AgriBulletin Newspaper July 2021

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JULY 2021

The Citrus Growers’ Association of South Africa welcomed the recent signing of a revised citrus protocol between South Africa and China by the Minister of Agriculture, Land Affairs and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza. With local lemon production expected to grow by 175 000 metric tons by 2024, the finalisation of the revised protocol means China will now become a critical new market for this growth and will secure R325 million in new export revenue and secure 800 jobs in the industry.


July 2021




New OHS for citrus workers ■ Roelof de Jonge The latest news from the citrus industry is the amended Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) direction for section 4(1)(i). It requires that all employers must provide workers with information on the dangers of Covid-19, the manner of transmission, measures to prevent transmission, where to go for screening and testing, the nature of vaccines used in South Africa, the benefits of being vaccinated, and the contra-indications and possible side-effects of vaccination. This information should be in the form of pamphlets and/or posters. South Africa’s Citrus Academy has develThe amended Occupational Health and Safety requires that all employers must provide workers with information on the dangers oped pamphlets and posters of Covid-19 amongst others. in different languages that can be downloaded from the Citrus Resource Warehouse concern the measures employers will be required to put in ( place in so far as the vaccination of workers is concerned. The Citrus Growers Association also encouraged citrus Although the Revised OHS Direction does not make it farm owners to consult the Orange Heart website as all mandatory for all workers to be vaccinated, it does make the information will be up there as well. The revised Cov- provision for those employers who, because of operational id-19 OHS Direction for Workplaces was published by the requirements, intend to make C19 vaccinations mandatory Minister of Employment and Labour, in the Government according to these guidelines. (full guidelines can be obGazette, namely a new consolidated Covid-19 Direction on tained from Occupational Health and Safety in the Workplace (Revised Despite media reports to the contrary, there is nothing OHS Direction). contained in the Revised OHS Direction which prohibits The Revised OHS Direction replaces the Direction that an employer from dismissing an employee who has been was published on the 1st of October 2020. The Revised identified as high risk and who has refused to be vaccinated OHS Direction came into force on, Friday the 11th of June (and cannot be reasonably accommodated) but employers 2021. Apart from several minor technical changes, the are encouraged, before considering such action, to seek leprincipal changes contained in the Revised OHS Direction gal advice given the complexities of such a dismissal.

TLU SA condemns study ■ Roelof de Jonge TLU SA recently deplored the poor quality of the government’s impact study on expropriation without compensation made public by Sakeliga this week. According to TLU SA, it is an excellent example of the lack of knowledge in state departments to compile and report critical information. The document, compiled at the instruction of the Department of Public Works, forms the foundation on which the government based the costs and benefits of the Expropriation act. Sakeliga received the document through a Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) application. “We have a dichotomous (divided) concern with the so-called impact study,” said Henry Geldenhuys, the president of TLU SA. “In the first instance, the content of the document is of unacceptably poor quality. It looks like the compiler simply copied and pasted a generic answer with no relevance in some places. In the second place, it refers to some organisa-

tions approving the act. This is definitely untrue.” TLU SA thanked Sakeliga for publishing the impact study document. The document refers to the input of only one agricultural organisation, Agri SA, which shows that they support the amendments (with some conditions) cautiously. “How can the government try to amend an important act which will have such a big impact on the economy, based on this document?” Agri SA reiterated immediately that they are opposed to expropriation at a nil compensation and indirect expropriation. “Even if it was true, the cautious inputs of just one agricultural organisation are not representative of all the role players in the agricultural value chain, and TLU SA would never accept that,” said Geldenhuys. “This document proves once again that the future of the country bears no weight in the government’s decisions. It is about the implementation of an ideology beneficial to only some people, namely cadres, while the rest must suffer in misery.”





July 2021


Saai loods veldtog SA boere steeds skepties teen ontwapening ■ Roelof de Jonge

■ Roelof de Jonge Uit terugvoer van die Suider-Afrika Innitiatief (Saai) se lede is dit duidelik dat boere nie nou gaan toelaat dat hulle ontwapen word nie. Die ANC se inisiatief om die besit van ’n vuurwapen vir doeleindes vir selfverdediging onwettig te maak, maak opslae in die landbougemeenskap. Die familieboerorganisasie Saai het onlangs met ’n openbare veldtog genaamd #StillNoGun begin om die onsinnigheid hok te slaan. Dié veldtog is begin om druk op die polisie te plaas om sy jarelange agterstand in aansoeke vir nuwe vuurwapens, amnestie en hernuwings van bestaande vuurwapens uit te wis, en vuurwapens aan hul regmatige eienaars terug te besorg. Die polisie het honderdduisende vuurwapens ingeneem om kwansuis ballistiese toetse daarop te doen, maar kon nog nie verduidelik hoe sulke toetse op haelgewere gedoen word nie. Boere is veral skepties oor die polisie se kapasiteit om dit te doen en hulle vermoë om die vuurwapens intussen veilig en versigtig te stoor. “Teen ’n gemiddeld van ’n plaasaanval elke tweede dag en ’n plaasmoord elke vyfde dag oor die afgelope 25 jaar, bevind Suid-Afrika se boere hulle in onveilige omstandighede wat in elke opsig aan die definisie van ’n lae-intensiteit burgeroorlog voldoen,” het dr. Theo de Jager, uitvoerende direksievoorsitter van Saai gesê. Boere glo dat die ANC sekerlik moet weet dat die regerende party self vanweë sy erfenis van liedere soos “Kill the farmer, kill the boer” en die flagrante ontkenning van die verskynsel van plaasmoorde deur onder andere president Cyril Ramaphosa, onder ernstige verdenking is. Uit gesprekke met ambassades, besoekende parlementslede uit Europa, buitelandse joer-

naliste en digitale vergaderings met landbou-unies elders in die wêreld, blyk dit dat die hele wêreld frons oor die bisarre ontwapening van boere in die amnestieproses. Dis veral in plattelandse polisiestasie stelsels waar daar geen kapasiteit, geen kundigheid, geen plan en geen wil is nie, waar boe-re bekommerd raak dat hulle hul vuurwapens nie weer gaan terugkry nie. Die parlementêre portefeuljekomitee het ook onlangs die polisie uitgevang dat die sentrale vuurwapenregister in absolute chaos verval het. In hierdie omstandighede wil die polisie boonop selfverdediging as ’n motivering vir die besit van ’n vuurwapen skrap. Elke akademiese studie oor die onderwerp oor die afgelope twee en ’n half dekades, alle navorsing deur institute, universiteite en selfs van die staat self, sowel as AfriForum se omvattende data oor plaasaanvalle en plaasmoorde, is dit eens dat ’n plaasgesin se vermoë om ’n plaasaanval te oorleef allereers gegrond is op hulle gereedheid om terug te skiet en deur selfverdediging tyd te koop vir die buurtwag en moontlik die polisie om op die toneel op te daag. Saai gaan hande vat met ander organisasies wat ook veldtogte van stapel stuur om wetsgehoorsame mense se reg in stand te hou om te midde van weghol-misdaadstatistieke lewens, gesinne en huise te verdedig. In Saai se veldtog betrek die organisasie ook Suid-Afrikaners en vriende van Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland, asook ambassades, buitelandse regerings en internasionale agentskappe. Lees verder op vir meer oor hierdie veldtog. Of nog beter, volg die skakel en gooi jou gewig ook agter die beweging in.

Die Suider-Afrika Inisiatief (Saai) het President Ramaphosa se standpunt dat die ANC nie die EFF se strewe na die nasionalisering van grond steun nie verwelkom, maar glo dat die hewige reaksie van plaaslike sake-georiënteerde groepe en uit die buiteland nie oorbodig was nie. Volgens Saai is grondeienaars en veral boere egter nie deur die president se uitspraak gerusgestel nie. Suid-Afrika het al daaraan gewoond geraak dat die regerende party rondom omstrede kwessies ’n vlieër opstuur om die politieke klimaat te toets, en wanneer die temperatuur te warm is daarvan afstand doen en dit dan tydelik weer wegpak. So is die idee om gewone Suid-Afrikaners te ontwapen reeds ’n paar jaar gelede deur die ANC geopper, maar ná heftige reaksie is dit as ’n blote gespreksrigting binne die party afgemaak. Nou dryf die Minister van Polisie, Bheki Cele, daardie agenda weer sterk. Die president het drie jaar gelede by die Verenigde Nasies die verskynsel van plaasmoorde ontken, maar

ná omvattende negatiewe reaksie daarop, die wêreld probeer oortuig dat sy regering ernstig is om iets aan die ontstellende plaasaanvalsyfers te doen. Gegewe die gebrek aan implementering van die landelike veiligheidstrategie en die ontwapening van kwesbare plaasfamilies, is die meeste boere maar skepties oor die ANC se verbintenis tot die president se standpunte. As die ANC so verbind was tot die president se standpunt teen die nasionalisering van grond, waarom sou senior leiers in die party wat direk met die beoogde grondwetwysiging gemoeid is, dan toegelaat word om so ’n radikaal anderse standpunt die wêreld in te stuur? President Ramaphosa se versekering dat nasionalisering van grond nie deel van die onteiening-sonder-vergoeding-pakket is nie, is die resultaat van volgehoue druk van voorstanders van ’n vryemarksisteem, en kom nie uit die ANC se oortuiging nie. Daarom kan die druk op die regering om ’n meer besigheids- en beleggersvriendelike rigting in te slaan, ook nie verlig word nie.

Volgens Saai is grondeienaars en veral boere egter nie deur President Ramaphosa se uitspraak gerusgestel nie.


July 2021




Toughest Navara yet now available at dealerships ■ Roelof de Jonge Nissan South-Africa announced on the 21st of June that the new locally produced Nissan Navara is now available at the nearest local dealership. The new Navara comes with significant technical and cosmetic upgrades, which is a step change from the previous Navara. The major upgrade includes enhancements that ensure it meets the highest global quality standards and is adapted to local conditions. The new Navara includes developments in styling, technology, safety and overall performance. The Navara is known for its rugged redefined looks, robust capabilities, reliability and versatility, and the new Navara is no exception. These qualities have been enhanced across the board, with particular attention paid to engineering for South African road conditions, including off-road capabilities. The all-new Nissan Navara also comes with an infotainment system with Nissan Connect and an eight-inch touch screen, modernised styling and high-power specs that are sure to impress both existing customers and those looking for a new workhorse or adventure vehicle. Nissan believes in the qualities of the new Navara and therefore offers it with a warranty plan of six years or 150 000km. The new Nissan Navara is powered by the tried and tested 2.5 litre turbocharged diesel engine, which allows Nissan to meet its customers’ requirements for low running costs, reliability and performance.

The 2.5-litre powertrain is available in two levels of output. The high output engine, available on higher grade models, delivers 140kW power and 450Nm torque, while the mid-output engine, delivering 120kW power and 403Nm, is one of the most powerful engines in the entry and mid grades bakkie segment. In addition, the Navara engine line-up includes a 2.5-litre petrol engine delivering 118kW and 233Nm which is available on the entry grade XE Single Cab. The inclusion of Nissan Intelligent Mobility (NIM) makes this range the most technology advanced Navara yet, and the safest too. Intelligent driving tools can be paired with additional driving assistances that help drivers more, sense more and to be able to take swift action. One particular feature is the Intelligent Forward Collision Warning, which monitors sudden movements of up to two vehicles ahead and alerts the driver of a potential collision risk. This complements the Intelligent Emergency Braking feature, which will activate the brakes in case of no response from the driver to avoid collisions, particularly in urban traffic situations. On road trips and lengthy commutes, the Intelligent Driver Alertness supports safety and convenience with both visual and audible alerts that encourage the driver to take a break when it detects changes in driving style. For night driving, the Intelligent High Beam Assist feature automatically switches headlights to low beam from high beam when it detects an oncoming vehicle. Further features warn drivers if they stray outside their lane without signalling and detect vehicles in the blind



It's getting closer to the launch of the much-anticipated, locally-made Nissan Navara range. Choose from single cab and double cab, 4WD and 2WD, automatic and manual models best suited for your needs. With improved ride comfort, a powerful diesel engine, and connectivity features, you can find a Navara that truly is built for your journey.

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spot area when changing lanes. The Intelligent Around View Monitor uses four cameras to help drivers notice people and cars surrounding the vehicle and is also useful for trailer hitching. The Rear Cross Traffic Alert warns drivers of potential collisions when reversing. Rounding out this emphasis on safety are additional side and curtain airbags, bringing the total to seven. Nissan enthusiasts will notice a distinctly different Navara this time round, boasting a tough, robust appearance that will inspire confidence even on the most rugged terrain. The all-new Navara includes V-Motion identity, an over-fender for PRO-4X grades, redesigned wheels and an increased bed height, new LED headlamps and foglamps, all built to allow for increased driveability and ease of use. Inside, the steering wheel has been restyled and seats have been redesigned for improved comfort and covered in either cloth or leather. It is also a remarkable quieter drive with reduced engine and wind noise within the cabin compared to the previous models. Included is a navigation app, Navi, and up to four USB ports in the Navara, including two quick-charging ports, and three 12V power outlets. Two devices can be connected to Bluetooth at once. The climate control features ensure that whatever the weather outside, you will always enjoy a comfortable ride. A dual aircon, with additional vents for rear passengers, means that everyone on board will be satisfied with the settings. The heated side mirrors and rain sensors ensure driveability is uncompromised even in extreme conditions. The Nissan Navara offers a unique seven-speed automatic transmission and four-wheel drive with differential lock for easy off-road driving. For the manual transmission models, a new low gear ratio improves acceleration response, ease of driving, and ease of starting uphill. The six-gear manual transmission offers ergonomic shift operation with smoother and more precise gear selection and reverse gear engagement. When four-wheel drive mode is engaged, traction is distributed evenly to all four wheels and a wheel slipping is avoided in severe conditions. The new Navara will earn its keep with improved load and tow capabilities. Its bed dimensions have increased, with improved suspension and posture, even when fully loaded, and a more ergonomic rear step bumper for easier access to loads. The chassis and powertrain have been adapted for better towing performance, with trailer sway control added as a standard feature to improve stability. This feature detects self-oscillation and applies braking to control the trailer. The Navara comes with a new steering system, new tyres, improved suspension, reduced body vibration and motion, resulting in better handling, improved steering response and controllability. To round out this package, Nissan’s engineers have included LED headlamps, Follow Me Home feature, and a Door Puddle Lamp to help you see the ground when you step out at night, auto door locks, an ignition key and a jack key that turns off the ignition and engine, respectively.





July 2021


Mazda introduces the all-new Mazda BT-50 ■ Roelof de Jonge Mazda Southern Africa is pleased to announce the local launch of the all-new Mazda BT-50, the third model in a new generation of Mazda vehicles. The all-new Mazda BT-50 is fully redesigned from the ground up. The All-New BT-50 was launched internationally in June 2020 and the units sold in South Africa will be produced in Thailand. As an evolution of Mazda’s Kodo design, it gives life to a new form of elegance rooted in Japanese aesthetics. Mazda’s Kodo, which is the ‘Soul of Motion’ design language, is evident right from the front of the vehicle with the prominent front grille, and the three-dimensional signature wing that extends out towards the side. The design of the headlights is distinct and sharp, taking in cues from Mazda’s SUV range. From the first glance, the BT50 expresses unique power, toughness and utilitarian functionality, ready for adventure and built for working purposes. It would also be appealing to lifestyle customers with its unique design. The Mazda BT-50 isn’t all about utility, but bold evolution, designed with the goal of being a vehicle that customers can take pride in owning. The interior cabin space has been carefully crafted to express Mazda’s commitment to human centric design. Everything from the dashboard, steering wheel, seats and center console has been redesigned to ensure that drivers feel connected to their vehicle and as comfortable as they can be. The refined, smooth interior aims for a level of comfort on par with a luxury SUV,

by combining sleek and modern elegance with strong functionality. As with all Mazda models, the new BT-50 comes standard with a generous level of features, including MZD Connect Infotainment System with a seven- or nine-inch display screen, Apple Carplay™ and Android Auto™, reverse camera, parking sensors, LED headlamps, hill launch assist, hill descent control, trailer sway mitigation, seven airbags, cruise control to name a few. And with its bold stance, the new BT-50 will stand ready and proud on the showroom floor next to its Mazda siblings. The model line-up consists of three derivatives, namely Active, Dynamic and Individual. Mazda aligned the new BT-50 with that of its passenger car range. The Active model features a new 1.9-litre diesel engine producing 110kW of power and 350Nm of torque and is either coupled to a automatic or manual gearbox. The Dynamic and Individual models feature the new 3.0-litre power unit that produces 140kW of power and 450Nm of torque and comes with a six-speed automatic gearbox. The Individual model is available with the 4x4 drivetrain, whereas all the other models are available in the 4x2 drivetrain. Mazda is proud to announce that the all-new BT-50 received a five star for the ANCAP Safety rating in 2020, issued by the Australasian New Car Assessment Program. The BT-50 will come standard with a three-year unlimited kilometer Mazda service plan, a three-year unlimited kilometer Mazda Warranty and a three-year unlimited roadside assistance offer. For more information, contact your nearest Mazda Dealer or visit the Mazda website on

Plaaslike tydrenspanne skop skitterend stof in oë ■ Roelof de Jonge

Theuns Joubert en Schalk van Heerden het ‘n bestendige vertoning gelewer om die derde en vierde rondtes van die nasionale tydrenkampioenskap te wen.

Isabel en Andrea Raaths het hul klas in die vierde ronde van die Noordelike Streek tydrenkmapioenskap gewen.

Anton Raaths jaag saam met navigator Louis Menge van Tzaneen in die Rallystar Tydren.

Tzaneen se tydrenjaers het by die afgelope Rallystar Tydren op die 11de en 12de Junie, die derde en vierde rondtes van die nasionale sowel as die noordelike streekstydrenkampioenskappe, behoorlik stof in hul teenstanders se oë geskop. Die tydren was in die omgewing van die Carousel Vermaaklikheidswêreld gehou met die perseel se parkeerterrein wat as hoofbasis vir die tydren gedien het. Die tydren opsigself was ‘n stowwerige affêre wat die sig gewoonlik vir deelnemers belemmer, veral as dit windstil is. Die droë stowwerige tydren wat sy tol geneem het onder die deelnemers met ‘n aantal wat deur meganiese probleme uitgeknikker was, het nie die plaaslike tydrenspan van Theuns Joubert en Schalk van Heerden van stryk afgebring nie. Joubert en van Heerden het met hul vierwielaangedrewe S2000 Toyota Yaris in die NRC Klas 1 van die nasionale kampioenskap deelgeneem en die derde en vierde rondtes algeheel gewen. Hulle het sodoende ook in hul klas geseëvier. Tzaneen se ander verteenwoordiger in tydrenne, die navigator Louis Menge, het die roete in die streekstydren afdeling van die Rallystar Tydren saam met tydrenjaer Anton Raaths van Pretoria aangepak. Menge en Raaths het weer die tydren in hul Mazda RX2 tydrenmotor aangedurf. Die tydrenspan het in die derde rondte van die Noordelike Streek tydrenkampioenskap tweede algeheel klaargemaak om sodoende hul klas, NR1, te wen. In die vierde rondte die volgende dag het die Mazda se ewenaar vir Menge-hulle wrintiewaar in die tweede laaste sneldeel in die steek gelaat. Menge het gesê hulle kon wel die sneldeel voltooi, maar omrede hulle hulp ontvang het om weer aan die gang te kom, was hulle genoodsaak om te onttrek. Die reëls bepaal dat ‘n span op eie stoom ‘n sneldeel moet voltooi, en as ‘n span enige ander hulp ontvang word hulle diskwalifiseer. Volgens Menge is hulle fokus en voorbereiding nou vir die volgende tydren wat op die 16de en 17de Julie in Port Elizabeth se omgewing beslis gaan word. Raaths se wederhelf en sy dogter, Isabel en Andrea, het met die Volkswagen Golf waarmee Menge-hulle voorheen gejaag vir die Rallystar Tydren se Noordelike Streek tydrenkampioenskap ingeskryf. Die dames het egter meer geluk ervaar as Menge en Raaths in hul Mazda. Hulle het die derde rondte tweede in hul klas, NRC1, geëindig. Ma en dogter het die volgende dag vir die vierde rondte kortemette van die sneldele gemaak om hul klas die keer te wen en derde algeheel vir streekstydrenmotors die tydren voltooi.


July 2021



SA sinks like lead in 2021 global rankings

■ Roelof de Jonge The Institute for Management Development (IMD) has published its World Competitiveness Yearbook, providing a global reference point on the competitiveness of countries. The yearbook provides extensive coverage of 64 economies, including South Africa. It analyzes and ranks countries according to how they manage their competencies to achieve long-term value creation. According to the IMD, an economy’s competitiveness cannot be reduced only to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and productivity because businesses also must cope with political, social and cultural dimensions. The IMD stated that governments need to provide an environment characterized by efficient infrastructures, institutions and policies that encourage sustainable value creation by the enterprises. South Africa ranked 53rd in 2017. The IMD said that challenges for the country in 2021 are hampering its economic progress. The IMD stated that this Southern-Africa country slipped down the order which are mostly contributed to: • The deteriorating headline and youth unemployment • Rising public debt levels amid a shrinking fiscal space • Lack of decisive plans to revive the struggling economy • Ongoing electricity supply problems and rolling blackouts • A slow vaccination rate, slowing the post Covid-19 recovery. Switzerland ranked as the top country for the first time, in a year that reflected the impact of the Covid -19 pandemic on economic competitiveness, according to the IMD. According to the IMD, Switzerland has been com-


peting with Singapore in recent years, but the latter has suffered significantly on an economic level during the corona virus pandemic, as it depends on the export and import of services and people’s mobility. Switzerland enjoys the benefits of being a European country but finds agility in its lack of European Union membership. Other European countries that topped the ranking found success by either being outside of the EU or at least of the eurozone. Sweden placed second, up from sixth place, with Denmark taking up third the spot after being second in 2020, in a shakeup that saw European economies weather the health crisis better than most other regions. Completing the top five were the Netherlands followed by Singapore. The latest rankings exposed the economic impact of the pandemic across the globe. The report found that qualities such as investment in innovation, digitalization, welfare benefits and leadership resulting in social cohesion helped economies better weather the crisis. One major trend revealed in this year’s results is that countries that had built themselves a certain economic buffer before the pandemic fared better and that this was despite their infection levels, according to the annual report. Economic ability despite infection levels is also seen in the positions of the United States, which maintained its 10th position, while the United Kingdom moved up one spot to 18th place. South Africa continued its slide down the rankings, to 62nd from 59th a year ago. It ranks below the newcomer to the list, Botswana, and only above Argentina, and Venezuela. The World Competitiveness Ranking is based on 334 competitiveness criteria selected as a result of comprehensive research using economic literature, international, national and regional sources and feedback from the business community, government agencies and academics.

Saai neem onteining sonder vergoeding saak oorsee ■ Roelof de Jonge Die ANC se jongste skuif om die hele eiendomsklousule (artikel 25) van die Grondwet te verander, is verwag en was dus nie ’n verrassing nie volgens die Suider-Afrika Agri Inisiatief (Saai). Volgens Saai was die ANC nog nooit eerlik in sy poging om die Grondwet te verander nie, net soos hy ook nie eerlik was met optrede teen staatskaping, plundery of korrupsie onder sy kaders nie. Die bestuur van Saai, sy netwerk vir familieboere, is al deur verskeie buitelandse regerings en joernaliste gewaarsku dat die ANC veel meer beoog as bloot ’n onskuldige poging om vir onteiening sonder vergoeding voorsiening te maak, om duidelik te maak waarvoor artikel 25(3) reeds voorsiening maak. Die oneerlikheid van die ANC blyk uit sy voorneme om regsoewereiniteit te ondermyn, en daardeur die oppergesag van die reg te ondergrawe deur nou te probeer om die howe se bevoegdhede te beperk in pogings om onteiening sonder vergoeding te implementeer. Die fundamentele oneerlikheid blyk ook uit die wyse waarop die voorsitter van die onteieningskomitee sowel die doel as die bestek van die ondersoek na die voorgestelde wysigings verander deur ver buite die bestek van die prosedures van die parlement of die reg te beweeg om op die hele artikel 25 te fokus. Uit samesprekings met ambassades en buitelandse regerings is dit duidelik dat die manier hoe die komitee die program van openbare deelname hanteer, geweldige agterdog gewek het reeds toe die komitee eensydig besluit het om alle skriftelike voorleggings buite rekening te laat. Skriftelike insette het nie net die meerderheid van die voorleggings uitgemaak nie maar het ook meesal van beleggers, die sakegemeenskap, professionele mense en werkgewers gekom, terwyl die mondelinge voorleggings meesal afkomstig was van anonieme mense wat van iewers met busse aangery is na obskure lokale ver van stadsentrums af wat moeilik was vir sake-eienaars om te bereik. Dit is nie net Suid-Afrikaners wat die voorneme opgemerk het om dit so moeilik as moontlik te maak vir die belegger of werkgewersgemeenskap om die verhore by te woon nie, en diegene wat dit wel bygewoon het, is dikwels die geleentheid ontneem om hulle sê te sê. Saai het in die verklaring melding gemaak

dat Mathole Motshekga die openbare verhore dikwels hanteer asof dit ’n referendum is, terwyl sowel die ANC as die EFF busvragte vreemdelinge na die verhore aangery het wat meesal nie geweet het waaroor die byeenkomste gaan nie en wat vooraf voorgesê is wat om te sê. Veels te dikwels het hierdie T-hemp-bendes hulle onbeskaafd gedra en gegil en slagspreuke geskreeu wanneer iemand wat standpunt teen onteiening sonder vergoeding inneem, aan die woord gekom het. Die parlementariërs het nie moeite gedoen om diegene wat vir die oppergesag van die reg of die Universele Verklaring van Menseregte praat te beskerm nie, en het deugniete toegelaat om op die wanordelike wyse op te tree wat die kenmerk van die ANC en die EFF se politieke aktiwiteit geword het. Vanjaar, 2021, is ’n verkiesingsjaar, en volgens Saai het die ANC niks om sy kiesers mee te lok nie. Die regerende party het feitlik alle staatsbeheerde ondernemings en diensleweringskapasiteit in die staat vernietig. So het die party ook die ekonomie verwoes en sy kaders het Suid-Afrika tot bankrotskap besteel en geplunder. Volgens Saai het die ANC geen beter opsie nie as om populistiese politiek te bedryf, soos die grondgrype soortgelyk aan wat ZANU-PF sedert 2000 in Zimbabwe doen. In een opsig was Motshekga reg, toe hy aangehaal is dat hy sê die ANC en sy leiers het nie ’n monopolie oor wysheid nie en dat hulle na die mense moet luister. Hy, Motshekga, moet ’n lessie in Zimbabwe gaan leer en na die banke, beleggers, werkgewers en sakeondernemings luister. Hy het geen wetenskaplike of morele rede om te glo dat onteiening sonder vergoeding Suid-Afrika minder gaan kos as die verwoestende koste wat dit in Zimbabwe het nie. Saai is vas oortuig dat die ANC die helfte van alle Suid-Afrikaners ontneem van hulle verbintenis tot en respek vir Suid-Afrika se Grondwet. Wanneer die ANC sy sin kry met die Grondwet, sal daar geen motivering vir nie-kommuniste aanhangers wees om die Grondwet te steun nie. Saai het briewe aan die meeste van die ambassades in Suid-Afrika geskryf om hulle oor die ANC se voornemens in te lig en om groter bewustheid te skep van hoe die ANC se agenda strydig is met Artikel 17 van die Universele Verklaring van Menseregte. Hulle regerings se steun word gevra vir optrede teen die ANC by die Verenigde Nasies.

Avo can be a delicious for desserts too Being an avid avocado lover, and a cheesecake connoisseur, hailing from the tropical paradise of the Tzaneen area where an abundance of avocados is available almost throughout the year, I came across this avocado cheesecake recipe from the South African Growers’ Association. Quite an intriguing prospect how this will turn out. If a person thinks of avocado’s, you think of delicious salads, sandwiches and perhaps beauty products. Who would have thought of attempting to make a dessert that will consist out of avocado? There are in fact a host of desserts and sweets recipes available with avocados as an or main ingredient. Even for cupcakes and toppings. The ingredients are all quite simple items that can be found at most retail stores, and a person does not the assistance from a personal chef for the preparation in order to bake this particular cheesecake. Bulletin would like to hear a response from our readers on our Facebook page on how their avocado cheesecake came out and tasted like. Here is what you will need for the ingredients:

200g tennis biscuits, crushed 100g butter, melted 2 packets lime or lemon flavoured jelly 100ml boiling water 750g Philadelphia cream cheese 2 large ripe avocados, pureed 15ml lemon juice Mixed berries, sliced avocados, kiwi fruit and mint leaves to garnish. The instructions are just as simple to follow for a cheesecake with a difference: For the base of the avocado cheesecake, preheat the oven to 180°C. Prepare the biscuit base by mixing the melted butter into the crushed biscuits. Press biscuit mixture into the bottom of a 23cm spring form pan. Place in the oven for 5-8 minutes to crisp the biscuits, remove and cool. For the mixture of the cheesecake, dissolve the jelly in boiling water. Whilst the jelly is dissolving, beat the cream cheese with the pureed avocado and the lemon juice until combined. Pour in the dissolved jelly. Pour the mixture into the spring form pan and allow to set overnight in fridge. To serve, release the cheesecake from spring form pan, garnish with mixed berries, avocado slices, mint leaves and kiwi fruit.

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