Bulletin 160129

Page 1

Fear lessl y the tr uth 29 January 2016


015 307 7248


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015 307 7756 40 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen

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Tzaneen’s new R17-million state-of-the-art municipal swimming bath will remain closed to the general public indefinitely — because of the GTM’s failed exercise to train capable lifeguards two weeks ago. However, they do not admit to their failure; instead it is the GTM’s official stance that the candidates featured in the two-day assessment can be trained within six months to be considered legitimate lifesavers. Until such time, no member of the public can make use of this excellent facility, paid for by their rates and taxes. The cost of this embarrassment is shrouded in mystery too, as the GTM avoided the issue in Bulletin’s official enquiry on the matter. Not only was the question of cost completely ignored, but acting manager of communications for the GTM, Mr Neville Ndlala, shockingly also denied even the existence of a lifesaving programme. “We do not have such programme; it is something that we are planning for the next financial year.” However, later in the same document he rather confusingly stated that “the gentlemen from Ethekwini Municipality came to asses them (lifeguard candidates) and see if they were ready for the programme.” Ndlala also refuted reports of a local coach who had allegedly offered to train lifeguards free of charge, and denied any knowledge of meetings held to the contrary. The possibility of sourcing swimmers from local swimming clubs, or suggesting the applications be opened to competent individuals outside of the municipality, seems

Gold and gold tones are being used everywhere in the design world.

futile. “Due to internal issues, including salary disparities and a review of the organisational structure, we have been unable to appoint an external person considering the fact that we are busy with the process of job evaluation.” At R20 entrance per adult at the turnstiles, a closed swimming bath will be rather costly to any municipality. The GTM seems to be shifting its responsibilities in an effort to curb their loss of potential income and gain some benefits from the swimming bath in the interim. “The pool is, however, open to those who have their own lifesavers as well as schools and clubs that want to stage swimming competitions. This can only be done through application,” Ndlala said. Bulletin’s official media enquiry and Ndlala’s response to it, can be read on page 3. It is clear that despite the contradictory statements and unanswered questions there remains one shocking truth: the residents of Tzaneen and surroundings will not be enjoying the poolside soon. • Also read “Our Opinion” on page 6 — Joe Dreyer


The heartbreaking face of the drought

Phidelia Rikhotso visited rural areas in the Mopani district during the past week. She was horrified by the impact of the drought and to see how desperate people dig into dry river beds for water. In next week’s Bulletin she will report in full on this tragedy.


‘n Oud-inwoner van Tzaneen wat hier aan die Hoërskool Merensky gematrikuleer het, Francois Maritz, is vinnig besig om die wêreld se topgewigopteller in sy gewigsklas te word. Hy het pas in Kanada van die wêreld se bestes uitgestof. Lees op bladsy 16 van sy sukses.

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29 January 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com Phidelia Rikhotso 073 562 7274 phidelia@bulletin.us.com Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue@bulletin.us.com Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com

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Ansie Smuts

Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba

076 333 0523




Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555


Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg hoop nou nie dat hy vandeesweek die verkeerde perd opsaal nie, en hy wil regtig nou nie iemand aspris die hoenders in maak nie. Vlieg is egter lankal nie meer bang nie, want hy weet dat blaffende honde nie byt nie. Dit is wel lekker om oor allerhande koeitjies en kalfies verslag te doen, maar elke nou en dan is dit seker nodig om die bul by die horings te pak. Dit is darem nou nie asof Vlieg ou koeie uit die sloot gaan grawe nie. Almal praat en skryf nou hieroor. Vlieg is nie onder ‘n kalkoen uitgebroei nie en dis nie maklik om hom vir ‘n aap te hou nie. Vlieg wil ook nou nie die bobbejaan agter die bult gaan haal nie, maar hy ken jakkalsstreke die dag as hy hulle sien. Hoewel jakkals nou nie sy eie stert wil prys nie, het Vlieg al begin Afrikaans praat kort nadat hy nog ‘n bobbejaan was en daarom wil hy die aapstuipe kry as al wat leef wat soveel van die Taal weet as ‘n kat van saffraan, vir Vlieg en sy medeTaalpraters wil vertel wanneer hulle kwansuis rassiste is. Vlieg kan seker nou nie vir alle andersdenkende andersdenkendes praat nie, en allermins vir enige eendersdenkende eendersdenkende, maar Vlieg kan seker maar die aap uit die mou laat dat hy darem self weet wanneer hy ‘n rassis is. Dis die waarheid soos ‘n koei dat hier-

die lot se argumente geen hond haaraf maak dat Afrikaanssprekendes hulle met diere vergelyk nie. Wat Vlieg betref vis hulle op droë grond en dink dat ‘n koei ‘n haas kan vang. Dis in elk geval soos donkie wat vir langoor uitskel. As enige van hulle die moeite wou doen om die Afrikaanse idioom te verstaan, sou hulle donkiejare gelede al agtergekom het dat baie mak skape in een kraal ingaan. Maar nou is dit ongelukkig ‘n feit soos ‘n koei dat ‘n mens ‘n perd tot by die water kan bring, maar hom nie kan maak suip nie. Vlieg wil herinner dat dit ‘n verkniesingsjaar is waar die bokke van die skape geskei gaan word, en sonder om die kar voor die perde te wil inspan, moet hulle besef dat elke hond sy dag kry. Die koei wat die hardste bulk is nie noodwendig die een wat die meeste melk gee nie. Elke hond wil graag baas wees op sy eie werf,

Home Affairs has become a slick affair The Department of Home Affairs in the Tzaneng Mall has evolved into a well-oiled technologically up-to-date operation. Fearing a long day to sort out paperwork, I arrived at the doors on the first floor at 07:30. The notice on the door read: Opening times Monday to Friday 08:00 – 16:00 and Saturday 08:30 – 12:30. A suited man exited from the closed doors and told me to go downstairs. He then led me to the chemist downstairs, where people were sitting on the steps. That was the beginning of the hundred people deep queue. It went all the way down Danie Joubert Street to Ickinger’s. I fell in line. The traditionally dressed elderly man in front of me said he’d been on the road since 05:00. His ID had been stolen. At precisely 08:h00 the suited man began hurrying everyone along.

The Palace Theatre in Manhattan, New York, minutes. employs the same tactic with its queues when In years gone by a make-shift booth around it’s opening time. Everyone was up those the corner got you your necessary photos. stairs and inside Home Affairs within fifteen This man is still outside Home Affairs with his billboard of photos and charges R30 for passport photos. He’s oblivious to the fact that Home Affairs now takes its own photos and these are included in the fees. The smart card, that replaces the ID, costs R140. It is free for senior citizens. A passport costs R400. There was zero paperwork to be filled in as this has been replaced with fingerprinting and electronic signatures. The thumb and fingerprinting machines appear fragile but aren’t. It’s advisable to press down hard on the glass to get an acceptable reading. All was completed by 08:45 and, whilst walking down the stairs seconds later, the sms came through confirming the applications. — Sue Ettmayr sue@bulletin.us.com

Fund raising for Tzaneen SPCA

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol

ral beauty. Money raised from the entry fees and pets’ food will be donated to the SPCA. Entry Fee: R100 + a tin of dog/ cat food. Spectators fee: dog/cat food. Registration: open at 09:00 and close at 09:30. Competition starts at 10:00. Dress code: casual (Love is in the air). Contact Leandri Schreiber on 078 387 6838 or e-mail jcschreiber@lantic.net for entry form or more info.

The kindness towards animals may not change the world; but it will certainly change the world for animals. Amone Modelling Agency has thus decided to stage a fun pageant to collect money for the SPCA in Tzaneen. Little Mr & Miss Valentine 2016 will be hosted on 13 February in the Tzaneen Primary School’s hall. Entrants will not have to be students of a modeling agency. The judges will look at poise, confidence, personality and natu-

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

maar dis jou eie honde wat die seerste byt. Daar is ‘n paar geveinsde jakkalse daarbuite, en al dra ‘n aap ‘n goue ring, hy is en bly ‘n lelike ding. As ons vir wolf gaan skaapwagter maak, kom ons almal kaal jakkalse anderkant uit. Vlieg beveel aan dat ons maar die kat mooi uit die boom kyk, want een brandsiek skaap steek die hele trop aan. Ons sal nie ‘n kat se kans hê as al hierdie klein jakkalsies die wingerd verniel het nie, en as ons verkeerd kies is ons almal so rooi soos ‘n kalkoen. Vlieg besef ook dat ons moet onthou as twee honde baklei oor ‘n been gaan die derde daarmee heen — en dan gaan ons soos kat en hond lewe totdat die perde horings kry of totdat hoenders tande kry. Intussen drink Vlieg maar soos ‘n vis en gaan slaap saam met die hoenders in die hoop dat agteros ook in die kraal kom!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.


Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 25/01/2016

Tzaneen 36.3%

Ebenezer 73.6%

Merensky 86.4%

Dap Naude 90%

Middel Letaba 27%

Blyde Rivier Poort 54.6%

Klaserie 60.5%

Tours 37.7%

Vergelegen 100.7%

Ohrigstad 9.4%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin danksy die wellwillende borgskap van Forum Makelaars Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

29 January 2016


POOLGATE II In regards to the GTM’s lifesavers programme, the candidates, their assessment and training we submitted the following questions to the municipality. Their spokesperson, Mr Neville Ndlala, responded as follows (our questions are numbered and in black, whilst his answers are in red [verbatim]): 1. What was the total cost incurred by the GTM for the travel, accommodation, remuneration and transport of the visiting coaches from KZN and was this an assessment or the start of training as you described it in your video interview? • No reply or comment from Ndlala! Why not, we wonder. 2. We are told that a local coach offered to conduct the training of lifeguards free of charge as a community service. Can you confirm this and if so, why did the GTM decline his offer? • We are not aware of any formal offer from any local coach to train lifesavers, if there is evidence of correspondence that evidence can be brought forward. 3. One of the prerequisites for candidates to enter a lifesaving program according to the SA Qualifications Authority is the ability to swim 100 meters (two lengths of the municipal bath) in two minutes. Judging by the performances of the candidates, they lack even the most basic aquatic dexterity. Why were local swimmers, from the SHAMU club for example, not invited to apply for the lifesaving programme? The average ten-year-old swimmer from swimming clubs can complete 100 meters freestyle in less than two minutes. • Due to internal issues that are currently being addressed such as salary disparities, review of the organisational structure, we have been unable to appoint an external person considering the fact that we are busy with the


process of job evaluation. 4. When will the swimming bath be open to the general public? In your status update on Facebook on 19 January 2016 you told the public that it would be open within a

week. • The swimming pool will only be open to the public only when there is a legitimate, qualified competent life saver, until then we cannot say when and the pool will remain closed to the general public. The pool is however opened to those who have their lifesavers as well as schools and clubs that want to stage swimming competitions. This can only be done through application. 5. Will the lifesavers be permanent employees of the GTM, for this purpose specifically? • At the present moment we are looking at a temporary basis, we will however appoint a full time lifesaver/s in the near future. 6. Who will handle the future training of the lifeguards? • This is matter that will be looked into as time progresses and as finances permits and necessitates. 7. One of the participants in your lifeguard training project admitted in an online comment that he cannot swim, yet the KZN coach, Gopaul Pillay, assessed the four candidates and said that they were swimmers who (just) need to brush up on their skills. Do you agree with his statement or would the GTM admit that this was a failed exercise and be willing to open the lifesaving applications to actual swimmers? •The coach is an expert in the field, he is currently looking after 52 public swimming pools in Ethekwini, his assessment was honest and we believe him. He said the guys are not ready and need at least 3-6 months daily training of one hour. 8. What is the budget allocated to the lifeguard programme? • We do not have such programme; it is something that we are planning for the next financial year.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen se interhuis-atletiekbyeenkoms het vir ‘n dag se pret én mooi at-

letiek gesorg. Die byeenkoms is versier deur ‘n kleureskouspel deur leerlinge.

...and ‘Fountaingate’ We also asked the GTM about the newly renovated water fountain in front of the

municipal building in Agatha Street. Their replies (verbatim) are in red:

1. Why has the fountain run dry in more or less mid-December? • The pump machine has problems and has been taken for repairs 2. Who was the contractor appointed to fix the fountain towards the end of 2015? • Corner 2 Corner, it a local company 3. How much will it cost to repair the fountain this time, and when will it be up and running again? • There won’t be any cost to the municipality, Corner to Corner it responsible for the repairs 4. Was a tender put out to prospective con-

tractors to repair the faulty fountain or has this been allocated to the maintenance department of the GTM? • Because the amount is less that R200 000, the appointment was done on a quotation basis 5. Why has it not been fixed yet, considering the fountain has been standing empty for longer than a month now, and is becoming the target of mockery aimed at the management of the GTM? • The pump has been taken for repairs by the contractor and a soon as its fixed the fountain will start functioning.


29 January 2016


istration numbers at the back. “During the arrest, Police recovered two firearms, packets of cigarettes, cash, powder milk and eight cell phones. Co-ordinated by: Meanwhile in Bolobedu, a 65-year-old man Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com was arrested at Mamphakhati village for a plantation of dagga worth R25 000. Maake: SAPS arrested nineteen people In another incident at Relela, Bolobedu South, over the past week in connection with as- a 14-year-old girl was arrested for possession sault GBH, rape, arson, malicious damage of dagga. to property, stock theft, contravening the Liquor Act, possession of dagga, possession Police and the Modjadji Royal of suspected stolen property, possession of House to fight crime an unlicensed firearm and contravening the The Tzaneen Police Cluster management led Road Traffic Act. by the cluster commander, Brig Thomas ShinTzaneen: SAPS arrested seventy people gange, joined hands with the Modjadji Royal over the past week in connection with as- House, led by Chief Mpapatla Modjadji, in sault common and GBH, crimen injuria, the fight against crime on Friday. “Bolobedu rape, shoplifting, theft, house robbery, bur- is policed by three Police stations: Bolobedu, glary, fraud, arson, possession of stolen Tzaneen and Mokwakwaila. These stations property, possession of dagga, possession of have recently experienced an escalation in sea dangerous weapon, possession of an unli- rious and violent crimes such as assault, murcensed firearm, illegal trading, prostitution, der, rape, attempted murder and business drinking in public, drunken driving and robberies; most of the incidents emanated and were influenced by the abuse of liquor, contravening the Road Traffic Act. allowed by liquor outlets owners” said Lt Col Dangerous criminals caught Moatshe Ngoepe, SAPS spokesperson. A sting intelligence-led joint operation com- He added that community based crime preprising of members of the SAPS Tzaneen vention structures and task teams will be and the Cluster Crime Intelligence have established by both the Police and the Royal cracked a crime syndicate of five members, House, to take more proactive measures to including of an old man and a woman who deal with these crimes. were terrorising people in the Maake, Rita- The residents of more than hundred villages vi, Tzaneen and Bolobedu Policing areas for in Bolobedu are encouraged to support the initiative, especially by helping the Police some time. According to the Tzaneen Police spokesper- with quality information about criminals in son, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, five suspects the villages. “Similar strategies will still be aged 21 to 32 years were arrested on a tip-off established in all the remaining Tribal Aufrom members of the community, reporting thorities in the Cluster according to the crime that the suspects were travelling from Lep- hotspots as per the crime analysis pattern,” hepane to Tzaneen in a Polo car without reg- concluded Ngoepe.

Mopani Crime Scene

Dorothy re-united with her family

soalo (Maake VEP manager) are seen here in Maake Police in partnership with the Depart- the company of the happy family members. ment of Health and Social development at Dr Help to identify unknown man C N Phatudi Hospital and Maake victim empowerment have successfully reunited Dor- The Bolobedu Police appeal to all members of othy Cathleen “Poppy” Fitzgerald with her the community to come and identify the body of an unknown man, thought to be about 30 family in Springs. According to Police spokesperson Const Ru- years old. According to a Police spokesperfus Magoro, Dorothy was accommodated at son, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, the man was Maake SAPS after she had been found lost at knocked down by a motor vehicle along the Maake Plaza. She was later admitted to Dr C Giyani-Polokwane road near Ga-Maphalle N Phatudi for mental observation. She was on 24 December 2015 at about 23:00 when he escorted home by the VEP manager, an assis- was crossing this road. He was wearing brown trousers and a white tant nurse and a social worker. “She was warmly welcomed home by her T-shirt. Anyone who can assist in identifying aunt Francis and her husband, Pieter van the deceased may come to Bolobedu Police Heerden. The family told the police that Dor- Station or call D/Const Mohale on 078 291 othy left in December when she decided to 9757 or 072 483 8795 (24 hours). live on her own and become independent. R71 claims another life She proved not to be capable of living on her own because of her mental status, lack of ed- One person died and sixteen others sustained injuries in a collision between a taxi and a ucation and social skills,” said Magoro. LDV along the R71 about 10 km outside Tzaneen on Saturday. Paramedics of ER24 transported two seriously injured patients to a hospital and another fourteen patients with minor injuries were taken to nearby hospitals. The cause of the accident is unknown. A case of culpable homicide has been opened and police investigations continue.

Ms Francis van Heerden (aunt), Mr Mona (assistant nurse), Constable Magoro (Maake SAPS communication officer), Mr Khunwane (driver: Dr C N Phatudi) and Mr Marothi Let-

Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Atletiek 29 Januarie

of koop ‘n tafel vir agt of tien persone. Juba is die Doel van die dag: Om BJV-lede die kans te gun gaskunstenaars. Bring jou eie piekniekmandjie en om te kwalifiseer vir die 2016 CHASA Interverenidrinkgoed! Daar gaan ook interessante artikels gingspan. Dames is welkom. opgeveil word, ten bate van die Hervormde geHaenertsburg ‘n Prestige atletiekbyeenkoms word vandag by die meente Tzaneen. Besprekings en/of navrae: MarHoërskool Ben Vorster gehou. Dinsdag word die na 082 555 7324 of 015 307 4508. Berry festival Uitsig-aflosbyeenkoms aangebied en Woensdag 6 & 7 February Dendron is dit die Skole Pro20-byeenkoms in Hoedspruit Skietdag The 2016 Berry Festival will follow a similar format tussen atlete van die Southern Cross-skool en Ben to previous years and will offer great fun once Vorster. 30 Januarie again. The highlight of the weekend is being able More se voorseisoen-skietdag word op die plaas van to pick your own delicious berries on working Tzaneen AL 3 Boerdery by De Loskop naby Dendron (Mogwa- farms. In the village you can visit the market where Kuier & dans di) gehou. Padaanwysings: van Polokwane neem die you can buy berry and local produce, home-made 29 Januarie Mogwadi-pad vir 42 km tot by die bord wat De Los- delicacies and village specialities. Local restauKuier en dans vanaand lekker saam, met die Her- kop en Morowe aandui. Draai links af op die grond- rants and tea gardens will be serving their own vormde Kerk Tzaneen se gemeente om 18:30 in pad na De Loskop en Morowe. Volg dié pad vir sowat unique berry faire including mouth-watering die groot tent by Highgrove. Koste R150/persoon, 8 km. Draai regs op die grondpad na die plaas (daar desserts and tantalising cocktails. Pick your own sal ‘n rooi vlag wapper). berries at one of the participating farms. There will Stuur jou lidnommer, naam en van as jy inskryf, na be fresh raspberries and blueberries to pick. You Rudi by e-pos: myburghrudi@gmail.com of sms na can also buy punnets of berries to take home with 083 229 0148. Inskrywings kos R150/persoon. Die you. Strawberries grown on local farms will also be inskryfgeld word more verhaal. Met aankoms by available to purchase. die skietbaan moet lede by die registrasietafel aan- At the Harvest Market you can buy fresh farm meld, waar lede hul inskryfnommer en puntekaart produce, choose from a selection of home-made ontvang. Die registrasietafel sluit stiptelik om 08:30. berry jams, pickles and preserves or visit the many Program: stalls where you can buy organic cheeses, home06:30 – 08:30 - Inskiet made cakes, plants, second-hand books, arts and 07:00 – 08:30 - Skuts meld aan by die registrasietafel. crafts and many other unique items. Voltooi vrywaring. 08:50 – 09:00 - Verwelkoming & reëlings. 09:00 - 15:00 - Skietdag oop en skuts word na skietbane met baanbeampte uitgeplaas. 15:00 18:00 - Skuts braai & kuier. 15:00 - Aankondiging van uitslae.


Verversings: Bring eie eetgoed, koeldrank en water saam. Daar sal nie eetgoed, koeldrank en water beskikbaar wees nie. Braai na skiet: Skuts moet eie vleis bring. Vure en pap met sous sal voorsien word. Skuts kan sodra hulle die hele baan geskiet het, braai en eet. Bring eie stoel. AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.

Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzn: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.

Tzaneen Care Group 9 Februarie Die Tzaneen Care Group, ‘n groep vrywilliger dames wat na kankerpasiënte omsien, hour weer op 9 Februarie ‘n vergadering. Navrae: Melissa Strydom by Tzaneen Cancer Care Centre in Maritzstraat 36, Aquapark, Tzaneen of by 071 302 1352 of faks na 086 457 5686 of e-pos na info@tzaneen-

Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.

caregroup.co.za of admin@tzaneencaregroup. co.za. Besoek gerus ook hul webwerf by www. tzaneencaregroup.co.za.

Tzaneen Mr & Miss Valentine 13 February Mr & Miss Valentine fun pageant to be held in the Tzaneen Primary School’s hall, to raise funds for the Tzaneen SPCA. Turn back to page 2 (if you missed it), to read the full details.

Vrydag, 29 Jan

Gr 8 – 11 Toetsroosters beskikbaar ATLETIEK @ HS Rob Ferreira, Witrivier

Saturday, 30 Jan

CRICKET: Super league vs PHS

Maandag, 1 Feb

Aankondiging van VLR (gr 9 – 12) PRESIDENTS AWARD: Gr 8-inligtingsdag

Tuesday, 2 Feb

Gr 8-boomplantdag 18:00 - Gr 12 Ouervergadering / Parents’ evening in the school hall

Woensdag, 3 Feb

08:00 - VLR-opleiding 14:15 – Leierskursus (gr 8-11) KRIEKET: T20-wedstryd

Friday, 5 Feb

ATLETIEK: vs HS Ben Viljoen, Groblersdal (weg)

Saterdag, 6 Feb

ARCHERY: ABO Triple Crown Leg 1 CRICKET: Super league vs Potchefstroom Gimnasium

NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14,

Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469. Send your info to / Stuur inligting aan: editor@bulletin.us.com

s j 3 0 8 1 6 _ J a n _ WK 4 _ L i m




2 0 1 6 - 0 1 - 2 0 T1 5 : 5 7 : 1 3 + 0 2 : 0 0

29 January 2016



29 January 2016


Our Opinion

The Message

Ongeluk wat plek soek...

29 January 2016 Dr Jan Truter Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele

Bad communication The Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s acting communications officer and also official spokesperson for the GTM should be advised by his employer to study the basics of good communication. Furthermore it would serve him (his reputation as a spokesperson) and his employer well to learn to respect the truth, to work with the facts and to accept that they are not the untouchable masters of the public. They are there (and getting paid damn well for it) to serve the public and especially their ratepayers. In the latest round the spokesperson deemed it necessary to lecture our journalists on the ethics and conduct in the print media, instead of supplying us with proper answers to our questions. His is more or less the last person to lecture anybody on ethics and conduct, and we shall tell our readers (and the public at large) next week how he can manipulate and/or ignore facts. He is also one of those politically driven public officials who call people racist if he can’t win an argument... and then fails miserably to substantiate his allegations, when confronted and challenged to submit proof for his wild, irresponsible and uncalled for allegations. We have been rather patient with this man, but we have now come to the point where we shall state and substantiate his rather suspicious conduct.

Local Hero

Francois Maritz is not a resident of Tzaneen at present, but he was one when he attended Merensky High School. He is now one of South Africa’s top weightlifters and his recent achievements have caused the world’s weightlifters’ to acknowledge that he is a strong world contender in his class. Read the full story on page 16.


Motoriste in Tzaneen raak toenemend gefrustreerd met straatsmouse wat in een van die dorp se besigste straatkruisings die verkeer ontwrig en ‘n gevaar vir hulself en motoriste skep. Die kruising van Danie Joubert-straat, Loopstraat en die Ou Gravelotte-weg wemel sommige dae van smouse wat tussen bewegende en stilstaande voertuie beweeg om hul produkte aan te bied. Onskuldige voetgangers wat daar stap (baie van hulle is werkers by die Tzaneen Lifestyle-sentrum en die MediClinic Tzaneen wat van of na hul werkplekke onderweg is) se veiligheid word onnodig bedreig en dit geld ook vir motoriste wat net nie genoeg oë het om die verkeer en voetgangers en die smouse dop te hou nie. Dit lyk nie of Tzaneen se verkeerslui of die munisipale bestuur/stadsraad oor verkeersorde in die dorp bekommerd is nie.

1368 057 24 9

Interesting Numbers

Next month ((February) cannot come in your life time again. Because this year February has: 4 Sundays, 4 Mondays, 4 Tuesdays, 4 Wednesdays, 4 Thursdays, 4 Fridays and 4 Saturdays. This happens once every 823 years!

Tree uit (of af) Raadslid Anza van Vuuren, Wyk 14, Tzaneen, skryf: Langs hierdie weg bring ek graag die volgende onder die aandag van u lesers: Vir die afgelope 10 jaar het ek gepoog om die gemeenskap van Tzaneen te dien as DA-lid van die stadsraad. Ter voorbereiding vir die plaaslike verkiesings later vanjaar, is die DA besig om landwyd kandidate te selekteer. Ek het, om verskeie persoonlike redes, besluit om my nie weer verkiesbaar te stel nie. Aan almal vir wie ek iets kon beteken het, is ek dankbaar, en vir diegene wat ek nie kon help nie, is ek jammer. In beide gevalle gee ek alle eer aan God want Hy bepaal watter deure vir ons oop- en toegaan. Voorts is ek trots om te weet dat ek alles met

www.bulletin.us.com Search “Bulletin”

Oliver Cromwell (1599 - 1658) het geweldige diep spore in Engeland se geskiedenis getrap. Hy is in 2002 deur ‘n meningspeiling van die BBC aangewys as een van Brittanje se belangrikste persone wat ‘n invloed op die Britse geskiedenis gehad het. Hy het die volgende wonderlike verhaal nagelaat in sy geskiedenis… In ‘n stadium het hy ‘n jong soldaat tot die dood veroordeel. Die soldaat sou voor ’n vuurpeloton sterf, sodra die aandklokkespel begin. Die bestemde uur het aangebreek en alles was gereed om die vonnis te voltrek… maar die klok wou nie lui nie! Wagte word toe in die toring opgestuur om te gaan kyk wat aan die gang is en waarom die klokke nie lui nie. Hulle kry toe ‘n jong meisie, met wie die soldaat sou trou, waar sy aan die groot klok se klepel vasklou, om die klok te verhinder om te lui. Haar arms en skouers was gekneus en haar hande was bebloed en stukkend geslaan van die geweld waarmee die klok heen en weer geswaai het. Die soldate het vir Cromwell gaan vertel wat aan die gang is. Die liefde van ‘n jong vrou het Cromwell so diep geraak dat hy uitgeroep het: “Jou geliefde sal leef. Jy het jouself geoffer. Jy het hom met jou eie lewe losgekoop. Hy sal nie sterf nie!” Hierdie menslike verhaal vertolk iets van wat die Here Jesus vir óns gedoen het! Ons is almal sondaars en rebelleer teen God en is so skuldig dat ons die doodsvonnis verdien. Jesus het egter vir ons ingetree. Hy het sy liggaam geoffer en die klok van God se oordeel oor ons vasgegryp, sodat dit nie lui nie en ons sodoende van die ewige straf gered. Op grond van Christus se offerdood aan die kruis is ons vrygespreek van die ewige dood. “Daar is dus nou geen veroordeling vir dié wat in Christus Jesus is nie… Hy het die sonde binne die sondige bestaan van die mens veroordeel, deur sy eie Seun in dieselfde gestalte as die sondige mens as ‘n offer vir die sonde te stuur” (Romeine 8:1 & 3).

Briewe • Letters integriteit gedoen het; ‘n genadegawe wat nie alle politici beskore is nie. Aan die duisende mense in Tzaneen wie se lojaliteit ek geniet, baie dankie daarvoor. Aan diegene wat my gedurende hierdie twee termyne ondersteun, verdra en gehelp het, ‘n besonder hartlike dankie. Sonder julle insette sou ek nie die gemeenskap kon dien nie; dit geld vir my onderskeie komitees, persoonlike vriende, talle van die GTM se amptenare en beide plaaslike koerante. Danksy julle het ons veral in Wyk 14 presteer en relatief goeie dienslewering geniet. Kom ons maak seker dat ons almal korrek geregistreer is as kiesers, en dat ons die voorreg benut om ons kruisies te gaan trek.

Visit our website or follow us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news

My beste wense aan almal wat dit verdien, mag julle baie genade ontvang, nie net vir hierdie jaar nie, maar ook vir die era wat voorlê in ons dierbare land. Laat ons in alles die wil van die Skepper soek en probeer volg. Ek is tans steeds tot julle diens, steeds beskikbaar by 082 808 3204.

Baie dankie Adri Kruger, Tzaneen Country Lodge, Tzaneen, skryf: Baie dankie aan die gemeenskap, sakevriende en vriende van hier en reg oor die wêreld vir al die telefoonoproepe, boodskappe, Whatsapp boodskappies sowel as deur middel van sosiale media, drukkies, blomme, en algemene ondersteuning gedurende die afsterwe van my sielsgenoot, beste vriend en grootste ondersteuner, Faan Kruger. Ek waardeer u meelewing uit die diepte van my hart.

Die mense hoor

Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! • Die pad van Tzaneen na Kgapane via Deerpark is nie snags die veiligste pad in die omgewing nie. Vir sommige raak dit gevaarliker, hoe nader aan Kgapane hulle kom, vir ander raak dit gevaarliker hoe nader hulle aan Tzaneen kom. Dit hang net af van waar die agente van die onwettige goed wag — op hul verskaffers of op hul klante. Snuif-snuif, ons storie oor die voorval is uit... • Dit help nie om met die een hand traktaatjies uit te deel en hoog geestelik voor te gee en met die ander hand jou skuldeisers te bedrieg nie. Een of ander tyd gaan iets oorkook, en dit het klaarblyklik nou gebeur. Die pap het aangebrand... • So van geestelik gepraat: Dis nou slim om jou voertuig in te ruil vir dieselfde model met dieselfde kleur, sodat die gemeentelede nie so maklik kan besef jy het ‘n nuwe wa uitgetrek nie. Veral natuurlik as jou gemeentelede bekommerd is oor die gemeente se finansies. Maar nou ja, die betrokke geestelike is al wyd bekend vir sy finansiële goëltoertjies. En daar is nóg wat sal uitkom... • Rassisme is nou hoër op Suid-Afrikaners se sakelys, so lyk dit, as die ekonomie wat aan flarde is. Ons hoor “attitudes” is volgende op die lys, om gelyk aan rassisme gestel te word. Né dokter...

29 January 2016



Building a legacy the Department of Communications, to train young people from mostly disadvantaged communities countrywide, in television and radio production. That was in 2001. That became her entry into an industry that made her what she is today. Molatelo’s beginning steps towards climbing the corporate ladder emerged in 2003, when she began her first business as an incubator of the Department of Communications, but she kept her day job and ran her businesses on the side. As the years went by she found herself moving from one organisation to the next. “There was this constant and growing urge that I was in fact wasting the time I could be using to grow the business and benefit others”. In 2009 she produced her first Khelobedu film that’s currently showing on Mzansi Magic, called Nnakotse. It was at this point that she decided to establish a film making project at her home village; and she is now training young people in television and film production. In 2013 she decided to resign from the job to focus on her business and projects. Although it’s hard and challenging she can look back and say, “It’s a decision I would make over and over again. It’s fulfilling”. On a freelance basis she wrote documentaries which aired on SABC, including one entitled Rwanda: Rise Dry Bones, a documentary entitled Makhwaya on eTV, and another one for SABC 2 entitled A Helping Hand (both were broadcast in 2013). Besides that Molatelo produced a long list of films. When asked what it has taken to get her to where she is right now her response was “Hard

work, passion, perseverance, vision and risk taking — it may sound like a cliché, but it’s real and practical like that”. As a natural storyteller and community builder, she finds television and film fulfilling especially when she finally gets to see an idea turned into a product and often seen by the masses. It’s the feedback that we often get from people that makes us want to achieve more. Molatelo explains the challenges of being an entrepreneur, both in the film industry and in her personal life: “Being an Molatelo during the SAFTAs 2015 at Gallagher Estate in entrepreneur, especially in Midrand in March last year the film industry, means you often go for months without an permanently keep them away from the streets, income. Making a TV programme or film can I can’t even start entering our name for awards take years, sometimes a decade before the reand recognition. Until we achieve this, it will sults can be seen. So, it’s difficult to sustain. always be work in progress for us”. Personally, I survive because of the support I Having laid the foundation and built her get from my family. They always jump in to profile for so many years, her business is at pay for this or to offer that when the business a stage where delivering a service or product is dry. For the film making project at home, will never be an issue, but it’s the platform to we get quite a lot of support from two loydo so and that has become a stumbling block al local business people who make sure the for them. project runs. It’s team work”. In November 2013 and 2015, Molatelo was Molatelo thinks that she really wasted a lot selected to be part of SA’s delegation of film of her time and resources on meetings, presmakers to the International Documentary entations and writing proposals that got her Film Amsterdam (IDFA) in Netherlands. She nowhere. In the end, she made a conscious toured Holland, Sunny Side of the Docs in La decision to reroute, and go back to the drawRochelle and France, visited the Toronto Intering board. “Although being a woman and national Film Festival in Canada in 2014, atblack does work against my business a lot of tended the World Congress of Science and the times, it’s not as harsh as the nepotism and Factual Producers Congress in Hong Kong in corruption that we experience on a day to 2014 and also attended the Dubai Internationday basis”. al Film Festival in 2014. Individually Mulatelo won the United NaDespite all these experiences it took a lot of tional Media Peace Award in the TV News making very serious mistakes, hard work, and Current Affairs category in 2007, which perseverance and not being shy to break the became an affirmation to in the work that she rules and divert from normality. Molatelo’s does. However, she feels her business hasn’t only regret is refusing to take part in a girl inreached the point where she can say, “we have itiation school. “I wish I could still do it now, achieved what we set ourselves to do”. it saddens me.” “Until we are in a position to create decent – Phidelia Rikhotso jobs for the young people we have trained, to phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Nuwe regspraktyk open Human Prokureurs is die jongste toevoeging tot die lys prokureursfirmas wat regsdienste in Tzaneen en omgewing lewer. Mnr Frederick Human het sy praktyk aan die begin van Januarie in die ERA-gebou in Agathastraat geopen. Human (29) is ‘n gebore

Tzaneener en ‘n oud-Vossie. Na sy studies het hy sy leerkontrak by Coetzer Prokureurs voltooi, waarna hy by Ruan Vorster Prokureurs aangesluit het. Aan die einde van verlede jaar het hy besluit om sy eie praktyk te open. Hy sê hy tree op in enige

regsaak, maar stel veral belang in familiereg, invorderings en mediese reg. Met verwysing na die relatiewe lang lys prokureurs in Tzaneen, sê hy hier is oorgenoeg werk vir die regsmanne om hulle mee besig te hou. Hy is bereikbaar by 082 337 0126.

Bushwise at Hoedspruit announced the appointment of Mr Vaughan Jessnitz as a FGASA Field Guide trainer who has been

part of the tourism industry for the last ten years, guiding and managing camps throughout SA, although focusing more on the Greater Kruger. Alongside his career he is also involved in various conservation and research projects specializing in entomology and bio-diversity mapping. Jessnitz has FGASA Level 2,

with full trails guiding qualifications. He also has a BSc in Life Sciences (Entomology & Ecology) and is currently working on obtaining his FGASA level 3. Bushwise offers comprehensive FGASA Professional Field Guide courses and Hospitality Internship Placements at Safari lodges in Southern Africa.


Molatelo Maenetje’s ambitious project to push boundaries and explore beyond the road less travelled, has made her to receive mixed reviews and exploring the world. Molatelo is an award-winning TV producer, video director and documentary film maker. She’s the founder of the Bolobathaba Film Project based at Mokwakwaila, has worked as a trainee video editor at Generations on SABC1, worked for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Africa Bureau as a local producer and eNews Channel Africa (eNCA) as a news collector and later as a producer. She is a board member and secretary of the Documentary Filmmakers Association of SA. Molatelo explains growing up at Block 5 at gaModjadji and attending schools in remote villages as a daunting task; there were so many things to do in the bush then. “I’ve fond memories of how we used to pick wild fruits and vegetables, or play in the flowing streams or collect water or firewood. We didn’t have access to TV and other things that kids have access to today. A lot of us girls in my village, not just boys, did look after their parents’ goats, cows or sheep. I did this too at some point and I loved it. It was tough though, and if one goat didn’t return home I would get a lashing from my mother,” she said with a giggle. She would not even have thought she would one day be the businesswoman which she is, let alone to find herself in the television and film industry. Her ultimate big break in the industry was being chosen as part of the first intake of students at the then newly established National Electronic Media Institute of South Africa (NEMISA). She obtained a post-graduate Diploma in TV Production from the Institute. The institute was an initiative by

29 January 2016


Dit reën tassies in Mopani Sestig gr 1’s in Tzaneen, Modjadjiskloof en Letsitele het skooltassies as geskenk ontvang. Die Solidariteit Helpende Hand-takke in die omgewing het hard gewerk om seker te maak die kinders is reg vir hul eerste skooldag. Die tassies is aan die Laerskool Tzaneen, die Laerskool Duiwelskloof en die Laerskool Dr Annecke oorhandig — tot groot vreugde van die skoolhoofde en personeellede. “Ons is baie dankbaar vir die tassies. Daar is so baie swaarkry dat dit ’n mens se gemoed goed doen om kinders te help,” het mnr Vic Rijnen, die Laerskool Tzaneen se hoof gesê. “Helpende Hand glo dat armoede aangepak kan word deur in opleiding te belê, en dit begin reeds met die gevoel van hoop wat by gr 1’s geskep word, wanneer hulle die nodige skoolgoedjies kry en hulle ’n gelyke geleentheid gebied word,” sê Dr Danie Brink,

Helpende Hand se uitvoerende direkteur. Elke skooltassie het al die nodige skryfbehoeftes bevat, maar vanjaar is daar ʼn paar bykomende goed, onder meer ’n teddiebeer, om ‘n ekstra bietjie liefde vir die kinders te gee. Altesame 4 762 tassies is vanjaar aan behoeftige gr 1’s geskenk en die totale waarde van die projek is nagenoeg R1,8 miljoen. Jy kan help om kinders se “Eendag as ek groot is”droom te bewaarheid. SMS die woord “Tassie” na 38969 om R10 te skenk, wat kan bydra om ʼn tassie vol skryfbehoeftes te maak. Helpende Hand se takke in Tzaneen en Letsitele is passievol om kinders te bemagtig. Die tassieprojek is die eerste van verskeie projekte wat beplan word. Vir meer inligting: Marianthie van der Walt by 082 741 7858 of e-pos by marianthie@ helpendehand.co.za.

LINKS BO is mee Sinette van Dyk (gr 1-onderwyseres), Sonet van Rensburg (gr 1-onderwyseres) en mnr Hennie Greyling (hoof) van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof by die oorhandiging van die skooltassies. ONDER is me Riekie Smit (Helpende Hand in Tzaneen se voorsitter), mnr Willes Steenkamp (‘n adjunkhoof by die Laerskool Tzaneen), me Elmarie Jansen (graadhoof vir gr 1 by die Laerskool Tzaneen) en me Wilma Bredenkamp (ondervoorsitter van Helpende Hand in Tzaneen).

Valentine’s Day Dinner at

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Mnr Carel Minnaar (‘n bestuurslid van Helpende Hand in Letsitele), mee Surika Knoetze (gr 1-onderwyseres by die Laerskool Dr Annecke), Dawn Zaayman (gr 1-onderwyseres by Dr Annecke) en mnr Chris van Eck (‘n bestuurslid van Helpende Hand in Letsitele) is hier by die oorhandiging van skooltassies vir behoeftige leerlinge van die Laerskool Dr Annecke. Die skool was een van drie in die omgewing wat tassies ontvang het.


Valentine’s Menu Welcome Drink Glass of Champagne Starter (Platter for 2) Bruschetta topped with Smoked Salmon, Cream Cheese & Fennel Biltong & Cheese Pancake Feta Fingers drizzled with Cranberry Sauce

Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) issued the following statement regarding “the notice issued by Star Mills on behalf of the High Court”.

REGS: Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof in Modjadjiskloof het ook twee nuwe leerkragte aan die begin van die nuwe kwartaal (en jaar) verwelkom. Hulle is mee Elri Verster en Ilona Pohl.

“It is worth noting that the Sherrif has not confiscated the said belongings of the municipality, (tipper truck, Nissan and Isuzu bakkies) because the issue was still being dealt with by our legal team. The municipality owed legal fees on an issue that was settled out of court which involved Star Mills requesting documents from the GLM through court. The GLM then decided to hand in the documents to the company which meant that the issue had to be settled out of court with the GLM paying the legal bill owed by Star Mills to its lawyers. The money amounted to R17 512,07. The GLM’s assets will not be attached. At the time of publication of the notice to attach, the money had already been paid and the notice of the upliftment was already issued by the high court on 15 January 2016.

14 February 2016 @ 19:00 R150 Per Adult Accommodation Special: ONLY R750 for double room, bed & breakfast valid on 12, 13 &14 Feb 2016

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GLM paid Star Mills

Me Isabel Schoonraad is ‘n nuwe onderwyseres by die Laerskool Tzaneen.


29 January 2016



29 January 2016


SKOLE NUUS Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het vyf nuwe personeellede verwelkom. Voor is mee Elsabé von Straate en Liezl Kriel en agter staan mnre Regardt Kleingeld, Uwe Sauer en Rynier de Jager (krieketorganiseerder).

Nuwe Vossies gly-gly ingelyf Die nuwe gr 8-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se oriëntering is Vrydag met ‘n prettige water- en waatlemoenfees afgesluit. Die oriënteringweek het ten doel gehad om met harde werk en toewyding ‘n groentjiekonsert op die planke te kry, om groepsgehegtheid in die graadgroep te

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het weer vanjaar volgens ‘n Vossie-tradisie met die gr 8’s ‘n boomplanting gehou. Die tradisie het in 2012 begin en vanjaar se matriekgroep is dus die eerste groep wat die skool verlaat en hul bome as nalatenskap agter laat. Die gr 8’s het besondere broodbome

vestig, en om die tradisies en gebruike in Vossieland aan die nuwelinge bekend te stel. Dit is met groot sukses bekroon, met ‘n baie suksesvolle konsert. Die gr 8’s is met ‘n waterfees vir hul harde werk beloon. Die waterfees het nie net pret ten doel gehad nie, maar is gesien as ‘n amptelike inlywing as ware Vossies.

van Wulveskop Estate langs die Vossies se netbalbane geplant, en die boodskap van natuurbewaring uitgedra. Daar is drie Trispinosus, twee Arenarius en een Princeps geplant. Op die foto is ‘n groep van die gr 8’s nadat hulle een van die broodbome geplant het.

Groentjies vermaak soos wafferse akteurs Die nuwe gr 8’s van die Hoërskool Ben Vor- koördineerder, verdien ‘n groot dankie. • Die saamgestelde foto onder is van enkele ster het verlede week hul ware kleure tydens die Groentjiekonsert gewys. Die standaard tonele uit die konsert. was hoog en ouers en mede-leerlinge is deur die optredes bekoor. Die standaard wat gestel is ongeag die feit dat hulle slegs drie dae gehad het om te oefen, is merkwaardig. Die fyn humor en deurlopende tema van ‘n reis deur Vossieland, gesien uit die oogpunt van Rooikappie, was baie suksesvol. Goeie talent is ten toon gestel, waaroor die Vossies opgewonde is. Die leerlingraadlede, gr 8-leerlinge en me Jorina Vorster, die

‘n Uitsonderlike nuwe tradisie is die afgelope week by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gevestig. ‘n Ouer, mnr Manie Kriel, het vir die seuns van die leerlingraad nuwe gordels met die buffelkop op die gespe geskenk. Die gedagte is om dit moontlik in die toekoms deur te voer na die hele gr 12-groep. Dit gordels is deur mnr Des van Niekerk van Phalaborwa gemaak.

Orde van die Buffel 2016… Die Orde van die Buffel is ‘n Vossie-tradisie waar die nuwe gr 8’s by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster verwelkom word. Die tradisie is onlangs voortgesit om vanjaar se nuwelinge te verwelkom. Tydens die seremonie het die hoofmeisie, Juliana Croukamp, die skoolklok gelui en toe het die hoofseun, Shima Mphahlele, die hekkie amptelik oopgesluit. Elke gr 8-leerling het deur die hekkie geloop, terwyl

Mee Isolde Fasondini (adjunkhoof) en Hannelie van Heerden staan hier by mnr Cliff Bosman, wat ‘n groot skenking aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gemaak het. Dit sal aangewend word vir die versorging van minder bevoorregte Vossies. Die Vossies is opreg dankbaar vir die mooi gebaar. Skole word toenemend meer afhanklik van die gemeenskap se hulp op dié terrein.

hul name gelees is. Die hekkieloop simboliseer die nuwe gr 8’s se toetrede tot Vossieland. Aan die einde van die jaar sluit die gr 12’s hul skoolloopbaan af, deur by dieselfde hekkie uit te stap. Op die foto’s hierby word van die gr 8’s deur die skoolhoof, mnr Chris Denysschen, aan die binnekant van die hekkie verwelkom. Op die groepfoto slaan die res van die skool se leerlinge die seremonie gade.

29 January 2016


Plasie hikers work for silver award Nine pupils from Grades 9 to 12 went tions and the 50 km was completed Participants learnt more about the on a three day hike in Magoebaskloof. with ease as all the hikers prepared environment and spotted very scarce This venture is part of the President’s well in advance for this endeavour. Knysna Loeries, as well as Samango Award at Merensky monkeys. Once these hikers High School, and the hikers are working complete their jourfor their silver status. nals, they will start to prepare for the The adventure started on Friday mornprestigious golden Presidential Award. ing, leaving from Broederstroom to The hikers thanked Dokolewa to SeepMss Ada Venter, Wilsteen and ending lemien van Niekerk, Yolandé Rautenbach close to Debegeni and Adri Venter, who Waterfall on Sunday. The hikers were for- The hikers were caught on camera at one of the spots where they took a rest. In the back are Ryan Jackson, Bianca accompanied them tunate to experience Spies, Marlu Mclean and Lize Crafford, and in front are Eljana Fleischmann, Tahiiya Moosa, Chantelle Maswanga- on this exciting admild weather condiventure. nyi, Belinda Nzadi and Jhillika Kesa.


SCHOOL NEWS The team made time available to pose for a photo with the Spur’s manager, after their dinner. Seen here are, in front: Gavaza Mashele, Carmen Nagel and Altacia Gubitz, and in the back are Mr Riaan Heine, Ntsaki Nyathi, Christopher Hyland and Jason Viljoen.

Plasie spirits run high for athletics Merensky High School’s singing team has always been a huge part of the athletics scene. This year is no exception and Plasieland promises to support the athletics team by delivering another high spirited performance on the pavilion during the 2016 inter high, to be hosted by Frans du Toit High School in

Merensky pupils support blood drive…

As they often do, Merensky pupils were eager to participate in the SANBS blood drive last week. Over the years willing Plasies have donated many litres of this precious commodity. Merensky is proud to support this life-saving initiative. Seen donating blood are Ashley Jansen van Rensburg and Limeryn Steyn.

Funfilled MooPoo… On Wednesday last week the traditional MooPoo event at Merensky High School created much excitement. During this well-known ceremony all new teachers and pupils were given the opportunity to confirm their loyalty to Plasieland, by dipping themselves into a mix of water, mud and cow dung. The new teachers were first in line. Then all new Gr 9 to 12 pupils underwent this dunking, with the Skivvis (Gr 8’s) hot on their heels. Each new Plasie carcass and milk production received a certificate, declaring their proud, thoroughbred Plasie status. Seen in the photo above is Tian Viljoen being of the Pinzgauer. “assisted” by Joe Raspel, and below Michaela Viljoen, Thato Messrs Client Moyo, also Phalane and Ntsaki Nyati are having some muddy fun.

Merensky and ZZ2 take hands During an exciting combined venture, ZZ2 delivered fourteen young Pin²Zyl heifers to Merensky High School’s farm. The heifers were born in 2014. AgriMerensky pupils will be involved in the daily care, taming and handling of the animals. The Pin²Zyl breed is a cross between the African Nguni and European Pinzgauer races. The Pin²Zyl retain the Nguni skin and ruggedness against diseases and pests, but obtain the better quality

known as “Double Zero”, and Andries Malepe, both seasoned showmen of ZZ2, will assist during the domestication process, as the first Merensky Youth Show is due to take place later this year at Merensky. AgriMerensky thanks Messrs Paul Bester, Lourens de Jager and Ms Sonia Potgieter from ZZ2 for their involvement in this project.

Mnr Frik Smith is die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se nuwe Faktotum.

Visit our website at www.bulletin. us.com

Leiers werk hard

Hier is die span leiers. Voor is mnr Thys Wessels, Megan Jardine en Nikita Pohl. In die middelry is me Roché Vermaak, Mothibedi Motau (onderhoofseun), Joné du Toit (hoofmeisie), Annelene Rood, Anies Wiese, Lethabo Mahasha, Kgadi Mahlane, Kayla van Zyl (onderhoofmeisie), Hlogi Senyolo en Charmaine Ramokhola en agter is Christiaan Meyer, Martin Venter, Mixo Khoza en Janderik Eloff (hoofseun).

Die hoof en personeel van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof is in hul noppies met ‘n nuwe span leiers wat besonder hard werk om orde by die skool te help handhaaf. Die span het die jaar begin met ‘n

Delightful Gr 8 concert… Last week Merensky

High School’s annual Gr 8 concert exceeded all expectations, when Walt Disney and his main characters took to the Plasie stage. After a mere three days rehearsal, the skivABOVE: Messrs Client Moyo, Lourens de Jager, Ms Christelle van der West- vis proved themselves worthy of their new Plasie status huizen and Mr Andries Malepe are seen here in the Pin²Zyl’s area (with with superb acting, colourful costumes and superb dance moves. As tradition dictates, the pupils’ council took sole some of the heifers behind them).




Phalaborwa on 19 February. The cheerleaders who will lead this year’s inspired singing team were announced and are already planning spectacular moves for the yet unveiled theme. Mr Riaan Heine, manager at Misty River Spur, treated them to a complimentary dinner.

leierskamp by Munnik. Die hoofleiers is toe ook verkies. Die hoofseun is Janderik Eloff, Joné du Toit is die hoofmeisie, die onderhoofseun is Mothibedi Motau en die onderhoofmeisie is Kayla van Zyl.

responsibility in planning and producing a most enjoyable show to an appreciative audience. Photo 1 shows Bercha Venter, Duan Gubitz and Dirk Crafford in action. In photo 2 Mokgadi Ramokgoma, Bercha Venter, Dirk Crafford and Sippe Klawer are seen in one fo the acts. Photo 3 shows Kapil Kesa and Bercha Venter and photo 4 shows Wikus Swart, Dirk Crafford and Joa du Toit in a very serious situation.



29 January 2016


Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is Phetole Moses Masenamela I am looking for a job as driver I have a code 14 can PRDP. And I can speak English I have 4 years experience (ref: Mr Maabuza 072 233 9713) contact me on 078 555 6780 (10)______________________________

My name is Mohlaloganyi Errens Kgatle I am looking for a driver job I have a code EC1 I speak English I have experience or any other general work. Contact me on 083 464 3998 (11)______________________________

My name is Bruce Monyela I am looking for a driver job I have code 10 with P.D.P I speak English contact me on 072 146 4975 (12)______________________________

My name is Khotso Seoka I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 with PDP or any other general work I speak English full time or part time have experience driving 8 ton truck. Contact me on 076 716 5501 (13)______________________________

My name is P M Masinamele I am looking for a driver work I have code 10/14 with PDP I speak English or any other general work contact me on 076 693 3611 (14)______________________________

My name is Neville Seshoka I am looking for a driver work I have code 10 with PDP I have 2 years experience at Wisani Burial Society as a driver I can speak English contact me on 073 275 4968 (15)______________________________

My name is Solomon Malumane i am looking for a driver work i have a code 10 licence with PDP, i have matric, computer, speak English also have a ABET Certificate full time (waiting for my NQF Level 4 business certificate) Contact me on 073 378 6409 (16)______________________________

My name is Moses M. Motseo i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP have 5 years experience speak English full time or part time contact me on 072 122 2048 (17) ______________________________

Domestic My name is Grace M. Machete i am looking for work as domestic worker or office cleaner i speak English sleep in or out full time or 3 days or Shop Assistant contact me on 072 923 1199 (273)_____________________________

My name is Mendy S. Machete i am looking for work as domestic or office cleaner / shop assistant i can speak English sleep in or out full time or 3 days contact me on

082 8333 570 (274)______________________________

My name is Jesca Mathebula i am looking for work a cleaner i have Security and Civil Engineering Plumber level 2 i speak English contact me on 072 546 2550 (275)______________________________

My name is Irene Mboweni i am looking for work as cleaner or cashier i have experience in Security contact me on 083 345 5866 (276)______________________________

My naam is Teresa Masetla ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk slaap uit praat Afrikaans Man – Sat of 3 dae of kantoor skoonmaker (het by ‘n dagsorg gewerk vir 11 jaar) skakel my by 076 891 1218 (277)______________________________

My name is Christina Peta i am looking for work as domestic i can cook and look after children full time or 3 days contact me on 082 881 1142 (278)______________________________

My name is Annikie Mahasha i am looking for domestic work for 2 days contact me on 076 775 0455 (279) _____________________________

My name is Shima Johannes Malesa i am looking for work as gardener i speak English, Mon – Fri or 3 days contact me on 073 619 9188 (280) _____________________________

My name is Annah Maphosa

i am looking for work as a domestic or any general work i can look after children i can speak Afrikaans i can cook , full time or 3 days a week contact me on 078 037 3075 (281) _____________________________

My name is Sarah M. Mashatola i am looking for domestic work i can look after children and cook or office cleaner i speak English sleep out full time or 3 days contact me on 073 988 0841 (282) _____________________________

My name is Tsakane J. Ralepelle i am looking for domestic work of office cleaner i speak English full time or 3 days sleep out. Contact me on 063 287 6289 (283) _____________________________

My name is Maria Mangena i am looking for domestic work or general work i can speak English and i can also look after children. I have 8 years experience. (ref: Santa van Wyk : 011 787 4160) contact me on 073 308 3535 (284) _____________________________

my name is Valliey Mashaba i am looking for domestic work or any general work i can look after children and speak English, 5 days or 3 days a week. I have a cleaners certificate and grade 11 contact me on 073 439 5450 (285) _____________________________

My name is Dolly M. Peta i am looking for domestic

work or general work i can speak English look after children, i have a cleaner certificate and grade 10, 5 days or 3 days a week contact me on 063 357 4117 (286) _____________________________

My name is Betty Matemane i am looking for domestic work sleep out i speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 076 161 5322 (292)_____________________________

My name is Lala E. Monyela i am looking for domestic work or office cleaner, i speak English Mon – Fri , sleep out contact me on 076 111 6479

My name is Maria M. Maake i am looking for domestic work i speak Afrikaans full time or 3 days a week sleep out or office cleaner. Contact me on 072 506 0033

(287) _____________________________


My name Sophy M. Sebopetsa i am looking for domestic work i speak English sleep out Mon – Fri, contact me on 079 218 0278

My naam is Robert Adam Masedi ek is opsoek na tuinwerk of bos snyer, praat Afrikaans Man – Vry of 3 dae skakel my by 071 185 1675

(288) _____________________________


My name is Morine Kgapane i am looking for domestic work, i speak English sleep in or out Mon – Fri or office cleaner. Computer literacy shop assistant. Contact me on 078 556 1723

My name is Joyce M. Malatji i am looking for domestic work or office cleaner i speak English sleep in or out full time or 3 days a week contact me on 078 999 6795


My name is Mmalebefe Sharon Malatji i am looking for domestic work, i speak English full time or 3 days sleep out, office cleaner i can cook. Contact me on 079 980 7136 (290)_____________________________

My name is Sharah Khombo Baloyi i am looking for domestic work, i speak Afrikaans, Sotho sleep in or out full time or 3 days or office cleaner. Contact me on 071 586 0012 (291)_____________________________


My name is Jane Malatji i am looking for domestic work i can speak Afrikaans sleep out i have 7 years experience contact me on 072 552 9581 (296)_____________________________

Admin My name is Vanessa Mhlarhi i am looking for H.R Office Assistance work i have grade 12 and N4 Human Resources i can speak English contact

me on 073 627 5710 (28) ______________________________

i speak English full time or part time contact me on 076 99 2224 (100)_____________________________

General My name is Micheal M. Seroto i am looking for gardener work, i have PA education i speak English full time or 3 days i can also make wooden cabinets contact me on 073 036 5792 (96)______________________________

My name is Lerato Mailula i am looking for work in a shop or cashier or office cleaner or house cleaner i am computer literate is speak English full time or 3 days contact me on 079 047 8781 (97) ______________________________

My name is Jennifer Ralepelle i am looking for work in a shop or cashier work or office cleaner or house cleaner i have matric i speak English full time or 3 days contact me on 063 375 5017 (98) ______________________________

My name is Moses M. Motseo i am looking for security work i have Grade E – C work in cash in transit (PSiRA) and Response Security Officer) contact me on 072 122 2048 (99) ______________________________

My name is Matlapane W. Malesa i am looking for work as a assistant to a HIV councillor i have a certificate

My name is Legadima Grace Mahloromela i am looking for cashier work full time or part time, computer literacy National N4 certificate i speak English i have experience (Ref: Me Botha 083 305 7963) contact me on 073 1888 448 (101)_____________________________

My name is Masilo Malatjie i am looking for work in gardening, painting, driver or security or any other general work i have grade 12 code 10 licence i speak English full time or part time contact me on 071 052 4434 (102)_____________________________

My name is Sylvia M. Mohale i am looking for Security work i have Grade E-C plus SIRA, or shop assistant i speak English full time or part time or office tea lady contact me on 078 233 9937 (103)_____________________________

My name is Auntonet T. Mhlongo i am looking for Security work i have Grade E-C with SIRA, computer literacy code 10 licence, i speak English or Reception work or cashier as well full time or part time contact me on 071 242 6018 (104)_____________________________

Business directory | Sakegids

Jacques de Beer 072 731 4084

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29 January 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur

Huise / Houses

Een Slaapkamer, oopplan wooneenheid te huur. 4.5 Km op Georges Valley pad. R2 500 water en ligte ingesluit. Kontak Dolf Smith 083 239 9549

Three bedroom, home in Aqua Park, open plan, with spacious garden, fully fenced affordable rent R6500 available 1st Feb. Neat, spacious, secure open plan flat, situated in bushveld surrounds close to Tarentaalrand off R71. Contact: 082 849 2603/079 8818 548.



Woonstelle / Flats

Huis te huur Magoebaskloof R 5200.00 pm (water & ligte ingesluit). 20 km buite die dorp. Drie slaapkamer, twee badkamer. Omhein. Garage. Groot tuin. Buite huis vir gaste. Contact: 083 514 5767 of 0736531228

For Sale Te Koop GEEN AGENTE! Huis te koop in Aquapark. Groot erf met eie boorgat 4 slaapkamer, 3 badkamer, kantoor, sitkamer, Tv kamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, 3 motor afdakke, onder dak braai/onthaal area. Prys: R1.4 miljoen Kontak: Thys 076 410 9503 Dec201__________________________

Medipark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, parkering vir 1 voertuig, gesamentlike swembad, geen kleuters of troeteldiere. R2 700 Danie Joubert Str Office to rent. Deposit R4 800 Payment per month R 4 800

Nuus so vars

soos jou ouma se koeksisters!

Medipark 2 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, parkering vir 2 voertuie, loop afstand van skole, eie erf omhein, troeteldiere welkom. R4 550 Medipark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 vol badkamer, aparte sitkamer, kombuis, parkering vir 1 voertuig, braai area, stil rustige omgewing, geen troeteldiere of kleuters. R3 000

Aquapark (du pleks) 2 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis. R4 950 Plaas Pusela 3 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, groot sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, 1 toesluit motorhuis, erf omhein, koopkrag. R4 700 Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel: 083 448 5171 Annette: 083 443 0328

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede

Legals | Geregtelik NOTICE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000, that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, intend applying to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to operate a guesthouse on Erf 149 Tzaneen Extension 2, situated at 37 King Edward Street. The land is zoned for “Residential 1” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Town-Planning Scheme.

Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen en by die kantoor van die Bestuurder, Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, 0850 vanaf 22 Januarie 2016. Persone wat enige beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar saam met die gronde daarvoor skriftelik indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, voor of op 19 Februarie 2016. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850

Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen and the office of the Manager Planning and Economic Development, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen from 22 January 2016. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds therefore in writing, with the Municipal Manager, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, not later than 19 February 2016. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850



KENNISGEWING TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 Ooreenkomstig Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, van voornemens is om aansoek te doen by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir Spesiale Toestemming om ‘n gastehuis te bedryf op Erf 149, Tzaneen Uitbreiding 2, geleë te King Edwardstraat 37. Die erf is tans vir “Residensieël 1” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde dorpsbeplanningskema. Planne en/of besonderhede van hierdie aansoek is ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers,


co.za Tel: 015 307 1333 Docex: Ref: JT/ap File No: AB2474 Jan403____________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 5344/2009 In the case between: DR SPIES & PARTNERS EXECUTION CREDITOR And MR SELLO PHILLIP MOREMI (ID: 621123 5853 089) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 10 February 2010 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 11 February 2016 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO.2 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, LETABA to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE 1 X KIC BOX FREEZER 1 X SAMSUNG MICROWAVE OVEN 1 X DINING ROOM SUITE, TABLE & 8 CHAIRS 1 X 6 SEATER 3 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X SMALL KIC BOX FREEZER SIGNED AT TZANEEN on the 6th day of January 2016. SHERIFF OF THE COURT (Sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 Tel : 015 307 6797 Docex: 18 Ref : EMAKHUTHUDISE File No: AA5681 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008;

(Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON OR CHRISTIE BOUWER. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Jan404____________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 1864/15 In the matter between: MERENSKY HIGH SCHOOL BODY CORPORATE Execution Creditor And EDITH NTAVASI KUBAYI Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION ON THE INSTRUCTIONS of the Execution Creditor, the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor will be sold by public auction, on FRIDAY 26 FEBRUARY 2016 at 10:00 by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of NKOWANKOWA district RITAVI to the highest cash bidder: Venue of the sale: OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF RITAVI, LIMDEV BUILDING, 1 BANKUNA ROAD, NKOWANKOWA 1 X KIC DEFY DEEP FRIDGE 1 X LG MICROWAVE 1 X 4 TABLE AND CHAIRS 1 X SAMSUNG PLASMA T V 1 X 3 PC LOUNGE SUITE 1 X DEFY STOVE 1 X COFFEE TABLE 1 X LG MUSIC SYSTEM 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Bankuna Road, Nkowankowa.

Visit our website at

www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news

3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 19th day of JANUARY 2016. (SGD) JH JACOBSZ JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET PO BOX 35 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 3660 REF: JH JACOBSZ/bm/ AM7670 Jan405____________________________

NOTICE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000, that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, intend applying to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to operate a Nursery School on Portion 73 of the farm Lushof 540-LT, situated 600m south of the R71 approximately 6km east of the Tzaneen CBD. The land is zoned for “Agricultural” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Town-Planning Scheme. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen and the office of the Manager Planning and Economic Development, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen from 29 January 2016. Any person having any

objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds therefore in writing, with the Municipal Manager, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, not later than 26 February 2016. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Jan406____________________________

KENNISGEWING TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 Ooreenkomstig Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, van voornemens is om aansoek te doen by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir Spesiale Toestemming om ‘n Kleuterskool te bedryf op Gedeelte 73 van die plaas Lushof 540-LT, geleë ongeveer 6km oos van die Tzaneen SBG en 600m suid van die R71. Die eiendom is tans vir “Landbou” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde dorpsbeplanningskema. Planne en/of besonderhede van hierdie aansoek is ter insae gedurende gewone

kantoorure by Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen en by die kantoor van die Bestuurder, Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, 0850 vanaf 29 Januarie 2016. Persone wat enige beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar saam met die gronde daarvoor skriftelik indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, voor of op 26 Februarie 2016. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Jan407____________________________


NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In compliance with the judgment of the magistrate’s Court and the Re-issue of Warrant of Execution served on the 20 NOVEMBER 2015 the under mentioned goods will be sold in execution on 12 FEBRUARY 2016 at 11:00 at SOEKMEKAAR MAGISTRATE’S COURT, MAROBENG The highest bidder, viz:. The following will be for sale: 1 X 1 COMPUTOR 1 X 3 PEACE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X 5 OFFICE CHAIRS 1 X 20 COFFIN DATED AT LOUIS TRICHARDT on this 20 day of JANUARY 2016 VAN DER MERWE & ROBERTSONS ATTORNEYS C/O KERN& DEKKER INC ATTORNEYS FOR PLANTIFF P O BOX 25 / DOCEX 5 105 KROGHSTREET LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920 TEL: 015 516 0136 REF: MUTHEVHULI/adp/ A00896 Jan408____________________________

Administration Clerk Receptionist We are looking for someone that has good administration skills, and financial experience, must be hard working and driven, bilingual. Basic reception duties: Invoicing on pastel, Receipting and processing all payments Banking of daily takings, Capturing receipts, credit notes and invoices to the right accounts, Daily batching of receipts and weekly batching of credit notes and invoices, Attending to congregants accounts queries, Opening, closing and maintaining of congregants accounts, Updating congregants details, Managing of petty cash, Monthly updates, Creditors and debtors, Bank Recons, Filling, General Admin Duties. Minimum Requirements: Knowledge of Pastel, Basic computer literacy (Microsoft Word, Excel), Admin/reception experience, Deadline Driven, Own Transport, Neat & Accurate Worker, Must be able to work under pressure, Start ASAP, Salary Market Related. Closing Date: 12 February 2016 Correspondence will only be conducted with short listed candidates. Should you not hear from us within 14 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Please send your CV to info@metrax.co.za or contact us at 0798938003


29 January 2016


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Mar109 ___________________________

Gintec Auto Electrical Electronic ignition system Electronic fuel injection Electronic diagnostics & scan General wiring & re-wiring Accessories installation & fitment Alarms, anti-hi-jack & immobilisers Starter motor & alternator repairs, services and sales Contact: 072 033 5534 / 015 306 0369

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DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential Advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________

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Services Dienste

Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Services Offered Scholar Transport Shuttle (Tzaneen – Johannesburg) Pack & Drive Touring (Tour Operators) Airport Transfers Picnic, workshop/ group travelling Tour Guides (on Board) Free Wi-Fi on board, DVD, Radio & CD. Air conditioned Jan407____________________ Food Lovers Market Vir al jou alledaagse huishoudelike benodighede Vars groente en vrugte. Beste pryse. Kwaliteit produkte. Kwaliteit vleis. Verskeidenheid voorbereide wegneem kos Life Style Centre


DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

Need a good cleanup now that the holiday visitors has left? For all your upholstery cleaning and carpets. Ask us about Master guard. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018 Des101______________________

For all you Civils, Building, Construction and Automation needs. Contact us for friendly affordable service. Gerrie: 074 389 3648 Ben: 0747140809 E-mail: beyleveldind@gmail.com Okt502____________________________

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

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Oceana Tool & Plant Hire Bull dozer, TLB’s, Excavators Contact: Renier Kruger 083 245 1031 or Calla Kruger at 084 812 6062


On site Repairs Air conditioner sales Service Fridges, Freezers, washing machines, tumble dryers, Dishwashers, stoves 087 751 2333 / 015 386 8735 Mar110______________________



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Integrifin Finansiële Adviseurs Onafhanklike finansiële With us nothing goes down the drain! Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, TLB bathroom FOR make-overs, HIRE drain unblocking, tiling, aircon ins dienste met integriteit. For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 295 Contact: Vir voortreflike diens 082 427 7647 or sonder onderbreking With us nothing goes down the drain! 083 508 9741 power installation, & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs besoekSolar ons by onsinverters nuwe For all your Solar, Plumming and Aircon needs contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955 Kantore in Windsor Str 4 Jaco Nel 082 335 6801 With us nothing goes down the drain! Jacques Lamprecht Self storages with Solar power installation, inverters & solar panels, solar geysers, small alterations, bathroom make-overs, drain unblocking, tiling, aircon installations, services and repairs 469 needs 7558contact: HP Pretorius 082 925 2955 For all your Solar, Plumming082 and Aircon security to let. For all your Solar, Fanie Oberholzer 9.18 and 32 sqm. From Plumbing and Aircon 082 460 4173 R250, R500, R1 000 pm Des102____________________________ needs contact: plus vat. HP Pretorius Instant Lawn Contact 083 265 3129 082 925 2955 Kitsgras van hoogstaande or 083 451 9557 gehalte. Prys R25.00 per Vierkante meter. Aflewering ekstra For Sale Borehole Skakel: Hennie Maartens Te Koop 015 307 4562 of Investigation 073 872 8031 all ure Underwater video camera Jan512____________________________ Koriek beleggings: system to observe the Revoluta palms: general condition of your PROFESSIONAL SOLAR Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, borehole i.e. blockages, INSTALLATIONS Groot moederplante – aquifers, water levels, (COC issued) R500.00 condition of casings. etc. Contact JOHN …Qualified Mandela’s gold geel and registered Electrician. Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Contact Rynier de Jager @ Special offer Saailinge – R4.00 plante 079 883 5655 DIY LOAD SHEDDING Jul101___________________________ in blom – R30.00, SOLUTION Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of Your solution will operate (R1, kom haal self per blom) the following: (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) TLB for Hire FOUR standing or table 082 466 9884 Your go-to-guys on Nov312___________________________ 3CX 4X4 JCB Lights with Led lamps fireplaces and braais Contact 083 580 2078 TV (Led /LCD) and decoder Contact us on Fiat 640 trekker Jan202______________________ A music system 015 297 8964 1 x Rotavator WI FI 083 417 6126 1 x Skraper Alarm system 1 x 2 Skaar ploeg ONE Standing fan Op soek na 1 x 10 Skottel Dis 2nd HAND SHOP Looking for Skakel 082 476 3939 The solution kit Bargains Galore Jan301____________________________ comprises of: We buy, sell and pawn. Skroot 1 x Battery We manufacture quality and Ons koop, verkoop Swart Pyp 1 x Inverter affordable wooden houses en pand enige iets Ou trekkers CABLING FOR BOTH out of Knotty Pine, log cabin van waarde. Meubels, Implemente and Louvre. toebehore, juwele, Skakel 082 476 3939 Price R4775.00 kombuisware, gereedskap en Bruce Electrical 2 m x 2 m R4 000 vele meer. Visit us at 11 Jan302_____________________________ John Bruce 082 809 0429 3 m x 3 m R5 500 Plantation Rd and get info@jbruce.co.za All sizes available. the best value for your Aug201_______________________ Vacancy money or call only new S.A Pine. 015 307 1171 Vakante Pos 10 year guarantee. 082 472 8483 Feel like hitting your head Contact Kesley 073 011 Apr112____________________ against a brick wall? 3467 / Jack 076 551 9846 Tired of communication Jan201_____________________________ Vacant position downtime?

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Beyleveld Industries Kham A Valante Travel & Tours Shuttle Coaches Matsebane Nomvela (managing director) 072 795 1770 087 150 1775 Fax: 086 583 5379 www.kgomozadrivingschool. co.za info@kgomozadrivingschool. co.za Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Hoedspruit, Hazyview, Nelspruit, Witbank, Pretoria, Naboomspruit, Johannesburg, OR Tambo International Airport. Jan406____________________

Services Dienste

Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282




Services Dienste

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Services Dienste


Services Dienste

Tzaneen Concrete Manufacturing For all your concrete fencing repairs and installations, plus concrete floor instruction works. FOR A FREE QUOTE Phone Gabriella. OFFICE HOURS Cell: 078 183 4639 or 073 909 9200 Jan102_____________________________

Multi Bend System C/W 50mm Round Tube Die set, Bending table with Leveling roller & Stopper New price R1 300 Our price R 1000 STD Scroll Bender Large Scroll Bender Scroller Base New price R2 300 Our price R1 800 Contact me on 015 386 8735 Jan303_____________________________

For Hire Te Huur VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb. co.za Web: www. eynbergmeubelvervoer. com

Trok met arbeiders te huur Meubels/Rommel/Algemene vervoer. Tzaneen en omliggende area. Kontak: 082 838 8630. Mar201___________________________

General Office Admin, Licences, Pastel, VAT, Petty Cash, Wages, Workshop/Jobcard experience. Monday to Friday. Gravelotte area. To start ASAP. Closing date: Tuesday 26/01/2016. Send CV’s to: ilzegoosen@yahoo. com or fax2mail: 086 641 5132 Jan304______________________

Don’t know where your kids are in the house? Turn off the internet and they’ll show up quickly.

29 January 2016



Merensky athletes prove their worth On Saturday Merensky’s athletics team travelled to Hoërskool Louis Trichardt for the first friendly meeting of 2016. Participating schools were Louis Trichardt, Noorderland, Falcon Crest, Eric

Louw, Groblersdal Academy and Ridgeway College. Merensky reigned victorious with a superb score of 840 points. Louis Trichardt came second with 654 points. No less than five new records were set by Plasie Oppie Kassie athletes: Steph-Marie de Lange (girls u.15) On the Telly

90 m hurdles 15,90, Seth Lathane (boys u.15) 300 m hurdles 42,70s, Delean O’Neill (girls u.16) javelin 25,43, Lilly Pohl (girls u.17) javelin 33,65 and Noko Malatji (boys u.17) 110 m hurdles 14,90. Merensky also walked away with six of the eight individual trophies: Steph-Marie de Lange, best junior track athlete; Sindi

Kappa, best junior field athlete; Christelle Coetzer, senior track athlete; Taytum Cawood, senior field athlete; Tristan Patrick, junior field athlete and Noko Malatji, senior track athlete. The next Merensky athletics event is today (29 January) at Rob Ferreira High School in White River. ABOVE: Taytum Cawood in action in the 100 m hurdles. FAR LEFT: Taytum Cawood – Best senior girls field athlete. MIDDLE: Noko Malatji – Best senior boys track athlete. LEFT: Tristan Patrick – Best junior boys field athlete.

SA en Nieu-Seeland hervat rugbystryd Die jaar het skaars begin, maar Suid-Afrika en Nieu-Seeland spring al weer dié naweek op die rugbyveld aanmekaar. En al duur dié kragmeting in die eerste ronde van die internasionale sewestoernooi in Wellington kwalik ʼn kwartier, sal dit seker een van die hoogtepunte van die naweek se regstreekse sportuitsendings op televisie wees. Die eindstryd word Sondagoggend afgehandel net voordat die beslissende kragmeting in die enkelspel vir mans in die Australiese tennistoernooi in Melbourne begin. Krieketliefhebbers kan hulle aan die nostalgie oorgee wanneer Jacques Kallis, Graeme Smith, Jonty Rhodes, Herschelle Gibbs, Robin Peterson en Alviro Petersen saam met ʼn klomp ander eertydse krieketsterre in die Meestersreeks in Doebai en Sjarjah meeding. Dié wedstryde, asook die groot perdewedren (en modevertoning) in Kaapstad, word regstreeks uitgesaai.

1. Christelle Coetzer, 2. Anri McLean, 3. Michelle Stevens blasted everybode else off the track in the 3000 m girls u.19 event.

SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 29 Januarie Gholf: Singapoer-ope, dag 2 — 03:00 tot 06:00 en 08:00 tot 11:00 op SS 8 Katar-meesters, dag 3 — 11:30 tot 15:30 op SS 1 Farmers Insurance-ope, dag 2, San Diego — 22:00 tot 02:00 op SS 7 Krieket: T20: Australië t Indië, tweede wedstryd — 10:00 tot 14:15 op SS 7 Onder19-Wêreldbeker, Bangladesj: Engeland t Windies — 04:45 tot 13:25 op SS 2 SA eendagreeks: Kobras t Dolfyne — 13:45 tot 23:00 op SS 2 en GDN Varsityreeks: Pukke t NMMU — 14:15 tot 17:45 op Kanaal 210 Tukkies t UJ — 17:45 tot 21:30 op Kanaal 210 Meestersliga: Commanders t Lions en Kings t Strikers — 12:45 tot 21:30 op SS 5 Rugby: Engelse Premierliga: Northampton t Wasps — 21:40 tot 23:45 op SS 1 Franse Top 14: Brive t La Rochelle — 21:30 tot 23:30 op SS 8 Sokker: SA Premierliga: Ajax Cape Town t Golden Arrows — 19:30 tot 22:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Australiese Ope: Vroue-dubbelspel, eindstryd — 07:00 tot 10:30 op SS 6 Mans-enkelspel, halfeind 2 — 10:30 tot 13:30 op SS 6 Saterdag 30 Januarie Gholf: Singapoer-ope, dag 3 — 06:15 tot 10:00 op SS 8 Katar-meesters, dag 4 — 11:00 tot 15:30 op SS 1 Farmers Insurance-ope, dag 3 — 20:00 tot 01:00 op SS 7 Krieket: Eendaagse reeks: Nieu-Seeland t Pakistan — 23:30 tot 08:15 op SS 2 Onder19-Wêreldbeker: Indië t Nieu-Seeland — 04:45 tot 12:50 op SS 2 Varsityreeks, halfeind 1 en 2 — 08:45 tot 16:30 op SS 7 Meestersliga: Arabians t Lions — 12:50 tot 17:05 op SS 2 Perdewedren: J&B Met, Kenilworth — 15:30 tot 17:30 op SS 8 Rugby: Internasionale sewesreeks, Wellington — 00:15 tot 10:00 op SS 1 (SA t Skotland 02:42, SA t Rusland 05:44, SA t Nieu-Seeland 09:30) Engelse Premierliga: Saracens t Bath — 17:10 tot 19:15 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: SA Premierliga: Orlando Pirates t Kaizer

Chiefs — 14:30 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Maritzburg United t Mamelodi Sundowns — 19:30 tot 22:45 op SS 4 Multichoice-uitdaagreeks: Polokwane City t Mamelodi Sundowns — 09:30 tot 11:50 op SS 4 en Wits t Orlando Pirates — 11:50 tot 14:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Australiese Ope: Vroue-enkelspel, eindstryd — 10:30 tot 13:30 op SS 6 Mansdubbelspel, eindstryd — 13:30 tot 16:30 op SS 6 Sondag 31 Januarie Boks: Ligswaargewigte: Sergei Kovalev t Jean Pascal — 04:45 tot 08:45 op SS 7 Fietsry: Cadel Evans-padwedren — 02:00 tot 07:00 op SS 6 Gholf: Singpapoer-ope, dag 4 — 06:15 tot 10:00 op SS 8 Farmers Insurance-ope, dag 4 — 20:00 tot 01:30 op SS 7 en GDN Krieket: T20: Australië t Indië, derde wedstryd — 10:00 tot 14:00 op SS 7 SA eendagreeks: Warriors t Titans — 09:45 tot 18:30 op SS 2 Onder-19-Wêreldbeker: Engeland t Zimbabwe — 04:45 tot 13:30 op SS 5 Rugby: Internasionale sewesreeks, Wellington — 00:15 tot 10:15 op SS 1 (Bekereindstryd begin 09:30) Engelse Premierliga: Worcester t Exeter — 16:55 tot 10:00 op SS 1 en GDN Sokker: SA Premierliga: Bloemfontein Celtic t Wits — 15:00 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Multichoice-uitdaagreeks: SuperSport United t Jomo Cosmos — 09:30 tot 11:50 op SS 4 en Chippa United t Kaizer Chiefs — 11:50 tot 14:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Australiese Ope: gemengde dubbelspel, eindstryd — 07:00 tot 10:30 op SS 6 Mans-enkelspel-eindstryd — 10:30 tot 15:00 op SS 6 en GDN • Masters Champions League (MCL) is a Twenty20 cricket league. The tournament will be made up of six teams in its first year, with a total of 90 players taking part — 15 members per squad. The players must all have been former international cricketers who are now retired from all forms of the professional sport. The MCL has received a ten-year approval from the Emirates Cricket Board, and inaugural season of the tournament will take place over two weeks in Dubai and Sharjah.

Merensky tennis has announced the names of their captains for the 2016 season. Altacia Gubitz will lead the female squad and Blake Linder will ensure that the promising Nadals will excell on the Plasie courts.

Merensky cricket starts with a bang Merensky High School’s 1st and u.15 cricket teams competed against Hoërskool Kempton Park in the Super League on Saturday. The u.15 boys triumphed with seven wickets in hand. The 1st team won with two runs in a nail biting match. Best 1st team batsmen were Nyiko Shikwambana and Timothy Elphinstone; Alex Jardim and Ruurd Jacobs excelled with good bowling figures On Wednesday the Plasie first team continued the Pro 20 challenge against Nkowankowa at Merensky. Merensky went in to bat first and scored 132 runs with the loss of 4 wickets. Nkowankowa finished the game with only 54 runs on the score board. Merensky won the game with 78 runs. Merensky’s Timothy Elphinstone scored 58 runs and took 3 wickets within 10 runs. Nyiko Shikwambana and Alex Jardim also played well, with 25 runs and 2 wickets respectively. Merensky played their next T20 game against Stanford Lake College on Wednesday (27 January).

Nyiko Shikwambana is seen here being congratulated by coach Pieter van der Merwe.

Vossies blink uit in Mbombela

Medaljewenners by die atletiekbyeenkoms by die Hoërskool Nelspruit: voor is Johan Harmse, Diketso Manyama en Renzo du Plessis; in die middelry is Carmen Botha, Melissa Naude, Lara Schutte en Marli Burger en agter staan Christiaan Smit, James Vorster, Shima Mphahlele en Duval Strydom.

New year

Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen 073 265 2650

See you at the gym

Saterdag het die Vossie-atlete aan ‘n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms by die Hoërskool Nelspruit deelgeneem, waar die volgende ander hoërskole deelgeneem het: Nelspruit, Ligbron, Rob Ferreira, Affies (meisies en seuns), Ben Viljoen en die Hoërskool Lydenburg. Die Vossie-atlete het ten spyte van die hitte Tristin du Preez het uitstekend gepresteer en tien goud, sewe op die atletiekbyeenkoms in Mbombela die silwer en nege brons medaljes verower. vir Die volgende Vossie atlete het rekords spiesgooirekord verbeter: Lara Schutte meisies o.17: 100 m seuns o.17 verbeter. (12,78 sek); 200 m (25,91sek); 400 m (58,97sek) — ‘n uitstekende prestasie!; Carmen Botha meisies o.19: 400 m hekkies (66,83 sek); Tristin du Preez seuns o.17: spiesgooi (55,75 m). Vandag (29 Januarie) word die jaarlikse Prestige middag-/ aandatletiekbyeenkoms by die Vossies beslis. Atletiekliefhebbers kan gerus vandag daar gaan draai. Die byeenkoms beDie rekordbrekers van Ben Vorster gin om 14:00 en belowe goeie was Lara Schutte en Carmen Botha. atletiek.

NEW you!

29 January 2016

Winners of the annual Litchi Tournament are seen here with the winners’ trophy that they have now made their own: Doug Read, Sue and Ally Morrison and Francois Hanekom. Photo: Joe Dreyer

Champion Francois Maritz (below left), who matriculated at Merensky, competed in the SA raw (without any equipment) powerlifting championships. He broke the SA junior ánd senior squat records and was also placed first overall. He then participated in the SA Equipped Powerlifting Championships where he also took first place in his category. He was chosen to represent SA in the Commonwealth Powerlifting Championships and Commonwealth Bench Press Championships in Canada, where he achieved outstanding results. Gold for bench press (175 kg), silver for squat (270 kg) and deadlifted 290 kg. He then won bronze over all. He also won gold for the Bench Press Championships. He will compete in the World Bench Press Championships in June/July.

Lees Oubal verlede naweek dat pres Robert Mugabe ‘n beroep op joernaliste gedoen het om positiewe stories te skryf. Skryf liewers oor sokker, iets waarmee Afrika goed is, sê die oubaas. Oubal aanvaar hy beskou Zimbabwe en Suid-Afrika as deel van die grootste kontinent! ‘Tja, Onkel Bob, dis ‘n tall order, soos Oubal se oorlede ou moeder sou gesê het. In die eerste plek is Oubal eerder ‘n kommentator as ‘n joernalis en tweedens skryf hy nie eintlik oor sokker nie, soos wat sy paar aanhangers weet. Maar soms kan Oubal homself nie help nie, soos wanneer SA nie eers kwalifiseer vir die 2016 Afrikanasies Kampioenskapstoernooi nie en Zimbabwe, met nog ‘n wedstryd oor in die uitspeelrondes, reeds uitgeskakel is. Maar Oubal hét ‘n goeie storie om te vertel, Onkel Bob — ons Proteas het hulle eerste toets in meer as ‘n jaar gewen! Toegegee, dit was ‘n “dooie uitveër”—toets nadat jou aartsvyand, Engeland, reeds die reeks gewen het, maar daar het baie gebeur om Oubal hoop te gee. Die keurders se oë het uiteindelik oopgegaan nadat Oubal en ‘n duisend ander kommentators daarop gewys het dat Stephen Cook die kolfbeurt moet open. En toe kolf hy só goed, Onkel Bob, dat Oubal vermoed die keurders gaan oor

Team Hanekom raises Litchi Cup yet again The past weekend saw this year’s instalment of the annual Litchi Tournament held on the pristine greens of the Tzaneen Bowling Club. Entries this year saw players from across the province, Mpumalanga, Gauteng and even three teams from Zimbabwe vie for the honour of tournament champions. The blistering heat was no deterrent for the 28 teams who arrived on Friday afternoon to inspect the greens before the start of the competition on Saturday. The teams consisted of four players who would face-off in seven games each consisting of eleven heads. Saturday started with elimination rounds where fourteen teams made it through to the finals. The remaining fourteen were locked in battle for the tournament plate. In what was labelled as a battle royale on the top green, Francois Hanekom and his team fought valiantly in a final showdown against the squad of Damian Stefaans in a gruelling match that ultimately ended in Hanekom’s favour.

Goeie Nuus, Uncle Bob!

Although they lost the last game, team Hanekom had managed enough points throughout the preceding games to ensure a 67/63 victory to raise the cup for the third time in the fourteen years of the tournament’s existence. Their victory this year not only ensured that the silverware remained in the Tzaneen Clubhouse, but also earned them the title of the team with the most tournament wins since its inception in 2002. “On behalf of the management of the Tzaneen Bowls Club, we would like to extend our appreciation and gratitude to each member of the club who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this year’s tournament,” said Mr Ben Pretorius. “We are very privileged also to have such amazing sponsors who make this competition a reality with their invaluable contributions each year. For that we thank you.” —Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Morkel inspireer om vir ‘n slag sy aansienlike rug te buig om ‘n paar goeie balle te boul. Oubal het al in die verlede hier gerapporteer oor die jongman se nederigheid en innemendheid, maar dit het in hierdie toets weer duidelik geword dat ons met ‘n baie spesiale talent en mens te doen het. Sy lof is besing deur niemand anders nie as Michael Holding, op sy dag bekend as Wes-Indië se “Whispering Death” — ontmoet “Whispering Death II”, van SA, Onkel! ‘Tja, maar elke silwer rand het ‘n donker wolkie, Onkel Bob. Dit lyk vir Oubal of AB nou ook deur die kapteinskap gemuilband is tot nulletjies, sommer drie agtereenvolgend, wat een of ander AB-rekord moet wees. Dit sal ook lekker wees om ‘n toets te kan begin of eindig sonder beserings aan van ons voorste snelboulers. En, helaas, Oubal weet nie wat ons met Faf en Duminy moet doen nie, maar dit smaak hom hul dae is getel. Nogtans, Onkel Bob, is ons darem nog No 3 op krieket se toetsranglys, wat aansienlik beter is as SA se 74ste en Zimbabwe se 108ste op die sokkerranglys. Sorrie!

die volgende paar maande hulle rooi gesigte toeskryf aan sonbrand wat hulle oor vyf dae op Centurion opgedoen het. Baardman Amla lyk ook skielik weer na die gehalte kolwer wat ons leer ken het, noudat hy nie meer deur die kapteinskap gekniehalter word nie, en hopelik het Lofty Bavuma nou die kwotaskreeuers se monde stil gekolf. Om die kroon te span, my Kroon, het Kokkie de Kock nou vir ons die antwoord gegee as paaltjiewagter-kolwer. Ons gesukkel bo-aan die kolflys én in die middelorde is met een fel swiep uit die weg gevee, Onkel! Maar die beste storie is dat daar lewe na Dale Steyn is, Onkel. Oubal is normaalweg nie op sy bek geval nie, maar hy het nie genoeg woorde om Kagiso Rabada mee te besing nie. Nie net het die jongeling feitlik man-alleen die Engelse “Bad news travels at the speed of light; good news travels like stukkend geboul nie, maar hy kon selfs ‘n lustelose Morné molasses.” — Tracey Morgan

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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