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GLM’s ruin
14 Februarie 2014 015 307 7248
e n sj a ar
Nica: 015 307 5959 / 082 566 2258
GLM neglects a multi-million rand property bought expensively for business use
: Presenting Our rates and taxes The astounding neglect of prime assets in the once picturesque Modjadjiskloof seems to be a never-ending process. Property values keep on tumbling and business people are frustrated by decline
The bathtub in the bathroom of the residence meant for the municipal manager was removed and made way for a fireplace.
The electricity box in the house is completely destroyed.
Pictured left and right, a view of the dilapidated municipal residence at 30 Mabel Street in Modjadjiskloof illustrates the wanton and gross neglect of the property and buildings.
in sales because of poor service delivery. This week the Bulletin stumbled across the “ruins” of a prominent residence at 30 Mabel Street, a municipal homestead with five bedrooms earmarked for town clerks and municipal managers. With its setting, double garage and once well-kept gardens the property was a sought after investment, as it was never occupied by any municipal manager. Within five years this prime residence was demolished by thieves and looters to a mere shell of walls without amenities. The garden is overgrown with weeds, the entrance to the garage is impenetrable and the interior is stripped of all its electric cables, copper piping, baths and wash basins. A nearby property owner said the erf could be worth something, but the building is not worth repairing. Last week the Bulletin reported on a live cable lying around in the streets of the suburb Panorama. An official reply from the municipality stated that the scene could not be cleared up because their service provider ran out of stock. They would nevertheless take measures to safeguard the life-threatening cable. The scene was revisited two days ago and nothing has changed. Several calls to the municipal manager, Ms Lori Mashaba, were unsuccessful, as she was on voice-mail. The Asset Management Policy of local governments states clearly that a municipality is the custodian of any property on its name and derived from ratepayers’ money. In following issues the Bulletin will reveal how the GLM has failed as custodians of several neglected assets in and around Modjadjiskloof.
Verwoesting op Letaba rugbyklub se speelveld page 20
NEXT WEEK IN BULLETIN “I got a science degree to please my mom”
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14 Februarie 2014
Ontwerp / Design David Morrison (Best/Man) 078 709 7032 david@bulletin.us.com Yvonne Ndlovu (Koördineerder/Co-ordinator) 078 987 1411 yvonne@bulletin.us.com Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Winfred Baloyi 082 082 0837 winfred@bulletin.us.com IT Dirk Stoltz 082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711964291 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General Assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Vlieg is nou nie altyd so seker oor wette en sulke goed nie. Om die waarheid te sê, as daar nou een spulletjie is wat hy opsetlik meer vermy as sogenaamde skrifgeleerdes, is dit wetsgeleerdes. Enersyds omdat niemand ‘n enkele ding kan glo wat enige van hulle sê nie, en andersyds omdat Vlieg nie een van die twee meer kan bekostig nie. Van nugtere benadering, in die volksmond bekend as common sense, kan niemand egter vir Vlieg iets vertel nie. As niemand anders dan so dink nie, ag hy ten minste homself ‘n kenner op dié gebied te wees. Wat Vlieg wel uit sy katkisasiedae verstaan van die wet van Mede en Perse, is dat dit ‘n onherroeplike wet is. Deesdae is daar maar bra min wette wat dus by hierdie een kan kers vashou, maar as Vlieg nou een ding van
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Vlieg in die leeukuil
common sense met wette moet vergelyk, is dat symste common sense ook nogal die geneigdheid het om onherroeplik te wees. Dit is, of dit is nie, so eenvoudig soos dit. Selfs Koning Darius van ouds het geweet dit staan vas, en basta! Maar soos dit maar gaan met mense, verstaan hulle maar weinig hiervan en raak maklik gekonfoes. Skynbaar omdat die wet van Mede en Perse vir Daniël in die leeukuil laat beland het, en hy dit sonder ‘n enkele letsel die anderdag more daaruit gemaak het, dink elke tweede vakansieganger en toeris deesdae hulle is ook ‘n Daniël. En dan kan hulle nie verstaan as die onherroeplikheid van common sense hulle aan die hakskeen byt nie! Vlieg wonder wanneer gaan die lot nou leer dat wilde diere wel juis dit is: wilde
diere. Vlieg wonder wat besiel ‘n Chinese toeris om in ‘n leeukamp uit sy motor te klim, om foto’s te neem. En wat maak ‘n Duitse toeris om tot teenaan ‘n olifant te ry? En wat het ‘n ouer gedink om sy kind teen die leeukamp se draad te laat staan? Hoekom wil enigiemand ‘n tier se kop vryf en saam met ‘n jagluiperd in die gras rol, of sy vinger in ‘n krokkodil se bek druk? Hoeveel keer moet ons nog in die nuuspapiere lees van wilde diere wat die skuld kry vir absurde menslike gedrag. En dan nog erger, dat die diere vankant gemaak word, omdat hulle mense aangeval het! Blykbaar iets met die diere verkeerd! Is hierdie dan ‘n geloofstoets soos in die fabel van oorle Daniël van ouds in die leeukuil, of kan Vlieg maar sy kop skud oor hierdie onherroeplike gebrek aan common sense?
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin nie!
Kennisgewing • Notice Please take note that we combined our Facebook profile and our Facebook page into one single Facebook page. In the process of doing this all posts and photos were lost. However, all the members/friends/followers will be migrated to the unified page and therefore will not have to ask to be added again. Please ensure, however, that you have ticked the “Follow” option on the page to remain apprised of news and debates. Follow the easy steps as indicated below to ensure that you receive notices from our page. Feel free to participate in discussions on the page and or group to air you opinion.
Neem asseblief kennis dat ons Facebook-profiel en ons Facebook-blad nou geïntegreer is. Tydens die proses het alle pos en foto’s verlore gegaan, maar die lede/vriende/volgelinge is gekonsolideer onder die nuwe blad (sonder dat hulle weer aansoek hoef te doen om bygevoeg te word). Maak egter seker dat jy as aanhanger ons “Follow” deur die maklike stappe hieronder te volg; om te verseker dat jy ingelig bly. Neem intussen gerus deel aan die debatte op die blad en of groep en lewer jou mening. Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
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Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Emergency numbers Noodnommers Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Noodnommer/Emergency nr. Citizen Band
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Gratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels
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Tel: 015 307 3703 15 Letaba Boulevard, Tzaneen
Ebenezer Merensky Dap Naude
Middel Letaba
104.3% 102.8%
Blyde Rivier Poort
Vergelegen Ohrigstad
100.8% 104.1% 100.2% 101.6% 100.2% Source: www.dwaf.gov.za | Information updated: 10/02/2014
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Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
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Wyd verspreide reën. Bewolk in die oggend en warm.
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Bewolk in die oggend en warm.
Bewolk in die oggend en warm.
Sonnig en koel. Warm.
Sonnig en koel. Warm.
Woensdag Donderdag Laatmiddag reën. Sonnig en koel.
Sonnig en koel. Warm.
Martin Jacobs • 083 390 3026
We are in love with our community
10 Years
14 Februarie 2014
“Totsiens sportveld, hallo mooi motor” Die burgemeester van die Groter Letaba Munisipaliteit, mnr City Modjadji, ry met ‘n splinternuwe ampsmotor van meer as R1 miljoen rond, terwyl die vorige motor skadeloos onderdak staan om so oor twee of drie jaar verkoop te word. Dit word ook vertroulik verneem dat die geld vir die nuwe motor eintlik bedoel was vir ‘n nuwe sportstadium in die GLM-gebied (by Kgapane), maar dat die bedrag inderhaas verskuif is na ‘n ander “prioriteit”. Modjadjiskloof se belastingbetalers mor ook
oor ‘n spekvet stootskraper wat op bestelling geplaas is, terwyl die GLM herstelwerk aan paaie en strate op tender uitplaas. Die bedrag van R2,5 miljoen word as koopprys genoem. Daar is glo ook ‘n padroller van formaat wat iewers tussen lang gras skuil, weens die gebrek aan ‘n bekwame operateur. Belastingbetalers noem dit deesdae “die burgemeester se speelgoed”. Die Bulletin het hierdie inligting aan die GLM se hoofkantoor gestuur vir verifikasie, maar nog nie antwoord daarop ontvang nie.
Genl-maj Maggie Mathebula en mnre Uwe Kroh en Corrie Large het die Constantia Sitrusstudiegroep oor plaasveiligheid toegespreek.
Letsitele stig GPF’s teen misdaad
Clinic toilet blocked for 2 years A toilet at the Hoedspruit clinic has been blocked for two years. Another toilet’s door has been locked for more than a year. Several reports to the relevant district officials of the Healt Department have proven to be unsuccessful. So says the DA in Limpopo’s caucus leader, Ms Desiree van der Walt. She urged the Health Minister to intervene by establishing a task team to probe the matter. Termites have also moved into the roof of the clinic and an infestation of ants is visible. “We
requested the department to intervene, but nothing has been done. The DA thus escalated the matter by requesting the Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, to urgently establish a task team to attend to the matters. “The clinic is also facing a major service delivery crisis. The patients have to wait between two and four hours before they are attended to, because of the acute staff shortage at the clinic. “The geyser is not working either,” Van der Walt said.
‘n Vars benadering tot plaasveiligheid lê vir Letsitele se boeregemeenskap voor, met die stigting van gemeenskapspolisieforums (GPF’s) vir die twee boereverenigings in die gebied. Die forums het by ‘n vergadering van die Constantia Sitrusstudiegroep gestalte gekry, in die teenwoordigheid van die streek (Tzaneen Cluster) se polisiehoof, genl-maj Maggie Mathebula, Letsitele se bevelvoerder, kol K J Ralph, en die polisie se woordvoerder, kol Moatshe Ngoepe. Dit is aangespoor deur mnre Uwe Kroh, die voorsitter van Tzaneen se GPF, en Corrie Large, AgriLetaba se lid vir veiligheid. Dit volg nadat Letsitele die afgelope klompie maande deur plaasaanvalle, verkragtings en grootskaalse diefstal en inbrake geteister is. Die forums vir die Constantia en Letaba boereverenigings sal toegerus word met burgerbandradio’s en in samewerking met die polisie padblokkades opstel en ander noodsaaklike inspeksietogte onderneem.
Mathebula het die boere aangeraai om niemand op plase toe te laat behalwe dié wat in diens is nie. Die teenwoordigheid van enige vreemdeling moet onmiddellik by die polisie aangemeld word. Die GPF-lede kan ook oortreders in hegtenis neem en aan die polisie oorhandig. As hulle probleme met die diens van die plaaslike polisie ondervind, kan hulle haar enige tyd van die dag of nag persoonlik skakel, het sy gesê. Sy het ook onderneem dat daar te alle tye minstens een polisievoertuig beskikbaar sal wees, om die werksaamhede van die twee forums aan te vul. “Mense wat plase besoek om werk te soek, moet deeglik ondersoek word vir die besit van gevaarlike wapens of toerusting wat vir inbrake gebruik word. Die dae van kos by plaashuise bedel, is ook lankal verstreke,” het Mathebula beklemtoon.
Aerial fire fighting gets smarter Two Air Tractor 802F single-engine turbo-prop aircraft, the first of which was acquired last year, are at present on standby in the Western Cape which is in the midst of its summer fire season. The FFA Group, which implements government’s extensive Working on Fire (WoF) initiative, has acquired the US-built Air Tractors to upgrade its fixed-wing bomber fleet, which has until recently consisted of converted crop sprayers. In addition to supporting the WoF Programme under contract, FFA provides aerial fire-fighting services to landowners, municipalities and Fire Protection Associations. Pilot Richard Aschenborn is seen here in front of the Air Tractor.
Markers not yet paid
Photo by Martin Schneider Pilot in front of Air Tractor.
Valentine’s Dinner
Welcome Drinks
Sparkling Bubbly & O-la-Lah’s Our “Out of this World” Valentines Smoked Mussel on a stick served with a glass of Sparkling Wine or Sparkling Fruit Juice
Starter Served
On the Buffet
Torte Nicoise (Fish Pie) La Mangeoire’s Roast Chicken Sauteed Lamb Chops with herbs de Province Pavés du Mail (Pan-Fried Steaks with Mustard Cream Sauce)
French Onion Soup
Served with Crispy French Fried Potato Wedges and Oven Roasted Vegetable Ratatouille
Chocolate Éclairs
Traditional French Onion Soup served with home baked bread sticks
French Bistro Salad
With poached egg and macon strips
with Vanilla Ice Cream and Hot Chocolate Sauce
The Grade 12 examination markers across the province have not yet been paid by the Department of Education, according to Ms Desiree van der Walt, the DA in Limpopo’s spokesperson for education. “We have already written a letter to the Education MEC, Ms Dikeledi Magadzi, seeking her urgent intervention to ensure that all the markers are paid the money owed with immediate effect. “We have received several complaints from the markers since the beginning of this month. It’s unacceptable for the department to neglect the people who worked tirelessly during the festive season to mark the papers,” Van der Walt said. It is sad that in previous years the department has also failed to meet the deadline to pay the markers.
Lede van die Constantia GPF is mnre Corrie Large (voorsitter), EC Landman, Kobus Visser en Chris van Eck. ‘n Vyfde lid moet nog aangewys word.
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Lede van die Letaba boerevereniging se GPF is mnre Anton Muller, Giel Brits en Pierre Smit (voorsitter). Afwesiges is mnre Gerhardt Vorster en Ian Otto.
14 Februarie 2014
Many caught
CRIME SCENE Bulletin Crime Reporter
Arnold Mabunda arnold@bulletin.us.com
Police arrested for corruption
Two SAPS constables and an individual appeared in the Giyani magistrate’s court for corruption after they had convinced a rape victim not to lay charges against his partner. The Hawks anti-corruption unit in Limpopo arrested the two Giyani constables, Thambo Hector Nsimbhini (39) and Ronny Gezani Baloyi (34). The 28-year-old suspect was also arrested for corruption. This happened after the suspect from Ghandlanani in Giyani allegedly raped his 32-year-old male partner on 27 December last year. The constables allegedly influenced the victim not to lay a rape charge against his partner. The culprit apparently offered the trio R3 000 each in exchange for not having charges laid against him. The victim apparently felt guilty about this and decided to go ahead with the charges, after giving the money back to the alleged rapist. They were granted bail of R1 000 each and the case has been remanded to 12 March for further investigation. “We will never allow corrupt police officials in the department. Our members are expected to be beyond reproach,” said the head of the Hawks in Limpopo Maj Gen Dibero Molatjana.
Crimes in the area of the Ritavi SAPS increased over the past week, when sixty culprits were apprehended. Police arrested 44 people for separate counts of rape, contravening the Road Traffic Act, assault GBH and housebreaking. Thirteen people in the area were arrested for robbery, contravening the Liquor Act, assault and theft. Police also held three perpetrators for possession of dagga, malicious damage to property and for possession of suspected property.
Safety first
Bolobedu police have arrested 68 people for various crimes over the past week: nineteen in connection with separate counts of assault GBH, assault and housebreaking, while three others were caught for murder, fraud and malicious damage to property. They also arrested five people for using a motor vehicle without the owners’ consent and malicious damage to property. A group of 26 culprits were arrested for drinking in public and another fourteen people were nabbed for drinking while they were underaged.
Man cuts off girl’s finger... and eats it
In a bizarre incident at Masia-Vhangani village, Giyani, an elderly man allegedly cut off the finger of a six-yearold girl and “ate it”. The young Kurhula Nyashoke, a Gr 1 pupil, explained that she was coming from Ms Sarah Mudau, with little girl school when she Kurhula, whose finger was cut off. met the 79-year-old
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suspect. He allegedly tried to lure her into his house, offering her mangos and stew. The girl refused, but the man allegedly grabbed her. The old man then allegedly covered her with a blanket before putting her in a drum filled with water. The little girl tried to escape, but was pushed down by the man. He then cut off her finger with a knife and sucked up the blood while she was screaming for help. A neighbour heard the screams and rushed to the house. He kicked open the door and found the child still screaming for help while she was being dragged through the water. The neighbour snatched the girl from the elderly man’s hands and alerted some other villagers, before calling the police and the ambulance. When the police arrived, they found the suspect still busy licking the blood from his lips. He appeared to be surprised by the fact that members of the police and villagers were surrounding his house and asked if he could help them.
The girl’s mother, Sarah Mudau, said she is still shocked about what had happened to her daughter. She said her daughter was traumatized by the events. “I’m worried about the finger of my child. The old man was asked about the whereabouts of the finger, but he only responded by saying ‘I ate it’,” she said. A spokesperson for the SAPS, W/O Elijah Malatji, said a 79-year-old suspect, Piet Mudau, appeared in the Vuwani Magistrate’s Court. His case was remanded to 4 March for further investigations and he remains in custody. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
Tackled Police in Haenertsburg have arrested twenty culprits for contravening the Road Traffic Act, two people were arrested for illegal gambling and another person for possession of dagga. Three more culprits were apprehended for theft, possession of a housebreaking tool and stolen property.
Health for men goes red The annual Red for Men campaign hosted by the Anova health institute, in collaboration with the Department of Health, has distributed free H4M coloured condoms at a Tzaneen taxi rank. Anova’s outreach manager, Mr David Motswagae, said “since February is known as the month of love, these condoms were aligned with the colour red”. Health for Men thought it was relevant to come up with an innovative idea to promote condoms. Since the inception of the campaign, Health for Men has distributed two million condoms. The action in Tzaneen The Health for Men Outreach workers who handed out condoms were was the launch of the campaign by Health Messrs Selowa Elia, Amukelani Mkansi and Thabo Sedibe. for Men in the Mopani region.
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14 Februarie 2014
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6 14 Februarie 2014
Ons vier ons tiende verjaarsdag. Bladsye 9, 10, 11 & 12
Ons Mening
Die Boodskap
Vrydag 14 Februarie 2014
Plaaslike skandes Verlede week het ons eksklusief berig oor die skandes — as mens dit nou so mooi wil stel — van die Groter Letaba Munisipaliteit se geldsake en hul patetiese boek- en rekordhouding. Ons bring vandag verdere slegte nuus oor hoe belastingbetalers se swaarverdiende belastinggeld roekeloos deur dié munisipaliteit met minagting vermors word. Die verdere slegte nuus is dat ons maar nog net die rofie afgekrap het. Daar is verdere slegte nuus vandag, maar ook is dit het einde nog niet. Ons werk aan nog sake wat ons reeds na ons asem laat snak. Daar is ‘n roekeloosheid wat perkeloos blyk te wees en as hoër gesag na dese steeds nie ingryp nie, dan weet mens die wil is nie daar nie. Maar dit is natuurlik nie net by die GLM waar dit so bedenklik gaan nie. Dit is openbare kennis dat dit by die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit ook nie goed gaan nie. Hul munisipale bestuurder is in hegtenis geneem (eksklusief deur die Bulletin laat in verlede jaar geopenbaar) en mettertyd sal die saak verder gevoer moet word; en behoort dit op verhoor te gaan in ‘n strafsaak. En die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit? Nee wat, by dié owerheid is daar ook maar ‘n klomp vermetelheid en word die vermorsing van geld daagliks gade geslaan. Dit is hier so dat die munisipale bestuurder nie op briewe reageer nie; nie eens om ontvangs te erken nie. Hy’t nie ‘n saak met die mense wat sy uitspattige salaris betaal nie. Om ‘n afspraak met hom te kry is haas onmoontlik. Sy kommunikasiehoof het sy skoene ontgroei en is so belangrik dat hy joernaliste met gemak afjak as hulle vrae durf stel. Maar hul dag is aan die kom. Hul neuse is allermins skoon.
Tomorrow: Saturday 15 Februarie at 18:30 for 19:00 in the Haenertsburg bookshop, Rissik Street, Haenertsburg. Complimentary wine, light meal next door. Gerda TaljaardGilson is the talented author of Maansiek (2002); ’n Engel in die Hoenderhok (2009) and Kelder (2012). She resides in Pretoria, as well as on the farm Onverwacht in Magoebaskloof.
Dr Jan Truter NH Kerk Letsitele
Jy is kosbaar “Word vyf mossies nie vir twee sent verkoop nie? Tog word nie een van hulle deur God vergeet nie” (Lukas 12:6)
Die onwettige bewoners van die Letabarivier se oewer in Tzaneen se getalle styg mooi en die GTM behoort trots te wees op die wetteloosheid wat hulle oogluikend toelaat. Teen die een prominente sogenaamde tradisionele geneser is al hofbevele verkry, wat blatant geminag word. Hy skop vas. ‘n Tweede “dokter” het hom nou ook daar tuis gemaak, oop en bloot, en sy perseel se strukture brei uit. Intussen het ons sowat ‘n week gelede nog dertien “nedersettings” in die bosse in die omgewing opgespoor. Maar soos dit met die meeste dinge in die land gaan, moet daar eers ‘n krisis ontstaan, voordat die owerheid optree. Iets soos ‘n vloed wat die mense meesleur — hulle vertoef meesal onder die vloedlyn — en hulle aan die genade van die krokodille en seekoeie in die rivier oorlaat, sal dalk die oë laat oopgaan!
We support any lawful action to end violence against our women and children
Baie dankie Jaco Moller van Extreme ATV in Tzaneen skryf: Ek en my span het die afgelope naweek in Bronkhorstspruit gaan deelneem. Ek wil graag die geleentheid gebruik om die borge te bedank vir hul ondersteuning. Aan Erik de Jager wat gehelp het met die ontwerpe vir die klere en motorfietse, baie dankie. Ek wil ook vir KM Bolts in Tzaneen, Mike Williams van Coca Cola Fortune in Tzaneen en vir Viva Feulling in Letsitele bedank vir
10 Years
Letters • Briewe hul ondersteuning en bydrae.
Totsiens Dr Johan Homan van Tzaneen skryf: Liewe Tzaneen en Laeveldkontrei-mense. Met tipiese Tzaneen genadereën wat buite neersif, is ek gevul met nostalgie en dankbaarheid. Ook vir
my het die einde van ‘n lang pad aangebreek. Ek het hier in Tzaneen begin in September 1979, en die lewe, geboortes, siektes en sterftes met baie van julle belewe. Pasiënte het bekendes, vriende of vyande geword , maar altyd kon ons die Here se hand van liefde en genade oor elkeen van ons sien.
Gerda launches new book Gerda Taljaard’s debut novel, ’n Engel in die hoenderhok, a tragicomedy that plunges the reader into a whirlpool of hopelessness and almost insane humor, deals with the self-realisation of a young woman. In an astounding way Taljaard allows the reader to experience one of the contradictions of existence, namely that life can be so terrible and so lovely at the same time. Humorous and unsettling: The complexity of life in Africa, especially as a woman, where she is both saint and witch, lover and
mother, murderer and protector … The main character in Kelder is Esmeralda who writes love stories. She is successful, but is in the middle of a creative drought. And then she is visited by a story. It is the story of a girl – still a mere child – who, fifty years previously, had a string of babies on a farm in Magoebaskloof and, with the exception of one who was adopted after birth, killed them all and buried them near the farmhouse. Esmeralda’s imagination grips this story; no, the story grips her and
In die King’s Business word vertel van ‘n Spaanse seuntjie in Vigo, wat ‘n toegewyde volgeling van die Here Jesus geword het. ‘n Man vra hom toe, wat tot sy bekering gelei het? Op die man se vraag antwoord hy: “Dis die ekstra mossie wat dit bewerk het.” “Die ekstra mossie?” vra die man verwonderd. “Sien, Senór, dit het so gewerk. ‘n Man het eendag vir my ‘n Bybel gegee. Ek lees toe op een plek dat Nuestro Senór Jesus (ons Here Jesus) gesê het, twee mossies word vir een chico verkoop. Op ‘n ander plek lees ek Hy sê, vyf mossies word vir twee chicos verkoop. “Toe dink ek, Nuestro Senór Jesus ken darem ons gewoonte om voëls te verkoop baie goed. Senór weet mos, ons vang voëls en verkoop dit: twee vir een chico en vier vir twee chicos, maar dan gooi ons sommer ‘n ekstra voëltjie, die vyfde een, by. Hy tel nie eintlik nie. Hy word sommer net gegee. “Toe dink ek by myself: ek is so arm en nikswerd en klein, niemand tel my ooit by nie. Ek is sommer net niks. Ek is soos daardie ekstra mossie. En tog, is dit nie wonderlik nie, Nuestro Senór Jesus sê: ‘nie een van hulle word deur God vergeet nie.’ Ook nie die ekstra, verniet, een nie. Ek het nog nooit so iets gehoor nie, Senór. “Niemand as net Nuestro Senór Jesus sou aan so iets kon dink nie! Toe weet ek ek tel ook by Hom en toe bid ek en ek sê: ‘Nuestro Senór Jesus, vat my ook asseblief.’ Toe weet ek hy het my gevat. En nou lewe ek vir Hom.” Dankie aan almal wat op my lewenspad ‘n verskil en indruk gemaak het, hier ‘n klippie in my skoen, daar ‘n pragtige geur van frangipani. To all of my wonderful, loyal patients, friends and colleagues, thank you for your loyal support and help through all these years, for your tolerance of a human being trying to be a doctor to you all! I feel happy and secure in the knowledge that I’m leaving you in the care of Dr Jeanne-Marie Joynt. I couldn’t wish for a more compassionate, caring and competent doctor to look after you all! shakes her till her teeth rattle. She has no defence, she simply has to write the story of Sus Niemand. Is the Sus Niemand who is haunting Esmeralda a disturbed murderer? Is she merely the victim of incest and deprivation? How much does Sus know about what is happening to her, and what part does she play in it?
Bulletin 10
Love is ...
years of loving our community
14 Februarie 2014
Spore in die regte rigting In die Bulletin se eksklusiewe reeks oor grondleggers van die Mopani-omgewing en veral Tzaneen, is mnr Attie Bester vandag aan die woord. Dié oud-burgemeester van Tzaneen en lid van verskeie rade en instellings het die gordyn voor sy hart en gemoed so ‘n effe weggetrek in ‘n gesprek met ons Louis Roux.
Waar die mens hom ookal mag bevind, is daar altyd ‘n goeie spoor wat sonder kommer gevolg kan word. Dis dié van die rigtinggewer en nie noodwendig die tropleier nie wat die roete vorentoe aandui. Tzaneen is bevoorreg om so ‘n leierfiguur te hê met die gewone Afrikaanse naam van Attie Bester. Sy dade is lowerryk maar op 85 jaar is hy steeds plat op die aarde soos ‘n aartappel. Bester het sy loopbaan as klerk by die destydse SA Spoorweë en Hawens in 1949 in Tzaneen begin en ook sy militêre diensplig in daardie tyd gedoen, voor hy in 1950 na Letaba-stasie in Nkowankowa verplaas is. Dié stasie bestaan nie meer nie. Later is hy terug Tzaneen toe, waar die
munisipaliteit hom ‘n pos in die tesourie-afdeling aangebied het. “Daar was maar min mense in diens, maar die werk was altyd op datum.” Hy het met sy karige salaris ‘n lappie grond in Yamorna gekoop en soos die mense in daardie tyd op klein skaal die beste nut daarvan gemaak. “Dit was so anders as vandag, waar jy met te veel ele-
Rentmeester-groep, waar hy tot sy aftrede gewerk het. Oom Attie se naam lê diep vasgemessel in gemeenskapsdiens, wat hy vir baie jare met graagte en sonder erkenning gedoen het. Hy was verantwoordelik vir die totstandkoming van die Tzaneen Tegniese Kollege (nou FET), waar hy twintig jaar lank voorsitter was. Toe die Tzaneen Afrikaanse Sakekamer nog ‘n faktor in die dorp was, het hy 21 jaar lank as voorsitter gedien. “Hulle het met my uittrede ‘n skildery aan my oorhandig. Sedertdien het ek nog nooit weer van hulle gehoor nie.” Hy het ook die stoel beklee by streeksontwikkeling en het dié instansie se advieskomitee vir Streek G (Limpopo) as voorsitter gedien. Dit was ‘n regstreekse skakeling tussen die provinsie se dorpe en die private sektor en die regering. Oom Attie was in die hoofbestuur van die Afrikaanse Handelsinstituut (AHI) in Limpopo, lid van die Lebowa Ontwikkelingskorporasie en het daar ook as voorsitter gedien. Later het hy stadsraadslid en burgemeester van Tzaneen geword, met baie afguns deur
“Dit was so anders as vandag, waar jy met te veel elemente teen jou moet swoeg.” mente teen jou moet swoeg.” Toe kom mnr Joggie Vermooten van Pretoria hier aan en neem Bester op in die
lede met meer geld en groter invloed as hy. Hy was ook sekretaris en lank voorsitter van die Tzaneen Skoukomitee. Die regering van die tyd het groot vertroue in sy onderhandelingstegnieke gehad en hy is in ‘n stadium vir drie maande as lid van die ontwikkelingskorporasie na lande in die Ooste gestuur, om nywerhede na SA te lok. Sport was Oom Attie se ander groot passie. Op skool was hy ‘n kranige atleet en rugbyspeler. Na sy speeltyd het hy in die bestuur van die destydse Verre Noord Rugbyunie gedien, maar het eintlik as skeidsregter die land plat gereis. In een jaar het hy in 25 provinsiale wedstryde geblaas en hy het ook in wedstryde teen internasionale spanne die fluitjie geblaas. Hy was die eerste wit skeidsregter vir die Protea- en Federasiespanne. In sy groot huis in Yamorna het Oom Attie dié week kaste oopgemaak waar dosyne dasse hang, van klubs en provinsies waar hy destyds die fluitjieman was. Vandag is hy heelwat rustiger. Hy geniet nog goeie gesondheid, maar kyk weemoedig terug na die stroop van sy toewyding in Tzaneen, waar dit in kleurlose en onbruikbare kristalle versuiker het.
14 Februarie 2014
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Oskar en die pienk tannie glip steelkant verby Elke nou en dan, min of meer een maal per jaar, is daar ‘n teaterstuk wat ‘n mens nie durf misloop nie. Die soort teaterbelewenis wat aan jou steelkant verbyglip en jou ontredder. Wat nie talm of trane trek nie. Wat jou vinnig twee keer laat kyk, vinnig oor jou skouer laat kyk. Wat jou oorrompel met ‘n verpletterende besef van die vlugtigheid van die lewe, van die kosbaarheid van oomblikke. Wat mens hoendervleis gee. So ‘n stuk is Oskar en die pienk tannie. Die immergroen Sandra Prinsloo het ophou draf. Sy is nou op ‘n galop. Eers was daar Die Naaimasjien wat gehore weerloos gelaat het, nou is Oskar op almal se lippe. Oskar en die pienk tannie is onlangs deur die KKNK vereer as Beste Teaterproduksie, Beste Regie (Lara Bye) en Beste Aktrise (Sandra Prinsloo), terwyl dit ook ‘n rits ander toekennings ontvang het.. Die teks is verruklik: terloops hartseer en terloops snaaks. Prinsloo speel teen die sentiment, trap liggies oor versengende hartseer, raak vlugtig aan paradigmaverskuiwende insigte, streel ingedagte oor absurditeite. Sy vertolk die rol van ‘n tienjarige seuntjie wat terminaal siek is. En dié van ‘n ouma en ‘n paar ander karaktertjies in die kindersaal. Sy vervel naatloos en gee lyf aan ‘n reeks karakters wat bybly. Op die verhoog is ‘n
enkele tafel: die sterwende Oskar se hospitaalbed. Wees gewaarsku: dis sneesdoekiegebied. ‘n Mens se wange word vroeg al nat. Oskar gooi ‘n houtoog oor grootmense, die liefde, hormone, God en die dood. Oskar het kanker en sy operasie was onsuksesvol; iets waarvoor hy homself blameer, soos kinders doen. Sy reddingsboei is Ouma Rosa, ‘n bejaarde vrou wat elke dag die kinderhospitaal besoek. Sy is wys, pittig en goddeloos. Om hom te vermaak versin sy staaltjies oor haar dae as rofstoeier, die wildewoeste Weskus-wonder. Sy beskik oor morele dapperheid en lieg nie vir die kind nie. Sy beveel hom om elke dag te leef asof dit tien jaar is. Op dié manier kan hy tot op die rype ouderdom van 120 jaar leef. Sy raai hom ook aan om elke dag vir God ‘n brief te skryf en ‘n wens te wens — en hy skryf: “Liewe God My naam is Oskar, ek is 10 jaar oud, ek het die kat en die hond en die huis aan die brand gesteek, en dis die eerste brief wat ek aan jou stuur, want ek het nie voorheen tyd gehad nie. Ek moes leer.” Moenie spyt wees omdat jy te laat gewag het om jou kaartjie(s) te kry nie. Die datum is 27 Februarie en dit word aangebied in die saal van die Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen. Die aanbieding begin opm 19:00.
Slegte baan verhoed nie goeie tye
Jaco Moller in aksie
‘n Onrybare baan het spoedvraat Jaco Moller van Extreme ATV in Tzaneen en sy span nie gekeer om goeie wegspringtye tydens die eerste rangskikking in Bronkhortspruit op te stel nie. Moller sê die jaers het drie geleenthede gehad om om die baan te jaag en hul tye te bepaal. Dit gaan hul wegspringposisies by die SA’s more in Middelburg bepaal. Hy het die baan twee keer met ‘n Raptor 700 in die Q1-klas
aangedurf en ‘n algehele derde plek gekry. Moller se vyftienjarige sussie Wilmari het met haar Honda TRX 450 cc ‘n tweede plek in die hoërskool-groep gekry. Sy ander spanmaat, Marcell Coetzee, het met sy Yamaha YFZ tweede in die silwer klas gekom en hoewel hy tegniese probleme ondervind het, het hy algeheel 32ste geeïndig. Eric Williams het net een keer om die baan met sy Rapton 700 gery en het tiende in die Q1-klas geeïndig. Moller sê hoewel hy uitsien na die SA wedren, is hy altyd gespanne voor elke ren. “Ek is tevrede met die wegspringtye,” sê hy. “Belangstellendes kan die wedren op www. protiming.co.za dophou.” Moller sê hy maak hom reg om aan die Dakar-wedren in 2016 deel te neem. — Roelien Vorster roelien@bulletin.us.com
Dance festival offered
The Tzaneen Eisteddfod is hosting its annual Eisteddfod, Absa savings account: 922 649 dance festival on 10 and 11 March in the hall 2806, branch code: 632005. Proof of payment at Ben Vorster High School. The closing date must be e-mailed to danseisteddfod@gmail. for entries is today. Spectators will be wel- com For more information: Jolinda Engelbrecht come to attend the show. All dance schools and academies are invited to enrol for this on 082 573 1327. event. Tzaneen Eisteddfod has invited Ms Marilyn Gush, a well-known adjudicator in dance circles. She has been a member and teacher of the Royal Academy of Dancing and Association of International Dance Die gewilde en bekende Sonja Teachers for fifty years. She won a Heroldt gaan op 12 April in die scholarship to study dance at the Nederduitse Hervormde Kerk Royal Academy in England at the age Laeveld in Modjadjiskloof of ten! She has adjudicated for many optree. Teen R100 per local and overseas festivals for over persoon kan jy Sonja se aanbieding van Die thirty years. Hartklop van ‘n Pêrelvrou The entry fee for duets, trios and geniet. Navrae: die NHK quartets is R40 per dancer. For groups Laeveld by 015 309 more than four it is R180 per group. 9889. Payments can be made to Tzaneen
Sonja Heroldt kom sing
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14 Februarie 2014
Fear lessl y the tr uth
10 years Bulletin turns 10 today. What a ride it has been. (Just ask Mark Zuckerberg. He will understand what we are talking about.) Big ideas. Passion and Determination. To our readers, followers, fans, enemies and our esteemed advertisers Thank you for your faith in us. Thank you for your passion. You are the reason we want to exist. It all came together and the result has been (and still is), spectacular!
our community
Fear lessl y the tr uth
14 Februarie 2014
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Die jong loot het ‘n boom geword Die stigter-redakteur van die Bulletin, Francois Aucamp, het enkele herinnerings neergepen en gee ook ‘n kort oorsig van die ontstaan van die koerant en die daaropvolgende dekade. Tien goue jare! goed geken. is en ons loop nie elke tweede dag met veranDié drie kort woorde verteenwoordig vir my In 2005 het ek twee oud-universiteitsmaats derde tariewe en smous nie. Natuurlik onalles wat ek die afgelope tien jaar by, met en in Phalaborwa ontmoet en teen die einde derhandel ons met adverteerders wat termyvir die Bulletin beleef het. van daardie jaar het ek in Louis Trichardt die nadvertensies wil bespreek, maar ons doen Personeel wat hul kant gebring het op ‘n spoor van ‘n ou universiteit-rugbymaat ge- dit met ons hand op die tafel en nie onder die wyse wat mens aan die besondere waarde van kom. En dit was dit. punte van die tafeldoek versteek nie. goud herinner. Adverteerders (sakelui) wat Nou kyk ek terug oor tien jaar en tel ek ‘n Ons is geakkrediteer as ‘n opleidingsinstanhul geloof in ‘n produk bevestig het en die korps vriende wat ek gemaak het. En omdat sie vir die bedryf se Seta en die afgelope vier koerant van geboorte af ondersteun het op ‘n my lewe so met die Bulletin verweef is, het jaar het ons elke jaar studente van univerwyse wat aan die edelheid van goud herinner. ek ook talle kennisse wat my verblyf van die siteite wat hul internskappe by ons doen. Die ‘n Breë gemeenskap wat in hul ondersteun- afgelope tien jaar in hierdie pragtige deel van Bulletin is ook ‘n stigterslid van ‘n unieke ing van ‘n nuwe baba soos ons land verryk het. sambreelorganisasie, wat nege onafhanklike goud geskitter het en steeds Bulletin het klein be- gemeenskapskoerante in Limpopo geleentblink. Vriende wat hier gegin. Ons was drie: Phil- heid bied om ‘n verenigde front te vorm, veral maak is en wie se onderstelipe Buyst, Jan Mafetsa en wat bemarking betref. uning, ook in die dae van ekself. Daar was een lessOns is verder so plaaslik as wat plaaslik kan teenspoed, goud werd was. enaar-rekenaar (skootreke- wees. Ons geniet nie die gerief van ‘n hoofEk het aan die einde van naars was toe nog skaars), kantoor in ‘n toringgebou met kantore wat 2003 in die Laeveld aangeeen voertuig en ‘n paar marmervloere en houtpanele teen die mure kom, op ‘n plaas by Ofcominderwaardige meubel- en ‘n dik tjekboek het nie. laco/Trichardtsdal. Ek was stukke. Die kantoor was vir Ons mense is van hier. Ons koop hier. Ons wildvreemd en het nie die die begindae ‘n lapa langs besit eiendom hier, ons kinders en kleinklimaat, die topografie, die ‘n lekker groot sementdam kinders gaan hier skool, ons gebruik dienste mense, die plaaslike poli(swembad!) op die plaas. van plaaslike diensleweransiers, ons ondertiek, die nuanses in die verSprake van ‘n weeklikse steun plaaslik… Ons is deel van die gemeenskillende mikro-gemeengemeenskapskoerant wat skap — omdat dit vir ons lekker en ‘n voorreg skappe geken nie. sal uitbrei om meer as is. Phillip Buyst Ek het Theo de Jager twaalf bladsye per uitgawe Toe ons begin het, was daar ‘n doemprogeken, nadat ons in die vroeë tagtigerjare ken- te beslaan, was daar nie. Ons wou sommer net feet (die wat moet weet wie, weet) wat in ‘n nis gemaak en mettertyd vriende geraak het. iets doen vir die liefde daarvan. smeerveldtog teen ons voorspel het dat ons ‘n Gewaardeerde ou skool- en koshuismaat Die plaaslike mark het ons egter van die moontlik ses maande sou haal, maar baie bewat ek in matriek in 1958 laas gesien het, wyle verskyning van die eerste uitgawe af omarm. slis nie twaalf nie. Dit is nou 120 maande later Bernard Vermaak, was by Letsitele kliphard Die feit dat ons van meet af aan ons boere en en dié kêrel het sy toets as profeet nie geslaag aan die boer, maar ek was nie daarvan bewus landbou in die omgewing op ‘n spesiale wyse nie. nie. gedien en bedien het, het vertroue geskep. Ons is steeds hier, omdat ons ook die geToe ek teen die middel van 2004 met Edward Vandag is die AgriBulletin meenskap omarm het. Ons Vorster op sy plaas gaan kennis maak het, ter- ‘n gevestigde publikasie het ‘n liefdeverhouding wyl hy nog van ‘n meer ernstige ongesteld- wat op sy eie bene staan met die besondere mense heid herstel het, het ek uitgevind my ou skool- en baie gewild is by die van die Laeveld aangemaat was hier. Ek het van Edward af direk na plaaslike boere vir nuus, knoop. Ons trots in ons Bernard gery. Ons het mekaar nie herken nie en by adverteerders as ‘n skole, ons diensorganisaen daar was vier lekker nat oë toe ons mekaar bemarkingskanaal. sies, ons klubs, ons sportin ‘n omhelsing na 46 jaar weer sien. OngelukOns is trots daarop dat bedrywighede, ensovoorts kig het hy nie baie lank daarna nie my alleen ons nog altyd gesonde lê diep. hier gelaat. sakebeginsels toegepas Ons staan steeds by ons Kort nadat ek in my eerste pos as joernalis het en ons beoefen suiwer slagspreuk van Vreesaangestel is, het ek my hart op ‘n verruklike sake-etiek. Ons loop nie en loos die Waarheid en om mooi jong dame verloor. Sy was ‘n niggie lieg oor ons drukoplaag daaraan getrou te bly, maak van Bernard en dus ook ‘n niggie van Johan of ons verkope nie. Ons is ons dikwels ongewild. Net du Toit en sy broer Gerard. Johan en Gerard lid van die Audit Buro of om later te hoor dat ons tog het ook by ‘n oom van my skool gegaan (in Circulation (ABC), ‘n ongerespekteer word vir die die Sondagsriviervallei), waar ons dikwels afhanklike liggaam wat feit dat ons die waarheid Jan Mametsa gaan kuier het (my pa was ook ‘n skoolhoof koerante en tydskrifte se dien. en ons het dus meer dikwels vakansie gaan verkope deur ouditeurs laat nagaan en sorg In die tien jaar was daar enkele pogings om hou as die deursnee werkende mense). So het dat daar nie met die syfers gekonkel word nie. ons met regstappe te dreig, waarvan absoluut ek goed van Johan en Gerard geweet, maar dit Ons hou ons ook nie met “horse trading” op niks gekom het nie. Ons het nooit eens sover sou oordrewe wees om te sê ons het mekaar nie. Ons adverteerders weet wat ons tariewe as die hof se trappies gekom nie, want ons re-
Dit was vir die tropleier maklik om onverbondenheid tot enige van die plaaslike hoërskole te handhaaf, want hy het van buite gekom. Jaarliks met interskole het ek ons lojaliteit jeens albei Tzaneen se puik hoërskole kennelik met ‘n dubbeldoor rugbytrui gedemonstreer.
spekteer feite en ons nuusberiggewing word op feite gegrond en as sodanig aangebied. Ons skinder nie, ons is nie pro dié of anti daai nie. Ons dien die waarheid en nie mense en groepe en politieke denke nie. Ons speel nie saam in die politiek tussen groepe of skole of klubs of besighede nie. Ons loop die pad maar so alleen-alleen en hou weekliks die spieël op waarin die gemeenskap die beeld kan sien van wat hier gebeur. Ons sien uit na die volgende tien jaar saam met ons lesers en adverteerders, saam met die Laeveld se gemeenskap, oud en jonk, man en vrou, swart en wit, ryk en arm. Dankie vir die welwillendheid waarmee ons ontvang is en steeds geniet. Ons sal graag die gemeenskap se betroubare nuusvriend bly.
Years of loving our community
13 February 2004
Our first newspaper...
14 Februarie 2014
14 Februarie 2014
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5 years ago we turned 5
Dr Gerard van der Weijde en sy vrou het die Bulletin twee keer in die afgelope tien jaar besoek en waardevolle dae saam met ons deurgebring, Hy is ‘n wêreld bekende kommunikasiestrateeg, wat kosbare planne met This was the team in 2009 when we celebrated our fifth birthday. At the time Theo de Jager was a shareholder; the rest were employees. ons gedeel het.
Dr Van der Weijde en Bulletin se span het ‘n hele paar slypskoolsessies op ons kantoor se stoep deurgewerk.
10 years of loving our community
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14 Februarie 2014
Marula festival a boost for Ba-Phalaborwa economy Pekoe View
The MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) in Limpopo, Mr Seaparo Sekoati said his department had developed cooperatives under the auspices of Limpopo Mukumbi Industries as a viable business industry which would create hundreds of job opportunities within the province. Sekoati was speaking during a media launch for the annual Marula Festival in Phalaborwa. Before the official launch, journalists were taken on a special tour of various tourists’ destinations where, among others, they enjoyed seeing Jessica the hippo in Hoedspruit and visited the Kruger National Park. They were also supposed to visit the reptile park in Hoedspruit, Giriyondo Border post between the RSA and Mozambique, but they arrived too late. He said the department is taking advantage of the
vast concentration of Marula trees found mostly in the Ba-Phalaborwa area and it had established some thirteen cooperatives which are playing a role to boost economy by creating hundreds of jobs for the local people. The cooperations’ operations, under the auspices of Mukumbi Industries, were officially launched on 4 March 2006 at the inaugural Marula Festival hosted in collaboration with the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture. “The event is been utilized as a draw card for attracting domestic, regional and international tourists to Limpopo during the Marula season (January to March),” Sekoati said. This year the Marula festival will be held from 22 February until 1 March. During the week-long celebrations, there will be a street parade from Phalaborwa’s municipal offices, the 4X4 challenge at Hlokwa Lodge outside Phalaborwa, indigenous games at Impala Park Stadium, a half marathon from Kruger National Park to Groen Skool and on 25 February there will be a tourism career exhibition at Impala Park Stadium and from 28 February to 1 March, the main music festival will be expected to take place at Impala Park Stadium, where among the top artists would be Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Worship House, General Musika and many others.
The MEC for Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Seaparo Sekoati tasting the first Marula beer at Muti Wa Vatsonga near Letsitele during the annual Ku Luma Vukanyi event.
— Michael Sakuneka
reopens in style
The revamp and restoration of Pekoe View on the Magoebaskloof Road is good news for Tzaneen and its people as well as for the many loads of tourists roaming the area. This tea garden and restaurant was for many years a selected land mark, with its magnificent view over widespread tea plantations and evergreen valleys between Tzaneen and Modjadjiskloof. Bus loads of tourists from all over the world made Pekoe View Tea Garden a priority stop on their journeys to the rest of the Lowveld, with clicking cameras and zooming videocams to immortalize the scenery. About seven years ago bad luck struck when the tea plantations of Sapekoe were shut down and thousands of workers were left unemployed. The large piece of land was left abandoned and overgrown, until SA’s department of land affairs took over to try and develop it into a viable undertaking. This effort seems to have failed again, but residents near the tea garden decided to restore the building and business to its former glory. Ms Carrie-Anne Breedt is the new owner and her renovation programme has already lured visitors in big numbers. She can be
contacted on 060 399 1404. They will have their official opening this weekend with a special Valentine’s party, including a dance in the revamped clubhouse. Between the 10th and 20th of each month people over the age of 65 years will pay half price on pancakes and tea. This Pekoe View special will last for three months.
Valentine’s dinner and dance Treat your loved one to a relaxed outing to one of the most beautiful and popular views in Limpopo on the 14 & 15 February
Our famous pancakes are now even better! With delicious fillings such as biltong, bacon & banana, and savoury mince - to name but a few. We also serve sweet pancakes with ice-cream & butter scotch sauce as well as freshly baked cakes. bulletin©9413pv140214tb
Bookings: Carrie-Anne 060 399 1404 • Pensioners eat at half price • Open from 10:00 - 20:00 (Kitchen closes at 19:00)
14 Februarie 2014
e-Learning as easy as Pi
Life science teacher Mr Jackson Chimombe (back) with pupils (front) Nicole Baloyi and Sebenzile Ramalepe. In the back is Noëlla Hlungwane and Kgotso Mothebuka.
The days where matric pupils struggled to carry heavy school bags to school and between classes is now a thing of the past at Meridian College in Nkowankowa. School principal Ms Thea Gerber said Meridian College is the first school in the Limpopo province to introduce e-Learning to its matric pupils. The college started to investigate the possibility of using e-Learning in 2012 but because some of the e-Books were not offered free of charge, the school decided to postpone the programme. In 2013, they reinvestigated and decided to launch the project this year. Her sister, Ms Dina Barnard, who is also in charge of school finances, joked that she aged about ten years these past few months to ensure everything is in place. She said she had to ensure the school had sufficient wi-fi connection,strong enough to cater for about one thousand pupils. The college also needed affordable tablets with built-in warranties. “We needed the hardware and software to download the e-Books and had to get Moodle, an electronic library that hosts a wealth of knowledge, in place. Apart from this, the pupils and teachers bought their own tablets and computers. They can download the complete study plan for the year.”
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Plasies welcome new parents
Ms Marlise and Mr Lucas McLean
Mr and Ms Jacques du Plessis
Superchef Elna and Mr Alf Wandrag
Ms Rika en Mr Johann Goosen
Not even the rainy weather could deter new Plasie parents from attending a social function recently. The aim of this yearly function is to give new parents an opportunity to get to know one another and get involved in the school’s activities. Team members had to flex their muscles to turn the oversized Moooonopoly dice in order to journey
through the MerenskyMooonopoly board, which served to highlight certain aspects of Plasie land. Parents travelled from as far as Musina, Hoedspruit and Polokwane to enjoy a super meal in a relaxed atmosphere, which resulted in making new acquaintances and forming stronger Plasie bonds.
The HOD Mr Cuthbert Pawandiwa with teacher Mr Jackson Chimombe.
Barnard said each pupil has a profile and they can download the necessary programmes for the year. “This system eliminates the use of cell phones in the classroom. The next step is to safeguard the pupils from downloading and using the tablets for Facebook and other unwanted sites.” She said they hoped there would be a significant change in the pupils’ results. According to Barnard, the initial financial implication, to ensure the wi-fi connection is strong enough, was not so severe because it would pay off in the long run. “Whether we buy textbooks or buy e-Books, it costs about the same,” she said. Noëlla Hlungwane and Kgotso Mothobuka, two matric pupils, said they were very excited about this programme. “Learning is now more interactive and fun and because we take the tablets home with us to study, we don’t have to carry heavy bags anymore.” Delegates from various schools in the area attended the function and teacher Mr Jackson Chimombe explained how the programme will work, and then the delegates sat in during a short life science class. — Roelien Vorster
Top ten brainiacs visit South Coast
roelien@bulletin.us.com Beauties with brains In the front are Andrea Devenish, Jenna Devenish, ChelseySchlebush, Naledi Mailula, Dana Troskie, EljanéUys and Michelle Stevens.
2012/13 FINAL DRAFT ANNUAL REPORT FOR PUBLIC VIEWING & COMMENTS The 2012/13 Annual Report of Greater Tzaneen Municipality was approved by the Council on the 29th of January 2014. The Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) is currently assessing the Annual Report and members of the public are therefore invited to submit their comments on the draft Annual Report to MPAC.
Thirty excited pupils left Plasieland behind to enjoy a weeklong tour to the South Coast of Kwazulu Natal. Wonderful weather allowed everyone to explore the sea, and to work on their Limpopo tans. The water park at the Wild Coast Sun proved to be a highlight, with its adrenalin-driven slides and peaceful river rafting. Lots of time and money was spent at Galleria and Southgate malls, where some tried their skill at ice skating and ten pin
Front: Lizé Crafford, Eljana Fleischmann and LeraAvdysh. In the middle are Joshua Varrie, Tezwin Smith, EljanéUys, Michelle Stevens, LarynPrins, Ditebogo Khutamo,Thokozile Khosa, Chelsea Schlebush, Andrea Devenish, Jenna Devenish, Suné Norie, Dana Troskie, Marlu Mclean, Naledi Mailula, Monique de Lange and Melany Young. In the back are Alex Jardim, Ivan Botha, Carlize Katzke, Christelize Elbrecht, Klarissa Nel, Michaela Viljoen, Micaela Ball, Charmaine Sekgota, Belinda Nzadi, Musa Hlungwani and Chris Bill.
bowling, while the less adventurous ate sushi and visited the movies. The last day was spent at Ushaka Marine World, with visits to the aquarium, dolphin and seal shows and once again, a fun-filled waterpark.
Plasie WordWorx kicks off
Blue Mountain excels
Merensky High School’s very first WordWorx club for 2014 was held recently. Pupils received a creative writing challenge: “An object in my space speaks out” on which they were judged, with the best writers invited to join the club. In the front are Monique de Lange, Loamé van Zyl, Laryn Prins and Micaela Ball. At the back are Anneli Nel, Xanthe Joubert, Marlu McLean, Elzette van Dyk, Blake Linder, Janke Jansen van Vuuren and Monic van Wyk.
Blue Mountain College near Politsi has successfully achieved a 100% matric pass rate since the school’s establishment. All the pupils also received Bachelor passes with 25% of all marks being distinctions. Seen here are Tsholo Sebopa, Liberty Delsouiller (three distinctions), Nkateko Ngobeni, Olivia Thorsen, Jesse Peniel (three distinctions), Soki Selepe, Jeanie Botes (three distinctions) and Timeah Muller (five distinctions).
The Annual Report can be accessed on the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s website: www.tzaneen.gov.za. It is also available in the following places: GTM Libraries: • Tzaneen Library • Haenertsburg Library • Letsitele Library Thusong Service Centers: • Relela Thusong Centre • Bulamahlo Thusong Centre • Lesedi Thusong Centre • Runnymede Thusong Centre
Traditional Councils: • Maake Traditional Council • Valoyi/N’wamitwa Traditional Council • Modjadji Traditional Council • Mogoboya Traditional Council • Nkuna/Muhlava Traditional Council • Mamabolo/Mankweng Traditional Council • Nyavana/Xihoko Traditional Council
All comments must be submitted in writing to the following address: Municipal Manager Greater Tzaneen Municipality P.O.Box 24 Tzaneen 0850
Merensky-personeel verbly weeskinder-harte
Or via e-mail to: Morongwa.sekopane@tzaneen.gov.za The closing date for all comments is 14 March 2014 All Queries must be directed to Morongwa Sekopana on 015 307 8146 or 083 678 9225. Mr ME Mankabidi Municipal Manager
Kinders van die Abraham Krielkinderhuisgeniet die uitstappie. bulletin©9305gtm140214tb
Die Hoërskool Merensky se onderwysers en ouers het onlangs hul harte en beursies oopge-
maak vir sowat 35 inwoners van die Abraham Kriel Kinderhuis in Nylstroom. Dit is reeds die tweede jaar dat die Plasies die groep kinders ondersteun en bederf met iets spesiaal. Die groep het twee naweekkampe naby Polokwane gehou. Die organiseerder, me Wendy Dreyer, bedank al die rolspelers vir hul ywer om ‘n verskil te maak in die kinders se lewe. Enigeen wat betrokke wil raak kan haar by 082 417 2612 skakel.
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Business directory | Sakegids
14 Februarie 2014
Vital Bugs CC, Lushof Plot 16, Tzaneen 087 751 0279 | info@vitalbugs.co.za
We’ll get you there safely...
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NOW OPEN: • Giyani • Phalaborwa
Limpopo • Since 2007
e-mail: anne@smslimpopo.co.za | www.smslimpopo.co.za
years of loving our community
contact Jacques
071 268 2543
To advertise in
14 Februarie 2014
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Job Seeker Domestic
any other general work contact me on 072 770 7248/078 439 5694 (41) ______________________________
My name is Malemela Welhemina I am looking for a domestic work or general work I can look after children I speak English I have 3 years experience contact me on 079 744 5529
GREATER LETABA MUNICIPALITY P.O Box 36, Modjadjiskloof, 0835, Tel (015) 309 9246/7/8 | Fax (015) 309 9419, Email: greaterletaba@glm.gov.za
(27) ______________________________
My name is Malita Mokati I am looking for a domestic work, cleaning offices or any general work, I speak English, sleep out, 5 days a week contact me on 082 695 1163 (28) ______________________________
Greater Letaba Municipality invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following positions: CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: CORPORATE SERVICES This is a re-advertisement, applicants who applied in the past are welcome to apply if they are still interested. TOTAL REMUNERATION PACKAGE: NEGOTIABLE Contract shall endure until twelve months after the next local government elections. REQUIREMENTS: An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent. A postgraduate qualification in a relevant field will be an added advantage. The candidate must have at least a minimum of Five years relevant management experience preferably in local government. A valid driver’s license. COMPETENCIES: • In-depth knowledge and extensive understanding of Human Resource management, Labour relations, Skills development, Occupational health and safety, Legal services, Council services, Information technology, different municipal regulations and related legislative frameworks. • A dynamic, self-starter, results-driven, innovative and team player with strong strategic leadership and management abilities. • Ability to work long hours and under pressure. • Knowledge in multi-discipline is essential. • Interpretation and implementation of the legislative and national policy frameworks. • Advanced mediation and negotiation skills. • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: • Provide strategic support and oversee the provision of effective support services by units within the directorate which includes human resources, information technology, legal services, council secretariat and administration, occupational health and safety and customer care. • Develop and manage the formulation and implementation of human resource strategy and plan, by-laws, policies and procedures in line with national policy framework and guidelines. • Compile and review delegation of powers and functions. • Provide strategic leadership in employee provision and utilization. • Manage the provision of secretariat services to Council and its committees. • Compile the directorate’s quarterly, mid-term and annual reports in line with legislation for the the council and other state organs. • Address the directorate audit queries raised by the Auditor-General and Internal Auditor. • Ensure that compliance and risk management system implementation within the directorate is executed. • Develop and implement all plans and strategies that are pertinent to the directorate.
INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING TLB OPERATOR (TWO POSTS) Salary: R114 323.76 Requirements: Grade 12 and or Equivalent. A valid code C driver’s license. Good Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills. Duties and Responsibilities: Operate TLB from base to work • Adhere to safety rules and regulations • Maintain parks and open spaces • Carry out the prescribed pre-trip inspection • Report any problems to the immediate superior • Monitor the performance of the subordinates.
FINANCE DEPARTMENT FLEET AND ASSET OFFICER (ONE POST) Salary: R190 468.89 p.a Requirements: National Diploma in Accounting / B Com in Accounting or Equivalent. Valid driver’s license is an essential requirement and advanced computer literacy. Two to three years relevant experience. Duties and Responsibilities: Compile and maintain the assets and inventory register of the Council • Transfer and write off of assets • Carry out physical verification of all municipal assets per department • Updates office data • Label new assets or re-label assets where necessary • Reconcile monthly log sheet, issue, control and monitor vehicles in line with policies, control systems and procedure • File transport documents.( petrol slips and log sheet) • Assist the supervisor with the monthly fleet reconciliation • Investigate inquiries and submit report to the supervisor for appropriate action. Greater Letaba Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. It is our intention to promote representation (race, gender and disability) in the municipality through filling of these positions and candidates whose appointment /transfer/promotion will promote representation will receive preference. The municipality reserves the right not to fill any of the advertised position(s). Interested persons may send an application letter stating clearly the position the applicant is applying for, accompanied by curriculum vitae, certified copy of ID and certified copies of qualifications. Short listed candidates may be required to produce original copies of qualifications on or before appointment. Correspondences will only be entered into with short listed candidates. If you do not receive notifications regarding your applications within 90 days of the closing date, kindly assume that your application was not successful. Applicants will be penalized for canvassing. Please forward all applications to: The Municipal Manager, Greater Letaba Municipality. P.O. Box 36, Modjadjiskloof 0835 or applications may be hand delivered at the Municipal Offices: Civic Centre, 44 Botha Street, and Modjadjiskloof. Faxed, Late, e-mailed and Z83 applications will not be accepted.
My name is Rachel Khalonga I am looking for a domestic work, I can cook and bake, look after children Monday – Friday full time sleep out I speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 082 796 7035
Closing date: 28 February 2014
(42) ______________________________
My name is Grace Machethe I am looking for a domestic work / general work I can look after children and speak English contact me on 072 923 1199 (43) ______________________________
My name is Salphinah Machete I am looking for a domestic work / general work I can speak English I can look after children and also have 3 years experience contact me on 083 8755814
(44) ______________________________
(29) ______________________________
My name is Elizabeth Ramakgoakgoa I am looking for an office cleaner, domestic or tea girl job I speak English and Afrikaans full day Mon – Fri sleep in or out contact me on 076 499 3236 (30) ______________________________
General My name is Ephilia Makgoka I am looking for any general work, cleaner, cashier, clerk, receptionist contact me on 076 883 9614 (13) ______________________________
My name is Mmatsie Getrude Seruba I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, work Mon – Fri full day, sleep in or office cleaner contact me on 076 081 8150 (31) ______________________________
My name is Makoma Emmah Lebepe I am looking for a domestic or office cleaning work Mon – Fri full day, I speak English sleep out contact met on 071 630 3215
My name is Maria Sekhwela I am looking for a general work, cleaner, cashier, basic ambulance assistance, driver as well I have code 10 contact me on 073 083 1265 / 072 361 7904
My name is Cheyeza Mkhabela I am looking for any general work I have grade 10 contact me on 073 319 2447
(32) ______________________________
(15) ______________________________
My name is Betty I am looking for a cleaner or domestic work 3 to 1 day contact me on 078 503 0828
My name is Patience Mogale I am looking for any general work I have grade 11 contact me on 073 686 9316
(33) ______________________________
(16) ______________________________
My name is Agnes I am looking for as a domestic worker I can speak English, sleep out 2 or 3 days a week contact met on 083 529 5097
I am looking for any general work I have grade11 I can speak English my name is Mavis Zulu contact me on 079 576 5241
(34) ______________________________
(17) ______________________________
My name is Malefo Monica Maenetja I am looking for a domestic work or day care I can look after children I speak English, 5 or 3 days a week, sleep out (ref: 079 517 2213) contact me on 071 734 6240
My name is Fridah Matjie I am looking for a job I worked at Ocean Basket as a sushi chef and at the bar I have experience (ref: Mr Dwane 083 300 0210) I speak English contact me on 076 707 6757
(35) ______________________________
My name is Margreth Khipa I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English, sleep out, Mon – Fri full day contact me on 071 078 6993 (36) ______________________________
My name is Dora Malola I am looking for a domestic work or general work I speak English Mon – Fri, sleep out (ref: Allen Finnaughty 015 307 4118) contact me on 072 956 4671 (37) ______________________________
My name is Makumbila Reina I am looking for a domestic work I can speak Afrikaans I have 1 year experience contact me on 079 159 9947 (38) ______________________________
My name is Johanna Ramalepe I am looking for a domestic work I have 3 years experience I speak English contact me on 082 540 7416 (39) ______________________________
My name is Mpho Manyama I am looking for any gardening work and I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 076 369 2789 (40)_______________________________
Enquiries: Ms T.M Mahlagaume and Mr S.P Mapatha @ (015) 309 9246/7/8
My name is Sibongile Mohale I am looking for domestic work I can speak English and Tsonga, sleep out contact me on 071 088 7011
My name is Thembi I am looking for work as cleaner or domestic I can look after children, I can cook, sleep in or out Monday to Friday or
(18) ______________________________
My name is Fedisane I am looking for ‘n electrician work I have experience contact me on 076 394 3958 (19) ______________________________
My name is Nkhensani Maphosa I am looking for general work for days contact me on 083 559 2989 (20) ______________________________
My name is Josephin Maphosa I am looking for work as bar lady, deli worker or any other general work contact me on 073 515 9081 (21) ______________________________
My name is Lucia Mathye I am looking for a cleaning job or security work I have grad A, B and C contact me on 083 371 2193 (22) ______________________________
My name is Hellen Ramakojoakgoa I am looking for a job as a semiskilled boilermaker, I have grade 12, 5 years experience as shop assistant, or any general work ( ref: Gift 015 307 4762) contact me on 073 468 8087 (23) ______________________________
I am looking for work as a security or cleaning offices or domestic work I speak English contact me on 078 570 4035 (24) ______________________________
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Legals IN THE REGIONAL COURT FOR THE REGIONAL DIVISON OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: LP/TZN/ RC360/2013 In the case between: GREAT FORCE INVESTMENTS 112 (PTY) LIMITED REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2007/011808/07 EXECUTION CREDITOR And KELLY BEANS (PTY) LIMTED T/A OCEAN BASKET REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2012/032291/07 FIRST EXECUTION DEBTOR JOAO CARLOS VARELA CERREIRA IDENTITY NUMBER: 7207245216084 SECOND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Regional Magistrate Tzaneen given on 12 November 2013, the under mentioned goods will be sold at Ocean Basket, shop no 15, Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, corner of R71 and Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen on 4 March 2014 by public auction to be held at 12:00, by the Sheriff for the Regional Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 110 x Chairs 32 x Tables 2 x Steel lockers 2 x Cold/Freezer Rooms 6 x Sir Fruit Juice 6 x Fuze Tea 330ml 6 x Windhoek premium lager 330 ml bottle 30 x Carling Black Label 340 ml bottle 6 x Castle Lager 340 ml bottle 6 x Carling Black Label 440 ml cans 12 x Peroni Premium Beer 330 ml bottle 12 x Sir Fruit Juice Mango 350 ml 12 x Sir Fruit Juice Fruit Coctail 350 ml 12 x Sir Fruit Juice Orange 350 ml 6 x Sir Fruit Juice Orange 1.5 L 54 x Romi Fat Spread 500g 5 x Ocean Basket Sparkling water 500 ml 12 x Ocean Basket Still Water 16 x Ocean Basket Still Water 1L 10 x Ocean Basket Sparkling Water 1L 8 x Steel Shelves 1 x Eight drawer plastic shelves 2 x Metra Clark Coldrooms
3 x Two Ocean Pinot Noir 750 ml bottle 3 x Chateau Libertas 750 ml bottle 1 x Fleur de Cap Merlot 750 ml bottle 3 x KWV Cabernet Sauvignon 750 ml bottle 1 x Van Loveren Sauvignon Blanc 750 ml bottle 1 x Two Oceans Pinot Girgio 750 ml bottle 1 x Nederberg Rose 750 ml bottle 1 x Robbertson Natural Sweet Rose 750 ml bottle 1 x Durbanville Chardonay 750 ml bottle 1 x Boschendal Baschen Blanc 750 ml bottle 2 x Nitida Roxia Sauvignon Blanc 750 ml bottle 2 x KWV Chenin Blanc 750 ml bottle 1 x KWV Sauvignon Blanc 750 ml bottle 2 x Robertson Winery Beaukett 3 x Graca Casa de Uoro 750 ml bottle 8 x Windhoek Premium Lager 330 ml bottle 3 x Windhoek Light 330 ml bottle 6 x Carling Black Label 330 ml bottle 5 x Peroni 330 ml bottle 6 x Castle Light 330 ml bottle 2 x Hansa Pilsener 330 ml bottle 1 x Amstel Lager 330 ml bottle 1 x Castel Lager 330 ml bottle 1 x Windhoek Lager 330 ml bottle 6 x Smirnoff Spin 2 x Castle Light 330 ml bottle 10 x Hunters dry 330 ml bottle 5 x Rewards Carling Black Label 440 ml bottle 2 x Castel 330 ml bottle 2 x Carling Black Label 3 x Savana Fry 2 x Millers 10 x 1 kg Choice butter mini 3 x Lemon Juice 5 L 48 x Sparletta Creamsoda 330 ml cans 96 x Cocacola 330 ml cans 12 x Cocacola 330 ml cans 24 x Fanta Orange 330 ml cans 24 x Cocacola Light 330 ml cans 24 x Sprite 330 ml cans 24 x Cocacola Zero 330 ml cans 72 x Fuze Tea 330 ml cans 24 x Blue Grapetizer 330 ml cans 48 x Red Grapetizer 330 ml cans 24 x Appletizer 330 ml cans 24 x Schwepps Gingerale 220 ml cans 24 x Cocacola 220 ml cans
10 24 x Schwepps Soda Water 220 ml cans 24 x Sprite 1 L 15 x Schwepps Soda Water 1L 1 x Toolbox with tools 10 x Assorted 220 ml can cooldrinks 5 x Fuze Tea 330 ml cans 1 x Meat Mincer 1 x Brema Stainless steel ice maker 1 x Black and Decker blower 4 x Stainless Steel tables 3 x Stainless Steel Double basin 1 x Single Stainless Steel basin 1 x Micro CW Electric scale 1 x Quantity Stainless Steel pots, pans & cutlery 6 x Ice buckets 1 x Shelf 2 x Stainless Steel table 1 x Bain Marie 1 x 4 Plate Gas burner 1 x 1 Ecol Chest Freezer 210 L 1 x Anuil Axis double chip fryer 1 x FGI 6 Burner Braaier 1 x FGI 8 Burner Braaier 1 x Stainless steel cooker hood 1 x 1 Door Coke Fridge 45 x Ocean Basket pans big stainless steel 22 x Ocean Basket pans small stainless steel 73 x Ocean Basket Plates 9 x Baskets 102 x Round wooden Placemats 2 x Baby chairs 85 x Small plates 18 x Plates 1 x Quantity knives, forks and spoons 15 x small bowls 5 x Serving Trays 38 x Blue Plastic baskets 1 x Kingpos computer till drawer, keyboard, till slip printer 1 x Azurite D16 Telephone 1 x HP 4500 printing station 1 x Osppa amplifier MP600P 2 x Nedbank eft 930 GT Credit Card machine 1 x Kingpos Screen and slip printer 1 x Comersa Food cooler 17 xWhite square plates large 7 x White square plates medium 5 x White Square plates small 13 x White round bowls large 10 x White round bowls small 6 x Stainless steel plates small 2 x Sushi knives 1 x Eco1 Chest Freezer 1 x FEJ 5000 electronic scale 3 x Stainless Steel tables 2 x Stainless Steel tables with basin 1 x Double door coke fridge 5 x Coke 330 ml cans
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5 x Coke Zero 330 ml cans 3 x Coke Light 330 ml cans 5 x Sprite Zero 330 ml cans 6 x Fanta Grape 330 ml cans 3 x Fanta Orange 330 ml cans 6 x Sparletta Rasberry 330 ml cans 2 x Sprite 330 ml cans 4 x Fuze Tea 330 ml cans 6 x Schwepps dry lemon 330 ml cans 4 x Sparkling water 500 ml 1 x Imprtalia Expresso coffee maker/machine 1 x Samsung Micorwave 1 x Prestige 2 plate stove 1 x Summer drink mixer 1 x Salton Elite mixer 1 x 3 Door Stainless Steel under counter fridge 1 x Quantity Crockery 1 x Quantity pots and pans 1 x Quantity Stock in trade 1 x Quantity tools in trade 1 x Quantity Shop fittings & fixtures 1 x Quantity Cutlery 1 x Ocean Basket 1 This sale is sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above Honourable Court. 2 The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1B Peace Street, Tzaneen. 3 Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia; 4 Directive of the Consumer protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http: ///www.info.gov.za/ view/download fileaction?id-99961) 5 FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash; 6 The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7 Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.
To Let Te Huur
Kantoor spasie +- 70m², Grensstraat 2A naby Ben Vorser R4 000 pm Kontak 082 740 5734
Office / Kantoor
Luukse 2 Slaapkamer Tuinwoonstel. Grootste in Tzaneen – kom kyk gerus. Woonkamer/eetkamer, 2 groot slaapkamers, goed toegeruste kombuis, ruim badkamer. Parkering binne veilige pallisade omheining. R4 300 per maand, water en ligte ingesluit. Skakel 082 313 6117 en kom kyk.
Moderne 2 SLP meenthuis beskikbaar in Letsitele, 2.5 badkamers en motorhuis. Einde Februarie beskikbaar. Skakel 0835616062 of 0153869928.
DATED AT TZANEEN on this 7th day of FEBRUARY 2014 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) L J VAN VUUREN ATTORNEYS FOREXECUTION CREDITOR VAN VUUREN ATTORNEYS 38 Boundary Street PO Box 3968 Tzaneen, 0850 Tel: 015 307 6912 Ref: LJ Van Vuuren/mg/ LJ1132
KANTORE TE HUUR CBD 62m² - deel toilette & teekombuis. Kontak Koos 0828080810 of (015)3073620
Call Lihanie on 015 3077248 to advertise in the smalls
years of loving our community
Events l Gebeure
14 Februarie 2014
Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Roelien Vorster— E-pos/e-mail: roelien@bulletin.us.com ‘14
This Week
Die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool hoiu vanaand ‘n Valentynsdans om 19:00 by Letaba River Lodge in Barnyard-styl. Bring eie drinkgoed. Kostes is R150 per paar. Skakel 015 307 4255 vir besprekings.
Health Expo ‘n Gesondheidsuitstalling word Sondag by die Lifestyle-sentrum in Tzaneen gehou. Die uitstalling sal ook op 23 Februarie in die Tzaneng Mall besoek kan word. Voel jy siek, lusteloos, gedaan en afgemat? Besoek gerus die uitstalling tussen 09:00 en 13:00. Dis gratis. Skakel René Winter by 083 285 8866.
This will take place on tomorrow at the Unicorn Preparatory School in Tzaneen. Call the school on 015 307 2840.
Blueberry picking Pick your own blueberries at Blueberry Heights Farm (A24), Haenertsburg. Open on Saturdays and Sundays during December and January from 09:00 to 16:00. Cost: R40 for adults and R20 for children. Also enjoy fresh muffins, blueberry cordials and coffee at the shop. For more information visit www.blueberryheights.co.za or contact Jon at 083 880 8787/087 751 2417 or by e-mail at jon@ blueberryheights.co.za
SAAGA Research Symposium This annual event will take place on 19 February at the Fairview River Lodge, Tzaneen. Registration starts at 07:20 and proceedings will commence at 08:00. Registration fees are R180 for members and R400 for non-members. Call Lizette de Wet on 015 307 3676 or email lizette@subtrop.co.za
Pick your own raspberries and blueberries at the annual Magoebaskloof Berry Festival tomorrow and Sunday. Visit the Harvest Market in Haenertsburg village where you can buy fresh raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and gooseberries as well as jams, pickles, preserves,
Shades of Red
Wear something red this tomorrow and join DJ Craig for a night of fun and prizes at the Rose & Dragon in Tzaneen. The party starts at 18:00 and Porra chickens will be on sale for the hungry.
Shamu SC and Last Chance Gala
pies, berry ice cream, cordials and pancakes. Local restaurants will offer special menus with the focus on berry dishes. Also a family trail run, berry cooking demos, a romantic Valentine’s dinner and entertainment for children. Visit the local organic cheese farm, go hiking, birding and fishing or thrill to advent ure sports. Shahrzad 082 903 7593.www.berryfestival.co.za
Tzaneen Rolbalklub en Bulletin Sakeliga Elke Donderdag om 18:00 vir
nog drie weke. Lekker spanbou vir besighede. IOok die ideale geleentheid om lekker te kuier en te gesels. Eet na die tyd saam om die vleisbraaivuur. Alle besighede welkom. Groot pryse op die spel. Kontak Phil Manders op 074 751 1396.
Chameleon Indoor ‘14
Krieket en hokkie by die skousaal. Netbalwedstryde welkom. Besprekings/navrae: Nate by 078 619 4546.
Aksienetbal Elke Dinsdagaand 18:00-20:00 Autohaus 4 in 1 Marathon
The 42,2 km Comrades and Two Oceans qualifier will take place on 22 February at the Peter Mokaba Stadium, Polokwane. The race incorporates a 21,1 km, 10 km, 5 km and 60 m toddler run. Total prize money is R18 000. Registration on Wednesday 19 February from 18:00 to 20:00, Friday 21 February from 18:00 to 20:00 or Saturday 22 February from 04:30 until five minutes before race starts. Call Johan van Vuuren on 083 277 2505, Smokey Bouwer on 082 336 2932 or Calie Swart on 082 872 4348.
by die skouterrein. R20/persoon. Dames en mans welkom.
Kom geniet die fees van 1 - 3 Mei in Euphoria Gholflandgoed en Hydro by Naboomspruit (Mookgopong) . Vir meer inligting besoek gerus die webtuiste: www.naboomwindpompfees.co.za.
14 Februarie 2014
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Smouskous l Pick’nBuy Services Dienste DASS Refrigeration + Air conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Road. Tzaneen We collect + deliver 015 307 1798 Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. aug110___________________________
Kruger Trailers Beplan jy ‘n funksie of ‘n troue? Ons verhuur stoele en tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n sleepwa (trailer) Kontak Bennie 083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452 Stuur ‘n e-pos na krugertrailer.tzn@gmail.com vir ‘n kwotasie Apr406__________________________
BF Distributors Tzaneen Distributors of Caltex Fuels & Lubricants 015 307 1998
Services Dienste
YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? • A nice surprise for your Valentine? • Affordable so you can still make this day special? YES! • Surprise yourself! Contact your local Hypnotherapist NOW at 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Certified Hypnotherapist (Non – Medical) The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment,crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda 083 576 7618 Hennie 083 651 0936
King Trellis Retractable Security Barriers Under New Management and ownership Onder nuwe Bestuur en Eienaarskap 071 342 9241
Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops Mar109_______________________
Premium Trucking Your premium choice in transport. For Hire Front loader ADT Excavator Tipper Low bed ALSO River sand Building Sand Stone Filling 082 659 0532
Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al jou korttermyn versekering Skakel 015 307 4229 DEDAM SECURITY, STEELWORKS & CONSTRUCTION We specialize in burglar proofing, security and access gates, palisade fencing, electric gate and garage motors, paving and light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gate and garage motors. Please contact Mike at 071 302 8909 or 082 298 5352 or dedamsteelworks@gmail.com. Jan203__________________________
Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3
WE Steel Random steel lengths Flat and round bar Square tubing Sheeting Channels Angle iron Welding accessories Bolts, nuts 015 307 7705
Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za Bargains Galore Geregistreerde pand- en tweedehandse handelaar. Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van waarde. Juwele, meubels, gereedskap, ens. Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass. 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
The flowerpot and Pet shop For all your pets needs Unwanted pets welcome Mon – Fri 08:00 – 18:00 Sat – Sun 08:00 – 15:00 Louise 083 334 2003 Phillip 073 121 2262 Jan504___________________________
YOUR PARTNER IN HOME BUILDING Best Quality / Best service Thank you for your loyal support. See specials in store. We deliver Tzaneen/Letaba Crossing/ Letsitele 015 307 7168 Sebokeng Fuels Distributors For Shell fuels Brandstof Aflewering Martin Jacobs 083 390 3026
Roentes 4D-Ultrasound Medi 24. Cnr Thabo Mbeki & Plein Street, Polokwane Tel: 015 291 2275 Jan303___________________________
Fabric Magic Upholstery, Curtains, Blinds, Pelmets, Bed Linen, Soft furnishings, Dress Fabrics, Hobby & Lace, Wooden Floors, Embroidery.. 015 307 2468, 45 Agatha Street Tzaneen.
Mercurius Motors Tzaneen For the best deals visit us at 38 Peace Street, Tzaneen for new and used vehicles and parts 015 307 5020
Jacques van Niekerk Oogkundige Koop ‘n bril en kry ‘n sonbril gratis 015 307 3703
Services Dienste
Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of vreugde? By Maritel doen ons: Boeke tot op finale proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie). Bestuurstate BTW alle fasette (boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F (Werkloosheidsversekering) NS! Doen ook Pastel-opleiding met ‘n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses! Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057
MRG Logistics Overnight Courier Services Nationwide 071 360 3630 – 082 227 8641
Fouche Woodcraft & Plants We Manufacture the following: Hardwood solid doors and frames Pivot, panel slat and rail and z-brace Garden furniture Plants available (pachypodums and palm etc Any special wood DIY items 25 km from Tzaneen and Phalaborwa road California 28 083 379 5173
JB Spares Motorspares Motoronderdele Batteries and accecories Agatha Street 54 015 307 1149
071 268 2543 Flowtak Verskaffers van staalpype, pvc pype “Flanges, “Gaskets” pompe en kleppe. Call us at 015 306 0181 28 Plantation Road Behind Wenchem
Avis Van Rentals Bakkies, Vans, Trucks or 4 x 4’s Daily, weekly and monthly rentals We deliver We try harder 015 306 0489 grant.pascol@avis.co.za 10 Plantation Road Feb307__________________________
TLB for hire 015 307 3084 082 929 5109
Vital Bugs Die insek plaagbeheer spesialiste vir Witluis,, Vals Kodlingmot Stephan 082 7710 777
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928 Visagie Saagmeule Vir Palette Enige Hoeveelheid Soort Grootte Rohan 083 557 1615
HIPNOTERAPEUT WIL JY OPHOU ROOK? •Met ‘n goed uitgewerkte 5-stap ondersteunende metode? • Op ‘n bekostigbare manier? VERSEKER! • Daarom kan jy NOU tot aksie oorgaan Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut dadelik by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gesertifiseerde Hipnoterapeut (Nie – Medies)
Blomskuur Bederf jou geliefde met ‘n geskenkie of ‘n bos blomme. Ons het wat jy soek 015 307 2176
Trelidor Going on holiday? Secure your home before you go Trelidor The ultimate crime barrier Not all sliding security barriers are Trelidor Kobus 083 628 6086 Tobie 078 460 4667 Feb103_______________________
Rymar Auto General car services and repairs Auto diagnostics repair services Aircons Carman Scanner for resetting of service lights Willie 082 494 7985 Gideon 084 597 5940 26 Plantation Road Feb108___________________________
TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag. Kobus Pienaar 073 110 4180 Natalie Moss 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng Shuttle Service Email: tzanengshuttle@ yahoo.com Jun111_____________________
Magoebaskloof Hotel Kom bederf die liefde van jou lewe 015 276 5400 e-pos resmagoebas@orionhotels. co.za feb303_________________________
The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180
Maintenance and panel beating We do services, repairs and fleet management on forklifts Trucks, tractors, cars and Ldv’s Tiaan 082 543 1570 Louis 071 615 3208 Feb302_______________________
Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic Facials Body Treatment Bio Sculpture Waxing Acrylic nails 24 King Edward 015 307 2193
Pools @ Home Perfectly priced professionals Professional services, professional advice 015 307 2552 Shop 15 Oasis Mall Pools.hometzn@gmail.com Feb309__________________________
Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Riesl 083 407 8061 Johan 083 276 8946
Vacancies Vakante Maintenance Manager Position available for male with min 3 years Lodge/Restaurant experience General maintenance/shift work, opening/closing and daily running of FOH & bar Must be customer orientated and have contactable references Salary negotiable on experience Email: CV to mashutti@ iafrica.com Fax CV to 015 307 4051 Jan505___________________________
Beyers Busdiens: Polokwane, Pretoria, Tzaneen Vrydae & Sondae vanaf Tzaneen na Pretoria en terug. Nica: 015307 5959 0825662558.
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863 Danie Vaughn 083 307 2076 Okt302______________________
Vacancies Vakante Beagle General Dealer Kassiere/ ontvangsdame Pos / vakatures beskikbaar by Beagle General Dealer vir jong verantwoordelike dame. Moet goed vertroud wees met pastel partner en point of sales Stuur kort CV na hjoubert@ brenmill.co.za Skakel 015 306 0359 vir meer inligting. Feb310___________________________
Halfdag Pos Rekenmeester Salaris onderhandelbaar Vereistes: Streng Pastel ondervinding Verantwoordelik vir die volgende finansiële funksie tot en met die finale proefbalans Epos u CV na provento@ telkomsa.net Navrae; 082 927 4070 Sluitingsdatum: 17 Februarie 2014 Indien u geen oproep ontvang binne 7 dae na sluiting nie kan aangeneem word dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.
For Hire Te Huur Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton. Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani, Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt. Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar en verseker goeie diens. Kontrakte welkom. Easy Trans 082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973 Aug303_____________________
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com
Simpson Motors For the best in sales and after sale service 075 307 5010
Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte Beste pryse Kwaliteit produkte Kwaliteit vleis Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre
Services Dienste
The Clean Team Kids back at school Visitors is Gone! Let us help you get your House back in order All upholstery cleaning done Professionally You know us and our work Eugene en Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018
Services Dienste JS Petroleum Open to the public 24/7 17 Kudu Street 015 307 6640
Camelia Florist Specializes in all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers, home & office arrangements as well as wedding bouquets. Una 082 872 6214
Services Dienste
Silver Palms Lodge Boekhouer Min 5 jaar ondervinding in boekhouding tot finansiêle state, Salarisse, SARS, VAT. Deb/krediteure Kassiere ontvangs Moet tweetalig wees. Goeie verwysings hê Rekenaarvaardig, professionele beeld Goeie mense verhoudings hê jobapplicationtzaneen@ gmail.com feb311_______________ ___________
2 Teachers needed Urgently. We are looking for 2 teachers to teach full time, ages 3 months - Grade R. Experience is preferred but not Crucial as training will be provided. Must have Matric. Must have a drivers License. Please contact Leighan on 0836934130 Feb104___________________________
Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & Trekker 8 X 8 ton trokke te huur R19.50/km + btw & 25 ton @ R25.00/km + btw eenrigting Skakel vir kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 of 015 345 1192 / 084 627 0956
For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of( R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884 Nov312__________________________
Instant Lawn Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra Skakel Hennie Maartens 015 307 4562 of 073 872 8031 all ure
Tzaneen Trailer Hire Sleepwaens te huur Huur en herstel van enige fabrikaat sleepwaens Piggy back trailer Hennie 083 651 0936
Newly built self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557
Having a Party or Corporate Function? What’s a party without music? A Jukebox is the answer! 1 000’s of songs from the 60’s to the present Easy-to-use touch interface with volume control, media library and song search Auto-DJ Feature – Plays music randomly when no selection is made Completely cashless system No cut-off time, so you can party all night For enquiries or bookings, Contact Tracy 083 280 4971 Nov512____________________
50 LG Plasma TV met satelietskottel. Bykans nuut R5 000 of naaste aanbod. Skakel 082 472 8483
Industrial Tray Wrapper for take away food R700 Contact 082 893 1869
10 years of loving our community
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14 Februarie 2014
Soet en suur vir rugby
Medaljewenners van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Voor staan Khanyisa Chawane, Jaco de la Rey, Katie Morgets, Diketso Manyama, Paula Ntuli en Lehlogonlololo Molemo. In die middel is Precious Mhlari, Anuschka Large, Marilette van Niekerk, Anicha Engelbrecht, Talitta Smit, Deidre Viljoen, Marli Burger en Thabang Mathole en agter is Jacques Venter, Hendrikus Monareng, Tiba Nkateko, Thapelo Ramashaba, Delmé Barkhuizen en Nelia Blignaut.
Nog baie foto’s op ons webwerf: www.bulletin.us.com
Plasie athletes perform well
Merensky High School’s athletics team travelled to Lydenburg to participate in a friendly meeting against HTS Witbank, Lydenburg High and Rob Ferreira. Once again Merensky’s super star, Phillemon Mabidilala, was awarded the victor ludorum trophy. The top ten girls were: Glory Mabidilala (u.14 javelin), Donné Oosthuizen (u.14 high jump), Taytum Cawood ( u.16 high jump), Melissa Steenkamp (u.17 shot put), Kelsey-Anne Mostert (u.17 javelin), Precious Setwaba (u.15 shot put), Carmi Venter (u.14 shot put), Lilly Pohl (u.15 shot put), Sanscha van Niekerk (u.14 400 m) and Corli van der Merwe (u.14 100 m). The top ten boys were: PhillemonMabidilala (u.17 110 m hurdles), Tertius Kruger (u.19 javelin), Casper Jordaan (u.15 shot put), Masedi Monamela (u.16 high jump), Eddy Roulstone (u.17 100 m), Christopher Hamilton-Cole (u.15 shot put), Richard Coleman (u.15 javelin) and Nhlalu Rikhotso (u.19 high jump).
Vossies oes in die Moot
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se atlete het onlangs aan die Moot atletiekbyeenkoms in Pretoria deelgeneem. Skole wat deelgeneem het was Hoërskole Ben Vorster, Prestige College, Montana, Wonderboom, Oos-Moot, Randburg en HTS John Vorster. Die Vossie-atlete het steeds drie goue, agt silwer en elf brons medaljes gekry. Die medaljewenners was:
Meisies: Nelia Blignaut – o.14 hoogspring (brons), Paula Ntuli – o.15 spiesgooi (silwer), Diketso Manyama – o.15 verspring (silwer), Melissa Naudé – o.15 100 m (brons), Anicha Engelbrecht – o.16 100 m (goud), Marli Burger – o.16 verspring (brons), Deidre Viljoen – o.16 hoogspring (brons), Delmé Barkhuizen – o.16 200 m (silwer), Anuschka Large – o.17 100 m hekkies (brons), Precious Mhlari – o.19 hoogspring (silwer), Talitta Smit – o.19 spiesgooi (silwer), Katie Morgets – o.19 100 m hekkies (silwer), Marilette van Niekerk – o.19 gewigstoot (silwer) en Khanyisa Chawane – o.19 driesprong (silwer). Seuns: Jaco de la Rey – o.14 spiesgooi (brons), Thapelo Ramashaba – o.14 300 m hekkies (brons), Tiba Nkateko – o.14 verspring (brons), Tabang Sekatla – o.14 1500 m (brons), Lehlogonlolo Molemo – o.14 100 m (brons), Brendon van der Schyff – o.15 spiesgooi (goud), Jacques Venter – o.17 spiesgooi (goud) en Hendrikus Monareng – o.19 spiesgooi (brons).
Die suur — dalk eerder die bitter — van vandale wat Vrydagnag met ‘n voertuig esse en sirkels op die Letaba Rugbyveld se nuwe oppervlak gegooi en groot skade aangerig het, ook aan die nuwe ondergrondse besproeiingstelsel, het nie vehinder dat die sukses van Saterdag se raakrugbytoernooi heerlik soet was nie. Die rugbyveld is na die einde van verlede jaar se seisoen omgeploeg, ‘n nuwe (en eerste) besproeiingstelsel is ondergronds gelê, met sproeikoppe (pop-ups) en nuwe gras is geplant. Een van Letaba se staatmakers en lid van die bestuur, mnr Johan Steyn, bevestig dat die waarde van die werk wat gedoen is en die materiaal wat gebruik is, aan die orde van R300 000 is. Dat ‘n vandaal of twee Vrydagagnag diep slote in die nuwe veld en skade aan die sproeikoppe en ondergrondse pype veroorsaak het, het lede en onddersteuners van die klub Saterdagoggend met ‘n erge wrang smaak in die mond gelaat. Steyn sê hy glo nie daar gaan regstappe gedoen word nie, alhoewel daar ‘n groot mate van sekerheid is oor die kwaaddoeners se identiteit. In ‘n regsgeding sal egter baie swaar op omstandigheidsgetuienis staat gemaak moet word, sê hy. Intussen word verneem dat die klub se spelers informeel en nie-amptelik onder mekaar wraak gesweer het en die man of manne wat Vrydagnag die rugbyveld vir hul vandalisme besoek het, moet maar wye draaie om Letaba se rugbyspelers loop. Dit is die goeie raad aan hulle. Die sukses van Saterdag se raakrugbytoernooi het egter die ergste suur van die vorige nag laat verdwyn. Spelers en toeskouers het die spel en die lekker gees wat geheers het, terdeë geniet en daar is sommer Saterdag wyd en syd gepraat oor die volgende toernooi. Steyn sê dit klink asof die spelers en die gemeenskap ‘n tweede soortgelyke toernooi aan die einde van vanjaar se seisoen verwag. Dit lyk ook na‘n uitgemaakte saak dat die toernooi(e) ‘n jaarlikse instelling sal word. Dit beteken baie vir die gees in die klub, by spelers sowel as ondersteuners. Verder kan dit plaaslik baie beteken vir rugby-
Die Vossie-atlete sien uit na die laaste week se voorbereiding voor die Interhoër op 18 Februarie. Die Top 15-byeenkoms vind op Woensdag, 12 Februarie by UJ plaas en die Distrikte Kampioenskappe vind op Vrydag, 14 Februarie in Nkowankowa plaas.
SLC smashes some records
Mfumo Mongwe.
For the first time the independent schools athletics day was held in Polokwane as a day/night event. A few Stanford Lake College students broke some records as well. Mfumo Mongwe won the junior victor ludorum trophy.
ontwikkeling in gemeenskappe wat nie tradisioneel rugby speel of kyk en ondersteun nie. Veertien spanne het raakrugby van hoogstaande gehalte gespeel, terwyl die toeskouers reg rondom die veld hul braaivleisvure aangesteek en die dag geniet het. Oud en jonk het die veld vol gespeel en Duiwelskloof se eerste span van ongeveer vyftien jaar gelede wat as Pienaar Broers gespeel het, het gewys dat die vaardigheid nog daar is — maar die bene wou nie meer byhou nie. Verskeie oud-spelers van Letaba en Tzaneen het in die verskeie spanne gespeel en van die manne het dit gate uit geniet. Daar is gesê as Victor Matfield ‘n “come-back” kan maak, is hulle ook vanjaar weer terug op die rugbyveld. Die volgende spanne het deelgeneem: Ben Vorster Gimnasium, Johan Steyn Prokureurs, Realty1, Waterboys, Stephan van Rensburg Prokureurs, BuildIt, Pienaar Broers, Samurai, Wild Hogs, Kings Court, ABSA, NTT, Golf GTI en Noord Chem. Kings Court het in die skild-eindstryd met Pienaar Broers afgereken en in die plaat-eindstryd het Samurai, wat al die pad van Polokwane gekom het, Wild Hogs geklop. Die eindtsryd is beslis tussen Ben Vorster Gimnasium en Johan Steyn Prokureurs en die spanne het gelykop gespeel. In ekstra tyd het Ben Vorster Gimnasium die wendrie gedruk. Toe Johan Steyn Prokureurs om kommentaar gevra is, is gewaarsku dat binnekort na die Hooggeregshof geappelleer sal word, aangesien die skeidsregter in ‘n WP-trui geblaas het — wat hom duidelik onbevoeg gemaak het! Die volgende borge word bedank, want sonder hul bydrae sou die dag nie ‘n sukses gewees het nie: Miami Canners, Jonas van Coke, Edward van SAB, Jacques en Andries van Distell, AB van der Westhuizen en die verskeie borge van die spanne. • Letaba Rugbyklub speel hul eerste wedstryde op 1 Maart 2014 teen Nelspruit en alle spelers word vriendelik genooi om Dinsdae en Donderdae om 18:00 by die veld vir die oefening te wees. Navrae: Johan Steyn by 083 287 5839 of Johan Smit by 083 856 3499. Foto’s op ons webwerf: www.bulletin.us.com
Valentine’s MENU Starter
Smoked chicken on a bed of garden leaves and citrus sauce
Smokey-Bacon wrapped Beef fillet with new potatoes, mixed baby vegetables and a choice of mushroom, cheese or pepper sauce or Salmon with chive cream cheese sauce, new potatoes and mixed baby vegetables
Crème Brûlée with butter scotch sauce and ice cream
Bookings essential • R165 per person
Starting 24 February 2014
9 weeks of FUN & PAIN Enter at Tzaneen Gym Limited space available R100 entry fee entries close 20 February
IT’S THE ONLY WAY TO STAY MOTIVATED! For more information:
Ettiene 073 265 2650
Highgrove Lodge Luxury Accommodation • Restaurant • Tavern • Conference
Tel: 015 307 7242/3 • Fax: 086 509 7971 • highgrove@tzaneen.co.za www.highgrovelodge.com • Highgrove is situated opposite Ben Vorster High School
For takeaway pizzas call: 072 150 5380 or 082 427 6888
14 Februarie 2014
Skobbejakke! Black Leopards beat Santos Black Leopards registered their second victory in a row by beating Santos FC 2-0 in their NFD League match at the Makhuvha Stadium last Saturday. Although the pitch was slippery, both sides managed to display entertaining football throughout the game. Black Leopards missed their fast forward, Rendani Ndou, in their match against Santos. Ndou was given his marching orders
in their match against Witbank Spurs last Wednesday afternoon. Xolani Mdaki of Santos was reprimanded with a card, following a late tackle on Jabulani Ndebele in the 10th minute. That did not neutralize the visitors from Cape Town. They continued to fight collectively, although it was difficult for them to find their way through the defence of Leopards, which was marshalled by Harry Nyirenda
and Marks Munyai. Leopards’ left flank, Leonard Ntshangase, was out of touch. All his passes were intercepted, much to the disappointment of the team’s fans. Ntshangase was replaced with Karabo Tsepe nine minutes before the teams adjourned for the half-time break. Santos’ veteran defender, Nasif Morris, was booked early in the last half for obstructing Edgar Manaka. Lidoda Duvha strengthened their striking force by introducing Abbas Amidu for Maboke Matlakala. Amidu formed a deadly combination with David Zulu at the forefront.
Breinloses spin modderkringe op Letaba Rugbyklub se veld. Lees meer op bladsy 19.
The home side broke the deadlock in the 68th minute. Karabo Tsepe received a brilliant pass from Edgar Manaka at the left corner. Instead of dishing a square pass to either David Zulu or Abbas Amidu, Tsepe took it upon himself and unleashed a ground cutter from an awkward angle. Santos’ keeper, Lee Langeveldt, could only watch the ball going beyond his reach. Amidu forced his way through the Santos defence and increased the tally in the 78th minute. Santos lost hope after Leopards’ second goal. — LiN News/Limpopo Mirror
World-wide youth soccer tournament Primary schools across the country are invited to become part of the biggest youth football tournament in the world by entering their under-12 teams in the Danone Nations Cup. The SA leg of this worldwide competition will start in April and schools have until 27 March to get their entries in. The national winners are awarded the honour of representing SA at the Danone Nations Cup World Finals in Brazil later this year, and will be one of 32 national champion schools from across the globe. Last year’s world finals were in London and Mpumalanga’s Daniye Primary School represented South Africa and will be back in action again this year. Njombo Aden Mabunda, who played for the team in London last year, said he never gets tired of talking about the trip. “We learned a lot. We got to learn about healthy eating and after we met all these countries we went back to school and started asking our teachers to teach about them. So we learned during the trip and even after the trip,” he said.
Kop, Stert, Hol! Oubal was nogal verras met die reaksie wat hy gekry het met verlede week se vermelding van die atletieksports. Die meeste was van middeljarig-tot-bejaarde dames wat daarop gewys het dat hulle in hulle vermaardheid eens teen Claudie van Straaten gehol het. ‘Tja, dames, Oubal is beïndruk met julle eerlikheid, want sonder uitsondering het julle almal aangedui dat al wat julle van Claudie gesien het, haar hakskene was. ‘n Paar manne het laat weet dat selfs hulle teen haar meegeding het, maar hulle het glo nie vir haar hakskene gekyk nie. Ja, swaer! Andersins was die reaksie meer van ‘n nostalgiese aard, hunkerend na die hoogbloeidae van atletiek; die dae van
Appel- en Sasolatletiek en uurbyeenkomste op TV, die dae toe Frankie Fredericks nog in Springbokkleure gehardloop het. Waar is dit alles heen, word gevra. Wel, Oubal sit hier met ‘n uitknipsel van ‘n GAD-rubriek deur Sarel vd Walt wat verlede jaar al verskyn het, waarin hy vol vertroue is dat Atletiek SA binnekort weer sy kop sal optel vanwaar hy nou in die waaksaal van sport aan ‘n asemhalingstoestel gekoppel is. Al wat moet gebeur, is dat daar van die bestuur ontslae geraak moet word, aldus neef Sarel. Oubal verstaan op sy beste nie Kapenaars nie, maar dit smaak hom neef Sarel onderskryf hulle sêding van ‘n vis vrot van sy kop af. Hoekom ‘n vis nou nie van die deel wat die manne hier bo na gekyk het vrot nie, verstaan Oubal nie mooi nie. Hoe dit ook al sy, kop of stert, dis die vet deel in die middel wat in die slag bly. Op Oubal se wandelinge deur die dorp hoor hy dis weer visblikke-jêmblikke tyd by ons skole en hy dink aan die arme kindertjies wie
Die Laerskool Tzaneen het ‘n aflosbyeenkoms, geborg deur KFC, by die skool aangebied. Die laerskole wat deelgeneem het was Gravelotte, Unicorn, Tzaneen, Duiwelskloof, Dr Annecke en Faunapark (Phalaborwa). Anja Maree ontvang hier die aflosstokkie van Katisani Mongwe.
se drome verpletter gaan word deur onbeholpe amptenare sodra hulle buite hul skoolmilieu wil gaan hol, spring en gooi. Ter illustrasie heg Oubal ‘n foto aan wat Arthuringelsman verlede week hier aandra. ‘Tja, soos wat Oubal verstaan, moet die kinders in ons een voorstad aan sirkelbyeenkomste gaan deelneem om te kan kwalifiseer vir deelname op ‘n hoër vlak. Dié foto is glo ‘n jaar of wat terug by so ‘n byeenkoms geneem. Die maaind boggel, soos ou AI sal sê. En dis die punt wat Oubal dink neef Sarel geheel en al mis. Demokratiese onbevoegdheid tot in die wortels van dié sport maak dat Oubal nie neef Sarel se optimisme deel dat die gerugte van atletiek se dood oordrewe is nie! …....................................................... GertGrensvegter is ernstig beswaard omdat Oubal hom verlede week wreed in die rede geval het. Hy wou nog sê, sê GG, dat hy destyds nie ‘n stophorlosie by hom gehad het nie en dat hy ook nie seker is oor die
ouderdomme van die 10-stuks meisies wat besig was om in die Lombarivier te bad nie. Maar toe die G6-kanon die eerste keer praat by die Slag van Cuito Cuanavale (alle skietgoed “praat” volgens GG), is hy seker hulle het individueel en gesamentlik die 100m in vinniger as 10s gehol! “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Marcellus in Hamlet (William Shakespear)