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22 Junie 2012



These meetings will set out the scope of the environmental impact assessment and environmental management report that have been completed. They should reassure interested parties as to any detrimental consequences of the mining operations and allay any concerns as to possible ill-effects. This follows the recent announcement that Ferrox Holdings will raise US$1,7 billion

(R14 billion) as the capital required for developing the Tivani iron ore, titanium and vanadium mining project. The Johannesburg branch of the Hongkong

015 307 7248

Now it’s take-off for mine The environmental consultants to the Tivani mining project, Naledi Development, will hold two meetings in Tzaneen shortly as part of the developers’ community participation programme. One meeting will be held with the excom of AgriLetaba and the other will be an open meeting for the public. The dates of these meetings have yet to be established.

Waar’s ons dam se water heen? Waar lê die fout, dat die Tzaneendam se vlak so erg in die afgelope maand gesak het? Dit is die kwelvraag by mense wat met skok waargeneem het dat die dam se vlak as’t ware oornag dramaties gedaal het. By Waterwese is die Bulletin van bakboord na stuurboord gestuur, toe ons dié

week navraag oor die verskynsel gedoen het. Die Bulletin het inligting dat ‘n amptenaar in Tzaneen te veel water uitgelaat het, toe die Krugerpark onlangs vir meer water

Sitrusboere se seisoen spring nie goed weg 3

gevra het. Daar was glo goedkeuring om twee kusek uit te laat, maar die amptenaar het vier kusek uitgelaat en toe die fout besef is, het ‘n klomp water reeds see toe gevloei. Die provinsiale segsman van Waterwese, mnr Sipho Mabizela (in Polokwane), wou nie op ons navraag kommentaar lewer nie, en het ons na mnr Jakkie Venter in Tzaneen verwys. Venter het ontken dat daar ‘n onnatuurlike groot uitvloei was, maar ongelukkig het hy die telefoon onseremonieel neergesit toe ons hom nog verder wou vra oor die beweerde fout.

SkoleBulletin Vakansie-uitgawe!

Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Fear lessl y the tr uth

and Shanghai Bank Corporation Limited (HSBC) has been appointed exclusive financial advisor to Ferrox regarding the raising of the capital. Ons is meegedeel dat Venter, die streekbestuurder van Waterwese, eintlik met vakansie is en toe probeer ons om met mnr Joseph Ngobeni van Venter se kantoor te praat. Hy wou nie kommentaar lewer nie. Ons het ook ‘n bloutjie geloop met me Susan Jordaan, ook van Venter se kantoor, wat eweneens kommentaar geweier het. Ngobeni het darem teenoor ons bevestig dat die dam se inhoud tans op 88% staan, wat glo bemoedigend is vir dié tyd van die jaar. Intussen is boere bekommerd dat die Laeveld tans droog is en hoop op ‘n bietjie reën. — Francois Aucamp & Percy Mthombeni francois@bulletin.us.com & percy@bulletin.us.com

Skole in Limpopo steeds 5 sonder handboeke


22 Junie 2012



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Sê jou sê

Soek Laeveld Bulletin Tzaneen se ingang by die R71/Lifestyle Centre word nou mooi opgeknap. Moet die GTM dan nie maar die onwettige smouse en rylopers ook vasvat nie? The entrance of Tzaneen on the R71 is being revamped. Should the GTM also do something about the illegal hawkers and hitchhikers? Catherine IvesonBezuidenhout Ja nee, dit sal so goed wees as hulle bietjie ons mooi dorp skoon maak. David Ronald Morrison The budget vs the will vs wrong pockets vs the Dollar vs rates and taxes vs miracles. Tertius Horne Ja, dit is alles mooi en goed, maar ek glo nie dat dit in ons lewens sal gebeur nie. Martie Dreyer Nee jong, hulle kan net toi-toi en mors. Pieter Stolk Nuwe SA, kan smous waar hulle wil, ryloop waar hulle wil, stop en ry net waar hulle wil. Martie Dreyer Dis ’n feit. Pieter Stolk Dit word “FREEDOM” genoem!


Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Daar is baie wat Vlieg nie weet nie! Wat Vlieg wél weet, is dat elke huis maar sy kruis het. En dat elke hond sy dag kry. So weet Vlieg ook dat elke vlees maar ‘n doring in het, elke mishoop ‘n koning, elke kluit sy uil, maar elke grasperk ook sy slang. Meeste sakke het katte in, amper elke hooimied ‘n naald. Elke put kry een of ander tyd ‘n kalf in, en daar is dikwels kastaiings in die vuur. Daar is min slote wat nie ou koeie het nie, en elke hand wil graag ‘n hef in hê. Een of ander tyd gaan daar ook ‘n kind saam met die badwater wees, om nie te praat van die

koppe vol muisneste en die snuf in elke neus nie. Vlieg weet verder, dat vandat dit gaan oor die halsbandjie en nie die hond nie, is die koeël deur die kerk. Dit lyk vir Vlieg of die gemeentekompleksiteite nou te veel geraak het; seker dié dat die gemeentekomplekse se tuindienste nou deur kategete vervang is. Vlieg sou weliswaar nie teen die muur kon gewees het by een van die eredienste in die gemeentekomplekse hieronder nie, maar dit wil vir Vlieg lyk asof dit hier nog kan gaan om die hond, en nie die halsband nie!

Martie Dreyer Ek dog mens noem dit ’’chaos ’’ . Rudi Fichardt Ja! Dit is hoog tyd om die paaie reg te maak. En ek het nie ‘n probleem met die smouse nie en hulle werk nie so hard soos ek en jy om brood op die tafel te sit om te eet nie. Annelie Prinsloo Oh please! Wat is die kanse vir dit? Dit is mos lekkerder om onder ‘n boom te parkeer in jou “Government Issued Vehicle”, anderpad te kyk vir die oortreders terwyl jy smul aan jou mieliestronk!

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7648. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin / Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

Bulletin het onlangs berig oor die belegging van miljarde rand vir ’n myn naby Nkowankowa en die skepping van werk wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Dink jy dis goeie nuus en gaan Tzaneen daarby baat? David Ronald Morrison Hoeveel belasting betaal hulle? En hoe beïnvloed die verbruik van elektrisiteit en water ons? Dan kan mens seker besin oor die impak... Tertius Horne Dit is ‘n goeie ding dink ek. Meer werk vir ons omgewing, maar of hulle iets gaan baat, weet ek ook nie. Dit is mos lekkerder om te staak as om te werk, lekkerder om mense te dwing om drank aan minderjariges te verkoop en as jy jou eiendom wil beskerm, word jy tot in hospitaal geslaan en skop, en ander familie word sommer aan die brand gesteek. So, ek wonder maar net. Sean Niemandt Dink bietjie hoe die myne nie hul personeel kan betaal nie en dan staatsfondse probeer kry, en dit is nie winsgewend nie. Verder besoedel hulle die ondergrondse water en bederf die natuurskoon. Hoe kan dit goeie nuus wees? Melanie Brass Glad nie goeie nuus nie, en ook werkskepping vir een ras. Dink aan besoedeling. Ag, nee wat, hoor! Estie van Wyk Hoe kan Tzaneen daarby baat? Hahaha. Plaas ruk hulle die munisipale belange reg! Wat ‹n grap. Sophia Fernandez We need the economy boost. We used to depend on the farming community for buying power, but that is also gone.

Die mense hoor

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die ingeligtes weet te vertel dat dit deesdae so-so gaan met Vyfster se span. Pappa is glo nog op koers en Priester se sake loop ook reg. Maar dit is oor Skollie dat daar kommer is. Skollie snuif glo so erg dat die dokters dink sy sinusse moet gehelp word. Maar daar is ‘n ander diagnose, vertel die slim ouens; en die prognose hierop is nie waffers nie... • Daai groot naaldekoker wat so whoepwhoep oor ‘n mens se kop swiep, land

deesdae (eintlik deesnagte) glo ewe kontant daar in die nywerheidsgebied. Nou wonder die mense wat so in sakke oor die straat aangedra word... • Daar is interessante goetertjies op die ongelukstoneel gevind. Die goetertjies is glo baier waardevol en het sommer so in die veld gelê. Nou hoor die mense die manne in blou stel vreeslik belang om meer hieroor te wete te kom... • Daar’s agente en daar’s agente...

Bulletin gesels elke week oor onderwerpe wat saak maak. 10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Soek ons by Laeveld Bulletin. Besoek ook ons webtuiste by www.bulletin.us.com

Verlede nag was die langste nag van die jaar en vandag is die kortste dag. More begin ons die reis na nog ‘n somer!

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Oasis Water in Tzaneen celebrates. See page 9


22 Junie 2012


Slegte wegspring vir oesseisoen Die sitrusboere is aan die begin van hul oes-seisoen, maar dit is reeds duidelik dat die min reën ‘n groot invloed op die vrugte gehad het. Die pomelo’s, wat in die meeste gevalle klaar gepak is, het merkbaar kleiner vrugte opgelewer. Die oorsaak blyk die min reën in Januarie en Februarie te wees, maar die gehalte van die vrugte is, om dieselfde rede, goed. Mnr Piet Smit van Laeveld Sitrus sê dat alhoewel die oes normaal is, die vruggrootte veroorsaak het dat die kartonne uitgepak tussen 15% en 20% minder as die geskatte getal is. Wat die mark betref, is pomelo-pryse tans redelik.

Dit word toegeskryf aan die lae pomelo-oes in die land, wat veroorsaak dat die buiteland ondervoorsien word. Daar is egter ook ‘n kleiner aanvraag na vrugte, dus bly die pryse op ‘n redelike vlak. Die tendens is dat kleiner vrugte gepak word, maar die vrugte van goeie gehalte is. Die goeie nuus vir uitvoerders is die wisselkoers wat beter as verlede jaar is, met die Amerikaanse dollar wat rondom R8 bly. Die wêreldekonomie wat onder druk is, is egter sorgwekkend en beïnvloed pryse. Boere probeer dus om kleiner nismarkte te teiken, waar hul beter pryse kan kry. Vroeë Valencia-variëteite

soos Turkish word tans gepak en die verwagtings is dat dit beter as die pomelo’s gaan vaar. Alhoewel die lemoenoes goed lyk, beteken die kleiner vrugte dat daar minder kartonne uitgepak word. Volgens mnr Kallie Erasmus kan daar tot 15% van die oes verlore gaan, as slegs een telling kleiner vrug gepak word. Dit is egter nog te vroeg om ‘n volledige prentjie van die seisoen se opbrengs te skets en met die wisselvallige mark is enigiets moontlik. Soos mnr Karel Minnaar sê: “Nou is dit net vasbyt tot einde September.” — Retha Nel rethacm.nel@gmail.com

Mediclinic Tzaneen not only prepared a meal for the pupils of the Letaba School for the Disabled recently, but also donated 190 blankets, nappies, medical supplies, food parcels and walking aids. Here are some of the many items donated by Mediclinic. Photo: Retha Nel

Crisis at Letaba School for the Disabled solved (at last) The food crisis at the Letaba School for the problem in the department. He commended Disabled in Nkowankowa has been solved, the schools for having been patient. — Martina Jege after months of rationing of what was left to martina@bulletin.us.com feed the pupils. The school served their last meal last week Friday and as they prayed for a miracle to happen, the Limpopo Department of Education at long last made a payment to the school. The chairman of the school’s governing body, Mr Raymond Mabuza, confirmed that a payment was made and that everything is running smoothly again. He also appealed to the government to give special attention to disabled schools. Mabuza believes it was not the department’s intention to delay payments. The Limpopo Department of Education’s spokesman, Mr Pat Kgomo, says the delay was caused by the fact that the department was still under administration and cash flow was still a

Sitrus-goud... Pomelo’s lê en wag by ‘n pakhuis in die Letsitele-omgewing. Die pomelo-oes was redelik en is min of meer verby.

Foto: Bulletin argief

Tim Maake is back in the chair at the MDM The battle lines have been drawn between the Mopani District Municipality (MDM) and the local branch of the SA Municipal workers union (Samwu), following the reappointment of controversial municipal manager Tim Maake. The tension between Maake and the union dates back to last year, when they accused him of being the architect of tribalism and nepotism in the MDM. Maake was reappointed as the municipal manager after an interview process, which Samwu describes as flawed. The decision to reappoint him was taken at a special council meeting on Monday. Samwu branch chairman Steven MashaDie binnehof van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof is Vrydag deur die leerlinge met tekeninge van verskeie Afrikaanse idiome versier, toe hulle aan die ATKV se Idiome-tekendag deelgeneem het. Dr Edmund de Beer van die ATKV se Letaba-tak het ’n wakende oog gehou. Die kinders het met puik tekenwerk idiome uitgebeeld. Dié inisiatief van die plaaslike ATKV-tak volg op hul gewilde idiome-aande by die plaaslike hoërskole, asook hul uiters geslaagde poppekasaanbiedings wat nou wyd en syd oor die land aangebied word.

bane, says Maake‘s appointment is a setback for service delivery. “As Samwu, we are disappointed, since his management skill will not address the plight of the people. He does not have credibility.“ Mashabane says Maake has a bad track record as the former municipal manager. He believes that Maake has a bad MAAKE attitude towards the work force. He also says the mismanagement of funds and lack of accountability within the MDM has made the Department of Water Affairs to withold R10 million which was set aside to assist the MDM in dealing with the water crisis. Mashabane added that a new face could have helped restore public confidence and bring new hope. Mr Neil Shikwambana, the MDM’s spokesman, says the council approved Maake’s appointment with immediate effect, after accepting the mayoral committee’s recommendation. However, Mashabane vowed to continue opposing the appointment. ‘We have lost the event not the battle,” he told the Bulletin. — Percy Mthombeni percy@bulletin.us.com


22 Junie 2012



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Die opvolg-storie van Samwu se protesoptog wat ontaard het in vandalisme. Kyk gerus na ons nuwe video met bykomende beeldmateriaal en kommentaar van belangrike die rolspelers.

MDM denies allegations of mismanagement The Mopani District Municipality (MDM) has dismissed statements by the Department of Water Affairs (DWA), that the MDM’s failure to solve the water problems resulted from mismanagement of funds. The DWA’s senior manager, Mr Masala Mulaudzi, has been quoted as saying “mismanagement of funds by the MDM has resulted in the MDM failing to provide water to the communities.” Mr Neil Shikwambana, spokesman for the MDM, said “such an assertion of mismanagement of funds can only be established by a thorough investigation into the MDM’s finances; as far as we know, no such investigation has been carried out. The Auditor General who audits our finances on a regular basis did not make such findings,” he said. Shikwambana said the MDM would like to challenge the department to approach any

investigating authority such as the public protector or the AG, if it feels it has gathered enough evidence to support its claim. However, he stated that the MDM concedes that provision of water in the district remains a challenge, adding that “we want to assure our communities that we remain committed to delivering quality services and water is among the primary priorities.” This follows exploding protests about the water shortages after the pipeline that was supposed to draw water from Nandoni Dam, has run dry, since its usage has been stalled by high court cases between the MDM and the contractor.

Teacher appears in court after theft A 48 year-old teacher appeared in the Magistrates court in Giyani in connection with the theft of a local project’s truck placed in his custody by the community. The teacher, John The communities of Yingwani Maluleke, Mountain View and who is also known Section F in Giyani took to the streets to as John Mahosi, was Mopani District Mu- allegedly chosen by nicipality’s offices to the community to demand water being be head of the board supplied to them. of the WansatiPhoto: Orlando Chauke Uwa-Apfuka Brick Making Project at

Price Watch This week’s Price Watch focus

Sjoe, daar wag bitter baie (en harde) werk op die nuwe kommissaris van die Polisie, as mens sien hoe polisievoertuie misbruik word. Gewoonlik is die verskoning dat hulle kos vir die gevangenes in die selle oplaai, as hulle by winkelsentrums inkopies doen. Maar dubbelbeddens vir die selle...?

Muyexe village. The project is part of the presidential projects in the village, meant to uplift the community. Since most of the members involved in those projects are not educated and thus not able to run the projects, Maluleke was chosen by the community to partially head the projects and provide leadership. After the death of the truck driver of the project Maluleke allegedly took the truck into his custody, since there was no one else to drive it at the time. According to Ms Anna Shibambu, the treasurer of the project, he later informed them

that the truck had “burst a tyre, and that he had taken it somewhere to be fixed.” However, when they wanted it back he kept on telling them stories, which caused the DTI, who donated the truck, to lay charges against him. His case was postponed to 13 July for further investigation. Heis is currently out on bail of R3 000. According to the investigating officer the truck has been found in Polokwane, where it was sold to an unnamed company. The police are busy with further investigations. — Orlando Chauke orlando@bulletin.us.com

Hot or cold...

Heaters When blankets and hot water bottles aren’t enough, heat up the cold winter nights with a brand new heater. The Bulletin peeked into a few shops to see what they cost.

Clicks Pineware 3 bar halogen heater


Salton fan heater


Safeway ceramic oscillating fan heater


Checkers (Lifestyle Centre) SCE 4 bar halogen heater


SCE fan heater


SCE ceramic heater


SCE 7 fin oil heater


Platinum Design 3 panel gas heater


Pick ‘n Pay Aim 9 foil halogen heater


Aim fan heater


Aim ceramic heater


Aim 9 fin oil heater


Alva 3 panel mini gas heater


Game Logik halogen heater Logik fan heater Logik ceramic fan heater DeLonghi 7 fin oil heater Logik infrared radiant gas heater (Prices taken on 16 June 11:00-12:40)

R299.99 R229.99 R299.99 R699.99 R699.99

Now in Tzaneen First aid, basic fire and health & safety rep training Call 071 343 2207 or 072 360 9601

Daar is duidelik ‘n toename — en nie die begeerde afname nie — in padongelukke in Limpopo wat lewens eis. Dié gru-ongeluk op die pad tussen Polokwane en Tzaneen het vier le-wens geëis. Die gedrag van motoriste op paaie laat veel te wense oor en met taxis gaan dit ook nie beter nie.

Vossies se rugbyspanne brul weer in Limpopo. Kyk op die agterblad


22 Junie 2012


Limpopo schools are still without textbooks

Johan Badenhorst, die aanbieder van die gewilde Afrikaanse veldryreeks “Voetspore” op TV, het Lannie Motors in Tzaneen Woensdag besoek. Hy het oor Voetspore se onlangse reis deur Afrika kom gesels en ’n skuifievertoning aangebied. Volkswagen het drie Amarok-bakkies aan Voetspore vir die uitmergelende reis beskikbaar gestel en twee van die voertuie is ook ten toon gestel. Links staan mnr Paul du Toit, Lannie Motors se eienaar, en regs staan mnr Laurent Changuion, verkoopsbestuurder van Lannie Motors, by Badenhorst. Foto: Jean Aucamp

Thousands of textbooks were still lying in a Polokwane warehouse on Wednesday, nearly a week after a court deadline for the minister to deliver them to Limpopo schools. The DA inspected the Polokwane warehouse where books were kept. Photographs were taken of stacks of boxes that have not yet left the premises. “Minister Angie Motshekga is in contempt of court for missing the deadline for these books to be delivered. “It is unthinkable that not even a court order can get the department to put textbooks in the hands of schoolchildren more than six months into the school year,” said Mr Langa Bodlani, the DA’s spokesman in Limpopo. While there is activity at the

warehouse, textbooks still need to be delivered to more warehouses in the education districts before reaching schools. The time it will take to distribute the books means that many schools will close today before delivery can take place. “It is apparent that the department does not have a proper catch-up plan in place for learners either. Calls by us for the Limpopo Education MEC to provide us with credible timetables and learning schedules for this plan, have been met with silence. “The DA will now send the photos taken at the warehouse to the Section27’s legal representatives (Section27 is the body that took the matter to court). The Minister is in contempt of court and action must be taken for this disgrace,” Bodlani said.

Dit is ongelooflik waartoe motoriste in staat is... Hiernaas is foto’s wat deur ‘n motoris aan ons gestuur is, van bloedstollend gevaarlike dinge wat gedoen is. Die eerste foto wys hoe iets onder die motor op die pad skuur en vonke maak. Dit is agter waar die motor se brandstoftenk is en meer hoef nie gesê te word nie. Die tweede foto wys hoe ‘n voertuig wat op sleeptou is, se een wiel sonder ‘n buiteband is en op die pad deur die teer weggevreet is (en dink aan die skade aan die pad). So sien ons ook byna daagliks in ons omgewing motoriste wat padveiligheid met totale minagting bejeën.

Robert en Charmaine Augustyn is onlangs in die eg verbind, by die ATKV Eiland Spa. Charmaine, die dogter van mnr Floris en me Amanda du Plessis, is ‘n oud-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Robert is die seun van me Isabel Augustyn. Hulle gaan in Polokwane woon. REGS: Mnr Hennie Maartens, die waterfiskaal in Georges Valley, staan hier by die kanaal wat tydelik herstel is. Dit is waar die modderstorting onlangs was en waarin een mens dood is. Waterwese sal help om die kanaal te herstel.

Police arrested 61 people in Ntsako village, Letsitele, on Sunday, after community members assaulted a tavern owner for refusing to sell alcohol to minor children. In the photo below are the 45 suspects who appeared in the Ritavi court. Above are the four u.18 girls who were part of the mob that assaulted the owner of the tavern. Photo: Martina Jege

61 Arrested Police arrested 61 people in Ntsako village, Lenyenye, on Sunday after community members had assaulted a tavern owner. Violence erupted when Ms Christina Shingange (50) allegedly refused to sell alcohol to minors. People then assaulted her. According to people who were at the tavern she took out a pistol and fired shots into the crowd, killing 42 year-old Mss Linda Nhlangwana (42) and Bethina Mashele (41). Four others were wounded, among them a six year-old boy. Sunday Shingange’s husband, Mr Bethuel Nkanyane (58), went to the tavern to collect the remaining stock. The people saw him and mobilized again. They pelted him with stones and sharp instruments until he died, and then set his body and vehicle alight. Sixteen minors were released in their parents’ custody and 45 suspects appeared in the Ritavi court on Tuesday; 44 were released and one, Ms Nomsa Nyathi (37), will remain in custody and is charged with murder, attempted murder, theft and three counts of malicious damage to property. The case was postponed to 25 June. Christina Shingange is still in a critical condition in hospital. She will also face two murder charges and four of attempted murder. — Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com

Die SA Vrouefederasie in Tzaneen vier vanjaar hul 75ste verjaarsdag. Hulle het ‘n partytjie by die Oasis-winkelsentrum gehou, waartydens hul trompoppies opgetree het. Daar is smulgoedjies uitgedeel aan al die belangstellendes wat ‘n draai kom maak het. Hier staan die personeel by hul verjaarsdagkolwyntjies wat veral die jongspan lekker laat kwyl het. Voor, met die halssnoer, is die voorsitter, me Ina J van Rensburg. Foto: Amelia de Ridder


22 Junie 2012



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Die Boodskap

Ons Mening

Ds Barry van der Merwe

Vrydag 22 Junie 2012

NG Kerk Letsitele


Ons berig vandag (elders in dié uitgawe) dat die omstrede munisipale bestuurder van die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit her-aangestel is. Omdat dit ‘n politieke aanstelling is het ons dit verwag (en inderdaad drie weke gelede voorspel). Hoe meer deur die grootbek politici gepraat word oor die noodsaak om plaaslike bestuur in Suid-Afrika reg te ruk, hoe minder steur hulle hulle hieraan. Hulle ploeter voort op die verpolitiseerde pad van mislukte plaaslike bestuur. Intussen is plaaslike bestuur in Limpopo ewe haglik as in baie ander streke van die land. Nepotisme vier steeds hoogty; tenderpreneurs se belange word steeds gedien; korrupsie is steeds aan die orde van die dag; oneffektiewe dienslewering is steeds op ‘n kreeftegang; die amptenare en raadslede ontvang steeds onrealistiese salarisse en byvoordele en kyk steeds eerstens na hul eie bankrekenings. Dit sal interessant wees om te sien wat in Tzaneen gaan gebeur. ‘n Nuwe munisipale bestuurder moet ook hier aangestel word en die dienskontrakte van die direkteure moet ook eersdaags hernu, of nie hernu word nie. Die sirkus is oënskynlik nog nie naby die grand finale nie. Ons kan nog baie vermaak verwag, ongelukkig natuurlik ten koste van die belastingbetalers. Die einste belastinbetalers wat te slap in die rug is om hul regte teen die uitbuiters te beskerm. Die einste belastingbetalers wat tevrede toekyk hoe hul eiendom deur stakende vandaliste verniel word, en niks daaraan doen nie — omdat hulle nie in ‘n struktuur georganiseer is nie.

22 Junie word in die Katolieke kerk as die feesdag van die heilige Thomas More gevier. Wanneer Sir Thomas More herdenk word, herdenk ons ook integriteit. More was `n besonder begaafde persoon: parlementslid, speaker, hoof van die Britse regstelsel en toegewyde Christen wat Vrydae opsy gesit het vir geestelike afsondering en toewyding. Toe koning Henry VIII van sy vrou Catherine van Aragon wou skei om met Anne Boleyn te trou, wou die Katolieke kerk nie toestemming gee vir die egskeiding nie. Dit het daartoe gelei dat Henry VIII hom afgeskei het van die Katolieke kerk en homself as hoof van die kerk in Engeland (Anglikaanse kerk) verklaar het. Alhoewel More deel was van die binnekring van koning Henry VIII se regering, het hy geweier om trou te sweer aan die koning as hoof van die Kerk van Engeland. Vir More was die koning se optrede strydig met sy beginsels. Vir hierdie standpunt van hom is hy vir vyftien maande gevange gehou in die Toring van Londen en op 6 Julie 1535 onthoof. Op pad na sy teregstelling het hy gesê: “I die the king’s good servant, but God’s first.” Sy kop is daarna op die Londenbrug ten toon gestel. Om te staan vir dit wat reg is, al is dit tot jou eie nadeel, is wat van hierdie wêreld `n beter plek maak. Mooi naweek! Vandag begin ons met ‘n nuwe reeks oor allerlei interessante feite, en ons begin met feite oor ons land: Die oppervlakte van Suid-Afrika beslaan 1 219 090 vierkante kilometer. Ons het die langste kuslyn van alle Afrikalande, naamlik 2 954 km. Ons val in die tydsone van Greenwichtyd (GT) + 2. Die leuse van ons landswapen is “Eenheid in verskeidenheid” (!Ke e: /xarra // ke, uit die Khoisantaal / Xam wat tussen 1860 en 1900 uitgesterf het). Suid-Afrika het elf amtelike

Dankie, afrigters Theo de Jager, Redbank, Georges Valley, skryf: Namens al die ouers van die o.11rugbyspannetjie van die Laerskool Tzaneen wil ek graag vir Hannes Kleynhans en Attie van Aarde dankie sê vir die opoffering, tyd, geduld en vaardighede wat hulle in ons seuns belê. Sedert hulle vyf jaar gelede begin het om ‘n klompie lomp knapies af te rig, het die spannetjie in ‘n gedugte masjien ontwikkel, wat nou vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar die Limpopo-beker huistoe gebring het. Ons is alte bewus daarvan dat spanne op o.11-vlak in die provinsie eintlik nog maar almal dieselfde talent en potensiaal het. Dit is die afrigting wat verskil en uitnemendheid meebring!

Sex 4 Jobs

Yvonne du Toit, Posbus 357, Tzaneen, skryf: Down with sex 4 jobs. Hierdie plakkaat is vertoon tydens `n protesaksie van die Unemployment Movement (Berig Bulletin 15 Junie). Steek daar enige waarheid in gerugte dat vroue met hul liggame moet betaal ten einde in aanmerking te kom vir `n betrekking? Word vroue steeds uitgebuit? Het dit nie tyd geword om met die Unemployment Movement te skakel en die aantygings te ondersoek nie? Waarom ondersoek vroue-aksies nie hierdie soort aantygings nie. Ek het al verskeie gerugte gehoor van vroue wat nie eens oor die regte kwali-

Kom ons kry die feite reg landstale, waarin die land se naam so lyk: Afrikaans: Republiek van Suid-Afrika Engels: Republic of South Africa Ndebele: IRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika Noord-Sotho: Rephaboliki ya Afrika-Borwa Suid-Sotho: Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa Swazi: IRiphabhuliki yeNigizimu Afrika Tsonga: Riphabliki ra Afrika Dzonga

Letters • Briewe fikasies beskik nie, maar in poste aangestel word omdat hulle iemand se ”vriendin” is. Dit is absoluut walglik. Ek weet wragtag nie hoe iemand aangestel word sonder die regte kwalifikasies nie. Statistieke toon dat duisende skoolmeisies in Suid-Afrika jaarliks swanger raak (sommiges so jonk as 10 en 11) en te dikwels word volwasse mans as die skuldiges uitgewys. Vroue word dus van vroeg af geleer om met hul liggame te betaal om iets te bereik . Dit is egter vir my `n droewe dag dat vroue nie hieroor strate toe gaan nie. Net soos met enige ander vorm van korrupsie is mense in die werkplek bewus hiervan anders sal dit nie daar buite op plakkate vertoon word nie. Met hierdie ons-is-te-bang-houding om betrokke te raak, maak ons die werk van ons voorgangers ongedaan en maak ons maar weer die pad wawyd oop om uitgebuit te word.

Dis misdaad

Bernard Nel van Aquapark, Tzaneen, skryf: Die belastingbetaler word gesien en nie gehoor nie. Die pas afgelope poging van protes by die plaaslike owerheid herinner my meer aan georganiseerde misdaad as protes. As enigste finansierder van die plaaslike owerheid se aktiwiteite is die belastingbetaler die alleeneienaar van die plaaslike owerheid se bates en moet ‘n klag van van-

dalisme ondersoek word, na aanleiding van die vandale se optrede.

Dit maak die belastingbetaler die belangrikste rolspeler in enige plaaslike owerheid en nie die oorbetaalde slap politici en personeel nie. Inteendeel. Die magtigste rolspeler, maar ons reageer soos ‘n straathond wat stert tussen die bene weghardloop elke keer as ons bates deur vandale verniel word, onder die vaandel van wettige protesaksie. Die feit is dat die konflik wat in die plaaslike owerheid heers, aangeblaas word deur diegene met ‘n politieke agenda, sowel as die in die R800 000-klub wat salarisse vir hulself beding het, maar nie verdien nie. Enige persoon wat R800 000 per jaar deur die belastingbetaler betaal word om ‘n taak te verrig, moet na my mening ‘n hoog sigbare en dinamiese rol in die aktiwiteite van die plaaslike owerheid speel. Dit is egter nie die geval nie en van hierdie oorbetaalde vet katte bestee meer tyd aan persoonlike belange as die groei van die plaaslike owerheid. Dit het tyd geword dat die lede van die R800 000-klub verantwoording doen aan hul base, die belastingbetaler. Dit het tyd geword vir die belastingbetaler om uit sy staat van apatie te ontsnap, deur tot die besef te kom dat die mag in ons hande lê. Ons as alleenaandeelhouers en borge vir die plaaslike owerheid moet ons verantwoordelikheid nakom en die owerheid daaraan herin-

Tswana: Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa Venda: Riphabu’iki ya Afurika Tshipembe Xhosa: IRiphabliki yaseMzantsi Af-

rika Zoeloe: IRiphabliki yaseNingizimu Afrika.

Ons nasionale simbole is die: Koningsprotea (Protea cynaroides); Opregte geelhout (Podocarpus latifolius); Springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis); Galjoen (Coracinus capensis); Bloukraanvoël (Anthropoides Paradisia). ner vir wie hy werk. Die plaaslike owerheid is nie persoonlike domein nie. Die dinamika in die plaaslike owerheid is na my mening beperk tot die entoesiasme waarmee versnapperinge tydens vergade-rings verslind word. Die vorige regering sou beslis nie in aanmerking kom vir ‘n nobelprys vir menseregte nie, net so min as wat die huidige regering se ondersteuners enige benul het van die basiese begrip hoe om soos beskaafde mense op te tree. Die arrogansie en selfvondaanheid waarmee hierdie aksies gepaard gaan laat my twyfel of hierdie geslag barbare enigsins die vermoë het om hul gesindheid te verbeter. Die basis van effektiewe regering is publieke vertroue en daardie vertroue is in gevaar wannner etiese standaarde faal of blyk dat dit faal. Een persoon kan ‘n verskil maak en almal moet probeer.

SAVF lig hul hoede hoog

SAVrouefederasie in Tzaneen se diensbestuur skryf: Ons hier by die SAVF, Tzaneen, se harte is vol dankbaarheid. Nog ‘n nasionale SAVF “Wear to care”-hoededag is ‘n stukkie geskiedenis en weereens het u en die res van ons gemeenskap tot ‘n uiters suksesvolle projek bygedra. Is dit nie ‘n heerlike gedagte nie, dat u inset daartoe lei dat ‘n paar behoeftige gesinne hierdie winter snoesig en versadig gaan inkruip nie? Vriendskap is soos ‘n lappieskombers. Almal verskil, maar tog is ons vasgewerk aan mekaar, met dieselfde draad. Of dit nou die draad van liefde, trane, hartseer, pyn, blydskap of geloof is, ons kan nie sonder mekaar nie! Dankie dat u deel is, van die SAVF Tzaneen se kombersie!


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Groei vir Letsitele

Keep the kids busy With the school holidays starting, parents are looking for ways to keep the children occupied. This holiday the Holiday Fun Club in Tzaneen has the answer. They provide entertainment for children aged between six and thirteen at the Tzaneen show grounds from 25 June to 13 July, 07:00-17:00. Children will be doing a craft they can take home every day, as well as fun organized play, dress-up, baking and if the weather turns bad, even movies.

22 Junie 2012


Kaskarrenne vanjaar weer in Letsitele

Die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit (GTM) het die groen lig gegee vir ‘n nuwe woongebied-uitbreiding in Letsitele. Die eiendom behoort aan mnr Milan Thalwitzer en hy het die dorpstigtingproses afgehandel. Die proses is egter aansienlik vertraag (Bulletin het dit sowat twee jaar gelede aangekondig), toe mnr Flip van Rooyen beswaar teen die uitbreiding gemaak het. Ons het kort voor ons spertyd nuus ontvang dat die GTM uiteindelik besluit het om nie Van Rooyen se beswaar te handhaaf nie, en die ontwikkeling kan nou voortgaan. Dit is nie bekend of Thalwitzer self die ontwikkeling gaan doen nie, maar die uitbreiding met 178 woonerwe kom op ‘n goeie tyd, met die ontwikkeling van die nuwe myn daar naby. The North Gauteng High Court has ruled for the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and Makgetsi Construction Enterprises CC in an application by MacP Construction (Pty) Ltd in connection with the construction of the road between Sasekani and Nkowankowa (road D3763). However, we failed to communicate with any of the parties to confirm the news, which reached us shortly before our deadline for today’s paper. Mr Louis Erasmus, the lawyer who acted for MacP, was not available and with the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s new attitude to treat almost everything regarding the GTM as Top Secret, we didn’t even try to communicate with them. We will follow up the news for next week’s edition.


The ambulance and reptile park will also visit and more surprises are in store. There will also be a big party day. Points will be awarded for various categories and children can then buy prizes using the points. Playing makes children hungry so please pack in a lunch as no food will be served. Only thirty spots are available, so booking is essential. For further inquiries please call Bronwyn on 082 679 2527 or Chantal on 082 845 0582.

Die NG kerk Letsitele bied vanjaar weer die gewilde kaskarwedrenne aan en het Woensdagaand ’n gesellige ete saam met die borge by die Tzaneen Country Lodge geniet. Ds Barry van der Merwe (tweede van links), wat ex officio aan die hoof van die reëlings vir die wedren is, en sy vrou Ina, sit hier by me Irma en mnr Burgert van Rooyen. ONDER is mnr Jurie du Plessis van BB Motors, wat weer vanjaar die hoofborg is. Langs hom is mee Lydia Bench en Lynn Dorfling en mnr Nick Dorfling. Foto’s: Jean Aucamp


22 Junie 2012



Mayor tells the community to be patient The residents of Section F, Giyani, that recently marched to the Greater Giyani Municipality’s (GGM) office to demand water and other services, have been told to be patient as there was no easy solution to their problem. Responding to the memorandum that the community recently submitted to the municipality, GGM mayor Pat Hlungwani said he did not want to lie and say that they would receive water soon, and that they should make do with borehole water, while the GGM tries to fix their problem. “Until the problem with the pipeline’s pressure is solved, I’m afraid there’s no hope,” he told them. He added that “the technicians’ report indicates that there is still a big problem with the pressure and this is why the commu-

nity cannot have water. With regard to the issue of a vote of no confidence that the community in the area had passed against their ward councillor, Mr Abraham Manganyi, the mayor said he did not have power to replace councillors since he was also a councillor. “You voted him in — you can therefore, using the same procedures that you have used to put him where he is, remove him… as municipality we will concentrate on what concerns service delivery,” he said. The people, however, disagreed with the municipality’s claim that the problem was caused by pipeline pressure, saying it was caused by new connections on their pipeline, that divert water that was supposed to come to them. Mr David Magagan, a

Giyani Mayor Pat Hlungwani speaking to the residents of section F.

spokesman for the community, said “we don’t want boreholes here, since once we have boreholes you’re not going to solve our problem… we will stick with borehole water forever, because then there would be no need for you to hurry with fixing our pipeline,” he said. The mayor responded by saying there was no other viable option and that the boreholes were temporary. “Our intention is not to make you depend on borehole water for the rest of your lives,” he said.

Christopher (Fafa) Viljoen by sy trotse ouers, Colleen en Hennie, tydens die onlangse optrede van die gewilde sanggroep Romanz in Tzaneen. Christopher het reeds vroeg in sy hoërskoolloopbaan naam begin maak met sy mooi stem, goeie verhoogpersoonlikheid en sy fyn oor vir nuanses in sy musiekkeuses. Hy spog ook met ‘n wye repertoire en daar word wyd verwag dat hy ‘n stewige merk as sanger gaan maak. Foto: Jean Aucamp

Search “Laeveld Bulletin” After spending months writing a book, most people would expect to make profit out of it to compensate for the time spent. But Ms Sabina van Stralen from the Netherlands had something else in mind, when she took a pen and a paper and began writing a book. She wanted to be part of those that help to take millions of South African youth off the streets. After visiting several sports centres in the country, built by a Dutch organisation called Score, as a donation to youth in the rural villages, Van Stralen was

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convinced that she could also help. So she sat down and wrote a book titled “Children of the Future,” dedicated to aid Score’s projects. The book is about the lives and the behaviour patterns of kids living in rural areas. However, the focus in this book was more on Mopuve village, Giyani. As a token of appreciation she donated money to build a toilet in the local Score’s sports stadium. Van Stralen is seen her with a copy of the book, flanked by kids whom she wrote about. Photo & caption: Orlando Chauke

3 suspects with stolen goats caught The Giyani police have arrested three suspects in connection with stock theft, after they were found with twelve live goats on their bakkie, and could not produce a permit or explain where they got the goats. The suspects, Patience Ndlela (29), HumbulaniMudau (31) and Alfred Maube (28), had apparently stopped at one of the filling stations in Giyani to fill up, before they embarked on a journey to KwaZulu-Natal, when they were spotted and arrested. According to warrant officer Thomas Makhubele of the Giyani Police, the goats are thought to have been stolen in the Vhembe district and were apparently taken to KZN, where the market for goats is very vibrant.

The suspects’ bakkie with goats were first kept at the Giyani police station, but later taken to a pound. Photo: Orlando Chauke

The suspects appeared in the Giyani Magistrates Court, facing charges of stock theft. Their case was postponed to 25 June pending further investigation, and they were released on bail of R500 each. Makhubele said the arrest would serve as a warning to criminals preying on the community’s livestock. “The police are working 24 hours per day to keep livestock theft at its lowest possible level,” he said. —Orlando Chauke orlando@bulletin.us.com


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22 Junie 2012


CONGRATULATIONS Oasis Water Tzaneen on celebrating 5 successful years!

tz ey Ka Ms. Jo penser dis Water ner win

Daan Roelvert who resides at Macadamia Retirement Village was the very first person who applied for and received his “Oasis Water Senior Citizen ID Card”, which entitles him to Special Benefits and prices.

Ms Maria Barkley, the owner of Oasis Water Tzaneen

So if you are a Senior Citizen who cares for your health, PLEASE pop in at the Oasis Water shop (Old Checkers Centre) and apply for your Oasis Water Senior Citizen’s ID Card.

OASIS WATER TZANEEN CELEBRATES 5 YEARS OF SUCCESS! On a bleak wintery evening in June 2007, curry and rice was being served and the one and only Oasis Water in Tzaneen opened for business. My! My! but God, our partner, has kept His part in this endeavour by blessing it — beyond measure! Challenges of course we did see, but with perseverance and prayer it has brought growth and liberty!

Community involvement and donations there has surely been plenty. From wellness days, cultural events, orphanages, charities and schools, these are to name but a few! Our growth has been beyond compare with retailers, customers and clients, from near, far and everywhere. Everyone, big to small one and all are thanked with genuine sincerity on this, our 5th successful year BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! Oasis Water Tzaneen Management


22 Junie 2012



New youth project launched The youth of Mokwakwaila in the Modjadjiskloof district have new hope. The Khumelong Youth Cooperative, a project with the potential to create more job opportunities, was launched by the Greater Letaba Municipality. Khumelong is a brick-making project comprising of ten members, who include young, disabled and elderly people. The idea started in 2011, when the GLM’s youth council resolved to get the municipality to fund and develop a project that would benefit the youth. The municipality then made R1,2 million available in the budget, to establish the project. A building to house the project was built and a brickmaking machine worth R480 000 was handed over to the project by the GLM’s Mayor,

this project like it was all we Mr City Modjadji. “We know that the pro-ject have, because it is in fact all will benefit the five surround- we have.” ing wards within these villages and we are proud of that. With this development injection, we hope that the youth will get off the streets and start doing things for themselves. We want to keep them away from substance abuse and make them responsible young adults,” said Mayor Modjajdji. The representative of the Khumelong Youth Cooperative, Mr Thomas Makhubela, was GTM launches project Seen here is the Khumelong Youth very happy that the Cooperative representative, Mr pro-ject was finally Makhubela Thomas, receiving the under way. “We want cooperative certificate from the GTM to promise the mayor Mayor, Mr City Modjadji. They are that we won’t let him surrounded by GTM councillors and down. We will run members of the cooperative.

Griepinspuitings vir seniors deur Lions gereël Die Lions van Tzaneen het onlangs nog ’n onbaatsugtige diens aan senior burgers gelewer, toe hulle met die hulp van str Rika Fouché, op kort kennisgewing, griepinspuitings by God’s Haven, Goue Jare en Pioniers gaan toedien het. ‘n Volle honderd bejaardes het hierby gebaat en str Fouché is deur die Lions se mnre Philip Robinson jr en David Griesel bygestaan.

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The Ritavi SAPS launches Youth Against Crime The Ritavi Police launched their first ever Youth Against crime campaign at Nkowankowa stadium. Government officials from different departments and the youth of Nkowankowa came in numbers to attend the campaign. The campaign is aimed at combating crime through sports and encouraging the youth to make a difference in their communities. Sector commander Major-General Maggie Mathebula urged parents to encourage their children to participate in sport. Mathebula explained that sport keeps the youth busy and away from bad influence.

The Ritavi Police entertained the crowd by playing soccer against the Nkowankowa circuit educators. The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s Mayor, Ms Dikeledi Mmetle, also attended the campaign and applauded the Ritavi police for the good work they are doing. “We experienced how the Springboks’ 1995 and 2007 Rugby World Cup victories united the nation. This is evidence of the power of sport, so let us use this power and influence of sport to combat crime”, said Mmetle. — Martina Jege

Pretty in Pink for cancer

and rhinestone tiaras. The closing date for entries is today (22 June). All money raised from the pageant and sticker sales will be donated to Cansa to aid in raising breast cancer awareness. This cause is close to her heart. Barwise dedicated her recyclable dress to breast cancer awareness when she was crowned as Miss Limpopo 2012. This special dress, made from more than 5 000 squares of plastic and tissue paper, is on display in the Tzaneng Mall since 18 June. Pink stickers and entry forms for the beauty pageant are available at the Tzaneng Mall office or at the Bulletin. For enquiries contact Katryn on 078 371 0909 or visit www. limpopobeautymodeling.co.za. — Retha Nel

Tzaneeners are encouraged to wear pink on 29 June to raise awareness for breast cancer. This is part of the Pretty in Pink casual day, when residents of Tzaneen and the surrounding areas can buy a pink R10 sticker. The driving force behind the campaign is Miss Limpopo 2012, Katryn Barwise. Barwise will also be hosting the Miss Limpopo Beauty Tzaneen pageant on the same day in the Tzaneng Mall. Girls are invited to enter and can look forward to many big prizes, like a one-year modeling contract





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Events l Gebeure


This Week

Holiday Fun Club Tzaneen Show Grounds, Monday 13 July, 07:00-17:00. For children aged 6-13. Take-home craft, play, dressup, baking, movies. Ambulance and reptile park to visit. Prizes to be won. Bring own packed lunch, no food served. Only 30 spots! Enquiries: Bronwyn 082 679 2527 or Chantal 082 845 0582. Competition Write a poem or story about your father and stand a chance to win a prize. Not more than 2 A4-pages. Hand in at the Letsitele Library before 29 June. Winners will be announced on 4 July. Enquiries: Letsitele Library 015 345 1911. ‘12

This Month

Beauty Pageant

Miss Limpopo Beauty Tzaneen 2012, Tzaneng Mall, 29 June, 15:00. Win a 1 year professional modelling contract. Be trained by Miss Limpopo 2012, Kathryn Barwise. Imported rhinestone tiaras and many big prizes! Entry forms at the Tzaneng Mall office. Buy your R10 Casual Pink Day sticker for 29 June. For more info contact Kathryn 078 371 0909.

by playing. Only 30 spots available! Booking 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 222 4950 of essential. R55/child/day, includes lunch. Natasha by 015 307 3316. Enquiries: Mareli van Onselen 084 247 4558. Indoor Hockey Letaba Show Grounds

Silvermist Holistic, Health and Wellness Fair Haenertsburg Village Hall,

Wedstryde saans tussen 18:00 en 22:00. R25/p (4 of 5/span). Bring eie hokkiestokke, balle sal 7-8 July, 09:00-16:30. Spa treatments, sound voorsien word. healing, chakra balancing, tarot and angel card Netbal Alle dames en mans wat belangstel readings and much more. Enquiries: Amanda om netbal te oefen, word genooi om Maandae Smith 083 447 8452. en Woensdae vanaf 17:15-18:15 saam te kom Service times The Tzaneen Methodist oefen by Laerskool Tzaneen se bane. Navrae: Church in Peace Street now has two services: Rosie 0824539161.

the traditional service 08:00 to 09:00 and the Kaskar Laerskool Dr Annecke, Letsitele, 28 contemporary and children’s and teen’s service Julie. Skole se juniors en seniors, jongmense en at 09:30. For enquiries contact the church office selfs volwassenes neem deel. Baie opwinding at 015 307 4525 or 015 307 3413. en kraampies met ’n verskeidenheid heerlike Support The Tzaneen Depression and eetgoed. Navrae: Gerhardt Vorster by 083 457 Anxiety Support Group meetings every 8824. alternate Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community Centre. Colleen on 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5137/071 853 2121.

Round Table

Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Henk Van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291.

Divorce Counselling

DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527.

PNA, Tzaneen Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Lifestyle Centre, 29 June, 19:00. Entrance fee: a Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Skakel Hannes Steyn bottle of wine. Glasses, soup, bread, jam and 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. coffee will be provided. Local writers Beth Keller, Amanda Vorster, Bridget Hilton-Barber, Charles Sport ‘12 Leach, Howard Blight, Nino Burelli, David HiltonBarber and Louis Changuion will be signing their books. Enquiries: Brenda Alberts 015 307 2049 This Week ‘12 or Heidi Vosloo 082 822 2226.

Local Writers Evening



MALL OF THE NORTH SAVANNAH MALL LEON SCHUSTER’S MAD BUDDIES * $# r MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S Fri, Sat: 9:30, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 MOST WANTED 3D $ # ł Mon,Wed,Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Sun,Tue: 9:30, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 ——————————————————————————————————



Chantel Saaiman-tennistoernooi, Hoërskool Ben Vorster, môre en Sondag 08:00. Koste: R120/p. Mini toernooi vir beginners. Pryse Kids educational program Anglican deur Simpson Motors geborg. Navrae: Chantel Church (Agatha Street), Tzaneen, 2-13 July, 083 365 2277 of chantalsaaiman@gmail.com. 08:00-13:00. For 3 to 7 year-old children. Art, music, Kindermusik, baking, story time, learn Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae & Donderdae

Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30


LEON SCHUSTER’S MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S * $# r MOST WANTED 3D $ # ł MAD BUDDIES Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:15, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30 ——————————————————————————————————


Fri, Sat: 9:30, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun, Tue: 9:30, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Mon, Thu: 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Wed: 11:45, 14:30, 17:00


$< ÷ LOL

Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 9:45, 12:15, 14:45, 17:30, 20:00


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Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 10:00, 12:30, 15:15, 17:45, 20:15



Daily: 9:15, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30



$# ™

Daily: 9:35, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30



Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:30, 15:00, 17:50, 20:15, 22:45 Sun: 12:30, 15:00, 17:50, 20:15

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.

Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 9:45, 12:15, 15:00, 17:30, 20:00





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22 Junie 2012

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22 Junie 2012



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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 BUTLER ACCOUNTANTS For PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SERVICES 1. Monthly & Annual Accounting 2. Management accounts 3. Compiling of Financial Statements 4. Registrations of Companies 5. Returns for: 5.1 Income tax 5.2 Vat 5. 3 All relevant accounting returns as required by law Contact Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT registered Tax Practitioner) At 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 078 686 8320 JUN301_____________ Best services + price on all your gas and oil needs Rohan 082 337 4522 Nov201________________ Need a gift for someone special? Jewellery, cutlery, photo frames, crockery and much more! Contact 015 307 4448 Nov204________________

Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501

Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131________________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110________________ Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________ Acrylic tips, only R150 for a new set and R100 for a fill! Contact Nicky 083 746 6592 Jan203________________

Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters. Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of

Services Dienste 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897 May04__________________ PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128________________ Looking for 9.5mm Stone, 19mm Stone, Building sand and river sand, contact 083 500 4385. jul129________________ Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102________________ Little Angels Dagsorg het nog baie plek vir babas en peuters. Alle Maaltye ingesluit. As U belangstel in liefdevolle sorg kontak Martie 0827323339 om afspraak te reël. Mar102(1)____________ 10 Minute Vertical Sunbed!!! For the perfect tan, book now!!! 082 4000 991, 2B King Edward Drive Mar109(1)______________

Services Dienste VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301________________ Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439 Do you enjoy music? We sell drum sets, guitars, keyboards and much more Contact 015 307 4448 Nov205_________________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________ Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ TZANEEN TRAILER HIRE Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401

Ons diens en herstel alle fabrikate. Kontak Mark 015 307 5268 jan305________________ Distributors of Caltex fuels & Lubricants 083 627 8834 015 307 1998 Mar209(1)______________ Key shop & Locksmith Quick Friendly, professional service 24 Hour call out Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste 4D Ultrasound Medi 24 h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstreet Polokwane Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________ Tired of doing your own debt collection for your business? For fast, efficient and professional service, contact 015 307 6797. Sept426________________ Springkastele & Glybane te huur in Tzaneen! Kantoor ure: Mon to Fri: 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193 suikerbekkie19@ webmail.co.za Sept434________________ The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________

KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________

Audio Repairs, DVD, TV and VCR Repairs, Spares and Accessories, IC’S and TR’S. We also do orders. Contact 015 307 7189 jan307_________________ As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowings, verjaardag, kerk uitstappie, vergade rings etc. Groot plek met kroeg yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402_________________ Lou-dri Field services Specialise in all earth moving machines, Trucks and Tractors. Contact Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ or 071 826 6298 Lou-dri velddienste Spesialiseer in grondverskuiwingmasjiene, trokke en trekkers. Kontak Danie Ludick 079 073 4985/ of 071 826 6298 feb102________________

Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308________________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________ The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310_________________ I stock and use products from Schwarzkopf, Great Lengths, ghd, Eco.kid and many more. Come visit me for the perfect hair cut, colour or highlights. I do extensions and sell products for childrens hair too. Contact Lanie 015 307 4604 jan311_________________ Your junk is worth something! Clothes, books, electrical, equipment, furniture etc. I will collect and sell it all for you! Weekly auctions at 31 Antimony Str Contact 082 925 9780 Mar216________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217_________________ Ons spesialiser in die volgende mediesefondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health, Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontat ons vir gehaltediens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218_________________ Icon Scales Repair centre for weighing equipment Custom made equipment Services & maintenance contracts Sales of weighting equipment Contact Juvan Liversage 084 370 7290 073 734 2781 Apr406(1)____________ CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018 You just thinner, younger, healther. Weight loss coach Clubhealthpointe.com 076 346 1664 Mei203________________ NTV HANDYMAN Alle herstel werk van huise, aanbouings env Gratis kwotasie En Alle tiepe aircons installering en hervillngs van gas. Regmaak van yskaste en hervilling van gas 24 uur diens Johan 083 632 5115 Mei404_____________

Services Dienste Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406________________ NTV ENGENEERING Welding van alle soorte metaale, oordoen van alle hydraulic (pompe, silinders, “velfes”) Ons doen veldwerk ook, 24 uur diens Vervaardig van heinings, veiligheidshekke, diefweering env. Werkswinkel in die nuwe industriele gebied Kontak 083 632 5115 Mei405______________


Furniture Removals / Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd Puik diens & lae pryse Marlien 015 781 0637 / 083 252 8928

NTV PLUMING Herstel van alle waterpype, oopmaak van “drynpype”, inselasie van nuwe pype en waterpyp Geysers , elemente, termostate, masterflo en saftyvalfes vir meer inligting 24 uur diens Kontak Johan 083 632 5115 Mei406_______________ Letaba Teak Wooden floor installation Installation of high quality teak flooring and decking. Solid teak furniture also available Call Grant 071 609 9067 Mei407______________

Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057,

Beyers Busdiens Naweek vervoer elke Vrydag en Sondag vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria Via Polokwane en terug Kontak Nica by 015 307 5959 082 566 2558 17 jaar diensrekord Jun102_____________ Roofing and Renovations We do all roofing big or small Renovations Electric fencing and motors Palisades 072 647 2128

Services Dienste Jun103_____________ From Wash ‘n Go to Full Valet. Pick up and drop off service available. Contact Paul – 083 481 1063. Jun109______________ In the mood for Sushi? We do take-aways. Call 015 307 2359 Jun110_____________ GO FETCH! We deliver for Sasol Delight, Steers, Fishaways and Girumundo. From 10am till late. Call 073 111 7894. Jun111________________ Venue for Hire, 40 people maximum, small weddings, birthday parties, etc. Contact 015 307 2176. Jun112_____________ Arts & Crafts Classes! Contact Nicki – 083 256 2075 Jun113_____________ 4D Ultrasound Radiografiese Dienste in Polokwane – 015 291 2275 Jun114___________ Laaigraaf – Met uiters bewame operateur. R200 per uur + diesel. Kontak Riana 082 448 8231 Jun115______________ LP Gas & Lubricants, best service and prices on all your oil needs. Contact 082 337 4522 Jun116_______________ For all your house ware, glasses, crockery, electrical appliances and catering equipment, contact 015 307 5640. Jun117_____________ Holiday Fun Club Offers child care for the holidays. A new craft every day. Limited space Contact Bronwyn 082 679 2527 Chantal 082 845 0582 Jun302______________ Specials for upcoming school holidays National driving school drivers licence Code 8 R1500 NDS car Code 8 R1000 own car Code 10 R2000 NDS Truck Code 14 R4000 NDS Truck Code 14 R7500 NDS Truck Contact National Driving School for the best option ever Gideon 083 262 0363 Gi-ane 083 279 2343 Jun303_____________ Kids Educational Program in Tzaneen this holiday from 2 - 13 July for 3 - 7 year old children. Art, music, Kindermusik, baking, story time, learn by playing! Only 30 spots available! R55 per child per day, includes lunch! 08:00 to 13:00 at the Anglican Church in Agatha street. Contact: Mareli van Onselen - 084 247 4558 (BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL) Jun307________________ HAFLINGER STEYRPUCH NEWLY OVERHAULED GIVE AWAY FOR ONLY R60 000.00 KOBUS 081 472 8651

For Sale Te Koop Baltimore – lusering, hawer, tes, boontjie, grasbale te koop en afgelewer Skakel

For Sale Te Koop Basie Brand 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)_____________ CROCODILE MEAT On promotional sale Sosaties, fillets, boerewors, biltong, Croc-tails etc. Cooking and preparation booklet Available. Tel;015 307 4398/ 082 562 5004 Agatha Crocodile Ranch – Tzaneen Trade enquiries welcomed www.agatha-crocodile. co.za email: agathacroc@ vodamail.co.za CROCODILE FEEDING SHOW DAILY 9 am – 4 pm SCHOOLS AT SPECIAL PRICES Mei303_______________ Haflinger steyrpuch newly overhauled give away for only r60 000.00 Kobus 081 4728 651 Jun107________________ Te Koop 2 x Worskarretjie, prys R30 000 kontak Gert 079-874-7138 Jun206________________

To Let Te Huur VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R16.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R23.50/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 083 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 Mar103(20)________

VERVOER & VERPAK Van meubels Skakel Melodi vir kwotasie 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 Epos: troktrek@ mweb.co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubel vervoer.com Mar104(20)_______

Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________

To Let Te Huur Sleepwa te huur. R250/dag. Thinus 082 807 6620. Mei305____________ TO RENT/TE HUUR Trailer Rentals Trailers available Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation rd (next to PPS) Apr405________________ 2 Ton trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Feb204_________________ LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip ploeg disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)__________

Grader te huur. R2900/dag droog. Skakel Renier by 083 245 1031. Mei304________________

Vehicle Motor Landrover Freelander 2.0 TDI 2003 model. Wit. Te koop R85 000 ohb 180 000 km Kontak 082 8388630 Jun305________________ Voertuie te koop 2006 Tata 2 ton tipper truck with railings. 60 000Km. Excellent condition. R75 000.00 Contact: 0832859019 Jun306______________

Animals Diere Rooibruin worshondjies te koop. Drie maande oud. R200 stuk. Skakel 082 332 2110 Jun402___________ 2X BORDER KOLLIE REUNTJIES 14WEKE OUD GRATIS 0733728528 Jun404___________

Dringend op soek na Leeudrolle om bosuorke af te shrik Bel Chris Ras 082 5687 361

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Property l Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur

For Sale Te Koop

Flats Woonstelle Room for Rent For single person R2 500 pm Water and lights included Under cover parking In secure complex Contact 083 746 6592 Jun417_____________

Town Houses Meenthuis

3slp, 2 badkamer meenthuis beskikbaar in gesogte kompleks – 1 Julie 2012 @ R5300 pm Lidell 082 346 9359 Jun408____________

Houses Huise Drieslaapkamerhuis 10 km buite Tzaneen te huur @ R3 200/maand, water & elektrisiteit ingesluit. Skakel 082 332 2110 Jun401______________

Duiwelskloof huis te huur vanaf 1 Julie 2012 – 3slp, 2 badk met ruim leefarea’s en dubbel motorhuis – R4000 pm Lidell 082 346 9359 Jun402______________

4slp, 2 badk huis, sentraal geleë – beskikbaar 1 Julie 2012 – R5000 pm Lidell 082 346 9359 Jun403______________

Spacious 4 bedroom house situated on large stand for rent 1 July 2012 – R6500 pm Lidell 082 346 9359 Jun404___________ 3 Slaapkamer huis met swembad te huur vanaf 1 Augustus in Monumentlaan! Huur R5500 per maand Kontak Liezel – 083 258 6677 Jun416____________

To advertise call here Lihanie at 015 307 7248

SOLE MANDATE: REDUCED REDUCED!! Come and see this 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with main on suite and walk in closet, Large fully fitted kitchen, pantry, laundry, super large entertainment area with aircon and full size snooker table included with pool and Jacuzzi, large well manicured garden corner stand and garage for 3 cars plus carports for 3 cars plus loads more MAGGIE 083 216 4779 SOLE MANDATE 1 bedroom townhouse with open plan kitchen lounge, 1 bathroom with courtyard with braai and carport. R385 000.00 MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Extremely neat 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home, lounge, dining room, kitchen with scullery, garage with carport, swimming pool and Jacuzzi a must to see R930 000.00 MAGGIE 083 216 4779 STANDS: Golden Acres priced from R250 000.00 Letaba River Estates priced from R 204 000.00 Riverside Estate priced from R350 000 Eden Gardens priced from R251 000.00 Stand in Medipark R 165 000.00 SOLE MANDATE Stand in Tzangeni with double storey approved plans for only R280 000.00 Stands also available in and around Tzaneen contact me to view. MAGGIE 083 216 4779 SOLE MANDATE House to die for double storey home with 5 bedrooms all with on-suite bathrooms, 2 lounges, dining room, TV room, entertainment area with bar, swimming pool, billiards room, 3 garages, 2 bedroom servant quarters, 2 boreholes with 3 phase electricity. Price: POR MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Jun409____________


2 Ha in Town with 4 bedroom house, 3 bedroom house, 2 X 2 bedroom houses and 2 X 1 bedroom house Rental income R22 600.00 rental income per month. Very big workshop R3 850 000.00 CHRISTA 083 460 6597 Double storey Town House: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, large study parking space for 4 cars, secure and safe R830 000.00 CHRISTA 083 460 6597 NEED OFFICE SPACE? No better location than this property. Price negotiable. Make an offer today. Already zoned R1 950 000.00 CHRISTA 083 460 6597 2 Ha 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, study, large living areas house, plus flat with income lots of potential near town R1 200 000.00 CHRISTA 083 460 6597 SOLE MANDATE!!!!! 6 X 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOMS, 1 GARAGE, OPEN PLAN KITCHEN LIVING AREAS IN MEDIPARK R680 000.00 EACH CHRISTA 083 460 6597 Clear Water cove bargain 758 sqm stand for only R420 000. JEANETTE 083 258 5862 3 x 2HA PLOTS NEAR TOWN. WATER AND SINGLE FASE ELECTRICITY. BEAUTIFUL VIEW R660 000.00 Christa 083 460 6597 3,2 Ha near Town and next to river stream R660 000.00 Christa 083 460 6597 Jun410_____________

8,7 Ha Near town with business rights 3 bedroom house, large Open shed , fenced and river front R3 300 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862 54 Ha Cattle and mango farm with a house and lots more R2 200 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862 Other: We urgently need houses, townhouses, stands, farms, commercial buildings and plots to sell. We have qualified buyers Christa 083 460 6597 Jeanette 083 258 5862 5024 m2 stand in Letsitele with 2 phase electricity and municipal water. Ideal for business R720 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862

Tzangeni Upmarket 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom , open plan living areas, dubble garage, veranda with build in braai , a gem of a house R1 350 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 Beautiful in Cul de Sac 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 garages, flat let, staff quarters, swimming pool R1 650 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double garage, 2 entertainment areas with braai inside and outside, 4 living areas, beautiful kitchen, scullery and pantry. R 1 850 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 Building Package House and Stand available semi double storey 3 to 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, and double garage great finishers R 1 220 000.00 First time buyers and investors. This is a good opportunity for you. Transfer cost included. JEANETTE 083 258 5862 Excellently situated near school and Mosque. 1 Bedroom, bathroom, open plan kitchen, living areas and 1 carport R 415 000.00 AND 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom open plan kitchen and living area including 2 carports. R 522 000. 00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 VERY GOOD PRICED BEAUTIFUL VIEW OVER TZANEEN DAM 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOM , OPEN PLAN KITCHEN LIVING AREAS AND A SINGLE GARAGE. R825 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 HENTIESBAAI NAMIBIA 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom open plan living areas give away at only R1 300 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 BUSINESS STAND IN THE NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA 800m² STAND R770 000.00 4 Ha Plot near Town with 3 bedroom house with ample water and water allocation. Ideal for net houses and bananas. R 1650 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862 7,9 Ha Near town next to main road with 2 houses Ideal for business R3 300 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862

STAND IN CULLINAN PRETORIA ON CORNER 640M² R550 000.00 LEANDI 082 788 0772 Jun412_____________

26 Ha met rooi hutton grond Eiendom gelykliggend Toegeruste boorgat 22,500 liter/uur 2 Ha ge-elektrifiseerde heining met 1,8 ha doekhuise 700 M2 kwekery onder net met besproeiing Meer as 100 spesies cycads en palms 3 Reservoirs met aanjaerpompe 20 Ha lande kan gemaak word 5 Slaapkamer woonhuis 2 store 135 Massey Ferguson trekker, 2 skaar ploeg, 2 wiel sleepwas word as lopende saak verkoop Prys: R2,7 miljoen Skakel Hannes Theunissen Tel: 0828534055 Jun405____________

8,5 Ha met rivierfront Deposito van 30% met afbetalings voorwaardes 1,5 Ha water toekenning uit rivier 2 Boorgate waarvan 1 toegerus 8 Ha baie geskik vir nethuise 5 Slaapkamer woonhuis, tv/k, sit/k, 2 vol badkamers. Groot stoep, pragtige tuin, toegeboude stoor met 1 slaapkamer & badkamer 124M2 stoor Toegeboude pakkamer Bediendekamer Prys: R2,3 miljoen Skakel Hannes Theunissen Tel: 0828534055

25,6 Ha asemrowende uitsig oor die Drakensberge. Woonhuis met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 4 vertrek woonhuis. 3 Woonstelle, oop motorhuis 2 arbeiders huise, 3 toegeruste boorgate, 2 sementdamme, 1 standhoudende. Gronddam met pomp ± 12 Ha bloekom – 5 jaar oud 4,5 Ha bewerkte lande Prys: R3,7 miljoen Skakel Hannes Theunissen Tel: 0828534055 Jun406___________

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22 Junie 2012



22 Junie 2012



Ses Zani’s-gimnaste van Tzaneen wen by SA’s Ses van Zani’s Gimnastiek Akademie in Tzaneen se gimnaste het die naweek aan die SA Ritmiese Interprovinsiale Kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Hulle was deel van ‘n groep van 28 Zani’sgimnaste wat Limpopo verteenwoordig het. Die groep het 29 medaljes verower waarvan negentien goue-, ses silwer en vier brons medaljes is. Ses gimnaste is gekroon as die beste gimnas

in hul onderskeie ouderdomsgroepe en het goue medaljes ontvang. Ezri Hugo het op Vlak 3 vir o.13’s deelgeneem en gewen (goud in die clubs- en die lintafdelings). Zandri van der Gryp het in dieselfde kategorie en ouderdomsgroep ook goud gewen. Elandri Janse van Rensbrug (Vlak 1 vir o.7’s) het ‘n brons medalje vir “free dance” ontvang. Retha Nel retha@bulletin.us.com

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Job Seeker | Wesksoeker Graphic Design Claire, looking for PA or corel draw designer job. Able to do any admin duties as well. Contact 082 815 8918. (2)_____________________ My name is Shaun I am looking for a job in Video Editing, video production for functions, weddings, concerts, etc. contact 084 469 3790 (3) _____________________

Architecture Kobus Kock, draughtsman (Caddie and Autocad) or any other available job. Contact 084 279 6601 or 083 280 9699. (1) _____________________

Admin/ Clerical Looking for a half day Admin job. I stay in Hoedspuit and my name is Janie Broekman has 27 years experience at the Free State Education Department my contact number is 0760744022 (40) _____________________ Felicity is opsoek na algemene kantoorwerk of kassierwerk. Ondervinding in pastel en rekenaargelettered kontak 076 432 9801 (41) _____________________

Agter is die gimnaste se afrigter, me Telanie Grobler, by Elandri Janse van Rensburg, Desiré de Jager en Anisa Verster. Voor sit Sandri van der Gryp, Antoinette Bredenkamp en Ezri Hugo.

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Thommy Mokgatla looking for a driving/admin job.. I have matric,driver’s licence code 10 with PDP and andvanced diploma in computer literacy. Contact me on 0787482713 or tomcruz@ mtnloaded.co.za (43) _____________________ looking for a P.A assist. Designer, reception anything available, can start anytime. Contact 082 221 3321 (44) _____________________ 44 jarige mang opsoek na adminstratiew werk het kode 8, ondervinding in debiteure/

krediteure rekenaar geletterd het ook B Graad Sekuriteit Kontak Dawie 076 568 3960 (45) _____________________

Construction I am looking for a job building houses and painting I have lot of experience contact me 082 475 7623 (15) _____________________ Kingston Zifamde I am a qualified excavator driver please contact me on 078 854 3533 (16) _____________________ Johannes Shai I am looking for a painting, paving, sege housing etc. contact me on 076 857 1394 (17) _____________________ My name is Mohale Orped looking for a brick-layer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (18) _____________________ My name is Rasekane Johannes looking for a bricklayer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (19) _____________________ My name is Dyllan I am looking for a job in welding, construction, boreholes + pumps, borehole drilling, Operating of drill machine and fixing, have a code 10 contact 072 716 3879 (20) _____________________

Domestics Selena I am looking for a domestic job Mon – Frid Ref: Adel 082 454 1328 contact me on 072 1924 762 (138) ____________________ Joyce Mraba I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning or clerical job please contact me on 078 251 3833 (139) ____________________

Constance Nkhwashu domestic worker 5 days a week sleep out contact 083 526 3186 (140) ____________________ Catherine Nkhwashu domestic worker 5 days a week sleep out contact 078 5032 933 (141) ____________________ Rebecca Khosa domestic/office cleaner ref: Gerald 072 620 9238 contact 078 1867 146 (142) ____________________ Sarah Seoka domestic work speak Afrikaans sleep out contact 074 044 8806 (143) ____________________ Rachel Khalonga looking for a domestic work have certificate contact me on 082 796 7035 (144) ____________________ Maria soek Domestic werk ek praat Afrikaans, verstaan Engels kontak my 078 218 1679 (145) ____________________ Caroline Shai, domestic worker 3 or 5 days speak English contact me 079 576 7134 (146) ___________________ Pulane W Ramolefo looking for a domestic work, 5 days speak Afrikaan contact 072 604 7020 (147) ____________________ Delphy Nkhwaxu looking for a gardening job have experience contact 072 2323 033 (148) ___________________ Sara Mashale I am looking for a domestic work, speak English look after children sleep out, 4 years experience contact 072 647 1858 (149)___________________ Monica Malatji I am looking for a domestic work / general 5 days a week, I speak English contact 079 999 3664 (150)___________________ Anna Maposa ek soek na huishulp werk ek praat Afrikaans, kook ook 5 dae, slaap uit kontak my 078 03 730 75 (151)___________________

Sara Makgoba ek soek na huishulp werk ek praat Afrikaans, kook en kan na kinders kyk, bly uit, kontak 083 497 1987 (152)___________________ Mbilly malatji looking for a cleaning job or I have a sertificate for a packhouse general contact 083 761 9433 (153)___________________ Annah Mmola I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after children (Ref: M Nel 072 3973600)contact me 083 9693104 (154)___________________ Annah Manganye I am looking for a domestic work I speak English, I can look after children (Ref M Kappa 0833146999) contact me 082585 5288 (155)___________________ My name is Nurse Mohalemaila I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and look after children contact me 0794160778 (156)___________________ My name is Ramolefo Pulane I am looking for a domestic work, can look after children have experience contact 072 6047 020 (157)___________________ My name is Rachel I am looking for a domestic work two year experience I speak English and Afrikaans, I can look after children and I can cook contact 082 796 7035 (158)___________________ Nkhensani Khosa I am looking for a domestic work, I can cook, sleep in or out contact 078 778 2450 (159)___________________ My name is Martha Kapa I am looking for housework 5 or 2 days a week can cook praat Afrikaans verstaan Engels slaap uit contact me 073 459 5570 (160)___________________ My name is Jane Malatji domestic work Monday to Friday I can speak Afrikaans contact me on 072 344 7776


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22 Junie 2012


Plasies se eerste span Tzn Classic se wenners gekroon vorder na eindstryd Die halfeindronde van die Limpopo Skolerugbyliga vir medium skole is Saterdag in Bela Bela gehou. Drie spanne van die Hoërskool Merensky het na die ronde deurgedring. Die eerste span het teen Hans Strydom te staan gekom en ’n naelbytstryd met 23-16 gewen. Die wedstryd het vir groot opwinding gesorg en Jacques Coston se skopvoet het die Plasies in die voortou gehou. Dian van Rooyen het agter die doellyn gaan draai en AJ Brits het sy gebruiklike goeie spel gelewer deur twee drieë aan te teken. Die tweede en derde spanne het hulle in die eindronde bevind. Die tweede span het in ’n taai wedstryd teen Ben Viljoen gespeel, maar kon nie hul foutlose seisoen met die wen van die titel afsluit nie. Hulle het met 15-3 verloor en is as Limpopo se naaswen-ners gekroon. Die derde span het teen Nylstroom gespeel en het met 15-0 verloor, en is ook as Limpopo se naaswenners gekroon. Die o.14’s het teen Hans Strijdom te staan gekom, maar kon nie die mas opkom nie. Hulle het met 26-10 verloor. Die o.16’s het teen Warmbad gespeel en is met 41-6 geklop. Die eerste span van Piet Potgieter het Louis Trichardt met Dian 40-12 verslaan en sal teen Mevan Rooyen rensky in die eindstryd na die in aksie. vakansie speel.

Die gewilde Tzaneen Classic hengelkompetisie is die naweek weer op die Tzaneendam gehou en die titel asook R40 000 was op die spel. Nie net spanne van Tzaneen het deelgeneem nie, maar ook gesoute hengelaars van so ver as Zimbabwe. Toestande was vanweë die koue nie heeltemal ideaal nie en die swaarste vis is op dag een teen 3,375 kg ingeweeg, ’n baars wat deur Werner van Rensburg van Tzaneen gevang is. Teen 13:00 op dag twee het alle deelnemers terug gerapporteer en is die wenners aangewys. Die tophengelaar van Zimbabwe, Darren Thornton, het saam met Justy Varkevisser van Gauteng in Team Triton Kistler deelgeneem en met die louere weggestap. Thornton het ook op dag twee BO: Nog ’n Tzaneener, Atch die swaarste vis van 1,3 kg van Schalkwyk, het op dag gevang. twee hierdie baars van 1,135 kg gevang. Twee spanne van Tzaneen was tweede en derde. Werner van Rensburg en Dave Matthyssen (van Phalaborwa) van Team Bronzeback was tweede en het R15 000 gewen. Die pa en seun-span, Belly Tomato van Letsitele, Billie en Wayne Eastman, was derde. Hul prys was R5 000 kontant asook pryse ter waarde van R5 000.

Tzaneen se o.11’s dra Limpopo-kroon Die o.11-, eerste- en tweede rugbyspanne van die Laerskool Tzaneen het onlangs aan die Limpopo kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Die tweede span wat in die halfeindronde teen Thabazimbi te staan gekom het, het 17-5 verloor. Die eerste span het hul halfeindrondestryd teen Krugerpark met 12-0 gewen. Hulle het in die eindstryd teen Pietersburg-Oos met 24-17 verloor. Die o.11-span (foto) het in die halfeindronde teen Bosveld gespeel en ’n wegholoorwinning van 38-0 behaal. In die eindstryd het hulle teen Thabazimbi te staan gekom en gemaklik met 18-0 geseëvier. Hulle is as Limpopo se kampioenspan gekroon.

Iron Crown Trail Run is around the corner The Iron Crown Trail Run in Haenertsburg is once again proudly hosted by the Rotary Club this year. The event is held in stunningly beautiful surroundings with superb views of the mountains and the Ebenezer Dam. The start and finish will be close to the Haenertsburg Village Community Centre. The route follows village streets, earth roads, firebreaks and single-track footpaths avoiding the main R71 and R528 roads. The 21,1 km route climbs 687 m from 1439 m in the village to the top of the Iron Crown, the highest point in Limpopo at 2126 m. The 10 km route is less testing and

rises to 1600 m.In addition there is a 5 km fun run. The routes will be well signposted and water points will be along the route. The main race starts at 07:30, the 10 km at 08:00 and the 5 km at 08:15. Registration can be done via www.entrytime.com. Registration will take place at Haenertsburg Community Centre Clinic from 17:00 to 19:00 on Friday 13 July and from 06:00 to 07:00 on Saturday 14 July. For more information contact Stuart Miller at 082-771-2655

Responses to strength training There are numerous responses (benefits) of doing strength training on a regular basis. The first of these benefits is the increase in your physical capacity (the ability to perform work/exercise). Resistance training results in stronger muscles which increases muscle strength and muscular endurance so that you can perform daily tasks for longer periods. Strength training has a positive impact on appearance, fitness and health. Strength training also increases your metabolism by increasing your resting metabolic rate and this results in more calories burned on a daily basis. Several studies have demonstrated a 7 to 8% increase in resting metabolism following several weeks of strength training. Strength training also assists in injury and

disease prevention. Therefore it is clear that strength training increases lean muscle mass, decreases fat mass, raises your resting metabolic rate and effectively counters the degenerative process of sedentary aging. Contact Titanium Fitness today to start your own strength training program, 079 892 6513 or titaniumfit@ gmail.com. Next week: Muscle Fibre Types

BO is die span van Team Bronzeback en ONDER die span van Belly Tomato.


22 Junie 2012

Ben Vorster haal weer eindstryd Sportkantoor


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se A-rugbyspanne het die naweek in Polokwane in die halfeindronde van Limpopo se liga vir groot skole gespeel en na die eindronde deurgedring. Die tweede en derde spanne het in die eindronde gespeel en het as Limpopo se kampioene uit die stryd getree. Die derde span het teen Frikkie Meyer gespeel en oortuigend met 41-3 geseëvier. Die tweede span, ook bekend as die Nyathi’s, het met 25-12 gewen, ook teen Frikkie Meyer. Die o.14A-span het in ’n spanningbelaaide wedstryd teen Frikkie Meyer swaargekry. Vroeg in die tweede helfte was die Vos-sies met 17-5 agter, maar het met ’n terugvegpoging vorendag ge-kom. Kort voor die einde het Ruben Ragolane oorgeduik om die telling gelyk te maak. Die losskakel, André Klopper, het die doelskop oorgeskop en die Vossies het met 19-17 gewen.

Die o.15A’s was te sterk vir Frikkie Meyer en het hulle deurmekaar gehardloop. Hulle het met 46-3 geseëvier. Die o.16A’s was in nog ’n rillerstryd teen Frikkie Meyer gewikkel. Met speeltyd feitlik

verstreke en Frikkie Meyer wat spel met ’n lynstaan moes hervat, was die Vossies met 13-10 agter. Die Vossies het egter die lynstaan gewen en na ’n paar fases het die agsteman, Tshepiso

Mahasha, die Frikkies uitoorlê en die wendrie gaan druk. Die eindtelling was 15-13 in Ben Vorster se guns. Die eerste span het teen Ellisras, in wat die seuns van die Bosveld graag as ’n wraakstryd wou beskou, te staan gekom. Die Rassies was egter glad nie vir die uithalerspel van die Vossies voorbereid nie en het van meet af aan swaargekry. Die Vossie-vleuel Viljoen Dreyer het vyf drieë aangeteken, terwyl die seepgladde senter Don Mlondobozi drie aangeteken het. Adriaan Maebane en Anton du Toit het elk een drie gedruk. Die eindtelling was 62-15 in die Vossies se guns. In wat as die opskudding van die dag beskou word, het Frikkie Meyer se eerste span die gasheer PHS met 20-14 geklop. LINKS: Tshepiso Mahasha gee ’n oorwinningskreet, toe hy Saterdag die Hulle sal Ben Vorster na die doellyn oorsteek om aan die Vossies se o.16A’s ’n oorwinning van 15- vakansie in die eindstryd aan13 in die doodsnikke van die halfeindstryd teen Frikkie Meyer te besorg. durf, terwyl Ben Vorster se BO: Don Mlondobozi ken die pad doellyn toe al té goed. Hier duik hy o.14A’s, o.15A’s en o.16A’s teen sierlik oor vir een van sy drie drieë in die Vossies se eerstespan-oorwinPHS te staan sal kom. ning van 62-15 in die halfeindstryd teen Frikkie Meyer. Foto’s voorsien

Four new trophies in Tzaneen Four Limpopo schools hockey titles have come the way of Tzaneen on Saturday. The Limpopo league held its semi-final and final matches in Polokwane. Stanford Lake College’s first boys’ team became the joint champions, drawing in the final against PHS. PHS drew level with about 15 minutes to play and the

game could have gone either way. The final whistle blew with the score 1-1. This was only their second championship win in the senior league for SLC. Merensky brought home three titles. The u.15 boys beat Frans du Toit 1-0 in the semi-final. Later they met Stanford in the final, with Dylan Oosthuyse and Louwtjie Venter scoring a goal each. The Plasies won 2-1. The u.16 boys was up against Ben Vorster in their semi-final clash and won comfortably 2-0. Xander Hageman and Rynardt de Lange scored their goals. They were up against Groblersdal Academy and Rynardt de Lange was once again on the score sheet, giving the Plasies a 1-0 victory. ABOVE: The u.16 team of Merensky High School consists of Dylan Luis, The second team played against GroblersNicolo Rech, Tiaan Venter, Claudio Rech, Johan Louw (captain) and Ms dal Academy in the semi-final round and Ashley Murray (coach). Standing are Jason Spengler, Samuel Varrie, won 1-0. Nicholas Jardim scored the goal. In Rico Pretorius, Rynard de Lange, Brodin Barnes, Rean Venter, Xander the final they faced Ben Viljoen and in this Hageman and Makome Modiba. RIGHT: SLC’s proud first team consists tough encounter Tian Koekemoer scored the of Marinus Gubitz, Ryan Botha, Kyle Dorman and Darryn Petty. At the back are Mr Johann Ueckermann (headmaster), Tam Johnson (captain), Schmidt, Sergio Da Silva, Mr Llewellyn Bragin (coach), Nico Dorfling, equalising goal, giving Merensky joint honours for the title. Gavin Pirie, Farai Chigumadzi, Torin Wolff, Brandon Wright, Reinhardt Dean Oosthuizen and Shaun Lamminga.

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