September 2018
Mayor of Ba-Phalaborwa Cllr Pule Shai, Mayor of Greater Tzaneen Cllr Maripe Mangena, Mopani District MMC Cllr King Solomon Maloko and MEC for Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Mr Basikopo Makamu with the pledge by Limpopo farmers and businesses to work together in a committed partnership for sustainable development of the local industry. Photo: Joe Dreyer
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September 2018
Publication of: FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa
Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen
Merensky vat Parys by die horings Agri Merensky se aspirante veeboere het hierdie week nege van die 12 pryse op die jaarlikse ALFA Expo in Parys losgeslaan. Dit sluit in wenner in die Kuilvoer kategorie – Sorghum, algehele skole wenner in vir Kuilvoer, Snr vleisbees skoumanskap 1ste plek- Nicky Smith, Jnr boerbok skoumanskap 1ste plek - Dylan Hallatt, Snr boerbok skoumanskap 1ste plek - Luandi Visagie, Beste 15min bemarkings voorlegging van jou skool -Stefan Corbett, Junior Interraskampejoenskap wenner vir beste senior koei - Nicky Smith met Debra, wenner vir beste senior bul - Dominique Blandin de Chalain met Itai en wenner vir beste junior koei - Mia Sounce met Klein Mary. Hoërskool Merensky het teen 11 ander skole van regoor die land deelgeneem en hul stempel as die top landbouskool in Suid-Afrika behoorlik afgedruk. Landbouskole van regoor die land word genooi om deel te neem aan ’n kompetisie wat sewe verskillende afdelings dek, insluitend ’n uitstalling en aanbieding van die skool se landbouprogram, ’n groot- en kleinvee-jeugskou en ’n vasvrakompetisie. Elke skool skryf ’n span van vyf leerlinge en ’n onderwyser in, wat dan vir die duur van ALFA 2018 op die terrein gehuisves word. Die naam “ALFA” staan vir African Livestock Trade Fair en word gebou rondom spesifieke prioriteitsprojekte wat focus op die verskillende vertakkings op die veeplaas, hul produkte en die rolspelers wat by elkeen betrokke is. Die meeste van die projekte val binne die raamwerk van ALFA 2018 se vyf fokusareas, naamlik interras, slagos, jeug, veilings, sosiaal en landbou-ontwikkeling. Die balans word geïnspireer deur die Diereverbeteringswet, 1998 (Wet 62 van 1998) deurdat verskillende mini-ekspo’s reg laat geskied aan die verskillende spesies lewendehawe wat deur die wet beheer word.
Arne Verster, Dominique Blandin de Chalain en Joubert Fourie van Limpopo Melkery.
Arno Last, Stefan Corbett, Nutrifeeds Verteenwoordiger en Arne Verster.
Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Agri Merensky se uitstalling.
Dylan Hallett
Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Bulletin FAR NORTH
Megan Strydom
Voor: Dominique Blandin De Chalain, Dylan Hallett, Luandi Visagie, Nicky Smith, Ruben Erasmus, Mia Sounes. Agter: Nadia Last, Stefan Corbett, Megan Kirstein, Megan Strydom, Arne Verster en Arno Last.
To advertise call: Jacques 071 268 2543 Lizan 076 795 5000
September 2018
Tzaneen hosts annual Agricultural Exhibition The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) Agriculture. in conjunction with the Limpopo De“On the 6th of Seppartment of Agriculture and Rural De- tember the municipalvelopment hosted the 4th annual Agri- ity took 22 emerging cultural Expo. The Expo was hosted over farmers to the Johantwo days with the gala evening being nesburg market where held at Sima Silver Lodge on the 20th of they visited the stalls September. displaying fruits and During the course of the two day Expo, vegetables and also exhibitions were held by the farmers of oriented on the opthe area at the Tzaneen Country Lodge erations of the market which were accompanied by workshops and the related topaimed at the empowerment of the local ics. The event will also small farmers. This Expo offered a great be attended by MEC platform for networking between established farmers and the new start-ups and helped to establish direct interaction between the Traditional dancers at the gala evening local farming communities and Maripe Man- (GTEDA), Small Enterprise Development and the key role gena visited farms,� Agency (SEDA), National Youth Develplayers in the agsaid Neville Ndlala, opment Agency (NYDA) Department of ricultural value spokesperson for Education, SALGA and Agri-Letaba. chain. the GTM. In another development hundreds of The build up to Ndlala added that informal traders gathered at the Letaba the Expo which was the activities will be Show grounds to meet with the deputy held on the 20th and wrapped with a Golf minister of Small Business Development, Bioskopo Makamu Mr. Mkhlari 21st of September, kick tournament to be held at Cassel Mathale to be handed over equipstarted on Tuesday at the the Tzaneen Country Club on ment in order to provide an enabling Nkowankowa Community Hall Saturday 5th of October. Among the environment for the informal traders to with the career exhibitions attended by Bioskopo Makamu, who delivered a key partners in the Expo are Mopani Dis- thrive. The department was to hand over 200 people who were orientated by vari- note address at the dinner, while the trict Municipality (MDM), Greater Tza- the equipment in conjunction with the ous academic institutions in the field of Executive mayors Nkakareng Rakgoale neen Economic Development Agency Small Business Development Agency.
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September 2018
Black and white farmers will work together A vision for a workable plan to empower and improve the agricultural landscape for South African farmers has reached its first milestone. The leaders of the country’s four major agricultural unions namely Agri-SA, Tlu SA, Afasa and Asuf signed a declaration this month binding their unions and their members to a commitment to work together as farmers and carve out a strategy for the future to the benefit of all in the sector. President Cyril Ramaphosa has asked for a copy of this future plan as soon as it has been finalised. This, according to Agri SA chairperson, Dan Kriek, will form the basis upon which the government will structure their growth plan. The political and economic uncertainty of the land expropriation debate was also discussed in a separate
meeting between an Agri SA and Agbiz delegation and Deputy President David Mabuza and ANC Treasurer, Paul Mashatile. During this meeting the Agri SA delegation presented a conceptual plan based upon the National Development Plan, which according to their CEO Omri van Zyl was very well received. According to Kriek, there has to be a turning point in the land debate despite the sensationalism caused in the media which has fuelled national fears. He said that he believed that turning point will only be reached once rational people engage in discussion with rational people. He said that the positive manner in which the ANC and national government have reached out towards Agri-SA and organized agriculture this past month, was an indication that the turning point may
have already been reached. Kriel did however caution that a long road still lies ahead, but said that he is satisfied that what has thus far been said, was said by rational people. “We have reached the point where our meetings with government and the ANC is no longer superficial social visits but rather serious discussion sessions about the issues that really matter.” Kriek also made it clear that within Agri-SA ranks the issues of land reform are being looked at with great concern. “We are all committed to solutions that will lead to growth in the economy again. We are not concerned as our President is a farmer and he knows agriculture and he will guide us in the steps that have to be taken as we move forward.”
Vars uitkyk oor hervorming Die onlangse grondverhore het van die boere in die omgewing ‘n nuwe uitkyk op die situasie gegee. Een van hierdie boere is Kallie Schoeman, van Schoeman Boerdery wat in ‘n toespraak aan sy mede boere by die onlangse Agri Limpopo kongres gesê het, “in ons boerdery en omgewing gaan ek alles doen wat ek kan om die mense om my te laat deel in die voordeel wat ek geniet het as blanke Suid-Afrikaner.” Schoeman het tydens ‘n paneelbespreking uit die gehoor opgestaan en vertel hoe die pas-voltooide reeks openbare deelname vergaderings oor die voorstel vir onteiening sonder vergoeding hom geraak het. “Dit is nie lekker om te hoor hoe mense aan die ander kant
van die ‘rivier’ aan ons as blanke boere dink nie, hoe hulle oor ons eiendom dink nie,” het hy gesê. Hy is van mening dat wanneer mense by die openbare verhore gehoor het wie hy is, wou hulle dadelik weet hoekom hy nie sy grond met mense wou deel nie, hy het dan so baie. “Soos almal van ons het ek ook gedink my pa en oupas het hard gewerk vir alles wat ons het. Ons het daai grond met ons eie bloed en sweet bekom” Schoeman is die seun van die geliefde landbouminister, mnr. Hendrik Schoeman, en die agter-kleinseun van Genl. Hendrik Schoeman wat in die Anglo Boere-oorlog geveg het. Sy oupa, Karel Schoeman het Schoeman Boerdery be-
gin en ‘n stigterlid van die destydse Bantoe Beleggings Korporasie en die NOK (vandag die IDC). “Hoe meer ek van die ander groepe gehoor het, hoe meer het ek besef, hoewel ons gewerk het vir wat ons het, het ek in die binnebaan gehardloop. Die mense ‘aan die ander kant van die rivier’ het nie dieselfde kans gehad om bymekaar te maak wat ek het nie.” Schoeman sê die openbare verhore was vir hom ‘n pynlike proses en hy het dikwels aan die ontvangkant van mense se opstand teen blanke grondbesit gevoel. “Maar ek is ‘n Suid-Afrikaner. Ek is hier gebore en ek is nie bang nie. So sleg as wat dit vir my was om te hoor hoe die meerderheid mense oor my en ander boere
Education the focal point at fourth expo “We have only farming, nothing else. If you take farming away from us, we will no longer be Africans.” This was the statement made by one the region’s upcoming farmers during the Agri Expo Gala evening at Sima Silver Lodge on Thursday evening. The farmer was one member of a group who accompanied GTM Mayor, Maripe Mangena, on a trip to Johannesburg recently. During this trip the group was exposed to the market place and the trade of fresh produce in order for them to gain a better understanding of the industry they are attempting to grow into. The gala event was attended by a number of political and economic heavyweights including the MEC for Agriculture, Bioskopo Makamu who joined Greater Tzaneen mayor, Maripe Mangena, Ba-Phalaborwa mayor, Pule Shayi, Greater Tzaneen municipal manager Thapelo Matlala and the acting Mopani District mayor, Masilo Maloko. The MEC highlighted his recent visits across the province where he visited some of the department’s projects within the five districts. There he engaged with various stakeholders in order to gain a better understanding of the department’s shortfalls within the sector. Makamu announced the reopening of two agricultural colleges in the province namely Tompi Seleka and Madzivhandila which were closed
when the diploma was suspended seven years ago. The MEC and his entourage attended graduation ceremonies at the these two institutions during his provincial-wide visit. “In order to ensure quality education and training, the Department has embarked on massive infrastructure construction and renovation at the two colleges. These include students’ accommodation, lecturing facilities and students practical learning facilities. The upgrading of Information Communication Technology systems, library systems, water and electricity are receiving priority attention. Work will continue in 2018/2019. A budget of R17, 8 million has been allocated for this work.” The first 73 graduates completed their studies this year from both colleges. All are qualified in Animal and Plant Production. Apart from the diploma students, 24 learnership students have, through the AgriSETA, also completed their training programmes and accordingly received their certificates. “Were it not because of collaboration with other institutions like the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; Agricultural Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA), Agriculture Research Council (ARC) and Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) we would have not been able to provide the programs offered by our colleges.”
soos ek dink, so goed was dit vir my om te hoor wat hulle realiteit is.” Hy sê die proses het hom verander en hy kan nooit weer dieselfde mens wees as wat hy voor die verhore was nie. “Ek dink nou anders – oor myself en oor die mense om my en ek gaan dinge van nou af anders doen, al is dit net daar op my grond, op die klein deeltjie van die wêreld waavoor ek verantwoordelik is.” Schoeman het afgesluit deur te sê as elke boer net op sy eie stukkie aarde begin om die mense by en om hom in te sluit by die welvaart wat hy of sy uit hul grond put, sal daar hoop vir elkeen in die land wees en sal die letsels van ‘n ongelyke geskiedenis begin om te genees. — Medeskrywer, JASPER RAATS
‘n Nuwe baadjie Tydens die onlangse AgriLimpopo kongres op Modimolle is daar ‘n resolusie aanvaar om dié organisasie se naam te verander. AgriLimpopo sal voortaan as Limpopo Landbou bekendstaan. Die knelpunt oor die voorskrywe van die organisasie se affilliasie is ook deur die wysiging van hul grondwet uit die weggeruim. “Ons kan nou affilieer waar en hoe ons dit goed dink om ons lede se belange die beste te dien,” sê die nuwe Limpopo Landbou se uitvoerende hoof, mnr. Willem van Jaarsveld. “Dit beteken hoegenaamd nie dat ons ons affiliasie met Agri SA gaan verbreek nie,” sê hy. “Die verhouding tussen Agri SA en AgriLimpopo was wel bietjie gespanne die afgelope ruk, maar dit werk soos ‘n huwelik. ’n Man en vrou skei tog nie omdat hulle nie saamstem oor waar die suikerpot gebêre moet word nie. Dit is bloot ‘n orde reëling.” Dit staan Limpopo Landbou egter nou vry om ook by ander landbou organisasies te affilieer soos Afasa en TLU SA. AgriLimpopo werk reeds op baie
gebiede nou saam met TLU SA Noord en Afasa. Daar is ook ‘n resolusie aanvaar dat Limpopo Landbou sy steun sal toesê aan ‘n versekering gebaseerde projek om opkomende boere se lidmaatskap aan georganiseerde landbou-organisasies te befonds. Van Jaarsveld verduidelik dat daar ‘n skema op die been gebring sal word wat ondermeer lewens-, begrafnis- en oesversekering aan opkomende boere beskikbaar sal maak en dat daardie boere se lidmaatskap aan die skema dan ook vir hulle gratis lidmaatskap tot ‘n georganiseerde landbou organisasie sal bied. Die relatief lae versekeringspremie sal daardie lede se lidmaatskapfooie by die organisasie van hul keuse dek. Dr. Theo de Jager het terselfdetyd aangekondig dat hy afstap van sy amp as voorsitter Agri Limpopo of dan Limpopo Landbou se transformasiekomitee om aan ander nuwe projekte aandag te skenk. Mnr. Paul Vorster neem sy posissie op die komitee oor.
September 2018
Ingredients For the swiss meringue: 4 egg whites, room temperature 1 cup of sugar Pinch of cream of tartar Dutch processed cocoa powder For the topping: 2 cups whipping cream 600g Sweet Cherries 1/2 cup chopped pistachios Dark chocolate shavings
Method Preheat oven to 100°C. In a heatproof bowl combine the egg whites, sugar and cream of tartar. Fill a medium pot with hot water and heat to a medium boil over medium heat. Place the heatproof bowl on top of the pot and whisk with a hand mixer until the mixture is silky with high peaks and warm to the touch. Take the bowl off the heat and
mix further until the mixture is completely cool. Spread the mixture into two even circles on a baking paper lined baking sheet. Alternatively make individual meringues by making smaller circles on the lined baking sheet. Swirl the cocoa powder through the meringues, careful not to mix too much. Bake for 90 minutes and
Cherries are available from National Fresh Produce Markets. info@zz2.co.za | www.zz2.co.za | 015 395 2040 |
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then turn the oven off to cool with the meringues inside for another 30-60 minutes. Whisk the cream until stiff peaks form. Place the first meringue on a serving plate or cake stand. Top the first meringue with cream, cherries, pistachios and chocolate shavings. Place the second layer on top and repeat with cream, cherries, pistachios and chocolate shavings.
Growing your future Henley Nursery is located in the Letsitele and Haenertsburg area of Limpopo. They are 5-star SAMAC accredited, 5-star SAAGA accredited and CRI accredited producing the best quality trees in South Africa. Henley Nursery’s mission is to be Africa’s top producing nursery by delivering on-time, superior quality and diseasefree trees to any farmer anywhere. They believe in training and educating their highly motivated staff, empowering them to become the standard-setting leaders of our industry. Since the establishment of Henley Nursery, they have been applying new thinking to original ideas, they also use science and modern technology to link all the aspects of production. Henley Nursery is dedicated in growing a diverse assortment of fruit-and-nut trees to provide you with the confidence in their product to invest in your future, helping you grow your future… Content: Henley Nursery
September 2018
September 2018
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September 2018
The Plasie medal haul continues Tim Minchin once said: “Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity.” On Friday 14 September, Merensky High School was the meeting place for curious and creative minds from all over Limpopo at the annual Tritech Nationals. The participants once again overwhelmed the science community with their innovative research projects with a wide range of interesting topics, adjudicated by experts from the private sector. The organisers went all out as Tritech celebrated its 10th anniversary. On Friday evening the judges, sponsors, teachers and former members of EXCO were treated to a ‘spitbraai’, while the young engineers and scientists combined teamwork, brainpower and creativity to build and decorate a team cart (float). They were also challenged with a sensory test, tasting and smelling flavoured coloured milk. Fun was had in the photo booth and marvellous snacks were on offer to keep the creativity flowing and the energy levels up. “Transport” was the theme for Saturday. Nobody walked, but went from one activity to the other, using different methods of transport such as go-carts, a conveyer belt and homemade decorated carts. They completed obstacle courses whilst being blindfolded. The highlight of the day was a helicopter flip which enabled them to enjoy the beautiful view of Plasieland from above. Participants learned that science is about knowing and engineering about doing. You need to combine both to successfully complete tasks such as igniting a fire using chemicals, building bridges with limited resources, designing catapults to meet certain requirements, and that even playing drums require a certain amount of intelligence. After an exciting day of fun and laughter, this prestigious event ended with a prize giving ceremony. From the 18 out-
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Anize Basson ontvang haar toekenning.
standing projects, entered by Merensky learners, 11 received gold, 3 silver and 4 bronze medals. The Plasie brainiacs won several categories: Junior Health Sciences - Joné du Toit, Huishoudelike middels versus Tandepasta. Junior Life Sciences - Aldrich Hugo and Shaun de Beer, Hou blare, hou! Senior Maths, Science and Technology Danzi Ivy and Andrew Graham, Try-Tech E-Rubric. Senior Engineering and Design - Bianca Prinsloo, Water Web. Second in their categories were: Senior Environmental and Social Sciences - Juan-Jacques Moller and Gideon Engelbrecht, Glas-beton. Junior Environmental and Social Sciences - Michelle Robertson and Tyla-Reese Pretorius, How safe is your personal protective clothing when treated with fabric softener? Senior Health Sciences - Liza-Ri Snyman, Conditioner? NATUURLIK!
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Senior Agricultural Sciences - Michaela Stanley, Avocado Propagation. Third places were awarded to: Senior Health Sciences - Anize Basson and Lin-Mari Theron, Toets my? Suandrie Corbett and Jamie Robertson hold the title of overall senior winners of Tritech Nationals 2018. These two combined research, technology and resources in their project Farmers Market: Key to growth in a community. They identified the need to develop a small virtual market that can be utilized on a much larger scale, almost like a co-op. With this they connect the consumers of produce to small subsistence farmers, who are often unable to participate in market
orientated production, due to the lack of access to markets, capital inputs and technology. They created a virtual market which links the demand of consumers to the supply of local farmers in the community of Phalaborwa and Maseke. These two grade 10 learners created their own profitable business, employed a driver and a single mother as a consultant. Their business now provides an income for many local farmers as well as the delivery of fresh produce to the community. A message from Tritech 2018: Be like a proton and stay positive. You never fail, you just discovered a thousand ways that did not work!
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September 2018
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September 2018
2018 Macadamia crop forecast positive Macadamias South Africa NPC (SAMAC) conducted Handlers’ Forum is positive about the curanother round of data collection to issue a final crop rent South African crop. “The fact that forecast for the 2018 season. The latest forecast is ap- higher processing capacity has proximately 1 000 metric tons lower than the previous been achieved could forecast of 53 500 t, measured on an in-shell basis at be a contributing 1.5% kernel moisture content. The updated forecast is factor due to recent 52 412 tonnes. The 2018 crop is still a significant im- processing facility provement on the previous two season’s crops of 38 upgrades in South 000 and 44610 t for 2016 and 2017 respectively, which Africa, but the kerwere severely reduced due to a drought period. nel market has also The kernel market is also gaining more prominence shown great apthan what was previously expected. 65% of the South petite for South AfAfrican crop is expected to be processed to kernel. This rican macadamias”, is 10% more than a previous estimate and also 15% said van der Westhuizen. higher than 2017, when 50% of the crop was exportVan der Westhuizen also commented on the quality R. “A record crop to ensure sufTNEcrop: ofBthe season ed as in-shell. Pieter van der Westhuizen, chair of theLIA PAR LE2018
ficient supply, with an added bonus of excellent quality was what the market was looking for. South African macadamias have attained a superb reputation, which is appropriate, since we are the largest supplier of macadamias in the world currently.” The current season is drawing to a close fast with the last deliveries reaching many handlers in midSeptember. Flowering has commenced and is looking promising. It is however too early to make predictions about the 2019 crop since much depends on weather conditions. Flowering is unfortunately a poor indication of crop outlooks, since nuts drop naturally towards the end of spring, a phenomenon referred to as the “November drop”. Furthermore, the prospects for El Niño is also a possibility based on recent weather predictions. Nut set on flowers depend on water supply, humidity and other factors, while trees’ ability to hold on to the nuts depend much on water supply.
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Sedert die uitsending van die Seisoen 1, is landboureus Laeveld Agrochem se Nisboere sinoniem met woorde soos “voedselsekerheid”, “entrepreneurskap”, “werkskepping” en, bowenal, “hoop” – vir almal, van elke Suid-Afrikaner tot alle klein- en groot boere. In reaksie op die grootskaalse sukses van die eerste twee Nisboere-seisoene, borg Laeveld Agrochem nou die derde reeks wat elke Maandag om 20h00 op VIA, DStv Kanaal 147 uitgesaai sal word. Seisoen 3 pronk met 16 episodes en ‘n varsnuwe voorkoms en formaat. Terwyl vorige episodes bestaan het uit drie besoeke aan drie nisboere, sal die nuwe episodes fokus op twee nisboere en een kommersiële boer wat ‘n Laeveld Agrochem-suksesverhaal is. Slegs die nisboere sal egter die kans hê om ‘n plek op die Vyf van die Bestes-ranglys te behaal. Afgesien hiervan pronk die seisoen ook met ‘n splinternuwe aanbieder. Malixole Gwatyu is ‘n direkteur by BRAND et al. Voordat hy die advertensiewese en die wêreld van Nisboere betree het, was dié alumnus van die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Besigheidskool en 2017-wenner van die FANRPAN Africa Agriculture Media Award, ‘n joernalis met meer as 15 jaar ervaring by media wat die spektrum dek van Die Burger en RSG tot SA Farming. Sy passie vir landbou het hom ook al breër horisonne laat verken, onder meer die Oklahoma State University Fellows Programme on Entrepreneurship en die Poynter Institute in die VSA – laasgenoemde deur ‘n nominasie vir die internasionale besoekersprogram by die Amerikaanse Ambassade in SA. Mali word ondersteun deur die staatmaker- aanbiederspan wat kykers reeds vanaf Seisoen 1 ken: Akteur en stemkunstenaar, Anrich Herbst, wat ‘n ver pad gestap het sedert sy debuut as Wimpie van Tonder in die Afrikaanse sitcom Orkney Snork Nie, akteur en voormalige cowboy, Chris de Clerq, en die bekroonde akademikus en ongeneeslike blomliefhebber, dr. Simonia Magardie. Les bes, terwyl ‘n beoordelaarspaneel weer eens sal besluit watter nisboere vir die Vyf van die Bestes-ranglys kwalifiseer, is kykers se insette eweneens belangrik. “Kykers se menings is vir ons van groot waarde,” verduidelik Laeveld Agrochem- stigterslid en bemarkingsdirekteur, Corné Liebenberg. “Juis daarom kan hulle elke week op die Nisboere Facebook-blad, asook op die webblad, www.nisboere.co.za, vir hul gunstelingplase stem.”
September 2018
Optima, Sakata se kool vir somerproduksie kan lei tot die belemmering van groei en die vorming van klein koppe. Die wortelhuisie moet verder ook nie uitdroog tydens uitplant nie, omdat die saailing se wortels sal sterf en die saailing nie sal groei nie. Met die uitplant van saailinge, met die hand of met ‘n planter, moet die produsent bewus wees van die volgende: • maak seker dat die gate diep genoeg is dat die saailing se wortel nie buig, ingeforseer word, of breek nie - dit kan beteken dat die plantjie slegs klein koppe sal vorm • maak seker dat die saailing se wortelstelsel reg ontwikkel is en dat die groeipunt nie beskadig is nie.
Kool is oorspronklik ‘n wintergewas wat gedurende herfs geplant word, deur die winter groei en in die lente geoes word. Met die verloop van tyd is nuwe variëteite geteel wat geskik is vir verbouing regdeur die jaar selfs deur die winter. Die verskeidenheid van kole wat vandag beskikbaar is, wissel in grootte, vorm en kleur. Die verbruiker kan kies en keur tussen koolkoppe van verskeie groottes, vanaf babakool tot koppe van 4 kg en selfs groter. Die vorms van die verskeie koppe kan ook wissel tussen spits, plat, semi-rond en rond. Daar is selfs ook ‘n keuse tussen groen kool en rooi kool. Vandag se baster variëteite beskik verder oor goeie siekteweerstand wat nodig is vir die produsent om ‘n goeie oes te verkry en om chemiese bespuiting te verminder. Suid-Afrika en Afrika is uniek in die sin dat ons hou van groot koppe vanaf 4 kg en selfs groter. Sakata se koolvariëteit Optima, bied presies wat die produsent verlang – goeie kwaliteit groot koppe met uitstekende siektebestandheid: Optima beskik oor intermediêre weerstand teen Swartvrot en is dus hoofsaaklik geskik vir areas waar die Swartvrot druk baie hoog is - veral met die huidige wisselvallige klimaatsomstandighede, bied dit die produsent addisionele versekering van goeie kwaliteit koppe. Die sterk groeier neem ongeveer 80 tot 100 dae om bekwaamheid te bereik nadat dit verplant is, afhangende van die temperatuur. Die groot raam beskerm die koppe baie goed teen sonbrand asook windskade. Optima se koppe is semi-rond tot rond met ‘n kopgrootte tussen 3 en 5 kg - afhangende van die plantpopulasie, kan dit selfs groter wees. Saailinge Dit is baie belangrik dat goeie kwaliteit, sterk saailinge geplant word. Swak saailinge lewer swak kwaliteit, klein koppe wat op die ou einde ‘n lae opbrengs te weeg bring. Die produsent moet ook seker maak dat die saailing se groeipunt nie beskadig is nie, aangesien dit daartoe kan lei dat die plant geen kop kan vorm nie, of meer as een kop vorm wat nie bemarkbaar is nie. Die saailinge moet verder ook nie te lank raak in die saailaai voordat dit uitgeplant word nie, aangesien lang saailinge na uitplant kan verwelk en beskadig kan word deur die son. Dit is belangrik vir die produsent om gebruik te maak van ‘n betroubare saailingkweker om te verseker dat die aanplanting van die begin af met goeie kwaliteit saailinge gevestig word. Sommige produsente poog om kostes te spaar deur hulle eie saailinge te kweek, wat gewoonlik lei tot swak kwaliteit saailinge wat verskeie probleme tot gevolg het soos swak plantjies, lae uitsny persentasies, swak eenvormigheid, siektes in die veld afkomstig van die saailinge, swak wortelstelsel en nog baie meer. Uitplant van saailinge Indien moontlik moet saailinge op beddings of op walle geplant word. Dit lei tot beter dreinering van water wat minder grondsiektes beteken, asook die beskikbaarheid van meer suurstof in die grond. Die produsent moet verseker dat die saailinge se stam of wortel nie beskadig word tydens uitplant nie, aangesien dit
Grondvoorbereiding Dit is belangrik vir die produsent om kennis te neem van die tipe grond waar die kool geplant word. Deur ‘n profielgat te grou kan die produsent sien wat gebeur met die dreinering asook die wortelontwikkeling van die plante in die grond. Hierdie observasie sal die produsent baie help in sy besluit oor hoe om die grond te bewerk. ‘n Diep bewerking om die ploegsool te breek en om dreinering aan te help, gevolg deur saadbedvoorbereiding met ‘n beddingmaker. Voor opkoms kan kunsmis saam
met die bedvoorbereiding ingewerk word. Bemesting Dit is verder belangrik vir die produsent om ‘n grondmonster te neem en dit te laat analiseer, sodat ‘n sorgvuldige bemestingsaanbeveling gedoen kan word. Die korrekte bemestingsprogram dra by tot ‘n gesonde oes met ‘n hoë opbrengs van kwaliteit koolkoppe. Sakata lewer ‘n diens aan die produsente deur bemestingsaanbevelings te maak wat variëteitspesifiek is. Kontak ons gerus indien u van hierdie diens gebruik wil maak. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se koolvariëteite skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se nuwe webwerf by www.sakata.co.za. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.
September 2018
Honorable, Focused, Reliable. HFR Transport share key values ‘Our routes and of commitment, good manners, destinations are mutual respect and integrity. Our strategy embodies ongoing convenient for both small growth and stability through and large enterprises who superior service delivery, require trustworthy and equipment, operations, coordination, staff, technology affordable, temperatureand planning. We also strive controlled transport.’ towards on-going commitment and collaboration with our We service the whole of South customers and the satisfaction Africa including neighbouring countries like Namibia, Botswana, of their ever evolving needs. Zimbabwe, Malawi, Swaziland HFR Transport is a leading, and Mozambique. independent national and cross-border transporter with Our highly skilled workforce, well a broad range of corporate and planned maintenance program, operations, 24/7 independent clients throughout dedicated tracking division and clean fleet Southern Africa. Our main focus is refrigerated cargo but set us apart in the industry. All we also carry dry, valuable and our trailers are standardised to be perishable loads. We deliver on 30 pallet, high cube, lightweight temperature and on time... every trailers with a carrying capacity time. This enables us, to focus of over 29 ton. on commercialised goods as well as seasonal products like fruit and vegetables.
GENERAL MANAGER Stephan van Rensburg Email: stephanvr@hfr.co.za Mobile: +27 (0)83 681 0982 Direct line: +27 (0)11 306 6008 OPERATIONS MANAGER Chris Abrams Email: chrisa@hfr.co.za Mobile: +27 (0)82 523 9143 Direct line: +27 (0)11 306 6055 MARKETING LIMPOPO, MPUMALANGA, SWAZILAND: Giel Nel Email: gieln@hfr.co.za Mobile: +27 (0)83 601 2687
HEAD OFFICE +27 (0)11 306 6000 www.hfr.co.za