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Julie 2013

Photo: Jacques Smuts


Julie 2013

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Bulletin Redakteur: Francois Aucamp Bemarking: Thinus van Deventer Jacques Smuts Uitleg en ontwerp: David Morrison Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen, 0850 015 307 7248 015 307 7684 

Boere ruk op na Levubu Die Levubu Boeredag word op Donderdag 5 September by Maclands Estate (25 km wes van Louis Trichardt op die R524) gehou. Dié opwindende dag word deur die Avokadoen Makadamia-studiegroepe in die gebied gereël. Die program en uitstallings is gerig op meganisasie en sal van belang wees vir almal in die landbousektor. Die hek maak om 08:30 oop vir registrasie,

en die program begin om 09:00. Registrasie- word. kostes beloop R50/pp. Verskeie implemente Navrae: Elsje Kleynhans by 079 517 2005 soos trekkers, spuitmasjiene, TLB’s, misstrooi- of vir meer inligting ers, kettingsae, ensovoorts sal gedemonstreer of vir ‘n borgskap en/of uitstallinggeleentheid.

Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin. Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Your agri advertising solution providers Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292

Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543

Geleenthede vir beleggings steeds te vinde in Georgië Sedert die TLUSA ‘n memorandum van ooreenkoms met die Georgiese regering onderteken het in Augustus 2010, was daar heelwat verwikkelings. Buiten die persone wat op verskeie maniere daar gaan belê het, is ‘n besondere kultuurband ook met hul gesmee. Die regeringsverandering van verlede jaar in Oktober het die volwassenheid van hul demokrasie bevestig, deurdat daar ‘n vreedsame oorgang was. Die nuwe regering het onmiddellik die ooreenkoms met die TLUSA

bevestig en dat hulle dit gestand sal doen. ‘n Nuwe beleid oor die besit van landbougrond deur buitelanders het onder die nuwe regering beslag gekry. Dit kom daarop neer dat buitelanders voortaan net op ‘n langtermynbasis landbougrond mag huur. Vir enige ander belegging is daar nie ‘n beperking nie. Die geleenthede in Georgië vir ‘n ondernemer is feitlik onbeperk. Die beperking vir boere vir landbougrond is heeltemal oorkombaar, deurdat daar mettertyd

met die moontlike verkryging van dubbele burgerskap geen beperking op aankope sal wees nie. Die TLU SA hou steeds inligtingstoere in samewerking met hul regering, waar eerstehands vasgestel kan word of daar beleggingsgeleenthede is wat mens wil of kan ontgin in dié prentjiemooi land. Die volgende toer is van 26 September tot 5 Oktober. Belangstellendes kan navraag doen by


Julie 2013

Seleksie van nuwe sitrus kultivars: hantering van mutasies

Saamgestel deur Thys du Toit, Johan Joubert, Hennie le Roux, Hannes Bester, Fanie van Vuuren en Paul Fourie — Citrus Research International

Die geleentheid vir die ontdekking van nuwe of verbeterde kultivars kom voor as boom- of tak-mutasies in bestaande boorde. Dit is dus belangrik dat produsente hulle personeel moet oplei om enige afwykings aan te meld, byvoorbeeld kleurverskille, vroeër of latere kleurontwikkeling, verbeterde interne of eksterne vrug-eienskappe soos vrugvorm, vruggrootte, skiltekstuur, toe nawel-ent, sagter vesel en ook takke of bome wat sekere onder besmette toestande siekteverdraagsaamheideienskappe toon. Dit is belangrik dat die waarnemer die boom of tak moet merk én rapporteer, maar moet beslis nie die vrugte pluk nie. ʼn Aansporingsbonus kan aan die waarnemer gegee word om hulle aan te moedig om voortdurend vir mutasies moet oplet. Eerste fase van evaluering Boom-mutasie Dit is baie belangrik om eerstens vas te stel dat die mutasie stabiel is. As die hele boom ʼn mutasie is, kan okuleerhout agter eenderse vrugte geselekteer en gebruik word, deur ʼn paar bome (dogterbome) met van die geselekteerde ogies oor te werk, vir vinnige waarneming. As die eerste vrugte almal dieselfde eienskap toon as wat aanvanklik waargeneem is, is

die mutasie waarskynlik stabiel en kan die materiaal vir groeipunt-enting ingedien word. Indien nie, moet daar weer geselekteer word, totdat stabiliteit verkry word; anders is die mutasie nie die moeite werd om verder te ontwikkel nie en was dit waarskynlik slegs ʼn reaksie op groeitoestande. Tak-mutasie Met ʼn tak-mutasie is daar gewoonlik baie minder aanvanklike okuleerhout beskikbaar, aangesien daar gepoog moet word om die eerste drie tot vyf ogies agter die geselekteerde vrug te gebruik. Dit is beter om in hierdie geval eerder kwekersaailinge as dogterbome te okuleer. As u nie dit self kan doen nie, vra u plaaslike kwekery om dit vir u te doen. Die kwekery sal die bome in afsondering in sy kwekery moet aanhou, aangesien dit moontlik met entoordraagbare patogene besmet mag wees. Hierdie jong kwekery-bome moet verkieslik saam met ʼn nuwe aanplanting van dieselfde kultivar groep geplant word,

om sodoende dieselfde behandeling te ontvang. As dit nie moontlik is nie, plant hulle uit in ʼn bestaande boord, waar hulle die beste behandeling sal kan ontvang. Groeipunt-enting (GPE) Wanneer die stabiliteit van die mutasie bevestig is en u is daarvan oortuig dat dit van kommersiële waarde is, moet u plantmateriaal instuur vir GPE, sodat dit van entoordraagbare patogene (virusse en viroïede) skoongemaak kan word. Die okuleerhout wat u gaan instuur moet drie tot vyf ogies agter die geselekteerde vrugte wees. Selekteer goeie kwaliteit okuleerhout, want dit verhoog die sukses van daaropvolgende vestiging. Reël met Kobus Breytenbach van CRI by

013 759 8000 of 083 610 6102 of kobus@ voordat u die okuleerhout sny en stuur. Die okuleerhout moet so vars as moontlik wees en dit moet in ʼn plastiek sakkie verseël word; verwyder ook alle blare op die takkie om uitdroging te voorkom. Lewer per hand af, of stuur dit op ʼn Maandag met die Poskantoor se Speed Services se oornagdiens. E-pos vir Kobus die verwysingsnommer van die besending. Die aangehegte introduksie vorm moet die okuleerhout vergesel. Sitrus Grondvesblok Na GPE word die kultivar aan die Sitrus Grondvesblok gestuur, vir vestiging van ʼn vermeerderingbron. Op versoek van die kultivar-eienaar sal materiaal vermeerder word, om aan sy behoefte te voldoen. Planttelersregte Wanneer ʼn kultivar duidelike waarneembare verskille toon, kan dit as ʼn nuwe kultivar geregistreer word. Kontak Marcini Govender vir die riglyne: E-posadres: of bel hom by 012 319 6226 of stuur ‘n faks na 012 319 6385. Bestuur van ʼn nuwe kultivar As eienaar van ʼn nuwe kultivar het u die keuse om die kultivar self te bestuur of om gebruik te maak van ʼn agent (daar is ‘n stuk of ses in die land en u kan CRI kontak vir dié mense se kontakbesonderhede).


Julie 2013

GLM awards local aspiring farmers The Greater Letaba Municipality awarded female farmers and the youth for their efforts in farming around Kgapane. The winners were awarded for their farming initiatives, where they used their own small pieces of land to grow fruits and vegetables. The female and aspirant young farmer of the year awards were initiated by the Department of Agriculture in 1999, again in Winner of the Best Female Worker of the year (second from left) Ms Lilly Masekane 2006 and again now in 2013. The youth competition only runs from local at the GLM’s Agricultural Entrepreneurs Prize Giving Ceremony. The GLM’s mayor, Mr City Modjadji, is on the left. to provincial level, but the female competition

Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative May 7, 2013. To break a herbicide such as glyphosate takes considerable effort. The Americans have broken glyphosate in a big way due to overuse, and Brazil and Argentina are not far behind. As an indication of the scale of the problem, in Arkansas last year over half of the cotton crops were hand weeded before harvest. How did they achieve this amazing feat? In a nutshell, they universally adopted Roundup Ready crops and abandoned almost all other forms of weed control for about a decade. The USA now has the unenviable title of the world’s biggest herbicide resistance problem. You may well be thinking that could never

happen in Australia. It is true that they are not as reliant on glyphosate as the continuous Roundup Ready crop system in the USA. However, they may be on their way to a considerable problem. A recent and extensive random herbicide resistance survey of Western Australia has uncovered 25 populations of ryegrass that have evolved resistance to glyphosate. Now is not the time for the Australians to be complacent. As the weeds emerge with opening rains, they are reminded not to automatically reach for the glyphosate. Paraquat based products are now very cost effective and offer a viable alternative for small weeds. Is Australia on the verge of developing a significant glyphosate resistance problem? Here are a few stats that would suggest that perhaps they are.

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Ons het ook b-graad staal

Tel: 015 307 7705 5 Duiker Street, Old Industrial, Tzaneen, 0850

runs from municipal to national level. There were five categories for the competition, namely: Top Producer, Top Entrepreneur small holder category, Top Entrepreneur Commercial, the Top Entrepreneur for export markets and lastly the Best Female Worker of the year. The award for Best Female Worker of the year went to Ms Lillian Masekane who won R7 000. — Tshegofatso Ngobeni

How to break glyphosate

The Australian Glyphosate Sustainability Working Group recently reported that currently there are: • 363 documented glyphosate-resistant populations of annual ryegrass • 76 of awnless barnyard grass • 57 of fleabane • 10 of windmill grass • 3 of liverseed grass and • 2 of great brome. The surveys showed that resistance to clethodim (Select®) grew from 8% of ryegrass populations in 2003 to 65% in 2010. The 2010 survey showed that 7% of the ryegrass populations have resistance to glyphosate. The 2010 survey visited a total of 466 cropping paddocks and annual ryegrass was

found in 78% of these paddocks (362 paddocks in total). Annual ryegrass is Australia’s most prevalent weed and it also just so happens to be the world champion at developing resistance to herbicides. By comparison, the USA has thirteen different weed species that have developed resistance to glyphosate. These weeds are a problem in over six million hectares of crop (some reports suggest that this could be as high as 25 million hectares). Weeds find it hard to evolve resistance to glyphosate compared to other herbicides. However, we will break glyphosate if we over rely on it. • Where do we stand regarding this threat in South Africa?


Julie 2013

Co-ops can help provide jobs Greater Giyani Mayor Pat Hlungwani urged communities to establish cooperatives that would help the government create jobs in the society. The mayor was speaking during the handover of building material to the workers of Mabunda farm at Shitlakati village, Giyani. The farm, a citrus farming cooperative with thirty owners, bought building materials for its 63 permanent workers, to help them build houses of their own.

The mayor urged the society to encourage their children to choose agriculture as a career, saying studies indicate that many students that currently choose agriculture at the universities are those that have either missed or failed to qualify on their first and second choices. “As a society, we need to come up with some kind of motivation to make them understand that agriculture is important,” he said, urging communities to support initiatives by government to encourage rural farming by “g o i n g back to the farming

traditions”. The farm is said to be the biggest co-operative in the province, with 300 ha of farm land, and has potential to employ more than three hundred seasonal workers. However, the owners are faced with challenges of the lack of a proper road to use for the transportation of their products. Another challenge they face according to Malungani, is storage. Although the owners are working towards building a pack house or big store, they say they need government’s help, since it is far too expensive for them to build it Giyani mayor Pat Hlungwani pushes a wheelbarrow towards themselves. — Orlando Chauke Ms Katharine Ngoveni during the handover of building

material to workers at Mabunda farm.


Diverse services at Stark Enterprise

Workers harvesting oranges at Mabunda are seen here.

Whether it’s concrete work that needs to be done or a custom trailer you need built, Stark Enterprise caters for a diverse range of needs. Stark Enterprise is situated in 16 Plantation Road in Tzaneen’s Old Industrial Area and is regularly filled with cars being rebuilt or various types of machinery. They offer a variety of services like concrete work and the building of carports and roofs. They also build and restore industrial machinery and do boiler making.

Concerning cars, they do automotive engineering, panel beating, spray-painting and the servicing of all vehicles and heavy-duty machinery. Their custom trailer building is in high demand and they often receive large orders. “If I can’t do it, I get someone to do it,” says the owner, Andrew Britz. He strives to provide customers with the best service possible. For enquiries, call Andrew on 078 604 0040 or e-mail him on


Julie 2013

Maak reg vir die Letaba Skou!

Bek-en-klouseer breek weer uit ‘n Nuwe uitbraak van bek-en-klouseer is Maandag bevestig, wéér in die gebied tussen Giyani en The Ranch. Die probleem van die Kruger Nasionale Park se heining wat nie in stand gehou word nie, is volgens alle aanduidings steeds die oorsaak van die probleem. Boere in die omgewing sê dit is onwaar-

skynlik dat dié probleem oorwin gaan word. Trouens, verskeie boere sê die probleem gaan eerder vererger. Die hoof- uitvoerende beampte van AgriLimpopo en voorsitter van Agri Letaba, mnr Dries Enslin, het Dinsdagaand bevestig dat al die noodsaaklike noodmaatreëls getref is, om die siekte vas

te pen, sodat dit nie verder versprei nie. Padblokkades sal weer opgestel en ander rampbeheermaatreëls ingestel word. Enslin was positief dat sake teen die naweek reeds onder beheer sal wees, om die verspreiding van die siekte te bekamp. Die alarms het afgegaan, nadat ‘n be-

smette bees op ‘n plaas slegs sowat tien kilometer van The Ranch gevind is. Buffels is die grootste draers van die virus en daar is niks nuut aan die huidige uitbraak nie. Die gebied is dieselfde en die omstandighede is onveranderd — en daarom is niemand eintlik oor die nuwe uitbraak geskok nie.


Julie 2013

President visits Muyexe Four years after the presidential projects started in Muyexe village, Giyani, a lot more still needs to be done to further

improve the living conditions of the community. This was evident during President Jacob Zuma’s recent visit, to assess the progress made since the village was declared a pilot project under

the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme. Accompanied by various ministers and MEC’s, the president visited several smaller projects in the village and interacted with projects’ owners, including a perfume making project,

where he bought seven bottles of perfume. He asked his team to help market the project so it could grow bigger. At the Macena Gardening project, the president was met with water challenges, which the owners said was hindering their

progress. Zuma told the farmers that there was a pipeline from Nsami dam that was heading to the village. “We expect that pipeline to address all the issues with regard to water,” he said. Meanwhile Hosi Muyexe (Ben Maluleke) asked the president to keep his end of his promise and address the remaining challenges in the village. — Orlando Chauke

Andile Mkhacwa tries to sell perfumes to Owners of the Macena gardening project are seen here at work during the visit of president Zuma. president Zuma.



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Julie 2013

As jy wil kwyl soos ‘n waterval, ‘n Boek oor wildsvleisresepte wat die smaakkliere tot in die Ou Testament prikkel, het pas uit die pen van Andries Botha (bekende joernalis) en Willem Krog, bekende skrywer-advokaat, verskyn. Daar is tans ‘n oplewing in die mark vir wildsvleis,wat gestimuleer word deur ‘n landwye veldtog van Wildlife Ranching SA (WRSA), die verteenwoordigende liggaam van Suid-Afrika se sowat 12 000 wildplaaseienaars. Suid-Afrikaners is toenemend besig om wildsvleis op die tafel te sit. Maar al is wildsvleis besig om al gewilder te word, sal dit altyd ‘n fynproewersdis bly, wat daardie aardse gees van Afrika adem. Dit verg sorg en liefde om waarde aan wildsvleisgeregte toe te voeg. Boonop is dit nog gesonder as die gemiddelde vleis wat daagliks in geregtegebruik word. Lekker Wild is daarop gemik om feitlik elke gram wildsvleis in ‘n lekkerny te omskep. En as daar vandag groot belangstelling in wildsvleis is, is dit nie vreemd nie, want wildsvleis was van Van Riebeeck se tyd in die Kaap al aan die bod op die Kaapse Vlek, soos die middestad in daardie dae bekend was. Zeekoevleis was in die 17de eeu gesog in die KaapseVlek. Elke Saterdag was vleismarktyd in die Vlek. Seekoeivleis — selfs renoster! — was gereeld aan die bod. Pryse per pond was: vark: 4 swaarstuiwers; skaap: 3 swaarstuiwers; bees: 2 swaarstuiwers; wild: 2 swaarstuiwers;

seekoei/renoster: 1 swaarstuiwer. ‘n Stuiwer was toe sowat ‘n halfsent werd. Seekoei is ‘n letterlike vertaling van die Khoi-woord. Die Nederlanders praat van ‘n nijlpaard of hippo. Desjare het die see oor die KaapseVlakte gespoel en Sandvlei, nabyMuizenberg, was ook onder water — egte seekoeiwêreld. Wonder hoe hul seekoeiresep gelyk het! Die boek is ook propvol staaltjies en humor. Hulle skryf dat daar ‘n stel goue reëls is wat in die bereiding van wildvleis geld: • Moet dit nie oorgaarmaak nie. Onthou dat wildvleis van nature maer en gesond is en dat dit baie min natuurlike spiervet bevat.

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Always ahead. Our routes and destinations are convenient for both small and large enterprises who require trustworthy and affordable, temperature-controlled transport. We service the whole of South Africa including neighbouring countries like Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland and Mozambique.

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die rooster. Voeg sappigheid by deur ‘n stukkie spek om elke frikadel te draai of voeg ‘n eier by om die mengsel te heg, wyl dit braai. Oor wildbereiding skryf hulle baie jagters verwerk hul eie vleis, maar baie gebruik ook die dienste van slaghuise om dit te doen — wat hulle ‘n aardige bedraggie uit die sak kan jaag. Maar as ‘n man sy eie vleis wil verwerk, moet hy die toebehore daarvoor op die tafel hê, soos: • Skerp messe wat, in Bloubultaal, “ononderhandelbaar” is. Geen mens kan slag as sy messe nie skerp is nie. • Vervolg op volgende bladsy

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is a leading, independent national and cross-border transporter with a broad range of corporate and independent clients throughout Southern Africa. Our main focus is refrigerated cargo but we also carry dry, valuable and perishable loads and deliver on temperature and on time. Our fleet consist of over 170 vehicles, making us one of the biggest independent refrigerated transporters in the country. This enables us, to focus on commercialised goods as well as on seasonal products like fruit and vegetables.

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• Wanneer dit gebak, pangebraai of gerooster is, moet die vleis met foelie bedek word en 5 tot 15minute gelaat word om die sappe toe te laat om te versprei en om droogheid te voorkom. • Kook wildvleis stadig, om die klamheid te behou. Moet die vleis nooit sout voordat dit gekook word nie, daar dit die sappe opslurp. • Verwyder altyd alle vliese en bindweefsel voordat gekook word, om ongewenste smake te voorkom. • Marinering maak vleis sag en geurig. Oliemarinade is die beste, omdat dit voorkom dat die vleis aan die rooster of pan kleef. • Wildvleisburgers smaak vorentoe op

Anthony Delport

Scheduler Office: 011— 306 6025 Cell: 083 605 4172

Deur Andries Botha Vra my kleinseun my nou die dag heerlik vas: “Oupa, hoe sal ‘n mens weet daar was ‘n olifant in jou yskas?” Wis ek toe nou nie mooi nie. “”n Mens sal sy spore in die botter sien,” laat weet hy ewe triomfantlik en sonder verwyl. Nou, dis juis oor die olifantpoot wat die spoor maak, waaroor ons vandag as ‘n lekkerny wil gesels. Maar, liewe lesers, julle hoef nie my woord hiervoor te vat nie, dié resep kom van Pieter le Roux, van Elevated Outdoor, wat dit self op ‘n olifant- en buffeljagtog in Klaserie se wêreld op die proef gestel het. Uiteeraard is daar met so ‘n groot stuk vleis in die jagveld nou nie juis sprake van ‘n groot hoop bestanddele nie, maar hier is die lys in elk geval: • Een olifantagterpoot • Aromat • Een goeie bottel whisky

Metode: • Maak ‘n gat van knap minder as ‘n meter diep, by breed, by lank. • Maak ‘n groot vuur in die gat en wag vir kole om te vorm. Skep kole uit, sit poot in die gat en gooi kole om die poot. • Plaas ‘n sinkplaat bo-oor die gat en maak ‘n groot vuur bo op die sinkplaat — sit so nu en dan ‘n groot stomp op die vuur. • Gaan haal ‘n goeie bottel whisky uit die trommel, maak jouself gemaklik en staar met verlange na die vuur. • Laat die poot sowat 12 uur in die gat. Haal poot uit, breek vel af en begin eet. Seg Pieter le Roux: “Ons het so ‘n bietjie Aromat gebruik. Die vleis aan die voorkant proe so tussen beesstert en beestong.”


Julie 2013

kry gerus dié resepteboek Die kleinhandelprys van die goed geïllustreerde boek is R230 (posvry) en dit kan bestel • Vervolg van vorige bladsy • Goeie slypers soos die Warthog laat slyp na word van: of per slakkepos van Lekker Wild!, Hillstraat 10, kinderspeletjies lyk. Maar die Lansky-slypstel is steeds Emmarentia, 2195. Die bankbesonderhede is: Pacific Breeze 353 (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank rek nr: 1514250055; die skerpste. • Kruie is van deurslaggewende belang en daar is Takkode: 151405. Merk u naam en verwysing Lekker Wild! op die inbetaling. baie goeie produkte en mengsels beskikbaar. Die belangrikste vyf produkte is sout, peper, koljander, tiemie en asyn.

Andries Botha, ‘n gesoute joernalis met ‘n spitsvondigheid wat mens nie aldag kry nie, is Dinsdagoggend in sy slaap dood. Hy was 72 jaar oud en ‘n dekadelange vriend van die Bulletin se uitgewer. Hulle het gereeld gekorrespondeer en die laaste korrespondensie tussen hulle was nog Dinsdagoggend.

Terloops • As koljander geskroei word voordat dit gemaal en in die wors gesit word, behou dit die smaak langer. Die skroei verg maar ‘n bietjie oefen om dit reg te kry, maar as die rook begin uitkom, is dit reg. • Wat asyn betref, is die smaak van rooidruiwe-asyn die beste. Vars tiemie werk baie goed vir wors wat dadelik geëet word, maar as ditgevries word, is dit beter om die reeds gedroogde tiemie te gebruik. • Wat die ander speserye betref, is dit na smaak. Party mense gooi Worcestersous by, ander weer naeltjies.

Om die leeftyd van biltong en droëwors te verleng, is daar die belangrike hulpmiddel van vakuum-verpakkers. Dié masjiene werk baie goed, maar prys koop gewoonlik kwaliteit. Daar is natuurlik baie maniere en elkeen volg sy eie raad. Die biltong word net so gevakuum en verpak, maar ander sny dit eers en verpak dit dan. Dan vries party dit en ander sit dit net so in die spens sonder om dit te vries. Dis die beste om die droëwors heel te hou, te verpak en tevries, maar dan moet dit nie langer as ses dae hang nie. Ervaring het geleer dat biltong gesny en in die spens verpak moet word, nie in die vrieskas nie, om die beste gehalte te verseker.

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Julie 2013 Advertorial

Dié dokter maak kompressors gesond Min werkwinkels, motorhawens, boere, vervoerkontrakteurs geakrediteer en bied bykomend tot (selfs haarkappers) kom sonder ‘n lugperspomp (kompressor) reg. diens en herstelwerk, ook die gerief Die vraag is of hul pompe altyd gesond is. ‘n Siek pomp kan ‘n groot gemors veroorsaak en met Murphy altyd maar byderhand, sal die ding mens mos gewoonlik ook op die mees ongeleë tyd in die steek laat. In Tzaneen is ‘n dokter

wat sorg dat mens nie gestrand gelaat word nie. Power Compressors weet al te goed dat ‘n lugperspomp in die meeste gevalle die hart van ‘n besigheid is, en dat dit daarby ook ‘n duur hulpmiddel of werktuig is. Dié pompe moet ook gereeld nagegaan word en elke pomp, ongeag die grootte daarvan, behoort elke 2 000 uur behoorlik gediens te word. Die drukhouers (tenk) moet in elk geval ingevolge wet elke drie jaar getoets word en om veiligheidsredes moet dit deur ‘n geakrediteerde besigheid gedoen word. Power Compressors is ten volle

dat hulle ‘n bystand-lugperspomp gratis verskaf as hulle iemand se pomp benodig om gediens of herstel of skoon gemaak te word. Elke onderneming/persoon wat ‘n lugperspomp het, kan gerus vir Power Compressors vra vir ‘n afskrif van die lys van dinge wat hulle doen as ‘n pomp gediens of herstel moet word. Dit is ‘n lang lys en maak ‘n mens besef hoe belangrik dit is dat pompe gereeld nagegaan en gediens moet word. Dit is ongelooflik om te sien (kyk foto’s hierby) hoeveel vullis in so ‘n pomp kan opbou. Praat met die doter self. Kontak Ben by sy spreekkamer (Power Compressors) by 082 967 1392. Moenie uitstel nie…


Pomp jou pomp ook olie en ander plofbare materiaal in jou voertuig(e) se bande? Skrik gaan te laat wees! Heelbo is ‘n nuwe eenheid, onder ‘n gebruikte wat baie verdag lyk.


• Concrete Work • Building Of Carports & Roofs • Building And Restoration Of Industrial Machinery • Boilermaking • Automotive Engineering • Panelbeating & Spraypainting • Servicing Of All Vehicles And Heavy Duty Machinery • Custom trailers

Andrew 078 604 0040 | 16 Plantation Street, Old Industrial Area, Tzaneen, 0850

BO links sien mens olie en ander gevaarlike plofbare materiale wat uit die lugperspomp daarby gehaal is, en bo regs is die binnekant van ‘n tenk wat gereinig moet word.


Julie 2013 Advertorial

WMC has become a major player in Africa

Manie Coetzer

WMC Sheet Metal Works inn Tzaneen was established in 1996 and for the past seventeen years has grown to become a leader in the food and fruit processing and packaging industry. WMC’s equipment is keenly sought after by many firms, especially in terms of the manufacture, installation and maintenance of fruit packaging equipment — and more importantly, the design, fabrication, equipping,

Macadamia dehusking

construction, erection and installation of macadamia processing factories. WMC has done major installations in South Africa, Kenya, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, as well as Mexico, Guatemala, Australia, New Zealand and even China (to name some). “We are confident that we can provide a solution that saves you money and increase productivity that complies with international standards. This is what

makes us unique as we do not believe in taking any shortcuts,” says WMC owner Manie Coetzer. “As we strive to be more competitive and productive we recently installed a high precision plasma cutting machine that also caters for other industries, and also custom designed and manufactured parts with fast turnaround times. “We invite all farmers and pack houses to contact us and discuss solutions for your own unique requirements,” Coetzer says.

Automated packing


Julie 2013

IDC cultivates growth in Agro-Industries IDC cultivates growth in Agro-Industries The IDC has a R4.5 billion portfolio in Agro-Industries, providing support

foreign food companies use South Africa as a production hub. The

for the sustainable growth and equitable development of the agro-

creation of value chains across our borders forms part of this strategy.

industrial value Rian Coetzee, of the Agro-Industries The IDC has achain. R4.5 billion portfolioHead in Agro-Industries, providingStrategic support Business Unit (SBU), outlines its strategy. for the sustainable growth and equitable development of the agro-

Value – It is important maximum beneficiation is foreignaddition food companies use Souththat Africa as a production hub. The localised invalue Southchains Africa.across At this stage we focus labour-intensive creation of our borders forms on partthe of this strategy.

industrial value chain. Rian Coetzee, Head of the Agro-Industries Strategic The Agro-Industrial sector is an important part of the South African Industrial Business Unit (SBU), outlines its strategy.

• •

horticultural sector the grain industry. Value addition – It isand important that maximum beneficiation is Import replacement – Food imports remain of concern and we localised in South Africa. At this stage we focus an on area the labour-intensive

need to ensure thatand wethe competitively replace these imports with local horticultural sector grain industry. production. At this stage theimports IDC is targeting processing Import replacement – Food remain anseed-oil area of concern andand we

needproduction. to ensure that we competitively replace these imports with local malt production. At this stage the–IDC seed-oil processing and New emerging industries IDCisistargeting known for innovatively facilitating

maltcreation production. the of new industries. Our focus at this stage is to develop the New emerging industries IDC is known for innovatively facilitating marine aquaculture sector,– which will address specific development

the creationofofour newsmaller industries. Ourtowns. focus at this stage is to develop the challenges coastal marine aquaculture which will address specifi c development Rural/poor linkagessector, – Agro-industrialisation should be linked to

landscape. It represents around 18% of manufacturing gross domestic product (GDP) and around 20% of important jobs in thepart manufacturing The Agro-Industrial sector is an of the South sector. AfricanWhat Industrial landscape. It represents 18% of manufacturing domestic makes this sector unique is around its relationship with the rural gross economies and product agricultural (GDP) and around of jobs in theItmanufacturing sector. What the primary sector20% of South Africa. provides market access to makes this sector unique is its relationship withItthe rural economies many commercial as well as smallholder farmers. is through this linkand that the primary sector of South It provides access the sector plays agricultural a critical and strategic roleAfrica. in addressing themarket growth and to many commercial as well as smallholder farmers. It is through thispeople link that development challenges of our rural economies. About 8.5 million the sector plays a critical and strategic role in addressing growth andor are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for their the employment

development challenges of our ruralfrom economies. About 8.5point million people income. The industry is also important a food security of view. are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for their employment or income. The industry is also important from a food security point of view. The South African Agro-Industries sector is highly dualistic. On the one hand

there are a few large modern, dynamic, vertically integrated and diversified The South African Agro-Industries sector is highly dualistic. On the one hand agro-processing companies contributing to more than 70% of turnover in the there are a few large modern, dynamic, vertically integrated and diversified sector; and on the other hand around 7 000 food processors; smaller-scale agro-processing companies contributing to more than 70% of turnover in the unintegrated processors, often outside the formal retail chain. Whilst it is of sector; and on the other hand around 7 000 food processors; smaller-scale critical importance to facilitate the growth and development of the large unintegrated processors, often outside the formal retail chain. Whilst it is of companies – to ensureto that Souththe African food brands benefit from critical importance facilitate growth and development of theopening large markets in the rest the continent otherfood trade partners – titfrom remains companies – toof ensure that Southand African brands benefi opening important to address the barriers-to-entry and barriers-to-growth that these markets in the rest of the continent and other trade partners – it remains


the linkage between agro-processors and these farmers. Special IDC development funds further drive the IDC’s efforts to promote

development of poor rural areas. The R100-million Agro-Processing Linkage Special IDC development funds further drive the IDC’s efforts to promote Scheme (APL) incentivises agro-processors to source raw material directly development of poor rural areas. The R100-million Agro-Processing Linkage from resource-poor farmers. This creates direct linkages between agroScheme (APL) incentivises agro-processors to source raw material directly processors and resource-poor mechanisms such as from resource-poor farmers. Thisfarmers createsthrough direct linkages between agrocontract farming. processors and resource-poor farmers through mechanisms such as

smaller companies face. the barriers-to-entry and barriers-to-growth that these important to address

contract farming. The Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund (APCF) enhances competition,

smaller companies face. Focus areas for the Agro-Industries SBU include agro-processing, beverages

growth and development in the agro-processing sector by providing finance The Agro-Processing Competitiveness Fund (APCF) enhances competition, to non-dominant players, in stimulating job creation andby increasing growth and development the agro-processing sector providingrural finance

and Focus aquaculture, spotlight on localised value addition. Our objective areas forwith the aAgro-Industries SBU include agro-processing, beverages

activity, while alsoplayers, contributing towards food security and affordable to non-dominant stimulating job creation and increasing rural

aquaculture, with a spotlight localised value addition. Our objective is to and facilitate pro-poor and pro-ruralon agro-industrialisation by creating new is to facilitate pro-poor and pro-rural agro-industrialisation by creating industrial capacity that will have as its main outcome the creation of jobnew

activity, while also basic foodstuff s. contributing towards food security and affordable basic foodstuffs.

industrial capacity thatLandbank will have as its main creation the of job opportunities. Whilst the focuses onoutcome primary the agriculture, IDC opportunities. Whilst the Landbank focuses on primary agriculture, the focuses on food and non-food agro-processing. Our definition of agro- IDC

Despite challenging economic conditions, the activities and funds of the IDC Despite challenging conditions, activities and funds of the IDC Agro-Industries SBU economic successfully develop the increased capacity in the agro-

focusesincludes on food and non-food agro-processing. defi of agroprocessing on-farm, first-tier processing asOur well asnition backward processing includes on-farm, fi rst-tier processing as well as backward integrated projects.

Agro-Industries successfully develop increased capacity in the agroindustrial sector,SBU both creating and saving jobs. Our intention is to invest industrial sector, both creating and saving jobs. Our intention is to invest around R1 billion per annum in this highly important sector.

integrated projects.


challenges of our smaller coastal towns. resource-poor small-scale farmers, to maximise its potential impact on Rural/poor linkages – Agro-industrialisation should be linked to rural South Africa. We have specific initiatives through which we facilitate resource-poor small-scale farmers, to maximise its potential impact on the linkage between agro-processors and these farmers. rural South Africa. We have specific initiatives through which we facilitate

Five main strategies are implemented, which facilitate pro-poor and pro-rural Five main strategies are implemented, which facilitate pro-poor and pro-rural industrialisation. These include: industrialisation. These include: • Internationalisation – Efforts to assist industry leaders to take advantage • Internationalisation – Efforts to assist industry leaders to take advantage of marketing opportunities in Africa and Brazil, Russia, India, China and of marketing opportunities in Africa and Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS). We also facilitate foreign direct investment, where South Africa (BRICS). We also facilitate foreign direct investment, where

Telephone: 3888 Telephone: 086086 069069 3888 Email: Email: To apply online funding of R1 million more To apply online for for funding of R1 million oror more

around R1 billion per annum in this highly important sector.

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