29 June 2012
015 307 7248
Colossal set-back for Tzaneen
The Tropical Paradise is in a mess. The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) is in disarray and the immediate future is uncertain for the senior management team. Ms Conny Mametja The situation is indeed also very worrying for the GTM’s residents. Our information is that Ms Conny Mametja will definitely not come back as municipal manager (MM), as she has accepted a senior position in government in Polokwane. Since yesterday morning we failed in our attempts to communicate with her, but we have reliably learned that an announcement will be made next week. In the mean time Ms Faith Mashianoke, who has been acting as MM since Mametja’s untimely departure (resulting from the council’s clumsy conduct), has accepted a post in Lebowakgomo and she will not be back on Monday. By Wednesday night not one of the other directors, Messrs Pierre van den Heever (electrical), Obby Mkhombo (community services) and André le Grange (finance,) have been notified of what the future holds for them. Their contracts expire tomorrow (30 June). The post of director: corporate services is vacant. An urgent special council meeting was called for yesterday, but it was too late for us to report on it.
Hawkers Removed The GTM is adamant to bring order and discipline back to Tsaneen’s streets. Recently the town has been invaded by informal traders. Sidewalks have become inaccessible to pedestrians, traffic flow is badly affected and petty crimes are on the increase. On Wednesday municipal officials and police clammed down and confiscated the goods of a number of unlicenced hawkers. Visit www.bulletin.us.com and watch the video of the operation.
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Our information is that the post of MM will be readvertised, meaning that it could be another two months before a new MM would start working. The GTM is currently in top secret mode and nobody is prepared to talk to the media about anything that could be seen as sensitive. We have, however, information indicating that Mkhombo applied for the job as MM, as well as Mr Vincent Maake, a previous director of engineeirng services. He left the GTM a number of years ago, when he allegedly refused to take part in any underhanded deals with tenders and supply chain deals. Another applicant is the man who likes calling himself advocate — Mr Phatudi Nkopodi, the GTM’s legal advisor who was suspended a month ago! Uncertainty is now a huge problem in the GTM’s workforce. Mametja brought discipline and order to the GTM, she worked tirelessly to stabilise the GTM and she worked towards ensuring that Tzaneen would enjoy growth and prosperity. A wrong appointment to replace her can jeopardise Tzaneen’s future. At the time of Bulletin going to press it was expected that Mr Pierre van den Heever would be asked to act as MM. — Francois Aucamp francois@buletin.us.com
Major bust in Giyani
Kingpin... a handcuffed main suspect, Samuel Ramollo (50), at the scene.
Lt Col James Ngoepe, Mag Genl Maggie Mathebula and Lt Col Johanna Monyela are seen here at a table with ammunition, and other stolen goods that the police found in a breakthrough operation in Bolobedu. They also found explosives that might have been used in ATM robberies. On the right more stolen goods can be seen. Report on page 5.
29 June 2012
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Soek Laeveld Bulletin Waar bank jy? Is jy tevrede met die diens wat jou bank lewer? Where do you bank and are you satisfied? Donovan Jolandi Gravett FNB — Definitief tevrede met die diens. Rolien Swart ABSA... ABSA-luut tevrede. Daar is nog personeel in die tak by wie jy kan aandoen vir advies en navrae... ABSA TZANEEN! Celia Enslin Het ook nog nooit ’n probleem gehad met Absa nie! Estie van Wyk FNB — geen probleme! Lindie Myburgh FNB, hulle is puik! (ek sal net bietjie meer geld wil he. Haha.) Charl Hattingh Capitec — Ek is nou 3 jaar by hulle en nog nooit probleme gehad met hul diens nie. Ek het wel probleme met sekere handelaars ondervind wat nie graag debietkaarte aanvaar nie. Linda Troskie Reiners Die matrasbank! Wens net ons land was veilig genoeg dat ons ons geld in ‘n ou koekblik kan bêre onder die matras. David Ronald Morrison FNB, goeie diens, maar die kostes om geld te trek is nie lekker nie, ek hou regtig niks, maar niks daarvan nie. Mariana En David Venter Ons is by ABSA, maar as jy nie ryk genoeg is om ‘n tjekrekening te hê nie, dan moet jy ondertoe gaan, en dis NAG! Sal nooit my voete daar sit nie. Ek wil van bank verander, maar weet nog nie na watter een nie. Estie van Wyk Standerd Bank of FNB. My man was ook by ABSA en het na Standard Bank oorgeskakel. Hy is nou baie happy.
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Met apologie aan Boekwurm
breek en jou rekenaar steel nie. In elk geval, terug na die boek. Na Vlieg se mening verdien die vertaler ‘n pluimpie dat hy, vanweë sy nering en herkoms, so ‘n gekompliseerde boek se vertaling aangedurf het. Woordkeuses is in die kol, hoewel Vlieg ietwat verbaas was dat ‘n emeritus-predikant al hierdie woorde ken. “Die katte nestle teen hulle kleintjies. Elke lammertjie lê dig teen ‘n ooi. Jy is snoesig en warm in jou bed, my lief. Bliksem, slaap nou voor ek jou looi” As slaaptydstorie faal die boek ongelukkig in geheel in sy doel. Vlieg het dit in hierdie verband met sy papies en maaiers getoets, en hulle het hulle net al hoe wakkerder gelag. As die bedoeling was om met die boek ouers te vermaak wat gatvol is vir hul maaiers wat nie wil slaap nie, is dit egter in die kol. Vlieg kan dus die boek aanbeveel vir diesulke ouers, maar ook net as hulle nie te liggeraak is nie. F_ken gaan slaap Deur Adam Mansbach Geïllustreer deur Ricardo Cortes Vertaal deur Cas Vos
Vlieg wou nog altyd graag ‘n boekresensie skryf, maar die regte boek daarvoor het nog altyd makeer. Toevallig kom Vlieg vandeesweek op net die regte boek af. Nog meer toevallig gebeur dit toe in die week wat die vertaler daarvan na Afrikaans ook in die nuus is. Arme emeritus-dominee Cas Vos blyk nou ook emeritus-digter te wees, nadat sy skootrekenaar met sy jongste digbundel daarop gesteel is. Dit bevestig natuurlik Vlieg se aanname dat selfs dominees ook maar soms lekker naïef kan wees. Het hy dan nie geweet een van die belangrikste lewenslesse is om te sorg dat jy altyd ‘back-up’ nie! Miskien is dit die groot verskil tussen die wêreld en die geloof. In die geloof behoort jy nie ‘back-up’ nodig te kry nie, maar in die geloof is daar seker ook nie inbrekers wat jou diefwering oop-
Pieter Stolk Ek is by ABSA, het nie ‘n tjekrekening nie, en ek gaan doen al my besigheid bo, hulle het nog nooit iets vir my gesê nie!
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
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Sonja Pienaar Ons bank by Absa en is baie gelukkig. Ek was nou die dag saam met my dogter by Standard Bank om ‘n spaarrekening oop te maak, was dit vir jou ‘n nagmerrie. Ons het gewag, toe ons nog so sit en wag, gaan die stelsel af. Al wat hulle sê is jammer, kom terug môre.
Oorspronlik in Engels onder die titel Go the F_k to Sleep Penguin 2011 ISBN 978-0-14-352877-7
Hennie Van Vreden Glad nie! Hulle is bankrot! Bel my elke dag vir geld!
PRYS: R140 * Ongelukkig nie beskikbaar in ons ou dorpie se boekskaars-boekwinkels nie.
Maritha Fourie Theron Sopas my weer vererg vir Absa se versekeringsafdeling. Morris Fox Jnr Was my hele lewe by Absa, het gedink dis die beste bank, tot ek FNB ontdek het. 1000 keer beter en baie goeie diens! Sal nooit terug kyk nie! Kotie Oosthuyzen FNB, beslis beter as my vorige bank, ABSA! Rosie De Souza FNB is die BESTE! Was vir 29 jaar by Absa maar het hulle begin GAPSA noem! Min hulp en swak diens! Nou by FNB en wat ‘n plesier! Vinnige diens en hulpvaardige personeel. Dan die e-bucks ook nog! Die ander banke kan gaan slaap, FNB bly BO! Vone Rad Absa, nee. Hulle stel nie belang in die middelklas en midergegoede kliënte nie, dit is hoekom hulle ondertoe moet gaan. FNB is baie beter. Ons kort weer ‘n Oom Bossie om vir ons ‘n ordentlik bank oop te maak. Chris Steenberg FNB het dit vir my so maklik gemaak om van ABSA te skuif, nie vir een oomblik spyt nie. Shirleen van der Merwe FNB is die beste bank! Jannie van Niekerk Ek is ook moeg vir Nedbank ! Dalk roep FNB my nou?
Bulletin gesels elke week oor onderwerpe wat saak maak. Soek ons by Laeveld Bulletin. Besoek ook ons webtuiste by www.bulletin.us.com
Ons is by Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen. Skakel ons by 015 307 7248.
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Elke skool het maar ouers wat hard werk om hul kinders as hoofleiers en spankapteins verkies of aangewys te kry: ma’s wat heeldag by die skool sit en help, koek aandra en die juffrou na ‘n koffiewinkel nooi; en pa’s wat die meneer en die afrigters op jagnaweke bos toe vat, of gereeld vir ‘n braai nooi. Die verskil in Tzaneen is dat dit werk. Die tragedie in Tzaneen is dat almal dit weet en daaroor praat... • Die volgende aanhaling uit verlede week se Mail & Guardian verdien kommentaar: Radical approach Limpopo has reiterated its support for an even more radical approach to economic transformation—that mines and farms should be nationalised without compensation. Chairperson Cassel Mathale, an ally of former youth
league leader Julius Malema, said his province would not support an ANC leadership that did not support their policy positions. “We are convinced that the struggle for economic emancipation will require a revolutionary ANC prepared to confront white monopoly capital and its compradorial allies amongst the historically oppressed.” Die mense hoor daar word nou ernstig gevra of die groot Letsitele-boere wat die premier as vennoot betrek het, vry van die bedreiging is? En kan hulle, dié uitverkore boere, nie dalk vir die armsalige res van die boerderygemeenskap ‘n goeie woordjie doen nie?... • Daai plek van die baie vlees en bloed se voordeursleutel het weggeraak en nou is daar moedswilliges wat sê iemand gaan hieroor nog lekker braai...
Checkmate for the GTM regarding tender for a road: Page 4
29 June 2012
Nog ’n riller-onderwysblaps, nog ’n slagoffer Die rillerverhaal van Limpopo se handboekkrisis bestaan duidelik uit meer as een hoofstuk. Die verhaal van ‘n onderwyseres van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof in Modjajdiskloof lees eweneens soos ‘n rillerverhaal uit Alfred Hitchcock se pen. Me Carmen Swanepoel (néé Fourie) het in Januarie 2008 ‘n aanstelling by die Laerskool Duiwelskloof aanvaar. Aanvanklik het sy vir gr 1’s klas gegee, maar in 2009 is sy van grondslagfase na intermediêre fase geskuif, en het sy vir gr 4’s klas gegee. Haar eerste ellende het sy in Mei 2008 ervaar, skaars vier maande nadat sy die eerste keer aangestel is, toe sy geen sakaris ontvang het nie. Die skool se beheerraad het haar tegemoet gekom en haar salaris betaal, wat sy later terug betaal het (nadat sy uiteindelik haar salaris van die onderwysdepartement ontvang het). Hierna het dit goed gegaan, totdat sy uit die bloute in April en Mei 2011 weer nie haar salaris ontvang het nie. Die beheerraad het weer uitgehelp, tot sy uiteindelik wel betaal is. En toe, aan die einde van Mei, is sy meegedeel dat haar pos afgeskaf is, sonder opgawe van redes. Later is gesê haar pos is
afgeskaf vanweë dalende getalle in die skool — wat nie juis is nie, want die skool se getalle het sedert 2011 gestyg! Toe word sy in kennis gestel dat sy tot die einde van 2011 aangestel is, maar “op die boeke van ‘n skool by Giyani” is. Sy kon voortgaan by Duiwelskloof, want die pos by Giyani was ‘n goedgekeurde pos, terwyl daar egter nie nog ‘n onderwyser benodig is nie. In Januarie vanjaar het Swanepoel ‘n betaalstaat ontvang, wat wys dat haar aanstellingsdatum 1 Januarie 2012 is, maar geen salaries is vir haar inbetaal nie. Weer het die beheerraad met haar salaris gehelp, tot sy deur die department betaal is. Intussen het sy swanger geraak en is sy vir vier maande af met kraamverlof. Intussen het sy van Januarie tot einde Mei geen salaris ontvang nie, maar die dame wat tydelik in haar plek afgelos het, is stiptelik betaal. By navraag oor die Simpson Motors in Tzaneen het General Motors SA se “100 day challenge” en ‘n reis na Sao Paulo in Brasilië gewen. Die uitdaging het behels dat hulle honderd passasiersvoertuie in honderd dae moes verkoop. Simpson Motors is as die wenner van medium-grootte agentskappe aangewys. Hulle het ook die “50 Club“ bereik, omdat hulle vyftig voertuie in een maand verkoop het. Hier wens mnr Manuel Gosalves (verkoopsdistrikbestuurder van GMSA) mnr Marco Lotter (handelaarhoof) geluk met hul prestasies. Foto: Retha Nel
More misery for the GTM The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s (GTM) misery regarding problems with tenders for road works is not limited to the R33m road between Sasekani and Nkowankowa (report on page 4). The problem with the tender for Claude Wheatley Street is said to be even more serious than the Sasekani road tender, in terms of possible irregularities. Quality Plant Hire (QPH) is taking up the GTM on the Claude Wheatley project and this Van Rensburg
case will be heard in the North Gauteng High Court on 6 and 7 August. The lawyer for QPH, Mr Stephan van Rensburg, confirmed the dates with Bulletin on Wednesday, but politely declined our request for comment on the merits of the case or more detail at this stage.
uitstaande salaris is haar hoof, mnr Hennie Greyling, meegedeel dat haar pos gevries en afgeskaf is; en daarom is sy nie sedert Januarie betaal nie. Maar die dame wat vier maande lank afgelos het is betaal, asof die pos nie gevries of afgeskaf is nie. By verdere navraag is sy ook meegedeel dat die “storie” dat sy op die boeke van ‘n skool by Giyani is, maar by Duiwelskloof mag klas gee,ook nie bestaan nie en dat die menslike hulpbronneafde-ling van die department niks hiervan geweet het nie. Intussen is Greyling meegedeel, toe hy vir die soveelste keer namens haar navraag gedoen het, dat die pos in Giyani ook gevries is! Op 31 Mei het die kringbestuurder egter vir Greyling gesê Swanepoel moet op 1 Junie terug wees op haar pos — en as sy nie sou opdaag nie, sou aanvaar word dat sy gedros het. Sy was op haar pos op Vrydag 1 Junie, maar
voordat die skooldag verby was, is sy deur Greyling ingeroep wat haar meegedeel het dat dieselfde kringbestuurder laat weet het sy hoef nie Maandag 4 Junie terug te kom nie, omdat daar nie meer vir haar ‘n pos was nie. Die Maandag bel die kringbestuurder haar egter en sê sy moet die volgende dag, Dinsdag 5 Mei, aanmeld. ‘Wat Vrydag gedoen is, is onwettig,” het hy vir haar gesê. Sy het toe weer haar werk hervat, maar op 22 Junie was dit betaaldag en weer was daar geen salaris vir haar nie; en het sy teeds niks ontvang nie. Nou het sy ‘n prokureur se hulp ingeroep en gaan hulle hulle op die KVAA (CCMA) beroep. Me Desiree van der Walt, DA-lid van Limpopo se wetgewer, het egter nou aangebied om die kraaines met die LUR vir onderwys te bespreek en daarop aan te dring dat die saak behoorlik ondersoek word — en dat Swanepoel antwoorde, en haar geld, kry. Intussen sit sy tuis en weet sy nie herwaarts of derwaarts nie, want niemand kan vir haar presies sê of sy in diens is, of die pos gevries is, of haar pos afgeskaf is en of sy eintlik nooit in diens was nie! — Francois Aucamp
Murder and assault suspects in court again The four ringleaders arrested for murdering the 58 year-old Bethuel Nkanyane, appeared in the Ritavi Regional Court, Nkowankowa on Monday. Nomsa Nyathi (37), Khombo Shikwambana (25), Erwin Senyolo (27) and Cosmos Malatji (28) are accused of murder, attempted
murder, theft and three counts of malicious damage of property. Their arrest followed an incident when a shebeen owner was attacked and her boyfriend killed, after she had allegedly refused to sell liqour to minors in the village. — Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com
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29 June 2012
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Smouse, baie van hulle onwettig, neem die strate in Tzaneen oor. Kyk gerus na ons video met beeldmateriaal van nog ‘n opruimaksie van smouse deur die GTM, wat Woensdag gedoen is. Checkmate! This is the unpleasant truth that the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) has to face, regarding the tender for “upgrading” of the road between Sasekani and Nkowankowa — at a cost of R33 223 649,84. Judge N B Tuchten ruled in the North Gauteng High Court that the tender awarded to Makgetsi Construction Enterprises CC (MCE) in 2011 for the work on this road be set aside and the tender to be reconsidered. Initially, a motion application for the tender to MCE to be reviewed was brought by Mac P Construction (Pty) Ltd (MacP) on 18 February 2012. The judge also ruled that the GTM and MCE jointly and severally pay MacP’s legal costs. The costs of the applicant as well as the respondents could easily total R500 000, since there was more than one urgent application. It seems likely that the GTM will foot the bill in its totality, since MCE didn’t even deliver an affidavit in the application and seemingly sat on the sideline. After the tender had been awarded to MCE on or about 17 January, they started working on the road. MacP, however, was not happy with the process and in an urgent application by MacP to interdict and restrain Makgetsi (and the GTM as the first respondent) from performing any of its obligations in terms of
Checkmate! GTM has to reconsider tender any contract concluded pursuant to the tender (No SCMU 23/2011) for the upgrading of the road, the high court ruled on 13 February 2012 in favour of MacP. However, MCE started working on the road in what could be seen as an attempt to “force” the court to find that it was too late to stop or reverse the process. MacP then filed another urgent application and the court on 24 February again ruled against MCE and the GTM, and for MacP. On 12 April the court ruled to set aside the tender as well as the service agreement concluded between the GTM and MCE regarding the tender. Judge Tuchten also ruled that the matter is remitted to the GTM for a reconsideration of the tender from the state immediately prior to the exclusion of the tenders of MacP and four other tenderers from further consideration. In his judgement the judge pointed out a
GTM knocked out by MacP and not vice versa Last week Bulletin reported that we were told shortly before our deadline that the high court ruled for the GTM and Makgetsi and against MacP. This was a faux pas on our side. We did, however, stated very clearly in our report that we had failed to communicate with Mr Louis Erasmus (photo), MacP’s lawyer, or any of the other parties to confirm the news. Eventually we could discuss
the case with Erasmus on Saturday night, and we gladly put the record straight. Although we had no reason to doubt the validity of the news communicated to us, or the integrity of the person who related the news to us, we accept full responsibility for the wrong report. We are satisfied that the correspondent made a bona fide mistake and that there was no intention to tread on someone’s toes.
number of possible irregularities and/or inexplicabilities. Some of these are: • The formula used by a certain Mr Mojapelo, a consulting engineer in private practice and appointed by the GTM’s bid evaluation committee (BEC) to evaluate the bids. He estimated the cost of the construction was R33 956 379,06. He then added up the sums tendered by the fifteen tenderers, including the six tenders already recommended for elimination, and divided the sum of the fifteen tenders by fifteen, thereby arriving at an arithmetical average of R33 490 740,66. He continued to compare the tendered prices of the remaining nine tenders with both his estimated price and the arithmetical average. Regarding the formula applied by Mojapelo, the judge remarked that “he then did something which I consider rather curios”. He also expressed the view that the fotmula used by Mojapelo was both unscientific and irrational. • Despite the GTM’s bid adjudication committee (BAC) referring the matter back to the BEC for rectification of its conclusion on point scoring, the BEC declined to alter its conclusions and adhered to its recommendations. The BAC once again considered the matter and expressed concern about the exclusion of tenderers, but in the end resolved to accept the BEC’s recommendation. • That MacP “had irrationally been eliminated from consideration on the grounds that its tendered price was too low…” • “That the municipality had departed from its own formula for evaluating experience…” and “that if the formula had (been) applied correctly Makgetsi would, because of its lack of experience, have failed to achieve the threshold minimum points…” • Judge Tuchten also referred to an argument by council for the GTM, “that MacP
would not have under any circumstances been awarded the tender, because the GTM had had previous experience of poor work by MacP…” and pointed out that this argument was without substance. He said the municipal manager referred to “two instances in which defective services were rendered”. The one tender was alleged to have been executed in 2002 by MacP and had cost the GTM an additional R20 million. However, MacP never executed any work for the GTM in 2002. • The judge furthermore pointed out that the second tender relates to a 12 km tarred road from Tickeyline to Julesburg… which was sompleted toward the end of November 2011 and “some three months later showed signs of the use of substandard materials and bad workmanship”. “Strangely, it is not alleged that this road was constructed by MacP,” judge Tuchten found. MacP in their replying affidavit asserts that the road that is being referred to is “still under construction under the auspices of the Limpopo Roads Agency (RAL”), and submitted a letter from RAL’s consulting engineer dated 13 February 2012 supporting MacP’s assertion. The judge found that” the GTM did not make a prima facie case to justify a refusal to award any tender to MacP… He continued saying “in addition… the alleged poor performance in 2002 apparently did not cause the GTM to decline to award the Tickeyline tender to MacP, which suggests that the GTM’s allegations of poor performance may in general be somewhat overstated and even inaccurate”. In conclusion the judge ruled that it would not be just and equitable to require the GTM to repeat those aspects of the process which took place before the arithmetical average was used. ”So the advertisements for tenders and the fifteen tenderers stand, as does the exclusion of the six tenderers for want of incompleteness or responsiveness (neither MacP nor MCE was eliminated, thus MacP’s tender should be reconsidered together with the tenders of MCE and thirteen others). — Francois Aucamp francois@bulletin.us.com
This week’s Price Watch focus
Price Watch Carwash
Marana Car Wash and Valet Metro Valet Letaba Car Wash and Valet Sasol R71 Sasol Agatha Car Wash
Bubble treats for your car... Wash
Full valet*
R 40.00 R 50.00 R30.00 R 25.00 R 20.00
R 65.00 R 70.00 R70.00 R 60.00 R 50.00
Price Watch is presented by Bulletin to assist consumers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned cash on necessities. * Full Valet constitutes a wash and vacuum, however, extra services may be included in the Full Valet. Please check with the relevant carwash for more details. *Product not in stock. All price checks done by Bulletin staffers. Current prices were compared on 4 April 2012 from 10:45 to 12:00
Nashua donates photo copier to help community. See page 11
Vist our web site @ www. bulletin. us.com
29 June 2012
Stolen goods worth R680 000 recovered Stolen goods worth about R680 000 were recovered by the Bolobedu police, following an alert from community members in Ga-Matswi, Mohlakamosoma Village. Upon investigation a housebreaking and armed robbery syndicate was uncovered and four suspects were arrested. According to Tzaneen Cluster’s communication officer, Lt Col James Ngoepe, it is alleged that the three suspects, Samuel Ramollo(50), Oscar Maake (31) and Walter Malatji (34) were terrorizing the area. The house in Mohlakamosoma, where the goods were recovered, was their safe house. A motor vehicle which was stolen at Alexandra in
GTM, Police join hands in raid The Tzaneen Police and the GTM took to the streets on Wednesday morning in an attempt to evict illegal hawkers. The party split into four groups consisting of police officers and GTM officials who raided the Tzaneen CBD with its large mass of street vendors. The GTM initiated plans for the swoop after several complaints about vendors crowding the streets were lodged by the public. Vendors who failed to present legal permits (allocated by the GTM) had their goods confiscated. It will be returned once a fine of R200 has been paid. The goods will, however, not be returned to its owners if they fail to pay within 48 hours. The operation
caused uproar among many of the hawkers. “We do not have jobs and this is how we try to survive. How are we supposed to live?” said an upset Mr Ike Chikwebu, a foreigner. Another concerned hawker, Mr George Vuma, claims that he has been applying for a permit for two years now without any success. He says that he has been running away from police like a criminal (“even though I am not”) for five years. “It is the only way I can make a living and take care of my three children”, said Vuma. Mr Neville Ndlala, a communications officer at the GTM, told the Bulletin that they are simply supporting the legislation concerning hawkers. “We are
enforcing law and order.” Ndlala also said that there are a limited number of spaces available for street vendors in Tzaneen, and that they are only allowed to sell their goods in the demarcated areas, in order to keep the pavements usable for the public. He mentioned that he needed to see the necessary documentation of each individual case before he could comment on allegations such as Mr Vuma’s. “This is a good initiative and we will meet with the municipality in order to make this a continuous operation”, said Lt Col Simon Shikwambana, spokesperson for the SAPS in Tzaneen. —Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
Minister challenged on water quality The aim of ‘creating vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities and food security for all’ was the theme of the address by the Mr GE Nkwinti, Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform at Lenyenye this week. However, Ms Margot McNeil, a GTM councillor, drew his attention to the sorry state of water quality in several rural villages in the area. “This water is not fit for human consumption,” she said. “I have personally visited these villages and inspected the water myself. I have also spoken to women who spend up to four hours a day fetching water in buckets on their heads or in wheelbarrows.” McNeil said that the water being transported by vehicles for sale to residents in these villages was also polluted. “I have seen where this water comes from.”
Pipelines were not being maintained and many were leaking. There was also illegally tapping in many cases. “I would never report such incidents since these people are desperate for clean water. The fact that up to a third of the water thus obtained is wasted adds to the problem,” she said. Purification plants were not being operated efficiently and boreholes were inadequate as many pumps were out of order. Even those in working order were pumping from a water table that was itself polluted. Several months ago, water samples were taken by McNeil from the Letsitele River at Khujwana and submitted for testing by the GTM. “I have yet to receive the results notwithstanding promises given to me at the time,” she said.
Gauteng, television sets, a safe, water pumps, generators, a car’s engine, a laptop and ammunition worth R380 000 were found. Police later and after further investigations found more items like explosives used in ATM bombings, water pumps, vehicle engines, furniture and motor vehicle parts — all at Ramollo’s home. The main suspect, Ramollo, was a parolee. When asked about the vehicles in his yard, he claimed to be a motor mechanic and that the cars belonged to his customers. Maj Genl Maggie Mathebula from the Tzaneen Cluster said this was a major arrest and confirmed that the police will continue their investigation to
arrest others who were also involved. “We urge the community to notify the police if they have any information about the whereabouts of the firearms. We are prepared to reward the person with R25 000.” The suspects appeared in Bolobedu Magistrates court on Monday and were denied bail. They will appear in Bolobedu Magistrates court again on 16 July. Ramollo appeared in the Bolobedu Magistrates court yesterday, on charges of illegal possession of explosives. — Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com
29 June 2012
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The Message
Ons Mening Vrydag 29 Junie 2012
Rev Ron Reiners invites you to contact him on 083 617 8442
Die GTM-gemors
Die ideaal van ‘n meer bestendige Tzaneen (en distrik) lê nie aan skerwe op die rotse nie, maar dit is beslis nerf-af en die bloed gaan nie vinnig stol nie. Die ritme van munisipale bestuur is die afgelope weke ontwrig en om sake nou verder te bemoeilik, betree die GTM Maandag ‘n verdere wagtyd wat onnodige en ongesonde onsekerheid stimuleer. Die dorp kan dit kwalik bekostig. Die debakel om die mislukte heraanstelling van die munisipale bestuurder lê vierkantig voor die deur van die stadsraadslede. Hulle het vir die gemeenskap gewys presies hoe onbeholpe hulle is. Intussen het die toedrag van sake vererger en kan al van ‘n krisis gepraat word. Die agbares het nou nog ‘n geringe kans om uit hul self geskape gemors te kom en hul brouwerk nie verder te laat gaan nie. Ons is ongelukkig nie baie hoopvol dat hulle daarin gaan slaag om normaliteit te bewerkstellig nie. Die wil mag daar wees, maar hul baanrekord bevestig dat die vermoëns nie daar is nie. Die toekoms sal leer of die kiesers hulle gaan vergewe vir die gemors waarin hulle die eens florerende dorp gedompel het. Voorkant toe sal dit duidelik word of hulle daarin kon slaag om die GTM se sake beter te bestuur. Terwyl hulle nou rondhol en sondebokke soek, moet hulle eerder ernstig besin of hulle die onverantwoordelikheid waarmee hulle toelaat dat dinge skeef loop, verder gaan duld. En die kiesers staan eweneens voor ‘n keuse: aanvaar dat so voort geploeter word, of eis dat sake reggeruk word.
Vision for education Raymond Hlungwani, (hlungwanir@yahoo.com), journalism, communication and political scholar, writes: Education transformation should be attended to. No mathematics and physical science, no life. Higher rate numbers of matriculants are still struggling to sleep when they think of this opinion notion passed without confidence and facts, but it has emerged to be the strongest policy which does not form part of our constitution or public debate. Uncountable statistics of tertiary level graduates are still asking themselves whether they studied the right course. Higher education in a democratic South Africa faced huge challenges — primarily the need to achieve greater equity, efficiency and effectiveness within institutions and across the system. This also includes a need to balance the weight of the courses and the quality of the courses. Who has given Mathematics and Physical science a key to richness, wealthy and success? And what are the use of courses like Public management, legal assistance, tourism management, human resource management and retailer management, if Medicine degree, engineering, agricultural science courses are given priority when it comes to job hunting. I think this is the debate that should have been taking place in parliament and at the office of higher education and training, than focusing on establishing new universities and wasting money hosting never ending conferences. Public funding of higher education has increased in recent years and universities have received a major funding boost from government to refurbish buildings, construct new facilities, upgrade equipment
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Kom ons kry die feite reg Ons het elf amptelike tale en agt nieamptelike tale wat ook erken word (gebaretaal, Nama, San, Fanagalo, Phuthi, Khoe, Lobedu en Noord-Nde-
bele). Ons is naas Indië die land met die meeste amptelike tale. Ons sal volgende keer aandui hoeveel sprekers elke amptelike taal min of meer het.
On the 17th June we celebrated “Father’s Day.” I wonder what it meant to many, was it just another commercial way of extorting money out of people. “I have to buy my father a present, otherwise people will think I do not love him” Yes it is nice to give a gift to someone special, but it must not become a burden to you. What about making something special with your own hands? Why celebrate just one day what about the rest of the year? Do you consider your father as part of your family after you have married, or moved out of your home? Do you invite him to a meal every now and then? Or are you too busy with your own lives and leave it until “father’s day” comes around. I wonder what we do for that special “Father” of ours? Do we also make a fuss of Him on “father’s day”? Or do we forget that He too loves a gift, even if it is just a prayer of thanks, one not asking Him for a favour or two. What we often forget is to remember that He gave us the best gift of all. He gave us His Son. Would you be prepared to give your son to die for others so that they may live? Do you only remember Him on Sundays or is He a part of your family during the week as well? How often do you talk to Him, and again how often do you talk to your earthly father? Is it only on special occasions? Or are you constantly “keeping in touch?” Now one may argue, that once your earthly father has passed away why celebrate father’s day? Who do you buy presents for or arrange a special meal for? After all who is going to come? What about giving God that gift that you would have bought for you earthly father? Perhaps make a special contribution to your church, put it in an envelope and mark it “For my Father in Heaven” After all the church is supposed to be God’s representatives here on earth. Thus by giving to the church you are enabling them to continue to do God’s work here on earth. They all have to obey God’s commandment to “Make disciples” for Him. Think seriously of others too. Maybe you could look at those families who are struggling and do something special for them. Blessings
Letters • Briewe and libraries, improve outputs and produce more science, engineering and technology graduates, but less concentration was given to management and human science courses. South African universities have experienced big challenges and a higher rate number of DROP-OUTS, and this was made by the fact that people are forced to study courses that they don’t understand at all. Televisons, Radios and internet have been reporting about the importance of studying mathematics and physical science and less emphasis has been reported about courses that are regarded as low classes, like public management and human resources management. If there are courses that are still regarded as “JUST-DIPLOMAS” qualifications, why we are still having them as part of our curriculum? What is the department of higher education and training saying about this matter? Is the parliament caucusing about this kind of practice where courses are discredited? It has become a nightmare to talk about courses like public management and legal assistance and be proud of them. Majority of people who are doing the lower class courses as it has been said, no longer feel part of the South Africa’s education system because of the little attendance they have been receiving from the education officials, also the budget does not accommodate them like mathematics,engeneering and technology students. Tshwane University of technology and Vaal University of technology are some of the universities that always produce a higher number of graduates under public man-
agement and human resources and it has become everyone’s view that after the graduations they are not going to work, and this has become reality and practical happen. Go to Tshwane University of Technology during the graduations ceremony and check the document that contains a list of graduates, public management students always top the list. This show the passion South Africa youth have in studying management courses and that is where we should invest in. Under technology and engineering graduates, you will see a minimum number of 50 graduates and this is also happening in UNISA (University of South Africa). Are we investing with a vision to harvest or we are investing selectively to accommodate certain group of people who understand mathematics and physical science. What about the majority?
Ysbreker Roy Hurter van Tzaneen skryf per e-pos: Staan ek nou die dag in die winkel met ‘n sak hondekos. Sal die persoon agter my my nie vra nie: het jy ‘n hond? My eerste gedagte was om nee te sê en ‘n spul tjol van ‘n dieet aan haar voor te hou, maar laat dit toe begaan. Draai maar toe my rug, ewe beleefd en betaal vir die hondekos (en dit word darem nou duur, hoor) Toe ek uiteindelik by die huis kom, besef ek dat die persoon seker maar n aanknopingspunt (ysbreker) gesoek het. Miskien het sy ook ‘n hond en weet nie watter kos die beste is nie, of wat ookal. Maar om darem dit op so ‘n manier te doen. Soos om te sit en koffie drink en iemand vra; Haai, drink julle ook koffie? Wat het jy gedink,
brandewyn en coke in Woollies? Of om vir die swanger vroutjie te vra; verwag jy? Nee, weet jy, ek swel elke jaar hierdie tyd so! Of nog erger, as jy jou vinger raak slaan met die hamer en jy praat in tale (niks met die kerk te doen nie) en mamma vra liefies: was dit seer? Ek het al van “mood-breakers” gehoor, maar wraggies, dis die “pits”. Breek die ys as jy met iemand ‘n geselsie wil aanknoop, moenie die ys kweek sodat hy/sy nie regtig met jou ‘n gesprek WIL voer nie. Praat met jou naaste, maar so dat hy wil terugpraat. Haai, lees jy ook die briewekolom in die koerant? Well, duh!
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supports any lawful action to end violence against women & children
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29 June 2012
New crime forum for Sector 2 launched by Ritavi police
In die normale gang van sake is die GTM gou op inwoners se rug, as hulle tuinvullis of bourommel op sypaadjies laat. Maar in
Poinsettiastraat (Karleinblom) lê dié tuinafval reeds baie lank onaangeraak, tot die ergernis van inwoners van die omgewing. Daar gaan binnekort ‘n besondere kunswerk in iemand se huis hang, te danke aan Goue Jare Bejaardesorg in Modjadjiskloof. As deel van ‘n geldinsameling verkoop hulle kaartjies teen R10 stuk, met ‘n lintborduur-”skildery” as prys. Me Nettie Heinemann, ‘n plaaslike kunstenaar, het agt geraamde lintborduurwerke geskenk, waarvan die wenner een kan kies. Elkeen is tussen R2 500 en R3 000 werd. Die geld wat ingesamel word, gaan aangewend word om Goue Jare se uitgediende linne, kombuisware en ander goed te vervang. Kaartjies is beskikbaar by Karene Nel by 072 042 6485 of by Goue Jare. Hier staan Nel by van die werke. Foto’s: Jean Aucamp
The Ritavi police launched the Sector 2 crime forum in Nkowankowa on Sunday. People from Mbambamencisi, Mariveni, Tarentaalrand, Nkowankowa and Letaba Estates attended the event. The acting station commander, Lt-col Bill Enos, welcomed the newly elected committee who will help the police in the fight against crime, while Mr Masenyani Eric Ngobeni (who will be serving as chairperson of the committee) thanked the police for their quick response concerning crime reports. The police at Ritavi had yet another successful
weekend — putting a number of criminals behind bars. David Masete (24) was sentenced to six months imprisonment for assault with grievous bodily harm. A further nine offenders were arrested for drinking in public and were later released, after paying fines. Nine other suspects will soon appear in court on different charges. The community is urged to report all criminal activities in the area to the Ritavi police. — Amelia de Ridder
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Daar is steeds geen keer aan avodiewe Avodiefstal in die Agathaomgewing wek steeds groot kommer by boere. Boere is al verskeie kere tevergeefs aangemoedig om kwitansies aan die kopers van die vrugte uit te reik. Dit sal die polisie help om die handelaars van die boewe te onderskei. ‘n Handvol boere verleen egter nie hul samewerking nie en die polisie se hande is dus afgekap. Dit is vir die avodiewe maklik
om bloot te sê dat hulle vrugte by die nie-samewerkende boere gekoop het, wanneer hul om ‘n bewys van betaling te voorsien. “Die veiligheid- en sekuriteitskomitee doen ‘n dringende beroep op boere om kwitansies met die regte datums en hoeveelhede vrugte wat gekoop is, uit te reik”, sê mnr Dries Enslin, die voorsitter van AgriLetaba. — Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
29 June 2012
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Tracy Malatjie awards launched
‘n Leser het hierdie trefferfoto aan ons gestuur, met die volgende boodskap: “Een van my kliënte het laat weet dat hy volgende jaar weer met sy bakkie Kaap toe gaan ry, vir die Argus-fietsren. As jy ook gaan deelneem en dalk jou fiets saam met hom wil stuur, kan jy my kontak en ek sal met die reëlings help. Maak asseblief net gou, want daar is nie meer baie plek oor nie”!
The Limpopo Black Management Forum has The Chairperson of the Limpopo BFM, Mr launched the 2012 Tracy Malatjie Women of exAbram Luruli, explained that the awards are held to celebrate women’s excellence in society and to cellence awards in Tzaneen, in honor of the late Ms Tracy Malatjie. empower them. He added that the BMF host the awards in August as a commitment to empowerMalatjie was the Municipal Manager of the Carpricorn District Municipality and BMF Liming those women that are less celebrated. popo Chairperson. Luruli also shared on other BFM projects for the rest of the year, like the dr B B R Nyahi memorial The awards have been running for seven years and this year they have five categories: Comlecture and the BMF adopt a school project. He added that the BMF Limpopo will re-launch munity development; corporate governance; youth and leadership development; sports, arts the branches that are struggling. Tzaneen is one Luruli and culture; small, medium and micro enterof them. “In Tzaneen we can not say we have a prizes (SMME). branch, because many people around here do not renew The nomination process started on 29 May and will their membership. The relaunch will be a way of getting close on 3 August. Anybody or group may nominate any people involved,” he said. person in any catergory. The awards ceremony will be — Martina Jege held on 25 August in Polokwane. martina@bulletin.us.com
Elize Caroto van Tzaneen, bekende gospel-sangeres wat al verskeie CD’s vrygestel het, kan nou ook op video op You Tube gesien (en gehoor word). Hier is ‘n toneeltjie uit die video wat in die bosse en langs die riviere van ons omgewing opgeneem is. Die betrokke toneel lyk asof dit by die gewilde Debengeniwaterval geneem is.
Twee Coca-Cola-reddingsbote is aan die Limpopo EMS-span oorhandig, as deel van ‘n projek saam met Coca-Cola Fortune. Na die Hoedspruit-vloed en onlangse modderstorting in Georges Valley, het Coke besluit om die nodige hulp aan die waterreddingspan te verleen, deur hulle die gebruik van twee splinternuwe rubberbote te bied. Die twee 4,2 meter vaartuie sal bystand bied aan persone wat in buite-normale omstandighede vasgekeer is en wat op vreemde plekke gered moet word. Hier is mnre Louis Markram (reddingskoördineerder), Chris Pretorius, Eugene Schreiber, David Dennison en Collin Jackson van Coke.
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29 June 2012
29 June 2012
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Events l Gebeure
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘12
This Week
Beauty Pageant Miss Limpopo Beauty Tzaneen 2012, Tzaneng Mall, today 15:00. Win a one year professional modelling contract. Be trained by Miss Limpopo 2012, Kathryn Barwise. Imported rhinestone tiaras and many big prizes! Entry forms at the Tzaneng Mall office. Buy your R10 Casual Pink Day sticker. For more info contact Kathryn 078 371 0909. Local Writers Evening
PNA, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, today, 19:00. Entrance fee: a bottle of wine. Glasses, soup, bread, jam and coffee will be provided. Local writers Beth Keller, Amanda Vorster, Bridget Hilton-Barber, Charles Leach, Howard Blight, Nino Burelli, David HiltonBarber and Louis Changuion will be signing their books. Enquiries: Brenda Alberts 015 307 2049 or Heidi Vosloo 082 822 2226.
Holiday Fun Club Tzaneen showgrounds, until13 July, 07:00-17:00. For children aged 6-13. Take-home craft, play, dress-up, baking, movies. Ambulance and reptile park to visit. Prizes to be won. Bring own packed lunch, no food served. Only 30 spots! Enquiries: Bronwyn 082 679 2527 or Chantal 082 845 0582. Kids educational program
Anglican Church (Agatha Street), Tzaneen, Monday 13 July, 08:00-13:00. For 3 - 7 year old children. Art, music, Kindermusik, baking, story time, learn by playing. Only 30 spots available! Booking essential. R55/child/day, includes lunch. Enquiries: Mareli van Onselen 084 247 4558.
This Month
Silvermist Holistic, Health and Wellness Fair Haenertsburg Village Hall,
7-8 July, 09:00-16:30. Spa treatments, sound healing, chakra balancing, tarot and angel card readings and much more. Enquiries: Amanda Smith 083 447 8452.
SPCA meeting Lions Clubhouse, Jetty 3, Tzaneen, 18 July, 18:00. The Letaba SPCA is holding their annual general meeting. All animal-lovers are encouraged to attend. Everyone is welcome. Enquiries: 083 628 9257.
(70 km), R120 (35 km). CSA licence required. Event licence – R35. Contact: Koos 082 990 6345, Gerrit 082 883 4453.
Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae en Donderdae 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 222 4950 of LFPA prayer hour Letaba Fire Protection Natasha by 015 307 3316. Association prayer hour against fires. 20 July, Netbal Alle dames en mans wat belangstel 11:00 at the LFPA’s Office at Westfalia. Contact: om netbal te oefen word genooi om Maandae Maritza 082 304 9162. en Woensdae vanaf 17:15 tot 18:15 saam te kom Orreliste-slypskool NGK Wolkberg, oefen by die Laerskool Tzaneen se bane (langs Tzaneen, 21 Julie. Registrasie vir die SAKOV die rugbyveld). Jammer, slegs volwassenes. orreliste-slypskool om 07:45. Zorada Temmingh, Navrae: Rosie 082 453 9161. ‘n meester met improvisasie van die kerklied, Kaskar Laerskool Dr Annecke, Letsitele, 28 gaan die gasspreker wees. R250/p. Navrae: Irma Julie. Skole se juniors en seniors, jongmense en 082 784 2022. selfs volwassenes neem deel. Baie opwinding, Orrelvertoning NGK Wolkberg, Tzaneen, baie eetgoed en vermaak vir die kinders. Navrae: 21 Julie, 19:00. Phantom of the Opera stomfilm- Gerhardt Vorster by 083 457 8824. vertoning, met Zorada Temmingh wat op die orrel agtergrondmusiek gaan improviseer. R50/ volwassene, R20/hoërskoolkind, laerskoolkinders en kleuters gratis. Navrae: Irma 082 784 2022. Skaapkop- en afvalaand
Letaba River Lodge (Eco Park), 27 Julie, 18:00 vir 18:30. Die AP Kerk Tzaneen hou weer hul gesogte skaapkop- en afvalaand. Kaartjies: R150 (skaapkop- en afval), R130 (slegs afval), R120 (nie-afval) en R30/kind. Beskikbaar by June Robinson 083 701 1213, Joe Bergmann 082 456 2902, Sandra van der Gryp 079 522 2127 en Marina Roos 076 812 3295.
NH Kerk Karnaval
Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen, 31 Augustus en1 September. Koekeloerwêreldtoer. Mej Lentefees 2012, trompoppies, vermaak, Kraampies. Verdere inligting sal later bekendgemaak word. ‘12
ICE AGE 4: CONTINENTAL DRIFT ¸ ˛ ◊ ß Mon-Sat: 9:45, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:00 Sun: 9:45, 11:45, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
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Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15
MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE’S ˛ Ç ß MOST WANTED Mon-Sat: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00, 22:15 Sun: 10:15, 12:30, 15:00, 17:45, 20:00
˛ Ç
Fri, Sat: 9:15, 12:00, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:45 Sun: 9:15, 12:00, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45 Mon: 9:15, 12:00, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:45 Tue, Thu: 9:15, 12:00, 14:30, 17:15, 19:45, 22:45 Wed: 9:15, 12:00, 14:30, 17:15, 22:45 ——————————————————————————————————
˛ Ç ∆
Daily: 9:05, 12:00, 14:50, 17:40, 20:30
MTB Race
Haenertsburg, tomorrow, 70 km starts @ 09:00, 35 km @ 09:30. Registration: today @ Iron Crown Pub and Grill, 16:00-20:00, tomorrow @ race start, 06:00 - 08:30. Fees: R150
MALL OF THE NORTH ICE AGE 4: CONTINENTAL DRIFT ¸ ˛ ◊ ß 3D Mon-Sat: 9:30, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30, 22:30 Sun: 9:30, 11:30, 14:15, 17:00, 19:30
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Mon-Sat: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30, 22:45 Sun: 10:00, 12:15, 15:00, 17:45, 20:30
˛ ◊
Mon-Sat: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15, 22:30 Sun: 9:45, 12:30, 15:15, 18:00, 20:15
WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING ˛ ◊ Mon-Sat: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:15, 19:45, 22:15 Sun: 9:15, 11:45, 14:15, 17:15, 19:45
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Mon-Sat: 9:05, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15, 22:50 Sun: 9:05, 12:00, 14:45, 17:30, 20:15
Mon-Sat: 9:30, 12:15, 14:40, 17:30, 20:00, 22:30 Sun: 9:30, 12:15, 14:40, 17:30, 20:00
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Christian Church Haenertsburg 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Mon-Sat: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00, 22:45 Sun: 9:10, 11:45, 14:30, 17:15, 20:00
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29 June 2012
Lends a helping hand Nashua Limpopo in Tzaneen not only provides excellent service and quality products, they also care for the community. The office equipment giant was approached for a donation by the Nhlahlele Ka Tsebo Training project in Mohlaka-Mosoma village, just outside Tzaneen. The project offers training for the community in a wide range of skills. To help the project, Nashua Limpopo donated a photocopier worth R60 000 to them. Ms Helena Bruce, Nashua Tzaneen Sales Manager, says the donation is a part of Nashua’s commitment to skills development in underprevileged communities. She added that Nashua would continue to offer a helping hand to these communities on a regular basis.
Mr Shaddy Seela, the CEO of Nhlahlele Ka Tsebo, says the photocopier would not only benefit the project but indeed the wider community. He says people used to struggle to make copies. “We are happy for the help from Nashua. I don’t know how we can thank them. This machine will help poor people who can’t afford to make copies in town.” Seela also urged Nashua to continue to help non-profit organisations. Other donations that were handed over included a signboard with the project’s name and details done by Vixtrix Signs and paint from Paint Pot in Tzaneen. Percy Mthombeni
percy@bulletin Left: Mr Shaddy Seela, along with Ms Loyisa Chabalala and Ms Lebogang Selolole received the photocopier as a donation from Nashua presented by Ms Helena Bruce, the Sales Manager. The event took place in Mohlaka-Mosoma village outside Tzaneen on Tuesday. Photos: Percy Mthombeni
Right: Messrs Stephen Maphalle, David Letsoalo, Shaddy Seela and Gawie du Plessis during the handing over of the photocopy machine.
Mr Shaddy Seela and Ms Helena Bruce shake hands at the handing over of the photocopier.
29 June 2012
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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 BUTLER REKENMEESTERS Vir PROFESSIOANELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1. Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2. Bestuursrekeninge 3. Kompliering van Finansiële State 4. Registrasie van Maatksappye 5. Opgawes vir: 5. 1 Inkomstebelasting 5. 2 BTW 5. 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 jun501___________ Best services + price on all your gas and oil needs Rohan 082 337 4522 Nov201________________ Need a gift for someone special? Jewellery, cutlery, photo frames, crockery and much more! Contact 015 307 4448 Nov204________________
Milla Flora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 _______________ Nov501
Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131________________ For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110________________ Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________ Acrylic tips, only R150 for a new set and R100 for a fill! Contact Nicky 083 746 6592 Jan203________________
Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters. Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of
Services Dienste 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897 May04__________________ PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________ Litchi Trees Mauritius & Mcleans strong trees in 5L bags R20,00+ VAT per tree Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111________________ Key shop & Locksmith Quick Friendly, professional service 24 Hour call out Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________
Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specialize in: All types of functions/occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308________________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses. Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________
Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton) Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439
The BEST in Catering! Any function, any time! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________
Roentes Radiografiese dienste 4D Ultrasound Medi 24 h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstreet Polokwane Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________ Springkastele & Glybane te huur in Tzaneen! Kantoor ure: Mon to Fri: 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193 suikerbekkie19@ webmail.co.za Sept434________________ VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301________________ Do you enjoy music? We sell drum sets, guitars, keyboards and much more Contact 015 307 4448 Nov205_________________ The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________ Organic Compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips Brian: 083 391 0195 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ TZANEEN TRAILER HIRE Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, old industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 _________________ feb401 As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowings, verjaardag, kerk uitstappie, vergade rings etc. Groot plek met kroeg yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402_________________
KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________ Beyers Busdiens Naweek vervoer elke Vrydag en Sondag vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria Via Polokwane en terug Kontak Nica by 015 307 5959 082 566 2558 17 jaar diensrekord Jun102_____________ Too little time! Do you need it fixed? Painted? Restored? Changed? Re-newed? Call John – 078 537 3775 THE MAINTENANCE MAN Jun502_____________ Refrigeration Repairs Repairs and Re-gasses on all domestic refrigerators & freezers 078 444 0664 jun503___________ Tzaneen kids Quads Track open for the young Quads included (Helmets + boots) To rent (in town) 076 060 2902 jun505____________
Jou Besigheid se Boeke; Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsverseke ring) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057,
Services Dienste Duvenhage
Furniture Removals / Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd Puik diens & lae pryse Marlien 015 781 0637 / 083 252 8928
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11 langs Dass 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406_______________
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000 We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard You know us and our service!! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018
For Sale Te Koop Baltimore – lusering, hawer, tes, boontjie, grasbale te koop en afgelewer Skakel Basie Brand 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)____________ 1 x MTD – Ride on lawnmower R7 000 1 x Echo – Brush cutter R2 200 1 x Speedqueen wasmasjien R2 500 1 x Speedqueen T/dryer R2 500 2 x Hangkaste R800 elk 2 x Kombuiskaste R800 1 x Telefunken kleur TV 54 cm R750 1 x Samsung Home Theater R700 1 x 260L KIC Yskas/ Vrieskas R1 400 1 x Dubbel Bed R950 Los Tafels R250 1 x Wall unit (Staal) R450 1 x Tuinswaai R600 Los plante in bake R400 alles Kontak 082 476 3939 Jun507____________ Mini Quads 50cc for young 4 x sale R2 500 each 076 060 2902 jun509___________ 13 Ing Mags for sale R2 000 076 060 2902 jun508____________
Vacancy Vakante Opsoek na ‘n betroubare huishulp, ouer as 40 jaar wat kan uitslaap. Kontak Riana by tel 015-3072890 of faks 015-3072891 Vir enige navrae kan Riana geskakel word by 015-3072890 jun506___________
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Property l Eiendomme Animals Diere
Rooibruin worshondjies te koop. Drie maande oud. R200 stuk. Skakel 082 332 2110 Jun402___________ 2X BORDER KOLLIE REUNTJIES 14WEKE OUD GRATIS 0733728528 Jun404___________ 100% Opregte Toypom reuntjie te koop. R1 500. Veearts sertifikaat ingesluit. 9 weke oud. Kontak 082 557 2326 Tel/faks 015 386 8666 Jun504____________
Wanted Gesoek SOEK WERK Pensionaris soek enige beskikbare Werk in en om Tzaneen. Opsigter, stoorman ens RASSIE 072 811 9860 Jun510_____________
To Let Te Huur VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R16.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R23.50/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 083 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 Mar103(20)________
VERVOER & VERPAK Van meubels Skakel Melodi vir kwotasie 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 Epos: troktrek@mweb.co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubel vervoer.com Mar104(20)_______
Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________
Sleepwa te huur. R250/dag. Thinus 082 807 6620. Mei305____________
TO RENT/TE HUUR Trailer Rentals Trailers available Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation rd (next to PPS) Apr405________________ 2 Ton trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Feb204_________________
Wanted Gesoek CiS Real Estate Do you want to sell your property? We have qualified buyers that are looking for the following property: 1. Stand for R 200 000 2. Investment property (house and flat) with good rental income up to R1 100 000 3. House in Aquapark/ Premierpark between R700 000 and R800 000 4. Lifestyle plot under R1 1500 000 5. Macadamia 2 and 3 bedroom units 6. Stand from 600m² to 1000m² 7. Old house for restoration 8. 3 or 4 bedroom house under R900 000 9. 3 bedroom modern house under R1 000 000 10. Cash Crop farm under R2 million 11. Development stand for flats 12. Da Vinci unit 13. Houses in Tzangeni 14. Houses in Golden Acres 15. Modern house on big stand under R1,5 million 16. Lushoff plot 17. 3 or 4 bedroom house with flat 18. Ekotilo Unit 19. Cattle farm 20. Game farms and lodges Theo 071 641 9199 Salomie 071 641 9941 Thonet 071 641 9137 Jun508__________
26 Ha met rooi hutton grond Eiendom gelykliggend Toegeruste boorgat 22,500 liter/uur 2 Ha geelektrifiseerde heining met 1,8 ha doekhuise 700 M2 kwekery onder net met besproeiing Meet as 100 spesies cycads & palms 3 Reservoirs met aanjaerpompe 20 Ha lande kan gemaak word 5 Slaapkamer woonhuis 2 Store 135 Massey ferguson trekker, 2 skaar ploeg, 2 wiel sleepwas Word as lopende saak verkoop Prys: R2,7 miljoen Skakel hannes Theunissen Tel: 0828534055 Jun503____________
CiS Real Estate 3 x 2HA PLOTS NEAR TOWN. WATER AND SINGLE FASE ELECTRICITY. BEAUTIFUL VIEW R660 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 VERY GOOD PRICED BEAUTIFUL VIEW OVER TZANEEN DAM 3 BEDROOM, 2 BATHROOM , OPEN PLAN KITCHEN LIVING AREAS AND A SINGLE GARAGE. R825 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 HENTIESBAAI NAMIBIA 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom open plan living areas give away at only R1 300 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 BUSINESS STAND IN THE NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA 800m² STAND R770 000.00 4 Ha Plot near Town with 3 bedroom house with ample water and water allocation. Ideal for net houses and bananas. R 1 500 000 083 258 5862 3, 2 Ha near Town and next to river stream R660 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 54 Ha Cattle and mango farm with a house and lots more R2 200 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862 MEDIPARK 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHROOMS, LAUNDRY, SCULLERY, AIRCONDITIONERS, 1 GARAGE, CARPORT FOR 3 CARS, SWIMMINGPOOL ON A 2068M2 STAND R1 100 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 Flat in Modjadjiskloof rental income R3300.00 for only R330 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 Jun514_____________
25,6 Ha asemrowende uitsig oor die drakensberge Woonhuis met 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers 4 Vertrek woonhuis 3 Woonstelle Oop motorhuis 2 Arbeiders huise 3 Toegeruste boorgate 2 Sementdamme 1 Standhoudende gronddam met pomp ± 12 Ha bloekom – 5 jaar oud 4,5 Ha bewerkte lande Prys: R3,7 miljoen Skakel hannes Theunissen Tel: 0828534055 Jun504____________
1. Modern 3 bedroom house in security complex R1 260 000 2. Modern 4 bedroom house with 3 living areas R1 150 000 3. 3 Bedroom Townhouse R595 000 4. Stands for sale from R295 000 5. Build Packages in Aquapark from R1 150 000 6. 4 Bedroom house with flat R1 650 000 7. Business with high income R1 200 000 8. Riverside stands from R330 000 9. 4 Bedroom house with swimming pool. Modern R1 540 000 10. 2 Ha plot next to town with newly build house and flat R1 650 000 11. Plot with beautiful house and views. R1 950 000 12. Office Building R3 300 000 13. Commercial building R11 250 000 14. Industrial building R2 200 000 15. Commercial building Hoedspruit R3, 2 million 16. 42 Ha Game farm R1 320 000 17. 3 Bedroom house in complex R840 000 18. Luxurious house next to Letaba River R3,3 million 19. Upper class house R3,8 million 20. Doornhoek house R4,4 million 21. Doornhoek stand R530 000 22. Commercial stand near Private Hospital R1 870 000 Theo 071 641 9199 Salomie 071 641 9941 Thonet 071 641 9137 Jun506____________
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Property l Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur Flats Woonstelle For single person R2 500 pm Water and lights included Under cover parking In secure complex Contact 083 746 6592 Jun417_____________
Town Houses Meenthuis Eco Ekaya – R3 500 pm Available 1st July 2012. Modern 2 bedroom Town house, top floor, full bathroom, braai & stoep. Contact Peter 082 890 8845 jun502__________
Houses Huise Drieslaapkamerhuis 10 km buite Tzaneen te huur @ R3 200/ maand, water & elektrisiteit ingesluit. Skakel 082 332 2110 Jun401_____________
Mooi 2 Slaapkamer huis te huur in Aquapark – beskikbaar 1 Julie 2012 R4 000 pm Lidell 082 346 9359 Jun501___________
For Sale Te Koop
SOLE MANDATE 1 bedroom townhouse with open plan kitchen lounge, 1 bathroom with courtyard with braai and carport. R385 000.00 MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Extremely neat 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home, lounge, dining room, kitchen with scullery, garage with carport, swimming pool and Jacuzzi a must to see R930 000.00 MAGGIE 083 216 4779 STANDS: Golden Acres priced from R250 000.00 Letaba River Estates priced from R 204 000.00 Riverside Estate priced from R350 000 Eden Gardens priced from R251 000.00 Stand in Medipark R 165 000.00 SOLE MANDATE Stand in Tzangeni with double storey approved plans for only R280 000.00 Stands also available in and around Tzaneen contact me to view. MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Jun511_____________
Double storey Town House: 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Large study Parking space for 4 cars, Secure and safe R830 000.00 CHRISTA 083 460 6597 Jun512____________ House, 3 bedroom house, 2 X 2 bedroom houses and 2 X 1 bedroom house Rental income R22 600.00 rental income per month. Very big workshop R3 850 000.00 Jeanette 083 258 5862 Tzangeni Upmarket 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom , open plan living areas, double garage, veranda with build in braai , a Gem of a house. R1 350 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 2 Ha 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, study, large living areas house, plus flat with income lots of potential near town R1 200 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 SOLE MANDATE 3 Bedrooms, 1 GARAGE, OPEN PLAN KITCHEN LIVING AREAS IN MEDIPARK R680 000.00 EACH JEANETTE 083 258 5862
Beautiful in Cul de Sac 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 4 Garages, flat let, staff quarters, swimming pool R1 650 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, double garage, 2 entertainment areas with braai inside and outside, 4 living areas, beautiful kitchen, scullery and pantry. R 1 850 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862 Building Package House and Stand available semi double storey 3 to 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, and double garage great finishers. R1 220 000.00 First time buyers and investors. This is a good opportunity for you. Transfer cost included. JEANETTE 083 258 5862
8,5 ha met rivierfront. Deposito van 30% met afbetalings voorwaardes 1,5 ha water toekenning uit rivier. 2 boorgate waarvan 1 toegerus 8 ha baie geskik vir nethuise 5 slaapkamer woonhuis, tv/k, sit/k, 2 vol badkamers, groot stoep, pragtige tuin toegeboude stoor met 1 slaapkamer & badkamer. 124 m2 stoor toegeboude pakkamer bediendekamer prys: R2,3 miljoen skakel Hannes Theunissen Tel: 0828534055 jun505___________
Clear Water cove bargain 758 sqm stand for only R420 000.00 JEANETTE 083 258 5862
Flats Woonstelle Ek soek na ‘n netjiese meenthuis om te koop 2/3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, motorhuise Moet tuin hê en omhein wees GEEN AGENTE ASB STUUR SMS NA 082 900 7733 SAL TERUG SKAKEL Jun510__________
Be cautious with your trust deposits When buying a property you will need to de- mail instruction had come from them. posit money into an Attorneys trust account. Case 2: The conveyancer was instructed to We have all heard some hair-raising stories attend to registration of the transfer of propof trust funds disappearing. I want to use the erty from company O (represented by Mr P) next article or maybe two to give some prac- to C cc. tical examples provided by Ann The conveyancer had been Bertelsmann, provided with a resolution of O Risk Manager, Attorneys InsurCompany to the effect that Mr ance Indemnity Fund. P should act on its behalf. The Case 1: The conveyancer reresolution specifically stated that ceived specific written instrucMr P’s authority was to be limtions from the sellers of an imited to the signature of the Deed movable property, Mr and Mrs of Transfer and that the execution M, to pay the proceeds of the sale of any other documents should into the account of Mrs M at X receive prior approval from the bank. director of the Company. On the day before registration, Registration was subsequently the insured received a telephone effected and the nett proceeds call purportedly from Mrs M, were paid into a bank account with instructions to make paynominated by Mr P. Thereafter ment into her new account at Y Mr Willem van Rensburg a certain Ms M telephoned the bank. She undertook to send the is the principal of CiS Real conveyancer’s practice enquirEstate in Tzaneen and the new banking details to the coning why the proceeds of the sale author of this article. veyancer via e-mail. On the folhad not been paid to the Comlowing day, he received the e-mail with the pany. The conveyancer had never before had new banking details and the proceeds were contact with the Company or Ms M. He had thereafter paid into the new account with taken all instructions from Mr P and had not bank Y. been given the Company’s banking details. Several days later, the conveyancer was Mr P could not be contacted thereafter. advised by the sellers that the money had It is therefore clear that one should take not been received into the account at bank care and ensure that proper instructions X. They were adamant that they had no ac- are given to your attorney when depositing counts at Y bank and had not instructed him money into their trust account. to pay into an account at Y bank. They alWillem van Rensburg – Principal CIS Real leged that neither the telephonic nor the e- Estate, 015 307 2230.
SOLE MANDATE 1 bedroom townhouse with open plan kitchen lounge, 1 bathroom with courtyard with braai and carport. R385 000.00 MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Extremely neat 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home, lounge, dining room, kitchen with scullery, garage with carport, swimming pool and Jacuzzi a must to see R930 000.00 MAGGIE 083 216 4779 STANDS: Golden Acres priced from R250 000.00 Letaba River Estates priced from R 204 000.00 Riverside Estate priced from R350 000 Eden Gardens priced from R251 000.00 Stand in Medipark R 165 000.00 SOLE MANDATE Stand in Tzangeni with double storey approved plans for only R280 000.00 Stands also available in and around Tzaneen contact me to view. MAGGIE 083 216 4779 Jun511_____________
29 June 2012
29 June 2012
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Job Seeker | Wesksoeker Admin/ Clerical Thommy Mokgatla looking for a driving/admin job.. I have matric,driver’s licence code 10 with PDP and andvanced diploma in computer literacy. Contact me on 0787482713 or tomcruz@ mtnloaded.co.za (43)____________________ My name is claire I am looking for a P.A assist. Designer, reception anything available,
can start anytime. Contact 082 221 3321 (44)____________________ 44 jarige mang opsoek na adminstratiew werk het kode 8, ondervinding in debiteure/ krediteure rekenaar geletterd het ook B Graad Sekuriteit Kontak Dawie 076 568 3960 (45)____________________ I am looking for a job in General work experience CB Stores Tzn, stock taking, have code 10 licence. Ref: CB stores manager Mr Matlala 074 994 9113 my nr
is 073 447 1244 (46)____________________
Construction Johannes Shai I am looking for a painting, paving, sege housing etc. contact me on 076 857 1394 (17)____________________ My name is Mohale Orped looking for a brick-layer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service con-
tact 073 321 5237 (18) ____________________ My name is Rasekane Johannes looking for a bricklayer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (19) ____________________ My name is Dyllan I am looking for a job in welding, construction, boreholes + pumps, borehole drilling, Operating of drill machine and fixing, have a code 10 contact 072 716 3879
Domestics Maria soek Domestic werk ek praat Afrikaans, verstaan Engels kontak my 078 218 1679 (145) ____________________ Caroline Shai, domestic worker 3 or 5 days speak English contact me 079 576 7134 (146) ___________________ Pulane W Ramolefo looking for a domestic work, 5 days speak Afrikaan contact 072
604 7020 (147) ___________________ Delphy Nkhwaxu looking for a gardening job have experience contact 072 2323 033 (148) Sara Mashale I am looking for a domestic work, speak English look after children sleep out, 4 years experience contact 072 647 1858 (149) ___________________ Monica Malatji I am looking for a domestic work / general 5 days a week, I speak English contact 079 999 3664 (150) ___________________ Anna Maposa ek soek na huishulp werk ek praat Afrikaans, kook ook 5 dae, slaap uit kontak my 078 03 730 75 (151) ___________________ Sara Makgoba ek soek na huishulp werk ek praat Afrikaans, kook en kan na kinders kyk, bly uit, kontak 083 497 1987 (152) ___________________ Mbilly malatji looking for a cleaning job or I have a sertificate for a packhouse general contact 083 761 9433 (153) ___________________ Annah Mmola I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after children (Ref: M Nel 072 3973600)contact me 083 9693104 (154) ___________________ Annah Manganye I am looking for a domestic work I speak English, I can look after children (Ref M Kappa 0833146999) contact me 082585 5288 (155) ___________________ My name is Nurse Mohalemaila I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and look after children contact me 0794160778 (156) ___________________ My name is Ramolefo Pulane I am looking for a domestic work, can look after children have experience contact 072 6047 020 (157) ___________________ My name is Rachel I am looking for a domestic work two year experience I speak English and Afrikaans, I can look
after children and I can cook contact 082 796 7035 (158) ___________________ Nkhensani Khosa I am looking for a domestic work, I can cook, sleep in or out contact 078 778 2450 (159) ___________________ My name is Martha Kapa I am looking for housework 5 or 2 days a week can cook praat Afrikaans verstaan Engels slaap uit contact me 073 459 5570 (160) ___________________ My name is Jane Malatji domestic work Monday to Friday I can speak Afrikaans contact me on 072 344 7776 (161) ___________________ Anna Sekedi looking for a cleaning job in a business of at home please contact me on 078 245 4321 (162) ___________________ My name is Leen I am looking for a domestic work for 1 or 2 days (ref: Corien de Wet 079 509 0875/Cinthia de Willers 079 301 7535) contact me 076 391 5020 (163) ___________________ My name is Rachel Khalonga I am looking for a domestic work speak English/Afrikaans, have a course in personal and kitchen hygiene, general safety around kitchen, cooking, recipes, practical, training and basic shopping list keeping. Contact me 082 796 7035 (164) ___________________ Christinah I am looking for a domestic work, speak English, sleep out, look after children or look after old people contact me on 076 036 3555 (165) ___________________ My name is Elizabeth Malatji I am looking for domestic work, I speak Afrikaans I can look after children have five years experience, sleep out 073 1907 576 (166) ___________________ My name is Johanah I am looking for a domestic work or general can cook I have 3 years experience, ref: Mr Malesa 076 922 6005 (167) ___________________
My name is Catherine I am looking for a domestic speak English and Afrikaans, I have childcare stimulation and first aid certificate ref: 083 463 9012 my nr 073 439 5491 (168) ___________________ My name is Rachel I am looking for a domestic work I speak English, sleep out ref Bulletin 015 307 7248 my nr is 071 078 4866 (169) ___________________ I am looking for a domestic work my name is Cathrine five years experience sleep in or out speak English my nr is 074 2667 081 (170) ___________________
Man with Diploma in Horticulture seeks employment in farm or nursery. Contact Gilbert on 0785351896. (1) _____________________ Jeffrey, I have Bachelor of Agriculture (Crop Production) with some experience. I am looking for the job in the field of Agriculture. Contact me at 0765518740. (2) _____________________ Meer as 20 Jaar pakhuis bestuursondervinding. Ook “Eurogap”. Sitrus en sagtevrugte. Alle fasette van produksie en pakhuisbestuur. Swart tale magtig. Woon in Letsitele. Kontak Gert 071 590 3868 of 071 507 8845 Alle ure. (3) _____________________ Lorraine, looking for professionals job as long as it is agricultural related e.g Agricultural Technicians, Manager, Crop production etc.Contact 082 7500 196. (4) _____________________ Volwasse man, sober, jare boerdery ondervinding in all vasette – uitvoer vrugte – meganies en ook goeie bemarking en verkope – arbeidwetgewing. Andre 082 484 4477. (5) _____________________ Getroude volwasse man met nasionale diploma in landbou soek betrekking op bees / wildsplaas of vrugteplaas as bestuurder. Jare ondervinding en is ook ‘n professionele jagter. Eerlik en harwerkend met goeie verwysing en kan dadelik diens aanvaar. Bereid om te verhuis indien nodig. Kontak 083 226 7178. (6) _____________________ Bestuurders pos benodig op ‘n plaas met verblyf het ondervinding (pensoenaris) kontak my Rassie by 072 811 9860 (7) _____________________
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
D’kloof bowlers win at Masters Members of Duiwelskloof Bowls Club excelled in the recent Limpopo Masters Competition for bowlers on an invitation basis. In the open category for men Doug Reed walked away with the honours, while Zane Fanie was fifth. In the senior ladies’ category Jenny Murray was the winner and in the category for senior men Hennie van Zyl came fourth.Damien Stefaans won the category for u.30’s. This weekend the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club is hosting the annual Wolkberg Tournament, when teams from Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and the Western Cape play for a first prize of R8 000, second prize of R4 000 and third prize of R2 000.
Tzaneeners Ezri Hugo en Zandri van der Gryp is twee gimnaste van Zani’s Gimnastiek Akademie wat onlangs aan die SA Ritmiese Gimnastiekkampioenskappe deelgeneem het. Ezri het op vlak 3 in die ouderdomsgroep vir deelnemers jonger as 13 jaar deelgeneem en is as die algehele wenner gekroon. Zandri het op vlak 3 in die ouderdomsgroep vir deelnemers ouer as 13 jaar deelgeneem en is ook as die algehele wenner gekroon. Albei spog met goue medaljes. By hulle is hul afrigter, me Telanie Grobler. Diegene wat in gimnastiek belangstel, kan Grobler by 084 900 3427 skakel.
In our bodies there are two general categories of skeletal muscle (muscle that attaches to the skeleton and creates movement). These two groups are characterised by the speed at which they contract and size. Slow twitch muscle fibres (type I) have a high resistance to fatigue and capable of sustaining aerobic activity for long periods of time as their force output is low. Because of this these muscles have the least potential to grow and are considered smaller fibres. Fast twitch fibres (type II) aren’t as aerobically efficient as slow twitch fibres due to their low resistance to
29 June 2012
Tzaneen SAPS scoops up medals at national athletics The Tzaneen police scooped up eight medals at the SAPS National Athletic Championships in the Western Cape, at the De Jager Stadium in Oudtshoorn, recently. The Tzaneen Police cluster was represented by Capt Rain Moreko, Sgt Matthews Raolane, Const Rhulani Mthombeni, Const Gordon Shikuhele and Const Gladstone Shabangu. Capt Rain Moreko, Const Rhulani Mthombeni and Const Gordon Shikuhele show off the medals they won at the SAPS National Athletic Moreko participatChampionships. Photo: Martina Jege ed in four races, the 200 m, 400 m, 800 m and 1500 m, bringing because of the cold weather. However, he is glad that the police did their best. He added home four bronze medals. Raolane ran the 5 000 m race and also won that possibly next year Limpopo will host the a bronze medal. In the 5 000 m walk Mthom- championships. The Tzaneen station commander, Brig Dibeni won a silver medal and also took part in the 400 m hurdles, where she won a bronze ana Mashele, congratulated the athletes in medal. Shikuhele added to the tally by win- bringing the medals to their station. Mashele said: “This is a sign that our police ning a bronze medal in the 800 m run. There was also sad news as Shabangu could are self motivated and we believe next year not participate due to a leg injury. He pulled they will bring home only gold medals”. Martina Jege a muscle while taking part in the long jump. martina@bulletin.us.com Moreko said that it was tough for them,
ABOVE: Hennie van Zyl and Jenny Murray. RIGHT: Doug Reed, Damien Stefaans and Zane Fanie.
Muscle Fibre types
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
by Damian Jansen van Rensburg
fatigue and High force output. These are the largest and fastest muscle fibres in the body. Because of this these fibres have the most potential to grow. With this increased ability and potential for growth it will be beneficial to exercise using a program and techniques which utilise fast twitch fibres. The new muscle growth will increase your metabolism and improve your overall health. For more info: Titanium Fitness 079 892 6513 or titaniumfit@gmail.com Next week: Training Intensities
29 June 2012
Eddie en Marco derde Sportkantoor
Dit was die naweek weer tydrentyd vir twee Tzaneense spanne en hulle het die vinnige roete van die Sam 100 Tydren naby Cullinan se Zonderwater Gevangenis gaan aandurf. Die tydren het uit ses skofte bestaan. Eddie Simpson en Marco Lottering van Simpson Motors het van die begin af om die tweede plek baklei en het ’n wiplankstryd met die span van Cobus Groenewald en Cherise Binedell, wat nasionale deelnemers is, gevoer. Die tydren word aan sy lang, reguit roetes gekenmerk en Simpson het in die derde skof ’n topsnelheid van 137 km/h gehaal. Dit het vir ’n paar benoude oomblikke gesorg, het sy navigator, Marco Lottering, gesê. Simpson en Lottering het derde in Klas S1 geëindig en algeheel sewentiende. Die ander Tzaneense span van Erik de Jager en Pieter Gouws het in Klas S2 deelgeneem en was tot in die vyfde skof voor Simpson en Lottering, maar het teenspoed gekry. Hulle het algeheel 21ste geëindig en vierde in hul klas. Die volgende tydren is op 4 Augustus in Die span van Eddie Simpson en Marco Lottering van Simpson Motors in aksie tydens die naweek se SAM 100 Tydren naby Cullinan. Foto: David Ledbitter Witbank.
Mega Hardware is Chameleon-kampioen REGS: Die Mega-span het onlangs as oorwinnaars van die Chameleon Binneshuise Krieket A-liga in Tzaneen uit die stryd getree. Die tweede plek het aan die Letaba Bulls gegaan en die Dare Devils was in die derde plek. Die wenspan bestaan uit Jaco Strydom, Ryan Atkinson en Gavin Dorfling. Agter staan mnre Abbas Nadat (Mega Hardware), Stephan Nawrattle, Johan Erasmus, Christopher Atherstone, Jacques Rossouw en Ulrich Coetzer. Die wenners se pryse is deur Coca-Cola Fortune en mnr Nadat geborg. LINKS ONDER: Die Chameleon Indoor Cricket in Tzaneen het verlede Donderdag hul eindronde van die liga gespeel en ook prysuitdeling gehou. Pryse is aan die topdrie spanne toegeken en individue wat uitstekend en minder
Super 15-rugby hervat vandag
uitstekend gespeel het, het ook erkenning ontvang. Die Letaba Bulls se Wilhelm Groenewaldt het die bekers vir beste kolwer en beste bouler ingepalm. Mnr Abbas Nadat van Mega Hardware het sy pryse oorhandig. Coca-Cola Fortune was ook ‘n borg. Foto’s: Retha Nel
Vandag 09:00: Highlanders t Chiefs, Rebels t Reds Môre 09:00: Crusaders t Hurricanes, 11:30 Force t Brumbies, 16:30 Stormers t Lions, 19:00 Bulls t Cheetahs Loslootjies: Blues, Waratahs en Sharks
Letaba klop Loskop Jean Aucamp
Letaba het Saterdag in die derde ronde van die Boet Fick Superliga gasheer vir Ohrigstad, Winterveld en Loskop gespeel en gemengde welslae behaal. Die derde span het teen Ohrigstad, wat vanjaar by Limpopo se liga ingedeel is, gespeel en oortuigend met 31-5 gewen. Die derde span maak tans staat op iets anders as jong rou talent. Hulle is met manne wat spel goed ken en bekend is vir harde spel, gelaai, en dit wil voor kom asof hulle ’n terugkeer maak. Wat ook die oog trek, is die feit dat Johan Steyn, ’n prokureur van Tzaneen, en sy twee seuns vir die span speel. Wikus is ’n produk van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en het vier seisoene gelede vir hul eerste span uitgedraf. Nog harde baarde, soos Hennie Snyman wat drie seisoen gelede nog vir die eerste span gespeel het, speel ook daar. Die tweede span het teen Winterveld te staan gekom en ’n klipharde stryd in die laaste oomblikke met 19-18 verloor. Die eerste span, wat verlede week teen Noordelikes gespeel en met 21-5 slae gekry het, het weer na ’n wenspan gelyk en het vyf drieë op die telbord aangeteken. Alhoewel hulle in die skrums die onderspit gedelf het weens die afwesigheid van hul Limpopo Blou Bul, Johan Coetzer, het hulle die spel op die grond oorheers. Loskop se voorspelers het nie die goue resep, van saam onder ’n kombers speel, gevolg nie en het male sonder tal besit afgestaan. Agterlangs was Letaba meer op die aanval en het agterspelers drie van die span se vyf drieë gedruk. Jean-Pierre Kardos, wat die seisoen met ’n slag afgeskop het, was weer baie gevaarlik op vleuel en het gedurig gaan werk soek. Hy is vir ’n nagenoeg vyftig meter-lopie langs die kantlyn af met ’n drie beloon, en het amper sy tweede laat in die wedstryd gaan druk. Piesang Lombard en Damien Jansen van Rensburg het ook agter die doellyn gaan kuier. Marius Swanepoel, wat gewoonlik op slot diens doen, moes voor sak en het onder die skrumdruk van Loskop swaargekry. Hy het egter volhard en is met ’n drie beloon. Willem Snyman, wat die vorige week nie gespeel het nie, het sy dag op die veld in die derde span begin en is as plaasvervanger in die eerste span aangewend. Hy het soos altyd ’n beduidende impak op die wedstryd gehad en het ook ’n drie aangeteken. Die eerste span het met 29-8 geseëvier. Giepie Labuschagné het twee van die vyf drieë verdoel. Letaba speel môre weer tuis teen Louis Trichardt. Die derde span skop om 14:00 af, die tweedes om 15:00 en die eerste spanne om 16:30.