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July 2018

SAMGA Toekennings Bl 2

Introducing the Rush P 3

Tamatiepryse onder druk Bl 15


July 2018


Publication of: FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317

Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen

Lede ontvang Goue Mangoes So paar van die area se top mango-kenners het die afgelope naweek tydens die jaarlikse SAMGA toekennings by Fairview Hotel, die gesogte Goue Mango en Mango Industrie Merite toekenings vir hul toewyding ontvang. Dit was ‘n intieme aand, aangebied deur SAMGA met Subtrop uitvoerende hoof, Derek Donkin, wat die gaste en die ontvangers van die toekennings aangekondig het. Onder dié wat deur die vereniging vereer is op die aand, is Theunis Botha, Johann du Preez, Jaco Fivaz en Danielle le Lagadec. Volgens Pieter Buys, voorsitter van Nyalani Estates, is Theunis Botha se werk met die Lima projek een van die industrie se grootste suksesse. “Dit is heel moontlik as gevolg van Theuns se harde werk en liefde vir die industrie dat ons vandag nie beeste het wat tussen die mangoplantasies rondloop nie.” Buys het die Goue Mango toekening aan Botha oorhandig. Jaco Fivaz en Johann du Preez is twee van die grootste name in die plaaslike mangobedryf met meer as twintig jaar ondervinding elk. Tussen dié twee manne het hulle vir ‘n tydperk van 16 jaar as voorsitters van die vereniging gedien. Hulle het albei ook toeken-

Theunis Botha, Johann du Preez, Jaco Fivaz en hul metgeselle.

nings vir hul werk wat die vooruitgang van die bedryf bevorder het, ontvang. Danielle le Lagadec was nie die aand teenwoordig nie en daar is terugvoering gegee dat sy nou in die verpleegkunde veld in Australia gevestig is. Sy het die Mango Industrie Merite toekenning in haar afwesigheid ontvang. Die aand is met ‘n ete en geselligheid afgesluit om die gaste ‘n blaaskans te gee vir die volgende dag se simposium.

Pieter Buys en Theunis Botha.

STANDARD BANK LETABA SKOU 8 - 11 Augustus 2018

Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.



8 Augustus Woensdag 08h00 Slagos Beoordeling 18h00 - 21h00 Lewende hawe en Borge Ete * 2 x voorleggings

8 Augustus Woensdag Bokke kom Maandag & Dinsdag in 08h00 Geen beoordeling 18h00 - 21h00 Lewende hawe en Borge Ete

9 Augustus Donderdag BRAHMAN & LIMOUSIN SKOU 08H00 - 08H20 Opening & verwelkoming 08h30 - 10h00 Beoordeling - Groepklasse 09h00 - 16h00 Jeugskou: Was en Voorbereiding 10h20 - 13h00 Beoordeling - Vroulike Diere 13h00 - 14h00 Middag ete 14h00 - 17h00 Beoordeling - Manlike Diere 18h00 - 21h00 Aand ete - Bring en Braai

9 Augustus Donderdag KALAHARI REDS & BOERBOKKE 08h00 - 08h20 Opening & Verwelkoming 08h30 - 13h00 Beoordeling Bokke 09h00 - 16h00 Jeugskou: Was en Voorbereiding 13h00 - 14h00 Middag Ete 14h00 - 17h00 Beoordeling Bokke 18h00 - 21h00 Aand ete - Bring en Braai

Interras en Jeugskou

TICKETS | KAARTJIES 8 August special:

Kids under 13 with school clothes -

Adults - R80 Website Visit our website at and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

(13 years and older)

Kids - R40

(12 years and younger)

R5 Valid 8 August only

SPECIALS: R140 2 Days R200 3 Days

10 Augustus Vrydag 08h00 - 08h20 Opening & Verwelkoming 08h30 - 11h00 Beoordeling Groepklasse 11h00 - 13h00 Jeugskou: Beoordeling 11h00 - 13h00 Beoordeling - Vroulike Diere 13h00 - 14h00 Middag Ete 13h30 - 15h30 Jeugskou: Skoumanskap Beoordeling (Arena) 14h00 - 17h00 Beoordeling -Manlike Diere 18h00 - 20h00 Aandete - Bring & Braai

10 Augustus Vrydag KALAHARI REDS & BOERBOKKE 08h00 - 08h20 Opening & Verwelkoming 08h30 - 12h30 Beoordeling & Prysuitdeling 12h30 - 13h30 Middag ete 13h30 - 15h00 Jeugskou: Skoumanskap Beoordeling 18h00 - 21h00 Aand ete - Bring & Braai

Perde 8 - 10 Augustus Woensdag - Vrydag 08h00 - 17h00 Perde Vertoning in Perde Arena



July 2018



Rush ahead of the Jones’ Toyota – a brand renowned for introducing budget-oriented people carriers in the local market – has launched the Rush. The Indonesian-made newcomer is poised to find favour among financially-constrained consumers seeking a vehicle with excellent space and practicality. We attended the local launch of the newcomer to assess its merits. Toyota South Africa’s portfolio is diverse and comprehensive. There’s a vehicle catering to everyone’s needs, or is there? Given the B-segment SUV’s rise over the past few years, Toyota has decided to introduce a second practical SUV to the segment. Currently, the 7-seater brigade consists of the Toyota Avanza, Honda Mobilio/BRV and Suzuki Ertiga. The new Rush will tangle with the likes of the Ford Ecosport and Renault Duster as a more family-oriented, dual purpose vehicle. Introducing the Rush, a 5-seater compact SUV made in Indonesia. Keen-eyed observers will note uncanny similarities between the 2018 Toyota Rush and the latest version of the Daihatsu Terios. The South African market Rush is a 5-seater only, whereas the Indonesian variants offer a 7-seat option. Market research, according to Toyota South Africa, has

shown that our market favours a 5-seat setup and a huge luggage bay, as opposed to 7 seats and a reduced cargo area. We would have preferred having the option of putting in the 3rd row of seats for a nominal fee, as there may be customers who require the extra passenger carrying capacity. Engine and features The Toyota Rush is powered by a 1.5-litre naturally-aspirated fourcylinder motor. On paper, it delivers 77 kW and 136 Nm, and you have the option of either a 5-speed manual gearbox or 4-speed automatic transmission. The Toyota Rush is rear-wheel driven and appears to be quite frugal too, with a claimed economy figure of 6.6 L/100 km. The automatic is said to consume 6.7 L/100 km. The Rush comes with a 6-speaker, touchscreen audio system with USB and Bluetooth functionality, Android Auto Plus Show, Apple CarPlay and navigation. Dual-zone climate control and a 12V socket is also seen on the lower section of the dashboard. The 3-spoke leather steering wheel is only rake-adjustable and comes equipped with mounted controls. Apart

from R299 000

TROPHY TOYOTA 015 309 9258

22 Botha st Modjadjiskloof 0835

from the features already mentioned, the Rush is also equipped with electric and retractable side mirrors, auto-off LED headlights, an integrated reverse camera with park distance control, keyless entry and a push-start ignition. In terms of safety, a total of 6 airbags are fitted as well as ABS, Vehicle Stability Control (VSC) and Hill Control Assist (HCA). What the Rush isn’t is a 4x4 vehicle. Sure, it has an excellent ground clearance of 220 mm along with 31-degree approach and 26.5-degree departure angle, but it lacks all-wheel drive for that final off-road stamp of approval. Interestingly enough, our launch route took us through Addo Elephant National Park, near Port Elizabeth, which had many gravel roads in varying states of quality. We can happily re-

port that the Toyota Rush was more than adequate in this environment and there’s an air of solidity about its ride. While some may scoff at the idea of a compact normally-aspirated 1.5-litre engine powering something as big as a Toyota Rush, but the reality is that a combination of short gear ratios and low mass means that performance is not sluggish. There’s plenty of go in the first 3 ratios and around town we were happy with the performance. Things go awry when you’re on the national highway. See, that final gear ratio is too short and at 120 kph, the engine revs noisily at 4 000 rpm, far from ideal for cruising. The Rush needs a 6th gear, just to keep the noise and fuel consumption down. Source:,



July 2018

Gonsbrokkies in wildbedryf Die bul met die langste horings volgens mnr Warren se kennis is die bul Tielman met ‘n horinglengte van 53 ¾”. (Bron – Veeplaas, Maart 2018)

wes, waar daar veral ‘n geweldige toename in stropings voorkom. Minister Molewa het verder gesê dat daar is met kommer kennis geneem dat nie net renosters nog onder die stropers se visiere is nie, maar dat daar steeds heelparty olifante gestroop word. Die hoë-risiko gebiede is volgens die Departement van Omgewingssake geïdentifiseer en planne is in werking gestel om die stropings in die probleem gebiede die hoof te bied.

Smokkel sindikaat hoof in hegternis geneem

Swartwitpens-teling is geslaagd Daar is daarin geslaag deur wildtelers om die getal swartwitpense oor ‘n tydperk van 15 jaar drasties te vermeerder. Die toepassing van nougesette selektering van uitstaande genetika en die beskerming van die swartwitpense se horinglengte sodat hulle dit nie teen bome of in die grond kan afskuur nie. Volgens Piet Warren, ‘n wildteler in Gravelotte bekend vir sy hoë kwaliteit, sê dat daar in 2005 hoogstens 2 swartwitpensbulle was met ‘n horinglengte langer as 50” en ongeveer slegs 20 bulle met ‘n horinglengte langer as 48”. Tans is daar ongeveer 50 tot 70 bulle met horinglengte langer as 50” en meer as 200 bulle met horinglengte langer as 48”.

Renoster-stropery, word die stryd werklik gewen? Volgens die Minister van Omgewingssake het die getal inhegternisnemings, suksesvolle vervolging van renosterhoring-smokkelaars en stropers, en tegnologie wat gesamentlike optredes help koordineer het gelei to vordering op verskeie gebiede teen die stryd van renosterstropery. Die Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin wat die grootste area van stroping gehad het het ‘n afname van 26% in renosterstropings getoon. Maar die stropings op privaat wildsplase het hierdie jaar die hoogtes in geskiet, en om die stropings te voorkom is ‘n baie meer komplekse taak as die van die Kruger Nasionale Park agv die verspreiding van wildsplase. Die visiere van die stropers het van die KNP af verskuif na KwaZulu-Natal, Noord-Kaap, Mpumalanga, Vrystaat en Noord-

Die baasbrein van een van die grootste smokkel sindikate in Asië is deur Thaise polisie in hegternis geneem. Hy is onder verdenking vir die smokkel en verhandeling van ledemate van verskeie hoogs beskermde dierespesies asook renosterhorings en ivoor. Boonchai Bach, ‘n 40-jarige man van Vietamese oorsprong, is in Nakorn Panom, ‘n dorp aan die oewer van die Mekong-Rivier in hegternis geneem insake die verhandeling van 14 renosterhorings met ‘n gesamentlike waarde van meer as R11 miljoen. Daar word gemeen dat hy al langer as elf jaar by die verhandeling van onwettige ledemate van beskermde dierespesies betrokke is. Die polisie is positief dat die deurbraak wat die inhegternisname tot gevolg sal hê is om die res van die sindikaat se lede vas te keer.

Eerste apies suksesvol gekloon Zhong Zhong en Hua Hua is gekloonde tweelingapies wat tuis gaan by die Chinese Akademie vir Wetenskappe in Sjanghai. Hulle kloningstegniek was dieselfde tegniek as wat gebruik was om Dolly die skaap in 1996 te kloon. Alhoewel die tweelingapies identies is is hulle egter twee weke uitmekaar gebore. Al is daar voorheen apies gekloon, is die tweelingapies die eerstes wat gekloon is deur ‘n meer komplekse tegniek wat bekend staan as somatiese selkernoordrag (SCNT). Die hoofrede vir die cloning van ape is om geneties identiese ape te skep omdat dit meer geskik is om vir mediese navorsing gebruik te word. Die tegniek is ‘n komplekse proses waar die selkern uit ‘n eiersel verwyder word en vervang word met die selkern van ‘n ander aap se liggaamsel, wat lei dat die liggaamsel skenker dan identies gekloon word. Die navorsing is in die vakjoernaal Cell aangekondig deur die navorsers van die Chinese Akademie vir Wetenskappe se instituut vir Neurowetenskap.


July 2018

South Africa



FOR MAXIMUM FRUIT SET. The perfect balance: A natural balance of plant growth regulators is required in plant tissue to produce maximum fruit yield. Maxifruit is designed to ensure that this balance happens.

Pieter-Daan Cilliers 066 117 2710 • 087 551 0400 • •


July 2018

Blaarvoeding: Geen foefie meer? Blaarvoeding: Geen foefie meer? Die mees algeneme vraag van vandag se Sitrus produsente is: ‘Is blaarvoeding nog noodsaaklik en is dit werklik effektief?’ Om hierdie vraag te kon beantwoord was daar baie navorsing gedoen op verskeie blaarvoedings reekse en is daar gekyk na hoekom blaarvoeding in die verlede nie regtig effektief was nie. Brandt was genader vir n effektiewe blaarvoeding. ‘n Algemene riglyn aanbeveling op Sitrus vir Augustus deur die vliegtuig sal as volg wees: Wat maak Brandt uniek? Brandt is n leier blaarvoedings maatskappy wat fokus op die vervaardiging van kwaliteit blaarvoedings wat geregistreer is om deur die vliegtuig gespuit te kan word. Die produk reeks lê klem op die beskikbaarheid van mikro-elemente, terwyl dit versoenbaar is met glifosaat asook ‘n breë spektrum plaag en swamdoders. Dit spaar die boer tyd en geld, geen spuite wat oor die blokke beweeg net vir blaarvoeding nie. Boonop kan hierdie produkte nog met 60-80 ℓ water per hektaar op Sitrus ook toegedien word. Brandt se produk reeks het ‘n unieke suiker alkohol formulasie wat verseker dat die produk baie effektief opgeneem kan word en ook meer beweeglik is in die plant. Dit verseker 95% effektiewe opname!

2 ℓ/ha Smart Zn (Sink bevattende produk vir die effektiewe ontwikkeling van nuwe blaar ontwikkeling asook blom ontwikkeling)

1 ℓ/ha Smart B (Boor bevattende produk met n neutrale pH versoenbaar met ander produkte)

1 ℓ/ha Smart Cu (Koper Bevattende produk vir die effektiewe wortel ontwikkeling tydens nuwe vegetatiewe groei met goeie eienskappe wat nie Fitotoksies is op die boom nie. ) •

2 ℓ/ha Afrikelp LG1 (Afrikelp het 'n hoë Ouksien, lae Sitokinien verhouding wat daarop gemik is om wortelontwikkeling te stimuleer. )

Kontak u konsultant vir meer akkurate en gewas spesifieke aanbeveling

Smart Zn word op die eerste nuwe groei stadium van die gewas toededien vanwee die feit dat die gewas baie nuwe ontwikkeling deurgaan waar Sink baie belangrik is. Smart B word weer toegedien om effektiewe blom en set te bevorder. Effektiewe Boor opname verhoog die opname van ander elemente soos Ca wat selwand struktuur en sterkte verbeter – speel belangrike rol in kwaliteit by vrugte. Smart Cu is baie belangrik ook vir die nuwe ontwikkeling omdat hierdie element help vir die vermoë van die boom se wortels om te kan ‘asem haal’ en seker te maak dat die fotosintese proses goed plaasvind. Afrikelp beweeg hand aan hand met Smart Zn omdat ouksiene betrokke is by die ontwikkeling van nuwe haarwortels maar ook betrokke is by al die dele waar nuwe ontwikkeling plaasvind in die boom. Die opname en beweging van Brandt se blaarvoeding is onvergelykbaar en definitief n blaarvoeding wat nie mis gekyk moet word nie. Die antwoord op die bostaande vraag is dus ‘n onoorwonne JA! Maar dit moet die regte PRODUK op die regte TYD wees om KWALITEIT te verseker.

Verspreider van die


Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat daar twee vliegtuie en helikopter beskikbaar gaan wees vir die voor en na blom blaaspootjie spuit seisoen.

Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 • Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: •

Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes


July 2018



Letsitele vat vir die 5de Jaar voor, by BASF toekennings! Baie Geluk aan ‘n wenspan.

Ansie Gebhardt, Corlia Botes, Samantha Mogg, Wiehann Wagenaar.

Diek Coetzee - 083 448 5181 Ansie Gebhardt - 083 263 2457 Kantoor - 015 345 1205 / 015 345 1136 Die Aces Klub is ‘n klub wat binne BASF gevorm is, om deel van BASF se Aces klub te vorm moet die Agent meer as 1 miljoen se verkope bereik. Golden Aces is wanneer ‘n Agent meer as R5 miljoen se verkope in ‘n jaar bereik.

Destrimix 2018 BASF Toekennings

Sampie Smith

Karel van Heerden

Diek Coetzee 2017 BASF Agent of the Year: Overall Winner

2017 Agent of the Year: Lowveld

2017 BASF Agent of the Year: Limpopo North

2016 Agent of the Year: Lowveld

2017 BASF Golden Wing

2017 BASF Golden Wing

2017 BASF Agent of the Year: Limpopo

2016 BASF Golden Wing

2017 BASF Golden Wing 2016 BASF Golden Wing

2015 BASF Ace

2016 BASF Agent of the Year: Overall Winner 2016 Agent of the Year: Limpopo North 2016 BASF Golden Wing 2015 BASF Golden Wing

BASF Streekverkoopsbestuurder Armand Starbuck 2017 BASF Regional Sales Manager of the Year: Overall Winner 2017 BASF Regional Sales Manager of the Year: Region 1 2017 BASF PSS Regional Sales Manager of the Year: Overall Winner 2017 Exceptional Financial Performance

Van links: Gerhard Heyns (BASF), Diek Coetzee (Destrimix), Bright Breytenbach (BASF).


July 2018


Vaccinations for cattle – make them work for you

Vaccines make out a very important part of any farming enterprise by being a vital component of preventing and controlling diseases within a herd. They do not require prescriptions, are cost effective and easy to administer to enable farmers to do it without vet assistance. The greatest challenge of vaccinations is to have enough knowledge to use them correctly to ensure their efficacy. What is a vaccine: A vaccine is a made by taking a disease causing pathogen and engineering it where it no longer poses a threat to the host carrier. The genetically engineered pathogen is injected into the animal to allow the animal to build up an immunity against the disease without contracting the disease itself. Once the animal is then exposed to the disease causing equivalent of the genetically engineered pathogen it will recognize the pathogen and fight it resulting in the animal not becoming symptomatic. Different types of vaccines: There are many different types of vaccines available covering many diseases and each vaccine requires different administration methods and techniques. It is therefore very important to carefully study the label and insert pamphlet before purchasing and administering any

vaccine. Vaccines include the following: • Killed or inactivated vaccines: These pathogens contained in these vaccines have been killed by either a temperature or chemical process and therefore do not contain any live cultures / pathogens, making them very safe to use and they can be administered any time during an animal’s production cycle; • Live or attenuated vaccines: These vaccines contain live pathogens that have been genetically engineered not to cause disease. These vaccines require greater care than inactivated vaccines: DO NOT administer the vaccine in pregnant females as they can cause spontaneous abortion due to the vaccine having a temporary fever reaction in the cow causing spontaneous abortion; AVOID administering vaccination in bulls within 2 months of the bull required to mate with cows or to use bull for semen extraction for artificial insemination. The temporary fever reaction kills sperms in bulls and it will take 2 months for him to develop new healthy sperm; DO NOT give antibiotics for several days before or within two weeks after administering a live or attenuated bacterial vaccine; • Toxoid vaccines: A vaccine that is administered to improve an animal’s immune system against dangerous toxins e.g. Botulism toxoid vaccine. They are safe to use and can be injected during any time of the animal’s production cycle. How to care for a vaccine: For vaccines to work they have to be stored and used in a specific way.

The following points must be followed when using any vaccine: • Keep away from direct sunlight – UV rays destroys vaccines; • Always store vaccines between 2°-8°C where applicable. When not stored in a refrigerator the vaccine must be kept in a cooler box with ice and should be handled and/or removed as little as possible. When purchasing your vaccines, remember to take a cooler box with ice with to safely transport the vaccine back after purchasing; • Never place a used needle into a vaccine vile as this will result in contamination of vaccine; • Always consult the pamphlet to ensure that the correct dosage is administered in the correct injection site eg, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous; • Consult label to see if used vile of vaccine can be stored for later use or if it should be discarded directly after used once. Important vaccines for the beef industry: • Anthrax (legally required annual vaccine) • Botulism • Blackquarter • Contagious abortion / Brucellosis (legally required annual vaccine) • Strai n 19 or RB51 • Rift Valley Fever • Lumpy Skin Disease (optional vaccination but highly advised) When to vaccinate: The correct time to vaccinate is extremely important to ensure the success of the vaccination: • Calves can be vaccinated at any age if

their mother was not vaccinated for the same disease. If the mother was vaccinated the calf needs to be vaccinated at 6 months as their immunity from their mother’s colostrum provides sufficient protection against the disease, and it can prevent the proper functioning of the vaccine if administered prior to 6 months; • Do not inject pregnant females with a live or attenuated vaccines UNLESS THE PAMPHLET STATES THAT IS IS SAFE TO DO SO; • Most vaccines requires a booster 3-4 weeks after the vaccine has be administered; • Anthrax, Botulism and Blackquarter can be vaccinated against at the same time and is required to be done yearly BY LAW; • Rift Valley Fever and Lumpy Skin Disease must be vaccinated against four weeks before the rainy season starts as the pathogens are spread by mosquitoes; • Brucellosis Strain 19 vaccine must be administered to all heifers between 4-8 months of age which will then provide LIFELONG immunity. DO NOT administer this vaccine before 4 months or after 8 months. This will result in heifers testing positive for Brucellosis when tested by the State. Do not vaccinate bulls; • RB51 can be administered to heifers or cows of any age but will require a booster vaccine. Do not vaccinate bulls. Information obtained from the Agricultural Research Council Annual Beef Bulletin 2017 page 33 and 34.

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July 2018



Ingredients Steak and chop seasoning 100ml 100% Romanita Tomato Juice 4 Romanita tomatoes, roughly chopped 5ml freshly squeezed lime juice Worcestershire sauce, to taste Tabasco, to taste 60ml Gin 200ml Tonic water Ice Whole chilli, for garnish

Did you know? The ZZ2 100% Romanita Tomato Juice is made from fresh Romanita tomamtoes that go directly from our fields into the juice boxes, available in ready-to-drink 330ml or familysized 750ml sizes.

ZZ2 Tomato Juice is available from National fresh produce markets. | | 015 395 2040 |

ZZ2Farming |


Method To rim the glass, take a piece of lime and rub it on the edge of the glass and dip it in the Steak and Chop seasoning. In a glass, place the ice, Romanita Tomato Juice, lime juice, Worchestershire sauce and Tabasco. Top it up with the tonic water and serve with a whole chilli as garnish.


July 2018


Macadamias value up 72 percent Nuts, and their health benefits, are widely understood. The 60% rise in global tree nut consumption is testament that people are eating more and more of them. In increasingly different ways as the food sector continues to innovate. Unique for their taste and health benefits, growth in demand for macadamias specifically has been outstanding. 112% more have been exported around the world over the last ten years. “With a better handle on the distinct qualities of macadamias, together with a collective consciousness from consumers and our customers, we have experienced burgeoning appetite in all markets around the globe. And this is exciting for our business,” shares Brian Loader, CEO, Green & Gold Macadamias. Green & Gold is Green Farms Nut Company’s marketing division. Originating from northeastern Australia and first commercialised in Hawaii, they represent only 1% of the tree nut collective. This has tended to position the nut as a delicacy. With huge expansion in available supply this looks set to

change. (Almonds represent 30%, walnuts 21%, cashews 19%, pistachios 14%, hazels 12%, pecans 3%, macadamias 1% and brazils and pines less than 1% of the tree nut basket.) Growing from a relatively small base, the challenge has been to garner enough industry muscle to bring to the fore what makes macadamias so special. Recent research demonstrates that macadamias are, amongst others: • Highest levels of monounsaturated fat (the good fat) of all nuts. • High in omega 7. • High in Palmitoleic Acid, well known to the cosmetic industry, is an antiageing agent. • Beneficial to weight control and endothelial

function . Help with insulin regulation, cholesterol and cardiovascular health. “As trends like veganism, eating organic and preserving the environment continue to gain momentum we anticipate further expansion of the macadamia industry. This is especially prevalent in the ingredients sector. Green & Gold is •

well positioned not only to sell product of the highest standard, but also customise to specifications and give input into and share insights with our customers,” continues Loader. This is strongly supported when viewed alongside the multi-billion dollar market value of all tree nuts. For example, the 2017 / 2018 supply value (estimated as the tree nut production per its unitary price, customs paid upon arrival) in Europe alone was $42 million. This is 36% up when compared over the last ten years. Outstanding within this is the market value for macadamias specifically which is up 72%. Expect to see more macadamias in milks, butters, nut mix drinks, vegan cheeses and as an ingredient in a host of other new products. Macadamia oil is sold mostly into the cosmetic industry for its value to the beauty industry and anti-ageing properties, however increasingly it’s being used in cooking (together with avocado oil, it has the highest smoke point of all oils) and other food applications. The largest consumers of macadamia kernel are Australia and North America, which together make roughly 50%. Followed by Europe, notably the Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Switzerland and Spain. In Asia, and especially China, the nut is eaten in the shell, and this market consumes the vast majority of in-shell product. “We are gearing our business to continue to support this market and have a strong base of loyal customers. Our longevity in the industry affords deep market knowledge. Our network of processors, in a number of major growing regions, enables agility and supply security to respond to market demands,” concluded Loader. The global crop is set to double over the next four years from 211 000 mt tonnes in-shell in 2018 to 400 000 in 2022. South Africa is the world leader in macadamia production with 54 000 mt tonnes in-shell produced this year. Followed by Australia at 44 500 and Kenya at 32 500.

Rift Valley Fever outbreak possible The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) has warned livestock owners of a possible outbreak of Rift Valley Fever due to increase in widespread rainfall late in the season which lead to an increase in mosquito populations. One case of Rift Valley Fever has been reported in the Jacobsdal area in the Free State. Rift Valley Fewer is caused by a virus that is spread by mosquitoes and affects sheep, cattle and goats. This disease results in spontaneous abortion in sexually ma-

ture females and possible death, especially in young animals. DAFF has advised to vaccinate against Rift Valley Fever as a precaution. A Rift Valley Fever outbreak will not only cause huge losses to livestock owners but can have an export ban placed on meat exported as a result. Livestock farmers have become complacent with the drought, and due to recent widespread rainfalls the possibility of an outbreak has been greatly increased, especially if we

have warm spells during the next few months which will result in even more mosquito activity. If a outbreak occurs this year there is an increased chance that the problem will continue next year. Although the Rift Valley Fever is normally more in the southern areas of the country, it is advised that livestock producers should vaccinate against the disease. It has been said that South Africa has adequate supply of the Rift Valley Fever vaccine in stock.

July 2018




July 2018


The pros and cons of intercropping Intercropping is the practice where two or more crops are planted alongside one another in the same field. The most common goal of intercropping is to produce a greater yield in a given piece of land by making use of resources or ecological processes that would otherwise not be utilized by a single crop. Resource partitioning: When deciding to practice intercropping, research and careful planning are required. It is extremely important not to have crops competing with each other for physical space, nutrients, water and

sunlight. Other factors to take into consideration when deciding on crops for intercropping are type of soil, climate, rainfall, pollination requirements, disease risks and possible risk reductions etc. Examples of intercropping strategies are planting a deep-rooted crop with a shallow-rooted crop, or planting a taller crop with a shorter crop that requires some shade.


PRODUCTION SYSTEMS MANAGER Red Sun Hortitech situated in Tzaneen in the Limpopo Province has a vacancy for a dynamic and energetic PRODUCTION SYSTEMS MANAGER. The incumbent will have a BSc Agric or B Agric Degree with specialisation in Horticulture and Plant Production. The incumbent must have referenced experience and proven interest in plant production within a nursery environment with a proficiency to learn and implement production management systems within a large-scale tree nursery production system. The applicant must be an excellent communicator, able to work independently and engage within a dynamic,

diversified environment. A high level of technical proficiency in plant production supported by computer literacy and knowledge of relevant certifications will be beneficial. The incumbent will be hands on in planning and managing Avocado and Macadamia tree production. Competency in managing people and strict adherence to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) will be necessary. The company will offer a market related Total Cost to Company Package.


HUMAN RESOURCES AND PRODUCTION SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR Red Sun Hortitech situated in Tzaneen in the Limpopo Province has a vacancy for a dynamic and energetic HR AND PRODUCTION ADMINISTRATOR. The incumbent will have a minimum of 5 years’ experience working in a highpressure environment with a high-level knowledge of Payroll management; HR Administration; Training; Occupational Health and Safety and Production data capturing and reporting. An ability to implement integrated SMART HR systems at Red Sun Hortitech will be advantageous.

The applicant must be self-driven and a good communicator within a team environment. A high level of IT literacy and Database Management is required. Knowledge of agric-certifications (GAP) will be beneficial. Any proficiency in project planning and administration will be advantageous. The company will offer a market related Total Cost to Company Package.

Applicants interested in applying for the above positions can forward their C.V’s to

Closing date: 8th August 2018 Starting date: 1 September 2018 or as soon as possible thereafter.

When crops are correctly selected, other agronomic benefits are also achieved.

Mutualism: Planting two crops adjacent to each other can be especially beneficial when the two plants have a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship, where both plants can benefit from the presence of the other. For example, lodging-prone plants (plants that are prone to tip over in wind or heavy rain) may be given structural support by their companion plants. Some plants are used to suppress weeds or to supply nutrients. Lightsensitive plants may be given shade or protection on otherwise wasted space of unutilized land. An example is the tropical multi-tier intercropping system used where coconut occupies the upper tier, bananas the middle tier and pineapple and ginger utilizes the lowest tier. Intercropping does not only attract insect biodiversity but also encourages a larger biodiversity of soil organisms that would otherwise not be available in a singlecrop ecosystem. These organisms may provide crops with valuable nutrients such as through nitrogen fixation. • Maximize land use; • Offer competition for weeds in respect of soil nutrients; • Creating greater biodiversity especially amongst insects with a result in both predatory insects and insects assisting in pollination being attracted; • Create greater yield without increasing land use. Types of intercropping: • Mixed or multiple cropping is when two or more crops are simultaneously and randomly cultivated on the same field without any row formation;. • Relay cropping is the growing of two or more crops with the planting of the secondary crop after the first crop has completed development;

• Row intercropping is the cultivation of two or more crops on the same field with a formal row arrangement. The planting of the crops occur simultaneously; • Strip intercropping can be divided into contour strip cropping and field strip cropping. This is the cultivation of various crops in alternate strips of the same width on the same field. Types of intercropping focusing on pest management: There are several ways pests can be controlled through intercropping: • Trap cropping involves intercropping with a plant that is more attractive for pests compared to the main production plant. The pests will focus on attacking the trap crop rather than the production crop; • Repellant cropping uses a plant that has a repellent effect to certain pests that attacks the production plant. This system involved the repellant crop masking the smell of the production crop. • Push-pull cropping is a mixture of trap cropping and repellant cropping. Attractant crops are used to attract pests away from production crop whilst repellant crop is used to repel the pests away.

Advantages of intercropping • It reduces plant diseases. The distance between crops of same species is increased by means of crops of a different family group that are planted in between. Diseases can therefore not be as easily transferred from row to row; • Is an easy and profitable practice for organic farming; • Contour strip cropping reduces hillside erosion and protects topsoil; • Creates greater biodiversity especially amongst insect species, attracting beneficial insects especially when flowering crops are included in the intercropping system. It also attracts predatory insects that can help reduce harmful insects and mites on crops; • Minimizes labour costs on controlling and eradicating weeds, as well as costs such as fertilizing, irrigation and general maintenance. • Utilizes soil usage more efficiently, resulting in a increased yield of two or more crops being harvested of the same space of land; • Creates increased total production and farm profitability.

July 2018



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July 2018


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July 2018

Tamatiepryse onder druk Suid-Afrika is een van die lande waar gewasverbouing toenemend onder druk verkeer - nie net vanuit ekonomiese oorde nie, maar ook as gevolg van omgewings- en klimaatsverandering. Tamaties is een van die belangrikste groentegewasse wat geproduseer word en vorm deel van die stapeldieet van ’n groot deel van die populasie. Tamaties is baie veelsydig en kan regdeur die jaar in slaaie, bredies en sop gebruik word. Meer en meer navorsing dui op al die voordele wat tamaties vir die mens inhou as deel van ’n gesonde lewensstyl. Tamaties is dus in groot aanvraag regdeur die jaar. Marktendense wys egter dat die prys van tamaties grootendeels deur vraag en aanbod bepaal word. Produsente word hierdeur onder groot druk geplaas met stygende insetkostes, wisselvallige opbrengste en ’n laer aanvraag op die markte. Hierdie faktore dwing die produsent om deeglike strategieë in plek te kry om te verseker dat die produsent op die regte tyd die hoogste moontlike kwaliteit tamaties op die mark te kan plaas. Wêreldtendense in die verbouing van tamaties is besig om radikaal te verander - verbouing onder beskerming is nie meer net ’n luukse nie. Met die verandering in klimaat en die aanvraag na hoër kwaliteit, gekoppel aan die druk van die verbruiker om minder chemiese stowwe te gebruik, noodsaak dit die produsent om sy produksie te optimaliseer. Verbouing onder beskerming moet nie net gesien word as hoë tegnologie strukture wat vergelyk kan word met dìe in byvoorbeeld Nederland of Kanada nie. Eenvoudiger strukture en selfs nethuise verbeter die opbrengspotensiaal van ’n produsent, deurdat die produsent beter beheer het oor verskeie faktore. Die belangrikste beginsels in die bestuur, is om die omgewing tot ’n mate te bestuur, dat die plante optimaal produseer en maksimum opbrengste behaal word op die oppervlakte. Ander voordele sluit ook in verbeterde sanitasie, wat veral insekvektore beter kan

beheer. Plante wat nie aan omgewingstres of siektedruk blootgestel word nie, produseer derhalwe beter. Sakata Saad is op die voorgrond van ontwikkeling en die plaaslike teelprogram wat reeds in 1956 begin is, is diep gegrond in die hele tamatie-industrie wêreldwyd. Die kennis en ervaring hierin word toegepas om vandag leier variëteite vry te stel wat in Suid-Afrika geteel word en aangepas is vir die plaaslike markte met al die vereistes wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Esty is by uitstek geskik vir oopland verbouing met vruggroottes van 180 tot 220g. Die vrugte is baie ferm en het

resultate nie. Esty behaal uitstekende opbrengste by van ons land se grootste tamatieprodusente. Galaxy beskik oor uitstekende vrugkwaliteit en ’n baie goeie siektepakket wat “Tomato curly stunt virus” (ToCSV)

’n baie goeie houvermoë wat vergelyk kan word met van die beste variëteite ter wêreld. Die opbrengspotensiaal van Esty is uitstekend en goeie vrugkwaliteit en -grootte word perfek gekombineer in hierdie variëteit. Esty is gevoelig vir die oortoediening van veral Stikstof bemesting en gepaardgaande met oorbesproeiing lewer die variëteit nie die verwagte

insluit. Die plante produseer eenvormige trosse en vrugset vind vroeg plaas. Galaxy is baie aanpasbaar en kan onder beskerming of in die oopland verbou word. Jasmine is ’n nuwe variëteit wat spruit uit Sakata se plaaslike teelprogram. Jasmine word gekenmerk deur uitstekende vrugkwaliteit, eenvormige vruggrootte en ’n baie goeie siektepakket. Die var-

iëteit lewer sterk groeikragtige plante wat onder andere weerstand bied teen “Tomato curly stunt virus” (ToCSV) en Tamatie kromnekvirus (TSWV). Die aantreklike vrugte is groot en baie ferm met ’n goeie kleur wat die variëteit ’n móét maak in enige produksieprogram. Die plant beskik oor ‘n regop stam en blaarrangskikking wat die plant ’n oop raam gee en gevolglik die oplei van die plante vergemaklik. Die bemesting en besproeiing van enige variëteit is seker van die mees kritiese bestuursaspekte wat die potensiaal van die gewas bepaal. Hierdie twee faktore het ’n invloed op al die ander aspekte soos pes en plaagbeheer, siekteweerstand, kwaliteit en opbrengs. ’n Plant wat nie onder enige stres verkeer nie se produksiepotensiaal is beter en kan ook die eksterne omgewings- en klimaatstoestande beter hanteer. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se tamaties of produksiepraktyke, skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181.

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.

Simple Homemade Tomato Soup Prep Time: 10 mins Cook Time: 50 mins Yield: 4



Fry the bacon in a large soup pot over medium low heat until bacon starts to get crispy and browned, about 5-8 minutes. Add the carrots, onion, and garlic to the bacon in the pan; saute for 5-10 minutes until the vegetables are very aromatic and tender. Add the tomato paste – stir for a few minutes until you can see/smell the tomato paste starting to brown and caramelize. Add the flour and stir for a minute or so. Pour the tomatoes and their juice into a bowl and crush them with your hands. Add the broth, thyme, bay leaf, and tomatoes to the soup pot. Simmer for 30 minutes. Puree in batches and return to the pot. Add cream if you want.

4 slices bacon, cut into small pieces 2 carrots, chopped half of an onion, chopped 4 cloves garlic, minced 1 1/2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 tablespoon flour 4 cups chicken broth 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme 1 bay leaf 1 can whole tomatoes cream (optional – to add at the end as desired) Source:


July 2018



‘n geskikte tamatie vir elke produsent




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