “I really believe that SACAU is a wonderful organisation to make agriculture work. To the membership I want to say that you are here in SACAU and do not be scared to push for your requirements. “The election of a president from the smallholder based national farmers organisation is a historical development in SACAU’s efforts to strengthen interactions and sharing of capacities between smallholder farmers and large-scale farmers in the region,” said SACAU CEO Ishmael Sunga. “The election of a new Board is in keeping with SACAU’s respect for good corporate governance, which is absolutely critical in membership-based organisations. We remain bullish on our growth prospects and our future development, and the provision of market-

based services to our members will continue to play a critical role in this regard,” he added. The AGM adopted five key resolutions that identify priorities for SACAU’s work in the coming year. These included: • Researching, designing and establishing an agricultural fund to create access for farmers in Southern Africa to financing; • Providing support to national farmers organisations to engage with their governments on policy matters; and, • Reviewing regional bilateral agreements on agricultural trade and the protection of investments in agriculture. The AGM followed SACAU’s annual conference under the theme Connecting Farmers to Agricultural Value Chains. Presentations made by some of the leading ag-

ricultural procurement agri-businesses and discussions focused on sharing some of key developments and issues related to value chains in Southern Africa Region. Core areas of agreement between farmers and agribusiness from the conference will be used by SACAU to develop its positions on the sustainability of agriculture, especially from the perspective of agriculture primary producers in the region. • SACAU was established in 1992. Its secretariat is based in Centurion. Its membership is open to national farmers’ unions and regional commodity associations in Southern Africa. SACAU is involved in agricultural development in the region through strengthening the capacities of farmers’ organisations, by providing a collective voice for farmers on regional and international matters, and by providing agricultural related information to its members and other stakeholders. SACAU now has sixteen members in twelve countries in southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. SACAU has also started working with farmers’ representatives in Mauritius, Comoros and the DRC.

Junie 2012


Unieke Tamatiewerkswinkel

Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd. nooi u vriendelik uit om ons Tamatiewerkswinkel by te woon. Die doel van die werkswinkel is om die nuutste tendense in die tamatiebedryf wêreldwyd te bespreek. Ian Blokpoel, bekende tamatiekweker, fokus op ons Suid-Afrikaanse kweekprogram en Johan Stronkhorts sluit by hom aan om die nuutste verbouingspraktyke, wat die nuutste bemestingtendense insluit, te bespreek. Dr Schalk van Heerden gesels oor die belangrikste siektetendense en wat ons in die toekoms kan verwag, terwyl Johan Stronkhorst en Hugo le Roux van Monsanto oor die tamatievariëteite gesels, asook oor nuwe variëteite wat binnekort vrygestel gaan word. Verversings en ‘n ligte middagete sal aangebied word. Die werkswinkel begin om 10:00 en behoort so teen 13:00 af te sluit. Moet nie hierdie belangrike geleentheid misloop nie!


Junie 2012

Nkomamonta farmers sign deal with Pick ’n Pay Nkomamonta Organic Farmers Agricultural Co-opera- sources available and is open to all farmers who need tive has signed a contract with PicknPay, to supply fresh help. produce to the supermarket chain. The contract will Mr Isaac Matoung, the human resources director of see Nkomamonta supplying fifty selected PnP stores PnP, said there are 800 PnP stores across the country. nationwide with organic products, such as butternuts, He urged other farmers to start co-operatives to supply pumpkins and green beans. Pn with their products. The event was hosted at Karibu Lodge at TarentaalNkomamonta Organic Farmers Agricultural Corand. It was attended by farmers and a high level del- operative consists of fifteen farmers around Tzaneen. egation from Libsa, Seda and MEC’s of the departments The co-op was started in 2005. Mr Dan Mushwana, the of agriculture, economic development and also envi- chairman of the co-op, said they are happy about the ronmental affairs and tourism. support they received from government agencies. He Limpopo’s MEC said the co-op would for agriculture, Mr not disappoint PnP, Jacob Marule, said and added that more there is great market jobs would be crefor organic products ated, from which the and farmers should community would venture into organic benefit. farming. Greater Tzaneen He added that Municipality Mayor South Africa should Dikeledi Mmetle said not depend on forthe GTM is happy to eign countries for be the home of Nkofood. He warned mamonta. that farming should Marule said his not be politicised, department would and urged black and open agricultural colwhites farmers to leges to empower work together to enexisting farmers, and Workers of Nkomamonata Organic Farmers Agricultural Co-operative, train young people sure food security. were in action at Kingdom Farm, California, outside Tzaneen. The farm He said his departwho want to join is owned by one of the fifteen members of Komamonta. ment has made refarming. Photo: Percy Mthombeni

Belangstelling goed op oudste wildveiling LiN Nuus/Zoutpansberger Die oudste wildveiling in Suid-Afrika, dié van Greater Kuduland Safaris van mnre Howard en Peter Knott, is op 1 Junie vir die 33ste keer by die veilingskrale in Alldays aangebied. Aangesien dit so ‘n gevestigde veiling is, was daar weereens ‘n groot aantal kopers en, ten spyte van die ernstige droogte veral noord van die Soutpansberg, is daar selfs ‘n nuwe SA rekord vir volstruise opgestel. Die rekord is verbeter van R5 000 vir volstruise tot R5 750. Op die veiling vir familiegroepe het blouwildebeeste vir ‘n gemiddelde prys van R1 778 (hoogste R1 900) verkoop, terwyl buffelverse, elande en gemsbokke vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R310 000, R5 200 (hoogste R6 100) en R3 690 (hoogste R4 100) gehaal het. Kameelperde, koedoes en Livingstone-elandkoeie het vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R10 667 (hoogste R11 000), R1 992 (hoogste R2 500) en R10 000 verkoop, terwyl njalas, rooibokke en sebras vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R5 800, R726 (hoogste R800) en R4 443 (hoogste R4 700) verkoop is. Twee swartwitpense is vir R200 000 elk verkoop, met volstruise, waterbokke en hartwater springbokke wat vir onderskeidelik R5 066, R3 320 (hoogste R3 800) en R12 250 verkoop is. Op die veiling vir manlike diere het blouwildebees-, jong koedoe- en swartwitpensbulle vir gemiddelde pryse van onderskeidelik R3 000, R3 875 en R25 000 gehaal. Waterbokbulle het gemiddelde pryse van R3 875 (hoogste R4 250) gehaal. Die veiling het ‘n omset van R2 752 475 opgelewer.

Agri-Lim hou kongres in Polokwane Agri-Limpopo hou op 12 en 13 September hul tweejaarlikse kongres in Polokwane. Die tema vir vanjaar se kongres is “Limpopo se rol in nasionale voedselsekerheid”. Die gedagte is om ‘n geleentheid te bied waar die ongelooflike potensiaal van die landbousektor in ons provinsie beklemtoon kan word. Limpopo is op vele terreine die groente- en vrugtespens van Suid Afrika, en dit gaan tydens die kongres geïllustreer word. Die eerste deel van die kongres gaan kyk na die stand van landbouproduksie in Limpopo — wat word waar geproduseer, en hoeveel daarvan? Daarna gaan gekyk word na metodes en tegnieke wat produsente op produksievlak kan aanwend, om hul rol as voedselvoorsieners nog beter uit te voer. Die laaste debat gaan kyk na nog geleenthede wat reeds bestaan of ontgin kan word, om die landboubedryf in die provinsie nóg sterker te maak.

Hier gaan ook gefokus word op die wildbedryf. Studies word tans gedoen oor landbouverwerkingsaanlegte van verskeie produkte, en hoe dit nader gebring kan word aan die produksiegebiede. Waardetoevoeging tot primêre landbouproduksie so na as moontlik aan produksieareas, sal die voortdurende fokus van dié bespreking wees. Die kongres gaan waardevol wees vir enige landbouprodusent in Limpopo se langtermynbeplanning. Op 12 September word raadsvergaderings gehou, uitsluitlik vir lede van AgriLimpopo, maar die kongresdag op 13 September kan deur belangstellendes bygewoon word. Vir besprekings en/of ‘n volledige program, kontak Corrie Bezuidenhout by, of Sandra Nel by Daar is nog ruimte vir uitstallings deur insetverskaffers, en ook geleentheid om van die gebeure tydens die kongres te borg. Kontak 082 465 0514.


Junie 2012

AgriSA reageer op Zuma oor plaasverwaarlosing Ten spyte daarvan dat verskeie senior ANC-leiers, onder wie minister Gugile Nkwinti, erkenning van kapasiteitstekorte en probleme met korrupsie en onvermoë in die departement uitgespreek het, word die skuld vir mislukte grondhervorming en transformasie in landbou steeds deur politici en amptenare voor die deur van kommersiële landbou gelê, sê dr Theo de Jager, die adjunk-president van AgriSA. De Jager het gereageer op ‘n uitspraak van pres Zuma in sy presidensiële begrotingsdebat, waarvolgens hy boere daarvan beskuldig het dat plase wat oorgedra word in terme van die restitusieproses oor die algemeen in ‘n verwaarloosde toestand is.

Tree so op in plaasaanval Die ANC jeugliga het tydens sy beleidskonferensie die volgende uitspraak gemaak : “If white South Africans did not hand land over to poor blacks, there could be land invasions like those that took place in Zimbabwe, the league warned.” In hul amptelike verklaring se die liga “The ANC must unequivocally proclaim the need to expriopriate land without compensation ...” In verskeie van AgriSA se Landelike Beveiligingskomiteevergaderings is die kwessie van onwettige grondbesettings breedvoerig bespreek en op die volgende prosedures ooreengekom vir die hantering daarvan, as dit sou voorkom : • Agri SA het ‘n omvattende inligtingsdokument opgestel, met riglyne oor hoe boere op plaaslike vlak onwettige grondbesettings behoort te hanteer, asook wat die SAPD se verantwoordelikheid is in sulke gevalle. Die dokument is reeds by vorige geleenthede aan affiliasies gestuur. • Provinsiale organisasies van AgriSA moet op provinsiale vlak met die polisie skakel, om prosedurereëlings oor die polisie se verantwoordelikheid in die hantering van onwettige grondbesettings uit te klaar. • Op plaaslike vlak moet boereverenigings ook met hul onderskeie stasiebevelvoerders skakel om prosedurereëlings oor die polisie se verantwoordelikheid in die hantering van onwettige grondbesettings op plaaslike vlak uit te klaar. • Volgens AgriSA se inligtingstuk moet onwettige grondbesettings onmiddelik deur die grondeienaar by die naaste polisiekantoor aangemeld word, en die polisie moet op die klagte reageer en dit ondersoek. Volgens ons ooreengekome reëling moet die grondeienaar, as die polisie nie op die klagte reageer nie, dit by sy betrokke provinsiale organisasie aanmeld, wat daarna met die landelike beveiligingskoördineerder in die betrokke provinsie sal skakel, om die situasie vanaf provinsiale vlak te hanteer. AgriSA het op nasionale vlak die polisie versoek om die nodige takings aan die polisie-intelligensie uit te reik, om vroegtydig gevalle van onwettige grondbesettings te monitor en met gepaste stappe daarop te reageer. Verder het AgriSA die polisie ook versoek om die erns van die uitsprake binne die strukture van die SAPD te hanteer, asook om dit onder die aandag van die provinsiale landelike beveiligingskoördineerders te bring. Dit word vertrou dat die inligtingsdokument oor die hantering van onwettige grondbesettings reeds by boereverenigings beskikbaar is, en dat boereverenigings vertroud is met die inligting daarvan en ook wat hul verantwoordelikheid is om so ‘n situasie te hanteer.

“Dit is swak administrasie en gebrekkige implementering van grondhervormingsprogramme in die departement van landelike ontwikkeling en grondhervorming wat veroorsaak dat produksie op grondhervormingplase misluk, en nie verwaarlosing deur vorige grondeienaars nie”, sê hy. Volgens De Jager is “administrasie van die herverdelingsproses beroerd, in so ‘n mate dat selfs ‘n suksesvolle swart boer vanweë grondbesetting sy plaas sonder kompensasie verloor het en meer as ‘n jaar wag vir ‘n vervangende plaas, soos deur Nkwinti aan hom belowe is. Daar bestaan verskeie gevalle in veral die Mooketsi- en Tzaneen-omgewings waar transaksies reeds vir meer as ‘n dekade onafgehandel is. “Voorts word grondeienaars in die restitusieproses slegs 60% van die markwaarde van hul grond aangebied as hulle bereid is om hul plase te verkoop, wat enige verdere ontwikkeling op sodanige plase inhibeer. In sulke

omstandighede kan dit van geen regdenkende persoon verwag word om verdere investering aan te gaan nie, want daar bestaan uiteraard geen sekerheid dat kompensasie hiervoor sal geskied nie. Dit is gewoon irrasioneel om van boere te verwag om verdere investerings aan te gaan,” sê De Jager. Volgens hom beskik die departement oor bitter min kundigheid en is daar nie amptenare met die nodige kwalifikasies of ervaring as boer, landbou-ekonoom, grond- en weidingkundige of finansiële bestuur in landbou wat begunstigdes van grondhervorming kan help nie. Daar is wel oud-aktiviste in oormaat in senior posisies in die departement aangestel. “Dit is die belangrikste rede waarom grondhervorming tot dusver misluk.” “Totdat korrupsie en onvermoë in die departement uitgewis en bekwame administrateurs aangestel is, het grondhervorming in SA nie ‘n kans om te slaag nie”, sê De Jager.


Junie 2012

IDC cultivates growth in Agro-Industries The IDC has a R4.5 billion portfolio in Agro-Industries, providing support

foreign food companies use South Africa as a production hub. The

for the sustainable growth and equitable development of the agro-

creation of value chains across our borders forms part of this strategy.

industrial value chain. Rian Coetzee, Head of the Agro-Industries Strategic


Business Unit (SBU), outlines its strategy.

Value addition – It is important that maximum beneficiation is localised in South Africa. At this stage we focus on the labour-intensive horticultural sector and the grain industry.

The Agro-Industrial sector is an important part of the South African Industrial


Import replacement – Food imports remain an area of concern and we

landscape. It represents around 18% of manufacturing gross domestic

need to ensure that we competitively replace these imports with local

product (GDP) and around 20% of jobs in the manufacturing sector. What

production. At this stage the IDC is targeting seed-oil processing and

makes this sector unique is its relationship with the rural economies and

malt production.

the primary agricultural sector of South Africa. It provides market access to


New emerging industries – IDC is known for innovatively facilitating

many commercial as well as smallholder farmers. It is through this link that

the creation of new industries. Our focus at this stage is to develop the

the sector plays a critical and strategic role in addressing the growth and

marine aquaculture sector, which will address specific development challenges of our smaller coastal towns.

development challenges of our rural economies. About 8.5 million people are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for their employment or income. The industry is also important from a food security point of view.


Rural/poor linkages – Agro-industrialisation should be linked to resource-poor small-scale farmers, to maximise its potential impact on rural South Africa. We have specific initiatives through which we facilitate

The South African Agro-Industries sector is highly dualistic. On the one hand

the linkage between agro-processors and these farmers.

there are a few large modern, dynamic, vertically integrated and diversified agro-processing companies contributing to more than 70% of turnover in the

Special IDC development funds further drive the IDC’s efforts to promote

sector; and on the other hand around 7 000 food processors; smaller-scale

development of poor rural areas. The R100-million Agro-Processing Linkage

unintegrated processors, often outside the formal retail chain. Whilst it is of

Scheme (APL) incentivises agro-processors to source raw material directly

critical importance to facilitate the growth and development of the large

from resource-poor farmers. This creates direct linkages between agro-

companies – to ensure that South African food brands benefit from opening

processors and resource-poor farmers through mechanisms such as

markets in the rest of the continent and other trade partners – it remains

contract farming.

important to address the barriers-to-entry and barriers-to-growth that these smaller companies face.

g Competitiveness Com The Agro-Processing Fund (APCF) enhances competition, growth and development evelo in the agro-processing sector by providing finance

Focus areas for the Agro-Industries SBU include agro-processing, beverages

to non-dominant dom players, stimulating job creation and increasing rural

and aquaculture, with a spotlight on localised value addition. Our objective

activity, tivit while also contributing towards food security and affordable

is to facilitate pro-poor and pro-rural agro-industrialisation by creating new

basic foodstuffs. b

industrial capacity that will have as its main outcome the creation of job opportunities. Whilst the Landbank focuses on primary agriculture, the IDC DC

Despite challenging economic conditions, the activities and funds of the IDC

focuses on food and non-food agro-processing. Our definition of agroro-

Agro-Industries SBU successfully develop increased capacity in the agro-

processing includes on-farm, first-tier processing as well as backward wa

industrial sector, both creating and saving jobs. Our intention is to invest

integrated projects.

around R1 billion per annum in this highly important sector.

Five main strategies are implemented, which facilitate pro-poor ro and pro-rura pro-rural Chillibush7068IDC

industrialisation. These include: t

Internationalisation – Efforts to assist industryy leaders le to take advantage of marketing opportunities in Africa and Brazil, zil Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). We also facilitate foreign g direct investment, where

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