Agribulletin 180629

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June 2018

Eerste Tzaneen Avofees Bl 2

3 Rhinos short this week P 11

Mineral lick block for livestock Bl 14


June 2018


Publication of:

Eerste Avofees skop goed af


Bulletin F A R



Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317

Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Charles en Hanlie Claassen

Rolf Wiers en Lorraine Theron

Die intreeslag vir die beplande jaarlikse Avofees wat in Tzaneen verlede week aangebied is, was na beraming ‘n redelike sukses gewees. Volgens Donovan Lewis van Allesbeste Padstal, een van die uitstallers by dié fees, het hulle nie verwag om honderde duisende mense te lok nie. “Ek dink die fees was redelik goed ondersteun deur ons plaaslike gemeenskap in die sin dat daar, ten spyte van die koue en die reeks ander aktiwiteite wat dieselfde tyd aangebied is in ander dele van die omgewing, steeds mense

by ons kom draai het. Ons moet ook onthou dat dit die eerste jaar van die fees is en dat ons ten spyte daarvan steeds goeie ondersteuning geniet het.” Maluma was die hoofborg van die fees. Besoekers is deur die befaamde sjef Gerhard Koekemoer bederf met verskeie smullekker avodisse insluitend die interessante avokado-roomys en ‘n verbasend lekker

Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Alec en Beaver van Gun & Bow uit Johannesburg

Juan Cloete en Alison Rudder

gerookte avokado donker-sjokolademousse. Sjef Gerhard het sy geheime resepte vir van die disse met die gemeenskap gedeel terwyl elkeen ‘n happie saam met hom kon geniet. Verder is daar tydens die drie-dae lange fees verskeie kompitisies aangebied waar besoekers byvoorbeeld tien Maluma boompies kon wen deur die hoeveelheid avo’s in ‘n staal mandjie te skat. Daar was ook kunstenaars wat die verrigtinge met hul afsonderlike “Mumford and Sons” klanke afgerond het. Saterdagmiddag is daar twee veilings gehou. Die eerste veiling was vir ‘n oorspronklike kunswerk deur Ilze De Villiers ter waarde van R16 500 en dié is gevolg deur ‘n veiling vir ‘n Husquvarna kettingsaag. Daar word voorentoe gekyk om die Avofees groter en groter te groei met elke jaar se aanbieding en volgens die verskeie besoekers waarmee Bulletin gepraat het deur die week, blyk dit asof 2019 se fees goeie ondersteuGerhard Koekemoer ning sal geniet.

Louis Naude, Hanneri en Deon van Tonder, Retha Ouwenkamp, Naomi Excell en Clarissa Ouwenkamp

Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Hendrik Jackson en Wandré van Wyk

June 2018



Pinzgauer kongres in die kollig Die twaalfde Internasionale Pinzgauer Kongres in Oostenryk is die jaar deur Fanie Potgieter, Tommie van Zyl, BJ van Zyl en Kobus Rossouw van ZZ2 bygewoon. Díe kongres word verteenwoordig deur lidlande regoor die wêreld wat lid is van die Internasionale Pinzgauer Genootskap. Die Genootskap is gemik daarop om ‘n wêreld oorsig van die stand van die Pinzgauer ras te kry t.o.v die hoeveelheid telers (stoet en kommersiëel), internasionale bees getalle, tegniese prestasie van die ras, algemene statistieke van die beeste – in kort die algemene prestering van die Pinzgauer beesras wêreldwyd. Die hoofdoel is om die Pinzgauer as ‘n ras nie net internasionaal te laat groei nie, maar ook die genetiese kwaliteit van die ras te verbeter. Daar word ook gepoog om meer lande by die genootskap te betrek o.a. Botswana, Zambië en Namibië om daar waar daar ‘n afname in Pinzgauer getalle is, die ras te probeer verbeter en hulp te probeer bied en sodoende die Internasionale Pinzgauer Genootskap se voetspoor te vergroot.

Die Pinzgauer is die oudste erkende beesras in Europa wat al vC. geteel is. Die ras word erken deur sy kenmerkende bruin kleur met wit oor die rug en pens, sy hoë liggaamsgewig, goeie vleiskwaliteit en goeie melk produksie wat hom ‘n ideale kommersiële beesras maak. Die jaar se konferensie het onthul dat daar wêreldwyd ‘n afname is in stoet telers, wat a.g.v. die tegniese uitdagings van genetiese telery en die hoë koste daaraan verbonde eerder hulself tot kommersiële telery te wend. Dit is kommerwekkend vir die Genootskap omrede dit nie net die genetiese diversiteit van die ras benadeel nie, maar ook die inwin van noodsaaklike data oor die ras wêreldwyd beperk. In veral Suid Afrika is die afname in stoet telers problematies aangesien die Pinzgauer ras nog nie só gevestig is soos van die ander beesrasse nie, en dat daar reeds ‘n tekort aan beskikbare data is. In SA is dit nodig om die Pinzgauers as ‘n ras te bemark om groter hoeveelhede stoete te verseker vir

genetiese diversiteit, en sodoende die ras in SA te groei en te bevorder, ‘n taak wat ZZ2 na aan die hart lê as ‘n belangrike rolspeler by die Suid Afrikaanse- sowel as die Internasionale Pinzgauer Genootskap, en nasionale baanbrekers met die teling van die Pinzgauers op eie bodem.


June 2018


Agri-Merensky besoek ZZ2-boeredag Hoërskool Merensky se Agri-Merensky Klub het op Saterdag, 9 Junie, ‘n ZZ2 Pinzgauer Pinzyl-boeredag by Grootboom, naby Tzaneen, bygewoon. Hierdie leerlinge het eksterne kuddebestuur -opleiding ontvang, wat aspekte soos siektes en onthoringmetodes insluit. Agri-Merensky wil ZZ2, en spesifiek mnre. Fanie Potgieter en Asser Mantsho, bedank vir die geleentheid. Voor: Michael Viljoen, Dyllan Hallat, Stephanie Potgieter, Crystal Kirstein en Adriaan Louwies. Agter: Anuska de Wet, Abbigail James, Amelia Kotze, Megan Kirstein, Michaela Elbrecht, Luandi Visagie, Megan Strydom, Charlize Krause en Dillon du Preez.

Fanie Potgieter, King Modjadji, dr. Fini Thokozani, dr. Japie van der Westhuizen, dr. Bobbie van der Westhuizen, dr. Danie Odendaal, Asser Mantsho, dr. Ben Greyling, Frans Jordaan en Joel Mamabolo by die ZZ2 Pinzgauer Pinzyl-boeredag by Grootboom naby Tzaneen.

Mnre. Jan Potgieter en Arno Laste het die leerlinge vergesel.

Jeugskouspan besoek Bekker 15 Lede van Hoërskool Merensky se Jeugskouspan het op 19 Mei aan die Gauteng Jeugskou se interprovinsiale kompetisie by Hoërskool Bekker deelgeneem. Die klasse waarin deelgeneem is is senior- en junior vleisbeeste, senior- en junior boerbokke en senior konyne. Nicky Smith (graad 11) was die stêr van die dag en het die eersteplek ingeneem in die seniorklas vleisbeeste. Sy was ook die algehele wenner in dié kategorie. In die seniorklas boerbokke het Johann Coetzee (graad 10) sy staal gewys en ‘n tweedeplek ingepalm, met Dehan Haasbroek (graad 9) kort op sy hakke. In die juniorklas boerbokke het Ruben Erasmus (graad 8) ‘n derdeplek behaal, terwyl Anushka de Wet (graad 8) ook ‘n derdeplek behaal het in die juniorklas vleisbeeste.

Johann Coetzee

Roland Wiers

June 2018



South Africa



The mineral lick block that stood the test of winter time. Quality for Quantity. Urea FREE and rain resistant mineral blocks for game, cattle, horses and goats. Pieter-Daan Cilliers 066 117 2710 • 087 551 0400 • •


June 2018


Hoekom juis die Pinzgauer? Die Pinzgauer ras is in 1960 na Suid Afrika gebring. Die ras het aangepas by die strawwe Afrika kondisies, wat die SA Pinzgauer baie meer gehard maak as sy Europese eweknie, veral as dit kom by oorlewing in ongenaakbare temperature en weerstand teen bosluise, ander ekto-parasiete en siekte weerstandigheid, ‘n gevolg van natuurlike seleksie oor die jare heen. Die Pinzgauers het Mnr Burtie van Zyl Snr se aandag getrek na hy hulle in Oostenryk, en toe later in Namibië besigtig het. Hy het ‘n groot passie vir die ras ontwikkel hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die feit dat hulle ‘n tweedoelige ras is naamlik goeie vleis- en melkprodusente. ZZ2 het Pinzgauers oorgekoop vanaf Namibië en so hulle stoet begin wat vinnig gegroei het om die grootste en sterkste stoet met die grootste genetiese diversiteit in Suid-Afrika te word. Die harde kondisies in Mooketsi tov weer, droogte en wye verskeidenheid parasiete (veral bosluise) en oordraagbare siektes het daartoe bygedra dat die ZZ2 Pinzgauers gou

die aandag van ander Pinzgauer telers getrek het. Deur natuurlike seleksie is ZZ2 se stoet top beeste met top aanpasbaarheid in feitlik enige Suid Afrikaanse ekosisteem. Die grootste hindernis is om die genetiese diversiteit te behou, aangesien die regering baie sensitief is met die invoer van genetiese materiaal. Dit het dan ‘n verswakte ras tot gevolg agv inteling. Tans word daar gepoog en met groot moeite word daar beide sperm en embrios ingevoer om genetiese diversiteit te verseker. Brazilië het die grootste gene-

tiese diversiteit, maar voer agv díe rede nie genetiese materiaal of beeste uit nie. Die Australiaanse aanvraag vir beide SA Pinzgauers en PinZ²yls is groot, maar die uitvoer van beeste na Australië is nie moontlik nie agv hulle streng invoerwette van lewende hawe. In Oostenryk is daar ‘nuwe’ Pinzgauer variteite geteel oa. die swart en die poenskop Pinzgauer. ZZ2 het reeds ‘n paar swart Pinzgauers in hulle stoet geteel, en wil graag beide die swart en die poenskop variteite in hulle stoet vergroot, omrede daar ‘n groot aanvraag is vir spesifiek die swart Pinzgauer. ZZ2 het die geharde SA Nguni’s met die Pinzgauers gekruis. Dit was die begin van die PinZ²yl beeste – ‘n ras geteel deur die kruising van die top Europese ras met die top Suid Afrikaanse ras. Die kruising het die beste van die twee rasse bymekaar ge-

bring en die gevolg was die PinZ²yl ras. Die ras het die Pinzgauer se lyfgrootte (nader aan Pinzgauers se imposante fisiese grootte) wat vinniger slagpunt bereik en groter karkas gewig het, asook verhoogde melkproduksie (koeie kan gemelk word terwyl kalwers soog), met die Nguni’s se geboortegemak wat top in die wêreld is en hulle lae onderhoud en weerstandigheid teen siektes en ekto-parasiete, ‘n wen resep. Die PinZ²yl is tans ‘n geregistreerde ras onder ontwikkeling. Data en statistieke word benodig om die ras as erkende ras te registreer, en tans is daar nie genoeg data beskikbaar om dit te kan doen nie. ZZ2 poog om die situasie te verander deur hulle bykans 5000 beeste met RFID oorplaatjies te gemerk het wat dataversameling vergemaklik. ZZ2 het die taak op hulself geneem om beide die Pinzgauers en die PinZ²yl rasse te bemark in Suid Afrika. Daar word hard gepoog om die genetiese diversiteit van hulle stoet te verbreed om ander stoete van kwaliteit beeste te verseker, asook die PinZ²yls as ‘n erkende ras geregistreer te kry, en dit sal behaal word deur ‘n kombinasie van natuurlike seleksie en selektiewe teling.

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June 2018




June 2018


Fire Season has officially started

Cornel Jansen van Rensburg (Bomber pilot), Herman Boersma (Spotter pilot), Carel van der Merwe (Kishugu Training), Zayin Vermaak (Chopper pilot), Julian Moller (Chopper pilot), Tshepo Malatji (Working on Fire: General Manager Limpopo), Siem Venter (Spotter Pilot), Trevor Wilson Kishugu: Person Responsible Flight Operations) and Frank Smook (Kishugu: Provincial Aerial Operations Manager - Northern Regions).

Fire season started this year with a very impressive display over ZZ2’s Mooketsi airfield on the 7th of June. The Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) staged an event like no other, to showcase not only their readiness in combating and preventing fire related threats, but also their good standing relationship with other agencies which allows for some serious muscle in the event of a runaway field fire. The muscle, in this instance came in the form of the mighty 802AT Air Tractor bomber. The powerhouse of aerial firefighting arsenal was on loan to the LFPA from their sister organization in Mpumalanga, the Lowveld and Escarpment Fire Protection Association (LEFPA) which operates out of Nelspruit. The plane was made available to Trevor Phillips and his team for the purposes of the demonstration and with the promise

that it would be available in case of an emergency to prevent loss of life or significant fire damage to property in the Mopani District area. “We received the bomber on loan from LEFPA in order to provide training to the ground crew at the Mooketsi airfield. The airfield has the perfect runway to allow this bomber and other aircraft to operate from during a fire emergency and it was imperative for us to train a local ground crew in the methods of loading and refuelling the Airtractor so as to speed up our response times to emergencies,” explained Maritza Swanepoel, media and public liaison officer for LFPA. “We are still based on the grounds of Westfalia with our own runway still in operation. The idea is that should there be an emergency, we would be able to host the bomber, at an airfield in the area suitable for an aircraft of that size. ZZ2

Trevor Wilson, person responsible for flight operations.

agreed to install a special water pipeline with a pump, next to their runway to enable the reloading of the bomber’s tank which LFPA paid for. The runway itself was not adjusted in any way as it was already perfectly suited for aerial operations.” Currently, the Airtractor is stationed back at its home base in Nelspruit. The LFPA has requested Mopani District Disaster Management to include funding for aerial firefighting in their budget to enable resources such as these bombers, to be station locally. It is however a costly affair and though LFPA do possess their own resources and their own funds, it is not sufficient to cover the costs of the Airtractor. Should the budget be approved, the bomber will be stationed here. Trevor Phillips, chairperson of both the LFPA and the chairperson of the

Limpopo Umbrella Fire Protection Association told the media that the LFPA thought it necessary to plan ahead after the devastation they witnessed during the Great Knysna fires. “Knysna showed us that the threat of mass devastation as a result of runaway fires is very real. We decided that we should institute counter measures as a precaution to prevent the same disaster here. That includes the ability to bring in extra resources into the fight if needed.” The official Winter Fire Season started on the first of June and will last until the last day of August when the prohibition period comes into effect. During the fire prohibition period, nobody is permitted to burn firebreaks or any other controlled or uncontrolled fires. Failure to comply to the fire prohibition can result in legal action as runaway fires can be caused by non-adherence.

Letaba Fire Protection Association staff : Fanie Venter (Dispatcher), Maritza Swanepoel (Public Relations Officer) Rouan Snyman (Fire Manager), Nicole Ramokone (Base Manager) and Trevor Phillips (Chairperson).

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June 2018



SAKATA Kwaliteit Kool vir elke seisoen




* Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variĂŤteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.


June 2018


The perfect fencing solution is here What is more important than adequate fencing to protect your livestock? Well besides quality and reliability, you have to factor in expertise and technical backup from a trusted supplier. Enter CWI – Consolidated Wire Industries – who have been manufacturing premium mild steel wire and related products since after the second World War in 1949. Its manufacturing plant situated in Vanderbijlpark has been operational since the early 1950s and employs in excess of

400 permanent employees. There are five branches around the country including, Polokwane, Vanderbijlpark, Cape Town, Durban and East London. CWI Products conform to national and international specifications and are sold in various countries around the world. One of their most exciting offering is their trademarked product named Game King Veldspan. Game King Veldspan is an all-in-one fencing solution to keep your game IN

and predators OUT. It is cost effective and easy to erect. Game King Veldspan is constructed from 16 high tensile straining wires, of which the top and bottom wires are 3.06 mm in diameter, and the other 14 wires 2.24 mm in diameter. The vertical stay wires are spaced as follows: Up to 990 mm – 75 mm apart from 990 mm to 2 410 mm – 150 mm or 300 mm apart and are only available in 50m Heavy Galvanized rolls. With Game king Veldspan your nights are sure to be more peaceful in the knowledge that your beloved game will rest as easy as you after a long hard day in field. Besides breakthrough fencing solutions, CWI also have a range of other products on offer. These include a range of farm gates, auction gates, posts, stays, grapple and binding wire. They also supply barbed wire, steel wire, fencing equipment and tools, and for the complete fencing solution they even supply razor wire. So the next time you upgrade your perimeter, be sure to contact the Polokwane branch for quotations and information on the range of fencing products available on 015 297 3593 or visit them at 15 Sixth Street, Industria, Polokwane.

DuxAgri showcase at Junction The DuxAgri Roadshow hit the Junction at Letsitele on the 22nd of May this year. DuxAgri, established by Charlie Bender five years ago, is an innovative agricultural technologies company based in South Africa which provide ways to growers to drastically

improve plant growth and crop yields. During the demonstrations on the day, Frans Kruger from DuxAgri, shared his views and results from trials done at Allesbeste using products Messenger and Myconate on Avocado’s. Asfertglobal launched a new

biological and organic solution, with a first ever systemic copper in South Africa on tree crops and vegetables. Werner Van Der Nest discussed this new range, and its effectiveness with the local farmers. Special guest speaker on the day was

Werner van der Nest, Johan Coetzee, Charlie Bender, Angel Marin (Spain), Pedro Sebastiano (Portugal) and Zander Kotze.

Angel Marin, a director of Plant Health Care SA who shared some of the latest news and information on the new bio-stimulants used around the world to assist in tree crops and vegetables’ ability to handle water stress and increase yielding potential.

Ángel Marín

June 2018



Two rhinos poached at SanWild The world is three rhinos short this week after the savage poaching of two rhinos at the SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary on Saturday morning. According to reports, the heinous crime took place at approximately 11:00 on the morning of 23 June. Reports at this stage indicate that three poachers were involved. They used the usual crude tools such as an axe and a knife to dehorn the two animals presumably whilst they were still alive. It is not certain at this stage, due to the lack of information being fed through to the media, how the poachers managed to gain access to the rhinos or how they managed to escape. What is certain is that these rhinos have now become part of the 7 245 African rhinos poached in the last decade. The numbers are staggering and have shown a drastic increase since the very first 13 rhinos were poached back in 2007. Seven years later that number escalated to the highest on record of 1 215 rhinos before dropping down to 1 028 during 2017. The fact that the numbers showed very little decrease begs the question: what has all the awareness campaigns and bumper stickers really accomplished? As you read this, the culprits have most likely gone into hiding. The chances of them being arrested are said to be slim due to the manner in which these syndicates operate, making it extremely difficult for the police to track them down before they make a sale. Police investigations continue and at the time of going to print there were no new leads.

Media statement - upcoming SAMGA symposium The South African Mango Growers’ Association (SAMGA) is hosting their annual SAMGA day on 27 July 2018 at Fairview Hotel, Tzaneen. Situated in the tranquil agricultural landscape of Limpopo Province overlooking the Letaba River, on a golf resort, this hotel lies 1.8 km east of the Tzaneen town centre and 21 km from the Tzaneen Airfield. Fairview Hotel’s convenient location, serene atmosphere, chic accommodation and well-trained staff makes it an ideal venue for the SAMGA day.

Boasting an exceptional line-up of speakers who will share their knowledge and valuable research, this year’s SAMGA Research symposium promises not to disappoint. Presentations will cover current critical topics, amongst others, such as: Demand for mangoes in Europe, Access to new markets for SA Mangoes, Protecting the fruit industry from introduction of new pests and diseases, Evaluation of new mango cultivars, understanding chemical residue analyses, Options for commercialising new mango cultivars, Indian

mango exports, High density mango orchard- a good decision made in 1996, and Growing mangoes under shade net. The SAMGA day is an event not to be missed by any role player within the fruit industry and is an invaluable platform of knowledge transfer to great and small players alike. Please contact Christa de la Port at SUBTROP for more information on this event on the numbers +27 15 307 3677 or +27 15 306 6240.

Fuel hike puts further pressure on consumers and agriculture sector Comment by Paul Makube, Senior Agricultural economist at FNB Agri-Business The South African consumer faces another hefty hike in fuel costs effective Wednesday June 6 according to the recent announcement by the Department of Energy. Petrol (95 ULP & LRP) and diesel prices will increase by 82 cents a litre for all grades and diesel by 85 and 87 cents a litre for the for the two grades (0.05% and 0.005% sulphur) respectively. This means the 95 ULP petrol will reach a record high of R15.79 a litre and R15.20 a litre for the inland and the coastal areas respectively. The two grades of diesel will cost R14.19/ l and R13.70/ l respectively at wholesale level for the inland and the coastal areas. Impact on agriculture: will be further cost pressures on the agriculture sector It is estimated that a R1/ litre increase in fuel costs equates to a R1 billion rand increase in input costs per year to the agriculture sector. These costs manifest differently across the various industries from planting, harvesting, distribution and packaging. The higher crude oil price is a double whammy due to the direct influence on the fuel price and the indirect

influence on oil derivatives such as fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides all of which are inputs in crop farming. The summer crop season has ended, and harvesting is in full swing with a total of 3.85 million hectares and an additional 500,500 hectares of wheat is currently being planted in the Western Cape. This could easily translate into additional cost of over R153 million rand. Bear in mind that the distribution of agricultural produce is dominated by road transport, so the net effect of fuel increases is reduced profit margins for producers. Logistics companies in the agriculture value chain will also be hard hit, for example, over 80% of grain is transported by road. These costs will eventually be passed on to the consumer up the value chain. Impact on consumers: Erosion of disposable income For low income households, transport costs account for a large portion of household expenditure and the consequence of a sustained fuel price increases will further erode disposable income and cause financial stress. This will force a change in spending patterns with a cut in spending on luxury items and frequency

of visits to eateries. As businesses face additional costs in in transport, packaging and distribution, they eventually pass on to the consumer which ultimately feeds into rising inflation. Although slightly up from 3.8% in March to 4.5% yearon-year (y/y) in April 2018, the CPI has been relatively low and comfortably within the SARB’s target range of between 3% to 6%. The SARB has kept rates unchanged at 6.5% with prime remaining at 10% in its May 2018 meeting and all indications are that there will be no reprieve for the consumer for the remainder of the year if the current developments are sustained in a low growth environment. Nonetheless, we still expect the robust agriculture output for the 2017/18 season coupled with huge carryover grain stocks to continue to provide some cushion for consumers in the short to medium term. Reports that major crude oil producers such as Saudi Arabia and Russia will boost output should help exert downward pressure on oil prices and possibly halt further increases at the pump.


June 2018


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June 2018



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The value of healthy stock Natural food resources for animals during winter time drops drastically due to the Lowveld climate. It is therefore imperative to offer your livestock supplementary minerals in order to sustain and protect the animals from these harsh conditions. It is a known fact that parasites always attack your herd or animal which is weakest – as is the law of nature. By means of intensive breeding and camp herding systems, farmers have created the commercial demand for top quality animals. By this extent we also created problems in respect to over-grazing of the natural veld, Barber’s Pole Worm and other destructive parasites due to limited natural grazing by means of rotational grazing techniques. In laymen’s terms, there is not enough available grazing to allow for rotational schemes and thus has created the problem of insufficient natural mineral resources in animal production. Therefore there are not enough supplements to allow for a specific animal to perform at its optimum level. Enter the solution in the form of Calsea Fibre Plus for your basic domesticated livestock with a dry plant material diet, and Calsea Mag for your more intensive commercial stock on feeding schemes. Both these mineral lick blocks, supplied by Timac Agro, offers a long term sustainable solution in complimenting the value of your herd with the necessary nutritional mineral supplements. These blocks assist in breaking down raw digestive material in order for the animal to sustain its healthy condition. The blocks are Urea-free and assist in building

resistance against natural nitrogen poisoning within the animals natural feeding cycle. Calsea Mag is a very good supplement for animals in the upcoming calf season. The 15 kilogram lick block is heavy weather resistant whereas you don’t lose the value on your supplement. Timac Agro, by extension, has conducted a lot of research on feed lots where their control versus trial showed that with the mineral intake the yield was bigger with less feed intake. These results place emphasis on the value of the quality of the mineral the animal needs to reach maximum potential. It has been found that in cattle, the product showed optimal growth in meat and calf production, while in game, and equestrian stock it showed to be a great stress reliever and an optimal nutritional supplement to improve and maintain body condition. “A standout observation I noted was that the animals on our lick blocks showed reduced stress levels in their behaviour and females proved more productive after calving and weaning which shortened their inter-calf periods,” explained Pieter-Daan Cilliers, Limpopo Regional Manager for Timac Agro. “The lick blocks will be of great benefit to the animals in captivity because of the stress reducing qualities of the product, more especially for animals in captivity like a boma environment or breeding camps.” For information on these lick blocks and how it can be of benefit to your farming practices, contact Pieter-Daan Cilliers or Nelius Robbertze on 073-429-9683. For other products and services visit

June 2018

June 2018



Verhoog die opbrengste van jou Koolgewasse Die toename in insetkoste en die vraag na gehalte produkte noodsaak die groenteboer van vandag om ten alle tye optimale produksie na te streef en die skaars hulpbronne so goed as moontlik te bestuur. In hierdie artikel bespreek Sakata, ‘n leier op die gebied van koolgewasse in Suid-Afrika, twee van die belangrikste faktore om optimale produksie te bereik, naamlik die bemesting en besproeiing van hierdie gewasgroep. Besproeiingswater word al hoe skaarser en die regulering daarvan gaan steeds strenger toegepas word. Ons sal moet leer om ons beskikbare besproeiingswater so doeltreffend as moontlik te gebruik. Een van die mees doeltreffende en ekonomiese metodes om hierdie doel te bereik is deur gebruik te maak van drupbemesting. Die persepsie bestaan dat wateroplosbare bemestingstowwe duurder is en vir hierdie rede word daar soms weggeskram van hierdie praktyk. In werklikheid is hierdie metode baie meer effektief deurdat die voedingstowwe direk by die wortelsone toegedien word en dus onmiddellik vir die plant beskikbaar is. Dit het ook vandag nodig geword om die verskillende variëteite te bemes volgens hulle spesifieke behoeftes. Daar is byvoorbeeld geen sin daarin om steeds stikstof toe te dien as die plant dit nie meer kan opneem nie. Hierdie benadering lei telkens tot besparings op bemesting en ‘n verlaging in produksiekoste. Nieteenstaande sulke verlagings, kan die gehalte en opbrengs steeds verbeter word. Dit is belangrik om beide grond- en besproeiingswater te laat ontleed. Deur die analises gereeld uit te voer, kan akkurate bemestingsprogramme opgestel word wat weereens telkens groot besparings in die hand werk. Wateranalises is nodig om die mineralesoute wat in water voorkom te bepaal. Hierdie soute bepaal die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe aan die gewasse en moet in aanmerking geneem word in die samestelling van ‘n bemestingsprogram. Drupbemesting is baie eenvoudiger as wat soms geglo word. Daar is ‘n hele aantal bekostigbare, eenvoudige stelsels beskikbaar wat maklik is om in stand te hou en goeie waarde vir geld bied. Dit is ‘n voorvereiste om slegs wateroplosbare bemestingstowwe in hierdie stelsels te gebruik, aangesien produkte wat moeilik oplosbaar of onoplosbaar is, die druppers kan beskadig en verstop. Afhangende van die boer se bestuurstelsel en behoeftes, kan hy kies tussen voorafvermengde mengsels wat reeds die makro- en mikro-voedingstowwe in een sak bevat, of hy kan sy eie kombinasie van mikroen makro elemente saamstel. Hierdie “saamgestelde mengsels volgens behoefte” is meer bestuursintensief maar kan baie koste-effektief wees. In hierdie geval word tot 6 of meer verskillende elemente vereis om aan die voedingsbehoeftes van die gewas te voldoen en word dit gelyktydig toegedien. Vir koolgewasse word daar normaalweg tussen 10 en 20 % van die bemestingsbehoefte vooraf in die grond ingewerk. Na plant word daar aanvanklik klein hoeveelhede bemesting deur die drup toegedien en dan geleidelik verhoog in ooreenstemming met die fisiologiese groeibehoeftes van die plant. Nadat die volwasse stadium bereik is neem die behoeftes geleidelik af tot met oes. Dit is verder belangrik om die regte variëteit te plant op die regte tyd om optimale opbrengs te verkry. Vandag se baster variëteite beskik oor goeie siekteweer-

stand wat nodig is vir die produsent om ‘n goeie oes te verkry en om chemiese bespuiting te verminder. Sakata se koolvariëteite bied presies wat die produsent verlang – goeie kwaliteit groot kole met uitstekende siektebestandheid. Optima beskik oor weerstand teen Swartvrot en is dus hoofsaaklik geskik vir areas waar die Swartvrot druk baie hoog is. Met die huidige wisselvallige klimaatsomstandighede, bied dit vir die produsent addisionale versekering van goeie kwaliteit koppe. Optima is ‘n sterk groeier en neem ongeveer 80 tot 100 dae om bekwaamheid te bereik nadat dit verplant is. Die groot raam beskerm die koppe baie goed teen sonbrand asook windskade. Koppe is semi-rond tot rond met ‘n kopgrootte tussen 3 en 5 kg. Superslam* is Sakata se nuutste kool variëteit en is soortgelyk aan die bekende Grandslam van ouds. Superslam* kan gesaai word vanaf laatsomer tot vroeg in die herfs en is baie aanpasbaar tot die verskeie areas in SuidAfrika se klimaatsomstandighede. Die saailinge is baie groeikragtig met goeie eenvormigheid. Superslam* produseer ronde koppe met ‘n groot raam en goeie gewig (3 tot 5 kg) met goeie houvermoë op die land. Conquistador is ‘n ou staatmaker wat homself oor en oor bewys as een van die leier koolvariëteite in Suid-Afrika. Conquistador is wyd aanpasbaar met groot, groeikragtige plante en blare wat die koppe goed beskerm. Conquistador weerstaan beide hitte in somer asook koue deur dit winter baie goed. Die koppe beskik oor ‘n uitstekende houvermoë nadat bekwaamheid bereik is en bars nie maklik nie. Die groot koppe is ‘n blou-groen kleur met ‘n soet smaak en ‘n uitstekende raklewe, wat dit baie aantreklik maak vir die smouse. Vir meer inligting oor koolverbouing of Sakata se koolvariëteite skakel gerus Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se webwerf by * Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en

die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.


June 2018


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