September 2013
Photo: Wayne Southwood
Tzaneen is kampioen
Hierdie PinZ2yl van ZZ2, is in Pretoria gekroon as vanjaar se interras superkoei. En haar naam is Tzaneen.
September 2013
IPCBA draai in Limpopo ‘n Groep van honderd oorsese besoekers het vier weke gelede ‘n wye draai in Limpopo gemaak as deel van die Internasionale Pinzgauer Beestelersvereniging (IPCBA) se wêreldkongres wat in Pretoria gehou is. Die afvaardiging van Oostenryk, Slowakye, Romenië,
Italië, Duitsland, Kanada en Australië het voor die kongres in die Kruger Nasionale Park gaan kuier en verskeie Pinzgauer-stoetplase besoek voor hulle twee dae lank op ZZ2 (hoofborg) se plase in Mooketsi deurgebring het. Hier het hulle op die plaas Grootboom
Vanjaar se Fase C bulgroeitoetskampioen van die Landbounavorsingsraad is Rover, ‘n Pinzgauer van Mosselbaai, uit die genetiese poel van ZZ2 se Pinzgauerstoet. Photo: Wayne Southwood.
‘n beesboeredag (Stockman’s day) bygewoon, waar meer inligting oor ZZ2 se Pinzgauer-stoetery verskaf is. Die volgende dag het hulle by die boerdery se hoofkantoor saamgetrek, waarna besoeke aan die tamatieaanplantings, avo’s, uie en Natuurboerdery gevolg het. Mnr Paul Bester, hoof van die beeste-afdeling by ZZ2, sê dit was een van die suksesvolste saamtrekke van wêreldkenners oor die Pinzgauer-beesras in jare. Die kongres het kernpunte in die bedryf na vore gebring, met prof Mohammad Karaan, dekaan van die fakulteit landbouwetenskap aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch as hoofspreker. Die Minister van Landbou, me Tina Joemat-Petterson, het ‘n uitnodiging aanvaar om die kongresgangers toe te spreek, maar het nie opgedaag nie. Benewens sprekers soos mnr Tommie van Zyl van ZZ2, mnr Joël Mamabolo van die department van landbou, prof Magiel Scholtz van die LNR, prof Eric Holm (ekoloog) en mnr Chris Burgess (Media 24) het twee wetenskaplikes van Oostenryk ook bydraes gelewer. Oostenryk is die Pinzgauer se plek van oorsprong. Die nuwe bestuur van die IPCBA is mnre Hans Scharfetter (Oostenryk, president), Tommie van Zyl, SA, vise-president), Jan Paciga (Slowakye, vise-president), Mathias Kinberger (bestuurder), Paul Bester (SA), Roy Price (Australië), Siegfried Gatterer (Italië) en Christian Dullnigg (Oostenryk). Twee geko-opteerde lede is prof Jozef Bulla (Slowakye) en mnr Doug Lockwood (Australië). Die volgende wêreldkongres is in 2018 in Oostenryk, met twee direksievergaderings vooraf elders in Europa.
Hunting permit Law welcomed The Professional Hunters Association of South Africa (PHASA) has welcomed the signing of the new National Environmental Management Laws Amendment Act into law, saying it is the first step towards one national permit system. In terms of the amendment to clause 7(b) of the Act, all professional hunters, hunting outfitters and professional hunters’ school directors will be required to register on a national database in order to be able to apply for a permit in the respective provinces where they operate. Mr Adri Kitshoff, PHASA’s chief executive, explains that the establishment of a centralised database would for the first time ever, ensure that there will be a comprehensive database of all active professional hunters and hunting outfitters in the country. One of the main reasons why the Department has introduced the system is to prevent those professional hunters and outfitters who have been found guilty of abusing the permit system from simply registering in another province. Registration of such individuals could be revoked if they have been found guilty of committing gross transgressions. The Department is still in the process of finalising the specific regulations, which should give more clarity on this issue. “The current system where professional hunters, outfitters and professional hunters’ school directors have to register in each province has proved to be an administrative nightmare and PHASA has been lobbying for a national register for
many years. We hope it paves the way for the establishment of a national permit system, which would overcome the administrative burden of having to abide to nine provincial plus one national sets of legislation. It might also further close down any loopholes for abusing the system,” she says. Kitshoff says the abuse of the permit system has blemished the reputation of the professional hunting industry and that PHASA continues to work with the National Department of Environmental Affairs and other NGOs to look at other ways of stamping out illegal hunting activities. “PHASA’s mission is to support the conservation, and ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources, for the benefit of current and future generations through ethical hunting. Since our inception, we have raised more than R1.3 million through voluntary contributions for conservation projects, which include anti-poaching initiatives. Additionally, through our annual Wildlife Heritage Gala Dinner, we have raised some R8 million which was used to train more than 800 conservationists throughout the SADC region over the past 6 years.” • What are the benefits of a national registration system? This will ensure, for the first time ever, a national central database and exact number of active, registered, licensed professional hunters and hunting. It will allow for the withdrawal of a person’s national
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registration, if that person’s permit to operate has been withdrawn in a specific province because of a gross violation of NEMBA (National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act). This will prevent the person from licensing in another province. • Is it immediately effective? The Department of Environmental Affairs is in the process of developing regulations to facilitate the process. As far as we know, the process is currently in the approval phase, after which it will be published for public participation before implementation. We expect the publication for public participation to take place during 2013 but publishing for implementation will probably only happen next year. • Will the System replace the current 9+1 system, whereby operators need to license in all provinces? No. This is only the first step into that direction, which night only happen during next rounds of amendments to the Act, which could take another 4-5 years. PH’s and HO’s must still apply for permits in each province where he/she wants to operate, provided that they are registered on the national system once it is being implemented. • Who will all need to register? Any person currently in possession of, or who wishes to apply for a provincial permit to act as a registered professional hunter, hunting outfitter or PH school director.
September 2013
Small-holder farmers must mean business South Africa’s small-holder farmers need to view themselves as businessmen rather than emerging food producers to fully leverage the support of the financial services industry and create sustainable, profitable enterprises. “The journey of transformation in the farming sector must start with an understanding that you are running a business,” says Mr Diale Mokgojwa, Standard Bank’s AgriBEE manager. “Banks have some fantastic financial solutions to help small-holder farmers’ move from a traditional to commercial operation, but there has to be a paradigm shift that will see farmers adopt a more business-like approach.” Mokgojwa says that the first step towards operating like a small enterprise is to open a business current account to establish a financial track record, which enables banks to gauge the business strength of farming activities. Standard Bank estimates that approximately 70% of small-holder farmers in South Africa are still trading from their personal bank accounts, making it very difficult to assess their financial viability. “A bank can’t form a view on a farmer’s business strengths through a personal bank account cluttered with nonbusiness related expenditure like school fees,” says Mokgojwa. “With no financial track record specific to their farming activities, it is very difficult for a bank to establish whether the business entity is viable which has implications for the ability to extend finance.” Standard Bank aims to halve the number of famers operating from personal bank
accounts by 2015 by providing solutions to the sector such as the BizLaunch offering. This start-up solution aims to provide support to small-holder farmers to assist with their banking, accounting, administrative and cash management needs. Approximately 45% of new businesses in South Africa, across various sectors, fail within the first three years due to poor accounting knowledge and a lack of awareness of the role of financial management in establishing a sound business. The success rate of small holder-farmers is likely to be even lower due to a lack of financial oversight, poor technical knowhow and inadequate knowledge of best agricultural practices. Standard Bank can help bridge this gap by providing access to relationship managers and mentorship,
business development support, as well as short and medium-term lending facilities. “A proper business current account can give farmers access to a variety of financial solutions to help them achieve their goals,” says Mokgojwa. “It also enables the bank to lend to farmers who wouldn’t normally qualify for a loan in the normal commercial sense.” Approximately 85% of small-holder farmers in South Africa do not own the land on which they farm, a fact that would normally preclude them from accessing bank finance due to the absence of collateral. However, Standard Bank has committed to provide financing to such farmers by literally using the fruits of their labour as security, provided they meet certain requirements such as having a formal lease agreement and
an appropriate business support plan in place. “When farmers come to you for a loan they typically haven’t started producing yet so you have to make certain assumptions on what they are likely to produce,” says Mokgojwa. “That’s why a business current account is crucial since it enables us to do the necessary financial calculations to assess things like their expected yield per hectare, production risk, their cash cycles and their ability to repay.” Mokgojwa says the four most crucial considerations when extending a loan are: • A borrower’s financial position • The ability to repay their debt • Their capacity to manage unforeseen risk (e.g. droughts in the case of farmers) • Security against which the loan is granted Where a farmer does not meet one of these requirements, Standard Bank will still consider granting a loan provided the borrower has taken certain proactive steps to help mitigate the lender’s risk. Mokgojwa says this may take the form of a mentoring agreement in which a smallholder farmer undertakes to receive guidance and advice from someone with a successful agricultural track record. “Even if you don’t meet all of these requirements there is still an opportunity for us to finance you. However, the starting point is to open a business account and build a financial track record to enable us to extend the necessary finance.”
September 2013
Tamatiepeste met kompos bestry Die lang komposrye langs die Vreedsaampad by Mooketsi het vir ZZ2 se Natuurboerdery ‘n nuwe dimensie bygekry. Dit ontwikkel ‘n weerstand teen siektes wat by tamaties voorkom. Dit word verkry deur tamatiereste en –stingels by die komposmakery in te sluit. Benewens al die voedingstowwe in die tamatieplante wat na die komposhoop terugkeer, word swamme en virusse in die reste ook afgebreek en organismes wat dit teenwerk, word sterker. Mnr Bertus Venter, hoof van ZZ2 se komposaanleg, sê dit is die jongste verbetering in die proses en ‘n belangrike stap nader aan goeie natuurboerdery. ZZ2 se komposaanleg, wat al ‘n hele paar jaar aan die gang is, produseer jaarliks 40 000 kubieke meter kompos vir verspreiding na plase binne ‘n 100 km radius van die aanleg. Benewens plantmateriaal, gras en versnipperde hout word ook hoendermis en gips saam met water bygevoeg om die proses te bevorder. Plase buite die bereik van die aanleg word deur soortgelyke aanlegte bedien.
Die proses van kompostering duur sowat honderd dae en die hope word sewe tot twaalf Dié tamaties lewer binne twee weke hul eerste oes. keer met ‘n masjien gedraai vir belugting. Hierteenoor word kompostee op dieselfde perseel vervaardig, wat binne 36 uur gereed vir toediening kan wees. Dit word regstreeks op gewasse toegedien vir vinniger groei en prikkeling in die mikrobiologiese grondwerking. ‘n Verdere toevoeging tot die komposaanleg is die kweek van EM, ‘n doeltreffende mikro-organisme wat byna soos bier gebrou word. Die eindresultaat is soos ensieme in die maag of dier se pens wat mikrobiologiese organismegroei bevorder en parasiete uitwis. Dit word in beperkte hoeveelheid in die kompostering Rye kompos by ZZ2 is byna gereed vir die tamatie-aanaangewend. plantings. In hierdie afdeling word EM ook voortgebring uit die indringerplant Lantana, wat by tamatieaanplantings is dit 40% en by appels in die Kaap tot 100%, sê Venter.” Die aanleg is vroeër die maand besoek deur ‘n gebruik word om aalwurmbesmetting uit te roei sonder afvaardiging oorsese besoekers wat die Pinzgauerdie toediening van chemikalieë. wêreldkongres in Suid-Afrika bygewoon het. Hulle het “Die gebruik van kompos het ‘n groot daling in die lande soos die Tsjeggiese republiek, Italië, Duitsland, aanwending van chemikalieë meegebring. By tamaties Spanje, Kanada en ander lande verteenwoordig. Die groep het die vorige dag op ZZ2 se beesteafdeling, Grootboom, deurgebring, waar die landgoed met die beste Pinzgauers in die land spog. —Louis Roux
Buitelandse afgevaardigdes na die Pinzgauer-wêreldkongres staan by personeel van ZZ2 voor die maatskappy se konferensiesaal in Mooketsi.
Mnr Bertus Mnr Paul Bester, Venter, hoof van hoof van die natuurboerdery. beeste-afdeling.
Mnr Henk van Zyl, hoofbestuurder van tamaties.
ZZ2 lewer 37% van land se tamaties Die uitgebreide tamatielande van ZZ2 is so gesetel dat dit jaarliks vir die volle twaalf maande tamaties lewer om in die vraag te kan voorsien. Die maatskappy het 2 000 ha onder oop veld tamaties in verskeie streke, met ‘n opbrengs van minstens 100 ton/ha. In goeie toestande word tot 160 ton/ha geoes. By Mooketsi is ook 30 ha tamaties onder skadunet, wat 250 ton/ha oplewer, sê mnr Henk van Zyl, hoofbestuurder van ZZ2 se tamatiesektor. Die jaarlikse opbrengs is meer as ‘n derde van die totale verbruik van tamaties in SA. Die maatskappy se betrokkenheid by tamaties is beperk tot die lewering van vars en onverwerkte produkte en is nie betrokke by enige verwerking van tamaties tot ander produkte nie. Die gemiddelde verbruik in die land is agt kg tamaties per persoon. Hiervan kom 3kg uit die landerye van ZZ2. Van Zyl sê oestyd is ses dae per week en die produkte bereik hul bestemmings op nasionale markte binne 24 uur. Saad van hoë gehalte word uit Nederland en Israel ingevoer, wat in Mooketsi deur die kwekery Hishtil vir ZZ2 gekweek word. Die maatskappy span ses verskillende variëteite in, maar proewe word deurgaans op nuwe soorte gedoen. Verlede jaar is 236 nuwe variëteite getoets. ‘n Afdeling van ZZ2 wat voortaan groter spiere gaan wys, is avokado’s. Volgens mnr Bertie van Zyl jr, seun van die besturende direkteur, mnr Tommie van Zyl, het ‘n groot vraag na avo’s wêreldwyd ontwikkel. Die maatskappy het reeds 500 ha onder avo’s en het beskikbare hulpbronne om nog 1 000 ha aan te plant. Etlike ha grond by Mooketsi word reeds voorberei vir nuwe avo-aanplantings. —Louis Roux
September 2013 Mnr Theuns Botha van Deerpark is ‘n vooraanstaande avo- en mangoprodusent.
Mnre Doug Atherstone, Pieter Abrahamse en Ike van der Zee het die avo-studiegroep se vergadering by Wheelbarrow bygewoon.
Verskeie spuitmasjiene is by die avo-studiegroep se vergadering op die plaas van mnr Francois Vorster gedemonstreer.
‘n Groep van vyftig produsente en beamptes het dié maand se vergadering van die avo-studiegroep bygewoon as gaste van mnr Francois Vorster. Op die foto is mnre André Coetzee, dr André Ernst en Howard Blight.
Mnre Keith Elphinstone en Rob Morris was deel van die avo-studiegroep se byeenkoms by Wheelbarrow.
Mangoswam groot kopseer Bloeiselmisvorming by mango’s bly een van die grootste kopsorge vir produsente wêreldwyd en is veral in warm, vogtige streke soos Tzaneen ‘n ernstige oesbederwer. Nuwe proefnemings is sedert 2011 in die Laeveld aan die gang om ‘n teenvoeter daarvoor te kry of om dit minstens tot ‘n minimum te beperk. Dit word veroorsaak deur die swam Fusarium mangiferea en die doeltreffendste manier om dit uit te roei, is om die aangetasde bloeisels uit die boord te verwyder. Mnr Theuns Botha, mangoboer van die plaas Platland buite Tzaneen, neem die afgelope tyd aan die proefnemings deel. Hy sê dis duidelik dat bespuiting met ‘n sekere middel op ‘n baie vroeë stadium gedoen moet word. “Waar vroeë bespuitings (voor blomtyd) toegedien is, kon ons die resultate op die volgende jaar se oes waarneem. ‘n Herhaling van spuittoedienings met korter tussenposes in blomtyd sal ook ‘n groot verskil maak.” Hy het tydens ‘n vergadering van Tzaneen se mango-studiegroep gesê bloeiselmisvorming het reeds meer as 60% van sy boordgroei geëis, terwyl produsente in minder vogtige
dele soos Hoedspruit ‘n heelwat laer voorkoms daarvan het. Staminspuitings teen die regte dosis is ook ‘n hulpmiddel, maar is ‘n omslagtige en tydsame proses. Die sameroeper van die studiegroep, me Wilna Stones van Subtrop, het bekendgemaak dat Levubu gedeeltelike kwarantynvrystelling teen die aggressiewe vrugtevlieg Bactrocera invadens gekry het. Daar mag vrugte en produkte nou na willekeur geskuif word, solank dit nie na die res van die provinsie geneem word nie. “Die plaag word met dieselfde middels beveg as dié vir die gewone vrugtevlieg, maar dit wil voorkom of invadens uiteindelik na die res van Suid-Afrika sal versprei.” Lede van die studiegroep is ook voorgestel aan ‘n nuwe soort spuitkop wat op spuitmasjiene gebruik word. Dit is van keramiek en kom uit Italië. Die verspreiding is van so ‘n aard dat ‘n waaier nie nodig is om dit aan te blaas nie. Mnr Wikus Swart van die maatskappy Sprayrite sê dit werk minder doeltreffend in winderige toestande, maar dit is juis in dié toestande wanneer daar nie bespuit word nie.
September 2013
Increase in theft of borehole pumps
Giyani municipal spokesperson Steve Mabunda at the scenes in Bambeni village where criminals broke in and stole a borehole pump
The Greater Giyani Municipality has strongly condemned the string of thefts of diesel operated borehole pumps in villages where water scarcity is a challenge. This comes after residents of Bambeni village were left stranded without water when the pump that draws
their water was stolen. “What is more worrying is that this has now become a trend by which criminals frustrate the municipality’s effort to bring services to the communities,” explained the municipal spokesperson, Mr Steve Mabunda, after another pump has been stolen the previous night at Jim village, leaving people with no option but to travel long distances to fetch water elsewhere. Mabunda said the municipality has lost many water pump systems since the beginning of the year, and said this was worrying in terms of taking services to the people. “This means we have to go back and restore the pumps at extra cost, which would delay services to other areas that we’re yet to bring this service,” he said. “So far, we have lost more than six water pump systems in less than three months, a sign that there might be a group of people dealing in these pumps, and we therefore like to warn people to keep an eye on their pumps to prevent further theft.” Asked about the electric operated pumps that the municipality earlier promised it would upgrade in order to curb on theft, Mabunda said this was their long-term plan. However, there was a challenge of weak electricity in some of the villages, which delays the process. He said the electric pump systems use three-phased electricity, whereas most villages use two-phased power. “However, we’re doing
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Mr Steve Mabunda
our best to make sure that eventually we upgrade every pump to electric operated ones, because they are not in demand compared to the diesel ones in terms of theft,” he said. Mabunda urged communities to desist from buying these systems should they come across them being sold in the streets, saying buying these pump systems is what make them to be on demand. “We appeal to anyone to call the police if they ever see these systems being sold in the streets, because as long as people still buy them their demand will continue to rise,” he said. Orlando Chauke
A woman from Bambeni village walking a long distance on foot to fetch water from the nearest village after their pump was stolen.
September 2013
Kompos vloei weer by stortterrein Die GTM het na ‘n lang gesukkel uiteindelik weer ‘n behoorlike komposaanleg by sy stortterrein buite die dorp. Nadat die vorige huurder ‘n paar jaar gelede van
word by die stortterrein na dié afdeling gekanaliseer. Mnr Brett Ehlers van Compost Matters en sewe werkers is in beheer van die proses en beoog om tussen 15 000 en 20 000 kubieke meter per jaar te lewer. Die prys is R450/kub.m of R20 per sak van tussen 15-18 kg. Dit is suiwer kompos wat binne tien weke deur die komposteringsproses gestuur word. Hulle is nog nie gereed vir groot bestellings nie, maar het reeds ‘n duisend sakke beskikbaar. Kopers sal die kompos self moet gaan haal en vragte sal by die weegbrug van die stortterrein geweeg word. Een van die voordele van die gesamentlike onderneming is dat Compost Matters komposmasjiene en ook houtkerwers vervaardig. Die masjien op die terrein is die derde oudste van die talle wat hulle reeds gelewer het. Mnr Henk Mienie, hoof van vaste afval by die GTM, sê die aanleg bied groot voordele vir die stortterrein, omdat dit die lewensduur daarvan verleng. Dit kom neer op ‘n besparing van meer as R7 miljoen per jaar. Daarby word die ontstaan van skadelike metaangas en koolstofdioksied (CO2) by die stortterrein uitgeskakel tot voordeel van die osoonlaag. “Een kubieke meter metaangas is twintig keer skadeliker vir die osoonlaag as dieselfde hoeveelheid CO2.” Die houtkerwer met ‘n masjien van 65 kW word vir versnippering op die komposterrein gebruik.
Die komposmasjien is voltyds besig.
—Louis Roux
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Mnr Brett Ehlers
die terrein vertrek het, het die Nkomamonta Organic Farmers Corporation die kompostaak oorgeneem, maar nie veel vordering gemaak nie. Nou het Nkomamonta ‘n gesamentlike onderneming met die plaaslike Compost Matters gevorm, wat die komposterrein laat herleef. Die organiese boere gebruik net ‘n fraksie van die produksie en die res word vir ander boere en die publiek te koop aangebied. Die terrein van drie hektaar word vir tien jaar by die departement van behuising gehuur en al die organiese materiaal
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September 2013