Agribulletin 170303

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Bulletin FAR NORTH


Februarie 2017

Can you be compliant?


Plaasaanvalle: hoe gemaak? 5 1/3rd more Maize for 2017


ge 6


The Klinkert farm recently unveiled their new Reemoon sorting machine - see page 3.

The all new NISS


’n publikasie van FAR NORTH

Bulletin Redakteur: Joe Dreyer Bemarking: Jacques Smuts Uitleg en ontwerp: Tamryn Branch Tessa Thompson Rekeninge: Ansie Smuts 26 Hospital straat, Tzaneen, 0850 015 306 0198  Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

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The laborious task of compliance they forgot to mention, but without which, you are stuck. 3. Don’t bother to refer to any other of their colleagues, as they probably don’t know each other. If they do, they strictly refrain from speaking to each other. They work in a perfect silo structure, where no one apparently knows what the other is doing, no one seemingly cares, or understands the functions of any of the other desks in the office, and no one sees the bigger picture. 4. Pack enough breakfast, lunch, and cookies for tea time because even if you are not hungry, every official in those buildings are, and they spend half of the day doing it. They come late, and therefore have to have breakfast immediately. Shortly thereafter, they leave early for morning tea no matter how long the que waiting for their attention, just to come back very late. You will be very lucky if an unmistakably irritated and uninterested official le p m si st pays any attention to your o m e Even th in Polokwane problem before trying to e nor in Lebpass it on to another desk, at st f o s n io of funct owakgomo. where her colleague has It is nothing short of gone on an early lunch, o p o p Lim a horrific experience. if she has returned administration in You do it once, and from holiday leave at shed. will never again frown all. seem to have cra on the tax evaders as 5.Everybody in that if they are criminals. department knocks Not even lawyers, auditors, financial acoff early every day. Everybody has a personal crisis, meeting, countants or officials from elsewhere in call out or any other excuse to be absent after lunch. the same department can assist to iron 6. Don’t use the words productivity, planning, due process or out the processes or procedures to get management at all. your tax up to date. 7. You will know that you have made some slight progress But if you desperately need to get it when an official tells you that you are done and sorted out. done, here are a few tips from a local Don’t take it seriously though, because you will never get respected business person who went it on paper. You will be surprised by many more forms you through the exercise in 2017: have never before heard of, stand in many more ques, and 1. Take 3 days leave. It will take spend many more hours appreciating the creative interior you nothing less than 3 days to get and inspirational ethos of a modern developing county’s through all the ques and see all the government offices. many officials, who have very clearly Said one new entrant to agriculture, a successful land reform benbeen appointed for every other rea- eficiary who for the first time wants to export some produce and now son but for their ability or aspiration needs to get his tax clearances: “If I knew what administrative hell one to get the job done, and prepare your- has to go through at this place, I surely wouldn’t have started in the self to leave without final closure. first place! I keep on wondering if I should push on, and whether it is 2. Try to remember each offi- possible to get it done at all?” cial’s name, as you are doomed to see He decided first to go to the Department of Labour to get his Workmen’s them again and again. They have no Compensation and UIF sorted out, later to come back and face the torsense of completed staff work, and ture at SARS again. “Well, good luck!” I said, “You know that the revenue there will always be something which service is hailed to be the most efficient department of them all?”

The cost of compliance in the current environment of administrative red tape, inept and corruption in government departments and municipalities, has become unaffordable. To keep up with all forms an employer needs to submit to various government offices, to pay all levies, taxes, funds and contributions, is a full time job. Farmers and small town businesses always complain about the highly destructive role government plays in the jobs market, destroying many more jobs than what they ever can create, but let’s talk about how government destroys job creators by suffocating them in red tape and impossible administrative requirements. Even the most simple of functions of state administration in Limpopo seem to have crashed. Like collecting tax. Don’t try to get your tax matters sorted out in Tzaneen, neither

TLU SuidAfika Jongboere byeenkoms Die TLU SA se Jongboerkomitee hou vanjaar op Woensdag, 15 Maart om 09:00 – 15:00 sy konferensie by Journey’s in Midrand, Gauteng. Vanjaar se tema is “Volhoubaarheid vir die volgende generasie” en bywoning is gratis vir TLU SA-lede. Vir nie-lede beloop dit R200. Dit is belangrik dat die jongboere ingelig en bemagtig moet word om die uitdagings van landbou te verstaan en te trotseer, vandaar die spesiale konferensie wat vir hulle aangebied word. Vanjaar se sprekers is mnr. Bennie van Zyl (120 jaar tot hier), dr. Hennie Davel (Landbou en die ekonomie van SA), dr. Hannes Dreyer (Die veebedryf in Suid-Afrika), mnre. Louis Meintjes (Jongboer, JY is die toekoms), George Barnard (Graan-verbouing in uiterste omstandighede) en Edward Leversage (2016 Jongboer van die jaar-wenner). Vir verdere navrae kontak asb. vir Runel Matthews by (012) 804-8031.

Bulletin FAR NORTH


Februarie 2017

Bulletin Your advertising solution provider FAR NORTH MEDIA




Bulletin FAR NORTH


To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543





Februarie 2017

Klinkerts welcome sorting machine The Klinkerts’ have added the advantage of mechanized postharvest equipment to their packhouse in Letsitele with the recent installation of the Reemoon multi-lane sorter. A team from China spent the better half of January completing the installation of this stateof-the-art automatic sorter at the Klinkert packhouse and are optimistic about the difference in production it will afford this long-standing family-owned operation. “This machine is able to conduct sorting by colour, seize, shape, blemish and weight which will make the entire process more streamline and increase output exponentially,” explained Hill Zhou, Reemoon Overseas Business Manager. The sorting machine uses the Advanced Vision Aid System (AVAS) – a complex software system – in conjunction with hi-speed cameras to sort the fruit according to the producer’s specific requirements. The required colour and dimension of round or oval-shaped fruit are inputted into the software and the fruit is then scanned by the cameras and sorted to the specific bays or exits as required. “Even with very little computer expertise you will still

be able to learn and operate the system in very little time,” said Pierneef Smit, Reemoon’s Local Sales Representative. “This machine eliminates the human factor which often slows down the process. As workers become fatigued they will often let some sub-standard quality produce pass into the bins unnoticed. This machine removes that from the equation and affords peace of mind.” The machine can also conduct non-destructive internal quality sorting through the use of Near Infrared Reflection (NIR). A special light projector beams straight through the fruit. The various wavelengths of the colour spectrum is then either absorbed or reflected by the internal flesh of the fruit which is in turn analysed by the software for Birx value, density and core rot. The fruit is then sorted accordingly. The Kinkerts have started preparing for their citrus packing season and cannot wait to put their newest addition to the team to the test. “We are very excited at the arrival of this fantastic machine,” said Evelyn Klinkert. “This is going to boost our export packing quanti-

ties exponentially while ridding us of some of the more time consuming tasks associated with our operations. The Chinese team have certainly impressed us with the speed at which they installed our machine and so far the training they have conducted have placed us at ease that we will be able to continue with the work they started once they return to China.”

Bulletin FAR NORTH


Februarie 2017


THE SOUTHERN AFRICAN MACADAMIA GROWER’S ASSOCIATION’S RESIGNATION FROM SUBTROP The Southern African Macadamia Grower’s Association (SAMAC) has tendered its resignation from The South African Subtropical Growers’ Association (Subtrop) and will be leaving the umbrella organisation in a year’s time (28 February 2018). This follows a call by fourteen SAMAC members for a Special General Meeting to vote on a proposal for SAMAC to withdraw from Subtrop. Subtrop is an association of associations that, for the past 10 years, has managed the affairs of the SA Avocado, Litchi, Macadamia and Litchi Growers’ Associations. The motion proposed by the fourteen members was accompanied by a motivation as to why they believed SAMAC would function better as a stand-alone association, as well as suggestions on the way forward. The SAMAC Board honoured the motion but elected to host meetings in each major production region in order to give all members the opportunity to discuss the motion, raise items or concerns and to finally vote.

The SAMAC Board met on 3 February 2017 where SASpecial general meetings were held in the week of 2326 January 2017 in Levubu (Limpopo), Nelspruit (Mpu- MAC’s resignation from Subtrop was discussed. An evomalanga), Southbroom (KwaZulu-Natal South Coast) lution committee was established, which consists of and Darnall (KwaZulu-Natal North Coast) respectively. two current SAMAC board members and two of the 14 the motion. All stakePricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) was contracted to ad- members that proposed holders in the industry minister the voting prowill be consulted in the cess and the results of an r fo st e b is it coming months in order the vote were made ve e I beli to find out what their public on 2 Februnction needs are in order to fu to n ary 2017, shortly io at ci o ss industry a develop a strategy and after the report was reif n io leased by PwC. The result the evolution commitat ci o ass as a stand-alone tee, in consultation showed that eighty one with the SAMAC percent (81%) of the t n e ci ffi su as Board, will lay the 216 votes submitted the association h groundwork for were in favour of SA. MAC withdrawing from the new SAMAC resources to do so Subtrop. When quesstructures and direction. tioned about the motion, ENDS Derek Donkin, CEO of Sub- trop, stated “I believe it Issued by the Southern African Macadamia Growers’ is best for an industry association to function as a stand-alone association if the association has suf- Association (SAMAC) ficient resources to do so. With SAMAC’s current 14 February 2017 levy income, the organisation will probably not be Contact: Barry Christie Tel: +27 73 084 1772 able to achieve more as a stand-alone organisation, but there appears to be a willingness amongst growers to increase their contribution to SAMAC.”

Bulletin FAR NORTH

Februarie 2017


Plaasaanvalle: tyd om terug te veg? Geweldsmisdaad op die platteland, meer spesifiek op plase, het die afgelope maand rekordhoogtes bereik – en niks word daaroor gedoen nie. Hierdie is die mening van die boeregemeenskap regoor Suid-Afrika nadat daar meer as 30 plaasaanvalle landswyd verlede maand alleen plaasgevind het. Sestien lewens is gedurende hierdie aanvalle geëis en alhoewel die polisie nou die probleem erken het, word daar nie juis veel gedoen om aan die plaas gemeenskap hul veiligheid terug te besorg nie. “Die laaste twee weke was verskriklik erg,” het Afriforum se Ian Cameron hierdie week in ‘n onderhoud aan eNuus gesê. “Dit is duidelik dat aanvalle net meer en meer wreed word en alhoewel ons beter samewerking met die polisie in sekere plekke geniet, sien ons ongelukkig dat hulle op grondvlak nie die hulpbronne het nie. Ons doen dus ‘n beroep op gemeenskappe dat hulle self begin optreë.” Afriforum hou in Mei ‘n noodberraad oor landlike veiligheid en beplan om verskeie belanghebbendes daarby te betrek om ‘n moontlike oplossing vir hierdie wrede misdade te soek. Op sy beurt het Henk Maré, Hoof van Afriforum se veldtogte-afdeling, die naweek tydens ‘n motorfiets sametrekking op Fochville teen plaasaanvalle, gesê hulle plaas nou druk op die regering om veiligheidseenhede in landelike gebiede te ontplooi. Hy het met die Sondagkoerant, Rapport, by dié sametrekking gepraat.

“As 400 soldate by die staatsrede ontplooi kon word om die lewe van net een mens te beveilig, glo ons dat daar dieselfde gedoen kan word om ons mense se lewens op die plase ook te beskerm.” Daar is ook die regering se onwilligheid om oor die saak te praat.

“400 soldate vir vir president – geen gemeenskap”

Verlede week het die VF Plus ‘n dringende debat oor plaasmoorde aangevra, maar dit is deur die Speaker, Baleka Mbete, afgekeur. “In 2016 is daar 345 plaasaanvalle aangemeld. Tydens hierdie aanvalle is 70 boere vermoor. Dit beteken dat daar feitlik een aanval elke dag plaasgevind het en ons ‘n boer elke vierde dag verloor het,” het VF Plus leier, Dr Pieter Groenewald aan Rap-

port gesê. Die publiek is verstaanbaar kwaad, frustreerd, en moedeloos. “Die feit dat ons moorde begin klasifiseer as ‘n erge-moord of ‘n goeie moord wys dat ons ‘n baie groot probleem het. As ons gaan kyk wat in Balfour en Dullstroom gebeur het dui dit daarop dat die aanvalle net wreder en wreder word. Daar sit nou twee generasies sonder ouers.”

Generaal-Majoor Roland de Vries, ‘n oud-militaris, is nou deur Afriforum by die stryd teen plaasmoorde betrek. De Vries se swaer, Dr Johan de Lange, was self ‘n slagoffer van ‘n aanval op sy kleinhoewe net buite Vanderbijlpark in 2007. De Lange en sy vrou is aangehou en hul seun koelbloedig doodgeskiet. “Na my gesprek met my swaer, en na aanleiding van my ondervinding as mili-

taris het ek begin soek na oplossings vir ons mense om hierdie misdaad te probeer bekamp. Ons benadering is verkeerd want hierdie is nie misdaad nie, dit is oorlogvoering. Hulle modis operandi grens aan revolusionêre oorlogvoering en lae-skaalse insurgensie oorlogsvoering want baie van hierdie misdadigers kom van buite ons grense af,” het De Vries verduidelik. Volgens hom lê die oplossing in die beginsels van teen-revolusionêre oorlogsvoering en hoe om dit toe te pas en te ontwikkel in hierdie stryd. “Die misdadigers neem die inisiatief, nie ons nie. Dit help nie jy ry met blouligte rond en die misdadigers kan sien waar jy beweeg nie. Hulle is goed georganiseerd, met ‘n goeie inligtingsnetwerk en baie goeie voorbereiding. Ons hoofdrywer moet wees om inligtingsgedrewe operasies te voer teen die brutaliteit waarmee ons gekonfronteer word. Ons kort behoorlike bevel en beheer vanuit ‘n militêre oogpunt.” Afriforum is huidiglik besig om ‘n sentrale veiligheidsbeheersentrum te stig om die magdom inligting wat deur gestuur word te intigreer en te gebruik om proaktief te word. “Dit is tyd dat ons die inisiatief neem en die wêreld ongemaklik begin maak vir die krimineel daar buite. Dit is die strategie wat ek saam met Afriforum nou gaan begin implimenteer. Ons beskik oor die vermoë om die stryd na die krimineel te neem. Ons praat van vrywilligers wat hulself buite die staatsbestel moet beskerm, want die staat, is nie besig om dit te doen nie.”

Bulletin FAR NORTH


Februarie 2017

Nissan Navara - Rugged Redefined

Nissan has a long history of building strong, dependable pickups. With each new model the boundaries of innovation are pushed even further to provide you with everything you need to get the job done. And now it’s time to experience the next generation Navara. The newest beast to the stable was unveiled at an intimate launch function in Tzaneen on Friday. To emphasise the introduction of cutting edge technology in this latest ren-

dition of the trusted all-terrain wagon, a team of brand ambassadors treated clients to a virtual test-drive in the Navara through the use of the virtual reality hardware, the acclaimed Oculus. Through the use of this technology clients experienced a drive in the new Navara through desert terrain, as a passenger, with a driver showing off the various additions and improvements to the already impressive 2015 model. The bold exterior design, sleek aerodynamic shapes and distinctive LED lighting signatures of the all-new Navara produce a striking visual impression, raising the bar for style in the pick-up segment. You’ll find fantastic levels of comfort and space in every seat. Up front, seats inspired by the feeling of zero gravity create neutral posture and help make long drives more comfortable. Automatic air conditioning with dual-zone climate control means you and your passengers

can tailor the temperature individually. It combines a tough, working pedigree, with premium ride comfort, smart technologies, and sleek, modern styling. All of which means you can step from a day on the job, to a night on the town without missing a beat. It roars. Generating more power, with fuel efficiency improvements over the outgoing model of 24%, the new 2.3-litre 140 kW twin-turbo diesel engine has 450Nm of torque, delivering fantastic acceleration and performance. Whether you’re looking to pull a heavy load at work, or for a weekend away, the Nissan Navara makes it easy... mustering up the grunt to pull a massive 3,500kg braked towing capacity. Whether it’s in the depths of the bush or the concrete jungle, the all-new Navara is always in its element. There are three driving modes -- four-wheel drive

High for light off-roading, four-wheel drive Low for serious off-road driving in sand or deep mud, or two-wheel drive for when you’re on tarmac. With features such as Hill Start Assist and Hill Descent Control, it’s the bakkie that’s ready for anything, giving great traction even in two-wheel drive mode thanks to its electronic Limited Slip Differential (eLSD). It has a fully boxed ladder chassis rather than the three-sided channel-section frame found on some other pick-ups. There’s also the new five-link rear suspension, unique in the pick-up segment. This gives a better ride and more agile handling, without compromising loadcarrying ability. For a test drive or for more information on this fantastic new offering from one of the world’s leading manufacturers, please give the boys at BB Motors Tzaneen a call on 015 307 4950 or visit their showroom in Danie Joubert Street.




Februarie 2017

BB Ford Tzaneen School drive 2017

Supporting local schools

We at BB Ford Tzaneen are running a campaign with all schools in our district. We will donate R500 to the school of your choice when you purchase a vehicle from us. Any parent, educator or even friend of the school will qualify. Once you have made your purchase, return this advert with the stamp of your selected school and we will make the donation to them.

Proudly part of the


Terms and conditions apply. Offers only valid while dealer stock last. Please note pictures are for illustative purposes only but the model derivative and offer are consistent. The colour shown on advertised models will not necessarily be available as stock are limited. All rates and payments on offers advertised are subject to customer credit approval by the bank and cannot be guaranteed to customers. All transaction fees excluded. Vehicle on the road costs excluded. Price subject to change without prior notice. E&OE

015 307 3740


Februarie 2017



More maize this year

South African maize farmers are set to have their hands full come harvest time. This after planting almost a third more hectares this season, according to a report released by the government’s Crop Estimates Committee in January. The report indicated that 2.549 million hectares had been allocated to maize, which marks a 31% increase on the 1.947 million planted during the previous, drought-ridden year. While the anticipated size of the harvest could have a stabilising effect on food price inflation, an increasingly competitive global market continues to pressure South African producers to find new ways of cutting costs on grain and silage storage. One such method is the use of massive grain bags on sites around the country, which is the result of a new deal between South African agricultural specialists Rhino Plastics – part of the sustainable solutions group of companies, Rhino Group – and one of the top global producers of master-batches and agricultural films,

Greece’s Plastika Kritis. “This deal not only has significance for the local market in terms of better value – it also offers the industry a far superior product,” said Brian van Niekerk, MD of Rhino Group. The technology enabled improved quality and the ability to engineer and improve costs on the end product, impacting on South Africa’s ability to remain globally competitive, he said. “The bags boast a trademarked, seven-layered barrier film, dramatically increasing the strength of the bags, while more importantly reducing the oxygen permeability of the film,” said Van Niekerk. Since introducing the product, demand from around the country has surged, he said. “Customers range from farmers to agricultural organisations stretching into Southern Africa.” According to Brendan Kelly, of Rhino Plastics, the bags are a solution for storing grains such as wheat, barley, maize, sorghum, soybean, rice, rye and legumes, which

are increasingly in demand globally. “The grain can be loaded in the bags directly from the harvester or from a truck and be stored safely for up to two years,” said Kelly. “Additional benefits included lower initial investment, on-site storage, flexibility and savings on freight.” “The grain bags supplied by Rhino Plastics were used extensively by our clients during the 2016 intake season to store wheat, barley and oats – among other grains and silage. The bags handled very well on bagging machinery and had excellent stretching and durability properties.” The Hitec grain and silage bags create a hermetic environment, which promotes oxygen depletion and simultaneous carbon dioxide production. This is as a result of the respiratory process of the biotic components inside the bag, Kelly added. “The new atmosphere in the bag, rich in CO2 and poor in O2, suppresses, deactivates, or reduces not only the reproduction or development capacity of insects and fungi, but also the grain’s own activity, in turn facilitating its preservation,” said Kelly. “Users report that the Hitec bag packs five to 10% more grain than other bags of the same size.” The seven-layered Hitec grain bag is one of many agricultural products supplied by Rhino Plastics. Other products include silage films, bale wrap film, green house films, LDPE irrigation pipe, mulch films, and dam liners among other related products.

Bulletin FAR NORTH



NOW WITH R50 000 TRADE ASSISTANCE A special edition for 2016, Discovery Graphite introduces a modern and distinctive look to the model range with an array of striking features and finishes. These include 19-inch 7-split spoke alloy wheels in high gloss dark grey, and a grey Graphite finish to the fender vents and grille. Call us today to book your test drive. Land Rover Polokwane 64 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane Tel: 015 590 3122 T’s and C’s apply.



PURCHASE ONE OF THE LAST DEFENDER GAME VIEWERS. AVAILABLE FROM LAND ROVER POLOKWANE. The Land Rover Defender Game Viewer is the vehicle of choice amongst upmarket lodges and resorts in Southern Africa. These vehicles give thousands of wildlife enthusiasts a grandstand view of Africa’s gorgeous bush. With the inherent Defender qualities and extreme off-road capability, the Land Rover Defender Game Viewer is the ultimate outdoor vehicle. Call us today to book your test drive. Land Rover Polokwane 64 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane Tel: 015 590 3122


Bulletin FAR NORTH


Februarie 2017




Februarie 2017

Steeds die beste botterskorsies Sakata se unieke botterskorsies bly steeds die beste reeks is ‘n absolute markwenner Soos met die meeste bedrywe het die ontwikkeling in die tegnolgie van die afgelope aantal jare totale nuwe wêrelde in die groentebedryf geopen. In die teling van ons nuwe botterskorsiereeks het Sakata se ttelers het die afgelope jare groot deurbrake gemaak in die botterskorsiebedryf in terme van die verbetering van hierdie populêre groente se in opbrengs, siekteweerstand, smaak en kwaliteit (wat voorkoms en eenvormigheid insluit), smaak en verhoogde gesondheidseienskappe. Hierdie verbeterings is tot voordeel van die produsent en uiteindelik die verbruiker wat ‘n premium produk ontvangpas nie net die huisvrou wat ‘n hoë kwaliteit produk vir haar rand verwag nie, maar voldoen ook aan die boer se vereistes vir hoër opbrengs, siektebestandheid, aanpasbaarheid en houvermoë. Hierdie reeks stel nuwe standaarde vir botterskorsies regoor die wêreld: - iets wat ander saadmaatskappye net oor kan droom. Die resep is eenvoudig: • hoë opbrengs • uitstekende interne kwaliteit • eenvormigheid in vruggrootte en vorm • groeikragtigheid van die plant • variëteite met verskillende vruggroottes, vrugvorms en planttipes • uitstekende saadkwaliteit Hierdie nuwe baster reeks het die afgelope aantal jare getoon dat hul groeikragtigheid hoë weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou die plante minder vatbaar maak vir blaarsiektes onder toestande wat normaalweg lei tot siekte ontwikkeling. Die groeikragtigheid stel ook die plante in staat om ‘n groot aantal vrugte tot volwassenheid te dra en kan oor ‘n lang tydperk produseer. Opbrengste van tot soveel as 60 tot 80 metrieke ton per Ha is nie meer uniek nie. Die variëteite is doelgerig ontwikkel om die behoeftes van verskillende markte en boerderymetodes aan te spreek. Atlas is vir jare reeds die nommer een keuse van verwerkers weens die vruggrootte, interne kwaliteit en kleur. Die bekende Pluto, en die nuwe susterlyn Quantum, wat ietwat kleiner is as Pluto, is tans die eerste keuse vir die uitvoer en die varsmarkte. Veenas is geskik vir die uitvoerder en voorafverpakking vir veral die kettingwinkelgroepe wat ‘n kleiner vrug verkies. Dan is daar die unieke Cosmos, die enigste bostipe botterskorsie in die mark wat ideaal is vir kantrye in spuitpaaie, wat meganiese onkruidbeheer moontlik maak in die verbouing van botterskorsies. ‘n Groot voordeel van Sakata se basters is die kwaliteit van die saad. Ontkiemingspersentasie is uitstekend en dit maak dit vir die boer moontlik om saad aankope akkuraat te beplan. ‘n Belangike voordeel is dat elke lot wat ingevoer word, getoets word teen twee vernietigende saadoordraagbare siektes soos “Gummy stem blight” en Bakteriese vrugvlek. ATLAS (2 tot 3 kg) is ‘n unieke baster variëteit weens sy vruggrootte, opbrengs en uitstaande interne kwaliteit. Hierdie variëteit het hom reeds in die markplek en verwerkingsindustrie gevestig weens hierdie redes. Die plant is besonders groeikragtig en lewer uitstekende

opbrengste en die interne kwaliteit maak dit moontlik om vrugte vir maande op te berg. Weens die sterk wortelstelstels moet daar teen oorbemesting gewaak word. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 10 000 tot 12 000 per ha waar groot vrugte vir verwerking verlang word. PLUTO (0.9 tot 1.5 kg) produseer is vir alle praktiese doeleindes ‘n kleiner weergawe van Atlas met medium grootte vrugte met dieselfde uitstaande vrugkwaliteit en eenvormigheid as Atlas. Die sterk groeiende baster plante is

wyd aanpasbaar met uitstekende weerstandbiedendheid teen Poeieragtige meeldou. Die opbrengspotensiaal van Pluto is ook besonders hoog en opbrengste van meer as 60 t/ha is al in kommersiële aanplantings verkry. Ideale plantestand is 12 000 plante per ha. Besonders en as gevolg van die vrugte se besonderse interne kwaliteit en eenvormigheid is dit geskik vir die uitvoermark. gewild vir uitvoer en verwerking weens die eenvormige vrugte met ’n besonderse interne kwaliteit. Pluto is ‘n markwenner wat ‘n nuwe hoofstuk skryf in die produksie van botterskorsies. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 10 000 - 12 000 per hektaar. QUANTUM (0.800 tot 1.2 kg) kan in alle opsigte as ‘n kleiner Pluto beskou word, en beskik oor dieselfde eienskappe wat opbrengs en kwaliteit betref. Quantum val meer in die Waltham klas vir daardie markte wat ‘n ietwat kleiner vrug verkies. Die aanpasbaarheid

en kwaliteit van Quantum maak dit uiters geskik vir somer produksie waar ‘n medium grootte vrug verlang word. Quantum beskik oor ‘n goeie weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou wat beslis bydra tot die lang oes periode en gevolglike hoër opbrengs. Quantum is ideaal vir die varsmark asook die uitvoermark. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 12 000 plante per hektaar • Ideaal vir somer produksie vir die varsmark, verwerkers en uitvoere VEENAS (0.6 tot 1.2 kg) is ‘n kleiner weergawe van Quantum en is spesifiek ontwikkel vir die uitvoermark en vir verpakking vir die kettingwinkelgroepe. Die vrugte is klein tot medium met ‘n uiters eenvormige vruggrootte. Soos Pluto en Atlas beskik dit oor die hoogste vrugkwaliteit wat ‘n voorvereiste is vir die uitvoermark. Die plante is sterk groeikragtig wat oor ‘n lang periode vrug set en bied weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou. . Spesiale varieteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 12 000 – 15 000 plante per ha • Ons stel voor dat Veenas* gedurende die somer verbou word, aangesien die vrugte kleiner word gedurende koeler groeiperiodes COSMOS (0.8 tot 1.2 kg) is ‘n die eerste bostipe botterskorsie wat in die mark. Hierdie unieke eienskap maak verbouing soveel makliker maak, deurdat daar tot op ‘n laat stadium meganies geskoffel kan word. Cosmos het weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou en beskik oor ‘n . ‘n Plantestand van tot 15 000 plante per ha kan met gemak gehandhaaf word. Cosmos het ‘n goeie opbrengspotensiaal van besonderse eenvormige vrugte van ongeveer 8 vrugte per sak. Cosmos is veral geskik vir varsmarkproduksie. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Cosmos word slegs aanbeveel vir varsmark produksie. • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 15 000 plante per ha. Kontak gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by sel: 083 585 1181, hy kan u van meer inligting verskaf oor hierdie variëteite, en beskik oor ‘n magdom tegniese kennis om u in staat te stel om die beste opbrengs en kwaliteit uit u oes te verkry. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se botterskorsies of die res van die produkreeks, skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek ons webwerf

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/ of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.


Februarie 2017



PLUTO Uitstekende interne kwaliteit en smaak Uitstaande raklewe Vrugte is geskik vir varsmark, prosessering en uitvoer Sakata botterskorsie variĂŤteite:



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