Fear lessl y the tr uth 20 April 2012
015 307 7248
Unlicenced hawkers’ days are numbered
‘n Peloton motorfietsryers het Saterdag die Bloeddiens se voorraad aangevul. Lees op bl 3
Tzaneen’s Anglicans held a fun run. See page 5
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality finally seems On Fryday night teams of municipal workers re- manager has warned that this operation will be to have decided that the invasion of Tzaneen moved and destroyed a variety of materials, from followed up and that they will get even tougher by informal traders can no longer be allowed. plastic sheeting to wooden tables. The municipal in regulating the informal trade. More on page 3.
GTM’s budget: little more than an The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s draft budget and the Integrated Developmen Plan (IDP) for the new 2012/2013 financial year have been accepted and are available to be scrutinised by the GTM’s ratepayers. On the face of it the budget looks impressive, but if properly analysed it becomes clear that it doesn’t go much further than showing a general incremental
This is Tzaneen’s new sub-station that will ensure an improvement in the town’s electricity supply.
Onthou: 1 Mei 2012 Smit Garrun Familiedag by die Tzaneendam
increase and that there are As a result it is impossible hardly signs of identified to make a sensible projection projects or the prioritisation of what the GTM’s new fiscal of projects. year will produce. See page 3.
Projects not prioritised!
The shameful conduct of the relevant authorities have caused a terrible crisis at Modjadjiskloof’s healt centre. More about this on page 3
20 April 2012
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Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Soek Laeveld Bulletin Wat dink jy van die voorval waar ‘n skoolseun ‘n skeidsregter op die veld met die kop gestamp het? Maritha Fourie Theron Dit is regtig onaanvaarbare gedrag en hy behoort permanent uit die span geskors te word. As hy nou al so optree, hoe gaan hy in sy latere lewe verskille besleg? Roeline Burger So ’n persoon behoort nie eers op die veld nie... Jacques Myburgh Julle is net bang om te sê hy gaan dalk vir die Bulle speel eendag :) Roeline Burger Ag, whatever. Dalk vir die Sharks, ja. Jacques Myburgh As die Unie nie bereid is om op te tree nie, en met die hardste moontlike straf, gaan dinge baie vinnig hand uit ruk. Ons weet almal daar is skole wat teen mekaar speel, en dan is daar skole wat “warm” games het, en dis in daai games wat die ref ’n probleem kan hê om dissipline te handhaaf as daar nie NOU finaal en streng opgetree word nie. Dis nou maar jammer as die knapie nooit weer rugby speel nie, dis duidelik dat boks dalk meer gepas is vir hom, maar die dag wat ons ’n skeidsregter se afsterwe op ’n Saterdag betreur, is een dag te laat om DAN te wil sê daar moet iets gedoen word hieraan. Christine Mans Hy het geen respek vir mense nie, ons het nie soiets nodig nie. Christo Coetzee Die beste straf vir daai seun is laat hy saam met die Bulle opdraf in pienk. Dit sal hom genees van sulke k… aanjaag.
Thea Gerber Dit is hoekom ek so teen ligasport is. My skool, Meridian College, speel net vriendskaplike wedstryde. Alles wat ons vir die leerlinge probeer leer, eerlikheid, vriendelikheid, medeliewendheid ens, word afgebreek in ligasport. Die onderwysers druk ouer kinders in die span (met of sonder die hoof se goedkeuring of op sy/haar aandrang) met die doel om die beker te wen. Ouers hardloop langs die veld en skreeu: “Duik hom, breek sy bene” ens. En die arme leerlinge op die veld weet nie wat hulle moet doen nie. Dit is wanneer sulke verkeerde dinge gebeur. Richard En Julene Wanneer gaan seuns ooit leer: “Nobody wins with a headbud, dude!” Nie eers die ou wat dit uitdeel nie... Dewald van der Walt Ek stem, dit is nie reg nie, maar verdien party skeidsregters dit ook nie maar nie, want hulle kom met baie swak beslissings weg en word nooit lewenslank geskors nie? Jasper Raats Daar behoort ‘n aanrandingsklag teen hom aanhangig gemaak te word. Sy pa se prokureur sal waarskynlik kan sorg dat hy met ’n bietjie gemeenskapsdiens en ‹n streng waarskuwing daarvan afkom, maar hopelik sal dit hom voorberei op die regte wêreld waar mens die gevolge van jou dade moet dra. Om hom nou te lig hiervan te laat afkom, word die weg na groter moeilikheid in sy lewe vorentoe vir hom gebaan. Anton Van Zyl Wat my baie ontstel op die foto’s van die insident is die ander spelers wat gemaklik toekyk wat gebeur en nie enigiets doen om hul spanmaat te keer of die skeidsregter by te staan nie.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Sê jou sê
Gordon G Miller Die skool voer daai seuns almal testaroon as hulle oefen.
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7648. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Pat Patterson Mense, van my skoolrugbydae af is die skeidsregter verkeerd as ons span verloor. Lynette Bekker Marais Al was die skeidsregter onregverdig, gee dit ‘n kind nie die reg om so op te tree nie! Waar is die dissipline en waardestelsel van ons kinders? Ons kan seker ook nie van die onderwysers verwag om kinders op te voed nie - hul werk reeds baie - probleem lê myns insiens by die ouers wat laks is! Khell Van Der Lith Ek dink die hele span moet ten minste vir ’n jaar uit alle rugby geskors word en die afrigter daarby. Sulke gedrag is onaanvaarbaar in enige sport. Rugby is veronderstel om ’n spansport te wees wat mense saamsnoer. Nie afbrekend nie.
Bulletin gesels elke week oor onderwerpe wat saak maak. Soek ons by Laeveld Bulletin. Besoek ook ons webtuiste by www.bulletin.us.com
Hou op kwak praat! Wat min mense van Vlieg weet, is dat Vlieg eintlik sy van is. En dat Vlieg nogal ‘n uitgebreide familie het. Onder hulle tel ‘n klomp neefs en niggies met name soos Steek, Perde, Huis, Mango en dies meer. En natuurlik sy skoonma, Brommer! Wat dadelik opvallend is, is dat die familie se name baie beskrywend is. So ook met Vlieg se een neef, Kroeg. As ou Kroeg geweet het hoe ‘n komper werk, sou hy ook een van daai ouens gewees het wat allerhande kwakstories op Boekgesig versprei het. Nou sit hy maar net heeldag en versprei sy kwakstories om die toonbank vir elke ander van die dors ouens wat wil luister. Sien, Kroeg is ook nie baie lief vir dokters nie, want geen een van hulle kon hom al ooit gesond kry nie. Hy hoes nou al vir jare, maar geen pil of stropie wat die dokters voorskryf kon dit al wegkry nie. Al wat ‘n bietjie verligting gee is om nou en dan tussen die ander sigarette deur ‘n pakkie Menthol te rook. Dit maak darem die bors so ‘n bietjie koud. Al wat die dokters alewig gee vir die hoes is antibiotika, wat Kroeg in elk geval nooit klaarmaak nie, want die apteker sê hy mag nie drink as hy op die pille is nie. Al die dokters by wie hy nou al was blameer ook elke keer die drank vir sy rooi neus, die sakke onder sy oë, die bewerigheid, sooibrand, seer lewer en aambeie. Nie een van die kwakke kon al ooit die regte diagnose maak nie. En al kry die dokters hom nie gesond nie, moet hy elke keer betaal as hy daar was. Hulle wil nooit iets weet van ‘n ‘comeback’ nie. Wat ou Kroeg en die ander Boekgesig skinderbek-kwakpraters vergeet het, is dat Vlieg sy litirêre debuut in hierdie einste nuuspapiertjie gemaak het, toe hy ‘n lansie
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... moes breek vir die Boetman doktertjie van Hoedspruit. Hy voel dit sy plig om maar weer iets soortgelyks te doen. Vlieg was gelukkig te dom om ‘n regte dokter te word, maar hy kan darem somme maak, en, al dink hy self so, verstaan hy ook ‘n bietjie ‘common sense’. Verder tel hy ook ‘n paar dokters onder sy vriende, en hoor soms hulle frustrasies. ‘n Kwakkeboetie, as’tware! Volgens Vlieg se berekenings het dertien algemene praktisyns in die afgelope vyftien jaar ons kontrei verlaat. Net nege van die wat toe hier was is nog hier. Net vyf nuwes het bygekom. Vir Vlieg beteken dit dat hier agt minder dokters is as vyftien jaar gelede. Intussen het die bevolking nie heeltemal dieselfde gebly nie, en die mense wat private dokters besoek, is ook die helfte meer. En dan draai ou oom van Velden ook in sy graf om as hy weet wat dààr aangaan! Ook, deur die inisiatief van veral die nege dokters, maar ook ander, het die dorp intussen ‘n wêreldklas hospitaal gekry met uitnemende spesialiste en dienste waaroor Vlieg net kon droom toe sy mangels destyds moes uitkom. Die feit dat hierdie hospitaal intussen ook moes verdubbel, beteken in Vlieg se ‘common sense’ dat die dokters nog soveel meer moet werk. Gelukkig het dokters nie kinders en vrouens en honde en katte en huise en plase en dikderms en blase wat ook partykeer ‘n bietjie aandag wil hê nie. Dit is ten minste wat Kroeg en sy Boekgesig kwakslaners dink. Ten slotte wil Vlieg weer, net soos hy destyds die Hoedspruiters gewaarsku het, waarsku dat dokters soos ons hulle ken, een van die dae ‘n ‘collector’s’ item gaan wees. Daarom pas Vlieg syne eerder baie mooi op! • Die uitsprake van Vlieg word nie noodwendig deur die Bulletin onderskryf nie.
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die ou van daai spierwit pa-se-speeldingma-se-eiendom 4x4 moustertjie is nie ‘n man wat vlak gekyk moet word nie. Mense dink hy staan net om die rugbyveld rond, maar Maandagaand toe kom hy blink ge”dress” by die opening van ‘n teater uit. Hy is ‘n man vir die kuluur, dié kêrel. Die mense wonder of daai moustertjie die Peetpa se speelding is of die regte pa s’n... • Oor nege maande van die 17de April af
gaan daar ‘n nuwe baba wees en hy gaan ‘n vrug- of groentesoort se naam kry. Iets soos ou Piesang, of Paw-paw en hy gaan in F&V se spoggerige nuwe perseel gedoop word. Maar Francois en Ian stry nog oor wie die kleinding gaan indra, terwyl Willem en Anna hul koorsang oefen. Eito potato!... • Henk sê Jan Klonkie wat die paar ‘army boots’ opgehang het, is niks nie. Hy kan beter doen en Jan is maar ‘n Mini-klonkie....
20 April 2012
Goeie nuus vir liefhebbers van die uitvoerende kunste op bladsy 7
The vague budget A number of attempts to get an appointment with senior officials of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality to discuss the budget and the IDP for the new financial year have failed. The municipal manager, Ms Conny Mametja, expressed her willingness to discuss the budget with us and to explain the areas that we saw as grey. However, she has been on courses and seminars in the past weeks and we couldn’t find an opportunity to spend time with her to analyse the budget. Our concern is that the budget seems to provide for an incremental increase to comply with legislation and the treasury’s guidelines, but that there are huge gaps as a result
of no clear identification and prioritisation of projects in the different wards. It is especially the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) that seems to be totally inadequate in terms of specific projects. The budget is clearly as good as can be expected and must have taken the CFO and his officials many weeks, even months to prepare. We will continue to try and arrange for a meeting with the top structure of the GTM to table our concerns and to clarify the different problem areas. Our main concern is that the budget leaves to much room for money to be moved around and that non-essential projects would then benefit from this.
No water for health centre!
The Modjadjiskloof Health Centre has been struggling with water problems for almost three months and the situation has become unbearable. Some mornings the centre has tap water but only until about 07:00 and Due to lack of water for the past week the clean- scleaning staff have to use containers, to store ing staff haven’t been able to wash the linen. For water to last the centre for the rest of the day. the basic cleaning needs cleaning staff fetch water When the problems started Lepelle Northern from the river. This photo shows a linen room full Water brought the centre containers with water, of dirty linen that just pile up. The photo on page 1 but now it is a struggle to get them to continue. shows how the staff have to use whatever containTwo of the senior staff members have called ers they can find and then take a bakkie load to the nearby caravan park to get enough water to cover oth the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) and Lepelle Northern Water several times a the basic needs in the health care centre! day but to no avail. Representatives have visited the centre but left with promises that turned out to be empty. The centre receives between seventy and ninety patients every day, most who have walked for long distances and then need the toilet. But with no water, this turns out to be a very messy affair. The past week the centre hasn’t even had water during the mornBen Vorster te speel. Dit kan dalk een van Polokwane se skole wees — Tom Naude of Pietersburg Hoër, wat ook ings and the dirty linen piled up. Staff who stay on the premises also hul derby afgeskaf het, glo vir min of meer dieselfde redes. struggle with cooking meals and bathing. It is also a struggle to keep Steyn beklemtoon verder dat dit nie die einde van die patients’ treatment hygienic when patients need to wash their hands. The centre has in desperation taken to fetching water from a nearby pad vir mededinging tussen die twee skole is nie en hulle sal steeds teen mekaar kragte meet. “Ons sal steeds die caravan park. Upon queries to the GLM, Ms Lovers Sibanda, spokesgoeie buurmanskap ook deur sport bevorder en beskerm”. person for the GLM, said that the pipes near the Centre cause problems Die waarnemende hoof van Ben Vorster, mnr Chris de but they will send someone with water and will check the pipes again. Neither Lepelle Northern Water nor the spokesperson for LimpoNeyschen, sê “die skool- en ouergemeenskap van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster neem met hartseer kennis van die po’s Department of Health could be reached for comment. besluit”. Hy sê hulle sien die dag in ‘n ander lig en sien Informal traders (hawkers) in effort by the GTM to restore dit ook nie as ‘n dag wat die gemeenskap verdeel nie. Hy gee toe daar is mense wat die dag se sportuitslae Tzaneen without a valid per- order in a situation that has uit verband ruk. Hy beloof Ben Vorster gaan alles in hul mit will soon be removed from clearly gone out of control. vermoë doen om die dag te red, al is dit dan teen ‘n ander the town’s streets. In addition The Bulletin will monitor the skool. Hy sê sy skool kry sover reaksie uit die gemeens- those with permits might have progress and report on it as to apply for new permits, in an and when things happen. kap wat dui op verbasing en spyt.
Buurskool kan dalk in derby speel Hy is tevrede dat die beste belange van die kinders én die breë gemeenskap gedien is en alhoewel dit inderdaad traumaties is, staan hy by die besluit dat die jaarlikse derby tussen Merensky en Ben Vorster van die baan is. So sê mnr Magnus Steyn die hoof van die Hoërskool Merensky. “Dit was geen maklik besluit nie en die saak is van en na alle kante bekyk. Vanuit ‘n opvoedkundige perspektief is dit egter geweeg en te lig bevind. Ons skool staan kniediep in die gemeenskap en die beste belange van die gemeenskap is vir ons ook ‘n saak van groot erns. “Ons het besluit die verdelende uitwerking van die byeenkoms in die gemeenskap of groot dele van die gemeenskap is die kool die sous nie werd nie en is tot nadeel van ons opvoedkundige taak en roeping,” sê Steyn. Hy beklemtoon dat met FNB, wat die Classic Clashes borg, onderhandel is en steeds onderhandel word, om ‘n geskikte ander skool te identifiseer om in die Classic Clashes teen
Hands up, who wants to be well off one day? OK, you can put them down now. Hands up, who’s made a plan to be well off one day? Mmm, that’s what we thought. Not hard to guess when you consider most South Africans struggle financially later in life. But… there is good news. The more time you’ve got on your hands, the easier it gets. By setting aside even a small amount now, you can achieve a substantial payout in years to come. Thanks to two things, the power of compounding and Old Mutual’s Classic Five Investment Collection. Five hand-picked unit trusts that are designed to deliver returns you never dreamed possible. And if you’re feeling commitment anxiety, don’t! • • • •
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20 April 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Romanz kom Blast your way into shape na Tzn Die NG Kerk Tzaneen se beplanning vir die vyfde Piesangfees later vanjaar is in volle swang! Die fees skop af met die bekende sanggroep Romanz, wat Vrydagaand 8 Junie in Ben Vorster se saal optree — in ‘Barnyard’-styl. Tafelbesprekings vir tien persone aan ‘n tafel kan reeds gedoen word by die kerkkantoor. Kaartjies kos R120/persoon. Skakel Denise by 015 307 4496 gedurende kantoorure (Vrydae net tot 13:00).
Mark vanaand Die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld se gewilde jaarlikse Aandmark word vanaand gehou. ‘n Gesellige geleentheid vir die hele gesin wag op almal. Vir die kinders sal daar lekker doendinge wees, soos ‘n spesiale kindertafel, springkasteel, pretdraf en genoeg eetgoed. ‘n Kettieskiet-kompetisie is deel van die pret. Klein en groot kan in die kiekiehoek mooi enkel- of groepfoto’s laat neem. Die Dopperdraf is reeds ‘n jaarlikse instelling. Drawwer en stappers is welkom om 18:00 die 5 km kaf te draf. Daar is weer ‘n vei-ling, waar alles en nog wat te koop is. Dit begin om 17:00. Tafels vol smullekker pannekoek, vetkoek, worsbroodjies, gebak, groente en vrugte, vleis, ensovoorts sal te koop wees. Die mark begin om 16:00 op die kerkterein in Claude Wheatleystraat (oorkant Hi-Q).
Is that perfect jean not fitting the way it once did? Afraid of putting on some extra weight this winter? LIPO-extreme has the ideal solution. Distributed by Extreme Makeover, this revolutionary machine provides a non-surgical option for both men and women looking for an affordable, ade-quate way of getting into shape. The LIPO-extreme fat blaster, which originates from the United Kingdom, is the only one in the Tzaneen area. With a 100% proven success rate and its guarantee of no pain, scarring or side-effects, the fat-blaster is taking body-sculpting to a totally new level. With its scientific way of melting fat cells, it provides fast results and permanent elimination of fat from the body and face giving you results that resemble ordinary Liposuction and Liposculpture. It melts away hard fat tissue, breaks up cellulite cells, slims and detoxes the body, and increases skin rejuvenation for younger lookWe work hard through-out our life as adults to provide the best standard of living we can for our families, and it’s vital that we make sure that we protect our hard-earned money along the way. Managing your finances can be a juggling act that is often confusing and overwhelming. Knowing you have life’s expenses under control is a great way to avoid future stress or unnecessary worry. With so much advice on how to increase or invest your income (and so many ways to spend it!), it’s normal to feel overwhelmed sometimes. But don’t worry, we’re here to offer you tips on planning, saving, investing, and managing your finances and will put you on the path to financial success. Step 1: Acknowledge the importance of your own goals Ask yourself what do you dream of one day? A business of your own, perhaps, further education, a new car, perhaps a trip around the world. Write your top priorities down and stick them up inside your wardrobe door or on your fridge. A constant reminder will make the dream seem more real and keep you motivated. Step 2: Manage household expenses so your ability to save is not compromised. If money is tight in a specific month, look at ways to trim household expenses.
ing skin. In a few thirty minute sessions, Ms Annelie le Grange will perform the external liposuction and liquidize those unwanted fat cells. External liposuction can be performed For a free first consultation, on your tummy, contact Annelie (don’t delay) bum, breasts, “love on 084 742 1560. handles”, back, arms and legs. Le Grange advises drinking lots of water, although no strict diet is needed. She recommends 4-8 sessions, depending on the individual’s body mass index and other factors.
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With proper self-motivation, commitment and discipline, you can achieve your financial goals and take control of where your money goes. Start today to reach your dreams.
20 April 2012
Nuus van ons skole vandag op bladsye 8 & 10
Môre werk ek weer
GTM: Are you bluffing us? The Greater Tzaneen Municipality complies with water quality standards as evidenced by its “Blue Drop” award from the Department of Water Affairs. However, does this award apply to the entire GTM jurisdiction? This is the question posed by Ms Margot McNeil, oneof the GTM’s councillors. She believes that access to clean water, essential for health and human dignity, is denied to a number of villages in the Greater Tzaneen area. To support her claim she arranged for samples of water from four villages to be taken for bacteriological and substance tests. She personally conducted this with an official from the department, together with an assistant for this purpose. After two months, despite numerous telephone calls, she is still awaiting the results. “The officials themselves could not have been more co-operative and professional,” she said. “But the problem lies with Technical Services. Despite the assurances of an official that he would get back to me with the test results, he has failed to do so.” McNeil said that samples were collected from the “cement” access point to the Letsitele River where residents of Khujawana
ABOVE: The St Peter’s Anglican Church in Tzaneen held a fun-filled day in celebration of Easter at Jetty 3 on Saturday. Young and old competed in a 5 km fun run through Tzaneen and Brian Senyatsi received the first place medal. BELOW: Jenelle de Jonge and Megan MacNicol were cheered across the finish line at Jetty 3 on Saturday. They took the first and second places for girls u.16 in the 5 km fun run.
Man shoots girlfriend, then himself A 35-year-old man shot his girlfriend before turning the gun on himself in Joppe near Nwamitwa on Monday. According to Const Mabunda of the Letsitele police, it is alleged that the woman, Ms Elsie Malatji from Sekororo, stayed with her boyfriend, Mr Albert Mojela. She earlier told police that the man frequently threatened to shoot her. The police failed in finding the man and she did not want to open a case. At a later stage she went back to stay with him. On Monday the couple had an argument resulting in the man taking out a gun and shooting the girlfriend before turning the gun on himself. A neighbour called an ambulance and she was rushed to the Letaba Hospital. The man was found dead in the house. An investigation into the incident is under way, said Mabunda. — Martina Jenge
collect drinking water in containers carried on their heads or in wheelbarrows. Residents claim that no piped water has been available for the past five years. Further samples were taken from the Thabina River close to the Ramadike School where access is dangerous when the river is in flood, due to an unfinished bridge, and from the Ngwabu River which serves the Serala and Sepeke schools. Here water from the river is led into an earth furrow.
The final samples were taken at the Matshelapata village near Tours where residents draw water from illegal connections which results in considerable wastage. “I am the first to commend the Mayor for her interest in water quality and her commitment to improve water distribution to rural villages,” McNeil said. “But her senior officials must be accountable to the public and not try to hide test results if they are not favourable.”
Die foto van die man wat met ‘n rooi vlag motoriste moet waarsku teen ‘n padverlegging en verpligte stop is Vrydag (13 April) om 11:00 geneem, tussen Gravelotte en Letsitele, ongeveer drie kilometer voor Letsitele!
20 April 2012
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Ons mening
The Message
Vrydag 20 April 2012
Rev Ron J Reiners • 083 617 8442
Die derby
Tradisie is nie iets waarmee mens lig omgaan nie, want dit verteenwoordig gebruike of menings wat oor jare en geslagte heen gevestig word en manifesteer in ‘n vorm waaraan nie sommer gepeuter word nie — en veral ook omdat dit skuilplek geniet in die mens se sentimentele skatkis. Dit is dus te verstane dat ‘n deel van die gemeenskap ontsteld is oor die Vossie-Plasiederby wat verdwyn. Eweneens is daar by ‘n deel van die gemeenskap begrip vir die besluit. Omdat dit om ‘n tradisie gaan, wil ons graag glo dat die besluit om te onttrek, nie ligtelik geneem is nie. Ons ervaar oor die afgelope paar jaar self dat elemente van die dag verdelend in die gemeenskap is, soms wel van korte duur. Die vraag is of hieraan geskaaf kon word en of dit hoegenaamd reggestel sou kon word, sodat die opvoedkundige waarde van die derby bo twyfel kon wees. Die ramp is dat ons kinders iets ontneem word; iets wat beslis opvoedkundige waarde behoort te hê en inderdaad kán hê. Hulle het mekaar in kinderlike onskuld en goeie sportmangees in sport aangedurf en nie aan die politiek van die dag deelgeneem nie. Daarom moet die skok die skuldige volwassenes, ondersteuners van albei skole, tot nadenke stem en hand in eie boesem laat steek, want dit is hulle en hul (wan)gedrag wat onverkwiklik geraak het. Die kinders het vrede met die naywer, afguns en onsportiewe kleinlikheid waarmee die wenmotief nagejaag word. Dit is volwassenes wat in polivalente trots verstik en ten alle koste wil wen. Die uitdaging aan die gemeenskap lê nou in die weerhouding van verwyte en beskuldigings, en om te besin om voortaan ons skole se aktiwiteite waardig te ondersteun.
Tongknopers / Taalgoggas Uitgange: Twee uitgange is aanvaarbaar en word inderdaad vryelik gebruik, vir meervoudvorme/meervoudvorms. Die e-uitgang neig om meer formeel/styf te klink, teenoor die s-uitgang — en die euitgang blyk ook meer gewild te wees by akademici, politici en mense wat hulle soms sommer net verbeel dit klink dalk “meer geleerd”.
Daar is egter ook ‘n mate van streekgebondenheid wat bepaal watter uitgang gebruik word. Dit blyk dat die s-uitgang meer Kaaps is, en die e-uitgang as’t ware Transvaals is. In die Bulletin verkies ons die s-uitgang en dus skryf ons bepalings en norms en vorms, teenoor bepalinge en norme en vorme, ensovoorts.
It is amazing how quickly life seems to pass us by! It seemed only yesterday we celebrated Christmas, but we are already in the fourth month of the year, and as Christians we remembered the death and sacrifice of Jesus over the Easter weekend. I wonder what this meant to you: was it just another holiday? A time to spend with family or friends, or did the actual meaning of this occasion come through to you? How many went to at least one service held in the various churches or was it too much of an effort for you? Many people still believe that “I do not have to go to church to be a Christian”, but is this a Biblical principal or is it a secular one? I believe that it is in the communion with one another and the sharing with each other that our faith is built up. When we partake in the communion service in church we are sharing with each other a meal, albeit symbolic, not only are we sharing it with one another, but we are sharing it with Christ. In this service we should all be one with each other and I love the words that are used when breaking the bread “The bread which we break is it not a sharing of the body of Christ? And we reply: We, who are many are one body for we all partake of the one bread” (APB p127) Thus I believe that we are obeying Jesus’ command: that we love one another, just as He loved us. I therefore encourage all of you to be more regular in attending services at your church, for it is in fellowship with other Christians that we gain the strength in our belief in Christ. Blessings
supports any lawful action to end violence against our women and children
Hurrah! DA Councillor Luke Perkins, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, writes: May I congratulate the Municipality on fixing the fountain outside the Municipal buildings (at least for a few days last week). I am glad that our requests are bearing fruit. Also, may I congratulate them on the installation of speed bumps on several important roads, near schools, where cars have speeding dangerously. It is good to see that there is some life in the Council. • It would be nice if it could be fixed permanently — Editor
Besoedeling Besorgde Inwoner van Tzaneen skryf: Ek wend my indesperaatheid na u met die vertroue dat ‘n “vreesloos die waarheid”-ondersoek deur u koerant Tzaneen se munisipaliteit tot aksie sal aanspoor. My besorgdheid is dat die Springbok Droogskoonmakers in Plantasiestraat verantwoordelik is vir grootskaalse lugbesoedeling in die ou industriële gebied deur die verbranding van teerpale vir sy warmwaterketels. U kan self kom kyk hoe lê vragte teerpale op die perseel. Nie alleen word die lug besoedel nie, maar die gesondheid van die werkers in die gebied word ook benadeel. As resultate nie deur u ondersoek verkry word nie, sal die inspekteur van Mannekrag, Gesondheid en Veiligheid vir hulp genader moet word. • Ons glo u het gesien dat ons die saak met die GTM opgeneem het en tans is daar geen sigbare rook nie. — Redakteur
Die derby By van Tzaneen skryf per e-pos: Ek verneem dat daar effense beswaar is oor my siening van gebeure in pedago-
een van die skole besluit het om hulle te onttrek!
Letters • Briewe giese kringe in die onlangse verlede. Laat ek as die By dit gevolglik duidelik stel: Hoewel ek nie self larwes (of papies en maaiers) in een van ons opvoedkundige instellings het nie, het ek die hoogste agting vir ons pedagoë en hul diverse meelopers. Maar dit moet hulle weet, as hulle dit durf waag om uit hul spoor te trap, is dit nie die By se skuld dat hulle allergies is vir bysteek nie! Die afgelope week lees die By in een van ons nasionale dagblaaie oor hoe uitnemend voormalige Model C-skole se larwes/maaiers op internasionale vlak in wiskunde presteer. Dit onderstreep wat ek as die By sê oor ons plaaslike opvoedkundige instellings — as jy die heksagoon verstaan, het jy heuning vir jou oudag! Terwyl ons Model C-larwes volgens genoemde berig beter presteer as dié van lande soos Swede, Australië en Engeland, faal ons land se skole egter in sy totaliteit en kom ons loshande laaste in die sogenaamde Timms-toetse wat gr 8-larwes aflê. Die By is nogal verbaas met die innoverende oplossing waarmee ons onderwys-owerhede vorendag gekom het, om hierdie patetiese situasie te remedieer: Die regering het na SA se powere vertoning besluit om die land nie verder aan die Timms te laat deelneem nie! Bid jou dit aan, as jy nie kan kompeteer nie, dan onttrek jy liewers! * Dit is dus met weemoed dat die By die afgelope week moes verneem dat die Laeveld Derby tussen ons twee plaaslike hoërskole nie vanjaar sal plaasvind nie, omdat
How many permits? Desiree van der Walt, DA Leader in Limpopo, writes: The DA has today submitted parliamentary questions to the MEC of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, Ms Pinky Kekana, to establish the number of hunting permits that have been granted by the province since the beginning of the year. We also want to know to which nationals have these permits been issued, the name of the hunting outfitter and the validity period in the case of each permit. This comes after revelations that some professional hunters are exploiting the legal hunting route as a means to illegally trade the rhino horns. In the Northwest late last year some Thai nationals who were issued with hunting permits were exposed to have been dealing illegally with rhino horns and exporting them to the Far East. We have strong suspicions that this practice could also be happening in Limpopo, rhino horns being traded as ‘trophies’ in the international rhino trade. We need to know to what extent have those who have been legally given hunting permits in our province have also been involved with international crime syndicates. Regulating rhino hunting is a matter of provincial competence. The MEC should be in a position to provide us with the answers we need. The DA is serious about improving the protection of our rhino population. I you have information regarding the hunting of rhinos or any other illegal hunting activities, please contact me on 082 452 0444.
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Teater-dors kan geles word Die amptelike opening van Die Teatro by die Hoërskool Merensky was vir liefhebbers van die uitvoerende kunste soos die eerste lentereën — ‘n voorspel tot die belofte van ‘n nuwe seisoen wat aangebreek het. Beskeie, maar met ‘n intieme atmosfeer en uitstekende akoestiek wag Die Teatro nou op plaaslike sowel as besoekende kunstenaars om sielevoedsel aan die honger liefhebbers
van die uitvoerende kunste op te dis. Die Teatro herinner aan die woorde van die onvergeetlike Pablo Picasso (1881-1973): “Kuns verteenwoordig nie die uiterlike voorkoms van dinge nie, maar die innerlike betekenis daarvan.” Kunsliefhebbers se innerlike staan weer gevoed te word op eie bodem.
— Francois Aucamp
Blye herlewing van Die Teatro! Me Mari Weber (drama-afrigter by Merensky), mnr Magnus Steyn (skoolhoof) en me Madeleen Winterbach (kultuurhoof) knip die seremoniële lint voor die ingang van die Blou Karos, die nuwe dramalokaal waar Weber die kinders sal afrig.
Hier word verwys na die herlewing van uitvoerende kunste op ‘n baie spesiale plek. Gedurende die middel-negentigerjare het Mari Weber, ekself en nog ‘n paar vriendinne die potensiaal van die pakruimte onder die verhoog van MHS raakgesien. Daar was nie ‘n lokaal waarin ons intieme kamerkonserte vir ‘n selektiewe gehoor kon hou nie. Na baie bedel en lang nagte se lekker werk, is Die Teatro geopen. Baie mense sal onthou hoe heerlik gesellig en inspirerend die Port-en-Prosa aande, uitvoerings deur
plaaslike kunstenaars, Koek-en-Wyn konserte, ensovoorts daar aangebied is. Ongelukkig het Die Teatro, soos menige goeie dinge, ook mettertyd in onbruik verval. Dis nou waar die herlewing inkom: op 16 April het ons “‘n Kaapse klankie, kleurtjie en geurtjie” in die pas opgeknapte Teatro geniet. Mari Weber het natuurlik die tema bepaal. MHS se eie spyseniers het gesorg vir die smaaklike kerrie-geurtjies, en die kunstenaars wat opgetree het, het die klankies op uiters gepaste wyse uitgevoer. Baie dankie aan MHS en die kunstenaars Mari Weber, Marius Botha, Marcell van Onselen, Rene Mynhardt, Rina Klawer, Chris Mocke en groep vir ‘n baie knap funksie. Dis voorwaar verblydend dat Die Teatro herleef! — Anza van Vuuren
LINKS: Chris Mocke (trekklavier), sy vrou Katarina (trom) en LG du Plessis (kitaar) het met interessante verwerkings die gaste se voete laat jeuk. REGS: Die gaste by die opening van die Blou Karos en Die Teatro het die sang van René Mynardt (van Hoedspruit, wat by albei die hoërskole jong talent met sangafrigting help) en die klavierbegeleiding van Marius Botha terdeë geniet. REGS BO: Mareli van Onselen het gaste betower met haar keurspel op die fluit. Sy en Botha het ook ‘n fluit-duet gelewer. Botha gee musiekonderrig en Van Onselen is die skool se kuluurorganiseerder. Die Teatro word in harmonie met die skool se Musiek-, dans-, drama- en kunsskool bedryf. Foto’s: Annaline van Vreden.
20 April 2012
20 April 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
The following pupils of Merensky High School are members of this year’s LRC (Learner Representative Council) to represent their respective grades. RIGHT ABOVE: The gr 8’s are, back row: Messrs Magnus Steyn (headmaster) and Willie Stevens, Simoné Pretorius, Klarissa Nel, Ivan Botha and in the middle row are Michelle Stevens, Almo Julies, Alicia Prinsloo, Joseph Raspel and Vuthu Mutshinyali. In the front row are Rutendo Shambuyedova, Thabang Mashionoke, Tumi Ngwako and Reneliwe Mola. The gr 9’s (RIGHT BOTTOM) are, back row: Werner Drevis, Messrs Magnus Steyn and Willie Stevens, MJ Mulder, Barend Oosthuizen and Tapiwa Gwanzura. Middle row: Christelize Elbrecht, Courtney Schlebusch, Matodzi Bele, Jan Legodi and in the front are Joané Fernandez, Lumé van Zyl and Thato Moakamela.
‘n Honorus-skoolwapen is aan Marijke Bezuidenhout toegeken, tydens die onlangse prysuitdeling by die Hoërskool Merensky. Sy het aan ‘n internasionale kompetisie vir die uitvoerende kunste in die VSA deelgeneem, waar sy ‘n algehele derde plek in die danskategorie behaal het. Sy het ook ‘n tweejaar-beurs by die New Yorkse skool vir dramatiese kunste gekry.
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Love and live The end! This is where your journey stops. It’s time to say goodbye. You are about to take your last breath! Any last words? Hahaha, just kidding. I don’t have the authority to take anyone’s life. Nor do I have the desire to. Not now, at least. But one day, we’ll all close our eyes for the last time. Death is an inevitable part of nature. The tormenting feelings that we experience when losing a loved one are also natu-
REGS: Tydens Merensky se prysuitdeling is Tian Koekemoer as top-krieketspeler van 2011 aangewys. Die veelsydige kolwer en bouler is ook gekies as lid van die Limpopo Titans se o.23-span. Kristie Badenhorst (links) het ‘n boekprys vir haar uitsonderlike prestasie in Afrikaans (huistaal) ontvang.
Khutso says ral, but talks of death are often... avoided. Why? Because the thought of dying frightens most of us so much that we become saddened by it. What if it came today? If you don’t see tomorrow? What are yóú leaving behind? How will you be remembered? What is your legacy? No! Not all of us have a business empire or a fortune to leave behind for our loved ones, but we have memories. Will you be remembered as bully or a comforter? Did you bring people down or did you uplift them, by telling them how beautiful they are. Are you the gossipmonger who damages names mercilessly or do you made a name for yourself by using your talents to empower others? How have you used the opportunities that have been granted to you? We all know that an opportunity is momentary. So is life; give it your best shot! Be the best version of yourself by focussing your energy on being positive, because yóú are responsible for the energy that you bring into the world. Like when you answer the phone — smile! The caller will hear it in your voice. In doing so, you’re giving people more than they expect and you’re doing it cheerfully. Saying “bless you” when someone sneezes is also a form of giving, because words have power. You’ll see the power of words by looking someone in the eye when you say “I’m sorry”. When you say “I love you” and meaning it. The quality of the rest of your life is your chóíce and you can live it completely by loving deeply and passionately. Yes. Love. Honey, the greatest disease today is not AIDS or Cancer. The greatest disease today is the feeling of being unloved. Without love, people die.
ADVERTORIAL | Tzaneen Besigheid in Fokus
Van Heerden Apteek ‘n Groter perseel, wyer verskeidenheid en nóg beter diens Van Heerden Apteek het onlangs na hul nuwe perseel in die Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre verskuif en spog met ‘n wye reeks produkte en dienste. Die apteek, wat Tzaneeners al vir langer as tien jaar bedien, is deel van die Van Heerdengroep wat vanjaar hul 27ste verjaarsdag vier.
Dié groep het takke in Mbombela, Pretoria, Modimolle, Thabazimbi, Bela Bela, Sabie en Tzaneen. Van Heerden Apteek, Tzaneen, streef om bekostigbare gesondheidsorg aan die publiek te lewer, sonder om van gehalte en persoonlike diens afstand te doen.
Hier is die vriendelike en hulpvaardige span wat Van Heerdens Apteek se besoekers ontvang en bedien. Agter is me Louise Thiart, mnre Daniel Letsoalo en Jones van Wyk en str Audrey Riley. In die ry voor hulle staan mee Martha Masetla, Regina Dreyer, Maryka Esterhuizen, Karien Harmsen en mnr Sonty Malatjie. In die tweede ry van voor is mee Jené Theron, Annica Roux, Tiyani Mthembi, Idah Sambo en Heidi Smit en voor is mee Marlie Erasmus, Nancy Smit en Annelize Grobler. Inlas: Me Catherine Ditlake.
Hulle poog dat klante telkens deur dieselfde apteker of aptekersassistent bedien word, en sodoende sien klante telkens ‘n bekende gesig en persoonlike omgeeverhoudings word so gebou. Van Heerden Apteek poog om ‘n uitgebreide diens te lewer, met twee heeltydse aptekers, twee gekwalifiseerde aptekersassistente en ‘n assistent wat tans met opleiding besig is. Daar is ook ‘n kliniekdiens met ‘n heeltydse verpleegsuster wat vyf dae per week beskikbaar is. Sy doen inentings van kinders teen bekostigbare pryse, neem onder meer ook PAP-smere en BMIbepalings. Sy is ook ‘n stomaterapeut wat graag help met kateterisasies en stomabenodigdhede en is ook ‘n opgeleide wondspesialis wat spesialiseer in diabetiese wonde en enige ander chroniese wonde wat nie wil genees nie. Daar is sestien personeellede en die apteek beplan om die personeelkorps verder uit te brei, ten einde ‘n nóg beter diens te lewer. Van Heerden Apteek is ‘n voorkeurverskaffer vir ‘n groot aantal mediese fondse, omdat hulle ‘n Scriptsavers-netwerkapteek is. Die verpleegsuster doen siftingstoetse vir mediese fondse soos cholesterol en bloedglukose, algemene gesondheidsorg asook Discovery se Vitalitytoetse. Groep-inentings en siftingstoetse word op versoek ook op buitepersele gedoen. Die apteek gaan hul eie reeks vitamienes en verwante medikasie uitbrei en onder die Scriptsavers-vaandel verpak. Die kosmetiese afdeling bied nou ook selfs meer vir
20 April 2012
klante met ‘n produktereeks wat uitgebrei is om handelsname soos Clarins, Revlon, Yardley, Esteé Lauder en L’Oreal in te sluit. Die verskeidenheid van parfuums gaan binnekort drasties uitgebrei word en behoort in almal se smaak te val. Die apteek lewer steeds ‘n gratis afleweringsdiens oral in Tzaneen en lewer een maal per dag teen ‘n minimale tarief in Letsitele af.
20 April 2012
Twee leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het aan die SA kampioenskappe vir die uitvoerende kunste deelgeneem. Hanco van der Merwe (gr 8) en Anne van Tonder (gr 10) het albei gesing en beskryf dit as ’n wonderlike ervaring. Hanco het ’n brons medalje in die Broadway-afdeling verwerf. Die Vossies is nou weer geïnspireer om volgende jaar ’n groter groep leerlinge na die SA’s te stuur. Regs is Hanco Anne.
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
REGS ONDER: Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het ‘n tradisie begin deurdat hul hoofleiers van vanjaar af nuwe baadjies kan dra tydens belangrike geleenthede en ook Maandae en Vrydae by die skool. Hier pronk Eljana Fleischmann (onderhoofmeisie), Anri Janse van Rensburg (hoofmeisie), Tristin du Preez (hoofseun) en Heini Ferreira (onderhoofseun) in hul nuwe hoofleier-vere.
Slim se baas
Marco Fasondini, ’n oud-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en die jongste seun van die Vossies se adjunkhoof, me Isolde Fasondini, het by die prysuitdeling van die fakulteit natuurwetenskap en landboukunde van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat ’n hand propvol pryse losgeslaan. Hy is aangewys as die beste BSc-student met ’n gemiddeld van 95,5% oor drie jaar, waarvoor hy die Henk Heckroodt-prys, die Kovsie Alumni-prys en die Dekaan-toekenning ontvang. Hy is ook aangewys as die beste derdejaarstudent in wiskunde en toegepaste wiskunde met ’n gemiddeld van 98,83%. LEFT: Two Stanford Lake College pupils recently attended the International Round Square Conference in Nairobi. Delegates from schools from over the world attended the event. The theme for the conference was “No existence without coexistence” and speakers had a common and deep concern for Africa, its future and the need to embrace harmonious coexistence. Round Square has more than ninety independent schools on fifty continents. Round Square Schools teach students to see themselves as global citizens who look beyond gender, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature. SLC Head Girl Tarryn Brent, left, and Haley Dawson attended the conference.
Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir sport-, kerk-, skool-, kultuur-, en sosiale nuus
REGS: Merensky geniet vanjaar sprokiesverhale. ‘n Oud-leerling en ook oud-onnie, me Martie Tremper, het die ja-woord vir haar eerste groot hoërskool-liefde gegee. Mnr Jan Ludik het sy toekomstige bruid in 1952 ontmoet, toe hulle groentjies op Plasieland was. Hul paadjies het na matriek geskei, maar weer gekruis — en hulle is na vyftig jaar in Merensky se skoolsaal in die huwelik bevestig. Regs onder word die stralende bruid deur kinders omring. Ongelukkig is geen besonderhede vir dié foto verskaf nie.
20 April 2012
Standard Bank TZANEEN NOW... The management team: at the back are Charmaine du Toit (account analysis expert, in red dress), Lephios Mashego (branch manager), Rodney Mogoboya (team leader: service), Ronnica Brancon (team leader: customer service), Trudie Pienaar (admin officer); in front are Elize Jordaan (private banker), Maggy Mantlhakga (business manager: entrepreneur), Isabella Letsoalo (business manager: small enterprises), Hester Robinson (team leader: tellers), Melanie Dednam (team leader: teller/forex) and Joy Botha (service centre manager).
Five staff members have a combined 124 years of service at Standard Bank’s Tzaneen branch. In the back are Ronicca Brancon (18 years), Trudie Pienaar (26 years) and Charmaine du Toit (23 years). In front is Hester Robinson (32 years). Carlone van Schalkwyk (25 years) was unfortunately absent when the photo was taken.
Standard Bank has provided trusted banking services to the Tzaneen area since they opened their Tzaneen branch in 1937. The bank has also expanded in the area, with a branch opening in Giyani in 1999 and a loan centre opening in Danie Joubert Street in October 2010. Standard Bank’s Tzaneen branch was completely renovated from October 2010 until March 2011, with the new ICUSASA branch opening on 15 March 2011. The staff worked throughout the renovation process with clients supporting the bank even during the hammering, breaking and dust flying everywhere. Some clients enjoyed the change of atmosphere and wanted to play along by wearing hard hats like the builders. The contractors, Petite Construction, supported local businesses by obtaining 70% of the building material locally. The branch is now 1 870 m², providing more space for customers to feel at ease when doing their banking. The staff now numbers 53, a far cry from the four staff members who worked at Standard Bank when it opened in 1937. Standard Bank Tzaneen staff prides
themselves on giving clients the best service possible and taking banking to the people. They are pro-active and aren’t stationary in the offices, helping valued customers who cannot come to the bank with their banking needs. They were recently rewarded for their efforts with an award for excellent customer service in 2011. The focus in 2012 is on personal, house and business loans.
They provide service to a wide range of markets including the personal market, small and medium enterprises, start-up business, commercial business, the agri market, vehicle and asset finance, financial consultancy and a full forex (foreign exchange) branch. For the past few years the staff has also been involved in three to four community projects per year, helping to enrich the lives of others.
20 April 2012
20 April 2012
...and THEN
Standard Bank’s Tzaneen branch has been a part of Tzaneen’s history since 1937. The bank was very interested in new settlements where new branches could be established and was watching with interest when the Tzaneen Estate was converted into a settlement in February 1919. Duiwelskloof was at first considered to be a better option than Tzaneen as the Government planned to conduct their work there because of a better climate. Tzaneen, situated in a valley, was very hot in the summer and ideal breeding grounds for malaria. In 1919 construction on a bridge over the Olifants River started and would cause more traffic to move through Tzaneen and Duiwelskloof, improving trade. In August of the same year, The National Bank of South Africa opened a branch in Duiwelskloof, angering residents of Tzaneen. They insisted that the bank also open a sub-branch in Tzaneen. Standard Bank, at that time, held the opinion that, although Tzaneen was the better centre, it was low-lying and unhealthy. The National Bank opened an agency in Tzaneen, where one staff member worked on Saturdays. The Tzaneen Farmers’ Association, which had 150 members, opened an account at the agency, but one of the Association’s member believed that Standard Bank would open a branch there shortly. If that happened the account would be moved to the Standard Bank. The Mayor’s Farm near Letaba Drift and Diggers Rest was sold at £4 per morgen (0,8 ha). In October 1920 Standard Bank purchased Erf no 32 in Tzaneen for £26. The stand was freehold and measured 2 678.4 m² and was situated centrally in Tzaneen, near the Post Office. This stand was never used as a business area developed elsewhere and the stand now faced the outbuildings and refuse at the back of the local hotel. It was sold in June 1937 for £50. Barclays Bank (formerly National Bank) upgraded their Tzaneen offices to a sub-branch in 1928 and a full branch in May 1929. On 19 April 1937 Standard Bank finally opened its Tzaneen branch. At this time Barclays Bank’s Tzaneen Branch employed eleven people. The branch temporarily operated from a building occupied by G J Maritz, an attorney, for the monthly rent of £6.16.0 (roughly R88 in today’s value). Their electric lights were supplied by a nearby garage at a minimum charge of ten shillings (around R6) per month. The bank had to borrow a safe and office furniture. The new premises for the bank were to be completed at the end of September 1937. There were no first-class cabinet makers in
the village, thus an architect and the woodwork master at the Merensky School in Tzaneen undertook the refurbishing of an old counter sent from the Vereeniging Branch. The bank appears to have only moved to the new premises at the beginning of 1938. Although all the bank’s needs were met the location was not ideal as they were situated at the far end of the main street. It was close to the Post Office and other government buildings, but out of the business centre of the village. The bank paid a rental fee of £150 per year and the lease ran until the end of 1941. In August 1938 there were 122 current accounts and 21 savings accounts at the Standard Bank’s Tzaneen branch. Standard Bank employed a staff of five at this time, compared to Barclays staff of eight. Tzaneen, which was situated on the Selati railway line, made rapid progress during the late 1930’s and became the main trading centre for the district. It served a large area and was largely dependent of the progressive farming community who produced tropical fruits, citrus, timber and vegetables. In 1938 the six storekeepers in the village appeared to be doing well and their business was increasing. In 1938 four main citrus producers in the area were The Letaba Estates, The Valencia Estates, HL Hall & Sons and Westfalia Estates. In 1941 a manager’s residence was built for Standard Bank Tzaneen’s manager. The estimated cost of the house was £2 300. In the early 1940’s Standard Bank was in ‘n central position in the main street in town but, due to the growth of the town and an increase in business, would soon need to move to expand. In September 1946 the bank was offered
a property on the corner of the main street, Lannie Lane and Yamorna Street. The bank bought the property in 1947 for £5 000. The building was competed early in 1951. Volkskas Beperk opened a branch in Tzaneen on 20 April 1951. There was a lot of development in Tzaneen during the late 1950’s and Standard Bank shared in the growth. Their staff now numbered 24, which was the limit that could be
accommodated in the building. By 1994 the branch had to be expanded and it was decided to move to 16 Morgan Street at the end of 1995. In 1996 there were 44 staff members, which included nine tellers. The premises had to be altered in 2000 and was renovated again in 2011, which resulted in the spacious, modern Standard Bank that its clients now know.
75 years
of moving you FORWARD.
The evolution of the Standard Bank logo
Mid 1980’s
20 April 2012
Vital statistics Engine Type Displacement Max. Power Max. Torque Max. Speed Acceleration
Serious M Power for the BMW-aholics The BMW 1 Series M Coupé is a purist and very high-performance version of the standard 1 Series Coupe, developed by BMW’s motorsport branch BMW M. It is currently the smallest and least expensive M model available. The name was chosen to avoid confusion with the original BMW M1.
Subaru se klitsgras BRZ
Die BRZ is a platsittende gedierte. Met lae oorhange en ‘n lang asafstand wat afgerond word met ‘n eweneens lae gravitasie-spilpunt wat by verre die beste is in die tipe motor. Die platvier bokserenjin dra verder by om dié sterk punt verder in die liga van die onmoontlike in te skuif. Wat
Chinese GP, 2012 Last Sunday was probably the best F1 circus act in about five years. Right from practice through the green light to the end was jam packed with exciting racing, wheel to wheel action and a couple of spills, one of which saw Mark Webber get airborne when he hit the curb at an uncomfortable angle. The Silver Arrow team, Mercedes, achieved their first pole position and victory since 1955. Nico Rosberg won the race followed by Jenson Button and Lewis Hamilton. Vettel’s woes continues as he only managed a lacklustre fourth. Lewis is leading the champship at this stage.
dit nog interessanter maak, is dat dit selfs laer en verder teruggeplaas is as ander Subarus omdat dit net agterwielaangedrewe is en dus nie voorste dryfasse benodig nie. Daar is wel ‘n beperkte gly-as. Die totale resep is een vir ratse hantering, uiters lae bakrol en vasvoetigheid. Definitief ‘n motor vir die entoesias.
Aston Martin - new V12 Zagato -
Reviving a collaboration which has produced some of the most beautiful and sought-after cars in the world, the partnership takes inspiration from the past, to create a modern descendent of classics such as the DB4GT Zagato, V8 Vantage Zagato and DB7 Zagato based on Aston Martin's ultimate performance interpretation of the Vantage range: the V12 Vantage. Work began in 2010 with initial meetings between Aston Martin and Zagato where sketches incorporating the design DNA of both companies were
discussed. Featuring a new handcrafted aluminium body, the V12 Zagato delivers a beautiful and muscular design not possible using pre-formed panel techniques. Using the influences and skill of nearly 100 years of heritage in the craft, every aluminium panel was formed using an English wheel and traditionally crafted body bucks. Each front wing alone comprises seven separate pieces of
V12 6.0 Lt 380 kW 570 Nm > 300 km/h < 4 sec
In the 50th anniversary year of the iconic DB4GT Zagato, Aston Martin introduces a modern interpretation of the famous Aston Martin - Zagato collaboration. aluminium, combined and then hand finished to give one flowing form. Another iconic Zagato design cue is the double bubble roof created in this case from five separate pieces illustrating further the intensity of craftsmanship involved in the construction
of the V12 Zagato. Designed for the focused driver, the V12 Zagato has been honed with pure driving enjoyment in mind. The Aston Martin V12 Zagato was shown for the first time at the Villa D'Este Concours on Saturday 21May 2011.
20 April 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
The new Audi A4 and S4 is here The Audi A4 range has been updated. New solutions for efficiency, driving dynamics and infotainment, along with a more attractive design attest the “Vorsprung durch Technik” achieved by the Audi A4 sedan, A4 Avant and the Audi S4 sedan. By 2011, more than nine million Audi A4’s had been sold and it remains the Audi brand’s most important and most recognised model range. Engines in the new A4’s set new efficiency standards. The consumption levels have dropped by 11 percent on average, despite the increased power and torque of many of the engines. In the Sedan and the Avant body
styles, several petrol and diesel engines with a variety of engine transmission combinations are offered. All engines are supercharged direct-injection systems with stop-start and the recuperation system as standard throughout. Audi A4 range presents the latest state-ofthe-art petrol engine technology. A new highlight for the TFSI family is the new third generation 1.8 litre engine, available in the Sedan and Avant. The four cylinder delivers a sporty thrust, with a power output of 125 kW and 320 Nm of torque. The average consumption in the A4 Sedan is 5.6 litres per 100 km with 129 grams of CO². There is a decrease of 19 percent in consump-
tion when compared to its less powerful predecessor engine. The new entry level engine to the Audi A4 Sedan is the 1.8 TFSI with an output of 88 kW and 230 Nm of torque with a CO² figure of 149 grams per kilometre. The 2.0 TFSI delivers 155 kW. At the top of the range is the 3.0 TFSI has an output of 200 kW and 400 Nm of torque. Two four cylinder diesel engines are available; the 2.0 TDI 105 kW efficiency model and the 2.0 TDI 130 kW variant. The powerful six cylinder 3.0 TDI generates 180 kW with 500 Nm of torque and 189 grams of CO² per kilometre.
Audi S4 employs the most powerful engine in the line-up; the 3.0 TFSI with 245 kW and 440 Nm of torque. The Sedan’s average fuel consumption is a mere 8.0 litres per 100 km. The S4 accelerates in 5.0 seconds from zero to 100 km/h and achieves 250 km/h.
There’s even more on the horizon BMG Bearing Man in Tzaneen has been providing customers with great service for almost ten years. Bearing Man Tzaneen is a retailer selling a wide range of engineering supplies like fasteners, belting, seals and bearings and farm products like slasher gearboxes. They also recently started stocking windscreen wipers and spark plugs and plan to expand their range of products to include brake pads and related merchandise.
The Bearing Man group has over a hundred branches and agents countrywide, as well as in neighbouring countries, and plan to expand products available to include a large number of new products. Bearing Man strives to provide their customers with the best service and they are on call 24 hours of the day. For any enquiries contact BMG Bearing Man Tzaneen at 015 307 7334.
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20 April 2012
20 April 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Events l Gebeure
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com Young University in the USA. Contact Elma on p/tafel) by kerkkantoor. Kaartjies R120/p. Skakel Denise (kantoorure) by 015 307 4496. 078 6868 255 for more information.
This Week
Aandmark Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld, vandag, 16:00. Spesiale kindertafel, springkasteel, pretdraf, eetgoed, kettieskietkompetisie en gesigverf. 5 km-Dopperdraf om 18:00. Veiling om 17:00. Pannekoek, vetkoek, worsbordjies, Yankees, gebak, kraakvars groente en vrugte, vars vleis ens. Skakel Paul Venter 015 307 3205 (tussen 08:00 – 12:00). Rugbydans
Hoërskool Merensky se skoolsaal, vandag. ‘Barnyard’-styl — bring eie eetgerei, glase, ys en drinkgoed. Potjiekos word bedien met allerlei bykosse. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Liezl Herman by die skoolkantoor teen R100/p. Tema: die 60’s.
Fun Day Misty River Spur, Tzaneen, tomorrow, 09:00-16:00. Jumping castles, waterslides, face painting, fishing competitions and stalls. Vegan Bake Sale Vervet Monkey Sanctuary, Tzaneen, tomorrow, 14:00-17:00. Taking part in the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale to raise funds for the monkeys in their care. Fee: R25/p includes guided tour and a look into the work of the Foundation. Cruelty free, vegan, dairy free cakes made by their vegan chef and visit their education centre and gift shop. Contact 083 4545 381 or e-mail info@ vervet.za.org. NBTS Blood Clinic The King’s Court, Modjadjiskloof, Monday, 09:00-13:00. Contact the school on 082 802 4287 or 073 151 5943. Gholfdag ten bate bejaardesorg Die jaarlikse
Gholfdag van die Rings Diakens van Laeveld op Saterdag 21 April 2012 om 10:00 te LCC Tzaneen. Afsonderlike kompetisies vir spelers met en sonder ‘n voorgee. Navrae: Hendrik van Schalkwyk 082 44 33 864 13
The Months Ahead
AP Kerk Tzaneen, 4 Mei, 09:00-19:00. Moderne kunsmark, plante, potjiekos, “steak”rolle, kerrie & rys, vleis, groente, gebak en talle ander lekkernye. Debiet- en kredietkaartmasjien beskikbaar. Skyfskiet-kompetisie met ‘n rooibok as eerste prys. Besighede kan kos vooraf bestel vir aflewering. Skakel 015 307 2014 of 083 645 3747 vir bestellings.
Moedersdag Orgideëskou
Tzaneen Tuinsentrum, 4-6 Mei, 09:00-17:00. Sluit Sondag 13:00. Orgideë en ‘n verskeidenheid ander plante te koop. Toegang gratis. Verras jou moeder met ‘n pragtige orgidee vir Moedersdag. Vir meer besonderhede skakel Daan by 073 356 2235 of Dien 072 721 4337.
Young Ambassadors
Ben Vorster High School, 5 May. The Young Ambassadors will be performing the musical Harmony: The Music of Life. The Young Ambassadors are a group of singers, dancers, and musicians from Brigham
Kinderkermis Die Besige Bytjieskleuterskool, Tzaneen, bied op 5 Mei ’n kermis met Mnr en Mej Bytjie, fotokompetisie, speletjies, uitstallers ensovoorts. Die pret begin 09:00 by die skouterrein. Rina by 082 558 4342.
La Petite Piaf
Hotel@Tzaneen, 9 June, 19:00. A tribute to French singer, Edith Piaf. Lizelle van der Vyver will be singing with Sonja van Zyl accompanying her on the piano and Wim van Schalkwyk on the cello. R180/p, Bikini Blues Hervormde Kerk Laeveld dinner: French-style canapé platters. For (Duiwelskloof ) Kerksaal, 12 Mei, 09:00 vir bookings call Lané 082 806 2110 or Deniel 10:00. Die gewilde eenvrouvertoning deur Mari 083 856 7355. Weber. Kom geniet ‘n slaplag kykie in die stryd Support The Tzaneen Depression and van ‘n erg middeljarige vrou se soektog na ‘n Anxiety Support Group meetings every alternate swembroek. Die toneelstuk is reeds 35 maal Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community suksesvol opgevoer voor gehore van Messina Centre. Colleen on 015 307 5137 or 083 415 tot in die Vrystaat. Kaartjies beskikbaar by 5137/071 853 2121. Bobbie Haynes 0834171914 of Debbie Kruger 0795150178. Koste: R100 en sluit ‘n liplekker Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every iets om te eet in. Henk Van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Letsitele Opera-aand NG Kerk Letsitele month. Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291. Amfiteater, 12 Mei, 19:00. Die sangers uit Pretoria wat optree is Ilze Coetzee, Antoinette Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and Olivier, Righard Linde, Dirk Venter met begeleier DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, Ingrid Bredell. Kaartjies en inligting is beskikbaar 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. by die kerkkantoor 015 345 1618. Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, SAVF Hoededag 18 Mei. Koop ‘n plakker Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Skakel Hannes Steyn vir die SAVF se Wear to Care-hoededag en dra 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. ‘n kreatiewe of indrukwekkende hoed. Gelde ingesamel gaan vir projekte vir die versorging Sport 13 van kinders en mindebevoorregte-gesinne. Plakkers is beskikbaar by SAVF Tzaneen teen R10.00/plakker. Donasies is ook welkom. Vir navrae skakel Ilza Roelofze 082 773 0471. This Week 13 Books and Art Methodist Church Hall, Tzaneen, 26 May, 10:00-16:00. A display and sale of paintings and fine art by local artists and Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae & Donderdae books by local a uthors. Entry free. Contact Iris 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 222 4950 of Freestone on 082 922 9127 or Beth Keller on Natasha by 015 307 3316. 015 307 5516. Indoor Hockey Letaba Showgrounds (Chameleon Indoor Cricket). Wedstryde saans tussen 18:00 en 22:00. R25/p (4 of 5/span). Bring Ander 13 eie hokkiestokke, balle sal voorsien word.
Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld, Herofield Kruistog Herofield, 30 Mei, 20 April, 18:00. 5 km-pretloop. Stappers welkom. 14:00-15:00. Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Hoërskool Vir meer besonderhede skakel 015 307 3891. Merensky en Stanford Lake College gaan elk ‘n deel van die kruis dra en na Herofield toe stap. Die kruis word daar geplant en die groep het The Months Ahead 13 dan ‘n lofprysingsgeleentheid daar. Vir navrae skakel Hannes Steyn, 082 309 8335. Tzaneen Rally Tzaneen Country Lodge, Kompetisie Die Hervormde kerk 5 May, 10:00. Annual Bathroom Bizarre Tzaneen Tzaneen bied die Groot 3-kompetisie. Eerste Rally starts at Tzaneen Country Lodge at 10.00 prys: Jagnaweek in die Waterpoort (1 eland, and finishes back there before dark. There will 1 koedoe en 1 rooibok). Tweede prys: AMC be 7 Special stages with spectator viewing Classic kookstel. Derde prys: iPad. Kaartjies points, mostly in the Politsi-area. Central service R50. Sluitdatum 31 Mei. Navrae: 015 307 4508 area at Politsi crossroads all day. Contact David of 072 144 7514. Brown 015 307 5165 / 083 560 8622. Pieter Kotze Voetspoortjie Kleuterskool bied aan Pieter Kotzé. Musiek, kuier en dans in Ander 13 ‘Barnyard’-styl. Tzaneen Skousaal, 1 Junie, 18:00 vir 18:30. R100/p, bring eie piekniekmandjie. Geen eie drank, kontantkroeg. Kaartjies by Kaskar Laerskool Dr Annecke, Letsitele, 28 Voetspoortjie Kleuterskool. Navrae: Inge Mari Julie. Skole se juniors en seniors, jongmense en Kotzé by 083 456 3465. selfs oueres neem deel. Weerbaie opwinding Romanz Hoërskool Ben Vorster, 8 Junie, en kraampies met ’n verskeidenheid heerlike ‘Barnyard’-styl, ten bate van die NG Kerk Tzaneen. eetgoed. Navrae: Gerhardt Vorster by 083 457 Bring eie piekniekmandjie. Tafelbesprekings (10 8824.
Win a Blackberry 9300* Simply send us your videos or photos of newsworthy items and community related issues and our panel of judges will select the best video or photo for posting on our website. You may send as many entries as you like. The winner will be announced in the and on our website in the edition of 13 April 2012. See Terms and Conditions Image is for illustrative purposes only. * See Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions 1. Send your newsworthy photo or short video to editor@bulletin.us.com; 2. Your photo/video will be credited (your name or the name you supply to us); 3. The judges will select the best photo/video supplied during the month of March 2012 (1 to 31 March) and it will be shown on our website; 4. The decision of the judges will be final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding their decision. 5. Prize will not be exchangeable for cash
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Fri, Sat: 9:50, 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50, 22:15 Sun, Mon, Wed: 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50 Tue: 9:50, 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50 Thu: 12:15, 14:50, 17:20, 19:50 ——————————————————————————————————
Thu: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30
¸ ˛ ◊
MALL OF THE NORTH GIRLFRIENDS’ GETAWAY THE VOW ¸ ˛ ◊ Girlfriends’ Getaway screening on 25 April BOOKINGS NOW OPEN Wed: 20:00
THE AVENGERS 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ Thu: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30
THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS 3D ¸ ˛ ◊ ß Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:20, 19:30, 21:45
Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:20, 19:30 Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:40, 20:15, 22:50 Mon, Wed: 12:30, 15:00, 17:20, 19:30 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:40, 20:15 THE GREY ¸ ˛ ◊ ∞ Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:40, 20:15 ——————————————————————————————————
˛ ◊
Fri, Sat: 9:10, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45, 22:25 Sun, Tue: 9:10, 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45 Mon, Wed, Thu: 11:40, 14:15, 17:00, 19:45
Fri, Sat: 9:30, 12:00, 14:40, 17:10, 20:00, 22:30 A MILLION COLOURS Sun, Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:40, 17:10, 20:00 ¸ ˛ ◊ Tue: 9:30, 12:00, 14:40, 17:10, 20:00 ——————————————————————————————————
Thu: 11:40, 14:20, 17:00, 19:45
˛ Ç å THE HUNGER GAMES ˛ ◊ œ Fri, Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 19:40, 22:00 Daily: 11:30, 14:30, 17:30, 20:30 Sun, Tue: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 19:40 JOYFUL NOISE ˛ ◊ Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:30, 15:00, 17:30, 19:40 Fri, Sat: 9:20, 12:00, 14:50, 17:35, 20:15, 22:50 —————————————————————————————————— THE LORAX
WRATH OF THE TITANS ˛ Ç œ Fri, Sat: 9:40, 12:00, 15:15, 17:50, 20:15, 22:40 Sun, Tue: 9:40, 12:00, 15:15, 17:50, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 15:15, 17:50, 20:15
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS: ˛ Ç å CHIPWRECKED Fri, Sat: 9:20, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 21:45 Sun, Tue: 9:20, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 Mon, Wed: 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
Sun, Tue: 9:20, 12:00, 14:50, 17:35, 20:15 Mon, Wed, Thu: 12:00, 14:50, 17:35, 20:15
ORDINARY PEOPLE ˛ ◊ \ Fri, Sat: 17:40, 20:15, 22:50 Sun-Wed: 17:40, 20:15
AMERICAN PIE: REUNION ˛ ◊ ª Fri, Sat: 9:15, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 20:00, 22:35 Sun, Tue: 9:15, 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 20:00 Mon, Thu: 11:50, 14:40, 17:10, 20:00 Wed: 11:50, 14:40, 17:10
Fri-Sun, Tue: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15 Mon, Wed: 12:15, 15:15
˛ ◊ å
FOR SHOWTIMES & BOOKINGS, VISIT www.sterkinekor.mobi VIA YOUR CELLPHONE OR CALL TICKETLINE ON 082 16789 FIND US ON FACEBOOK AT facebook.com/sterkinekortheatres
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20 April 2012
20 April 2012
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Smouskous l PicknBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 BUTLER REKENMEESTERS Vir PROFESSIOANELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1. Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2. Bestuursrekeninge 3. Kompliering van Finansiële State 4. Registrasie van Maatksappye 5. Opgawes vir: 5. 1 Inkomstebelasting 5. 2 BTW 5. 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Apr501(1)_______
Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501
Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________
Best services + price on all your gas and oil needs Rohan 082 337 4522 Nov201________________ Need a gift for someone special? Jewellery, cutlery, photo frames, crockery and much more! Contact 015 307 4448 Nov204_______________ Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131__________________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_________________ Acrylic tips, only R150 for a new set and R100 for a fill! Contact Nicky 083 746 6592 Jan203________________
Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________
Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________
Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111___________________
KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________
For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128__________________
Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235
Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129__________________ Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102_________________ Naledi store We buy & sell tools 015 307 6991 Jan102________________ Little Angels Dagsorg het nog baie plek vir babas en peuters. Alle Maaltye ingesluit. As U belangstel in Liefdevolle sorg kontak Martie 0827323339 om afspraak te reël. Mar102(1)____________ Professional Hunter, 14 years Big Five experience looking for freelance hunts in Limpopo province. Contact Tim Dare 0766712515 Mar105(1)____________ 10 Minute Vertical Sunbed!!! For the perfect tan, book now!!! 082 4000 991, 2B King Edward Drive Mar109(1)____________ Ons diens en herstel alle fabrikate. Kontak Mark 015 307 5268 jan305________________ Medicare Centre Tzaneen Holistic management of Diabetes, Cardiovascular and metabolic syndrome and its complications Contact 015 307 2382 Mar205(1)__________ Strapping, Stapels, Nails en Pneumatic tools 5 Rietbokstreet, Tzn 015 307 1344/5 Mar206(1)_____ The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________
Distributors of Caltex fuels & Lubricants 083 627 8834 015 307 1998 Mar209(1)__________ Lanique Haarsalon Vir Afsprake Skakel 015 307 4604 Mar210(1)________ Beads Bezaar We have moved Tourist information centre on the R71, opposite Spur 082 339 1093 beadsbazaar@mweb.co.za mar212(1)__________
Services Dienste
Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439 Key shop & Locksmith Quick Friendly, professional service 24 Hour call out Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste 4D Ultrasound Medi 24 h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstreet Polokwane Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)_________ Tired of doing your own debt collection for your business? For fast, efficient and professional service, contact Raun Vorster 015 307 6797. Sept426________________ Photos are memories forever! Contact me to capture those special occasions! Sonia 0822178322. Sept432________________ Springkastele & Glybane te huur in Tzaneen! Kantoor ure: Mon to Fri: 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193 suikerbekkie19@ webmail.co.za Sept434________________ VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI VERVOER VAN MEUBELS VASTE ROETES ELKE WEEK VERPAKKING MATERIAAL BESKIKBAAR OP AANVRAAG SKAKEL MICHELLE VIR KWOTASIE 073 976 7605 / goldentransporttzn@gmail.com
Nov302________________ Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301________________ Do you enjoy music? We sell drum sets, guitars, keyboards and much more Contact 015 307 4448 Nov205________________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209_______________
TZANEEN TRAILER HIRE Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc.Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401 Audio Repairs, DVD, TV and VCR Repairs, Spares and Accessories, IC’S and TR’S. We also do orders. Contact 015 307 7189 jan307________________ Afsim: Code 08 and 10. Simulator training available at R130 per hour. Learners licence at R500, Mock Exams R50. Practical in vehicle available with full courses at competitive rates. Learn to drive… The safe way! Aqua Mall, Aqua Park, Tzaneen. 079 726 9997 Oct105________________ Do you have a problem with cockroaches? Are they taking over your house and home? I have the solution! Money back guaranteed and very satisfied clients! Call Anette: 083 276 7872 or 015 307 6741 Dec202________________ CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018
As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowings, verjaardag, kerk uitstappie, vergade rings etc. Groot plek met kroeg yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402_______________ Lou-dri Field services Specialise in all earth moving machines, Trucks and Tractors. Contact Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ or 071 826 6298 Lou-dri velddienste Spesialiseer in grondverskuiwingmasjiene, trokke en trekkers. Kontak Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ of 071 826 6298 feb102________________ You could earn about $4,000 every month PASSIVELY for life, and
Furniture Removals / Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd Puik diens & lae pryse Marlien 015 781 0637 / 083 252 8928
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
you do not have to send any money. For more information, log on to this webpage: http://signup. wazzub.info/?lrRef=4577a. feb305_______________
cut, colour or highlights. I do extensions and sell products for childrens hair too. Contact Lanie 015 307 4604 jan311_______________
We offer facials, massages, manicures, pedicures and couples treatments at our day spa. Phone for bookings 015 307 6220. 16B King Edward Drive. jul130__________________
Bookkeeping and salary management. Tell: 015 307 7676 Nov509_________________
Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 __________________ mei308 Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_____________ Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057,
Cutting back on electricity bills or is your domestic help on leave? School holiday laundry piling up? Dirty tabelcloths after a function? We offer wash, dry and iron, ironing only and tumble drying! Contact Tersia 078 457 9667. june405________________ The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310________________ Lost your keys, need a new lock or need a new number plate? For quick, friendly and professional service, contact Bruce 079 222 2900. jna309________________ I stock and use products from Schwarzkopf, Great Lengths, ghd, Eco.kid and many more. Come visit me for the perfect hair
Your junk is worth something! Clothes, books, electrical, equipement, furniture etc. I will collect and sell it all for you! Weekly auctions at 31 Animany Str Contact 082 925 9780 Mar216________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217_______________ Ons spesialiser in die volgende mediesefondse: Dicovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontat ons vir gehaltediens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218________________ Veilings elke Saterdag, 10 uur, Voertuie, Meubels, Yskaste, Beddens, TV’s, en baie meer. Privaat inskrywings welkom, 31 Antimoonstraat, Nuwe Nywerheidsgebied, Kontak Kobus 082 925 9780. Mar304(1)_______
Icon Scales Repair centre for weighing equipment Custom made equipment Services & maintenance contracts Sales of weighting equipment Contact Juvan Liversage 084 370 7290 073 734 2781 Apr406(1)____ Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________
Animals Diere Yorkie en toypom kruising. 2 Oulike Reuntjies te koop. 8 weke oud. R400 elk. Tel0727677330 Apr408(1)_____
For Sale Te Koop Kangmei te koop @ Facebook (KANGMEI LIMPOPO LEONIE LOMBARD) Koop jou Kangmei Produkte hier. Ek het 23kg en 133cm verloor in 24 weke! Hou Koerante dop, foto kom binnekort! Bestel by Leonie: 0829201863 Lleonie@rocketmail.com Apr502(1)_______ Baltimore – lusering, hawer, tes, boontjie, grasbale te koop en afgelewer Skakel Basie Brand 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)______ Trojan concept basic treadmill For sale (used) R 3000.00 Contact 082 776 4431 Mar501(1)_____ 1 x Bosal 4 Pillar hoist R8 000 1 x 200 lit Compressor R4 000 1 x Sleeper couch R400 1 x Leather massage chair R2 500 1 x Wall unit R1 800 Contact Rowan 084 5808177 Apr407(1)_____ Sahara Pentium 4 Computer, intel 1.8 ghz CPI, 1GB Memory, 150 GB Harddrive, 15 “Flatscreen. Computer programme, skype camera and other accessories included. R2 300 neg. contact Mrs van der Berg 074 264 5320 / 078 677 0525 Apr402(1)____ Second Hand clothing Twee de handse klere – R30 per kg – baie goeie kondisie vir herverkoop Winter jasse (enekellengte) vanaf R180 – ingevoer van UK – so goed soos nuut Perfek vir herverkoop Secondhand Clothing – R30 per kg – very good condition – perfect for re-selling Winter coats (ankle length) from R180 – imported from UK – good as new Perfect for re-selling Contact Mareyna at 076 3766 783 Apr403(1)____ SAND EN KLIP Tel: 082 737 0125 / 083 500 4385 Apr410____________ Trourok te koop Grootte 36 - 38 R8 000 Skakel 083 276 7872 of 015 307 6741 apr411____________
Personal Persoonlik Johan Swanepoel 48 jarige blanke man opsoek na elektrisien werk het ook Millwright ondervinding, bereid om uit my lyn te gaan. Skakel gerus 071 280 6487 of 072 699 1880 Apr401(1)_____ Energetic, healthy 60 year old man seeks employment. Ex Zimbabwe farmber. Contact Colin 078 126 6411 Lestitele / Tzaneen
To Rent Te Huur 2 Ton trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Feb204_________________ VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R16.00/km + btw & 25 ton @ R23.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 083 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 Mar103(20)________
VERVOER & VERPAK Van meubels Skakel Melodi vir kwotasie 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 Epos: troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubel vervoer.com Mar104(20)_____
LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploe disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)____
Vehicle Motor Toyota SWB canopy R3500.00 Isuzu D/C canopy R2500.00 Toyota LWB dra rak/ roof carrier R3900.00 Mazda/Ford D/C canopy R4500.00 Skakel 083 276 7872 015 307 6741
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Property l Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur Flats Woonstelle Gemeubeleerde woosntel met kombuisie vir ENKEL PERSOON Maandeliks: R2 500. Dep. R1 500 Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2012 Gas & Elektriesiteit ingesluit Kontak Christa 078 686 8331 of 015 307 3370 Apr202(2)______ Woonstel te huur 2 Slaapkamers, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis en badkamer R3 500 pm, R500 water en ligte ingesluit Geen Troeteldiere 083 234 2329 Apr401(1)_____ Moderne splinternuwe oorgedoende 2 slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar. Oopplan sit, eetkamer met mooi uitsig oor Tzaneen en dam. Kombuis met gas en elektrisiteit. ‘n Warm kaggel vir atmosfeer. 1 Volledige badkamer met modern afwerking. Onderdak parkering. 3 km Buite die dorp. Geen kinders of troeteldiere nie. Sleutel deposit is ‘n vereiste. Water en ligte ingesluit. Huur vooruit betaalbaar. Skakel 082 882 6447 Apr403(1)________ Twee Slaapkamer woonstel R3 800 pm met ‘n deposito. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Toesluit garage. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Mei 2012. Kyk uit op dam met grasperk voor Kontak 083 2767 884 Apr404(1)________
Town Houses Meenthuis
CiS Real Estate 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom units to rent in Aquapark, R4 950 pm available in July. Book your unit today. Zelna 015 307 2230 Apr402(1)________
Homes Huise New 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, living area, garden, under cover parking available end April. R4 000 pm Contact 079 346 1580 Apr405(1)________ Royal Palm/Valencia New double story house 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathroom, living area, kitchen, scullery, veranda, double garage with enclosed garden Available end May for R5 500 per month 076 7961595 Apr413(1)____
Stands Erf Letisitele Industriele perseel. 690m² sluti in ontvangs area, 3 kantore, raadsaal, badkamers en kombuis, asook 465m² stoorspasie Kontak 083 310 3905 vir verdure navrae. Apr406(1)_____
Farms Plaas Plaashuis te huur 3 Slaapkamer huis te huur R3 000 per maand water en ligte ingesluit. Deposito betaalbaar. Onmiddelik beskikbaar Kontak Jan Venter 082 7150 397 Apr414(1)_____
For Sale Te Koop Offices Kantore CiS Real Estate Office park to be developed in prime business area. Excellent opportunity to own office space. POR Thonet 071 641 9137 Apr407(1)_____
Houses Huise CiS Real Estate This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.3 Bedroom, 2 bathrooms, double garage and much more! In Arborpark R920 000.00 Thonet 071 641 9137 Apr409(1)_______
CiS Real Estate 4 Slaapkamer huis met 2 slaapkamer woonstel en lapa. Uitstekende belegging slegs R1 200 000. Theo 071 641 9199 Apr408(1)______
CiS Real Estate For the developer: 2 x stands, 24 units can be built in total. Services available R 2 650 000 Salomie 071 641 9041 Apr410(1)____
Stands Erf
CiS Real Estate Letsitele Solo Mandate – House with stunning views. 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, tv room, double garage and a beautiful pool R1 760 000.00 Zelna 082 888 7898 Apr415(1)_____
To advertise property contact Lihanie 015 307 7248
Town Houses Meenthuis CiS Real Estate 6 Exclusive, luxury town house for sale all with a beautiful view. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathroom. Open plan kitchen, dining room and lounge area, with a patio. Buy from plan R1 210 000.00each Salomie 071 641 9041 Apr412(1)_____
CiS Real Estate SOLE MANDATE: Eco Ekaya, town hosue, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, with an open plan kitchen and lounge area. 1 lock-up garage. R615 000.00 Many more town houses available Theo 071 641 9199
20 April 2012
20 April 2012
Legals l Geregtelik GENERAL NOTICE OF 2012 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 254 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) We, Kobus Winterbach and/or Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorised agents of the registered owner of the Remainder of Portion 53 of the farm Lushof 540LT (known as Heaven Vivian Maswanganyi) hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated directly adjacent and south of Road R71, ±500m east of Road P188-1, from “Agriculture” to “Special” for “Place of Amusement” and “Place of Refreshment” subject to certain conditions. Particulars of the applica-
tion will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 13 April 2012 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 13 April 2012. Address of authorised agent: Winterbach & Associates, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: K1043/M. (PUBLISH ON: Friday 13 & 20 April 2012) Apr401(1)_____ ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2012 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 254 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) Ons, Kobus Winterbach en/of Willem Johannes
Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agente van die geregistreerde eienaar van die Restant van Gedeelte 53 van die plaas Lushof 540-LT (bekend as Heaven Vivian Maswanganyi), gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë direk aangrensend en suid van die R71 Pad, ± 500m oos van die P188-1 Pad vanaf “Landbou” na “Spesiaal” vir “Vermaaklikheidsplek” en “Verversingsplek” onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes. Besonderhede van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 13 April 2012 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke
moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 13 April 2012 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Winterbach & Assossiate, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. K1043/M. (PUBLISEER OP VRYDAG 13 & 20 April 2012) Apr402(1)_____ GENERAL NOTICE OF 2012 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 256 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWN-PLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) We, Kobus Winterbach and/or Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorised agents of the registered owner of Erf 657 Tzaneen Extension 8 (known as Molref Construction & Catering CC) hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme,
2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, situated in 12 Bert Booysen Street, Tzaneen from “Residential 1” with a density of “One dwelling per 500m²” to “Business 2”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 13 April 2012 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 13 April 2012. Address of authorised agent: Winterbach & Associates, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: K1046/W. (PUBLISH ON: Friday 13 & 20 April 2012) Apr403(1)______ ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2012 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 256 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986)
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin” Ons, Kobus Winterbach en/of Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agente van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 657 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 8 (bekend as Molref Construction & Catering CC), gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë te Bert Booysen Straat 12, Tzaneen vanaf “Residensieel 1” met ‘n digtheid van “Een wooneenheid per 500m²” na “Besigheid 2”. Besonderhede van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 13 April 2012 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 13 April 2012 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent:
Winterbach & Assossiate, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. K1046/W. (PUBLISEER OP VRYDAG 13 & 20 April 2012) Apr404(1)______ NOTICE OF 2012 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT TO ESTABLISH A SECOND DWELLING HOUSE IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 15 OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2000. We, Kobus Winterbach and/or Willem Johannes Jacobsz of the firm Winterbach and Associates, being the authorized agents of the registered owner of Erf 2268, Tzaneen Extension 21 hereby give notice in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to establish a Second Dwelling House on the property described above, situated in Leadwood Crescent, Tzaneen. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the applicant as well as the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 13 April 2012 (the date of the
first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, as well as with the applicant, within a period of 28 days from 13 April 2012. Address of authorized agent: Winterbach & Associates, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: K1055/W. Apr405(1)______ KENNISGEWING VAN VERKOOP VAN EIENDOM AS LOPENDE SAAK Kennis word hiermee gegee in terme van Artikel 34(1) van die Insolvensie Wet No 24 of 1936 soos gewysig, dat SIMON PRINSLOO ENTERPRISES BK, No 1998/007067/23 die volgende eiendom as ‘n lopende saak met ‘n huurinkomste en met Capespan as die huurder, verkoop aan SOLOPROP 1109 (PTY) LTD, No 2000/017595/07, wie besigheid bedryf vanaf Sirkelweg 1: Gedeelte 1 van Erf 123 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 2, gelee te Thiem Street Tzaneen. Lidell Botha Prokureurs, Posbus 697 Tzaneen 0850. Apr406(1)_________
Facebook: search “Laeveld Bulletin”
20 April 2012
Vossies wen ook PUK- SLC reaps impressive victories reeks se hokkiekroon Stanford Lake College’s first rugby team played in a league match against
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het vanjaar nie net die rugbykroon in die PUK-reeks ingepalm nie, maar ook die hokkiekroon. Wat grotendeels tot hul oorwinning bygedra het, was die verdedigingspatrone waarby hulle gehou het. Dit het sake vir die opposisie bemoeilik. Van die agt spanne het drie eerste geëindig. Hulle is die o.14A’s. o.15B’s en o.16B’s. Drie spanne was tweede, naamlik die o.14B’s, o.15A’s en o.16A’s. Die eerste span het derde in hul groep geëindig en die tweede span sesde. Die Vossies se grootse opponent was Lichtenburg, teen wie hulle vyf wedstryde gespeel het. Die wedstryd van die dag was dié van die eerste span. Teen rustyd het die Lichies 1-0 voorgeloop. In die tweede helfte het die Vossie-vegtersgees egter ingeskop en ’n doel is deur Monique Groenewald aangeteken. In die laaste minuut is die wendoel deur Antje Weyers aangeteken. Die Vossies is as die algehele wenners saam met Standerton gekroon.
Settlers on Saturday. They were too strong for Settlers and ran out comfortable victors by 90-0. The man of the match, Brandon Wright, dictated the game very well from scrumhalf position, allowing his forwards and backs to attack on the front foot. LEFT: Luke de Goede is here on his way to the try line,
Super 15: Week 9 Vandag 09:00: Highlanders vs Blues, 11:30: Reds vs Stormers Môre 09:00: Hurricanes vs Crusaders, 11:30: Waratahs vs Rebels, 16:45: Sharks vs Chiefs 19:00: Bulls vs Brumbies Loslootjie: Lions, Cheetahs en Force
Letaba se borge gee uitrustings Die Letaba Rugbyklub in Tzaneen het verlede week twee welkome borgskappe ontvang. Lannie Motors het die eerste span van nuwe truie vir die seisoen voorsien. Die truie is van moderne materiaal vervaardig, wat ontwerp is om spelers koel en gemaklik te hou. Die klub het ook nuwe opwarmingshemde, sakke en koelhouers met waterbottels van Coca-Cola gekry. LINKS: Die nuwe truie is Saterdag voor Letaba se kragmeting met Noordelikes oorhandig. Mnr Thinus Nel, die klubpresident, was by toe die klub se hoofafrigter, mnr Dippies de Beer, die truie van mnr Paul du Toit van Lannie Motors ontvang het. LINKS ONDER: Me Eselle Rossouw van Coca-Cola Fortune in Tzaneen het die hemde, sakke, koelhouers en waterbottels oorhandig aan mnr Dippies de Beer. Agter staan Sven Hedin, Johan Coetzer, Willem Snyman en Marnus Labuschagné. Lees op bl 24 van Letaba se kragmeting teen Noordelikes in die eerste ronde van Limpopo se klubliga.
This week’s fitness tip by Ettienne van Wyngaardt (Fitness specialist)
It’s up to you to set the example in your family and circle of friends. If you start living a healthy lifestyle you will probably lose some friends, but at the same time you will meet other friends. You got free will and you can do whatever you want with your body. You can get drunk every week and see how much junk food you
can force into your body, or you can try to live a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating proper food. If you are doing the unhealthy thing, it would probably not affect your body this month or year. But believe me, it will catch up to you in the long run, and then it’s too late to ask the question WHY?
with Thabang Mathale in support in the background. BELOW: SLC did well at the Treverton College Easter Festival in KwaZulu-Natal recently. The girls’ hockey team played ten games, winning eight games, drawing one and losing one to Petra from Zimbabwe. SLC’s captain Lori Hyde is seen here on the attack, with Cassie McGaffin following suite. Photo’s provided
20 April 2012
Letaba het Noordelikes uitoorlê Jean Aucamp
Letaba se eerste rugbyspan het Saterdag op hul tuisveld die seisoen met ’n naelbytstryd teen Noordelikes van Polokwane afgeskop en teen alle verwagting in die 2011-kampi-oene met 15-10 geklop. Met die afskop het ’n nuwe Letaba-pak voorspelers die besoekers so verras, dat hulle ’n halfminuut later op hul doellyn moes wal gooi. Letaba het amper gaan druk, maar kon kort daarna Noordelikes forseer om die eerste strafskop af te staan. Dino Kruger het die telbord aan die rol gekry.
Letaba het die druk volgehou en kragspel aan die dag gelê wanneer hulle by die afbreekpunte skoongemaak het. Dit het Noordelikes gefrustreer en nog twee strafskoppe het Kruger die telbord laat aanrol. Die kampioene kon laat in die eerste helfte eers punte aanteken, toe hul agterlyn die bal laat loop het en hulle te veel manne vir Letaba se verdedigers aan die buitekant gehad het. Die drie was aan die oorkant, maar dit het die Limpopo Blou Bul-heelagter, Zander Byleveldt, nie afgeskrik nie en het hy die drie verdoel. Met rustyd was Letaba met 9-7 voor. In die tweede helfte het spel min of meer dieselfde verloop, maar die keerpunt het gekom toe Letaba se vaskopstut, Jacques Welman, die wasgoedlyn uitgehang het en Noordelikes se losskakel, Johan de Beer, om die nek beetgekry het. Hy is met ’n geelkaart afgestuur en Byleveldt het die drie punte bygevoeg. Noordelikes se grondspel het hulle egter bly in die steek laat en nog drie strafskoppe het Kruger te beurt geval. Hy kon met twee slaag en het Letaba met 15-10 laat voorloop. Noordelikes het die erns van die kragmeting te laat in die wedstryd besef en het met ’n laaste desperate poging vlak voor die pale tot stilstand geruk, toe hul plaasvervangerskrumskakel, Evrard Bye, grond toe gaan om hul besit te probeer beskerm. Met die tyd verstreke het Letaba uitgeskop en sekerlik die belangrikste oorwinning van die seisoen
behaal. Terwyl Letaba nog kopkrap oor hul onvermoë om drieë te kon druk, is hulle egter in hul noppies oor hul rotsvaste verdediging wat Limpopo se beste agterlyn Saterdag keer op keer voor die voordeellyn kon stuit. Die fonds van die seisoen is egter die buitesenter, Dino Kruger, wat met sy kanonvoet Letaba se 15 punte aangeteken het. Voorlangs was Sven Hedin se afwesigheid sigbaar en het hy by tye onseker in sy nuwe posisie op binnesenter gelyk. Willem Snyman op flank het egter die leemte gevul en het hy gate in Noordelikes se verdediging gehardloop. Jaco Swart het ’n welkome terugkeer op agsteman gemaak, maar sy litte is nog nie behoorlik los nie. Die klipharde Graham Paul het ’n verdienstelik vertoning op haker gelewer. Agterlangs het Trevor Hope, ’n oudBen Vorster-held, hom tussen die groot
LINKS: Letaba Rugbyklub se eerste span het Saterdag splinternuwe truie vir die nuwe seisoen ontvang. Lannie Motors in Tzaneen is die trotse borg. Regs staan mnr Paul du Toit van Lannie Motors wat voor die wedstryd die truie oorhandig het. Sven Hedin, vanjaar se kaptein, ontvang sy trui by hom. REGS: Een van Saterdag se uitblinkers was die heelagter Juan-Pierre Kardos. Hy was nie net rotsvas op die verdediging nie, maar het ook talle aanvalslopies vanuit hul kwartgebied geloots.
Vossies dra PUK-reeks se kroon Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Saterdag nog ’n gesogde beker in hul trofeëkas gebêre. Hulle is as die algehele rugbywenners in die PUKreeks gekroon, toe hulle in Potchefstroom aan die eindronde gaan deelneem het. Die o.14A’s het in hul kragmeting teen Lichtenburg na ’n rustydtelling 17-5 vir Lichtenburg teruggekom en die wedstryd gelykop met 17-17 gespeel. Die o.14B’s het daarvoor opgemaak, deur Standerton met 44-0 te oorrompel. Die o.15A’s het in die derde plek geëindig, toe hulle Lichtenburg met 5-0 geklop het. Die o.15B’s het tweede geëindig, toe hulle teen Montana met 22-5 verloor het. Die o.16A’s het ’n spanningsbelaaide stryd teen Lichtenburg gevoer en het die kroon net-net met 13-12 ingepalm. Die B-span het, net soos verlede jaar, gelykop teen Lichtenburg gespeel en die titel met hulle gedeel. Die tweede span het ook teen Lichtenburg gespeel en ’n naelbytstryd met 23-18 gewen, om ook as die PUKwenners gekroon te word. Die eerste span het teen ’n gemotiveerde Standerton te staan gekom. Vroeg in die wedstryd het Standerton ’n onderskepdrie gaan druk en met 7-0 voorgeloop.
Die Vossies het met ’n strafdoel deur Marcel Scholtz geslaag, voordat Standerton weer gaan druk het. Met die afskop het die Vossies teruggeslaan deur ’n beweging wat deur vleuel Don Mlondobozi begin is en deur slot Anton du Toit met ’n drie afgerond is. Dit het die Vossies aangespoor om die krane oop te draai en het hulle die spel begin domineer. Drie strafdoele deur Scholtz het die telling na 19-12 aangeskuif, voordat Standerton weer gaan druk het. Met die telling op 19-17 het die Vossies met die druk volhou en die wedstryd uiteindelik met nog ’n doel beklink. Met hul wentelling van 24-17 is Ben Vorster as die kampioen gekroon. Die Vossies kom môre op hul tuisveld teen Jeppe Boys High van Johannesburg in ’n vriendskaplike kragmeting te staan. Die o.14’s skop die dag 08:00 af en die eerste spanne spook sake om 12:00 uit. Ben Vorster het ook in die netbal baie goed by die PUK-reeks se eindronde gevaar. Al tien hul spanne het gewen om die Vossies as naaswenners in die reeks te kroon. Die Vossies het 207 doele aangeteken en 119 afgestaan. Potchefstroom Volkskool is vanjaar se wenners.
manne op linker-vleuel bevind en ’n stil wedstryd gehad. Vroeër het die derde span van Letaba met 26-0 gewen, terwyl die tweede span met 2810 verloor het. Letaba speel eers weer op 5 Mei in Polokwane teen Pietersburg. Noordelikes speel môre teen Pietersburg, ’n kragmeting wat vir Letaba ’n aanduiding sal gee van wat hulle kan verwag.
Foto: Sharmyn Kubannek
SJ wins national honours Archers of Merensky High School competed in two events over the weekend, bringing home medals and various titles. Four Plasies excelled on rugged terrain in the North West 3D Championship. In the junior female category Marla Barnard won a gold medal and Cheney Kleinhans silver. SJ van der Walt won a silver medal and Ricus Warmenhoven a gold medal in the junior boys category. Ockert le Roux, their coach, won a gold medal in the veteran category and Marietjie Harmse also won gold in the senior female category. The Plasies was met by stiff competition in Sunday’s North Gauteng Indoor Championship, but dedication, focus and perseverance ensured their top results. SJ van der Walt won a gold medal and qualified for national colours. Ricus Warmenhoven also qualified for national colours. Cheney Kleinhans won a bronze medal and Ockert le Roux won another gold. SJ van der Walt