October 2018
Mahela is Boer van die Jaar Bl 3
FE6-109 3 TON
R287 000 EXCL VAT Mercurius Motors Polokwane Commercial 5 Marmer rd, Magna Via, Corporate Park one, Polokwane. Tel: 015 298 4700. www.mercuriuspolokwanecv.co.za
Daar is groei by Merensky Bl 6
BJV ken van groepeer Bl 13
October 2018
Geluk aan Mahela Groep
Publication of: FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiders van Landini & McCormick Trekkers in Tzaneen
Congratulations Mahela Group! We are proud to be assocciated with you.
Baie geluk aan Mahela met die uitstekende prestasie. Sterkte met die Nationale kompetisie.
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“Well done to the Mahela Group. Congratulations on your well-deserved success”
Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa
Baie geluk aan die Mahela Groep met hul Landbouskrywers Gulde as Limpopo boer van die jaar toekenning. Agri Letaba is trots om julle as lede te hê. Sterkte met die Nasionale kompetisie.
Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen
Reemoon South Africa (Pty)Ltd.
1 Fees Street, Tzaneen, Limpopo 015 306 0281 • www.reemoon.com.cn
Agri Letaba 015 307 2725/3509 info@agriletaba.co.za www.agriletaba.co.za
Baie Geluk Mahela! Baie geluk met julle prestasie! Ons stap trots die pad saam met julle! For ALL your auto body repairs, dents, paintwork and rubberising
Tel: 015 307 1350 • Fax: 015 307 1693
4 Industria St. Tzaneen • motormaster@tzaneen.co.za
Baie geluk aan Mahela met julle toekenning as landbouskrywersgilde se Boer van die jaar vir Limpo. Sterkte met die nasionale kompetisie.
“Jou Sukses - Ons Spesialiteit”
015 004 0370
Email: tzaneen@lvt.co.za www.lvt.co.za
Hannes Brits - 071 496 1518 Tinus Malan - 082 319 2906
Industri Park,Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele, 0850
Riverwalk Training is trots om met julle geassosieer te word en dienste te verskaf. Tel: 015 307 4205 | Fax: 015 307 4752 mieniem@telkomsa.net 9 Gilliland Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen, 0850 PO Box 4110, Tzaneen, 0850
Baie geluk aan vir die besonderse prestasie! Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
015 307 4490/1/2 www.hsbenvorster.co.za www.facebook.com/rooimasjien
Baie Geluk aan die Mahela Groep met die landbouskrywers gilde toekenning. Diek Coetzee - 083 448 5181 Kantoor - 015 345 1205 / 015 345 1136
October 2018
Mahela Boerdery kraai koning Mahela Boerdery is vroeër hierdie maand in Pretoria as die Landbouskrywersgilde se Boer van die Jaar vir Limpopo aangewys en sal op die 16de November vanjaar die nasionale Landbouskrywersgilde SA se toekennings op Paarl gaan bywoon. Tydens hierdie spoggeleentheid sal die Nasionale Boer van die Jaar aangewys word. Mahela Boerdery word deur die derde generasie Vorsters bedryf en het vanjaar ‘n rekord 30 000 bokse sitrus per dag gepak. Volgens legende is die naam “Mahela” afkomstig van ‘n noemnaam wat die plaaslike werkers vir oom BJ Vorster gegee het na aanleiding van sy reguit manier van besigheid doen. Sederdien het die boerdery gegroei en is die Boer van die Jaar vir Limpopo net bevestiging van die maatskappy se suksesse. Tzaneen is trots om wéér ‘n keer breëbors te kan stap met die wete dat nog een van ons boere hul merk op die internasionale mark gemaak het. Mahela Boerdery besit tans 8 400 hektar grond waarop daar met hoofsaaklik sitrus en ander sub-tropiese vrugte geboer word. Hulle het ook so net oor die 1000 hektar grond waarop lewende hawe en wild bedryf word. Per jaar lewer Mahele Groep sowat 70 000 ton sitrus en nagenoeg 10 000 ton sub-tropiese vrugte wat hoofsaaklik vir die uitvoermark geoormerk word. “Hierdie is vir ons ‘n besonderse toekenning waarop ons trots is en ons bedank
graag elke lid van ons span vir hul harde werk en toewyding wat gelei het tot hierdie oomblik,” het Eddie Vorster beskeie gesê. “Ons sukses lê absoluut by ons mense.” Mahela Boerdery kyk mooi na hul mense. Elke jaar word daar kursusse aangebied wat die werkers se lewens verryk en verseker dat hulle oor die nodige opgeskerpte vaardighede besit om net die beste diens te kan lewer. Die Vorsters, soos baie van hul volksgenote, is absoluut gemeenskapsgedrewe en het deur die jare deur, en doen steeds vandag nog, terug geploeg in die gemeenskap in met verskeie gemeenskapsprojekte om die groter gemeenskap op te lig. Bulletin wil graag ook vir Mahela Boerdery hartlik geluk wens met hul prestasie en hull sterkte toewen vir die komende Nasionale toekenings.
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October 2018
LFPA attends National Symposium The Nelson Mandela University’s George Campus in conjunction with the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association, the Garden Route District Municipality and the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries hosted the 12th annual Fire Management Symposium in George early October. The Chairperson of the Letaba Fire Protection Asso-
ciation, Trevor Phillips, Public Relations Officer, Maritza Swanepoel, Jaco Rautenbach from Kingsland Farming and Kobus Visser, Fire Chief at the Mopani District Municipality Fire Services, went down to George to attend the symposium themed “From commitments to action: ecosystem-based fire management for effective disaster risk reduction”.
The symposium was very well attended with more than two hundred delegates from all over South Africa. One of they key discussion points were the devastating Knysna Fires in 2017. On the second day the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association organised a field excursion to the key points of the Knysna Fire which was followed by a gala dinner that night.
The Program Co-ordinator,Tiaan Pool, Nelson Mandela University George Campus, Maritza Swanepoel, Public Relations Officer at the Letaba Fire Protection Association, Trevor Phillips, Chairperson of the Letaba Fire Protection Association and Jaco Rautenbach from Kingsland Farming at the Gala Dinner.
October 2018
October 2018
Agri-Merensky boer vooruit In die laaste 4 jaar het die landbou-afdeling by Hoërskool Merensky eksponensiaal gegroei. Daar is 5 nuwe landbouklasse, 1 tegniese sentrum, 1 landboulaboratorium en ablusiegeriewe vir seuns en dogters in AgriPark opgerig. Beplanning vir die landboulaboratorium het reeds in 2013 begin. Omdat daar gewerk word met die Y-generasie het Hoërskool Merensky dit goedgedunk om in hul spesifieke behoeftes te voorsien deur, onder andere, dié wêreldklas laboratorium op te rig: die leerders wil nie wag nie, soek vinnige resultate, wil self sien hoe dinge werk en dit beproef, en wil hul vordering en resultate opsom om sukses te bepaal. Vanaf 2016 het die graad
10-landbougetalle gegroei van 16 tot 62 in 2018. Graad 11-leerdergetalle het gegroei van 13 tot 32 en die graad 12-getalle het gegroei van 11 tot 17. Vanaf 2015 bied Merensky landbou aan vir graad 8- en 9-leerders wat wildsbestuur, plantkunde, grondkunde, dierkunde en vakkeuse inligting vir landbouwetenskap, bestuur en tegnologie insluit. Merensky werk saam met die gemeenskap om landbou as vak te verbeter en leerder beter voor te berei. ZZ2 se Pinzgauerstoet word deur die leerders hanteer, Kunsmatige Inseminasie (KI) praktiese sessies word aangebied en skoumanskap opleiding is aan
die orde van die dag. Allesbeste help met die skool se eie avo-boord en bied Malumadag op die skoolgronde aan. Westfalia word besoek vir praktiese ekskursies en borg die jaarlikse nasionale Tritech-ronde wat by Merensky aangebied word. Limpopo Melkery van Louis Trichardt ondersteun en borg die opkomende Plasie-boere met ‘n enorme kuilvoerprojek. Hierdie projek het vanjaar, by die ALFA-
Expo in Parys, die eersteplek in Suid-Afrika opgeraap in die Sorghum-afdeling. RedSun voorsien die makadamia-tonnel wat eersdaags opgerig gaan word. Mieliekloof Abattoir verskaf opleiding in slagprosesse. Snyman Voere, Brenco Voere en Driehoek Voere tree op as borge vir die gewilde, jaarlikse Slagos-projek. In die pyplyn vir 2019 is, onder andere, nog ‘n tegniese sentrum, ‘n 18m x 38m tonnel onder besproeiing vir makadamias, asook ‘n voertuig wat spesiaal gebruik sal word om lewende hawe na skoue te vervoer en ander takies in AgriPark te verrig.
Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat daar twee vliegtuie beskikbaar sal wees vir die FCM bespuiting. GPS kaarte moet so gou moontlik aangestuur word.
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October 2018
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October 2018
R1.7m for Winter The winter fire season ended yesterday, and landowners can start burning again today. The Letaba Fire Protection Association’s aerial resources consisting of two Huey Helicopters, two Spotter aeroplanes and three Aircraft Support Vehicles left the base yesterday on their way to assist in the Cape for their summer fire season. Aerial fire-fighting amounted to R1.7m for the season. Helicopter pilot Julian Moller flew on twelve fires for a total of 22.2 hours followed by Zayin Vermaak with 11.3 hours, Johann Pretorius with 5 hours, Matthew Cater with 2.6 hours and Charles Burger with only two hours. On the Spotter pilot’s side, Herman Boersma flew 12.9 hours, Louw van der Merwe 9.6 hours, Siem Venter 9.2 hours and Ruan van der Westhuizen 3.6 hours. The Helicopters dropped 176 litres of chemicals on the fires and the Aircraft Support Vehicles travelled more than 22 000km to refuel the helicopters during the season. The Letaba Fire Protection Association wishes the pilots all the best for the coming season and also wants to thank all their members for their support, commitment and willingness to fight fires.
2018 Subtrop Marketing Symposium
Louw van der Merwe
Julian Moller
Matthew Carter
Siem Venter
Where is South Africa headed, and do opportunities for positive growth still exist in the country? The South African Subtropical Growers’ Association (Subtrop) believes they do, and will be contextualising these prospects for the subtropical fruit industry against the current political and economic climate at its upcoming Subtrop Marketing Symposium, to be held on 7 November 2018 at the Ingwenyama Sports and Conference Resort in White River. Tackling this topic head-on will be keynote speaker, Sihle Ngobese, director of strategic operations at the Institute of Race Relations. His address South Africa to 2030 will look at the possible scenarios that could play out for South Africa over the next ten years. Meanwhile, Standard Bank’s Shireen Darmalingam will specifically highlight the country’s economic position and future forecasts in this regard. South African avocados remain in demand both locally and abroad, with consumption set to increase in future. Industry insiders looking at trends in this sector include Greg Vicherat of Halls, and Zac Bard and Trevor Dukes of the World Avocado Organisation. Consumer perspectives on local avo promotion and consumption will
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be provided by Glynnis Branthwaite of Protactic Strategic Communications (Growing the South African appetite for avocados through local promotions) and Monique Piderit of Nutritional Solutions (Results of South African avocado dietitian research). As always, the symposium will also address potential growth opportunities beyond our borders for local growers, packers, processors, marketers and retailers in the subtropical fruit industry. To this end Pieter Buys, chairman of the SA Mango Growers’ Association (SAMGA), will look at global mango markets; Subtrop CEO, Derek Donkin, will chat about Subtrop’s focus on market access; and Jurie Welman, president of CHEP SubSaharan Africa and Automotive Europe, India, Middle East, Africa, will discuss logistics when moving into emerging markets. Symposium tickets cost R350 (Subtrop members) and R650 (non-members) when booked before 20 October 2018, and R450 (Subtrop members) and R750 (nonmembers) thereafter. Registration for the symposium is from 08h00 and the presentations will be from 09h00 until approximately 17h00. For further information please contact Lizette de Wet on 015 307-3676/7 or email lizette@subtrop.co.za or visit https://www.avocado.co.za/
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October 2018
Seek solutions, seek Saniplas Great packaging sells your products. That’s a fact. Another is that you can now professionally package and ship your products locally through the help of the plastic professionals at Saniplas. Questions deserves answers and William Roux has made answering those questions simple, compatible, reliable and timeous. That’s right, whether you need planter liners, lug liners, film form and seals, virgin LDPE bags, refuse bags or black sheeting, Saniplas can help. Other services and products include Pallet wraps and Shrink wrap for shipping bulk quantities. Basically anything plastic has a home in their all-in-one plastic warehouse located in Tzaneen. Why plastic though? Many believe that paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic bags because they are made from a renewable resource, biodegradable, and are recyclable. But the fact is that plastic bags outperform paper bags environmentally – on manufacturing, on reuse, and on solid waste volume and generation. Plastic is also a lot more durable than paper which means that the protection it offers for your products, by default, outperforms paper packaging and cardboard boxes. This is not to say that the former is a thing of the past, it has its place and purpose, but when you need something tougher, cheaper and more reliable, come and see Saniplas and have a look at the
alternatives. With a long history in the plastics industry, William and partner, Darron van Vuuren of Pest Control Specialists fame, have put together only the best pricing and quality schedules for the local market. William’s experience and expert knowledge of the industry will add the extra value clients will come to not only appreciate, but expect from this new venture. “I am always available to assist and am happy to offer the advice my clients will need to guide their products from the production line to the end-user with as little fuss as possible,” explained William. “If anybody should have a product or service related query, please don’t hesitate to call me on 060 792 7034 or drop me an email at william@saniplas.co.za” Though their website is still under development and readying to launch within the next month or so, you are invited to have a look at some of the products they have on display there by checking in at www. saniplas.co.za. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
060 792 7034
October 2018
Veldspan — an all-in-one solution What is more important than adequate fencing to protect your livestock? Well besides quality and reliability, you have to factor in expertise and technical backup from a trusted supplier. Enter CWI – Consolidated Wire Industries – who have been manufacturing premium mild steel wire and related products since after the second World War
in 1949. Its manufacturing plant situated in Vanderbijlpark has been operational since the early 1950s and employs in excess of 400 permanent employees. There are five branches around the country including, Polokwane, Vanderbijlpark, Cape Town, Durban and East London. CWI Products conform to national and international specifications and are sold in various countries around the world. One of their most exciting offering is their trademarked product named Game King Veldspan. Game King Veldspan is an all-in-one fencing solution to keep your game IN and predators OUT. It is cost effective and easy to erect. Game King Veldspan is constructed from 16 high tensile straining wires, of which the top
and bottom wires are 3.06 mm in diameter, and the other 14 wires 2.24 mm in diameter. The vertical stay wires are spaced as follows: Up to 990 mm – 75 mm apart from 990 mm to 2 410 mm – 150 mm or 300 mm apart and are only available in 50m Heavy Galvanized rolls. With Game King Veldspan your nights are sure to be more peaceful in the knowledge that your beloved game will rest as easy as you after a long hard day in field. Besides breakthrough fencing solutions, CWI also have a range of other products on offer. These include a range of farm gates, auction gates, posts, stays, grapple and binding wire. They also supply barbed wire, steel wire, fencing equipment and tools, and for the complete fencing solution they even supply razor wire. So the next time you upgrade your perimeter, be sure to contact the Polokwane branch for quotations and information on the range of fencing products available on 015 297 3593 or visit them at 15 Sixth Street, Industria, Polokwane.
October 2018
Heat oven to 180 °C. Heat two tablespoons of the olive oil in a pan. Gently soften onions and garlic in pan for 1520 mins over a low heat until soft and sticky but not browned. Place the onion and garlic mix, tomatoes, herbs
and 50g breadcrumbs in a baking dish. Season to taste and toss together. Drizzle the remaining olive oil over the mixture. Place in oven and bake for 45 min. Mix the remainder of the breadcrumbs and three
cheeses. Sprinkle breadcrumb and cheese mixture over baked tomato mix. Bake for another 15 mins until topping has melted and is golden brown. Sprinkle extra thyme and / or oregano over the top before serving.
Photo: parsleyinmyteeth.com
3 onions thinly sliced 3 cloves of garlic thinly sliced or crushed 4 tablespoons olive oil 1.2kg Medley Mix tomatoes 8 thyme or oregano (or a mix) sprigs Have some extra for garnishing 85g fresh white breadcrumbs 1/4 cup cheddar cheese, grated 1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, grated Grated parmesan cheese
ZZ2 tomatoes are available at National Fresh Produce Markets, independent fresh produce retailers, most supermarkets and Food Lover’s Market stores.
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ZZ2Farming |
October 2018
DON’T MISS OUT! Contact your dealer TODAY!
Before The model BVE permits to obtain a higher grass crumbling than the model BPEL.The BVE model is advised for mulching grassy mantels, runners and stones until 6-7cm of diameter in orchards.The hitch is available with manual or hydraulic side shift. Powered by tractors from 40HP to 110HP.
The XPEL model is suitable for mulching in stony, irregular grounds and for the woodlands maintenance.The structure in the totality of its components is particularly strong, such that the mulcher can shred big dimensions pruning residues (about
10-15 cm of diameter) and break movable stones with a diameter until 25 cm.The hitch is available with manual or hydraulic side shift. Powered by tractors from 55HP to 120HP.
R121 000
R137 000 (+VAT)
R128 000
R143 000 (+VAT)
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R350 000 (+VAT) Come see us for good deals on the rest of our range!
“Jou Sukses - Ons Spesialiteit” 015 004 0370
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Hannes Brits - 071 496 1518 Tinus Malan - 082 319 2906
Industri Park,Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele, 0850
*TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY. Foto slegs vir illustrasie.
October 2018
BJV spog met 0.70 groeperings Die jaarlikse Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging, Letaba Tak, groepering skietdag wat plaasgevind het op 13 Oktober, was vanjaar weer ‘n weghol sukses. Pryse van meer as R100 000 was op die spel en die skuts van wyd en syd het hul vernuf op die proef gestel in reënerige
weer, waar daar na meer as ‘n 1 000 teikens geskiet is. By die 100m Ope Klas Groepering (drie skote op een teiken) was die kompetisie straf, individuele groeperings van so klein as 0.70mm is geskiet, maar skuts is beoordeel op die beste twee teikens. Aan die einde van die dag het André Jonker geseëvier met ‘n groepering van 3.40mm. Die verskil tussen Eerste en
Tiende plek is ‘n skrale 2.28mm! Oop Visier oor afstand van 100m is gewen deur Ampie du Toit met ‘n groepering van 30.24mm Hy wys waar Dawid die wortels gegrawe het by die ‘Staande Sonder Rus’ 50m Afdeling en wen met groepering van 16.15mm By die .22 Geweer Afdeling maak Martin Geldenhuys skoonskip met groepering van 3.22mm by die seniors. In die Juniors kategorie klop Aldo Roos, net 10 jaar oud, almal onder 18jaar met groeper-
Oop Visier 100m: Philip Robinson, Ampie du Toit, Christo Toerien (afwesig) Dawie Botes
Philip Robinson, Ampie du Toit, wen ‘n Howa 30-06
Philip Robinson, Raymond Dando, Johan Engelbrecht, Herjo Engelbrecht, Giam Fourie Vool lnr Jayden Venter, Armand Botes, Aldo Roos. Tweede ry: Neria Fleischmann, Eune Jonker, Lize O’Connell, Maryna Jacobsz, Anja O’Connell, Jana Jacobsz. Agter: Philip Robinson en Crystal Fourie
ing van 4.95mm! Die .22 Handwapen word gewen deur Alwin Fleischmann met 16.95mm en die Handwapen Senterslag word gewen deur Raymond Dando met 19.89mm groepering. Philip Robinson, die Voorsitter van BJV Letaba Tak, bedank almal wat betrokke was met die voorbereiding, reelings en hantering van aktiwiteite voor, tydens en na die skietdag. Besonderse dank aan al die borge wat die dag moontlik gemaak het. Sonder jul ondersteuning sou dit onmoontlik gewees het om ‘n suksesvolle kompetisie aan te bied. (Lys van Borge sal in latere uitgawe gepubliseer word) Persone wat belangstel in meer inligting van Bosveld Jagters- en Wildbewaringsverening kan die kantoor kontak op 071 871 4710.
Philip Robinson (BJV Voorsitter), 1. Gys Pretorius (afwesig), 2. Johandre le Roux, 3. Stefan le Roux
100m Groepering Opeklas Wenners
Andre Jonker
Yolande Jonker
Pieter Grobler
Gert Nel
Dre Jonker
Martin Geldenhuys
Quinton Reynolds
Cobus de Lange
Eric van der Gryp
Clayton Wiggil
Philip Robinson en Eric van der Gryp 5.54mm
2018 October Climate & Weather Averages in Tzaneen High Temp: 29 °C
Low Temp: 14 °C
Mean Temp: 22 °C
Precipitation: 39.4 mm
Humidity: 63%
Dew Point: 12 °C
Wind: 6 km/h
Pressure: N/A
Visibility: 15 km
Before After Hendrik: 060 557 3714 Superior Performing Seamless Eco Membrane, that protects substrate against corrosion, water damage, chemical attack.
October 2018
Sakata Saladette Tamaties Tamaties is onder die top 3 groentegewasse wat verbou en verbruik word in Suid-Afrika, en ongeveer 450 000 tot 550 000 ton word jaarliks geproduseer. Die gemiddelde verbruik per persoon in Suid-Afrika is in die orde van 8 tot 12 kg per jaar. In vergelyking met ander Afrika lande is dit baie hoog met ‘n verbruikersyfer van ongeveer 3 tot 5kg per persoon vir die res van Afrika. In vergelyking met die res van die wêreld is dit egter baie laag en in Suid-Amerika alleen is die verbruik van tamaties ongeveer 15 tot 18 kg per persoon per jaar. Tamaties is ‘n baie veelsydige gewas met baie geleenthede wat opgesluit is in die waardeketting - van songedroogte produkte, inmaak, souse en selfs skoonheidsprodukte. Die gesondheidsvoordele en voedingswaarde van tamaties is hoog en daar word altyd veral na die likopeen inhoud verwys wanneer daar van tamatieverbruik gepraat word. Die tamatiemark het oor die algemeen redelik dieselfde gebly wanneer dit kom by die soorte tamaties wat verbou word. Die belangrikste segment bly steeds die varsmark ronde tipe tamaties, maar ander segmente word al hoe meer ontdek en toon ‘n definitiewe groei. Spesialiteitstamaties bied op sy beurt verskeie sub segmente en raak ook al hoe meer gewild met die verskeie kleure, vorms en smake wat beskikbaar is. Saladette tamaties is besig om in gewildheid toe te neem as gevolg van ‘n beter smaak en lewer ‘n meer vlesige tamatie, wat veral in gekookte geregte gebruik word. Vroeër jare is Saladette tamaties hoofsaaklik verbou vir prosessering en die fokus was nooit geplaas op die eetkwaliteit van hierdie tamaties nie. Daar het egter ‘n nuwe mark ontwikkel vir varsmark Saladette tamaties, wat beteken dat die saadmaatskappye moes begin kyk het na goeie kwaliteit tamaties met ‘n goeie smaak wat in slaaie en bredies gebruik kan word. Sakata se Saladette tamatie variëteite voldoen aan hierdie vereistes: Zara* is ‘n splinternuwe F1 Baster, beperkte Saladette
tamatie wat onlangs deur Sakata vrygestel is. Zara* se plante verskaf goeie beskerming aan die vrugte teen die son. Die vrugte is baie eenvormig met ‘n dik skil en goeie smaak. Zara* beskik oor uitstekende fermheid wat die
vrugte uiters geskik maak vir langafstand vervoer. Die plante beskik oor intermediêre weerstand teen Bakteriese verwelk en het ‘n uitstekende opbrengspotensiaal. Emerald* is ook ’n nuwe Saladette tamatie wat aan die begin van hierdie jaar vrygestel is. Hierdie baster variëteit se uitstekende fermheid maak dit uiters geskik vir lang afstand vervoer. Emerald* beskik oor ’n goeie blaarbedekking wat die vrugte beskerm teen sonbrand. Die plante word gekenmerk deur ’n uitstekende opbrengspotensiaal en het intermediêre bestandheid teen Bakteriese verwelk. Mariana beskik oor ‘n bepaalde groeiwyse van klein tot medium grootte plante,
met uitstaande vrugset in somer. Die vrugte is ekstragroot, baie eenvormig met uitstekende fermheid. Die vrugskil is baie dik wat bydra tot ‘n uitstekende raklewe van die vrugte. Mion is uit dieselfde teelprogram ontwikkel as Mariana maar beskik oor siekteweerstand teen Tamatie kromnekvirus. Mion beskik verder oor siekteweerstand teen Verticillium ras 1, Fusarium rasse 1 & 2, Knopwortel aalwurm (Meloidogyne javanica), Altenaria stamkanker en Grysblaarvlek. Dit is veral die plant se besonderse sterk groeiwyse wat bydra tot die plant se vermoë om vrugte van 120 tot 250 gram te produseer met uitstekende kwaliteit en raklewe wat dit geskik maak vir die varsmark en prosessering. Tamatieteling het nog altyd vir Sakata na aan die hart gelê. Sakata se planttelers, biotegnoloë en plantpatoloë werk saam in die proses om nuwe basters te produseer en om seker te maak dat al die eienskappe waarvoor geteel word tot uitdrukking kom in die nuwe variëteit. Deur hierdie prosesse maak Sakata seker dat hulle die Sakata leuse van “Kwaliteit, Betroubaarheid en Diens” uitleef en die nodige ondersteuning aan produsente lewer. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se tamaties of die totale produkreeks skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se webwerf by www.sakata.co.za. * Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting. AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.
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October 2018
Saladette tamaties
* Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variĂŤteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.
October 2018
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