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Rural areas: FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

Fear lessl y the tr uth

‘ I want my R36 mil’

22 November 2013

015 307 7248

Summons against the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for an amount of R36 746 937,04 has been issued and the case will be heard in the South Gauteng High Court (Johannesburg) on a date to be confirmed. The plaintiff is Phadima Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd of Mr Rale (Ralebala Matome) Mampuele who would have developed the Aqua Park Security Estate (Avis Park Ext 53) next to Voortrekker Road on the way to the Tzaneen Dam. The claim is a result of the GTM having cancelled the deed of sale at a stage when Phadima had already done a lot of work to put in services (roads, electricity, storm


water, sewerage etc). Mampuele is reluctant to say much about the case, but according to documents that Bulletin has seen, certain details of this transaction will almost certainly end up with the Hawks and/or the public protector, Adv Thuli Madonsela. The names of two previous municipal managers, Mr Mabakane Mangena and Ms Conny Mametja, feature prominently in the documents. Meanwhile, the GTM tried to stop Saturday’s auction of the land. They asked the High Court on Friday last week in an urgent application for an interdict to stop Saturday’s auction,

which Phadima had arranged. However, Judge Tuchsten ruled against the GTM. The auction went ahead, but only in the sense that an offer was made by a prospective buyer and this is now being considered by Phadima and other role players. In the documents that the Bulletin have seen, words like misrepresentation, fraud, deception and dishonesty are used and this case could become a nightmare for the GTM. The GTM’s legal costs are substantial and growing at an alarming rate. It is being said that the legal costs are already exorbitant and that a proper investigation of the

Plaasaanval: Gewond, maar lewendig Die vinnige optrede van ‘n sekuriteitskenner het waarskynlik ‘n boer van Constantia, mnr Gustav van Veijeren, se lewe gered nadat hy Dinsdagaand tydens ‘n plaasaanval deur drie rowers oorval en ernstig in die onderlyf gewond is. Mnr Corrie Large, AgriLetaba se lid vir veiligheid, woon daar naby en was vinnig op die toneel om met Van Veijeren en sy vrou, Sarie, na die Tzaneen Mediclinic te jaag. Die Van Veijerens het omstreeks 19:30 die aand van hul kerk se wyksbyeenkoms by die Eiland teruggekeer toe hulle in hul motorhuis oorval is. Sy vrou, Sarie, het uitgeklim om ‘n lig aan te skakel toe sy iemand agter die voertuig gewaar het. Sy het haar man gewaarsku en toe hy uitklim, het die die skote begin klap. Van Veijeren is deur die eerste skoot in die onderlyf getref, maar hy het teruggeskiet en een van die aanvallers gewond, waarna

hulle te voet op die vlug geslaan het. Nege patroondoppies is op die toneel gevind, waarvan vier uit van Veijeren se vuurwapen was. Sy vrou is nie in die voorval beseer nie en het na binne gehardloop om Large te bel. Large was vinnig op die toneel en het met die Van Veijerens na Tzaneen gejaag, waar noodbehandeling dadelik op hom toegepas kon word. Ander bure by Constantia en die polisie was ook vinnig op die toneel en ‘n bloedspoor van die gewonde rower is gevolg, maar die rowers het waarskynlik in ‘n stadium hul voete bedek om hul voetspore uit te wis. Later die nag, omstreeks 03:00, was daar nog ‘n skietvoorval in ‘n swart woongebied naby Van Veijeren se plaas. Dit word vermoed dat dieselfde bende by dié aanval betrokke kon wees. Enigiemand wat weet van ‘n persoon wat vir ‘n skietwond behandeling soek, word versoek om met die naaste polisiekantoor in verbinding te tree. Van Veijeren, wat nog in Mediclinic aansterk, het gesê die gewonde rower sal beslis in ‘n hospitaal behandel moet word.

Verlede week het die Bulletin motoriste gewaarsku om bedag te wees op die groot veranderings op die R71 by die Sasol-vulstasie se nuwe in-/uitgang. Sommige motoriste jaag soos besetenes as hulle die dorp inry/uitry, rylopers staan die wêreld vol en voertuie stop lukraak op die ryvlak om rylopers op te laai. Maandagaand het reeds die tweede ongeluk (foto links) daar gebeur.

municipality’s legal accounts has become a matter of urgency.

Public Protector must probe GTM The DA will request the Public Protector to probe the action of the Municipal Manager of Greater Tzaneen Municipality for allegedly paying a contractor approximately R5,9 million for a road that was never completed, despite recommendations of senior officials that payment not be authorized due to non- compliance. Information received by the DA also shows that a further R9,5 million was paid to SARS on behalf of the contactor, also authorized by the MM. “We believe that this deviation from the MFMA and procurement regulations is a case for serious financial mismanagement,” the DA states in a statement. Meantime the SA Municipal Workers Union (Samwu) in Mopani announced that they are unhappy with the lack of administrative skills of the Mopani District Municipality’s manager, Mr Tim Maake. They stated that Maake failed to claim money from a grant and added that the MDM’s affairs have deteriorated. According to Samwu Provincial Spokesperson Simon Mathye, they had on numerous occasions tried to have Maake removed as manager, as his administration style is leading the MDM to a state of collapse. Mathye said the MDM should be placed under administration. “We discovered that Maake failed to claim certain grants, but processed only one claim of R11 million which he allegedly paid to one service provider, Selby Construction,” he said. MDM spokesperson Neil Shikwambana denied reports about Selby and acDit gaan al heelwat cused Bulletin of bebeter met dr Shani van ing against Maake den Heever, nadat sy for continuously reredelik ernstig beseer porting negatively is in ‘n fietsongeluk. against him. Lees verder op bl 3

22 November 2013 Bulletin

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Uitgewer / Publisher & Redakteur / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Arnold Mabunda 073 003 6044 arnold@bulletin.us.com Orlando Chauke 072 500 1719 orlando@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Advertensies / Advertising Jacques Smuts (Best. / Man.) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo (Adv Admin) 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Thinus van Deventer 083 611 6292 thinus@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design David Morrison (hoof)

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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom


Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Electricity / Elektrisiteit Water

Amanda Strydom Could you please cut down on XMas parties and see... Sheenaugh-lee Thompson Good luck tzaneen were still going through it in ermelo and it is not a pleasure at all and also only because when they were warned things like this would happen they refused to listen! Johan du Toit Na ongeveer 20 j van sg demokrasie sukkel daar steeds met behoorlike dienste ens… Nou ja, diè wat die kamtige reënboognasie so wonderlik ophef en hoog aanslaan moenie kla nie. My westerse inslag vertel my dit sou anders Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook. Raak gerus betrokke, gesels saam en wees ook so betrokke by ons gemeenskap. Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

Bulletin regularly chats on Facebook. Feel free to engage, say your say and be involved in our community in this way. Search for us at www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

Sê jou sê • In verlede week se Bulletin is berig dat Tzaneen, Nkowankowa en Lenyenye ‘n probleem in die gesig staar, dat gesuiwerde water vir menslike gebruik binnekort beperk sal moet word. Dit is die vrugte wat gepluk word van ‘n plaaslike owerheid wat onbeperkte uitbreiding toelaat, sonder om te voorsien vir die behoorlike onderhoud en uitbreiding van noodsaaklike infrastruktuur. Tzaneen se rioolstelsel is volgende aan die beurt. Wat is jou mening hieroor? • In last week’s Bulletin it was reported that Tzaneen, Nkowankowa and Lenyenye are facing a huge problem. Soon purified water for human use will be limited. This is the result of local authority allowing unlimited growth without seeing to proper maintenance and expansion of the essential infrastructure. Tzaneen’s sewerage system is next. What is your opinion about this?

• Daar is mense met meer lewens as ‘n kat. Hulle is min, maar hulle is dáár... en hier. Maar soos enige kat se lewens een of ander tyd opraak, so gaan dit ook met die menskatte. Nou hoor die mense daar is ‘n mannetjiesmenskat wie se lewens min raak. Die mense hoor dit gaan nie help om te probeer wegvlieg van die probleme nie, want een of ander tyd raak die planne op (en die geld vir hofgedinge dalk ook). Hickery Dickery Dock, There are too many kilo’s on the clock...

Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

municipality! What if the community wants to know? “This is the result of local authority allowing unlimited growth without seeing to proper maintenance and expansion of the essential infrastructure. Tzaneen’s sewerage system is next.” Explanation to that plse ! Molebatsi Masedi The answer to the challenges raised by the newspaper are there. Instead of speculating we should be having facts before us, courtesy of Laeveld Bulletin. So blame the newspaper, my good friend, Molebatsi? This newspaper has been warning of a looming crisis with water and sewerage for the past almost five years! Yes, five years = sixty months… 260 weeks… 1 825 days. You seem to think that things haven’t changed since you left us and when you were a senior councillor and a member of the GTM’s Exco. You never should have left us. Come back to Tzaneen (we need you) and experience it, and you will change your tune. Groete — Editor Sean Niemandt Aha, the budget is there, the will is there, the faith is there, and what about the money? Who is going to pay for the big plans? the facts are, for each and every new building, there is an empty one somewhere. For each and every tap installed, there is less water in the dam. For every time I drive through town and see water running down the street, there is less water for someone to drink. Ek kyk al lankal na hierdie uitbreidings en dit maak vir my al hoe minder sin. Water word roekeloos gebruik vir die bou van nuwe geboue en sypaadjies en daar is net geen keer aan al die vermorsing nie. Johan du Toit Great... show it to the community... at the end, they need answers, not tommorow, not next week, not next month etc... which might be too late what then ?J Yes, and power cuts are common... wonder why ? The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.

Kakebeen, so hoor die mense, sê dit klink na perdedokteradvies... • Die geel bakkie met die “badge” op die deur is darem te maklik om nie mis te kyk nie. Veral as dit op die afdraaipaadjies daar by die brug naby Politsi sta’ en ry... • Moet nooit krap waar dit nie jeuk nie. Dit is goeie doktersadvies, wat deur die mediese raad onderskryf word... • Dis argivaris is nie agrivaris nie, maar dalk is Nefie net moedswillig...

Die mense hoor

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • As mense op ‘n plaas wil lewe soos mense in ‘n mynkampong, moet jy weet hulle gaan hulselwers mettertyd in tamatiestraat bevind... • There are no boundaries in Boundary Road. Nie eens vir Mosambiek nie... • Gert sê as die bure se honde jou snags wakker blaf, blaf terug. En as jy ‘n kunsgebit het, haal dit uit, dan blaf jy nog beter.

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Dap Tzaneen Ebenezer Merensky Naude

Blyde Rivier Poort

Middel Letaba



Vergele- Ohrigstad gen

Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net 84.00% 98.70% 101.90% 92.60% 42.90% 94.40% 95.50% 90.30% 101.30% 69.90%

10177 015 781 1333 10111 015 781 3511 015 781 6300 015 780 6300

Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk).

Elke outjie het sy lied: krokodil en zoeiii-muskiet,

elke kokkerot of sysie met sy eie sysiewysie. Elke gogga, elke mensie elke omie met sy pensie moet kan skinner, krys of kweel kwinkeleer of koer of neul. Of dit fraai, of goor of gek is, jy moet sing soos jy gebek is.

gehanteer word sou die regte persone in beheer was met die nodige insig en ondervindig, dalk oor die nodige kwalifikasie. Hoeveel munisipaliteite in SA is inderdaad suiwer van diens lewering, ens? Rosemarie Barnes So what’s new! Same old same old - these peeps just do not listen to good advice because they know it all! Molebatsi Masedi Our municipality will upgrade to meet demand. Rosemarie Barnes Pretty sure they will — question is when and where is the money supposed to come from to do these upgrades which should have been in progress for the last 20 years! Christine Mans YES TELL US WHERE IS THE MONEY.!! Molebatsi Masedi There budget is there, the Plan is there and the Will is there too. All that is lacking is the faith in us. Johan du Toit What faith!for almost 20 years some municipalities can’t cope because of fraud, corruption, nepotism etc. With Faith comes hard work, honesty and respect, without it... your budget, plan and the will, will be useless.Try again ! Rosemarie Barnes So if the budget and plans are there what is the delay in doing these upgrades? Jaypee Smuts Upgrades does not rely on faith, delivery is what counts! Sheenaugh-lee Thompson Talk is cheap Money buys the whiskey! Molebatsi Masedi The issue raised in the newspaper is receiving attention. The newspaper just has to go to our municipality for the chapter and verse of bulk infrastructure such as water, electricity and sewerage. Johan du Toit Hmm..... newspaper must go to the

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

Vlieg dra graag die volgende gedig van Phillip de Vos op aan die blikskottel wat die swart strepe verlede week deur sy werk getrek het!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Webwerf/Website Annemieke Maritz 079 275 7347 annemieke@bulletin.us.com

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen


Vlieg het nie ‘n goeie week beleef nie. Allermins. Vir iemand soos Vlieg gaan sit sensuur nie net onder die vel nie. Dit krap sommer ou wonde oop waar lelike goed soos John Vorsters, PW Bothas en dies meer uitloop. En dan onthou Vlieg waarom hy destyds die Vrye Weekblad so graag gelees het.

Vlieg vind die sense suur!

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...


Baie Dankie!

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van




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Bulletin 22 November 2013


Gewilde dokter van Tzaneen sterk aan • Nog ‘n fiestry-ongeluk, gelukkig nie noodlottig nie • Dit gaan beter met dr Shani van den Heever (38) van Tzaneen en sy is stabiel. Sy is die tweede plaaslike fietsryer wat binne ‘n maand in ‘n ernstige ongeluk beseer is. ‘n Plastiese sjirurg het die groot sny bo haar een oog geheg en haar gebreekte skouer is ook geopereer om te sorg dat dit nie later komplikasies veroorsaak nie. Sy het ligte kopbeserings, waarskynlik is die brein effens gekneus en daar is bloeding op die brein, maar

‘n neuroloog wat na dit omsien is tevrede dat dit nie tot onnodige kommer hoef te lei nie. Sodra hy die uitslag van ‘n breinskandering gekry het, sal hy verdere besluite neem. Van den Heever is ‘n vennoot by Dr Spies en Vennote. Haar man Braam werk vir Westfalia en is die seun van mnr Johan van den Heever, afgetrede hoof van Merensky, en sy vrou. Hy is in Pretoria en bestee die meeste van sy tyd by sy vrou in die hospitaal.

Sy het Sondag in Johannesburg aan die Momentum 94.7 -padwedren deelgeneem, waar sy geval het. Sy is per helikopter na die Milpark Hospitaal geneem. Volgens ‘n groep mense wat saam met die dokter gery het, het hulle teen ongeveer 48 km/h gery, toe sy geval het. Die Van den Heevers het twee kinders, Johan (9) en Shané (7), wat intussen deur hul grootouers versorg word.

Die sitrusbedryf swéét Tamatiestraat. Dit is waar Limpopo se sitrusboere hulle nou bevind. Die voortgesette uitvoer van ons sitrus na Europa balanseer tans op ‘n mespunt en die sitrusbedryf is by ‘n kruispad. Wat die saak vererger, is dat die probleem nou ‘n politieke kleur gekry het, en dit is nie meer net swartvlek — ‘n swamsiekte wat slegs ‘n merk op die vrugte se skil laat en hoegenaamd nie die gehalte van die vrug beïnvloed nie — wat as sondaar uitgewys word nie. Suid-Afrika se regering het onlangs die bilaterale beleggingsooreenkomste met dertien lande in die Europese Unie eensydig opgeskort, en dit blyk nou dat ‘n verbod op die invoer van sitrus uit Suid-Afrika deur die EU baie sterker as ‘n klompie weke gelede oorweeg word. Dit het sover net oor swartvlek gegaan, met ‘n land soos Spanje wat sterk betoog het teen SA vrugte oor swartvlek. Vroeër vanjaar is ‘n verbod aangekondig, maar intense onderhandelings deur die regering, AgriSA en die SA Sitruskwekersvereniging het geslaag en die

verbod is afgeweer — maar met sterk voorwaardes dat gevlekte vrugte nie geduld sou word nie. Ongelukkig is vrugte met swartvlek toe wel teen die einde van die seisoen hier weg Europa toe en dit het die Europeërs opnuut gemotiveer om sterk standpunt in te neem. SA se sitrusboere voer jaarliks sowat 600 000 ton sitrusvrugte na die EU uit en ‘n amptenaar van die departement van landbou het verlede week gewaarsku ‘n verbod kan die land 30 000 werkgeleenthede en R3 miljard kos. Hervatte onderhandelings tussen SA en die EU oor die kwessie gaan onverpoosd voort en boere hou intussen styf duim vas dat ‘n verbod afgeweer kan word. Daar ís ander markte vir ons sitrus, maar om nuwe markte te ontwikkel en uit te brei word nie oornag gedoen nie. Dit sal ook groot eise aan sitrusboere stel om nuwe markte te gaan verken en te ontgin. Intussen knaag dit maar aan boere se senuwees...

• Gustav aangeval

Dit was die tweede plaasaanval binne ‘n week in dieselfde omgewing. Verlede week was die slagoffer mnr Christie Landman, wat met kop- en rugbeserings betreklik lig daarvan afgekom het. Hy is ook naby sy huis deur vyf onbekende aanvallers getakel. AgriLetaba se voorsitter, mnr Pieter Vorster, sê boereverenigings in die omgewing het reeds verskerpte veiligheidsmaatreëls vir hul lede. Groter waaksaamheid is nou aan die orde van die dag. Hy sê dit is noodsaaklik om ‘n noodlys van telefoonnommers byderhand te hê, as deel van enige veiligheidsplan.

Limpopo mors met kos Nagenoeg 150 ton ryp tamaties beland elke dag op die ashoop in Limpopo omdat daar nie genoeg aanlegte is om dit tot puree, poeier of pasta te verwerk nie. Terselfdertyd floreer soortgelyke produkte wat China teen lae pryse in Suid-Afrika “stort”, tot die nadeel en ondergang van veral kleinboere in Limpopo. Ondanks dringende versoeke deur die Limpopo Tamatiekwekersvereniging (LTGA) om hulp van die regering, nasionaal en provinsiaal, gebeur daar niks en boere moet toesien hoe hul oeste teen groot verlies weggesmyt word. • Lees volledige berig volgende week in AgriBulletin.


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22 November 2013 Bulletin


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to life imprisonment for murder and 15 years imprisonment for armed robbery.


Crime hints

Bulletin Crime Reporter

Arnold Mabunda New scam: Criminals are said to be calling relatives arnold@bulletin.us.com

Up in arms The Bolobedu Police have arrested nineteen criminals for various crimes ranging from robbery, assault GBH and rape to possession of unlicensed firearms. During the past week’s operation the following items were recovered: one DVD player, two firearms, thirteen rounds of ammo, three cellular phones, one motor vehicle suspected to have been stolen. A number of people from the area also appeared in court during the past week: • Andrew Phiri was sentenced to 90 days or R2 000 for assault GBH; • Carlton Nakampe Mopai was sentenced to 2 years or R8 000 for housebreaking and theft; • Dankies Mafokwane was sentenced to 6 months or R4 000 for assault; • Modisha Sebopetsa aged 24 years was sentenced

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of people who are in police custody and inform them that if they deposit money through the money market, the accused will be released from custody. At this stage, it is unknown where these criminals get information about people who are in custody. This scam is said to be quite a problem in Tzaneen. Under no circumstances should people believe the claims made by the scam mongers. Remote controls: Criminals use remote controls to steal from cars. They hide somewhere and when people press their car remote control to lock the vehicle, criminals immediately press theirs to block the victim’s remote from locking the car. The motorist will still hear the sound of the car’s locks clicking, but the vehicle will not be locked. People should physically feel whether the vehicle is locked. Awareness when parking: Motorists should park their cars in a manner which does not invite criminals. • Avoid parking your vehicle where there are no security officers guarding parked cars; • Make sure that all the doors and windows are properly locked when you park your car; • Be aware of people coming to you and informing you that you have a flat tyre; the intention is usually to look into the vehicle, to see what can be stolen; • Lock your valuables in the car’s boot;

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• Cover your valuables or put it underneath a seat where it is not visible.

In the village The Haenertsburg SAPS reported the following successes for the past week: 23 arrests in connection with violations of the Road Traffic Act, one arrest in terms of the Liquor Act and one for the possession of suspected stolen property.

Law & Order Letsitele police have been working hard during the past week, in an effort to enforce law and order. No less than 61 culprits have faced the might of the law; one for rape, six for robbery, eight for assault GBH, nine for drinking in public and fourteen contravening the Road Traffic Act. Another seven people have been taken in for illegal gambling, five for possession of dagga, two for malicious damage to property, two for possession of a dangerous weapon, two for assault, one for intrusion and one for theft. During a special operation liquor outlets were searched and checked if they complied with the Liquor Act.

Behind bars Police in Tzaneen have been pretty busy over the past week and 119 culprits were put behind bars for having participated in criminal activities. Four people were arrested for assault GBH, two for shoplifting, one for assault and four for theft. Six law breakers were arrested for house breaking, common robbery, possession of dagga, attempted theft, malicious damage to property and drunken driving. Police also arrested three men for possession of suspected stolen

Search “Laeveldbulletin” property, one for possession of ammunition, two for violation of a protection order, one for rape and one for negligence with a firearm, 22 for bending the rules of the road according to the Road Traffic Act and seventeen were taken in for illegal gambling; twenty people were arrested for drinking in public, one for reckless driving and five for illegal trading. Police arrested 23 people for prostitution and six for urinating in public. Sentenced: A number of convictions in Tzaneen’s Magistrate’s Court can be reported: • 24 year-old Rosina Mathebula was sentenced to six months imprisonment for shoplifting; • 22 year-old David Mookamedi was sentenced to three months imprisonment for theft; •27 year-old Makwana Cathrine Mathipa was sentenced to six months imprisonment for assault GBH.

Inquest after drowning The Letsitele Police have opened an inquest docket after the naked body of a 24 year-old man was found on Tuesday afternoon at Klinkert Farm’s dam outside Letsitele. It has been reported that the man was certified dead by the paramedics after police were summoned to remove his body from the dam. Community members identified the deceased, but the Police will disclose his identity after this family have been informed of his death.

Busy Ritavi This week Ritavi Police have brought 41 perpetrators to book. Fourteen arrests for assault GBH were made, while another three for robbery and eight more for contravening the Liquor Act were arrested. Three people were taken in for theft, one for rape and four for contravening the Road Traffic Act. Police also arrested three offenders for assault, two for possession of dagga and four for house breaking and theft.

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Bulletin 22 November 2013


Veteran says goodbye Lehlaba Primary School on the farm Red Dr Theo de Jager, for their support over the Bank in Georges Valley past forty years. Mr Ngwako Sethwane, said good bye to their a farm manager headmaster of forty and chairman of the years, Ms Elizabeth school’s governing Moloise, on Saturday. Several high rankbody, thanked Moloise on behalf of the farm ing officials in the workers, land owner, department of eduthe community of GV cation attended a special and the children, for a function, sponsored by lifetime of dedication local farmers, to mark the event. and excellence. The school is Moloise was the first currently being headmaster of the upgraded. New toilets school, and teached are added, sponsored children of farm workers at Lehlaba by the McGaffin family of Matume Saw Mill, since 1973. She was The new headmaster of Lehlaba Primary, and two old class responsible for building Mr Shilobane, and Ms Elizabeth Moloise rooms are also being the school out to the renovated and turned into a kitchen and well performing institution it currently is. In her farewell address Moloise thanked dining room respectively, where food will be the teachers, children, parents, members of prepared and served to the pupils. The latter the governing body, and the farm owner, is financially supported by Tzaneng Mall.

The Tzaneen Care Group held a successful Mad Hatters tea party at Unicorn Primary School in aid of the fight against breast cancer. Almost 120 ladies attended the function. The theme was fun and the setting funky and vibrant. The ladies contributed to the fun, by wearing hats and there were some unusual hats on display. Lots of prizes were won and interesting talks were delivered. The entertainment was excellent. Tzaneen Care Group would like to thank each and everyone who contributed, sponsored and attended the event.

Die SAVF Tzaneen se kleuterskool het hul jaarlikse Kerskonsert gehou, met bypassende kostuums en selfs ‘n kameel, ‘n donkie en ‘n paar skape (uit karton). Die spannetjie het omtrent

keel opgesit — van blydskap — toe hulle vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar ‘n trampolien van die eienaar van die Misty Silver Spur, mnr Riaan Heine, en sy vrou Bessie ontvang het.

‘n Groep vroue van Tzaneen het hul harte vir die vierde agtereenvolgende jaar vir die kleuterhuis Maroela van die Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis in Modimolle oopgemaak. Hulle het ‘n Kerspartytjie by Mangela by die Tzaneen Country Lodge gehou. Na ‘n lang busrit is die jongspan met ope arms ontvang en lekker bederf. Die elf kinders (ses meisietjies en vyf seuntjies, regs) het almal met ‘n stywe druk en groot glimlag gegroet. Hierna is ‘n Bybelstorie deur me Marie Huysamen voorgelees, en toe het die kinders ‘n Kersliedjie gesing. Toe volg daar groot opwinding: die sakke vol geskenke is nader gesleep en elke kind het ‘n sak vol geskenke en ander nuttige goedjies gekry. Dit was vir die kinders ‘n onvergeetlike dag, wat deur ruim skenkings van borge moontlik gemaak is.

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6 22 November 2013



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Ons Mening

The Message

Vrydag 22 November 2013

Rev Ron Reiners

Nog slegte nuus Dit is so hartverskeurend dat ons vandag weer slegte nuus vir ons lesers moet bring! Met die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit se sake is alles beslis nie pluis nie; lankal nie meer nie. Nou lyk dit toenemend asof sake op ‘n spits gedryf kan word, en dit moet gerus vroeër eerder as later gebeur. Tzaneen se belastingbetalers is keelvol vir baie dinge. Daar was die erge elektrisiteitsprobleme, die losbandigheid waarmee informele handelaars (smouse) basies eie reg gebruik, die verval van infrastruktuur, die gebrek aan ‘n verkeersplan en swak verkeersbeheer, die skandelike onverskilligheid oor die besoedeling van die Letaba, bosslapers en plakkers wat in groeiende getalle in en om die dorp opgemerk word, en nog vele meer. Nou is daar allerhande gebeurde wat dui op moontlike onverskillige en selfs oneerlike bestuur van die GTM se geldsake. Daar is onvergeeflike vermorsing van geld op onnodige regsaksies en hofsake, wat die GTM die een na die ander verloor. Voeg hierby die ontevredenheid oor hoe die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit (MDM) bestuur word (hulle is net so voos betaal aan regsgedinge) en daar is rede vir ‘n wye smagting na orde in plaaslike bestuur in ons omgewing. In dié stadium is daar ongelukkig min wat mens hoopvol stem vir ‘n ommeswaai na goeie bestuur.

Bulletin We support any lawful action to end violence against our women & children

Bravo, TAS! Marietta Iuel, PO Box 2663, Tzaneen, writes: My 82-year-old mother fell at her home in Macadamia on Monday 4 November at 03:00. I live with her and heard her calling out to me in pain and anguish. I managed to raise the Macadamia frail care service and two nurses lifted her back into her bed. I phoned Tzaneen Ambulance Service (TAS) at about 08:30 as my mother was still in excruciating pain and I was unable to move her. They arrived within 10 minutes, and in the pouring rain brought the ambulance right up to the front door to make it easier for all. Two of them, a guy and a girl, awfully nice and awfully compassionate, dealt with the furniture, my rebel pugs and one mongrel with ease. They delivered my mother to Mediclinic and I was so impressed as they stayed with her in the ER until I arrived in my own car. My mother remained there for a week with a diagnosed fractured pelvis. On the following Monday, 11 November, she was discharged and sent home by the same ambulance service. She was brought home with the same care, compassion and efficiency. Ten out of ten for Tzaneen Ambulance Service from me and my family.

Doe zo voort, Oubal Alfie Stander skryf per e-pos: Ek en vier rugbyvriende het Sondagaand eers ‘n tjoppie op die vlamme gegooi, voor ons gekyk het hoe ons Bokke die Skotte ore aansit. Maar mens gesels mos ook terwyl jy die vleisie gereeld omdraai. Ons het oor Oubal gepraat, wat die afgelope klompie maande al gereeld elke week vir ons rugby pitkos gee. Toe kry ons konsensus dat daar ‘n brief aan Oubal geskryf moet word, om dankie te sê dat hy week na week vir ons iets gee om oor te dink. Hy is soos ‘n snydokter wat die mes inlê onder daai skerp lig in die teater. Hy sny waar dit saak maak. Hy is ook nie aan iemand se kant nie. Hy pak die Bulle, die Haaie, die WP, enige provinsie waar daar dinge gebeur wat nie reg is nie of wat nie goed is vir rugby nie.

If I start a movement, I can choose to select who I think would be suitable to join it and exclude those I feel I do not like. But when it comes to serving God I must be very careful that I do not exclude those who are Christian, even if I do not like them. If we talk of Men’s Ministry and I as an Anglican have got the ball rolling and have started having meetings with like-minded men must I only include those men who are Anglican? Or can I also throw it open to all Christian men? Here I feel that if we have a common purpose which I believe should be to serve Christ and my fellow men/woman then it should be inclusive. I know that some might say that others may have hidden agendas and will want to hi-jack the ministry for their aims, but if those joining are willing to serve Christ first then I cannot see them doing this. We as men who believe in Christ must be seen to follow His example of loving one another, we must not get the idea that because we belong to another mainline or chrematistic church that we should be excluded from the ideal of having a body of men serving Christ. Language, colour or status should not play a part, if we have accepted Christ as our “Leader”. So I urge all Christian men to join a men’s ministry, be it run by the church you attend or be it run by another church. It is only once we become a unified body that serves Christ first and foremost that we will see God’s true blessings in this town. I urge also everyone to pray that God shows us the way to truly become the “Body of Christ”. Blessings.

Letters • Briewe Ons is vyf manne wat baie omgee vir rugby. Ons ry gereeld Loftus en selfs Ellispark toe, om rugby te gaan kyk. Maar ons is ook gereeld by die dorp se rugbyveld om Letaba se spanne te ondersteun en ook ons skole, want ons is lief vir rugby. Maar rugby is nie vir ons ‘n god nie en daar is baie dinge wat verkeerd is. Daar is ook baie dinge wat dom is en wat ons administrateurs en afrigters en skeidsregters laat lyk soos mense wat slae soek. Oubal skroom nie om die mes of die kweperlat in te lê nie en ons wil hom vra om asseblief so voort te gaan. Ons vrek natuurlik van nuuskierigheid om te weet wie hy is. Dalk kry ons nog eendag ‘n skok dat hy ‘n sy is!

College’s success Dr Edmund de Beer, Reformed Church, Tzaneen, writes: The distance branch of Mukhanyo College in Tzaneen has ended its first year on a high note when the students finished their second module for the year. All the students passed the module in Systematic Theology with good marks. They are enrolled for a diploma in Theology. Mukhanyo Distance has 250 students attending classes all over southern Africa. The number of students is growing with new centres opening in countries as far as South Sudan and Zambia. Mukhanyo Distance in Tzaneen will start classes in the new year on Friday 17 January 2014. Classes are presented every Friday afternoon from 14:00 at the Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld (Reformed Church opposite HiQ and the FET College). The next module will also be a module in Systematic Theology where the focus will fall on the work of the Holy Spirit and the church. The diploma course consists of 28 modules, but students are welcome to register for a single module for which they will receive a certificate of attendance.

Please contact me (Edmund de Beer) on 083 3911 065 for more information. The cost per module is only R200. A number of bursaries are available. The students who successfully finished a module in Systematic Theology at Mukhanyo Distance Tzaneen are Knox Mathebula, Roelf van Aarde, Tshepo Motloutsi and Phillemon Sekgoela. Some of them received certificates for attending a module on Spiritual Formation earlier in the year.

Beware of this road Rev Ron. J. Reiners, Agatha Community Forum, 083 617 8442, writes: Concern of road users of the Agatha access roads. Both the roads in the Agatha area are busy collapsing to such an extent that if not attend to immediately could cause serious accidents. We have approached the roads department and according to Joyce, who is supposed to be in charge, they have reported it to SANRAL. I requested that sign boards be put up to warn motorist of the impending dangers, but she said that they could not or would not put up these signs for some vague reasons. Perhaps only after something seriously has happened will they attend to it. I would like to warn all motorists using these roads to be extremely cautious. We as a community will try to erect warning signs at the most dangerous parts. We are also constantly patching the pot holes.

Baie dankie Valerie Niemandt skryf namens God’s Haven se bestuur: God’s Haven se inwoners en personeel sê weereens baie dankie vir u onbaatsugtige liefde, en toewyding wat ons so gereeld ontvang van u, die publiek. Dit word opreg waardeer. Ons noem graag: Graham Partnership vir piesangs, Woolworths vir heerlike eetgoed, dankie vir jul gratis koerante en bedankings, Build-it vir hardeware, baie dankie aan almal wat

naweekdiens doen. Baie dankie aan die anonieme persone vir die kontant bydrae, dit maak ‘n hele paar gate toe; en die anonieme persone wat vir ons ‘n nuwe skottelgoedwasmasjien, eetgery, en stoelkussings vir die stoep gegee het. Dick Wright vir doeke, BP Lombard en Naute vir vrugte en groente, Pro-Group vir kosdonasie, L de Wet vir toiletsitplek. Vir die organiseerders van die Tzaneenfees wat ons bejaardes uitgeneem het na die fees vir ‘n vertoning en ‘n middagete gegee het. Hulle het dit baie geniet, nogmaals dankie! Ons wens almal ‘n geseënde week toe!

Ons wil verskil maak Elmarie Jacobs, Skriba SPK (sekretariële portefuljekomitee, Gods Haven, Tzaneen, Sel 082 731 6268, e-pos elmariejac@gmail. com, skryf: Ons wil graag ‘n verskil maak dié Kersfees om vir elke bejaarde ouma en oupa in God’s Haven, Tzaneen, ‘n geskenkpakkie op te maak vir Kersdag. Ons wil graag in elke pakkie die volgende sit: Tandepaste, tandeborsel, waslap (ons het reeds ‘n borg om elke ouma en oupa se naam daarop te borduur), badsepie, poeier, handeroom (oumas), Aqua Cream (oupas), koekies (Lemoen Creams, Marie, Tennis, ensovoorts), sagte lekkergoed soos Marshmallows, All Sorts, ensovoorts, droë vrugte, snesies. As u iets wil bydra, skakel asseblief met Elmarie Jacobs by 082 731 6268 of elmariejac@ gmail.com of Juanita Harmse by 082 929 8907 of juanitajc@mweb.coz.a of Marie van Staden by 082 922 2377 of mangomagic@vodamail. co.za. Ons vra beleefd om al die skenkings voor of op 10 Desember vir ons te laat kry. Tree asseblief met God’s Haven se sekretaris, Henk Mienie by 083 294 1960, in verbinding as jy op enige manier betrokke wil raak — daar is verskeie projekte waar vrywilligers kan help. As jy eers die sentrum wil besoek sodat jy eerstehands kan ervaar wat ons doen, is jy meer as welkom. God’s Haven is afhanklik van die welwillendheid en finansiële steun van die publiek en borge! Maak asb jou hart oop teenoor ons geliefde oumas en oupas.

Bulletin 22 November 2013

A stitch in time is Lindi’s tune Lindi Jansen van Rensberg (30) is quiet and unassuming as she sits on her lounge sofa in her townhouse in Tzaneen. She’s surrounded by the tools of her trade, her sewing machines, her over locker and her recent pride and joy, a R16 000 embroidery machine. Lindi says she was briefly employed but prefers self employment as her creative mind is always working on the next project. She grew up in Welkom in the Free State. Her husband was transferred to Tzaneen some five years ago, to take up a position at a rural supermarket. The couple have two children, a 13 year-old daughter and a six year-old son. Creativity is in her genes. She inherited this from her mother who taught her almost everything she knows. Her husband surprised her with the embroidery machine


Something unique and different

about a month ago. Lindi is still undergoWhen Cara Anderson (32) moved to Tzaing training at Bernina, but already has a neen with her family last year, she decided line-up of customto follow her passion ers wanting emand unleash her crebroidered items. ativity. In Bulletin’s exclusive series about young Lindi says there Her husband, an local entrepreneurs and achievers two Tzaneen ladies are introduced to our readare hundreds of electrical engineer, ers today. Sue Ettmayr interviewed them. designs on board was transferred from If you have somebody in mind to be introand more can be Witbank. Her two duced, call Annemieke on 015 307 7248 or added by connectchildren aged six and write to annemieke@bulletin.us.com. ing her laptop and three, are at school downloading from during the day givthe internet. ing Cara time to creShe’s particularly fond of doing embroiate her pieces of art. However, she works dery work for new born babies. She’s just six days a week and it’s only Sundays that completed a baby blanket, pillow and spit she devotes exclusively to her family. cloth (spoegdoek) for a customer. As the sex Cara has called her business Cobblestone, of the baby is not yet known she and the because each item is as unique and differcustomer sat together and decided to steer ent in colour as a cobblestone. Her popular away from traditional blue and pink and creations, mainly jewellery, are created and chose the wording “With Love” in yellow, sold from her home in Tzaneen. She works surrounded by green ivy. around themes and has recently produced Lindi sourced the material and produced the following ranges: sandalwood, heart the finished products less than a week later. and Oriental bloom. She’s about to start Lindi has also branched into other creaa children’s range for little girls. This will tive projects and the handbag in the photoinclude everything that’s frilly, bling, pink, graph is a shop order. She hopes this is the cutesy and with ribbons. beginning of a larger consignment for this It’s taken her a long time to find the right local boutique. suppliers for her different kinds of beads, She admits to being a home body and conwooden, glass, wire, ribbons, coppers, silcentrates on her family and her own work. vers and buttons. She dreams about creaShe and her husband have also transformed tions, keeps a writing book next to her bed, their small patch of garden into a pot plant writes her dreams down and then sets about paradise with many different plant species, sketching and working on her dreams. particularly orchids, in most unusual pots. Born in Mokopane, Cara had Art as a sub-

ject in matric. She wanted to study Fine Arts but her father said that there was no money in that field. She went on to do a two year beautician course, but never used the qualification. She worked for several bosses, enjoyed being chair assistant to a dentist in Polokwane, but ultimately wanted to be her own boss. Cara says, “I love making different kinds of things, but each item must be unique and stand out. I get my inspiration from nature, culture, people and music.”


22 November 2013 Bulletin


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Groblers is vier dekades sterk Toeka


WELL DONE! Congratulations to Grobler’s Auto on 40 years.

Il Poggio Farm Geluk met 40 suksesvolle jare!

Grobler’s Auto is ‘n kernbesigheid in Mooketsi wat feitlik op elke vlak van die motorbedryf dienste oor ‘n groot gebied lewer. Dit is ook die herdenking van hul veertigste bestaansjaar, nadat mnr Dirk Grobler in 1973 ‘n eenmansaak in moeilike omstandighede begin het. Hy het destyds met velddienste begin en moes sonder ‘n eie perseel na plase ry, om voertuie te herstel. Twee jaar later het hy die motorwerkswinkel in Mooketsi aangeskaf en die werk het vinnig vermeerder. Hulle het algemene herstelwerk aan voertuie gedoen en later ook bakherstelwerk, terwyl hy die veldwerk voortgesit het. Sedert 1980 het Grobler’s Auto al meer ombouings op voertuie gedoen en die personeel het gegroei. Hulle het voertuie van handelaars en fabrieke gekry vir dié ombouings, wat veral vir mini-bussies en ligte handelsvoertuie in aanvraag was. Droogtetoestande het aan die einde van die tagtigerjare sy tol begin eis, en baie boere in die omgewing kon nie meer voortgaan nie. Hulle was klante van Grobler en hy moes baie slegte skuld in daardie stadium afskryf, wat die besigheid feitlik op sy knieë gehad het. Grobler het met ‘n toegewyde span werkers vasgebyt en veral met die verkoop van voertuie, vragmotors en trekkers gesorg dat die besigheid staande bly. Die ruimte was beperk en hy moes ‘n groter perseel langs die R81 ‘n entjie verder aanskaf, om al die werksaamhede te kan huisves. Nog afdelings is bygevoeg, soos ‘n onderdele-afdeling met ‘n baie wyer reeks onderdele en selfs ‘n insleepdiens. Vandag staan Grobler’s Auto sterk en vier veertig jaar se vasbyt en toewyding. Dit, sê Grobler, is alles te danke aan sy lojale personeel en gereelde klante wat deur die jare heen soveel vertroue in sy dienste en produkte behou het.

Veels Geluk met 40 jaar in die bedryf!

WELL DONE! Congratulations Grobler’s for 40 successful years.

Dankie vir 40 jaar se sukses met die onderneming. Ons is trots op wat jy bereik het!

Hill Klinkert

Nyati Cosmetics



Geluk aan Grobler’s en voorspoed vir die


volgende 40 jaar!

Baie geluk aan Dirk Grobler en personeel vir jaar se bestaan

40 jaar is ‘n groot

Sussie, Marius, Tessa en Kleinkinders


Tzaneen Finansiële Dienste Tzaneen Fanancial Services WORLD LEADERS IN AUTOMOTIVE FINISHES

Veertig jaar se vasbyt en standvastigheid was beslis die moeite werd - vir jou en vir ons. BAIE GELUK!

Personeel en vriende

WELL DONE! Proud to be associated with Grobler’s Auto.

Mooketsi City

015 307 2897

Baie Geluk! Trots om met julle besigheid te doen.

Hartlik Geluk met 40 suksesvolle jare!

Charl Haynes

Jan Basson


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Bulletin 22 November 2013



22 November 2013 Bulletin


Glamorous start for new Zen Spa & Rasul


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The grand opening of the Zen Spa about the various spa products & Rasul at Fairview Hotel, Tza- used. A representative of C-Spa neen, which is the latest addition to also entertained the guests with their establishment, was celebrated samples of different aromas. with a glamorous cocktail event. The guests were all dressed up Live classical music played to and enjoyed the grand opening set the atmosphere, at the five star graded Village. A very delightwhile waiters welcomed guests with ful evening was spent amongst beautiful peochampagne to sip ple, delicious foods and on, while they were walking through drinks, live music and the beautiful and the relaxing and aromatic persona of the Zen tranquil setting. Spa & Rasul. Guests could enSeen in the photo on joy different segments of beauty, the right are the direcpeek at the rooms tors of the Zen Spa and Rasul at Fairview, Mss where the treatments take place Nono Malangana is a Marinda Thomas and and learn more qualified therapist at Zen. Zelda Pretorius.

Ons kantoor sluit Vrydag 29 November 2013 om 13:00, maar sal weer van Maandag 2 Desember 2013 soos gewoonlik Maandae tot Vrydae van 08:00 tot 17:00 oop wees. Fear lessl y the tr uth

Crownstraat 8, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 7248


Fear lessl y the tr uth

8 Crown Street, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 7248

Dit gaan baie goed met Modjadjiskloof se Zervogiannis-drieling, wat vroeër vanjaar op 33 weke in die Kloof Hospitaal in Pretoria gebore is. Jaden, Zoe en Nathan moes die eerste vyf weke van hul lewe in die hospitaal se neonatale eenheid deurbring. Zoe het slegs 1,3 kg geweeg, Jaden 1,83 kg en Nathan 1,99 kg. Die driestuks het in Tzaneen kom kuier, waar ons hulle raak geloop het. Die vriendelike driestuks het geen probleem gehad om vir ons fotograaf mooi te glimlag nie. Die trotse pa, mnr Mike Zervogiannis, is die bestuurder by Kloof Supermark en ma Adele werk by Kloof Scrap Metals.

Mss Nonkululeko Mathye and Bontle Hlaisi attended the opening of the new Spa.



Closing for December holidays from 28/11/2013.

Re-opening for business on 06/01/2014.

Baie dankie aan al ons lojale kliente vir die ondersteuning gedurende 2013. ONS SAL GESLUIT WEES VANAF 28/11/2013 VIR DIE DESEMBER VAKANSIE EN OPEN WEER DV OP 6/01/2014.



Our offices will close at 13:00 on Friday 29 November 2013. However, from Monday 2 December 2013 our offices will be open again Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 to 17:00.



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Events l Gebeure

This Week

Christmas fair

Kersmark Die AP Kerk Tzaneen se jaarlikse Kersmark vandag van 09:00 tot 19:00. Verskillende produkte, kunsmark, teetuin, baie om te eet en drink asook speletjies en ‘n springkasteel vir kinders. Besighede/ indiwidue kan kos vooraf bestel vir aflewering van12:00 af (skakel Doempie by 083 645 3747 vir bestellings). Verdere inligting: Donovan by 074 589 8429 of donovan@lby.co.za . Kersboomkonsert Vanaand om 18:00 in Wolkberg Akademie se saal. Kontak Retha Schwab by 0825028736. Gesamentlike Kerssangdiens

Sondag 24 November in die NG kerk Wolkberg om 18:00. Sing van Kersliedere sal om 17:45 begin. Verskeie plaaslike kunstenaars: René Mynhardt, Richardt en Ingrid Linde, Marius Botha en die gemeenskapskoor.


Hannes Steyn on 082 309 8338. In the Village Hall of Haenertsburg on 30 November and 1 December from 09:00 to 17:00. Christmas gifts and food stalls. Want to display your goods, contact Linda on 082 575 5738 or 082 771 2655 or e-mail applegrange@mweb. co.za to book a space.

This Month


vember at Macadamia Community Centre at 19:00. Everyone welcome. Alleenlopers Mans en vroue tussen 40 en 100 wat nog lief is vir gesellig verkeer. Kom geniet die laaste bring-en-braai van die jaar saam met ons. Saterdag, 30 November om 18:00. Navrae: 083 453 3250. Frog Evening The Tzaneen Eco Club is hosting a talk-and-walk on frogs/frogging by Vincent Egan at Macadamia Community Centre on 29 November at 18:30. A year-end bring and braai will follow (bring meat, drinks and a salad to share). Visitors are welcome with an admission fee of R20. Contact Marianne McKenzie on 082 835 4185 for more information. SAVF Kersboom Die SAVF het vanjaar weer ’n Kersboom by Aqua Spar. Kom haal wenslysie van die Kersboom af en maak ’n geskenkpakkie op. Aflewering van die geskenkpakkie en die oorspronklike wenslysie kan voor of op 30 November by die SAVF se kantore of by Aqua Spar afgelewer word.

Herofield Carols by Candlelight On 30 November at Minitza-

ni at 18:30. Bring your own picnic basket and blanket/chair. Contact

Next Month


Kom trek saam van 9 tot 13 Desember vanaf Wasbank na Bloedrivier — vier dae, 75 km. Lekker volkskultuurprogram saans om die kampvuur met ’n herhaling van die Gelofte elke aand. Verdere feesverrigtings te Bloedrivier vanaf 13 tot 16 Desember. Besoek www.bloedrivier.org vir registrasies en meer. Navrae: Boetman Duminy by 083 659 3843 of Frans Schutte by 083 375 5198.


Carols by Candlelight 29 No-


Round Table Clubhouse in Cir-

cle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the first Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt on 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg on 082 824 4291. Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna on 015 307 2527. Support Group The Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group meet the first and third Saturday mornings of each month, 09:00, Macadamia Community Centre. Enquiries: Denise on 0722871022 or Colleen on 0834567970. Herofield aanddiens Sondae 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn by 082 309 8335 of jeeuug@gmail.com.



Chameleon Indoor Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/ navrae: Nate 078 619 4546 Aksienetbal Elke Dinsdagaand 18:00 -20:00 by die skouterrein. R20/ persoon. Dames en mans welkom.

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Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Annemieke Maritz E-pos/e-mail: events@bulletin.us.com ‘13

Bulletin 22 November 2013

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

NTK Tzaneen

Admin Dame

Vereistes • Graad 12 • Rekenaargeletterdheid • Finansiële Agtergrond • Voorraadkontrole Ondervinding • Ontvangs en Opteken van voorraad ondervinding Sluitingsdatum 30 November 2013 CV’s moet persoonlik afgelewer word by Frikkie van Vuuren (Bestuurder) 015 307 4405 *Indien u nie gekontak word binne 14 dae nie was u aansoek onsuksesvol.

POST: LECTURERS (CONTRACT) (Conditional grant) Post Level 1 Salary Notch: R140 013, 00 – R312 358, 00 (per annum) Closing date:13 December 2013 at 12:00 Requirements: An appropriated recognised Bachelor’s Degree and/or National Teacher’s Diploma. SACE Registration Theoretical and/or Practical experience in teaching in the relevant field – service certificates should be included Only in case of posts related to Technical subjects, a professional qualification in Education may not be required, but a Trade Test Certificate and/or appropriated National “N” Diploma or recognised qualification (REQV 13) in the relevant field is required. In the case of Technical subjects, the applicants with POST:

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (REPORT 191/NATED) (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/31/2013 SUBJECTS: INFORMATION PROCESSING/COMPUTER PRACTICE N4 INTRODUCTORY – N6. Special requirements: Subjects related to Computer Practice N6/ Information Processing N6/Typing III/ICDL/End User Computing Level 4 plus 2years’ experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST:

ENGINEERING AND RELATED DESIGN NCV LEVEL 2 – 4 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/26/2013 (re-advert) SUBJECTS: Engineering Fundamentals/Automotive Repair and Maintenance and Engineering Graphics and Design. Special requirements: Qualification related to Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level/ AutoCAD/ProdgeCAD qualification or experience is compulsory. POST:

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING N1 – N3 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/32/2013 SUBJECTS: MATHEMATICS, ELECTRO TECHNOLOGY/INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS/ENGINEERING SCIENCE N1 – N3. Special requirements: Subjects related to Mathematics as well as a Qualification related to Electrical Engineering (Diploma/Degree/ Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST:

ENGINEERING AND RELATED DESIGN NCV LEVEL 2 – 4 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/27/2013 (re-advert) SUBJECTS: AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE LEVEL 2 4 Compulsory requirement:Qualification related to Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST: FUNDAMENTALS LEVEL 2 – 4 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/33/2013 SUBJECTS: MATHEMATICS LEVEL 2 - 4 Special requirements: Mathematics II plus at least 2 years’ experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST:

CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (LEVEL 2 – 4)(1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/34/2013 SUBJECTS: CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY /MATERIALS/ CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION Compulsory requirement: Qualification related to Civil NOTE: The College reserves the right to withdraw or not to fill a post at any time or to change the mode of appointment or contract. The College also reserves the right to verify the qualifications of every shortlisted candidate prior to the issuing of an offer of appointment. The College welcomes people with disabilities • All administrative posts are subject to a practical computer competency assessment; • All applications should be accompanied by a detailed CV and certified copies of all qualifications and ID document; • Proof of results of qualifications must be included if subjects are not listed on qualifications;

“N” Diploma or Trade Test Certificates must have at least 3 years practical experience in the workplace Experience in the FET Sector will be an added advantage. Submission of Computer Literate certificates will be an added advantage Key Performance Areas: Attendance records; Performance Assessments; Determination of academic support; Class discipline and placement; Lecturing of specific subjects on the level required. Continuous Assessment and providing students with feedback.Compiling and typing of Internal Assessment tools and marking guidelines. Ensure quality education and adhere to College and Subject Policies. Marking of examination papers. Liaise with students, parents and student support officers. Planning and conducting of Integrated Summative Assessment Tasks in the event of NC(V) subjects where applicable.

Engineering (Diploma/Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST:

ENGINEERING AND RELATED DESIGN L2 – L4 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: GIYANI REF NO: LET/35/2013 SUBJECTS: ENGINEERING FUNDAMENTALS / AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE / ENGINEERING GRAPHICS AND DESIGN Compulsory requirement: Qualification related to Mechanical Engineering (above mentioned subjects) (Diploma/Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST:

CIVIL ENGINEERING AND BUILDING CONSTRUCTION (L2 - L4) (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/28/2013 (re-advert) SUBJECTS: CARPENTRY AND ROOF WORK L2 – L4 AND MATHEMATICS L2 – L4, PLANT AND EQUIPMENTL2 – L4 Compulsory requirement: Qualification related to Civil Engineering and Building Construction (above mentioned subjects) (Diploma/Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level and Mathematics II POST:

ENGINEERING AND RELATED DESIGN NCV LEVEL 2 – 4 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/36/2013 SUBJECTS: AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE LEVEL 2 –4/PLANT AND EQUIPMENT L2 - 4 Compulsory requirement: Qualification related to Mechanical Engineering (Diploma/Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 year experience in teaching on Secondary School Level or FET College level. POST:

CIVIL ENGINEERING CARPENTRY L2- L4 (1 YEAR CONTRACT) CAMPUS: MAAKE REF NO: LET/29/2013 (re-advert) SUBJECTS: CARPENTRY AND ROOF WORK / MATHEMATICS Compulsory requirements: N3 qualification related to Civil Engineering carpentry ( above mentioned subjects) ( Diploma/ Degree/Trade Test) plus 2 years’ experience in teaching on Secondary school Level or FET College level and Mathematics II. Note: All posts related to Computer Practice/Information Processing/Life Orientation/Office Data Processing will be subject to a practical competency assessment. APPLICATIONS TO BE SENT TO: Physical Address (hand delivery) The HR Officer 1 Claude Wheatley Street TZANEEN 0850

Postal Address The Principal/CEO Letaba FET College Private Bag X4017 TZANEEN 0850

• Applicants must please ensure that the CORRECT REFERENCE NUMBER ALLOCATED TO THE POST is being used on the envelope and application letter; • Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be considered; • Late submission of applications will not be considered; • The College is an affirmative action employer; • All foreign applicants must provide certified copies of SAQA certificates to proof alignment of qualifications as well as all relevant documentation to be appointed as an educator; Evaluation letter from DHET, Police Clearance Certificate, Work Permit, Valid Passport as well as a medical report valid for 12 months.

For further enquiries please contact Mrs Riëtte Ludik/Thembi Ngobeni at 015 307 5440 Should you not hear from us within six weeks after the closing date please consider yourself unsuccessful.


22 November 2013 Bulletin


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Business directory | Sakegids Louis Menge Auto (pty)Ltd trading as:

14 Antimony Street, Loretto Park, Tzaneen

All makes

of vehicles and TRUCKS

Best Prices

Decorative cakes for birthday parties and other functions Call Mareyna 015 307 4836/076 376 6783 info@procom.co.za

Self Clean Pools Free self-cleaner chlorinator on all combo’s

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Weekly shuttle service from Tzaneen to Polokwane & Pretoria on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player.


Louis Menge: 083 272 3907 Tel: 015 307 2064 | Tel/Fax: 015 307 7631 Email: louis.menge@yahoo.com


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 10 October 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN on 12 DECEMBER 2013 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X COMPLETE SAMSUNG COMPUTER 1 X OFFICE DESK 3 X BLUE CHAIRS 1 X CANON PRINTER 1 X OFFICE CHAIR 1 X COMPLETE COMPUTER 3 X COMFORT CHAIRS 1 X 4 DRAWER IRON CABINETS 1 X SOFA 1 X CEMENT MIXER 1 X STEEL TABLE AND SCREW 1 X ELECTRIC MINCE MACHINE MOUNTED ON STEEL 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hour prior to the auction at the Sheriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov.za/view/ downloadfileaction? id-99961). 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN on 15 OCTOBER 2013 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1, AGATHA STREET TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 5792 Ref: JS/sdj/AA9624 Nov401___________________________

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 3605/2013

Surname: MANYIKE Name: HLAMALANI F LORINAH Identity Number: 5402030742087 Married in Community of property to DLAYANI DAVID MANYIKE Last address: 25 VAN DER STEEN STREET, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street PO Box 35 0850, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R12971


NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATE All persons having claims against the under mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No: 4592/2013 Master’s Office: POLOKWANE Surname: MASHAO First name: KORANTA Date of Birth: 1954-02-11 Identity no: 5402110546085 Last Address: STAND NO: H18 RAPHAHLELO VILLAGE SEKGOSESE DISTRICT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Date of Death: 2013-01-14 Name of Executor or authorised agent: MASHAO TEBOGO BELVIOUS Address of Executor: STAND NO: H18 RAPHAHLELO VILLAGE, SEKGOSESE DISTRICT. LIMPOPO PROVINCE MALOKA ATTORNEYS PO BOX 868 TZANEEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7496 Maponya/CIV/47/13


THE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in the Estate specified below will be open for inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21 (Twenty One) days from the date of publication hereof, at the Master of High Court Polokwane and Sekgosese Magistrate Court 22nd November 2013. In the case there are no objections after the expiry date, distribution will be made. Estate of the late: NAMATJABO MARKS RAKGAKULA Date of Death: 26 January 2013 ID No: 530715 5531 084 Last Address: Stand no: F8 GA-Mamaila Village Kolobetona, Sekgosese District, Limpopo Province Who was married in community of property to Selaelo Agnes Rakgakula ID No: 660902 0350 080 Dated at Tzaneen on this the 11th November 2013 MALOKA ATTORNEYS 13 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7496 FAX: 015 307 4637 REF: Maponya/CIV/18/13


NOTICE TO CREDITORS This is a notice in terms of Section 29(1) of Administration of Estate Act, ACT 66 of 1965 in the estate of late GREYLING ADRIAAN IZAK I.D. NO: 550226 5128 082, who died on the 29th June 2013, Master’s ref no 5373/2013, calling upon all person having claims against this estate to lodge such claims with the executor within thirty (30) days from date of this publication. COETZER ATTORNEYS. EXECUTOR’S AGENTS. 6 BERT

BOOYSEN STREET, TEL.: 015 307 7524, Fax: 015-307 7367 REF.:2025


GENERAL NOTICE OF 2013 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 295 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 56(1)(b)(i) OF THE TOWNPLANNING AND TOWNSHIPS ORDINANCE, 1986 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986) I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Remainder, Portions 1 & 2 of Erf 4593 Tzaneen X74 hereby give notice in terms of section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986) that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the townplanning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the properties described above, situated directly adjacent and east of the Tzaneen Mediclinic and directly to the north of Road R71 from “Business 1” with Annexure 110 to “Business 1” with an amended annexure (Annexure 169). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 22 November 2013 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the applications must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 within a period of 28 days from 22 November 2013. Address of authorised agent: Omniplan CC Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J020.


ALGEMENE KENNISGEWING VAN 2013 TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 295 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 56(1)(b)(i) VAN DIE ORDONNANSIE OP DORPSBEPLANNING EN DORPE, 1986 (ORDONNANSIE 15 VAN 1986) Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Restant, Gedeeltes 1 & 2 van Erf 4593 Tzaneen X74 gee hiermee ingevolge artikel 56(1)(b) (i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986) kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendomme hierbo beskryf, geleë direk aangrensend en oos van die Tzaneen Mediclinic en direk noord van Pad R71 vanaf “Besigheid 1” met Bylae 110 na “Besigheid 1” met ‘n gewysigde bylae (Bylae 169). Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 22 November 2013 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie ken-


Property | Eiendomme


Bulletin 22 November 2013

nisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 22 November 2013 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan CC Stadsen Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J020 Nov407___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case No. 1511/2013 In the matter between SUNGLIDE 171 CC T/A Tzaneen Brake & Clutch Judgment Creditor And Car Service Solutions Judgment Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION IN PURSUANCE to a judgment by the magistrate Tzaneen given in 10 October 2013 the undermentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2 INDUSTIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN on 12 December 2013 by public auction to be held at 10:00 by the SHERIFF FOR THE MAGISTRATES COURT, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1X VENTER SLEEPWA: JCF913GP 1X RUSBANK STEL 1X RONDE TAFEL MET 4 STOEL 1X KOFFIE TAFEL 1X 2 SITPLEK BANKIE 2X GEMAKSTOELE 1X PHILLIPS TV 1X TV KAS 1X BLOU RUSBANK 1X SONY RADIO SPELER MET 2 LUIDSPEKERS 1X VOLLEDIGE REKENAAR 1X VOLLEDIGE TEAC REKENAAR 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment in the above honorable court. 2. The rule of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sherriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions; 4. Directive of the Costumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http:/www.info.gov.za/ view/downloadfileaction? id-99961. 5. Fica legislation i.r.o proof identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertuis Robertson or Christie Bouwe; 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Costumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor DATED AT TZANEEN on 15 OCTOBER 2013 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) N VAN WYNGAARDT STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC. LEX NUMERI 32 Peace Street TZANEEN Tel: 015 307 3760 Ref: NVW/EG/T087 Nov408_____________________


To Let Te Huur Flats / Woonstelle Arbor Park Bachelor flat to rent R2000 p/m, w/e included. No smokers, no pets. Available – 1 December 2013 Contact: 084 580 8177 Nov403___________________________

Luukse 2 Slaapkamer Tuinwoonstel. (Eintlik ‘n huis.) Grootste in Tzaneen – kom Case No. 2318/2013 In the matter between CLIFF WIGGIL JUDGMENT CREDITOR And DIRK LINGENVELDER JUDGMENT DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION IN PURSUANCE to a judgment by the magistrate Tzaneen given on 10 October 2013 the undermentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2 INDUSTIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN on 12 December

kyk gerus. Woonkamer/eetkamer, 2 groot slaapkamers, goed toegeruste kombuis, ruim badkamer. Parkering binne veilige pallisade omheining. R4 600 per maand, water en ligte ingesluit. Skakel 0153075950 of 0823136117 en kom kyk.


Student Accommodations Let us help you find your home away from home Batchelors, 1 Bedrooms, 2 Bedrooms arlon@icon.co.za 7 Arlon Place 1229, South Street, Hatfield 012 362 5499


2013 by public auction to be held at 10:00 by the SHERIFF FOR THE MAGISTRATES COURT, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1X QUANTITY TOOLS IN GARAGE 1X SPEEDBOAT & TRAILOR REG SRL 16276R 1X YAMAHA 40 HORSEPOWER 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of

For Sale Te Koop Meenthuis/ Town house Eiendom te huur met ingang 1 Desember 2013. Van der Steenstraat 32 4 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers, Kombuis, Sitkamer, Studeerkamer, 2 Motorhuise, Swembad Elektriese omheining & motorhek. Daar is ook ‘n Bediende kamer/Klein woonstel. the Sherriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions; 4. Directive of the Costumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http:/www.info.gov.za/ view/downloadfileaction? id-99961. 5. Fica legislation i.r.o proof identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertuis Robertson or Christie Bouwe; 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or

Huur – R9514 (Tuin en Swembad dienste ingesluit). W&L uitgesluit. GEEN Honde Kontak Elsa by 015-307 7469 (kantoor ure) om te reel vir besigtiging. Nov404__________________________

Call Lihanie to advertise here 015 307 7248 sold subject to confirmation as per the Costumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. SHERIFF OF THE COURT DATED at TZANEEN this 15 November 2013 (sgd) N VAN WYNGAARDT STEWART MARITZ BASSON INC. LEX NUMERI 32 Peace Street Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3760 Ref: NVW/eg/W041 Nov409___________________________


22 November 2013 Bulletin


Search “Laeveld Bulletin”

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.

Services Dienste Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214 mei308_______________________

BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998



Hydraulic Pompe en Cilinders Engines, Gearbox’s repairs and services of all.. 24 our Field service Contact Johan 083 632 5115

Roentes Radiografiese dienste. 4D Ultrasound Medi 24, h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane. Skakel 015 291 2275

Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops


BUTLER REKENMEESTERS vir PROFESSIONELE REKENINGKUNDIGE DIENSTE INDIENING VAN 2013 OPGAWES HET OP 1/7/2013 BEGIN: MAAK SEKER U OPGAWE WORD BETYDS INGEDIEN. MAAK ‘n AFSPRAAK. Maandelikse & Jaarlikse Boekhouding. Bestuursrekeninge. Kompilering van Finansiële State. Registrasie van Maatskappye BBBEE sertifikate vir Vrygestelde Mikro Besighede (EME) Opgawes vir: 6.1 Inkomstebelasting 6.2BTW 6.3 Alle relevante opgawes soos vereis. Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT Geregistreerde Belasting Praktisyn-PR C97971B) By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320. Nov402________________

Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie


Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532 Jul210_________________________

Paul’s Mobile Kitchen Take Aways Always Fresh


JB Spares Motor spares Motoronderdele Agathastraat 54 Email jbspares1@telkomsa. net 015 307 1149


Boutique S Cupcakes and Couture Shenaaz Moosa 083 678 5790 Fax 015 307 4276 59 Boundary Road For all your baking supplies and home baked goodies.


The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936


Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483


Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie Kontak ons vir verkope & diens van ou en nuwe Landinitrekkers en swaarvoertuie. Velddienste ook beskikbaar. Tel 015 307 5000 Faks 015 307 1471 Ou Gravelotte pad Sep409___________________________

HYPNOTHERAPIST YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • The most economical and affordable way?

YOUR PARTNER IN HOME BUILDING Best Quality / Best service Thank you for your loyal support Tzaneen/Letaba Crossing/ Letsitele 015 307 7168 Aug106________________________

• Within one month? YES! • 5 EASY steps Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical)

Vision Accessed Skirvingstraat 14, Tzaneen Ludi 082 847 9039 Vir al u geelektrifiseerde omheining Hekmotor en Dstv behoeftes onder een dak. Nuwe installasies en onderhoud, onderdele altyd beskikbaar Lid van die Vison Group Sep208__________________________

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076 Okt302______________________

Letaba Hydraulic Pipes Velddienste beskikbaar Ons doen: Enige hidrouliese pype Enige tyd Enige plek Hans van Rooyen 082 769 8254


Oasis Water Tzaneen For all your personalized labelling, on Water bottles and Juice bottles for Weddings, engagements Funerals, birthdays, tombstone unveilings and other functions Tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za 015 307 2504

Citrosol waxes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269


Wisani Burial Society 24 Hour Emergency No 015 307 6240 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 Epos: helene@wisani.co.za


Piet Dry Oogkundiges Koop ‘n bril en kry ‘n gratis voorskrif enkelvisie sonbril 015 307 2439



TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109


Adele’s Slimming Clinic Bio minceur An absolute revolution in body wrap Sum, firm and tone instantly No mess, no fuss, loose cm Reduce cellulite, eliminate toxins Increase circulation, improve stretch marks, Varicose and spider veins. 015 307 2193

Alle herstelwerk Plumbing Bouwerk aan u huis Skakel Johan 083 632 5115 Kantoor: 081 409 2003 Nov302_______________

Simpson Motors For The best in sales and After sale service 015 307 5010

Fastrak Trading Herstel van enige bosbou – tuin- en werkwinkel masjienerie en gereedskap Lourens 072 156 1881


Sebokeng Fuels Distributors for Shell fuels Brandstof aflewering Martin Jacobs 083 390 3026


Vefraai u tuin met “stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie. Vir gratis kwotasie skakel 072 721 4337 of 073 356 2235 Letaba Vervoer Wegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @R150 per bakkievrag (1ton). Skakel 073 356 2235 of 015 307 5439 Aug403____________________

Gear Tech Gearbox and DIF specialists 1 Industrial Road Tzaneen 015 307 2646 geartec@mweb.co.za Johan 082 901 0971


Healthy Shoes New arrivals – soft style Buy one get one free on selected stock. Danie Joubert Street next to Ickinger 015 307 2856

Letaba Brickyard Contact us for top quality Bricks and paving 082 907 6968 082 883 0964


TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________

King Trellis Retractable Security Barriers Under New Management and ownership Onder nuwe Bestuur en Eienaarskap 071 342 9241


Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre Nov202_________________________

Wenkem Mikro Element blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaasdoders Swamdoders

Services Dienste

HIPNOTERAPEUT WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? • Mees ekonomiese en bekostigbare manier? • Binne een maand? VERSEKER! • 5 MAKLIKE stappe Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie - medies) Tino’s The best pizza in town Open seven days a week Monday – Saturday 09:00 till late Sunday 10:00 – 20:00 Free Delivery Come check out our new menu Different drinks on special weekly

Personal Persoonlik Penvriende kan aan die 43 jarige geskeide dame skryf, foto welkom met eerste brief Mev Atlanta Herbs Posbus 107 Letsitele 0885 Nov401___________________________

KERSFEES AANBOD !!! Vir alle graad 12’s en ouer Nasionale bestuurskool bied fantastiese pakkette aan. Skakel ons so gou as moontlik, beperkte spasie en tyd. GIDEON 083 262 0363 GIANE 083 279 2343 BONITA 072 152 6329


For Sale Te Koop

Molototsi Brickyard For: Face bricks Clay bricks, cement bricks Lintels, building sand, stone, river sand. 076 520 4661 Duncan 084 645 5392


Basie Brand Baltimore Voer te koop Mielie en Koringreste Strooi @ R45.00 Bloubuffel en eragrostus @ R 50.00 Hawer @ R55.00 Tef en Smutsvinger @ R60.00 Lussern @ R65.00 082 968 1998


Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

Crazy Cakes Decorative cakes for Birthday parties and Other functions Mareyna 015 307 4836 076 376 6783 Nov310__________________________

Ickingers Vir Geskenke Juweliersware Musiek benodighede Unieke Meubels 015 307 4448


Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit Ons verhuis tydelik na: Doornhoek Gedeelte 24 Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking Skakel Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173 Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229

Vacancies Vakante


Lawrence P Temperature Control Visit us for all your cooling needs and problems Koede Straat nr 28 Agter Choice Supermarket 015 307 1533


Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946

Refrigeration Technician with drivers license required for January 2014. Please fax or email CV before 13 December to profjacques@icloud.com 0867149776

Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com

Trailer Rentals Trailers available. Hannes Engelbrecht Contact 073 765 6549 28 Plantation Rd (next to PPS) TRANSPORT Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/ km + Vat around Tzaneen. For long distances please contact the office for a quote


TRELLIDOR Going on holiday? Secure your home before you go Trellidor The Ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trellidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667

For Hire Te Huur


For hire 3 Ton Vragmotor 4 meter valkant bak Koste @ R9.00 per lopende km Steelworks vir enige staalwerk 082 890 9142


Grondverskuiwing Bulldozer, TLB, en Excavator te huur. Goeie pryse Skakel Gerhard 072 699 8765




Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057

Services Dienste

Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry een gratis 015 307 3703

Sep305____________ _______________

Sep106_______________ _________



Services Dienste


Makarios Makelaars Ons bied u: Lewensversekering Korttermynversekering Pensioen fondse Boedelbeplanning Mediese fondse 015 307 3316 015 307 6631

JV Hidrolies Vir hidrouliese probleme. Skakel Johnny Verster Impalastraat 1, Industrial 015 307 5091

Battery Spot All your battery needs Always the cheapest 015 307 3244 28 Kudu Street

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3



CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service! Call today: Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Services Dienste


Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


For Hire Te Huur

VERVOER/TRANSPORT STEYNBERG TROK & TREKKER 8 x 8 ton trokke te huur. R18.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R24.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir Kwotasie 076 410 9503 082 8517139 015 345 1192 084 627 0956


Five 1 Two Trailers

“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span” skakel: Johan 060 437 7447 Luzaan 078 164 4701

Stoorplek te huur 9 vk meter @ R285.00 pm 18 vk meter @ R570.00 pm 36 vk meter @ R1140.00 pm Skakel 083 451 9557 083 265 3129

Tzaneen Trailer Hire Sleepwaens te huur Huur en herstel van enige fabrikaat sleepwaens Piggy back trailer Hennie 083 651 0936


Call Lihanie to advertise here 015 307 7248



Personal Persoonlik My naam is Altlanta Herbs gewig 71 kg, donker hare goren oë My stokperdjies is natuur, rugby, vleisbraai, uit eet, musiek, “dud’s kyk” alles wat mooi is in die lewe.

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Breinloos in Arcadia Uit vrees dat hy weens godslaster dood gesensor sal word omdat hy kommentaar lewer oor rakbie op ‘n Sondag, sal Oubal niks sê oor die Bokke se toets teen Skotland nie! Oubal verneem egter die span wat opgedraf het was ‘n oud-BB reünie in die kleine, wat hom daaraan herinner dat hy sy lydende BB vriende ‘n verduideliking skuldig is oor wat fout is in die skadu van Loftus. Na afloop van die Curriebeker lees Oubal neef Marco Botha van die GAD beweer die rede hoekom die BB nie kan rakbie speel nie, is omdat hulle net linkerbreine het. As Oubal egter die stories vanuit die westekant van Tshwane kan glo, dan klink dit eerder of daar geen breine in BB-land is nie, eerder as net halwe breine! ‘Tja, volgens Oubal se gekrokte Yskor-vrinne is die gebrekkige brein agter die probleem ‘n man genaamd Xander Jansen van Rensburg (die naam sê eintlik alles!). Neef Sandburg is die BB se “Hoë Prestasie Bestuurder” en as sulks

Search “Laeveldbulletin”

die hoofwerwer en -kontrakteerder van spelers, wat hy met oordadigheid doen. ‘n Mens hoef maar net na die volgende lysie name te kyk, om agter die kap van die werwery te kom: Jan Serfontein, Francois Venter, Dries Swanepoel, William Small-Smith en Rohan Janse van Rensburg — almal voormalige SA Skolesenters op die BB-boeke. Dan is daar nóg twee op pad van hierdie jaar se oes, naamlik Jurie Linde en Warrick Gelant. Boonop is JJ Engelbrecht, sowel as die belowende Christopher Bosch ook nog daar. Oubal wil weet wat een unie met nege van SA se beste jong senters maak en hoe word hulle almal aangewend? En dit is maar in een posisie! Hoe ontwikkel spelers ten volle as daar in dié bottelnek ‘n voortdurende geskarrel om speelkans is? Dit mag dalk strategies slim wees om die goeie spelers van ander unies af weg te hou, en later net die keur te pluk en die res uit te spoeg. Oubal dink egter dis sleg vir die spelers én vir SA rakbie. En as jy boonop bederf is met keuse, vind jy dalk op ‘n dag uit jy weet nie regtig wie jou beste spelers is nie. Dit is gevolglik die groot probleem in BB-land volgens Oubal se inligting: Neef Sandburg het so rojaal gekontrakteer onder ons belowendste spelers dat die stert te swaar geword het vir die hond. Om dié magdom juniors te kon bekostig,

Bulletin 22 November 2013


moes die BB verminderde salarisse aan hul senior spelers aanbied, wat ‘n reuse-uittog oorsee aan die gang gesit het na die S15. Toe daar ‘n deurdagte plan moes wees om die oorgangswa met ervare spelers deur die drif te trek, word juis daardie spelers vervreem. ‘Tja, breinloos in Arcadia! ………………………………………………. Oubal het nou nie perdeman Francois du Preez wat so ontydig gesterf het persoonlik geken nie, maar hy wens hy het. Want volgens inligting wat Oubal bereik het, was hy ook ‘n rakbieman wat voorheen by die “rooiskool” afgerig het. Op ‘n manier ‘n visionêr, want volgens een storie het hy op ‘n Maandag só na sy sukkelende o.16-span gekyk, toe draai hy hul seisoen om deur die twee slotte stut toe te skuif. Die volgende jaar is die twee toe die stutte van die eerste span, wat teen die verwagting in die derby teen die “skool oorkant die brug” wen. Die jaar daarna speel albei provinsiaal en wen die Beeldtrofee teen die skool wat Mekaar nie kon Help nie. Mooi, ou Swys! Ons medelye aan jou gesin, en sê groete vir Dok Craven daar waar julle nou beseringvry op die groen velde baljaar! ………………………………………………. “The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and the right controls the left half. Therefore, left-handers are the only people in their right minds.” — Bill Lee

Halfway for ‘Crazy runners’

Letaba’s first lifesavers qualify

The Crazy Challenge team of Samuel Ntsanwisi, Ben Ndlovu and Makgove Masufi finally passed the halfway mark. Sam and his team crossed over the bridge which spans the Orange River, and demarcates the Northern Cape from the Free State at 07:00 on Wednesday last week. have met along the way? They started off in Cape Town about three weeks A: The guest lodge owners have been amazing to us. Their ago and have run an average of about 60 km per day since hospitality even though they sponsored us have been out of this they started. This is already an incredible feat. world. In a short interview Sam reacted as follows: Q: A little about the rest of the team, please. Q: What have been some of the highlights of your run A: Ben Ndlovu hails from Nkowankowa and Makgobe Masufi so far? from Lebowakgomo. Makgobe Masufi was with us when we A: Being able to run 50 km straight, non-stop on day 14 of the ran from Durban to Nkowankowa. Ben was attracted by the run for me personally was amazing. This was from Hanover to fight against the abuse of women and children and thus felt Colesberg. Despite the uphill’s and heat later in the morning I encouraged to also participate. still ran it in 5 hr 52 min with the team and that is amazing. Q: How is the fundraising going? To add to the highlights the sponsored accommodation we have A: We still encourage people to send sms’s to our sms lines and been staying at have just been amazing.. invite corporate companies to please fund our organisations and Q: What has been some of the most difficult challenges projects which aim to do good in the community. you have had to face? Please continue to show your support by sms’ing the following numbers and by spreading the word and A: Getting my fellow runners to understand passing on our sms lines to others. that getting injured, sometimes not finishing your Our sms lines are: sms Crazy to: 34593 @ R2, or sms Crazy to: 39026 @ R15 per sms. If you would like daily run for whatever reason, getting blisters and to make a direct donation towards the Crazy Challenge you can do it by way of an EFT payment into the runny stomachs are part of the Crazy. following audited account: Vantshwa Va Xivono, Absa bank: 9235373665, Branch code 632005. Q: Tell us about some of the people you

Orca Swimming Academy, with aid from the GTM, had the opportunity to provide special training to two locals — Freddy Ramahlo and Simon Ramahlo — who have now qualified as Lifesavers (lifeguards). These two men will be on standby at all times, courtesy of the GTM who will also provide transport when it is needed for the two lifesavers. Freddy and Simon have completed certified courses, as well as first aid training. They are now the official lifeguards for the Modjadjiskloof public swimming pool as well as the Letaba District. Seen in the photo are Simon and Freddy Ramahlo with their certificates.

Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit Tydelik na Doornhoek Gedeelte 24. Nuwe kantore open vroeg 2014.

Voortreflike diens SONDER onderbreking

Jacques Lamprecht Finansiële Adviseur 082 469 7558 jacques@integrifin.co.za

Hans van Rooyen

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Jaco Nel - CFP® Finansiële Adviseur 082 335 6801 jaco@integrifin.co.za

Ons herstel: Enige hidrouliese pype • Enige tyd • Enige plek

Fanie Oberholzer - CFP® Finansiële Adviseur 082 460 4173 fanie@integrifin.co.za

Kontakbesonderhede vanaf 30 September 2013

Tel: 087 752 5587 • Posbus 3223, Tzaneen, 0850 INTEGRIFIN is ‘n gemagtigde finansiële dienste verskaffer – FSP 16635


22 November 2013

Tzn ringbalspelers sluit jaar goed af Moet hulle nie vlak kyk nie! Die vrouespan van Tzaneen Ringbalklub het alles in die stryd gewerp by die gesinsdag in Phalaborwa en in die eindstryd teen hul klub se mans te staan gekom. Die vroue het die eindstryd oortuigend gewen, maar dit was nie omdat die mans swak was nie; eerder ‘n geval van ‘n span vroue wat nie bes wou gee nie.

Tzaneen Ringbalklub bly steeds ‘n krag in Limpopo en het die jaar onlangs met ‘n toernooi vir gesinne in Phalaborwa afgesluit. ‘n Groep van 35 spelers van Tzaneen het aan die gesinsdag deelgeneem en die mans- en vrouespanne het albei na die eindronde deurgedring, en moes toe mekaar in die eindstryd aandurf. Die vroue het naelskraap gewen teen ‘n baie sterk mansspan, met spelers wat vir die eerste keer ringbal speel. Die klub se oefenprogram begin weer op 16 Januarie en alle ou en nuwe spelers word uitgenooi om lekker saam te kom oefen. Intussen moet spelers die afseisoen geniet en lekker rus. Vir enige navrae, kontak Borries by 084 222 4950 of Jenny by 079 695 7523.

Die groep spelers wat in Phalaborwa aan die gesinsdag deelgeneem het, is hier nog vars voor ‘n dag se harde spel.

Gerrit Els het die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se gholfdag gewen in die kategorie: Nie-gholfers. Hier ontvang hy sy wennersprys van die skoolhoof, mnr Chris Denysschen.

Gholfdag was kookwater Die junior span van Tzaneen Ringbalklub is aangewys as die klub se span met die beste gees.

Athletics fever runs high at Merensky All Plasie athletes are chomping at the bit with their eyes on the forthcoming season. Not only have no less than five meetings been confirmed, but it is also Merensky’s turn to host the local Inter High on 21 February 2014. With the eye on setting new records, a special practice camp is planned for all Plasie athletes from 13 to 15 January 2014. As always, parents are most welcome to join the Plasie team, whether you would like to be an official at track and field items, or bake stacks of pancakes. Contact Mr Hein van Heerden on 078 766 8287 or send an e-mail to heinvanheerden@ hsmerensky.co.za.

Greater Letaba sports lovers should diarise the following dates: 16 January: Inter House Athletics at MHS 24 January: Friendly vs Rob Ferreira at White River 31 January: Plasies take on Ben Viljoen at Groblersdal 8 February: Plasies travel to Lydenburg High School 15 February: Prestige meeting at White River 19 February: Top Ten in Pretoria 21 February: Inter High One of Merensky’s top track athletes in 2013 was Charlene Geldenhuys, seen here in action during a meeting. It is expected that she will be in top form in 2014, and achieve some excellent results.

GTM’s ladies win

Ryan Botha, a Gr 12 pupil at Stanford Lake College, duly received his Honours award for cricket during the recent SLC prize-giving.

The GTM Ladies Soccer team played against the SAPS Mopani Cluster and won 3-0. The SAPS teams included players from Phalaborwa SAPS, Giyani SAPS and Tzaneen SAPS. The game was played at Lenyenye stadium. This is not the first GTM win against the police ladies; GTM Ladies previously beat SAPS Tzaneen Cluster 5-3 at Nkowankowa stadium (in October). GTM ladies soccer team invites other ladies soccer teams to challenge them. Invitations can be directed to GTM Ladies Soccer Team, P O Box 99, Letsitele 0885 or call 015 345 1911.

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se gholfdag die afgelope Saterdag op Tzaneen Country Club se baan, was volgens die skool se verwagtings ‘n reusesukses. Die borge was reg, die spelers was reg, die weer was reg (miskien effe warm), die gees was reg… Die spelers wat pryse gewen het, was: Gholfspelers: Lucas Schutte, langste dryf (gat nr 10); Stephan Bischoff, langste dryf (gat nr 9); Joan Bisset, naaste aan die pen (gat nr 18). Een nie-gereelde gholfspeler, Daniel Conradie, het ‘n prys gewen vir naaste aan die pen (gat nr 2). Die algehele wenners van die dag was: Gereelde gholfspelers: 1. Dawie van Vuuren; 2. Deon de Swart; 3. A D Botes; 4. Stephan Bischoff; 5. Gideon Botha en 6. Olive Evans. Van die nie-gereelde gholfspelers was die volgende wenners: 1. Gerrit Els; 2. Dawid Ehlers; 3. Marvic Rijnen en 4. Pieter Duvenhage. Die skool is ook dankbaar vir borge soos BEC, Build-it, Crawdaddy’s/ Hotel @ Tzaneen, Ferreira Venter Laws & Nel, Mahela Boerdery, KM Bolts & Nuts, Poppy’s Hiring/ Large Sekuriteit, Mega Paint, AGD, Albert Smith, Eiland,Miami Canners, Foodlovers Market en Harvey Travels.

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