Bulletin 12 August 2011

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Fear lessl y the tr uth 12 August 2011

Tzaneen, Modjadjiskloof, Haenertsburg, Letsitele, Phalaborwa, Gravelotte, Giyani, Hoedspruit, Lenyenye, Mica, Mooketsi, Nkowankowa, Ofcolaco, Trichardtsdal


 3838, Tzaneen • 8 Crown Street/Straat 8 •  015 307 7248 •  015 307 7684 •  editor@bulletin.us.com • www.bulletin.us.com

Busted! Bribery on our doorstep

Finally it appears as if the corruption monster has met a brave knight armed with extensive knowledge of the law and legal procedure. In Georges Valley, on the famous stretch where an inexplicable 60 km/h speed limit is enforced, a provincial traffic officer allegedly took a bribe from a motorist after pulling him over for speeding. It just so happens that said motorist is an ex-senior police officer, now a lecturer in criminal law at Unisa. The alert motorist immediately collected any and all evidence to facilitate an iron clad case. We will report further on this incident next week.

First ever!

Air Show ánd Air Race tomorrow

Miss Letaba Expo The crowning of Miss Letaba Expo 2011 drew quite a crowd, as supporters cheered for their favourites. The ladies proved that the Tzaneen-area has a wealth of beautiful girls. Tumelo Matlou was crowned as Miss Expo and Sharon du Toit (left) was crowned as second princess. Tebogo Mabanna (right) is first princess. Photo: Retha Nel

Tzaneen Airfield — Early till late

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Dit gaan goed met me Desiree van der Walt, DA-leier in Limpopo, nadat sy Dinsdag by die Vrouedagviering in Polokwane ‘n floute gehad het. Die ongewone hitte het haar onkant betrap.


12 August 2011


The Fly and The Mouse

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp - 083 266 6906

Vlieg praat met die Volk, en krap waar dit jeuk


Redakteur / Editor Jean Aucamp - 083 251 9090 jean@bulletin.us.com

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Mnr Fritz du Toit (28) van Premierpark in Tzaneen is Saterdag in ’n motorongeluk naby Giyani dood. Dit is nog nie bekend wat tot die ongeluk gelei het nie, maar die voertuig wat hy bestuur het, was die enigste in die ongeluk. Die ongeluk het by ’n T-aansluiting gebeur. Hy was alleen in die voertuig. Die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van strafbare manslag en soek nog na moontlike ooggetuies. Du Toit laat sy vrou, Pamela, en dogter, Deané (5), sy ouers, me Elsa Schoeman en mnr Ben du Toit, broers en susters agter. Die begrafnis is vandag 11:00 vanuit die NG Kerk Tzaneen.

This week Vlieg will once again attempt a foreign language since his bilingualism was so well complimented recently. Vlieg has many concerns, a bothered mind many would say. His latest concern is that exactly that might be putting his editor’s current employment position in jeopardy, given recent events where the editor of a daily newspaper had to resign due to the bothered mind of one of his columnists. Therefore, Vlieg decided to give the school masters and dominees a break this week, although not necessarily a well deserved one, and rather help one of his much appreciated friends, if not the only one. The poem The Walrus and The Carpenter, written by Lewis Carroll, was published in 1871 in the book Through the Looking-Glass which is part of the series of adventures of Alice in Wonderland.

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin / Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Timing is very important. Also in the news business

The sun was shining on the sea, Shining with all his might: He did his very best to make The billows smooth and bright — And this was odd, because it was The middle of the night. The moon was shining sulkily, Because she thought the sun Had got no business to be there After the day was done — “It’s very rude of him,” she said, “To come and spoil the fun!” The sea was wet as wet could be, The sands were dry as dry. You could not see a cloud, because No cloud was in the sky: No birds were flying overhead — There were no birds to fly. The Walrus and the Carpenter Were walking close at hand; They wept like anything to see Such quantities of sand: “If this were only cleared away,” They said, “it would be grand!” “If seven maids with seven mops Swept it for half a year. Do you suppose,” the Walrus said, “That they could get it clear?” “I doubt it,” said the Carpenter,

And shed a bitter tear. “O Oysters, come and walk with us!” The Walrus did beseech. “A pleasant walk, a pleasant talk, Along the briny beach: We cannot do with more than four, To give a hand to each.” The eldest Oyster looked at him, But never a word he said: The eldest Oyster winked his eye, And shook his heavy head — Meaning to say he did not choose To leave the oyster-bed. But four young Oysters hurried up, All eager for the treat: Their coats were brushed, their faces washed, Their shoes were clean and neat — And this was odd, because, you know, They hadn’t any feet. Four other Oysters followed them, And yet another four; And thick and fast they came at last, And more, and more, and more — All hopping through the frothy waves, And scrambling to the shore. The Walrus and the Carpenter Walked on a mile or so, And then they rested on a rock Conveniently low: And all the little Oysters stood And waited in a row. “The time has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of many things: Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax — Of cabbages — and kings — And why the sea is boiling hot — And whether pigs have wings.” “But wait a bit,” the Oysters cried, “Before we have our chat; For some of us are out of breath, And all of us are fat!” “No hurry!” said the Carpenter. They thanked him much for that. “A loaf of bread,” the Walrus said, “Is what we chiefly need: Pepper and vinegar besides Are very good indeed — Now if you’re ready, Oysters dear, We can begin to feed.” “But not on us!” the Oysters cried, Turning a little blue. “After such kindness, that would be A dismal thing to do!” “The night is fine,” the Walrus said. “Do you admire the view?

Hotline: 076 844 1646 Office: 076 550 2260, 076 549 5466 www.letabafire.co.za

Emergency numbers/Noodnommers numbers/Noodnommers Tzaneen Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 015 309 9504/5 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien Tzaneen

Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

“It was so kind of you to come! And you are very nice!” The Carpenter said nothing but Cut us another slice: I wish you were not quite so deaf — I’ve had to ask you twice!” “It seems a shame,” the Walrus said, “To play them such a trick, After we’ve brought them out so far, And made them trot so quick!” The Carpenter said nothing but “The butter’s spread too thick!” “I weep for you,” the Walrus said: “I deeply sympathize.” With sobs and tears he sorted out Those of the largest size, Holding his pocket-handkerchief Before his streaming eyes. “O Oysters,” said the Carpenter, “You’ve had a pleasant run! Shall we be trotting home again?’ But answer came there none — And this was scarcely odd, because They’d eaten every one.

Vlieg’s own research on the matter warns him that there might not be any intended symbolism in the Alice books. It is probably just for the imagination of children, and not for the interpretation of mad people. However, a quote from the same book made Vlieg instantly distrust his own research. “Everything’s got a moral, if only you can find it” There are analyzers of this poem that believe that the Walrus and the Carpenter symbolize organized religions that trick their followers into following them and then cleverly proceed to devour them or lure them into certain destruction. And then there are those who believe it is a political poem. If the eldest oyster is Gwede Mantashe and the crowd of young, soon to be eaten oysters a certain youth league, totally disregarding the warnings of the elderly, even Vlieg will support this interpretation. Vlieg is grateful that at least one creature understands him, albeit a mouse!

Om beter te kan hoor, my kind... of wat sou dié leerlingkonstabel bedoel het met die opsit van sy oormus? Of by die een oor in en die ander uit?

12 August 2011



SAP welcome thirty new constables Beaunice Mnisi


Eighteen new constables took part in a police parade at the Joint Operation Centre (JOC) in Tzaneen. They are part of a group of thirty new constables that have been recruited by the police. They will join different police stations within the region and be given different fields of specialties. The mayor of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Ms Dikeledi Mmetle, and the municipal manager, Ms Conny Mametja, were there to welcome them with messages of support on their first day.

Mmetle encouraged the constables to do their work with passion and they would be awarded with passion. She said they should protect and serve the community at all times and to let their guns be used for protection only. Major General Khombomini Maggy Mathebula’s message to the new members was to never turn people away and never to accept any bribes. She also said they should further their studies as they will earn the knowledge needed to help perform their duties better. Out of the thirty new constables seven will be based in Tzaneen, six in Bolobedu, three in Maake, seven in Ritavi and five in Modjadjiskloof.

Simon Venter sterk baie mooi aan Die pad na herstel van mnr Simon Venter, jong vlieënier van Tzaneen, word selfs deur sy dokter as ‘n wonderwork beskou, sê sy pa, mnr Siem Venter. Hy is reeds uit die hospitaal ontslaan en sterk aan by die huis van sy broer in Kempton Park, om binne bereik van die hospitaal te wees; as veiligheidsmaatreël. Simon het in Junie siek geword terwyl hy met vlieënierswerk in Mosambiek besig was. Sy hart het binne ‘n paar weke so verswak dat vir sy lewe gevrees is en dokters selfs ‘n hartoorplanting oorweeg het. Verlede maand is ‘n hartklepoperasie suksesvol in die Milparkhospitaal in Johannesburg op hom uitgevoer. Daar, sê mnr Siem Venter, het die dokter langs Simon se bed aan hom gesê: “Kyk, daar gebeur steeds wonderwerke.” Venter sr. sê die familie het groot waardering vir die belangstelling en gebede van oral wat die afgelope tyd by hulle ingestroom het.

The Haenertsburg Rotary Club held a very successful “Bright Sparks” general knowledge quiz. Sixteen teams consisting of six players each took part. The evening got off to a “spirited” start with Gluehwein (famous Promnitz recipe made by President Maurice Stander)

TOP: Municipal Manager Conny Mametja, GTM Mayor Dikeledi Mmetle and Maj Genl Khombomini Maggy Mathebula are seen here with some of the senior police officers in the region. ABOVE are the new members, seen once again with the three “power” ladies. Photos: Beanice Mnisi

Dogs get death sentence at pensioner cottages

and hot chocolate with Stroh rum. Robin Gardner was an excellent quizmaster and Michael Holford a great MC. The competition was keen, but once again the team known as the “Eggheads” was a deserving winner. — Sent in by Heinz Haas

The elderly residents of Garden Cottages in Haenertsburg are highly upset after a sudden committee decision by the trustees to ban all dogs in the complex. The tenants, who are all pensioners, were told to get rid of their dogs by the end of October or face eviction. Yet when certain tenants moved into the cottages they specifically asked to keep their dogs until such time as they passed away. This permission was granted to a number of new tenants. Some of these dogs are quite old and have been with their owners for many years. “They are the only company that some of

the tenants have. They are like their children, because some of the tenants do not have children, while others have no children living in South Africa. They are pensioners and they do not have any other income than their social pension from the government,” says Ms Annetjie Fourie, a resident in Haenertsburg who is concerned about the situation. She says as it was not the tenants that broke the contract, having obtained permission from the trustees, and they should not be penalised. She added that it is not human and believed that the government is very much in favour of fairness and treating old people kindly.


12 August 2011


A day to celebrate rangers... Letaba rest camp in the Kruger National Park (KNP) was buzzing on August 1, when rangers from all sections of the park had got together for World Ranger Day. This is a relatively new event, first observed in 2007 on the 15th anniversary of the International Ranger Federation. It is a day to celebrate the work of rangers, and to commemorate the many rangers who have been killed or injured in the line of duty. It was the first time a World Ranger Day event was organised in the KNP. To start off the programme, a team of rangers paraded and performed a drill in front of the Letaba reception. This was done with true military precision, and reminded the audience that the role of the ranger also included law enforcement in the parks, not least in the ongoing rhino war. The team of rangers then led the way to the conference room for the main programme. The section rangers of all sections in the park attended, and were accompanied by two rangers each — since the majority of rangers could not be there, as they were patrolling the park. The Managing Executive of KNP, Mr Abe Sibiya, praised the rangers in the park, and everywhere in the world, for their bravery and their role as custodians of our wildlife, night and day. He acknowledged the fact that poaching was the biggest challenge to the rangers at the moment. Of the remaining 20 000 white rhino in the world, half are in the Kruger Park. One of the longest serving rangers (42 years) in the Park, “Oom” Louis Olivier, thanked the organisers. He quoted Dr Ian Player: “A ranger must be absolutely disciplined, totally trustworthy, very loyal, and unflinching in the cause of nature conservation.”

FET College’s graduation...

TOP and ABOVE: The 2011 prize giving ceremony at Letaba FET College in Tzaneen was a great success with two hundred students graduating. The students underwent practical training for eighteen months before they could graduate. In the photos are some of the students who graduated. The photos were supplied by the college and unfortunately the names of the students were not submitted. LEFT: Three hundred parents attended the Letaba FET College’s graduation ceremony and were treated to lunch after the joyous occasion. The Student Representative Council also attended the ceremony. In the back are M O Malatjie, K N Mahasha, S B Mabasa, S Makgopa and V M Manaso. In front are D Lebiya, T O Maake, Ms Martie Botha (principal), T J Kgatle and M Makola.

An identified male suspect walked into the parking outside Sentra Sugarloaf on Friday, asked for a cigarette from a customer and then broke into the man’s vehicle. The suspect reportedly circled the parking area till he eventually broke into the bakkie. Report-

Thief caught at Sugarloaf edly the outside security staff were taking a quick lunch break when the man stroke. Mr Rudi Kruger, the manager of the store, said his inside security saw the suspect break into

the vehicle and rushed to apprehend him. The two reportedly struggled till a customer went in to inform Kruger of the incident, leading him and others to rush outside.

The suspect was caught and the police were called to the scene. Kruger said the police responded quickly and the suspect was arrested, fingerprints taken and a case opened. The management of Sugarloaf reassure their customers that they have sharpened their security.

12 August 2011

Young Eliam mauled by dogs


Bulletin This report was sent to the Bulletin by the family, requesting us not to publish any further detail The Meyers, George and Jacoline, of Broederstroomdrift outside Tzaneen sadly lost their five yearold son to a tragic accident on 4 August. He was attacked by dogs and rushed to the emergency ward of Mediclinic in Tzaneen but it was too late. The family wants to thank everyone at the hospital for their support and help, as well as their friends, family and fellow Christians who stood by them at the hospital. They would also like to thank everyone for their messages of sympathy, prayers, generosity, willing hands and support. The response from friends, family, colleagues and the greater community has been overwhelming. Eliam Rudolf Meyer was buried on Tuesday. The service was held at Shekinah House.

Two weeks before his death he told his mom and dad that he had a dream of him dying and that Jesus was calling him. Eliam loved the Lord Jesus dearly and although he will be sorely missed, his parents and everyone who knew him are comforted by the fact that he is now in the arms of Almighty Father God. Mat 19:14: But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Mat 18:2: And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them. Mat 18:3: And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Mat 18:4: Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Eliam is a child of the King of Kings.

Top women in agri Farming women in the Mopani District Municipality’s jurisdiction were honoured by the Limpopo department of agriculture during the annual female entrepreneur awards held in Kgapane. The awards resulted from a competition by the department among women that are active in farming. The competition was started in 2009 by the national department of agriculture with the aim of empowering women in the agricultural sector. Farmers and government officials from the five local municipalities in Mopani were present to witness the women being honoured. There were five judging categories: quality of produce, at-

tractiveness, their role in community development, environmental friendliness and recording of data. The best subsistence farmer’s award went to Ms Margareth Mabasa. The top producer for small holders is Ms Lizzy Matsimbi. The top producer at national commercial level is Ms Tiny Chiloane. The best female worker of the year went to Ms Filia Mokgalaka. The overall winner of 2011 is the Mzilela project, based in Giyani and employing sixteen people. The winners received certificates and cash prizes of R 5000 each. There were also gift vouchers to purchase seeds from Pannar.

Rowers slaan weer op winkel toe ‘n Winkel in Georges Valley is verlede week vir die tweede keer in ‘n jaar beroof, toe gewapende mans toegeslaan en sowat R30 000 se kontant en goedere gebuit het. Die Green Café, sowat veertien kilometer buite Tzaneen, word deur ‘n Pakistanse sakeman bedryf. Vrydagnag het drie rowers, gewapen

We apologise In last week’s report on the fire that gutted a prominent homestead on Bush Valley Farm, the surname of the owner, Mr Anthony Rogers, was wrongly given as Hunter due to a misunderstanding. We apologise to the Rogers family and our readers for any inconvenience it might have caused.

met twee vuurwapens en ‘n mes, by die gebou ingebreek en die winkelbestuurder, mnr Inayata Patel, oorweldig. Hulle het sy hande en voete met draad vasgebind en hul strooptog voortgesit. Patel het die hele nag vasgebind gelê, voor hulp eers teen skemeroggend opgedaag het. Die aanvallers het benewens kontant ‘n groot hoeveelheid lugtydstrokies vir selfone, sigarette RIGHT: Ms Lizzy en kos gesteel. Bene- Matsimbi from the wens skaafmerke aan Mzilela project in sy arms is hy nie ern- Giyani received the award for overall winstig beseer nie. Verlede jaar is die ner on behalf of her winkel op soortgelyke group at the department of agriculture’s wyse beroof. Dié rofemale entrepreneurs’ wers is nog nie aange- awards in Kgapane. keer nie. BELOW RIGHT: Mr Victor Mathekga (representative of the Modjadji royal family) and Mss Filia Mokgalaka (the best female worker of the year) and Florah Morwamotsehla (from the Greater Letaba Municipality) at the awards ceremony in Kgapane. Photos: Retha Nel

‘SA’s infrastructure surpasses that of Europe’ The infrastructure that South Africa has, in some instances, surpasses some of the developed European countries, therefore the country has the capacity to become a developmental state. This is the view of Prof Vivek Chibber from the University of New York. He addressed the first Limpopo Policy Dialogue Forum in Polokwane last week. Chibber explained some of the institutional and economic challenges that SA faces which may prevent it from fully defining itself as a developmental state. He stressed that fiscal resources and appropriate monitoring policies were crucial in the journey towards this. Limpopo Provincial Treasury hosted the Forum. It was facilitated by the MEC for Limpopo Treasury, Mr David Masondo, with two guest speakers — Chibber and Prof Adam Habib from the University of Johannesburg. The interaction was with representatives of members of the Limpopo provincial cabinet, leaders of government institutions as well as social partners from business, labour and the academic fraternity. Habib emphasised the need to focus on some areas including defeating corruption, providing the skills that the socio-economic environment demands and an urgent need for bureaucratic integrity.

“Empowerment should also mean the creation of entrepreneurs and a process that must benefit the disadvantaged communities to participate in the economy,” said Habib. Masondo emphasised that the forum will continue to exist as an attempt to create a dialogue and so that things could be looked at from various perspectives. “We need to be positively critical and discuss matters. This forum must be a platform through which people can express their positive differences in opinion so that we can enhance our democracy,” said Masondo. Mr Pitsi Moloto, MEC for economic development, environmental affairs and tourism, speaking on behalf of the Limpopo premier, Mr Cassel Mathale, emphasised that a forum of this nature will go a long way in enhancing thought leadership and generating debate in Limpopo. Masondo assured the guests that the forum will take place on a monthly basis. He invited people to contact the Limpopo provincial treasury’s communication service and forward their thoughts and identify topics. The next forum will be held in September. For more information: e-mail Andile Msindwana at communication@limtreasury.gov.za or cal 082 809 5173 or 015 298 7186. — Limpopo News Service


12 August 2011


Rev Ron J Reiners • 083 617 8442 Vrydag 12 Augustus

Prioriteite is nie lekker Die prioriteite van verkeerslui in ons omgewing is beslis nie lekker nie. Hul wetstoepassing is so patroonmatig en voorspelbaar, dat dit lagwekkend is — en natuurlik geen bydrae tot padveiligheid lewer nie Afwisseling is daar byna nie en belangrike sake, soos die talle verkeerstekens in en buite die dorp wat onwettig is, geniet hoegenaamd nie hul aandag nie; al is dit uitgewys. Die afgelope naweek is nie minder nie as ses erg oorlaaide en duidelik onpadwaardige sleepwaens agter ewe duidelik onpadwaardige bakkies uit buurstate toegelaat om verby verkeerslui te glip — ongelukke wat ‘n plek gesoek het om te gebeur! Ai tog, waarheen is ons op pad?

Dankie vir oupa Adriaan Willems van Tzaneen skryf: Namens die Willems- en Van der Westhuizenfamilies wil ons graag God’s Haven bedank vir vier en ‘n half jaar wat Oupa daar gewoon het. As kinders was ons gelukkig om te weet Oupa word goed versorg en oorlaai met liefde. Oupa is Dinsdagoggend na sy ewige tuiste. Ons is baie dankbaar vir jul liefde, jul vriendelikheid. Ons kon enige tyd daar instap en was altyd welkom. Dankie vir die oproep, vir bystand en hulp, die gebed wat Roy vir ons gedoen het en Johan wat ook daar was. Aan een en almal wil ons uit ons harte dankie sê, die personeel, bestuur. Ook aan Avbob wat so gou daar was, baie dankie! In ons gebede sal ons julle altyd onthou, mag God julle seën in die jare wat kom en mag julle van krag tot krag gaan.

Thank you Rev Ron Reiners, Chairperson, Agatha Community Forum writes: On behalf of the Agatha Community Forum and more specifically the Agatha SAS, I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks for all your support for us during the Letaba Expo The attendance at the “Watergat” was phenomenal and beyond our wildest expectations. This is due to the coverage you gave us and we are all very greatfull. May God Bless You all.

Down Slow Stressed from Tzaneen writes: The sign painted on the Agatha road leading past Lo-

retto school reads “Down Slow”. It is clearly a mistake on the part of the municipal roads department. Should one make allowances for the fact that the official in charge made a mistake? After all, the warning to motorists is clear. “School ahead, drive carefully.” And it would cost time and effort to put it right. Is this a storm in a teacup? But then again, why should we let silly mistakes go by without comment? Road signs are important. Public officials should be accountable. Every time I drive past, I shake my head. Someone goofed. As long as it remains that way, that refrain will persist. Someone goofed. Please, for my peace of mind, someone fix it!

Nog ‘n dankie

Rozani Jacobs van Tzaneen skryf: Ek wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die Bulletin te bedank, asook vir Old Mutual en Harvest Charcoal Grill vir die pryse. Die Wine Show was deur en deur die moeite werd en ek sal beslis weer gaan indien dit aangebied word. Die ete voucher sal ek op ‘n latere geleentheid gebruik.

Much appreciated

Dave Du Toit, Chairperson, Vervet Monkey Foundation writes: The Vervet Monkey Foundation would just like to thank Dave Protter, Tzaneen Community Ambulance

service, Tzaneen fire and rescue, E.M.S Rapid intervention teams and Stewart Perks for rescuing the international volunteers who got themselves into a bit of trouble at the Debangeni waterfall - if it had not been for the quick action on the part of Dave Protter this could have ended in a bigger tragedy. On a day’s outing at the water fall 2 international volunteers wandered down about 2 km and were washed away by the strong current over a waterfall. A young French girl fractured her ankle and back quite seriously and could not move or be helped out of the river while the young lady from England escaped unharmed — everyone is recovering well and are grateful to everyone for all the help.


Motoris van Tzaneen skryf: Die briewe van mnr Gerhard du Toit van Georges Valley het my aan iets anders laat dink. Ek ry ook daai pad dikwels, want ek is ‘n verkoopsman wat rondry. Op die draai by mnr du Toit se ingang staan ‘n waentjie waar hy avokadopere verkoop. As ek reg gekyk het staan die sleepwa in die padreserwe en dit is onwettig. Ek het onlangs weer daar gestop om avo’s te koop en toe gemerk dat die sleepwa ook nie gelisensieer is nie. Dit is natuurlik ‘n probleem wat in ons land nog tot groot probleme gaan lei. Kyk maar na die gevaar by die klub net buite die dorp waar sementpotte en ander tuinornamente verkoop word en wat ook heeltemal in die padreserwe is. Hoekom tree die verkeerspolisie nie teen die mense op nie? Wat gaan aan?

In my next articles I want to look at the names God has been called in the Bible and try to explain them as I see it. The titles Elohim, El Shaddai, JehovahJireh, Jehovah Rophe, Jehovah Nissi, JehovaQadesh and Jehovah Shalom are the ones I want to concentrate on. Now I will not follow a specific order in which I discuss them and perhaps jump from one to the other this will be as God leads me through the discussion. These names were all Hebrew titles for God. God has a definite plan for all of us believers and the writers of the Bible, who we believe were inspired by God, were given these names or chose these names to explain what God meant to them at different times. Firstly I want to look at the title Jehovah Qadesh, this translated means “ The Lord who sanctifies” in modern day translation it is referred to as “I am the Lord who makes you holy”. Genesis, the book of the beginnings, reveals the beginning of sin. Exodus reveals the way by which sin can be redeemed through the shedding of blood. Leviticus, however, is the book of life and deals with the matter of how redeemed people should walk before God. Sanctifying of any thing is first mentioned in connection with the Sabbath day, “God blessed the seventh day and made it holy…” Gen 2:3 Now man comes along and turns everything upside down by sinning. Sanctify also means to “to set apart’. Are you prepared to be sanctified by JehovaQadesh? Or will you wait until you have lived your life to the fullest without God and then in the end say: ‘Oh, Lord sanctify me so that I may enjoy your fruits as well.” Watch out it may be too late, we never know when judgement day will come only God Himself knows. So let us all endeavour to come into the presence of the Almighty and follow His ways, asap. God Bless You All

Die mense hoor Let wel: hulle sê nie so nie!

• Die ander rooierige kop sê die oorspronklike rooikop se hart is soos ‘n SA taxi; daar’s altyd plek vir nog een.

Jy’s Reg Ina, dit is feite... • In plaas van Soekmekaar is die man toe helemal Deurmekaar en deel klappe uit. Maar die komitee het mooi die vrede bewaar...


Blykbaar, klaarblyklik, oënskynlik en skynbaar: Blykbaar impliseer ‘n geringe mate van twyfel; as ‘n mens min of meer seker van jou saak is. Klaarblyklik beteken dat iets beslis, kennelik, ongetwyfeld of onteenseglik sal gebeur en dui op feitelik volkome sekerheid.

As iets klaarblyklik die geval is, bestaan daar geen twyfel meer nie. Oënskynlik sê hoe iets op die oog af lyk — dit kan so wees of nie. Skynbaar word gebruik as iets nie is soos dit lyk/skyn te wees nie. Sy was skynbaar vas aan die slaap (maar het alles gehoor wat

gesê is). Boom en bodem: Die bodem van die see en die boom van ‘n kastrol. Produkte is van (NIE: uit) eie bodem.

12 August 2011



Expo was triomf vir agri

Verskeie nuwe mylpale is tydens verlede week se tweede Letaba Expo bereik. Dit is veral die lewendehawe wat nuwe agri-struktuur gebring het, terwyl die VLU se aktiewe betrokkenheid ook ‘n nuwe hoogtepunt was. By die rivier het die vermaak-strook ook gelewe (en gebewe) en was dit baie gewild. BO LINKS: Me Adri Kruger van Tzaneen Tourism het die sertifikaat ontvang vir die beste uitstalling by die Expo. Tzaneen Tourism se uitstalling het gepoog om besoekers in te lig oor al die toeriste-aantreklikhede in die omgewing en het soos ‘n kamp in die bos gelyk. Weerskant van Kruger staan me Melissa Strydom en mnr Johan Swanepoel van die Letaba Expo-komitee. Foto: Beaunice Mnisi BO REGS: Me Nicki Loam van die Creative Image Craft Studio in Tzaneen het twee sertifikate vir haar uitstalling by die Letaba Expo ontvang. Loam gee belangstellendes klas in verf op lap,

hout en ander materiale. Sy het ‘n tweede plek vir die beste handwerkuitstalling en die beste leefstyl-uitstalling ontvang. REGS: Handgemaakte glas het ook twee sertifikate ontvang. Die uitstalling met verskeie borde en ander handgemaakte glasprodukte het die tweede prys vir die beste uitstalling by die Expo gewen en die eerste prys vir die beste uitstalling in die saal. Me Joany Pitout van Ofcolaco (regs), wat die glasprodukte self maak, en haar twee dogters, me Juanita van Eeden en Anene Hough langs haar, het die uitstalling behartig. Foto’s: Retha Nel

Landbou was Expo se groot anker Louis Roux


Die boeredag as inleiding tot vanjaar se Letaba Expo was die pasaangeër wat gesorg het dat die geleentheid tot die einde sy momentum behou het. Die landbou, met sy diere en implemente, was beslis die Expo se groot anker. Dit is die indruk wat mnr Fanie van Jaarsveld, voorsitter van die Expo-komitee, geskets het na afloop van verlede week se groot jaarlikse uithaal-en-wys. Hy was veral beïndruk met die groot belangstelling wat van bees-, skaap- en bokvertoners gekry is. Terugvoering van dié vertoners was positief en veral die skaap- en boktelers het nou ‘n vertrekpunt gekry, om in die toekoms in groot getalle op te daag. Groter geriewe word ook vir hulle beplan. Van Jaarsveld skryf die sukses van die diere-afdeling toe aan die dryfkrag van me Corrie Labuschagne, wat op eie houtjie gesorg het dat die telers die Expo met geesdrif bygewoon het. Aan die oewer van die Groter Letabarivier het sake ook kookwater verloop. Met potjiekoskompetisies en die biertuin het verskillende boereverenigings nuwe bande gesmee, wat landbou in die streek ‘n hupstoot sal gee. Die plasing van die Outdoor toerisme-afdeling by die

REGS: Cherise Haasbroek is gekroon as Mej Jnr Letaba Expo. Ten spyte van die triestige weer het die deelnemers die kompetisie geniet. Gwendy Botha is as tweede prinses gekroon en Bianca Marais as eerste prinses.

ingang na die skouterrein was ‘n uitstekende plan, sê Van Jaarsveld. Die vertoners was in hul skik en het reeds laat weet hulle is volgende jaar terug. Oor die voorkoms van etlike vlooimark-kraampies oor ‘n groot deel van die terrein, sê hy die Expo het ‘n breë gemeenskap om te dien en verskeie smake om te bevredig. Die VLU was hoogs tevrede met hul terugkeer en hul teenwoordigheid in saal B is druk besoek. Hul bejaardetee-projek was veral gewild. “Die bywoning was goed, hoewel effe minder as verlede jaar. Ons het egter geen groot probleme ondervind nie en ons dank almal vir hul goeie gedrag en samewerking.” ‘n Nabetragting oor die Expo sal binne die volgende twee weke gehou word, waar verskeie verbeterings in volgende jaar se program aandag sal geniet.

Die afdeling vir skape en bokke by die Letaba Expo het vanjaar uit sy nate gebars en volgende jaar sal groter voorsiening vir dié afdeling gemaak word. Die kêrel op die foto links was deel van Gala Boerbok Boerdery van mnr Gert en me Elize Borcherds van Letsitele.



12 August 2011

BO: ‘n Junior Hugenote-vers van mnr Mike Coetzee van J3 Stoetery is Saterdag aangewys as die wenner van die goue toekenning in die interras-kompetisie wat vanjaar die eerste keer in Tzaneen aangebied is. By hom en sy hanteerder is die beoordelaar, mnr Marius Barkhuizen (verste regs) van Vereeniging, wat al die beoordeling in oorleg met me Corrie Labuschagne gedoen het. BO REGS: Dié Limousinebul van mnr Kobus van Tonder van die Pumba-stoetery is as senior kampioen in die Interras-kompetisie gekroon. REGS: Mnr Andrew Smith van True Bloods Brahmans in Modimolle het die junior kampioen Brahmanbul vertoon.

Expo beauties stole the show

ABOVE: The beauties of the Tzaneen-area once again participated in the beauty pageant of the Letaba Expo held at the showgrounds in Tzaneen. The winner of this year’s Miss Letaba Expo Teen was Caitlin Harty, a pupil of Stanford Lake College. Flanking her is the second princess Bianca Boshoff and the first princess Lucia Letsoalo. LEFT: Miss Tiny Letaba Expo was held for girls aged 3-7 during the Letaba Expo in Tzaneen. The winners each received a teddy bear that threatened to be taller than them. The winner was Cailyn Helberg. Lethabo Pheeha is the second princess and Lisa Matiane the first princess. LEFT: The Letaba Expo beauty pageants once again offered a highlight on the Expo program. The contestants of the Missy Letaba Expo braved the cold and cloudy weather to showcase their talent. Laryn Bezuidenhout was crowned the winner, with Grizel Lepart as second princess and Lebo Maupye as first princess. Photos: Retha Nel

12 August 2011


Bulletin LINKS: Letsitele NG Kerk se jaarlikse kaskarwedrenfees het weer vir hope pret en opwinding gesorg, terwyl die wedrengangers ‘n heerlike dag van saam kuier kon geniet. Die spanne van die Hoërskool Merensky het die eerste twee plekke en die geesbeker gewen. Dit was ‘n taai stryd tussen die drie grootste plaaslike hoërskole, maar die Plasies het uiteindelik koning gekraai, met die Hoërskool Frans du Toit in die derde plek. Jannelie Scholtz van Merensky se eerste span het die geesbeker namens die skool ontvang, Kobus Eloff, haar spanmaat, staan trots langs haar met die wisseltrofee vir die wenners. LeRoi van der Vyfer en Laura Corillion van Merensky se tweede span hou die wisseltrofee vir hul tweede plek. REGS: Meridian College van Nkowankowa het vir die sesde agtereenvolgende jaar die laerskole-juniors se afdeling gewen. Hul trotse spanbestuurder, mnr Pieter Gerber (regs), het die trofee van ds Barry en me Ina van der Merwe, van die NG Kerk Letsitele, ontvang. LINKS, tweede van bo: Die Laerskool Tzaneen het die laerskole-seniors se byeenkoms gewen, na vele amper-beserings en pad-byster-raak voorvalle. Suné Engelbrecht, Marli Burger, Chrisjan Rebel en Henkus Steenkamp staan met breë glimlagte tussen ds Barry van der Merwe en mnr Nic Dorfling van die hoofborg (BB Motors in Tzaneen).

Kaskarrenne was weer vet pret

Foto’s & byskrifte: Retha Nel

BO: Fiksheid en krag het getel... en die jaers agter die stuur moes konsentreer dat dit klap. Van die meisiespanne het met groot eer uit die stryd getree en die seuns moes uithaal en wys! Op die foto REGS TWEEDE VAN BO wys ‘n span seuns hoe hulle met spierkrag en konsentrasie die renne met groot erns aangedurf het. ONDER: Daar was vele ongelukke tydens die wedrenbyeenkoms. Selfs die toeskouers het soms groot geskrik (kyk hoe koes die dame in die agtergrond). Gelukkig was daar geen ernstige beserings nie. Die kinders (en selfs ‘n paar toeskouers) het na elke ongeluk laggend opgestaan, hul klere afgestof, spoeg aangesmeer en die wedren hervat.

Soms was die uitputting en die son effe te veel en het die kannetjies die eerste die beste rusplek gesoek, om eers weer asem te kry.

BO: Sommige kaskardeelnemers kon skaars oor die kaskar sien, maar hul het ywerig gestoot en gestuur! Dié spannetjie was van die Wysneusie Kleuterskool in Letsitele. Die kleuterskole van die omgewing het ook hul eie wedrenne gehou, met ‘n korter baan as die van die laer- en hoërskole. Elke deelnemer het ietsie lekkers na die tyd gekry.


12 August 2011


Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com treknommers. Verantwoordelike toesig – teen ‘n fooi – oor die peuters, kleuters en laerskoolkinders.


Merensky High School, Monday to Thursday. Tickets available at the school. For more information contact Marelie van Onselen 084 247 4558.

Group Meeting

Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group, Macadamia Village Community Centre, Tzaneen, Thursday 18:00-19:00. Guest speakers and experts in the fields of psychology. To attend, no charge, call Colleen Phillips on 083 415 5137 or contact SADAG on 0800 21 22 23.


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster 1971 Matrieks - 40 jaar reünie, Augustus, Sanloo Manor. Skakel Lood vd Zee 082 740 5734 of Piet Visser 083 305 1390 of Chris Lombard 083 301 4368 of Mari Weber 082 440 1555.

Tzaneen Eco Club

The Tzaneen Eco Club is organising a visit to the Woodbush Forest on Saturday, 20 August. Pack a picnic basket and camp chair and enjoy a scenic brunch. R20 for nonmembers. Contact Pierre Naude 083 778 4635 or Lorraine Egan 078 453 3936 / 072 354 7274 for more details.



DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527.



BJV Vliegskou


Bosveldjagtersvereniging klubhuis (langs die skietbaan), elke Vrydagmiddag van 13:00. R45/persoon vir 500g T-bone steak, pap, sous. Bekostigbare kontantkroeg. Bespreek asb teen Donderdag by Belinda 071 871 4710 of 076 333 4600.


AGS Kerksaal, Modjadjiskloof, Sondae-aande. Gr 8-12. Kom kuier, speel pool en darts, drink hot chocolate en kom hang net lekker uit. Skakel Bees by 071 483 3070 / 083 748 9351 of Pastoor Johan by 082 925 8746 vir meer inligting.

Herofield aanddiens. Sondae, 18:30 , Minitzani saal. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@ gmail.com vir enige navrae.




Laerskool Tzaneen rugbyveld, 9-10 September. Op Vrydagaand 9 September skop die fees af met ‘n vertoning van Elvis Blue, Idols 2010-wenner. Merk nou al die datum op u kalender en hou die koerante dop vir meer verrassings.

Kers-kuiermark NG kerk Letsitele Amfiteater, 28-29 Oktober. Vrydag, 09:00-20:00, Saterdag, 09:00-15:00. Skakel Lorraine by 082 683 9987 of 083 306 0796 of e-pos haar by hlangananitrust@gmail.com vir ‘n inskrywingsvorm en noodsaaklike inligting. ‘n Heerlike kuier, onweerstaanbare geskenke, asook heerlike, gesonde etes, eetgoed vir kinders en ‘n kuiertuin. Demonstrasies sal op albei dae aangebied word. Parkering volop. Toegang beloop R15/p, met ‘n gepaardgaande houer met verskillende klein items in, soos produkte, ‘n tydskrif of twee en ook gelukkige





Maculatastraat 12, Tzaneen. Vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand. Leer oor, kook met en plant kruie. Skakel Petro Smit 083 444 3414.

Seta Accredited Fire Fighting Training for Letaba Fire Protection Association’s members’ labour force at R385/person for two days. Contact Butch on 076 550 2260 .

Charity Sale

Care4Life Centre is having a second-hand clothing sale every second Friday of the month at 61G Boundary Street, Tzaneen. We appeal for second-hand clothing as well as books and magazines. We will collect. Contact Edwin at 072 22 88 738

Counselling services FAMSA Limpopo Counselling Services. For appointments call 015 307 48 33 or 071 193 3397. Wit Olifant verkoping

Skenk asb alle ou en nuwe boeke en items aan die Letsitele Biblioteek se wit olifant verkoping. Hul sal dit selfs kom haal. Vir navrae skakel die Biblioteek 015 345 1991.

Blanket Project

Choice Trust would like to challenge the community to donate a blanket for the poor. Deliver your blankets to 12 Park Street. Contact Choice at 015 307 6329.

Bulletin Tel 015 307 7248 • Faks 015 307 7684 editor@bulletin.us.com Facebook: Laeveld Bulletin


Unicorn School Pavilion, Wednesday night, 17:30. The Unicorn Hockey Club, Tzaneen, is part of the Limpopo Hockey League and invites new players to join. League matches played on Sundays. No formal age limit but players over the age of 16 preferred for safety reasons. Don’t worry about fitness and skill – practice makes perfect! Contact Claire 078 537 1774 or Zelda 082 415 0510.

Round Table Tzaneen 96 Tzaneen

Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, first Monday of every month. Contact Bruce 082 824 4291 or Dale 082 820 6029.

Fire Fighting Training

Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen, 2-3 September. Belangstellendes kan solank inskryf vir Mej Lentefees. Inskrywings sluit 26 Augustus, 12:00 en kos R50. Inskrywingsvorms beskikbaar by kerkkantoor in Agathastraat, 08:00-13:00. Groot pryse kan gewen word! Vir enige navrae skakel Rosie 0824539161 of die Kerkkantoor 015 3074508.

Letaba Vliegklub, vandag en môre. Môre tree Jakkie Louw op. Prys van die vertoning ingesluit by die ingangsgelde - R60/volwassene, R20/ laerskoolkinders. Belangstellende uitstallers skakel Ralph 082 881 1914 of 078 294 7272, beperkte aantal uitstalruimtes beskikbaar.



Club runs are on Saturdays at 06:00 from the Ben Vorster High School parking area. Route: to Merensky and back, about 15 km. Bring along your water bottles.

Vir dienstye gedurende vakansies/langnaweke skakel asseblief met onderskeie kerke. Times may change during school holidays/long weekends; kindly check with the relevant churches. • AGS van SA — Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof, Past Johan Pieterse 082 925 8746. Kantoor 015 309 9275 / 079 509 1500. Son 09:00, Sondagskool 08:30 vir gr 8’s tot gr 12’s, 09:00 vir 3 jariges tot gr 7’s. • AGS van SA — Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele : 082 697 6881, Past Walter Benn, Son 09:00 (asook Sondagskool) • AGS van SA — Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen,015 307 5112, Past. Maans Schutte, Son 09:00 • Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen, 015 307 3534, Rev Luke Pretorius, Sun 09:15 • Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4634, Rev. Gordon Bull, Sun 09:00 & 18:00 • Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 6845, Fathers Philemon Thobela, Jimmy Kennedy, Daily 07:15 (not Wed), Sun 08:00. • Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg, Father Jeffrey 083 964 9859, Sunday 08:30 • Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg, 015 276 1111. Pastor Ian LoughorClarke 083 298 9204. Sun 09:00 • Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal, Sondae 09:00 (Diens & 3 Kinderdienste) Voorskool, Gr 1-3 en Gr 4-6 Johann Fourie 082 823 1074 website: www.dinamus.co.za • Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen,015 307 3371, Ds Hendrik van Rensburg, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00 • Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte road, Opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen, Biblically based. Run courses throughout the year. Contact: Kim Ninneman at 015 307 2527 or 083 449 9272 • Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystraat,Tzaneen, 015307 1558•015 307 1874, Ds Johan Botha & Dr Edmund de Beer, Son 09:30, 18:30. • German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Modjadjiskloof Zwariri Road. 082 653 5498, Service in German (Eng & Afr Translations) • St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg 015 307 3534. Rev Luke Pretorius 082 874 5207. Sun 09:30. Junior and senior Sunday school 09:30. • Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen — 015 307 4729, Pastor Bryan Varrie / Past Rassie Pretorius Services: 09:00 & 18:00; 09:00 Childrens’Church; 12:00 Sotho & Shangaan. • Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen 015 309 9920, Past. Wiets Oosthuizen, Vry 19:00, Son 10:00 & 18:00 (Afr & Eng) • Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4525, Rev Pierre Naudé, Sun 09:30. • Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof. Sunday service 08:00, Tuesdays ladies ministry 09:30, Wednesday fellowship 19:00. Contact Pastor Attie and Liz Botha on 015 309 8594. • NG Kerk — Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9323, Ds Dewald Vermaak, Son 09:00 Sondagskool daarna. • NG Kerk - Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele, 015 345 1618, Ds Barry van der Merwe - Son 09:00. • NG Kerk - Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen, Ds Gouws van Zyl 082 829 2926 / 015 307 4498, Ds Chris Zietsman, 015 307 4497 of 083 269 1325, Son 08:30. • NG Kerk — Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen, Ds Adriaan van Tonder 083 408 0939 / 015 307 4062, Sondae 09:00 • New Apostolic Church — Tzaneen Vroue Federasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 4807, Shep. Petersen, Sondae 09:00 & Woensdae: 19:30. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9580 / 084 584 0059, Ds Gerhard Viviers, Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal, 015 345 1128, Dr Jan Truter - Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen, 015 307 4508 Ds Richard vd Westhuizen, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00. • Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlman-strate,Tzaneen,015307 1111 of 083 717 4034, Past B Wilken,Sondae 09:30 (asook kinderkerk) & 18:00, Di 19:00 vroue biduur, Woensdae 19:00 gemeente biduur. • Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen, 015 307 3240 / 082 893 6351, Ds Francois du Plessis, Saterdae 11:00 (Afrikaans & Engels). • Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen, 015 307 3387, Past Dawid Venter Tel:082 269 9746 Sondae 09:30 & 18:00. • World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531, Dr Rev TJ Mukoki, Sun: 09:00 (English & Tsonga), Tue: 18:00 (Prayer).

12 August 2011

NOTICE OF RECTIFICATION BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY PROPOSED PERMANENT PARK CLOSURE ERF 1367 PHALABORWA EXT 2 Notice is hereby given that Notice 155/2010 dated 21 May 2010 which appeared in the Bulletin and Provincial Gazette, for Permanent Park Closure of Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Ext 2, incorrectly referred to the closure of the entire Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Ext 2. This notice serves to rectify this error by the substitution of “Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Ext 2” with the correct “part of Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Ext 2, extending over 3000m²”. Municipal Manager Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality aug201_________________

REGSTELLINGSKENNISGEWING BA-PHALABORWA MUNISIPALITEIT VOORGESTELDE PERMANENTE PARKSLUITING ERF 1367 PHALABORWA UITBR 2 Hiermee word kennis gegee dat die Kennisgewing 155/2010 gedateer 21 Mei 2010, wat verskyn het in die Bulletin en die Provinsiale Koerant, wat betrekking het op die permanente parksluiting van Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 2, foutiewelik verwys na Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Uitbreiding 2 in geheel. Hierdie kennisgewing het derhalwe ten doel die regstelling van genoemde fout deur die vervanging van “Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Uitbr 2” met “deel van Erf 1367 Phalaborwa Uitbr 2, groot ongeveer 3000m²”. Munisipale Bestuurder Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit aug202_________________



Workshop / Storeroom To Rent R6000.00 p/m Contact 082 888 5352 Aug201______________

Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Office space of 100m². Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 0861303404 Aug101______________

Woonstel 2 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur. Beskikbaar 1 September 2011 Kontak 083 491 8430 Aug202______________ 2 Slaapkamer eenheid te huur – Lushof Netjiese oopplan met stoep en binne braai area. Veilig omhein. R3 600 per maand. Water en ligte ingesluit Skakel 082 920 6807

Te koop plaas 2 Ha Pragtige uitsig (Hamawasha) Boorgat, R475 000 Skakel 082 871 3565 Aug102_______________ Stand for sale Silverwood Security Estate, Pretoria 360m². Approved building plans for a 200m², 3 bedroom house. On R55 between Pretoria and Sandton Low levy R450 pm Erf R220 000. Contact 082 494 3970 Aug203_______________ DRINGEND !! Huis gesoek om te huur. Moet n stort he. Moet kinders en n hond mag aanhou. Verkieslik met n motorhuis. Huis moet nie in die mark wees om verkoop te word nie. Dak moenie lek nie. Huurders het sober gewoontes en rook glad nie. Skakel Dawid so gou as moontlik. Dankie 082 880 2922 Aug204_______________


12 August 2011


Services Dienste

Services Dienste

DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798

Audio Repairs DVD TV VCR Repairs Spares and accessories IC’S and TR’S We also do orders. Please call Johan Jordaan 083 241 1880. mar404_______________

FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 1 Accounting – Management accounts & Annual Financial Statements as prescribed by the new companies act 2 Returns for 2 1 Income tax 2 2 Vat 2 3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law Contact Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT & Registered Tax practitioner) of Butler Accountants At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 june401______________

Cholera-vry water Gewaarborg met die Absolutely Waterwatersuiweraar, beste kwaliteit, diens en prys. Elsie 083 458 4746 ________________ mar108 Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501 Boet Pretorius Elektries: Geen elektriese installasies is vir ons te groot of te klein nie, en geen plek is te naby of te ver nie. 015 307 3571 Webtuiste: www.pro-bou.co.za _________________ apr409 Nutsman Sweiswerk; swembadinstandhouding; voertuigherstelwerk en dienste. Billike tariewe. 015 307 7747 082 419 1230 __________________ jul207 Algemene Bouwerk loodgieter, elektries en reparasies. 072 372 4041 (Nelcon) _________________ feb110 Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 __________________ mei308 Wegry van tuinvullis @ R250 per 1 ton (plat bak) asook bourommel @ R275 per 1 ton (platbak) Skakel 082 804 6924 of 083 229 5046 ___________________ jul206 Repairs of computers – hardware and software Part time general repairs to all computers, fault-finding, re-installation of software “Clean-up” computer to help make computer faster. Knowledge in Setting up networks If your computer crashes, call the IT Doctor, Waldo on 0832628490 all hours ________________ mar108 For the best biltong and droëwors. Contact 015 307 2666. june411________________

Need flowers for that special occasion, contact Willem/Hendra at 015 307 2176. mar412_______________ Letaba number plates and Key shop. A bit of this and a bit of that! Lost your keys and need a locksmith? Call 079 222 2900. 24 Hours Service! mar424_______________ Ons verpak & verseker landswyd, puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 of 083 252 8928. june401_______________ Gel & Acrylic nails. Contact Monica 073 856 7881 or 078 553 2790. june402________________ Vir al jou korttermynversekering, mediese fondse, lewensversekering, testamente en pensioenfondse. Kontak 015 307 3316. june403_______________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________ Cutting back on electricity bills or is your domestic help on leave? School holiday laundry piling up? Dirty tabelcloths after a function? We offer wash, dry and iron, ironing only and tumble drying! Contact Tersia 078 457 9667. june405________________ Stockist of fabric, haberdashery and lace. See us first for an unbelievable range, excellent service and unbeatable value. We measure, make up and install curtaining and blinds to perfection. Masters in re-upholstery of lounge suites, loose cushions, headboards, etc. Contact 015 307 4467 or 015 307 7177. june406________________ SCOOTERS PIZZA TZANEEN Not in the mood to cook, rather have pizza for dinner! Don’t forget we deliver! Call 015 307 3131. june408________________ MANI-FIQUE NAIL BOUTIQUE Gel tips, gel overlays, manicures & pedicures. Gift vouchers available. Contact 084 901 0597. june409______________ For all your fishing, tackle, cycles, spares, repairs and camping gear. Contact 015 307 2512. june410________________ NEED EXTRA CASH EVERY MONTH? Earn R720 in your first week or up to R1440 per day in your first month. SMS your name and postal address to 072 264 6243. june412________________ BEAUTY & THE TRAMP DOGGY PARLOUR specialised dog and cat grooming. Contact 078 786 1049.

ADAMS CAFÉ we deliver, wherever you are! Yummy specials every week! Contact 015 307 3634 or 015 307 3993. june413________________ Give your domestic worker the confidence she needs in the kitchen. They will learn about personal & kitchen hygiene, kitchen & food safety, cooking methods & terms and receive an illustrated recipe book. 3 week course! Contact Joey 079 529 8336 or 082 563 3130. june416_______________ We wash, dry and iron! Call us for all your washing needs. Mon – Fri 06:30 to 17:30. Contact Lizelle 083 300 4924 or Flip 082 577 6408. june417________________ Madame Fleur vir die Voller Figuur Onderklere en slaapklere spesiaal gemaak vir jou. 17 kleure en baie style om van te kies. Skakel Rita vir meer inligting Sel: 078 118 8615 jul102___________________ Koffie & Ontbyt vanaf 7:00 soggens by Kolonnade. 015 307 2605/6. jul104___________________

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

For Sale Te Koop

Front End Loader to hire. Disc, ploughing and bush clearing. For a free quotation contact 073 909 9200/ 015 307 6549 (office hours) jul501________________

Be Ready – Be Verified Did you Know? That you can have a valid BBBEE Certificate in your hands within 48 hours if: Your business turnover is less then 5 million per annum If you are a Start-Up Company And you automatically qualify for 100% procurement Contact us now and get the Ball Rolling Winel Kasselman 082 557 9876 jul203_________________

GRABBA SPORTS & LEISURE, Great specials on selected bicycles and look out for the Tour de France promotion. Contact 082 449 8778. june407________________

The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________

LILY BLUE the most affordable clothing, gifts and accessories! Oasis Mall, across from Van Heerden’s pharmacy. Contact 083 285 2336. june415_______________

Mutual Safe D/Door drop safe (at 1,800 x 755 x 800) Hold up to R200 000.00 +\- 1.5 ton, 175L x 2 R22 800.00. Contact 015 307 7775 079 2222 900 apr201______________Dell

STOP NONSENSE We manufacture and erect pre cast Concrete walls including concrete Palisade fence. For a free quotation contact: 073 909 9200 / 015 307 6549 (Office hours) jul502_________________ Need to order personalised printing? Contact Natasha Fourie 072 659 5739. jul123___________________ Need a new printer cartridge? Contact Burnie v d Merwe 083 568 7338. jul125__________________ Springs & Sandblasting available from T&T. Contact 071 535 0991. jul126___________________ Outboard engine and motor repairs. Contact Phillip 015 307 5059. jul127___________________

The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106___________________

For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128__________________

Need a Locksmith? Contact 079 222 2900. 24 Hours a day! jul107___________________

Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129__________________

Misty River Driving Range next to the show grounds. R20 for 50 balls. Contact 082 804 6010 or 082 870 4310. jul108___________________ Do you need lawn dressing, potting soil, bark chips or compost? Contact Brian 083 306 6085. jul111___________________ Kuns, koffie & christelike boekwinkel by die Star Spares gebou. Kontak 015 307 2586. jul112__________________ Time for new office furniture? Contact Helene Bruce 083 566 1022 or 015 307 7436. jul114___________________ Bored? Do you enjoy beading? Come to Beads Bazaar, 22 Second Avenue for all crystals, imported glass, plastic and wooden beads, semi-precious stones and pearls. Contact 082 339 1093. jul115__________________ Latin & Ballroom dancing classes, every Wednesday evening. Contact Sam 082 747 5648. jul120__________________ Feeling creative? Looking for a new hobby! Join Creative Image! No artistic ability required? Contact Nicki 083 256 2075. jul122__________________ Services RS Plant Hire Bulldozer’s, TLB’s and

We offer facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and couples treatments at our day spa. Phone for bookings 015 307 6220. 16B King Edward Drive. jul130__________________ Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131__________________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statement, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.

Be ready – Be Verified – BEE Verification Agency (PTY) Ltd We can verify any Company. Big & small. Free quotations SANNAS accredited Nation wide Contact us Winel Kasselman 082 557 9876 jul204_________________ Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057, of kom besoek ons kantoor te Grensstraat 10, Tzaneen. (08:00 tot 13:00) Décor Master Specialist in curtains, blinds, upholstery and laminated flooring, supplied and fitted. Headboard made. 082 253 7867 jul305________________

Lamor Haar Salon Openingspesiaal Mans haarsny R50.00 Dames sny en blaas R120.00 Kontak Lolla by 082 901 1781

SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE & MATERIAAL MEUBELS Gehalte werk gewaarborg Kontak:

076 833 9112

NEED A BABYSITTER? Week nights – 18:30 to 22:30 R25 per child, per hour (3yrs and older) and R50 per child, per hour (newborn to 2yrs) Saturdays – 16:00 to 22:00 R30 per child, per hour (3yrs and older) and R55 per child, per hour (newborn to 2yrs) Saturday mornings negotiable! Contact 083 746 6592.

Janco Services 083 537 5901 015 386 8735 Plumbing Air cons Stoves, ect. Jannes Vermaak CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018

CARTRACK 10% off all prices for new clients. Contact 015 307 7502/3 or Eddie on 074 158 7643. jul105___________________ Trippe Trappe Drome ‘n Kleuterskool met ‘n verskil. Kontak Retha 082 502 8736. jul110___________________ The best coffee is served at INSIDEOUT! 5 Douglas Street. Call 015 307 7101 or 083 630 3604. jul113___________________ For all your database development, web design and hosting, contact 087 802 1260. jul117__________________ Is your income keeping you from dreams? Want financial freedom? We can help call Jannie 082 499 1247 Aug101________________ Pro Garden Maintenance Try us for your professional “supervised” Garden services. Tzaneen only Contact Okkie 072 134 8745 Erika 076 352 2251 For quotations Aug201________________

Greystone Farming Strawberry plants For sale Mobile: 082 4466 497 Greystones21@gmail.com june303_______________ Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ Nguni Skins for sale. Contact Beryl 082 422 8293. jul101__________________ Voertuie

DCS Interior Contractors we do all types of ceilings,drywall partitions, paintwork, gutters, water proofing, tiling. Contact Werner 0826554869 Nuwe voertuie Robbie Kruger 082 893 1869 jul306_________________ OP SOEK NA WILDSVLEIS TEEN R15P/KG 073 628 0723 jul301_________________

VOLUNTEERS Care4Life Centre invites volunteers to join our expansion programme at Palm Springs Care Centre. If you have skills and training in nursing, office administration or fundraising please contact Michele at 015 307 4823 jul307__________________

Op soek na saam ry geleentheid vanaf Tzaneen na Polokwane elke dag en terug of ‘n kamer te huur in Polokwane. Sal kostes help betaal Skakel Chris 079 190 8596 Aug101________________ Looking for a solidwood round diningroom table. (NOT PINE) 150-175 cm in diameter. With or without chairs. Contact 082 441 9024 Aug206________________

Begein u eie “catering” besigheid. Koop breekware, messe, vurke ens. Skakel 076 3133 709 Aug202_______________ XBox 360, two wireless remotes and 20 Games. Price R4000. Contact Number 072 3999 138 Aug203_______________

Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________

For Sale Te Koop

BKR Complete variety of lubricants. Contact: 015 307 7501

Vakatures Vacancies Wanted Qualified auto electrician, contact 072 753 5529. jul501_________________ Looking for Agents Commission Only Earning potential: R4,000 to R10,000 per month Phone Jacques on 081 477 2795 18h00 to 21h00

To Rent Te Huur LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploeg disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 jun404________________

Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R14.00/km + btw een rigting. Skakel vir kwotasie: 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 of 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 jan307_______________ Vervoer & Verpak van meubels. Skakel Melody vir kwotasie 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 - Epos troktrek@ mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com jan308_______________

TZANEEN TRAILER HIRE Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial Area Call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401


To advertise call Lihanie 015 307 7248

12 Augustus 2011




12 August 2011


Looking for a job?

Send us your name, type of job required and contact number. Contact us when you find a job. Due to limited space and a high demand we wish to afford everyone a fair chance to advertise.

Contact : Nicky - 015 307 7248 or nicky@bulletin.us.com

Soek u werk?

Stuur u naam, tipe werk gesoek en kontaknommer vir ons. Stel ons in kennis wanneer ‘n betrekking word aanvaar. As gevolg van beperkte spasie en ‘n groot aanvraag wil ons graag aan almal die geleentheid bied om te adverteer.

Another successful Bulletin initiative in serving our community.


Claire, looking for PA or corel draw designer job. Able to do any admin duties as well. Contact 082 815 8918. (2)_____________________


Kobus Kock, draughtsman (Caddie and Autocad) or any other available job. Contact 084 279 6601 or 083 280 9699. (1)_____________________


Lana Groenewald, looking for a girl Friday / temp admin position. Contact 083 417 5923 or 083 267 2787. (11)____________________ Godfrey Mlondobodzi, looking for admin clerk or receptionist job. Have diploma. Contact 082 950 1893. (12)____________________ Lezelle Morrison, ek het 10 jaar ondervinding in Admin. Kontak 083 654 6367. (14)____________________ Comfort Ngobeni, administrative work, has a diploma in Public management & a drivers license. Contact 076 737 5259 or 082 787 9588. (15)____________________ Louise, op soek na halfdag kantoor/boekhoupos in Letsitele omgewiing. Kan onmidd elik begin. Sal ook tydelike of seisoenposte aanvaar. Doen ook boekhouwerk vanaf my huis. Kontak 082 064 7186. (16)____________________ Looking for a half day/Girl Friday typist, receptionist job. Contact 078 553 2790. (17)____________________ Lorca Mathebula, looking for clerical, cashier or receptionist position. Contact

073 254 6513. (18)____________________ Tebogo Agnes Raophala, looking for clerical, cashier or receptionist position. Contact 076 945 9991. (19)____________________ Martie Schnettler, 45, looking for admin or secretarial position. Contact 076 867 8270. (20)____________________

CONSTRUCTION / SKILL TRADES Aaron Pilusa, fork lift driver, has code 10 licence. Contact 078 309 6582. (8)_____________________ Kgabo Silas Malatji, I am looking for the job as Electrician. I have Matric and N2 in Electrical Engineering and I also have some experience in the Electrical Field. I can be contacted on 071 113 6927 and on email: duckym@ndp.co.za (9)_____________________ Jacques, hydraulics fitter and truck driver, can also do wheel alignment fitting. Contact 072 167 9332. (10)____________________ Ludwig Schnettler, 40, looking for a plumbing, electrical, technical or mechanical job. Contact 076 867 8270. (11)____________________ Samuel, doen aanbouings, fondasie tot dak, store, hekke, heinings, ens. Goedkoop tarief en goeie verwysings. (Chris Ras) Kontak 076 473 0849. (12)____________________

DOMESTICS / OFFICE CLEANERS/ GARDENERS Sophia Letsoalo, I am an experienced loyal domestic worker and will ensure that you have peace of mind every time that you leave the house knowing you will

find your home clean, fresh and good as new on your return. 073 0900 228 (52)____________________ Jane Malajii, domestic worker, can cook, clean look after children, sleeps out and speaks Afrikaans. Has many years experience. Contact 072 344 7776 (53)____________________ Anna Maphosa, domestic worker, lives in or out, can babysit and cook. Call Caroline for a reference 015 307 5456 or 076 079 7708. Contact Anna on 078 037 3075. (54)____________________ Tintswalo Grace Mongwe, domestic worker, 2 years experience. Contact 071 999 2949. (55)____________________ Paulina Mabuza, domestic worker, 5 years experience. Contact 076 161 3476. (56)____________________ Thembi Makhubela, domestic worker, 4 years experience, I speak English, I can sleep in or out. (Reference – 082 335 4177) Contact 073 707 2160. (57)____________________ Martha Ntlemo, domestic worker, I sleep out, many years experience, I can cook and look after children. I speak English. Contact 083 861 7120. (58)____________________ Rachel Malajii, domestic worker, sleeps out, has 3 years experience. Contact 071 078 4866. (59)____________________ Maake Modjadji, office cleaner or cashier. Worked at Dunns. Contact 082 702 3772 or 071 794 9577. (60)____________________ Margreth Khipa, domestic worker, I sleep out, Monday to Friday, I am a Christian and I am 51 years old and live in the Tzaneen area. Contact 071 078 6993. (61)____________________ Cynihia Lesailana, domestic worker. Contact 073 783 7121. (62)____________________ Sindile Mbhungele, domestic worker, speaks English, can look after children, wants to work from Monday to Friday. Contact 082 755 5689. (63)____________________ Gladys Matlala, domestic worker, sleeps out, speaks English and has 2 years experience. Contact 072 160 7878.

(64)____________________ Maggie, domestic worker, office cleaner or tea lady. Also looks after children. Contact 078 141 7802. (65)____________________ Selinah Madia, domestic worker, speaks English and Afrikaans, 10 years experience, sleeps out. Would like a 3 day job. Contact 072 192 4762. (66)____________________ Daniel Mosaamedi, soek tuin werk vir 3 dae ‘n week. Kontak 083 948 5038. (67)____________________

IT / INTERNET Olivia, I am looking for an IT technician job. Please contact me at 082 086 7867. (1) ____________________ Seeking work in a GIS or similar field. Report writing, basic web design, photographic, PR & GIS amongst my skills. Please contact me at 083 7283 780. (2)_____________________

vrugteplaas as bestuurder. Jare ondervinding en is ook ‘n professionele jagter. Eerlik en harderkend met goeie verwysing en kan dadelik diens aanvaar. Bereid om te verhuis indien nodig. Kontak 083 226 7178. (6)_______________

HOSPITALITY / TOURISM Michael Erasmus (30), Kode 08 bestuurderslisensie, graad 12. Werk huidiglik by Mega Liquors, is opsoek na beter werksvoordele. Is betroubaar en hardwerkend, en het baie ondervinding. Kontak 071 687 0742. (1) ___________________ Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a waiter. Contact 079 770 5544. (2)_____________________ Cate Mojela, domestic worker or catering job requested. Contact 082 963 5797. (4)_____________________

FARMING Meer as 20 Jaar pakhuis bestuursondervinding. Ook “Eurogap”. Sitrus en sagtevrugte. Alle fasette van produksie en pakhuisbestuur. Swart tale magtig. Woon in Letsitele. Kontak Gert 071 590 3868 of 071 507 8845 Alle ure. (3)_____________________ Lorraine, looking for professionals job as long as it is agricultural related e.g Agricultural Technicians, Manager, Crop production etc.Contact 082 7500 196. (4)_____________________ Volwasse man, sober, jare boerdery ondervinding in all fasette – uitvoer vrugte – meganies en ook goeie bemarking en verkope – arbeidwetgewing. Andre 082 484 4477. (5)_____________________ Getroude volwasse man met nasionale diploma in landbou soek betrekking op bees / wildsplaas of

GENERAL / OTHER JOBS Moshe Maenetja, I am a security guard with previous references that will confirm that I am an asset to any company and / or establishment in search of security services. Credible references available. 073 6614 658 (54)____________________ Emily Monyela, I believe there is a place for everything and that everything will be in place when you return home after a days work - that is the mantra I succumb to when cleaning, tending and doing domestic work. I have experience and references that will confirm my cleaning abilities, and loyal demeanor. 073 654 5652 (55)___________________ Magaret Maake, If you need a domestic worker

that is fast, friendly and diligent, then you need to look no further because I will tend to your home wil loving care and experienced precision. References are available that will confirm my work ethic and abilities. 079 318 9287 (56)____________________ Elizabeth Kgatle, shop assistant or domestic worker. Contact 078 644 7639. (57)____________________ Masetla Boas, general work required. I have matric, N1 & N2, computer studies and engineering studies. Contact 079 398 5755. (58)____________________ 72 year old gentleman looking for a job as a supervisor or maintenance man or handy man! Either half day or full day. Contact 078 553 2790. (59)____________________ Craig Watson, semi skilled welder boilermaker seeks vacancy or any farm work. I’m very handy. Contact 076 110 0226. (60)____________________ Opsoek na Rep werk, soek werk op plaas of lodge, voorman of opsigter. Kan dadelik begin. Skakel Rassie 072 811 9860. (61)____________________ Mpho Lisbeth Shayi, has grade 12, is computer literate, has security grade C, D & E, speaks English and Afrikaans. Contact 073 340 9993. (62)____________________ 28 year old, code 8 licence, looking for courier work or similar. Has experience of rural areas in Limpopo. Contact 076 045 0303. (63)____________________ Benneth Shilowa, looking for work in security, cash in transit business. Has security grade C. Contact 076 483 4760. (64)____________________ Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser, general assistant, storeroom work or in the food industry. Waiter job in a hotel or restaurant. I am also a gardener. Contact 079 770 5544. (65)____________________ Jeremiah, looking for a job in a security company or any general work. Contact 072 551 1575. (66)____________________ Mardelein Davis, het ondervinding in admin, lone, kinders oppas. Kontak 079 443 5184.

(67)____________________ Cecile van der Nest, het ondervinding in verskeie areas van eiendomme, agent, verhuringsagent, admin, PA. Het heelwat ervaring in admin, ek was “events coordinator” by Highgrove Lodge, en is gekwalifiseer as “Basic Ambulance Assistant”. Kontak 071 204 7920. (68)____________________ Annatjie, soek data capturing, admin of kroegwerk dringend! Bereid om nuwe dinge te leer. Kontak 0726280005, (69)____________________ Groenteproduksiebestuurder, Saad Rep, Gif Rep, Afkaza Sertifikaat, verkieslik Tzaneen area. Kontak 082 507 4446. (70)____________________ Mokgadi Sarah Madia, any general job, I have grade 12, I am computer literate, I have a drivers licence code 10 and I can speak English. Contact 079 599 2377. (71)____________________

CARE GIVER I am looking for a home care job. I have got a cleaning certificate; I also have an Abet certificate. I understand Afrikaans and English. Contact me on 076 749 0804. (1)_____________________ Caroline, looking for care giver job. Contact 072 645 2421. (2)_____________________ Triphinah Mohale, care giver, domestic worker or office cleaner. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 073 177 2699 (3)_____________________ Virginia Makhubela, care giver for the elderly, I can sleep in or out. Contact 078 591 1428. (4)_____________________



Charles, I have experience in retail, sales, supervising, stock control, etc. I’m hard working, honest and very friendly. Call 073 158 7856. Contact 083 746 6592 for a reference. (2)_____________________ Nico van Zyl, Maintenance or Counter Sales, I will do any job. Contact 079 969 1770 or 015 – 3072269. (3)_____________________ Victor Maswanganyi, looking for shop or office work, I speak English. Contact 083 434 1529. (5)_____________________ Fumani Floyd Chauke, looking for a job in retail and short-term insurance, I do have experience. I studied marketing and am willing to relocate anywhere in South Africa. Contact 073 489 2331. (6)_____________________ Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser or packer. I have 18 months experience. Contact 079 770 5544. (7)_____________________

Eric Shai, looking for driver position or assistant mechanic. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 072 966 3941. (3)_____________________ Victor Mokgalaka, looking for a job as a driver (code 08). I speak different languages. Contact 084 297 3079 or 073 919 2157. (4)_____________________ Cindy Matjila, have matric & code 10 drivers licence. Looking for a driver job. Contact 076 077 9170 or 073 353 0023. (5)_____________________ Carlu, looking for a parttime delivery/driver job, 18:00 to 22:00, Mon-Thur, has own motorbike. Contact 071 800 2916 (6)_____________________ Mohale Maelver, looking for a driver job, has EC1 04 and PDP and 13 years experience. Contact 084 711 1137 or 071 290 1021. (7)_____________________ W Mbhombi, looking for a driver job, has code EC1 and PDP and 12 years experience. Contact 073 861 2994. (8)________________

12 August 2011


Tzaneen Eco Club plans another interesting outing The Tzaneen Eco Club is organising a visit to the Woodbush Forest on Saturday 20 August. They will be meeting at the top of Woodbush Forest Drive at 06:30. They hope to find the endangered Cape Parrot and various other forest birds (including some rare and endemic ones) as well as interesting forest trees and plants. They will start at the top of the forest and work down towards Debegeni Falls as the morning goes on. They will travel by vehicle, stopping at various places. Those who wish to walk will be able to do so at times, so the morning will suit all levels of fitness.

Pack a picnic basket and camp chair and enjoy a scenic brunch. Visitors are always welcome, there will be a small fee of R20 for nonmembers. Those who wish to meet up in Tzaneen and share transport to the starting point, can meet outside the Methodist Church to leave promptly at 05:45. Drive to the top of Magoebaskloof and turn right towards Houtbosdorp. Keep right on this road, further on see a turnoff to the right signposted “Scenic Drive”. This is the starting point. Contact Pierre Naude 083 778 4635 or Lorraine Egan 078 453 3936/ 072 354 7274 for details.

Sportbaas van MHS vang graad Mnr Ian van Heerden, die sportbestuurder van die Hoërskool Merensky, het onlangs ’n BA-graad in Sportbestuur behaal.

Plasie-krieket lyk sterk en lek lippe af vir nuwe seisoen

Dit was Saterdag wen op wen vir die Hoërskool Meren- in 50 boulbeurte aangeteken en die Triegies tot slegs 93 sky se krieketspanne. lopies in 37,3 boulbeurte beperk. Die o.15A-span het teen Louis Tian Koekemoer teken 107 Trichardt gespeel en eerste gekolf. lopies aan en Thomas Ngwenya Hulle het ’n stewige beurt van veertig. 285 lopies in 42 boulbeurte aanNsovo Baloyi het ook sy boulsgeteken. koene aangehad en vier paaltjies Louis Trichardt kon slegs 69 vir 24 lopies in 10 beurte laat lopies in 24 boulbeurte aanteken, kantel. Pierre Swanepoel het wat aan die Plasies ’n oorwinning drie paaltjies vir sewe lopies met 216 lopies besorg het. laat kantel. Khulani Baloyi het 58 lopies Merensky se tweede span het ’n gemoker en ook vier paaltjies vir tuiswedstryd teen die Phalaborslegs veertien lopies in ses boulwa-klub gespeel. Die Plasies het beurte laat kantel. Hy het ook ’n die Phalaborwa-manne toegelaat driekuns behaal. om slegs 85 lopies aan te teken Brandon Coetzer het 56 lopies en het die Plasies die kragmeting aangeteken en Rynard de Lange met vyftien lopies beklink. Twee Plasies, Nsovo Baloyi en Tian Koekemoer, het twee paaltjies vir twaalf lopies is vir die Titans Cubs-krieketspan gekies. SpeDie topkolwer was Phillip Pohl in ses boulbeurte laat kantel. wat twintig lopies aangeteken het. lers wat genooi word om deel te wees van die Merensky se gedugte eerste span word op die databasis van Krieket SA Aubrey Louw het vyf paaltjies vir span het ook teen Louis Trichardt gelys en is reeds ’n tree nader om in oud-Plasie, sewentien lopies in sewe beurte Dale Steyn, se voetspore te volg. meegeding. Hulle het 258 lopies laat kantel. LINKS: Die sewejarige Salomé Lombard van die Laerskool Tzaneen het onlangs aan die SA Korfbalkampioenskappe deelgeneem. Sy het as deel van Limpopo se o.13span tydens die Julievakansie in Pretoria deelgeneem.

This week’s fitness tip Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist)

High blood pressure usually causes no symptoms and is often called “the silent killer”. People who have high blood pressure typically don’t know it until their blood pressure is measured. Sometimes people with markedly elevated blood pressure may develop headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, chest pains and shortness of breath.


People often do not seek medical care until they have symptoms arising from organ damage caused by chronic high blood pressure. The following types of organ damage are commonly seen in chronic high blood pressure cases: heart attack, heart failure, stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA), kidney failure and eye damage with progressive vision loss. So make sure you go for a blood pressure test.

12 Augustus 2011

Vossies gee Kempies ’n drag slae Jean Aucamp


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se aanslag op die Beeldtrofee het Saterdag nog ’n sielkundige inspuiting gekry, toe hulle in ’n vriendskaplike kragmeting met Kemptonpark afgereken het. Kemptonpark het vanjaar met Oakdale, Nelspruit en EG Jansen klaargespeel en naelskraaps teen Monument en Florida verloor. Hulle bevind hulself môre in die kwarteindronde van die Beeldtrofee vir makro skole en speel teen Florida. Die o.14A’s het met 17-10 gewen, gevolg deur ’n begeesterde o.15A-span wat met 45-7 geseëvier het. Die o.16A’s het in hul laaste aantal wedstryde gesukkel, maar het Saterdag hul vorm herwin en hul beste vertoning die seisoen gelewer. Hulle het met 48-8 gewen. Die o.17’s het ook speelkans gekry en die Kempies met 29-10 geklop. In die hoofwedstryd het die Vossies se

Marelize Vermeulen of Stanford Lake College participated in the SA National Equestrian Schools Championship held at the Kyalami equestrian centre over the weekend. She came second in the 1,2 m two-phase show jumping class and fourth in the 1,2 m competition class. She also competed in Level 6 Equitation and came eighth overall.

eerste span in pienk truie gespeel. Die gebaar het hul ondersteuning aan die veldtog teen kanker beklemtoon en verskeie sakeondernemings van Tzaneen het hul uitrustings geborg. Kemptonpark het die wedstryd met vuur en vlam afgeskop en die Vossies onder baie druk geplaas. Swak verdediging aan die Vossies se kant het aan die Kempies die eerste drie besorg, toe hulle vanuit hul kwartgebied aangeval het. Die Vossies het met die akkurate skopvoet van losskakel Marcel Scholtz binne trefafstand gebly. Die sterk voorryman, Johan Bannink, het kort voor rustyd die Vossies se eerste drie gaan druk, toe hy van ’n strafskop naby die doellyn oorgebeur het. In die tweede helfte het die Vossies goed met die Kempies afgereken, toe skrumskakel Kefentso Mahlo twee kere agter die doellyn gaan draai het en senter Juan Smit een keer. Alhoewel die Kempies futloos gelyk het,

Vossies se o.16’s ook deur na kwarteindronde Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se o.16-hokkiespan het Saterdag in die tweede ronde van die Noordvaal-kompetisie op hul tuisveld teen Florida te staan gekom. Hulle het die kragmeting in ekstra tyd met 1-0 gewen. Die span ding môre in die kwarteindronde in Pretoria mee. Voor sit Martiné van der Merwe, Zané Scholtz, Cynthia Tsetsewa en Nandi Burger. Agter is Vukosi Madalane, Marelize Taute, Nelisiwe Mongale, Esther Dry en Leane Otto.

LINKS BO: Die senter Jannes Dry het weer ’n staatmakervertoning gelewer en was gereeld op die aanval. In die tweede foto duik Johan Bannink met vier verdedigers op hom oor vir sy drie. In die derde foto is Kefentse Mahlo wat

met vinnige voete vir sy tweede drie op pad is doellyn toe. In die vierde foto draai Juan Smit agter die doellyn. BO is die Vossies in hul pienk truie. Môre is hulle weer in hul tradisionele rooi truie in aksie. Foto’s: Jean Aucamp

kon hulle ook twee kere agter die doellyn gaan draai. Die akkurate skopwerk van Marcel Scholtz het hulle egter ver buite bereik gelaat en het die Vossies die wedstryd met 43-21 beklink. Ben Vorster speel môre in die kwarteindronde en slegs die o.16A’s speel nie tuis nie. Hulle kom in Johannesburg teen Dinamika

te staan. Die o.14A’s kom tuis teen Secunda te staan, terwyl die o.15A’s en die eerste span teen Standerton speel. Die o.14A’s skop 10:00 af, gevolg deur die o.15A’s en die eerste span. • In die ander kwarteindronde-kragmetings kom Helpmekaar teen Ermelo te staan, OosMoot teen Lichtenburg en Potchefstroom Volkskool teen Transvalia.

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