Bulletin 160722

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Diagnostic Radiologists

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Tamatie-oorlog 015 307 7248


Oorlogpraatjies hang swaar in die lug by honderde tamatieboere in Limpopo en die Openbare Beskermer gaan nou glo gevra word om die onlangse vestiging van ‘n tamatieverwerkingaanleg in Modjadjiskloof dringend te ondersoek. Die herrie is los oor die ontwikkeling van twee verwerking aanlegte wat glo teen mekaar afgespeel word. Die een staan al langer as vyf jaar bakhand by die regering vir toerusting om sy drie duisend lede se produkte verwerk te kry, terwyl die nuwe toetreder met die hulp van R100 miljoen sorg dat vyftien plaaslike tamatieboere gehelp word. Ja, vyftien teenoor drie duisend! Dit gaan oor die verwerking van ryp tamaties in puree en pasta om in die binnelandse vraag te voorsien. Tans word groot hoeveelhede hiervan uit die Ooste teen groot koste ingevoer. Twee staatsdepartemente is betrokke by die redding van Limpopo Tomato Growers Association se aanleg in Politsi en die nuwe aanleg van Dursot in Modjadjiskloof. Die een in Politsi behoort aan drie duisend aandeelhouers en kry

Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

in die nuwe finansiële jaar (hopelik?) hulp van die departement van landbou (DAFF) om sy geriewe met R30 miljoen te vergroot. Dursot in Modjadjiskloof het R100 miljoen van die departement van handel en nywerheid (Dti) gekry vir hul aanleg (All Joy). Die Bulletin verneem betroubaar samesprekings is nou aan die gang om die “misverstand” tussen die twee departemente uit te stryk. Maar ingeligtes meen daar Dr Rob Davies en mnr Ismael Darsot by die onlangse opening was geen misverstand nie en vra van die nou omstrede nuwe aanleg in Modjadjiskloof dat die minister van handel en nywerheid, Dr Rob Davies, se opbekookte bevoordeling van sekere mense wat trede en die toekenning aan Dursot ondersoek nou suur geword het”. word. Iets ruik na vrot tamatie, word gesê. All Joy kan All Misery word, word ook gesê. Davies het die nuwe fabriek enkele weke geIntussen is die aanleg in Politsi tydelik gesluit, lede persoonlik kom open, maar daar is byna totdat die verwagte nuwe toerusting opdaag. niks van die “groot geleentheid” gemaak nie. Die werkers is almal met betaalde verlof, het Die LUR vir landbou in Limpopo (wat intus- die bestuurder, mnr Hennie Kleynhans, bevessen oorlede is) was glo nie eens genooi na die tig. Hy wou verder geen kommentaar op die opening nie en in provinsiale regeringskringe jongste stand van sake lewer nie. — Louis Roux & Francois Aucamp in Polokwane word gesê “die hele ding is ‘n on-

R60m injection for MediClinic Tzaneen



Ground works to create more than 200 new parking spaces and to allow for the erection of a new ICU with space for 30 patients, the expansion of the NN ICU (neo-natal) to accommodate 20 patients and a new facility for an MR scanner started this week at the MediClinic Tzaneen. About R60 million will be spent on this phase. • More on p 4

Azél Vorster, dogter van mnr Ben en me Anneri Vorster van Letsitele, het aan die SA Ruiterykampioenskappe vir ruiters tot die ouderdom van agtien jaar oud by Kayalami



Mediclinic Tzaneen • 015 306 0098 www.afrirad.co.za

p12 Tzaneen is ideal... so say our Olympic rowers

p3 Pierre en Tina groet

deelgeneem. Azél is maar elf jaar oud, maar sy is reeds ‘n knap ruiter en een van ons omgewing se talle kinders wat die afgelope tyd perdesport hier in die kollig gebring het.



Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid | Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks


10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587




22 Julie 2016

•X-Rays • CT Scans • Ultrasound • Digital Mammography • Bone Density • Fluoroscopy • Interventional Radiology


22 Julie 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...



Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Candice Prinsloo 082 342 7018 candice@bulletin.us.com Angie Woodward 078 663 5556 angie@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Vlieg is huiwerig daaroor of hy sy gereelde lesers moet inlig al dan nie, maar in die belang van deursigtigheid, huiwer of te nie, moet hy dit nou maar bekendmaak dat hy dit oorweeg — baie, baie ernstig oorweeg — om te verhuis! Hierdie soort besluite is gewoonlik nie iets wat ‘n mens sommer so ligtelik opneem nie. Vir Vlieg is dit egter ‘n baie maklike besluit. In hierdie godverlate, of selfs Godverlate plek kan Vlieg dit byna nie meer langer duld nie. Vlieg hunker daarna om weer ‘n slag in die beskawing te wees waar hy kan staatmaak op goeie diens, geriewe en produkte. Geen verantwoordelike ouer kan enige van sy maaiers of papies nog na een van die plaaslike skole toe stuur nie. Die opvoeding en opleiding is swak en die powere sportafrigting is ook nie vergelykbaar met dit wat die maaiers en papies in die stad kan kry nie. En op kultuurgebied gebeur daar minder as niks. Kyk maar net na die skole se patetiese matruukuitslae elke jaar en hoe die stede se skole ons maaiers en papies naweek na naweek karnuffel op die sportvelde! By geen winkel kan ‘n mens nog iets ordentliks koop nie. Wat nog van die pryse! Vlieg ry eerder stad toe vir sy groceries, wat nog van sy klere, skoene, grassnyers en skeerroom. En die winkelassistente is tog so onbehulpsaam. Vlieg sal in sy lewe nie ‘n motor êrens in hierdie gehug koop nie, wat nog van laat diens, tensy hy wil hê sy bakkie moet oral staan en olie lek. Skelms, almal skelms! Oor swak diens moet ‘n mens

Vlieg eerder nie aan die praat kry nie. Vlieg se vingerpunte is al pikswart verbrand van al die elektriese skokke van self probeer, omdat die blerrie plaaslike electricians nie die fout kan kry nie. Verder moet Vlieg heelnag kort-kort opstaan om te gaan piepie omdat die verdomde plumber nie die kraan se gedrup gestop kry nie. Vrugte en groente wat plaaslik verbou is, sit Vlieg sy bek nie

aansienlike en soms moontlik afstootlike, dalk aanstootlike, agterent in die tjoekie gesit het as hy van ‘n lokale prokureur moes gebruik maak. Daarvoor maak hy eerder ‘n telefoniese opwagting stad toe. Selfs die kerke loop leeg, seker omdat al die regte gelowiges eerder Sondae in die Ooste van Pretoria vergader. As Vlieg hier sou kerk toe gaan is hy nie van sy plek in die hiernamaals

aan nie. Hiedie klomp wannabe boere in hierdie omgewing kan maar gaan leer hoe dinge gedoen word by die land se voorste boere daar in en om Pretoria. Vlieg lyk nou al soos ‘n haasbek graad eentjie van al die tande wat gevrot het omdat die plek se tandartse ook nie ‘n clue het wat hulle doen nie. As Vlieg sy totale inkomste in die staatskoffer (let wel, ‘o’ nie ‘a’ nie) wou stort, en in armoedige ellende wou krepeer, het hy vir hom ‘n plaaslike ouditeur gekry, en nie ‘n slim een van die stad af nie. Vlieg sou seker lankal met sy

verseker nie, wat nog van die opraping! Daar is drie goed wat egter finaal Vlieg se vlerke geknak het, en hom op emigrasie stad toe laat besluit het! Eintlik twee, die derde is hierdie nuuspapiertjie, maar gelukkig is daar ‘n alternatiewe een met uitstekende taalversorging en verfrissende indiepte joernalistieke vaardigheid… en baie mooi fotos! Die tweede is vleis! Dit kan darem van geen respektabele karnivoor soos Vlieg verwag word om die vleis wat van die plaaslike slagplase af kom te wil eet nie. As Vlieg lanklaas kans

gehad het om in Pretoria te gaan vleis koop, kou hy eerder aan een van sy gordels wat intussen te klein geword het of aan sy tekkies waarmee hy in 1986 die Comrades gehardloop het, nevermind wat hy by Polly Shorts daarin gedoen het! Of hy eet slaai, van Pretoria af, natuurlik! Die ander en eerste is natuurlik dat Vlieg dit in sy lewe, of is dit nou om sy lewe, nie sal waag om na een van die plaaslike kwaksalwers toe te gaan nie, nie eers met ‘n ingroeitoonnael nie. Hulle sal hom sweerlik weer verkeerd behande, as hulle hom nie gaan doodmaak nie! Vlieg gaan eerder dokter toe in Pretoria! Seker dié dat die hospitaaltjie op hierdie one horse town met al sy kwakke so aan die kwyn is, soos berig word op die voorblad op die keersy! Vlieg hoop, eintlik weet hy dat die ander andersdenkende andersdenkendes, anders as die eenderse eendersdenkende eendersdenkendes sal kan onderskei tussen, en versigtig omgaan met die volgende: kri-tiek’ s.nw. 1. Beoordeling. 2. Afkeurende uiting; opsomming van gebreke. 3. Kuns om wetenskaplike of artistieke werk te beoordeel. 4. Verhandeling, beskouing waarin iets beoordeel word non’sens, non’sies s.nw. Onsin, kaf las’ter s.nw. Eerskennis, onware kwaadsprekery; belediging van iemand sonder om bewys van die waarheid te lewer en teen beterwete in akk (vulgêr) s.nw. 3. Enigiets swaks, negatiefs: akk praat, onsin* *Taalkundig versorg

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Help to promote feminine hygiene According to statistics about 68% of rural women cannot afford sanitary pads and awareness on basic health and feminine hygiene is very low with these women lacking adequate knowledge on menstrual hygiene and care. “For most people buying pads is as easy as buying bread and milk of which is not the case for millions of girls and women in our country. It does not get any unhygienic than using a newspaper page as an alternative, so the same way the government distributes condoms should be done with sanitary pads. But until then we can all try making it our responsibility like Kgomotso

Mahlong has to help a girl child not to miss school because of sanitary, its possible” Pamela Mashego said. Most women have to cope with sub-optimal alternatives like using a cloth or a toilet paper which might have severe consequences on their health, education and re-productivity. It is highly likely for young girls to miss school due to the lack of sanitary pads” Poor financial conditions does not allow majority of the women to buy quality sanitary pads and they end up with an alternative of using a cloth which can increase the chances of infections.”


Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

Founder of Sponsor An African Child (SAAC) said: “I was privileged enough to get sanitary toiletries each and every month but then I realised for some people it is a challenge which does not only affect those in primary level but also those in high school. I then made it a point that whenever I buy sanitary toiletries I don’t only buy for myself but for other children as well, after I started a programme where I help the needy through awareness, where our vision is to restore the dignity of an African child.” Gittel Baloyi Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 18/07/2016

Tzaneen 29.1%

Ebenezer 72.2%

Merensky 96.5%

Dap Naude 89.7%

Middel Letaba 24%

Blyde Rivier Poort 63.8%

Klaserie 43.9%

Tours 42%

Vergelegen 98.4%

Ohrigstad 5.7%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

22 Julie 2016



Pierre bids you farewell

One died, ten injured in accident On Monday morning a light delivery vehicle veered off the road at Motupa and landed on its side next to the road, leaving one person dead and ten injured. The occupants were all found lying near the vehicle. The deceased was found with fatal injuries and declared dead on the scene. The rest of the people were treated for lacerations, scrapes and bruises and they were taken to Letaba and Van Velden hospitals. It is not clear if a second vehicle was involved in the collision but an investigation is ongoing. – Gittel Baloyi gittel@bulletin.us.com

A group of young people in our area decided to start an open mic performance and their idea is growing into something unique for Tzaneen. Read all about it next week in Bulletin.

After 25 years, three months and a few hours, Tzaneen bids farewell to the GTM’s Director: Electrical Engineering, Mr Pierre van den Heever, and his wife, Tina. They have packed their bags and today, closed the door on a most remarkable chapter. In 1991 Pierre arrived in Tzaneen from the Free State where he completed his studies as an electrical engineer. He occupied the post of electrical engineer at the GTM for a number of years and later took the reigns as director of this department until the end of his contract this year. He spoke fondly of many great memories he shared with others during his time in Tzaneen and more specifically during his time at the GTM. One of the fondest memories was the day he met Subby, his beloved Jack Russell. “We had a huge crisis with power shortages in Tzaneen in 2001. After some planning a few of us engineers and electricians came up with a temporary solution whereby we erected a substation to pull power from the outlying areas and feed it directly into the town. It was during that time that I noticed a stray, obviously abused dog around the site we worked at. During those three days we worked on that substation, I befriended the dog and eventually took her home. I named her Subby which is short for Substation. We have been inseparable ever since.”


Dr. Annecke Laerskool 30 Julie 2016 Kleuter-, Laer- en Hoërskool kaskarwedrenne HOPE PRET EN AKSIE! Trompoppies

Teetuin en gebak; Snoepie; Gesig en lapverf; Groente en vrugte; Yankees; Ontbyt; Winskoopwinkel; Biltong; Pannekoek; Boereworsbroodjies; Miamiprodukte; Chip en Dip; Vetkoek; Pap & kaaiings; Koeldrank; Vrugtesappe.

08:15 Beamptes vergader voor uitsaaitoring 08:30 Amptelike Opening - Ds Elbert 08:45 SAVF Trompoppies L/S Junior spanne ontvang T-hemde 09:00 L/S Junior Wedren Kleuterskool spanne ontvang T-hemde 09:30 Wysneusie Pompommies 10:00 L/S Junior Prysuitdeling 10:20 Kleuterskole wedren Hoërskool spanne ontvang T-hemde 10:50 MIAMI CANNERS - MARK 11:00 Meridian Trompoppies 11:15 Hoërskool Snelpremie 11:30 Hoërskool Wedren 12:20 Hoërskool Prysuitdeling Laerskool Seniors ontvang T-hemde 12:40 L/S Senior Snelpremie 12:55 L/S Senior Wedren 13:25 L/S Senior Prysuitdeling


Navrae: Ben van Coller 083 709 8000

Sien jou daar!



NG Kerk Letsitele


Similarly, he met his wife Tina, through an electrical outage too. “I never went to restore power myself but when she called me hysterically, I decided that considering she was only a few houses away from me, I would go and check it out myself and save on a technician’s call out fees and overtime. “She was stuck outside her house after being in hospital and had managed to get my personal number from a traffic officer by the name of Francois Peyper. Long story, short, here we are happily married almost eight years later.” The couple will be settling in Witzenberg where Pierre will take up a position as Head of Department in that municipality. They leave behind a lifetime of memories, good and bad, and now look forward to a new future together. As a last thought, Pierre pointed out the change he saw during the past two and a half decades. “I have been a skydiver all my life and I have noticed the change we made to the lives of the people living in this municipality each time I flew over Tzaneen at night. In the past one would see all these scarcely spaced spots of light where there was power in the areas around town. Now, when you fly over here, the whole area is brightly lit up. That, is the change we made.” — Joe Dreyer

Agribox Alliance Fruit BB Motors Bearingman Bekmar Benjamin Osmers Wildlife Blinkwater Meule Bosbok Gas Bosveld Sitrus Build It Letsitele Burgert van Rooyen Christie Landman Boerdery CP Minnaar & Seun CPJ Erasmus

Dole Dries Elektries Du Roi Kwekery FCL & 4PL GD Goosen Boerdery Go Pack Granor Passi Gubitz Boerdery HeinDoc Houers Koöperatief Hydespray Laeveld Sitrus Lannie Motors Lona Sitrus Mahela Boerdery

OTM beskikbaar Miami Canners Nel Sneldienste Noordchem Northern Pump & Pipe Nouvelle La Cotte NTT Toyota Provento Quality Agri Quality Plant Hire Smitko Sprayrite Supa Quick X-Fuels


22 Julie 2016


MediClinic Tzaneen bult nou spiere Die eerste fase van ‘n groot uitbreiding by die MediClinic Tzaneen het dié week afgeskop. Benewens nuwe eenhede vir intensiewe sorg en ‘n spesiale vertrek vir ‘n MR-skandeerder,

word die parkeerterreine uitgebrei, die wassery en werkswinkel word verskuif en verskeie ander kleiner “verstellings” word gemaak. Dr Ig van Rensburg, die voorsitter van die hospi-

taal se direksie al sedert die hospitaal twaalf jaar gelede in gebruik geneem is, sê die publiek moet asseblief geduldig en versigtig wees tydens die grondverskuiwings en bouwerk. “Ons bied by voorbaat verskoning aan vir enige ongerief wat mense mag ervaar,” sê hy. Die foto hierby is Dinsdag by die oorhandiging van die terrein aan die kontrakteurs geneem (Van Rensburg staan links voor).

More than 67 Minutes spent at Appel Appel School, outside Haenertsburg, un- chopped down and thrown been teaching at Appel for twenty years, was put in charge of the school two years ago. derwent a drastic change for 67 minutes on onto a heaped area that Malapane has already made a huge differMonday. Headmaster Fieland Malapane, all will be burnt soon. The refour teachers, the 46 children from Gr 7-10 as maining stump was poience to the lives of his scholars. Kühne says, “When the children complete Gr 10, they well as fifteen Westfalia employees got down soned by one of the skilled to restoring the run-down school. Westfalia staffers. finish their schooling at the Tzaneng Another structure School at Westfalia. We decided to Ms Mpho Madali from Westfalia gave a talk on recycling and compost. The children were getting attention do our 67 Minutes and then some Fieland Malapane more than enthusiastic and put at Appel School as this headup their hands for more knowlmaster is really making a difedge. Pensioner Simon Maimela, ference.” a handyman, got cracking with his Malapane says that he inherdrill and sorted out every broken ited a R50 000 electricity bill desk. He then tried to get into the that the Department of Educaheadmaster’s ceiling to fix the coltion promised to settle. To date, lapsing wooden ceiling. the Department has paid nothHowever there were vicious ants ing. The Department was also up there and he needed to cover invited to the Appel School 67 Children and adults clear this area of alien invasives to make way himself in lotion to stop the atMinutes but didn’t arrive. for the future planting of indigenous trees and fruit trees. tack. Haenertsburg Rotary has The day ended with the Maundertaken to replace all broken goebaskloof Hotel delivering windows. Stevens Lumber Mills felled about was a monkey-proof enclosed area for kitch- 67 meals for free. fifty water guzzling blue gum trees. All the en waste situated logs are being used. The termite riddled a short walk away wooden poles, holding up the collapsing from the kitchen. Mr verandahs, were replaced. The existing veg- Stefan Kühne from etable garden was fixed and secured so that Westfalia decided to the monkeys can’t help themselves. Spinach spend time at Apseedlings were the first to be planted. pel school for the 67 Secateurs and pruning shears came out to Minutes project as prune and cut back the hundreds of azaleas, he has a deep respect hydrangeas and other shrubs. The alien inva- for Malapane. This sive bugweed, in every nook and cranny, was headmaster, who’s

The 2016 instalment of the annual Hair-a-thon was a major success according to co-ordinator and stylist Christa Koekemoer. “We had a tremendous turnout this year and managed to style close on hundred clients for this worthy cause,” she said. The proceeds of this year’s event will be donated to cancer patient little Imke Geldenhuys. “We raised R10 040 which will be handed over to the family on Wednesday.”

Mopani Crime Scene Co-ordinated by: Vabekile Phidelia Rikhotso • phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Caught in Bolobedu Police in Bolobedu have arrested 47 people for various criminal activities over the past week: One person was arrested for business robery, two for rape, two for violation of a protection order, two for house breaking and theft, one for shoplifting, one for malicious damage to property, two for assault, four for possession of dagga, three for drunken driving, three for robbery, one for crimen injuria, one for being drunk in public, five for assault GBH and eighteen for Road Traffic Act offences.

Dangerous men arrested An intelligence-led joint Police operation in Limpopo has seen 31 highly dangerous criminals arrested for various crimes. Operation Clean-Up focused on eight Policing areas in Thohoyandou, Hoedspruit, Groblersdal, Burgersdorp, Bela Bela, Dennilton, Letsitele and Seshego. According to Provincial Police spokesman, Lt Col Moatshe Ngoepe, 31 highly dangerous criminals aged between 23 and 48 years old have been arrested for serious crimes such as armed robbery, possession of firearm and ammunition without licence and possession and dealing in drugs and dagga. During the arrests the following were recovered: 3 illegal firearms and 130 rounds of ammunition, 208 sachets of drugs, 332 sachets and 35 trees of dagga, 11 cell phones, IT equipment and cash. “Operation clean-up will continue focusing mainly on the crime infested areas. Members of the community are encouraged to support this SAPS operation by supplying information about crimes that have been committed or about those who are planning to commit a crime,” Ngoepe concluded.

These models of Amone were national finalists in the “Little Model Earth” international pageant that was held in Centurion. The finals will be held next year at Gold Reef City. Seen here are Yolande Strydom, Leandri Schreiber (coach), Mianel du Plooy, Donne Oosthuizen (Teen Miss Earth 2016) and Charmaine Ramokhola. Yolande won “Little Model Earth”; Super Grand Prix; overall beauty winner. Mianel won her age group, “Little Model Earth”; Grand Prix, Beauty and Best national costume, best interview, best evening dress and best photo model. Charmain won the title “Little Model Earth”; Grand Prix, talent Winner and “Little Model Earth” public vote winner.

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22 Julie 2016



22 Julie 2016

Ons Mening


We look back at the past twelve years...

The Message

22 Julie 2016 Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church


Diepe kommer oor die steeds verslegtende gehalte en beskikbaarheid van goeie gesondheidsdienste in ons land — en baie veral in ons provinsie — neem byna daagliks toe. Om die knellende probleem te vererger, is daar nie juis hoop en geesdrif dat die regering se ambisieuse nasionale gesondheidsversekeringsplan (NHI: National Health Insurance) regtig die verligting waarna diep gesmag word, gaan bring nie. Dit is die minister van gesondheid en sy regeringsgenote (partygenote) wat glo die plan gaan na behore en volhoubaar uitgevoer kan word, maar buite hul dampkring is daar baie twyfel — en met reg so. Van so ‘n gesofistikeerde en duur eerstewêreldse skema kan beswaarlik verwag word om in ‘n ontwikkelende omgewing (is ons darem nog ontwikkelend?) behoorlik te funksioneer. Die private gesondheidsorgsektor bly dus steeds ‘n baken van hoop vir mense wat behoorlike versorging en/of mediese prosedures benodig. Die nuus dat die MediClinic-private hospitaal in Tzaneen verder ontwikkel en uitgebrei word, is dus besondere goeie nuus, op ‘n goeie tydstip — vir diegene wat dit kan bekostig om privaat behandel en versorg te word. Dit is vertroostend om te weet dat so ‘n reuse-internasionale groep wat in eerstewêreldse lande groot sukses behaal, bereid is om in Tzaneen te belê. Daarom klink ons ‘n glasie op die jongste uitbreiding en sê ons: Gesondheid!

1368 057 The Numbers 24 9 49 The percentage of Americans who eat a sandwich a day.

Report unsolved crime cases to 0800 54 67 67

Local Heroes

Die voorsitter, dr Ig van Rensburg, en sy mededirekteure van die MediClinic Tzaneen, wat onvermoeid en onverpoosd werk om die hospitaal op die voorpunt te hou en te sorg dat Tzaneen en omgewing se mense op goeie gesondheidsorg kan staat maak, is dié week ons helde. Van Rensburg was saam met dr Sarel Spies die groot dryfkrag agter die hospitaal en Van Rensburg werk steeds onverpoosd om die hospitaal op die voorpunt te hou.

Reaching out! Today’s world is a mess and we all know it, so how do we correct this problem? Many have tried and have failed, so how can we as mere men and women succeed?

Bulletin 23 July 2004: Twelve years ago, almost to the day, the main news was about the GTM’s water penalties and the probability that the GTM’s claims were not kosher. Residents threatened with legal action and a lawyer had started to work on the case. Other good news was about four “bionic” Tzaneen residents — the first four patients in the new MediClinic to have undergone surgery for hip (2) and knee (2) replacements. Die res van die voorblad is afgestaan aan die volgende week (soos vanjaar) se Kaskarwedrenbyeenkoms in Letsitele.

We need to reach out to others and show that we are all made of the same flesh and blood. We are mere mortals but we all have talents, some may be the same as others and some may be entirely different. We need to use these talents to improve our standard of living and the standards of living of others. Offering the other person the ability to use their talents. So how do we achieve this? It all goes about giving, but giving what? We need to give what we can and how we can, be it financial or by just being there for others. There are many lonely people in our beautiful town and its surroundings, how often have we visited an old age home, hospital, care centre just to say hello to others? What about our own family and friends? Do we call often enough? Modern technology is often used to contact others: What’s up, twitter, e-mail, facebook etc., but this is not the same as the spoken word. The need to see someone face to face, to see the expression on their faces and feel their need. As Jesus walked about from town to town He saw the people’s needs He saw first-hand what suffering was happening. We too need to get out and “walk among” the needy, to experience it as it happens. Jesus did something about these people, He showed compassion towards them, often going out of His way to see to the needs of others, reaching out. If we move out of our comfort zone we will find others in need, others that we could help in some way or the other. We need, however, to be pro-active rather than re-active. So step out today and do something out of the ordinary, smile at a stranger or just greet people at random. Some will smile back or greet you back, others will think you,re completely mad, but sometimes just a smile will lift a person out of their feelings of being alone in this world. Do your bit to reach out just as Jesus did and feel the difference, call that person you have not called and be blessed by God who sees all things.

Hervormers vier eeufees in M’kloof Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Gemeente Laeveld in Modjajdjiskloof is dankbaar en bevoorreg om vanjaar die gemeente se honderdste verjaarsdag te vier. Voordat die gemeente formeel in 1916 gestig is, het die pad van die drie susterskerke in die gebied vir ‘n lang tyd saamgeloop. Nadat die gemeente gestig is, het eers die Hervormde Gemeentes Kampersrus (Hoedspruit) en Tzaneen en toe later Phalaborwa en Letsitele afgestig. Op die kerkterrein van die gemeente is die ou kerkgebou wat in 1924 opgerig is nog in redelike toestand behoue. Die nuwe kerkgebou en saal wat in die tagtigerjare van die vorige eeu gebou is, is tans die sentrum van ons gemeentelike bedrywighede. Moreaand (Saterdag) skop ons eeufees-

vierings in ons kerksaal af met ‘n gemeentekonsert. Dit gaan ‘n informele konsert wees met iets van alles. Daar word teruggekyk op die 100 jaar van toeka tot nou. Daar is ook ‘n verskeidenheid lekkerlagnommers en ook talentnommertjies. Toegang is gratis en ‘n ligte maaltyd word bedien. Op Saterdag 30 Julie hou die gemeente saam met die Laerskool Duiwelskloof die Innie Kloof-fees op die skool se terrein. Die fees bestaan uit mini-hokkie waaraan verskeie laerskole deelneem. Verder is daar baie goeie gehalte vars vleis en biltong en droë wors te koop, asook groente, koeke en ander lekkernye. Daar sal ook heerlike wegneemetes teen baie billike pryse aangebied word. Op Sondag 31 Julie om 11:00 word ‘n eeufeesdiens in ons kerkgebou gehou. Die

sakrament van die nagmaal sal deel van die dankdiens uitmaak, waarna almal saam ‘n ligte vingerete gaan geniet. By die geleethede sal daar ook foto’s geneem word van die fees en alle bedrywighede rondom dit, sodat dit in ‘n feesblad kan tuiskom. Alle lidmate, oudlidmate en ander mense wat oor die jare op enige manier by ons gemeente betrokke was, word hartlik uitgenooi na die feesvierings. Vir navrae kan u skakel met Daan van Wyk (082 306 8723) of Herman Erasmus (082 659 8708). Ons verwelkom ook foto’s en kort berigte of vertellings oor die geskiedenis van ons gemeente vir ons feesblad. U kan dit stuur aan nhklaeveld123@ gmail.com. — (Dr) Daan van Wyk nhklaeveld123@gmail.com

22 Julie 2016



Local Government & the news that matters

Modjadjiskloof residents cry foul Rather kill the messenger! Residents of Modjadjiskloof have almost inundated the Bulletin in the past week with accusations regarding our report on the GLM’s budget announcement by Mayor City Modjadji in last week Friday’s edition of the newspaper. At times we couldn’t help to feel that we have fallen prey to an orchestrated attempt of discrediting the messenger… which is not uncommon or by any means new in our line of business (the media industry). Even a man of the cloth did not shy away from actually pointing a finger at us and accusing us for not doing our job properly. • What are the facts? We reported on the budget speech by the Mayor and the report very clearly states that in the second paragraph; The Mayor is quoted — indicated by inverted commas —

Attention: Mr Editor We as residents of Modjadjiskloof (Duiwelskloof) are VERY disappointed at the “pretentious” article you put in your last week’s edition of the Bulletin. Your journalist, Phidelia Rikhotso didn’t do her homework and research properly as there are so many untruths in the Mayor Modjadji’s statement. Our town look disgusting!! In the last few months we have had increasingly water and electricity problems due to lack of maintenance and according to them lack of funding. In the last week there has been such a water shortage that people have water from a hour to 3 hours daily and never know when it goes off. Not everybody can afford water tanks with motors or a generator. The water was off for the day on Sunday, in some areas it only came on 10 o’clock that night, then off again in the morning, yesterday. Since Sunday to today some parts of the town still has no water and Lepelle where the water comes from says all is fine on their side. The sewerage problem is another situation that needs serious attention, re health problems. Electricity accounts that are wrong, and don’t get posted anymore, they say they don’t have the facilities to email them…do they have staff that are not equipped to operate the computer..emails?? We have a “Old Age Home” in our town and the sewerage and water problem as also

for at least 90% of the report and any and every scrupulous reader should realise that this was what the Mayor had to say, and our journalist only reported that; We did not associate/disassociate or agree/disagree or accept/reject what the Mayor said. In fact, we did not comment at all. Not a single letter of comment by our reporter; just a report. • The way ahead. The Bulletin has in its twelve years of existence not once run away from exposing corruption, nepotism or any other abuse of ratepayers’ money, when we could provide proof to substantiate whatever we published. We do not (and never will) protect those who cause (especially disadvantaged) citizens any (more) suffering or incon-

the electricity affects them and this is not good, especially in the frail care side, this is urgent! The Municipality needs to be investigated urgently, there is huge corruption there, and needs to be exposed, as was done in Tzaneen. They always pleading poverty, yet your article states different. Your newspaper NEED to do a follow up story this week we are all “Gat Vol” there are many who will say this. Duiwelskloof is dying, people are moving out, people can’t sell their properties, businesses have closed down, the housing marketing is nonexistent! You need to come and look and get someone to take you around and show you, take photographs, many photographs have been taken by local residents already.. You can contact Lucy Lubbe, she works for Dr Spies’s rooms in Duiwelskloof, her cell number is 0795152303. She can help as she runs the whatsapp group for the town…and can share with you how we all feel. What can we do to report this municipality?? We trust you will look at this as serious as we do, and respond in a positive way, still TODAY. Kind regards Pastor Attie & Liz Botha Methodist Church

Is this an April fool’s joke? Sir Your article about GLM’s achievements in last weeks’ issue refers.

venience. We shall place any conduct that cannot pass the test of integrity and morality in the public domain for the people to see. But we can only do so if we are given the relevant information, and in a format that will enable us to substantiate whatever is alleged and exposed. We thus invite the community in the GLM’s jurisdiction to assess their situation and to carefully decide on a plan of action. If informing the media (Bulletin) forms a part of their plan, we will be there to listen, to see, to discuss, to ask, to investigate… but we can only do so if we enjoy the assistance and cooperation of the community. Instead of accusing us, rather strengthen our (investigative) hands… Editor

I had to look twice at the date to make sure it was not an April fool’s joke. Please do an in depth follow up with the residents of especially ward 29 in Modjadjiskloof who are paying exorbitant rates taxes etc but are constantly fighting to get basic service delivery. We are experiencing a modern day robin hood situation where we are paying for everything and getting nothing, whilst the other wards are paying nothing but getting everything. Keith Marjoram

Invited for a guided tour I refer to your article on page 7 15th July 2016 edition. I know not if the article was indeed written by your Phidelia Rikhotso or some praise singer for the GLM. I only wish that we as residents of Modjadjiskloof could join in the celebration. We hear of all the monies spent but see no value. Perhaps we as residents should arrange for Phidelia a guided tour of our once beautiful town to assess for the Bulletin and herself the true story. Die waarheid. Maybe limited access to water, none at night, Old age home unable to use toilets for days on end due to sewerage back up,are by the GLM considered as achievements. Heaven help us should they fail. And these are only the tip of the iceberg. A guided tour is a definite must.

Regards, L.G.Jones Box 45 Modjadjiskloof Cell 082 854 0157

Paints a different picture Good day. I have sent an email with concerns to the journalist that wrote the article on Greater Letaba. I am the chairperson of the residents forum in Modjadjiskloof and am shocked to learn that the municipality has a sound economic footing to an extent of having reserves in funds. Our community WhatsApp group chats paints a different picture. A municipality that is struggling to maintain and repair it’s trucks, that is unable to buy globes, that needs 3 months to raise funds to buy a mere cable for a joint. Last night, we had an electrical outage and the municipality did not have a piece of the same size of the cable for a joint. Dilan ofMike electrical donated the piece just to get the electricity back. As far as we are concerned, no such improvements or developments have happened to us. The prices of our property is on a downward spiral. The town is decaying. Business is leaving the town. Where is the achievement? Regards Michael Rametse

print | web | facebook fearlessly the truth in any medium

facebook.com/LowveldBulletin www.bulletin.us.com


22 Julie 2016


Edward Clements is by die Laerskool Tzaneen as ‘n nuwe leier aangewys.

Vossies speel vir Lim… Skuts woon kursus by…

Die skyfskietspan en hul afrigter van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope vakansie op ‘n skyfskietkursus by die Hoërskool Florida (aangebied deur die SA Skoleskuttersunie) bygewoon. Lesings en praktiese afrigting is deur skuts wat al die hoogste sport bereik het, aangebied. Die

Merensky High School pupil Chris Bill took part in the Solo Dança Latina Ranking dance competition in Polokwane. It was his first dance competition. This very hard working student was placed fourth in the Young Adults Latin section and took the silver medal in the NRG Young Adults section. Chris takes dance classes at Vida Dança with Megan Henning at Merensky High School.

kursus het talle aspekte gedek, soos selfs die regte eetgewoontes, sportdoelstellings, gedrag en leierskap. Die skuts moes ook deelneem aan praktiese sessies, met behulp van die nuutste tegnologie tot hul beskikking. Hiedr is me Anel Griesel (afrigter) en Zack Verster, Sean Fourie, Maryke Basson en Johandré le Roux.

Vossies presteer by ringbal…

Tydens die vakansie het Berton de Bruin, Rudolf van Niekerk en Rejani de Bruin van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster aan die nasionale ringbaltoernooi deelgeneem. Hulle het die volgende prestasies behaal: Berton en Rudolf het ‘n sesde plek as deel van die mansspan behaal. Rejani was deel van die o.15meisiespan en het ‘n silwer medalje verower. Sy is gekies as lid van die Springbok-uitnodigingspan vir meisies o.15. Hier is Rejani, Rudolf en Berton.

Tydens die vakansie het die volgende Vossies Limpopo by die SA skolehokkiekampioenskappe in Durban verteenwoordig. Meisies: Grizél Lepart, Cindy Greyvenstein, Zana Mabunda, Khani Mnisi, Rivoningo Manglani, Vanessa Nkanyani en Nandi Mathebula. Seuns: Heinrich Denysschen, Estiaan van Zyl, Ruan Hanaczeck-Krüger,

Rynhardt Coetzer en Jean-Luke le Roux. Die toer het met ‘n oefenkamp van drie dae afgeskop, wat in Polokwane gehou is. Die afrigter van die meisiespan was me Leoné Lepart. Grizél Lepart is as kaptein, Ruan Hanaczeck-Krüger as kaptein en Estiaan van Zyl as onderkaptein van hul onderskeie spanne gekies. Hier is Estiaan van Zyl, Heinrich Denysschen, Rynhardt Coetzer, me Lepart, Grizel Lepart en Cindy Greyvenstein.

Plasie-leerkrag kry nog by… Me Stephanie Perold, die

landboubestuurder by die Hoërskool Merensky, het onlangs haar NGOS (nagraadse onderwyssertifikaat) cum laude verwerf. Sy spesialiseer in fisiese wetenskappe (gr 10-12) en natuurwetenskappe (gr 7- 9). Sy het ‘n B Sc. Agric met tuinboukunde en grondkunde in 2003 aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf en die NGOS in fisiese en natuurwetenskappe.

Prefekte staan gereed…

Die Hoërskool Merensky se seunsen meisieskoshuisprefekte het ‘n spanbou- en opleidingsessie saam met die koshuispersoneel gehou, met die doel om die nuwe leiers te bemagtig en motiveer vir die taak wat op hulle wag. Beplanning vir hul dienstermyn is gedoen en planne vir die ontvangs

en verwelkoming van die 2017 Skiewies is bespreek. Hulle het ook aan die einde van die program ‘n erekode onderteken. Hier is (voor) Deneo Shokane, Amelia Middleton (koshuishoofmeisie) en Zenelde Schoeman. Agter is Margra Wevell, Kevin van den Bergh, AJ Fourie (koshuishoofseun) en Rudolph Beetge.

22 Julie

12:30 - Tritech: Tzaneen ronde by Ben Vorster.

23 Julie

Rugby: Limpopo finale (o.14 en 1ste) te Tom Naudé (Polokwane). Meisieshokkie: Limpopo finale (o.14 en o.15) by PHS (Polokwane). Afrikaans Eisteddfod in school hall (23 – 30 July). Departmental CAT workshop.

Janco Coetzee van die Hoërskool Merensky het aan die Running For The Environment se 5 km-padwedloop in Polokwane deelgeneem. Hy het in ysige koue mooi gehardloop en algeheel tweede geeïndig.

Skye Zatschokwitsch van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het tydens die vakansie aan die Wêreldkampioenskappe vir die uitvoerende kunste in Los Angeles deelgeneem. Hy het uitstekend gepresteer en twee goue medaljes vir sy vuurdanse verower. Hy is ook aangewys as wenner van sy afdeling en is vir oudisies genooi.

25 - 29 Julie Kultuurweek.

26 Julie

06:00 – Sick test in hostel study centre. Donate blood at MHS. 18:30 - Gr 12 Restaurant evening. 17:00 – Church activities.

27 Julie

14:15 – Mnr. en Mej. Merensky uitreik. 17:45 – GO-MAD.

28 - 30 Julie

Girls Hockey: Noordvaal at Potchefstroom.

Clariska Venter (gr 11) van die Hoërskool Merensky het haar Vlak 1-hokkieskeidsregtergradering by die o.18IPT (inter-provinsiale toernooi) in Bloemfontein verwerf.

Hoërskool Ben Vorster High School

Laerskool Tzaneen Primary

21 - 23 Julie

22-23 Julie

Source: www.school-communicator.com

Source: www.school-communicator.com


Like us on facebook!

Netbal / Netball: Coke Toernooi / Tournament Potchefstroom.

22 - 24 Julie

Graad 8 Toneelnaweek.

22 Julie

Tritech: Streeksronde / Circuit Round.

23 Julie

Hoërskool Ben Vorster Hokkie / Hockey: Finale / Finals; Liga / League Polokwane. Rugby: Limpopo Finaal A-Spanne. Polokwane. 23 Julie Skyfskiet . Hoërskool Pietersburg.

25 - 26 Julie

Konsert By Ouetehuis.

25 - 28 Julie

Kultuurweek / Culture Week.

27 Julie

Krieket: Meisies Limpopo Skoleliga Vs Hs Louis Trichardt. Hoërskool Louis Trichardt.

Hokkie / Hockey Super 12. Tuks, Pretoria Die Eerste Seuns- en Meisiespan vertrek na Tuks om deel te neem aan die Super 12 Toernooi. / The First Boys- and Girls Hockey teams will depart to Tuks in Pretoria to compete in the Super 12 Hockey Tournament. Krieket / Cricket. Die Eerste Krieketspan vertrek na LS Constantiakloof vir die jaarlikse vriendskaplike kriekettoernooi. The First Cricket Team depart to Constantiakloof Primary for the annual cricket tournament. Mini hokkie / Mini hockey Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Kursus vir 0/7 - 0/9. Meer inligting volg later. / Course for u/7 - u/9. More info later.

23 Julie

Cross Country / Landloop Llsv The King’s Court Byeenkoms / Meeting at The King’s Court

25-30 Julie

Eisteddfod. Merensky Hoërskool Afrikaans Spraak- en Drama Afdeling. Kyk op Facebook vir volledige program. Follow us on Facebook for detailed programme.

26 Julie

Krieket / Cricket. Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Tzn vs Oosskool 0/10 weg en 2des tuis. Wiskunde in Aksie. 2:00 nm. - 3:00 nm. H/S Ben Vorster. Graad 6 en 7

27 - 30 Julie

Netbal / Netball. Kuilsrivier. Die Eerste Netbalspan neem deel aan die “SASN School’s Championship” te Kuilsrivier.

27 Julie

Vossies besoek Kunskaap… Kunsleerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het tydens die vakansie ‘n kunstoer na Kaapstad onder leiding van me Anél Griesel

(kunsonderwyseres) meegemaak. Hulle het Groot Constantia, die Kasteel, Tafelberg, die Waterfront, die Irma Stern-museum en die Nasionale Kunsgalery besoek. Die Kunsgalery het veertig van die gr 12-leerlinge se voor-

geskrewe kunswerke as deel van die ateljee-uitstalling aangebied. Daar was ook geleentheid vir die leerlinge om self kunswerke onder leiding van die kurator van die uitstalling te skep.

Amesa Wiskunde / Maths. Ronde 2 / Round 2 Oueraand / Parents Evening. 17:00. - 18:30. Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Kom ontmoet die personeel en bespreek gerus u kind se rapport of enige ander vrae wat u mag hê / Please come meet the teachers and discuss your child’s report or ask any other questions you might have.

28 Julie

Rugby Afsluiting / Rugby Closing Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Lapa at the Rugby Field.

22 Julie 2016



Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Stanford Lake College Walking on Sunshine 21 & 22 July In the SLC Barnyard, starting at 18:30. It is show time at SLC. Join the show for a fabulous night out. Bookings and enquiries: Mignon on 015 276 6103 ext 8. Date: 21 & 22 July 2016 Time: 18:30

Venue: SLC Barnyard Bookings: Mignon 015 276 6103 ext 8

Letsitele Kaskar 30 Julie

Die NG Kerk Letsitele se gewilde Kaskar-wedrenbyeenkoms word vanjaar op 30 Julie ge-

hou — weer op die terrein van die Laerskool Dr Annecke. Groot pret en genot word “gewaarborg”. Daar sal, soos altyd ‘n verskeidenheid kraampies en hope vermaak vir jonk en oud wees. Navrae: Danelle de Nysschen by 083 463 9071.

saal gehou word, en die gasspreker is past Anèl Oliver. Die byeenkoms sal in die vorm van ‘n Bybelse ete wees. Alle ma’s en hoërskoolmeisies is welkom om dit by te woon. Kaartjies: R120/persoon en beskikbaar by Sarie Mostert by 072 379 5334.

Modjadjiskloof Bybelse Tee 6 Augustus

Magoebaskloof Trail run 6-7 August

Die AGS gemeente se sustersvereniging, Dames Dinamiek, bied op 6 Augustus om 10:00 hul jaarlikse Damestee aan. Die geselligheid sal in die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se

The Wolkberg Trail Run will be held at Stanford Lake College on 6-7 August. There will be a 4 km, 10 km and 25 km to tackle. Visit wolkbergtrailrun. co.za for details.

Date: 13 August 2016 Contact: Jaco: 082 459 1668 Ryno: 082 401 6013

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22 Julie 2016


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015 307 7168

Branches in Letaba Crossing and Letsitele Open!!

Wendy Houses For the best prices, quality and guaranteed work we are the best, all sizes all types available 3 m x 3 m R4 000, 3 m x 6 m R7 500, 3 m x 9 m R10 000 don’t miss this winter special. We also do building and all types of renovation. Solly 078 391 4834 Jack 072 665 4381 Jul301___________________________

Sanloo Guest House

34 Rooms, Wedding Chapel, Restaurant, Bar, Functions 015 307 1101 3 Fees Street, Tzaneen Jun307___________________________

Fairview Hotel & Village Accommodation, Restaurant, Golf Old Gravelotte Road Tzaneen 015 307 2679 Jun308___________________________

Letaba Junction Accommodation, Restaurant, Bar, Curio Shops, Spa. Letaba Junction Letsitele 082 827 0026 www.letabajunction.co.za Jun309___________________________

SMIT GARRUN Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587

Fiat 640 trekker 1 x Rotavator 1 x Skraper 1 x 2 Skaar ploeg 1 x 10 Skottel Dis Skakel 082 476 3939


Le Vant Home & Décor Curtains, towels, Haberdashery, ovelockers, fabrics, furniture 8 Jorrison Street, Polokwane


Verskaffer van kwaliteit pakhuis chemikalieë. Conrad Lubbe 082 927 4070 015 307 7042


Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076

Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


Services Dienste

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863

Koriek beleggings:

Provento Crop Protection

Contact us 015 307 4855

Concrete slabs Phone Hans for a quotation 082 804 5282


Bed City




South Africa’s most affordable base & mattress set 40 Danie Joubert Street next to Dulux Centre

015 306 8500

We are the best in construction services. Scotcth roofs, roof leaks and painting, ceiling all types, painting, paving and renovations, Tiling floors/ roofs, built in cupboards and wardrobes etc. Building and Plastering Contact Dumisani 073 968 8718

Services Dienste


Oogkundige Gratis Sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Jacques van Niekerk 015 307 3703 Loop Str, Tzaneen Jun311___________________________

Makarios Makelaars Lewensversekering, Korttermyn versekering, Pensioen fondse, boedelbeplanning 015 307 3316

Bearings, Seals, Power Transmission, Drives & Motors, Belting, Fateners, Filtration Contact 015 307 7334 or visit us at 8C Kew Street, Tzaneen.

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________

TRELLIDOR The Ultimate Crime Barrier Widest range, Custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493 Jun313___________________________

Ultimate Security Electric Fencing Carports Security Cameras Alarms And much more Contact Eugene at 078 460 4667 / 015 307 1768


SANTA’S FABRIC MAGIC Upholstery, Curtains, Blinds, Furniture and more. 45 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2468


Komkor Kombuise Manufacturing and install wooden kitchens & build in cupboards & sliding mirror doors to your specification. For a free Quotation, contact our factory at Tel: 015 303 0266

Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com Jun320___________________________

Mashutti Country Lodge Conference venues Overnight accommodation Wedding venues Baby showers Matric dance Business Meetings Restaurant and Bar 015 307 4315 / 4808 Jun321___________________________

LETABA FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION Rouan Snyman 071 602 5982 076 844 1646 manager@letabafire.co.za www.letabafire.co.za




Optometrists Gail Altona 015 307 1243 Jun318___________________________

Groblers Auto Tow-in Panelbeaters Conversions Velddienste Scrapyard 015 395 2112 / 2175

Contact Rikus for the best deals on UD Trucks 015 307 4950 Jun303___________________


Awesome Deals on new Ford vehicles

Contact Mike at 071garage 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 gates and motors dedamsteelworks@gmail.com

Paving and light to medium steel and general construction.

Contact Erika 073 024 8749

Vervoer/Transport Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R22.50/km + btw, 12 ton trok R24.50/km + btw & 20 ton @ R31.50/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________ Sleebok Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble, Bathrooms Quality Workmanship. 015 307 6005 / 1205 www.sleebok.co.za

Jun301 ______________________

You pick we paint 17 Skirving Street 015 307 5562/3


Tzaneen Country Lodge

Contact Ivon 072 615 1905

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139

Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Puik diens en lae pryse. Marlien 083 252 8928


Need a good cleanup now that the holiday visitors has left? For all your upholstery cleaning and carpets. Ask us about Master guard. You know us and our work Eugene or Yvonne 071 783 7112 081 301 6018

Contact: Andre Bezuidenhout 0725975977


Forum Makelaars/ Brokers Vir al u korttermyn versekeringsbehoeftes Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 / 6157

Bruce Allan 0834174026 Jun323___________________


Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928

DBV/SPCA Blankets & Food Bowls needed 083 628 9257

For Hire Te Huur TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Contact 083 580 2078 Jun330_____________________

Visit our website www. bulletin. us.com

Oasis Water Refresh, Revive, Refill 015 3072504 079 523 5253 Tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za Shop 1, 17 Plantation Road Tzaneen

Beskerm jou gesin se gesondheid met ons wye reeks filters, watersuiweraars, dispensers en ander produkte. Ons los jou water problem gou op. Bekostigbare kwaliteit produkte en diens. Elsie: 083 458 4746 Danna: 083 560 8636 Jun326___________________________

Nationwide Shuttle


dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com


Absolutely Water Quality used Volkswagen Vehicles

Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352

Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za Web: www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com


Accommodation, Weddings, Spa, Conference, Restaurant, Sunday Buffet. R71 Phalaborwa Road Tarentaalrand 015 304 3290

We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.

Mille Flora Vir tuininstandhouding en tuinuitleg. skakel ons. Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons aan jou tuin kan maak. Skakel Riesl op 083 407 8061

Duvenhage Meubelvervoer

Blinds DIY hardware Waterproofing

Services Dienste

We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, securityinand access gates We specialise Burglar • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors proofing, security and • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction access gates We also service and repair all makes of electric gates andfencing, garage motors.electric Palisade

BB Truck Tzaneen 8 Danie Joubert Street


Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise

Services Dienste



Each new season grows from the leftovers from the past. That is the essence of change, and change is the basic law.

Services Dienste

Travel from Hoedspruit to Phalaborwa to Tzaneen via Polokwane to Johannesburg with our daily shuttle conveniently from your door step direct to your destination. Call us today to take you to your preferred destination on 073 003 6044


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Services Dienste

22 Julie 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur Netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit-/ eetkamer en kombuis. Private balkon. Toesluit tandem deelmotorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 750-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 September 2016/1 Oktober 2016. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696. Jul301___________________________

Flat available immediately R2 300 pm (incl water and electricity ) Tiled granite tops cupboards, stove, separate loo + shower. No pets. Phone to view 083 345 99 99 Apr501___________________________

Plaashuise 10 km buite Tzaneen 3 Slaapkamers R4 000 p/m 2 Slaapkamers R3 600 p/m 1 Slaapkamer R3 000 p /m

Elektrisiteit ingesluit, swembad, tennisbaan, braai areas Skakel 083 298 0399 of 082 33 22 110 / 015 307 7585


Spacious, secure two bedroom flat available on the R 71 close to Letaba Airfield, situated in tranquil bushveld surrounds.Please call 082 849 2603 to arrange to view.

Netjiese ruim huis te huur in Aquapark Awie Wessel 9A. 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, dubbelmotorhuis, braaistoep.

Beskikbaar 1 Augustus/1 September R7 800 (water en ligte uitgesluit) Skakel 082 551 1971 Jul301___________________________

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property


Meenthuis 2 slp kamer meenthuis in Letsitele beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie vir R4200 pm, koopkrag. Veilige kompleks, naby winkelsentrum. 0835616062

Plaas Pusela 3 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, aparte opwas, tralie toegemaakte stoep, 1 toesluit motorhuis, erf omhein, geskik vir groot troeteldiere. +/- 7 kilos op Georges Valleypad, koopkrag, gasstoof. R4 700

Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel: 083 448 5171 Annette: 083 443 0328

put your property in the spotlight!


Huis te Huur: GEEN AGENTE! Huis te huur vir 4 maande in Auquapark. Groot erf met eie boorgat 4 slpk, 3 bkamer, kantoor, sitkamer,tv kamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, 3 motor afdakke, onder dak braai/onthaal area. R8 000/maand. Kontak: Thys 076 410 9503

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is M.R. Bopape i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP i speak English or any other general work i have a matric certificate contact me on 082 662 0738 (19) _____________________________

My name is Zenzile Mthembi i am looking for driver work i have a code 14 i speak English have grade 12 full time or part time or any general work contact me on 071 760 4661 (20) _____________________________

My name is W. Mbhombi i am looking for a driver work i have code 10 EC1 with PDP i have 18 years experience i speak English full time or part time contact me on 073 861 2994 (21) _____________________________

My name is Ngwako Louis Ramaphoko i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP or any other general work i speak English i have computer literacy and i can drive a forklift full time or 3 days contact me on 071 055 8452 (22) _____________________________

My name is M S Morwasehla i am looking for driver worki have code 10 with PDP and i have IQF level 2 full time or part time is speak English contact me on 072 525 3281 (23) _____________________________

My name is Solomon Thembi Malumane i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP, computer literacy i am studying Business Financial Management, i speak English, full time or part time contact me on 073 378 6409 (24) _____________________________

Domestic My name is Nhlamadzi Florah Ngobeni i am looking for any general work or domestic work sleep out, full time or part time i speak English or office cleaner contact me on 083 383 2930 (402) ____________________________

My name is Jane Sebopetswa i am looking for any general work or domestic work i can speak English i have 4 years experience 3 days or 5 days a week, i can also look after children i have grade 10 and diploma in computer leteracy. Contact me on 072 343 9861 (403) ____________________________

My name is Mapule Rachel Kgofela i am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or any general work, i can look after babies, i can talk English and Afrikaans sleep in or out contact me on 073 6018 106 (404) ____________________________

me on 071 358 5259 (412) ____________________________

My name is Rejoice Twalo i am looking for domestic work full time or 3 days can work on Saturdays speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 079 447 0543 (413) ____________________________

My name is Florence Ramalepe i am looking for domestic work full time or 3 days i can speak English sleep in or out i have 2 years experience contact me on 083 675 0443

My name is Sarah Makgoba ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 2 of 3 dae a week slaap in of uit of kantoorskoonmaker, praat Afrikaans. Skakel my op 083 497 1987

(405) ____________________________

(414) ____________________________

My naam is Maria M. Pudikabekwa ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk of enige ander soort werk, praat Afrikaans, voltyds, of 3dae slaap uit of kantoor skoonmaker, skakel my op 082 4333 633

My naam is Ngaletsane Grace Nkgapela ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 3 dae praat Afrikaans of kantoorskoonmaker slaap in of uit skakel my op 073 450 7969

(406) ____________________________

My naam is Mosibudi Magdeline Mmachaka ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk vir 1 dag op ‘n Saterdag ek praat Afrikaans kan tuinwerk ook doen kan nie kook nie. Skakel my by 076 359 9109

My naam is Mosibudi Violet Modiba en ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk of as kantoor skoonmaker. Ek praat afrikaans en verstaan engels. Ek is voltyds of 3 dae ‘n week beskikbaar. Kan nie inslaap nie. Skakel my op 078 961 1445. (407) ____________________________

My name is Isaac Malesia I am looking for work as a gardener or painter, i do have experience in both. I can speak English and have experience in gardening and painting. Full time or part time. I do have a learner licence. Please call me on 073 558 4316. (408) ____________________________

My naam is Sarah Malatji ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk ek kan kook. Praat Afrikaans slaap in of uit voldag of 3 dae skakel my as 0785015644/0833543628 (409) ____________________________

My name is Jane Sebopetswa i am looking for any general work or domestic work i can speak English i have 4 years experience 3 days or 5 days a week, i can also look after children i have grade 10 and diploma in computer leteracy. Contact me on 072 343 9861 (410) ____________________________

My name is Mankwana Augustine Kgatle i am looking for houshold work or in a crech can look after babies. Speak Afrikaans & English, full time + Saturdays. Sleep out. Contact me on 060 835 8058 (411) ____________________________

My name is Matsatsi Anna Chambuka i am looking for domestic work full time, i speak Afrikaans & English, can look after children, can cook, sleep in or out contact

(415) ____________________________

(416) ____________________________

My name is Malata Emily Modipa i am looking for domestic work, sleep out, speak English, full time or part time or office cleaner. Contact me on 079 378 9264 (417) ____________________________

My naam is Mapula Meriam Shokane ek is opsoek na huishoudelikewerk, praat Afrikaans en English, voltyds of 3 dae of enige ander werk, kantoorskoonmaker kan ook na kinders kyk. Skakel my op 072 025 5850 (418) ____________________________

My name is Salphina Chauke i am looking for domestic work i speak English, sleep out, full time or 3days or office cleaner, shop cleaner contact me on 071 903 4941 (419) ____________________________

My name is Dikeledi Ruth Mogaleamalla i am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or any general work i speak English, full time or part time sleep in or out (Ref: Lourie Geldenhuys 082 925 7919) contact me on 082 740 4460 (420) ____________________________

My name Tirhela Norah Machebe i am looking for any general work, domesti work or office cleaner i speak English sleep out, full time or 3 days, contact me on 071 058 9903 (421) ____________________________

My name is Reginah Ngobeni i am looking for any general work, domestic work or office cleaning, sleep in

or out, i speak English full time or part time or shop assistant contact me on 073 326 6139 (422) ____________________________

My naam is Ngaletsane Grace Nkgapela ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 3 dae praat Afrikaans kan kyk na kinders het 10 jaar ondervinding of kantoorskoonmaker slaap in of uit skakel my op 073 450 7969 (415) ____________________________

My name is Ngaletjane Stephinah Sekgoka I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner, or shop clener work I speak English, sleep in or out full time or 3 days contact me on 079 317 4248 (416) ____________________________

My name is Mapula Stally Rapatsa ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk praat Afrikaans, slaap uit, Man – Vry of 3 dae of kantoorskoonmaker ook, skakel my op 073 544 7550 (417) ____________________________ My name is Maria Raphala I am looking for a domestic work for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I speak English, please contact me on 076 514 2168 (418) ____________________________

My name is Rosina Maponya ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk, praat Afrikaans, Man – Woen – Don of kantoorskoonmaker skakel my op 063 181 5068 (419) My name is Linda Sekgwela I am looking for domestic work, I speak English, sleep out, full time or 3 days or office cleaner, contact me on 073 668 8919 (420) ____________________________

My name is Mokgadi Maria Mogale I am looking domestic work, I speak English, sleep out, full time or 3 days or office cleaner, contact me on 072 907 6264 (421) ____________________________

Admin My name is Lucy Kgatla i am looking for a job as reception , office assistant, clerk i have Human Resource N6 i can speak English and have grade 12 contact me on 071 3063690 (29) _____________________________

My name is Sphiwe Manzini i am looking for work in Admin or HR i have computer user certificate i speak English i have matric went to FET College Business Management N5, have code 10 licence or receptions

contact me on 082 058 2801 (30) _____________________________

My name is Grace Milazi i am looking for a job as office assistant, cashier, receptionist, i can speak English i have 7 years experience as office assistant (ref: Wessel manager 083 263 4724) contact me on 073 742 5831 (31) _____________________________

My name is Motale Nomsa Makwela i am looking for accounting clerk work, filing work or receptionist work i have matric have Level 2/3/4 Financing Economics / Accounting code 10 licence, full time work contact me on 078 642 5137 (32) My name is Mhloti Leah Mkhari i am looking for administrative work, i speak English, i have Business Management N6 quulification, full time contact me on 079 557 0909 (33) ____________________________

My name is Mmakole Ethal Moloto i am looking for administrative work i have qualification Business Management N6, speak English, have code 10 licence (did a workshop of Financial literacy) full time work, contact me on 076 719 0824 (34) _____________________________

My name is Vutomi Ethal Mhlarhi i am looking for work in admin or reception i have Grade 12, computer literacy, i have a N6 in Public Relation, i speak English full time or part time have a licence code 10 or any other general shop work. Contact me on 073 922 9194 (35) _____________________________

work i have N6 in Management Assistant 18 months experience, computer literacy, i speak English full time or part time code 10 licence, contact me on 071 747 5394

My name is Liza Hutamo i am looking for Chef / Assistant Chef work or cleaner work i speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 073 084 33 47

(39) _____________________________

My name is Victoria Ralepelle i am looking for Security work have a firearm licence, computer literacy contact me on 073 518 1940

My name is Doctor Matome Mashala i am looking for mechanical assistant i have Engineering and Related design National Certificate Quilication level 4 or any other work related i have a licence code 10 i speak English and is computer literate, contact me on 072 148 6242

(141) ____________________________

(146) ____________________________

My name is Goodness Rakgoale i am looking for cashier work full time or 3 days, speak English contact me on 078 486 5038

My name is Thembi Mobe i am looking for any general work, shop assistant or domestic work have computer literacy , did a course FET College Electrical Infrastructure level 4, i speak English have a code 10 licence contact me on 082 089 5687

My name is Dikeledi Tears Malatji i am looking for sales assistant, receptionist work, i speak English or Afrikaans, computer literacy Grade 12, Bussiness Management N4 contact me on 063 048 5180 (40) _____________________________

My name is Gracious Setabola i have Business Management N5 i have grade 12 and i can work as receptionist i can speak English and write contact me on 083 979 9296 (41) _____________________________


My name is Mangena Johannes Malatji i am looking for any general work and i can also look after old people full time or 3 days (Ref: Ilse Engelbrecht 015 304 3334) contact me on 083 504 2427 (134) ____________________________ My name is Tebogo Austine Malogadithlane i am looking for any general work i have experience with grinders i speak English i have grade 11 have a Certificate of Service were is was working full time or part time (construciton) contact me on 078 330 3950

My name is Elizabeth Brenda Moremi i am looking for admin work i did Busnisses Management Assistant i have N4 (studying N6) i speak English full time or part time have computer practice N4 contact me on 078 854 1507

(135) ____________________________

(36) _____________________________

My name is Nathi Modika i am looking for general work or office cleaning work i speak English full time or 3 days contact me on 073 519 9907

My name is Casious Sewapa i am looking for admin work i did Busnisses Management finishing N6 end of June i speak English computer course full time or part time contact me on 078 191 5043 (37) _____________________________

My name is Mampe Sharon Bvuma i am looking for admin clerk work, i have Financing Economics and Account Level 4, 12 experience in office work (general) i speak English and is computer literate contact me on 079 616 0851 (38) _____________________________

My name is Selaelo Pertunia Moshoma i am looking for Receptionist work / clerk

My name is Nsovo Mofumo i worked in construction lying cables or any other general work i speak English full time or part time i have exeprience contact me on 071 014 6730 (136) ____________________________

(137) ____________________________

(140) ____________________________

(142) ____________________________

My name is Annicky Ngobeni i am looking for care taker work i have matric, licence code 10 and experience, computer literacy or cashier worker i speak English contact me on 078 677 5833 (143) ____________________________

My name is Evelin Zitha i am looking for any general work i have matric, National Diploma in Business Management (retail) i speak English i am computer literate have code 10 licence, contact me on 072 569 9262

(147) ____________________________

My name is Daniel Rachuene I am looking for work as a TLB driver or Excavotor driver, I have 6 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 073 961 8828 (148) ____________________________

My name is Olga Mabuza i am looking for Security work i have Grade C,D,E and firearm training, Compudium, also a computer diploma, full time or part time i speak English. Contact me on 071 724 1521

My name is Fatah Dzamwaraka I am looking for work as painter and I can varnish all kinds of wood products doors, frames, ect. I speak English full time or part time. (ref: Rowan Deacon 084 5808177) contact me on 084 011 5112

(145) ____________________________

(149) ____________________________

(144) ____________________________

SALES REPRESENTATIVE POSITION: TZANEEN Auto Pedigree the largest second hand motor vehicle dealer in SA, in existence for over 30 years with 60 branches countrywide has the above position available. Over 3000 reconditioned quality used vehicles available for sale monthly.

(138) ____________________________

Minimum requirements: Matric, Drivers Licence, 2 years sales experience We offer market related salary (basic + commission) with company benefits.

My name is Mmakobo Grace Moloto i am looking for Security work, firearm licence or domestic cleaner, full time contact me on 072 470 0368

Email CV to: tzaneen@autopedigree.co.za before 31.07.2016

My name is Simon Ramatadi i am looking for building, tiling, paving work i speak English full time or part time have 14 years experience and have a code 10 licence contact me on 073 629 0754

(139) ____________________________

22 Julie 2016

We will henceforth publish the popular SuperSport weekly schedule on Bulletin’s website on Fridays. Use this QR Code (using any smart phone) to take you to the schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com and you will see the SS schedule on the Home page.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen se eerste krieketspan het die afgelope vakansie aan die jaarlikse Super 12 Kriekettoernooi in Rustenburg deelgeneem. Die span het ses wedstryde gespeel, teen Kenmare van Krugersdorp, Stephanus Roos van Pretoria, Rustenburg, Randhart van Alberton, Wierdapark van Centurion en Kollegepark van Vanderbijlpark. Hulle het Randhart en Kollegepark geklop, maar moes die knie buig teen die ander vier. Uit die twintig skole wat deelgeneem het, het die Larries elfde geëindig. Die seuns het goeie karakter gewys en moedig geveg, tot die einde van elke wedstryd. Die Larries sien nou uit na die plaaslike krieketseisoen. Hier is (voor) Neil van Vuuren, Maynard Kleynhans, Ernst van der Schyff, Franco Venter en Letago Sekokotla, en agter is Ruben Vosloo, HJ van der Nest, Edward Clements, Tiaan van der Walt, Henro de Bruin en Ockert Schoeman.

Moedige vegtertjies...

Up the (excellent) creek with a paddle The usually calm waters of the Tzaneen Dam was disrupted by the ripples of an Olympic dream manifested in the hard work of eight of SA’s top rowers. The National Olympic rowing team made Tzaneen their home during July as they prepared for the Olympic Games in Rio next month. The team will be competing from 6 to 13 August with no less than five boats qualifying for this, the pinnacle of all sporting events. At the Games in London in 2012 the South Africans had only two boats participating and brought back a gold medal for the Men’s Lightweight Fours competition after they upset Great Britain and Denmark by claiming victory during the final 500 metres in a nail-biter of a race. This year, the Men’s Fours team is comprised of Jake Green, Vincent Breed, Jonathan Smith and David Hunt. Under guid-

ance from veteran coach, Roger Barrow, they are said to be strong contenders for the podium this year. The Men’s pair consists of Shaun Keeling and Lawrence Brittain. World champions in their division in 2014, James Thompson and John Smith, make up the Lightweight Men’s Double Scull. On the softer side of the team, albeit only by their looks, the SA ladies squad comprises of a Women’s Pair in the form of Lee-Ann Persse and Kate Christowitz. There is also a Women’s Lightweight Double Scull team comprising of Ursula Grobler and Kirsten McCann (World Rowing Athlete of the month for June 2016). “We prefer Tzaneen for our preparations because of the climate and the weather,” said Andrew Grant, Ladies Coach.

“The Tzaneen dam is the perfect spot for us to prepare for the upcoming games. We were a little concerned at the low levels of the dam this year, but we have adapted to it and have not had any incidents with debris or wildlife thus far and have had a successful few weeks here.” For those interested in experiencing the grace of these top athletes as they effortlessly cut through the dam’s surface, take up a vantage point at the twin bridges just outside of town every afternoon and have your cameras at the ready. Bulletin spent an afternoon on the water with the Olympians and images of the rowers in action can be viewed on our galleries page at www.bulletin.us.com. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Jag- en visvangkompetisie se wenners aangewys

Jake Green, Vincent Breed, Jonathan Smith and David Hunt make up the Men’s Four.

Oubal besef dit grens aan heiligskennis om enige kritiek teen Johan Ackermann uit te spreek, veral in die geledere van die hordes Leeu-ondersteuners wat in onlangse tye uit ‘n wankelrige kas geklim het, maar hy gaan sê wat hy dink: Ou Ackers het ‘n borrel gehap met sy oordeel in die laaste twee SupeRakbie speelrondes. ‘Tja, dit lyk vir Oubal Ackers se begrip van rakbie-afrigting is beter as sy begrip van getalle, so laat Oubal dit maar vir hom uitspel: Agt is meer as Vyf, en Elf is ook meer as Vyf. Oubal verstaan volkome Ackers-hulle se verduideliking dat hulle hulle beginspan vars wou hê vir die uitspeelrondes en dat hulle hulle nie wou onderwerp aan die tamheid en afmatting wat volg op langafstand reise nie. Oubal dink egter as jy enige aspirasies het om as SupeRakbiekampioen gekroon te word, moet jy seker maak jy eindig boaan die punteleer en kry sodoende tuiswedstryde tot in die eindstryd. En dis net hier waar Oubal dink Ackers-hulle het misluk. In die eerste plek was dit sinneloos om die Kings in die voorlaaste wedstryd met vyf ligapunte te gaan afransel, en dan daarin te misluk om die enkele punt wat jy nodig het om bo te eindig in Argentinië te gaan haal. Oubal is redelik oortuig daarvan dat die Leeus vier punte teen die Kings sou kon kry as hulle met ‘n hoofsaaklik

Die wenners in Solidariteit Helpende Hand se plaaslike tak se jag- en visvangkompetisie is by die Junction Restaurant, Letsitele, aangewys. Hulle is Hertzog Landman (1’e), E van der Pypekamp (2’e) en C Horrin (3’e). Die doel van die kompetisie was om geld in te samel vir die tak om deurlopend skole in die gebied te ondersteun. Die tak is baie betrokke by die opheffing van die jeug deur borgskappe om hul skoolloopbane te bevorder. Volgens mnr Werner van der Ende, ’n Helpende Hand-bestuurslid van Letsitele, was die projek ’n reuse-sukses. “Ons tak onderskryf Helpende

Slim se Baas! tweede linie span teen hulle uitgedraf het. Al wat dan nodig was is ‘n wen en nog vier punte teen die Jagueres in Argentinië, want agt is meer as vyf! Wat jy egter nie teen ‘n Argentynse span moet doen nie, is om te dink jy kan met ‘n liggewig vaste vyf teen hulle uitdraf en hulle neuse in die grond vryf. ‘Tja, skrum is nou eenmaal iets waarmee die Argentyne goed is en voor jy jou oë kan uitvee, kry jy vinniger ‘n strafdrie teen jou as wat ‘n skeidsregter soos Stuart Berry ooit sal oorweeg. Oubal dink as Ackers eerder sy twee beste voorrymanne en sy beste skrummende slot saamgevat het vir die okkasie, dan was die kind se naam nou Wit Willem. Maar nou is dit nie en die Leeus loop die gevaar dat indien hulle beide hulle kwart- en halfeindstryde sou wen, hulle heel waarskynlik NZ toe sal moet reis vir die eindstryd. Wat Oubal bring by elf wat ook meer as vyf is – NZ is elf tyd-

Hand se visie om armoede aan te spreek deur middel van “opheffing deur opleiding” ten volle. Daarom belê ons sonder om te skroom in die opleiding van ons gemeenskap se kinders.” Die tak bedank al die deelnemrs en wens die wenners geluk. Die pryse was ’n kort vakansie vir twee persone by St. Lucia of ’n jagnaweek insluitend die jag van ’n koedoebul, blouwildebeesbul en ’n rooibokram of ’n jaggeleentheid van twee rooibokramme. Vir meer inligting oor die werk wat Helpende Hand doen, of om betrokke te raak by die Letsitele-tak, kontak Werner van der Ende by 082 928 6477.

sones van SA af, teenoor die vyf na Argentinië. As ou Ackers-hulle dus gedink het hulle voorste spelers sou vlugvoos wees na die wedstryd teen die Jaguares, gaan dit meer as dubbeld die geval wees eindstryd toe! Maar dis nie waar die Leeus se opdraande stryd stop nie. Het hulle bo-aan die punteleër geëindig, sou hulle more teen die Haaie moes speel, wat ‘n baie beter vooruitsig is as die Crusaders wat al sewe keer SupeRakbiekampioen was – daai manne verstaan van uitspeelrakbie. Die Haaie, wel hulle sit met ‘n man soos Coenie Oosthuizen wat nie ‘n begrip het van reguit skrum nie. So, behalwe as Stuart Berry die skeidsregter sou wees, sou die Leeus gewaarborg gewees het van minstens twee strafdrieë in hulle guns, veral as Beast ook nog in ‘n windmeulklap-uitdeel bui is! Oubal het nogtans raad vir die Leeu-ondersteuners. As hy hulle was, sou hy more eerder sy gewig agter die Haaie ingooi, in die hoop dat hulle teen alle verwagting in die Hurricanes kan klop. Dit sal die Leeus die topspan onder die oorblywendes maak, met Ellispark die vesting en bondgenoot na SupeRakbiekampioen. Maar klop maar eers die Crusaders! “Too clever is dumb.” — Ogden Nash

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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