17 Junie 2011
Tzaneen, Modjadjiskloof, Haenertsburg, Letsitele, Phalaborwa, Gravelotte, Giyani, Hoedspruit, Lenyenye, Mica, Mooketsi, Nkowankowa, Ofcolaco, Trichardtsdal
3838, Tzaneen • 8 Crown Street/Straat 8 • 015 307 7248 • 015 307 7684 • editor@bulletin.us.com • www.bulletin.us.com
• GLM’s Mayor reveals ...
Never give up Since the inception of Bulletin seven years ago, our management tried to register the word bulletin for our web address — instead of the longer bulletinnews which was the closest that we could get to it. Bulletin is so popular as a name for newspapers and newsletters worldwide that we have been unsuccessful, until a while ago. We never gave up trying and we finally succeeded in registering www.bulletin. us.com. This has resulted in us being enabled to also use the shorter version for our e-mails (see panel on page 2). We are now busy constructing a new inter-active web site, which will soon be accessible on the new address. Henceforth it will be easier to communicate with our staff, since the first name and the extension @bulletin.us.com will do it. Example: john@bulletin.us.com. To communicate with the different departments at Bulletin, the panel on page 2 could be consulted for their e-mail addresses. Kindly update your records accordingly.
No money Beaunice Machitela
Outdated infrastructure and a high rate of illiteracy among its residents are the biggest challenges facing the Greater Letaba Municipality, says Mayor Godfrey City Modjadji. He revealed in an exclusive interview with the Bulletin earlier this week that the GLM has many financial restrictions. They thus have to rely on national and provincial grants for funds. Modadjiskloof is one of the oldest towns in South Africa. The water, road and electricity infrastructures are outdated and The Greater Letaba Municipality’s Mayor, Mr desperately need rebuilding to avoid conCity Modjadji tinuous repairs (and frustration). In 2006 the council inherited a municipality with no systems in place, no financial reports and no policies in place. Since 2006 financial reports are being submitted to the Auditor General and for the past two years the GLM has received unqualified reports
Municipality’s assets to be auctioned by sheriff 12 page Bumper Edition
Office equipment of the Greater Giyani Municipality will be sold on public auction on 7 July, after a court order was granted in favour of Vuka Khulano Timber Industries for outstanding debt.
Farmers face constraints
Among the items to be sold are fifteen computers, ten printers, four photo copiers, a big TV and a DVD player.The judgement was grant- Farmers in the Greater Letaba Municipality ed on 16 March this year. (which for some reason is the name given to Modjadjiskloof) face serious constraints against economic development. This is because nearly half the land contained within its boundaries is under land claim. This is according to the Municipality’s Integrated Development Plan for 2011/2012. The land claim process is a lengthy one and has not yet been resolved by the Land Claims Commissioner. This creates “a high level of uncertainty” among commercial farmers “and their ability to expand and employ more people” but also “deters investment in the area.” Another constraint, which has a greater deterrent effect on small farmers is that half the land in the Municipality’s jurisdiction is
Klagtes oor klipgroef is ‘n kraaines — bl 7 Expo se splinternuwe baadjie — bl 5
as a result of some outstanding accounts. “The next step is to get a clean audit from the AG,” Modjadji said. He added that “the high illiteracy rate among residents, accompanied by alcohol abuse often led to a lot of school drop-outs. This left people unable to pay rates, leaving the GLM to rely on government grants.” However, 2 700 houses should have electricity by 2014, with the GLM spending almost R2 million on this in the current financial year. The dilapidated main road through Modjadjiskloof will also be attended to, as the GLM is awaiting a reply from the department of roads and transport to fund the rebuilding of the road. As part of restructuring the municipality hired skilled staff and this has led to a change in attitude. “We also included traditional leaders in council meetings as a measure towards intensifying public participation,” Modjadji said.
state-owned and under the custodianship of tribal authorities. In other words, it is communal land. Small farmers have permission to occupy such land but do not have title. This precludes them from raising bank finance for the development of their enterprises. Greater Letaba is one of the smaller municipal areas with a land area of under 2 000 square km. It has a population of nearly 250 000, over a third of which are under 15 years of age. Unfortunately it is the youth that are most affected by the “priority issues” of water, electricity, schools and health facilities, not to mention high unemployment. The majority of households in the Municipality are headed by women or children, many of them with no income and entirely dependent on social grants.
17 Junie 2011
Vlieg soek 10 Dwars ...
Vlieg praat met die Volk, en krap waar dit jeuk
Vlieg soek asseblief hulp om die antwoord op die vraag van die grootste skelms in menseheugenis te vind Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp - 083 266 6906
4 b
Redakteur / Editor Jean Aucamp - 083 251 9090 jean@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux - 072 043 2220
6 7
Beaunice Machitela - 076 650 3412 beaunice@bulletin.us.com
Retha Nel - 072 578 8742 retha@bulletin.us.com
Yvonne Ndlovu - 078 435 3941 yvonne@bulletin.us.com
Medewerkers / Correspondents Susan Ettmayr • Liam Vlietstraat • Duncan Mohale Ontwerp / Design David Morrison - 078 709 7032
8 10
Keegan Kemp - 082 758 8076 keegan@bulletin.us.com
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Verspreiding / Distribution Jean Aucamp - 083 251 9090
Bemarking / Marketing Candice Dabner - 082 342 7018
Nicky Altenroxel - 083 746 6592 nicky@bulletin.us.com
Jacques Smuts - 071 268 2543
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19 a
Megan Viljoen - 074 156 1968
Stephanie Eslick - 074 116 3643 stephanie@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard - 083 982 4663
Lihanie Booysen - 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com
Drukker / Printer PaarlColdset Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg No 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin. / Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg No 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. • Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word streng voorbehou.
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7648. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com IT: it@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 015 309 9504/5 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien Tzaneen
Daar is te veel hiervan in die dorp
Vlieg doen dit elke Sondagoggend
Idols is so
Daar is te min hiervan in die dorp
Die kinders wat in die strate dwaal se ouers is hier
Al die arty farties bly daar
n Lastige insek wat almal irriteer
Almal wat marathons draf is dit
Die dorp s’n is oorkant Sasol R71
n Prokureur is nie so nie
Dit waaroor alles deesdae vir mense gaan
Die meeste ouditeure is so
Vlieg dink ‘n blou skool s’n is uit
Oupa se lighter
Dit is hoe die beloftes is waarvoor die kiesers weer geval het
n Rampokkerbende in blou uniforms
Elke ou wat low profiles op sy bakkie sit is een
Dit is waar witmense hulself deesdae bevind
Joost en Amor maak Vlieg so
Dit is hoe die Besigheidskamertjie se planne vir Vlieg is
Dit is wat Vlieg gaan doen om die waarheid te soek
Dit is wat Vlieg voel as hy deur die mall geloop het
As jy hulle plant kom daar spietkops op Vlieg wens die mense in die mall wil dit meer doen Hierdie artikel 3 dominees is nou doktors Te blind om hulle eie foute raak te sien Die vreeslose waarheid
Three suspects arrested for perjury Yvonne Ndlovu
A 24 year old man, Justice Nakampe Mohale, was arrested by Tzaneen police for perjury after he had crashed his employer’s vehicle. Capt Simon Shikwambane, the spokesman for the Tzaneen Police, said Mohale is a
foreman at Delarose farm. A while ago after everyone knocked off and left the farmyard the suspect returned and took the keys and his employer’s vehicle without the consent of his employer. He allegedly drove around and had fun at Mkwak-
Emergency numbers/Noodnommers numbers/Noodnommers Tzaneen
Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
waila. He reportedly collided with a tree and the car turned over. He allegedly left the car in an open field. According to reports het went back the following day (a Sunday) to report to his employer that the car was not in the garage. He was instructed by his employer to open a case of theft of a vehicle and he reported the “theft” to the police. People who saw him driving around in the car and who also witnessed the accident, called his employer and spilled the beans. The police investigated and found that he had
fabricated the story. He was arrested and appeared in court on a charge of perjury. Bail of R500 was granted, but he is still in custody, since he failed to pay the R500. A similar incident occurred at Motupa Village, Bolobedu. A case of house breaking was opened, when it was alleged that a man wearing a balaclava entered the house of the complainant and held her up with a firearm. The thief allegedly took a safe in her bedroom, containing R25 000, and ran off. As the police went to the house to investigate a male suspect
revealed to the police that a young lady, the complainant, arranged with him to steal the money. The owner of the house and the money was supposed to buy a tombstone for his late wife. Is was also reported that the female suspect has been stealing the
money bit by bit. The police repossessed the safe (from the male suspect) and they found only R1 500 in it. The father of the female suspect opened a case of theft against the two suspects and the police also opened a case of perjury. Salma, the granddaughter of Mr Johann Ueckermann (headmaster of Stanford Lake College), has been located in Egypt, after a long search for her. She was abducted by her father and taken to Egypt. However, the family still has to obtain permission from the authorities to bring Salma back. Her mother, Auguste, is in Egypt.
17 Junie 2011
Edward Vorster sterk mooi aan ‘n Klompie lastige muskiete noord van Malawi het Mahela Boerdery se mnr Edward Vorster en sy toergroep van Letsitele se jaarlikse rit na die hart van Afrika kortgeknip, toe hy malaria in ‘n erge graad opgedoen het. Hy moes hospitaal toe gebring word, maar sterk nou tuis aan. Volgens sy seun Eddie het Vorster reeds voorheen malaria opgedoen, maar dié keer was dit baie erg. Hy is nog in die bed, maar herstel vinnig. Yet another senior justice official found himself on the wrong side of the law this week. The Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions, Dr Silas Mashau Ramaite (53), was arrested on Sunday near Levubu, following an accident with his luxury Jaguar. He was charged with reckless and negligent driving and driving under the influence. On Monday, Ramaite’s case was postponed until 2 September. Ramaite, who was born in Louis Trichardt, was appointed by the President in 2003. He is amongst others responsible for specialised LiN News/Zoutpansberger commercial crime.
Letaba Expo kry nuwe baadjie Verlede jaar het die Letaba Expo, voorheen bekend as die Tzaneen Skou, ‘n nuwe broek aangetrek. Die nuwe komitee, onder die voorsitterskap van mnr Fanie van Jaarsveld, het toe gesê hulle wil die skou/expo oor ‘n termyn van drie jaar omvorm om weer landbou te dien. Vanjaar trek hulle vir die expo ‘n nuwe baadjie aan en volgende jaar wil hulle afrond met ‘n nuwe hemp, bypassende das en blink skoene. Die VLU-takke in Tzaneen se dames gaan vanjaar een saal beset, waar hulle handwerk, ingemaakte konfyte en allerhande ander heerlikhede uit hul spense sal wys — en verkoop. Dit was eintlik ‘n logiese stap om die dames van die Vroue Landbou-unie te betrek. Die VLU-dames beloof dat hul uitstallings en aanbiedings ‘n nuwe hoogtepunt sal bied; en ‘n verrassing of twee kan op expo-gangers wag. Die terrein word vanjaar ook herskik, met swaarder klem op landbou en landbouprodukte en minder vlooimarkprodukte. Puik vermaak word ook aangebied, met van die land se voorste kunstenaars wat sal optree. By die rivier gaan daar baie meer aktiwiteit wees en die
biertuin gaan vanjaar aangevul word met mampoerstokers uit ons gebied wat hul produkte daar gaan aanbied en gaan beduie en vertel hoe mens ‘n vuurwarm mampoertjie kan stook. Daar word beplan vir armdruk-, vleis- en worsbraaikompetisies om die manne van die seuns te skei. Die skoukomitee soek nou dringend boere om hul oudste werkende plaaswerktuie — trekkers, ploeë, planters, vragmotors, bakkies en dies meer — in te skryf om die mooiste/beste werkende veteraan-werktuig aan te wys. Die wenboer kan dalk net ‘n lekker verrassing kry. Die boeredag (die Woensdag voor die expo op 4 Augustus open) gaan ‘n puik program bied. Die president van AgriSA, mnr Johannes Möller, is genooi om boere toe te spreek, en ook ‘n debatsessie te lei. Die LUR vir Landbou in Limpopo is ook genooi. Van Jaarsveld sê die komitee is tevrede dat gegewe die ekonomiese klimaat die handel steeds baie belangstel in die expo en dat die verskuiwing terug na landbou ‘n sinvolle besluit was. Navrae: AgriLetaba-kantoor by 015 307 2725.
Delicious naartjes from Tzaneen for Tzaneen The last couple of weeks residents of Tzaneen have noticed the nicest naartjies, every single one cutely marked with a small yet very noticeable sticker, being sold in various shops. ClemenGold is a lovely soft citrus fruit, the deep orange colour of a sunset. The silky rind peels easily to reveal the juicy flesh and delightful aroma.
When eaten one can taste sun-drenched sweetness and freshness. ClemenGold is a healthy little package of quality, taste and convenience — everything you enjoy about citrus and it is available in Tzaneen! Production in the Tzaneen area forms an important part of a global group of grow-
Integrated medicine is this doctor’s passion Beaunice Machitela
Clair Fountaine has permanently added Dr Jean Railton to their staff. The bright and cheerful doctor has worked part-time at the practice for about two years and has recently become a permanent member of staff. Railton has a range of qualifications to her name, among them a medical degree from the University of Cape Town and a masters degree in family medicine from the University of Stellenbosch. Her diploma in mental health gives a more in-depth insight to her patients’ medical problems, as she believes physical well-being is related to the psychological and emotional aspects of a patient’s life. She dedicates a minimum of thirty minutes to her consultations with patients, analysing what the problem is and treating the source as opposed to just the symptoms. Railton has an interest in integrated medicine and is currently completing her studies in homeopathy. There is definitely a place for both allopathic and homeopathic medicines, said Railton. She is of the view that every doctor’s priority is to improve their patient’s medical condition and an integrated use of allopathic, homeopathic and other complementary medicines provides a greater chance of improving their condition faster. Railton grew up in Phalaborwa and studied in Cape Town and currently lives on a farm in the Magoebaskloof Mountains with her husband and two children.
ers who want to deliver the best of the best. ClemenGold producers take pride in nurturing young seedlings until the fruit is fragrantly ripe and ready to eat. Fertile soil, warm sunshine, rainy days, a great deal of enthusiasm and tender loving care all come into play. Together they create a product that reflects the golden standard, which makes ClemenGold so special. When people get to know it, they will ask for ClemenGold by name. This is why the team at ClemenGold in Tzaneen is so proud and enthusiastic not only to take this lovely soft citrus further along its journey around the world, but to ev-
ery household in Tzaneen and surroundings. They want people to know that they can always rely on its consistent high quality and they have all the necessary systems in place to guarantee this. The ClemenGold season runs from mid June to mid September sometimes even later, into early October. ClemenGold is exclusively available in Woolworths countrywide. But this season, ClemenGold will also be available in Tzaneen at selected fruit stalls and shops. Go and get your share of export quality ClemenGold at affordable prices. Also keep a look out for ClemenGold on their Facebook page, where there will be many surprises in store for this and coming seasons!
Joernaliste en bemarkers van die lidkoerante in die sambreelorganisasie van onafhanklike koerante in Limpopo,
17 Junie 2011
Reuseveiling van gesogte en skaars broodbome
‘n Reuseveiling van skaars en gesogte broodbome is verlede naweek op die plaas Vlaklaagte van mnr Sybren Schaap naby Gravelotte deur nagenoeg 150 mense bygewoon. Die afslaers Omniland het die veiling oor twee dae gehou en feitlik alles is verkoop. Dié week was werknemers van Omniland nog op die plaas om ‘n volledige bestekopname van die verkope en toewysing van die plante te hanteer. AgriBulletin sal volgende week ‘n breedvoerige verslag oor die verloop van die veiling publiseer. Op die foto is een van die afslaers, mnr Mike Kilassy (links), in aksie.
Limpopo Independent Newspapers (LiN), het ‘n konferensie in Polokwane bygewoon. Die Adjunk-persombudsman, dr Johan Retief (derde van links agter) het hulle toegespreek oor die Persraad se kode en verantwoordelike joernalistiek. Dr Gerard van der Weijden van België (tweede van regs voor) het oor nuwe modelle en neigings in die gedrukte media gepraat. Hy is geassosieer met WAN (die World Association of Newspapers). Personeel van Bulletin wat die konferensie bygewoon het, is Jacques Smuts (links agter) en Francois Aucamp (links voor), Candice Dabner (langs hom), Jean Aucamp en Nicky Altenroxel (regs voor). Agter langs dr Retief is die hoof- uitvoerende beampte van die Association of Independent Publishers in Suid-Afrika, me Louise Vale.
‘n Groot eer het die Letaba-tak van die ATKV te beurt geval, toe by die onlangse jaarkongres van die ATKV aangekondig is dat die tak twee gesogte toekennings verower het. REGS ontvang me Christine Nel, wat die tak by die kongres verteenwoordig het, die prys vir ‘n tak met ‘n hoë funksionaliteit van mnr Michiel Jacobs, ‘n direkteur van die ATKV. Die ander toekenning was vir ‘n projek van hoë gehalte onder die Taalfokus (die projek waartydens petroljoggies in Tzaneen wat Afrikaans praat, beloon is). Die tak is met ‘n handige R7 000 se prysgeld beloon. Met byna drie honderd ATKV-takke landwyd is die Letaba-tak se prestasies nie te versmaai nie. Die voorsitter van die tak, me Clarissa Coetzee, sê ‘n ywerige en hardwerkende bestuurspan sorg dat die tak sedert stigting ongeveer twee jaar gelede, puik presteer. Sy sê die wenprys sal vir nuwe projekte Foto: Nardus Nel aangewend word. Die Letaba-tak van die ATYKV het ‘n nuwe bestuur gekies. Voor is me Ronel de Bruyn (sekretaresse), dr Edmund de Beer, (bykomende lid) en me Aaneen Malerbe. Agter is die nuwe ondervoorsitter, mnr Johan Pretoruis, die voorsitter (wat herkies is), me Clarissa Coetzee, mnr Danie Swanepoel (bykomende lid) en mnr Walt Coetzee (penningmeester).
17 Junie 2011
Ambulansdiens loop mooi Dit gaan goed met die Tzaneen Ambulansdiens (TAS), alhoewel kontanvloei nog knyp en mense word steeds aangemoedig om by te dra tot die diens. ‘n Tweede ambulans is pas in gebruik geneem, om die Phalaborwa-gemeenskap te bedien en om die druk op Tzaneen se ambulans te verlig. Dit is moontlik gemaak deur ruim skenkings deur veral die Palaborwa Mining Company en ‘n paar ander maatskappye in die dorp.
Die voorsitter van die direksie van die TAS, dr Ig van Rensburg, sê omdat betalings nie altyd stiptelik gemaak word nie en omdat mediese fondse se betalings soms ook vertraag word, lol dit sommige dae met die kontantvloei. “Maar ons is deur die drif en as daar kop gehou word, behoort sake te vlot.” Van Rensburg sê mense word steeds gevra om by te dra tot die gemeenskap se eie prvate diens. Die diens word deur ‘n Art 21-maatskappy — wat nie op winsbejag uit is nie — bedryf.
Die SA Vrouefederasie (SAVF) in Tzaneen se muur is onlangs deur ‘n onbekende motoris omgery. Die skade was R11 000. Barmhartige Samaritane, mnr Lourens Frits van Actebis Building Contractors en Letaba Brickyard, het saamgestaan en die muur gratis herstel. Me Lizelle Cronje Foto: Retha Nel van die SAVF en Frits staan hier by die herstelde muur.
Die bekende mnr Piet Smith, die vader van die Radio Centre in Tzaneen, is Woensdag vanuit die NG Kerk Wolkberg begrawe. Hy was 82 jaar oud by sy skielike heengaan verlede Saterdag. Hy laat sy seuns Pieter, Bokka, Dolf, en hul vroue, sy dogter Irma en sewe kleinkinders agter. Dolf en sy vrou Irene bedryf die Radio Centre, waar oom Piet nog daagliks as geesdriftige amateurradioman met vriende wêreldwyd gesels het.
Sakelui kla dat die ekonomie nie lekker is nie, maar daar word nog goeie transaksies beklink. Simpson Motors in Tzaneen het pas weer veertien Isuzu-bakkies aan EPX verkoop. Hier is mnre Eddie Simpson (links), die eienaar van Simpson Motors, en sy seun Morné (regs) by die oorhandiging van die vloot aan die eienaars van EPX-koeriers.
Holistic and Health Fair in Haenertsburg The Silver Mist Holistic and Health Fair will this year be held in the Haenertsburg Agricultural Hall on 25 & 26 June. There will be a variety of therapists, health products and delicious food where visitors can have all their senses pampered. Therapists from as far as Gauteng, Swaziland and Natal will attend and also local therapists and product owners from Tzaneen and Polokwane. There will be reflexologists, masseurs, a sound therapist, reiki master, a body stress release expert, iridologist and more. Visi-
tors can have readings done with Angel cards and the well known chirologist, Kevin Leak from Gauteng. Top up your essential oil cupboard from the large range of essential oils, aromatherapy products, herbs, herbal products and alternative healing products. Entrance R10 (children under 12 years and pensioners free). Open at 09:00 and close at 17:00 on Saturday 16:00 on Sunday. Information: Megan on 082 479 7285.
17 Junie 2011
Rev Ron J Reiners • 083 617 8442 Vrydag 17 Junie
A fine performance We have to commend the Mayor of the Greater Letaba Municipality (Modjadjiskloof) for his willingness to grant the media an interview during which he opened his heart and mind. In a time when politics and political manoeuvres seem to also dominate the local government scene, he did not hold back in calling a spade a spade. No sweet talk, no colouring in to make the picture look beter than the reality and no dodging and diving attempting to mislead anybody. That his municipality finds itself in dire straits has been known for quite some time. He could dispute it, but he chose to confirm the calamitous situation. Furthermore he demonstrated a clear desire to rectify what has gone wrong and what is actually beyond his control. However, he is limited by a range of problems and the road ahead will clearly follow a very winding and steep uphill route. We wish him the best of luck in his endeavours to lead the GLM in such a way that the communities will benefit from improved service delivery. And we will support him for as long as he continues to be transparent and honest about the shortfalls and the difficult job to work towards a better future for the citizens in that area.
Die mooiste dorp
Ons word verkwalik dat ons nie geesdriftig deelneem aan die poging om Tzaneen as die mooiste dorp in die land aangewys te kry nie. Ons standpunt hieroor is dat die onversorgdheid van die dorp — die spore van afskeep en verwaarloos oor die afgelope klompie jare — werklik nie Tzaneen kan laat kwalifiseer vir die gesogte titel nie. Wil ons deur die massamedia vir die res van die land wys hoe lyk dit langs die Letabarivier waar dit deur die dorp vloei? Wil ons wys hoe smouse onwettig die middedorp beset? Wil ons wys hoe kos oor oop vure langs die strate gekook en bedien word? Wil ons wys hoe lyk die verwaarloosde Toerismesentrum? Wil ons wys hoe rylopers die verkeer langs die R71 ontwrig? Wil ons wys hoe vleigebiede in die dorp verwoes word? Nee, ons wil nie deel hiervan wees nie. Kom ons kry eers die dorp reg.
Grap van die week Die arme ou aandagsoeker wie se vervaldatum al geruimte tyd verstryk het, wat loop en vertel dat die Bulletin mense graag lóóp. Die waarheid is dat ons ons werk as joernaliste doen, dat ons nie voorkeurbehandeling uitdeel nie, dat ons nie inkonsekwent sekeres bevoordeel en sekeres benadeel nie en dat ons nie by allerhande onderduimshede betrokke raak nie. Ons doen verslag van wat in die gemeenskap gebeur. Vreesloos, objektief, onbevange en eerlik.
Oops! Against all oods? A Bulletin reader sent in this photograph of a sign that has appeared in the basement of the Tzaneng Mall in Tzaneen.
Tongknopers Humanitêr en humanisties: Die Afrikaans vir humanitarian (b.nw en bw.) is humaan, humanitêr, mensliewend of welwillend. Hierteenoor slaan humanisties op die humanisme (die wêreldbeskouing wat menslike waardigheid, die vryheid en die waarde van die individu vooropstel). Insae en insig: Insae dui op vlugtige of oppervlakkige kennisneming van die inhoud van byvoorbeeld ‘n dokument: Iets lê (nie: is) ter insae, en die publiek sal insae in ‘n
dokument hê of kry. Insig dui op ‘n deeglike of diepgaande begrip. Innovasie en innoverend: Dié woorde word gebruik waar ook die s.nwe. nuwigheid en vernuwing en die b.nwe. of bwe. nuut of vernuwend (nie: nuwe innovering) dikwels ewe goed of selfs beter sou wees.
Die mense hoor • Die spreekwoord wat lui “hoe kaler Jonker, hoe groter Pronker het nuwe betekenis gekry ... • Dit is nie waar dat die aardbewing in Nieu-Seeland sy ontstaan Saterdagaand
Let wel: hulle sê nie so nie!
op die skouterrein langs die Letabarivier gehad het nie. Die groen VW se insittendes het wel hard geval, maar dit was darem nie so erg nie ... • In nog ‘n groot val het Hansman die hele Tzaneendam misgeval. Gelukkig het sy “skatlam” hulp gebied ...
Dis soos dit werk Bernard Nel van Aquapark, Tzaneen, skryf: Ten spyte van die eensydige uitslae van die pas afgelope wintersportdag tussen ons twee hoërskole is daar beslis een ding om oor opgewonde te raak, naamlik die voor- en na-beriggewing wat u koerant oor die kragmeting gelewer het. U het weereens bewys dat daar nie ‘n plaasvervanger is vir kreatiwiteit en objektiwiteit in beriggewing nie. Welgedaan en ek sien daarna uit om u koerant in die toekoms te ondersteun. Na die dood van Bob Woolmer tydens die krieket-wêreldbeker in die Karibiese Eilande in 2007 is onder meer die volgende oor hom en die destydse kaptein van Pakistan, Inzemaan Ul Haq, berig: “Bob Woolmer could never wrestle total control of the team from the grasp of Ul Haq”. Dit beteken nie dat Woolmer ‘n gesaglose persoon was wat nie beheer kon uitoefen nie. Inteendeel. Hy was een van die mees gerespekteerde persone in wêreldkrieket. Ul Haq is egter een van daardie seldsame persoonlikhede wat respek verdien en nie afgedwing het nie. Die heldeverering vir hom deur sy jonger spanlede het hom in ‘n feitlik onaantasbare leierskapposisie geplaas en hom dié rede was dit moeilik vir enigiemand anders om totale beheer oor die span te neem.
Dié scenario word nou baie goed waargeneem by die bestuur van Hoërskool Ben Vorster se aktiwiteite. Daar is geen twyfel nie oor wie in beheer is van die rugby aktiwiteite. ‘n Baie sterk leierskorps is teenwoordig met ‘n gedetailleerde plan wat deur almal betrokke ondersteun word. Dit is vir die persoon wat bemagtig is om die resultate te behaal, in hierdie geval Andre Hay, baie makliker as die sukses wat behaal wil word, gedefinieer is. Ben Vorster se sukses is nie oornag behaal nie. ‘n Groep persone het oor baie jare ‘n dinkskrum gevorm waaruit baie geleer is. Idees is getoets, ongewilde besluite is geneem, geïmplimenteer en het vrugte afgewerp. Die poel van kundigheid is in die proses opgebou, in der mate dat Ben Vorster as een van die topskole in Suid-Afrika gereken word. Voorwaar ‘n puik prestasie as in ag geneem word dat leerlingtalle heelwat laer is as die van verskeie skole teen wie hulle meeding. Die werwing van leerlinge omdat hulle oor spesifieke talente beskik, kan lankal
The book of Proverbs is often an understated book, yet it is a book that gives us so much insight into how to live even in modern day society. It is said to have been mainly written by King Solomon who was considered a very wise person. If more attention was given to this book and more education based on it we would find answers to many questions that trouble us today. Perhaps we should encourage our youth to study it and in this way impart knowledge and wisdom to them. Youth often ask us questions about life and often we do not have the proper answers to their questions. The book of Proverbs contains many answers and thus can be used as a guideline when faced with these questions. Proverbs 21 v 2: “You may think that everything you do is right, but remember that the Lord judges your motives” . So in answering questions posed to us we may have the correct answers but the wrong motive. Perhaps we just want to make the problem go away as quickly as possible. How often do we follow up on what we have told our youth and see if what we have said has borne fruit? The author “Every Day with Jesus” Selwyn Hughes states that there are seven pillars of wisdom, but also says that “Proverbs does not state categorically what these seven pillars are” but we can perhaps define them as: Trust, Integrity, Personal purity, Generosity, Diligence, Watchfulness with words and Friendship. How do you match up to these pillars of wisdom? I know that in many cases I fall far short of what is expected of me. What is needed is to work on each of them every day with the help of the Holy Spirit. God Bless nie meer gesien word as negatief nie. Skole moet bedryf word soos ‘n besigheid. Indien sport as ‘n aansporing gebruik word om ‘n spesifieke skool se profiel te verbeter en meer aanloklik maak, het daardie skool baie ver gevorder om sy “handelsmerk“ op te bou en te adverteer, deur sy aktiwiteite en sportprestasies. Ben Vorster het die volle pakket om hom suksesvol aan te bied as ‘n voorkeurkeuse om ‘n leerling se skoolloopbaan te voltooi. Die geestelike welstand (mind over matter through visualization) van persone wat leierskapposisies vul, het baie te doen met die prestasie van die persone vir wie hulle verantwoordelik is. Dit is belangrik om te wen, maar as een nie die vermoë het om ‘n omgewing te skep wat vry is van enige vrees nie, sal sukses nie maklik behaal kan word nie. Ek is die pa van ‘n dogter wat haar skoolloopbaan in Merensky voltooi het en ek is nie spyt oor die besluit nie. Merensky het geen ander keuse as om sy status van leierskool te herbevestig nie. Hulle skuld die gemeenskap en hul ondersteuners dit. Ek wens albei ons hoërskole voorspoed en sukses toe.
Hou asb briewe vir publikasie bondig
17 Junie 2011
Die klipgroef se probleme lyk na ’n ware kraaines
BO: Die Bulletin is toegang by die hek na die klipgroef geweier, maar van ‘n afstand kon ons sien dat dit heel ordelik lyk. ONDER is die erg gekraakte muur van een van die buurhuise.
Retha Nel
Die toedrag van sake by die omstrede Letaba Crushers-klipgroef by Tarentaalrand is soos ‘n kraaines en dit vra tyd om deur al die dokumente te werk. Vanweë die erns van bewerings wat bure van die klipgroef maak en op grond van die inligting wat aan ons gegee is, het ons die eienaars van die klipgroef gevra vir hul kommentaar. Hulle kon egter nie die spertyd haal om op ons navraag re reageer nie en ons sal eers volgende week verder oor die saak kan berig. Hulle het ook deur hul prokureurs, Webber Wentzel van Johannesburg, dokumente aan ons gestuur, wat ook eers deurgewerk moet word. ‘n Nuwe kinkel in die kabel is ‘n “waarskuwing” van die prokureurs dat hul kliënt — Letaba Crushers (Pty) Ltd — verdere aksie teen die betrokke en geaffekteerde partye en/ of die Bulletin oorweeg, na aanleiding van ons vorige berig verlede Vrydag. Die direkteure van Letaba Crushers is mnre Philippus Coetzer (‘n prokureur in Tzaneen) en Johan Andreas van Niekerk.
REGS en ONDER is nog erge skade aan ‘n huis naby die myn en ONDER LINKS kan gesien word hoe plafonne van ‘n huis van die mure weg trek.
LINKS: ‘n Onderwyser van die Hoërskool Merensky, mnr Fanus Jacobs, is verkies tot voorsitter van Limpopo Skolekrieket en as lid van die SA Skole-krieketkomitee. REGS is mnr Hein van Heerden, sportafrigter en lewenswetenskaponderwyser by die Hoërskool Merensky, wat as die skool se nuwe adjunkhoof: sport en koshuise aangestel is.
17 Junie 2011
Ongeveer 130 leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky het al singende met plakkate en kruise aan die Sport vir Jesus-mars in Tzaneen deelgeneem, op die vooraand van die Laeveld Derby.
Plasies trap Nampo muf Veertien agri-wetenskapleerlinge en personeellede van die Hoërskool Merensky het onlangs die Nampo-skouterrein by Bothaville in die Vrystaat plat gestap. Die jaarlikse uitstappie vorm
BO is twee leerlinge van die Laerskool Tzaneen, Tertius du Plessis en Barend Lombard, wat gekies is vir Limpopo se laerskolerubyspan.
BO: Hier is die Hoërskool Merensky se nuwe meisieskoshuisprefekte vir 2011/2012: Agter is Amor Bronkhorst, Micheala Green, Vonani Ngobeni ,Gizela Blignaut en Marijke Bezuidenhout en voor is Laura Corillon, Akile Khoza en Janette van Eyk. Carmen van Aarde was afwesig.
ONDER: Die Hoërskool Merensky het hul koshuisprefekte vir 2011/2012 aangewys. Die seunsprefekte is (agter) Karel O’Neil, Abri Bratlett, Rickus Botha, Dian van Rooyen, Jacques Roelofse, AJ Brits en George Joubert en voor is Funani Mabala, Leroi vd Vyver en Solly Maputu.
deel van die skool se agri-wetenskap se praktiese uitstappies. Die groep, vergesel deur mnr Paul Gubitz van die skool se beheerraad, het die eerste winterkoue in die Vrystaat aangedurf en ‘n ongelooflike dag by Nampo deurgebring. Nampo is SuidAfrika se grootste landbouskou en dit is baie belangrik vir jong voornemende boere om die skou by te woon. Die Plasies kon sien dat landbou as bedryf in Suid-Afrika BO: Die Laerskool Tzaneen se nuwe Snoepieleiers is (agter) Ruan Genis, nie net baie gesond Wikus van Kasterop, Tertius du Plessis en voor is Kgodiso Maunatla, is nie, maar ook tegBekker Botha en Bernadette van Niekerk. ONDER: Verskeie leerlinge nologies baie gevorvan die Laerskool Tzaneen het deurgedring na die ATKV-redenaar se derd is. halfeindronde. Voor is Rachel de Jager (gr 2), agter haar is Cilmie Geyer (gr Merensky-leerlinge 5) en Suné Minnaar (gr 5) en agter is, Wian Jacobs (gr 6) en James Vorster sal volgende jaar weer Foto’s: Retha Nel (gr 4). die skou bywoon en die toptien leerlinge in gr 9 sal saamgaan, om hulle te help met vakkeuses. Die groep wat Nampo besoek het is mnr Willie Stevens ( a g r i - we t e n s k a p ) , me E le Roux, Emile Visser, Pieter en Dieter Katz , Jaco Pretorius, Johan Wagner, Landi Rood, Kalinka Fasen, AJ Brits, Kyle Smit, Carel O’ Neill en George Joubert.
17 Junie 2011
Lion & CUB 17 June 2011
• A Father’s day edition •
Father’s Day is always the third Sunday in June. Father’s Day honors the role of dads and men who serve in father-like roles in the lives of others. Fathers, grandfathers, stepfathers, fathers-to-be all have a day to stand in the spotlight on Father’s Day. As “nontraditional” family structures become more common, any nurturing man – “big brothers,” brothers-in-law, uncles, neighbors and others who are “like a father” – is likely to be honored on Father’s Day.
• ORIGINS • Father’s Day
What the cubs say:
Father’s Day originated in 1909 when a woman named Sonora Dodd came up with the idea. Mrs. Dodd’s father, William Jackson Smart, had raised her and her five siblings after their mother died in childbirth. While listening to a Mother’s Day sermon at a church near her family’s home in eastern Washington State, Mrs. Dodd thought about the sacrifices her father had made for his children and the fine job he had done in raising them. Because her father had been born in June, she decided to encourage the churches in her area to honor fathers in June
Ickinger is a father and son business that strives to provide good customer services with an aim of maintaining direct relation and effective response with their customers. Jacques van der Walt is the owner of the business with his son Jansen serving the managerial responsibilities. Van der Walt believes that the success of their business is based on a natural understanding that father and son are colleagues at work. “Working with Jansen makes the business run smoothly because he is living in the fashion youngster world and he understands this young vibrant trend much better than I do”, says proud dad Van der Walt.
Martin, Waldo, Bernard and Vic Froise
Bella Mawela (6)
“Father’s day is about being nice to your daddy, I’m going to get him shoes and make him tea and breakfast”
Shennaaz Vahed (6)
“Father’s day is a day to help out my father, buy him clothes and help him with all his work. I’m going to buy my father a nice card, whatever he want and cook him pap and meat.”
Diyaa Ghandi (7)
“Father’s day is about caring for our fathers, loving them and doing whatever they say. I’m going to get my father socks because he doesn’t have any socks.”
Vixtrix Signs was established in 1981 by Vic Froise and his wife. Soon his three sons, Bernard, Martin and Waldo joined the fast growing business and together formed a formidable team to ensure an exceptionally smooth running operation. Vic has a special arrangement with his sons in which they complement one another throughout the business to maintain a flawless operation over the years.
Dumisani Nyamazani (7)
“Father’s day to me means spending the rest of your day with your daddy. I’m gonna make some tea for my daddy, help him to wash his car. I’m going to buy him shoes and hat because my daddy loves to wear shoes and hat when he go to church.”
Lesedi Tsipa (6)
“I’m going to buy my father tekkies because he likes them and a jacket. I want to make him happy this father’s day, I will make him tea & sausage.”
Muhummand Saad Sarfraz (6)
“In this father’s day I will do whatever my father says. I’m going to make nice stuff for him but I don’t know what. But I think I will make a card, draw my father and I maybe write my father’s name on it. And I think father’s day means showing love to your father.”
Tinashi Mhlongo (7)
“I feel good that my birthday is just four days before father’s day and fell as I’m a present to my father. In this father’s day I will make up my dad’s bed, make him tea and do whatever he want me to do.”
Wat sê die Maanhare: Dirk Stoltz | Pa van 6 kinders | Oupa van 7
kleinkinders “Stel belang in jou kinders en gee vir hulle al die liefde wat jy kan gee. Dit is belangrik om kwaliteit tyd saam met hulle deur te bring, soveel as wat jy kan. Moet nie te veel kritiseer nie, moedig hulle aan met wat ook al hulle aanpak”.
A humble beginning in a small farm shop in Letsitele Valley for many years led to the establishment of a major business in Limpopo, managed by father and son in a sound business relationship. Mr Yoonus Moosa ran the farm shop for 25 years before joining his son Mohamed in the Nkowankowa based Mega Hardware. “Mohamed is strictly business orientated and keeps the machine in running order, while my moods fluctuate from time to time. We don’t interfere with one another and maintain an excellent understanding in the business, even when Mohamed is often away on his regular trips as a rally driver.”
Dries Verster | Pa van 2 kinders | Oupa van 3
kinders “Leer jou kinders om vriendelik en bedagsaam te wees, en om te leer dat die Here die gewer is van alles wat goed is”.
Martin Uhlig | Pa van 2 kinders | Oupa van 2
kinders “Mens moet van kleins af jou kinders dissipline leer, daarmee ook self-dissipline. Meeste van vandag se kinders word te veel bederf en kan nie die
mega ware
waarde van dinge verstaan nie. Liefde daarby is natuurlik belangrik”.
Andrew Downie | Father of 3 | Grandfather
of 2 “The big thing is to give encouragement at every level. Discipline is absolutely essential. Involvement with your child’s schooling and extra mural activities is very important”.
Rod Steward | Father of 5 | Grandfather of 4 “Give lots of love and discipline and have a balanced life, having children is a very satisfying job, but it is not easy. Children become your life”. Julius Heim | Father of 3 | Grandfather of 4 Great grandfather of 2 “A father should be protective and loving, it’s the fundamental Christian concept of looking after your family”.
Ms Saartjie Roelvert of Pam Golding Properties Tzaneen received Gold Club status from Dr Andrew Golding (centre), CE of the Pam Golding Property group. With them is Mr Dawie Venter, manager of Pam Golding Properties Tzaneen.
Letaba Rotary Club donated a wheelchair to a disabled pupil of the Bright Morning Star Primary School in Nkowankowa. During a visit by members of Rotary, to donate the chair, they received a request to improve the kitchen facilities (catering for 300 children on a daily basis). The project expanded to improve the water system, as well as a donation of books to start a library at the school. ABOVE: Mr John Kings and Past president De Klerk Fourie are seen in front of the upgraded kitchen and BELOW Fourie shares a moment with pupils, celebrating their new books.
Gold for Saartjie Retha Nel
An agent of Pam Golding Properties Tzaneen, Ms Saartjie Roelvert, was awarded Gold Club status by the Pam Golding Property (PGP) group at the annual PGP national conference at the prestigious Zimbali Estate in KwaZulu-Natal. During this conference some three hundred PGP delegates, including Chairman Ms Pam Golding, CE Dr Andrew Golding and the national executive celebrated the evening and honoured their top national achievers under a huge transparent marquee in the midst of a large sugar cane field. Gold Club recognition and status is awarded to agents who
have achieved and maintained a consistently high level of excellent service and adhered to the strictest principles of ethical conduct and professionalism. PGP Gold Club agents are also “those who have contributed outstanding efforts to the real estate industry far greater than the accepted norm and shown the utmost pride in their profession, resulting in sales worth millions of rands within a specific time period”. Roelvert says “dedication, perseverance and hard work contributed to my receiving this award. The support of the team created a conducive environment to remain in business during difficult times.
17 Junie 2011
Bewaringsbewustes in Limpopo is dankbaar vir die nuwe aanslag van owerheidskant om diewe van broodbome in die provinsie kort te vat. Bakkies met broodbome agterop is byna ‘n daaglikse gesig, gewoonlik egter in die nag. Met reg word gevra of permitte hiervoor sou bestaan. Inwoners van Georges Valley sê dit wek kommer dat soveel LAW’s snags gesien word met broodbome agterop. Dit is meesal rondom middernag en in die vroeë oggendure, wat uiters verdag voorkom.
17 Junie 2011
Our Mini Ads can work for your business too. To advertise here, call the Bulletin on 015 307 7248.
17 Junie 2011
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: retha@bulletin.us.com
DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527.
Wedding and Matric Farewell Expo, Sanloo Manor, tomorrow, 09:00-16:00. Entry costs R15. For enquiries contact 015 307 1101.
Bosveldjagtersvereniging klubhuis (langs die skietbaan), elke Vrydagmiddag van 13:00. R45/persoon vir 500g T-bone steak, Meeting Tzaneen Community pap, sous. Bekostigbare kontantkroeg. Forum, Laerskool Tzaneen Personeelkamer, Besprekings noodsaaklik. Skakel Belinda 22 Junie, 17:15. Alle belangstellendes word 071 871 4710 of 076 333 4600. uitgenooi om die samesprekings oor diens AGS Kerksaal, in ons gemeenskap by te woon. Skakel 083 Youthbash Modjadjiskloof, Sondae-aande. Gr 8-12. 393 2517 vir navrae. Kom kuier, speel pool en darts, drink hot Father’s day special chocolate en kom hang net lekker uit. Skakel Haenertsburg, Sunday 19 June. Bees by 071 483 3070 / 083 748 9351 of Pastoor Father’s Day special is either Johan by 082 925 8746 vir meer inligting. T-bone steak served with chips, onion rings, vegetables and sauce of your Herofield aanddiens. choice for R70/p or lamb shanks served with Sondae, 18:30 , Minitzani saal. creamed potatoes and vegetables R85/p. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn vir enige navrae: 082 309 8335 Phone 083 305 2851 to book. of jeeuug@gmail.com.
Round Table Tzaneen 96
Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, first Monday of every month. Contact Bruce 082 824 4291 or Dale 082 820 Craftmarket @ Minitzani 2 6029. Julie, 09:00-14:00. Kom loer na juwele, Ladybird herbheerlike tuisgebak, plante, meubels, groep Maculata Straat koskraampies en vele meer. Vir navrae en om jou kraampie te bespreek skakel Estelle 12, Tzaneen. Vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand. Leer oor, kook met en plant de Bruin 082 780 4627. kruie. Contact Petro Smit 083 444 3414.
Fire fighting training
Rotary auction
The 10th annual action will be held on 16 July, 18:30, Unicorn Main Hall. Semi-formal dress. R300/p including wine credit and a three course meal. Contact Faan 082 892 9673, Barbara 082 808 3212 or Eloise 083 287 3628.
Seta Accredited Fire Fighting Training for Letaba Fire Protection Association’s members’ labour force at R385/person for two days. Contact Butch on 076 550 2260 .
Charity sale Care4Life Centre is having a second-hand clothing sale every second Friday of the month at 61G Boundary Street, Tzaneen. We appeal for second-hand clothing as well as books and magazines. We will collect. Contact Edwin at 072 22 88 738 Counselling services
FAMSA Limpopo Counselling Services. For Hospice sop en brood appointments call 015 307 48 33 or 071 193 aand Fairview Hotel, 22 Julie, 18:00. 3397. Insamelingsgeleentheid vir Hospice Wit Olifant verkoping Skenk Tzaneen. Kom kuier saam oor ‘n sopbordjie asb alle ou en nuwe boeke en items aan die in kerslig. Optredes deur Rene Mynhardt Letsitele Biblioteek se wit olifant verkoping. en ander plaaslike talent, wynveiling en Hul sal dit selfs kom haal. Vir navrae skakel gelukkige trekkings. Kaartjies R100/p. die Biblioteek 015 345 1991. Kontantkroeg beskikbaar. Vir navrae en kaartjies skakel Petro 078 090 7040. Blanket project Choice Trust would like to challenge the community to Reünie Die Hoërskool Ben donate a blanket for the poor. Deliver your Vorster 1971 Matrieks - 40 jaar blankets to 12 Park Street. Contact Choice at reünie, Augustus, Sanloo Manor. 015 307 6329. Skakel Lood vd Zee 082 740 5734 of Piet Visser 083 305 1390 of Chris Lombard 083 301 4368 of Mari Weber 082 440 1555.
NG kerk Letsitele Amfiteater, 28-29 Oktober. Alle belangstellende uitstallers, veral van unieke produkte, word genooi om in verbinding te tree met Lorraine by 0824987541 of e-pos by hlangananitrust@gmail.com. Daar is net plek vir 30 uitstallers. Die maande gaan so vinnig om, dat ons uitstallers wil tyd gee om solank voorraad op te bou. Limpopo
Hockey league
Unicorn School Pavilion, Wednesday night, 17:30. The Unicorn Hockey Club, Tzaneen, is part of the Hockey League and invites new
players to join. League matches played on Sundays. No formal age limit but players over the age of 16 preferred for safety reasons. Don’t worry about fitness and skill – practice makes perfect! Contact Claire 078 537 1774 or Zelda 082 415 0510.
4x4 Familienaweek
2 tot 3 Julie. 4x4-entoesiaste word uitgenooi na ‘n familie naweek. Die groep sal Saterdag, 2 Julie, tot by die Klein Letabarivier ry, waar daar kamp opgeslaan sal word. Eie kamptoerusting en ander benodighede moet saamgevat word. Vir meer inligting skakel Henry Hart 082 554 5716.
Tzaneen Showgrounds, 17 July. Races start at 07:00. 108km and 34km races. Entry is free and promises fun for the whole family. Contact Karen Jacobs 083 410 7659 for kids’ race entries and Johann Fourie 082 823 1074 for general enquiries.
Letsitele Kaskar
Laerskool Dr Annecke, 30 Julie. Die NG Kerk Letsitele bied weer die gewilde Letsitele Kaskar aan. Skryf ‘n span in of kom kyk en geniet die verskeidenheid eetgoed en ander kraampies. Meer inligting sal nader aan die Kaskar verskyn.
Bulletin Tel 015 307 7248 • Faks 015 307 7684 editor@bulletin.us.com
Vir dienstye gedurende vakansies/langnaweke skakel asseblief met onderskeie kerke. Times may change during school holidays/long weekends; kindly check with the relevant churches. • AGS van SA — Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof, Past Johan Pieterse 082 925 8746. Kantoor 015 309 9275 / 079 509 1500. Son 09:00, Sondagskool 08:30 vir gr 8’s tot gr 12’s, 09:00 vir 3 jariges tot gr 7’s. • AGS van SA — Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele : 082 697 6881, Past Walter Benn, Son 09:00 (asook Sondagskool) • AGS van SA — Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen,015 307 5112, Past. Maans Schutte, Son 09:00 • Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen, 015 307 3534, Rev Luke Pretorius, Sun 09:15 • Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4634, Rev. Gordon Bull, Sun 09:00 & 18:00 • Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 6845, Fathers Philemon Thobela, Jimmy Kennedy, Daily 07:15 (not Wed), Sun 08:00. • Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg, Father Jeffrey 083 964 9859, Sunday 08:30 • Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg, 015 276 1111. Pastor Ian LoughorClarke 083 298 9204. Sun 09:00 • Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal, Sondae 09:00 (Diens & 3 Kinderdienste) Voorskool, Gr 1-3 en Gr 4-6 Johann Fourie 082 823 1074 website: www.dinamus.co.za • Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen,015 307 3371, Ds Hendrik van Rensburg, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00 • Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte road, Opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen, Biblically based. Run courses throughout the year. Contact: Kim Ninneman at 015 307 2527 or 083 449 9272 • Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystraat,Tzaneen, 015307 1558•015 307 1874, Ds Johan Botha & Dr Edmund de Beer, Son 09:30, 18:30. • German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Modjadjiskloof Zwariri Road. 082 653 5498, Service in German (Eng & Afr Translations) • St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg 015 307 3534. Rev Luke Pretorius 082 874 5207. Sun 09:30. Junior and senior Sunday school 09:30. • Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen — 015 307 4729, Pastor Bryan Varrie / Past Rassie Pretorius Services: 09:00 & 18:00; 09:00 Childrens’Church; 12:00 Sotho & Shangaan. • Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen 015 309 9920, Past. Wiets Oosthuizen, Vry 19:00, Son 10:00 & 18:00 (Afr & Eng) • Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4525, Rev Pierre Naudé, Sun 09:30. • Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof. Sunday service 08:00, Tuesdays ladies ministry 09:30, Wednesday fellowship 19:00. Contact Pastor Attie and Liz Botha on 015 309 8594. • NG Kerk — Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9323, Ds Dewald Vermaak, Son 09:00 Sondagskool daarna. • NG Kerk - Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele, 015 345 1618, Ds Barry van der Merwe - Son 09:00. • NG Kerk - Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen, Ds Gouws van Zyl 082 829 2926 / 015 307 4498, Ds Chris Zietsman, 015 307 4497 of 083 269 1325, Son 08:30. • NG Kerk — Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen, Ds Adriaan van Tonder 083 408 0939 / 015 307 4062, Sondae 09:00 • New Apostolic Church — Tzaneen Vroue Federasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 4807, Shep. Petersen, Sondae 09:00 & Woensdae: 19:30. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9580 / 084 584 0059, Ds Gerhard Viviers, Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal, 015 345 1128, Dr Jan Truter - Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen, 015 307 4508 Ds Richard vd Westhuizen, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00. • Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlman-strate,Tzaneen,015307 1111 of 083 717 4034, Past B Wilken,Sondae 09:30 (asook kinderkerk) & 18:00, Di 19:00 vroue biduur, Woensdae 19:00 gemeente biduur. • Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen, 015 307 3240 / 082 893 6351, Ds Francois du Plessis, Saterdae 11:00 (Afrikaans & Engels). • Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen, 015 307 3387, Past Dawid Venter Tel:082 269 9746 Sondae 09:30 & 18:00. • World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531, Dr Rev TJ Mukoki, Sun: 09:00 (English & Tsonga), Tue: 18:00 (Prayer).
17 Junie 2011
IN DIE NOORD GAUTENG HOë HOF, PRETORIA (REPUBLIEK VAN SUID-AFRIKA) SAAK NO: 74534/2010 In die aangeleentheid tussen: VILLA DES ROSES 141 (EDMS) BPK Eiser En CHOICE OIL & NUT COMPANY SOUTH AFRICA (EDMS) BPK Eerste Verweerder LOUGHOR-CLARKE, JAMES Tweede Verweerder LOUGHOR-CLARKE, ANDREW GORDON Derde Verweerde KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOPING GELIEWE KENNIS TE NEEM dat, kragtens ‘n Lasbrief vir Eksekusie teen roerende goed in die bovermelde saak, die ondergemelde goedere deur my per publieke veiling verkoop sal word aan die hoogste bieër by die kantore van die BALJU LETABA, DOREENSTRAAT 23, DUIWELSKLOOF op 24 JUNIE 2011 om 10:00 naamlik – 1 X ECCO TV 2 X SITKAMERSTOELE 1 X STOEL 1 X KOFFIETAFEL 1 X BUFFET 1 X TAFEL 1 X DUBBELDEUR CFC VRIESKAS 1 X MASTER VRIESKAS 1 X DEFY DROEëR 1 X LG WASMASJIEN 1 X SAMSUNG MIKROGOLFOOND 1 X TAFEL MET 4 STOELE 1 X RONDE KOFFETAFEL 1 X HYUNDAI SEDAN 130 XS 1 X ISUZU BAKKIE
REGISTRASIE NO BCK090N TERME: KONTANT Gedateer te PRETORIA op hierdie die 17de dag van Mei 2011 EDWARD NATHAN SONNEBERG Per Prokureur vir die Eiser West Straat 150 Sandown Sandton Johannesburg Tel: 011 269 7600 Faks: 011 269 7899 Epos : jhaydock@ens. co.za (Verw: J Haydock/M Treurnicht/0306737) C/o ELOFF BRINK PROKUREURS Bank Forum Gebou Grond Vloer, Portaal 2 Veale Straat 337, Nieuw Muckleneuk Pretoria Tel : 012 346 7432 Epos: anine@aebrink. co.za (Verw: AA van der Merwe/F2069) AAN DIE GRIFFIER Noord Gauteng Hoë Hof Pretoria EN AAN: EERSTE VERWEERDER c/o D’Arcy-Herman Boundarystraat 48 Tzaneen (Betekening per balju) EN AAN: TWEEDE VERWEERDER Tenby Plaas Georges Valley Tzaneen (Betekening per Balju) EN AAN: DERDE VERWEERDER Gedeelte 1 van die Plaas Georges Valley No 632 Registrasie Afdeling LT
Limpopo Provinsie (Betekening per Balju) june301______________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF GIYANI HELD AT GIYANI CASE NO:647/2010 In the case between: VUKA KHULANO TIMBER INDUSTRIES (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR And GREATER GIYANI DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate GIYANI given on 16 March 2011 the under mentioned goods will be sold in front of the Sheriff’s store – LIMDEV (NPDC) Building, Main Road, Giyani on 7 JULY 2011 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 15 X COMPUTERS 4 X PHOTO COPY MACHINE 1 X BIG TV 10 X PRINTERS 1 X DVD DATED at TZANEEN on 2 JUNE 2011 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS OFFICE 206, 2ND FLOOR OLD MUTUAL BUILDING, GIYANI Tel: 015 307 5792 Ref: JSTEYN/sdj/ GA1445 SHERIFF OF THE
COURT june302_____________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NO: 3488/2007 In the matter between: CHRIS LOUIS MAAKE Plaintiff And MR DAVID MAPHALLE Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Magistrate’s of Tzaneen given on 08/11/2007, the under mentioned goods will be sold at 09:00 on 01/07/2011 by public auction to be held at NO 2 LORETTO PARK, NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA TZANEEN, by the Sheriff of the Magistrate Court, TZANEEN to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X LOUNGE SUITE 1 X TV –STAND 2 X WARDROBES 1 X AFSTON GAS STOVE Dated at Tzaneen on 14 JUNE 2011 Attorneys for Plaintiff VEZI & DE BEER ATTORNEYS TZANEEN 33 Boundary Str. Tzaneen, 0850 PO Box/ Posbus 250 TZANEEN, 0850 DX 18 TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 6797 Fax: 015 307 6875 Ref; MVENTER/AA2702 june303_____________
Spacious Single Office, own entrance, off street parking, R1500/mth incl ADSL Internet feed & weekly servicing. PAYG elec meter. Boundary St, Tzn 015 307 6599 june301____________
Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Office space of 100m². Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 0861303404 june302____________
Adverteer jou eiendomme
Lihanie 015 307 7248 Advertise your property
2 slaapkamer woonstel sentraal geleë met privaat tuin. R 3 000.00 per maand sleutel deposito verlang. Skakel 083 555 6960 june303____________ ACCOMMODATION WANTED Husband and Wife seeks room. Either in or outside. Willing to pay R850.00 per month. Contact 076 110 0226 june306____________
Erf in Mosambiek te koop. Vol see uitsig. Prys R200,000. Skakel vir Stoffel by 0839814994. june304___________ Heavenly home in wooded countryside. Security fenced. 4 bedroom, dbl bath, dbl garage, 2 lounges. Dep required R3 750 pm Free H2O 07454 58384 june305____________
17 Junie 2011
For Sale Te Koop Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________
The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________ OIL SHOP Wide variety of lubricants for sale. Best prices in town. Contact 015 307 7501 __________________ mar201 Crocodile Meat on promotion sale Sosatie, Filets, boerewors, biltong, croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet available. Tel: 015 307 4398/ 082 562 5004. Agatha Crocodile Ranch – Tzaneen. Trade enquiries welcomed. www.agatha-crocodile. co.za Email: agathacroco@ vodamail.co.za Crocodile feeding show daily 9am - 4 pm. Schools at special prices. apr305______________ Mutual Safe D/Door drop safe (at 1,800 x 755 x 800) Hold up to R200 000.00 +\- 1.5 ton, 175L x 2 R22 800.00 contact 015 307 7775 079 2222 900 apr201______________Dell For sale I buy Antique furniture. I also buy old Gold, Diamond rings and chains. All for cash and very discreet Your friend in need. Call: Johan @ 083 680 3270 apr401______________ Grafton Everest lounge suite for sale. R4 200 as new Call 082 820 6029 june301_______________ Greystone Farming Fancy Lettuce Hand picks and washed Mobile: 082 4466 497 june302_______________
Greystone Farming Strawberry plants For sale Mobile: 082 4466 497 Greystones21@gmail.com june303_______________
Om hier te adverteer, skakel Lihanie by 015 307 7248
Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Limpopo Rock Busters Breek en skiet van klip, beton ens. Vir ‘n kwotasie kontak Frik 083 460 0428 mar202––––––––––––––– Loodgieterswerk bv. Herstel en vervang van waterpype, krane en toilette wat lek Afsaag en wegry van bome Vervang van plafonne en hang van houtdeure Oprig van klein afdakke, herstel van hekke Herstel van bestaande elektriese bedrading Algemene bou- en teëlwerk Herstel en vervang van geute. En nog baie meer. Tzaneen omgewing. Koos Engelbrecht 076 757 3722
mar403_____________ Cholera-vry water gewaarborg met die Absolutely Waterwatersuiweraar, beste kwaliteit, diens en prys Elsie 083 458 4746 ________________ mar108 Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501 Boet Pretorius Elektries: Geen elektriese installasies is vir ons te groot of te klein nie, en geen plek is te naby of te ver nie. 015 307 3571 Webtuiste: www.pro-bou.co.za _________________ apr409 Nutsman Sweiswerk; swembadinstandhouding; voertuigherstelwerk en dienste. Billike tariewe. 015 307 7747 082 419 1230 __________________ jul207 Algemene Bouwerk loodgieter, elektries en reparasies. 072 372 4041 (Nelcon) _________________ feb110 Dr Mari (S C M) Bosman BA (Psychology UP 1982) BA. Hons (Pshychology UP 1983) M A (Psychology UP 1985) D. Phil Philosophiae (UP 1992) Practice 086 000 864 0122 PsySSA BOS001 HPCSA PS 0018686 drmaribosman@gmail.com 015 307 7451 5 Ivory Tusk Lodge (Next to Medi Clinic), Tzaneen www.apt.org.za ________________ mar204 Modjadji First Aid First Aid Training Consultants Including Lev 1,2 and 3 CPR, HIV/Aids Phone Lizette 083 264 9776 Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214
Services Dienste __________________ mei308 Wegry van tuinvullis @ R250 per 1 ton (plat bak) asook bourommel @ R275 per 1 ton (platbak) Skakel 082 804 6924 of 083 229 5046 ___________________ jul206 Cleaning service available Office blocks, consulting rooms. Churches, schools, lodges, guesthouses Discount rates on contracts 071 268 2543 Repairs of computers – hardware and software Part time general repairs to all computers, fault-finding, re-installation of software “Clean-up” computer to help make computer faster. Knowledge in Setting up networks If your computer crashes, call the IT Doctor, Waldo on 0832628490 all hours ________________ mar108 IRP roof sheeting 0.4mm spec R34.95 pm N.B 0.5mm and 0.3mm available Steel door frames 0.8mm m/duty R124.95 and Cement cemsure Sabs 32.5 soket R63.50 Free Local Transport Contact Hassen 0825605771 mar403_______________ Audio Repairs DVD TV VCR Repairs Spares and accessories IC’S and TR’S We also do orders Please call Johan Jordaan 083 241 1880. mar404_______________ Does your car have a dent? Come to your new friendly Panelbeaters call Victor on 083 378 4403 mar405______________ For new and used Truck part spares call Rudy 083 277 2341 mar407_______________ Security Training certified by Issaseta and Psira helping you help yourself call Abel 072 298 6331 mar408_______________ Zelner provides a complete maintenance and/or renovation solution to the industrial, commercial and residential sector. Complete building maintenance, maintenance management and revamps at the best prices and service, guaranteed. Please feel free to contact our Project manager, Werner Fritz on 076 898 7417, email info@zelner.co.za apr202__________________ Need flowers for that special occasion, contact Willem/Hendra at 015 307 2176. mar412_______________ Radiografiese Dienste, 4DUltrasound. Kontak 015 291 2275 mar415________________ First Aid Training (Level 1, 2 and 3), CPR Training, HIV/AIDS Awareness. Contact 083 264 9776 or 076 790 9049 mar416________________ Naweek vervoer elke Vrydag en Sondag vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane en terug. Kontak 015 307 5959 of 082 566 2558. mar418________________ Furniture removals – We pack and insure country wide! Awesome service and low prices. Call us 015 781 0637 or
083 252 8928. mar419________________ Do you need your blankets washed now before winter? Call me 078 457 9667. mar420________________ Are you on Discovery or Resolution Medical aid and looking for a dentist that can help you? Call Dr Solani Chauke 015 307 3309. mar421________________ Letaba number plates and Key shop A bit of this and a bit of that! Lost your keys and need a locksmith? Call 079 222 2900. 24 Hours Service! mar424_______________ Cooking classes for your domestic worker! Give her the confidence she needs in the kitchen. I will teach her personal & kitchen hygiene, kitchen & food safety and cooking methods & terms! Call 079 529 8336 or email me for more info: joeydaz@hotmail.com mar425_______________ Before your VHS video recorder conks out or your VHS tapes goes all wonky Contact me and let me transfer your tapes to dvd Roy Deeks 082 893 1235 may203________________ SECURE FENCE SYSTEMS ROLLING GATES & SHOCKING FENCES MEPS AGENT FENCING & WALLTOPS Erections of Fences Upgrading Fault finding Electrification Material GATE MOTORS & ENERGIZERS Supply Installation Repairs GUARANTEED AFTER SALES SERVICE Tarentaalrand Business Centre Tzaneen Tel / 015 304 3262 Hennie: 082 498 8335 or Petro: 083 315 4024 mar201_______________ Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057, of kom besoek ons kantoor te Grensstraat 10, Tzaneen. (08:00 tot 13:00) 4EVER SHEETING Vervaardigers en verskaffers van plastiese (polyethylene) dakplate www.4eversheetingmp. co.za 082 8261502 /
Services Dienste
To Rent Te Huur
082 568 6695 Telefax 013 235 2103 Jun203_________________
LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploeg disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 _________________ jun404
TAX / BELASTING Are you paying too much tax? Not getting the deductions you deserve? We assist in submission of tax returns. Mike 072 262 1662 or Jessica 082 413 3825. tax@simmonds.co.za FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Annual Financial Statements and statutory returns quickly and professionally done for your CC. Mike 072 262 1662. mike@simmonds.co.za ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE Palladium Accounting Software. Affordable, user-friendly, accessible remotely. Moving from Pastel? Special offer applies. Mike 072 262 1662 or Jessica 082 413 3825 jessica@fishbonesoftware. com AIR PURIFIERS Eliminate cigarette smoke, air-borne viruses and bacteria, prevent mould and fungi growth, remove mould, pollen, dust and other pollution. Refresh stale indoor air. ANYWHERE! Jessica 082 413 3825. Jessica@fishbonesoftware.com SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE & MATERIAAL MEUBELS Gehalte werk gewaarborg Kontak:
076 833 9112 Janco Services 083 537 5901 015 386 8735 Plumbing Air cons Stoves, ect. Jannes Vermaak
DCS Interior Contractors we do all types of ceilings, drywall partitions, paintwork,gutters,water proofing,tiling. Contact Werner 0826554869 _________________ jan410 Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Vervoer van meubels plaaslik en lang afstand. Verpak en versekering op versoek beskikbaar. Spesiale midmaandtariewe beskikbaar. Gratis kwotasie. Marlien 083 252 8928 _______________ mar202
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018 The best-safe-fun nursery school to prepare your child for the future. Every child is a gift, open that gift and you open up joy. Contact 015 307 3413. mar431_______________
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R14.00/km + btw een rigting. Skakel vir kwotasie: 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 of 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 jan307_______________
Vervoer & Verpak van meubels. Skakel Melody vir kwotasie 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 - Epos troktrek@ mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com jan308_______________ Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial Area Call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 __________________ feb401 FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 Accounting Management accounts & Annual Financial Statements 2 Accounting Officer for CC’s 3 Returns for: 4 1 Income tax 4 2 Vat 4 3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law Contact Harold Butler of Butler Accountants at 015 307 3370 OR 078 686 8320 Member of the South African Institute of Professional accountants & a registered Tax Practitioner Jun206________________ Security Training certified by Issaseta and Psira helping you help yourself call Abel 072 298 6331 mar408_______________
Vehicles Voertuie Mazda Etude 160 1997 model 170 000km 1 owner R 30 000.00 onco Call 083 285 8852 may301___________ VW Citi Golf 1.6i, 2000 model met A/c en Mags, goed opgepas. R38 000 onderhandelbaar. Skakel 0814590088 may302_____________ X1 Slasher @ R5 000 Isuzu 2.8 Bakkie 1997 R50 000 Voetstoots Skakel Thys by 083 444 8326 june101_______________
Vakatures Vacancies Family Transformation Centre IN JUNE Together Forever, a course for engaged couples, to start soon. IN JULY Join us in the mornings for Woman of Peace And in the evenings for Effective Parenting in a defective world Divorce Care & Divorce Care 4 Kids Financial Discipleship Contact Maryna @ 0153072527 or 079 524 8981 FTC – teaching life skills to make it a better world!!
Vakatures Vacancies Tzaneen. Female. Brokers P.A. Exp. in Life Insurance a must. Good communication and computer skills and multi-languaged. Salary: Neg. depends on exp. Start: Immediately. Fax: 086 6151276 june101_______________ Macdonalds Restaurant benodig die dienste van kelners/waiters en ‘n chef. Belangstellendes kontak asb Stefanie van Dyk 083 305 8646 of faks cv’s na 015 307 6128 june102_______________ Sales person motor spares min 3 years exprience Cal 015 781 1151 or E-mail C.V to 015 781 1151 June103_____________ Ek wil graag ‘n pos adverteer vir ‘n hoender boer en groente boer. Soek ‘n persoon tussen 21 – 40, Ondervinding of nie ondervinding, moet bereid wees om hard te werk, betroubaar, moet met arbeid kan werk, met sober gewoontes, bereid wees om te leer. Salaris kan onderhandel word. Sluitingsdatum einde Junie 2011.Die plaas is Soekmekaar,kry ‘n huis, werksbakkie en tuinier. Fax: (0)15 395-4191 june301______________ Ontvangsdame gesoek nie ouer as 25 jaar. Rekenaargeletterdheid belangrik. Faks of epos CV na 086 601 3170 / rsplant320@ gmail.com june302______________ POS BESKIKBAAR VIR SOMATOLOOG VANAF 1 JUNIE. 2 OF 3 JAAR OPLEIDING, 2 JAAR ONDERVINDING. KONTAK ADELE BY 015 3072193 may101_____________ Security manager needed for Security Company in Tzaneen. Grade B qualified and Competency to possess a firearm. English/Afrikaans speaking. Good Reading and writing skills. Sober habits. Honest and reliable with Contactable references. Contact no 079 885 5416 may102_______________ Elektrisiën; Applikant moet oor ‘n N5 of N6 kwalifikasie as minimum vereistes beskik. Ondervinding in dag tot dag instandhouding van ligte stroom valle en pro aktiewe optredes , pakhuis
instandhouding en huis bedradings sal as aanbeveling dien. Minimum ondervinding 8 jaar. Applikante met ondervinding van die arbeidswetgewing HOSACT sal as aanbeveling dien. Applikante sal duidelik vorige ondervinding moet meld en cv’s sal aktiewe kontaknommers voorsien. FAX: 0153954332 OR Tel 015 3954191 EMAIL: angie@montina. co.za may103______________ Werktuigkundige 1 Aansoekers van gekwalifiseerde motorwerktuigkundiges met N6 kwalifikasie en 8 jaar volgehoue ondervinding word versoek om cv aan Angie@montina .co.za te stuur. Ondervinding van diesel en petrol is noodsaaklik. Aansoekers moet ook op trekkers en bespuiting toerusting kan werk en laasgenoemde sal as aanbeveling dien. FAX: 0153954332 Tel 015 3954191 EMAIL: angie@montina. co.za may104_____________ KETELMAKER Moet ten minste 3jaar ondervinding hê. FAX: 0153954332 Tel 015 3954191 EMAIL: angie@montina. co.za may105_____________ PAKHUISBESTUURDER VIR TAMATIE PAKHUIS. Moet ten minste 5 jaar ondervinding hê. Moet rekenaar geletterd wees, goed wees om te kan bestuur en arbeid te bestuur. FAX: 0153954332 Tel 015 3954191 EMAIL: angie@montina. co.za may106_____________ SUB Aankoper: HELPENDE AANKOPER Montina boerdery is op soek na aankoper by hulle kantore te Klipdrif. Aansoekers moet oor n graad 12 kwalifikasie met 8 jaar stoor en aankoop ervaring hê. Alle ervaring moet gerugsteun word met dokumentasie en referente mag nie familie wees nie. Die totale funksie van aankoper van n groot maatskappy, naamlik prysvergelykings, kwaliteit goedere, op datum hou inventarisse van inhoud van store, kosteberamings, netheid en stiptelikheid is van belang. FAX: 0153954332 Tel 015 3954191 EMAIL: angie@montina. co.za may107______________ Boer; Aansoekers met landbou diploma in groente[ tamaties veral] of 10 jaar boerdery ondervinding het met graad 12 kwalifikasie sal oorweeg word. Aansoekers met pakhuis ondervinding wat op die plaas n pakhuis bestuur het met grondige tegniese vaardighede en kennis het van arbeidswetgewing en veilgheids wette , postief is en prakties is en onder druk kan funksioneer sal oorweeg word. FAX: 0153954332 Tel 015 3954191 EMAIL: angie@montina. co.za may108______________
17 Junie 2011
Looking for a job?
Send us your name, type of job required and contact number. Contact us when you find a job. Due to limited space and a high demand we wish to afford everyone a fair chance to advertise.
Contact : Nicky - 015 307 7248 or nicky@bulletin.us.com
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Stuur u naam, tipe werk gesoek en kontaknommer vir ons. Stel ons in kennis wanneer ‘n betrekking aanvaar. As gevolg van beperkte spasie en ‘n groot aanvraag wil ons graag aan almal die geleentheid bied om te adverteer.
Another successful Bulletin initiative in serving our community. Tebogo Agnes Raophala, looking for clerical, cashier or receptionist position. Contact 076 945 9991. (19)
GRAPHIC DESIGN Claire, looking for PA or corel draw designer job. Able to do any admin duties as well. Contact 082 815 8918. (2)
ARCHITECTURE / ENGINEERING Kobus Kock, draughtsman (Caddie and Autocad) or any other available job. Contact 084 279 6601 or 083 280 9699. (1)
ADMIN / CLERICAL Op soek na enige kantoorwerk of administratiewe pos. Maandag tot Vrydag. Kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel Michelle by 082 849 2240. (4) Wilma du Plessis, looking for an admin job. Contact 079 090 6272. (5) Lizel van Staden looking for an admin job .Contact 082 299 2619. (6) Hannelie Engelbrecht, baie goeie ondervinding in Admin, soek dringend werk. Kontak 072 960 3666. (7)
CONSTRUCTION / SKILL TRADES I’m looking for a part-time job. I have qualifications in construction, control rooms, field supervision and more. Contact Dyllan 072 716 3879. (3) Jannie, (30) code 10 learners, boiler making and mechanical background. Contact 078 679 0366. (4) Fanie Fourie, looking for employment, have experience in site management, manager, sales, wood production, maintenance and more. contact 0783203738 (5) Looking for a position as a Technical Advisor on trucks & earth moving machines. Contact Deon Morkel on (082) 958-5986 / deonmorkel@gmail.com. (6) Qualified Diesel & petrol mechanic. Contact 083 770 1175. (7) Aaron Pilusa, fork lift driver, has code 10 licence. Contact 078 309 6582. (8) Kgabo Silas Malatji, I am looking for the job as Electrician. I have Matric and N2 in Electrical Engineering and I also have some experience in the Electrical Field. I can be contacted on 071 113 6927 and on email: duckym@ndp.co.za (9)
Lana Groenewald, looking for a girl Friday / temp admin position. Contact 083 417 5923 or 083 267 2787. (11)
DOMESTICS / OFFICE CLEANERS/ GARDENERS Lucy Mongwe, cleaner or gardener job wanted. Contact 072 824 8824. (10)
Godfrey Mlondobodzi, looking for admin clerk or receptionist job. Have diploma. Contact 082 950 1893. (12)
Cate Mojela, domestic worker or catering job requested. Contact 082 963 5797. (11)
Lezelle Morrison, ek het 10 jaar ondervinding in Admin. Kontak 083 654 6367. (14)
Grace Semosa, domestic worker. Contact 083 356 0114. (12)
Comfort Ngobeni, administrative work, has a diploma in Public management & a drivers license. Contact 076 737 5259 or 082 787 9588. (15)
Nomsa Mongwe, domestic worker. Contact 078 103 0899. (13)
Louise, op soek na halfdag kantoor/boekhoupos in Letsitele omgewing. Kan onmiddellik begin. Sal ook tydelik of seisoen poste aanvaar. Doen ook boekhou werk vanaf my huis. Kontak 082 064 7186. (16)
Shirley Chauke, cleaner (office or shop), speak English. Contact 0715111183. (15)
Looking for a half day/Girl Friday typist, receptionist job. Contact 078 553 2790. (17) Lorca Mathebula, looking for clerical, cashier or receptionist position. Contact 073 254 6513. (18)
Riah Rammalo, cleaner. Contact 078 366 2135. (21) Elizabeth Malajii, looking for domestic worker job, 2, 3 or 4 days a week. I sleep out. Contact 073 190 7576. (24) Triphinah Mohale, looking for a job as a care giver, domestic worker or office cleaner. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 073 177 2699 (25) Lucy Mongwe, looking for a job as an office cleaner or for a garden service. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 072 824 8824. (26) Elisabeth Rabothata, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 076 561 7938. (27) Beauty Kgatla, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I have 12 years experience, I speak English. Contact (071 248 1980. (28) Martha Mabunda, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I can speak Afrikaans. Contact 082 135 1940. (29) Sylvia, looking for a job as a domestic worker, I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 071 632 0187. (30) Monica Malatji, looking for a domestic cleaner job. Contact 071 273 1188. (32) Anikie Makoro, looking for a domestic cleaner job, 3 days a week, I speak Afrikaans and have many years experience. Contact 074 555 7763. (33) Sibongile Mlondzo, looking for a job as a cleaner/gardener or for security work. I speak English. Contact 073 438 6662. (34)
Hannelie Naude, op soek na enige kantoorwerk, ontvangs, ens. Kontak 084 941 2916. (9) Priscilla Mokgashi, looking for an admin position. Contact 072 066 2898. (10)
Hlamalani Mashimoye, cleaner. Contact 078 822 8681. (20)
Sylvia, domestic worker. Contact 071 632 0187. (14)
Beauty Ndlovu, general work, domestic, etc. Speak English. Contact 071 123 2760. (16) Jeffery, garden service j or carwash. Contact: 071 423 4183. (18) Tinyiko Mashimbye, cleaner. Contact 078 510 0511. (19)
Maite Moagi, looking for a job as a domestic worker. Contact 078 527 3932. (35) Isabella Shai, looking for a job as a domestic worker. Contact 072 599 3389. (36) Rose Mohashu, looking for a job as a domestic worker. Contact 073 889 7802. (37) Lizzy Kgatla, looking for a job as a domestic worker. Contact 073 140 0700. (38) Paulina Mabuza, domestic worker, 4 years experience, sleep out, speaks English, 43 years old. Contact 076 161 3476. (39) Lily Lalumbe, domestic worker, speaks English, sleep out, 47 years old. Contact 073 299 4831. (40) Elizabeth Maake, domestic worker, 3 years experience. Contact 076 338 0275. (41) Leen Mokhomola, office cleaner, domestic worker, child care, sleep out only, speaks English. For reference, contact Cynthia 082 802 3646. Leen 076 391 5020. (42) Hilda, domestic worker, office cleaner, speaks English & Afrikaans, 36 years old. Contact 078 219 6388. (43) Josphinah Vhuma, domes-
tic worker, experienced, sleep in or out, speaks Afrikaans. Contact 079 350 7341. (44)
my skills. Please contact 083 7283 780. (2)
Moses Ramatsebu, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 056 1205. (32)
Joyce Mahileke, domestic worker. Contact 076 749 0804. (45) Maggie, domestic worker, office cleaner, can look after children. Contact 078 141 7802. (47) Josephina Vuma, domestic worker. Contact 079 450 7341 (48) Sarah Makgoba, domestic worker, I speak English & Afrikaans, many years experience, sleep out, I can cook, look after children. Contact 083 497 1987 (49) Selina Madia, I am currently employed as a domestic worker, but due to unforeseen reason the family I’ve been with for years have to let me go due to personal reasons, and I am available immediately for employment. Please contact them for a credible reference on my working abilities. 072 192 4762. (50) Abel Kgatle, I am born with green-fingers and will tend to your garden with diligence, patience and loving care. Credible references available. 072 231 2307. (51) Sophia Letsoalo, I am an experienced loyal domestic worker and will ensure that you have peace of mind every time that you leave the house knowing you will find your home clean, fresh and good as new on your return. 073 0900 228 (52) Jane Malajii, domestic worker, can cook, clean look after children, sleeps out and speaks Afrikaans. Has many years experience. Contact 072 344 7776 (53) Anna Maphosa, domestic worker, lives in or out, can babysit and cook. Call Caroline for a reference 015 307 5456 or 076 079 7708. Contact Anna on 078 037 3075. (54) Tintswalo Grace Mongwe, domestic worker, 2 years experience. Contact 071 999 2949. (55)
Simon Moseamedi, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 694 3965. (33)
FARMING Man with Diploma in Horticulture seeks employment in farm or nursery. Contact Gilbert on 0785351896. (1) My name is Jeffrey, I have Bachelor of Agriculture (Crop Production) with some experience. I am looking for the job in the field of Agriculture. Contact me at 0765518740. (2) Meer as 20 Jaar pakhuis bestuursondervinding. Ook “Eurogap”. Sitrus en sagtevrugte. Alle fasette van produksie en pakhuisbestuur. Swart tale magtig. Woon in Letsitele. Kontak Gert 071 590 3868 of 071 507 8845 Alle ure. (3) Lorraine, looking for professionals job as long as it is agricultural related e.g Agricultural Technicians, Manager, Crop production etc. Contact 082 7500 196. (4)
Martha Ntlemo, domestic worker, I sleep out, many years experience, I can cook and look after children. I speak English. Contact 083 861 7120. (58)
Olivia, I am looking for an IT technician job. Please contact me at 082 086 7867. (1) Seeking work in a GIS or similar field. Report writing, basic web design, photographic, PR & GIS amongst
Isaac Ramoshaba, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 633 2381. (35) Nelson Malatjie, looking for a general worker job. Contact 079 129 1566. (36) Sesan Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 082 350 5300. (37) Patricia Moloto, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 220 4690. (38) Lucky Moloto, looking for a general worker job. Contact 083 859 1068. (39) Moore Rammulo, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 601 4814. (40)
Mapula Patlake, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 227 1935. (42)
Helga Letswalo, looking for a job in the hospitality/tourism business. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 071 035 0455. (1) Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a waiter. Contact 079 770 5544. (2) “Ek is ‘n 36 jarige hardwerkende man. Soek werk in Phalaborwa omgewing. Ek het opleiding en ondervin ding as Chef. Is ook bereid om enige ander werk te doen. Ek het al herstelwerk aan huise ook gedoen. Ek is rekenaar geletterd en leer baie vinnig. Het bestuursposte ook beklee.” (3) Cate Mojela, domestic worker or catering job requested. Contact 082 963 5797. (4)
GENERAL / OTHER JOBS Emma Malatsi, general worker. Contact 079 804 7549. (25) Bennedick Shikwambana, general worker. Contact 072 076 3325. (26) Tshepo Moseamedi, general worker. Contact 071 044 9455. (27) Abel Moseamedi, looking for a general worker job. Contact 084 880 1309. (28)
Josphina Shikwambana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 468 4605. (34)
Lisbert Malatjie, looking for a general worker job. Contact 073 478 4082. (41)
Paulina Mabuza, domestic worker, 5 years experience. Contact 076 161 3476. (56) Thembi Makhubela, domestic worker, 4 years experience, I speak English, I can sleep in or out. (Reference – 082 335 4177) Contact 073 707 2160. (57)
for a general worker job. Contact 082 396 4588. (31)
Ngobeni Prscill, looking for a general worker job. Contact 084 865 2290. (29) Fridah Mushwana, looking for a general worker job. Contact 078 385 8069. (30) Johnny Maenetja, looking
Maggie Potlake, looking for a general worker job. Contact 076 737 8735. (43) Maggie Mhleni, looking for a general worker job. Contact 072 892 1579. (44) Elias Shikwambane, looking for a general worker job. Contact 071 638 1565. (45) Agnes Machete, looking for a job at a security company. I passed matric and can speak and write English & Afrkaans. Contact 078 566 8998. (55) 38 jarige man, goeie gesondheid, sonder afhanklikes, rook en drink nie. Betroubaar en verantwoordelik. Ondervinding as ‘n drywer (kode 08), plaaswerk, instandhouding, ens. Begrafnisondernemer. Kontak 071 681 1882 (56) Karika Grobler, looking for a job in security, counter sales, receiving manager, cashier or supervisor. Contact 073 744 0870. (57)
ment. I am currently working for a big mining industry in Mpumalanga and will be locating to Phalaborwa at the end of June 2011. Contact Lisa 076 124 6004. (59) Property sales, Public Relations officer, Media liaising, labour relations, Marketing, Security > courses completed Intelligence orientation, counter intelligence, pistol shooting, VIP protection etc. Contact Juanita Joubert 079 971 8713. (60) Op soek na blokman werk of enige iets anders. Kontak Carlo 0823536728. (61) Adam Steve Moseamedi, Gardener as well as a seasoned second hand car salesman with credible references of previous employment at Northern Transvaal Garage in Gauteng 079 958 9352. (63) Moshe Maenetja, I am a security guard with previous references that will confirm that I am an asset to any company and / or establishment in search of security services. Credible references available. 073 6614 658 (64) Emily Monyela, I believe there is a place for everything and that everything will be in place when you return home after a days work - that is the mantra I succumb to when cleaning, tending and doing domestic work. I have experience and references that will confirm my cleaning abilities, and loyal demeanor. 073 654 5652 (65) Magaret Maake, If you need a domestic worker that is fast, friendly and diligent, then you need to look no further because I will tend to your home wil loving care and experienced precision. References are available that will confirm my work ethic and abilities. 079 318 9287 (66)
Craig Watson, semi skilled welder boilermaker seeks vacancy or any farm work. I’m very handy. Contact 076 110 0226 I am looking for a data capture or administrative position anywhere close to or in Phalaborwa. I have a diploma in Girl Friday, am fully computer literate, have experience and training in SAP and Safety Manage-
Anton von Molendorf, would like a job in retail and have FMCG experience. I have a strong personality, good communication skills and enjoy working with people. Contact 079 147 4402. (4)
Victor Maswanganyi, looking for shop or office work, I speak English. Contact 083 434 1529. (5)
Fumani Floyd Chauke, looking for a job in retail and short-term insurance, I do have experience. I studied marketing and am willing to relocate anywhere in South Africa. Contact 073 489 2331. (6)
Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser or packer. I have 18 months experience. Contact 079 770 5544. (7)
I am looking for a home care job. I have got a cleaning certificate, I also have an Abet certificate. I understand Afrikaans and English. Contact me on 076 749 0804. (1)
Caroline, looking for care giver job. Contact 072 645 2421. (2)
Triphinah Mohale, care giver, domestic worker or office cleaner. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 073 177 2699 (3)
Virginia Makhubela, care giver for the elderly, I can sleep in or out. Contact 078 591 1428. (4)
Elizabeth Kgatle, shop assistant or domestic worker. Contact 078 644 7639. (57) Masetla Boas, general work required. I have matric, N1 & N2, computer studies and engineering studies. Contact 079 398 5755. (58) Elizabeth Kgatle, shop assistant or domestic worker. Contact 078 644 7639. (57)
Adonia, looking for a job as a driver. I have code 8 and 10. Contact 083 436 8441. (2)
Eric Shai, looking for driver position or assistant mechanic. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 072 966 3941. (3)
I have 5 years conveyancing and admin related experience. Full day. Contact 076 447 6213. (58) 72 year old gentlemen looking for a job as a supervisor or maintenance man or handy man! Either half day or full day. Contact 078 553 2790. (59)
Nico van Zyl, Maintenance or Counter Sales, I will do any job. Contact 079 969 1770 or 015 – 3072269. (3)
RETAIL / SALES Michael Erasmus (30), Kode 08 bestuurderslisensie, graad 12. Werk huidiglik by Mega Liquors, is op soek na beter werksvoordele. Is betroubaar en hardwerkend, en het baie ondervinding. Kontak 071 687 0742. (1) My name is Charles, I have experience in retail, sales, supervising, stock control, etc. I’m hard working, honest and very friendly. Call 073 158 7856. Contact 083 746 6592 for a reference. (2)
Victor Mokgalaka, looking for a job as a driver (code 08). I speak different languages. Contact 084 297 3079 or 073 919 2157. (4)
Cindy Matjila, have matric & code 10 drivers licence. Looking for a driver job. Contact 076 077 9170 or 073 353 0023. (5)
Bulletin sal jou besonderhede GRATIS plaas!
17 Junie 2011
Vier rugbyspanne van die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele het na die uitspeelronde van die Limpopo Ligakampioenskappe in Bela Bela deurgedring. Dit is gister gehou en Bulletin sal volgende week volledig daaroor berig. LINKS is die o.9A-span. Voor sit Wayne Nkhwashu, Junior Mabidilala, Jaco Massyn, Duan Gubitz, Wikus Swart en Devon Du Plessis. In die middel is Mfanelo Manganyi en Thato Phalane en agter is Shalom Makhubele, Vukosi Machimana, Ndzalama Mthembi, Fumani Risaba, Katekani Mhlari, Nqobile Khumalo, Xihluke Mushwana, Vusi Mhlongo en Mathlatse Mohlaba. ONDER: Die Laerskool Tzaneen se o.9-rugbyspan is een van vier van die skool se spanne wat ook na die Limpopo ligakampioenskappe se uitspeelronde deurgedring het. Voor staan WB Grobler, Ian Coertzen en DaniĂŤl Rossouw. In die middel staan Wian Diedericks, Pieter Engelbrecht, JohndĂŠ Grobler, Jabus Erasmus, Adriaan Smit en Jannes Boshoff. Agter staan Rinus Jacobs, Johann Liversage, Dylan Kotze, Shaun Roulsten, Francois van Heerden, Mulder Kotze, Christen Taylor en Dirk Crafford.
Limpopo se veerpyltjiespanne Die Limpopo Veerpyltjiespanne is onlangs bekend gemaak. Hulle neem van 2 tot 9 Julie aan die SA kampioenskappe in Johannesburg deel. REGS: Die dames is Elien Wessels, Marietha le Rouc, Lodi Fraser en Rolly Burger. ONDER: Die mans is Hannes Smit (Bestuurder), Kashief Cupido (Reserwe) Heintjie Wessels, George Fraser en Roelof Burger.
17 Junie 2011
Chameleons-toernooi Simpson, Lottering wen in Gauteng sluit op hoë noot af Die Toyota Dealers Gauteng tydren Hulle moes vir twee skofte van die het hom die naweek aan die Oos- handrem gebruik maak, wat baie serand afgespeel en alhoewel dit ’n nutergend was. nasionale tydren was, het deelnemers aan die Noordelike Streekskampioenskappe Saterdag by die aksie aangesluit. Die Simpson Motors-span van Eddie Simpson en navigator Marco Lottering het nie op hulle laat wag nie en Saterdag aan die nege skofte deelgeneem. Die toestande was baie nat in die oggend, maar dit het vinnig droog geword. Die Simpson-span het in die Simpson en Lottering in hul Opel Corsa. derde skof die gebruik van die remme in die linkervoorwiel verloor, Hulle het nietemin in die elfde altoe die remvloeistofpyp gebars het. gehele plek geëindig en is as wen-
ners van klas S1 gekroon. Nog twee Tzaneense spanne, Erik de Jager en sy navigator Pieter Gouws, en Peter Pilusa en sy navigator Tommy Coetzee, het ook deelgeneem. Alhoewel De Jager en Gouws die Simpson Motors-span opdraende gee, het hul voertuig se koppelaar die gees gegee en moes hulle uittree. Pilusa en Coetzee was derde in klas S2. Eddie Simpson en Marco Lottering is nou die voorlopers in klas S1 in die Noordelike Streekskampioenskap, met nege punte wat hulle van hul naaste teenstander skei. Die volgende tydren is op 9 Julie in Delmas.
BO: MBH was Vrydagaand as die wenners van die Chameleon binneshuise kriekettoernooi se A-liga aangewys. Tom van der Westhuizen het die beker namens die span ontvang. By hom staan Marise Bergman, organiseerder van die toernooi, en mnr Abbas Nadat van Mega Hardware, een van die borge. LINKS: Morné Mostert was die beste kolwer in die A-liga. REGS: Die wenners van die B-liga was Chameleons. Voor sit Alex Farmer, Hein de Beer en Jacques van Schalkwyk. In die middel is Ashley Murray en Marise Bergmann. Agter staan Henco Prinsloo, Gerrit Pretorius en Stefan Nawrattel. Binneshuise krieket is baie gewild en talle ander binneshuise sportsoorte, soos sokker, word ook beplan. Skakel Marise Bergmann by 071 871 2205 om in te skryf.
Stefan Nawrattel was die beste kolwer en veelsydigste speler in die B-liga. Jacques van Schalkwyk was die beste bouler in die B-liga.
GV se 4x4-dag was reusesukses LINKS: Die wenner van klas 2 was Jacques Fox. Arche Coetzee was derde. John Drake (tweede), Jacques Lamprecht (vierde) en Buks Joubert (vyfde) was afwesig.
REGS: In klas 3 was Ronald Hairbottle die wenner, Riana Otto derde en Johnny Durant vierde. Charles van der Walt, wat tweede in die klas was, was afwesig. ONDER: Die wenner van klas 5 asook die vroue-afdeling was Sandra Booysen.
Die komitee van die Georges Valley 4x4-klub bestaan uit mnre Ferris McGaffin (geldinsameling), Nile McGaffin (voorsitter), me Daleen Oosthuizen (seketaresse en verteenwoordiger van die hoofborg, Absa) en mnr Francois Nel (4x4-baanuitleg). Agter is mnre Anton Venter (Georges Valley-voorsitter), Theo de Jager en Willem Oosthuizen (4x4-klub se ondervoorsitter).
This week’s fitness tip Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist)
Just because it’s winter, it doesn’t mean you can stop exercising. And don’t use the excuse that it’s cold and it’s getting dark at 6pm. Tzaneen has the perfect winter to train in, and you don’t have to exercise outdoors. That’s why there is such a place as a gym. If you like running, the treadmill is for you, and the best thing about the treadmill is that the impact on your joints is far less than running on tar roads.
If you are a cyclist, spinning is for you. Trust me, I will rather do a spinning class than being on a bike outside at 5am. Most people pick up weight in winter due to not exercising and eating more and drinking more coffee, hot chocolate, Milo... the list goes on. And when summer comes, you can’t understand why none of your summer clothes fit anymore. Don’t fall into that trap, pull yourself together and start exercising.
17 Junie 2011
Unicorn tops Limpopo The Unicorn hockey team of Tzaneen are the Limpopo champions for the second consecutive year. The final was played against Phalaborwa at Stanford Lake College on Saturday. It was a nailbite affair with the Tzaneen team winning it 5-4. Goals were scored by Laura Adams, Ashley Murray, Lori Hyde and Kate Atherstone (2). The team dedicates their victory to the support of Mr John Hyde of Trophy Motors who sponsored their kit, as well as Ms Christine de Villiers who has been coaching them for the past few years. Unicorn’s men faced Polokwane in the men’s final, but had to settle for the title as Limpopo’s runners-up after losing 3-1. Although the 2011 Limpopo league came to an end, the club will carry on with practice sessions at 17:30 on Wednesdays at Unicorn Preparatory School. The club is planning a 7-a-side tournament on 6 August and Zelda can be contacted on 082 415 0510 or Sasha on 083 469 7708.
Binnekort weer tyd vir die Mnt2Mnt
Dis amper weer tyd vir die Mountain2Mountain Challenge. Met Powerade as hoofborg is die prysgeld van die hoogste in die land. Daar heers reeds groot opgewondenheid en op Saterdag 16 Julie sal Tzaneen die gasheer van Limpopo se enigste kwalifiserende wedren vir die Cape Argus wees. Daar sal weer die 106 km-roete vir die gesoute fietsryers wees, asook die 28,4 kmpretrit om die dam. Vanaf 2011 is daar ook ’n 63,6 km sirkelroete. Fietsryers wat by www.cyclelab.com inskryf, kry ’n “goodie bag” en met die voltooi van die wedren ’n handgemaakte medalje. Die totale prysgeld beloop meer as R70 000. Daar sal weer wedrenne vir ons kinders wees. Die Mini Mnt2Mnt vir voorskoolse kinders asook die Mnt2Mnt Kids Challenge vir gr 1 tot 7 word ook op die Saterdag aangebied. Oulike roetes word vir die kinders beplan waar hulle veilig en onder toesig hul wedrenne sal voltooi. Elke kind wat die wedren voltooi kry ook ‘n medalje. Daar sal ook koskraampies en springkastele wees. Vir meer inligting kan www.mountain2mountain.co.za besoek word, of skakel Johann Fourie by 082 823 1074 of Karen Jacobs by 083 410 7659 (kinderwedrenne).
RIGHT: In front are Zelda van Rooyen, Lori Hyde, Ms Christine de Villiers (coach) and Ashley Murray. In the middle are Melissa Symonds, Laura Adams, Candice Dabner and Kate Atherstone. At the back are Jacqueline de Villiers, Amber Lee de Villiers, Natasha Thackway and Sasha Drewett.
Merensky tel mooi kop op Georges Valley 4x4-dag steeds aksie en modder teen Louis Trichardt Terwyl almal na die Laeveld Derby gedink het dat die kalf in die put is vir die Hoërskool Merensky, het die Plasies Saterdag getrou in hul uithou en aanhou-gees die bul by die horings gepak en bewys dat ’n Plasie nooit gaan lê nie. Die Plasies het op eie bodem teen Louis Trichardt te staan gekom en weer soos wenners gelyk. Die eerste span het die Triegies met 67-29 verslaan en elf drieë gaan druk. Die tweede span het ’n naelbytstryd gehad. Hulle het met 5-0 gewen. Die o.16A’s het ’n ewe taai stryd gevoer en het met 17-13 ook as oorwinnaars van die veld gestap. Die o.15A’ en o.14A’s het in hul kragmetings steeds aan die kortste end getrek en met 30-15 en 33-0 verloor. Albei spanne het egter
baie verbetering getoon sedert hul kragmetings teen die Vossies. Terwyl die Plasies hul oorwinnings oor Louis Trichardt die week gevier het, het die Limpopo skoleliga se halfeindronde hom gister sonder die gewoonlike teenwoordigheid van Merensky afgespeel. Die groot skole het sake in Ellisras uitgespook en die medium skole in Groblersdal. Die uitslae was teen druktyd nog nie bekend nie en Bulletin sal volgende week volledig daaroor berig.
Die Georges Valley 4x4-klub het Saterdag weer hul jaarlikse gewilde 4x4-dag by The Hub in Georges Valley aangebied. In Klas 1 was Jaco Pretorius die wenner, Leonard Brown tweede, Johan van den Berg derde en Pieter Du Preez vierde. Nog foto’s op bl 19.
Donovan Goosen gaan druk een van Merensky se eerste span se elf drieë, met Juan Strydom byderhand. JJ Coetzer gaan draai agter die doellyn met Dian van Rooyen agterna.
Sewentiende Ronde Vandag se bepalings: 09:35 : Blues vs Highlanders 11:40 : Rebels vs Western Force Môre se bepalings: 07:30 : Chiefs vs Reds 09:30 : Crusaders vs Hurricanes 12:30 : Waratahs vs Brumbies 17:05 : Bulls vs Sharks 19:10 : Cheetahs vs Stormers Loslootjie: Lions