13 September 2013
015 307 7248
Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Fear lessl y the tr uth
GTM’s sinking ship Last week we reported exclusively on a number of critical problems facing the GTM. Today we can pull the curtain back a bit more, to reveal more staggering shortfalls in the GTM’s seemingly hopeless financial situation. The GTM needs about R36 million just to get the cash flow back to non-critical levels; Eskom was owed R38 million by the end of last month and the GTM only managed to pay the power supplier a measly R16 million; The GTM is still shy of R14 million payable to contractors; Equally the GTM is in arrears to creditors,
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality is on the verge of collapsing into a bankrupt local government, and a miracle is needed to get the GTM back on track — unless the central government comes to the rescue the tune of about R9 million; Pay as you Earn (PAYE) tax that was deducted from staff for August, has not been paid over to SARS by the deadline, clearly due to a lack of sufficient cash flow. Another looming crisis is the neglect to stock up on transformers or to make provision for the coming summer — most notably transformers being struck by lightning.
100 000
Transformers are not available off the shelf and require special orders that could take up to three weeks to be delivered. According to our sources, there is not a single transformer in stock in the GTM’s magazine, since the money to buy transformers have dried up. Residents could be in for serious interruptions in the power supply. In the mean time in-fighting amongst
councillors of the majority party (ANC) seems to cause delays in urgent decision making. A group in the council wants the mayor to be recalled. There is also talk of the ANC’s whip to be replaced, since he is accused of having had an interest in a company that was allocated the tender for the upgrading of Claude Wheatley Street. The tender was rescinded after a Supreme Court interdict had been obtained by another contractor who lost out after the initial, unlawful awarding of the tender by the GTM. — Francois Aucamp
College Letaba FledEgeTis life Know
ten years Volgende
Daar is net geen einde aan die Mediclinic Tzaneen se groei en vooruitgang nie. Nog voor die Mediclinic Tzaneen hul tiende verjaarsdag kon vier, het die honderd duisendste (!) pasiënt vir mediese sorg kom aanmeld. Me Annette McLardy van Hoedspruit staan hier by (links) me Marlize Delport (die hospitaal se netwerkbemarkingsbestuurder) en dr Gert van der Merwe (algemene sjirurg). ‘n Maklike sommetjie beteken dus dat die hospitaal in hul eerste dekade gemiddeld tien duisend pasiënte per jaar toegelaat het. Dié syfer lyk egter deesdae baie anders, omdat die hospitaal se opnames in die eerste jaar of drie heelwat minder was. Daar was toe nie die verskeidenheid spesialiste nie en die geriewe was ook baie meer beperk. Die Mediclinic-hoofkantoor ag Tzaneen as een van die grootste suksesverhale van die groep se kleiner hospitale.
week: FET vier 10 jaar!
Dawie is al beter
— bl 10
Happy Eden faces — see page 4
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13 September 2013 Bulletin
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Uitgewer / Publisher & Redakteur / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Retha Nel 072 578 8742 retha@bulletin.us.com Tshegofatso Ngobeni 076 267 1213 tshego@bulletin.us.com Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best. / Man.) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com Antonet Henn 082 866 0219 antonet@bulletin.us.com Humana Mboweni
082 905 1680 humana@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design David Morrison (hoof) 078 709 7032 david@bulletin.us.com Yvonne Ndlovu 078 987 1411 yvonne@bulletin.us.com Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Winfred Baloyi 082 082 0837 winfred@bulletin.us.com IT Dirk Stoltz 082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com Webwerf/Website Annemieke Maritz 079 275 7347 annemieke@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (hoof) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Vlieg se digitalesatellietbeeldradiodekodeerder het dikwels, tot die misnoeë van sy ander huisbewoners, die gewoonte om vas te haak by die kanale hier in die vroeë tweehonderds. Behalwe op ‘n Dinsdagaand. Dan kyk Vlieg gou deur al die ander kanale net om seker te maak hy kry nie dalk weer vir Pamela Ewing te sien nie. Dinsdagaande se Dallas is darem op stuk van sake een van Vlieg se beste herinnerings aan sy maaierdae. So kom Vlieg toe af op ‘n nuwe storie wat Dinsdae wys op die towerkanaal met ‘n baie fassinerende storielyn. Blykbaar fiktief, met die naam “Under the Dome”. Dit handel oor ‘n kleinerige dorpie in die VSA-platteland waaroor daar op ‘n dag ‘n ondeurdringbare koepel verskyn, wat die dorp totaal en al afsluit van die buitewêreld. Sommige dorpenaars word buite die koepel afgesluit van hul families daarbinne.
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: adsales@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: agriads@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: agrinews@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: letters@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: editor@bulletin.us.com Events: events@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: smalls@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: news@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: design@bulletin.us.com Sport: sport@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Tydens die gebeurtenis is daar ook ‘n paar misterieuse besoekers van buite wat in die dorp vasgevang word. Dan volg die intriges van die dorpenaars se reaksie daarop om so afgesluit te wees, met beperkte voorrade kos, water, me-
disyne, ensovoorts. En natuurlik, die onderlinge struwelinge wat ontstaan. Muitery, diefstal, moord, verkragting, ontvoering, beskuldigings. Pa’s verjaag hul seuns, seuns skiet hul pa’s. Vreemdelinge slaap by getroudes, mans verneuk vrouens. Minderjariges gaan aan die drink. Die wat het, wil nie deel nie. Die wat nie het nie, steel en moor om te kry. Ou vriendskappe word vyandskappe en ou vyande vind mekaar. Bendelede baklei onder mekaar en elkeen wat kan, probeer baas speel. Dit laat kry Vlieg toe skielik weer ‘n akute aanval van sy chroniese siniesitis, en hy kan nie help om te wonder of dit regtig fiksie is nie. Lyk vir hom of iemand uitgepraat het, want dit klink maar net soos onse ou dorpie. Ons het nou weliswaar nie ‘n koepel oor nie, maar as daar een sou wees, was dit sweerlik ‘n piepot!
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Sê jou sê • Wat dink jy van die erge vermorsing van belastingbetalers se geld deur die GTM? • What do you think about the serious waste of tax payers’ money by the GTM?
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
Onder die Pot
regering! baie “blouligte chiefs” wat die belastingbetaler TshegoN’wa-CashIts a wait and see situation, geld uit die sak jaag. Dus, stuur die regering af op brankrotskap. lets see what happens next Dries Vermeulen Nee. glad nie Retha Nel Dis nogal hartseer, want daar is soveel wat hulle kan doen met daardie geld om ekstra inkomste te kry - soos om die munisipale ‘n Leser vra: swembad reg te maak!!
• Dink jy stadsraadslede van al die verskillende partye doen genoeg om plaaslike bestuur op ‘n hoër standaard te kry en is daar voldoende terugvoer aan kiesers om die proses deursigtig te noem? Do you think that council members of all the different parties are doing enough to get local management on a higher standard and do they give enough feedback to voters for the process to be called transparent?
Amanda Strydom Such a shame that GTM has no “future” vision for the youth. The youth will follow in their footsteps! Set the example and other will always lead or follow whether it is right or wrong! Shame,shame, shame on the GTM! Horrific! I feel grumpy really grumpy! Monday was ok till I read this! Nadine Henning Vermeulen No comment! Pat Patterson Pathetic! and I see no light at Johan du Toit Nee, elke politieke party se the end of the tunnel. raadslede blyk eerder vir eie gewin en ego Frederick PohlLaat jou stem tel by die (status beheptheid) as om vir die publiek om te volgende verkiesing, die enigste manier gee. Daar is te veel provinsies (raadslede) met om die vermorsing te stop is ‘n verandering in Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke, gesels saam en wees ook so betrokke by ons gemeenskap. Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.
Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.
Koot Nel posted toLaeveld Bulletin 6 September near Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Hi , loer ek nou so deur die fotos van julle voorblaaie........... Is die koerant anti - Merensky , want ek sien slegs Ben Vorster kennisgewings op die voorblaaie....Vra maar net aangesien ek hin oud Plasie is Like Laeveld Bulletin Née, ons is nie pro dit of anti dat nie. Ons gee net die nuus. As Merensky drie spanne in die Beeld-eindstryd gehad het en ook drie bekers verower het, sou ons dit presies so aangebied het. 9 September at 10:50 via mobile · Like · 3
The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.
Die mense hoor Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951 10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Hier’s nou ‘n yslike Mac-stake. Die man van die groot MacPaleis het sy Mac-vliegmasjien glo verloor toe ‘n bank kom kuier het en daarmee weg is. Dit is glo nie die enigste probleem nie, want hy’t gehoop die bank sal sy overdraft ook sommer op fixed deposit sit, sodat hy ontslae kan wees van die lastige overdraft. Glo so om en by R400 miljoen, die oortrokke ou rekeninkie. Nou weet mens nie wie skinder vanweë afguns en wie praat die waarheid nie. Dit kan ‘n
man nogal die Mac-hoenders in maak as mense so van jou sake praat… • Dit is nie mooi as ‘n man se meisie vir jou vies raak en jou weeldemotor takel en groot skade veroorsaak nie. Dis mos nou goed wat mens verwag daar in Brits se wêreld sal gebeur; nie hier in ons rustige omgewing met sy vredeliewende mense nie. Oorle oom Theuns sou gesê het: kalmeer, liewe meisie, kalmeer en snuif net minder dan kom als weer reg…
• As ‘n mense se lewenshokkie nie stormbestand is nie, moet jy jou eerder nie met hokkies bemoei nie... • Lyfstraf op skool is uit; vernedering is in. Wonder of die Menseregtekommissie dit goedkeur. Die mense hoor, maar wil nie vra of die nuwe metode nou beter is en die ware oplossing bied nie. En as dit nou nog die kleinspan is wat nie aldag so mooi verstaan nie, is die vraag des te meer dwingend...
Die Bulletin kry raas. Lees die briewe op bl 6
Bulletin 13 September 2013
Bek-en-klou knou die beestelers erg
Verlede week is Loslitdag weer gevier. Die personeellede van die ouditeursfirma Ferreira Venter Laws & Nel in Tzaneen het in kleurryke monderings vir die dag opgedaag — van tradisionele drag tot by narredrag. Hier is die groep toe hulle vroegoggend voor hul kantore betrap is. Vanjaar het mense nie in groot getalle Loslitdag gevier nie.
No Master Plan for water “I do not think there is a valid, well thought master plan to remedy the situation in terms of water preservation, distribution and waste water management.” This is the view of Ms Margot McNeil, DA councillor in the GTM, commenting on the recently published IDP (Integrated Development Plan) of McNeil the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. Although the IDP sets out key performance areas in basic services and infrastructure development, this is constrained, in the words of the IDP, in “the entire municipality especially where boreholes are dysfunctional due to lack of regular maintenance”. McNeil, who has walked through many of the outlying areas of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, said: “Water, which has earned the coveted Blue Drop award in Tzaneen on two occasions, turns muddy and not fit for human consumption as soon as one moves out of the ‘comfort zones’. “Tzaneen has three main dams, Tzaneen, Thabina and Tours. Though we are in midwinter their capacity level is healthy at the moment,” she said. “The towns – Tzaneen, Letsitele, Haenertsburg, parts of Nkowankowa and Lenyenye - do not experience any shortage of this precious liquid.” However, a serious deterioration in water
quality and availability was found in outlying areas, some of which are densely inhabited, she said. McNeil said that well-built reservoirs had not been in use for close to 20 years. Some sewage systems were not adequately supplied with the necessary chemicals, equipment and in most instances the personnel were lacking knowledge and support. The non-management of waste water led to the infiltration of the water table which in turn meant that certain boreholes (either privately- owned or belonging to the municipality) did not provide safe water. Adults and notably children were prone to suffer from various forms of infections or allergic conditions that turn chronic and attributable to water. “Five samples of water were professionally taken and analysed, but the GTM has declined to give details of the bacteriological and trace elements results.” The illegal tapping of water was also causing serious soil erosion and damage to roads, not to mention the enormous amount of water loss. “This is fully understandable; what would I do in such a situation? But water lost as a result of this practice is high, certainly in double digit figures. “Tzaneen’s coat of arms is picturesquely represented by a basket filled with various types of fruit, trees, a mortar and pestle, blue running water -all symbols of abundance. But expertise and imagination are sadly lacking at the moment in terms of water quality. Though new exciting technologies are available, the absence of a proper water reticulation system is a blight in our beautiful area.”
Freedom of expression under attack at the community level Media freedom in South Africa is under increasing pressure to yield this Constitutional right to special interests of those few who wield power. The Freedom of Expression Institute (FEI) is shocked and appalled by the recent flagrant arson attack on Karabo FM, a community radio station in Sasolburg — and so is the Bulletin. This tragic incident is yet another reminder that, almost twenty years into democracy, the right to freedom of expression and specifically media freedom still needs to be protected and advanced. It is reported that armed masked arsonists stormed
into the studios of Karabo FM at around 21:00, ordered out personnel from the station before dousing the studio with petrol and then setting the place alight. Fortunately, there was no loss of life but according to the station manager; the station has been completely destroyed. The director of the Wits Radio Academy, Prof Franz Krüger, said “this is an appalling attack on media freedom, committed with great impunity, and highlights the extent to which media freedom at local level is far from guaranteed”. The FEI adds that such attacks should be treated not just as an attack on media freedom, but an attack on
the foundations of SA’s Constitutional democracy. Freedom of expression is a facilitative right, upon which all other civil and political rights are based, and increasingly, social and economic rights. If this trend towards the narrowing of spaces available for civic engagement continues, the vital component necessary for sustainable democracy in SA would be compromised. • The Bulletin is also experiencing mounting pressure from political groups and governments about our “no fear no favour” style of reporting. We will, however, continue to be uncompromising in presenting the news, faithful to our slogan “fearlessly the truth”. — Editor
Beestelers in Suid-Afrika het van die beste genetika denkbaar en is wêreldwyd in aanvraag, maar nie ‘n enkele sperm mag die land se grense oorsteek nie weens die regering se onvermoë om bek-en-klouseer tot orde te roep. Op dié wyse gaan miljoene rande se inkomste vir beesboere verlore en groot bedrae aan buitelandse valuta bly in die slag. Dit het weer na vore gekom tydens die wêreldkongres van die Internasionale Pinzgauer Beestelersvereniging wat verlede week by die WNNR in Pretoria gehou is. Swak grensbeheer in Limpopo en KwaZuluNatal het uitbrake van die siekte meegebring en die beestelersbedryf opnuut onder druk geplaas. Genetika word nog na lande soos Swaziland, Mosambiek en Botswana uitgevoer, maar dit mag nie daarvandaan na ander lande versprei word nie. Namibië het ‘n algehele verbod op beeste na en van dié land geplaas. Dit tref veral boere wat gewoonlik hoëgehalte teelbulle in Suid-Afrika aankoop. Daar staan juis ‘n klompie bulle in Suid-Afrika wat aan Namibiese boere behoort, maar nie die grens mag oorsteek nie. Hulle het nou vennootskappe met boere aan dié kant van die grens gesluit om die bulle se produktiwiteit aan die gang te hou totdat die verbod eendag opgehef word. Die hoof van ZZ2 se beeste-afdeling en president van die SA Pinzgauer Beestelersgenootskap, mnr Paul Bester van die plaas Grootboom, sê hy kry navrae oor genetika
uit lande soos Oostenryk en Slowakye sedert die wêreldkongres, nadat die ZZ2-stoetery weer toppryse op die Pretoria Skou behaal het. Sy hande is egter afgekap weens die Europese Unie se verbod weens bek-en-klou. “Ons het van die beste teelprogramme in die wêreld. Dit het weer op die wêreldkongres na vore gekom, maar dit is nie beperk tot Pinzgauers nie. Dit sluit alle beesrasse in SA in. Entstof is nie ‘n probleem nie, maar grensbeheer word te swak toegepas en laat besmette diere van buurlande af deursypel.” Bester is nietemin trots op die beeskuddes onder sy beheer. ‘n Jong Pinzgauer-bul, Silence Genetic Rover, het vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar die Fase C groeitoetsklas van die Landbounavorsingsraad in Irene gewen. Op die Pretoria Skou het ZZ2 se Pinzgauers die Interraskompetisie gewen en ook die vadernageslaggroepe van drie, vyf en tien ingepalm. ‘n Pinzgauer-koei, Madame Tzaneen, is as die superkoei in die Interrasklas aangewys. — Louis Roux louis@bulletin.us.com
13 September 2013 Bulletin
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in the country illegally. Two people were arrested for drinking in public, two for assault GBH and one for
Busy time
A total of thirteen people were arrested by Ritavi Police last week, for violating the Liqour Act along with
Bulletin Crime Reporter
Tshegofatso Ngobeni
Little Eden
Illegal cosmetics Giyani police confiscated various banned cosmetic products (soap, lotion etc) being illegally sold on the town’s streets and in some Chinese and Indians shops. According to Ms Thelma Mlambo, the district environmental health officer, the products come in different shapes and sizes and carry different names, but all of it contains a skin-lightening chemical called Hydroquinone, which was banned worldwide in 2006 for its side-effects on human skin (the most dangerous being cancer). When used, the substance is said to enlighten the skin colour by removing the upper layer of the skin. The dangers compelled several European countries and South Africa to ban the use of skin creams or any skin product containing Hydroquinone. “However, with a demand from uninformed consumers rising, the products find its way to the streets. People don’t realise what the product could do to their skin in the long term, until it’s too late,” Mlambo warned. Some of the products are named Movate, Motivate, Top cream and Lemonvate complexion soap. “The challenge facing us is that these products keep on
appearing under different names and labels,” she said.
There seems to be a high disregard for rules on the road as several motorists were arrested for contravention of the Roads Traffic Act in Haenertsburg. As many as 44 offenders were arrested for violations of the Roads Traffic Act and eleven for transgression of the Liqour Act. Three suspects were arrested for possession of dagga, Police found the suspects in possession of three boxes.
Drinking a problem Drinking in public continues to be problem in Bolobedu. Thirteen people were arrested for drinking in public last week, twelve for illegal gambling and three for malicious damage to property. Six people were arrested for assault GBH, two for common assault and one for arson. Four people were arrested for trading without a licence, one for attempted murder and one for possession of dagga. Two people were also arrested for violating a protection order, one for negligent loss of a firearm and one for shoplifting. One person was arrested for armed robbery, one for housebreaking and theft and one for common robbery.
Members of the SAPS with confiscated items
other offenders. Nine people were arrested for assault GBH, one for common assault and four for malicious damage to property. Eight people were arrested for contravention of the Roads Traffic Act, two for rape and one for housebreaking and theft. Six people were arrested for robbery and one person was arrested for possession of dagga.
Nineteen people were arrested in the Modjadjiskloof area for various contraventions of the Roads Traffic Act, while thirteen were arrested the previous week. There was also an increase in the number of people who were arrested for illegal gambling: thirteen compared to only four the week before. Six people were arrested for possession of dagga, meanwhile another three were arrested for residing
Environmental Investigation Masemanzi Mining Holdings (Pty) Ltd lodged a prospecting right application for Iron Ore and Manganese Ore with the Department of Minerals Resources (DMR) in terms of section 16 of the mineral and petroleum resources development Act 2002 (Act 28 of 2002) DMR Reference No: LP30/5/1/1/2/11641 PR, in respect of the Remaining Extent, Portion 5 and 6 of the farm Springfield 337 LQ, the Remaining Extent, Portion 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the farm Hendriksdaal 339 LQ, the Remaining Extent, Portion 1 and Portion of Portion 1 of the farm Avondale 341 LQ, situated within the magisterial district of Lephalale/Waterberg, in Limpopo Province. The above proposed application area where the intended prospecting operation will be conducted is located approximately 100km South Western side from Lephalale/Marapong/Overwacht town and R510 provincial road runs along approximately 100km East from the application area. Interested and Affected Parties (I&AP) are hereby requested to raise their concerns, objections and issues within 30 days of this notice to Mr Sikhumbuzo Nkosi/Mr Oupa Maphoso on the following: POSTAL ADDRESS: Post-net Suit 369, Private Bag X7294, Witbank, 1035 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Smokey Mountain Office Park Unit 116B, Route N4 Business Park, Ben Fleur X11, Witbank, 1035 Or contact 072 722 5223/076 675 5640 or Tel/Fax: 013 656 0601 or the following e-mail: oupa@ndlelenhle.co.za or sikhumbuzo@ ndlelenhle.co.za and/or Regional Manager, DMR, Private Bag X9467, Polokwane, 0700. Tel: 015 287 4700, Fax: 015 287 4729.
A history of excellent care Little Eden Nursery School in Tzaneen is an established school with dedicated and qualified teachers. The school was started in August 1987 as a joint venture between the Methodist Church and the parents of those days. It started with only fourty children, two teachers and a principal. It has now grown to 110 children, seven teachers (principal included) and two class assistants. Little Eden’s objective is to care for pre-school children of all races and denominations in a Christian environment and to run the school on a sound educational basis. They aim to create an awareness of a loving and caring God, build relationships marked by warmth, empathy and love as well as to encourage the development of each child physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually to their full potential. The school caters for children between the ages of two and six years and prepares children for primary school with an excellent Gr R-programme. Children are also taught computer skills from an early age with computer lessons forming part of the curriculum for children aged four to six. Their love of music is also cultivated with music lessons once a week. Aftercare facilities are available to accommodate children whose parents work fulltime. Dedicated
and qualified teachers and small classes with a maximum of twenty children, ensure that children get ample personal attention. Learning is not limited to the classroom. There are various outings to enrich learning and extramural activities, like ballet, Monkeynastix and swimming, during school hours.
Bulletin 13 September 2013
6 13 September 2013
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Ons Mening
The Message
Vrydag 13 September 2013
Rev Ron Reiners (Anglican Church)
Skande op skande Ons het die afgelope week ‘n goeie skrobbering van ‘n politieke party gekry, omdat ons... wel, dit is eintlik nie so duidelik waaroor ons voor stok gekry is nie. Al wat vir ons glashelder is, is dat die teregwysing volg op ons onthullende beriggewing oor die kritieke toedrag van sake, veral die geldsake, van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit (waarop ons vandag uitbrei). Ons kry wel die gevoel dat ons nie moes gedurf waag het om die betrokke groep te kritiseer oor gebrekkige daadwerklike optrede nie. In plaas van om oorgevoelig te reageer en die skuldenaar(s) nou op allerhande ander plekke te soek, kan ons en die kiesers eerder ingelig word oor hoe die betrokke groep hul teenstemme laat aanteken het in sake, en wat hulle gedoen het toe ongerymdhede, bedrog, nepotisme, diefstal en begunstiging ontbloot is. Byvoorbeeld: Hoeveel sake is by die SA Polisiediens vir ondersoek aangemeld? Die regsbeginsel is tog duidelik dat die deler ewe skuldig is as die steler. Ons hoop die skrywer en haar groep se optredes kan aan dié beginsel getoets word.
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Lies-lies-lies, why do we keep telling them? It has become the norm today to tell lies or to “bend the truth.” Many parents tell their children lies, often using the excuse, that they are “protecting” their children. As I see it, it is because we are often afraid of the consequences and therefore tell a lie.
Bulletin supports any lawful action to end violence against our women and children
Now we can use all the famous sayings: “It was only a white lie”; “I only bent the truth a little” “I said it to save the others feelings”. A lie is a lie no matter how we try to disguise it. Our “YES” should be “YES” and our “NO” should be “NO”. We are always making excuses for something we are not really willing to do, yet to save face we avoid the situation by concocting some or other lie. “I could not be on time because the traffic held me up” Had I left a little earlier this might not have happened, but others tend to accept these feeble excuses. How about being honest for a difference? Tell the person the real cause of your tardiness. At first they might be upset, but I think they will be pleased that you told the truth. If you are like me then you will agree that we dislike, intently, the fact that someone is dishonest and more especially if it affects me. Yet often I fall into the same category as those who tell lies. So why do I continue to do what I know is wrong? It is easy to blame our human nature for our failings, but have we ever asked God to help us in this? He promised that the Holy Spirit would guide us, all we need is to ask for help. I would like to encourage us all to try for just one day to tell the truth all the time. Just as those who are struggling with substance abuse know that if they make it through one day it becomes easier. I believe the world would be a better place if we all told the truth- ALWAYS. Remember Jesus never told any lies. “He is the truth” Blessings
Sagte aanslag DA Rdl Rene Pohl, Royal Tzangeni 11, Tzaneen, skryf: Ek verwys na u skrywe op 6 September, “Skande op skande”. Dankie vir u opinie wat die opposisie betref, maar dit bly slegs u opinie. Sommige van die voorbladbeweringe wat aan u koerant uitgelek is, was op ‘n Spesiale Raadsvergadering in ‘n aparte dokument wat as “Confidential” gemerk is, bespreek. Die rede is omdat die Raad besluite moes neem oor sekere ondersoeke deur die Munisipale Publieke Rekeninge Komitee. Die DA het dit duidelik gestel, en ook daarop aangedring dat alle amptenare wat skuldig bevind word, dissiplinêr verhoor moet word en alle skuldiges krimineel vervolg moet word soos die Munisipale Finansiële Bestuurswet vereis, asook dat alle gelde deur die betrokkenes aan die munisipaliteit terugbetaal moet word.
Nadat die vorige munisipale bestuurder nie weer aansoek gedoen het vir haar pos nie, is mnr Mankabidi as waarnemende munisipale bestuurder aangestel. Hy het destyds reeds op sommige ongerymdhede, beleid wat nie in plek was nie ens. afgekom, en die DA het ook sommige areas aan hom uitgewys. Sy onmiddellike reaksie was om die Ouditeur Generaal in te lig van sy bevindinge en het om hulp gevra. Daarna is ‘n vergadering aangevra waar die Ouditeur Generaal die Raad oor die finansiele stand van die munisipaliteit ingelig het, en die waarnemende mun. bestuurder ‘n jaar kans gegee is om die situasie om te keer. Teen hierdie agtergrond sal u nou besef waarom die vorige direkteure wie se kontrakte verval het, nie weer aangestel is nie! Die Ouditeur Generaal het dit ook gemeld dat mnr. Mankabidi finansiele agtergrond het en die aangewese persoon is om die situasie om te keer.( Hy is as finansiele direkteur aangestel nadat die vorige munisipaliteit waar hy werksaam was se finansiele bestuurder, die burgermeester asook die munisipale bestuurder die trekpas gegee is, na ‘n ondersoek deur die Ouditeur Generaal se Kriminele Eenheid. Ek het destyds baie nou met twee persone van die Kriminele Eenheid saamgewerk, omdat ek bewyse en inligting aan hulle verskaf het.) Daarna het die Ouditeur Generaal se jaarverslag die vermoedens bevestig, die Munisipale Publieke Rekeninge Komitee en Oudit Komitee moet hul werk afhandel en aanbevelings aan die Raad maak, waarna die Raad dan ‘n besluit neem.Dan eers kan amptenare vir ‘n disiplinêre verhoor geroep word, of verder vervolg word! U herhaaldelike skrywe oor die onbeholpenheid van die opposisie sal ons nie moedeloos maak nie, maar net meer gedetermineerd. Arrogansie is en was nog nooit ‘n opsie nie, respek, maar ferm optrede wel. Die DA is nie die regerende party nie, en uit die 68 raadslede is daar slegs 5 DA raadslede wat na 34 Wyke moet omsien! Die DA vorm deel van die Raad en werk dus binne ‘n raamwerk met ‘n gedragskode. Wat strategiese denke betref, is ek deur die Kriminele Eenheid van die Ouditeur Generaal tydens hul ondersoek by die munisipaliteit waar ek destyds as raadslid gedien het, goed touwys gemaak! Net om u nuuskierigheid verder te prikkel, die Valke is tans besig met 2 ondersoeke in die munisipaliteit, maar die huidige regsverteenwoordiger is slegs bewus van een ondersoek! En dan laat ek u met die volgende: “A softer ap-
Letters • Briewe
verwysingsraamwerk het, en selektief aanhaal. In hierdie veband haal ek Darwin aan: ‘Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge’.
Dankie proach, especially when you are confident of a case, brings about Results far more than aggression.”
• U reaksie kan mens laat dink die waarheid maak seer; of die skoen pas so effe. Nietemin: 1. Daar wag ‘n skok op u as u dink die mening wat ons huldig is slegs ons mening. 2. U lees baie selektief. Wat van die (herhaalde) kere wat die opposisie in die raad gekomplimenteer is? En wat van al die skrywes wat u aanbied en wat ons gereeld gratis plaas, terwyl die party eintlik vir die ruimte behoort te betaal? En vanwaar u tevredenheid met ons beriggewing oor swak munisipale bestuur en probleme in die dorp, die mees onlangse op 16 Augustus om 10:27 per e-pos deur u aan ons versend? 3. Raak u nou ook oorgevoelig en ongeduldig vir kritiek? 4. U werp ‘n skadu oor die direkteure wat nie weer aangestel is nie en u dansmaat se naam is laster. Kan u dit beter staaf as die vaagheid waarmee u hierbo iets probeer sê? 5. As wat ons skryf u meer vasbeslote maak (ons het gehoop u is ten volle vasbeslote), dan is ons tevrede dat ons iets bereik. 6. Wat die “soft approach” betref: as u dink daar is nog tyd in ons land vir die “soft approach”, is dit u goeie reg. Ons dink die dae van voetjie-voetjie-speel in ons ellendige toestand is, minstens vireers, verby. In ons koerant se etos het ons in elk geval nie plek vir voetjievoetjie speel nie. Ons selfopgelegde taak is om nuus deur te gee en as waghond vir die gemeenskap te dien. Of verwag u dalk dat ons eksklusief met u party ‘n “soft approach” moet beoefen? 7. U en u party se optrede in die raad laat mens wonder oor hoe ernstig u oor deursigtigheid en volledige kommunikasie na die kiesers is. 8. U party se rekord met ons is in ‘n hele paar opsigte bra swak. Vra gerus vir u provinsiale leier oor sy baanrekord by ons wat afsprake betref — en van u senior ampsdraers hier plaaslik kan ook gevra word. 9. As u dink ons is nie bewus van die spanning en gure atmosfeer in u party se sake hier plaaslik nie en as u dink ons is nie bewus van die karaktermoord en verdagmakery van lede tussen mekaar nie, dink weer. Dalk moet ons iets hieroor sê (seker met ‘n “soft approach”?). 10. Ons bevredig nie ons nuuskierigheid deur beriggewing nie — lees weer para 6 hierbo. Ons het in elk geval al weke gelede oor die Valke se ondersoek berig (of het u weer selektief gelees?). 11. In plaas van fyngevoelig te wees, kan u gerus eerder vir ons en die kiesers volledig verslag doen van u groep/party se suksesse ten opsigte van munisipalesake in die afgelope jaar of drie (en sommer van die “ferm optredes” ook!). — Redakteur
Selektief Kobus van Tzaneen skryf per e-pos: Die brief van Etienne Botha verwys in ‘n vorige uitgawe van die Bulletin verwys. Etienne moet versigtig wees as hy alles wil glo wat in die Bybel staan. Sy siening dui duidlik daarop dat hy, soos meeste gelowiges, die Bybel en die Huisgenoot as enigste
Anoniem van Tzaneen skryf: Staking van petroljoggies: Ek wil graag namens die gemeenskap baie dankie sê aan petrolstasies wat sover baie behulpsaam was gedurende die staking van petroljoggies. Dit word baie waardeer.
Registreer tog Anza v Vuuren, DA-raadslid Wyk 14, by 082 808 3204, skryf: Die regerende party is gedetermineerd om 66.6% in die 2014-verkiesing te behaal want dan kan hulle die grondwet na hartelus wysig. Ons kan net kyk wat noord van ons grens gebeur om ‘n voorsmakie van sodanige wysiging te kry. Die belangrikste saak waaraan ons moet aandag gee, is om seker te maak dat almal met wie ons in aanraking kom, as kiesers geregistreer is: Daar moet ‘n wit plakker in ‘n persoon se ID-boekie op p2 wees. Dis NIE die plakker heelvoor in die boekie NIE. Die plakker het die persoon se ID nr, ‘n strepieskode, en daaronder die nommer van sy/haar stemdistrik. Dis baie belangrik want dit bepaal waar die persoon mag stem. Ons nommer is 7611017800, d.w.s. by Jetty 3. Baie mense is verkeerd geregistreer omdat hulle verhuis het, sommige grense is verander, nuwe stempunte is bygevoeg, ens. Dan is daar ook talle persone (veral jongmense) wat nog nie voorheen geregistreer het nie. Elke persoon met ‘n ID-boekie mag registreer, ongeag sy/haar ouderdom. Om te registreer, gaan die persoon met sy ID-boekie na die IEC se kantoor op die grondvloer, in die regtervleuel van die munisipale gebou. Dit neem minder as twee minute om te registreer/herregistreer. Ek kan ook met die IEC reel om julle te besoek indien daar minstens so 20 persone teenwoordig sal wees. Dit geld byvoorbeeld vir werksplekke of enige samekoms. Die plaaslike IEC kan slegs mense binne die GTM-area registreer, moedig ander mense aan om dit in hul dorpe te laat doen. Suid-Afrikaners in die buiteland sal ook mag stem. Die parlement sal eersdaags die betrokke prosedure bekendmaak en dan moet ons asseblief ook al daardie familie en vriende motiveer om te gaan registreer en stem. Onthou dat elke persoon wat buite stemming bly, in die guns van die meerderheidsparty tel. Gestel daar is 10 kiesers: 3 stem DA, 5 stem ABC en 2 stem nie. Dan het ABC 5 uit 8 (62,5% en nie net 50% nie). Navrae: Anza v Vuuren by 082 808 3204.
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Bulletin 13 September 2013
‘Die see doen vir my niks, Tzaneen is soos ‘n vakansie’ Alles het begin by Ludi Bothma (26) se destydse buurman. Die buurman se versoek: “Jy kan mos alles doen, jongman. Wil jy nie gou na my hek kyk nie?” Linkerbrein Ludi het dadelik ingespring en geloer na die hek se draadwerk. Helaas is dit toe ook ‘n raaisel vir die ‘alleswetende’ Ludi. Hy besluit toe hy gaan vir sy buurman net goeie nuus gee en begin om na te vors wat die probleem kan wees. So het ‘n klein gunsie hom in die stoel geplaas van die eienaar van die Vision Group. Vision Group bestaan uit Vision Assessed wat hekmotors, interkomstelsels, inklokstelsels en toegangsbeheer installeer en onderhou, asook Vision Works wat DSTV asook elektriese omheinings installeer. Ludi het drie jaar lank sy eie besigheid bedryf. Daarna het hy twee jaar lank vir Vision Online gewerk en vir die afgelope jaar is hy aan die stuur van sake by Vision Assessed. Ironies genoeg het hy dáái moeilike hek se skakel by Vision Online gekoop. Sy daaglikse verantwoordelikhede is nimmereindigend. As Ludi sy voet in die kantoor sit, begin sy daaglikse pligte. Van administrasie na probleme van die vorige dag, gou ‘n geselsie met die tegnici (sodat almal op dieselfde bladsy oor die dag se werk is), so tussendeur ‘n kliënt of drie wat inloer en
The new
dan sy uiteindelike taak, die bestuur van sake. Wat hy die meeste geniet van sy werk is om met mense te gesels en sy kennis te verbreed. Hy vertel dat hy glad nie daarvan hou om te sit en kyk hoe dinge gedoen word nie — en as hy homself kry dan glip hy gou uit die kantoor om nie net te bestuur nie, maar ook iets te doen. Hy erken dat maandeinde vir hom beslis ‘n laagtepunt is, met al die administratiewe werk om te doen. Vir Ludi is dit van kardinale belang om te alle tye te weet wat in die besigheid aangaan, en om met ‘n ferm hand sake te bestuur, van die verkoopsvloer tot buite by die kliënt. Uitdagings wat gereeld opduik, is die koms van nuwe produkte en tegnologie en om die hele span daaraan bekend te stel, op koers en op standaard te kry. “Om in die mark te kom en te bly” was vir Ludi die grootste struikelblok. Dit is ‘n baie ywerige mark, meen hy, wat sterk mededingend is. Maar “dit hou jou op jou tone.” Ludi trap direk in sy pa se voetspore. Die tegniese voetspore is al van kleutertyd vir hom uitgestip. Alles wat ‘n seuntjie wil weet, het pa Hennie aan sy seun oorgedra. Van waar hy agter sy pa aan is met ‘n hamer en spyker om ook te kap, te hengel, te skiet en
belangriker (wat ook vandag die brood op die tafel sit) om self iets reg te maak sonder ‘n diagram. Soos Ludi sê: “Ek sal eerder my hande gebruik as om na ‘n diagram te kyk.” Ludi sê sy pa is ook sy rolmodel. Ludi is in Ermelo gebore, “die koudste plek in die wêreld”, en het na Tzaneen verhuis as klein seuntjie. Hy woon al 24 jaar hier, sestien daarvan op ‘n plaas. “Ek is gek na Tzaneen, hier sal ek doodgaan.” Hy sê hulle woon die afgelope drie maande in die dorp (op vroulief se aandrang) en dat dit vir hom ‘n groot aanpassing was. Ludi het aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gematrikuleer. Hy is getroud met Kerusha. Hulle het deur ‘n vriend ontmoet, hier in die dorp. Hulle is reeds ses jaar lank getroud en het twee kinders: “my blue eye boy van vyf en my rustige dogtertjie van nege maande.” Hy het op ‘n jong ouderdom trouklokkies gehoor en beskou dit as iets wat in sy guns tel. “Ek is baie gelukkig, want nou kan ek en vriend en ‘n pa vir my kinders wees.” Met ‘n hardwerkende sesdag-week is sy vryetyd maar yl gesaai. As hy Saterdag klaar is met die werk geniet hy om rugby te kyk, te braai en tyd saam met sy gesin en familie te bestee. Hy verwys na die Bothmas as ‘n hegte familie. Alhoewel hy die familie see toe vat, is dit nie sy ideale vakansieplek
nie. “Tzaneen is soos ‘n vakansie en ek hou van slaap in my éie bed.” Ludi beskryf homself as ‘n eerlike en opregte mens wat jou altyd met ‘n glimlag tegemoet kom. ‘n Ekstrovert, spontaan in sy aksies en ‘n mense mens. Sy resep vir sukses lê veilig weggebêre by sy vrou en ouers — sy steunpilare. Hy sê hy is sy kinders se motivering. Hy streef daarna om vir hulle beter te gee as wat hy gehad het en sê met trots, “en die standaard is hoog.” Ludi droom groot en wil graag oor ‘n hele paar jaar deeglik rus, terugkyk en sien hoe sy seun weer in sy tegniese voetspore volg. “Ek wens hy loop in my voetspore, maar hy moet doen waarvoor hy lus is.” Sy advies aan ander jong entrepreneurs is: “Moenie opgee nie— hou aan! As iets jou nie gelukkig maak nie, moet dit nie doen nie.” Wie sou kon raai dat ‘n klein gunsie vir ‘n buurman die deur sou oopmaak vir ‘n baie suksesvolle beroep… . In ons eksklusiewe reeks oor jong entrepreneurs/presteerders gesels die Bulletin se Annemieke Maritz vandag met Ludi Bothma. Wil u iemand (jonger as 35) benoem met wie ons kan gesels oor sy/haar prestasies? Skryf dan aan annemieke@bulletin.us.com
COMING IN OCTOBER 2013! Built to impress. With turbo engines that live up to the Opel tradition.
SIMPSON MOTORS Tel: 015 307 5010 • Fax: 086 564 8885 2 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen
Model shown may differ. Errors & Omissions Excepted.
Astra Sedan range: 1.6 Essentia, 1.4 Turbo Essentia, 1.4 Turbo Essentia AT & 1.6 Turbo Cosmo.
13 September 2013 Bulletin
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Winners of raffle
The HOPE Methodist Church in Modjadjiskloof confirm the winners of their “wildebeest” raffle. A fourth prize was added. The church would like to thank all who helped to make this raffle a success and thank you to Jagdrift Butchery Modjadjiskloof for
their offer to cut up the meat for the winners. The winners were: 1st Prize: Adriaan Badenhorst of Modjadjiskloof; 2nd Prize: Sarie Potgieter of Tzaneen; 3rd Prize: Christine Maritz of Tzaneen; 4th Prize: Val Sharp of Modjadjiskloof.
SA needs artisans The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training, Mr Mduduzi Manana (seen above with
Die 2013 Lemoenfees bedank graag hierdie borge: Miami Canners Nouvelle la Cotte NTT Toyota NTK On Tap PPS Panasonic Provento Quality Plant Hire Realty Elk Rooister Boerdery S&J Labels Sprayrite Supa Quick Stangeria Tzaneen Ford en Mazda Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie Tzaneen Tombstone Wisani Yield / Anko Kleiner Borge: Alert Staal Andrè Roelofse B & F Distributors Botha en Roodt Mark Vereeniging Bosveld Sitrus C P Minnaar & Seun CR Visser Vervoer C Landman Dapper Markagent Pretoria
Du Roi Kwekery Falconwood Juices & Spring Water Gubitz Boerdery Great Force Klinkert Butch La Cotte Boerdery Letaba Landgoed Laeveld Agrochem Laeveld Sitrus Letsitele Spar Lufafa Hatchery Mahela Boerdery Nel Sneldienste Noordvaal Markagente Northern Construction Services Northern Personnel Northern Security Novengilla Garage Oceana Plant Hire Osche Klerksdorp Markagente Pietersburg GAS Pro Services Sakpro Smit Garrun Makelaars Steynberg Trok en Trekker Sugarloaf Trappers Trading United Palette Venbeck Wasingtonia Kwekery
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a group of students), says South Africa was in dire need of artisans, as a majority of young people opted for universities, rather than going to FET colleges where most of the practical skills are learned. Speaking on Friday during his visit to Letaba FET college, Manana said SA needed to train 30 000 artisans per year by 2014, whilst the country was currently only producing 14 000 artisans per year. On the right above Ms Martie Botha, the principal, is seen addressing the guests at Friday’s gathering. The Bulletin will report more about Friday’s gathering in a next issue.
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Bulletin 13 September 2013
Bargain Shop: ‘Quality service is our promise’ to clients Bargain Shop, a trusted second hand dealer in Tzaneen, has moved around the corner. Their new shop is not far from the old one, at 29 Plantation Road (next to ADA) in the Old Industrial Area.
Bargain Shop was opened in February 2007 by Marinda and Hennie Labuschagne after leaving the furniture trade. The shop is registered with the Pawn and Second hand dealers association and complies to all legal aspects as required by the SAPS. Bargain Shop buys and sells second hand furniture and household goods, from pots and pans to appliances, garden tools and DIY tools, in good, working condition. If customers need something they don’t have, they will go out of their way to try and find it. Apart from second hand goods, they also stock new furniture like lounge suites, dining room suites, wardrobes, chest of drawers, exclusive wing/high back chairs and the occasional piece of antique furniture. Situated on the same premises is Tzaneen Trailer Hire with over fifty reliable trailers; from piggy back, car carriers, cattle trailers, luggage and all purpose trailers. Their trailers travel throughout SA and across borders in access of three million
km per annum. The last of the trio of business on the premises is Tzaneen Ice. They manufacture ice cubes with purified water and deliver as far as Thohoyandou, Sibasa, Punda Maria, Malamulele, Giyani and, of course, Tzaneen and surrounding areas. They pride themselves on their high quality ice and supply to Shoprite, Oasis, Pick ‘n Pay and Spar outlets in Limpopo. Visit these three businesses under one roof where quality service is their promise.
Hydraulic Services move into their new premises Hydraulic Services has moved to their new premises at 8 Impala Street in the Old Industrial Area, Tzaneen. Hydraulic Services has been operating in Tzaneen for just over nineteen years. When they first started in 1994 their aim was to give the community the best service and prices. In their new shop they can give customers even better service as there is much more space to hold more stock. They can also work on heavy equipment and large trucks as there is enough space inside the workshop to park and lock up vehicles overnight.
They supply and repair all hydraulic equipment and accessories. They offer competitive prices. Hydraulic Services would like to take this opportunity to thank Vincent Goodey at FB Doors & Frames and Sonco Vehicles for their help with the move. They would like to thank all their customers and friends for their loyal support throughout the years. Hydraulic Services invites everyone to come visit them for fast, friendly, efficient service. Office hours are Mondays to Fridays, 07:00-16:30.
HYDRAULIC SERVICES Hydraulic services and repairs on hoses, pumps, cylinders etc.
Visit us at our new premises at 8 Impala Street, Old Industrial area, Tzaneen.
015 307 6273
The friendly staff of Hydraulic Services are (back) Messrs Grant Barnes, Willie Botes and Edmon Baloyi. In front of them is Mr Ivan Barnes and in the front are Mss Shelley Barnes and Helen Barnes, Mr John Rhodes and Ms Selina Kgofelo.
13 September 2013 Bulletin
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Dawie herwin sy bewussyn Dit gaan beter met mnr Dawie le Roux (regs)van Tzaneen, wat Maandag in ‘n fratsongeluk in sy bandebesigheid, TyreXpress, beseer is. ‘n Hystoestel het ingetuimel en op hom en ‘n werknemer beland. Le Roux is bewusteloos na die Mediclinic Tzaneen gebring en later na Polokwane oorgeplaas, waar hy Dinsdagaand sy bewussyn herwin het. Die werknemer, mnr JP Gouws (op die foto links by ‘n wagtende ambulans), het ook kop- en skouerbeserings opgedoen. Na verneem word, is Le Roux Woensdag na Pretoria oorgeplaas, waar ‘n rugoperasie op hom gedoen sou word. Sy vrou, Jana, was heeltyd aan sy sy. Intussen het ‘n mnr Wessel Trefz by TyreXpress geweier om enigiets oor die ongeluk te sê en gekeer dat ons met ander personeellede oor die ongeluk praat. Hy het ook met regstappe gedreig as enigiets in die media oor die voorval verskyn. “Ons was nie teenwoordig toe dit gebeur het nie en kan gevolglik niks daaroor sê nie. Dit was ‘n fratsongeluk,” is al wat hy bereid was om te sê.
Orrelspel en koorsang by NGK Die NGK Wolkberg gaan more weergalm van orrelspel en koorsang, as die Suider Afrikaanse Kerkorrelistevereniging (SAKOV) van 07:45 af ‘n slypskool daar aanbied. Dit beloof om ‘n baie leersame en interessante dag vir SAKOV-lede en belangstellendes te wees. Die program word deur prof Wim Viljoen van die Universiteit van Pretoria en mnr Pieter van den Berg gelei. Viljoen is die hoof van die departement musiek van die UP en orreliste van die NGK Universiteitsoord. Hy het al verskeie nasionale en internasionale pryse gewen en is steeds aktief as ‘n konsertorrelis in SA en die buiteland. Hy het ook al heelwat CD’s opgeneem, waaronder vier regstreekse opnames vir Loof die Here (vir Fanie Smit). Van den Berg is die bestuurder van Allen
Kerkorrels SA. Hy is verantwoordelik vir die invoer, onderhoud en instandhouding van Allen Orrel in SA. Van den Berg is tans die orrelis van die Ned Herv Kerk Pretoria-Oos. Hy is sedert 2005 ‘n student van Viljoen en sy eerste CD het in 2006 verskyn. Hy is ook ‘n aktiewe konsertorrelis in SA en die buiteland. Van 18:30 af kan die gemeenskap ook by die groep aansluit vir koorsang- en orrelspeluitvoerings. Die Laerskool Tzaneen se junioren senior kore sal dan die verhoog met Viljoen en Van den Berg deel. Tydens die pouse wag daar ‘n interessante demonstrasie vir belangstellendes. Viljoen gaan wys hoe ‘n orrel werk, waar die klank vandaan kom, waar die orrelkas is, wat die verskillende registers doen, ensovoorts. Navrae: Irma by 082 784 2022.
The annual Spring Fair in and around Haenertsburg will be held next week, from Saturday to Sunday 29 September — in the Village, Cheerio Gardens and at the Magoebaskloof Hotel. On 20 September Richard and Sue Cock, together with a violinist and a cellist, will entertain visitors with a variety of music. On 24 September an orchestra and two soloists will have a musical extravaganza in the Barnyard Theatre. Magda de Vries will enchant you with her magnificent marimba concert on Saturday 28 September. There will also be arts and crafts stalls, plant and orchid displays, various rides for the children in miniature pony carts and lots more. Info: Anne-Marie on 082 883 4449 or 015 276 4828 or haen@telkomsa.net.
Boeke-, rolprentfees in hoofstad Na ‘n droogte van sewe jaar sal daar weer van Woensdag af tot 21 September in Polokwane gelees, gesels, geskryf en gekyk word, terwyl die kuier rondom boeke hoogty sal vier. Die eerste BoekeJol en FilmRolfees word in die hoofstad aangebied en sluit ‘n verskeidenheid bekende skrywers in. Die program skop af met ‘n orreluitvoering deur Awie van Wyk. Die “Ontbyt op note”
deur Anna Davel sal ‘n heerlik ontbyt in ‘n tuin insluit. Ander items op Donderdag se program sluit voorlesings en gesprekke in met verskeie skrywers. Die amptelike opening is Donderdagaand met BlouWillem Theron as gasspreker. So is daar ‘n vol prgram vir die ander dae ook. Navrae: Dia by 083 726 1180 of info@boekejol.co.za.
DEPARTMENT: Engineering Services
DEPARTMENT: Finance Services
BID DESCRIPTION: Upgrading of roads from gravel to tar: Thapane to Muruji BID NO: SCMU 10/2013
DESCRIPTION: Invitation to register or update on the Greater Tzaneen Municipality supplier database for the financial year 2013/2014
Bids are hereby invited from contractors with a CIDB grading of 8 CE or higher for the upgrading of roads D3248/D3175 from road D1350 via Thapane to road D3186 at Muruji (total 11, 3 km) in the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The minimum specifications are detailed in the bid document. Bid documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit, upon payment of non-refundable fee of R250.00 per document payable at the Revenue Offices: Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic centre, Agatha Street.
The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM), in terms of section 111 of the Municipal Financial Management Act, No 56 of 2003 and Section 37-43 of Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s Supply Chain Management Policy, invites prospective suppliers, disadvantaged individuals, BEE companies and small, medium and micro enterprises to register on the Greater Tzaneen Municipality supplier database.
Interested service providers must give proof of the following documents: Proof of qualifications (certified), certified ID copies, Company registration / CK form, Original TAX Clearance certificate, proof of work experience (attach CV) and original or certified copy of B-BBEE certificate, and proof of registration with the CIDB. Completed bid documents with attachments must be in sealed envelope and deposited into the bid box of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, marked as Bid No: SCMU 10/2013 “UPGRADING OF ROAD FROM GRAVEL TO TAR: THAPANE TO MURUJI’’ Documents will be available on the date of advert. Compulsory briefing session will be on 19 September 2013 at Council Chamber 10:00. Closing date: 04 October 2013 at Council Chamber 12:00 N.B: The evaluation of bids will be conducted in two stages. First stage will be the assessment of functionality, thereafter only bidders that obtain 70 points will be evaluated in terms of 90/10 Preference Point Scoring System, where 90 points will be allocated for price only and 10 points will be allocated based on the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status level of contributor. FURTHER CONDITIONS ARE DETAILED IN THE BID DOCUMENTS Technical enquiries should be directed to Dikeledi Makoti @ 082 468 8028 Administrative enquiries should be directed to Leon Mashao @ 076 813 4063
Database documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit offices, Agatha Street, Tzaneen Civic Centre and the Municipality website (www.tzaneen.gov.za) free of charge. Completed database documents must be returned to the Supply Chain Management Unit Offices, Agatha Street, Tzaneen civic centre or be deposited to the Municipality’s Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, marked as “Registration or Update on the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s Suppliers Database”. N.B: Service providers who have already registered should come and update their existing database forms with relevant or new documentation necessary. THE FOLLOWING MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATIONS: • • • • • • • • •
Company profile; Proof of residence from the municipality, headman for villagers or lease agreement for rentals; Certified proof of qualifications (where applicable); Proof of registration with relevant professional bodies; Company registration / CK form; Original Tax clearance certificate (SARS); CIDB certificates (where applicable); B-BBEE verification certificate, and Certified copies of ID of members.
Administrative enquiries should be directed to: Lehlogonolo Ramoshaba @ 015 307 8068/8157
MR M.E. Mankabidi Municipal Manager
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Bulletin 13 September 2013
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Events l Gebeure
Church l Kerk
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com (015) 276 4828 or haen@telkomsa.net. Vula Vula ATKV- Eiland Spa, 14 September, This Week Handwerkoggend Tzaneen VLU, 25 Sep- 07:30. Aangebied deur/ten bate van die NGK
Rock Festival
The Manor Pub & Grill, Tzaneen, today, 18:00. Come join us for the party of a lifetime with artists like Prime Circle, Mel Botes, Slow Jack, Old Oak Tree and many others. Cash bar. R120/p and tables can be booked. Enquiries: Hardus 072 816 0009, Petro 082 745 5409 or Fransien 084 601 6856.
Sterilization Month The Letaba SPCA is holding their sterilization month 1 – 30 September. The necessary documentation must be filled and fees paid at the Letaba SPCA to qualify for discounts. Limited slots, book ASAP. Cats: R 500 and R550 (incl inoculation) and dogs: R580 and R680 (incl inoculation). Enquiries: SPCA office 015 307 2611.
Orreluitvoering NGK Wolkberg, Tzaneen, 14 September, 19:00. Orrel- en kooruitvoerings deur prof Wim Viljoen, Pieter van den Berg, Laerskool Tzaneen-kore. Gedurede die dag is daar ‘n slypskool vir orreliste deur Prof Wim Vijoen (Universiteit van Pretoria). Navrae: Irma 082 784 2022.
This Month
Tzaneen Lifestyle Sentrum, 20-22 September, 09:00-17:00. Sluit Sondag 14:00. Orgideë sal ook te koop wees. Toegang is gratis. Navrae: 072 527 9850.
Rocking for Rhino’s Franklyn Park, Hoedspruit, 20-22 September, 10:00. Tickets: R80-R250. Enquiries: gareth@rockingforrhinos.org. Magoebaskloof Spring Festival
Magoebaskloof/Haenertsburg, 21-29 September. There are still a few stalls available for local crafters and artists. If you are interested in taking a stall please contact Anne-Marie on 082 883 4449 /
tember, 08:30. Geniet-handwerk-oggend vir gr 4-7 Letsitele. Registrasie/Laat inskrywings: 06:30 Eiland-hoofingang of by www.cyclelab.com. 14 km meisies. Navrae: Ina 082 964 1900. Tree course 28 and 29 Sept. Saturday: Mac- (R30), 45 km (R70), 70 km (R100) en 100 km (R150), adamia Community Centre and Bird Sanctuary; 5 km staproete (R 20). Skoolspanne: Hoërskool (45 Sunday: Uitzicht Farm, Tarentaalrand. An intro to km) en Laerskool (14 km), 3 fietsryers per span, tree identification and trees in the Bushveld Ecolo- R150/span. Navrae: Chris 083 334 0531, verblyf: gy by ecologist Joe Grosel, and dendrologist Mike Ankia 015 386 8000 of ankias@atkv.org.za.
Amm. Fee, members: R400, non-members: R500. Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen elke DinsSpaces are limited. Enquiries/reservations: Mari- dag en Donderdag om 18:00. Navrae: Gawie du Plessis 083 299 9797. anne McKenzie 082 835 4185. ‘13
Chameleon Indoor
Krieket en Hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Bespre-kings/navrae: Nate 078 619 4546
Letaba Junction, Letsitele, 11 en 12 Oktober. Vrydag: 15:00-18:00, Saterdag: 08:00-15:00. ‘n Hettie Brittz Immergroen kleuterkursus word deur fasiliteerder Lorraine Steyn aangebied. Vir ouers met kleuters, kleuterskoolonderwysers. Koste: R550/p, R 1000/ ouerpaar. 2 of meer onderwyseresse van ‘n skool sal ook afslag kry. Navrae/besprekings: Joreth Duvenhage 082 893 4130 of joreth@mweb.co.za.
ATKV-Eiland Spa, 28 September. Inskrywings: www.cyclelab.com of www.cycleevents.com. Verblyf: akias@atkv.org.za.
Hengelkompetisie Letaba Estates Kramerdam, 4 Oktober, 16:00 – 5 Oktober, 15:00. Aangebied deur Tzaneen Rotariër Klub ten bate van die SAVF Tzaneen (Desember-voedingskema). Spesies: Karp en Baars. Pryse vir grootste vangste van elke spesie. Kaartjies: R100/twee stokke, beskikbaar by Dolf Smith 083 239 9549 en Cornél 1987 Reünie vir Hoërskool Louis Trichardt van Niekerk 082 654 3976. op12 Oktober by Rondebosch Lapa, Louis Trichardt. Navrae: Jaco Badenhorst 082 434 3406 Fitness Challenge 2013 Fit Freaks Merensky Gym, Merensky High School, 12 October. of epos: kalimambo2@hotmail.com. Challenge yourself, a team or your business for Letsitele Kerskuiermark NGK the Fitness title in time-based events like running, Letsitele, 25 en 26 Oktober. Kom koop solank jou rowing, push ups, sit ups, skipping, rope climb, Kersgeskenke of snuffel rond vir interessanthede. swimming. R125 p/p, R500 p/team (max 5 people). Vermaak vir die kinders, kosdemonstrasies, Enquiries: Jaco 071 355 9010 or jaco@fitfreaks. teetuin, Spar Meesterchef-kompetisie. Navrae of co.za om ‘n kraampie te bespreek: Grizel Gubitz 083 738 Mooketsi MTB Challenge Skite Barn 1515 of gubitzlone@tzaneen.co.za. Mooketsi, 26 October, 07:00. Enquiries: 015 395 2420. ‘13
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074. Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.
Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjis-kloof: 015 309 9580. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387. World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531. Herofield 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.
Visit our website @ www.bulletin.us.com for more info on events
Job Seeker General My name is Lydian Ndlovu I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning job I can speak English. I have 3 years experience contact me on 072 5656 242 (166)______________________________
My name is Agreneth Munisi I am looking for a general work, caregiver, I can speak English and Afrikaans, I have five years experience in carework contact me on 083 598 1635 (167) _____________________________
My name is Sibongile Mabasa I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, I have four years experience sleep out. Contact me on 073 593 3617 (168) _____________________________
My name is Martha Ntlemo I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general I can speak English and Afrikaans, I can cook and look after children. Sleep out, 10 years experience contact me on 083 861 7120 (169) _____________________________
My name is Dorah Molola I am looking for a job as a domestic worker or general, office cleaner I can speak English and Afrikaans I have six years experience in domestic and general work (ref Ellen Finaugty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671 (170) _____________________________
My name is Beauty Mushwana I am looking for a office cleaner, domestic worker salary R1 500 contact me on 076 571 9054 (171) _____________________________
My name is Maria Pudikabekwa I am looking for a domestic work, can look after children, office cleaner, I can
speak Afrikaans I have 8 years experience sleep out contact me on 082 4333 3033 (172) My name is Ngwako Mojela I am looking for a gardening work contact me on 082 084 5099
Rebecca Raisibe is my name I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English I can also look after children I have 4 years experience cleaning in the farmers office Contact me on 078 1867 146
(173) _____________________________
(181) _____________________________
Cate Phoshoko I am a domestic worker, cleaner at school, baby sitter contact me on 071 217 5213
My name is Mercy I am looking for a domestic work cleaning offices, general work contact me on 072 322 3518
(174) _____________________________
(175) _____________________________
Lisbeth is my name I am looking for a domestic work or office cleaner I can take care of children I speak English any other general work will also help I worked at PPS as office cleaner contact me on 082 970 7297 (176) _____________________________
My name is Winny I am looking for a domestic work, office cleaner, I can look after children I can speak English contact me on 073 8008 784 (177) _____________________________
My name is Margert Seloha I am looking for a domestic work 5 – 2 days a week I can speak Afrikaans, sleep out or in contact me on 078 400 8271 (178) _____________________________
My name is Gladness I am looking for a domestic work, general work sleep out I can cook also contact me on 073 995 6498 (179) _____________________________
I am looking for a domestic work I can speak English and I can also look after children I have 3 years experience in domestic work contact me Sarah on 073 290 0073 (180) _____________________________
I can speak English and I also can look after children contact me on 083 371 2193
(188) _____________________________
(195) _____________________________
My name is Suzane Monamedi, I am looking for a job as a domestic worker, I can speak Afrikaans and English. Sleep in or sleep out. I have 9 years experience contact me on 083 669 5648
Sarah Mahlo is my name I am looking for a domestic work I can cook and I speak English, sleep in or out I have 3 years experience at Tzaneen Spar contact 084 435 3237
My name is Maria Malatji I am looking for a domestic work I can cook, speak Afrikaans 3 to 2 days a week sleep out (ref Jaunita 079 971 8713) contact me on 079 260 7850 (183) _____________________________
(190) _____________________________
My name is Selinah Madia I am looking for a domestic work / general work 2 or 3 days or full time. I can speak English and Afrikaans (ref: Arma Prinsloo 082 896 7761) contact me on 072 192 4762
My name is Thoko Mabunda I am looking for a general work, waitress, receptionist, domestic work 5 days a week I speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 773 5717
(184) _____________________________
My naam is Selena Nkwani ek is opsoek na ‘n huishoudster werk ek praat Afrikaans 5 dae slaap uit of in skakel 071 743 6350
(196) _____________________________
(189) _____________________________
My name is Willhemina I am looking for a domestic work I can sleep in or out 5 days a week understand and speak Afrikaans , understand English can cook and look after children contact me on 082 584 7231
(182) _____________________________
My name is Myte Mabula I am looking for a gardening job or domestic work 5 days a week sleep out contact me on 0796358797
work I can speak English, I have 3 years experience contact me on 082 452 1760
(191) _____________________________
My name is Annikie Mahash I am looking for a domestic work I have 5 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and look after children (ref: Cate 078 681 3231) (192) _____________________________
(185) _____________________________
My name is Margareth Morerwa I have grade 11 I can speak English I have food-preperation & cooking, computer literacy looking for domestic work or any general work contact me on 073 0218 742
My name is Matene Joyce I am looking for a general work, domestic work or office cleaners I have 5 year experience in Health and safety , I work in SWIFT Limpopo (ref Gerda Drewe mamanger 082 721 7210) contact me on 079 0162 164
(186) _____________________________
(193) _____________________________
My name is Mosa Madikhole Loseilane I am looking for a domestic work, office cleaner, general work I can speak English I have Abet level four contact me on 060 461 4191
I am looking for a office cleaning or general job I can speak English I have 8 years experience (ref gerda Drewe 082 721 7210) contact me Lydia Matene on 071 860 7529
(187) _____________________________
(194) _____________________________
Joyce Ramaselela is my name I am looking for a domestic
My name is Lucia Mathye I am looking for a domestic work,
My naam is Selena Kkwani ek is opsoek na huishoudlike werk 5 dae n week slaap in of uit skakel my op 071 743 6350 (197) _____________________________
082 537 5776
General Petrus Mathebula I am looking for a general work, garden service. I can speak English contact me on 072 717 4805 (51)______________________________
My name is Shiyondlani Jordany I am looking for a general work, I can speak English contact me on 078 701 3263 (52) ______________________________
(59) ______________________________
My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV het 18 jaar by ‘n skool gewerk skakel my op 072 811 9860 (60) ______________________________
My name is Tressa E Vuma I am looking for a job as security officer or general worker, I have grade 12, drivers licence code 10 and Grade E –C security certificate contact me on 072 5070 673
Patrick Ralepelle is my name I am looking for a general work, panelbeating as flatter. I can speak English and also have grade 12, I have 5 years experience in panel beating (ref Donald Dymond 011 805 3867) contact me on 078 324 3886
(61) ______________________________
(53) ______________________________
(62) ______________________________
My name is Edson P. Ndlovu, I am looking for a job as a roofer, carpenter full time I speak English construction work as well contact me on 073 514 1035
My name is Godfrey K. Ramodipa I am looking for any general work for five days a week I speak English I did work at Westfalia contact me on 076 756 3421
(11) ______________________________
(54) ______________________________
My name is Nkwana Mahlodi I am looking for a temp job form 14:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon receptionist, office assistant or domestic work, I am a FET college doing level 2 I speak English, Sepedi and Tsonga and know computers (studying Off. Administration) contact me on 076 076 1712
My name is Machona Patric Ralepella I am looking for job as a general My name is Francina Hutama I am looking for a receptionist, finance, domestic worker contact me on 076 246 8518
My name is Ngwako Glen Mokhomole I am looking for a security job I have Grade “c” and Grade “E-D” with handgun training at the training centre certify SASSETA contact me on 082 540 3398
(57) ______________________________
(84) ______________________________
I am looking for a job as a press-operator, I can speak English, I have 8 years experience Giflo Enginering. My name is Johannes Ramalepe contact me on 076 437 7798
My name is Mogale Mack Letsoalo I am looking for a security job I have Grade “c” and Grade “E-D” with handgun training at the training centre certify SASSETA contact me on 082 540 3398
Admin My naam is Anisjka Basson ek is ‘n jong dame opsoek na enige werk ondervinding algemene kantoorwerk data capture,filing, credit control, kassiere ‘n nie roker en is dadelik beskikbaar. Tydelike pos ook welkom skakel my op 079 706 3283
(12) ______________________________
My name is Ramokoto Selina I am looking for a temp job form 14:00 to 18:00 in the afternoon receptionist, office assistant or domestic work, I am a FET college doing level 2 I speak English, Tsonga and Sepedi and know computers (studying Off. Administration) contact me on 076 076 1712 (13) ______________________________
(58) ______________________________
My name is Peciance Raolane I am looking for a job as a general worker/ cashier, clerk; I have 2 years experience as Cashier at Fashion World Tzaneen. I can speak English have grade 12 computer literacy contact me on
My naam is Rassie ek is opsoek na enige algemene werk het ‘n goeie CV. My name is Rassie I am looking for any general work I have a good CV. Phone me on/ Skakel my op 072 811 9860
Driver My naam is Solly Maenetja ek Is opsoek na n drywer werk lisensie kode EB/08 ook publiek. Kan distribusie doen, het kinders rondgery by die skole, doe nook tuinwerk, kursus in sekuriteit geleer, skakel my 082 071 2670 (21) ______________________________
I am Mr Moagi I am looking for a driver or TLB operator or security work, I have a drivers licence (code 10 + pdp) TLB certificate, security guard GRD B2E + matric contact me on 071 101 0136 (22) ______________________________
My name is Tshepo am looking for a job as a driver I have code 10 pdp seven years experience. And also admin clerk , computer literate contact me 072 267 9315 (23) ______________________________
My name is Solomon I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 Pdp I have 13 years experience, I can speak English and Afrikaans. I have wholesaler and retailer general St Ngf level 2 contact 073 1427416 (24) ______________________________
My name is Willie Mbhobmi I am looking for a driver job I have code ECi 04 with 15 years experience and with PDP (ref: Barry Petersons 071 889 6692) contact me on 073 861 2994 (25) ______________________________
(85) ______________________________
My name is Solomon Shai I am looking for some work in merchandising, gardening, helping school children do homework or teaching contact me on 073 399 6584 (86) ______________________________
My name is Andrew I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 PDP and have grade 10 I can speak English, have 3 years experience in Batlhabine Brickyard as a driver contact me on 072 8610 102
13 September 2013 Bulletin
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Business directory | Sakegids Louis Menge Auto (pty)Ltd trading as:
Louis Menge: 083 272 3907 Tel: 015 307 2064 | Tel/Fax: 015 307 7631 Email: louis.menge@yahoo.com 14 Antimony Street, Loretto Park, Tzaneen
All makes
of vehicles and TRUCKS
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Property | Eiendomme CASE NUMBER: 2705/2012 In the matter between: BERNARD MALIK Execution Creditor And STANLEY MALATJI Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 27 NOVEMBER 2012, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 10 OCTOBER 2013 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: 31 ANTIMONY STREET, TZANEEN, NEW INDUSTRIAL AREA By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of NAPHUNO to the highest cash bidder. 1 x Generator
Business / Besigheide Besigheids perseel Spasie – Adams corner Kontak 015 307 5827
House / Huis
Flats / Woonstelle
Town House / Meenthuis
Pragtige 2 Slaapkamer houthuis op ‘n hoewe net buite Tzaneen. 1½ Badkamer, oopplan sitkamer en kombuis plus houtdek. R3800 per maand. Kitskrag. Deposito betaalbaar. Beskikbaar 1 Oktober 2013. Skakel 082 3855 979
Woonstelle Tarentaalrand te huur: 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur R3 800.00 1 slaapkamer woonstel te huur R1 800.00 Kontak Sanet indien u belangstel: 0784440664
Netjiese moderne 2 slp kamer meenthuis te huur in Letsitele by Citrus Villas, R3600 w&e uitgesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel asb vir Elzaan by 0835616062
To Let Te Huur
Bulletin 13 September 2013
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
1 This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia: 4 Directives of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 can be downloaded from Url http://www.info.gov.za/ view/downloadfile action?id-99961 5 FICA legislation i.r.o. proofs of identity and address particulars: payment of registration deposit of R500.00 cash. 6 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Mr S H Park. 7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 28th day of August 2013. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET PO BOX 35 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/J5654
NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DECEASED’ ESTATE All persons having claims against the under metioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from the date of publication hereof. Estate No: 1078/2012 Master’s Office: POLOKWANE Surname: Hutamo First Names: Makibelo Jonathan Date of Birth: 1968/04/15 Identity No: 6804155447088 Last Address: Ga Phaphadi
Village Bolobedu district Limpopo Province Date of Death: 2012/01/07 Only applicable if deceased was married in community of property/subject to accrual system First Names of Surviving spouse: Seropo Victoria Mohale Date of birth: 1969/04/09 ID No: 6904090420081 Name (only one) and address of Executor: or Authorized agent: Seropa Victoria Mohale Stand No: 61 Mamokgadi Village Molototsi, Bolobedu District, Limpopo Province MALOKA ATTORNEYS POBOX 868 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7496 Ref: Ramothwala/CIV/966/12
TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEMES 245, 284 AND 286 We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owners of the properties mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1) (b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of the properties described below: TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 245: Proposed rezoning of Portion 25 of Erf 4596 Tzaneen is situated north of National Road R71, approximately 350 metres west of the R71 - Danie Joubert Street intersection, directly opposite the Sasol Filling Station on the R71 from “Residential 3” to “Business 4”. TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 284: Erf 626 Tzaneen Extension 6, situated at 8 Watney Street, from “Residential 1” to “Business 4”; Erf 367 Tzaneen Extension 8, situated at 43 Pusela Street and Erf 368 Tzaneen Extension 4, situated at 33 Second Avenue, from “Residential 1” to “Business 2”. TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 286: Part of Remainder Mohlabas Location 567LT, situated on the corner of Malwandla and Cheyeza Streets, Nkowankowa A from “Rural Occupation” to “Educational”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 28 days from 13 September 2013. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to
Business directory | Sakegids
the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 13 September 2013. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Sep205________________________
TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMAS 245, 284 EN 286 Ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van die eiendomme hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van die eiendomme hieronder beskryf: TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 245: Gedeelte 25 van Erf 4596 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 67, geleë noord van Nasionale pad R71,ongeveer 350m wes van R71-Danie Joubert Straat interseksie, direk teenoor die Sasol Vulstasie en die R71, van “Residensieel 3” na “Besigheid 4”. TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 284: Erf 626 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 6, geleë te Watneystraat 8, van “Residensieël 1” na “Besigheid 4”; Erf 367 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4 gelee te Puselastraat 43 en Erf 368 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4, geleë te Tweedelaan 33, van “Residensieël 1” na “Besigheid 2”. TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 286: ‘n Deel van die Restant Mohlabas Location 567LT, geleë op die hoek van Malwandla– en Cheyezastrate, Nkowankowa A van “Landelike Besetting” na “Opvoedkundig”. Besonderhede van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 13 September 2013. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 13 September 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Sep206_________________________
Tshebiso ya ponagatso ya lengwalo la moloa wa di diriswa tsa di Petrole wa 1977 (molao wa nomoro lekgolo mmasomepedi). (Act No 120 of 1977) Tshebiso e keya go tshebisa batho ba ka kgatlhegago goba ba ba amegago le DUELCO INVESTMENTS 92 (PTY) LTD. Ka morago ga mo, moaplayi a busetshe ponagatso ya nomoro ya lefelo la ponagatso F/2013/09/05/0001,
Advertise in our Business directory from
PORTION 54 (A PORTION OF PORTION 2) FARM 41 TRICHARDTSDAL LETSITELE PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO Maekemisetso a ponagatso ya ke gore ba hwetse leng-
walo la tokollo ya go rekisa dipetrole ka ge di bontsha godimo ga ponagatso. Ditukisetso tsa go lebelela dipampiri tsa ponagatso di ka direga ka go gwetsagala molaudi wa di diriswa tsa petrole: Mogala: (015) 287 4735; or Fax: (015) 297 5045; or Email: kgagodi.chuene@ energy.gov.za Ga e le gore gona le ba basa dumelego gore ba gwetse lengwalo la di diriswa tsa petrole ba swanetse go e bonagatsa pela ga matsatsi a masomepedi (20). Go se dumelelwe ga lengwalo le, ba swanetse ba romele diponelo tsa bona go addresse ya gae goba ya poso: Addresse ya gae: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 101 Dorp Street POLOKWANE 0700 Addresse ya poso: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag X9712 POLOKWANE 0700 Sep201____________________________
Tshebiso ya ponagatso ya lengwalo la moloa wa di diriswa tsa di Petrole wa 1977 (molao wa nomoro lekgolo mmasomepedi). (Act No 120 of 1977) Tshebiso e keya go tshebisa batho ba ka kgatlhegago goba ba ba amegago le NOVENGILLA (PTY) LTD.
Ka morago ga moaplayi a busetshang ponagatso ya lengwalo la go rekisa nomoro ya ponagatso F/2013/09/05/0002, Physical Address: PORTION 54 (A PORTION OF PORTION 2) FARM 41 TRICHARDTSDAL LETSITELE PROVINCE OF LIMPOPO Maekemisetso a ponagatso ya ke gore ba hwetse lengwalo la tokollo ya go rekisa dipetrole ka ge di bontsha godimo ga ponagatso. Ditukisetso tsa go lebelela dipampiri tsa ponagatso di ka direga ka go gwetsagala molaudi wa di diriswa tsa petrole: Mogala: (015) 287 4735; or Fax: (015) 297 5045; or Email: kgagodi.chuene@ energy.gov.za Ga e le gore gona le ba basa dumelego gore ba gwetse lengwalo la di diriswa tsa petrole ba swanetse go e bonagatsa pela ga matsatsi a masomepedi (20) . Go se dumelelwe ga lengwalo le, ba swanetse ba romele diponelo tsa bona go addresse ya gae goba ya poso: Addresse ya gae: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy 101 Dorp Street POLOKWANE 0700 Addresse ya poso: The Controller of Petroleum Products Department of Energy Private Bag X9712 POLOKWANE 0700 Sep202___________________________
To advertise here please call Lihanie at 015 307 7248
13 September 2013 Bulletin
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798
Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998 Feb106______________________
Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110_______________________
Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275
BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2013 OPGAWES HET OP 1/7/2013 BEGIN: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 6.1 Inkomstebelasting 6.2BTW 6.3Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320. Sep204______________________
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406_______________________
Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire We service all makes of trailers. Hennie 083 651 0936
Focus Financial Services Financial planning Will planning Life insurance Business insurance Pension planning Investments Unit Trusts Short Term insurance Medical Schemes Accredited Old Mutual Franchise Contact Kallie Liebenberg 082 808 3172 015 307 1041/2
Services Dienste
Services Dienste
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
Vefraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of Nagemaakte rotse waar Geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasie skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @R150 per bakkievrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439
Thai Spa – Suranaree Traditional Thai massages, reflexology, acrylic , gel, nail art. Many, pedicure Waxing, facials, tinting, make-up. Bella 072 699 5563 suranareethaispa@gmail. com
Spot on Cartridges We specialise in refilling ink and laser toner cartridges Up to 50 % savings on printer cartridges We also fix and service printers, PC’s and laptops Free delivery within 2 km radius 015 307 3173 10 Morgan Street Aug219________________________
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
Torga Optical For professional Eye care and great value Eye Test R150 Full Torga Guarantee Tzaneen Mall 015 307 2299 Aug307_________________________
Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street Feb105_______________________
Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facials Body sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193
HIPNOTERAPIST Traumatic Stress Practitioner. Now is the time to STOP the impact of TRAUMA! Because your mental health is important.
JV Hidrolies Vir enige hidroliese problem. Skakel Johnny verster Impalastraat 1 Industrial 015 307 5091 Sep106_______________ _________
Overnight courier Services Logistic Service CC Nationwide 071 360 3630 082 227 8641 Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109_______________________
Aloe Ferox die wonder van die natuur vir Velsorg en al die kwale. Werklik bekostigbaar vir ‘n wonderlike produk 072 301 6901 Aug402___________________________
QRM Ready Mix We deliver ready mix concrete in Tzaneen area and Hoedspruit 082 802 3828 015 304 3009
Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 jan406______________________
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede beste pryse Lifestyle Centre Mar409_______________________
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229
CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018
Services Dienste
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210_________________________
Healing Hands Therapy for pain + stress R600 for 9 x 1 hour sessions R1 200 for 8 x 1 hour sessions + 2 free R1 500 for 10 x 1 hour sessions + 4 free Special ends 31 October 2013 Sessions may be used after ending date as needed Aug515_________________________
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastelopleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057
_ Vidodilli
Design & Grafting of exclusive jewelry Silver, gold, platinum, palladium Erika Cronje 082 776 7367 Sep206________________ ________
Aloe Ferox ‘n uitstekende produk uit die natuur vir Velsorg en al die kwale. Werklik bekostigbaar vir ‘n wonderlike produk 072 301 6901
Poppy’s hiring (pienk frame) Table cloths, class ware, cutlery, tables Chairs & covers, tie back. All Event hire & Co-ordination 072 347 3408 Jackie@poppyshiring.co.za
Speedrite Matrix recovery service I dots tracking systems Mechanical services, alarms Auto electrician, immobilizers, car air cons Windscreen chip repairs Electro plating Impala Street 1, Tzaneen 015 307 7700
Lowveld Labels For quality labels Vir kwaliteit etikette 10 Rietbok str. Industria 015 307 7325
Kitchen World Entrance next to Goldwagen on way to Game parking We have moved to 12 Danie Joubert Street Shop B1A Jul113_______________________
TVR Panelbeaters Motor herstelwerk. Geen stamp te groot of te klein 015 306 0186
ADA Spesiale Aanbiedings Toiletpapier enkel laag 48’s R129.90 solank voorraad hou. 015 307 1990
DNR Training Centre Pastel Payroll & Accounting training Income Tax submission EMP 501 reconciliations SARS Easy life workshop Sonica Burger 084 299 0845 sburger51@gmail.com
Lawrence P Temperature Control Visit us for all your cooling needs and problems 015 307 1533 Kudu Street 28 (behind Choice supermarket)
Sep212_______________ ___________
Africa Jacana Protective clothing Work wear Sports wear 59 Agatha Street 015 307 2689
Services Dienste Pepperoni. Wednesday and Friday special on Black Label, Amstel and Castle Sangria Jug R35 015 307 1893 54 Agatha Street Sep214_________________________
Beyers Busdiens 19 jaar diens Tzaneen - Polokwane – Pretoria Ry elke Vrydag of Sondag Pretoria en terug op selfdedag Skakel Nica 015 307 5959 Aug302____________ Gintec Auto Electrical and Electronic Service and repair 072 033 5534 083 969 5487 015 306 0396
Services Dienste TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________
Bernina Gradeer op inruil promosie Augustus en September Goeie inruil prys gewaarborg 078 038 0119 45 Boundary Street Sep222___________________________
Agri Box Kontak ons vir nuwe sitrus pakmateriaal vir die komende Seisoen 5 C Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076 Sep217________________
Oasis Water Prepared and ozonated water for your health Xango Natural fruit juice blend 079 296 7414 015 307 2504
Vision Accessed Vir al u geelektrifiseerde omheining Hekmotor en Dstv behoeftes onder een dak. Nuwe installasies en onderhoud, onderdele altyd beskikbaar Installasie van klanksisteme in enige voertuig. Maak afspraak asb Skirvingstraat 14, Tzaneen Ludi 082 847 9039
Coastal Hire Equipment hire Industrial tools Machinery for construction Mobile toilets Marque Tents 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Ilse 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946 Jan303____________________
Rymar Auto General car service and repairs Auto diagnostics repair services Air cons Carman scanner for resetting of service lights Willie 082 494 7985 Gideon 084 597 5940 26 Plantation Road Sep209___________________________
Stark enterprise Concrete Work Carport, roofs Boilermaking Automotive engineering Panelbeating Spraypainting Custom build trailers Service of all vehicles and heavy duty machinery Andrew 078 604 0040 16 Plantation Road
Kabot Juweliers Juwele gemaak na u smaak om u sak te pas 49 Boundary Street 015 307 1675
YOUR PARTNER IN HOME BUILDING Best Quality / Best service Thank you for your loyal support Tzaneen/Letaba Crossing/ Letsitele 015 307 7168 Aug106________________________
On Tap For all your bathroom and kitchen renovations Showers, taps, toilets ect 015 307 2991 34 Skirving Street
Vacancies Vakante Pos beskikbaar vir dame met goeie bestuursvaardighede, kliënte-skakeling en kontrole van voorraad. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Stuur CV na 086 6933 396
New school Shoes in stock Danie Joubert straat Langs Ickinger 015 307 2856
Van Vredens Gehalte paneelklopdiens Gewaarborg 015 307 3764 11 Plantation road
Tinos The best in town Free delivery Buy two large pizzas and get a small free – choose from Margarita, Regina, Hawian, “Die gras is nou lekker lank!” Trekker met ‘slasher’ beskikbaar vir grassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388
Boutiques S Cupcakes & Couture Shenaaz Moosa 083 678 5790 Faks 015 307 4276 59 Boundary Street For all your baking supplies and home baked goodies Sep221_______________________
Inside Out Solutions (n/t Sugarloaf ) 015 307 1616 Dstv MultiChoice Toptv Gate Motors CCTV Intercoms Alarm Systems We specialize in Spares for Centurion and DTS gate motors Maurice Coetzee After Hours 079 942 3154
Gesoek – Pypraam vir Toyota bakkie. Lang Bak Skakel 083 380 9859 Sep113_________________________
Personal Persoonlik Letaba DBV Sterilisasiemaand Slegs 01 -30 September (Beperkte spasie) Kry nodige dokumente by die DBV en betaal daar om afslag te kry. Katte: mannetjies R500, wyfies R550 Honde: reun R580, tewe R680, sluit inenting in Skakel 015 307 2611 Aug516______________________
For Hire Te Huur VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
For hire 3 Ton Vragmotor 4 meter valkant bak Koste @ R9.00 per lopende km Steelworks vir enige staal werk 082 890 9142
VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R18.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R24.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie 076 410 9503 082 8517139 015 345 1192 084 627 0956
Person with basic knowledge of domestic refrigeration wanted. Call 083 380 9859 during office hours for more details Sep201___________________________
For Hire Te Huur
Magoebaskloof Hotel Kom bederf die liefde van jou lewe. 015 276 5400 Epos resmagoebas@orionhotels.co.za
Wanted Gesoek
Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________
Five 1 Two Trailers
“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Arno 078 164 4701
Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/ km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote 015-307-1391. Jun401________________________
For Sale Te Koop SWEETS / CHOCOLATES / CHIPS / BISCUITS / DRINKS DISTRIBUTION Start your own business at affordable cost.
Contact Myer: 012 547 5767 mberman@ telkomsa.net Free firewood Lushof Plotte Old mango trees – you cut and load the wood yourself. Call Stephan on 082 771 0777
Search “Laeveld Bulletin”
Kerm, kerm, kerm! Vir Oubal is die uitstaande kenmerk van die Curriebeker tot dusver dat die gehalte van kerm en kla, die gehalte van die rakbie wat gespeel word met veelvuldige magte oorskry. Ondersteuners, afrigters en spelers vind almal ‘n gerieflike sondebok om hul spanne se vrotsige vertonings mee te probeer verberg! Aanvanklik was dit die Welpies wat daarop gewys het dat twyfelagtige TV-skeidsregterbeslissings hulle ingedoen het in hul eerste twee wedstryde. Ai, manne, hoe vinnig het julle vergeet dat soortgelyke twy-
Search “Laeveldbulletin”
felagtige beslissings teen die Kings julle weer terug in Superrakbie het. Julle behoort dankbaar te wees vir klein genadetjies! Die Blou Kalwers beleef ‘n droë wit seisoen en Oubal wil voorspel dat julle vireers gewoond sal moet raak hieraan. Volgens Oubal se inligting is strukturele probleme in BB-geledere die oorsaak van jul lot, maar hy sal ter gelegener tyd iets daaroor sê. Oubal merk egter dat die skuld voor die deur van afrigter Pine Pienaar gelê word, en daar is oproepe dat hy teruggestuur moet word Bloemfontein toe. ‘Tja, Oubal was onder die indruk Pine is vanuit Bloem gewerf, juis om om te sien na die vele Bloemfonteiners in jul geledere. As julle van hom ontslae raak, gaan julle seker vir Allister Coetzee kry om na al die Kapenaars in Pretoria om te sien! Van Allister gepraat, hy was natuurlik die voorste klakous na die WiePie? se “gelykopverloor” teen die Welpies. Dit alles oor die strafdrie en geelkaart teen Die Ellendeling, wat volgens die afrigter lotsbepalend was. Allister, ou seun, in Oubal se dekades lange kyk na rakbie het hy lankal tot die
“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.” — Benjamin Franklin
Black Leopards to play their matches at Seshego Stadium
Merensky Soccer teams played against Helmeg last week Thursday. The juniors lost 2-0 and it was left to the seniors to make a success of the day. The seniors saved the day, with a score of 3-0 with two of the coals scored by Abdool Moosa and the final goal scored by Thabiso Letsoalo. On Saturday Merensky partook in the King’s Court Soccer Tournament held in Modjadjiskloof . The following schools sent teams: Eagles’ Nest, Meridian, Stanford Lake College, The Kings Court and Khanyisa. The juniors of Merensky, after winning all their games for the day, still did not make the finals, due to the goal difference. The seniors, however, made it to the finals and had to play The Kings Court. The match ended in a draw, the only goal scored by Abdool Moosa. Ten minutes was added to the match, for a winner had to be decided. After the extra time the score remained unchanged and it was up to sudden death to determine the winner. The first attempt and the second attempt for goal by Kings Court was awaited, but the last strike seemed to be all that was needed for King’s Court to win the match, putting Merensky seniors in second place and the juniors third in their pool.
Chess masters make strategic moves On Saturday the yearly Kings Court Chess Tournament took Merensky’s team, scoring 24 points, took second place with Eagles’ place at the Kings Court in Modjadjiskloof. Merensky’s budding Nest Christian College taking the first place with 29 points. Kasparov’s competed against the top chess pupils from Stanford Lake College, Meridian College, Eagles’ Nest Christian School and the Kings Court. Biokoketso Rameetse, Stephan Leeuwner, Allen Mushwana, Herman Broodryk and Estian Botha proved why they were chosen for this tournament. Herman Broodryk won all his games.
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5 Oktober 2013
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gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar verskeie dinge in ‘n wedstryd gebeur wat die skaal in die een of ander rigting swaai, maar halfblinde mense is geneig om net dit raak te sien wat hul persepsie pas. Soms is dit ‘n klein dingetjie, soos ‘n direkte uitskop van die bal met die af- of inskop wat jou die taktiese voordeel laat inboet. Oubal kan byvoorbeeld uitwys dat in die gewraakte wedstryd patetiese verdediging op Jaco Kriel die Welpies toegelaat het om uit hul halfgebied te breek, wat uiteindelik op ‘n drie uitgeloop het. Die ooglopendste vanuit Oubal se neutrale perspektief was egter die kritieke steel van ‘n lynstaanbal op jul ingooi deur Tzaneener JJ Breet — so spaar jou asem asseblief! ‘Tja, Currieberkerrakbie sonder die Bokke is prettig as ‘n opeenstapeling van foute jou soort komedie is!
Merensky Soccer ends a good season
Inskrywings om 07:00 - 09:30 *R200 per voertuig Daarna is drywers meeting en dan beoog ons om so 10:00 te begin.
Bulletin 13 September 2013
Black Leopards will be playing their home matches at the Seshego Stadium, as Venda’s Makhuvha Stadium doesn’t meet the Premier Soccer League (PSL) standards. PSL officials inspected the Makhuvha Stadium last week and reported back that it needed to be upgraded. Now, Lidoda Duvha will continue training and playing matches at the Seshego Stadium. Leopards’ new manager, Mr Elvis “Disco” Booi, said they will be hosting African Warriors at Seshego this afternoon (Friday). He said they had no injury concerns and the players were ready for the match. “We have been training for the whole week, rectifying all the mistakes that happened when we played the first NFD match against Roses United in Bloemfontein, where we played to a 0-0 draw. Our boys missed brilliant chances. They should have done better,” he added. On Sunday, they played a friendly game against Univen FC and beat the students in the practise match 7-0. The head of sports, arts and culture of the Thulamela municipality, Mr Ronald Makhadi, confirmed that the Makhuvha Stadium is not up to standard and contractors are busy completing it in order to fit the Safa standards. “After its completion, Safa officials will come and assess it,” said Makhadi. Saturday’s NFD fixtures are: Thanda Royal Zulu vs Santos, Roses United vs United FC, Maluti FET College vs Baroka FC, Milano United FC vs Jomo Cosmos and Chipas United vs FC Cape Town. Sunday’s matches are Sivutsa Stars vs Witbank Spurs and Vasco da Gama vs Blackburn Rovers. LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
13 September 2013
Eindstryd wag op o.15’s Meisies o.11.
Seuns Oop B.
Seuns o.11.
Ses van die bestes! Seuns Oop A.
Meisies Oop B.
Eddie enjoys a good win The sixth round of the Northern Regions Rally Championship was held around Cullinan on Saturday. The rally comprised of eight gravel stages totalling just under 200 km. The service park and prize giving was held at the Zonderwater Prison. Eddie Simpson from Tzaneen and his navigator, Pierre Jordaan from Pretoria, finished first in class S1 (1400 cc) and ninth overall in their Opel Corsa, ahead of much bigger engined competitors. Japie van Niekerk, originally from Tzaneen, won the rally in his S2000 Ford Focus. He entered the rally to gain experience in his new car but didn’t qualify for points. as he is a national competitor. Derrick Henning, Simpson’s loyal team manager for the past thirteen years, was supported at the service intervals by Louis Menge from S & J Auto Tzaneen, who prepared the car before the race. The next rally is scheduled for 2 November and it will be held around the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit area.
Meisies Oop A.
Die Laerskool Tzaneen het ‘n hokkie-voltal behaal, toe al ses hul hokkiespanne na die provinsiale eindstryd deurgedring het. Vier van die spanne is vanjaar se ligawenners en twee is naaswenners. Die naaswenners het Saterdag aan die Limpopo-kwarteindstryd deelgeneem en as wenners deurgedring na die Limpopo-halfeindstryd Die provinsiale eindstryd is more op die velde van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en Unicorn Primary, met die Laerskool Tzaneen wat ‘n span in elkeen van die ses ouderdomsgroepe het. Die kinders verdien die ondersteuning van Tzaneen se inwoners. Gaan maak dus gerus more ‘n draai by enige van die twee skole waar die wedstdryde beslis word en ondersteun ons kinders wat vanjaar so uitstekend gevaar het. Die seuns se Ope A-span is die wenners van die Mopani-liga. Hulle is Jaco de la Rey, Luann Botha, WC Kriel, John Naudé, Nico Pretorius, Lebo Maredi, James Vorster, Roehan Steenkamp, Nkhenso Hosana, JC Nel, Nkateko Tiba, Thyno du Plessis enNakapedi Masete. Die lede van die meisies se Ope A-span het ook die Mopani-liga gewen en bestaan uit Juanet Venter, Deané Toerien, Telanie van Renen, Stephanie Nagel, Laryn Bezuidenhout, Marisa Haynes, Corli van der Merwe, Anemé Jacobs, Bianca Elbrecht, Lara Oosthuizen, Suné Minnaar en Michaela Cheney. Die Ope B-span is ook ligawenners. Hulle is Zack Verster, Francois Gravett, LT de Jager, Emmanuel Mahlangu, Arné le Grange, Pitman Opperman, Leonard Joubert, WC van Wyk, Barri Gerber, JuanJacques Moller, Christian Schmidt, Wilco van Rensburg en Christiaan Swanepoel. Die seuns o.11-span is die naaswenners van die Mopani-liga: WB Grobler, Pieter Engelbrecht, Johndé Grobler, Estiaan van Zyl, Dirk Crafford, Christiaan le Rouz, Dian Malherbe, Ruan HanaczeckKruger, Liam Meintjies, Dylan Kotze, Johan Harms en Heinrich Denysschen. Die meisies Ope B-span is die Mopani-liga se naaswenners: Nicky Smit, Anri McLean, Jenelle de Jonge, Anke Minnaar, Meghan MacNicol, Suné Bezuidenhout, Zané Botha, Risana Lambane, Suné Dafel, Millie Bester, Sancha van Niekerk, Mapula Molokwane, Keletso Ramodike en Tharischa van der Walt. Die meisies o.11-span is die Mopani-ligawenners: die spanlede is Zonica van Niekerk, Lané Prinsloo, Vanessa Nkanyani, Jana Oberholzer, Christine Kruger, Doné Aucamp, Zoë Robinson, Grizél Lapert, Nicola van der Merwe, Lia Revelas, Wiltjé Engelbrecht, Danielle Kasselman en Lorinda Esterhuizen.
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se eerste krieketspan het op Saterdag teen Stanford Lake College op Stanford se veld te staan gekom. Die Vossies het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te boul op ‘n groen kolfblad. Na ‘n vroeë paaltjie skop Stanford se kolwers vas en neem die telling tot 103 vir die verlies van 1 na 17 beurte. Die Vossieboulers het na die koeldrankpouse verwoed ingeklim en boul Stanford vir ‘n stewige 222 uit. Girvacques de Jager het 3 paaltjies vir 36 lopies laat kantel, en die twee draaiboulers, Aubrey van Reenen en Roedolf Botes, het elk twee paaltjies laat val. Na ete verloor Ben Vorster twee 2 vinnige paaltjies en steier op 9 vir 2. Michael J van Rensburg met 28 lopies en Girvacques de Jager met 36 het die Vossies weer op koers gekry. ‘n Puik kapteinsbeurt deur Ettienne Botha met 67 lopies en ‘n pragtige 35 nun deur Louis du Plessis, het die Vossies oor die spreekwoordelike wenstreep gekry, met nog 4 paaltjies in die bank na 32 beurte. Die o.15A’s het ook met Stanford Lake kragte gemeet op Ben Vorster se veld. Die Vossies het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te boul. Stanford het na die eerste koeldrankpouse 90 vir die verlies van 3 paaltjies gehad, na 17 beurte. Dit het Ben Vorster vroeg op die agtervoet gehad. Die Vossies het gedissiplineerd teruggeveg en Stanford uitgeboul vir 152 lopies in 31,4 beurte. Jimmy Modiba, die ster van die aanval, het 4 paaltjies vir slegs 14 lopies ingepalm. Hy is goed bygestaan deur Gideon Coertzen en Philip Bester met 2 paaltjies elk. Die “Red Caps” het hul kolfbeurt op die agtervoet begin, deur ‘n vroeë paaltjie te verloor, maar openingskolwer Gideon Coertzen, met 25 lopies, het die skip weer op koers gebring. Hy is goed bygestaan deur kaptein Philip Bester met 76 lopies nun, en Jacques Kriel met 19 Lopies.
Die o.15-krieketspan van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wat die naweek teen Stanford Lake College gespeel het, vier hul oorwinning.