Fear lessl y the tr uth 26 Augustus 2011
Tzaneen, Modjadjiskloof, Haenertsburg, Letsitele, Phalaborwa, Gravelotte, Giyani, Hoedspruit, Lenyenye, Mica, Mooketsi, Nkowankowa, Ofcolaco, Trichardtsdal
Landbounuus wat saak maak
3838, Tzaneen • 8 Crown Street/Straat 8 • 015 307 7248 • 015 307 7684 • editor@bulletin.us.com • www.bulletin.us.com
Xtra: Habitat P 11 - 14
State of the art takes shape
PHOTO: Candice Dabner
This cell phone message (one of three) from a local Land Bank official is part of an alarming chain of events. Read the story next week in Bulletin
Sangoma removed. Again! P 3
Construction of the new state of the art prison in Tzaneen is going according to plan. This aerial photograph shows the extent of the development
El Matador
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Vlieg praat met die Volk, en krap waar dit jeuk
Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp - 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com
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Vlieg wou nog altyd graag Spanje toe gaan. Dit moet ‘n belewenis wees om al die kultuur te ervaar, die romantiese taal, die blasvellige meisies en natuurlik die paella. Maar met die maaiers en papies wat geen ontsag het vir hul ouers se beperkte begroting nie, sal dit maar broekskeur gaan om binnekort die buiteland verder as Vic Valle te ervaar. Vlieg het nogal familie ook in Spanje. Vlieg is nie seker of daardie neef van hom so baie kinders het omdat hy ‘n Katoliek is, en of dit iets met sy koerasie te doen het nie. Sy naam is Espanol Mosca, oftewel: Spanish Fly! Maar Vlieg hoor ‘n mens hoef nie so ver te gaan om ‘n bietjie Spaanse kultuur te beleef nie. As jy verlede Donderdag en Vrydag hier in die dorp was sou jy blykbaar kon sweer jy is in Pamplona. Daar word vertel hier het ‘n bul deur die dorp gestorm en probeer om alles en almal in sy pad te gaffel. Al wat leef moes naarstigtelik padgee, voordat hulle dalk ‘n horing êrens kry
waar dit seermaak. Gelukkig was daar nie enige noodgevalle as gevolg van hierdie bullopie nie, net ‘n telefoonlyn of twee het in die slag gebly. Dit sou sleg gewees het as iemand ‘n ambulans nodig gehad het en nie kon deurkom nie. Vlieg verstaan die korrekte Afrikaans vir die “Running of the Bulls” wat jaarliks in Pamplona gehou word, is ‘n bullopie. Wat die bulle wat so storm natuurlik nie weet nie, is waar die tradisie ontstaan het. Voormelde bulle is vanmelewe deur die strate van Pamplona gelei van waar hulle oornag het (oornag is amper mos maar soos niksdoen), tot in die arena waar die bulgeveg plaasgevind het en hulle noodwendig dan, in die openbaar tot die skare se vermaak, aan die einde van die bulgeveg noodlottig gewond is. Hierdie uiteinde moet seker maar ‘n slag vir so ‘n bul se ego wees. En Vlieg wonder altyd of die bulle enigsins seerkry, en of dit seerder maak as die waarheid!
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 015 309 9504/5 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien Tzaneen
Mnr Gawie van den Berg van Tzaneen het vir die 325ste keer gaan bloed skenk. Van den Berg sê hy het oor die jare heen al by verskeie bloedbanke bloed geskenk. As dit tyd was om te gaan skenk, het hy by die Bloedbank naaste aan hom gaan skenk. Dit is die eerste keer in Tzaneen Bloedbank se geskiedenis dat iemand vir die 325ste keer daar bloed skenk. Suster Modjadji Mabilo (links) en me Pamela Singo van die Tzaneen Bloedbank staan hier by hom. Foto: Retha Nel
Kragonderbrekings • Power outages Weens noodsaaklike onderhoud aan die kragnetwerk gaan daar
vir die volgende drie weke op Sondae kragonderbrekings wees by Doornhoek en Mapietskop. Op 28 Augustus , 4 September en 11 September sal die elektrisiteit vanaf 08:00-16:00 af wees. Hanteer alle elektriese kragpunte en toerusting tog as lewendig. Hotline: 076 844 1646 Office: 076 550 2260, 076 549 5466 • As a result of urgent www.letabafire.co.za maintenance on the network there will be power outages for the next three Sundays in the Doornhoek and Mapietskop areas. On 28 August, 4 September and 11 September there will be no electricity from 08:0016:00. Please treat all electrical points and appliances as live.
Emergency numbers/Noodnommers numbers/Noodnommers Tzaneen
26 Augustus 2011
Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Phalaborwa Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
The Magoebaskloof Canopy Tours suffered a minor setback when a fire consumed their washing room and part of a store room at their premises in Georges Valley. The fire started at about 08:00 on a Sunday morning, but was luckily detected by passers by and staff members that live on the premises. Most of the equipment was salvaged from the fire and the fire brigade was alerted. The fire was contained to one room, but some of the equipment in adjacent rooms also suffered damages. It is suspected that the fire was caused by an electrical fault, but it will be referred to the insurance company for investigation. The business will carry on without any disruptions. The washroom suffered most of the damage in the fire. Photos: Jean Aucamp
26 Augustus 2011
Disturbed MM pledges help Tzaneen’s streets will be cleaned and it will be done as soon as absolutely possible. So said GTM municipal manager Constance Mametja on Wednesday. She took a drive throught the town, to assess the disruption caused by striking SAMWU cleaners. The MM said the workers were on a no work, no pay strike. “We will use the money deducted from their pay to hire private contractors to clean up the streets,” a
clearly disturbedMametja said. She confirmed that the majority of SAMWU members at the GTM were working and that a relatively small number of cleaners were guilty of the undisciplined conduct. She appealed to the business community in the CBD to keep their refuse bins inside their premises until it could be collected, so as to prevent the unorderly workers of using it to cause a mess in the streets.
Dit is genoeg om enige beskaafde mense siek te maak... ‘n Renoster koei en haar kalfie se karkasse lê in die veld op ‘n plaas naby Mokopane. Die twee is vermoedelik Donderdagaand geskiet. Drie weke gelede is twee renosters ook daar geskiet en een kalf is toe wees gelaat. Intussen het ‘n ander koei op die plaas die wesie aangeneem en saam met haar eie kalf laat drink, maar nou het die driestuks spoorloos verdwyn. — LiN Nuus; Noordelike Nuus
Even a slaughtered goat was used to mess up the main entrance to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s offices on Tuesday and Wednesday. The mess in front of the building and the bad smell kept people from the building. The municipal manager, Ms Constance Mametja, said this will affect the GTM’s cash flow, since people avoided the building and wouldn’t come in to pay their municipal accounts.
Sangoma removed from river bank. Again! Facebook
Sê jou
Bulletin vra: Die strate in Tzaneen lyk tans baie sleg. Wie gaan dit opruim? Wat sê jy?
Morris Fox jr Dis belaglik! Die mense kla so baie omdat daar nie werk in SA is nie, maar sodra hulle werk kry, dan staak hulle! Rodney Sabatier: Hoekom kan ons muni nie ’n interdik teen hulle kry soos Nelspruit nie? Lynette Bekker Marais Mense moet maniere leer en respek begin betoon! Hulle moet besef dat om te werk ’n VOORREG is en nie ’n reg nie!! Marise Rademan Ek verstaan nie hoekom moet ons boet omdat hulle ongelukkig is nie. Ergste van als is sodra hulle hul sin gekry het, moet hulle soos ’n klomp kinders weer opruim.
The stubborn sangoma who has been residing on the Letaba River’s bank in Tzaneen for the past couple of years, was ordered by the court to vacate “his” premises (and fined R1 500 for illegal occupation) about ten days ago. However, he ignored the eviction order and casually moved back. In the early hours of Wednesday about fifteen police officers, accompanied by Municipal Manager Constance Mametja, swiftly moved in to remove him. They had a sniffer dog to check for drugs and after nothing had been found, his structure was again burnt down. Will it be final this time? Mametja says “Yes — we will not tolerate unruliness”. Photo: Jean Aucamp
Spontane terugvoer van enkele lesers oor verlede week se spesiale uitgawe • Mike Coles: I’ve just seen your cover. Absolutely fantastic! Such a sad event, but so tastefully handled. • Anèl: Briljante voorblad. • Jan Tromp: Excellent and touching newspaper front page this week. Bless you. • Aubrey Hough: Komplimente met die voorblad. Dit is besonders. • Bernard Nel: Ek het die heel week uitgesien na die Bulletin en dit het my nie teleurgestel nie. Ek dink dit is een van die mees treffende uitgawes. Baie sinvol en taktvol, die gemeenskap kan trots wees. Hou so aan. • Dave Protter: Besonder goed gedoen. Dankie vir die deernisvolheid van die koerant. • Piet Swart: Vir ‘n paar sekondes was ek stil — die diepte van die aanbieding het my diep geraak. • Theo de Jager: Die simboliek is treffend en die aanbieding getuig van diep menslikheid. • Sharon de Reuck: Unique and unforgettable front page presentation. • Tobie van der Berg: Iets baie besonder en onvergeetlik. • Eddie Vorster: Sensitief, baie goed gehanteer. Behoorlike balans in die weergee van gebeure. • Riaan Barnard: Nou net die koerant gesien, very nice job, once again.
26 Augustus 2011
Tzaneen se private ambulansdiens is wel Tzaneen se private ambulansdiens — wat enkele maande gelede uit die gemeenskap
as ‘n gemeenskapsprojek gebore is, toe die Zambi Ambulansdiens tot stilstand gekom het — is volstoom aan die gang. Gerugte dat die diens ontbind is of gaan word, nadat mnr Marlan Heeres en sy vrou Debra bedank het, is Woensdag deur dr Ig van Rensburg, die voorsitter van die Tzaneen Ambulansdiens (TAS) ontken. Dié Art 21-maatskappy (‘n maatskappy sonder winsbejag) is gevestig en gaan ongestoord voort. Van Rensburg sê die bedanking van die Heeresse was nie totaal onverwags nie. “Para-medici met hul kwalifikasies is nie volop nie, veral nie in die platteland nie, maar ons is gelukkig om ander gekwalifiseerde personeel te hê. “ Die diens gaan dus voort, sonder dat daar ‘n krisis is.” Die direksie is tans besig met verdere onderhoude, maar mnr Hannes Potgieter, wat dieselfde hoë ALS-kwalifikasie (Advanced Life Support) as Heeres het, is reeds in ons diens en sal sy kant bring. Nog gekwalifiseerde para-medici is reeds dié week aangestel en verdere aanstellings
sal eersdaags volg, sê Van Rensburg. Die een ambulans wat hoofsaaklik in Phalaborwa diens doen en onlangs in ‘n ongeluk by Gravelotte beskadig is, behoort voor die naweek weer in gebruik te wees. Met die ambulans wat in Tzaneen werk is daar geen fout nie. ER24, ‘n filiaal van Mediclinic, het in elk geval ook ‘n ten volle toegeruste ambulans op bystand om in Tzaneen te help, as dit nodig sou wees. Van Rensburg sê daar is nog soms kontantvloeidruk, maar die nuwe diens word versigtig bestuur en die geldsake word daagliks gemonitor. “Dit is die gemeenskap se eiendom en daarom gebruik ons kundige professionele mense — ouditeurs en prokureurs — om te help sorg dat sake reg loop en die maatskappy verantwoordelik en volgens wetsvereistes bedryf en bestuur word. Daar was ’n kort onderbreking in TAS se telefoondiens, maar dit is herstel en die ops-kamer by Northern Security is ten volle in werking. Van Rensburg sê “die TAS is in goeie hande en die gemeenskap hoef nie te twyfel oor die voortbestaan van die diens nie”.
Verlede week het ons aangekondig dat ons vandag verder sou berig oor geld vir water wat weggesypel het, nog ‘n bedrogspul by die GTM, fluisterpraatjies oor probleme by Mopani se rampbeheersentrum in Tzaneen en ‘n interessante begroting wat ons bekom het. In elk van die vier onderwerpe het ons verdere inligting bekom, wat ons nou eers nagaan en daarom sal ons dan volgende week verder hieroor berig (mits nie nog nuwe inligting uitborrel nie).
Nie hier Jeug-groep besoek Tzaneen baklei Me Cecile Smit, die bestuurder van die Bosveld Lapa buite Tzaneen, het die week bevestig dat die twee verdagtes wat vir die aanranding op adj-off Rudie Barwise gesoek word, die aand van die beweerde aanranding wel daar gekuier het. Sy sê die twee het moeilikheid gemaak en sy het hulle versoek om die perseel te verlaat. Hulle het egter nie daar baklei nie. Sy sê die twee het nie teruggekom nie en sy het die eerste keer van die beweerde aanranding gehoor toe die polisie haar ondervra het. Smit sê ook die foto van die verdagtes wat op Facebook verskyn het, is nie by Bosveld Lapa geneem nie.
13th FLOOR, ‘n uitvoerende kunste bediening, is besig met ‘n geldinsameling vir ‘n uitreik na Engeland in November, met die doel om hul internasionale bediening te vergroot. Hulle sal Woensdag en Donderdag in Tzaneen wees.
Hulle hou Donderdagaand ‘n Jeugaand en nooi die jeug om dit by te woon. Dit sal in die NG Kerk Wolkberg gehou word en begin om 18:00. Toegang is gratis en verniet en daar sal ook ietsie te koop wees. Die jeug is nie
hul enigste teiken nie en daar is ook Donderdagoggend ‘n Lente Sakeontbyt tussen 07:00 en 08:00 by NG Kerk Tzaneen. Kaartjies by ds Adriaan van Tonder by 083 408 0939 teen R50/p. Navra: Juliette Simpson by 083 272 6892.
Bulletin Vir nuus met diepte
Road to baobab is bad The state of the road leading to the largest baobab in the world better known as the Sunland Baobab, has been in question for a while now. The Greater Letaba Municipality’s spokesperson, Ms Lovers Sibanda, said that the road was not under their supervision and she could not say what its maintenance entailed. She said the road was being administered by Limpopo’s de-
partment of roads and transport. She said the management of the Sunland Baobab should write a report to the GLM about the condition of the road. If the GLM can’t budget for the maintenance of the road, they would refer the matter to the Mopani District Municipality and the department of roads and transport. Sibanda said the Sunland Baobab tree was good for tourism and the road needed be fixed.
Exclusive coffee from Tzaneen
Tzaneen’s coffee coinnoisseurs can set their horizons on a new brand of Arabica in the market called Crown — grown, roasted and ground only a few kilometres from town! It is the exclusive product of Alôn in the slopes of Modjadjiskloof, where cultivation started at a very small scale a few years ago and has grown to a yield of more that two tonnes per season. Farmer Pieter Nel and his brother-in-law, Gad Ben-Avi, discovered offsprings of coffee trees in a valley on the farm eight years ago and were astonished by the healthy appearance of the plants. They were remnants of a coffee plantation which existed many years ago. Nel planted hundred seedlings taken from the valley and it started growing as if in its natural habitat. The first berries appeared in its very first year and increased each season. He made an intense study of coffee farming since 2003 and applied his knowledge to establish a successful production unit. Ben-Avi is a coffee ghuru who worked and studied coffee roasting in several coffee producing countries in the world. He is responsible for the roasting and marketing of Crown coffee. The initial plan was to produce enough coffee for Alôn’s Yum Yum restaurant in Tzaneen, but the concern has grown to such an extent that they are able to supply to selective coffee shops in Johannesburg and Cape Town. The two men are fanatic about the coffee project. They concentrate on quality rather than quantity and each roasted bunch is tasted for its excellence. Alôn is one of four coffee farms in South Africa and the only one who grows the shrub higher than a thousand meters above sea level successfully. The other coffee farms are Beavers Creek in Port St Johns, Sabie Valley Coffee and Venter Coffee in Bushbuckridge.
26 Augustus 2011
The White Elephant of Modjadji...
Does R13m hotel have a future? The Modjajdi Hotel, a local government tourism project costing R13 million adjacent to the Modjadji Nature Reserve, is in a state of decay. It was completed six years ago but has never been opened to the public. The facility includes a number of chalets (the plan allowed for twenty), a mini conference centre, parking bays and a braai area. Construction started in 2006 but was delayed due to a dispute between the Modjadji Royal House and a senior member of the Balobedu Community Trust, Mr Mathole Motshekga, then Premier of Gauteng, over allegations of financial mismanagement. Chiefs descended from the Balobedu royal family were to receive the royalties from the hotel. They signed a transfer agreement putting the hotel under the curatorship of the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) until other disputes had been resolved. The hotel is now ostensibly under the management of the GLM. To honour a legacy The project was to honour the legacy of the late Rain Queen, Mokope Modjadji V. The Queen Modjadji V Hotel, as it was named, is situated at Lebjene Mountain, close to the Modjadji Royal Palace. It was officially declared open by deputy environmental affairs and tourism Minister Rejoice Mabudafhasi in April 2009. She said then that the hotel celebrated the culture, history and life of the Balobedu. She encouraged villagers to start their own home-stay accommodation, to develop a tourism route for Modjadji, since many tourists preferred “interacting with communities and learning their cultures”. Mr Joshua Matlou, then mayor of Modjadjiskloof (now mayor of the Mopani District Municipality), said at the ceremony that the lodge would
be managed by well-trained people consisting of mainly youth from within the municipal district. The hotel is accessed via a tar road leading past the entrance to the nature reserve. There is no sign to the hotel. The buildings show visible traces of deterioration. Thatch is falling off the roofs. Grass and weeds proliferate. Furniture is stacked inside the reception area. The decks of the chalets are collapsing and the windows are covered in newspaper. The pool deck is falling apart. A spiritual feeling Two recent visitors from Johannesburg said they were horrified at the state of neglect. “It would cost millions to get the resort habitable,” they said . “This is a wonderful location. Its not just the magnificent views but there is a spiritual feeling here. The hotel and the nature reserve could make this a unique attraction for overseas tourists.” He said the security guards on duty readily allowed them to inspect the premises and take photographs. When asked why the place had never been opened to visitors, they did not know. Nor could they say if and when it would be restored. Mr Mike Gardner, a professional tourism development consultant, said that this tourism project was planned and developed without proper market research, a feasibility study and a detailed business plan. The greatest tourist attraction “The public and the local government’s accounting officers must be made aware of this ‘white elephant’. It is just unacceptable that millions have been spent but the project has never opened to the public.” According to the GLM’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) of 2011/12, “the development of the tourism sector is to a large degree dependent
on the existing natural, cultural and heritage assets of any one place which can be utilised and developed into interesting attractions which can draw tourists to the area. In Greater Letaba Municipality, the greatest tourism asset which can serve as an anchor attraction to increase tourist flows to the area, is the Modjadji Nature Reserve and the legend of the Rain Queen”. The IDP stated that Modjadji would be developed as a tourist icon. “This programme involves the upgrading of visitor facilities in the Reserve, with the main focus being on the development of a successful and entertaining Interpretation Centre which can effectively and powerfully convey the history of the Cycads and the surrounding peoples, as well as the story of the succession of Rain Queens”. Will soon be operating In the mean time Mr Khorommbi Matibe, director for business development in the Limpopo wildlife resorts division, told our Beaunice Mnisi that the highly anticipated Modjadji Lodge will soon be under operation. He said they plan to start the tendering process again, to find some one who could invest in the lodge’s development and operation costs. Matibe said that their last tendering process was unsuccessful as the development of the lodge requires the successful bidder to develop a complex made up of a lodge, resort and reserve. He added that they were confident that the new tendering process would produce a suitable candidate. Ms Lovers Sibanda, spokesperson for the GLM, said they did not have the capacity to run the lodge and they entered into an eleven year agreement with Limpopo tourism and parks last year.
Council problems
“The chaos and confusion, particularly with regards to council meetings in the Greater Letaba Municipality has become a great concern,” says DA councillor Matie Willemse. “It becomes apparent that the council is going to great lengths to ensure that the opposition representatives do not get the opportunity to prepare arguments or to caucus on matters prior to council meetings. “We are given only one or two days’ notice of meetings and we are only receiving the agenda’s for meetings on the day of the meeting. It is absurd,” said Willemse. “There has even been an instance where we were notified that a council meeting will take place at 16:00, and when we arrived, we discovered that the meeting had in fact begun at 15:00. “Time and time again I have raised my hand in meetings to ask a question or to make a comment, and time and time again I am overlooked and not given the opportunity to state my case. “I am now going to attend the meeting with a white flag and will stand and wave it in order to get the attention of the speaker. If this continues, we are going to declare meetings unconstitutional and take the matter to a higher level. “We are elected to monitor all activities within the council and to report on matters of concern,” Willemse said.
26 Augustus 2011
Rev Ron J Reiners • 083 617 8442 Vrydag 26 Augustus
Media het ook regte Twee weke voor die Albatross-vliegramp het die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit (MDM) se kommunikasiehoof met ons gepraat oor haar plan om ‘n slypskool met die media aan te bied, sodat kommunikasie tussen plaaslike rolspelers opgeskerp kan word. Ons het ons volste samewerking en ondersteuning aangebied, want die gebrekkige begrip by mense en instansies — van kerke en skole tot by korporasies en regerings — vir die werking van die media is bra skraal. Die vliegramp het opnuut bevestig dat hopeloos te veel mense dink joernaliste is lieplappers wat deur dese en gene verwilder kan word. Joernaliste het regte om hul werk te doen en dit word selfs in ‘n staande order van die SA Polisiediens verskans. Want ons is nie nuuskierige agies wat inligting vir ons eie opwinding insamel nie. Ons samel feite van nuusgebeure in, om dit aan die groot publiek deur te gee.
Vat hande Anza van Vuuren, DA Raadslid, Tzaneen, skryf: Swart Sondag het nie net die plaaslike gemeenskap nie, maar die internasionale gemeenskap met onmeetbare skok vervul. ‘n Week daarna rou ons steeds saam met die skare by die Randse lughawe. Langs hierdie weg dra die DA (Tzaneen) aan al die naasbestaandes en geliefdes van die oorledenes, ons diepe simpatie oor. Ons medelye kan nie jul smart verlig nie, ons glo egter dat Hy wat gegee en geneem het, ons gebede sal verhoor en dat Hy volgens Sy raadsplan berusting sal gee. Ons bring hulde aan al die instansies en individue wat, op welke wyse ookal, betrokke was by die gebeurlikheid. Dit verg knap opleiding en baie deernis om by rampe van sulke omvang diens te lewer. Ons salueer julle. Die DA in Tzaneen neem graag hande met almal wat die welsyn van ons gemeenskap op die hart dra.
Opkik – ons skuld Vriend van HBV skryf: Nou dat opkikkergebruik bevestig is in HBV het die klem verskuif na die drukgroepe. Die drukgroepe — ons — moet erken: Ons jeug se voortbestaan om te presteer word aangemoedig deur “ons”. Die jong seuns (en dogters) moet wen ten alle koste. Die kinders moet “ons” as grootmense trots maak deur te oorwin sodat ons kan spog. Die skool se naam moet ten alle koste op die volgende voorblad kan wees en die nederlaag van die opponent invryf. As ouer sien ek my kind tree “anders” op, my kind het broodnodige “uitgawes” en is kort van draad. Maar ek bly druk om hom die plek in die span te haal wat “ek”wil hê. My kind groei uitermatig en sit lyf aan waar dit saak maak, en ek bly trots op hom, steun hom en ondersteun hom daarin. Ek as ouer sal nie skroom om teen alle beginsels die golf van oorwinning te ry nie. My oë is gesluit vir die waarheid.
Die mense hoor • Almal ken die kinderverhaaltjie van Jakkals en Wolf en die bekende vraag: “En hoekom is ouma se ore so groot?”. Maar hier’s by ons ‘n oupa vir wie ook gevra kan word “en hoekom is
Let wel: hulle sê nie so nie!
oupa se ore so groot?” Hy kan dalk net antwoord “om my skelmpie beter te kan hoor, my kind”... • Die volk kan nie klaar gepraat kry oor die Prado nie. Hulle sê hy’s soos ‘n goëlkunstenaar. Sien jou hier, sien jou daar... darem steeds hoofsaaklik in Arborpark...
Die kind midde die stryd moet stry tot oorwinning vir die skool, gemeenskap, afrigter en ouer, die “eie ek”. Met die smag na oorwinning en om bo uit te kom val die versoeking van opkikkers so reg in die hand van die onskuldige kind. Die kind wat veronderstel was om deur dieselfde mense gelei te word na behoorlike volwassenheid is die grootmense se speelbal. Die wat gefaal het en dalk steeds faal moet hand diep in eie boesem steek, opstaan en ‘n verskil maak anders sit ons gemeenskap met opgekikte moeilikheid.
Baie dankie Familie van Fritz du Toit sê baie dankie: Eerstens dank aan ons Hemelse Vader wat ons elke dag dra en vashou in ons tyd van seer. Dan sê ons baie dankie vir almal wat ons onderstuen het met finansiële bydraes, kos, blomme, asook al die gebede, oproepe, sms’e en besoeke. Dankie vir almal se warm harte wat die seer van Fritz se heengaan saam met ons as familie dra. Name kan ons nie noem nie, daar is te veel. Nogmaals baie dankie aan almal.
Wat word benodig? Regina Ingram van Tzaneen skryf: Vandag wil ek namens die minderbevoorregtes van Tzaneen ‘n karaktereienskap van Flip van Rooyen met almal wat hom lief het en respekteer, deel. Vier jaar gelede het die bestuur van God’s Haven my genader om te help geld vind, want die woonplek vir bejaardes het dringend ‘n yskas en vrieskas benodig. Die publiek het voedsel verskaf, maar daar was nie ‘n yskas om die raklewe van die groente en vrugte te verleng nie. My hart (die Heilige Gees) wat diep binne my deur genade woon, lei my om die volgende berig te plaas: God’s Haven benodig ‘n groot yskas en vrieskas.
The next title of God I want to look at is “Elohim”. The first verse in the Bible in Genesis begins with “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Therefore “Elohim” means creator or “The one who possesses all the divine powers”. In Genesis 2 we find that this “creator” takes on a more human attitude for He now creates a human being from dust and He refers to Himself as Jehovah Elohim or the Lord God. I think that if we as believers see this powerful God as a person who, because of His great love for us wants us to share in all that He has created. He even puts man in charge of His creation. Thus this is an unselfish God because of His ability to trust us with something so vast that we cannot comprehend the magnitude of it. He thus enters into a personal relationship with His human creation. In the New International Version of the Bible Jehovah which also translated ‘Yahweh’ means Lord, note that it is a capital initial, which distinguishes it from another Hebrew word ‘Adonai’ which also means Lord. The name Jehovah means actively present. God is seen as one who is faithful and keeps His promises. God by calling Himself by His personal name, shows us that He created beings who could and would reciprocate His love. He makes it personal. I believe that although many have said that we have evolved man was created by a divine act and did not merely evolve. But this is faith, faith in God. Faith cannot be correctly defined as something tangible. It is a belief in something or someone unseen. If we evolved why have we not become extinct as so many other creatures have? God Bless You All
Die Woensdag bel Flip van Rooyen my in my hoedanigheid as eiendomsagent om te verneem van verhu-ring. My vlees wil kortpad vat en ek het hom amper gevra vir ‘n donasie. Maar my hart, woonplek van die Heilige Gees keer: Moenie! Vertrou My, die Here jou God. Die berig verskyn die Donderdag. Eerste weldoeners is Chris en Melinda Opperman; het in hul motorhuis ‘n vrieskas — kry net ‘n bakkie en kom haal hom. Die Saterdag is my spoed en moed gebreek — geen ander oproep nie. Die Saterdagmiddag tree die God wat voorsien in en ‘n oproep met ‘n redelike amptelike stem is aan die woord. “Regina, het ek en jy nie Woensdag gesels nie? Hoekom moet ek in die koerant lees daar is ‘n behoefte? Regina, wat het julle nodig?” Ek het nie die moed om die bedrag te noem. Flip bied aan: “R3 000, R7 000, R10 000, R20 000 — wat benodig julle?” Dan die volgende woord (koning Dawid het dieselfde gesindheid in sy hart gehad): “Net die beste vir my God. Koop vir daardie oumense net die beste. Moenie minderwaardige toestelle kry nie, hulle gaan breek. Net die beste vir hulle!” Flip het my laat ooreenkom om nooit te beken en bekend te maak dat dit hy is wat dit gedoen het nie. Maar na ‘n berig wat hom in ‘n swak lig gestel het, het ek besluit die tyd het aangebreek om my gerespekteerde vriend se sagte omgee-hart met die gemeenskap te deel. Sy ou Moeder som hom die beste op. Onthou sy is bejaard, niks meer oor om te wen, soek nie die kollig of aalmoese nie. Haar pragtige woorde met ‘n kuiertjie by haar: “My arm kind (Flip) het nie ‘n bankrekening nie, want die stomme kind gee alles weg. Kom kyk my nuwe matte en kar. Kom kyk wat hy vir my gedoen het.”
Flip, jou moeder se woorde spreek boekdele. Jou familie en vriende wat jou waarlik ken, sê dankie vir die voorreg dat jy daardie gedeelte van jou hart met ons deel.
Arrest of thieves Mashadi Mathosa, Chief Communications Officer, Mopani District Municipality, writes: The Mopani District Municipality would like to express its gratitude at the sentencing of two people found guilty of cable theft in the Greater Giyani Municipality. Reckson Sibanda (39) was sentenced to eight years imprisonment and Lybon Mabasa (26) was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. They were both found guilty of Cable theft by the Giyani Regional Court. They were arrested in May after a tip off by community members who saw them boarding a bus in Giyani with bags full of cables.
Write to us at letters@bulletin.us.com or fax your letter to 015 307 7684 or mail it to Box 3838, Tzaneen. Please keep your letter short and to the point. Hou asb briewe vir publikasie bondig
The memorial service of Shep Lubbe will take place on Monday morning 29 August at Unicorn Preparatory School in Tzaneen at 10:00 at the pavillion. For detail, contact: Matume Sawmills on 015 307 2460 or Unicorn Preparatory on 015 307 2840.
Tongknopers Teenswoordig en teenwoordig: Teenswoordig is sinoniem met nou (bw.) of huidige (b.nw.), en teenwoordig met aanwesig. Die afgeleide s.nwe. is teenwoordigheid (bv. teenwoordigheid van gees) en aanwesiges (mense) — nie: teenwoordiges). Terloops:
huidiglik is ‘n gedrog wat nie bestaan nie. Te danke aan/danksy word gebruik waar dit om iets gunstigs gaan. Die uitdrukkings iets wyt aan en te wyte aan word net in verband met negatiewe gevolge gebruik. * Toeskryf aan is neutraal.
‘n Onderwyser wat Afrikaanse lesse gee is ‘n Afrikaansonderwyser. En dit is ‘n dagvaarding en nie ‘n dagvaardiging nie!
26 Augustus 2011
Tzaneen Museum – yet another neglected asset The Tzaneen museum was the subject of an indignant letter in the Bulletin last week. The question was asked: does the local community care so little about its cultural heritage? That question should be directed towards the executive committee of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The Integrated Development Plan for 2011/12 records that “the GTM has a museum but (it) is privatised to Curator Witt.” Further, it states that “the building is very small for the artefact (s) that (it) is holding. The building also needs major maintenance; it has lot(s) of cracks and is not safe for visitors and even the people working there.” The budget provides for a grant to the museum of some R33 000 per annum (unchanged from the previous year.) This is miniscule as it stands and does not cover the running costs. But what is alarming is that this small amount is not paid. No financial support from GTM Jürgen Witt confirms that the museum has not received any financial support from the municipality f or some years. This situation is also confirmed by the GTM director of community services. The situation is a delicate one. Some time back Jürgen Witt criticised the GTM for its lack of support. The details are unclear but this offended the executive committee and, as we understand it, they declined to receive any further reports from the museum. (Every department submits a monthly report of its activities, and Jürgen does likewise but maybe the report doesn’t reach the exco.) There appears to be a clash between politics and culture which is
sad since the former is transitory while culture is the lifeforce of any community. One of the best in SA So, no report, no funding. Leave aside for the moment the millions that are spent on parks and recreation, and consider the importance of the museum. It has been acclaimed by an international guide book as one of the best in South Africa. It has a unique collection of Lowveld Sotho and Tsonga artefacts, like pottery and contemporary sculptural woodcarvings by local artists. Some of the latter have had exhibitions overseas to their credit. Additional material like wooden masks, sculptural carvings, headrests etcetera, mainly from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, have been added to the holdings in order to trace possible cultural links with South Africa. Archaeological artefacts have also been collected but are not on display, because of lack of space. This prehistoric material does not only include stone implements, probably dating back up to 1,5 million years, but also copper ingots and early iron tools — like hoes — from later periods. Initially it was hoped that more research would be carried out in the varying fields that could have been of great importance to the earlier history of the local inhabitants, but due to the limited financial resources this was not to be continued and the generation of valuable informants have in the mean time passed away. The life & work of Jürgen Witt This has been the life work of a remarkable man who has traversed the Lowveld and beyond in his search for these early materials. Jürgen Witt, a member of the SA Archaeological Society for over 50 years, has worked with such giants in this field as Raymond Dart, Australian-born anthropologist, best known for his involvement in the 1924 discovery of the first fossil ever found of Australopithecus africanus, at Taung, and Phillip Tobias, paleontologist and Professor Emeritus at Wits, and one of the world’s leading authorities on the evolution of humankind. The museum has attracted interest far and wide. The visitors’ book records entries from Australia, Brazil, Japan, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Norway, Russia and the United States. Students from local and overseas universi-
ties have come here to complete their doctorates, and some have gone on to become professors. Footprint, the well-known UK travel guide, commented thus: “Do not be deceived by the size of the building, this is one of the best museums in South Africa, and as such it deserves far greater recognition and resources… In our opinion you will not come across a finer collection in SA.” Better known internationally Jürgen has written articles about his collection and about local culture which have appeared in academic and museum publications in France and Germany. So the Tzaneen museum may be better known internationally than at home. Surely, the museum deserves better from the GTM. Jürgen, we know, can be “difficult”. And this can be understood since, after all, it is his collection. But he wants to make it available to the people of Tzaneen. So how can we overcome this “challenge”. Let us put our minds to resolving this impasse which is clearly in the interests of all concerned. Jürgen says he visualises a corporate sponsor who would buy the South African collection from him. This would also involve the erection of an appropriate building, climate controlled and fireand water-proofed, to house the collection. The artifacts would be displayed in suitable cabinets to display the material, illuminated by adjustable lights, a conference room where lectures could take place and where school children could learn more about their rich cultural heritage, and a study room where formal researchers from cultural, archaeological and ethnological associations could work.
Pioneer Jane Maritz passed on One of the well-known pioneers of Tzaneen, Ms Jane Maritz, passed away quietly on Saturday evening at her home on the farm Pigeon Hole in Agatha. She passed away at the golden age of 84. Her death followed an earlier stroke suffered shortly before the passing of her late husband Nic in 2009. Maritz lived a celebrated life as a wife, mother, grand mother and friend. Her memorial service will be held at the Wolkberg NG Church at 09:00 tomorrow (27 August 2011). She is to be buried by the family next to her beloved husband on their farm Pigeon Hole, where they lived since 1968.
Lentekarnaval bied groot verskeidenheid Die Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen bied eerskomende Vrydag en Saterdag weer hul bekende en gewilde Lentekarnaval aan. Vanjaar jaar beloof weer
Motorists beware! Motorists should take note that work is in progress on the R71 between Polokwane and Tzaneen, from the Veekraal turn-off almost to the Kromdraai turnoff. The stop/go for the four kilometer stretch just outside Haenertsburg, will be enforced for at least six months, according to Mr Richard Hillary of Hillary Construction.
26 Augustus 2011
om groot pret vir die gemeenskap te bied. Verskeie kraampies met smaaklike kos en snuisterye word aangebied: poedings, pannekoeke, vetkoeke, kerrie en rys, rib-burgers en slap skyfies. Kom koop jou voorraad groente en vrugte. Vir die soettande sal daar ‘n groot verskeidenheid tuisgebak wees en vir die tuiniers ‘n verskeidenheid plante. Daar sal ook mooi handwerk wees en vir die kinders tombola, speletjies en baie lekkergoed. Vir verdere vermaak sal die Country-sanger Will Jordan Vrydag om 18:00 optree. Toe-
gang is gratis. Geniet sommer aandete daar en ontspan en kuier saam. Saterdag om 09:00 tree die SAVF se trompoppies op en daarna word Mej/ Mev Goue Jare aanwys. Daar is ses kategorieë vanaf 3-18 jaar. Inskryfvorms is by die kerkkantoor beskikbaar en inskryfgeld beloop R50. Pryse kan gewen word! Kontak Rosie de Souza vir navrae by 082 453 9161. Die gemeentevroue belowe ‘n heerlike ontbyt vir Saterdagoggend. Kraampies open Vrydag om 12:00 en weer Saterdag om 08:00. Navrae: 015 307 4508 of 083 438 2230.
Women abuse hotline 0800 150 150
Women farmers boost food security More and more women are getting their hands dirty in the farming sector, as the world gradually changes in favour of gender balance in the labour market. According to the International Food Policy and Research Institute, working towards achieving food security in Africa by 2020, land ownership by women “could change the face of Africa and speed up efforts to achieve food and nutrition security.” Women in rural areas are said to contribute more and more to food security through farming. Ms Tintswalo Mabunda of Mapuve, Giyani, is an example of a woman farmer that contributes to food security, while also providing employment in the community. Despite her limited resources — no tractors to plough and no irrigation equipment to water her ten hectare farm — she’s able to produce fresh vegetables that is sold to retailers such as Pick’nPay and other shops in Giyani. Like many other emerging farmers, Tintswalo would like to grow and be able to enter the bigger markets. However, she is faced with the challenges of lack of financial resources. “I would like to expand my farm to twenty hectares, but as you see, I’m still an emerging farmer and don’t have financial power to do that,” she explained. “Even this one is not fully fenced, because I don’t have enough money to do the fencing,” she said, adding that with seven workers on her pay roll, and the losses that they incur daily from the livestock that eat their crops, “it’s even more harder to save for fencing.” Another challenge that women farmers face is that they cannot defend themselves should anything happen on the farm, since farms are usually far away from community settlements. This is why Tintswalo is currently trying to recruit other women to farm nearby, so they could help each other and share ideas. “I need to have someone nearby to hear our screams and cries for help should anything happen, since we’re all women here. “If we had the tools and equipment this farm would have been big enough to export its products, because the soil here is very fertile,” she said. — Orlando Chauke
Tintswalo is seen above checking the healthy and well developed cabbage on her small farm. Below she is seen amongst some of her tomatoe plants, busy to check the crop. Photo: Orlando Chauke
‘n Bekende en gewilde inwoner van Tzaneen is Woensdag ter ruste gelê. Wyle Magdaleen de Bruyn is Donderdag op 53-jarige ouderdom oorlede. Sy laat haar man, twee seuns, een dogter, haar ma, ‘n suster en drie kleinkinders agter. Mnr Bertus de Bruyn, ‘n joernalis by die Letaba Herald, is een van die twee seuns.
Onthou: Volgende Vrydag
26 Augustus 2011
BO: Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se terrein het soos ‘n markplein gelyk, tydens die onlangse entrepreneursdag. Die gr 9-leerlinge het ‘n verstommende verskeidenheid produkte te koop aangebied. Vleissosaties van verskeie groottes en geure, boereworsrolle, gebraaide ribbetjies, gebraaide hoenderpote, slap skyfies, pizza, biltong, koekies, kolwyntjies, oliebolle, fudge en ander tuisgemaakte lekkers, vrugtesosaties, ‘n sjokoladefontein en ‘n horde blikkies koeldrank is met passie gesmous. Die gr 9’s moes in groepe werk, alles organiseer en aanskaf, bemarkingstrategieë bedink, kleingeld organiseer en vrae van ‘n paneel beoordelaars beantwoord. Die wins per kraampie moet nou bereken en saam met die ander fasette wat beoordeel is, in aanmerking gebring word. Die California Girls, Marietjie Coetzee, Elma Pohl, Janke Smit, Verushka Kelly en Nicola Botes, staan hier by hul tafel met lekkernye.
26 Augustus 2011
REGS: Mnr Allen Nel (regs) van Adams Art in Haenertsburg het die leerlinge en ouers van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in Tzaneen met ‘n inspirerende boodskap oor die skeppingsproses toegespreek, tydens die onlangse kunsveiling van die skool. Hy het ook ‘n prys geborg, vir die beste kunswerk van die aand — wat aan Marike Swanepoel toegeken is. Mnr Dewald Jacobs, die afslaer, Tammy Moutinho en Nel staan hier voor een van die treffende kunswerke. ONDER is mnr Dewald Jacobs van Polokwane wat as afslaer nie een koper se sak onaangeroer gelaat het nie. Al 52 kunswerke van die gr 9’s wat te koop gebied is tydens die kunsveiling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is verkoop. Die duurste kunswerk was Marike Swanepoel s’n, wat R552 gehaal het. Deel van haar uitstekende skildery steek tussen haar en Nel uit.
After months of dedicated practicing, singing and sweating, the time came for the Emaya to make her stage debut. Under the talented guidance of Ms Mareli van Onselen, this original production by Merensky High School, boasting a musical score in line with a Broadway production (or Glee episode), transported the audience to a place far, far away where dreams come true. “I am humbled by the thought, yet boomingly proud of each and every contributing member of the cast and crew of Emaya,” said Van Onselen. The lead characters are played by Monika Marais (Emaya), Stephani Buys (Emaya’s mother), Dirk Uys (Emaya’s father), LeRoy van den Vyver (Peter Pan), Ryno Jooste (Jan) and Natasha Thackvrey (Skye). BELOW a group of pirates from Emaya pose for the camera. With this production Merensky set a new standard. LINKS ONDER: Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het met hul onlangse Kultuuraand bewys dat hulle ook op die kultuurfront met talle sterre kan spog. Daar is 31 nommers aangebied, wat gewissel het van die sysagte klavierklanke van die hoofmeisie, Anri Winter, tot die dawerende tromme van die groep Tuisgemaak; van solo-sangers tot ‘n duetpaar en twee uitstaande monoloë. Danse het gewissel van uitstaande moderne dansroetines tot hip-hop. Die Vossies sien met verwagting uit na die revue wat kort na die September-skoolvakansie aangebied word. Die Khaki’s (links) was een van die twee manssangroepe wat die gehoor se skoene op die houtvloer van die skoolsaal laat tik het. Hul sangnommers was hoofsaaklik uit die FAK gekies en hulle het dit met oorgawe aangebied — tot groot genot van die gehoor van oud en jonk. Die nuwe hoofleiers (regs) van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is pas terug van hul oefenkamp en gereed om enige uitdaging aan te durf. Die nuwe hoofleiers is Adele Adriaanse (onderhoofmeisie), Basani Bambisa (onderhoofmeisie), Klara Olivier (hoofmeisie), Luaan Louw (hoofseun), Edri Vorster (onderhoofseun) en Schoeman Mynhardt (onderhoofseun).
Broers sluit aan by Plasie-personeel...
Die Hoërskool Merensky het mnre Francois en Gerhard du Toit by hulle verwelkom. Die broers sluit aan by die skool se sportkantoor en is albei kranige sportmanne. Gerhard het vir Tukkies naellope gehardloop in die 100-, 200- en 400 m, sowel as lang en kort hekkies en medaljes ingeoes by SA-byeenkomste. Daarteenoor is Francois die rugbyman wat gereeld vir die Blou Bulle se o.16-span uitgedraf het, interprovinsiaal geswem het en vele meer. “My eerste doelwit vir Merensky se sport is om deelname aan sportaktiwiteite te verhoog. Massadeelname onsluit dikwels sluipende talent,” sê Gerhard — terwyl Francois kopknikkend die stelling benadruk. Gerhard sal fokus op die atletiek, terwyl Francois se kop reeds spelpatrone op die rugbyveld bedink. Foto’s deur die skool voorsien; ongelukkig nagelaat om te sê wie van die twee is wie.
Skool op TV
Die regisseur en hoofkameraman van AgriTV het onlangs met sy kamera by die Hoërskool Merensky opgedaag, om ‘n program vir die aktuele landbouprogram saam te stel. AgriTV is ‘n daaglikse landbouprogram wat al vir amper ‘n dekade bestaan en gee
‘n oorsig oor landbousake. Juis daarom is dit vir die vervaardigers van die program belangrik om profiele te doen van uitsoek landbouskole. Mnr Rudolf Swanepoel, die regisseur, sê hy het die besoek by die skool en die Plasies se gasvryheid verskriklik baie geniet.
26 Augustus 2011
In en om die huis | Inside and around the home
kleur landscaping huisversiering gardens
Grafiese Ontwerp | David Morrison & Keegan Kemp • Advertensies | Jacques Smuts, Nicky Altenroxel and Stephanie Eslick
Tips for facing a fire in your home Have a family escape plan and practice it with your family. This increases their chances of safely escaping. Review safety tips with your children every time you have a fire drill. This will help everyone remember these tips, in case of a real fire emergency. Stay calm. Your safe escape may depend on clear thinking and remember-
ing what you have practiced. Get out of the house as quickly as possible. Follow a planned escape route. Do not stop to collect anything or to get dressed. Feel the doors to see if they are hot. If they are not, open them carefully. If a door is hot, use an alternate escape route. Stay close to the floor. Smoke and hot gases rise. Cover your nose and mouth with a wet or damp cloth. Take short, shallow
How to make your home less attractive to criminals Keep gardens clear of rubble, ladders, garden furniture, etc. Trim all trees away from walls and roofs. Plant thorny plants near the walls or palisade fencing. Palisade fencing and spikes make it harder to climb over into
26 Augustus 2011
breaths. Keep doors and windows closed. Open them only if you have to escape. Meet at your planned rendesvouz after leaving the house.
Call the Fire Department as soon as possible
from outside your house. Give the address and your name.
Never go back inside a burning building. Information courtesy Letaba
Alarms and Fire Alarms.
your property. Adequate lighting should face away from the house. Report and avoid any suspicious people or activity. Keep a phone in your bedroom at night. Keep valuables out of reach of windows. When out, leave radio and bathroom light on and most curtains open.
Muggings are becoming increasingly common. The following tips can help if you are attacked or abducted. Your elbow is the strongest part of your body. If you are close enough to use it, do! If your attacker asks for your wallet or purse, do not hand it to him, but throw it away and run in the opposite direction. In most cases, the attacker will pick up the wallet or purse
Avoid being
first, giving you time
vehicle in the park-
to get away. If you are ever locked in the boot of a car, kick out the tail lights and start
ing lot, as an
waving your arms wildly through the gaps created in the boot. The driver won’t see you but other people will. Check
the back and front of your vehicle, if it has been parked, before climbing into your car. Don’t sit in a
be distracted or surprised, be trapped behind the vehicle in front of you, be followed to
can take advantage of such a situation and climb into your passenger seat. If an attacker gets
into your vehicle and tells you
to drive somewhere, start the engine and speed into the nearest object, then get out and run. Your
airbag will save you and your attacker will have lost control of the situation.
your home or place of work, drive with your windows or doors open, be caught driving alone at night, drive the same routes too often.
26 Augustus 2011
Full sun plants need to be watered every second day (4 days a week). Shade plants, such as those which grow under trees, under shade cloth or in your home, should only be watered once the soil is dry or else it may lead to over watering. These such plants include: ferns, impatiens and zantedeschias. As spring is around the corner, the best plants to plant include those with colourful flowers as they blossom at best in summer.
Blue Daisy: Ground cover plants Produce sky blue flowers Require full sun Can tolerate full rain Used best to close up open ground as they spread Full year growth
Roses: Full sun and rain Best grown in the ground and out of pots Full year growth Fertilise every second week with 815 fertiliser and spray with rose care chemicals to prevent leaves falling off and to to keep unwanted insects away.
Purple Daisy
Definitions What to know Cut back: Refers to cutting off dead flowers about 5cm down the stem. This does not include buds as buds will still bloom. After all buds have flowered, plant may be cut down about 15cm from the ground to assist regrowth. Semi – shade: A plant which requires a little more shade than a full sun plant. Examples include, plants in the window. Semi – sun: A plant which requires a little more sun than a full shade plant. Examples include, plants on the stoep.
Daisy: Require full sun Best growth in the ground, not pots Suitable to plant with Blue Daisies as they are ground cover plants Must be cut back after rain and showered with Virikop dust (plant medicine) Full year growth
Perrenial Petunias: Pot plants which are easy to move around Full year growth Full sun Cannot tolerate a lot of rain Cut back to ensure reflowering
There are 3 types of herbs •gardening •medicinal •insect repelling
Can be eaten and cooked with Basil | there are 5-6 types of Basil. They require full sun and can be used in salads and fresh pasta. Mint | Semi-sun plant grown in the ground at best, the aromatic flavours are used in salads, sauces and teas. Origanum | ground cover plant which requires full sun provides a spicy flavour for lamb or beef dishes and also pizzas Thyme | both a ground cover and pot plant, they require full sun and are best flavouring for a roast chicken with lemon as well as a tea mixed with ginger and mint.
Medicinal: Can be eaten
Mint | used in medicine or tea to unblock noses during winter Calendula | used externally for wounds and other skin infections. It speeds the healing process. The petals may also be used in salads for colour. Origanum | used in tea to soothe coughs, headaches and tiredness
Insect Repelling: Inedible
Pennyroyals | ground cover plant planted among herbs which keeps unwanted insets away
BUILDING SHELVES Additional shelving is useful in almost every home and can be added quickly and easily. And it need not be expensive. Consider adding shelves in your basement, attic, kitchen and other areas to help keep stored materials much neater and to save time when looking for stored items.
Tools Required:
Pencil | Table Or Radial Armsaw | Router | Tape Measure | Drill Bits
26 Augustus 2011
METAL BRACKETS & WOOD BRACKETS Most adjustable shelves are supported by metal brackets. These brackets are inexpensive and much easier than most wooden supports. Drill holes into the supporting walls of the shelf at the desired spacing intervals. Then, slip the bracket into the hole and lay the shelf on the two supporting brackets.
Use simple dado cuts in the side support for adjustable wood shelves. Dado cuts can be inserted at any desired spacing to provide as many adjustments as you need. If the shelving notches are carefully cut, they create quite a pleasing effect. You can insert box units to improve both the appearance and the function of the adjustable shelves. Another design for adjustable shelves requires a Âą 25mm x 100mm board of the desired length for the base.
Images and information courtesy of Build-It , Tzaneen
26 Augustus 2011
26 Augustus 2011
SLC’s top ten named LEFT TOP: The top ten pupils in Gr 8 are (back) Abigail Joubert, Katlego Lebepe, Makungu Valoyi, Danielle du Toit, Kate Anderson, Khanyisa Sambo and in front Rhanda Mongwe, Jacques Groenewald, Conrad Schmidt and Khanyo Nkambule. Aidan Kirsten was absent when the photo was taken. LEFT MIDDLE: The Gr 9 top ten academic pupils received academic awards during the mid-year academic awards at Stanford Lake College in Magoebaskloof. The top ten are (back) Sphiwe Dlamini, Bianca Tout, Yumna Kalla, Skye Chapman and in front are Xander Hageman, Mark Facey and Alexander Revelas. Erinn Straughan, Gabrielle Kruger and Joshua Selfe were absent. LEFT BOTTOM: The top ten Gr 10‘s are (back) Nadia Ndhlovu, Roelien Prinsloo, Reinhard Schmidt, Luana Ungerer and (in front) Michelle Chitate, Cassandra McGaffin, Claire Malan and Khensani de Klerk. Brandon Wright, Luke de Goede and Yusuf Cachalia were absent. RIGHT TOP: The top ten in Gr 11 who received academic awards were (back) Thomas Wilken, Jackson Dando, Hajira Hassim, Fezeka Ntsanwisi, Dominic Obojkovits, Muhammad Tayob and in front are Lyla Adam, Tarryn Brent, Caitlin Harty and Anja Revelas. RIGHT MIDDLE: The top ten Gr 12 pupils of Stanford Lake College are (back) Victoria Smale, Stuart Watson, Dillen McGaffin, Christopher Altona, Thato Ramashala, Samantha Nyathikazi. In front are Lizanne Steenkamp, Lize van Rooyen, Galetume Rampedi and Jesame Geldenhuys. RIGHT BOTTOM: Seven pupils of Stanford Lake College received honours for their academic achievements during the mid-year academic awards. The pupils, all in Gr 11, may now wear their white blazers as a result of having an average of 85% and higher. In the back are Jackson Dando, Hajira Hassim, Dominic Obojkovits and Muhammad Tayob. In front are Lyla Adam, Tarryn Brent and Anja Revelas.
The group in front of the Trojan horse (above), with Mss Freestone and Park (front left); on the rtight the group can be seen outside the Ephesus library.
Khutso beste in land Khutso Matlou, ‘n gr 10-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, het aan die Nasionale ATKV Redenaarskompetisie deelgeneem en agtiende uit 3 902 deelnemers geëindig, derde in die Eerste Addisionale Taal-kategorie en het die eerste prys vir die beste taalgebruiker in die land ontvang. “Khutso se nederige houding na die grootse erkenning en nasionale aansien uit alle taalkenneroorde, benadruk weereens die feit dat hierdie ‘n baie spesiale jongman is,” sê me Anne-Marie Vorster, die bemarkingshoof van Merensky.
Group visit Turkey Stanford Lake College Gr 8 English teacher and librarian Margaret Freestone developed a love for Turkey when her daughter treated her to a Christmas holiday there. She returned to tell the learners about her travels and they expressed a desire to see this foreign land. The idea became a reality and Freestone and IT teacher Joy Park took twenty pupils for a visit to Turkey. The group flew on Turkish Airlines and got their first taste of Turkish cuisine. Hiring an air-conditioned Mercedes bus, as temperatures reached 40 degrees, the group visited historic landmarks. They also visited Didum, a
holiday resort where the Aegean Sea meets the Mediterranean. Next was Canakkale and from there on to Troy, a 5 000 year old archaeological city. They loved climbing the three storey high wooden Trojan horse built in 1975. A tour of Ephesus to walk down the same street that St Paul walked down and then on to Pamukkale. Freestone said: “Most of them had never been abroad and it was a first time to Turkey for all of them. Seeing such a vastly different culture was an eye opener and has made them grow up. Now that they have a taste for travelling, we are planning a trip to Italy next year.”
26 Augustus 2011
26 Augustus 2011
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com
Jumble Sale
Tzaneen Methodist Church, today 08:00-16:00. Monday to Thursday, 08:00-16:00. Everyone welcome.
Letsitele Oesfees
Die Laerskool Dr Annecke, môre. Die Adventure Challenge, ‘n kombinasie van Amazing Race, Fear Factor en Survivor . Laerskoolen hoërskoolkinders skryf by skole in met spanne van ses. Groot pryse vir wenners en oorspronklikste kleredrag. Pretbaan vir die kleuters. Swembaddens met hamsterballe, groot glybaan, roomys, eetgoed, plante, groente, biltong en tombola. Vir enige navrae skakel 072 517 1551 of 082 808 0802.
SAVF musiekpretaand
Tzaneen Country Lodge, Woensdag. Ten bate van die SAVF Tzaneen. Program bestaan uit verskillende afdelings soos musiek, algemene kennis, geluide, ens en word aangebied deur Jaco Dixon van Musiekpret. Ligte versnaperings voorsien, bring eie piekniekmandjie. Kontantkroeg beskikbaar. Om pryse of uitgawes te borg, skakel Ilza Roelofse 082 773 0471 of die SAVF kantore 015 307 2645. Vir enige navrae Lizelle vd Vyver 083 388 4640 of lizelle@knjlaw.co.za.
Lente orgideëskou
Wheelbarrow-kwekery, Magoebaskloof-pad, Donderdag tot Saterdag, 09:00-17:00/ Sondag 09:00-13:00. Aangebied deur die Wolkberg Orgideëklub. Lenteskou en plant-verkope. Toegang: R10 en hoërskoolkinders, R5. Tema – Rock around the clock met Bill Haley and the Orchids, Vrydagmiddag 15:00, vloervertoning.
Koei in die kraal fees
Hoërskool Merensky, 2-4 September. Skooltoer, spooktoer en plaastoer. Daar gaan ook ‘n sokkie, vermaak en kraampies wees. Verblyf in die koshuis teen R100/p/nag (ontbyt ingesluit). Epos Nicky Barbeira by nickybarbeira@gmail.com om te bespreek. Skakel Annemarie Vorster 084 580 2888.
Lente Karnaval
Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen, 2-3 September. Belangstellendes kan solank inskryf vir Mej Lente fees. Inskrywings sluit 26 Augustus, 12:00 en kos R50.00. Inskrywingsvorms is beskikbaar by die Kerkkantoor in Agathastraat, 08:00-13:00. Gaan haal die vorms vroegtydig! Groot pryse kan gewen word! Vir enige navrae skakel Rosie 0824539161 of die Kerkkantoor 015 3074508.
Skakel Louise Pienaar by 083 293 0950 of Toinette Botha by 082 684 8178. Groente en vrugte, tuisgebak, poedings, lekker kos, groot verskeidenheid produkte. Speletjies vir kleuters, Amerikaanse vaardigheidspele Spring Opener 3 September, Jetty vir pa’s en seuns. 3, Tzaneen Dam. 5 km fun run, 10 km, 21,1 km and 32 km. The 21,1 km and 32 km races start at Tzaneen Country Lodge at 07:00 ending at Jetty 3. Contact Nick Serfontein 082 554 7690 or www.tzaneenmarathonclub.co.za.
Vula Vula ATKV Eiland Die 1961-matrieks Spa, 10 September. Inskrywings van die Hoërskool Merensky, 8 begin 06:30, wedren begin 08:00 Oktober Merensky. Skakel Johan en die prysuitdeling is 13:00. Mitchell 072 104 7039 of Albert LA VA BOR Inskrywings is R20 (5 km pretloop), R30 (14 Smith 012 997 0653. ET CONSER km), R70 (40 km), R100 (70km) en R150 (98 Kers-kuiermark NG Kerk km). Aanlyn-inskrywings by www.cyclelab. Letsitele Amfiteater, 28-29 Oktober. Vrydag, co.za. Spesiale tariewe vir verblyf, skakel 09:00-20:00, Saterdag, 09:00-15:00. Skakel 015 386 8000. Vir inligting skakel Marinda Lorraine by 082 683 9987 of 083 306 0796 Troskie 083 283 3337 of 015 386 8408. of e-pos hlangananitrust@gmail.com vir inskrywingsvorm en inligting. Heerlike kuier, geskenke, heerlike, gesonde etes, eetgoed vir kinders en kuiertuin. Toegang R15/p, sluit houer met verskillende klein items in, soos produkte, ‘n tydskrif of Fun Day held by ZZ2 and Skite Barn twee en ook gelukkige treknommers. Mooketsi, Skite Trading premises, Mooketsi Verantwoordelike toesig – teen ‘n fooi – oor (behind the Post Office) on 29 October. Variety die peuters, kleuters en laerskoolkinders. of stalls, fun activities and a mountain bike Divorce Counselling challenge. Entry fees are R150 (70 km), R100 DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, (35 km), R40 (10 km fun ride). Medals and big Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. prizes up for grabs. Entries close 22 October. Gate entry R10/p, no cooler boxes allowed. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. Stalls spaces still available. Beer garden and Youthbash AGS Kerksaal, big screen TV. Abram Coetsee and band will Modjadjiskloof, Sondagaande. Gr 8-12. Kom play at the dance ending the day. Entry R50. kuier, speel pool en darts, drink hot chocolate For tickets or enquiries contact Marietjie 071 en kom hang net lekker uit. Skakel Bees by 604 3232 of Marlese 081 381 6082. 071 483 3070 / 083 748 9351 of Pastoor Johan by 082 925 8746 vir meer inligting. Reünie
Herofield Aanddiens.
Sondae, 18:30 , Minitzani saal. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@ gmail.com vir enige navrae.
Round Table Tzaneen 96
Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, first Monday of every month. Contact Bruce 082 824 4291 or Dale 082 820 6029.
Ladybird Groep
Maculatastraat 12, Tzaneen. Vergader elke eerste Dinsdag van die maand. Leer oor, kook met en plant kruie. Skakel Petro Smit 083 444 3414.
Fire Fighting Training
Seta Accredited Fire Fighting Training for Letaba Fire Protection Association’s members’ labour force at R385/person for two days. Contact Butch on 076 550 2260 .
Group Meeting
Country Music
on a steam train, Maraisburg Station, 3 September. Departure 09:00, arrival 16:30. A scenic journey on a steam train while Billy Beeby, Katryn and Armand, the singing Cowboy entertains with country music. Only 400 tickets avail-able @ R250. Visit www.reefsteamers.co.za.
Hoërskool Ben Vorster, 4-6 September, 18:30. Spreker is Alan Platt van Doxa Deo in Pretoria, gaskunstenaar is die gospelsanger, Du Preez Stoltz.
Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group, Macadamia Village Community Centre, Tzaneen, Every second Thursday, 18:0019:00. To attend, no charge, call Colleen Phillips, on 083 415 5137 or 015 307 5137 or contact SADAG on 0800 21 22 23.
Wit Olifant verkoping
Skenk asb alle ou en nuwe boeke en items aan die Letsitele Biblioteek se wit olifant verkoping. Hulle sal dit selfs kom haal. Vir navrae skakel die Biblioteek 015 345 1991.
Laerskool Tzaneen, 9-10 September. Vrydagaand skop die fees af met ‘n vertoning van Elvis Blue, Idols 2010-wenner. Hekke 17:00 oop. Sitplekke op paviljoen of bring eie stoel of kombers. Kaartjies by NG Moedergemeente @ R80/p en R60/skolier. Saterdag Piesang Pikaninies Babakompetiesie. Inskrywingsvorms by kerk. Mej Bloeisel kroning tydens fees.
Fun run St Peter’s Anglican Church, Hermanus Street, Tzaneen, today. Registration: 17:30, start 18:30. 10 km run and 4 km walk. Entry: R40/adult, R30/adult walker, R20/u.13. Enquiries phone 078 791 5633.
Bulletin Tel 015 307 7248 • Faks 015 307 7684 editor@bulletin.us.com Facebook: Laeveld Bulletin
Vir dienstye gedurende vakansies/langnaweke skakel asseblief met onderskeie kerke. Times may change during school holidays/long weekends; kindly check with the relevant churches. • AGS van SA — Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof, Past Johan Pieterse 082 925 8746. Kantoor 015 309 9275 / 079 509 1500. Son 09:00, Sondagskool 08:30 vir gr 8’s tot gr 12’s, 09:00 vir 3 jariges tot gr 7’s. • AGS van SA — Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele : 082 697 6881, Past Walter Benn, Son 09:00 (asook Sondagskool) • AGS van SA — Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen,015 307 5112, Past. Maans Schutte, Son 09:00 • Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen, 015 307 3534, Rev Luke Pretorius, Sun 09:15 • Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4634, Rev. Gordon Bull, Sun 09:00 & 18:00 • Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 6845, Fathers Philemon Thobela, Jimmy Kennedy, Daily 07:15 (not Wed), Sun 08:00. • Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg, Father Jeffrey 083 964 9859, Sunday 08:30 • Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg, 015 276 1111. Pastor Ian LoughorClarke 083 298 9204. Sun 09:00 • Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal, Sondae 09:00 (Diens & 3 Kinderdienste) Voorskool, Gr 1-3 en Gr 4-6 Johann Fourie 082 823 1074 website: www.dinamus.co.za • Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen,015 307 3371, Ds Hendrik van Rensburg, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00 • Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte road, Opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen, Biblically based. Run courses throughout the year. Contact: Kim Ninneman at 015 307 2527 or 083 449 9272 • Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystraat,Tzaneen, 015307 1558•015 307 1874, Ds Johan Botha & Dr Edmund de Beer, Son 09:30, 18:30. • German Evangelical Lutheran Church, Modjadjiskloof Zwariri Road. 082 653 5498, Service in German (Eng & Afr Translations) • St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg 015 307 3534. Rev Luke Pretorius 082 874 5207. Sun 09:30. Junior and senior Sunday school 09:30. • Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen — 015 307 4729, Pastor Bryan Varrie / Past Rassie Pretorius Services: 09:00 & 18:00; 09:00 Childrens’Church; 12:00 Sotho & Shangaan. • Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen 015 309 9920, Past. Wiets Oosthuizen, Vry 19:00, Son 10:00 & 18:00 (Afr & Eng) • Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen, 015 307 4525, Rev Pierre Naudé, Sun 09:30. • Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof. Sunday service 08:00, Tuesdays ladies ministry 09:30, Wednesday fellowship 19:00. Contact Pastor Attie and Liz Botha on 015 309 8594. • NG Kerk — Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9323, Ds Dewald Vermaak, Son 09:00 Sondagskool daarna. • NG Kerk - Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele, 015 345 1618, Ds Barry van der Merwe - Son 09:00. • NG Kerk - Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen, Ds Gouws van Zyl 082 829 2926 / 015 307 4498, Ds Chris Zietsman, 015 307 4497 of 083 269 1325, Son 08:30. • NG Kerk — Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen, Ds Adriaan van Tonder 083 408 0939 / 015 307 4062, Sondae 09:00 • New Apostolic Church — Tzaneen Vroue Federasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen, 015 307 4807, Shep. Petersen, Sondae 09:00 & Woensdae: 19:30. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof, 015 309 9580 / 084 584 0059, Ds Gerhard Viviers, Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal, 015 345 1128, Dr Jan Truter - Sondae 09:00. • Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk — Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen, 015 307 4508 Ds Richard vd Westhuizen, Sondae 09:00 & 18:00. • Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlman-strate,Tzaneen,015307 1111 of 083 717 4034, Past B Wilken,Sondae 09:30 (asook kinderkerk) & 18:00, Di 19:00 vroue biduur, Woensdae 19:00 gemeente biduur. • Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen, 015 307 3240 / 082 893 6351, Ds Francois du Plessis, Saterdae 11:00 (Afrikaans & Engels). • Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen, 015 307 3387, Past Dawid Venter Tel:082 269 9746 Sondae 09:30 & 18:00. • World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531, Dr Rev TJ Mukoki, Sun: 09:00 (English & Tsonga), Tue: 18:00 (Prayer).
26 Augustus 2011
Small Business, BIG IMpACT! Advertise in BULLETIN
015 307 7248
26 Augustus 2011
smalls@bulletin.co.za For Sale Te Koop The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________ Mutual Safe D/Door drop safe (at 1,800 x 755 x 800) Hold up to R200 000.00 +\- 1.5 ton, 175L x 2 R22 800.00. Contact 015 307 7775 079 2222 900 apr201______________Dell
For Sale Te Koop
Services Dienste
BKR Complete variety of lubricants. Contact: 015 307 7501
DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Vakatures Vacancies Looking for Agents Commission Only Earning potential: R4,000 to R10,000 per month Phone Jacques on 081 477 2795 18h00 to 21h00
To Rent Te Huur Greystone Farming Strawberry plants For sale Mobile: 082 4466 497 Greystones21@gmail.com june303_______________ Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ Nguni Skins for sale. Contact Beryl 082 422 8293. jul101__________________ Voertuie Nuwe voertuie Robbie Kruger 082 893 1869
OP SOEK NA WILDSVLEIS TEEN R15P/KG 073 628 0723 jul301_________________ Begin u eie “catering” besigheid. Koop breekware, messe, vurke ens. Skakel 076 3133 709 Aug202_______________
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________
Mango Trees for sale Grafted on order 50% deposit R20.00 each Only 10 000 available Sunland Nursery Doug 083 453 2228 Aug401________________ Empisal Breimasjien te koop. Splinternuut prys onderhandelbaar Kontak Sylvia 072 942 4933 Aug402_________________
LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploeg disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 jun404________________
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R14.00/km + btw een rigting. Skakel vir kwotasie: 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 of 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 jan307_______________ Vervoer & Verpak van meubels. Skakel Melody vir kwotasie 015 307 6737/ 084 627 0956 083 444 8326/ 082 851 7139 - Epos troktrek@ mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com jan308_______________ TZANEEN TRAILER HIRE Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial Area Call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401 VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI VERVOER VAN MEUBELS VASTE ROETES ELKE WEEK VERPAKKING MATERIAAL BESKIKBAAR OP AANVRAAG SKAKEL MICHELLE VIR KWOTASIE 073 976 7605 / goldentransporttzn@ gmail.com
Om hier te adverteer skakel Lihanie
FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 1 Accounting – Management accounts & Annual Financial Statements as prescribed by the new companies act 2 Returns for 2 1 Income tax 2 2 Vat 2 3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law Contact Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT & Registered Tax practitioner) of Butler Accountants At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 june401______________
Cholera-vry water Gewaarborg met die Absolutely Waterwatersuiweraar, beste kwaliteit, diens en prys. Elsie 083 458 4746 ________________ mar108 Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501 Boet Pretorius Elektries: Geen elektriese installasies is vir ons te groot of te klein nie, en geen plek is te naby of te ver nie. 015 307 3571 Webtuiste: www.pro-bou.co.za _________________ apr409 Nutsman Sweiswerk; swembadinstandhouding; voertuigherstelwerk en dienste. Billike tariewe. 015 307 7747 082 419 1230 __________________ jul207 Algemene Bouwerk loodgieter, elektries en reparasies. 072 372 4041 (Nelcon) _________________ feb110 Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 __________________ mei308 Wegry van tuinvullis @ R250 per 1 ton (plat bak) asook bourommel @ R275 per 1 ton (platbak) Skakel 082 804 6924 of 083 229 5046 ___________________ jul206 Audio Repairs DVD TV VCR Repairs Spares and accessories IC’S and TR’S We also do orders. Please call Johan Jordaan 083 241 1880. mar404_______________
015 307 7248 To advertise
Need flowers for that special occasion, contact Willem/Hendra at 015 307 2176. mar412_______________
Letaba number plates and Key shop. A bit of this and
Services Dienste a bit of that! Lost your keys and need a locksmith? Call 079 222 2900. 24 Hours Service! mar424_______________ Ons verpak & verseker landswyd, puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 of 083 252 8928. june401_______________ Vir al jou korttermynversekering, mediese fondse, lewensversekering, testamente en pensioenfondse. Kontak 015 307 3316. june403_______________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________ Cutting back on electricity bills or is your domestic help on leave? School holiday laundry piling up? Dirty tabelcloths after a function? We offer wash, dry and iron, ironing only and tumble drying! Contact Tersia 078 457 9667. june405________________ Stockist of fabric, haberdashery and lace. See us first for an unbelievable range, excellent service and unbeatable value. We measure, make up and install curtaining and blinds to perfection. Masters in re-upholstery of lounge suites, loose cushions, headboards, etc. Contact 015 307 4467 or 015 307 7177. june406________________ SCOOTERS PIZZA TZANEEN Not in the mood to cook, rather have pizza for dinner! Don’t forget we deliver! Call 015 307 3131. june408________________ For all your fishing, tackle, cycles, spares, repairs and camping gear. Contact 015 307 2512. june410________________ ADAMS CAFÉ we deliver, wherever you are! Yummy specials every week! Contact 015 307 3634 or 015 307 3993. june413________________ Give your domestic worker the confidence she needs in the kitchen. They will learn about personal & kitchen hygiene, kitchen & food safety, cooking methods & terms and receive an illustrated recipe book. 3 week course! Contact Joey 079 529 8336 or 082 563 3130. june416_______________ We wash, dry and iron! Call us for all your washing needs. Mon – Fri 06:30 to 17:30. Contact Lizelle 083 300 4924 or Flip 082 577 6408. Need a new printer cartridge? Contact Burnie v d Merwe 083 568 7338.
Need to order personalised printing? Contact Natasha Fourie 072 659 5739. jul123___________________
Madame Fleur vir die Voller Figuur Onderklere en slaapklere spesiaal gemaak vir jou. 17 kleure en baie style om van te kies. Skakel Rita vir meer inligting Sel: 078 118 8615 jul102___________________ Koffie & Ontbyt vanaf 7:00 soggens by Kolonnade. 015 307 2605/6. jul104___________________ The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106___________________ Need a Locksmith? Contact 079 222 2900. 24 Hours a day! jul107___________________ Misty River Driving Range next to the show grounds. R20 for 50 balls. Contact 082 804 6010 or 082 870 4310. jul108___________________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111___________________ Kuns, koffie & christelike boekwinkel by die Star Spares gebou. Kontak 015 307 2586. Time for new office furniture? Contact Helene Bruce 083 566 1022 or 015 307 7436. jul114___________________ Bored? Do you enjoy beading? Come to Beads Bazaar, 22 Second Avenue for all crystals, imported glass, plastic and wooden beads, semi-precious stones and pearls. Contact 082 339 1093. jul115__________________ Latin & Ballroom dancing classes, every Wednesday evening. Contact Sam 082 747 5648. jul120__________________ Feeling creative? Looking for a new hobby! Join Creative Image! No artistic ability required? Contact Nicki 083 256 2075. jul122__________________ Services RS Plant Hire Bulldozer’s, TLB’s and Front End Loader to hire. Disc, ploughing and bush clearing. For a free quotation contact 073 909 9200/ 015 307 6549 (office hours) jul501________________ Springs & Sandblasting available from T&T. Contact 071 535 0991. jul126___________________ Outboard engine and motor repairs. Contact Phillip 015 307 5059. jul127___________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128__________________ Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129__________________
Be Ready – Be Verified Did you Know? That you can have a valid BBBEE Certificate in your hands within 48 hours if: Your business turnover is less then 5 million per annum If you are a Start-Up Company And you automatically qualify for 100% procurement Contact us now and get the Ball Rolling Winel Kasselman 082 557 9876 jul203_________________
GRABBA SPORTS & LEISURE, Great specials on selected bicycles and look out for the Tour de France promotion. Contact 082 449 8778. june407________________
We offer facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and couples treatments at our day spa. Phone for bookings 015 307 6220. 16B King Edward Drive. jul130__________________ Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131__________________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110__________________ KIDDIES PARTIES Supplier of Disney Theme partyware, party packs, buckets and boxes, full décor and much more. Contact Carike – 083 236 2833 Aug403_______________ Sleepy Sleepwear Designer pajamas Call Nazreen 084 599 0655 Johan Jordaan 083 241 1880 Audio repairs DVD, TV + VCR repairs, spares + accessories, IC’s + TR’s We also do orders Tropical Paradise Dance Studio Weddings Matric dance Latin + ballroom Any event Sam 082 747 5648 Creative parties & cakes Cakes for kids, adults, weddings + anniversaries. Also party décor with party packs + table treats Over 1000 themes Melani Confectionary Chef 083 463 9025 www.creativeparties.co.za melani@tzaneen.co.za Aug404_______________ Houtwerk Herstel van enige houtwerk in en om u huis Geen werk te klein Regmaak van tafels, stoele, deure en vele meer Skakel my gerus Tjokkie von Straate 072 440 9804 Aug405________________
Be ready – Be Verified – BEE Verification Agency (PTY) Ltd We can verify any Company. Big & small. Free quotations SANNAS accredited Nation wide Contact us Winel Kasselman 082 557 9876 jul204_________________ Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057, of kom besoek ons kantoor te Grensstraat 10, Tzaneen. (08:00 tot 13:00) Décor Master Specialist in curtains, blinds, upholstery and laminated flooring, supplied and fitted. Headboard made. 082 253 7867 jul305________________
Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R170 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 OR 015 307 5439
SKOONMAAK VAN MATTE & MATERIAAL MEUBELS Gehalte werk gewaarborg Kontak:
076 833 9112
NEED A BABYSITTER? Week nights – 18:30 to 22:30 R25 per child, per hour (3yrs and older) and R50 per child, per hour (newborn to 2yrs) Saturdays – 16:00 to 22:00 R30 per child, per hour (3yrs and older) and R55 per child, per hour (newborn to 2yrs) Saturday mornings negotiable! Contact 083 746 6592.
Janco Services 083 537 5901 015 386 8735 Plumbing Air cons Stoves, ect. Jannes Vermaak CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018
LILY BLUE the most affordable clothing, gifts and accessories! Oasis Mall, across from Van Heerden’s pharmacy. Contact 083 285 2336. june415_______________ CARTRACK 10% off all prices for new clients. Contact 015 307 7502/3 or Eddie on 074 158 7643. jul105___________________ Trippe Trappe Drome ‘n Kleuterskool met ‘n verskil. Kontak Retha 082 502 8736. jul110___________________ The best coffee is served at INSIDEOUT! 5 Douglas Street. Call 015 307 7101 or 083 630 3604. jul113___________________ For all your database development, web design and hosting, contact 087 802 1260. jul117__________________ Is your income keeping you from dreams? Want financial freedom? We can help call Jannie 082 499 1247 Aug101________________ Pro Garden Maintenance Try us for your professional “supervised” Garden services. Tzaneen only Contact Okkie 072 134 8745 Erika 076 352 2251 For quotations Aug201________________ DCS Interior Contractors we do all types of ceilings,drywall partitions, paintwork, gutters, water proofing, tiling. Contact Werner 0826554869
VOLUNTEERS Care4Life Centre invites volunteers to join our expansion programme at Palm Springs Care Centre. If you have skills and training in nursing, office administration or fundraising please contact Michele at 015 307 4823 jul307__________________
Op soek na saam ry geleentheid vanaf Tzaneen na Polokwane elke dag en terug of ‘n kamer te huur in Polokwane. Sal kostes help betaal Skakel Chris 079 190 8596 Aug101________________
Groot bos sleutels gevind op die hoek van John Smith en Aqua laan. Het gelyk of dit uit of vanaf ‘n wit Toyota Corolla met ‘n ou “N” registrasie val toe dit om die draai gegaan het. Aan die bos is o.a kluissleutels, motorsleutels, deur- & heksleutels, ens. Kontak: 082 770 4252 en beskryf die sleutelhouer.
26 Augustus 2011
adsales@bulletin.us.com BOEDEL WYL STEPHEN JOHAN ROULSTON In the estate of the late Stephen Johan Roulston, identity number 5105055105185 married in community of property to Mavis Mapula Roulston, Master’s reference number 6637/201 and who was ordinarily resident 5 Green Gables, Boundary Street, Tzaneen and who died on the 22 July 2011. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys PO Box 35 Tzaneen, 0850 Ref: A E Rech/avs/R12307 sept101________________ IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case No; 703/2009 In the matter between: B.E.C CONSTRUCTION CC Judgment Creditor And TRUCK AND TRACTOR SPECIALISTS CC Judgment Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN
EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment and Warrant of Execution issued in the above Court for district of TZANEEN the under mentioned goods have been attached, and will be sold in execution for cash or Bank Guaranteed cheque to the highest bidder at 09:00 ON THE 23RD OF SEPTEMBER 2011 AT 2 LORETTO PARK, NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN. GOODS 1 1 X PC HP 2 1 X LEXMARK SCANNER/PRINTER 3 1 X CHAIR 4 1 X OFFICE DESK 5 1 X WOODEN CABINET 6 1 X LG PC 7 4 X STOCK OFFICE 8 2 X OFFICE TABLES 9 2 X WOODEN BOOK SHELVES 10 1 X STEEL COSNTURCTION (SHED) 11 2 X WOODEN OFFICE CONTAINERS 12 1 X AIRCON DATED AT TZANEEN this 16 August 2011 (sgd) W F BASSON STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC. LEX NUMERI 32 Peace Street Tzaneen, 0850
Bulletin Tel 015 307 7248 • Faks 015 307 7684 editor@bulletin.us.com Facebook: Laeveld Bulletin
Ref: WFB/EM/B448 sept102________________ BOEDEL WYLE WE MADDISON In the estate of the late WILLIE EDWIN MADDISON, a pensioner, Master’s reference number 6838/2011, identity number 2712045008081 who was ordinarily resident at 21 Hans Merensky Drive, Modjadjiskloof, and who died on the 15th of August 2011. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May PO Box 35 Tzaneen, 0850\ Ref: A E Rech/avs/R12316 Maloka Thulare Attorneys IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOLOBEDU HELD AT GA-KGAPANE Case No: 268/2011 In the matter between: MALOKA THULARE ATTORNEYS Plaintiff And LATHANE MAKGOSHI GUSTOV
Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of the judgment of the above Honorable and Warrant Execution, the property listed below will be sold at MAGISTRATE OFFICE, BOLOBEDU on the 14 SEPTEMBER 2011 at 13:00 without reverse to the highest bidder: 1 X 4 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 3 X COFFEE TABLES 3 X PLASTIC CHAIRS 1 X DEFY WASHING MACHINE DATED AT TZANEEN ON THIS 23RD AUGUST 2011 MALOKA THULARE ATTORNEYS PLAINTIFFS ATTORNEYS 13 HARRY DILLEY STREET CENTRAL PARK P.O.BOX 868 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 4637 REF: Maloka/CIV/740 TO: THE CLERK OF THE COURT BOLOBEDU AND TO: THE SHERIFF BOLOBEDU H.A ROETS PO BOX 112 DUIWELSKLOOF 0835 sept103________________
TO ADVERTISE HERE email: lihanie@bulletin.us.com
Advertise your property Lihanie 015 307 7248
Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen Beautifully designed. Office space of 100m². Exquisitely tiled office. Beautiful view. Excellent address. Kitchen, bathroom with shower. Rent very affordable and all inclusive! Call Scha, Jan or Stephanie on 0861303404
4 Bedroom house, 2 lounges, 2 bathrooms, large double garage, security Fence Large Boma – Free water, deposit required. R3 750 pm.
Verskeie kantoorruimtes beskikbaar, wat dringend verhuur moet word. Skakel die SAVF Kantoor by 015-3072645.
26 Augustus 2011
Looking for a job? Send us your name, type of job required and contact number. Contact us when you find a job. Due to limited space and a high demand we wish to afford everyone a fair chance to advertise.
Contact : Lihanie - 015 307 7248 or lihanie@bulletin.us.com
Another successful Bulletin initiative in serving our community. GRAPHIC DESIGN Claire, looking for PA or corel draw designer job. Able to do any admin duties as well. Contact 082 815 8918. (2)_____________________
ARCHITECTURE / ENGINEERING Kobus Kock, draughtsman (Caddie and Autocad) or any other available job. Contact 084 279 6601 or 083 280 9699. (1)_____________________
ADMIN / CLERICAL Lorca Mathebula, looking for clerical, cashier or receptionist position. Contact 073 254 6513. (18)____________________ Tebogo Agnes Raophala, looking for clerical, cashier or receptionist position. Contact 076 945 9991. (19)____________________ Martie Schnettler, 45, looking for admin or secretarial position. Contact 076 867 8270. (20)____________________ Sharlote , looking for admin clerk, receptions, typist, counter sales, sales lady, Matric, computer literacy credits, motivation speaker, 073 7850788 (21)____________________ Iglet, looking for admin clerk, receptions, typist, counter sales, sales lady, Matric, computer literacy credits, motivation speaker 071 9569083 (22)____________________
CONSTRUCTION / SKILL TRADES Jacques, hydraulics fitter and truck driver, can also do wheel alignment fitting. Contact 072 167 9332. (10)____________________ Ludwig Schnettler, 40, looking for a plumbing, electrical, technical or mechanical job. Contact 076 867 8270. (11)____________________ Samuel, doen aanbouings, fondasie tot dak, store, hekke, heinings, ens. Goedkoop tarief en goeie verwysings. (Chris Ras) Kontak. 076 473 0849. (12)____________________ Pency Matjete, plumber work, has a certificate. I know how to work with a pipe fitting, laying and back fitting, dripper line erection and installation, borehole submersible pumps and connectors. I speak English. Contact 078 882 6918. (13)____________________
DOMESTICS / OFFICE CLEANERS/ GARDENERS Maake Modjadji, office cleaner or cashier. Worked at Dunns. Contact 082 702 3772 or 071 794 9577. (60)____________________ Margreth Khipa, domestic worker, I sleep out, Monday to Friday, I am a Christian and I am 51 years old and live in the Tzaneen area. Contact 071 078 6993. (61)____________________ Cynihia Lesailana, domestic worker. Contact 073 783 7121. (62)____________________ Sindile Mbhungele, domestic worker, speaks English, can look after children, wants to work from Mon-
day to Friday. Contact 082 755 5689. (63)____________________ Gladys Matlala, domestic worker, sleeps out, speaks English and has 2 years experience. Contact 072 160 7878. (64)____________________ Maggie, domestic worker, office cleaner or tea lady. Also looks after children. Contact 078 141 7802. (65)____________________ Selinah Madia, domestic worker, speaks English and Afrikaans, 10 years experience, sleeps out. Would like a 3 day job. Contact 072 192 4762. (66)____________________ Daniel Mosaamedi, soek tuin werk vir 3 dae ‘n week. Kontak 083 948 5038. (67)____________________ Esther Moltane, domestic worker, speaks English, looks after children and sleeps in or out. Contact 071 513 9381. (68)____________________ Maria Rammola, domestic worker or gardener. I speak Afrikaans, have 5 years experience. Contact 072 696 6555. (69)____________________ Sarah Moonatlala, domestic worker, 12 yrs experience, I speak English and Afrikaans. Contact 072 935 4995. (70)____________________ Alerta Mokgoba, domestic worker, I speak English. Contact 074 335 8163. (71)____________________ Patriacia Matlabjane, domestic worker, 4 years experience, speaks English & Afrikaans. Contact 072 391 0231. (72)____________________ Lisbeth Ramatsoma, domestic worker, security guard or office cleaner (certificate). I speak English. Contact 074 549 8326. (73)____________________ Nancy Manyama, domestic worker, I speak English. Contact 076 222 6828. (74)____________________ Magdaleen Ramahlo huiswerk 5 dae ‘n week praat engels skakel 071 381 6718 (75)____________________
IT / INTERNET Olivia, I am looking for an IT technician job. Please contact me at 082 086 7867. (1)____________________ Seeking work in a GIS or similar field. Report writing, basic web design, photographic, PR & GIS amongst my skills. Please contact me at 083 7283 780. (2)_____________________
FARMING Volwasse man, sober, jare boerdery ondervinding in all fasette – uitvoer vrugte – meganies en ook goeie bemarking en verkope – arbeidwetgewing. Andre 082 484 4477. (5)_____________________ Getroude volwasse man met nasionale diploma in landbou soek betrekking op bees / wildsplaas of vrugteplaas as bestuurder. Jare ondervinding en is ook ‘n professionele jagter. Eerlik en hardwerkend met goeie verwysing en kan dadelik diens aanvaar. Bereid om te verhuis indien nodig. Kontak 083 226 7178. (6)_____________________
HOSPITALITY / TOURISM “Ek is ‘n 36 jarige hard-
werkende man. Soek werk in Phalaborwa omgewing. Ek het opleiding en ondervinding as Chef. Is ook bereid om enige ander werk te doen. Ek het al herstelwerk aan huise ook gedoen. Ek is rekenaar geletterd en leer baie vinnig. Het be-stuursposte ook beklee.” (3)_____________________ Cate Mojela, domestic worker or catering job requested. Contact 082 963 5797. (4)_____________________ Anna Miailula, catering, office cleaner, 4 years experience, I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 074 444 0532. (5)_____________________
GENERAL / OTHER JOBS Benneth Shilowa, looking for work in security, cash in transit business. Has security grade C. Contact 076 483 4760. (64)____________________ Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser, general assistant, storeroom work or in the food industry. Waiter job in a hotel or restaurant. I am also a gardener. Contact 079 770 5544. (65)____________________ Jeremiah, looking for a job in a security company or any general work. Contact 072 551 1575. (66)____________________ Mardelein Davis, het ondervinding in admin, lone, kinders oppas. Kontak 079 443 5184. (67)____________________ Cecile van der Nest, het ondervinding in verskeie areas van eiendomme, agent, verhuringsagent, admin, PA. Het heelwat ervaring in admin, ek was “events coordinator” by Highgrove Lodge, en is gekwalifiseer as “Basic Ambulance Assistant”. Kontak 071 204 7920. (68)____________________ Annatjie, soek data capuring, admin of kroegwerk dringend! Bereid om nuwe dinge te leer. Kontak 0726280005, (69)____________________ Groente Produksie Be stuurder, Saad Rep, Gif Rep, Afkaza Sertifikaat, verkieslik Tzaneen area. Kontak 082 507 4446. (70)____________________ Mokgadi Sarah Madia, any general job, I have grade 12, I am computer literate, I have a drivers licence code 10 and I can speak English. Contact 079 599 2377. (71)____________________ Meriam Phiri, cleaner, security guard or shop assistant. I speak English. Contact 078 332 3221. (72)____________________ Selina Mahlo, cleaner (1 year experience), care worker, laundry. I speak English. Contact 083 480 4998. (73)____________________ Wilma Raphetana, care worker, cleaner, laundry and (BP), typist. I speak English. Contact 074 334 5137. (74)____________________ Ntabeleng Sekgobela, care worker or office cleaner. Speak English. Contact 073 672 8287 or 082 041 2421, (75)____________________ Dora Monyela, general worker. Contact 073 381 2855. (76)____________________
Joshpina Mushwana, general worker, I speak English. Contact 079 015 5872. (77)____________________
Michael Erasmus (30), Kode 08 bestuurderslisensie, graad 12. Werk huidiglik by Mega Liquors, is op soek na beter werksvoordele. Is betroubaar en hardwerkend, en het baie ondervinding. Kontak 071 687 0742. (1)_____________________ Charles, I have experience in retail, sales, supervising, stock control, etc. I’m hard working, honest and very friendly. Call 073 158 7856. Contact 083 746 6592 for a reference. (2)_____________________ Nico van Zyl, Maintenance or Counter Sales, I will do any job. Contact 079 969 1770 or 015 – 3072269. (3)_____________________ Anton von Molendorf, would like a job in retail and have FMCG experience. I have a strong personality, good communication skills and enjoy working with people. Contact 079 147 4402. (4)_____________________ Victor Maswanganyi, looking for shop or office work, I speak English. Contact 083 434 1529. (5)_____________________ Fumani Floyd Chauke, looking for a job in retail and short-term insurance, I do have experience. I studied marketing and am willing to relocate anywhere in South Africa. Contact 073 489 2331. (6)_____________________ Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser or packer. I have 18 months experience. Contact 079 770 5544. (7)_____________________
I am looking for a home care job. I have got a cleaning certificate; I also have an Abet certificate. I understand Afrikaans and English. Contact me on 076 749 0804. (1)_____________________ Caroline, looking for care giver job. Contact 072 645 2421. (2)_____________________ Triphinah Mohale, care giver, domestic worker or office cleaner. I speak English & Afrikaans. Contact 073 177 2699 (3)_____________________ Virginia Makhubela, care giver for the elderly, I can sleep in or out. Contact 078 591 1428. (4)_____________________
Cindy Matjila, have matric & code 10 drivers licence. Looking for a driver job. Contact 076 077 9170 or 073 353 0023. (5)_____________________ Carlu, looking for a parttime delivery/driver job, 18:00 to 22:00, Mon-Thur, has own motorbike. Contact 071 800 2916. (6)_____________________ Mohale Maelver, looking for a driver job, has EC1 04 and PDP and 13 years experience. Contact 084 711 1137 or 071 290 1021. (7)_____________________ W Mbhombi, looking for a driver job, has code EC1 and PDP and 12 years experience. Contact 073 861 2994. (8)_____________________
26 Augustus 2011
Plasies presteer goed op nasionale vlakke
Gholfdag Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof hou ’n gholfdag op Saterdag 24 September by die Tzaneen Buiteklub. Inskrywings beloop R1 000/vierbal en sluit ’n ligte middagete in. Gewone klubfooie sal geld. Borgskap van putjies beloop R3 500. Die borgskap sluit vier kaartjies in, ’n ligte middagete en 4 kaartjies vir die spitbraai en dans later die aand. Murgpyp is die gaskunstenaar. Navrae kan aan me Liezl Geldenhuys by die Laerskool Duiwelskloof (015 309 9218) gerig word. REGS: Vyf landloopatlete van Hoërskool Ben Vorster is vir die Limpopospan gekies en gaan op 17 September aan die SA Kampioenskappe in Bloemfontein deelneem. Voor sit Niyko Nkwinika en Charlot Tefo en agter sit Tsundzu Nkwinika, Jeremiah Mangena en Floris Coetzer. ONDER: Die twee sokkerspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag aan die Modjadjiskloof Soccer Challenge deelgeneem. Die juniors het teen Kings Court met 1-0 verloor, maar teen Khanyisa en Stanford Lake College met 2-0 in albei wedstryde gewen. Die senior span, die Buffalo Stars, het
teen Kings Court oortuigend met 3-0 en teen Khanyisa met 1-0 gewen, maar speel toe teen Stanford gelykop met 0-0. Hulle het in die eindstryd teen Meridian College met 1-0 verloor. Die span bestaan uit Mashala Modjadji, Tebogo Mushwana, Thembi Maunatlala en Wilton Ndlovu. Agter staan Eugene Malepe, Khotso Modjadji, Hope Mboweni, Khotso Nkanyane en Mpho Motsoane. Shiwa Shandlana, Kagiso Rampyapadi en Karabo Mookamedi was afwesig.
This week’s fitness tip Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist)
Water is the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off! Although most of us take it for granted, pure clean water may be the only true magic potion for permanent weight loss. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase. An increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.
Here’s the reason why: the kidneys cannot function properly without enough water. When they do not work to capacity, some of their load is dumped on the liver. One of the liver’s primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into usable energy for the body. But if the liver has to do some of the kidney’s work, it cannot work at full throttle. As a result, it metabolizes less fat and more fat remains stored in the body and weight loss stops.
REGS: Johan Wagner, ’n boogskut van formaat van die Hoërskool Merensky, is gekies om SA by die Afrika Spele, wat binnekort in Tunisië gehou word, te gaan verteenwoordig. ONDER: Timothy en Samuel Varrie, twee broers van Merensky, het die naweek na nog ’n suksesvolle landloopbyeenkoms Limpopo-kleure verwerf en sodoende gekwalifiseer om later vanjaar aan die SA Kampioenskappe deel te neem. Dit is die sewende agtereenvolgende keer dat Timothy kwalifiseer en die agste keer vir Samuel.
Ons kinders, ons trots! Our youth, our pride!
26 Augustus 2011
Four conquer the Trans Baviaans The longest single day stage race in mountain biking in the world was held in SA recently, and four Tzaneen cyclists took part in the event. Starting in Willowmore in the Eastern Cape, the route winds through beautiful mountain ranges into the magnificent Baviaanskloof. The Trans Baviaans is not only the longest mountain biking event of its kind in the world, but also one of SA’s premier events. Team Full Cycle consisted of four Tzaneen Cycling Club members, Mario Ferreira, Dick Rood, Maurice Ferreira and Steven Schoeman. Their aim was to finish the race in fifteen hours. They managed to finish in 12:38:00 and came fifth in their category and 83rd overall out of 350 teams. RIGHT: Mario Ferreira, Dick Rood, Maurice Ferreira and Steven Schoeman.
Drie struikel by voorlaaste hekkie Slegs een van die vier A-rugbyspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag na die eindronde van die Beeldtrofee deurgedring. Die o.15A’s het in hul kragmeting teen Pretoria Tuine gespeel en met 10-6 gewen, nadat hulle met rustyd 6-5 agter was. Die linkervleuel Surprise Mathebule het in die eerste hefte ’n drie gaan druk, maar Tuine het met twee strafdoele geslaag. Die Vossies het hul oorwinning tot op die laaste nippertjie uitgestel, toe die losskakel Arno Maree die tuisspan se verdediging geflous en agter die doellyn gaan draai het. Die o.14A’s het teen Potchefstroom Gimnasium gespeel en met 27-7 verloor. Die o.16A’s het in Pretoria teen Overkruin gespeel en ’n rillerstryd met 10-6 verloor. Die eerste span het teen Lichtenburg te staan gekom en teen rustyd na die gunsteling gelyk om na die eindstryd te vorder. Die linkervleuel Tovhi Nefale het gaan druk en losskakel Marcel Scholtz het die drie verdoel om die rustydtelling op 7-0 te staan te bring. Die tweede helfte het egter aan die tuisspan behoort en met ’n sterk wind agter hulle kon hulle drie kere agter die doellyn gaan draai. Die Vossies se manmoedige spel is met ’n drie deur senter Juan Smit beloon, maar dit was nie genoeg nie. Lichtenburg het met 19-12 geseëvier. • Die ander gunsteling in vanjaar se wedloop om die Beeldtrofee vir groot skole, Helpmekaar, het Saterdag ook die wind van voor gekry. Ook hulle kon net die o.15kragmeting wen en môre kom hulle teen Ben Vorster in die eindstryd in Potchefstroom te staan. Helpmekaar se eerste span is deur Potch Volkskool met 29-20 geklop. Ander spanne van Limpopo wat in die half-eindronde gespeel het, was BenViljoen en Hans Strijdom. Ben Viljoen se eerste span het teen Die Wilgers met 23-20 verloor en Hans Strijdom se o.15A’s het teen Die Wilgers met 12-0 gewen.
Vryvallers begin al vroeg spring It’s swimming Bosman en Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger, twee boeties van die Laerskool Tzaneen, het onlangs die Ranch Boogie, wat deur PASA (Parachute Association of SA) ondersteun is, bygewoon. Hulle het elk ’n tandemsprong van 12 000 vt gedoen. Dit was albei se derde tandemsprong die jaar. Hulle wil op 16 jarige ouderdom hul vryvalkursusse voltooi. Saam met
hulle was ’n vriend, Stefan Prinsloo, wat sy eerste tandemsprong gedoen het. Hy kan blykbaar nie hieroor uitgepraat raak nie. Die Boogie word elke jaar by die Ranch net buite Polokwane gehou. Daar was sowat honderd valskermspringers van 21 verskillende klubs, asook lede van verskillende weermageenhede. Die springers het altesaam 767 spronge van 12000 vt gedoen. Daar was ook 86 springers wat tandemspronge gedoen het.
season again
Shamu Swimming Club invites all clubs as well as non-club members, i.e. scholars and non-registered swimmers to participate in a gala at Ben Vorster High School in Tzaneen on 3 September. Medals will be available for the first three positions in the age groups. Entry fees are R15/item. Entries close today. Shamu Swemklub nooi alle klubs asook nieklublede, bv skoliere en nie geregistreerde swemmers, om aan ’n gala op 3 Septemeber by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in Tzaneen te kom deelneem. Medaljes sal vir die eerste drie plekke in elke ouderdomsgroep toegeken word. Inskrywings beloop R15/item en die sluitingsdatum is vandag. Shamu Professional Swimming Club Absa account nr: 4068763016 Entries and proof of payment must be faxed to 086 628 5751 or gsheila@xsinet.co.za. Faks inskrywings en betalingsbewyse na 086 628 5751 of gsheila@xsinet.co.za. Food, coffee and snacks will be available. The action starts at 09:00. Kos, koffie en snoeperye sal te koop wees. Die aksie begin 09:00.
The Magoebaskloof Mountain Bike Classic will be held on 5 November over 20 km, 40 km and 75 km. The day starts at 07:30. Contact Neels (079 512 9992) or David (083 325 3088), or enter at entries@www.roag.co.za.