Bulletin 160715

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Fear lessl y the tr uth 15 July 2016

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Another ± R100m down the GTM drain


meant to consider irregularities in the GTM’s Engineering Directorate but then widened into other areas, has been completed and the final report is awaited. It is also said that action against senior officials who are guilty of corruption is unlikely, since they may take revenge and cause a string of officials and/or even councillors to be investigated. In such an event it is a certainty that criminal proceedings will follow. The following unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure is mentioned in the MPAC report:

• Unauthorised: R25 387 498 • Fruitless & wasteful: R1 320 482 • Irregular: R61 967 716. To add insult to injury, the MPAC report also refers to more than R10 million (!) spent on legal fees, and states that there is concern about the number of hours billed by attorneys and rates used by said attorneys. Bulletin reported about

the GTM becoming a dairy cow for a few attorneys more than two years ago. Other expenses that would cause eyebrows to raise are for:

• Expired contracts: R26 503 270 • GTFM (the failed radio station): R81 050 • Supply chain did not follow process: R15 475 809 • Supplier paid for no service/goods: R162 135 It also seems that the council is now looking at adding even more people to the GTM’s already loaded staff compliment, so that they can have watchdogs to watch the watchdogs. If this doesn’t work, they could in future appoint Super watchdogs to watch the watchdogs watching the watchdogs. The solution is, however, to see to it that the employees, and especially the senior management team (directors earning salaries of R1 million and more) just do their work and manage their subordinates . — Francois Aucamp editor@bulletin.us.com



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Close to R100 million — 99,9% of it irrecoverable — unauthorised, irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality in the past financial year will have to be written off ! A report of the GTM’s public accounts committee (MPAC) chairperson, Mr T K Nukeri, about this scandalous situation has been referred back by the council for further consideration for a third time. A senior ANC member says it is a deliberate attempt by the the majority of the current councillors to stall the process, for the new council to handle the potentially explosive and rather sensitive matter. The handful of councillors who are deeply upset about the situation, including the ANC’s political team leaders — like the Speaker (Mr Cassius Machimane) and Mr Moses Mahasha — are said to be fighting a losing battle against their political comrades who seem to be unperturbed. A forensic investigation by KPMG, initially


15 July 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Angie Woodward 078 663 5556 angie@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg Vlieg is nie ‘n taalkundige nie, en ook nie ‘n joernalis nie! Hy maak egter baie staat op eersgenoemde om sy k’s reg om sy a’s, en sy t’s om sy ie’s te rangskik. (Vlieg was self verbaas dat sy t’s en ie’s nie verlede week in sy Ode aan die Botox-tannies herrangskik is nie!) Verder maak Vlieg op laasgenoemde staat om hom ingelig te hou sodat hy weet wat in die wêreld aangaan en verwag vir geen oomblik dat ‘n joernalis vir hom enige-iets anders as die reine waarheid aanbied nie, vreesloos al dan nie! Op weervoorspellers en eiendomsagente maak Vlieg vir niks staat nie, maar dis nou heeltemal ‘n ander storie. Waarop Vlieg egter nog sy

lewe lank nie kon staatmaak nie was die soort joernalistiek wat die EssayBEEsea vanmelewe reeds pleeg. Vlieg kan dus nie verstaan waaroor die helse bohaai nou gaan omdat die uitsaaier se grootbaas die inhoud van nuusberigte sensor nie. dis geen nuwe verskynsel nie en ook nie uniek aan onse ou landjie nie. Wat Vlieg se bedenklike verstand te bowe gaan is dat daar nog enigsins mense is wat hulle beeldradiostasies kyk en na hulle radiostasies luister. Maar dis seker dieselfde ou lotjie wat Gwede Mantashe se uitspraak teen die EssayBEEsea se sensorskap sal glo. Nee wat, ou Gwede, mooi probeer, maar Vlieg ken die verskil tussen kka en pampoen, en ook

tussen ‘n fopspeen en ‘n iett! Jy en jou tjomme doen maar presies wat die groot krokodil vir baie jare gedoen het, en Vlieg kan nie ‘n groter afkeur daaraan verwoord as wat Johannes Kerkorrel gedoen het nie:

Want dis ‘n helse straf Ek stap kombuis toe kry ‘n bier En skakel oor na TV4 O my God wat het ons hier? Wat my tv screen ontsier Is daar nêrens om te vlug Van daai man se mooi gesig Met sy vinger in die lug Gaan hy my lewe net ontstig En die programme in die lug Sien jy net P.W. se gesig Ek vat jou nou ‘n wed Al die bure het M-net !

Die ander dag toe voel ek lam Ek wou ‘n klein bietjie ontspan En ‘n boer maak ‘n plan Ek sit my tv-set toe aan Jy sal nie glo wat ek sien Daar op my tv screen

Sit dit af, sit dit af (sit dit af, sit dit af) Sit dit af, sit dit af (sit dit af, sit dit af) Sit dit af, sit dit af (sit dit af, sit dit af) Want dis ‘n helse straf

Dit was ‘n nare gesig Dit het my heeltemal ontwrig Dit was ‘n moerse klug Dit was P.W. se gesig En langs hom staan ou oom Pik, ja Ooo, ek dog ek gaan verstik

O, ek sê jou dis finaal, Voor julle my kom haal En ek met al my verstand In die gestig beland As daar iets is wat my kwel is dit my TV stel

Sit dit af, sit dit af (sit dit af, sit dit af) Sit dit af, sit dit af (sit dit af, sit dit af) Sit dit af, sit dit af (sit dit af, sit dit af)

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Three business turn-around tips before throwing in the towel Although the number of liquidations recorded in South Africa has been steadily decreasing over the past six years, there were still close to 2 000 businesses that were liquidated in 2015, leaving ample room for further improvement. This is according to Mr Gerrie van Biljon, executive director at Business Partners Limited, who says that during tough financial times, such as those currently being experienced, South African business owners need to take active preventative measures to encourage sustainable growth and avoid company liquidation. The May 2016 Statistics of liquidations and insolvencies report by Statistics SA show that from 2010 the number of liquidations have decreased from 3 992 per year to 1 962 in 2015. The first five months of 2016 also reported a decrease of 3,5% when compared to the same period in 2015. “While this decline is encouraging, what is concerning is that 807 business liquidations have been recorded this year already,” says Van Biljon. The report also revealed that the estimated number of insolvencies — an individual or partnership which is unable to pay its debt — has increased by 12,6% year-on-year in April 2016. Van Biljon explains company liquidation as the winding up of a business, either voluntarily or

by an order of the court, whereby all company assets are sold or “liquidated” in order to pay off the business’ creditors. “This process should, however, be considered a last resort, especially for smaller businesses that have suddenly hit unexpected hard times,” he adds. “Businesses, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs), are encouraged to do whatever they can to restructure and restore distressed, yet viable companies, in order to avoid liquidation where possible,” he says. Van Biljon provides business owners with the following three tips to rescue a struggling company from liquidation: 1. Increase liquidity internally: This may seem somewhat obvious, but without adequate cash flow, efforts to rejuvenate a business will ultimately prove futile. Business owners therefore need to ensure that they have access to the minimum amount of capital needed to stay afloat. If tighter management of the balance sheet isn’t an option, this may require additional funding from existing investors, or a pitch for new investor funding — ultimately, if a business owner can prove that the problems being experienced are circumstantial and can be resolved, funding is often available if sourced correctly. Alternatively, business owners may have to liquidate some non-core part of

Jaques van Niekerk Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril *Termes & voorwaardes geld. Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

Sit dit af

the business in order to keep operations moving. 2. Revise management roles: One of the hardest parts of any business turnaround is restructuring and, when necessary, replacement of management and staff. While this often involves brutally honest and difficult decisions, having the wrong people remain in executive positions can severely hinder a company’s chances of survival. At the very least, a business owner needs to ensure willingness and commitment among management to make the changes necessary to streamline operations and cut out any excess resources to ensure the most cost-efficient production practices are employed going forward. 3. Apply for business rescue: The 2008 Companies Act introduced a corporate rescue system, which provides South African companies the opportunity to access interim liquidity and reach a possible compromise with creditors to fund their operations while a business rescue package is being developed. This means that any business experiencing financial distress can file a notice to start business rescue proceedings with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). In essence, this process will involve the appointment of a Business Rescue Practitioner who will provide opportunities to restructure and

strategise, creating an environment in which the business can continue trading. “It is important to remember, however, that while business rescue does offer an alternative to liquidation for financially distressed companies, the process is largely dependent on the viability of the business going forward and the availability of a source of funding, which means business owners should ideally ensure buy-in from their investors, banks and creditors beforehand,” says Van Biljon. As SA businesses continue to be faced with multiple economic challenges — some of which just can’t be planned for — it is important to maintain a tight hand on budgets and cash flow. To assist business owners in this regard, the Business Partners Entrepreneurs Growth Centre harnesses the business expertise, skills and wisdom of senior business and professional people to offer free advice and guidance to entrepreneurs. To contact the centre, call 0861 763 346 or visit: www.businesspartners.co.za/entrepreneurship-growth-centre/ • About Business Partners Limited: Business Partners Limited is a specialist risk finance company for formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa, and selected African countries. The company actively supports entrepreneurial growth by providing financing, specialist sectoral knowledge and added-value services for viable small and medium businesses. Visit www.businesspartners.co.za for more information.

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels

Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 11/07/2016

Tzaneen 30.2%

Ebenezer 72.9%

Merensky 96.8%

Dap Naude 89.7%

Middel Letaba 24.3%

Blyde Rivier Poort 64.4%

Klaserie 44.7%

Tours 42.9%

Vergelegen 93.6%

Ohrigstad 5.9%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

15 July 2016



Teenage girl critical after landing under bus An 11-year-old girl is in a critical condition after she was struck by a bus on Wednesday evening at Mokgoloboto (on the R36) outside Nkowankowa. Local police said that a Great North Transport bus was travelling along the R36 when the girl landed under the big vehicle. It is alleged that she was crossing the road from the open veld across the village, where she had been collecting fire wood. The bus driver and passengers did not sustain any injuries. Maponya 911 and ER24 paramedics attended to her

on the scene. “Upon arrival, paramedics found the girl lying in the middle of the road. She had sustained various critical injuries. Paramedics provided her with advanced life support interventions and thereafter took her to the Letaba Hospital,” a senior paramedic said. The actual cause of the accident remains unknown, but police are investigating. — Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Paramedics stabilised the serious injured girl before taking her to hospital

The damage to the bus shows clearly on this photo

‘Tannie Pamperlang’ rus nou

‘n Bekende inwoner van Tzaneen wat oor jare heen die deernis-naam “Tannie Pamperlang” verwerf het — danksy die gelyknamige haarsalon wat sy in die Boulevardsentrum besit het — word vanoggend om 11:00 uit die AP Kerk in Tzaneen ter ruste gelê. Wyle me Christine Griesel is Saterdag op 79-jarige ouderdom oorlede, nadat haar gesondheid die afgelope tyd verswak het. Sy het in ‘n kothuis by haar oudste seun en sy vrou, mnr Lammie en me Anel Griesel, gewoon. Sy word oorleef deur haar drie seuns en hul gesinne: Lammie en sy vrou Anel en hul drie seuns: David, Lambré en Jan-Daniël; André en sy vrou Zona en hul kinders, Zandrie en Delmar; en David en sy vrou Lielie en hul kinders, David, Joané en Johan.

Die familielede het die volgende huldeblyk aangebied: “Ons reis het baie draaie gemaak, daar was steiltes en afdreandes, kronkels en reguit-paaie. Ons pad loop deur byna vier dekades van lief en leed, donker- en hartseertye en sonskyn- en vreugdedae. “Onafwendbaar het ons ook by dié rusplek op ons pad gekom, en terwyl ons ‘n oomblik hier verwyl en terugkyk, is die herinneringe mooi en goed. Ma was altyd reg om te help en het onbaatsugtig tyd en liefde gegee. Al was die laaste treë moeisaam het Ma nooit gekla nie. “Ons moes altyd die sitkamerlig in die aande laat brand, sodat daar lig op Ma se pad kon wees. Ma se stoel is leeg, die lig is af — maar die pad is nog lank nie klaar nie…

NG Kerk Letsitele


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Sien jou daar!


Dr. Annecke Laerskool 30 Julie 2016


15 July 2016


Tzaneen’s mid-town shack man discovered A man was discovered living behind the Tzaneen Bowling Club’s greens in a shack last week. Mr Joseph Letsou, believed to be 51 years old, told Bulletin that he has been living in the park between the bowling club and tennis courts (off Crown Street) for the past twelve years! Unnoticed! His makeshift home was discovered during a clearing operation launched by local business owners in the area, who were fed up with the increase in crime generated by this unkept municipal open (park?) space. Last Friday afternoon a team was assembled and the reeds and tall grass cleared away. It was during this cleanup that a tiny shack was discovered hidden among the reeds and shrubbery. “There have been many rumours about a shack hidden somewhere

on this property and bother anyone here, but I do see a lot of crimmany believed that inals hiding in the bushes. I have seen a few it was a hideout for people get attacked here when they walk thieves who preyed through the park, but I don’t interfere beupon passersby in cause I’m scared they target me next.” this area,” said one It is not sure at this stage what will be done member of the clean- about the shack man, but there are talks of up crew. offering him employment. “We might look at Bulletin was alert- employing him to keep the park maintained ed and accompanied and ensure the safety of not only pedestrithe crew to the site ans who use this route daily, but also that of the shack. It was a of the businesses around the park,” said Mr rickety structure, big Jacques du Toit of Bosveld Smeermiddels. enough for barely Du Toit and Mr Koos Smit of SmitGarrun one adult and situat- decided after Bulletin’s earlier reports ed among the reeds, about crime in the overgrown area to tackhardly ten metres le the problem. The Greater Tzaneen MuLetsou sits in front of his now demystified dwelling from the Bowling nicipality and the Police did not seem to be Club’s greens. interested in the situation that allowed for Inside the shack was a makeshift bed, innocent passers-by and pedestrians to fall some clothing and personal belongings. A prey to criminals. fire still smouldered beside it. There was a “A meeting will be held to look at perhaps small patch of lawn and a tiny vegetaOur office will close at 12:00 today (Friday 15 July 2016), ble garden around to allow our staff to attend a conference. the shack. A kraalWe will be open as usual on Monday and the days like fence was constructed around it, thereafter from 08:00 to 17:00. complete with an We trust that nobody will be inconvenienced by this arrangement. entrance gate. A man approached the shack from the direction of Crown Street, carrying shopping bags. He greeted the inspection crew politely Ons kantore sluit vandag (15 Julie 2016) om 12:00, ten einde and enquired what ons personeel in staat te stel om ‘n konferensie by te woon. they were doing at The shack was discovered during a clearing operation Maandag en die dae daaropvolgend sal ons soos gewoonlik his home. van 08:00 tot 17:00 oop wees. “I have no family and no children,” said Letsou. “Twelve erecting a proper wendy house on one of Ons vertrou niemand sal deur die reëling verontrief word nie. years ago I erected a shelter behind the ten- the properties overlooking this area, so that nis courts over there and a few months ago I Joseph can have a decent place to stay. It moved to this spot behind the greens.” would be good for him to earn some form He said he makes a living by collecting and of income and good for us to have eyes and recycling scrap. With no running water at ears here.” his shack, he makes sure to fill up two large — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com plastic containers in town each day. “I don’t


The Bulletin Team


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15 July 2016



15 July 2016

Ons Mening


We look back at the past twelve years...

Die Boodskap

15 July 2016 Dr Jan Truter

‘n Slegte waak

Vir die uittredende burgemeester van Limpopo se tweede grootste dorp en die hoofsetel van Limpopo se Laeveldstreek behoort daar min aangename herinnerings oor haar wagbeurt as die Groter Tzaneen se eerste burger te wees. Trouens, haar waak was niks minder nie as ‘n nagmerrie. Onder haar heerskappy het die GTM uitmekaar geval. Dissipline by die werksmag is op ‘n laagtepunt. Die vermorsing en onregmatige besteding van belastingbetalers se swaarverdiende geld moet behoorlik ontleed word, vir strafregtelike optrede. Daar is by haar geen visie vir waarheen die GTM op pad is nie, behalwe haar aanvanklike verspotte droom van Tzaneen as stad teen 2025. Nepotisme is op ‘n onaanvaarbare vlak in die aanstellings en bevorderings van personeel. Gunstelinge word openlik bevoordeel. De juris is die ANC die regerende party, maar de facto swaai Samwu (die werkersvakbond) die septer. Verval kenmerk Tzaneen en daar is nie geld vir die noodsaaklike onderhoud van infrastruktuur nie. Haar swak leiding het sy tol geëis en dit gaan sterk optrede verg om alles wat in haar ampstermyn verkeerd geloop en verval het, reggestel te kry. Dit is die slegte nuus, in ‘n neutedop. Die goeie nuus is dat die GTM eersdaags van haar as eerste burger verlos word, maar die skadebeheer gaan ‘n groot uitdaging aan die nuwe leier bied en daar word gehoop dat hy die stang na behore sal vasbyt, op ‘n nuwe pad en in die regte rigting na herstel.

1368 057 The Numbers 24 9 221 The number of litres of water required to grow enough beans to make one cup of black coffee

Report unsolved crime cases to 0800 54 67 67

Local Heroes

Die twee weldoeners van Tzaneen, mnre Koos Smit en Jacques du Toit, wat op eie inisiatief én koste die groot oop ruimte agter die rolbalklub en tennisbane laat opruim. Dit gebied het ‘n misdaadnes geword. Die lewe van ‘n man wat daar geskuil en ‘n boshut gebou het (onwettig) kry nou ook sommer ‘n heenkome.

Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele


Bulletin 16 Julie 2004: Die hoofnuus in Julie 2004 was oor boere wat die josie in was oor nog ‘n uitbraak van bek-en-klouseer in die groter Letaba-gebied. Daar is gedreig om groot siviele eise teen die regering in te stel, maar van die dreigemente het uiteindelik niks gekom nie. Ander groot nuus was die skokvliegongeluk waarin past Frikkie Heinemann van Letsitele dood is. Laastens was daar die nuus dat die Makgoba-stam se grondeise in Magoebaskloof in die Staatskoerant aangekondig is, met gevolglike kommer by grondeienaars.

Die natuur is vol van God se ongelooflike skeppings. Een daarvan is die Snapskilpad. Dit is een van die grootste varswater skilpaaie in die wêreld. Wat uniek aan dié skilpad is, is die manier hoe hy sy prooi vang. Hy kan ure lank roerloos in die water lê met sy mond wawyd oop. Op die punt van sy tong, het hy ‘n aanhangsel of natuurlike vergroeisel wat soos ‘n klein wurmpie lyk. Terwyl sy hele liggaam doodstil in die water lê, beweeg net hierdie aanhangsel op sy tong en boots die beweging van ‘n wurmpie na. Die niksvermoedende visse swem dan nader om die skynbaar heerlike, verleidelike maaltyd op te raap. Al wat die Snapskilpad doen as die vissie in sy bek in swem, is om sy bek toe te klap en siedaar, die vissie is sy maaltyd! Die Bybel vertel ook vir ons in Lukas 4: 5-8 van so ‘n Snapskilpad, die duiwel, wat vir Jesus ook aan allerhande versoekings blootstel. Die duiwel het op ‘n baie slinkse manier die wêreld met al sy mag en genietinge vir Jesus aangebied. Die enigste voorwaarde: Christus moes voor die duiwel buig en hom aanbid. Jesus se antwoord was egter: “Die Here jou God moet jy aanbid en Hom alleen dien.” Dit is al wat in hierdie wêreld werklik vervulling bring. Die duiwel versoek ons vandag nog en daarom beskryf Jesus hom as: “die vader van die leuen.” Hy bied die wêreld met al sy wellus, genot en oppervlakkige bevrediging aan ons soos die Snapskilpad sy nagebootste wurmpie aanbied. Uiteindelik lyk die valse en nagebootste wurmpies net te verleidelik om te weerstaan en val ons daarvoor, en dit lei uiteindelik tragies tot ons dood. Die duiwel los niemand uit nie, nie eens vir Christus nie. Die enigste raad is dit wat Christus gegee het teen die aanslae van die wêreld en die duiwel: “Aanbid God alleen.” Die raad van Paulus sal ook help. Romeine 8: 6: “Die dinge waarmee die sondige natuur van die mens hom besig hou, loop uit op die dood, maar die dinge waarmee die Gees Hom besig hou, bring lewe en vrede.”

Our Rooibos is King!

Among SA’s 30,9 million-strong tea-drinking population, many already consider Rooibos to be the darling of the teas, but now new independent research confirms this. According to market research agency, Insight Survey’s latest South African Tea Industry Landscape Report 2016, SA tealovers are shifting to a preference for Rooibos rather than Black Tea. Insight Survey used AMPS to obtain an in-depth understanding of South Africa’s tea market where more than 25 000 adults (15 years and older) were interviewed in both rural and urban areas from January to June and July to December of last year. Ernest du Toit, spokesperson for the Rooibos Council says although Black Tea still has a higher overall consumption than Rooibos, it is experiencing a steady decline, whereas Rooibos tea is showing growth both locally and even more so globally. “The proportion of Black Tea consumers had decreased between 2011 and 2015, from 58.6% to 51.5%. However, the percentage of South African Rooibos consumers increased from 29.4% in 2011 to 30.9% in 2015. Du Toit attributes this shift in consumption behaviour, primarily to the health benefits of Rooibos becoming more well-known. The majority of con-


sumers are now looking for healthier alternatives to sugar-rich carbonated beverages, and Rooibos tea offers them that solution.” “Rooibos is especially high in antioxidants, which help to protect the body against various ailments such as allergies, stomach cramps, colds and flu, as well as more serious illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. It can also reduce one’s risk of contracting cancer. “Two polyphenols, called aspalathin and nothofagin, in particular, are found in high concentrations in Rooibos tea. These antioxidants help fight free radicals in the body that are responsible for many illnesses. Polyphenols not only have anti-inflammatory properties which safeguard the body from disease, but also has the ability to

slow down the ageing process, which is an added bonus of drinking Rooibos. “Rooibos tea is absolutely free of caffeine and low in tannin, and helps to support

iron levels in the body. Its naturally sweet and fruity taste means you also don’t need to sweeten it with sugar or artificial sweeteners. You can enjoy it as is, while reaping all of its health benefits,” says Du Toit. The demand for Rooibos tea is also growing overseas and the recently signed EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), not only extends the geographical indicator (GI) status or trademark protection of Rooibos, but will also widen economic trade between Europe and South Africa, and the five other SADC states. South Africa currently exports Rooibos tea to over 30 countries, including Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, UK and US. Germany by far still remains the biggest importer of Rooibos tea at 31%, with the Netherlands at 16% and Japan at 15%. According to Du Toit about half (6 000 to 7 000 tonnes) of Rooibos is exported annually, while the balance is consumed locally. The report also highlights the growth potential of the iced tea market as the demand for the consumption of healthy tea increases.

We support all actions aimed at combating gender-based violence and the abuse of children

15 July 2016



Local Government & the news that matters

GLM celebrate their achievements An amount of R700 million was used by the Greater Letaba Municipality in the past five years, to help improve service delivery for their citizens in Modjadjiskloof and 131 villages in their area of jurisdiction. The Mayor, Mr City Modjadji, said at a budget speech gathering, “we are standing here on the tallest mountain, ready to declare our victory as GLM on the extensive service delivery that our people are experiencing”. “Amongst others we have managed to facelift our villages through massive rollouts of infrastructure. We do not brag as our track record has rocketed sky high on how advanced our delivery has been in the last few years in terms of services to our people. “The GLM has managed to build our capacity as a financially viable institution, as well as our leadership and technical capacity building programme of councillors and officials. We are the 2016 SALGA Award winner

Mayor Modjajdji is seen here with the top officials in his team: Chief Financial Officer Florah Mankgabe, Director of Community Services Ignacius Mogale, Municipal Manager Glory Mashaba, City Modjadji, Director of Corporate Services Dr Bertha Letsoalo and manager in the mayor’s office Dr Masilo Mokoena.

for the most innovative capacity building programme for councillors in quantity and quality in 2013-2015. “ The GLM invest in social responsible projects which results in job creation, poverty alleviation, wealth distribution and infrastructure development”, he said. In his term about 5 000 job opportunities

were created with 75% access to water services, 75,6% to sanitation, 97,3% percent for electricity, water management has been increased from 8,5 % to 38%, 1 600 poor households have benefited from free basic services and their bursaries have empowered 112 students. “The GLM remained financially stable

and viable. We never had financial distress; instead, we have saved some money as reserves. The municipality applied cost containment and other saving measures long before the National Government could pronounce. One of our milestones was to pay all long standing loans and debts of the municipality to make it debt free,” Modjajdji said. Their achievements range from high mast lights, street lights, bridges, pavements, sidewalks, market stalls, libraries, sports complexes, outdoor gyms, taxi ranks and community halls to electricity. They have increased their budget to ensure that some of the service delivery needs which were not initially prioritized are covered. Projects like outdoor gyms, youth centres, libraries, taxi ranks and old age homes have been introduced recently. — Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com

‘Elderly must have houses,’ says MEC Cooperative Governance, Housing and Traditional Affairs (Coghsta) MEC Makoma Makhurupetsa handed over a furnished house worth R100 000 to Ms Kokwani Nyanisi Sarah Ngobeni (73) on Friday at Sasekani between Nkowankowa and Lenyenye. Ngobeni and her dependants, Blessing (18), Anzani (14), Modjadji (7) and Nthabiseng (3) and their widowed aunt, Ms Julia Hlungwani (52) used to live in a

four-roomed structure built with cement bricks on top of an old foundation with visible cracks; and bedroom windows covered in rusted corrugated iron after their house was gutted by fire in 2014. “The freedom charter says each and every person should have a proper shelter. The Cooperative Governance, Housing and Traditional Affairs Department is working tirelessly to make sure that all our deserving residents,

especially our elderly, get houses. We will continue to improve their lives,” Makhurupetsa said. Ngobeni was overwhelmed by joy. “I am thankful for a proper house. I just want to thank the government,” she said with a smile. The house comprises of a kitchen, two bedrooms and a dining room. — Phidelia Rikhotso


Greater Tzaneen Municipality counsellor Selomo, MEC of COGHSTA Makoma Makhurupetsa, Ngobeni, MDM Mayor Nkakareng Rakgoale and Julia Hlungwani in the new house.


15 July 2016


Women who make a difference

The non-functional swings and the illegal toilets at the back.

A Haenertsburg lady with a kind heart, Ms Liz Betton, believes in making a difference and most certainly does in one of the harshest areas of Limpopo. She’s often seen at Haenertsburg festivals collecting for the centres that she supports. A graphic artist by profession, Betton has, for the past seven years, volunteered time, money and expertise at two centres in the semi-desert, sub-economic area of Sebayeng. Formerly Solomondale, Sebayeng is 30

km from Polokwane on the Mooketsi Road (R81). It includes Lusaka D, Zora Village and Lanten Village. Two remarkable women, Mss Wendy Makwela (60) and Jarida Pilusa (43) saw a need for the children of Sebayeng. Makwela says, “The Department of Housing built RDP houses but made no provision for nearby schools. The children have to walk 1½ hours to and from school. So I built this Drop-In Centre in the middle of Sebayeng in 2007.” Makwela looks after 85 orphans and vulnerable children from 6-18 years. They come to her after school and are fed pap with chicken heads and feet. They do their school work, are taught traditional dances and Betton helps stimulate and teach them. Betton noticed that the only useable trees that flourish in the area are lemon trees. She set about teaching the community to make lemon marmalade for home use and to sell. Makwela’s husband grows vegetables for the Centre from their home. Eskom sponsored the tin house and fence, the DA the water tank, Radio Jacaranda the blankets, the Premier’s office donated groceries and clothes, the Catholic Church donated gas

stoves, pots and donations also come from chain shops and others. Makwela has worked in businesses throughout Limpopo. She runs the Centre together with Ms Makgadi Senwamadi, Ms Gladys Letsoalo and three cooks. It’s impossible to get a social grant as some workers do not have the stipulated matric. There are two pressing needs: water and improved facilities. The water tank is only filled once a month. When the water runs dry, staffers fetch water in buckets on their heads from three kilometers away. The nearby reservoir, under Mankweng Water Affairs, has been leaking vital water on a constant basis for ages. The centre needs R40 000 for bricks to improve the building. This would house a classroom, a secure pantry, safe from rats and thieves, as well as a workable kitchen. The current kitchen, made of planks, is crumbling due to ants. A stone’s throw away is Ms Jarida Pilusa’s pre-school for forty children from seven months to six years. Pilusa (43) started the pre-school at the local church in 2011 and now runs it at its current location together with Ms Anna Rahatie and two volunteers. She has her ECD (Early Childhood Development) Level 4

Mopani Crime Scene Co-ordinated by: Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Arrested in Maake

During the past week the Maake Police arrested twenty people for various criminal acts. Four people were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, one for assault GBH, one for theft, one for assault, one for robbery, eight for contravening the Liquor Act, two for burglary and two for possession of dagga.

Mss Wendy Makwela and Liz Betton outside the tin structure.

qualification. Realizing there was a need for books for all age groups, Pilusa approached Biblionef, a Dutch organisation, and they donated books. She now has 258 books in English and Sepedi at her home library that began in 2007. Government, to date, has not responded to Pilusa’s appeal for books. Pilusa runs to keep fit and has taken part in 10 km, 21 km and 5 km events. Parents pay between R95 and R190 a month and bring a bottle of water every morning to help with the on-going water crisis. The existing toilets do not conform to the Department of Health’s stipulations and will be demolished and rebuilt. Besides approved toilet facilities, the children need toys. The swings are crumbling and uncomfortable and they do puzzles in the sand. Pilusa built the classroom herself out of bricks but it needs revamping and extensions. — Sue Ettmayr

Culprits caught in Tzaneen


Girl (10) missing


Throughout the past week Mosibudi Masekela (10) the Tzaneen Police arrested from Ga-Mamaila Village 35 people for various criminal acwas last seen wearing a tivities. Two people were arrested black tracksuit trouser, for assault, six for assault GBH, brown jacket, white socks one for rape, three for shoplifting, and blue takkies on Monone for attempted theft, four for day at about 12:00. AnyMissing young theft, one for attempted murder, one with information that Mosibudi one for fraud, one for robbery, could help finding the four for malicious damage to property, missing girl, should contact the nearest one for possession of stolen property, Police station or contact const Millicent two for possession of dagga and eight Mohale on 082 414 3233/073 293 6872 or dial 10111. for in possession of counterfeit goods.

Security guards arrested for cable theft Two security guards from Letaba Alarms in Tzaneen were arrested for possession of electrical cables to the value of R847. Kenny Mabunda and Ephrahim Shirindza, both 22 years old, were arrested during a routine patrol

by members of Tzaneen SAPS in Station Road. The officers spotted the two men carrying the cables and upon closer investigation discovered it had been stolen. The suspects were charged with pos-

Kenny Mabunda and Ephrahim Shirindza session of copper cables. The men were remanded in custody after they appeared briefly in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s court. On Wednesday the two men were granted bail of R500 each and the case was postponed to 8 August. “Although the value of the stolen cables is not a large amount, the fact that the cables were stolen is of great concern to us as law enforcement,” said Const Glenda Maimele, Tzaneen SAPS spokesperson. “We are disappointed in the actions of these security officials as we rely on cooperation between the police and the various security companies to curb these types of crimes.” According to Maimele the suspects admitted that they were intending to sell the cables to scrap merchants in the area. “We would like to appeal to the public to report any instance of cable theft as this is a serious crime which affects an entire community”, said Maimele.

— Joe Dreyer


15 July 2016







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15 July 2016


R30 000 for Imke

More than R30, 000 was raised for little cancer patient Imke Geldenhuys from Tzaneen, during a fun-filled and colourful Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, held at the Magoebaskloof Hotel. There were raffle tickets, silent auctions

and prizes that included indigenous trees and shrubs, a stay at an up market game lodge and a prize for best dressed. The resounding clap and wolf whistles for best dressed went to LEFT: Mss Lena Dippenaar from Rowena aka Mr Ruaan Coetzee. The man was Polokwane, Samantha Armbruster, almost unrecogniseable. He looked like a Sarah Schoeman and best dressed heavily-busted, lass with sturdy shaved legs winner Mr Ruaan Coetzee aka tottering on wedged shoes. Rowena are all from Haenertsburg. The speeches were succinct and fitting for They enjoyed a whale of a time. the reason behind this fundraiser. Mr Mariesa

Coetzee was MC. Mr Donny van Wyk, who donated his impressive artwork, explained the medium used and the symbolism. There was so much food left over that everyone was invited to take some home and the rest was given to the elderly at the Haenertsburg Garden Cottages. The children were allowed to take the decorations home. Head honcho, Ms Colleen Venter, together with her slick team as well as the manager of the hotel offered adults and children alike a fun-filled day. — Sue Ettmayr


Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Tzaneen Hair-A-Thon 14 July

Tzaneen Bring en braai 16 Julie

The fourth annual Hair-A-Thon will be hosted in Tzaneen by Hairfusion and The Letaba Tzaneen Lions Club on 14 July. The event is used to raise funds for those that are less fortunate, and this year the money collected will be donated to help Imke Geldenhuys in her battle against cancer. Eight hairstylists and a nail technician from salons in Tzaneen will dedicate their time and skill to this cause. Those interested in participating this year can head to Hairfusion opposite Mediclinic Tzaneen and enjoy some “hairtastic” pampering that will benefit a worthy cause. Bring the little ones along and have their faces painted while you enjoy either a cut or cut and blow with a free treatment to the value of R120, courtesy of Matrix hair products.

Alle alleenlopers tussen 40 en 100 kom geniet ‘n bring en braai saam met ons op Saterdag 16 Julie. Vir verdere besonderhede kontak ons by 083 453 3250.

Stanford Lake College Walking on Sunshine 21 & 22 July

In the SLC Barnyard, starting at 18:30. It is show time at SLC. Join the show for a fabulous night out. Bookings and en-quiries: Mignon on 015 276 6103 ext 8. Date: 21 & 22 July 2016 Time: 18:30

Letsitele Kaskar 30 Julie

Venue: SLC Barnyard

Bookings: Mignon 015 276 6103 ext 8

Die NG Kerk Letsitele se gewilde Kaskar-

wedrenbyeenkoms word vanjaar op 30 Julie gehou — weer op die terrein van die Laerskool Dr Annecke. Groot pret en genot word “gewaarborg”. Daar sal, soos altyd ‘n verskei-denheid kraampies en hope vermaak vir jonk en oud wees. Navrae: Danelle de Nysschen by 083 463 9071.

Modjadjiskloof Bybelse Tee 6 Augustus

Die AGS gemeente se sustersver-eniging, Dames Dinamiek, bied op 6 Augustus om 10:00 hul jaarlikse Damestee aan. Die geselligheid sal in die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se saal gehou word, en die gasspreker is past Anèl Oliver. Die byeenkoms sal in die vorm van ‘n Bybelse ete wees. Alle ma’s en hoërskoolmeisies is welkom om dit by te woon. Kaartjies: R120/persoon en beskikbaar by Sarie Mostert by 072 379 5334.


Magoebaskloof Trail run 6-7 August

The Wolkberg Trail Run will be held at Stanford Lake College on 6-7 August. There will be a 4 km, 10 km and 25 km to tackle. Visit wolkbergtrailrun. co.za for details.

Date: 13 August 2016 Contact: Jaco: 082 459 1668 Ryno: 082 401 6013

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15 July 2016


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Mustang muscle


BB Tzaneen Ford

Ford’s all new 2016 Mustang.

It’s okay to stare.


15 July 2016


New Pony same kick

Iconic Mustang is back —

making heads turn again

There is something to be said about the first time you sit in saddle of the new Ford Mustang. What exactly that is, escapes an average Joe but if words did not fail him, “wow” would have been one of the first. A legend not only for its performance and style, but the iconic Mustang’s technology is powerful, too. From a voice-activated communication system to Push-button Start, Mustang has yet again found a way to leave you breathless. In keeping with power, for those still not convinced – or converted - the 5.0L Ti-VCT V8 engine behind Mustang’s high performance power will ensure an exhilarating drive. So will the all-new twin-scroll turbocharged 2.3L EcoBoost I-4 engine. As any true Ford disciple will attest, it takes only a few seconds in the company of this beast to unveil the truth behind the legend of pure bred American muscle.

Brutal force


If you would like to be a part of our next Bulletin Motoring then please contact Jacques on 071 268 2543 or jacques@bulletin.us.com

The 5.0L V8 Engine delivers an astonishing 303kW of brute force exacting an impressive 525Nm of torque generated by the 435 horses hidden beneath its stealthy hood. All this is controlled at a touch through Mustang’s SelectShift. This patented system gives you the thrill of using a manual transmission with the ease of an automatic. Simply toggle the race car-inspired Paddle Shifters on the steering wheel to shift gears up or down, for smooth and effortless gear changes without having to use a clutch. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and Traction Control System (TCS) work together to understand changing road conditions and your responses, which give you optimal control when you need it most. Mustang’s advanced braking system gives you greater control if you have to brake quickly. In an emergency, Electronic Brake Force Distribution (EBD) balances brake force between front and rear wheels, while the Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) prevents wheels from locking. If 0-100km/h in 4.8 seconds or 0-200 km/h in just 17 seconds is really not going to get your heart racing, then perhaps now would be the time to look at skydiving or base jumping, because quite frankly, this is as good as you are going to get while abiding by the laws of physics. To have a look at the new beast, or test drive one of the available models, pop into your nearest Ford dealership. You, and your need for speed, will not be disappointed.

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15 July 2016


WOW! for the all-new Jag F-PACE The All-New Jaguar F-PACE has been launched in SA this month and in Polokwane guests were shown the new “Tiger” on Tuesday. The F-PACE, says Jaguar, “was engineered from the outset to deliver the driving experience that sets all Jaguars apart from the competition — and we took everything that gives our sedans and sports cars class-leading dynamics and applied them to the all-new F-PACE, our first ever SUV”. Built on Jaguar’s lightweight aluminium architecture, the vehicle is said to combine a sports car driving experience, All-Wheel Drive and a spacious interior in a lightweight package. Jaguar engineers took additional steps to save weight, including the use of magnesium in parts such as the cross-car beam. The F-PACE has a drag coefficient of only 0.34, helping to reduce fuel consumption and improve refinement. The body boasts high torsional stiffness, allowing the F-TYPE-derived double wishbone front suspension and Integral Link rear suspension to perform even better. Torque Vectoring is standard and an Electric Power Assisted Steering system give the best possible feel and response. For even better ride and handling the F-PACE can be specified with an optional, electronically controlled Adaptive Dynamics system. This measures body and wheel movement 100 and 500 times a second respectively, ensuring optimum damping forces in all conditions. This can be combined with Configurable Dynamics: a system that allows individual settings for the throttle, automatic transmission, steering, and, where fitted, the Adaptive Dynamics system. The F-PACE’s torque on-demand All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system is Jaguar’s most sophisticated yet, and has the highest torque capacity. It features the advanced, in-house control system first developed for F-TYPE AWD: Intelligent Driveline Dynamics (IDD). IDD preserves rear-wheel drive agility and handling character but can seamlessly transfer torque to the front wheels to exploit the performance benefits of extra traction, on all surfaces and in all weathers. The AWD system is designed to operate in challenging conditions, thanks to technologies like Adaptive Surface Response

(ASR). Developed from Land Rover’s patented, award-winning Terrain Response technology, ASR identifies the type of surface and optimises the vehicle systems to for use in conditions such as deep snow and gravel. This is complemented by All Surface Progress Control (ASPC), which automatically controls the throttle and the brakes when driving off road. This enables the vehicle to pull away smoothly and maintain a set speed, between 3.6km/h and 32km/h, while the driver just has to steer. For drivers who want similar results but still want to use the accelerator pedal, there’s Low-Friction Launch (LFL). Further aiding off-road capabilities are short overhangs, front and rear, enabling maximum approach and departure angles of 25.5° and 26.0° respectively. The ground clearance of 213 mm is another advantage The SUV boasts a remarkable 525 mm wading depth. Sending power to all four wheels is Jaguar’s seamless-shifting eight-speed automatic transmission, standard on all derivatives. Power comes from a selection of petrol and diesel engines. “The ultra-efficient 2.0-litre Ingenium diesel engine produces 132 kW and an impressive 430Nm of torque, allowing it to deliver consumption as low as 5.3 litres/100 km on the combined cycle. Also available is a 3.0-litre turbodiesel engine, with outputs of 221 kW and 700Nm — resulting in a 0-100 km/h sprint of just 6.2 seconds. A choice of two 3.0-litre supercharged V6 petrol engines is also available. Outputs of 250 kW and 450Nm or 280 kW and 450Nm allow 0-100 km/h sprint times of 5.8 and 5.5 seconds, respectively, while top speeds are electronically limited to 250 km/h.” F-PACE features a host of driver assistance technologies to make driving less stressful and more pleasurable. Adaptive Cruise Control allows the F-PACE to automatically match its cruise speed to the vehicle ahead and maintain a safe following distance. Park Assist complements the built-in camera systems by using sensors to find empty parking spots and autonomously manoeuvre the F-PACE in even the trickiest situations. Meanwhile, Reverse Traffic Detection warns drivers of approaching traffic when exiting parking spots — issuing visual and audible signals to warn drivers of hazards. • The All-New Jaguar F-PACE prices start at R776 800.





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Welcome to Jaguar as you’ve never seen it before. Now you can enjoy the dramatic drive and beauty Jaguar is renowned for, with added practicality. Inspired by F-TYPE, its powerful and muscular looks give the All-New F-PACE a head-turning road presence. And it delivers the connected steering feel and sharp, responsive handling of a sports car too, thanks to its aluminium double wishbone front and Integral Link rear suspension. A master of sporting performance and everyday practicality, F-PACE raises the game. Call or visit to find out more: Jaguar Polokwane. 64 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane 015 590 3122. polokwane.jaguar.co.za




15 July 2016


Mazda MX-5 maak wyd groot indruk Van die oomblik dat Mazda se opwindende nuwe MX-5 Sportmotor sy buiging vroeër vanjaar gemaak het, het wyd groot aandag gelok. Motorjoernaliste was van meet af aan opgewonde. Ons het gaan kyk wat sê van die wêreld se voorste motorjoernaliste oor dié klein parmant en verskaf kort uittreksels van enkeles se kernbevindings: Alex Robbins, Consumer Editor, Telegraph Cars (London); 23 March 2016: The Mazda MX-5 isn’t just delightful to drive, but also accessible and reliable, so that anyone can own —and enjoy owning — one. It’s a recipe that’s proven so popular that nothing else has been able to stay the course. In fact, it’s so good that it not only won the Sports Car category in our 2016 Telegraph Car of the Year Awards, but also the overall title. This is how Alex scored the MX-5: Space 5/10 Comfort 8/10 Dashboard layout 9/10 Easy to drive 9/10 Fun to drive 10/10

Reliability 9/10 Fuel economy 10/10 Affordability 10/10 Safety 7/10 Standard spec 8/10

The verdict 9/10 Top Gear (BBC) car review: Mazda MX-5

Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com for the latest news

Jaguar se F-PACE is hier! Jaguar se opwindende nuwe F-PACE is Dinsdagaand tydens ‘n opwindende “vertoning” in Polokwane bekendgestel. Links is Jaguar Polokwane se topspan by die funksie: Marco Smith (handelsmer k be stuurder), Vernett Sambo (produkspesialis), Casper Vorster (direkteur), Francois Heystek (ha ndel aar h oof ) , Dawie Coetzee (produkspesialis) en Baldwin Mafora (produkspesialis).

The same as it’s always been. Just, better than it’s ever been before. A complete sweetie of a roadster, this is the best the MX-5 has been perhaps ever. What is it? You know perfectly well what this is — the car that, 25 years ago, made motoring fun again. And now it’s entering its fourth generation, and still the basic package hasn’t changed. At all. No fashionable turbos or trendy hybrid systems, no double-clutch gearbox, not even an electric roof. Just a simple two seat soft-top with a compact four cylinder engine and six-speed manual gearbox. Don’t think this is Mazda being lazy, though. Not only is the MX-5 genuinely brand new from the ground up (chassis, suspension, engine, cabin, bodywork, everything), but it’s bucked the usual new car trend by being smaller than the last one and, impressively, over 100 kg lighter. Mazda has lasered in on the really important things with the new MX-5. Important things like the driving. And, oh boy, is it good. The styling may have a new found edge of aggression, but the cabin is just great. It’s the quality and ergonomics that strike you first. This one’s going to sell like hot cakes. Deservedly so, too: Mazda, your world record roadster sales status is safe!


15 July 2016



15 July 2016


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15 July 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur Flat available immediately R2 300 pm (incl water and electricity ) Tiled granite tops cupboards, stove, separate loo + shower. No pets. Phone to view 083 345 99 99 Apr501___________________________

Plaashuise 10 km buite Tzaneen 3 Slaapkamers R4 000 p/m 2 Slaapkamers R3 600 p/m 1 Slaapkamer R3 000 p /m Elektrisiteit ingesluit, swembad, tennisbaan, braai areas Skakel 083 298 0399 of 082 33 22 110 / 015 307 7585


Spacious, secure two bedroom flat available on the R 71 close to Letaba Airfield, situated in tranquil bushveld surrounds.Please call 082 849 2603 to arrange to view.


Meenthuis 2 slp kamer meenthuis

in Letsitele beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie vir R4200 pm, koopkrag. Veilige kompleks, naby winkelsentrum. 0835616062

dubbelmotorhuis, braaistoep. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus/1 September

R7 800 (water en ligte uitgesluit) Skakel 082 551 1971

Faunapark 1 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, groot erf, omhein, troeteldiere welkom, groot oop motorhuis, naby besighede. Koopkrag. R3 200



Woonstel te huur in Aqua Park 2 slaapkamer, groot leefarea, groot stoep, kombuis met gasstoof, parkering met afdak, stoor. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2016. R4000- per maand R4000 deposito Kontak Barry: 083 526 5138

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Huis te Huur: GEEN AGENTE! Huis te huur vir 4 maande in Auquapark. Groot erf met eie boorgat 4 slpk, 3 bkamer, kantoor, sitkamer,tv kamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, 3 motor afdakke, onder dak braai/onthaal area. R8 000/maand. Kontak: Thys 076 410 9503


Netjiese ruim huis te huur in Aquapark Awie Wessel 9A. 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer,

Te Huur Interessante kantoor met unieke ‘byvoordele’ in ‘n pragtige en rustige omgewing

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede

Navrae: 076 316 4350 k/ure

Legals | Geregtelik IN THE MAGISTRATE ‘S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 3162/2014 In the case between: SELATI DIEREKLINIEK EXECUTION CREDITOR And MR FRANCOIS ZIETSMAN (ID: 6907185108 081) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 22 MARCH 2016 the under mentioned good will be sold at 10:00 on 04 AUGUST 2016 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO.2 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, TZANEEN to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X KIC DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE 1 X SYNYO MICROWAVE 1 X 5 PIECE DINING ROOM SUITE 1 X SAMSUNG TV 1 X 3 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 X 3 PIECE ENTERTAINMENT STAND SIGNED AT TZANEEN on the 6th day of July 2016 SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECU-

TION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 Email: enica@rvorster.co.za Tel: 015 307 6797 Docex: 18 Ref: EMAKHUTHUDISE File no: BB0825 SALE NOTICE 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being TERTIUS ROBERTSON OR CHRISTIE BOUWER. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Jul301___________________________


COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF RITAVI HELD AT NKOWANKOWA CASE NO: 681/15 In the matter between: THEMBA NGOBENI EXECUTION CREDITOR And DANIEL SANDELANI MATHEBULA 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR ADOLPH MHLONGO 2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In pursuance of a judgment granted on 09th March 2016, in the Magistrate’s Court of Ritavi and under a Warrant of Execution issued thereafter the movable property listed hereunder will be sold in execution on Friday, the 29th day of July 2016 at 10:00 by the sheriff of Ritavi at Sheriff ’s office, 1 Bankuna Road, Limdev Building to the highest bidder: 1 X DCF 669 L White taxi 1 X DJP Trailer white DATED AND SIGNED AT TZANEEN ON THE 06TH DAY OF JULY 2016 M.S. MAPONYA ATTORNEYS EXECUTION CREDITOR’S ATTORNEYS NO: 11 THIRD AVENUE MEDI-PARK TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 7332 FAX: 015 307 2766 REF: MAPONYA/N102

SALE NOTICE MUST READ “AUCTION” 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Bankuna Road, Limdev Building, Nkowankowa 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Jul302___________________________

NOTICE TO ALL CREDITORS In the estate late MAAKE LEPHAI HUDSON (ID NO: 5004045536080) who was residing at stand no: 12 MAJAKANENG BOKGAGA Ga MAAKE and who died on the 18 APRIL 2016, estate no:

Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Domestic My name is Malata Emily Modipa i am looking for domestic work, sleep out, speak English, full time or part time or office cleaner. Contact me on 079 378 9264 (417) ____________________________

My naam is Mapula Meriam Shokane ek is opsoek na huishoudelikewerk, praat Afrikaans en English, voltyds of 3 dae of enige ander werk, kantoorskoonmaker kan ook na kinders kyk. Skakel my op 072 025 5850 (418) ____________________________

My name is Salphina Chauke i am looking for domestic work i speak English, sleep out, full time or 3days or office cleaner, shop cleaner contact me on 071 903 4941 (419)_____________________________

My name is Dikeledi Ruth Mogaleamalla i am looking

for domestic work, office cleaner or any general work i speak English, full time or part time sleep in or out (Ref: Lourie Geldenhuys 082 925 7919) contact me on 082 740 4460 (420) ____________________________

Admin My name is Dikeledi Tears Malatji i am looking for sales assistant, receptionist work, i speak English or Afrikaans, computer literacy Grade 12, Bussiness Management N4 contact me on 063 048 5180 (40) _____________________________

My name is Gracious Setabola i have Business Management N5 i have grade 12 and i can work as receptionist i can speak English and write contact me on 083 979 9296

(41) _____________________________


My name is Olga Mabuza i am looking for Security work i have Grade C,D,E and firearm training, Compudium, also a computer diploma, full time or part time i speak English. Contact me on 071 724 1521 (145) ____________________________

My name is Chritina Makgoba I am looking for a receptionis or administration position. I speak english and is computer literate. I also have advance IT. I can work part time or full time. Contact me on 082 627 0064. (146) ____________________________

My name is Doctor Matome Mashala i am looking for

mechanical assistant i have Engineering and Related design National Certificate Quilication level 4 or any other work related i have a licence code 10 i speak English and is computer literate, contact me on 072 148 6242 146) _____________________________

My name is Thembi Mobe i am looking for any general work, shop assistant or domestic work have computer literacy , did a course FET College Electrical Infrastructure level 4, i speak English have a code 10 licence contact me on 082 089 5687 (147) _____________________________

My name is Daniel Rachuene I am looking for work as a TLB driver or Excavotor driver, I have 6 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 073 961 8828 (148) ____________________________

2689/2016 of the master’s office Polokwane. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned 30(thirty) days from the date of the publication hereof with the executor MAAKE LETEBELE LESLY at PHALANE ATTORNEYS, office no 203 Morgan building, 10 Morgan street, Tzaneen, tel/ fax 015 306 0111, cell 072 641 0846 Ref: mkm/A0008 Jul303___________________________

NOTICE TO ALL CREDITORS In the estate late MAGEZA PRINCE CHARLES (ID NO: 6009065415080) who was residing at stand no: 546 BURGERSDORP and who died on the 08 MAY 2016, estate no: 3134/2016 of the master’s office Polokwane. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under singed 30 (thirty) days from the date of the publication hereof with the executor MAGEZA SOSTINA TINYIKO at PHALANE ATTORNEYS, office no 203 Morgan Building, 10 Morgan street Tzaneen, tel/fax: 015 306 0111, cell 072 641 0846 Ref: PC/A0011 Jul304___________________________


(ID NO: 4808115285084) who was residing at stand no: 45 Balloon, Ga-SEKORORO and who died on the 28 January 2016, estate no: 2230/2016 of the master’s office Polokwane. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the under singed 30 (thirty) days from the date of the publication hereof with the executor MAGAUGA MOHLOTLOMADI SALPHINA at PHALANE ATTORNEYS, office no 203 Morgan Building, 10 Morgan street Tzaneen, tel/fax: 015 306 0111, cell 072 641 0846 Ref: mkm/A0012

10:00 at the Sheriff Letaba’s store room, Main Store no.2, Industria Road 20, TZANEEN to the highest bidder, namely: 1 x 5 piece Lounge Suite 1 x Samsung TV 1 x Bal & Claw Cabinet 1 x Ignis Chest Freezer 1 x Defy Dishwasher 1 x Defy Artica Double door Fridge 1 x Oval Table 1 x Sine Board TERM: CASH OR BANK

GUARANTEED CHEQUE DATED AT POLOKWANE on this 8th day of JULY 2016. (SGD) J A VAN DER WALT NILAND & PRETORIUS INC Attorney for Plaintiff 2 Albatross Centre 21 Market Street PO Box 143 & 10 POLOKWANE Tel: 015 291 1974 (REF: Mr. Van der Walt/mjvr/ CC7684) Jul306___________________________



IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE CASE NUMBER: 1891/2013 In the matter between: HOëRSKOOL PIETERSBURG EXECUTION CREDITOR And PIETER F VAN NIEKERK Identity number: 670216 5168 08 4 EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE KINDLY TAKE NOTICE that in pursuance of a Judgment of the Court of the Magistrate of POLOKWANE granted on the 17th of April 2015 and Warrant of Execution issued in pursuance thereof, the under mentioned property will be sold in execution on the 4th of AUGUST 2016 at

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Wet Mill Manager Required in Mpumalanga:

Qualified Fitter Required in Mpumalanga:

Minimum Qualifications and Experience required: NMMU(Saasveld) Wood technology or BSc (Wood Science) qualification; ±10 years’ proven experience(saw mill & wet mill). Job Description and Requirements: Management of 2 log yards, 2 wet mill lines, green chain, stacking, as well as kilns & boilers; Good knowledge/Experience of saw milling equipment (especially frame saws, kilns & boilers); Required to work overtime from time to time; Good communicator/Organiser/Team player – management of a relatively large team; Proven experience in high pressure, production environment/s; References essential.

Minimum Qualifications and Experience required: Proven Grade 12 School Qualification; Section 13 Trade Certificate; At least 5 years’ proven saw-mill experience. Job Description and Requirements: Knowledge of saw milling equipment (including band saws, frame saws, multi-rips, auto edgers, gearboxes, chains, sprockets) Experience on machine set-up and alignment, Strong on preventative maintenance; Experience on identification and sourcing of spares; Proven experience in high pressure, production environment/s; Welding and turning skills advantageous (including working on lathe), as well as pneumatic and hydraulic experience; Required to work shifts and overtime from time to time (occasional call-outs/stand-by); Good employment history; References essential.

Additional Information: Market-related Salary with Profit Share; Pension and Medical Aid Benefits; Company Accommodation; Strong preference will be given to AA/EE applicants, but all applications will be considered. Closing date:

Additional Information: Market-related Salary; Pension and Medical Benefits; Company Accommodation; Strong preference will be given to AA/EE applicants, but all applications will be considered.

Interested candidates to send applications to: hrm@wrsm.co.za 22 July 2016 (should you not receive any communication within 14 days after closing date, please accept your application as unsuccessful).


15 July 2016


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Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863

Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076 Tzaneen Country Lodge Accommodation, Weddings, Spa, Conference, Restaurant, Sunday Buffet. R71 Phalaborwa Road Tarentaalrand 015 304 3290 Jun306___________________________

Wendy Houses For the best prices, quality and guaranteed work we are the best, all sizes all types available 3 m x 3 m R4 000, 3 m x 6 m R7 500, 3 m x 9 m R10 000 don’t miss this winter special. Solly 078 391 4834 Jack 072 665 4381 Jul301___________________________

Sanloo Guest House

34 Rooms, Wedding Chapel, Restaurant, Bar, Functions 015 307 1101 3 Fees Street, Tzaneen

Bearings, Seals, Power Transmission, Drives & Motors, Belting, Fateners, Filtration Contact 015 307 7334 or visit us at 8C Kew Street, Tzaneen.

TRELLIDOR The Ultimate Crime Barrier Widest range, Custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493 Jun313___________________________

Ultimate Security Electric Fencing Carports Security Cameras Alarms And much more Contact Eugene at 078 460 4667 / 015 307 1768



Fairview Hotel & Village Accommodation, Restaurant, Golf Old Gravelotte Road Tzaneen 015 307 2679 Jun308___________________________

Letaba Junction Accommodation, Restaurant, Bar, Curio Shops, Spa. Letaba Junction Letsitele 082 827 0026 www.letabajunction.co.za



SANTA’S FABRIC MAGIC Upholstery, Curtains, Blinds, Furniture and more. 45 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2468


Komkor Kombuise Manufacturing and install wooden kitchens & build in cupboards & sliding mirror doors to your specification. For a free Quotation, contact our factory at Tel: 015 303 0266


SMIT GARRUN Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________

Oogkundige Gratis Sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Jacques van Niekerk 015 307 3703 Loop Str, Tzaneen

Your partner in home building!

015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!

Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com Jun320___________________________

Mashutti Country Lodge Conference venues Overnight accommodation Wedding venues Baby showers Matric dance Business Meetings Restaurant and Bar 015 307 4315 / 4808 Jun321___________________________

LETABA FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Rouan Snyman 071 602 5982 076 844 1646 manager@letabafire.co.za www.letabafire.co.za



Optometrists Gail Altona 015 307 1243 Jun318___________________________

Groblers Auto Tow-in Panelbeaters Conversions Velddienste Scrapyard 015 395 2112 / 2175

Contact Rikus for the best deals on UD Trucks 015 307 4950 Jun303___________________


Awesome Deals on new Ford vehicles


Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


Contact Ivon 072 615 1905

Contact Mike at 071garage 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 gates and motors dedamsteelworks@gmail.com

Paving and light to medium steel and general construction.

Contact Erika 073 024 8749

Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R22.50/km + btw, 12 ton trok R24.50/km + btw & 20 ton @ R31.50/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________ Sleebok Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble, Bathrooms Quality Workmanship. 015 307 6005 / 1205 www.sleebok.co.za

Jun301 ______________________

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com

Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Puik diens en lae pryse. Marlien 083 252 8928 Jun324___________________________


Oasis Water Refresh, Revive, Refill 015 3072504 079 523 5253 Tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za Shop 1, 17 Plantation Road Tzaneen

Absolutely Water

Need a good cleanup now that the holiday visitors has left? For all your upholstery cleaning and carpets. Ask us about Master guard. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Contact: Andre Bezuidenhout 0725975977

Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

Beskerm jou gesin se gesondheid met ons wye reeks filters, watersuiweraars, dispensers en ander produkte. Ons los jou water problem gou op. Bekostigbare kwaliteit produkte en diens. Elsie: 083 458 4746 Danna: 083 560 8636 Jun326___________________________

Nationwide Shuttle


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We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com Jun328____________________

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

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Quality used Volkswagen Vehicles

Services Dienste

We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, securityinand access gates We specialise Burglar • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors proofing, security and • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction access gates We also service and repair all makes of electric gates andfencing, garage motors.electric Palisade

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Makarios Makelaars Lewensversekering, Korttermyn versekering, Pensioen fondse, boedelbeplanning 015 307 3316

Services Dienste

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Services Dienste



Emergencies Jun331___________________

Services Dienste

Travel from Hoedspruit to Phalaborwa to Tzaneen via Polokwane to Johannesburg with our daily shuttle conveniently from your door step direct to your destination. Call us today to take you to your preferred destination on 073 003 6044


For Hire Te Huur TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jun330_____________________

Vacancy Vakantepos PA/Tutor Persoonlike assistent / tutor in Tzaneen benodig. Moet goed met kinders oor die weg kom; geduldig en betrouaar. Moet verkieslik oor matriek beskik met betroubare vervoer ‘n vereiste. Ideaal geskik vir ‘n afgetrede dame. Geen kansvatters. Stuur u CV (3 bladsye maks) aan: limpoporecruit@gmail.com Aansoeke sluit: 20 Julie 2016 Jul102____________________________

Like us on facebook!


Services Dienste

15 July 2016


The rest of the winners of the Wolkberg tournament There were winners aplenty in the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club’s prestigious Wolkberg Tournament.


Administrative Assistant: Stock Controller Hishtil South Africa, a leading vegetable seedling producer, requires the services of an Administrative Assistant at our Mooketsi Nursery. The successful candidate will be responsible for the following:

• • • • •

Oppie Kassie | On the Telly

Lekkerbekrugby dié naweek in N-Seeland

Strict stock control of all items & recording of new intake Processing of stock according to orders and varieties of products Accounting functions within the specific position Secretarial & general administration work Filling and archive of documents


The 2nd Place Wolkberg Winners of R5 000 from Mooketsi Transport and Blankets from Marriot, were Robbie Kruger, Mr Gert Brits (Old Mutual/ Marriot), Beate Altenroxel, Wessel Pretorius and Hendrik van der Linde.

• • • • • • • • • • •

An appropriate academic qualification of at least grade 12 Computer literacy (MS office suite and inventory control software) Purchasing & procurement experience will be an advantage A meticulous and well-structured person The ability to work in an cold-room environment A minimum of 3 years relevant experience A background in accounting Integrate with a team Driver’s license & own transport The ability to function under pressure and to make independent decisions The successful applicant must have the ability to work (when circumstances require) outside normal working hours Please submit your CV to Ilze Goosen by: Fax: 086 641 5132 or by E-mail: hr@hishtilsa.com For more information contact: Ilze Goosen Alternatively visit our website: www.hishtilsa.com Closing date: 20/07/2016 Only suitable CV’s will be considered

SuperSport-hoogtepunte (Alles regstreeks) Vrydag 15 Julie

Atletiek: Diamantliga, Monaco – 19:45 tot 22:15 op SS 5 Fietsry: Tour de France, skof 13 (37 km) – 14:10 tot 18:00 op SS 5 Gholf: Britse Ope, Troon, dag 2 – 07:30 tot 21:00 op SS 6 en 09:00 tot 21:00 op SS 7 Barbasolkampioenskap, Alabama, dag 2 – 23:00 tot 02:00 op SS 6 Krieket: Engeland t Pakistan, eerste toets, dag 2, Lord’s – 11:30 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Rugby: Superreeks: Blues t Waratahs – 09:00 tot 11:35 op SS 1 en GDN Reds t Rebels – 11:35 tot 14:00 op SS 1 en GDN Sharks t Sunwolves – 18:30 tot 21:15 op SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker: Haaie t Valke – 16:00 tot 18:15 op SS 1 en GDN Tennis: Duitse Ope, Hamburg, kwarteind – 10:55 tot 19:00 op SS 4 Saterdag 16 Julie

Boks: Sergei Lipinets v Walter Castillo (Jr weltergewig) – 03:00 tot 05:00 op SS 7 Guillermo Rigondeaux t Jeff Dickens (superkapokgewig) – 22:50 tot 02:00 op SS 7 Fietsry: Tour de France, skof 14 (208 km) – 14:10 tot 17:30 op SS 5 Gholf: Britse Ope, dag 3 – 11:00 tot 20:30 op SS 6 en 12:00 tot 20:30 op SS 7 Barbasolkampioenskap, dag 3 – 21:00 tot 00:00 op SS 6 Krieket: Engeland t Pakistan, eerste toets, dag 3 – 11:00 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP: Duitse kwalifisering – 15:00 tot 17:00 op SS 8 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 22:00 tot 01:00 op SS 5 Rugby: Superreeks:

Crusaders t Hurricanes – 06:45 tot 09:25 op SS 1 en GDN Highlanders t Chiefs – 09:25 tot 11:35 op SS 1 en GDN Brumbies t Force – 11:35 tot 14:00 op SS 1 en GDN Stormers t Kings – 16:30 tot 19:05 op SS 1 en M-Net Cheetahs t Bulls – 19:05 tot 21:30 op SS 1 en M-Net Jaguares t Lions – 23:20 tot 01:45 op SS 1 en GDN Curriebeker: WP t Grens – 14:00 tot 16:15 op SS 1 Vrystaat t Boland – 16:00 tot 18:15 op SS 8 Cravenweek, onder18, laaste wedstryd – 15:00 tot 17:00 op Kanaal 210 Tennis: Duitse Ope, halfeind – 14:55 tot 20:00 op SS 4 Sondag 17 Julie

Fietsry: Tour de France, skof 15 (159 km) – 12:45 tot 17:50 op SS 5 Gholf: Britse Ope, dag 4 – 10:00 tot 20:00 op SS 1 en GDN en 12:00 tot 20:00 op SS 6 Barbasolkampioenskap, dag 4 – 21:00 tot 00:00 op SS 6 en GDN Vroue: Marathon Classic, dag 3 – 00:00 tot 02:00 op SS 8 Krieket: Engeland t Pakistan, eerste toets, dag 4 – 11:00 tot 20:00 op SS 2 Motorfietsrenne: MotoGP: Duitse moto3, moto 2 en Grand Prix – 10:45 tot 15:30 op SS 7 Motorrenne: Nascarreeks – 19:30 tot 23:00 op SS 5 Indycarreeks, Toronto – 21:00 tot 23:30 op SS 7 Sokker: Afrikakampioenskapsliga: Amalek t Mamelodi Sundowns – 19:20 tot 21:30 op SS 4 Tennis: Duitse Ope, eindstryd – 14:55 tot 18:00 op SS 4 Vliegsport: Red Bull-kampioenskap, Boedapest, wedvlug 1 en 2 – 14:00 tot 15:00 en 16:00 tot 17:00 op SS 8

In third place were Gareth Lambert, Aggie Ascenco, Lynn Lambert with Jenny Murray (Trophy Toyota), Mr Harold Cass (president Duiwelskloof Bowls Club) and John Ferns.

VACANCY Receptionist/Administrative Assistant BioBee Integrated Crop Solutions (Pty) Ltd. is a leading South African company specializing in the production and marketing of beneficial insects and mites and naturally derived products for integrated pest and disease control. A vacancy has become available for a Receptionist / Administration Assistant.

Ofcolaco Petroleum sponsored the plate winners. Seen here are Messrs Harold Cass (club president) and Jan Drom (Ofcolaco Petroleum; sponsor) and Hanlie Duncan, David Wiid, Wally Duncan and Dylan Duncan.

Successful applicants will be responsible for the following functions: Execution of general receptionist and secretarial support duties to the management of BioBee inclusive of the following: • Managing of the reception area, attending to customers and clients, filling out requisitions, stock control, processing and placing of orders, keeping of the petty cash, typing of documents using Word, preparing PowerPoint presentations and using Excel to compile spreadsheets • Administration of training courses for client’s employees, ensure that product delivery logistical arrangements are made for the processing of orders to clients, organize travel arrangements for BioBee personnel. The following prerequisites are required: Minimum of grade 12 or equivalent • Systematic approach to the execution of duties and a professional conduct towards clients and customers • Excellent communication skills in English, Tshonga, Sepedi and Afrikaans (Verbal and writing) • Computer literacy and proficiency in the application of Microsoft Office Suite is essential (Word, Excel and PowerPoint) • Previous administration experience required • Candidates must be in possession of a valid drivers licence with independent transport from home to work • Ambitious, self-motivated, result driven and independent • Capable of handling several tasks simultaneously.

Stone Last and winners of carrots, were Wally Herfurth, Leon de Wet, Kathy du Preez and Fred du Preez with Harold Cass (club president).

If you meet the above requirements for the position please forward your CV to info@BioBee.co.za. Enquiries can be directed to Caroline Blessee at: 015 3451572. Date of closure: 25 July 2016

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for winter weight gain! See you at the gym! Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650


Selfs die Bulls en die Cheetahs se vurigste ondersteuners sal toegee dat dié naweek se beste rugby waarskynlik in Nieu-Seeland gespeel sal word. Die kragmeting in Bloemfontein behoort nóg ʼn spannende botsing tussen “ou vyande” op te lewer, maar die Superreekswedstryde in Christchurch en Dunedin lyk na smulkos vir rugby se lekkerbekke. Regstreekse televisiedekking van die botsing tussen die Crusaders en die Hurricanes en veral die een tussen die Highlanders en die Chiefs sal Saterdag op ʼn Hef Aan-noot laat begin. Ook die Britse Ope-gholf en die Tour de France-fietsry sal verseker dat baie sportliefhebbers dié naweek nie ver van die naaste TV-stel sal wegdwaal nie.


15 July 2016

Stoffel Vermaak van Tzaneen het onlangs aan die Durban Ysterman-kompetisie gaan deelneem en die klipharde toets vir fiksheid en krag voltooi. Hy sê hy het dit baie geniet (sy triomfaksie op die foto bevestig dit), maar waarsku ook dat dit uitmergelend is en gees en vlees tot die uiterste beproef. (Dalk moet jou pa jou volgende keer vergesel, om jou te ondersteun, Stoffel Junior! — Sportredakteur).

Sestien ringbalspelers van Tzaneen is in Limpopo se span ingesluit, om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Ringbaltoernooi in Pretoria deel te neem. Agter is Xander Steyn, Stefan van der Westhuizen en Rejani de Bruin. In die middelry is Rudolf van Niekerk, Talah Woodward, Chantelle Wilson, JJ De Beer en Berton de Bruin, en voor sit Mia Mostert, Edrich Steyn en Devinn van der Westhuizen. Afwesig: Chanté en Sharice Smith.

Oubal het ‘n Clint Eastwood .45 Magnum-oomblik van GertGrensvegter verwag, toe KoosKakie verlede week met ons spanpraatjie opmerk dat hy sien Lood de Jager [KK, name] is nou moeg vir groot rakbie en gaan voortaan vir die BB’e speel. Maar GG was so kalm soos destyds voor die Slag van Cuito Cuanavale in sy reaksie. ‘Tja, GG reken toe dit was ‘n baie skerp skuif van Lood om die reserwebank te gaan warm hou met die twee jong brekers, Jason Jenkins en RG Snyman, wat die oond stook vir die BB’e. Dit sal hom nie weer ‘n Speler van die Jaar-toekenning in die sak bring nie, reken GG, maar wel miljoene rande, en boonop sal sy lyf gespaar word vir sy oudag! Op die punt wou ou ArthurIngelsman weet of ons die “SoepaSpôt”-berig gesien het van die 45 plaaslike spelers wat volgende jaar oorsee gaan speel en hoe “dêwwistytieng” die verlies vir ons rakbie gaan wees. “Mênnie sy iets biekôs of kwoutas”, voeg ou AI by. Op versoek het ou AI toe vir ons die berig op sy lêptoppie gekry sodat ons ons self kon vergewis van die naderende Armageddon, maar dit draai toe uit om ietwat van ‘n grap te wees. In die eerste plek blyk dit dat ‘n goeie agtstuks op die lys in Japan gaan speel, maar terug sal wees vir Super-

Prestigious Wolkberg Bowls a great success The 45th Wolkberg Tournament took place at Duiwelskloof Bowls Club, and a total of 26 teams of Fours entered the prestigious annual competition. Cash prize monies totalling a whopping R19 000 were up for grabs, thanks to generous sponsorships and donations by a number of businesses in the area. The first, second and third prize winners of R10 000 were sponsored by Old Mutual/ Marriot, R5 000 was sponsored by Mooketsi Transport and R2 000 was sponsored by Trophy Toyota. The committee and members of Duiwels-

kloof Bowls Club expressed special thanks to the above sponsors and to the following who without their support and effort, the annual Wolkberg tournament would not be possible: • All the advertisers in the tournament programme; • All those members who helped with the catering, bar, flowers and other contributions; • Anyone who contributed towards the tournament; and • All players for attending the tournament. “Well done and well played by all.”

The winners of the prestigious Wolkberg tournament celebrated their moment of victory. Seen here are Chris O’Reily, Suzette O’Reily, Philip Olivier and Aranda Wessels with Messrs

Harold Cass (president of the Duiwelskloof Bowls Club) and Gert Brits (Old Mutual/Marriot). On top of the R10 000 prize money the players also received comfortable camping chairs.

Tzaneen sterk verteenwoordig in Limpopo se ringbalspanne

Trekvoëls akbie in 2017 — name soos Elton Jantjies, Jaco Kriel, Warren Whiteley en Lionel Mapoe. Die res sluit name in van spelers van wie selfs Oubal nog skaars gehoor het, asook ‘n aantal wat volgens Oubal so oor die muur is dat hy nie dink ons hulle vreeslik sal mis nie. Die enigste werklike verliese in Oubal se oë is Lappies Labuschagne, Vincent Koch, Marcell Coetzee, Franco Mostert en miskien JP Pietersen. Ter wille van perspektief het ons viermanskap toe die beste vyftiental uit die klomp trekvoëls gekies om die punt te illustreer: 15. Joe Pietersen 14. JP Pietersen 13. Paul Jordaan 12. Shane Gates 11. Francois Hougaard 10. Marnitz Boshoff 9. Nic

Chantell Meyer, Tyra Du Plessis en Charlize Meyer.

Groom 8. Schalk Burger 7. Marcell Coetzee 6. Lappies Labuschagne 5. Franco Mostert 4. Grant Hattingh 3. Marcell vd Merwe 2. Kyle Cooper 1. Vincent Koch ‘Tja, dit sal miskien een redelike SupeRakbiespan kan maak, maar behalwe vir die reeds genoemde vyf sien Oubal nie juis veel wat Allister Coetzee snags sal laat wakker lê nie. Onder die wat nie ons span gehaal het nie, is daar name soos Dean Greyling, Werner Kruger en Deon Stegmann wat Oubal dink nie eers meer Heyneke Meyer se mond sal laat kwyl nie. Waaraan Oubal swaar sluk, is ou AI se opmerking dat die verstekverskoning vir hierdie uittog kwotas is. Daar is ‘n baie eenvoudiger verklaring — ons swak ekonomie en die swak waarde van die rand. Oubal gun die spelers wat die einde van hul loopbane nader om ‘n aftreegeldjie te gaan verdien, want niemand weet hoe lank dit nog gaan duur voor die Europese mark vir ons spelers versadig gaan wees nie. En natuurlik weet niemand ook wat die effek van Brexit gaan wees op toekomstige pondeuro-jagters nie, maar een ding staan soos ‘n paal bo water, SA Rakbie behoort meer bekommerd te wees oor ons ekonomie as oor kwotas. “It’s the economy, stupid!” — Bill Clinton

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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