015 307 7248
R4 Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
19 Oktober 2012
‘Piramied’ verdriet Fear lessl y the tr uth
Miljoene rande net ‘weg’... Miljoene rande — dit kan uiteindelik by sowat R10m draai — het in wat op eerste indrukke na ‘n tipiese piramide skema lyk, onder van Tzaneen se vooraanstaandes van hand verwissel. Daar is eg-
Beauty pageant controversy Tzaneen’s own radio station, GTfm, staged a beauty pageant, but the judges “connection” has upset people intensely. See page 3
Bekende van Tzaneen byna “ge-Corrie Sanders” ‘n Bekende egpaar van Tzaneen is in ‘n oord by Hazyview oorval en die man het ‘n geweerskoot na hom vrygespring. Die geluk vir hulle het nie daarby opgehou nie en die booswigte het gevlug. Lees op bl 3
ter ook mense wat hul laaste spaargeldjies “geoffer” het, soos (die moedelose) me Elsa van Staden op die hooffoto; en saam met die kindertjies op die kleiner foto. Die skema is bedryf deur
Celeste pronk in haar matriekrok Celeste van Staden het wonderbaarlik herstel en het nou selfs geleentheid gehad om in haar matriekafskeidsrok te pr onk. Blaai na bl 7
me Lorraine Ritter (néé Taylor) van die eiendomsagentskap Propvest. Twee prokureurs veg byna om dood en lewe om te red wat te redde is, maar die vooruitsigte lyk bleek. • Blaai na bl 3
Popular doctor arrested after alleged rape A popular local doctor, rated as a very good medical practitioner, is accused of rape of an 18 year-old girl. He has been arrested, but bail was granted. Turn to page 5
19 Oktober 2012
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Uitgewer / Publisher Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Redakteur / Editor Jean Aucamp 083 251 9090 jean@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Retha Nel 072 578 8742 retha@bulletin.us.com Beaunice Mnisi 076 650 3412 beaunice@bulletin.us.com Martina Jege 072 046 4222 martina@bulletin.us.com Amelia De Ridder 082 824 2182 amelia@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlandod@vodamail.co.za Percy Mthombeni 073 110 7649 percy@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Candice Dabner (hoof) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Jacques Smuts 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com
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Facebook Soek Laeveld Bulletin Kommentaar word verbatim geplaas. Tzaneen se verkeersligte flikker meer op rooi as wat hulle behoorlik werk. Dink jy Tzaneen se verkeersplan is op datum? Is daar voorsiening gemaak vir die verkeersvloei met al die ontwikkelings in Tzaneen? Het jy enige voorstelle? Sê jou sê!
Pieter Stolk One step foward, two steps back, dis ons voorland ! Pat Patterson I think that should be three steps back. Johan du Toit Daar sal gaan GEEN verskil wees nie, al word watter voorsiening getref. Taxi‘s en sekere ander motoreienaars ignoreer robots, stoptekens, voetoorgange ens, want reëls is Westers en hoort nie in Afrika nie. Slegs Afrika ideologie geld hier = Afrika reëls! Chantel Venter Ons het nou die dag by die padwerke seker 40 min gestaan met die liggie wat rooi was, maar daar was geen karre nie. Toe lê ons maar so bietjie op die hoeter, en raai wat. Toe lê die mense en slaap en ons sit en wag om te ry. Is dit nou nie gerieflik nie? Charl Hattingh As die verkeersligte rooi flikker, vloei die verkeer baie beter. Hulle kan gerus al die verkeersligte met 4-rigting stoptekens vervang. Cor van Heyningen Ek probeer ten alle koste die 3 ligte uit die dorp na Lifestyle centre toe vermy. Dis ‘n gemors en so groot frustrasie. Hulle kry dit nie reg dat die ligte saamwerk nie. ‘n Puntsman met spitsverkeer het gehelp in die verlede!
Willie Leeuwner Ek stel voor ‹n op- en afrit naby die skouterrein (Star Spares/Driving range). Dit sal baie druk van die kruising by Delta verlig. Mariana En David Venter Los dit so, want taxi’s stop anyway nie daar nie.
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Tzaneen Medi Clinic Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Bernard Nel Mense, ons moet net versigtig wees vir te veel voorstelle. Ons gaan hierdie klomp deurmekaar maak. Eldore’ Smuts Die meeste motoriste moet in die eerste plek eers ordentlik leer bestuur en die padreëls erken. As dit die dag reën in Tzaneen maak dit nie saak watse lig flikker of nie, daar is ALTYD meer as een ongeluk, want die meerderheid motoriste ly aan reënskok. Dieremishandeling is daagliks in die nuus. Is daar voldoende wette in plek om dit te bekamp, en wat dink jy moet met oortreders gedoen word? Melanie Jane Bezuidenhout TRONKSTRAF! Mariana En David Venter Doodstraf! Annelie Prinsloo Doen met die oortreders wat hulle aan die diere gedoen het. Laat hulle voel hoe dit voel! Shirleen van der Merwe Vir my is ’n dier ‘n mens, so dis net so goed jy mishandel ’n mens (jy wil hê die dier moet jou beskerm terwyl jy snoesig slaap in die aande, maar dan mishandel jy hom) sulke mense moet toegesluit word en die sleutel moet weggegooi word! Maritha Fourie Theron Begin met verpligte sterilisasie en verplig hulle om elke maand 10% van hul salarisse aan die DBV oor te betaal. Dit moet ‘n hofbevel wees sodat hulle werkgewers dit verpligtend moet oorbetaal. Wilna Kriel Betaling van ‘n boete aan ‘n instansie soos die DBV en gemeenskapsdiens by enige instansie gekoppel aan dierebeskerming of rehabilitasie!
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Riaan Neuhoff Ja, stel verkeersbeamtes aan wat weet hoe om hul werk te doen, nie ‘n klomp spoke nie, want mens sien hulle nie. Dis hoekom dit gaan soos dit gaan, as hulle hul werk doen, sal dit beter gaan met die vloei van verkeer.
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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Extreme Parenting
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
As Vlieg ‘n koringboer was sou ‘n mens seker kon sê dat hy nog groen koring op die land gehad het. Nou nie dat Vlieg heeltemal ‘n onervare ouer is nie. Van sy maaiers het darem intussen papies geword, party vroeër as ander, maar soos dit maar is, probeer hy ook maar keer dat die papies wasdom bereik en wegvlieg, wat nog van eiers lê! As hy dan wel ‘n ko-ringboer was, het van sy groen are darem al ‘n bietjie begin verkleur. In elk geval dink Vlieg nie dat hy tot dusver te vrot gevaar het met sy opvoedingstaak nie. Behalwe vir enkele normaal-gewone papiestreke, blyk die maaiers en papies darem nog heel aangepas te wees by die samelewing en is daar meestal relatiewe vrede in die Vlieghuishouding. Wat Vlieg wel is, is ‘n sportliefhebber. Daar sou waarskynlik absolute vrede in die Vlieghuishouding gewees het as dit nie so was nie. Die tegnologie van moderne sateliet-televisie wat toelaat dat die verskillende geslagte in die huis verskillende kanale kan kyk, help ook darem baie. As Vlieg tyd kry, kyk hy sommer enige sport. Vlieg geniet dit veral om na die sogenaamde ekstreme sportsoorte te kyk. Daar is darem manne en vroue met baie meer waagmoed en baie minder banghare as hy. Wat Vlieg se moontlik verwronge gedagtes natuurlik weer op loop gesit het met ‘n heel nuwe konsep. Wel, dit is nou nie heeltemal ‘n nuwe konsep nie, maar is waarskynlik nog nooit as ‘n sportsoort geklassifiseer nie. Om die waarheid te sê, Vlieg dink dit word al baie jare beoefen, en omdat dit nie ook apartheid se skuld kan wees nie, is die pers soos hierdie nuuspapiertjie seker daarvoor verantwoordelik dat daar ‘n groeiende bewustheid daarvan is. Vlieg verwys natuurlik na “ekstreme ouerskap” — alhoewel dit soos maar min ander dinge in die lewe eintlik beter klink op Ingels as synde “extreme parenting”. Vir Vlieg se aanhangers wat nie heeltemal
seker is waaroor dit nou eintlik gaan nie, gee Vlieg nie om om ‘n bietjie uit te brei nie. Dit sal nou wees soos daai pa in Middelburg wat so twee jaar gelede ‘n naakte paaldansertjie uit die stad laat kom het vir sy seun en die se maters vir sy sestiende papiewording. Of soos die dominee wat sy vyftienjarige seun effens onder die invloed by sy maatjies se partytjie besorg het en verbaas was toe die maatjies se ouers hom ontbied het om sy selfs meer beskonke seun weer te kom haal. Dit mag dalk dieselfde dominee se seun wees wat tans moet skool toe pendel, omdat hy vir dieselfde probleempie uit die koshuis geskors is. Of die ouers wat geen idee het nie waar hulle seun R600 per maand kry vir die steroïede om die rugbyspan te haal. Of die soort ouerskap waar die ouers nie kan verstaan dat hulle spog-laehals-dogter al sewe keer deur dieselfde man verkrag is nie, maar nie daaroor wil praat nie want dit mag haar dalk verneder. Of die dertigjarige ouma wat haar opgewondenheid oor haar veertienjarige dogter — wat pouses by die skool spog met haar sonar-foto’s — se swangerskap nie kan beteuel nie. Of miskien ook die soort ouerskap waar pa en seun na etlike dubbeltjies mekaar se kakebene afslaan. Of die soort ouerskap waar ouma Saterdagaand die kinders oppas terwyl pappa en mamma se neuse wit word van die suiker en dan stap die gesinnetjie Sondagoggend handaan-hand in die kerk in en gaan sit heel voor. Of waar die ouers nooit besef het die papie lyk nie lekker nie, omdat hulle nooit by die huis was nie en dan verbaas rondom die poging-tot-selfmoord-bed staan en huil omdat hulle dit nie verstaan nie. Selfs die ma wat haar papies straf omdat hulle net 95% vir die toets gekry het en die volgende naweek moet tuisbly om te leer. Vlieg dink nie “extreme parenting” is vir hom nie. Kom ons dink maar vandeesweek aan hierdie “extreme maaiers en papies”!
Die mense hoor Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • As ‘n mens wil Stry moet jy nie Dom wees nie, want dan verloor jy dalk die argument... • Die stoom trek by Mooketsi en die mense hoor dit het niks te make met mense wat uie en tamaties (sheeba) kook nie. Dit is die liefde wat so stoom (en op sommige plekke is dit weer die gebrek aan liefde wat die emosies so
laat stoom)... • Ouboet moet mooi trap tussen die lappe, want as die kombers afskuif, ga’ jy net ‘n vaal streep sien en vir jouself sê “o dêmmit, Da’ gaan Leentjie”... • Die kombers is darem nie van seil nie, dis lekker sagte lap en mooi geel en groen...
19 Oktober 2012
State doctors at Letaba in private practice? See page 5
Geldmaakskema misluk
Katie Morgets (first princess), Lucy Nacke (Miss GTfm 2012), Mahlatse Makwela (second princess) and Ntsetselelo Mkansi (Miss Photogenic). RIGHT: The judges, Ms Cythia Mathe and Bianca Boshoff
Die draaipunt in me Lorraine Ritter se vinnige en maklike geldmaakskema deur kamtig teruggeneemde huise by “die” bank spotgoedkoop te kry en teen groot wins te verkoop, is nie in sig nie. Mee Anita Campbell (vir Ritter) en Karin de Jager (vir die “verloorders”) onderhandel onophoudelik om ‘n ooreenkoms tussen die partye te bewerkstellig. Hulle het gister albei bevestig dat dit taai gaan, maar dat hulle nog nie by tou opgooi is nie. ‘n Ouditeur, ‘n tandarts, ‘n oogkundige, ‘n boer, ‘n pensioenaris, ‘n eiendomsagent, ‘n restauranteur en ander sakelui het geld aan Ritter gegee “om huise te koop”. Ons het die name van al tien die “beleggers” wat sover geïdentifiseer is, asook verskeie ander dokumente, wat bankstate insluit, wat verskillende transaksies van die “verloorders” bevestig.
Miss GTfm: Was it a hoax, or what? A beauty pageant organised and presented by GTfm, Tzaneen’s local radio station sponsored by the GTM and its ratepayers, has become so controversial that sponsors of prizes say they will not support the radio station again. A group of 22 aspiring beauties from in and around Tzaneen entered and took part in the competition for a chance to be crowned Miss GTfm 2012. The ladies modelled in swimwear, traditional attire and evening gowns, giving the crowd quite a show. However, much to everyone’s surprise — or disillusionment — Lucy Nacke, actress, model and employee at Avuxeni Computer Academy, was crowned Miss GTfm — instead of the crowd’s clear favourite, Katie Morgets. Nacke, and the judges, were even booed by the crowd, who clearly disagreed with the judges’ decision. The competition was judged by Ms Cynthia Mathe, one of GTfm’s presenters, and Bianca Boshoff (18), a matric pupil at Ben Vorster High School. A reliable source informed the Bulletin that Boshoff and Nacke are best friends. They are even planning to move in together, according to our source, who preferred not to be identified.
Nacke received a weekend-away voucher from the Hotel @ Tzaneen, a Nokia X2 cell phone, a bursary from Avuxeni computer academy as well as a Vodafone Web Box (a plug-n-play keyboard with a built-in EDGE modem and memory card that plugs into a TV set). Mr Justice Shipalana, the head of news at GTfm, said Nacke has been advised to give the Avuxeni bursary to a person who she feels needs it (since she is an employee of Avuxeni). The first princess, Katie Morgets, is a Gr 10 pupil from Ben Vorster. She received a cosmetic hamper from Boxer and a Vodafone Web Box. People now say Her runner up, second princess Mahlatse Makwela of Meridian College, walked away with a Web Box and a shopping voucher to the value of R500 from Edgars. Ntsetselelo Mkansi, a biotechnology student from the Vaal University of Technology (VUT), was crowned Miss Photogenic. This inaugural pageant was held on Saturday at the Nkonkowa community hall. With the pageant having become so controversial, the question now is: will there be another beauty pageant staged by GTfm next year? — Beaunice Mnisi beaunice@bulletin.us.com
Booswig skiet op Liversage Vier Tzaneeners het ongeskonde weggestap toe ‘n vermeende rooftog — wat nogal baie aan die onlangse brutale moord op die oud-bokser Corrie Sanders herinner — skeefgeloop het. Mnr André en me Karin Liversage was saam met familie by ‘n vakansieoord naby Hazyview, toe twee mans hulle byna oorval en op hulle geskiet het. Mnr Liversage is die hoof van die GTM se lisensie-afdeling en hy is ‘n opgeleide senior verkeersman. Sy kennis van gevaarsituasies, sy “ingebore” onverskrokkenheid as ‘n vredesbeampte en sy intimiderende voorkoms (hy’s nie ver van twee meter lank nie) het waarskynlik ‘n tragedie voorkom. Sy vrou, Karin, sê “ons vrouens het buite gesit by die vleisbraaivuur, toe ons ‘n man in die bosse gewaar het. Ons het hom geroep om te vra of hy dalk ‘n probleem het. ‘n Tweede man loop toe om die chalet na sy makker, waarop ek André geroep het”. Mnr Liversage het nader gekom om te hoor wat aangaan, toe die man uit die bosse met ‘n geweer na hulle gekorrel het.
“André het dadelik sy bos sleutels omhoog gehou en vir die man en sy makker gesê om dit te vat en ons te los. Die volgende oomblik toe klap ‘n skoot. “André het neergeslaan en ons vroue het in die chalet ingehardloop en onsself in ‘n vertrek toegesluit. Ons het nie besef die koeël is net deur André se windbreker en dat hy nie gewond is nie. “Die man met die geweer stap toe nader aan André, klaarblyklik onder die indruk dat hy dood is. Die volgende oomblik toe spring André op en duik die boosdoener onderstebo. Die man probeer toe weer ‘n skoot aftrek, maar die geweer het geweier en hy en sy makker het op die vliug geslaan,” sê me Liversage. Sy is steeds baie verbaas oor die rooftog. “Mens verwag mos nie soiets in ‘n vakansieoord nie. Ons het eers agterna gehoor dat daar onlangs ‘n klomp gewapende rooftogte by vakansieoorde in die omgewing was.” Alhoewel hulle vermoed dat dit ‘n rooftog is wat skeefgeloop het, is die Liversages steeds in die duister oor wat die mans wou hê, aangesien hulle nie ‘n woord gepraat het nie.
Bedrae wat “belê” is wissel van R1,3 miljoen (die hoogste) tot R250 00 (die kleinste). Die harseerste van die groep is me Elsa van Staden. Sy was ‘n dosent aan die Pretoriase Onderwyskollege en het met pensioen afgetree. Sy het na haar aftrede borskanker gekry en moes ‘n dubbele mastektomie ondergaan. Sy en Ritter het bevriend geraak en ‘n vertrouensverhoduing het ontstaan. “Sy het my gerus laat voel en toe die vriendskap ontwikkel, het sy aangebied om my te help om my aftreegeldjies te vermeerder. Ek het R550 000 vir haar gegee en... nou het ek niks nie,” vertel ‘n baie emosionele en bekommerde Van Staden. Sy het nou ‘n tydelike possie by die Educare-skool in Tzaneen gekry, waar sy met die heel kleintjies werk. “Ek is radeloos en weet nie wat ek gaan doen nie. Ek het alles wat ek ge-
had het aan haar gegee en nou sit ek op die vlakte.” Nog ‘n “belegger” wat boos is, is mnr Gerrit Smit. Hy het R500 000 vir Ritter gegee, ook sy laaste spaargeldjies, nadat hy vroeër baie geld in ‘n saketransaksie verloor het. “Ek het gelukkig nou ‘n werk gekry (as bemarker vir landbougifstowwe), maar wat ek gaan doen as ek moet aftree, weet ek nie,” sê Smit wat ook al die halfeeumerk in sy lewe verby gesteek het. Van die “beleggers” dreig om bedrogklagte teen Ritter by die Polisie aanhangig te maak. Ander kruip skaam weg vir die dom beleggingsbesluit wat hulle geneem het; en wil die gepaardgaande verleentheid vermy. ‘n Groot handelsbank is intussen ook betrek, maar die aangeleentheid word nog ondersoek. — Francois Aucamp
Me Emma du Plessis, wat verlede week in haar huis in die Harmonieblok aangeval en beroof is, sterk goed aan. Du Plessis is verlede Woensdag deur twee mans oorval en aangerand. Drie van haar ribbes is deur die booswigte se aanval gebreek en sal nog lank vat om te herstel. Volgens haar seun, Braam, raak dit elke dag beter. “Haar liggaamlike wonde herstel, maar hulle het baie emosionele letsels gelaat. Sy sal nou nooit weer alleen kan bly nie. Hulle het haar vryheid van haar weggevat,” sê hy.
Dit gaan piekfyn met mnr Simon Venter wie se hart voorverlede Sondag met die van ‘n skenker vervang is. Volgens sy pa, mnr Siem Venter, gaan dit voortreflik goed met hom. “Hy loop al saam met my in die winkelsentrums rond”. Simon is verlede Vrydag uit die hospitaal ontslaan. Die Venters bedank weereens die gemeenskap vir ondersteuning.
19 Oktober 2012
www.bulletin.us.com Mnr Leonard Bouwer (81) van Tzaneen het Dinsdagoggend vir die 300 ste keer bloed geskenk. Sy eerste skenking was in 1962 in Bloemfontein. Hy sê hy voel gesonder en propvol energie na elke skenking. Hier is hy in die Tzaneen Skenkersentrum saam met str Suzen Rathupetsune en mnr Andries Mongalo van die SA Nasionale Bloeddiens. Hulle hou elkeen ‘n geskenk wat aan hom oorhandig is, om hom vir sy getroue bydraes te bedank.
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin” LEFT: The 26 Interactors who were part of the Letaba Rotary Club in 2011/2012 received certificates of membership in recognition of their work and efforts on behalf of the club. The new Interactors joining the club for the next year were also introduced. The 2011/2012 group of Interactors are, in the front: Suné Raspel, Sameehah Yacoob, Jasmine Jacob (director), Laura Corillon (president), Tino Gwanzura (director) and Reeba Mathew. In the back are Kurhula Mkansi, Peter Seerane, Nkosinathi Chabalala, Mojokene Maanaso and Bernice Alali. Photo: Retha Nel
Foto: Retha Nel
Price Watch
Price Watch is presented by Bulletin to assist consumers in making informed decisions when spending their hard earned cash on necessities.
Sibling rivalry
This week’s Price Watch focus
Claude Wheatley
Lays Potato Chips
125g 10 sachets 2l 450ml 440ml 500ml 1 1 1
R 14.90
R 13.50
R 14.90
R 19.90
R 18.50
R 19.50
R 22.90
R 19.50
R 22.90
R 11.50
R 11.90
R 18.50
R 18.00
R 18.90
R 10.00
R 8.00
R 7.50
R 9.50
R 7.50
R 8.50
R 3.90
R 8.00
R 14.90
R 15.00
R 14.90
Grand-Pa powder Allegraine Fruitime Play Assorted coca cola Croissant Bran muffin Sausage roll
*Product not in stock. All price checks done by Bulletin staffers. Current prices were compared on 9 October 2012 from 10:30 to 12:00
ABOVE LEFT: Laura Corillon, the president for 2011/2012 of the Rotary Intractors, passed the baton to Tino Gwanzura (right), the 2012/2013 president. ABOVE RIGHT: The Letaba Rotary Club inducted 27 new Interactors (youth members) during a meeting at Merensky High School. Several new and old members were absent, since they attended the Eisteddfod gala evening. The new Interactors who could be present were, in the front: Marike Smith, Deepa Kesa, Tino Gwanzura, Stuart Lunt and Thokozile Khosa. In the back: Kim Maritz, Lize Elliot, Naomi Munduku, Sally Oosthuizen, Nicolo Rech, Dylan Ooshuizer and Lané Sonnekus. Photos: Retha Nel
Die wonderwerk-meisie trek haar matriekrok aan: Bl 7
as die veelsydigste deelnemer in haar graad (ook in albei die taalkategorieë). Sy het ook die senior toekenning as die wenner vir onvoorbereide items in Engels en nog ‘n toekenning vir die meeste onvoorbereide items in Afrikaans ontvang. Benewens haar toekenning vir die beste samespraak in Afrikaans — saam met Loamé van Zyl — is Schoeman ook as die mees veelsydigste deelnemer in gr 1-12 in Afrikaans en Engels bekroon.
Police officer is out on bail of R1 000 The Ritavi police officer accused of attempted murder was granted R1 000 bail by the Ritavi magistrate court. The case was postponed to 12 November for further investigation. Lt Kenneth Nkuna (46) was arrested on 6 October for al-
legedly attacking a man over a girlfriend. Nkuna allegedly assaulted and stabbed the victim. The victim, a 45-yearold man, sustained multiple wounds and is still in a hospital for medical treatment. The Tzaneen Police Cluster spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe
Popular doctor arrested; school principal also
Schoeman maak skoonskip by eisteddfod Simoné Schoeman, ‘n gr 10-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, het Donderdagaand ‘n string toekennings by die jaarlikse Tzaneen Eisteddfod se gala-aand ingepalm. Sy het die senior trofee as algehele eisteddfod-wenner ontvang. Sy het dié trofee vir die eerste keer in 2006 ontvang en spog sedert 2010 met drie agtereenvolgende oorwinnings. Sy het die hoogste persentasie in gr 10 in die Engels- en Afrikaans-kategorieë behaal; en is ook aangewys
19 Oktober 2012
Ngoepe, said the cluster commander condemns the incident and says that the SAPS will not tolerate any member taking part in criminal activities, no matter his or her rank. —Martina Jege martina@bulletin.us.com
The Ritavi police arrested a popular and suc- of dagga on the Tzaneen-Lydenburg road on cessful medical practitioner for alFriday last week. legedly raping an 18 year-old girl, Ngoepe said Mr Johannes Mowho visited him for a consultation hale (47) was caught while transporting a plastic bag full of dagga. at his surgery in Nkowankowa last week Thursday. The dagga, weighing 458 grams, According to Tzaneen Pohas a street value of R1 000. Ngolice Cluster spokesman, Lt Col epe added that Mohale is the reMoatshe Ngoepe, it is alleged spected principal of Pherela High that dr Dumisani David Chauke School in Mahwibidung village. (46) raped the patient. Ngoepe “These are the people who said Chauke appeared in the should be moulding our children in schools, not be arrested for posRitavi magistrate court on Friday and was granted R1 000 bail. The session of dagga,” Ngoepe said. Chauke case was postponed to 14 January Mohale was found guilty and 2013, pending further investigation. fined R1 000 in the Tzaneen ma-gistrate court. Meanwhile members of the Politsi SAPS K9 —Martina Jege unit arrested a school principal for possession martina@bulletin.us.com
State doctors at Letaba Hospital accused Coenie gee laaste saluut of being busy in private practices Doctors who are full-time employees of the department of health are not allowed to have private practices. So said dr Lotte Pheniel, the acting CEO at Letaba Hospital in Nkowankowa, in reply to questions regarding this serious matter, put to her by us. The CEO, dr Joe Muhlari, was not available for comment this week. Our questions resulted from com-
plaints from members of the public, who thought the current situation at the hospital was undesirable. Pheniel confirmed that the hospital had 33 full-time doctors, thirteen interns and six community service doctors. According to people who complained about the doctors in private practice, some of the state doctors run
private practices in places as far away as Phalaborwa. Pheniel said that full-time doctors were not allowed to have private practices. “If this is indeed true that some of our doctors are involved in private practises, they would be notified that is unlawful,” Pheniel said. — Beaunice Mnisi beaunice@bulletin.us.com
’n Bekende Tzaneener en oud-kolonel in die SA Polisiediens, mnr Coenie Scheepers, is Maandag na ’n kort siekbed in die ouderdom van 61 jaar oorlede. Scheepers was wyd bekend na sy loopbaan van 32 jaar in die polisie, voordat hy by die Hoërskool Ben Vor-
ster as dissiplinêre koördineerder gewerk het. Hy word oorleef deur sy ma, ‘n broer en ‘n suster wat in Pretoria woon, asook sy dogter, Marga, en seun, Coenie, wat in Tzaneen woon. Sy roudiens word vandag om 14:30 in die NG Kerk Tzaneen gehou.
19 Oktober 2012
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Ons mening
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The Message Rev Ron Reiners
Vrydag 19 Oktober 2012
The “YOUTH” of today, to many this is a swear word. We tend to blame a lot of things that go wrong on the youth. It is not an easy life for them as they have to cope with a fast changing world. A world in which there are many temptations, sex and drugs, to be seen and to know that they a liked and even loved, and let us not forget peer pressure. They also have to please us as parents.
Paaie van die dood
Elders in dié uitgawe van die koerant is ‘n foto wat in Tzaneen se middedorp geneem is, van ‘n bakkie met ‘n sleepwa wat tot (letterlik) oorlopens toe oorlaai is. Die voertuig het helder oordag deur die dorp gery (as sy slingergang ry genoem kan word) en die hoofpad gekies. Waarskynlik noordwaarts na ons bure. Daar is nie ‘n hand op die voertuig se bestuurder gelê nie. Hopelik is hy later op pad na sy bestemming wel voorgekeer en van die pad gehaal. Dit is nie ‘n gesig wat mens noodwendig daagliks teëkom nie, maar mens sien dag na dag (en veral nag na nag) onpadwaardige voertuie, jaagduiwels, duidelik onkundige motoriste wat nie verkeerstekens verstaan nie en die arrogantes wat gewoon verkeersreëls minag. Intussen skreeu ons blou moord in die land en word miljone rande uit belastingbetalers se ruim bydraes aan die staat aan verkeersveiligheid bestee. Eintlik is bestee die verkeerde woord. Dit is eerder ‘n geval van geld wat verkwis word aan sogenaamde verkeersveiligheid en projekte soos “Arrive Alive”. Wetstoepassing, soos liefdadigheid, begin op mens se voordeur. Of eintlik in die gang op pad na die voordeur. Vir solank die oortreders oogluikend toegelaat word om die paaie te gebruik (misbruik), so lank sal ons sukkel met die dood op ons paaie.
We just have to look at Julius Maleme to get a prime picture of someone led astray by peer pressure. He too has the need to be loved, to be recognized as important, just like all the youth do. However, he has perhaps, taken this a step to far. I ask the question “How did he get to this point?” Where were his parents in all this? And I question; “Is he a Christian?” Where did we as parents go wrong? We think that we have done everything possible to teach our children what is right and what is wrong, but do we ever truly listen to them. Do we only hear what we want to hear, do we perhaps put too much pressure on them to succeed. Or do we just let them do their own thing, never questioning them as to how they feel about it. Yes, in many ways we are to blame for the results of this world because that is how we were taught. It is only in truly loving our children and trying not to criticize them, to believe in them and always encourage them that we will achieve what God has planned for them. Unfortunately, often we will be hurt by their actions or words but this should never stop us from loving them. God knows what is best for them, so keep on praying for them. They are, after all, our future. Blessings.
Mopani District Municipality says they are not guilty Neil Shikwambana, Spokesperson: Mopani District Municipality (MDM), made the following statement earlier this week: The MDM dismisses the media reports that it has awarded a tender of R47 Million to Selby Construction at a cost of R71 Million, and thus inflating the tender by R24 Million. We reject this kind of reporting as disingenuous and outrageous lies based on fictitious imagination premised on a misconceptions. Ordinarily, the MDM would be shocked and shaken by the amount of malicious lies and outrageous hogwash contained in these media articles. But given the recent media onslaught of untruthful reporting against the MDM, we will just reject the content of those reports for what they really are; gibberish pieces of unverified writing masqueraded as factual stories. To put the record straight, The Mametja Sekororo Regional Water Scheme has two contracts: Construction of a water treatment plant which engineers estimated that it will cost R86 Million The construction of a command reservoir with an estimated cost of R45 Million. Selby Construction did bid for both tenders. The bid that Selby Construction got awarded at R71 Million is the first one with an estimated cost of R86 Million. The one that Selby Construction tendered for R47 Million is the second tender which got awarded to another company, not Selby Construction as wrongfully portrayed by the media. So we question the basis of journalists who wrote these reports. Probably in their thirst to break a “scoop”, they hastily write without even doing the ABC’s of journalism which include verifying the facts, and in the process obfuscate the two tenders. We
firmly believe that whoever gave these misleading reports to the media has an agenda to discredit our institution and cast aspersions on its leadership. But even sadder is that the journalists fell into the hands of this conspirator by failing to do their basic spade work which in this instance was to verify the accuracy of his facts, but instead chose to write based on pure rumours. This then tells us that the journalists who wrote this story had long taken a side in this story and failed to be impartial as ethically and morally required from them as journalists. It is this kind of behaviour that tempt us into suspecting that certain journalists are party to such malevolent agendas of discrediting government and fighting political battles. The notion that the tender was given to Selby Construction although the tender evaluation committee had recommended Lepogo Construction is also untrue. What happened is that although Lepogo Construction was recommended at first, the recommendation was later withdrawn and the tender taken back to re- evaluation after it was discovered that the very Lepogo Construction had flawed tender regulations by tendering with two different prices without disclosing the other. In their desperate attempt to authenticate their lies and feed into their imagination, the media tries to link the awarding of tenders to the political relationship between the Executive Mayor of the MDM Joshua Matlou, the Premier Cassel Mathale and Former ANCYL President Julius Malema. We dismiss this as disingenuous and set the record straight that although Mathale, Matlou and Malema enjoy a cordial political relationship, it has no bearing on how tenders are award-
ed at Mopani. We want to state it categorically clear that in MDM, the awarding of tenders is purely an administrative function which is clearly governed by laws some of which prohibits politicians from participating. Therefore, for Piet to continuously insinuate that the Executive Mayor plays a role in swaying the direction on the awarding of tenders is disingenuous. We want to categorically state that as the MDM, we are committed to the fight against all forms of corruption and we believe that the media as the fourth estate is a strategic partner in this regard. However, the media should understand that this does not give them a leverage to manufacture lies just to discredit institutions and people in the name of exposing corruption. The media should only write about corruption where it exists, not when they imagine. The media must always be reminded of their Code of Professional Practice which I believe they subscribe to. The code says “The press shall be obliged to report news truthfully, accurately and fairly. News shall be presented in context and in a balanced manner, without an intentional or negligent departure from the facts whether by: distortion, exaggeration or misrepresentation; material omissions; or summarisation.” In light of all this, we have written to all media houses who have published these lies and demanded the retraction of the articles, publish unconditional apologies to the MDM, Executive Mayor Cllr Joshua Matlou and Premier Cassel Mathale whom have been wrongly portrayed in bad light. If not, we will be left with no choice but to approach the Press Ombudsman and the courts for necessary recourse.
Help tog asb Lecia Jacobs, tzaneen@fnv.co.za, 015 307 1288/079 741 0918, Foodlovers Market, Tzaneen, skryf: Weet nie of julle op facebook gesien het van die nood by die ouethuise nie? Van die oumensies het nie meer kinders om hulle toiletware vir hulle te koop nie — wil jy/julle nie asseblief ook graag help nie? Ek het gedink as ons ‘n paar goedjies kan insamel vir hulle en dit as ‘n “Kersfeesgeskenk” vir hulle kan vat. Daar is 22 oumensies in Tzaneen en 25 in Duiwelskloof. Ek het gedink as ons elkeen “ietsie” kan gee en ons sit dit in ‘n boks vir elke oumensie - iets soos tandepaste, seep, room, tissues, shampoo, koekies en sweeties (Marshmallows) Dit hoef nie baie te kos nie, maar dink net hoe bly gaan ons hulle harte maak. Ek gaan probeer uitvind wat almal
Letters • Briewe se name is en elkeen se naam op ‘n waslappie borduur (ietsie persoonliks) Laat weet asb wat julle dink, sodat ons min of meer dieselfde goedjies in ‘n boks kan sit - indien jy graag 1 geskenk wil maak, sal dit BAIE help, anders kan ons almal onder mekaar help en kan 2/3 mense saam 1 geskenkie opmaak. Ek wil nie hê dit moet ons almal ‘n arm-en-n-been kos nie, maar as ons elkeen net ‘n tandepasta/seep ekstra kan koop kan ons hulle BAIE help. Sal julle dit ASB aanstuur vir mense wat julle dink ons sal kan help?
Miskien kan ons vra dat almal by hulle werke ondermekaar goedjies insamel vir die volgende twee weke en dan kan ons kyk wat het ons en wat kort ons. Laat weet my asseblief indien julle enige idees het wat ons nog kan inpak vir hulle. Die van julle wat ver van Tzaneen af is kan dit asseblief saam ons trok stuur. Hy is gereeld op die mark by Gastaldi en in Polokwane. As ek alles kan kry teen die 27ste Oktober sal dit baie waardeer word.
Deeply concerned Concerned resident writes by e-mail: I am
extremely concerned that the summer rains, which we hope are imminent, will carry huge amounts of soil from the road building sites into Stanford and Ebenezer Dams. The contractors have created some massive cuttings in order to widen the R71 and many of these consist of very loose soil with nothing to prevent any erosion. In addition, the construction work on three new bridges — at Stanford Lake College, at the Georges Valley turnoff and opposite Picasso’s Resturant in Haenertsburg — has resulted in large mounds of soil and other loose materials lying dangerously close to the high water level of these three rivers. The worst is the new bridge over the Kantoorspruit at the R71/Georges Valley intersection where it is all lyng virtually in the river-bed itself. I am really deeply concerned about the erosion and excessive siltation of the downstream dams.
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19 Oktober 2012
Nóg ’n wonderwerk vir Celeste Tzaneen se wonderwerkmeisie, Celeste van Staden, kon uiteindelik haar matriekafskeidrok afstof en vir ‘n eerste keer aantrek. Celeste het verlede jaar haar matriekafskeid- en eindeksamen gemis, nadat sy na ‘n grumotorongeluk vir maande lank gehospitaliseer was. Na ‘n lang herstelproses is sy egter weer op die been en kon sy Saterdag by die Hoërskool Merensky se moeder- en dogterdag, gaste met haar spogrok betower. Sy het ook haar matrieksertifikaat deur die skool bekom. Sy vertel dat sy die Here dank vir sy groot genade. “Ek weet nou ek bid nie alleen nie en ook nie verniet nie. As jy op Hom vertrou en staat maak, sal Hy jou nooit verlaat nie.” - Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
Verlede Vrydagaand was dit die Gr 12-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Merensky se beurt vir hul skoolafskeidsgroet. Die spoggeleentheid is vroegaand byna deur ‘n los reënbui of drie ontwrig, maar op stuk van sake het alles goed afgeloop. Hier is Stefan van Wyk en Landi Roodt (links bo) en Tumelo Lelope en Kevin Lathane op die loopplank in die groot tent, waar ouers en belangstellende gaste die matrieks se spoggerige afskeiduitrustings kon bewonder en waardeer. Foto’s: Retha Nel
19 Oktober 2012
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Rain makers celebrate The Modjadji royal nation and the Greater Letaba Municipality held their annual rain making ceremony at the Khehlakoni royal palace, Modjadji.The ceremony is held annually in an effort to fight drought in the Bolobedu area and to appease the ancestors. Amongst the guests were Limpopo’s Premier, Mr Cassel Mathale, who addressed the crowd. In the photo left are the speaker of the GLM, Ms Rosinah Ramalatso, the MDM’s mayor, Mr Joshua Matlou, the regent of Balobedu royal nations, Mr Mpapatla Modjadji, Member of the royal council Clement Modjadji, the chairperson of the Local House of Traditional Leaders, Ms Kgosigadi Sekgopo, and the chairperson of the Provincial House of the House of Traditional Leaders, Mr Kgosi Dikgale. BELOW: Candy, a well-known Bolobedu singer, and her dancers are seen here performing a famous Bolobedu song and dance during the celebration. Photo supplied.
Sunbake gave away a bakkie during their Nissan Bakkie Draw at Boxer Tzaneen. The competition was run on 35 routes in rural areas around Tzaneen, Giyani, Phalaborwa and Modjadjiskloof. A total of 324 825 entries were received and 35 TV’s were handed to winners on the routes. Seen in the photo are Messrs Danie de Bruin (sales manager of Sunbake), the winner of the bakkie, Mr Goodman Ngulele from Lulekani, and Mr Sunnyboy Mdhlovu (a Sunbake supervisor). The winner of the bakkie was selected from the shop owner who collected the most entries. There was also a big TV for the Sunbake driver who collected the most entries from his/her route. Photo: Supplied
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No mercy shown The Tzaneen police, under station commander Brig Diana Mashele, recently arrested 95 people who engaged in different criminal activities. The police arrested five people for drinking and driving, twelve for illegal gambling, two for selling liquor without license, two for being in possession of dagga, three for being in possession of counterfeit goods, one for the possession of dangerous weapons, two for theft and eighteen for violating the road traffic act. The Tzaneen Police Cluster spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoape, said police arrested about forty prostitutes and they
were charged with loitering. Ngoape urged men in Tzaneen to stop “supporting” the prostitutes. “If a man is found “using” a prostitute, he too will be arrested and exposed to his family members”, warned Ngoepe. The police also arrested sixteen people for drinking in public, two for urinating in public and eleven for illegal trading. When asked about the informal traders in town, he said “this is the GTM’s issue — the police only act as a secondary measure to provide security when the informal traders are removed from the streets”. —Martina Jege martina@bulletin.com
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ments of education and public works are now added to this list. Financially qualified reports with other findings increased from five to eight departments. The departments of agriculture and CoGHSTA are responsible for this regression. The DA in Limpopo has now challenged Premier Cassel Mathale to tell the people of Limpopo how he intends to reverse this trend of poor financial management.
19 Oktober 2012
No nonsense
Departments are on slippery slope! AG warns:
The Auditor-General (AG), Mr Terrence Nobembe, tabled his report on the audit outcomes of Limpopo’s provincial departments for the year ending March 2012, and issued a stern warning about the province’s financial management. The bleak picture painted by the AG shows that a number of adverse/disclaimers had increased, from 7% in 2010/11 to 22% in 2011/12. These audit result are the worst form of audits to be given by the AG. This effectively means that rather than improving in the manner our provincial finances are managed, we are getting worse. Irregular expenditure has gone up from R1,19 billion in 2010/11 to R2,69 billion in 2011/12 financial year. For 2011/12 there is no department with an unqualified report or any findings. The number of adverse notes or disclaimers have increased to three, contrasted to only one department in the previous financial year. The depart-
So (oor)laai mens mos ‘n bakkie en sleepwa. Die foto is voor die Boxer-winkel in Tzaneen geneem, waar die laaiery geskied het. Hiervandaan het die voertuig vertrek en (ons het agterna gery) by twee verkeersmanne en drie polisievoertuie noordwaarts beweeg (volgens die registrasienommer Zimbabwe toe). Intussen kla en dreig die owerheid oor padsterftes en die onaanvaarbare hoë ongeluksyfer op ons land se paaie.
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The Ritavi Police apprehended a staggering 51 offenders for various crimes in Nkowankowa last weekend. Nineteen people were taken into custody for drinking in public, seven for assault with grievously bodily harm and seven for the possession of dagga. The police attended to one case of house robbery and one of motor vehicle theft. Three offenders in possession of dangerous weapons and three trading without a proper license were also arrested. One individual accused of rape, one of assault and another for attempted murder were also put behind bars. Five people were arrested for driving without a driver’s license and two for reckless and negligent driving. — Amelia de Ridder amelia@bulletin.us.com
19 Oktober 2012
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Events l Gebeure
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘12
This Week
Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Tzaneen, vandag en môre. Vandag, 11:00 sierwaoptog deur die dorp, 17:00 biertuin, 19:00 Vossiefeesdans. Môre, 11:00 Mej Vonkel-kompetisies, 13:00 Mej Vlamvat, 19:00 NRG, Bobby en Karlien van Jaarsveld tree op. Navrae: 015 307 4490/1. ‘12
This Month
Letsitele Kers-kuiermark NG Kerk Letsitele amfiteater, 26 Oktober, 09:00-21:00 en 27 Oktober, 09:00-15:00. Geskenke, gebak en meer te koop. Teetuin, Spar Meestersjef kompetisie. Presentation Xango: Mango steen juice presentation. Shekinah House, Tzaneen, 27 October, 09:30. This fantastic fruit juice has many healing properties. An ideal business opportunity for those looking for a challenge. Xango is the fastest growing business on the stock markets and you can be part of it. Admission free. Enquiries: Maria 079 296 7414 or Liz 079 017 0600. Tuinbesigtiging Lynnwood, Pretoria, 27-28 Oktober, 10:00-17:00. Die Pretoria Sunrise Rotary Club bied ‘n besigtigingstoer van 10 tuine. Die Letaba Tuinbouvereniging beplan om dit by te woon. Persone wat wil saamgaan, skakel. Suzette de la Rey 083 305 3816 of Cora Lubbe 083 236 8994. ‘12
Art Showcase Verandah Gallery Artz Showcase, Valencia Estate Tzaneen, 3 November, 10:00. One day exhibition with local and national artists, musicians. Limited exhibition space available, subject to organisers approval. Enquiries: Maggie Baleta 083 457 8847/
magsbaleta@mweb.co.za or Genie Stoltz 076 289 6741/ info@genmarketing.co.za.
Piet Smit
NG Kerk Tzaneen, 9 November, 18:30 vir 19:00. Gospelsanger, Piet Smit, kom sing in Tzaneen om geld in te samel vir Goue Jare Bejaardesorg, Modjadjiskloof. Kaartjies: R100/p, laerskoolkinders gratis. Bring piekniekmandjie en kuier saam. Kaartjies beskikbaar by NGK Tzaneen, Goue Jare en Goue Jare bestuurslede. Navrae: Ds Dewald Vermaak 083 309 4397.
Fietsry Wysneusie Kleuterskool, Letsitele, vandag. “Trap-dat-dit-klap” fietsry-avontuur. Kinders 2-13 jaar. Kaartjies is R30, sluit ysie en worsbroodjie ook in. Lekker pryse. Kaartjies by Wysneusie Kleuterskool 015 345 1264. Vlamvatfees
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AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Tzaneen, vandag en more. Bulletjierugby, ses-aan-‘n-kant krieket, hokkie, netbal. CANSA Relay for Life Ben Vorster landloop, Opblaas-speelpark. Navrae: 015 307 4490/1. High School, Tzaneen, 9 – 10 November, 18:0006:00. Show your support to CANSA and create Chameleon Indoor Krieket en Hokkie awareness. Enter a team of 10 and take part by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde ook welkom. in this relay-style walk around a track for 12 Besprekings/navrae: Marise 079 622 5525. hours. Lots of food and drink stalls, spectators Ringbal Oefentye is Maandae en Donderdae welcome. Enquiries: Juanine Jackson 082 576 18:00-20:00. Skakel Borries by 084 222 4950 of 5716. Natasha by 015 307 3316. Wit Olifant verkoping Letsitele Netbal Alle dames en mans wat netbal Biblioteek, 1 Desember, 08:00-13:00. Skenk wil oefen, Maandae en Woensdae vanaf 17:15asseblief enige item vir die Letsitele Biblioteek. 18:15 by Laerskool Tzaneen se bane (langs die Die verkoping is deel van die biblioteek se rugbyveld). Jammer, slegs volwassenes. Navrae: geldinsameling. Navrae: 015 345 1911. Rosie 082 453 9161. Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Unicorn golf day Tzaneen Country Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every Club, tomorrow. Betterball. Special prize for best month. Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or attitude, dress code. R400/player includes gift Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291. and supper. Great prizes! Treasure chest raffle: Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and R100/ticket. Machél Lombard 083 258 3622. DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, MTB Challenge Mooketsi, 27 October, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. 07:00. 70km (R160), 35km (R110) and 10km fun Support The Tzaneen Depression and ride (R50). Late entries (after 22 October) will Anxiety Support Group meetings every alternate pay a R60 fine. All funds for a recreational centre Thursday at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community for Mooketsi residents. Contact Reuben 082 779 Centre. Colleen on 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5574/015 395 2420 or Liza 082 812 6712 or visit (R180). R20 extra will be charged for race day www.mooketsimtb.co.za. 5137/071 853 2121. entries. Enquiries: www.magoebaskloofclassic. Herofield Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, org.za or Neels 079 512 9992 / David 083 325 Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Skakel Hannes Steyn 3088. Entries close: 29 October 2012 @ 23:00. Other ‘12 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com. Visvangkompetisie Marama Dam, Fire fighting course Basic fire fighting Deerpark, 3 November. Aangebied deur AGS Mountain Modjadjiskloof. Lekker pryse te wen, o.a. ‘n training for farm workers. Two-day course. Seta Magoebaskloof MTB accredited certificate. R199-50/person. Contact Action Challenge, 3 November. The race is a Koedoe. Kaartjies by Boulevard Cycles @ R100. Butch Baker at LFPA 076 550 2260 with a suitable charity event held once a year. 10 km run (R50), Navrae: Adriaan 082 850 2166. 20km MTB (R100), 40km MTB (R150), 75km MTB date and the number of people attending.
No end to their initiatives Marumofase Primary School in Lenyenye is one of the few schools in the Thabina circuit that practices inclusive education. The school has about 47 pupils with serious learning barriers and even physical disabilities. To celebrate the recent national casual day in support of these pupils the school arranged a celebratory function. Among the attendants were Dr Helen Baloyi (district coordinator of inclusive education and special schools), Mr Tom Kgomo (Thabina circuit manager), Ms Peggy Makwela (Professionals Educators’ Union representative), Mr Simon Maenetja (Nduna for Maru-
mofase and Nabane areas), ABSA Maake Plaza employees and the parents of the pupils with disabilities. This created an opportunity for the parents and teachers to meet and celebrate the children’s uniqueness. The pupils entertained the crowd in song and dance.
TOP: Mr Tom Kgomo (Thabina circuit manager), Dr Helen Baloyi (district coordinator: inclusive education and special schools) and George Ramodike (headmaster). ABOVE: Mogale Tshepo, the drummer of the school’s drum majorettes team. BELOW: Phindile Maenetje and Majepe Raganya, gr 5 pupils of Marumofase, recited a poem during the celebration.
Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Police in Haenertsburg made a major breakthrough, after responding to a motor vehicle accident report along the George Valley road. Tzaneen Police Cluster spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, said that upon arrival at the
Search “Laeveldbulletin” scene the police found that the driver of a small LDV had lost control and hit a tree alongside the road. While conducting the initial crime scene investigations, police found bags with dagga on the LDV, with an estimated street value of R20 000. The two male suspects were taken to a hospital for medical treatment. They will appear in the Tzaneen Magistrate court as soon as they have recovered from their injuries. A month ago and not far from this scene,
19 Oktober 2012
a car transporting illegal cigarettes with a street value of R500 000 also hit a tree. Any person with information about drug trafficking may contact the nearest police station or the SAPS Crime Stop on 08600 10111. Seen in the photo (left) are Haenertsburg SAPS station commander, Capt Winnie Nkosi, and the two members of the Crime Prevention Unit with the dagga recovered at the scene (photo: SAPS). Martina Jege — martina@bulletin.us.com
Call: 015 309 9258 22 Botha St. Duiwelskloof 0835
19 Oktober 2012
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
BUTLER REKENMEESTERS Vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE 1. Maandelikste @ Jaarlikste boekhouding 2. Bestuursrekeninge 3. Kompliering van Finansiële State 4. Registrasie van Maatksappye 5. Opgawes vir: 5. 1 Inkomstebelasting 5. 2 BTW 5. 3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT. Gerigistreerde Belasting Praktisyn – PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320 Okt304_______________
Is it time for that weekly or monthly carwash? We specialize in valets! We guarantee quality service! Owner supervision. Special rates for pensioners, companies and dealers. Contact 082 908 7855 or 082 908 1231 or 072 314 6008. jul131_______________
Milleflora Om jou tuin uit te lê en versorg is my passie. Ek doen ook totale instandhouding Ilse 083 407 8061 Acrylic tips, only R150
For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_______________ Hardhorend? Maak ‘n afspraak vir ‘n gehoor toets! Nuutste gehoor apparate, geraasproppe met filters. Kontak Johan Jooste en Charles Allsop – 082 897 8867 of 012 250 2837 of 084 652 9897 May04_______________
Multiclean For all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery & Mattresses. Quality workmanship guaranteed. Contact Uwe @ 076 8339112 feb302______________
Services Dienste Large quantities contact Brian @ 083 306 0855 or 015 307 5240 jul111________________ For all your painting supplies, blinds, waterproofing and much more. Contact 015 307 5562. jul128________________ Looking for 9.5 mm stone, 19 mm stone, building sand and river sand? Contact 083 500 4385. jul129________________ Plumbing For all your plumbing and general needs, Phone Eugene 082 412 7594 Dec102________________ Distributors of Caltex fuels & Lubricants. 083 627 8834 015 307 1998 Mar209(1)______________ Key shop & locksmith. Quick friendly, professional service. 24 Hour call out. Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised number plates. Supply: locks, keys, safes, number plates. 015 307 7775 Mar214(1)______________ Paving and Cement Work Call Franmar Ventures for a Quote Cell: 078 802 5795 Sep305_____________ Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275 Mar215(1)______________
Services Dienste 083 306 0855 015 307 5240 june 403_______________ Moving and need a bakkie and trailer Call Franmar Ventures for a Quote Cell: 078 802 5795 Sep307________________ Tzaneen Trailer Hire Trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture etc. Single or Double. Axle for rent. We also service and repair all makes of trailers. 29 Plantation Road, Old Industrial area call: 083 651 0936 082 578 3174 feb401_________________ Verfraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per bakkie vrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439
Audio repairs, DVD, TV and VCR repairs, spares and accessories, IC’s and TR’s. We also do orders. Contact 015 307 7189 jan307________________ As julle soek na die geskikte plek vir ‘n verlowing, verjaardag, kerk uitstappies, vergaderings ens. Groot plek met kroeg, yskas, tafels, stoele en alle ander benodighede, swembad. Ingeboude braai, Kontak 081 404 6292 feb402________________
The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime! Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380. jul106_____________
Tired of doing your own debt collection for your business? For fast, efficient and professional service, contact 015 307 6797. Sept426________________ Springkastele & glybane te huur in Tzaneen!Kantoorure: Maan tot Vry 07:00 – 16:30. Shirleen 071 870 9193, suikerbekkie19@webmail. co.za Sept434________________ VERVOER VERVOER VERVOER VAN ALLERLEI Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168 jan301________________ Do you enjoy music? We sell drum sets, guitars, keyboards and much more. Contact 015 307 4448 Nov205_________________
PEST CONTROL For all your pest control needs 0861 101 799 darron@gdgroup.co.za For a clean and healthy environment. Feb201________________
The Bargain Shop We pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted goods of value. 015 306 0036 or 083 576 7618 mar209________________
Litchi Trees Mauritius & McLeans. strong trees in 5L bags. R20,00 + VAT per tree.
Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil, garden mulch, bark chips. Brian: 083 391 0195
Services Dienste
KIDZ 2 PLAY Nursery School is a quality educational institution catering for children 3 months - 6 years 076 737 5271 Jan103_________________
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions/ occasions/funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308________________ Need glasses, your eyes tested or sunglasses? Contact 015 307 3703. june404_______________ The Professional Eyecare and Great Value optometrist in town is here to help you. Come visit us for the latest specials and get value for money. Contact 015 307 2299. jan310_________________ We sell new and used vehicles! Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217________________ Ons spesialiseer in die volgende mediese fondse: Discovery Health, Resolution Health,
Rugs Carpets Upholstery cleaning We don’t cut corners, we clean them 076 316 4350 Ecolux Cleaning Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme. Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en professionele advies. Tel: 015 307 3316 Mar218_________________ Letaba Teak Wooden floor installation. Installation of high quality teak flooring and decking. Solid teak furniture also available. Call Grant 071 609 9067 Mei407____________ Brett’s Janitorial Services. On the move. Cleans carpets, floors and windows. Tel 073 209 6099 Jul102_____________
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112/ 081 301 6018
Roofing and Renovations. We do all roofing, big or small. Renovations. Electric fencing and motors. Palisades. 072 647 2128 Jun103_______________ Arts & Crafts Classes! Contact Nicki – 083 256 2075 Jun113_______________ 4D Ultrasound Radiografiese Dienste in Polokwane – 015 291 2275 Jun114_______________
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde panden tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406______________
Laaigraaf – Met uiters bewame operateur. R200 per uur + diesel. Kontak Riana 082 448 8231 Jun115_________________ Refrigeration Repairs. Repairs and re-gasses on all domestic refrigerators & freezers. 078 444 0664 Jul202________________ Scrap metal: we will collect and u will get paid upfront for it Call Franmar Ventures Cell: 078 802 5795
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Sep308______________ Tjokkertjie babagroep. Babas van 0-2 jaar. Ons is nuut en gaan 1 September oopmaak. Vir meer inligting Skakel Bianca du Preez 076 766 9068 Aug202___________
goed soos nuut Skakel 083 611 6292 Okt308_________________
RYOBI Table Saw 254mm R450.00 For more info Contact ATTIE 0829012291 0153098594 Okt103__________
Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Marlien 015 781 0637 083 252 8928 Trailer repairs, general repairs & service. Lights, wiring, bearings, rust repairs, spray painting. Contact 082 839 1271 Aug302_______________
You, just thinner, younger, healther. Weight loss coach Clubhealthpointe.com 076 346 1664 Mei203_________________ LP Gas & Lubricants, best service and prices on all your oil needs. Contact 082 337 4522 Jun116_________________
Guidance Councilor & Phsychic readings. I can assist you in Career choice and problems. Personal relationships & Abundance.
Kombuise, ingeboude kaste en alle houtwerk. Skakel Shaun vir gratis kwotasie 083 301 7636 Sep201_______________
Wellness and many more. Serendipity Centre, 2 Ursula St, Tzaneen Contact George 084 573 9018 Monday – Friday Aug203________________
Service and Repair of all types of motorbikes Contact Pieter 0725069413 / 015 3072268 RELENTLESS BIKES Sep403________________
Remove all garden and building refuse Call Franmar Ventures for a Quote Cell: 078 802 5795 Sep306_________________
Naaldwerkmasjiene: Diens en herstel van alle tipes naaldwerkmasjiene BERNINA TZANEEN 015/3076793 Sep404________________
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057 Venue for Hire, 40 people maximum, small weddings, birthday parties, etc. 015 307 2176. Jun112________________ Call us for repainting you house Call Franmar Ventures for a Quote Cell: 078 802 5795 Sep304________________ Supply Maintain Install and Repair of Energizers Electrified Fences Sliding gates Palisade Gate Motors Garage door motors Alarm systems CCTV Cameras Access automation Clocking systems Top of wall electrification 082 498 8335 Okt305_______________
For Sale Te Koop
JAGUAR XJ6 Classic Car Available with driver. Weddings,Matric dances and other functions For rates and info Contact Attie or Liz 0829012291 0790170600 0153098594 Okt104________________ Business Cloud offers great looking websites from only R3000. We also design logos, business cards, flyers and more. You can email me, Ramon Hitzeroth, at contact@ businesscloudsa.co.za or phone me at 0765606027. Also register your business on http://www. businesscloudsa.co.za/ for FREE and get the most online exposure for your business. Okt202________________
For Sale Te Koop Baltimore – lusern, hawer, tes, boontjies en grasbale te koop en afgelewer. Skakel Basie Brand 082 968 1998 Mar302(1)_____________ Furniture for sale. Contact 0824191230 Okt303________________ Saal en toom te koop so
Vacancies Vakante HALFDAG POS: Assistant boekhouer benodig. Moet pastel accounting en excel agtergrond hê; Kandiaate sal getoets word; E-pos CV: phsfinancialservices@ gmail.com Okt301_______________ Kroegdame gesoek sober en hardwerkend Kontak Zirk 083 407 8071 Okt302_________________
Animals Diere GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES FOR SALE 2 Male Puppies & 1 Female Puppy available Both Parents GSD Registered 7 Weeks old and ready for new homes. Private homes only please! R2 500 each, inoculated & dewormed Phone Liezel 082-782-7818 Okt306________________
To Let Te Huur TO RENT/TE HUUR Trailer Rentals. Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) Apr405________________ 2 Ton-trok met groot bak en hoë tralies vir vervoer van meubels of enigiets in en om Tzaneen. R500 per vrag. Kontak 072 372 4041 Alleen agent in Limpopo vir Engelbrecht trailers. Bossie 083 229 7551
VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8X8 TON TROKKE TE HUUR. R17.00/KM + BTW & 25 TON@ R23.50/KM + BTW EENRIGTING SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 / 082 8517139 OF 015 3451192 084 627 0956
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 3451192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com Okt105__________
LETABA FARM EQUIPMENT TLB’s, excavators en groot trekkers te huur vir rip, ploeg en disk. Agent vir SAME en DEUTZ trekkers 083 414 4238 Mar106(1)__________
Goeiemore almal! My dogtertjie van 2 jaar oud se Teddy (woefie) het die 14 Oktober weg- geraak tussen Boet Lombard en Maritz str by die hout parkie in Aquapark. Hy reageer op die naam Teddy en is ‘n kruising tussen ‘n Yorkie en Maltese. Hy is nou 14 weke oud. As iemand hom sien of iets weet, my asb kan skakel, sal dit opreg waardeer word. Dit is vir ons ‘n groot verlies. My nr is 079 697 1247 of julle kan my inboks. Okt307_______________
To Let Te Huur VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8X8 TON TROKKE TE HUUR. R17.00/KM + BTW & 25 TON@ R23.50/KM + BTW EENRIGTING SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 / 082 8517139 OF 015 3451192 084 627 0956
Vragmotors te huur – 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans – 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303__________
Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuinvullis en bourommel. Gratis kwotasie. Thinus 082 807 6620 Mei302___________
To advertise contact Lihanie 015 307 7248
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
19 Oktober 2012
Property | Eiendomme To Let Tu Huur
CiS Real Estate
CiS Real Estate
CiS Real Estate
Homes Huise Klein 3 slaapkamer huis met swembad in Monumentlaan om te verhuur vanaf 1 November 2012, Huur R5500. Bel Liezel by 083 258 6677 indien u belangstel. Okt302_______________
CiS Real Estate
ON SHOW: 14 Denne Street Arborpark 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Spacious 1 bedroom flat Swimming Pool R1 320 000.00 FRI 14h00 till 18h00 SAT 10h00 till 13h00 THONET 071 641 9137 Okt306_____________
CiS Real Estate
Zelna 082 888 7898 TO LET: Newly build 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms units with open-plan kitchen and balcony. Next to Tzaneen Dam. Undercover parking. R4 950 per month. 2 Bedroom units with full bathroom and modern kitchen. Under cover parking. Near CBD, SCHOOLS and MOSQUE. R 4 800 per month. 4 Bedroom, 3 bathroom, house in Tzangeni. Spacious living areas and modern kitchen. R7 700 per month. Okt303__________
Office Kantore Prime Office Space To Let In Tzaneen: Beautifully designed. Very good lighting and air conditioned. Office space of 27,35m² and more if needed. Excellent address. Rent very affordable! Call Janon 083 307 1333 or Stephanie 086 130 3404 Okt301______________
ON SHOW!!!!: Weekdays 16h00 to 18h00 Aquapark Stands from R220 000.00 Stands from 600m2 Security complex Next to Letaba River Beautiful views weekdays from 16h00 to 18h00 EDDIE 079 970 5353 Okt304_____________
CiS Real Estate
ON SHOW: 13 Tom van Aardt Aquapark 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 1 Bedroom flat Double garage R1 200 000.00 FRI 14h00 till 18h00 SAT 10h00 till 13h00 MAGGIE 079 970 4159 Okt305____________
CiS Real Estate
CiS Real Estate
ON SHOW: 40 Maritz street Aquapark 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Entertainment area Build-in Braai R1 320 00000 FRI 14:00 til 18:00 SAT 10:00 til 13:00 SALOMIE 071 641 9041 Okt307_____________
Eddie 079 970 5353 Farm for sale! 51 ha farm on the Deerpark road. 2 x chicken houses, abattoir and 3 bedroom house. Mango trees and boreholes. R2 750 000.00 Business in town! Supermarket with bottle store. Still new business. No financials available. Big potential! R880 000.00. Okt308_____________
Theo 071 641 9199 - Aquapark Beauty! Very neat 3 bedroom house with 2 bathrooms. Solid wood kitchen and granite tops. Double garage with carports. Lovely entertainment area with build-in braai and swimming pool. R1 390 000.00 Aquapark Value for Money! 3 bedroom house with Granny flat. Double garage with nice garden in a very nice street. R1 100 000.00 Okt312____________
CiS Real Estate
Maggie 079 970 4159 2 bedroom townhouse near CBD with lock-up garage. Nice kitchen with openplan living area. Full bathroom. R540 000.00 Echo-Ekhaya unit! 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms. Lockup garage. Spacious living area with sliding door to the patio and build-in braai. Large open-plan kitchen. R610 000.00 Okt309____________
CiS Real Estate
Give your Estate Agent a break! — A kind word goes a long way.
Eddie 079 970 5353 WANTED!!!!!! I have a list of qualified buyers looking for property in NKOWA-NKOWA and LENYENYE! All sellers! Please contact me to list your property! 079 970 5353 Okt313_____________
CiS Real Estate
Thonet 071 641 9137 - Golden Acres stand at a giveaway price! This is one of the last stands that is for sale in fase 1. Excellent price! R255 000.00 Riverside Security Estate! Buy this 1600m2 stand next to the Letaba river for only R439 000.00 Okt310_____________
Om in
se eiendomsbladsye te adverteer, skakel Lihanie by 015 307 7248.
Salomie 071 641 9041 -Letaba River Estate! Stands available from R220 000.00. Don’t miss out on this oppertunity to build your dream house in a security complex. Medipark dream house! 3 or 4 bedroom house with 2 1/2 bathrooms. 2 Spacious living areas. Lovely entertainment area. Lockup garage and carport for 4 cars! R1 100 000.00 Okt311____________
Visit our website @ www. bulletin.us.com for the latest video clip
After reading a very interesting story by Lea which sometimes leads to nothing. Jacobs I was prompted to address this issue. Most agents are also expected to be available For some strange (?) reason estate agents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Some clients are sometimes not very popuregard it perfectly normal to call an agent on a Saturday evening lar people and many critics enor Sunday because “the agent is joy spreading negative stories about the local agent. making so much money that they should be available at any time”. Unfortunately, as in many other instances as well, the parDuring a property boom it ticular person might be guilty is very attractive to be in the property market and everyone of some of the accusations and wants to get on board. Unformight choose to do his or her tunately property booms only work in a unethical way which last so long and this situation has a detrimental effect on the profession as a whole. changes for the worst. No sale is confirmed and no The fact remains that an estate commission is earned before agent must be one of the most transfer takes place and sadly, ungrateful professions around. no matter how good the agent is How many times does one hear that the agent is to blame for at his job, sales tend to collapse anything and everything that more often during an economic slowdown. went wrong in a property transMr Willem van Rensburg is Next time you give instrucaction? Unlike other professionals es- the principal of CiS Real Es- tions to an estate agent you tate in Tzaneen. Call them on should perhaps reconsider leavtate agents do not charge a fee (015) 307 2230. for their time and/or travelling, ing that sarcastic message or telephone or other expenses. Many hours sending that smutty e-mail. Remember, a are spent in endeavouring to sell a property kind word goes a long way.
19 Oktober 2012
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Job Seeker | Vacancies General My name is Annikie Makoro i am looking for a domestic job 2 days of 5 days, i speak Afrikaans i have 5 years experience contact me 074 606 9087 (23)_____________________
My name is Nathalie Sithole i am looking for a job as domestic worker cleaning, sleep in or out, i speak English contact me on 076 799 1428 (24)_____________________ My name is Anna Mposa I am looking for a domestic work, I can look after old people, children I speak Afrikaans, little English, sleep out 5 days
a week (ref 015 307 5456) contact me 078 037 3075 (25)_____________________ My name is Maria rammola i am looking for domestic work or garden work contact me on 076 561 8183 (26)_____________________ I am looking for a domestic job my name is Anna Maphosa i can speak Afri-
Legals Geregtelik BOEDEL WYLE ELIZABETH MARE In the estate of the late Elizabeth Mare, master’s reference number 8509/12, Identity number 3712150025085 who was ordinarily resident at Magoebaskloof Mountain Village House 3B, Magoebaskloof and who died on the 16th of September 2012. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Po Box 35 Tzaneen, 0850 Ref: A.E. Rech/avs/R12721 Okt301__________ BOEDEL WYLE MICHAEL EELLS In the estate of the late Michael Eells, master’s reference number 8323/2012, Identity number 4810275200184 who was ordinarily resident at Flora Park Tzaneen and who died on the 9th of September 2012. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under signed within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Po Box 35 Tzaneen, 0850 Ref: A.E. Rech/avs/R12718 Okt302_____________ IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NAMAKGALE HELD AT NAMAKGALE CASE NUMBER: 76/2008 In the case between: BORN FREE INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD T/A HUYNDAI TZANEEN EXECUTION CREDITOR And MAPUNGWANE TRADING AND ENTERPRISE CC EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate NAMAKGALE given on 3 October 2008 the under mentioned goods will be sold in front of the Sheriff’s store, 13 NABOOM STREET, PHALABORWA on 3 November 2012 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X DEEP FREEZER 1 X COMPUTER 1 X D/D FRIDGE 1 X 3 PCE LOUNGE SUITES 1 X DINING ROOM SUITE 1 X SAMSUNG TV 1 X ENTERTAINMENT STAND DATED AT TZANEEN ON 27 SEPTEMBER 2012 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR
4509045023088) Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgment of the above Court and Writ of Attachment dated 16TH OF JULY 2012, the under mentioned immovable property will be sold in execution on: TUESDAY, 06 NOVEMBER 2012 AT 12:00 (pm) AT SHERIFF’S OFFICES, 7 GERRIT KRUGER STREET, TZANEEN LIMPOPO To the highest bidder:ERF 3375 TZANEEN EXTENSION 73 TOWNSHIP, Registration Division L.T. , Limpopo Province MEASURING: 717 (SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN) SQUARE METRES AS HELD BY THE DEFENDANT UNDER DEED OF TRANSFER NUMBER T065774/2007 Subject to conditions contained therein Further subject to the rights and obligations enforceable by HERITAGE VILLAGE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION NR. 2006/016871/08/ (A Section 21-Company) (SITUATED AT N.38 HERITAGE VILLAGE, TZANEEN) (“The property”) Subject to the following conditions 1 The property shall be sold “VOETSTOOTS” to the bidder and the sale shall be subject to the provisions of Section 66 of the Magistrate’s Court Act of 1944, as amended, subject however to the confirmation of the sale by the first bondholder, namely NEDBANK LIMTED. 2 The purchase price shall be paid as to 10% (TEN PERCENT) of the purchase price in cash on the date of the sale and the unpaid balance, together with interest thereon at the rate of 10.5% p.a to the date of registration of transfer, shall be paid of secured by a Bank Guarantee, within 14 (FOURTEEN) days after t he sale. 3 The following improvements are reported to be on the property, but are not guaranteed: “Vacant Stand”. 4 CONDITIONS OF SALE: The full conditions of the sale may be inspected at the office of the Sheriff of the High Court, Letaba,. Mr HA Roets, 7 Gerrit Kruger Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen, Tel: 015 306 0229. DATED AT POLOKWANE this 16 October 2012 (SGD) PJ VAN STADEN Attorneys of Plaintiff(s) ESPAG MAGWAI ATTORNEYS ADAM TAS BUILDING 26 JORISSEN STREET POLOKWANE Tel: 015 297 5374/ Fax 015 297 5042 REF: PJ VAN STADEN/SJ/ MAT2935 Okt305_____________
kaans i have 5 years experience, sleep out (ref: Mama Jacky 076 871 2907) contact me on 078 037 3075 (27)_____________________
Looking for a job as a Technical Advisor on trucks & earth moving machines. Contact Deon Morkel on (082) 9585986 / deonmorkel@gmail. com.
My name is Rosinah Mopanya i am looking for a domestic work i have six years experience i speak English, 3 days a week. (ref Bas 083 463 3533) contact me on 078 344 1072 (28)____________________ My name is Nephatally Nkhwashu i am looking for a gardening job please contact me on 072 2323033 (29)_____________________
My name is Maria Maladji i am looking for a domestic work, i can speak Afrikaans, look after children, sleep out, 6 years experience contact me 078 218 1679 (30)_____________________
Admin/ Clerical My name is Beauty Mongela I am looking for a receptions job or admin highest qualification is matric please contact me 072 054 1765 (1)_____________________ My name is Cressia Shilwane I am looking for a job as a clerk I have a diploma in computer literate, and grade 12 contact me 082 663 8887 (2)_____________________
Driver My name is Martiens Peta I am looking for a general job I have grade 11 and a code 10 license contact 073 447 1244 (1) _____________________ My name is Tshepo Senyolo I am looking for a driver job I have Code 10 (PRDP) and grade 12 contact me 072 538 3897 (2) _____________________ I am Masinamae Moses I’m looking for a driver job, I have a license code 10 with PDP, contact me 0766 933 611 (3) _____________________ My name is Michael i am looking for a job as a driver i have C1+PDP contact me on 071 365 1713 (4) _____________________
Qualified Diesel & petrol mechanic. Contact 083 770 1175. (7) _____________________ Aaron Pilusa, fork lift driver, has code 10 licence. Contact 078 309 6582. (8) _____________________ Kgabo Silas Malatji, looking for the job as Electrician. I have Matric and N2 in Electrical Engineering and I also have some experience in the Electrical Field. contacted 071 113 6927 and on email: duckym@ndp.co.za (9) _____________________ Jacques, hydraulics fitter and truck driver, can also do wheet alignment fitting. Contact 072 167 9332. (10) _____________________
Property sales, Public Relations officer, Media liaising, labour relations, Marketing, Security > courses completed Intelligence orientation, counter intelligence, pistol shooting, VIP protection etc. Contact Juanita Joubert 079 971 8713. (50) _____________________
Samuel, doen aanbouings, fondasie tot dak, store, hekke, heinings, ens. Goedkoop tarief en goeie verwysings. (Chris Ras) Kontak 076 473 0849. (12) _____________________
Adam Steve Moseamedi, Gardener as well as a seasoned second hand car salesman with credible references of previous employment at Northern Transvaal Garage in Gauteng 079 958 9352. (53) _____________________
Pency Matjete, plumber work, has a certificate. I know how to work with a pipe fitting, laying and back fitting, dripper line erection and installation, borehole submersible pums and connectors. I speak English. Contact 078 882 6918. (13) _____________________ Senyolo A.P I am a forklift driver looking for work also a pendant crane operator contact 073 183 2418 (14)_____________________ I am looking for a job building houses and painting I have lot of experience contact me 082 475 7623 (15) _____________________ Kingston Zifamde I am a qualified excavator driver please contact me on 078 854 3533 (16) _____________________
My name is Collen Mpho Makgoba i am looking for a driver job i have code 10 CI with P.D.P i speak English or any general job contact me on 071 803 7326 (6) _____________________
My name is Mohale Orped looking for a brick-layer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (18) ____________________
My name is Sello Solomon i am looking for a driving job i have a code 14 with PDP, computer literate, experience in driving delivery truck, grade 12 contact me on 073 677 4581 (7) _____________________
My name is Rasekane Johannes looking for a bricklayer or garden services job I speak English have 3 years experience in garden service contact 073 321 5237 (19) ____________________
Fanie Fourie, looking for job, have experience in site management, manager, sales, wood production, maintenance and more. contact 0783203738 (5) _____________________
I am looking for a data capture or administrative position anywhere close to or in Phalaborwa. I have a diploma in Girl Friday, am fully computer literate; have experience and training in SAP and Safety Management. I am currently working for a big mining industry in Mpumalanga and will be locating to Phalaborwa at the end of June 2011. Contact Lisa 076 124 6004. (49) _____________________
Op soek na blockman werk of enige iets anders. Kontak Carlo 0823536728. (51) _____________________
Johannes Shai I am looking for a painting, paving, sege housing etc. contact me on 076 857 1394 (17) _____________________
Ludwig Schnettler, 40, looking for a plumbing, electrical, technical or mechanical job. Contact 076 867 8270. (11) _____________________
My name is Thabo Mametja i have ‘n code 14 EC license worked for Sasko Bakery contact on 076 352 7225 or 073 5090157 (5) _____________________
My name is Moses Phetole Masina-Mele. I am looking for a job as driver i have code 10 with PDP valid from 2005 contact me on 076 6933 611 (8) _____________________
on 076 1987 674 (22) _____________________
My name is Dyllan I am looking for a job in welding, construction, boreholes + pumps, borehole drilling, Operating of drill machine and fixing, have a code 10 contact 072 716 3879 (20) ____________________
Emily Monyela, I believe there is a place for everything and that everything will be in place when you return home after a day’s work - that is the mantra I succumb to when cleaning, tending and doing domestic work. I have experience and references that will confirm my cleaning abilities, and loyal demeanor. 073 654 5652 (55) _____________________ Magaret Maake, If you need a domestic worker that is fast, friendly and diligent, then you need to look no further because I will tend to your home will loving care and experienced precision. References are available that will confirm my work ethic and abilities. 079 318 9287 (56) _____________________ Elizabeth Kgatle, shop assistant or domestic worker. Contact 078 644 7639. (57) _____________________ Masetla Boas, general work required. I have matric, N1 & N2, computer studies and engineering studies. Contact 079 398 5755. (58) _____________________ 72 year old gentlemen looking for a job as a supervisor or maintenance man or handy man! Either half day or full day. Contact 078 553 2790. (59) _____________________ Craig Watson, semi skilled welder boilermaker seeks vacancy or any farm work. I’m very handy. Contact 076 110 0226. (60) _____________________ Opsoek na Rep werk, soek werk op plaas of lodge, voorman of opsigter. Kan dadelik begin. Skakel Rassie 072 811 9860. (61) _____________________
My name is Johannes Shai looking for work in building, and I know lapa gras contact me on 076 857 1394 (21) ____________________
Mpho Lisbeth Shayi, has grade 12, is computer literate, has security grade C, D & E, and speaks English and Afrikaans. Contact 073 340 9993. (62) _____________________
My name is Thomas Ngobeni I am looking for a job in gardening or painting I speak English and Afrikaans, I have 1 year experience contact me
28 year old, code 8 licence, looking for courier work or similar. Has experience of rural areas in Limpopo. Contact
076 045 0303. (63) _____________________ Benneth Shilowa, looking for work in security, cash in transit business. Has security grade C. Contact 076 483 4760. (64) _____________________ Peter Rampepe, looking for a job as a merchandiser, general assistant, storeroom work or in the food industry. Waiter job in a hotel or restaurant. I am also a gardener. Contact 079 770 5544. (65) _____________________ Jeremiah, looking for a job in a security company or any general work. Contact 072 551 1575. (66) _____________________ Mardelein Davis, het ondervinding in admin, lone, kinders oppas. Kontak 079 443 5184. (67) _____________________ Annatjie, soek data capuring, admin of kroegwerk dringend! Bereid om nuwe dinge te leer. Kontak 0726280005, (69) _____________________
(82)_____________________ Magdeline , housekeeping, cleaner or health care contact 079 183 9049 (83)_____________________ Bopape Santy looking for cashier job, cleaner or housekeeping – Contact 071 283 2842 (84)_____________________ Tiaan Wolfaardt (37) is fit and healthy and looking for any job. Contact 071 257 4234 (88)_____________________ Johann Hendriks (20) is hard working and prepared to do any job. Contact 072 127 5750 (89)_____________________ Emily Modipa I am looking for a job, I have Security (Grade C). Contact 078 475 0484 (90)_____________________ I am looking for a job as a petrol attendant, I have 2 years experience. (Ref Mr. Driess 015 307 4238) contact 083 724 2526 (91)_____________________
Groente Produksie Bestuurder, Saad Rep, Gif Rep, Afkaza Sertifikaat, verkieslik Tzaneen area. Kontak 082 507 4446. (70) _____________________
Matome Mahwela I am looking for job as a deliver I have 2 years experience contact 083 724 2526 (92)_____________________
Mokgadi Sarah Madia, any general job, I have grade 12, I am computer literate, I have a drivers licence code 10 and I can speak English. Contact 079 599 2377. (71) _____________________
Modika Maite Regina I am looking for a job as office cleaner/ merchandiser or cashier, have matric, sr. sertif. Previous experience, volunteer educator (Ref: Supervisor Mokwaripa S.B 078 385 237). Contact me 076 012 1957 (93)_____________________
Meriam Phiri, cleaner, security guard or shop assistant. I speak English. Contact 078 332 3221. (72) _____________________ Selina Mahlo, cleaner (1 year experience), care worker, laundry. I speak English. Contact 083 480 4998. (73) _____________________ Wilma Raphetana, care worker, cleaner, laundry and (BP), typist. I speak English. Contact 074 334 5137. (74) _____________________ Ntabeleng Sekgobela, care worker or office cleaner. Speak English. Contact 073 672 8287 or 082 041 2421, (75) _____________________ Dora Monyela, general worker. Contact 073 381 2855. (76) Joshpina Mushwana, general worker, I speak English. Contact 079 015 5872. (77) _____________________ Marcia on 079 267 9963 is waiting for your call to offer me employment. I have obtained a diploma in food and beverage, as well as a certificate in computers. I have one year’s experience as chef, a year’s experience as cashier in a well-known take-away food chain and two years’ admin experience. Call me today. I am willing, trustworthy, knowledgeable and young and able to a full day’s work. (78) _____________________ John Malatji Gardening , speak Afrikaans and English Contact 082 0756 175 (79) _____________________ Makgoma Matjila experience sales, Hiv awareness, cleaner and cook, speak English and Afrikaans contact 078 8328463/071 7552 594 (80 _____________________ Motsatsi Malatji General work 2 years experience I speak English and Afrikaans contact 073 247 1537 (81)_____________________ Thomas Ngobeni is looking for general gardening and painting work contact on 074 330 1772
My name is Rachel Malaltji I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, sleep out, I can speak English, I have experience (Ref Bulletin newspaper 015 3077248) my contact 071 078 4866 (94) _____________________ Administration clerk/receptionist/personal asst./ stock taking looking for any of these kind of jobs (ref Thobejane Bongani 078 144 5666/Walter Momela 015 516 6248/Vusi Mthenjan 013 235 1695) contact me at 079 152 3010 (95) _____________________
Farming Man with Diploma in Horticulture seeks employment in farm or nursery. Contact Gilbert on 0785351896. (1) _____________________ Jeffrey, I have Bachelor of Agriculture (Crop Production) with some experience. I am looking for the job in the field of Agriculture. Contact me at 0765518740. (2) _____________________ Lorraine, looking for professionals job as long as it is agricultural related e.g Agricultural Technicians, Manager, Crop production etc.Contact 082 7500 196. (4) _____________________ Volwasse man, sober, jare boerdery ondervinding in all vasette – uitvoer vrugte – meganies en ook goeie bemarking en verkope – arbeidwetgewing. Andre 082 484 4477. (5) _____________________ Getroude volwasse man met nasionale diploma in landbou soek betrekking op bees / wildsplaas of vrugteplaas as bestuurder. Jare ondervinding en is ook ‘n professionele jagter. Eerlik en harwerkend met goeie verwysing en kan dadelik diens aanvaar. Bereid om te verhuis indien nodig. Kontak 083 226 7178. (6) _____________________
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Merensky se krieketsterre vir Limpopo-spanne gekies LINKS: Drie meisies van die Hoërskool Merensky is vir die Limpopo o.16Akrieketspan gekies. Hulle is Cathleen Horne, Kelsey-Anne Mostert en Jeandri van Wyk. MIDDEL: Nege seuns van Merensky se eerste span is ook vir Limpopo gekies. Vier van hulle, Arnu Vorster Tian Koekemoer Aubrey Louw en Thomas Ngwenya, is vir die o.19-span gekies. ONDER: Vyf spelers van die eerste span, Tlangi Mushwana, Steven Herbst, Kulani Baloyi, Rynard de Lange en Asad Patel is vir die o.17-span gekies.
BO: Eddie Roulston, Nyiko Shikwambana en Rassie Pretorius is vir Limpopo se o.15-span gekies.
19 Oktober 2012
Caro-Lee Kotze van Merensky het onlangs Springbokkleure in ringbal verwerf.
19 Oktober 2012
Moller is nuwe SA kampioen Tzaneen het die naweek nog ’n nasionale kampioen ryker geword! Jaco Moller, die kranige veldfietsrenjaer van die Hoërskool Merensky, het die naweek die titel in die SA Junior Veldrenkampioenskap se senior kategorie vir vierwielmotorfietse ingepalm. Hy het aan die laaste ronde, die Mvoti Barkbuster-wedren naby Greytown in KwaZulu-Natal deelgeneem. Moller, wat Extreme ATV Tzaneen op ’n Suzuki verteenwoordig, het sy vyfde sege in vanjaar se sewe byeenkomste aangeteken. Maar hy was nie die enigste Tzaneener wat in die reeks uitgeblink het nie. Om die waarheid te sê, ook nie die enigste Moller nie. Sy suster, Wilmarie, op ’n Extreme ATV Tzaneen Yamaha, het Saterdag die stryd in die juniorklas vir gemodifiseerde vierwielers gewen, alhoewel sy geval en haar ribbes beseer het. Sy kon egter nie die kampioenskapstitel inpalm nie Jean Aucamp jean@bulletin.us.co Jaco Moller in aksie tydens Saterdag se laaste wedren van die seisoen.
Moller se suster, Wilmarie, het Saterdag ook haar klas gewen.
Ben Vorster vereer hul krieketsterre Unicorn’s big golf day is on tomorrow Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die week hulde aan die uitblinkers in vier van hul sportsoorte gebring. Die krieketspelers het Maandagaand ’n dinee gehou waarna ouers genooi is om die suksesse van die seisoen saam te vier. Die Titanspeler, Shaun von Berg, was die gasspreker en het ’n boodskap van aansporing aan die seuns gebring. Verskeie spelers het erkenning vir prestasies wat deur die loop van die seisoen behaal is, ontvang. LINKS: Rikus Visser is as die beste veldwerker in die eerste span aangewys, Girvacques de Jager as die veelsydigste speler, Hennie Botes as die beste kolwer en Eben Roos het die beste prestasie van die jaar, naamlik ses paaltjies vir tien lopies teen Capricorn, behaal. LINKS ONDER: Roedolf Botes is as die beste kolwer in die o.15A-span aangewys, Michael Jansen van Rensburg het die beste prestasie van die jaar, naamlik 204 lopies nie uit nie teen Seshego, behaal, Philip Bester is as die veelsydigste speler aangewys, Jean-Pierre Prinsloo as die beste veldwerker en Deon van Zyl is as die beste bouler aangewys. ONDER: Brendon Engelbrecht is as die veelsydigste speler en die beste kolwer van die tweede span aangewys en Henk Blignuat as die beste kolwer van die o.15B-span.
Unicorn Preparatory School invites you to promote your business at one of the Lowveld’s most popular annual golf days at the Tzaneen Country Club tomorrow. Unicorn’s golf day regularly attracts around 140 players from local companies. It is an individual Stableford competition. Despite the field of 140 players, the event is characterised by friendly Lowveld hospitality from the hosts and a festive, family atmosphere. Sponsor a hole, including tee-box and green, from R1 000. Sponsor the clubhouse for R5 000. Enter a golf team for R1 600. Sponsor prizes or give donations. Any other sponsorship of your choice is also welcome. Whichever option you choose, you have the opportunity to gain exposure for your company and make business contacts in a warm, relaxed setting. You are welcome to display banners, branded items, brochures and any other items needed to promote your business. If you are interested in participating, please send an email, including the relevant contact details, to lml.lombard@gmail.com, or contact your designated Unicorn Golf Committee member, or call Machél Lombard on 082 355 1517. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information. To find out more about the golf course, visit their website at www.tzaneencountryclub. co.za. Visit the school’s website at www.unicornschool.co.za.