Agribulletin 180228

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February 2018

Mangoboere pas aan by reën P3 Berlin hosts 2018 Fruit Logistica P6 Beste Botterskorsies in die land Bl15 Germany hosted this year’s installment of the world’s biggest fresh produce fair, the Fruit Logistica, in Berlin during the first week of February. Many of the local players attended the event which saw thousands of visitors flock to the exhibition halls. We will have a more in-depth article on all the locals in next month’s edition.



Coenie Scheepers • 083 634 1372 • • 43 Lood Street, Polokwane


February 2018

Publication of:

Be Postharvest Wise


Bulletin F A R




Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Wayne Mommsen (Area Extension Manager – CRI), Wouter Schreuder (Sponsor ICA Chemicals), MC Pretorius (Area Extension Manager – CRI ) , Kobus Serfontein, (ICA Chemicals), Schalk Visser (Main Sponsor - Citrosol), Dawid Groenewald (CRI), Tshidi Ramabu (Research Administration - CRI), Hannes Bester (National Extension Manager – CRI), Catherine Savage (Postharvest Pathologist - CRI ), Martin Breytenbach (ICA Chemicals) , Liezl van der Linde (Event & Operations Coordinator – CRI)

During January and February, CRI (Citrus Research International), in co-operation with various other industry role players, presented their annual two-day CRI Postharvest workshops in each of the six main production regions. The Limpopo workshop was hosted at Fairview Hotel in Tzaneen, 30-31 January 2018, bringing together all participants of the industry including the packhouses, manufacturers and suppliers of packhouse equipment, chemicals, packaging material and waxes. Logistical personnel, fruit export companies, intake depots and many other representatives also took part in this meeting and the other meetings across the country. The workshops enabled citrus packhouses, representatives from the agro-chemical industry, citrus exporters, and membership groupings from the CRI Postharvest Technical Forum (CRI-PTF), as well as PPECB, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and delegates from other citrus related industries, to remain on the cutting edge of developments providing relevant informa-


Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

tion prior to the new packing season. Participants were provided with the feedback and statistics on latest information from the citrus packing industry and get exposure to other role players in the post-harvest field. These workshops have become the premier technology transfer vehicle where the speakers presented feedback on 2017 statistics and challenges, export regulations and inspections for 2018. Specialists also covered pest control, packhouse procedures, water usage and much more as it remains imperative that the packhouse personnel stay informed of the latest research and developments to ensure maximum effectiveness. The main sponsors for the Postharvest Wworkshops were Citrosol and Wenkem. Then second platinum sponsor was ICA Chemicals. Other sponsors that participated in making these workshops possible include Corruseal Group, Neopak, First National Bank, Tecnidex, Label Pro, Fruit Label Pro, Smart Farming Technologies, AfriNat, HKAL, AcrAqua, JBT, Houers Cooperation, Protea Chemi-

Dr Paul Cronje (Manager Citriculture - CRI), Paul Hardman (Industry Affairs Manager - CGA)

cals, Citrashine and CitraCote. CRI offers the Posth Harvest Workshops every year in Limpopo, Mpumalanga (Loskopdam), Mpumalanga (Nelspruit), Kwa-Zulu Natal, Swaziland and both the Eastern and Western Cape.

Bulletin FAR NORTH

Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 Estelle von Pannier 079 496 6670 Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317

To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543


February 2018

Reën oor Laeveld verminder mango-uitvoere Die welkome reën wat nou uitsak oor die Laeveld kompliseer die na-oeslewe van mango’s. Die risiko van antraknose verhoog aansienlik, hoewel gereelde spuitprogramme die gevaar daarvan grotendeels verwyder. Nogtans is daar baie Suid-Afrikaanse mangoprodusente wat, hoewel uitvoerkanale vir hulle oop is, besluit om dit veilig te speel en eerder nie uit te voer nie. Sommige mangoprodusente wat vroeg in die seisoen vrugte (hoofsaaklik Tommy Atkins) uitgevoer het, het besluit – weens die swaar reën van onlangse tye - om geen verdere volumes hierdie seisoen uit te voer nie. “Vir boere uit die natter areas is die risiko net te hoog in tye van swaar reën, met die drie weke op die water tot by die mark,” verduidelik Pieter Buys, voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Mangogroeiers-vereniging (SAMGA). “Daar is tans groot hoeveelhede mango op die water, hoofsaaklik van Durbanhawe af. Die jaar het tot dusver baie goed gegaan, ek’s heel opgewonde oor die seisoen. Van die oeste was selfs ‘n bietjie beter as wat produsente verwag het en die kwaliteit was baie goed omdat dit een van ons droër vroegsomers was.” Die vlakke van antraknose-inokulum bou op deur die seisoen en danksy die droë voorjaar, is die inokulum nou op vlakke wat dit ander jare in Desember reeds sou bereik het. Laasjaar was ‘n rekordoes van mango’s – ongeveer

80,000 tot 90,000 ton, indien die informele atjarmark ook ingereken word. Vanjaar word heelwat minder verwag omdat die bedryf tans in die af-kurwe van die opbrengssiklus verkeer. Buitendien het hael verlede jaar in die Hoedspruit-streek Tommy Atkinshoeveelhede met tot ‘n derde verminder. Die effek van die droogte word steeds gevoel, op groottetellings byvoorbeeld (behalwe waar vrugset swak was, soos die geval met Keitt op sommige plekke, en die oorblywende vrugte dus groter as ideaal was). Vanjaar is die mangodrogingsprys laer weens die groot oes van 2016/17 en boonop kan die sterker Rand uitvoere van gedroogde mango demp, maar die pryse vir atjarmango’s is goed (Tzaneen is ‘n belangrike area vir atjarproduksie). Die sapsituasie is interessant: die omstrede nuwe suikerbelasting kom op 1 April 2018 in werking en sapprodusente wag en kyk op dié stadium hoe verbruikers gaan reageer op die noodwendig hoër sappryse. Om dié rede gaan minder mango’s tans na die sapfabrieke. Op die varsmarkte is die prys heel stabiel en die verwagting is dat pryse stewig sal bly noudat volumes daal – hoewel die uitvoervolumes wat nou geherkanaliseer word na die plaaslike mark, dalk ‘n invloed op pryse mag hê.

Keitt word nou sterk geoes in die Tzaneen omgewing, ‘n kultivar gewild vir die hoë opbrengs per hektaar, wat saam met hoofsaaklik Kent en Sensation die seisoen afsluit. Tzaneen se laaste mango’s word begin-April gepluk. Die mangobedryf skenk toenemend aandag aan die ontwikkeling van nuwe mangokultivars, waarvan daar ‘n paar belowende nuwes onder evaluasie is. — Carolize Jansen


February 2018


Joining forces to protect what matters to actively assist in tackle this problem and report crime effectively and efficiently. Initially intended to the forestry industry, it did not take long for this pro-active approach to reach those the ears of those suffering similar threats in the agriculture industry. Kruger has informed AgriBulletin that the forum is about extending its membership to members of the agriculture industry and at this stage are in the process of renaming the forum. “At the end of the day, the idea is to be one happy family, joining hands and working together to protect the industry” was Kruger’s response to AgriBulletin on the interest of farmers to join the forum. It was with this vision that TTTF invited and arranged for Holomatrix to come to Tzaneen, on 24 January 2018, to present to TTTF members how they can and aim to become established as the cross-industry solution, nationwide, to the major biological asset theft challenges being faced, specifically with their Veridot product. Holomatrix manufactures Veridot microdots and Holograhic microdots, QR coded labels and swing tags along with state of the art track and trace systems which together offer a holistic solution to these industries and others. These products are highly advanced and due to their resilience to extreme temperatures can withstand the Pieter Kruger and representatives of Holomatrix. conditions faced when dealing

Every day, as criminals find new ways to our smart their targets, new technology, systems, devices and more are being put into place to protect what is valued. Fences are erected higher, more intelligent alarms systems are being put into place and communications enable reactions at speeds that were not imagined before. The challenge of the farmer, or any biological asset producer, like the many timber companies in this area, what kind of defense, strategy and resources are they to invest into their open plantations searching as far as the eye can see. Crop and timber theft has always been a concern in these industries, but it is reaching preposterous heights, and these businesses are spending unnecessary time and money constantly fighting what often feels like a losing battle. With these theft threats only growing, Pieter Kruger of MTO (Mountain To Ocean) in Nelspruit took the initiative to establish the Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum (TTTF) specifically aimed at bringing industry players together

with timber and crops, thus offering these industries a product and services that they have never had access to before. Veridot microdots have been marking cars and other assets for years and proved successful and Holomatrix is not stopping there. This is a company with a vision for “reducing crime wherever we can”. The research that has already been done for the timber industry is remarkable with cost effective and intelligent, maulti-layers solutions which are already available to be implemented. But being a company of initiatives, they see and hear the desperate need for a solution for the avocado and macadamia farmers too. Since their presentation in January, and the incredible response received for TTTF members in avo production, MTO, Holomatrix (Veridot) and other major companies have already joined hands to run the necessary tests for the avocado farming industry. Veridot is one of three accredited microdot manufactures, strictly following all government regulations offering a solution that, if used correctly, can provide a chain of evidence that is indisputable in a court of law. “If I got a R1000 for every time I heard ‘I can’t prove it’s mine’, I would be a multi-billionaire” Kevin Peterson, CEO Holomatrix, tells those present why this product is the answer they have been looking for as it is not only a means to managing, tracking and tracing assets, but it undoubtedly a means to recovering losses and finding justice for those who are crippling these industries. Those who do not understand that their actions are beyond asset losses but are also costing companies and industries tainted reputations as the stolen products will never be of the quality and standard they were originally destined to be. Join the TTTF and become actively involved in fighting the problem and finding solutions. Please contact Pieter Kruger on 083 661 8666.

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February 2018






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February 2018

Fresh ideas at FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018 “Pook Coconut Chips” are the innovation of the year in the fruit and vegetable market. This is according to trade visitors at this year’s FRUIT LOGISTICA. Over two days, they were able to vote for the winner of the coveted FRUIT LOGISTICA Innovation Award (FLIA).

Local multinational supplier of fresh subtropical fruit and processed products, Westfalia, also exhibited at the 2018 Fruit Logistica. We will have a more in-depth look at the local businesses within the agriculture industry who attended the event, in our next edition.

On Friday afternoon, the 9th of February, the manufacturer, PookSpaFoods, was presented with the Gold Award. Over 70 exhibitors applied for the FLIA. The German company impressed the international visitors with its scrumptious crisps, made with no oil or fat. Silver went to the dark brown “Adora” tomato by HM Clause from Spain. It ripens extremely early, is intensely sweet and sour and particularly longlasting. Grass paper from Germany’s paper mill Scheufelen took bronze. This organic packaging material consists of up to 50 percent fresh fiFRUIT LOGISTICA INNOVATION AWARD 2018 - Gold Award: Pook Coconut Chips - Pookbres from sundried grass, is SpaFoods Kaasten Reh, Division Manager Events and Awards, Fruitnet Media Internafully recyclable and intended tional; Wilfried Wollbold, Global Brand Manager, FRUIT LOGISTICA; Kanokporn Holtsch, to help reduce energy and PookSpaFoods; Robert Broadfoot, Managing Director, Fruitnet Media International. water consumption. These FLIA award winners fruit and vegetable marketing strategy from Rwanda. are just three of the many innovations showcased at “FRUIT LOGISTICA provides an excellent platform for FRUIT LOGISTICA 2018. us to showcase our latest innovations to an extremely New developments play a major role at the trade international and high-profile trade audience,” said Mafair every year; 39 world premieres and 22 European nuel Buchmann, Area Sales Manager at MULTIVAC Sepp premieres were announced in advance in 2018. These Haggenmüller. ranged from fresh top-quality basil leaves from Israel This year’s exhibit highlight was the G700, a powerful and antimicrobial fresh fruit bags from Turkey, through machine for sealing trays when packaging freshly harreal-time data loggers from the US and banana planta- vested produce, vegetables, snacks and ready meals, tion spray drones from France, to an automated pineap- boasting innovative fumigation technology. ple peeling machine from the Netherlands and a new — Susanne Tschenisch, Messe Berlin GmbH

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February 2018




February 2018


Forestry South Africa remains hopeful On Tuesday, 30 January, Forestry South Africa, Limpopo Group held their annual regional meeting at Magoebaskloof Hotel. The reports that were delivered by the committee covered challenges and achievements for the industry. Trevor Phillips, regional acting group chairman, focused on pine, including land use to date. Although there has been a drop in the land use for pine, which has been attributed to new avocados, kiwi’s in development and areas being converted to Eucalyptus. The major challenges threatening the industry are an increase in maximum temperatures, wind, lightening, wild animals, pests, fire, population increase, changes in sawmill practices and markets and theft. Theft remains a huge challenge and initiated the establishment groups such as the Tzaneen Timber Theft Forum and a more active approach within the industry and community. Last year Diggersrest Timber Company invited the chief prosecutor to the area which has changed his perception on the situation. The police have thus become more informed about the exact challenges and are supporting and co-operating by, for example, immediately impounding stolen vehicles, however it remains imperative that all theft is reported and a case number is obtained. The objective of the TTTF is to employ a full time employee to check the dockets at the police station. Since this meeting it has been said to AgriBulletin that following their presentation in Tzaneen, Durban-based Holomatrix has taken an active interest in fighting this problem and is currently in dis-

cussion with FSA to establish their product as a sustainable and holistic solution across the agricultural sector. In financial news, presented by Philip Day, FSA reported that the Sectoral Determination for 2017/18 would come into effect from 1 March 2018 and that the minimum wage is to increase by 5.6% to R3 169.19 per month (R731.41 per week, R146.28 per day & R16.25 per hour). He reported further that FSA had submitted comments on the proposed National Minimum Wage and that they are working hand in glove with Agri SA. The NMW is set at R20.00 per hour to take effect from 1 May 2018 but Agriculture and Forestry will be 90% of this amount (i.e. R18.00 per hour). A National Minimum Wage Commission (NMWC) will be established to review the minimum wage adjustment every year but the NMW would trump those contained in Sectoral Determinations. Forestry South Africa’s Business Development Director, Norman Dlamini, presented positive developments in skills development, woman in forestry, technology development and other projects and initiatives that show how important this organization is for South Africa’s growth and economy. Currently the leading project is a chainsaw operators training initiative offering virtual training, and is supported by Husquvana (Sweden)

and the APA Fund (Germany). Phase one of this project is expected to be complete by end of March 2018. Forestry South Africa, in partnership with the University of KZN, has developed an industry specific grower’s winch. FSA is also concentrating on closing the gap on skills focus and aided in receiving more than 50 bursaries for students for Saasveld and a few students going to other institutions (i.e. fire training). FSA also approached the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform with regards to establishing a Forestry training academy, unfortunately their interest has not been met with the same enthusiasm. In the research arena, Dr Heath reported that FSA has approved a new R+D Framework, in which FSA will only fund research platforms and research projects which are common to all of FSA members. The focus area at present is forest protection and sustainability (water, chemical use, climate change modeling) with the main focus on outcomes of the sustainability of the industry. Despite the fact that it is evident to all role players in this industry, that the government has not yet grasped the importance of the forestry industry, Executive Director, Michael Peter ended this meeting with a very important and positive message. “2017 will go down in history as the year where the country’s democracy truly started to function as people came together for the first time since 1994 to call for clean governance..” Peter stated that in 2017 there was a total of 84% corporate tax non-compliance, which is said to be the highest ever, and is seen as sign of a country that is refusing to pay to a government that is not doing its job for the people as sworn to do. While the stronger currency will affect timber exports, it will also reduce the cost of imported inflation through factors like fuel and imported capital equipment.

Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag bedank vir u ondersteuning en wens u sterkte toe vir die 2018 seisoen.

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Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes

February 2018



National Minimum Wage for agricultural sector In January 2018, it was announced that the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for employees in the farm and forestry sectors are set to increase by 5.6 percent as of 1 March 2018. This implementation is one year earlier than initially announced. The National Minimum Wage has been announced to be in full effect as of 1 May 2018, however after numerous discussions regarding the agricultural sector, the agricultural sector will initially only have to pay 90% of the wage.

Out and About

On 24 and 25 February 26 grade 9 Agri-Merensky learners enjoyed a field trip to Hoedspruit. They experienced handson, in the bush training. The group built their own hides and learned all about tracking wild animals. Mr Christo Joubert and his team from Chivic African Safaris also introduced them to the wonderful world of snakes. This was only one of the exciting activities on the 2018 AgriMerensky calendar.

“Agri SA places a high value on the labour force in the agricultural sector. This sector is still afflicted by drought in many parts of the country and various farmers have not yet recovered from the impact thereof”, states Neil Hamman, Agri SA Labour Committee Chairman. The increase for farmers as of 1 May 2018 is a hefty 16.96 percent, which is why the decision was made that farmers and employers in this sector start with a smaller increase on 1 March 2018. New Minimum Wage for Farm and Forestry workers sector

in March 2018 is R 15,39 per hour. From 1 May 2018, this is to go up again to R 18 per hour and by 1 May 2019 to the full intended R 20 per hour. For farmers in hardship, an application for a section 50 variation can be made. This opportunity to apply came into effect prior to the new NMW come into effect on 1 March. Please know that this variation can only serve as a temporary relief as it can only be granted for a period of one year.


February 2018


Even through tough times Rudamans in Letsitele offers a wide range of Agricultural tools, equipment and accessories as well as all sizes of protective clothing, safety gear and boots. Rudamans understands that times are tough and therefore also has a range of equipment, available for rental, suited to your needs. Rudamans workshop not only services tractors, lawnmowers, brush cutters, pumps and generators but also has a range of parts available. Don’t let hard times limit you, let Rudamans be your solution.

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Vir `n volledige reeks:

February 2018



About those two big trees

Why do we need trees? Essentially because they provide oxygen that we need to breathe in order to live. One large tree can supply oxygen to four people every day!! Every minute of every day man is destroying enormous forests of trees. In South Africa we are not blessed with enormous forests, but we do our best to destroy what we have – one has merely to look at new estates being built – the first thing the contractors do is to destroy every tree in sight. In many instances they are actually “tree lovers” who destroy the humble Mopani (Colosphospermum mopane) and Maroela (Sclerocarya birrea) so they can plant some exotic tree from another country. The poor Maroela is ignored by most home owners on the grounds that it is “messy” and not evergreen. The same people are looking for a tree that attracts birds. Believe it or not most birds and squirrels love the Maroela. Because it is not a slow-burning wood it is normally left alone by wood-cutters which is fortunate for squirrels, barbets and other tree dwellers. Look at any aged Maroela and you will find it full of

nesting holes made by fortunate hornbills, Another resident tree in this area which is abnorbarbets and squirrels that basically have mally large is situated at Ben Farm and right on the food on tap. Not only does the Maroela main road. A beautiful Hardekool (Combretum immake a haven for wildlife – it also produc- berbe) with a circumference of 4,23 metres. Apart es fruit which makes jams, chutneys, jel- from its beauty and size, the tree has a special place lies, cosmetics and one of the most popular in the hearts of the residents as it is the local taxi and liqueurs in the world. Undoubtedly Phalaborwa’s bus stop and on the hottest days can be guaranteed greatest and most popular export is the Amarula to give shade. What is amazing is the fact that this Cream. monster has not been denuded of any branches by And then we come to the even more humble Mo- local woodcutters. Since Hardekool is one of the pani– criticised for being a scrubby, shrubby, unat- slowest burning woods and highly sought after for tractive tree. Most of the Mopani scrub areas of the fires, it is significant that it has been left to grow Kruger Park are green even in the severest drought naturally. One wonders if there is some history atbecause the only thing that can live in that soil and tached to this specimen? through drought conditions is that particular tree. In conclusion, I am sure that many residents of this The leaves (and branches) of the Mopane are an area have had occasion to stop at Mooiplaas, the important source of food for elephant, nyala, giraffe, popular picnic site on the way to the Mopane Rest eland, buffalo and kudu. An entire column could be Camp in the Kruger Park. On the left-hand side of written about the Mopane worm and its popularity the small path that leads from the car park to the lapa overlooking the river, there stands the remains with the local (and not so local) communities Of course the mighty Baobab (Adansonia digitata) of a tree that has been a talking point for many is known throughout South Africa and Limpopo years. An Applelblaar (Lonchocarpus capassa) with Province boasts some of the mightiest. In fact re- a hole right through the centre of its trunk. This hole puted to be the biggest in the world – the Sunland grew larger with the years and the remaining part of Baobab located in Modjadjiskloof (previously Dui- the trunk was obviously used as a scratching post by welskloof) unfortunately split last August and one- many animals. Up until the end of last year this tree third of it is now lying on the ground. Another giant still generated a few green branches at the very top is the Baobab at Rubbervale which many residents although the rest of the tree was skeletal. Something happened during the past few months and the have visited. On another note, a very large tree which has gen- tree is now lying on the ground. One wonders if an erated a lot of interest in the area and which is situ- elephant or buffalo was the cause of its eventual deated at the old Croc Ranch is an enormous Brown mise after having had a good scratch? — Anthea Gordon Ivory (Berchemia discolor) which is estimated to be over 2 000 years old. According to Piet van Wyk, the renowned tree expert, a normal specimen is medium to large – up to 14 Based in Letsitele , Rudamans is a leading supplier of PPE, metres. The attached picbasic irrigation, forestry, gardening, household chemical ture indicates the size of products and much more. this giant – certainly much larger than the average. Not only a retailer of quality goods, Rudamans also boasts

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February 2018

SAAGA Research Symposium 2018 The annual SAAGA (South African Avocado Growers’ Association) Research Symposium held at Fairview Hotel, 15 February 2018 was well supported and made possible by main sponsored by Westfalia Fruit (Platinum), Arysta Life Science (Gold) and Amorentia Estate and Nursery (Gold). Other sponsors include Absa, Bioscience research, Houers Cooperative, IDC and PPECB.


February 2018

Watch this space... LVT is your one stop industrial supplier in the Lowveld servicing the construction and agricultural industries with products and brands well-known for quality and reliability. Progress on the new LVT Laeveld trekkers building at Industria Park Letsitele is still moving forward as planned. Watch this space, as they are planning to move into the new building by the end of March 2018.

Die Boer en sy Bakkie Al bly dit ’n stryd vir eerste plek, kom die Toyota Hilux wéér bo uit met die Ford Ranger in tweede plek vir die mees verkoopste bakkie van January 2018. Die twee bakkies is al in ’n lang stryd vir top posisie met mekaar, maar dit is die Toyota Hilux se onoorwonne reputasie vir krag en gemak wat dié bakkie stewig op die troon hou. Die Hilux is sterk, betroubaar, offer waarde vir geld, is veilig op grond paaie en uitstekend op teer. Dit is dié bakkie vir hardwerkende mense wat ‘n luukse rit waarder. ‘n Bakkie is een van die mees gewilde voertuig keuses vir Suid-Afrikaaners. ‘n Boer, bouer, besighiedsman of vrou kan deesdae gesien word agter ‘n Toyota stuur.

“Jou Sukses - Ons Spesialiteit”

Laeveld Trekkers

Tzaneen Letsitele


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Industri Park, Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele, 0850


February 2018


Plasies besoek SALOV Drie van Hoërskool Merensky se landbouleerkragte, mnre. Louis Fourie en Jan Potgieter en me. Nadia Last het vanaf Woensdag, 31 Januarie, tot Saterdag, 3 Februarie, die SALOV-landboukonferensie in Klerksdorp bygewoon. Hierdie geleentheid is aangebied deur Hoërskool Westfalia.

Hoogtepunte by die geleentheid was ‘n besoek aan NWU, Senwes, die Ruah Lavender Distillery, die Boma Boma wildsplaas, GreenPack wortelplaas en ‘n aanbieding deur prof. Fika Janse van Rensburg, Die toekoms van landbou-opleiding. SALOV 2019 word deur Hoërskool Merensky aangebied en sien ons uit om al die landbou-onderwysers van regoor Suid-Afrika by ons te ontvang.

Links: Mnre. Louis Fourie en Jan Potgieter.

Ruah Lavender Distillery.

Boma Boma wildsplaas.

Agri-Merensky leer van KI Op Woensdag, 17 Januarie, is die graad 11 en 12 landbouwetenskap en -bestuursleerders van Hoërskool Merensky besoek deur mnre. Fanie Potgieter, André Botha en Asser Mantsho van ZZ2 en dr. Danie Odendaal van Onderstepoort. Future Fibre Technologies Die leerders is touwys gemaak in










die sinchronisering en gereedkry van Agri-Merensky se 6 koeie en 8 verse vir kunsmatige inseminasie. Die Plasies sien uit na ‘n teoretiese en praktiese opleidingsessie in KI, onder leiding van prof. Dietman Holm van Onderstepoort op 26 Februarie.





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February 2018



Steeds die beste botterskorsies Sakata se unieke botterskorsies bly steeds die beste reeks is ‘n absolute markwenner Soos met die meeste bedrywe het die ontwikkeling in die tegnolgie van die afgelope aantal jare totale nuwe wêrelde in die groentebedryf geopen. In die teling van ons nuwe botterskorsiereeks het Sakata se ttelers het die afgelope jare groot deurbrake gemaak in die botterskorsiebedryf in terme van die verbetering van hierdie populêre groente se in opbrengs, siekteweerstand, smaak en kwaliteit (wat voorkoms en eenvormigheid insluit), smaak en verhoogde gesondheidseienskappe. Hierdie verbeterings is tot voordeel van die produsent en uiteindelik die verbruiker wat ‘n premium produk ontvangpas nie net die huisvrou wat ‘n hoë kwaliteit produk vir haar rand verwag nie, maar voldoen ook aan die boer se vereistes vir hoër opbrengs, siektebestandheid, aanpasbaarheid en houvermoë. Hierdie reeks stel nuwe standaarde vir botterskorsies regoor die wêreld: - iets wat ander saadmaatskappye net oor kan droom. Die resep is eenvoudig: • hoë opbrengs • uitstekende interne kwaliteit • eenvormigheid in vruggrootte en vorm • groeikragtigheid van die plant • variëteite met verskillende vruggroottes, vrugvorms en planttipes • uitstekende saadkwaliteit Hierdie nuwe baster reeks het die afgelope aantal jare getoon dat hul groeikragtigheid hoë weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou die plante minder vatbaar maak vir blaarsiektes onder toestande wat normaalweg lei tot siekte ontwikkeling. Die groeikragtigheid stel ook die plante in staat om ‘n groot aantal vrugte tot volwassenheid te dra en kan oor ‘n lang tydperk produseer. Opbrengste van tot soveel as 60 tot 80 metrieke ton per Ha is nie meer uniek nie. Die variëteite is doelgerig ontwikkel om die behoeftes van verskillende markte en boerderymetodes aan te spreek. Atlas is vir jare reeds die nommer een keuse van verwerkers weens die vruggrootte, interne kwaliteit en kleur. Die bekende Pluto, en die nuwe susterlyn Quantum, wat ietwat kleiner is as Pluto, is tans die eerste keuse vir die uitvoer en die varsmarkte. Veenas is geskik vir die uitvoerder en voorafverpakking vir veral die kettingwinkelgroepe wat ‘n kleiner vrug verkies. Dan is daar die unieke Cosmos, die enigste bostipe botterskorsie in die mark wat ideaal is vir kantrye in spuitpaaie, wat meganiese onkruidbeheer moontlik maak in die verbouing van botterskorsies. ‘n Groot voordeel van Sakata se basters is die kwaliteit van die saad. Ontkiemingspersentasie is uitstekend en dit maak dit vir die boer moontlik om saad aankope akkuraat te beplan. ‘n Belangike voordeel is dat elke lot wat ingevoer word, getoets word teen twee vernietigende saadoordraagbare siektes soos “Gummy stem blight” en Bakteriese vrugvlek. ATLAS (2 tot 3 kg) is ‘n unieke baster variëteit weens sy vruggrootte, opbrengs en uitstaande interne kwaliteit. Hierdie variëteit het hom reeds in die markplek en verwerkingsindustrie gevestig weens hierdie redes. Die plant is besonders groeikragtig en lewer uitstekende

opbrengste en die interne kwaliteit maak dit moontlik om vrugte vir maande op te berg. Weens die sterk wortelstelstels moet daar teen oorbemesting gewaak word. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 10 000 tot 12 000 per ha waar groot vrugte vir verwerking verlang word. PLUTO (0.9 tot 1.5 kg) produseer is vir alle praktiese doeleindes ‘n kleiner weergawe van Atlas met medium grootte vrugte met dieselfde uitstaande vrugkwaliteit en eenvormigheid as Atlas. Die sterk groeiende baster plante is

wyd aanpasbaar met uitstekende weerstandbiedendheid teen Poeieragtige meeldou. Die opbrengspotensiaal van Pluto is ook besonders hoog en opbrengste van meer as 60 t/ha is al in kommersiële aanplantings verkry. Ideale plantestand is 12 000 plante per ha. Besonders en as gevolg van die vrugte se besonderse interne kwaliteit en eenvormigheid is dit geskik vir die uitvoermark. gewild vir uitvoer en verwerking weens die eenvormige vrugte met ’n besonderse interne kwaliteit. Pluto is ‘n markwenner wat ‘n nuwe hoofstuk skryf in die produksie van botterskorsies. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 10 000 - 12 000 per hektaar. QUANTUM (0.800 tot 1.2 kg) kan in alle opsigte as ‘n kleiner Pluto beskou word, en beskik oor dieselfde eienskappe wat opbrengs en kwaliteit betref. Quantum val meer in die Waltham klas vir daardie markte wat ‘n ietwat kleiner vrug verkies. Die aanpasbaarheid

en kwaliteit van Quantum maak dit uiters geskik vir somer produksie waar ‘n medium grootte vrug verlang word. Quantum beskik oor ‘n goeie weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou wat beslis bydra tot die lang oes periode en gevolglike hoër opbrengs. Quantum is ideaal vir die varsmark asook die uitvoermark. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 12 000 plante per hektaar • Ideaal vir somer produksie vir die varsmark, verwerkers en uitvoere VEENAS (0.6 tot 1.2 kg) is ‘n kleiner weergawe van Quantum en is spesifiek ontwikkel vir die uitvoermark en vir verpakking vir die kettingwinkelgroepe. Die vrugte is klein tot medium met ‘n uiters eenvormige vruggrootte. Soos Pluto en Atlas beskik dit oor die hoogste vrugkwaliteit wat ‘n voorvereiste is vir die uitvoermark. Die plante is sterk groeikragtig wat oor ‘n lang periode vrug set en bied weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou. . Spesiale varieteitsvereistes • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 12 000 – 15 000 plante per ha • Ons stel voor dat Veenas* gedurende die somer verbou word, aangesien die vrugte kleiner word gedurende koeler groeiperiodes COSMOS (0.8 tot 1.2 kg) is ‘n die eerste bostipe botterskorsie wat in die mark. Hierdie unieke eienskap maak verbouing soveel makliker maak, deurdat daar tot op ‘n laat stadium meganies geskoffel kan word. Cosmos het weerstand teen Poeieragtige meeldou en beskik oor ‘n . ‘n Plantestand van tot 15 000 plante per ha kan met gemak gehandhaaf word. Cosmos het ‘n goeie opbrengspotensiaal van besonderse eenvormige vrugte van ongeveer 8 vrugte per sak. Cosmos is veral geskik vir varsmarkproduksie. Spesiale variëteitsvereistes • Cosmos word slegs aanbeveel vir varsmark produksie. • Voorgestelde plantpopulasie 15 000 plante per ha. Kontak gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by sel: 083 585 1181, hy kan u van meer inligting verskaf oor hierdie variëteite, en beskik oor ‘n magdom tegniese kennis om u in staat te stel om die beste opbrengs en kwaliteit uit u oes te verkry. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se botterskorsies of die res van die produkreeks, skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek ons webwerf

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/ of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.


February 2018


PLUTO Uitstekende interne kwaliteit en smaak Uitstaande raklewe Vrugte is geskik vir varsmark, prosessering en uitvoer Sakata botterskorsie variĂŤteite:



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