November 2018
Power over pests P4
FE6-109 3 TON
R287 000 EXCL VAT Mercurius Motors Polokwane Commercial 5 Marmer rd, Magna Via, Corporate Park one, Polokwane. Tel: 015 298 4700. www.mercuriuspolokwanecv.co.za
Mac-toekoms Bl 3
Agritourism a lifeline? P 6
November 2018
Publication of: FAR NORTH
Bulletin F A R
Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
Plaaslike NOVON agente vereer Vanjaar se NOVON Prestige Jaareindfunksie is by die asemrowende Maslow Time Square Hotel in Pretoria gehou. Dit was gedurende hierdie funksie wat NOVON Letsitele en NOVON Tzaneen met so paar van die loure weggestap het. Vennote se toekennings is volgens kriteria toegeken naamlik die Professionele Waskundigheid toekenning vir produk kennis, Algemene Depo- en Voorraad Bestuur toekenning en dan die Agent van die Jaar toekenning. Om in aanmerking te kom vir die Agent van die Jaar toekening, moet die agente voldoen aan verskeie vereistes asook hul jaarlikse finansiële mikpunt bereik. Koos van Wyk, van NOVON Letsitele kwalifiseer vir toekennings elke jaar en vandat die Vennote Klub gestig is, het Dawie Grobelaar van NOVON Tzaneen elke jaar ook gekwalifiseer. Koos het drie maal ook die prestasie behaal as Top Agent van die Jaar. Daar word ook jaarliks erkenning gegee aan die Administrateur vir die betrokke Jaar waar Ansie van der Merwe van NOVON Tzaneen die toekenning ontvang het in 2017 en Hilda Henning van NOVON Letsitele vanjaar met dié titel bekroon is.
Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa
Contact Details Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Dawie Grobbelaar
Hilda Henning
Koos van Wyk
Constantia Studiegroep sluit 2018 af Op die 7de November vanjaar het die Constantia Sitrus studiegroep en afsluiting op Letsitele plaasgevind. Hierdie laaste vergadering vir die jaar is deur Marion, Santam, Helmann Logistics, Wenkem, FMC, en Felco Equipment geborg. ‘n verteenwoordiger uit elkeen van hierdie maatskappye het ook as gassprekers opgetreë.
Shawn Gradwell van Marion het verduidelik hoe landbou besig is om te verander en hoe boere kan baat vind in die ontwikkeling van nuwe tegnolgie wat die industrie tot nuwe hoogtes sal dryf. Hy het ook verskeie van sy maatskappy se nuwe mobiele sagteware aan die lede bekendgestel wat kan help met effektiewe produksiebestuur.
van der Merwe, Jacques Bredenkamp and Richard Shulze (Wenkem)
Eddie Vorster verwelkom almal
Op hulle beurt het Wenkem / FMC hul opwindende nuwe Exirel produk bekendgestel wat nou ook beskikbaar is by Wenkem en Novon agente in die area.
Oct 2018
November Climate & Weather Averages in Tzaneen Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
High Temp: 29 °C
Low Temp: 15 °C
Mean Temp: 22 °C
Precipitation: 78.7 mm
Humidity: 67%
Dew Point: 14 °C
Wind: 7 km/h
Pressure: N/A
Visibility: 16 km
Hendrik: 060 557 3714 Before After Superior Performing Seamless Eco Membrane, that protects substrate against corrosion, water damage, chemical attack.
November 2018
Goeie terugvoering vir Mac-toekoms Die Macadamia industrie het op die 9de November in Witrivier, Mpumalanga, bymekaargekom saam met SAMAC vir ‘n industrie-dag. Kwekerye, produsente, verwerkers en ander belanghebbendes kon na gassprekers luister, deur landbouverskaffers se stalletjies loop en kuier oor ‘n heerlike middagete. Die sprekers het onder andere Nick Serfontein van Sernick Boerdery ingesluit. Meneer Serfontein het onlangs opspraak
gemaak in die media vir die opebrief wat hy aan Pres. Cyril Ramaphosa geskryf het oor onteineining sonder vergoeding. Hy het op die Expo gepraat oor hoe alle partye in die landbou positief moet bly, bydrae tot oplossings en ‘n moet besluit moet neem: “Be at the table, or be on the menu!” ‘n Ander spreker, die ekonoom en politiese spreker, Prof Roelof Botha, het die groep toegespreek oor die ekonomie en
Frik Joubert (Avocado kwekery bestuurder), Udette Kruger (Finansiele direkteur), Corinne Munro (Sales and Marketing) en Mark Hassenkamp (CEO).
sy sienings oor die politieke landskap. Hy het sy baie positiewe uitkyk ondersteun met sleutel ekonomiese aanwysers en sy hoof boodskap was dat die toekoms vir Suid Afrika en landbou glad nie so donker lyk soos die media dit soms uitmaak nie. Hy verskil byvoorbeeld van Stats SA wat beweer dat die land se ekonomie in ‘n tegniese resessie is. Ander sprekers het onder andere in-
gesluit Dr Elsje Joubert wat gepraat het oor hoe om omgewingsvriendelik op te tree teen stinkbesie skade; Juan Winter van SourceBI oor “benchmarking” in die Macadamia industrie en nog andere. Terugvoer vanaf SAMAC na meer as 60 SAMAC lede die 8ste Internationale Macadamia Symposium in China bygewoon het in Oktober is dat die toekoms vir Makadamia produsente baie positief lyk.
INSURANCE THAT WORKS AS HARD AS YOU DO Jaun Duvenage jaun@voorpos.co.za
082 575 3705
November 2018
Gain power over pests In 2017 the newest member of the Insect Science family was introduced = XMate™. X-Mate™ is a mating disruption product used for the control of mainly Lepidoptera pests like False Codling Moth and Macadamia Nut Borer. Male moths find potential mates by following the trail of a scent (pheromone) emitted by the female of the same species. This substance attracts males, causing them to initiate a particular sequence of behaviour that begins with their guided flight and ends with mating. Mating disruption consists of disturbing mating by saturating the atmosphere with synthetic pheromones released by dispensers. In an atmosphere saturated
with this pheromone, the males cannot locate the females, which emit pheromones at a lower concentration than the dispenser. The aim is to prevent mating so that there are no eggs, thus no larvae to cause damage to the fruit. Why X-Mate™: • It is easy and rapid to apply, and application is required only once a year, at the start of the programme, and at a time when there is little work in the orchard to be done. • Beneficial organisms that safeguard the presence of predator and parasitoids that limit pest presence are not affected, thus enabling balance between the pest and his antagonists to be achieved in time.
• •
Devices are not classified as toxic and there are no concern for fruit residues, especially for the export markets. If used repeatedly, it has a cumulative effect. No concern for developing resistance to the product.
What to keep in mind when applying X-Mate™: It is essential to remember that there is factor that can influence the effectiveness of the dispensers. These factors include, size of the orchard, climate, border or security zone, dispenser placement date and population density. Insect Science (Pty) Ltd currently holds registrations for X-Mate™ F.C.M.
Mating disruption: Mating disruption dispensers causes the male of a species to become disorientated and unable to locate a female of the species, ultimately preventing mating.
and X-Mate™ M.N.B, currently the only mating disruption product available for macadamia nut borer. However, the product range will still be expanding in the future – Watch this space. For more information visit www.insectscience.co.za
November 2018
Kry meer as net gewasbeskerming
insekbeheer aangedryf deur
aktiewe bestanddeel
STAATMAKER VALSKODLINGMOTBEHEER WAT SO SLIM SOOS JY WERK. Vir die boer kom elke seisoen met ’n lys van uitdagings. Gewasbeskerming moet egter nie een van die bekommernisse wees nie. Dit is hoekom ons Coragen® insekbeheer ontwikkel het; een van die mees gevorderde produkte vir insekbeheer in die wêreld. Om slim te werk het nou baie makliker geword danksy die vinnige en lang nawerkende Valskodlingmotbeheer in sitrus. Coragen® insekbeheer bied ’n unieke metode van werking met ’n uitstekende toksikologiese- en omgewingsprofiel. Die nuwe wapen in die geïntegreerde beheer arsenaal teen Valskodlingmot en beter vrugkwaliteit verlaag die risiko van afkeurings vir uitvoervrugte na die meeste uitvoermarkte. Beter gewasbeskerming en bewaring van voordelige insekte – dit is mos wat elke sitrusboer wil hê. Kontak jou naaste FMC-handelaar om meer uit te vind oor Coragen® insekbeheer. Coragen® bevat chlorantraniliprool (antraniliese diamied) (Rynaxypyr®) Reg. Nr. L8529 Wet Nr. 36 van 1947, versigtig. FMC Chemicals (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 44, Postnet Menlyn, Waterkloof Glen, 0081, Republiek van Suid-Afrika. Tel: +27 12 003 2938. Coragen® en Rynaxypyr® is handelsmerke van FMC Korporasie of sy affiliate. Datum: 08/2018. TD 18/142R
November 2018
Can Agritourism be a lifeline With challenges such as water shortages, increase in fuel prices, marketing challenges, cost-price squeeze and political unrest surrounding agriculture in South Africa, the business environment is ever-evolving which makes survival extremely challenging. This forces farmers to become more entrepreneurial and think outside the proverbial box to look for more innovative ways to earn an extra income, without impacting on their existing agricultural business model. The advantages of diversifying your existing business model will result in improved cash-flow, assist with risk management,
create exposure for your agricultural business, all whilst increasing income, far outweighs the disadvantages. Many are turning to coin in from the tourism sector by incorporating tourism into their business plans to run alongside established farming business models. Many farmers are finding that they have unutilised buildings on their premises which can easily be transformed into authentic accommodation to let others enjoy a true South African farming experience. This, teamed with honest South African hospitality and cuisine (think about evenings with potjiekos, braai-
vleis and pap spent around a fire) can easily be incorporated by many farmers at a fairly low cost and little disruption to their normal farming programmes. Not only does this create an extra income, but it diversifies their business by welcoming people around the world to experience various farming practises in various farming sectors. With the main source of income still being the cultivation and sale of produce, teaming your agricultural business with tourism is a great way to tap into the many millions of Rands that the tourism industry brings to our national table. Global travellers are moving away from the mainstream tourism, and are looking for personal and authentic experiences. Many have not experienced agriculture at all, let alone some of the unique farming practises South African farmers have to offer. South African farms lend themselves as being ideal for just such experiences, set in beautiful and diverse countrysides. Not only do South African farmers have the advantage of diverse landscapes to offer, but the diversity within the agricul-
tural sector is also a huge advantage. We boast farming from general foodstuffs such as maize, potatoes and tomatoes to a wide variety of livestock and game and more niche production farms such as oysters, fish and abalone. Farmers often think that they cannot manage to venture into Agritourism due to lack of available capital and resources, However, you do not need to create a five-star experience, as tourism have shifted from luxury experiences to more ‘different’ experiences outside the normal urban environment. Tourists are also moving towards purchasing locally produced articles and goods rather than the usual mass-produced paraphernalia. On top of this the global trend has moved to purchasing eco-friendly foods that has been produced according to good, ethical agricultural practises, and they want to experience this first hand. Thus the need to visit farms is on the increase. Therefore, capitalising on Agritourism opportunities can become a lifeline for those in the agri sector struggling to keep their farming enterprises profitable. The key to implementing Agritourism to your existing farming enterprise is to start small. This will ensure a profitable enterprise without disrupting your current agricultural management structure. Make use of social media to advertise. Assistance and training is also available through a number of existing NGO’s and the South African Tourism Association (SATSA) and the Association for Agritourism in South Africa (AASA).
November 2018
Lonende resultate
het ‘n veilige begin
insekbeheer aangedryf deur aktiewe bestanddeel
Bemarkbare gewasse in die einde kom van sorg in die begin. Exirel® insekbeheer, met die krag van aktiewe bestanddeel Cyazypyr®, help jou om gewasse op hul kwesbaarste stadiums te beskerm, wat die weg baan tot sukses. Vroeë beskerming beteken uiteindelike beloning. Exirel® bevat siaantraniliprool (antraniliese diamied) (Cyazypyr®) Reg. Nr. L10447 Wet Nr. 36 van 1947, versigtig. FMC Chemicals (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 44, Postnet Menlyn, Waterkloof Glen, 0081, Republiek van Suid-Afrika. Tel: +27 12 003 2938. Exirel® en Cyazypyr® is handelsmerke van FMC Korporasie of sy affiliate. Datum: 10/2018. TD 18/183R
November 2018
Suptrop — onwards and upwards Global growth in demand for avocado A marketing campaign conducted those that are not recommending chairman, noted that the local industry and mangoes has been consistently in- locally, tested avocado’s suitability and avocados were deterred by the often was for the most part more profitable creasing, rising 10% per annum in some likeability when paired with South high prices. than export markets. “International instances. However continuous pro- Africa’s most popular street food – The biggest reasons dietitians were re- prices are not necessarily more lucrative motion and consumer education cam- magwinya or vetkoek. While there commending avocados was for manage- especially when you consider the cost to paigns are essential to ensure the expo- was an overwhelmingly favourable ment of cardiovascular disease, weight export and market the product in those nential growth of the crop has a stable, response to avocado magwinya, what loss and type 2 diabetes. countries. In India the price can be as profitable market going forward. was interesting was that 20% of the Focusing on market access, Derek little as $0,60/kg and in China $1/kg.” Speakers at this year’s annual Subtrop buyers were children of school going Donkin, CEO of Subtrop, said that Buys is positive about the outlook for Marketing Symposium held in White River, age. “We have an opportunity to instil gaining and maintaining market access mangoes and expects demand to grow Mpumalanga, said that although market new eating habits and develop a love for for South Africa’s litchis, mangoes and globally, especially considering the versagrowth has been high, there is still further avocados from a young age, which offers avocados was one of the biggest focus tility of mangoes. “Available land for plantroom for expansion provided promotions great potential to grow this market in areas going forward. “This includes ing more mangoes is however limited and are correctly aimed at consumers. the future,” said Ruth Behr, owner of cultivar development to ensure we have since demand is expected to increase, Greg Vicherat, European Business De- Promofresh. the right varieties for specific markets, prices will follow the same upward trend.” velopment Manager at Halls, noted that Glynnis Branthwaite, from Protactic adhering to phytosanitary requirements With regards to emerging markets, Juin 2018 globally traded avrie Welman, President CHEP ocados reached 1,9 million SSA & Automotive Europe, tons, up 11% from the preIndia, Middle East Africa vious year. “The European (EIMEA), said that they held Union (EU) broke through much potential for exports, the 1kg per annum per capbut a lack of protocols in ita consumption and the place for fresh produce United States (US) avocado made border crossings breakfast market alone problematic. “There is also reached $65 billion. At this a greater need for packagrate we would need an ading that could aid in keepditional 190 000 tons of ing produce fresher for avocados per year to meet longer and limit bruising. demand world-wide.” Packaging that was more He said that while conrobust and could withstand sumption per capita in long journeys was crucial.” China is still low, it had the Delegates at the symposiFront row – L – R: Ruth Behr owner of Promofresh; Glynnis Branthwaite, founder of Protactic Strategic Communicapotential to become the um were given an overview tions; Shireen Darmalingam, Standard Bank economist; Monique Piderit, registered dietitian from Nutritional Solulargest avocado market in of the expected political and tions. Back row – L – R: David Ansara, a policy analyst from the Centre for Risk Analysis; Pieter Buys, South African the world if promotional economic climate for 2019. Mango Growers’ Association chairman; Greg Vicherat of Halls; Derek Donkin CEO of Subtrop. activities were geared up. Standard Bank econoWith the bumper crop that mist Shireen Darmalingam, was experienced globally in 2018, prices Strategic Communications noted that and maximum residue levels (MRL’s) in predicted the exchange rate to end at were consequently suppressed, but Zac it was important to understand the our export markets. The latter two are R14,30/$1 this year and at R13,40/$1 in Bard, chairman of the World Avocado Or- purchasing habits of consumers, to especially becoming more stringent and 2019. “The emerging market rout is likely ganisation (WAO), noted that the current accurately aim marketing campaigns non-compliance could cost us existing to continue in the near term. Disputes campaigns aimed at increasing avocado to increase avocado consumption. “We markets.” between China and the US will keep goconsumption, resulted in good returns to need to change the consumers’ mindset He noted that gaining access to new ing back and forth – which doesn’t bode growers. “The priority for 2019 will be to from wanting an avocado to needing an markets was a notoriously slow process, well for local financial markets.” ensure there are no bottle necks in future avocado. There is also still much needed taking on average 15 years. “We are David Ansara, a policy analyst from that would impact prices if we should be education on dark versus green skin fruit expecting some progress on the US and the Centre for Risk Analysis, said that in an over-supply situation again.” WAO as consumers still perceive dark skin- Chinese markets next year to enable uncertainty around property rights planned on the first promotions in the types as overripe.” avocado and mango exports to those is contributing to lower investment Chinese market, which would grow deIn a survey to determine dietitians’ countries. These are currently the two and higher unemployment in the mand in this young market. perceptions and likelihood of countries that hold the biggest potential agricultural sector. “Job creation is a Trevor Dukes, South Africa’s recommending inclusion of avocados in for our produce.” by-product of investment. Creating a representative of the WAO, added that a healthy diet, it was found that over 97% While export markets were needed in more conducive policy environment for future campaigns included a focus on would recommend it to their patients. peak season for mangoes when there agriculture to succeed will lead to higher the younger generation to grow the Monique Piderit, registered dietitian was an oversupply in the market, Pieter levels of employment and give farmers market base from a young age. from Nutritional Solutions noted that Buys, SA Mango Growers’ Association the confidence to invest,” he said.
November 2018
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November 2018
Van der Poll se Plantvreter Francois van der Poll, ‘n bekende uit die omgewing, het hierdie week ‘n moontlike oplossing vir die streek se Hyacinth probleem op die proef gestel. Sy maatskappy, FM Sheet Metal Works, werk al vir die afgelope jaar aan ‘n masjien wat hierdie waterplant pestilensie letterlik opvreet en uitspoeg. Van der Poll en sy maatskappy is bekend in die area vir die werk wat hulle doen met kompos. Van sy masjiene word op lande oral in die land gebruik om kompos te strooi.
Die “Hyacinth Harvester” is deur van der Poll ontwerp en vervaardig met die hidroliese sisteem wat deur Kardos Hydraulics ontwerp en installeer is. Dit is werklik ‘n merkwaardige uitvinding en die eerste prototipe van dié masjien het Dinsdag vir die eerste keer aan die Hyacinth geproe. ‘n Aangepaste vervoerband trek die waterplante uit die rivier uit en voer dit in ‘n kipper in wat die vegetasie dan fyn kerf en uitspoeg op ‘n tweede band wat die opgekapte materiaal in ‘n trok se bak
in voer. Die gekerfte plantmateriaal kan dan gebruik word in die vervaardiging van kompos. “Hierdie is nog sover net ons prototipe en ons maak verstellings en veranderings soos wat daar nodig is,” het Van der Poll verduidelik. “Vanoggend het ons so paar dinge raakgesien wat mens net sou agterkom gedurende ‘n praktiese oefenloop. Ons weet nou wat ons nodig het om die stroper nog meer effektief te maak, en sal nou terug gaan werkswinkel toe met hierdie nuwe waarnemings.”
Bulletin het ‘n video van die stroper se eerste lopie oor ons sosiale kanale gepubliseer en teen gisteraand het van der Poll se masjien reeds meer as 24 000 belanghebbendes gelok. Kommentaar het ingestroom van regoor die land en ‘n paar mense vanuit Hartebeespoortdam se area het belangstelling om van hierdie masjiene te koop, aangedui. Gaan kyk gerus na die video op ons Facebook blad om Van der Poll se masjien in aksie te sien. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
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November 2018
Makes 12
Heat a griddle pan and brush the wraps with olive oil. When the pan is smoking hot, grill the wraps for a few seconds a side or until they get a nice char. Remove and immediately bend around a rolling pin or pole and allow to cool. You now have soft shell tacos! Rub olive oil onto the angel fish fillet and season generously with Cajun spice. Grill for about 2 minutes per side or until cooked
through. Allow to cool slightly then shred into pieces. When ready to serve, season with lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. Combine the salsa ingredients together and season to taste. Combine the Lime sour cream and season to taste. Fill the tacos with the shredded and seasoned fish, followed by salsa and zesty lime sour cream. Serve with extra lime on the side.
Low Carb Option: Replace tacos with baby gem or cos lettuce Even More Delicious Option: Add diced Afrikado Photo: parsleyinmyteeth.com
12 mini wraps or tortillas (10cm in diameter) Olive oil 350g angel fish fillet, skin removed Cajun spice for seasoning Juice of 1/2 a lime Freshly milled salt and pepper to taste Salsa: 250g Romanita tomatoes, cut into quarters 1 red onion, diced 1/2 c (125 ml) chopped coriander Lime Sour Cream: 1/2 c (125 ml) sour cream juice and zest of 1 lime 1 garlic clove, crushed 3 Tbs (45 ml) chopped coriander
ZZ2 tomatoes are available at National Fresh Produce Markets, independent fresh produce retailers, most supermarkets and Food Lover’s Market stores.
info@zz2.co.za | www.zz2.co.za | 015 395 2040 |
ZZ2Farming |
November 2018
Aerobotics is the way forward On Wednesday, November 14, precision agriculture company Aerobotics announced that it reached the 10 million milestone of processed trees and vines, one million of which were processed in the last five days, in Aerobotics’ proprietary software. The announcement was officially made by Aerobotics’ CFO and Head of
Growth Tim Willis at the AfricaCom event at the Cape Town International Convention Center. Willis made the announcement during his presentation about harnessing the opportunity given to agriculture by leveraging artificial intelligence. Willis explained that Aerobotics’ proprietary artificial intelligence software gets stronger and more efficient the more data that is processed through the software. “Today, we are proud to announce that we have processed 10 million trees in Aerobotics’ software, making our artificial intelligence and solutions stronger and more efficient,” said Willis. “This is not just a major milestone for our company because of the massive number of trees we have processed, but also for the agriculture industry as we are better positioned to help tree Macdonald Makoro and Carl Fourie and vine farmers around the world.” Aerobotics processes Tzaneen welcomes Macdonald Makoro as the new Crop Insurance data from drone and Area Manager who will be taking over from Carl Fourie who has satellite imagery through been promoted to Fruit Portfolio Manager. its proprietary artificial Macdonald has been with Santam Agriculture since 2016 and is intelligence software looking forward to giving you the best advice on crop insurance. to discover and analyse problems, pests and diseases affecting individual trees or vines Macdonald Makoro on a farm. In addition to Agriculture health, the software also Crop Area Manager measures size, height and canopy volume. +27 (0)15 306 6728 +27 (0)76 623 2221 This information, which macdonald.makoro@santam.co.za is displayed through www.santam.co.za Aerobotics web and mobile apps, helps solve Santam is an authorised financial services provider (Licence number 3416). early problems with pests, diseases and stresses.
This type of highly accurate data empowers farmers to make better decisions in the field, so they can increase their yield and produce a more balanced crop. “We are increasingly hearing from our farmers that the information we are able to provide them through our products and solutions are enabling them to make better decisions,” said Willis. “Whether it is the early detection of varying vigor on wine farms, thrips on citrus farms or anything in between, farmers can mitigate damage to their crop earlier than they would have with just the naked eye.” The level of overall growth in processed trees has increased dramatically over the past six months. Aerobotics’ attributed this rapid growth to putting the farmer at the forefront of its mission. This has enabled Aerobotics to create and improve its products and services in a way that strongly resonates with farmers around the world. “We have made it a strategic imperative to keep the farmer at the forefront of our mission,” said Aerobotics’ Co-Founder and CEO James Paterson. “Nothing happens in Aerobotics unless it benefits the farmer. We believe this is why we have seen such rapid growth over the last five months and why we expect this growth to continue.”
TZANEEN: Thomas Ngobeni Tel: 015 307 6475 Jaco de Wet Mob: 083 626 6348
LOUIS TRICHARDT: Sakkie Heystek Tel: 051 516 1314 Garreth Spaumer Mob: 082 804 6773
REITZ: Joseph Malinga
POLOKWANE: Tel: 015 590 8811 Johan Smit Mob: 082 803 1306
Tel: 087 358 8323
Tzaneen welcomes Macdonald Makoro, new Agriculture Crop insurance Manager to our area.
November 2018
CAPRICORN Uitstaande hitte toleransie Uitstekende opbrengspotensiaal en kwaliteit Baie ferm bolle met uitstekende stoorvermoĂŤ Groeikragtige sterk wortelstelsel
November 2018
Die verbouing van uie, plant die regte variëteit op die regte tyd Die ou bekende Engelse uitdrukking van “you must know your onions” is nie sommer uit die duim gesuig nie. Die uie produsent moet, soos die uitdrukking dit stel, beslis oor die nodige kundigheid beskik om hierdie gewas suksesvol te verbou. Die oorwegende rede hiervoor is hoofsaaklik die invloed van die omgewing, wat nooit op hierdie gewas ‘n konstante is nie. Die uie produsent beskik slegs oor een belangrike instrument om die prys van sy produk te beïnvloed en dit is die kwaliteit en die voorkoms van sy produk. In die kommersiële verbouing van uie is daar verskeie faktore wat die voorkoms, grootte, vorm, kleur en algemene kwaliteit van ‘n ui bepaal. Die belangrikste hiervan is: • Omgewingsfaktore soos temperatuur en dagliglengte • Verbouingspraktyke • Die genetiese eienskappe van die variëteit wat gebruik word Dagliglengte Uie wat onder kunsmatige kort ligperiodes (korter as 8 ure) gegroei word sal slegs aanhoudend nuwe blare vorm en geen bolle nie. ‘n Sekere ligperiode of dagliglengte is dus nodig om bolvorming by uie te inisieer. Die implikasie van dagliglengte vir die Suid-Afrikaanse boer lê daarin opgesluit dat juis intermediêre variëteite (wat lang dae benodig om ‘n bol te vorm) oor die kwaliteit beskik waarvoor die mark vra en wat geskik is vir uitvoere. Met die genetiese materiaal wat vandag tot die beskikking van telers is, word daarop gekonsentreer om die kwaliteit van die kortdag ui so te verbeter dat dit oor dieselfde eienskappe as die intermediêre tipes beskik. Verder word daar al hoe
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meer van genetiese materiaal gebruik gemaak waarvan die daglig behoefte nie so krities is nie. Hierdie eienskap verlaag dus die produsent se risiko en verhoog die opbrengs, aangesien die klimaat van seisoen tot seisoen verskil. Temperatuur Alhoewel dagliglengte ‘n rol speel in die aanpasbaarheid van uie variëteite, speel temperatuur net so, indien nie ‘n belangriker rol. Uie vorm eenvoudig vinniger ‘n bol onder warmer toestande as onder koeler toestande. Grondtipes speel ook hier ‘n belangrike rol swaar gronde is koeler terwyl sandgronde warmer is, wat beteken dat plantjies onder dieselfde omstandighede makliker stres sal ervaar op sandgronde as dìe wat op swaar gronde geplant is. Afhangende van die stresvlak sal die plantjies afsterf, dormant verkeer of kleiner bolle tot gevolg hê. ‘n Groot persentasie gesplete bolle sal ook voorkom. Praktyke om die aanplantings koel te hou, soos byvoorbeeld strooibedekking en/of veelvoudige besproeiings sal beslis bydra om hierdie stres te verminder en dit sal ‘n beter kwaliteit ui tot gevolg hê. ‘n Verdere invloed van temperatuur is die effek daarvan op blomvorming, of soos algemeen bekend staan, saadskiet. Dagliglengte het feitlik geen rol in die inisiasie van blomme by uie nie. Blomvorming word uitsluitlik geïnisieer deur lae temperature. Die keuse van die regte variëteit Dit is noodsaaklik dat die regte va-
riëteit tydens die regte tyd aangeplant word. Bespreek dus u uie program met ‘n saadverskaffer wat u omgewing ken en wat variëteite wat goed aangepas is vir u omgewing en omstandighede kan voorstel.
Onthou, ‘n swak variëteit kan eenvoudig nie kwaliteit uie lewer nie. Vir meer inligting oor Sakata se uie variëteite skakel gerus vir Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se webwerf by www.sakata.co.za.
AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.
Inlas: Capricorn ui en onder die Hoshi ui.
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November 2018
From humble beginnings to booming business Christo Horring comes from humble beginnings. In his own words “I never went to bed cold or hungry”, but there was no extra money for luxuries, so he worked from a very young age to earn money to buy the things he wanted, and there a businessman of note was born. He started working aged 8 packing groceries at the tills, and worked as a waiter from age 15. 2004, straight out of school, Christo worked in a gym, but had to quit his position when the schedules clashed with his provincial rugby training. He then moved to BB Auto where he was a parts salesman for 8 years. After BB Auto, Christo moved to Toyota as a car salesman, but he knew he wanted to own his own business. His opportunity to do just that came when Les Naudé, owner of Roof Pro Tzaneen wanted to sell his business. Les wanted to sell his spray machine and a high pressure WAP machine, and Christo purchased these and appointed someone to work for him cleaning and painting roofs alongside him working at Toyota. The end of 2013, Christo and his wife, Danelle, decided to dedicate 100% of their time and resources to the business. January 2014, having the basic machinery, he purchased an old Toyota bakkie cash, took on one of Roof Pro’s workers, Mpho (which is still Christo’s foreman today), paid off all their debt, paid rent and their daughter’s school fees in advance, and had R1400 left to their name to keep the business going.
Christo went from door to door (mostly by foot as there was not much money available for fuel) asking people if they needed their roofs cleaned and resprayed. This is how he got the business started, and it only went from strength to strength from there. With newer and improved vehicles and more equipment added as the business grew, Roof and Fence Pro diversified their services to include repairing of roofs, construction of carports, erection of fences, building of dams, upgrading of existing dams and lining dams with dam liners to assist with water preservation, especially during times of drought. He also added corrugated sheet reservoirs to his ever extending product list. He has since procured a PVC welder which enables him to manufacture his own PVC dam liners. Two years ago Roof and Fence Pro has grown to the extent that Christo could open a second branch in Polokwane, managed by Christo’s father. The business continues to grow, improving existing products and services and including new products and services as the need arise. For exceptional and top quality service, contact Christo and his team to assist you with your roof, fence, dams and reservoirs.
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Christo: 082 466 3931\083 678 5505 • 015 345 1004 • roof.fencepro@gmail.com
November 2018
Honorable, Focused, Reliable. HFR Transport share key values ‘Our routes and of commitment, good manners, destinations are mutual respect and integrity. Our strategy embodies ongoing convenient for both small growth and stability through and large enterprises who superior service delivery, require trustworthy and equipment, operations, coordination, staff, technology affordable, temperatureand planning. We also strive controlled transport.’ towards on-going commitment and collaboration with our We service the whole of South customers and the satisfaction Africa including neighbouring countries like Namibia, Botswana, of their ever evolving needs. Zimbabwe, Malawi, Swaziland HFR Transport is a leading, and Mozambique. independent national and cross-border transporter with Our highly skilled workforce, well a broad range of corporate and planned maintenance program, operations, 24/7 independent clients throughout dedicated tracking division and clean fleet Southern Africa. Our main focus is refrigerated cargo but set us apart in the industry. All we also carry dry, valuable and our trailers are standardised to be perishable loads. We deliver on 30 pallet, high cube, lightweight temperature and on time... every trailers with a carrying capacity time. This enables us, to focus of over 29 ton. on commercialised goods as well as seasonal products like fruit and vegetables.
GENERAL MANAGER Stephan van Rensburg Email: stephanvr@hfr.co.za Mobile: +27 (0)83 681 0982 Direct line: +27 (0)11 306 6008 OPERATIONS MANAGER Chris Abrams Email: chrisa@hfr.co.za Mobile: +27 (0)82 523 9143 Direct line: +27 (0)11 306 6055 MARKETING LIMPOPO, MPUMALANGA, SWAZILAND: Giel Nel Email: gieln@hfr.co.za Mobile: +27 (0)83 601 2687
HEAD OFFICE +27 (0)11 306 6000 www.hfr.co.za