Bulletin 151113

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Plan 13 November 2015


Comprehensive interventions in support of the current drought relief efforts are to be rolled out in Limpopo and other declared disaster areas by the Department of Water and Sanitation. The Department announced yesterday that it has deployed water tankers to provide water to areas that are hardest hit by the drought. It will also include interventions such as reuse, eradication of illegal water use, drilling of boreholes in suitable areas and rainwater harvesting as short term solutions. At the same time the Department is appealing to

Fear lessl y the tr uth 015 307 7248

every individual to use water sparingly and adhere to water restrictions as well as efficient water use practices including not filling swimming pools or watering their gardens during the day. The Tzaneen Dam level has dropped to less than 50% and is losing water at up to one and a half percent per week, but it seems to be of no concern for the GTM and residents. Garden hoses and sprayers are still used abundantly, while the GTM has made no visible or known effort to consider restrictions in the use of domestic water. Farmers,on the other hand, have reduced


Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS


their consumption voluntarily by fifty percent months ago, although the official restriction was only 35%. If they hadn’t taken such measures, the Tzaneen Dam level would have been considerably lower. The executive board of the water users association will meet next Friday to review this strategy, said the chairman, Mr Louis van Rooyen. In the meantime, consumers of fresh produce and meat are expecting a sharp rise in prices towards the end of the year, as the shortage of water has led to smaller crops and less grazing fields.

Man arrested in hit and run


A haven opens


Letaba vereer 16 die bestes

6 Geesdriftige en grasieuse danseresse van die Linda Pienaar Dance Academy@Ben Vorster het ‘n puik danskonsert aangebied. Op bladsy 6 is nog ‘n foto van die groep Cowgirls wat opgetree het (en volgende week sal nog foto’s uit die dansskouspel verskyn). Foto: Izelle du Preez




Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid | Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks


10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587




LEFT: A unique view of the bridges over the Tzaneen Dam (best known as the ‘Tweeling Brug’) shows the rather worrying low level of the water. The brown marks show the level of the water when the dam is full. The water level is dropping at an alarming rate. Photo: Joe Dreyer


13 November 2015

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking | Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com


IT/Web/Social media Dirk Stoltz 082 730 0305 it@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 0711064291 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Die wetenskap wat Vlieg daagliks teen alle wil en dank probeer beoefen is met tegnologie oorlaai. Daarom weet hy dat moderne tegnologie ‘n wonderlike ding is. En Vlieg is darem al middeljarig genoeg om te onthou hoe die wêreld was, sonder baie van die toegepaste en algemene tegnologiese wonders wat vandag beskikbaar is. Baie daarvan het omwentelings in die samelewing veroorsaak, wat nooit weer verander kan word nie. Vlieg onthou die wêreld sonder rekenaars en die internet. As maaier, papie en selfs later op Perversiteit het Vlieg nog ure, dae en weke in biblioteke deurgebring, om boeke op te soek in indekskaartjies, naslaanwerk te doen uit ensiklopedieë, inligting met die hand oor te skryf — om dit later met ‘n tikmasjien te gaan verwerk om ingedien te word. Deesdae is dit net vir google, copy, paste en print! Vlieg onthou hoe dit was om in ‘n tou te staan met ‘n hand vol munte vir ‘n beurt om die tiekieboks te gebruik, om huis toe te bel of ‘n date te reël. Dit was nie net van search contacts en druk die groen knoppie nie. Vlieg onthou selfs tele-

Verspreiding | Distribution

gramme, wat die maaiers en papies seker sal verstaan as papier-sms’e wat deur ‘n bruingebrande oom met ‘n grys kortbroek-safaripak op ‘n rooi fiets met ‘n leersak by die deur afgelewer is. Vlieg onthou hoe hy nog sin, cos en tan in ‘n logbook moes opsoek en lang deelsomme maak. Ook hoe hy kasboeke, joernale, grootboeke, proefbalanse en balansstate uit sy kop moes optel en balanseer. Dit was nie net vir sakrekenaar uithaal en allerhande second functions druk nie. Vlieg onthou ook toe hy dokter toe gegaan het, het die dokter sy pols gevoel, sy bloeddruk op sy arm geluister, sy longe geklop en geluister en sy

Non-Profitable Organisations will happen to the on their knees What destitute?

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For our avid social media followers, we have an exciting announcement regarding our social media presence. Many of you may have noticed that Bulletin has, for some time now utilized a public group alongside our very popular Facebook page. Although this has worked rather well, we have decided to focus solely on our page, which has showed some exciting growth of late, in order to keep you more informed.

Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Emergency numbers Noodnommers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 | 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 | 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

The opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use hate-speech or to be insulting towards others.

Gratis sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril



Jaques van Niekerk *Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen

Website | Webwerf Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies ••••••• Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare

maag deur sy rug probeer druk voordat hy met ‘n voorskrif apteek toe gestuur is. Die dokter het nie masjiene om sy arm gedraai, sy vingers in masjientjies gedruk en X -strale, scans en bloedtoetse gedoen voor hy die voorskrif geskryf het nie. Hy onthou ook hoe hy netjies moes aantrek, sy North Star tekkies moes skoon maak en amper landuit na ‘n ander voorstad aangery moes word om Wild Geese te gaan fliek. Dit was ook nie net vir Box Office druk op die remote en ‘n sms stuur nie. Vlieg onthou selfs toe hy nog kollekte in ‘n houtbordjie gesit het of in ‘n maroon fluweelsakkie by die kerkdeur gegooi het en nie ‘n speedpoint aangebied is om sy kredietkaart te swipe nie. Tegnologie is ‘n wonderlike ding! Maar dit het mense V.I. (Vlieg’s Insiens) almal lui gemaak, en daai luiheid is besig om mense dom te maak. Dit leer mense af om waar te neem, dit leer mense af om behoorlik te kommunikeer en helaas, leer hulle af om te dink! Die hartseer ding hiervan is dat dit nie gaan verander nie, dit gaan net erger word. En dis sleg!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen


“Non-profitable organisations (NPOs) are battling to survive and as a result are struggling to provide life-saving services to those that need it most. This applies to all NPOs in the country”, according to Ms Marieta Kemp, the chairperson of the National Coalition for Social Services (NACOSS). Kemp said that children, families and communities are suffering because the government is not paying NPOs on time and/or the government subsidies are so low that organisations are unable to continue service delivery. “The situation is dire. There are children’s homes that don’t have the necessary funds to buy food for the children. It’s been recently announced that a crisis centre for pregnant teenagers is no longer able to provide accommodation or schooling for these girls — they have nowhere else to go. Social workers are withdrawing child protection services from some areas due to a lack of funding. Subsequently these areas are left without any child protection services”. In addition, national organisations are unable to carry out some projects because they have not received any funding from the Department of Social Development for the 2015/16 financial year and it is now already November. “The subsidies paid to organisations for social welfare services vary from province to province, but they do not cover anywhere near the actual cost of services. Some provinces pay far less for services than others whilst some have given no annual increase in the subsidies this year or previous years”. “Non-payment for services, combined

with a 77% social worker shortage and lower salary scale for NPO social workers worsen the situation. Social workers and other personnel who work at NPO’s receive salaries and benefits that are far lower than those paid by government. Our services are extremely cost-effective for taxpayers but are not adequately supported by government. We are concerned that with the many demands on the Fiscus, NPOs are seen as a ‘soft target’ and that funds for these essential services will be further decreased. This will have drastic consequences for children, families and communities,” added Kemp. The National Development Plan clearly states that the State has adopted a partnership model of service provision and relies mainly on NPOs to provide services. In fact, almost 75% of all services are provided by NPOs. The NDP goes on to state that since 1994 the funding of NGOs has declined, whilst at the same time, demand for these services has increased. “The situation is serious and positive action and a commitment from government is needed if we are going to survive and try to meet the many needs that face us on a daily basis. We believe in the partnership model between NGOs and government — we have the same goals — but we need to be respected and treated as equals”, Kemp said. *NACOSS is a voluntary coalition of prominent organisations providing thousands of services to people at risk and the poor throughout the country.

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels

Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 09/11/2015

Tzaneen 50.1%

Ebenezer 81.7%

Merensky 86.8%

Dap Naude 83.2%

Middel Letaba 31.8%

Blyde Rivier Poort 73.1%

Klaserie 97.1%

Tours 50.8%

Vergelegen 88.9%

Ohrigstad 10.4%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Forum Makelaars Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!



Boere gaan bid vir reën Deerpark gehou. Nie net boere nie, maar almal wat deur die droogte geraak word, is genooi om in groot getalle vir die biduur op te daag. Navrae kan gerig word aan Botha (083 265 8838), mnr Uwe Kroh (076 833 9112) of me Wilna Stones van Subtrop (071 603 8778).

Sophie van Dyk (88) oorlede Dit is met groot dankbaarheid dat ons hulde bring aan ons Moeder, Ouma, Oumagrootjie en vriendin wat na ‘n lang siekbed weens ‘n beroerte oorlede is. As jong bruid van wyle Willie van Dyk land sy in 1947 in Tzaneen. Aan die sy van haar man val sy in by Duplex Boerdery, Deerpark, waar hulle vir vyftig jaar gewoon en gewerk het. Hulle sal onthou word vir die pionierswerk wat hulle ten opsigte van die verbouing en ontwikkeling van man-

go’s en papajas gedoen het, en sy as die bestuurder van die pakproses gedien het. Haar deelname en meelewing as lidmaat van haar kerk, gemeenskap en medemens was opreg en met uitnemendheid. Sy was ‘n onthaler van formaat en het ook vele pryse losgeslaan met haar blommeen vrugterangskikkings tydens die Letaba Skou. Haar tydlose styl en kreatiwiteit het ons almal geïnspireer en die versorging en opvoeding van haar


Dit gaan goed met mnr Stephan van Rensburg, prokureur van Tzaneen, wat ‘n viervoudige hartvatomleiding gekry het. Dit was heel onverwags en hy en sy vrou was op die punt om met vakansie na die buiteland te vertrek. Sy vrou (Jennifer) het eergister vanuit die Zuid-Afrikaan Hospitaal in Pretoria bevestig dat hy uit die waakeenheid is en dat hy goeie vordering maak. Sake by sy praktyk gaan voort, het bevestig.

Hair By Hane Hair Treatment

gesin was met oorgawe gedoen. Sy was vir ons almal ‘n voorbeeld. Ons sê dan-kie vir die Hemelse Vader vir die voorreg wat ons gehad het om haar soos ‘n roosknop te sien oopgaan, stadig maar seker. Soos elke blaar oopgegaan het, het sy oorgegee en meer en meer, met alles wat in haar was, U vasgegryp en ingedrink. Graag bedank ons Makadamia, Mediclinic, dr Botha en dr De Villiers wat betrokke was by haar laaste versorging, asook ds Richard van der Westhuizen en ds Van Rensburg vir al jul besoeke. Ook al haar vriende van Pionierspark — baie dankie vir jul vriendskap en ondersteuning. Hier is vanjaar se Belydenisklas van die NG Kerk Wolkberg. Agter staan Carine Greyvensteyn, Alison Rudder, Tasha Sonnekus en Delme Barkhuizen. Voor is Anika van Rensburg, Bernadette van Niekerk, ds Adriaan van Tonder, Ivan Botha, Gretchen Bekker, Marli Burger, Ruan Genis en Ludique Swart. Van Tonder het by die aanneming Matteus 8:18-27 vir die jongeliede as rigsnoer aangebied: “Jesus is by jou, ook wanneer die lewenstorme dreig om jou onder te kry”.

15 Foils Cut and Blow Dry R350

Hair Treatment 2 Full Head one Colour Cut and Blow Dry R300

Earth Spa Special Full Body Exfoliation 20 Min Vichy Shower R300

Earth Spa Special 2 Balancing Facial Reflex Foot Massage R420

Bookings are Essential Contact Earth Spa: 015 304 3079 for Earth Spa Bookings Contact Hane: 083 788 5095 for Hair by Hane Valid From 1 November to 31 December 2015


Die knellende droogte het landboumense byeengeroep vir ‘n spesiale biduur vir reën, nadat verskeie boere in die Tzaneen-omgewing so ‘n versoek gerig het. Dit word Dinsdagoggend om 10:30 op die plaas Lapland van mnr Theuns Botha in

13 November 2015

days to go


13 November 2015


Man arrested after apparent hit and run the footage a group of Sasol staff members are seen talking outside the entrance of the service kiosk on an elevated walkway. A Toyota Yaris is then spotted “speeding” into the premises from the direction of Agatha. The vehicle pulls into a parking bay but fails to stop, climbs the curb and rams into the group pushing one of them, a woman, up against the wall of the kiosk injuring her leg. The woman is seen stumbling pass the vehicle before collapsing. The footage shows that the driver reversed his vehicle to stop next to the

A well-known Tzaneen sportsman and socialite spent the weekend behind bars following his arrest on Friday evening after an alleged hit and run incident at the Sasol filling station in Agatha Street. Mr Joe Cronje, was arrested on a charge of “failing to stop after an accident where someone was injured” when he allegedly hit an employee of the filling station with his car. Bulletin is in possession of CCTV footage of the event, but was requested not to publish the recording in order to protect the identity of the victim. In

Mopani Crime Scene Co-ordinated by: Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com

woman. The driver then exited his vehicle and apparently talked to the woman. According to eye witnesses, he then climbed back into his car and sped off, although this is not clear from the video. At the time of going to press it was established that the woman sustained no serious injuries and she was back at work. Cronje appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Monday morning and was released on R1 000 bail. He is set to appear in court again later this month. Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Life for Nkambako killer A 33-year-old murderer from Nkambako village at Letsitele was sentenced to life in prison in the Phalaborwa High Court earlier this week. Oscar Levas Ngobeni was found guilty on two counts of murder and one count of arson after he had set fire to the home

of his girlfriend’s mother in June last year. His girlfriend and her mother were in the house at the time and both burnt to death. The victims were Rachel Hlungwani (55) and Tinyiko Mahlaule (20). The house was completely destroyed in the incident. The SAPS have

expressed their relief at the verdict and in a media statement said, “we welcome this sentence whole heartedly as it will serve as a deterrent to criminals and would-be criminals that crime does not pay.” Joe Dreyer



in there

Tzaneen: SAPS arrested 85 people over the past week for assault, assault GBH, sexual assault, violation of a protection order, murder, shoplifting, theft, attempted robbery, robbery, armed robbery, burglaries, fraud, malicious damage to property, possession of dagga, illegal gambling, illegal trading, drinking in public, reckless and negligent driving and for contravening the Road Traffic Act.

Bolobedu: SAPS arrested 61 suspects during

the past week for assault, assault GBH, possession of housebreaking implements, theft, rape, driving under the influence, violation of a protection order, attempted murder, business robbery, calling someone a witch, malicious damage to property, drinking in public, resisting arrest and housebreaking and theft.

Suspect arrested for shoplifting at Modjadji Plaza

Four females were arrested for shoplifting at Modjadji Plaza. Three suspects are from various places in Limpopo and one suspect is a Zimbab- wean, said Bolobedu SAPS spokesperson, Sgt Rebotile Shai. The four suspects are aged between 28 to 33 years. They are due to appear in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court soon. Shai warned community members not to associate themselves with strangers while shopping or going to the bank, to be vigilant during this festive season and not to forget to report criminal activities.

and their case postponed. They are facing a charge of possession of an unlicensed firearm. Robert Mangalana (51) and Clifford Lubisi (45) are attached to the Tzaneen Traffic Station and they were arrested at a gun shop in Tzaneen. Police spokesperson Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe said preliminary investigations revealed that Mangana inherited a firearm from his father, but failed to apply for a license to possess it. They are expected back in court on 27 November, pending further investigations.

No bail for arson and murder suspect

A 46-year-old man made his second court appearance in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court, facing two charges of murder and arson. He was denied bail. It is alleged 46-year-old William Mashai visited his girlfriend’s house at around 01:00 and found her sleeping with another man. He then allegedly set the house on fire. Tsakani Ngobeni (40) and Simeon Baloyi (45) died in the incident on La-Gratitute farm in the Letsitele area. The man remains in police custody and his case was postponed to 4 December, pending further investigations.

Dangerous criminals cracked

Three dangerous criminals including a Somalian were arrested during a special joint SAPS sting operation in the Maake and Ritavi policing areas. During the arrests of the men, one aged 22, one 23 and one 36, a 9 mm fire arm, a magazine and ammunition were recovered. The arrested suspects are now connected with a series of crimes ranging from business robberies, armed robberies to possession of an unlicenced firearm and ammunition. The suspects will appear in the Ritavi and Naphuno Magistrate’s Courts. “More arrests are expectTraffic officer unlicensed firearm ed and these suspects may be charged with more case postponed offences, because the initial Police investigations Two Limpopo provincial traffic officers ap- suggest that they were terrorising community peared again in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court members in and around these areas”, said Lt Col after their R1 000 bail was extended last month Moatshe Ngoepe of the SAPS.


days to go

Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Talk 13 November

ie gebruikte klere, ‘n wit olifant-tafel, plante, groente, vleis, romerige biefstukrolle, kerrie & rys, pannekoek, stokworsies, vetkoek, poeding, gebak en talle ander lekkernye. Daar sal ook braaivleis beskikbaar wees van 13:00, asook vermaak vir die kinders deur die loop van die dag. Besighede kan kos vooraf bestel vir aflewering van 12:00 af. Die volgende sal beskikbaar wees hiervoor: Pannekoek, kerrie & rys, biefstukrolle, stokworsies, vetkoek en koeldrank. Skakel Doempie by 083 645 3747 vir bestellings. Gaan maak gerus ‘n draai by die Grasdakkerk — Slegs een dag, Vrydag 20 November van 09:00 tot 19:00. Daar sal ook ‘n debiet-/ kredietkaartmasjien beskikbaar wees.


The Tzaneen Eco Club invites you to a fascinating talk on “The Pollination of Orchids”. The talk will be presented by well-known orchid expert dr Sarel Spies, who is interested in nature in general, especially indigenous trees and shrubs, and has many hobbies including gardening. He maintains a magnificent orchid nursery and travels widely to view orchids in their natural habitat. During the talk he will tell about the many varied and sometimes deceptive ways in which different orchid species have themselves fertilised, and the intricate relationships that develop between pollinator and pollinated. The talk will be held at 18.30 Haenertsburg at the Macadamia Community Centre. Tea and Xmas market coffee will be served after the talk. Visitors are 27-29 November most welcome and pay the usual small fee of R20. For further information contact Marianne Christmas market in Haenertsburg will start McKenzie on 082 835 4185. on Friday 27 November at 16:00 — with sherry and mince pies and a glimpse at early shopTzaneen ping — till 19:30. Then Saturday the 28th from Kersmark 09:00 – 18:00 and Sunday the 29th from 10:00 20 November – 14:30. This will all happen in the HaenertsDie AP Kerk Tzaneen se jaarlikse kersmark burg Hall and the gardens. There will be lots of is om die draai. Daar sal weer produkte van lovely, stallholders with gorgeous gifts and idehoë gehalte wees; onder meer ‘n moderne as for Christmas. A perfect opportunity for peokuns-mark, ‘n gesellige kuier-teetuin, goe- ple to come and do their Christmas shopping. AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.

Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.

NG Kerk se eredienste gedurende die feesseisoen!! Kersdag

Gesamentlike Erediens by Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld (Dopperkerk) om 09:30 - Geen diens by Wolkberg


31/12/2015 25/12/2015 Gesamentlike Oujaarsdiens by MoedergeGesamentlike Kersdiens by Moedergemeente meente om 18:30 - Geen diens by Wolkberg om 08:30 – Geen diens by Wolkberg

Sondag 27/12/2015

Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.


03 /01/2016 Erediens om 09:00 by Wolkberggemeente

NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14,

Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com

s j 3 0 3 0 0 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ 2




2 0 1 5 - 1 1 - 0 6 T1 5 : 4 6 : 4 5 + 0 2 : 0 0


days to go

13 November 2015



13 November 2015


Ons Mening

The cowgirls are in town...

13 November 2015

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

Droogte Die droogte begin nou baie diep en seer byt. Dit is nou nie meer net die boere en hul vee en/of vrugte en groente en/of wild in die veld wat as ‘t ware die dood (in sommige gevalle wel letterlik) in die gesig staar nie. Nee, die sorgwekkende toedrag van sake raak nou elke inwoner van die land — op plase, in gehuggies, in dorpe, in stede, in die metropole... Die knellende droogte bedreig ook nie net meer voedselsekerheid (boerdery) nie. Nee, die land se nywerhede, mynbou, klein- en groot sake, tuisnywerhede, skole, selfs hospitale kan deurloop. Alles wat asemhaal — mens en dier — is blootgestel aan omstandighede wat ‘n wurggreep kan word. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat elke liewe mens in ons land, veral dié in die meer noordelike dele van die land, verantwoordelik met water omgaan. Plaaslike owerhede sal moet intree om mense vinnig en met erns te oortuig dat elke druppel water nou kosbaar is. Want die weerprofete voorsien nog hoegenaamd nie noemenswaardig goeie reën wat hierdie erge droogte kan breek nie.

Local Heroes This week we nominate a group as local heroes: The unselfish ladies of the Tzaneen Care Group who so generously spend time and energy to care for the patients in the Home, as well as some who have to be cared for at their private residences.

We salute you!

On the opposite page (P 7) these ladies can be seen in the photograph that goes with a report on what they do and how they do it.

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news

Helpende Hand benodig helpende hande

The Message

Cowgirls in the RSA? Yes, and they are right here in Tzaneen. These beautiful young girls are members of the Linda Pienaar Dance Academy@Ben Vorster. They acted in Timeless Reflections, a recently staged dance show by the Academy. More photos next week. Photo: Izelle du Preez

10368 7 2459

Interesting Numbers


The percentage of South African women over twenty years old who are classified as obese.

• Daai twee mooi aptekeresse wat vir ‘n ou pasiënt (oud in lewensjare) probeer oortuig dat hy die pille moet skud voor hy dit afsluk, moet weer probeer. Dalk kan hulle hom die volgende keer

Die mense hoor

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! oortuig... • Maar hulle moet die originele medikasie gee, want hy vertrou nie die generiese goed nie; en hulle

moet versigtig wees, want hul name begin so vroeg in die alfabet dat dit maklik is om te onthou — selfs vir ‘n ouballie...

I have asked many people “When did you become a Christian?” and many have said “I was born a Christian”. Now, this is not entirely correct, as no one is born a Christian, you might have be born into a Christian family, but that does not automatically make you a Christian. It is only when you are able to make the right decision that you become a Christian by accepting Christ into your life as your Father and Saviour. It is a conscience decision and one that should not be taken lightly. We can continue as Christians in this form for our life time, but often it is not enough! We need to be constantly “updating” our Christianity. So how do we go about this? It is much the same as education, we go through schooling and then we start working, putting into practice what we learnt in school. In Christianity we need to be putting into practice what we believe. Now there can be some confusion as there are many schools of thought, there is also the fact that there are many interpretations of the scriptures. So where do I find out what is true or not? I need to test the scriptures and test what I have been told. Much like a detective, I need to investigate, probe and explore. There are many sources, as I have said, modern technology has been developed to give us the ability to research. But more importantly Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit as our guide. He also gave us talents and the ability to use these talents. It is, however, not an easy task and will take time, but if we persevere we can come to the correct conclusion. The crux of the matter is “don’t believe all you hear unless you have tested it” Being “born again” is another matter which concerns many. Being born again does not mean born in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense. It is a re-affirmation of what we believe in. It is, perhaps, re-affirming our faith in Jesus as our Saviour and following Him without failure. Accepting Christ once again. Living in the Spirit and doing what Christ did: Loving all no matter what they have done or who they are. Not an easy task, but what is expected of a true Christian. With all the temptations of modern day life are you prepared to stand out from the crowd and state boldly “I am God’s Child?’ Blessings

Please help us to spoil these kids By Marié Huysamen “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done” Proverbs 19:17 Every year before Christmas Tzaneen Country Lodge (TCC) organizes a Christmas party for the children (3-6 years) from Abraham Kriel Children’s Home in Modimolle. This is only possible with generous people supporting the event. This year will be the sixth year that TCC, with the help of Amone Modelling Acadamy, will be hosting the Christmas function for the kids. We would like to point out the fact that TCC is not a registered institution — we are just a few friends that are trying to make a difference to these small children’s lives. This special occasion will be held on Saturday 21 November (next week) at Mangela Animal Farm, and we would like to invite you to come and share in this special day. Twelve children between the ages of 3 and 6 will be attending the special occasion.

If you would like to become involved you can help in either of the following ways: • Cash donation: We use the money to buy products like shampoo, toothpaste, basic medicine and body wash for the kids, to last them for about a year. We also try to buy groceries, washing powder and soft toys for each child. • Clothes: This year there is a big need for clothes for the children. • Groceries: The Home’s staff have to prepare daily lunch boxes for twelve children. They thus need spreads for breads and if possible something sweet for once a week as a treat. • School accessories: We try to buy a new briefcase and accessories (pencils and/or crayons etc) for each child once a year. • Fresh produce: We will come and collect or you can arrange with us to drop it off at Tzaneen Country Lodge. • Christmas presents: A present for each child will help a lot — after all, it is also

Xmas for them. • Caregivers: If there is anybody who would like to treat house caregivers it would be appreciated. Cash can be deposited in the following bank account:

Stewart Maritz Basson Standard Bank Tzaneen Account: 030478995 Branch: 052749

Ref: Abraham Kriel (please e-mail proof of payment to: admin.sahome@tznlodge.co.za We will place an advert in the local newspaper to thank all the donors and to confirm that the money/donations were spent responsibly and for the right purpose.



days to go

13 November 2015


A haven opens for the terminally ill When the dismal hospice in Tzaneen disinte- minally ill patients receive 24/7 care from an the chemotherapy sessions. There is a fully basin, toilet and in and out of the shower. grated, the angels of the Tzaneen Care Group attending sister as well as a caregiver. The equipped open-plan kitchen leading into Tzaneen based dentist dr Dion Coertzen identified a need for a well-run safe haven caregivers also lend support to the family. the lounge, and down the passage are three and his homeopathic wife dr Erika Coertzen, for terminally ill cancer patients. They could The front of the house consists of an en- fully equipped and beautifully appointed who donated the still life in the entrance hall, not afford to buy a house, so they asked trance hall; the oncologist’s consulting room bedrooms. Each room is sponsored with a were there with their daughter Ms Zanel the municipality for help. They left empty and a lounge area that leads into the chemo- plaque in memory of a special person (Mike Jooste (27). Jooste, an occupational therapist, handed. Then an anonymous works in Polokwane, Hoedbenefactor came forward and spruit and Tzaneen and has ofdonated a house at 36 Maritz fered her expertise to the Maritz Street, Aqua Park. With some Street house. eighty patients on their list, The directors said that the supthe fifteen angels within the port from the community has Care Group set to work. been phenomenal. The interior The house was opened to bricked walls were plastered the public last week and more and painted a light cream. The than hundred supporters, beautiful and serviceable tiles cancer survivors and well were bought at CTM at a vastwishers came to see the wonly reduced rate. So many priderful work that was done to vate individuals and companies turn the house into a home donated goods, gave financial for the terminally ill. The Tzasupport or offered their experneen Care Group started in tise for free. The list is too long 1989 and is now registered Drs Dion Coertzen and his wife Erito mention everyone but here as a non-profit company. The ka in front of the painting in the enare a few. MediClinic Tzaneen trance hall that they donated. Directors are Mss Yasmeen donated the hospital beds and Moosa, who has been with bedside tables. AGD donated the Group since 2009 and has the aluminium door frames. been Chairlady for the last Riverside Home and Décor dotwo years, Tracy Pratt, Magda nated the blinds. Mr Manny de Bootha and Evelyn Klinkert. The Tzaneen Care Group members at the opening of the Tza- Gouveia sponsored all the ofMs Halima Omar is the Secneen Cancer Care Centre. Back: Mss Tracy Pratt, Yolande Firaz, fice furniture. CTM gave huge retary. Ms Melissa Strydom is Macushla Muller, Halima Omar and Magda Bootha, and in the middle discounts on the bathroom fitthe Centre Manager and the row are Mss Yasmeen Moosa, Fiona Macdonald and Salomie Meyer. tings. The carpets were donated Front: Mss Jacqui Allen, Evelyn Klinkert, Melissa Strydom and Gerda by Carpet and Décor in Polokpublic can contact her to view Drewes. Absent: Mss Wendy Coleman, Mia de Bruyn and Sue Reed. wane. Rotary donated the hosthe home. There are also two registered sisters involved. pital mattresses and recliners. Volunteers take on the role of caregiver, fund therapy room with a view of the garden. Stumbles, Pam Stewart, Rahima Gouse and Premjee donated two medical recliners. raiser or marketer depending on which as- Smit Garrun is to donate a water feature Pokkels de Jager). The washrooms cater for The contact number for the Group is 071 pect makes them feel comfortable. The ter- for the garden to add a soothing element to terminally ill patients who need aid to the 302 1352.

g Servin s, other ith, g Fa sharin and Hope Love


13 November 2015


Nuwe jaar se leiers...

Die Laerskool Tzaneen se leiers vir 2016 is dié week aangewys, tydens die Larries se oggendprysuitdeling. Agter staan Rea Modiba, Jappie Makhubele, Charlize Krause, Hannah Viljoen, Lizané van Schalkwyk, Salomé Lombard, Ryno Scheepers, Erno Botha, Juan Pretorius, Johann Roux, Daniel Smit en Suné Herman. In die ry voor hulle is Helandré Venter, Riegardt Denysschen, Nicole du Toit, Anja Maree, Elsjé Kriel, Bianca Oberholzer, Henro de Bruin, Esmi Nortjé, Jomari de Beer, Pila Matlou en Hope Manzini. In die tweede ry van voor is Mia Nkuna, Mapula Matjokotja, John-Robert Honiball, Elrieka Joubert, Brandt Scheepers, Franco Venter en Kyle-Bradley Hamilton, en voor staan Tiyani Hlaisi, Ronan Theron, Eben Fourie, Luné Fritz, Kgaugelo Nkgapele, Gunther Katzké, Werner Scheepers, Harry Visagie, Rachel de Jager en Kayla Olivier.

Beskik oor ’n opwindende loopbaangeleentheid by Kruger Berries in Tzaneen vir ’n

Produksiebestuurder Hierdie uiteenlopende aanstelling behels beheer oor die volle spektrum verantwoordelikhede wat met ’n nuwe opkomende 100 hektaar-bloubessieprojek verband hou en sluit alle funksies van die plant- tot oesproses in.

Benewens tersiêre opleiding in vrugte- of groenteverbouing/landboubestuur, beskik die ideale kandidaat oor: • 5 jaar ervaring van intensiewe gewasbestuur • ervaring van besproeiing- en sproeibemestingbestuur asook van plastiektonnel- en netstruktuurbestuur • goeie rekenaarvaardighede in MS Word en Excel • kennis van finansiële beginsels, begrotings en verslagdoening oor finansiële data • ’n basiese kennis van die Wet op Basiese Diensvoorwaardes, die Wet op Arbeidsverhoudinge en die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en -veiligheid • GlobalG.A.P-voldoening • doeltreffende tydsbestuursvaardighede, goeie oordeel en besluitneming • goeie interpersoonlike en kommunikasievaardighede • ’n proaktiewe werksetiek met die vermoë om ewe suksesvol onafhanklik en in spanverband en onder druk uit te blink • ’n onbetwisbare passie vir vrugteproduksie. Benewens ’n mededingende vergoedingspakket, bied ons die geleentheid om deel van ’n unieke landbou-ontwikkelings- en produksieprojek in Tzaneen te wees. Stuur asseblief u aansoek per e-pos na andrevans@absamail.co.za teen 27 November 2015. Indien u nie binne drie weke enige terugvoering ontvang nie, was u aansoek onsuksesvol.

Weer Kersboomtyd Die SAVF Tzaneen is vanjaar weer betrokke by die insameling van Kersgeskenke vir behoeftige kinders . Daar is sewentig kinders in die omgewing wat in hierdie kategorie val, sê die SAVF Tzaneen se bestuur. “As u bereid is om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot hierdie liefdeswerk sal dit baie waardeer word . Soos enige ander kind sien dié kinders ook uit na Kersgeskenke . “U wat ‘n hart het vir hierdie kinders kan asseblief die SAVF by 015 307 2645 skakel,” vra Dr Greta Bekker. “Coreen Cloete is beskikbaar om u bydrae persoonlik te kom afhaal . Kontak haar by 083 733 9504.”



s a m t s i r h C t e k r a M

Ha e ha ner ll ts ga and burg rde th ns e

Starts on Friday 27 November from 16:00 til 19:30 – with sherry & mince pies and a glimpse at early shopping

Sat 28 November from 09:00 – 18:00 and Sun 29 November from 10:00 – 14:30

We will have lots of lovely, lovely, stallholders with gorgeous gifts and ideas for Christmas. A perfect opportunity for people to come and do their Christmas shopping.

Welcome boost for Thusanang

The members of the Haenertsburg Rotary Club were pleasantly surprised during a function at the Magoebaskloof Hotel on Saturday, when Oskar Rottcher from the Harley Owner’s Group (HOG) Big Five Nelspruit Chapter handed over a fat cheque to the club in support of Thusanang. The Rotarians, local businessman James Turner (who initiated the contact between HOG and Rotary), the Chairperson of Thusanang Trust, Karin Boyum, the current director of Thusanang Trust, Terry Morgan and her husband Colin Morgan, Closing for December were treated to an holidays from amazing evening where the Nelspruit Group handed over a , DV. cheque for R10 000 to Thusanang. The Rotary Club matched this amount. Both these amounts are contributions for the proposed Rotary Foundation Global Grant to fund a complete training Re-opening for module for fifteen Early Childhood business on Development Practitioners through the , DV. Thusanang Trust. At the same event two more donations of R10 000 each were pledged towards Thusanang (total for the night thus R40 000) which will be added to the Global Grant contribution.





Met die fokus deurlopend op gehalte, sal pligte sentreer rondom: • die bestuur van spanne verantwoordelik vir sproei en boordinstandhouding, insluitend onkruidbeheer • hulp met die aankoop van materiaal en voorraad om in alle boerderybehoeftes te voorsien • die bywoon van maatskappyvergaderings om sleutelprestasie-aanwysers, vereistes en verantwoordelikhede te hersien • ’n aktiewe bydrae in produksievergaderings en komitees • spanbestuur en -leiding om te verseker vasgestelde doelwitte en teikens word bereik • administrasie van personeelwerwing, -keuring en opleiding volgens dienswette • aktiewe bevordering van die beginsels van geïntegreerde veiligheidsbestuur en omgewingsbewaring.


Baie dankie aan al ons lojale kliënte vir die ondersteuning gedurende 2015. ‘N BAIE GESEËNDE CHRISTUSFEES VIR ALMAL!

marric@mweb.co.za | 015 307 5268



Merensky dra vir tweede keer boogskietkroon

days to go

Kort op sy hakke was Beneché Jackson, Janco Theron en Renart Botha wat vir nasionale kleure gekwalifiseer het. Lin-Mari Theron, Carissa Ivy en Ryan Jackson het provinsiaal gekwalifiseer. Goue medaljes is verower deur Canell Jackson (wenner van die Triple Crown in haar kategorie (FC)) en Beneche Jackson (FY). Pieter van der Merwe is ook die wenner van ‘n silwer medalje in sy kategorie (FC) van die Triple Crown. Al drie die deelnemende Merensky-spanne is met podiumplekke vereer. ‘n Brons medalje gaan aan die tweede span (Carissa Ivy, Ryan Jackson en Lin-Mari Theron). Die junior span (Braam de Clerk, Canell Jackson en Cornelius Oosthuizen) het hul staal getoon en die silwer medalje verdien. Die trots van Plasieland, die eerste pan (Pieter van der Merwe, Janco Theron, Renart Botha, Beneche Jackson) is nou die triomfantelike houers van die goue medaljes.

Nuwe Adjunk

Mnr Jacques Pohl van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster is as die nuwe adjunkhoof van die Vossies aangestel.

Gerhard Bezuidenhout van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het puik gepresteer en is Limpopo se wennjer in die senior afdeling van die SA Wiskunde Olimpiade. Hy is in gr 10 en het teen gr 10- tot -12-leerlinge meegeding.

Die volgende swemmers van die Laerskool Tzaneen is in Limpopo se skoleswemspan opgeneem. Die span gaan in Desember aan die SA Skoleswemkampioenskappe deelneem. Voor is Daniel Smit en agter hom staan Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger en Lané Prinsloo. Mienké Lombard van die Laerskool Tzaneen is een van die toppresteerders wat vanjaar aan die Tzaneen Eisteddfod deelgeneem het. Sy het die volgende indrukwekkende string toekennings verwerf: Afrikaans: Veelsydigste deelnemer, gr 7; Afrikaans: beste samespraak, junior; English: highest % in Gr 7; English: most versatile in Gr 7; English: impromptu winner, junior; Algehele wenner, juniors.

Merensky se eerste span bestaanj uit Beneche Jackson, Pieter van der Merwe, Renart Botha en Janco Theron.


Afrigter kry dubbeldoor

Janco Coetzee is vanjaar die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se Sportman van die Jaar en Christelle Coetzer is die Hoërskool Merensky se Sportvrou van die Jaar… en albei word deur Philip Entres van Le’Club afgerig.

Die vreugdevure brand in Plasieland nadat die Hoërskool Merensky vir die tweede keer in drie jaar aangewys is as die top-boogskietskool in die land. Dertien fynkorrel-skuts van die Merensky Boogskietklub het aan die laaste ABO-kompetisie van die jaar in Pretoria deelgeneem. Die skuts was in groepe van vier tot nege verdeel. Drie verskillende bane met twintig teikens het gesorg vir strawwe kompetisie. Buiten die versengende hitte, moes deelnemers ruwe terrein met berge, dale en strome trotseer. Dit was ‘n moeë, maar tevrede span wat teruggekeer het na Tzaneen met ‘n bus vol toekennings. Op die eerste dag het Beneché Jackson, Janco Theron en Renart Botha provinsiaal kwalifiserende tellings geskiet. Die tweede dag het vir nog meer opwinding gesorg en Merensky se naam is kort-kort gehoor, nadat Pieter van der Merwe daarin geslaag het om sy Protea-kleure te verwerf.

13 November 2015

Janco het by sy skool se prysuitdeling erkenning vir die volgende prestasies ontvang: atletiek (1 500 m- en spiesgooirekords verbeter), rugbykaptein en beste vordering, eerste krieketspan se beste veldwerker, landloop [hy het aan 7 SA landlooopkampioenskappe deelgeneem, ‘n eerste vir die skool] en XCO MTB. By Merensky se prysuitdeling het Christelle Coetzer die volgende erkennings ontvang: 3 toekennings vir SASA atletiek, ASA atletiek (dubbel-erekleure), Duathlon SA’s (goue medalje), XCO MTB Nationals (brons medalje) en ASA landloop (silwer medalje). Janco en Christelle het Entres spesiaal bedank vir sy afrigting.


in there



to go


13 November 2015


Maitjene wins Vumelana awards The Maitjene Development munal Property Institutions. Trust Communal Property She said, “we received an encouraging response from a Association of the Sekororo/ Ofcolaco area won the Vuwide range of communities. Seven Communal Property Inmelana Governance Award stitutions were short listed and 2015’s first prize, in recognition of their achievements independent assessors were appointed to review the short in effectively governing the CPA’s affairs. A special handlisted candidates. “The assessors verified the over ceremony was held at information submitted and anthe Trust’s site at Ofcolaco. The award of R200 000 was alysed the applications against announced by Ms Vuyo Ma- Maitjene Development Trust a carefully developed frameCPA chairperson Clive sisi, the communications and Mashele and Portfolio Man- work,” she said. The final adjustakeholder relations manag- ager Hendrik Neethling are dication panel was chaired by an independent chairperson er of Vumelana. seen in this photo. According to Masisi, Vufrom Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo melana invited Communal Property Institu- Auditors, who also reviewed the integrity of tions to submit applications for the Vumela- the process. Mopani District Municipality mayor na Governance Award 2015 earlier this year. The Award is made to encourage the adop- Nkakareng Rakgaole said, “we are proud tion of good governance practices by Com- to have a successful project in Limpopo, re-

ABOVE: Mopani District Municipality mayor Nkakareng Rakgaole, Maitjene Development Trust Chairperson Clive Mashele, Vumalana Trust’s Ms

gardless of the challenges which are present. I am told the Trust owns Nguni cattle to the value of R400 000. “Poverty in this community is a thing of the past,” she said. A visibly excited chairperson of the CPA, Mr Clive Mashele, said they are grateful for the prize money which will enable them to expand the business. Rakgaole also said farms should be run like other businesses

Vuyo Masisi and Land Commissioner Tele Maphoto celebrate the award. LEFT: Maitjene Development Trust fresh produce could be seen at the function.

and farmers should keep records. “You can do as much as you want, but if there’s nobody to take your work out there for people to see, it is as good as nothing. We really appreciate what Vumelana has done for us,” said Mashele. A total of 153 Communal Property Associations had entered the competition this year. – Phidelia Rikhotso


Making an honest living out of wood craft

Zimbabwean-born artist Micrace Gororo shows some of his wood carvings.

Zimbabwean-born artist Micrace Gororo (56) from Relela at Bolobedu South showed some of his variety of whimsical sculptures that he crafted out of wood at the Tzaneen Agricultural Expo last week. His artwork attracted a lot of attention during the expo. He revealed that he is able to make a better and honest living for his family with what he generates from his business. “I grew up with a love for crafting and

painting. When I was still young, doing my best with crafting,” he I used to do this for fun and I lat- recalled. “Whatever amount of money er realised that I could generate an income,”he explained. I generate monthly means a lot Gororo said his business has to me and I appreciate it. I can at been going for fifteen years and least support my family and they he was happy about how much it don’t have to go to bed hungry.” has grown. “I come from a poor – Phidelia Rikhotso family and I could not further phidelia@bulletin.us.com my studies at university after my secondMonkeynastix het Saterdag ‘n Colour Fun Run vir die gesin by ‘n ary school education. plaasmark gehou. Hulle het die foto montage hier onder oor die However, that did not stop me from

pretloop aangebied.



days to go

13 November 2015


Die Tzaneendam se watervlak sak nou vinnig en die verandering is byna daagliks sigbaar Foto: Joe Dreyer

‘Treinongeluk’ is toe net herstelwerk... Geskeduleerde onderhoud word aan die spoorlyn tussen Politsi en Tzaneen

gedoen, waar swaar masjinerie ingespan word om die veerkragtigheid van die lyn op die dwarslêers te herstel. Motoriste wat die gewoel in die verbyry gewaar het, was onder die indruk dat dit ‘n “treinongeluk” kon wees. Die projekbestuurder het verduidelik dat die herstelwerk op minder besige spoorlyne elke vyftien tot twintig jaar nodig is, terwyl besige lyne wat swaar vrag soos steenkool en ystererts dra, elke vyf tot tien jaar hersien word. Spesiale masjiene, wat volgens hom as die beste ter wêreld beskou word, grawe die verbrokkelde klipgruis onder die spoorstawe uit, gevolg deur ‘n ander werktuig wat vars klipgruis terugplaas. Die hittegolf in Tzaneen het ‘n mate van vertraging meegebring, omdat die proses onder ‘n sekere hittegraad gedoen moet word. Wanneer die spoorstawe 50° C of warmer is, word alle werk gestaak. Foto: Joe Dreyer

Investments explained info@smitadvisors.co.za info@smitgarrun.co.za


Published on 6 Nov 2015

Investments explained: Part 1 What is the essence of investments? An investment has to give you an INCOME and CAPITAL GROWTH! Apart from investing in yourself, you are limited to the following options for investments:

“The best investment one can make is to invest in yourself. The more you develop yourself the higher your potential income becomes, and then you can buy growth and income assets with the surplus capital you earn.” - Koos Smit, Smit Adviseurs BK.

... continued Our investment strategy

“Over the years I have formulated my own investment philosophy where optimal growth can be achieved by investing in the right combination of asset class combinations that suit my client’s unique circumstances.” - Koos Smit, Smit Adviseurs BK. Our investment strategy at Smit Adviseurs takes the emotion out of the decision of when to buy and when to sell shares. We do this by using mathematical methods and economic indicators and by consequently rebalancing different asset classes each quarter. When rebalancing we do two things. Firstly, we stay within the risk profile of the chosen investment and this obliges us to do the second thing, to sell at a high price and buy at a low price when rebalancing investments. How do we do this? We did not try to reinvent the wheel and we make use of listed shares in each asset class. Our opinion is that we have to go to the source of the investment by buying shares. We feel that the guarantees are greater for the individual by the guarantee fund that is built up on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, an aspect that is lacking in collective investment schemes. As associates, we make use of RMD fund managers and together we have founded an investments committee that uses technical and fundamental analysis to help us in our decision making process.

Each investment has its own characteristics as summarized in Table 1.1. In this table we can see that no one investment can adhere to all the requirements. Thus a combined investment divided between all the asset classes will have to be done. Furthermore, the market tends to move through different cycles and the investments will have to be adapted to these cycles. The same exercise will also have to be repeated for offshore investments to further diversify the investment portfolio. All these investments can be done by investing on the JSE in Rand. Lastly, frequent changes will have to be made with regard to the asset composition and asset allocation. Meaning that the total investment plan of each individual will have to be revised and rebalanced on a regular basis.


A brief explanation and example of investing in shares Let’s assume that you have R100 000 and that you buy Sasol shares at, let’s say, R1 each. You now own 100 000 Sasol shares and not R100 000. If the price of Sasol shares rise to R1.25 each, you still own 100 000 Sasol shares but it is worth R125 000, the opposite is true as well when the price of Sasol shares fall to 90c, you still own 100 000 Sasol shares but now they are worth R90 000. The problem we have with the scenario above is that all your money is invested in one basket and that can be either good or bad. To effectively spread the risk between asset classes we need to invest lump sums of at least R500 000 initial capital that need to be revised on a regular basis and to do this effectively expertise, know-how and experience is essential. The investment process at Smit Adviseurs BK We open a trading account for you in your name on PSG Online’s platform and you then authorize us to manage the funds in conjunction with RMD Financial Services. We then monitor the investments continually and we do our rebalancing on a regular basis with a tried and tested mathematical method.

The Smit Sum Fund of Funds

“The same approach of using mathematical methods to

FSP: 11184

restrict risks and optimize capital growth based on asset class allocation that is used in our investment portfolios is used in our Fund of Funds. The main component that I looked at when founding the Smit Sum Funds was to keep the costs very low without compromising on asset allocation and optimizing growth. The cost of the investment is most competitive.” – Koos Smit, Smit Adviseurs BK. Smit Adviseurs BK in conjunction with investment experts at Glacier by Sanlam manage the four funds, known as “The Smit Sum” funds on the Sanlam platform. “The Smit Sum” funds currently address all our clients’ requirements whether the goal of the investment is for specific needs, retirement or income at retirement. What is a Fund of Funds or a Unit Trust Fund? A Fund of Funds is a combination of different unit trust funds. A unit trust fund is where investors pool contributions (lump sum or monthly) into a fund that is divided into equal portions called units and invested in different asset classes on the local and international market. Different listed shares

Sipho invests R5 000 per month

Suzanne invests R50 000 Alice invests R150 000 Caleb invests R1 500 per month

bought by fund manager Pooled funds = Unit trust fund

Different listed shares bought by fund manager Different listed shares bought by fund manager Different listed shares bought by fund manager

When you invest in a unit trust you receive units to the value of the amount of money that you invest for example if the price of one unit is R5 and you invest R5000 as a lump sum, you will own 1000 units in the fund. If you invest R1500 per month in a unit trust fund, you will buy 300 units this month and units to the value of R1500 the following months. Units are usually priced daily because the value of the underlying assets, which the unit trust fund manager invested in, changes every day in line with market movements. What are the advantages of investing in a unit trust fund? Unit trust investments Unit trust funds have one are very flexible and obvious advantage and that is with a small monthly direct access for investors to the contribution starting at wealth creation and profits of the R 1 500 per month or a lump sum of R 50 000, Johannesburg Stock Exchange you can share in some (JSE) and international markets of the biggest and best by pooling funds from multiple investments that the investors. economy has to offer. This aspect regarding unit trust funds are attractive to investors in the sense that by pooling funds smaller monthly contributions and lump sums investors can get exposure to local and international stock markets and that the risk of your investment

can be distributed properly while capital growth is optimized. Capital growth over the medium to long term (5 years and longer to really see your capital grow) can be achieved and unit trusts have become the ideal way to provide for medium to long term needs such as saving for a deposit on a house, retirement or your child’s tertiary education. With unit trusts you also have direct access to your money and your investment can serve as an emergency fund to take care of a sudden financial crisis. Investing in a unit trust fund is also tax effective and cost effective. Types of unit trust funds at Smit Adviseurs BK Depending on a client’s needs and risk profile (the risk you are willing to take with your investment) and the aim of the investment there are four different wrap funds at Smit Adviseurs BK. 1. The Smit Sum Cautious Fund This fund aims to provide investors with stable income and a high level of capital stability. The probability of capital loss over the medium to long term is low. The fund will consist primarily of income orientated assets with a below average exposure to equities (maximum of 40%). Investors should have a minimum investment horizon of 3 years. 2. The Smit Sum Moderate Fund This fund aims to provide a reasonable level of capital growth over the medium term. Investors in this fund are prepared to tolerate moderate fluctuations in the value of their investment over the short term. The fund will be diversified across all major asset classes with an average exposure to equities (maximum of 60%). Investors in this fund should have a minimum investment horizon of 3 years or longer. 3. The Smit Sum Moderate Aggressive Fund The fund aims to provide a high level of capital growth over the long term. Investors in this fund are prepared to tolerate high fluctuations in the value of their investment over the short term. The fund will be diversified across all major asset classes with a bias towards equities (maximum of 75%). Investors in this fund should have a minimum investment horizon of 5 years. 4. The Smit Sum Flexible Fund The fund aims to provide a high level of capital growth over the long term. Investors in this fund are prepared to tolerate high fluctuations in the value of their investment over the short term. The fund will be diversified across all major asset classes with a strong bias towards equities (maximum of 100%) and can invest in South African and/or foreign markets up to 100% either way. Investors in this fund should have a minimum investment horizon of 5 years or longer. If you are interested in investing and seeing your capital grow contact Smit Advisors on 0153075578 or info@smitadvisors.co.za and one of our financial advisors will assist you.


13 November 2015


Business directory | Sakegids ANDPEacE THE cHANcE wiN A GET ofTomind

R75 000 R75 000 HOLIDAY! AND THE cHANcE To wiN A

Tree Felling | Tree Care & Pruning | Bush Clearing Impact Assessments | Analytical Services Plantation Management | Harvesting Jaco Rautenbach 082 219 6423

14 Park Str, Tzaneen, 0850 jacorautenbach@vodamail.co.za


Weekly from Tzaneen to Pretoria via Polokwane on Wednesday, Friday and Sundays. Free WIFI and DVD player. www.tzanengshuttleservice.co.za

Tzaneen Polokwane Tzaneen Polokwane Pretoria Pretoria R100 one-way R250 one-way R300 one-way R200 return R450 return R550 return

Natalie Moss • 084 369 6293 • 073 110 4180


Get a free no-obligation security assessment and quotation for complete peace of mind this holiday season, and you could win R75 000 towards your dream holiday!

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063 043 0648 063 088 1158


in there


@ Corner House, Saligna street


days to go

With us nothing goes down the drain!

Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126

For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955


22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za

071 360 3630 • 082 227 8641

We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com



OVERNIGHT Courier Service


13 November 2015

days to go


Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur

For Sale Te Koop

Georges Valley Bachelor woonstel ruim vertrekke 7 km uit dorp, erf omhein, troeteldiere welkom, koopkrag. R1 700

Woonstelle/Flats 1 Slaapkamer tuinwoonstel te huur, sentraal, omhein beskikbaar vanaf 1 November water en ligte ingesluit R2 700 pm

Aquapark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, aparte sitkamer,kombuis, stoep, afdak, 3 lugverkoelers, geen kleuters of troeteldiere, koopkrag. R3 800

Premierpark (Meenthuis) 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, afdak, eie erf omhein. R6 800

Medipark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir 2 voertuie, braai area. Loopafstand vanaf skole. R3 850

Skakel 073 3619556 Oct201____________________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property

Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel 083 448 5171 Annette 083 443 0328

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


CLIVE SOMISA MASHELE 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 19 March 2015 the under mentioned goods will be sold at THE SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE, NO.2, INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, TZANEEN on 3 DECEMBER

2015 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 2 X CHAIRS 1 X KYOCERA PRINTER 1 X HP OFFICE JET 6313 ALL IN ONE 1 X PROLINE PC / PHILLIPS COMBINATION 1 X COMBINED C110 MA-


1 X SAMSUNG BAR FRIDGE 1 X WESTPOINT MICROWAVE OVEN 2 X DESKS 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert

Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of

R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or Christie Bouwer. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor.






Assistant Production Responsible


Hishtil South Africa, part of the International Hishtil group, is looking for a dynamic, hardworking individual to join our Production team as an ASSISTANT PRODUCTION RESPONSIBLE.

Die vervoerafdeling van ZZ2 benodig die dienste van ʼn Vlootbestuurder Poelvervoer, wat verantwoordelik sal wees vir die bestuur, ontwikkeling en uitvoering van vragbeplanning, ritskedules en die bestuur en beheer van alle plaastrok-drywers ten einde optimale diens aan ons interne kliënte te lewer.

Hishtil South Africa is situated in Mooketsi near Tzaneen in the Limpopo province. We invite suitably qualified persons to apply for this position.

PRIMêRE VERANTWOORDELIKHEDE EN PLIGTE • Bestuur, kontrolering en implementering van afleweringsskedules. • Die bestuur en monitering van vloot beskikbaarheid. • Die monitering van voertuie aan die hand van ʼn onderhoudsplan. • Doeltreffende en koste effektiewe bestuur oor die verspreiding van aflewerings. • Die bestuur van opleiding, toesig en monitering van drywers. • Beheer oortyd van drywers. • Deurlopende monitering van die voertuig vloot deur middel van elektroniese moniteringstelsels. • Rapportering en verslagdoening rakende alle aspekte van die vloot. • Skakeling met interne kliënte (afdelings, aankope, store) om vervoerbehoeftes te bepaal en optimale uitvoering te bevestig. • Implementeer die RTMS vervoer bestuurstelsel vir plaasvervoer.

Qualifying requirements • Matric or equivalent • Young and dynamic male, looking for a new career challenge • Willing to work hard • Preferably from the Limpopo area • Computer Literacy: Excel, Word, MS Office • Fluent in English and Afrikaans • Good communication and organizing skills • Ability to work under pressure in an outdoor environment • Must be prepared to work in a smoke free environment • Good health • Own transport


Matriek of gelykwaardig kwalifikasie met 5-10 jaar praktiese blootstelling. Rekenaarvaardig in Windows en Vlootbestuurstelsels (Satelliete). Applikant moet ’n geldige swaarvoertuig lisensie hê asook ’n Professionele bestuurspermit. Tegniese blootstelling in ’n soortgelyke omgewing. Bestuurservaring van 5 jaar of meer. Kommunikasie in ’n plaaslike Afrika taal ’n voorvereiste.

NAVRAE: Johan du Plessis • 015 395 8243 Japie Burger • 015 395 8317 FAKS: 086 608 4824 EPOS ADRES: werwing@zz2online.com SLUITINGSDATUM: 18 November 2015

Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen at: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen at 015 395 4034 Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 19 November 2015 Only suitable CV’s will be considered


Primary responsibilities The successful candidate will assist the Production Manager in the following tasks: • Joint responsibility for all Production and Agro- technical tasks of seedlings in the production stage, in doing so ensuring that the seedlings are at the right quality and quantity at delivery stage. Training will be provided.





13 November 2015


Smouskous l Classifieds

We will beat any written quote!!

071 063 4983 24 Hour

Emergency Plumber Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

TZANENG SHUTTLE SERVICE ‘n Shuttle Diens beskikbaar van Tzaneen na Pretoria via Polokwane retoer elke Vrydag, Woensdag en Sondag.

Services Dienste The Bargain Shop Ons koop en verkoop goedere van waarde vir kontant. We buy and sell goods of value for cash. Electrical equipment, crockery. Furniture. Old and new tools. Books and much more. Marinda: 083 576 7618 Hennie: 083 651 0936 Sep405___________________________

DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.


Sleebok 015 307 6005 Granite, marble, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops

DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowls needed 083 628 9257

Mar109 ___________________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248

to advertise in the classified

Wenkem SA Micro Element Blaarvoeding Na oes bederfmiddels Plaagdoders Citrosol wakes Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Steve Smuts 071 819 3269


Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


HET JY AL ALLES PROBEER VIR GEWIGSVERLIES EN NIKS WERK NIE?!?!? Ons het ‘n reeks wat jou lewe kan verander. Die produkte WERK!!! 100% veilig vir diabetes en hoë bloeddruk. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com

Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________ Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________ Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

The Clean Team Contact us for professional cleaning of carpets and upholstery. Ask us about Masterguard. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018 Sep101______________________

Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282 Wisani Burial Society 24 hour emergency no 015 307 6240 / 083 513 4988 015 307 6719 e-pos: helene@wisani.co.za



On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863

Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076


Borehole Investigation

Underwater video camera system to observe the general condition of your borehole i.e. blockages, aquifers, water levels, condition of casings. etc.

Your go-to-guys on fireplaces and braais Contact us on 015 297 8964 083 417 6126

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________

Bed City South Africa’s most affordable base & mattress set

Contact us 015 307 4855 Okt504___________________________

Dulux Paint Centre

015 307 7756 Okt505___________________________


2015 Hyundai H100 2.6 Diesel te koop 23 000 kilos op die klok R185 000 Kontak Wilhelm 0846993610

Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R21.00/km + btw, 12 ton trok R23/km + btw & 20 ton @ R30/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________

With us

Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small al


40 Danie Joubert Street

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!


Contact Rynier de Jager @ 079 883 5655

Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away

015 307 7168

Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële dienste met integriteit. Vir voortreflike diens sonder onderbreking besoek ons by ons nuwe Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 Jacques Lamprecht 082 469 7558 Fanie Oberholzer 082 460 4173

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928


R5 000 each. Call 083 293 5899



Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062

Visit our website www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news. Also find us on

Registered with KUSA and Micro chipped.


Gerrie: 074 389 3648 Ben: 0747140809 E-mail: beyleveldind@gmail.com

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061

For Sale Te Koop Animals

For all your Civils, Building, Construction and Automation needs. Contact us for friendly affordable service.

40 Danie Joubert Street next to Dulux Centre

Your partner in home building! Contact Erika 073 024 8749

Services Dienste

Purebred Boxer puppies.

Beyleveld Industries



Services Dienste




Services Dienste Aandag! Alle ouers stuur jou kind vir ‘n gratis evalueringtoets na Nasionale bestuurskool Gideon 083 262 0363


Kobus: 073 110 4180 Natalie: 084 369 6293 Facebook: Tzaneng ShuttleService Email: tzanengshuttle@yahoo. com

Services Dienste


Services Dienste

JY WIL OPHOU ROOK? VERSEKER!! Daarom bespreek jou plek NOU by die gevorderde “Holistiese Stop Rook Program”. Kontak jou plaaslike Hipnoterapeut NOU by 082 683 2835 MARIE HELM Gekwalifiseerdede Hipnoterapeut (Nie - medies)

For all your Solar, Plumming an Instant Lawn Okt503___________________________ Kitsgras van hoogstaande gehalte. Prys R25.00 per With us nothing goes down the drain! Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon ins Vierkante meter. For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 295 For Hire Aflewering ekstra Te Huur Skakel: Hennie Maartens With us nothing goes down the drain! 015 307 4562 of Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 073 872 8031 all ure For2955all your Solar, Trok met arbeiders


PROFESSIONAL SOLAR INSTALLATIONS (COC issued) Contact JOHN …Qualified and registered Electrician. Special offer DIY LOAD SHEDDING SOLUTION Your solution will operate the following: FOUR standing or table Lights with Led lamps TV (Led /LCD) and decoder A music system WI FI Alarm system ONE Standing fan


te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer. Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630.


VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www.steynbergmeubelvervoer.com

The solution kit comprises of: 1 x Battery 1 x Inverter CABLING FOR BOTH Price R4775.00 Bruce Electrical John Bruce 082 809 0429 info@jbruce.co.za Aug201_______________________

For Sale Te Koop Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


WOW!!!! DIT IS AMAZING!!! MOENIE MISLOOP NIE!!!!!!! “Whitening” tandepasta verkoop soos soetkoek, met fantastiese resultate! Bevat GEEN peroksied of ander skadelike bleikmiddels nie. Weeklikse bestellings. KONTAK: chantelvr@gmail.com

Hang in there.... 42 days to go!

Trailer for Hire Reliable trailers to carry cars, cattle, furniture, and garden refuse etc. 083 651 0936 015 306 0036

TLB FOR HIRE Contact: 082 427 7647 or 083 508 9741

Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557


Beehives For Sale Professionally made and hot dipped waxsol treated. Complete brood boxes, super, all frames and queen excluder included. R850 (in Tzaneen) Contact Jason: 082 604 5828 Aug301____________________________

PEKINGESE HONDJIES TE KOOP teen R1000 elk, 3 Tefies en 2 Reuntjies. Kontak Laudine 0796575535 Okt503____________________________

Plumbing and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955

TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jan202______________________

Pretorius Broers benodig die diens van ‘n bouvoorman. Kennis van die volgende is nodig: programmering, bestel van materiaal, beheer van bouspanne, gehaltebeheer en kosteverslae. Aansoekvorm beskikbaar by Vicky Pretorius 015 307 3571/4



Die Laerskool Tzaneen het ‘n gholfdag gehou, om geld vir vir skool in te samel. Lino de Carvalho en Jannie Spaumer was die wenners van die toernooi. Hier is hulle saam met die skoolhoof, mnr Vic Rijnen.

Stanford Lake College put up an excellent performance against Ben Vorster on Saturday in a Pro20 League cricket match. SLC won the toss and fielded first. Their bowlers were well disciplined and kept the run rate down. It was a much improved fielding display from the previous game. Adam McGaffin took two wickets and a good spell by Jason Wright restricted the visitors to 146/2 in 20 overs. Knowing they would have to bat well and build good partnerships to win the

Werner Rossouw en Willes Steenkamp moes maar so ‘n bietjie spot verduur, nadat hulle die gholf se BoeBoe-pryswenners was. Die veld Bennie en Piet van der Berg het was te sterk vir hulle… met die derde prys weggestap, in die Laerskool Tzaneen se gholftoernooi. Oppie Kassie

Proteas en Kiwi’s soek salf ná afknouery Wraak is ʼn onsmaaklike woord, maar Suid-Afrika en Nieu-Seeland se krieketspanne sal daarop ingestel wees om Indië en Australië dié naweek vir verlede week se afknouery terug te betaal. Ná die slae wat die Proteas en die Kiwi’s in die eerste wedstryde van die toetsreekse verduur het, verwag hul ondersteuners veel beter vertonings in die herontmoetings. Albei wedstryde – en verskeie ander – word regstreeks op televisie uitgesaai en behoort kos vir fynproewers te wees. Die SA sokkerspan se Wêreldbekerdrome word in die eerste van twee wedstryde teen Angola aan nóg ʼn strawwe toets onderwerp. Ook dié kragmeting word regstreeks uitgesaai, net soos die Brasiliaanse Grand Prix en verskeie rugbywedstryde in die reeks om die Europese Kampioenebeker. SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 13 November Gholf: BMW-meesters, dag 2, Sjanghai – 05:00 tot 10:00 op SS 1 Mayakoba Classic, dag 2, Quintana Roo, Mexiko – 20:00 tot 23:00 op SS 7 Krieket: Australië t Nieu-Seeland, tweede toets, dag 2, Perth – 04:20 tot 12:25 op SS 2 Pakistan t Engeland, tweede eendagwedstryd, Abu Dhabi – 12:45 tot 21:30 op SS 2 T20: Bangladesj t Zimbabwe – 12:45 tot 16:45 op SS 5 T20, SA reeks: Knights t Titans – 17:45 tot 21:40 op SS 5 Motorrenne: F1: Brasiliaanse Grand Prix, oefening 1 – 13:50 tot 15:30 op SS 6 Oefening 2 – 17:50 tot 19:40 op SS 6 Rugby: Europese Kampioenebeker: Leicester t Stade Francais – 21:40 tot 23:45 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Wêreldbeker-kwalifisering: Angola t Suid-Afrika – 16:15 tot 19:00 op SS 4 Saterdag 14 November Basketbal: SA rolstoel-uitdaagreeks, eindstryd – 14:45 tot 17:00 op SS 9 Gholf: BMW-meesters, dag 3 – 05:00 tot 10:00 op SS 1 Mayakoba Classic, dag 3 – 20:00 tot 23:00 op SS 7 Krieket: Indië t Suid-Afrika, tweede toets, dag 1, Bangalore – 05:00 tot 14:00 op SS 2 en GDN Australië t Nieu-Seeland, tweede toets, dag 2 – 04:15 tot 12:20 op SS 6 Motorrenne: F1: Brasiliaanse Grand Prix, oefening 3 – 14:40 tot 16:10 op SS 6 Brasiliaanse Grand Prix, kwalifisering – 17:50 tot 19:10 op SS 6 Nascarreeks – 22:30 tot 01:30 op SS 6 Rugby: Europese Kampioenebeker: Oyonnax t Ulster – 14:55 tot 17:00 op SS 1 en GDN Racing t Glasgow – 17:10 tot 19:10 op SS 1 en GDN Saracens t Toulouse – 19:10

tot 21:15 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: Multichoice-uitdaagreeks: Ajax Cape Town t Mamelodi Sundowns – 10:30 tot 12:50 op SS 4 en Kanaal 210 Golden Arrows t Orlando Pirates – 12:50 tot 15:30 op SS 4 en Kanaal 210 Tennis: Fedbeker: Tsjeggië t Rusland, dag 1 – 14:45 tot 20:00 op SS 7


SLC too good for BV

Gholf se wenners

On the Telly

13 November 2015

days to go

game, Stanford put up a good opening stand from Graeme Harty (38) and Estian Botha (25), who scored at better than a run-a-ball, putting them in a good position to attack the bowling. Justyn Trueman (22) and Benno Prinsloo (42 not out) took the game away from Ben Vorster, and Stanford won the game in excellent style by 7 wickets. It was certainly one of the better performances by SLC’s first team this year against the Ben Vorster team who have dominated recently.

HJ van Jaarsveld en Carl Buitendach moes tevrede wees om net agter die wenners in die tweede plek in te skuif.

HANG in there days


to go

Le’Club beloon hul sterre

Here are the cricketers of Stanford Lake College who stood up against Ben Vorster’s first team. In the front are Benno Prinsloo, Matthew Maritz and Musonda Musonda (scorer), and at the back are Estian Botha, Mr Shane Friedrichs (Coach), Adam McGaffin, Matthew Oosthuyse, Justyn Trueman, Graeme Harty, Jason Wright, Thomas Mayes, Christian Schmidt and Marc Stirling. Photo: Leigh Harty

Le’Club van Tzaneen het Saterdag se jaareindprysuitdeling vir getroue hul altete tydens die klub se jaarlik- en harde werk deur die jaar vereer. Die volgende Le’Club-atlete het spesiale toekennings ontvang: Voor is Michelle Stevens (beste junior vrouefietsryer), Armand Cronje (beste junior mansfietsryer), Christelle Coetzer (beste klubpresteerder van die jaar; sy het aan 4 SA’s deelgeneem, nl SASA atletiek, ASA atletiek, Duathlon en ASA landloop) en Lara Schutte (beste junior vrouehardloper). In die middelste ry is Tracy Petersen (beste senior vrouehardloper), Greta Bekker (beste meesters vrouehardloper), Bernice Cronje (beste junior vrouefietsryer) en Eugene Schutte (vasbyter van die jaar). Agter is Philip Bekker (beste meesters manshardloper), Johan du Toit (beste veterane manshardloper), Pierre Cronje (beste veterane mansfietsryer) en Janco Coetzee (beste junior manshardloper). Afwesig: Ankia Botha (beste veterane vrouehardloper), Walt Katzke (beste senior manshardloper), Zelda Katke, Erika MacConnel, Shirley Stewart, Elandri Janse van Rensburg, Juan Meintjes, Sharice Smith, Kyle van Tonder, Tewis Willemse. This board is sponsored by | Hierdie naambord is geborg deur

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Sondag 15 November Gholf: BMW-meesters, dag 4 – 05:00 tot 10:00 op SS 1 Mayakoba Classic, dag 4 – 20:00 tot 23:00 op SS 7 en GDN Vroue: Uitnodigingstoernooi, dag 4, Mexico-stad – 22:00 tot 00:00 op SS 1 Krieket: Indië t SA, tweede toets, dag 2 – 05:30 tot 13:55 op SS 2 en GDN Australië t Nieu-Seeland, tweede toets, dag 3 – 04:20 tot 12:30 op SS 6 T20: Bangladesj t Zimbabwe – 12:45 tot 17:00 op SS 5 T20: All Stars-reeks: Sachin’s Blasters t Warne’s Warriors – 04:30 tot 08:45 op SS 7 T20: SA reeks: Cape Cobras t Dolphins – 11:45 tot 15:50 op SS 7 Titans t Warriors – 15:45 tot 20:00 op SS 2 en GDN Motorrenne: F1: Brasiliaanse Grand Prix – 17:30 tot 20:30 op SS 6 Nascarreeks – 21:30 tot 01:00 op SS 6 Rugby: Europese Kampioenebeker: Bordeaux-Begles t Clermont-Auvergne – 14:55 tot 17:00 op SS 1 Toulon t Bath – 17:10 tot 19:10 op SS 1 Ospreys t Exeter – 19:25 tot 21:30 op SS 1 Sokker: Multichoice-uitdaging: Jomo Cosmos t Free State Stars – 10:30 tot 12:50 op SS 4 SuperSport United t Kaizer Chiefs – 12:50 tot 15:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Wêreldreeks, eindronde – 15:50 tot 18:00 op SS 7 en 21:50 tot 00:00 op SS 2 Fedbeker, dag 2 – Tsjeggië t Rusland – 12:45 tot 21:30 op SS 8

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Pos 10 19 9 1

Log | Punteleer

Shot Team Points Ronde 2 - Round 2 Aggregate Lannie Motors 8 13 Telling / Score ZZ2 Groen 21 van Telling 6 W=2 Totaal


Hyde Spray


Ahead in Plumbing 13

Bissett Real Estate

8 Tennisklub Hi-Q Tzaneen

Teen 5



15 Motors Simpson Motors18 Lannie


14 Red Devils Megapaints



ZZ2 Groen 15 2 Span Bisset Real Estate


6 6

L=0 D=1

6 6 5

4 4 4 2

rondtes 18 gespeel





Keyshop 13 TznNTT Toyota4



Kings 17Walden Tennisklub 2






Reward 4 Properties BRBF 4






Ben Vorster











ZZ2 Rooi Span







Bond Gallery

2 2

156 75 52

Mazford Used

20 7

ZZ2 Rooi Granor Passi 2


Tennisklub 1

18 11

WD Saailinge 2 Rondte 3 - Round 3 Limpo 2 2


De Kock Elektries




Granor Passi 1




3 2 2

0 0 0


1 -10 12

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-16 -24

Wie speel teen wie - Who plays against who Bissett Real Estate


15 vs Tzaneen Tennisklub

Lannie Motors


11 vs Megapaints

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-2 vs Ben Vorster

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vs Kings Walden

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Prestasietoekennings is oorhandig aan die atlete wat Limpopo by die ASA Landloopkampioenskappe verteenwoordig het. Voor is Layah Mahomed, Isabella Brett, JP Botha, Tristan Brett en Jurgens Spaumer. In die middelry is Joné du Toit, Drikus du Toit, Layla de Bruyn, Marais Botha, Marthinus van Vreden, Anika du Toit en Zoë Malherbe, en agter staan Lia Revelas (SASA atetiek), Herman de Bruyn (Lima landloop), Jeanette Coetzer (fietsry) en Anri McLean (ASA landloop).











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13 November 2015

Letaba vereer presteerders Letaba Rugby, wat die afgelope twee jaar groei getoon en met nuwe vuur rugby gespeel en hul stempel goed in Limpopo afgedruk het, het hul presteerders by ‘n gesellige jaarafsluitete vereer. Die klub se staatmaker-afrigter van die afgelope

JP Swartz is vereer as Glen Mafumo is klubman van die jaar. aangewys as die beste eerstespanspeler.

paar jaar, mnr Johan Steyn, het ook amptelik uitgetree. ‘n Nuwe afrigter, mnr Sterre van Staden, is intussen aangewys en dit sal sy taak wees om te sorg dat die klub in die nuwe jaar voortgaan om mededingend te wees.

Mnre Pieter Human (president), Johan Steyn (uitgetrede afrigter en oud-speler) en Sterre van Staden (die nuwe afrigter).

Eben Fichardt is aangewys as vanjaar se Danie Erasmus is 2015 Terblanche Vorster beste eerstespan-voor- se beste eerstespan-ag- is aangewys as beste speler. terspeler. derdespanspeler.

Pieter de Witt het die sertifikaat vir verdienste ontvang.

Uwe Sauer is 2015 se spelers se speler van die jaar.

Wikus Steyn is aangewys as die beste tweedespanspeler.

Bosveld Jagters kroon die bestes Die Letaba-tak van die Bosveld Jagtersvereniging (BJV) het vanjaar se aktiwiteite met hul gewilde tradisionele wildsete by die Tzaneen Buiteklub afgesluit. Mense het weer behoorlik oor hul voete geval om die ete by te woon en aan die heerlike wildsgeregte te smul — en daar was

nie plek vir ‘n muis tussen die 145 gaste nie. Mike Gamba is as jagter van die jaar aangewys, met Wallie van Dyk in die tweede plek. Die ander lede wat toekennings ontvang het, se foto’s is ook hierby, met die besonderhede van hul toekennings.

Verskeie lede van die BJV is vereer vir hul prestasies deur die loop van die jaar. Bertus Die klub se jagter van die jaar, Mike Gamba, is hier saam met Wallie van Dyk (wat tweede was) en Venter is aangewys as die tak se voorsitter, mnr Francois Malan. grootkampioen vir 2015.

Die afdeling vir senior parejag is gewen deur Wallie van Dyk en Heinrich Osmers (wie se foto ongelukkig nie beskikbaar was nie).

Wie Moet Meyer Opvolg? Oubal mag dalk seniel wees soos wat kollega Vlieg verlede week beweer het, maar daar is darem ‘n paar dinge wat Oubal verstaan: i) Hoekom ‘n talentvolle groep rakbiespelers sonder behoorlike afrigting nêrens sal kom nie, ii) Hoekom ‘n mens nie jou oë en ore moet uitleen aan ‘n hoofstroomkoerant se sportredakteur wanneer hy halwe waarhede verkoop om ‘n appel te skil nie, en iii) Hoe om die “#”-simbool te maak. ‘Tja, Oubal het verlede week die klagstaat teen Heyneke opgestel en intussen doen almal lustig mee aan sy moontlike ontslag — van Vlieg en Gert van der Westhuizen van die GAD* tot voormalige Bokke Wynand Claassen en Divan Serfontein. Wat die Jan Rappe egter nie vir Oubal wil of kan sê nie, is wie na hulle Beskeie (ja, met ‘n hoofletter!) opinies Meyer moet opvolg. Soos wat Oubal dinge lees, is daar drie hoofstroomdenke met opvolging, moontlik vier, elkeen op sy eie manier halfgebak.

Oorsese afrigter

Die eerste is ‘n oorsese afrig- ter, met John Mitchell, John Plumtree en Eddie Jones se name wat die meeste gefluister word. Oubal stem saam dis in beginsel nie ‘n slegte voor-stel nie, hoewel elkeen van die genoemde kandidate sy eie probleme na ‘n Bok-afrigterspos bring. Mitchell het spelersrebellies op sy kerfstok by die AB’s, Western Force en die Leeus. Plumtree soortgelyk by die Sharks. Eddie Jones, ongeag sy onbetwiste triomf met Japan teen die Bokke, het ook ‘n 92-3 nederlaag met die Queensland Reds teen Heyneke Meyer (ja, hy!) se BB’e in 2007 op sy kerfstok.


Clayton Wiggell het die Francois Vorster is as Wouter van Dyk is die toekenning ontvang as Vanjaar se dameskam- boogjagter van die jaar BJV se junior jagter van Die junior parejagwenners is Werner en Wouter groeperingkampioen pioen is Anita Smith. gekroon. die jaar. van Dyk. vir 2015.

ge oorsese afrigter wat sy sout werd is homself daaraan sal onderwerp nie. Die volgende groep wat genoem word is voormalige Bok-afrigters Nic Mallett en Jake White, met ‘n paar woestynstemme vir Peter de Villiers. Oubal is bevrees die eerste twee het soveel brûe met Saru verbrand (in teenstelling met neef Gert vd Westhuizen se bewering dat hulle afgedank is) en die wergewer-werknemer verhouding is sodanig versuur, dat hulle nie maklik weer in aanmerking sal kom nie. Vir die rekord, Jake White se Montpellier, ook bekend as Montpretoria, het verlede naweek ‘n 52-8 loesing in die Franse klubliga op die lyf geloop!

Peter se verhaal

Oor Peter de Villiers wil Oubal nie veel sê nie, behalwe dat hy na 2011 nie hoër afgerig het as die Varsity Skildkompetisie nie, waar UWK vanjaar laaste geëindig het. Genoeg om sy eie verhaal te vertel. Dit bring Oubal by Vlieg en kie se gunsteling, Johan Ackermann. Laat Oubal uit die staanspoor sê Ackermann is ‘n vars bries onder SA afrigters en dit wat hy reggekry het met beperkte talent by die Leeus, is prysenswaardig — veral die tipe rakbie wat hulle speel. Hy het duidelik as hulp-afrigter geleer onder John Mitchell en saam met Carlos Spencer, met die pluspunt van beter menseverhoudings as Mitchell.

Groot vraag

Die groot vraag wat egter oor Ackers hang is of ‘n agtste plek in Superakbie en ‘n Curriebekerwen sonder opposisie-Springbokke voldoende bewys van potensiële sukses op internasionale vlak is. As dit wel die geval is, is Allister Coetzee met ‘n Superakbie-eindstryd, twee halfeindstryde en twee kwarteindstryde asook vier Curriebekereindstryde, waarvan twee wenne oor ses jaar tog ‘n beter kandidaat? ‘Tja, die antwoord is nie so eenvoudig nie, en die standaardantwoord wat Oubal kry, is “enige iemand behalwe Meyer”. Een slimkop het selfs voorgestel Julius Malema en Tony Ehrenreich, maar meer daaroor volgende week!

Tot met die aanstelling van Kitch Christie, was dit ongehoord dat iemand wat nie self ‘n Bok was nie die Bok-afrigter sou word, en Oubal is redelik oortuig dat Saru nog minder vatbaar sal wees vir ‘n nie-Suid-Afrikaner. Die sein wat so ‘n stap uitstuur, sal ‘n aanklag teen Saru self wees, wat Oubal nie dink hulle bereid is om te erken nie. Afgesien daarvan, die pos van Bok-afrigter is so ‘n gifbeker “It is our choices that show what van politieke inmengery dat we truly are, far more than our Oubal nie kan insien dat eni- ablities.” — JK Rowling Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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