Bulletin 160805

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Onmin broei in agri

President Zuma het verlede week die ondenkbare gedoen en sy eie ANC stootskapers in die parlement en die Nasionale Raad van Provinsies ‘n hou op die neus gegee, deur die nuwe Onteieningswet na hulle terug te verwys. Gegewe eergister se hoogs mededingende verkiesing was dit ‘n buitengewone stap om soveel risiko van verleentheid te waag. Intussen kook dit in die geledere van AgriSA en sommige van hul strukture en ons hoor daar is sprake van ‘n wegbrekery. AgriSA het geen moeite gespaar om die omstrede onteieninswet se lof te besing nie. Die organisasie was op die oog af vasbeslote dat hulle geen vinger sou verroer om Zuma te probeer oortuig om nie die wet te onderteken nie. Hulle was tevrede dat die wet die beste belang van SA se boere dien. Die TLU, FW de Klerk- en Helen Suzman stigtings, SA Instituut vir Rasseverhoudings, Afrikanerbond en vyf-tien ander nasionale belange-organisasies, die DA en VF+, kerke en sakestrukture het in ‘n sogenaamde Ad-hoc Groep vir Eiendomsreg besluit om die wet te beveg. Hulle het as eerste stap Zuma versoek om die wet op grondwetlike, prosedurele, ekonomiese en morele gronde nie te bekragtig nie. Een van die versoeke op sy tafel wat Zuma oortuig het om vyf dae voor die munisipale verkiesing die politieke verleentheid eerder as die drakoniese wet te sluk, was dié van AgriLimpopo, ‘n filiaal van AgriSA. AgriLimpopo waarsku reeds die afgelope agtien maande dat die vaaghede in die wet grondeienaars op

risiko plaas om òf geen vergoeding te kry waneer die staat (soos met minerale regte) die grond ontneem om dit aan ‘n derde party oor te dra nie, òf dalk net die helfte van die waarde kan kry waneer die staat sy grondwetlik toegelate afslagte neem. AgriLimpopo is ook ontsteld oor die duur regsprosedure wat op die slagoffer van onteiening bedien word, as hy enige aspek van die onteiening wil bevraagteken. Die boere in Limpopo het ook ‘n morele probleem daarmee dat die slagoffer van onteiening self vir alle kostes vir die ontruiming van die eiendom, asook hervestiging verantwoordelik is. Hoe daar sulke radikale verskille in die mandate binne een organisasie kan wees, is moeilik vir enige buitestaander om te verstaan. Hoe Zuma ‘n groter probleem met die onteieningswet het as wat AgriSA daarmee het, is nog meer verwarrend. AgriLimpopo het ‘n lang geskiedenis van onafhanklike denke, en Bulletin het al dikwels in die verlede berig oor standpunte waar die Limpopo-boere in jeukstap met die res van die land is. In 2005 het mnr Philé van Zyl en De Jager ‘n nasionale struktuur buite AgriSA gestig om grondeise te hanteer, wat binne enkele maande onder AgriSA uitpresteer het. In 2011 het mnr Francois van den Berg vir AgriSA geloop oor kwetsende optrede teenoor die TLU, met wie AgriLimpopo tot vandag ‘n baie noue verhouding van samewerking hand-

haaf. AgriLimpopo se verhouding met die swart landbou-organisasie AFASA is op provinsiale- én nasionale vlak beter as enige ander struktuur in AgriSA, word gesê. AgriLimpopo het formele samewerkingsprojekte met AFASA, TLU en die mega-boeregroep Pro-Agri, onder meer met die implementering van veiligheidstelsels en die grondhervormingsmodel van die Nasionale Ontwikkelingsplan. In Januarie was AgriLimpopo die enigste affiliasie van AgriSA wat sy lede bymekaar geroep het om oor die voorgestelde handves vir swart ekonomiese bemagtiging te besin, en vanweë die kommentaar wat hulle daarop gelewer het, is die handves steeds nie gefinaliseer nie. In die aanloop tot die openbare kommentaar op die handves, waarin AgriSA geen inligting of leiding aan boere gegee het, of kommentaar van hulle gevra het nie, was dit opvallend hoe nou die samewerking tussen AgriLimpopo, Agbiz (die landboubesigheidskamer), TLU en AFASA was. Hulle het almal aktief aan die slypskool deelgeneem, en AgriLimpopo se amptelike kommentaar is met hulle uitgeklaar. Gerugte dat AgriLimpopo se aansoeke om droogtehulp, veral vir opkomende boere in die provinsie wat reeds al hulle vee verloor het, deur AgriSA afgekeur, of selfs aan voorwaardes rakende hul onafhanklike denke gekoppel is, kon teen druktyd nie bevestig word nie.

Letsitele Kaskar


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Me Magriet Engelbrecht van die Laerskool Tzaneen help om ‘n aasvoël by die Moholoholo-rehabilitasiesentrum te voer, tydens ‘n besoek van 120 gr

2-leerlinge van die skool. Die Lugmagbasis (Hoedspruit), die Cheetah-projek, Moholoholo, Kinyonga Reptielpark en Swadini Forever Resort is besoek.


5 Augustus 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


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Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg Met die skrywe hiervan sal niemand, ook nie Vlieg weet hoe akkuraat verlede week se weervoorspelling vir eergister was nie. Met die lees hiervan sal niemand, ook nie Vlieg nie, waarskynlik steeds nie weet hoe akkuraat dit was nie; nie as ‘n mens moet staatmaak op die IEC (Impotent El[r] ection Crooks) nie. Dus sal Vlieg nou nie kan kommentaar lewer oor die uitslae, verslae en veldslae van die verkniesing nie, en hou hom maar voorlopig by die weer. Dit is mos maar waaroor eendersdenkende eendersdenkendes praat as hulle niks anders vir mekaar te sê het nie. Mind you, dit is maar al waaroor hulle in elk geval kan praat. Vlieg het hom nog nooit regtig

gesteur aan dinge soos klimaatsverandering, aardverwarming en ander Skandinawiese bangmaakstories nie, hoewel hy hom kan indink dat die Vikings hom nogal sou kon bang gemaak het op hul dag. Nie totdat hy die laaste paar weke dit met sy eie oë gesien het nie. Dit was as‘t ware asof vanjaar ‘n vyfde seisoen beleef het. Dit was

nie te warm nie en ook nie te koud nie. Selfs in die droë maande ‘n paar reënbuitjies. Maar die vreemdste van alles is dat die teer lamppale langs die strate begin bot het. Nog erger is dat selfs die yster lamppale geblom het. Die snaaksste blomme egter. ‘n Paar van hulle het die lelikste gesigte op en op almal staan iets geskrywe soos “Vote for change”, “Saam is ons sterker”, “ Iets phetogo”, seker ‘n uitheemse plant, “Step up for your views”, “Veg vir jou regte” en dan die lelikste een, so geel en

groen en swart met ‘n groot ronde iets in die middel. Vlieg verbeel hom daar was al ander jare wat ook so ‘n eienaardige seisoen beleef het. Hy onthou spesifiek een blom waarop geskryf was “Bly blank my volk”, maar Vlieg het baie lanklaas so een gesien. Seker het die spesie uitgesterf! Nietemin, Vlieg sal maar geduldig wag vir die vrye en regverdige uitslae saam met die res van die volk, en hoop net die mislikepaliteite gaan so danig wees na die verkniesing om hierdie spul blomme van die pale af te pluk, as wat hulle voor die verkniesing was om die slaggate skielik reg te maak en die sypaadjies all of a sudden out of the blue te sny!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Hazel’s Harvest has been invited to Italy Ms Hazel Roskelly (48) of Misty Hill, Haenertbsurg, has been invited to the five-day Terra Madre in Turin, Italy, in September. This culinary event is part of the slow food movement that preserves traditional foods. At Misty Hill Roskelly grows her own produce for Hazel’s Harvest. Her hands are hard. “I have four staffers, two in the kitchen and two in the garden. I hand-pick the fruit, I wash it; cook it slowly in a huge pot the whole day on my wood fire. I only burn invasive woods like wattle and pine.” “Overnight I hang the jelly up into jelly bags. The jelly drips through and the next day I cook it with lemon juice and sugar. Then it’s bottled. If I’m distracted, I burn my jam. It’s hard work..” It was the Hazel’s Harvest marula jelly that caught the judges’ taste buds at last year’s Terra Madre. Wegraakbosch was invited to showcase their cheeses at Terra Madre last year. Nipper and Sylvia Thompson presented

the marula jelly as an accompaniment to their cheeses. Roskelly inherited her love for gardening from both parents and studied at the now defunct Hotel School in Braamfontein, Johannesburg, as cooking is her passion. In 1994 Roskelly traded city life for the bush and met Steve, her future husband and at the time the new game ranger at Mbali, part of Motswari Game reserve in the Timbavati. Their romance began under the stars, with no guests, and leopard and elephants nearby. Then Steve wanted to study for his BSc through Unisa. They moved to a small cottage on Roskelly’s parents’ farm in the Natal Midlands. Steve obtained his degree cum laude. One day Roskelly’s brother suggested she make jam out of

invasive blackberries. That was the spark for Hazel’s Harvest. Roskelly hauled out grandma’s cook books as recent books didn’t have jam recipes. “I made blackberry jelly and the batch sold over a weekend. Then I branched out and sold at the Midlands Meander.”

Ms Hazel Roskelly

Roskelly started her marula jelly in 1999. She picks the fruit at Makalali Game Reserve near Tzaneen. The couple moved to Haenertsburg in 2005 and five years later bought Misty Hill. Here, under netting, Roskelly

grows strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, tomatoes and chillies. Steve installed the beehives and the farm cycle is one of harmony and sustainability. Sundried apricots and peaches come from the Cape to make sundried jams. The citrus to make the aromatic five fruit marmalade and other citrus based produce comes from Letsitele, and organic lemons are from local forester Mr Mark Geere. Hazel’s Harvest is sold at Food Zone in Haenertsburg, the Wheelbarrow and Allesbeste on the R71, the Olive Tree in Tzaneen, Mad Cows in Hoedspruit, Laaipunt at the reptile park in Swadini, the Cheese Gourmet in Linden, the Culinary Deli in Lanseria, the Irene farm stall in Pretoria, the Carlton Deli in Pretoria, Oil and Vinegar at the Nicolway shopping centre in Bryanston, Toeka se Dae in Bela-Bela and Fresh 4 2day in Braamfontein and Melville. — Sue Ettmayr sue.ettmayr@gmail.com

Her career changed after baby’s birth When dedicated teacher Ms Elriëtte Kruger (31) from Tzaneen fell pregnant she decided that she wanted to be with her baby. She dreaded the idea of leaving Kara, now 14 months, at a nursery school. Browsing the internet she clicked on Forever Living products. What caught her eye was that it was for “professional moms”. She says, “The health and nutrition industry is booming and I saw the opportunity to build a successful ever growing home based business”. Kruger now earns money while working around family commitments. The products fit into her lifestyle of good health and nutrition. She plays ring ball for Limpopo and took part in the recent SA

championships in Pretoria. She practices in Polokwane and the sport keeps her fit. Kruger is conscious about what she eats. However, she picked up 22 kg while pregnant. “I was so good for the first six months — then I had a sweet craving and went on a chocolate cake frenzy the last three months. It took me six months to lose the weight.” The Forever Living products include skin and hair care, a weight management programme with online support and a range of nutritional supplements. There’s also a range for equine and canine care. Kruger drinks 60 ml Forever Aloe Vera gel daily. It’s bitter but flavoured with peaches. It gives energy, vitamins, has improved

joint functionality and a positive effect on gut flora. Forever Living was founded in the USA in 1978 and is successfully traded in more than 150 countries. There are extensive Aloe Vera plantations in the Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas as well as in the Dominican Republic and other parts of the Caribbean. Only the inner leaf (the gel) of the plant is used. — Sue Ettmayr sue.ettmayr@gmail.com

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

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Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 01/08/2016

Tzaneen 28.%

Ebenezer 71.1%

Merensky 94.1%

Dap Naude 90.7%

Middel Letaba 23.3%

Blyde Rivier Poort 60.9%

Klaserie 42.5%

Tours 40.2%

Vergelegen 102%

Ohrigstad 5.3%

Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za

Baie Dankie!

5 Augustus 2016



Die GLM hef dié rente onwettig, sê regsman Dit lyk of die groot oogseer in Tzaneen se sakekern uiteindelik kan herleef, maar dit gaan stadig en ook net aan Agathastraat se kant. Gaan die Letaba Boulevard uiteindelik ten volle gerestoureer word? Dit lyk nie of daar iemand is wat kan (wil?) sê wat kom nie.

Modjadjiskloof se belastingbetalers word maandeliks ingedoen met hul diensterekeninge by wyse van rente op agterstallige bedrae wat sonder kennisgewing bygelas word, sê mnr Frederick Pohl, ‘n regskenner. Hywas ook ‘n kandidaat in die munisipale verkiesing. Hy verwys na die munisipaliteit se kredietbeheerbeleid wat dit duidelik uitstippel dat skriftelike kennis binne vyf dae aan rekeninghouers oor agterstallige betalings gegee sal word, voor

Grondeise (nou eers) van die baan

AgriLimpopo verwelkom die grondwethof se uitspraak dat die Wysigingswet op die Restitusie van Grondregte van 2014, wat die grondeiseproses opnuut vir vyf jaar oopgestel het, ongrondwetlik is. Dr Theo de Jager, belas met grondsake by AgriLimpopo, sê die restitusiewet is ‘n goeie een. Dis vanweë die uiterste swak toepassing daarvan, met halfgebakte prosedures en chaotiese administrasie, wat AgriLimpopo in 2006 reeds gekla het dat die gronseiseproses naas die Anglo Boere-oorlog die mees vernietigende impak op landbou gehad het. Ondanks herhaalde versoeke kon die Grondeisekommissie in die agtien jaar na die sluiting van die eerste ronde steeds geen volledige lys van grondeise gee nie, en het duidelik nie ‘n benul van wat nog uitstaande is nie. “Onafgehandelde eise skep omvattende onsekerheid by grondeienaars, wat broodnodige belegging op plase demp en werkskepping in die wiele ry. Tussen 2004 en 2008 het grondeise 36 000 werkgeleenthede in Limpopo vernietig, en ‘n slagveld van mislukte, gestroopte en verwaarloosde plase agtergelaat. “Ondanks ‘n onderneming wat die grondeisekommissie in September 2014 tydens die Limpopo Transformasiekongres aan AgriLimpopo gegee het om eise te ontlys wat jare lank al in die staatskoerant gelys is, maar nie deur die staat gekoop gaan word nie, het dit steeds

rente daarop gehef sal word. Dit word egter nie gedoen nie en boonop word rente op rente gehef, wat strydig is met die GLM se kredietbeheerbeleid. Pohl sê hy het insae gehad in verskeie inwoners se munisipale rekenings (dié wat betyds uitgereik is) en dit wemel van teenstrydighede. Betalings voor die sperdatum word dikwels nie op die faktuur erken of aangeteken nie. Dan word rente sonder kennisgewing op die “agterstallige” bedrag gehef. Hy vermoed duisende rande word maandeliks op dié wyse deur die GLM ingesamel en behoort ondersoek te word.

nie gebeur nie. De Jager sê die aantal grondeise wat in 1998 ontvang is, het op ‘n onverklaarbare wyse van 63 000 tot 79 000 aangegroei. Een eis kan soos in die geval van die Makgoba-eis by Tzaneen 765 plase behels, of in die Maupa-eis by Mooketsi 226 plase affekteer. “Die besluit in die aanloop tot die 2014-algemene verkiesing om die grondeise-proses te heropen, was ‘n goedkoop politieke foefie wat landbou baie duur te staan kom. Meer as 170 000 eise is reeds ingestel, baie daarvan op plase waar onafgehandelde eise reeds voor 1998 in die eerste ronde ingestel is. “Onbestuurbare verwagtings is geskep by arm landelike gemeenskappe, sonder dat daar ooit in die begroting voorsiening gemaak is vir die koop van grond om die beloofde teikens te haal. Die destabiliserende impak van teleurgestelde verwagtings het direkte gevolge vir die veiligheid van boere op hul plase. AgriLimpopo is aktief by die implementering van die grondhervormingsmodel van Hoofstuk 6 van die Nasionale Onteieningsplan betrokke.” Volgens hom het AgriSA sy verbintenis tot die model by sy laaste kongres herbevestig. Boere in Limpopo glo dat die model veel groter potensiaal het om suksesvolle grondhervorming teweeg te bring, en hoop dat die Grondwethof se uitspraak die destruktiewe gevolg van die heropening van grondeise finaal sal stuit.

Kom meer te wete oor waar die prentjiemooi toneel is en hoekom dit vir Mopani se mense van enige betekenis is. Om te help: dit is ‘n foto van Suid-Afrika se basis op Marion-eiland en verdere besonderhede is op bladsy 10 in die “Events”-kolom.

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5 Augustus 2016


No cases of rabies reported The state veterinarian services in Tzaneen says rabies is under control and there are no reported cases of rabies in the Tzaneen area. This comes after an outbreak was reported a month ago. A state veterinarian, dr Kgabo Letswalo, said there are no reported cases of the contagious and deadly viral disease. “As Mopani

District is known to be a rabies endemic area, our annual campaign to vaccinate dogs and cats against rabies free of charge is ongoing.” For safety reasons people need to make sure that their dogs and cats are vaccinated regularly and not allow pets to roam the streets. — Phidelia Rikhotso phidelia@bulletin.us.com

Pillemanne gaan Leeu-loop in NZ Daar is ondersteuners, daar is getroue en lojale ondersteuners en dan is daar die patologiese ondersteuners — soos dié driemanskap van Tzaneen vir wie selfs nie eens NieuSeeland te ver was om hul span te gaan ondersteun nie. Mnr André Venter en drs Ludie Robinson en Ig van Rensburg sal more die Leeus in die eindstryd in Wellington (NZ) ondersteun. Venter, die eienaar van Peacemed Apteek, se suster is die mediese dokter vir die Leeus se junior spanne, terwyl haar man die Super-rugbyspan se spandokter is. Venter en Van Rensburg is swaers. Robinson en Van Rensburg is mediese praktisyns in Tzaneen en verbete Leeus-ondersteuners van kindsbeen af.

Oud-Vossies presteer! Drie oud-leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster in Tzaneen het onlangs uitmuntende prestasies behaal. Philmar Janse van Rensburg (onder links) van die 2008-matriekgroep het onlangs in Durban as lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse senior atletiekspan by die Afrika-atletiekkampioenskappe die eerste plek in spiesgooi verower, met ‘n puik afstand van 76,04 m. Dawie Roodt (1979-matriekgroep),

bekende SA ekonoom, is aangewys as Sake se Ekonoom van die jaar vir 2015 (onder middel). Sy voorspellings vir kort- en langtermynrentekoerse was in die kol en die beste in die kompetisie. Hy het 33 ander SA ekonome in die kompetisie uitgestof. Alana Tröger (2005-matriekgroep) is aangewys as die doelwagter vir die Suid-Afrikaanse plattelandse vrouehokkiespan.

Saterdag se kaskarwedrenne in Letsitele was weer ‘n groot sukses en spanne het van heinde en verre gekom, om te kom deelneem aan die pretbyeenkoms. Gaan besoek gerus ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com vir ‘n video (lugfoto’s) en ‘n reeks ander foto’s wat by die byeenkoms geneem is.

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Dis weer tyd vir Lemoenfees!!! Laerskool Dr Annecke - Letsitele 20 Augustus 2016 8:00 - laat Gratis toegang Kom ondersteun die jongspan langs die mini-hokkie bane en wag die langasem landlopertjies in by die wenstreep met ‘n yskoue “slushpuppy” te koop by ons snoepie. Tzaneen Sporthuis bied sporttoerusting te koop aan die dag en sorg vir aksie foto’s, sodat jy kan ontspan en die uitstallings geniet nl. Winskoop winkel, houtsnee artikels, motorvoertuig uitstallings, juwele, klere, opvoedkundige speelgoed en nog vele meer. Jy gaan defnitief ook nie die dag honger ly nie, met kosstalletjies soos hamburgers, chipstix, vetkoek, yankees, pannekoek en mini-dougnuts. Blikkie-rol, springkastele en ‘n groot glybaan gaan die kinders lekker besig hou terwyl jy kraakvars plaasgroente en vrugte, biltong, tuisgebak en die mooiste saailinge en plante kan koop om huis toe te neem. Ons sien uit om jou by die Lemoenfees te sien!

Uitstallers welkom om ons te kontak. 0725171551 of 082 808 0802

Beautiful Antiques, Vintage Record Cabinet, Vintage Fridge, Kos kas,5 PCE Wall Unit, German Ronisch Piano with Brass Candle Holders, Kiaat Telephone Table, 5 x Kiaat Bar Stools, 4 x Bent wood & Wicker Bar Stools, 4 x Hardwood School Desks, Bentwood Chair, Reception Counter, Dressing Table, , Wall Nut / Oak Wardrobes, Half Moon Tables, 5 x Conference Tables with trestles, Mattresses, Complete Linen Bed Sets, Bed Side Lamps, Butler Tray’s, Coat Hangers, Art Deco Mirrors, African Art, TV’s, Speed Queen Washing Machine, 6 x Bar Fridges, 5 x Deep Freezers, Fridges , Room Safes, Aircons, Cutlery & Crockery, Silver Ware, Wall Plates, Porcelain Dinner Sets, Japanese Ginger Jar, Chinese Ginger Jar, Argila Pottery Set, 3 x Micro Waves, Kettles, Pot’s & pan’s, Kitchen Utensils, 2 x Mobile Aircons, Wicker Garden Furniture, 5x Patio Tables & 15 x Chairs, Cement Garden Furniture, Garden Umbrella, Bird Baths, 1 Trailers, Bush Cutter, Tank Stand, Hand Tools, Power Tools, 2 x S/Steel Work Tables, Angel Iron, Steel Roof Trusses, Slasher, Sleeper wood, Tiles, Window Frames, Braai Stand, Fire Extinguishers and much more. NOTE: R1000.00 REFUNDABLE REGISTRATION PAYMENT ON THE DAY MUST BE MADE ON SITE. CASH, EFT AND CREDIT CARD/DEBIT CARD ACCEPTABLE. NO CHEQUES. Do you have anything you would like to sell or auction? Contact us today and we will collect!

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CONTACT US ABOUT AUCTIONS FOR: Property & Farms, Office & Household Goods, Estates, Antiques & Collectables

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5 Augustus 2016



5 Augustus 2016

Ons Mening


Die misdaad maak mense desperaat...

The Message

05 Augustus 2016 Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

Nou vir die groot wag

Die kruisies is klaar getrek. Die tellery is by die einde. Vir baie mense beteken dit dat sake op plaaslike regeringsvlak in die eersvolgende paar dae sigbaar kan (sommiges glo dit sal) verander. Dit is egter baie ver van die werklikheid. Nuwe raadslede gaan onderwerp word aan opleiding, wat eers onder die knie gekry moet word. En dan is dit steeds ver van klaar, want dit neem baie maande (dalk ‘n jaar of twee) vir nuwelinge om te verstaan hoe die munisipale rade werk, hoe die vurk in die hef steek met die hierargie in die regerende party (ongeag watter party dit is), hoeveel gemors daar is wat eers opgeruim moet word, hoe die senior amptenare by nuwe raadslede gaan inskakel en as daar ‘n verandering in bewind is, kan rade se werking gekortwiek word deur weerstand om ‘n ander party se sake te dien, ensovoorts. Wees dus maar geduldig. Die slaggate gaan nie gou opgevul word nie. Die sypaadjies gaan nie oornag skoon wees nie. Die onwettige en uitdagende informele handelaars wat hulle tuismaak net waar hulle wil, gaan nie verhuis en ewe skielik wetsgehoorsame burgers word nie. Die stert sal die hond bly swaai. Die amptenare wat lui is en hulle nie aan dienslewering steur nie, gaan nog lank met ons wees. Die woordvoerders van die munisipaliteite gaan nie ophou lieg nie en hul gaan steeds hul politieke base se skandes help verbloem. Wees maar realisties en besef dat hoe meer dinge verander, hoe meer bly dit dieselfde. Ook na verkiesings.

1368 057 The Numbers 24 9 38 The percentage of electoral candidates who were disqualified by the IEC because they never paid the deposit

Report unsolved crime cases to 0800 54 67 67

Local Heroes

The two ladies — Odine Moolman and Sandi Moore — who started to promote mountain climbing, exploration, hiking and even to make people aware of the indigenous fauna and flora and the need to preserve the pristine areas around the Wolkberg, Soutpansberg and surrounding mountains.


Huge respect and salute to this high level security

Ons wil darem so af en toe so effe wegstaan van die geskiedenis en rede gee om te lag. Die meegaande is van ‘n leser ontvang, wat dit op Facebook gesien en vir ons aangestuur het. Die misdaad is woes...

If one defines this word, it can have many meanings depending on the situation you are in. A true friendship is one where there is mutual feelings between the parties, it can be one on one, or a group of people who have common interests. However, there can be platonic friendships where own interests are concerned. A true friendship is built on mutual trust, if either party breaks this trust the friendship breaks down and often ends. Yet, sometimes friendships break down due to misinformation or a lack of openness, sometimes things from the past come to haunt one of the parties and then the failure to share their concerns leads to the break-down. People can be quiet vicious in spreading rumours about others often with little truth behind them. Many people go through life without forming a true bond with someone else, preferring their own company, they will mix with others where needed for business purposes or to be seen as “one of the crowd.” These people go through life very lonely. What happens when one party moves and sometimes the friendship just fades? If a marriage is supposed to be a mutual friendship, why do so many choose to divorce their partner after many years? I feel it is basically that the lines of communication have broken down or it can be that the one party has lost trust in the other party. Counselling often helps, but can also be a deterrent as the counsellor has perhaps not heard both sides of the story. One thing or should I say one friendship can never be broken and that is the one we have with Christ. Once we have accepted Christ as our Saviour our friendship will last forever. This is the perfect friendship, for no matter how we as humans often do things that are not pleasing to God, He will always be there for us. All we need is to accept His love for us and try our best to follow Him. Many of us live a very lonely life as we get older, sitting at home alone just waiting for that phone call or invitation. As our children grow up, marry and move away, often it is the parent that suffers. They become involved in their own lives and many times only see their parents when a birthday crops up. Often parents are to blame as well as they do not contact their children, sometimes the child feels that the parent must always be the first to make contact, yet some parents may feel that they are imposing or interfering with their children’s lives and thus wait for the child to make contact. A song come to mind “What a friend we have in Jesus” this is often seen as a children’s song but why do the older folk often ask for it to be sung? We all need a true friend and this we have in Jesus, all we need to do is to believe. Blessings

Ten start-up pitfalls & how to avoid them Given SA’s high youth unemployment rate, estimated to be around 60%, starting and growing a business is a potentially enriching career path for a young person to choose, not only financially, but also mentally and socially. Anton Roelofse, regional general manager at Business Partners Limited, says that while entrepreneurship is an exciting career option with great future potential, entrepreneurs, particularly the youth, also need to be aware that it is a difficult path. “The business discontinuation rate in South Africa remains higher than the established business rate – which refers to a business that has been in operation for more than three and a half years. This means that businesses are closing at a faster rate than the rate at which new businesses are being established in the country. While this high rate of discontinuation affects all entrepreneurs, it puts younger entrepreneurs at greater risk as they may not have the industry experience or resources that older, more experienced entrepreneurs may have access to.” Roelofse provides ten common pitfalls of starting and growing a business, and what young entrepreneurs can do to avoid them: 1. Over-thinking your idea: Planning is crucial in business development, but over-planning can be paralysing. Renowned South African entrepreneur, Anton Rupert, famously said it was fortunate that he did not know all the risks that he would face in building his empire, otherwise he would never have started. Many of the major risks involved in a new venture cannot be predicted and, as such, cannot be planned away. At some point, entrepreneurs have to confront risks directly by implementing their plans. 2. Getting stuck behind your desk: Once a business has launched, entrepreneurs are required to be in the office regularly to plan, think and re-evaluate; it is key to your business’ survival. However, be careful not to get stuck there,

because some of the best business thinking is done on the job, informed by the practical experience of managing a growing business’s operations, marketing and administration. Start-up entrepreneurs have to stay visible on the shop floor and in the market. 3. Over-thinking the timing: Timing is important and has to be carefully considered, but it is never as simple as waiting for the economy to improve. Starting a business in a difficult economic environment can create various opportunities, such as cutting start-up costs by, for example, buying second-hand equipment at auctions from businesses that have gone under. 4. Same old, same old: Entrepreneurship is about doing things better, sometimes through a radical new idea, but other times by providing subtle differences in the customer’s experience. The key is to differentiate from the competition, while also constantly improving business processes and operations over time. 5. Neglecting your tech-savvy edge: There are many different ways in which technology can make business quicker, easier and more efficient – providing a definite advantage. Younger entrepreneurs must be aware of the natural edge they hold by being more in tune with technology and exploit it as much as possible. 6. Being an island: While many entrepreneurs may be the sole owners of their business, it’s very difficult to successfully grow a business completely on your own. Staff is needed, but just as important is having a support network of experts, professionals, mentors, advisors and friends. Professional expertise such as legal, labour and accounting services are expensive, and in the beginning, young entrepreneurs might have to rely on more informal forms of advice, but the important thing is to spend sufficient time and effort in seeking it out by networking in the business world. 7. Neglecting training: Very few young busi-

nesses can afford to employ highly qualified individuals. In the beginning, most businesses employ people with minimal experience and train them up on the job. The monetary value of their pay package might be low, but an implicit part of the deal with such workers is that they will gain skills specifically in line with the business. Neglect this delicate understanding at your peril, as training staff is a crucial ingredient of a business’ success. 8. Trying to do everything yourself: At the start of your business you are probably going to have to do everything from watering the pot plant to doing deliveries. Not only does this save scarce start-up capital, but it also provides a good sense of what the work entails before appointing a worker to do it or outsource it. However, it is very important that entrepreneurs move away from operational tasks by delegating or outsourcing the work as soon as you can, as this allows time to market, network and think strategically about the business. 9. Living out of the till: Entrepreneurs who fail to separate their business finances from their personal finances rarely last the distance. Budgeting and cost control is crucial for business survival, and an important part of the discipline is to pay yourself a fixed salary, based on what the business can comfortably afford, and to stick to that, even if it is low in the beginning. 10. Underestimating the value of a few years’ work experience: Young entrepreneurs might be so eager to get started in business that they forego work experience. There are some famous examples of entrepreneurs who have never worked for anyone else, but they are the exceptions. The majority of successful entrepreneurs start off by working for someone else, and using the opportunity to learn how an organisation works from the inside out, before they set out to build their own businesses. Source: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor SA Report

5 Augustus 2016



Local Government & the news that matters

Bridge falling apart; awaiting urgent attention The bridge over the Great Letaba River, right next to the Letaba Hospital and linking Nkowankowa and Tarentaalrand, is in a dilapidated condition and the authorities concerned seem to be lukewarm in attending to the rather dangerous situation. Residents in the Ritavi area are concerned

Report and photos: Phidelia Rikhotso

phidelia@bulletin.us.com about the life threatening bridge which is more than forty years old. The bridge is between Letaba Hospital and Letaba Estate. Motorists say the bridge is a ticking time bomb. The concrete railings are broken (photos left), mainly as a result of accidents on the bridge.


On the one side of the bridge a part of the tar road has been washed away (photo bottom right), leaving an extremely dangerous gaping sink-hole stretching into the one lane. Large cracks can also be seen, running from the one side of the bridge across to the other side and looking like the structure could be

under severe stress. A resident of Letaba Estate, told us that the road and bridge carry heavy traffic and there were fears that the bridge could collapse. However, despite many complaints, the authorities concerned have not yet taken any action to repair it, local residents said. “When a heavy vehicle crosses the bridge, vibrations are felt. If the bridge is not fixed as a matter of urgency, more accidents will occur. “There are no warning signs to show that there is a danger ahead,” the people in the area said. A taxi driver, Mr Amos Makhubele, said its the most hassle-free route to get to Nwamitwa from Nkowankowa. “I am aware that it is risky to use the bridge, but I am using it because it is the shortest and most hassle-free route to reach Nwamitwa from Nkowankowa,” said Makhubele. Repeated attempts to get comment from the spokesperson of the Roads Agency Limpopo, Mr Maropeng Manyathela, failed.


5 Augustus 2016


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5 Augustus 2016


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5 Augustus 2016


Die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het onlangs hul topvyf presteerders (akademies) aangekondig.

Graad 4.

Voor: Anke Rood (88.8%), Moyahabo Malatji (85.3%) en Dimpho Modika (84.8%); Agter: Azraa Shaikh (84.2%) en Ndali Khoza (79.8%).

Graad 5. Voor: Drikus du Toit (92.7%), Anika du Toit (90.8%) en Josua Retief (89.3%); Agter: Zahraa Khan (86%) en Fatima Gani (85.5%).

Man en muis by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het letterlik gebloei vir hul medemens, toe die Bloedoortappingsdiens se personeel die skool besoek het. Die Vossies, leerlinge en onderwysers, het vyftig eenhede bloed geskenk. Hier is twee opgewekte leerlinge besig om te bloei. (Ongelukkig is hul name nie verskaf nie)

Graad 6.

Voor: Jarrid Brummer (86.5%), Lesego Moremi (86.2%) en Nusrath Bhuiyan (84.5%); Agter: Khanyisa Rikhotso (84.5%) en Junior Mabidilala (77.8%). Afwesig: Tabassum Bhuiyan (86.8%).

Graad 7. Voor: Joné du Toit (87%), Megan Jardine (80.7%) en JJ de Beer (80.6%); Agter: Hlogi Senyolo (80.1%) en Kayla van Zyl (78.7%).

Sewe flinkdinkers van die Hoërskool Merensky het aan die jaarlikse Wowspelfees by die Hoërskool Piet Potgieter deelgeneem. Die spelfees word georganiseer deur die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en die leerlinge moes een duisend woorde se korrekte spelling memoriseer. Die gr 8’s is verteenwoordig deur Zonika van Niekerk, Crystal Kirstein en Rohan du Plessis, en die gr

Donné Oosthuizen, a Gr 10 pupil of Merensky High School, and international title holder “Teen Miss Earth 2016”, was invited to be hostess at the national round of the Little Model Earth pageant held in Centurion. Donné and Leandri Schreiber, her modelling teacher, were both part of the International Royalty, who did a show-off Paris walk at the gala event. Leandri is a facilitator at Merensky High School’s Music Dance Drama and Art Academy (MDDA). Donné was also invited as VIP guest at the recently held Little Miss & Mr Galaxy 2017. Donné is seen here assisting with the crowning of the Little Miss Galaxy 2017’s third princess.

Plasies neem deel aan Wow-spelfees

9’s deur Janco Blignaut, Lize Mostert, Lin-Mari Theron en Maruschke Knox. Dit was die vyfde jaar dat die kompetisie gehou is. Verlede jaar was daar vier skole wat deelgeneem het, en vanjaar veertien. Dit toon ‘n groei in leerlinge se belangstelling in Afrikaans. Deelnemers moes eers ‘n skriftelike speltoets aflê, waarna hul ‘n senutergende mondeling moes aandurf.

Voor: Zonika van Niekerk, Rohan du Plessis en Crystal Kirstein (gr 8). Agter: Janco Blignaut, Lize Mostert, Lin-Mari Theron en Maruschke Knox (gr 9).

Like us on facebook!

Social • Churches • Cultural • Schools • Sport • Skole • Kultuur • Kerke • Sosiaal Modjadjiskloof Roadhouse Today (5 August)

Roadhouse takeaway food. This afternoon/ evening from 17:30 – 19:00 at Hope Methodist Church, Boltman Street, Modjadjiskloof. For information about the menu and orders, contact Liz on 015 306 0080/079 017 0600 or Pat 082 672 6430 or Val 082 894 4434.

Modjadjiskloof Bybelse Tee 6 Augustus

Die AGS gemeente se sustersvereniging, Dames Dinamiek, bied op 6 Augustus om 10:00 hul jaarlikse Damestee aan. Die geselligheid sal in die Laerskool Duiwelskloof se saal gehou word, en die gasspreker is past Anèl Oliver. Die byeenkoms sal in die vorm van ‘n Bybelse ete wees. Alle ma’s en hoërskoolmeisies is welkom om dit by te woon. Kaartjies: R120/persoon en beskikbaar by Sarie Mostert by 072 379 5334.

Magoebaskloof Trail run 6-7 August

The Wolkberg Trail Run will be held at Stanford Lake College on 6-7 August. There will be a 4 km, 10 km and 25 km to tackle. Visit wolkbergtrailrun. co.za for details.

Haenertsburg Trail Run 6 & 7 August

The annual ClemenGold Wolkberg Trail Run is rated as one of the best stage trail races in SA by avid adventure junkies. The race, this year is a two-day stage race through the picturesque Wolkberg Mountains. Runners summit the highest point in Limpopo, the Iron Crown, during the race. The race qualifies as an official SkyMarathon with casual runners participating on the second day. According to the Friends of the Haenertsburg Grasslands (FroHg), the route of the ClemenGold Wolkberg Trail Run goes right through the critically endangered Woodbush Granite Grasslands, one of the most threatened South African vegetation types. ClemenGold, as

naming sponsor of the trail run, this year made a special contribution to support the sterling efforts of FroHg. “With our feet planted firmly in the soil of various provinces, we are dedicated to make a lasting contribution in terms of environmental sustainability,” says Marius du Plessis, ClemenGold CEO. Visit www.wolkbergtrailrun.co.za for more information about the race.

Tzaneen Auditions 8 October The SA Association of Talent, Modeling and Entertainment is scouting for talent to represent this region at the SA Championships of Performing Arts 2017. The next Championships will take place at the Rustenburg Civic Center from 31 March to 9 April 2017. If you are looking for a platform to start your performing arts career, then this is your opportunity to be discovered. We are scouting for talented South Africans in the following styles and events: Dancing, singing, acting, instrumentals, choirs, rhythmical gymnasts, revue groups and models. There are two age categories: The junior section categories are 5-7 years, 8-10 years, 11-12 years, 13-15 years. The senior section categories are: 16-17 years, 18-24 years, 25-29 years and 30+. Information: e-mail for the Audition Entry Form at southafricanchamps.limpopo@gmail.com or lizellecronje0809@gmail or call Lizelle on 082 806 2759 or Bonita on 083 390 4009. The semifinal audition round will be held on 8 October in the NG Kerk Hall in Tzaneen (Moedergemeente), opposite the Tzaneen Primary School at 09:00.

Tzaneen Alleenlopers 13 Augustus Alle alleenlopers tussen 40 en 100 kom geniet ’n bring-en-braai saam met ons op Saterdag 13 Augustus. Vir verdere besonderhede: 083 453 3250.

Tzaneen Fun Run 19 August Enjoy an evening of fun! St Peter’s Night Fun

Run; 4.5 km/9 km options. Runners and walkers welcome. Start: St Peter’s Anglican Church, Cnr Agatha & Hermanus Streets, Tzaneen. Registration from 17:00; race starts at 18:00. Entry fee: Adults R45; u.16’s R25. Boerewors rolls and cold drinks will be on sale. Information: 015 307 3534.

Tzaneen Kankerpraatjie 20 Augustus

Leandri Schreiber van Amone Modelling Academy bied ‘n “Bewusmaking van kanker by kinders”-funksie aan. Dit word opgedra aan ‘n Amone-model, Juan Venter. Die gasspeker is ‘n onkoloog, dr Lourens de Jager van Pretoria. Hy sal al die tipe kankers wat slegs by kinders voorkom, die vroeë simptome, behandeling en nasorg bespreek. Ferdi Pieterse van Momentum sal `n praatjie lewer oor: Siekte en my geldsake. Koste: R100/p wat koek en tee/koffie insluit. Kaartjies beskikbaar by Twigs Coffe Shop of Vrydae van 14:30 - 16:00 by die NG Kerksaal in Agathastraat regoor die Laerskool Tzaneen. Die byeenkoms sal om 10:00 begin en word in die NG Kerksaal in Agathastraat gehou. Die publiek gaan geleentheid kry om vrae te stel. Navrae: Leandri Schreiber by 078 387 6838/076 423 4192 of e-pos: jcschreiber@lantic.net.

Letsitele Lemoenfees 20 Augustus

Dis weer tyd vir die Lemoenfees op die terrein van die Laerskool Dr Annecke. Ondersteun die jongspan langs die mini-hokkiebane en wag die lang-asem landlopertjies in by die wenstreep met ‘n yskoue “slushpuppy” te koop by die snoepie. Tzaneen Sporthuis bied sporttoerusting te koop aan die dag en sorg vir aksiefoto’s, sodat jy kan ontspan en die uitstallings geniet. Winskoop winkel, houtsnee artikels, motors op skou, juwele, klere, opvoedkundige speelgoed en nog vele meer. Koskraampies vir hamburgers, chipstix, vetkoek, yankees, pannekoek en minidougnuts. Springkastele en ‘n groot glybaan gaan die kinders besig hou terwyl jy kraakvars plaasgroente en vrugte, biltong, tuisgebak en saailinge en plante kan koop om huis toe te neem. Uitstallers en ander navrae: 082 808 0802.

Tzaneen Eco Club 25 August Journey to the Prince Edward Islands. The Tzaneen Eco Club invites you to travel with us to the Prince Edward Islands. Few people know where these islands are, fewer still realise that these two volcanic specks in the vast Southern Ocean comprise SA’s only overseas territory and are the only part of the Republic zoned as “Special Nature Reserve” — the highest conservation status under SA law. Ecologist Wiam Haddad will introduce us to the amazing ark of creatures that call these windblown mountain-tops in the ocean their home. From the majestic wandering albatross, to the enormous elephants seal, to awesome orcas and even an endemic flightless moth! We will look at the diverse habitats, from polar desert to mucky mire; and the host of pioneering plants that carve out a living there. We will look at the tough history of human occupation on the islands and how it came to be SA territory. Lastly, Wiam will reflect on his own time spent on an unlikely paradise and ponder the future of this anachronistic gem. Wiam holds a BSc Plant Science degree from Tuks. Any opportunity to see different parts of the world catches his attention and after completing his Honours course in Plant Ecology, he applied for a 13-month position as field biologist in the Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme. Upon return he continued studying, this time towards an MSc investigating the biodiversity and ecosystem services of the Koedoes Rriver catchment in Limpopo. After completing this degree in 2015, he took a position as Ecologist with ZZ2. The talk will be held at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community Hall. Tea and coffee will be served; visitors are welcome and pay a small fee of R25. Contact Marianne McKenzie on 082 835 4185 for information.

Tzaneen Business Expo 1 September The Tzaneen Big Spring Business Expo will be held in Highgrove’s big function tent on 1 September from 11:00 till 17:00. E-mail expo@ formsind.co.za to confirm attendance or for enquiries.

5 Augustus 2016


Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se toptien presteerders vir die eerste kwartaal van vanjaar in grade 9-10 is aangewys.

Graad 8. Voor: Zené Kruger, Grizel lepart, Lisa Greyling en Lorinda Esterhuizen; Middel: Jana Oberholzer, Khanyisile Mkansi, Doné Aucamp en Mienké Lombard; Agter: Nkosazana Mabunda en Zinnia du Plessis.

Groot drama vir die eisteddfod Plasieland het behoorlik gewemel van opgewonde, swartgeklede drama-leerlinge wat aan die Afrikaanse afdeling van die Tzaneen Eisteddfod deelgeneem het. Behalwe die dertien groepitems, het talle aspirant-akteurs ook aan ‘n rekord aantal individuele items deelgeneem. Daar is in elke beskikbare hoekie geoefen aan die impromptu items, terwyl samesprake, monoloë, prosa, mimiek, sketse en poësie reeds lank

voor die aanbreek van die wintervakansie instudeer is. Die beoordelaar, me Esther Bredenkamp (lid van die raad van Afrikaanse beoordelaars en eienaar van die Black Door Studio in Pretoria), was baie beïndruk met die hoë standaard. Kultuurbewuste Plasies sien uit na die Musiekeisteddfod wat net om die draai is en beloof om ewe suksesvol te wees.


Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Source: www.school-communicator.com

6-8 Aug Limpopo Hokkie u.12 Festival, Polokwane 8-9 Aug Skool vakansiedae

Hoërskool Ben Vorster High School Source: www.school-communicator.com

4-7 Aug Gholf: SA Skole by Oos-Londen 4-6 Aug Netbal: Topskole. Boksburg 5-8 Aug Tennis: Sun City Toernooi. Sun City 8 Aug Vakansiedag 10-12 Aug ATKV Toneel 10-12 Aug Fotodag

Krieket: Meisies Limpopo Skoleliga vs Merensky Toekie Vorster Meisieskoshuis Dinee

4-6 Aug Letaba Skou, Tzaneen Skouterrein 4 Augustus - Streek Jeugskou, Skouterrein 5 Augustus - Limpopo/Mpumalanga Jeugskou op Skouterrein. 5 - 8 Aug

Gr 12 skets; Geld wat stom is: Voor is Michael Gruar en agter is Simoné Pretorius, Michaela Viljoen, Christo Potgieter, Bernice Cronje, JP van den Bergh en Milanca Kotze.

Graad 9.

Voor: Caelyn Adendorff, Nicola Joubert, Tirhani Maluleke en Christine Fourie; Middel: Ofentse Mokati, Milané smit, Liané Pretorius en Malaika Coetzer; Agter: Thys Nortjé, Michaela van Wyk en James Vorster.

Tennis: Sun City Tournament. Sun City 6-8 Aug President’s Award: Silver and Bronze Hike 8-9 Aug Vakansiedag 10 Aug Career exhibition in school hall. 11:00. Krieket: 1’e meisies vs Mahwelereng. 14:00 Krieket: o.19B meisies vs Ben Vorster. 14:00 Leadership Course. 14:15 GO-MAD 17:45 11 Aug Mr & Miss Merensky Personality function Staff Room

Suksesvolle prosa-kandidate is, voor: Liza-Ri Snyman en Juanet Venter, en agter is Ruette Schoeman, Lisa Maguire, Bernice Cronjé, me Bredenkamp (beoordelaar), Megan van der Nest en Imcke van Vuuren.

Notice of Public Meeting: Renewal of Statutory Levy on Mangoes for Processing The current statutory measure on mangoes for processing in terms of The Marketing of Agricultural Products Act No. 47 of 1996 lapses on 31 December 2014. The SA Mango Growers’ Association (SAMGA) intends to apply for a renewal of the statutory measures to continue funding research and other activities for the common good of the industry.

Graad 10. Voor: Lerato Hutamo, Christelle Smit, Dimpho Malatji en Tshepang Pilusa; Middel: Zani Vorster, Michaela Bekker, Clara Molokwane en Wilco Jansen van Rensburg; Agter: Anzeret Scheepers, Juané Croucamp en Nielia Blignaut.

Date: 16 August 2016 Venue: Westfalia Estate Training Centre Time: 09:00 Details of the proposed renewal of the statutory levy will be presented at the meeting. All interested parties are invited to attend. Gr 11 skets; Die Plesierboot: Voor is Lize Crafford en in die middelry is Elzette van Dyk, Britney Chu, Ulrich Greeff en Chris Bill. Agter is Marlu McLean, Cara Baker, John Slabber, Riette Warmenhoven en Kevin van den Bergh.

de Nysschen en Melissa Naudé; Middel: Phuti Sako, Bernard Vermaak en Mpho Maloba; Agter: Nicole Swardt en De Wet Vorster. Afwesig: Adriaan Roets.

Graad 12.

Voor: Tumi Mosegane, Jacques van Dyk, Duan Schoeman en Beauty Maake; Middel: Nsovo Nkuna, Shiluva Mushwana en Marli Burger; Agter: Talenta Mabunda, Tebatso Mahasha en Abel Nortjé.

Tel: 015 307 3676

“Science for sustainable development and improved quality of life”

The Soutpansberg Astronomy Club will be at the following northern Limpopo venues on the dates below: DATE 4th August 5th August 6th August 7th August 9th August

VENUE Letaba Show, Tzaneen Letaba Show, Tzaneen Mall of the North, Polokwane Mall of the North, Polokwane Makhado Crossing, Louis Trichardt

TIME 11:00 - 21:00 11:00 - 21:00 11:00 - 21:00 11:00 - 21:00 10:00 - 18:00

Activities: Telescope viewing, astronomy discussions and demonstrations, handout material.

Kos Coronaios - 079 148 4934

National Science Week

Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

Graad 11. Voor: Gerhard Bezuidenhout, Kara Greyling, Emje

Hanco van der Merwe, ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het tydens die Julie-vakansie aan die Actors Models Talent for Christ se Shine-event in Orlando, VSA, deelgeneem. Sy deelname was daarop gerig om hom geleentheid te gee om voor personeel van verskeie musiekproduksiehuise, rolprentvervaardigers, dramaskole en modelagentskappe deel te neem en sodoende raakgesien te word in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf. Hanco het goed gevaar en is gekies vir die finale talentaand. Hy is ook vir vyf onderhoude genooi, waarvan drie van die onderhoude musiekproduseerders van LA is, een van ‘n modelagentskap in New York en een van ‘n advertensieagentskap.

For directions to the venue, contact Christa de la Port. Christa@subtrop.co.za


5 Augustus 2016


The Hike Tribe is born A passion for climbing the mountains around Haenertsburg has led to formation of The Hike Tribe. Locals Mss Odine Moolman (40) and Sandi Moore (48) were born with a passion for extreme sport, adventure and exploration. They like nothing better than to spend their weekends in the mountains. Both drive 4x4’s making access to the Wolkberg, Soutpansberg and surrounding mountains possible. They decided to share their passion with the public and now The Hike Tribe offers weekend adventure for beginners as well as experienced hikers. The Hike Tribe is also a member

of ORRU (The Off Road Rescue Unit), a highly skilled emergency team on standby 24/7. There’s nothing ordinary about these women. Let’s start with their handbags. The contents consist of head lamps, pocket knives, waterproof bags, whistles and mini medical kits. Both have more tools than your average male handyman. Moolman, who went to Merensky High, joined the Fire Department at the age of 16. She was also a short distant athlete and played hockey when she lived in Botswana. She’s had more than twenty years experience and is a trained paramedic, does abseil-

ing and is involved in search and rescue. Moolman says, “I abseil. I cave. That’s my sport.” Moore, born in Zimbabwe, has more than thirty years of adventure racing, was a duathlon world champion (running and cycling) and excelled at table tennis. On an explorative trip up the Wolkberg, The Hike Tribe found a cave. They explored 150 meters down into the narrow cave but could not continue without the necessary equipment. When they surfaced they said, “We’ll explore this cave when we bring our equipment next time. We’ll need better torches, better equipment, as well as a harness and ropes in

case of a medical emergency in the cave.” Curiosity and a sense of adventure guide them on weekends. They’re finding tufa formations, magnificent waterfalls, more caves and ultimately will map their own trails. They will take hikers to places that they wouldn’t be able to do on their own. Whilst hiking they make the hikers aware of the indigenous fauna and flora and the need to preserve this pristine area. Call 082 441 8088 or email thehiketribe@gmail.com should you wish to go on a guided hike. — Sue Ettmayr

Sandi Moore (left) with Odine Moolman in the mountains


Business directory | Sakegids Still water Juice Dispensers Oasis Ozone Energy drink • Ice • Personalised water bottles


• • • •

015 307 2504 • 079 523 5253 tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za REFRESH, REVIVE, REFILL


Your go -to for firep -guys laces & braais

015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za


Office: 061 233 6543Fax: 086 656 7843 Shaun: 079 056 0896 P.O Box 1041, Tzaneen 0850 Website: www.welmanwoodworks.co.za

OVERNIGHT Courier Service bulletin8535mrg130726dm

Welman Woodworks

Specialists in: Kitchens | Bathrooms | Built-in cupboards

071 360 3630 • 082 227 8641

Ultimate Security

Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com

YOUR SECURITY IS OUR CONCERN Electric Fencing Carports Garage & Sliding Gate Motors Security Cameras Alarms Intercom Systems

and much more...

Eugene: 078 460 4667 • Office: 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen



We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.

5 Augustus 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let Te Huur Netjiese ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit-/ eetkamer en kombuis. Private balkon. Toesluit tandem deelmotorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen katte en honde. R3 750-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 September 2016/1 Oktober 2016. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696. Jul301___________________________

Flat available immediately R2 300 pm (incl water and electricity ) Tiled granite tops cupboards, stove, separate loo + shower. No pets. Phone to view 083 345 99 99 Apr501___________________________

Plaashuise 10 km buite Tzaneen 3 Slaapkamers R4 000 p/m 2 Slaapkamers R3 600 p/m 1 Slaapkamer R3 000 p /m

Elektrisiteit ingesluit, swembad, tennisbaan, braai areas Skakel 083 298 0399 of 082 33 22 110 / 015 307 7585


Spacious, secure two bedroom flat available on the R 71 close to Letaba Airfield, situated in tranquil bushveld surrounds.Please call 082 849 2603 to arrange to view.

Netjiese ruim huis te huur in Aquapark Awie Wessel 9A. 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, dubbelmotorhuis, braaistoep. Beskikbaar 1 Augustus/1 September R7 800 (water en ligte uitgesluit) Skakel 082 551 1971

Aquapark (Bateleur) 2 Slaapkamer, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis. 1 Toesluit motorhuis. GEEN TROETELDIERE NIE. R4 700



Meenthuis 2 slp kamer meenthuis in Letsitele beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie vir R4200 pm, koopkrag. Veilige kompleks, naby winkelsentrum. 0835616062

Call Lihanie on 015 307 7248 to advertise in the property

Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel: 083 448 5171 Annette: 083 443 0328


Huis te Huur: GEEN AGENTE! Huis te huur vir 4 maande in Aquapark. Groot erf met eie boorgat 4 slpk, 3 bkamer, kantoor, sitkamer,tv kamer, eetkamer, groot kombuis, 3 motor afdakke, onder dak braai/onthaal area. R8 000/ maand. Kontak: Thys 076 410 9503

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede

put your property in the spotlight!


Legals | Geregtelik TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 346 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owners of the properties mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b) (i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), read together with SPLUMA 2013, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, for the rezoning of part of Remainder Portion 10 Manorvlei 556LT, from “Educational” to “Agriculture” and the Remainder of Portion 10 and Remainder Portion 20 from “Educational” and “Agricul-

ture” to “Educational” with an increase in Coverage and FAR as more fully described in the Annexure. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 28 days from 5 August 2016. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 5 August 2016. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Aug101__________________________

TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 346 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaars van die eiendomme hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1) (b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), saamgelees met SPLUMA 2013, kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van ‘n deel van Restant van Gedeelte 10 van die plaas Manorvlei 556LT van “Opvoedkundig” na “Landbou” en die Restant van Gedeelte 20 Manorvlei 556LT

en Restant Gedeelte 10 van die Plaas Manorvlei 556LT van “Landbou” en “Opvoedkundig” na “Opvoedkundig” met verhoogde Dekking en VOV soos meer duidelik uiteengesit in die Bylae. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 5 Augustus 2016. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 5 Augustus 2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du


ing of Erf 6 Phalaborwa from “Residential 1” to “Special for Guesthouse”.

Application for the Removal of the restrictive Conditions of Title in respect of Erf 6 Phalaborwa and The amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2008 It is hereby notified that application has been made by the firm Jacques du Toit & Associates for: (1) the removal of the restrictive condition of title of Erf 6 Phalaborwa, situated at 1 Impala Street which prohibits the use of the land for any other purpose than dwelling house, and (2) the amendment of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2009 to amend the existing zon-

Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive Phalaborwa 1390, for a period of 28 days from 5 August 2016 (the first date of publication of this notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and hand delivered to the above mentioned offices or posted to the Municipal Manager, PO Box 67, Phalaborwa, 1390, to reach him within a period of 28 days from 5 August 2016. Address of authorised agent: PO Box 754, Tzaneen,

Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850

0850, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850. Telephone No 015-3073710

aborwa, van “Residensieël 1” na “Spesiaal vir Gastehuis”.


Die aansoek en die betrokke dokumente lê ter insae in die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Nelson Mandela Rylaan, Phalaborwa vir 28 dae vanaf 5 Augustus 2016. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek kan sodanige beswaar of voorlegging skriftelik en per hand aflewer by bogenoemde kantore of pos word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 67, Phalaborwa, 1390, om hom te bereik binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 5 Augustus 2016. Adres van gemagtigde agent: Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen, 0850. Telefoon No 015-3073710

Aansoek om Opheffing van die beperkende Titelvoorwaardes van Erf 6 Phalaborwa en die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2008 Hiermee word bekend gemaak dat aansoek gedoen is deur die firma Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers vir: (1) die verwydering van beperkende titelvoorwaardes van Erf 6 Phalaborwa, geleë te Impalastraat 1, wat die gebruik van die grond voorbehou vir ‘n woonhuis alleenlik; en (2) die wysiging van die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruikskema, 2008 deur die hersonering van Erf 6, Phal-


Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede Driver My name is Solomon Thembi Malumane i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP, computer literacy i am studying Business Financial Management, i speak English, full time or part time contact me on 073 378 6409 (24) _____________________________

My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for driver work code 10 with PDP, I speak Englis, full time or 3 days. Any other general work as well, contact me on 082 662 0738 (25) _____________________________

Domestic My name is Mankwana Augustine Kgatle i am looking for houshold work or in a crech can look after babies. Speak Afrikaans & English, full time + Saturdays. Sleep out. Contact me on 060 835 8058 (411) ____________________________

me on 079 447 0543

contact me on 071 903 4941

(413) ____________________________

(419) ____________________________

My name is Sarah Makgoba ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 2 of 3 dae a week slaap in of uit of kantoorskoonmaker, praat Afrikaans. Skakel my op 083 497 1987

My name is Dikeledi Ruth Mogaleamalla i am looking for domestic work, office cleaner or any general work i speak English, full time or part time sleep in or out (Ref: Lourie Geldenhuys 082 925 7919) contact me on 082 740 4460

(414) ____________________________

My naam is Ngaletsane Grace Nkgapela ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 3 dae praat Afrikaans of kantoorskoonmaker slaap in of uit skakel my op 073 450 7969 (415) ____________________________

My naam is Mosibudi Magdeline Mmachaka ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk vir 1 dag op ‘n Saterdag ek praat Afrikaans kan tuinwerk ook doen kan nie kook nie. Skakel my by 076 359 9109 (416) ____________________________

My name is Malata Emily Modipa i am looking for domestic work, sleep out, speak English, full time or part time or office cleaner. Contact me on 079 378 9264 (417) ____________________________

My name is Matsatsi Anna Chambuka i am looking for domestic work full time, i speak Afrikaans & English, can look after children, can cook, sleep in or out contact me on 071 358 5259

My naam is Mapula Meriam Shokane ek is opsoek na huishoudelikewerk, praat Afrikaans en English, voltyds of 3 dae of enige ander werk, kantoorskoonmaker kan ook na kinders kyk. Skakel my op 072 025 5850

(412) ____________________________

(418) ____________________________

My name is Rejoice Twalo i am looking for domestic work full time or 3 days can work on Saturdays speak English and Afrikaans contact

My name is Salphina Chauke i am looking for domestic work i speak English, sleep out, full time or 3days or office cleaner, shop cleaner

(420) ____________________________

My name Tirhela Norah Machebe i am looking for any general work, domesti work or office cleaner i speak English sleep out, full time or 3 days, contact me on 071 058 9903 (421) ____________________________

My name is Reginah Ngobeni i am looking for any general work, domestic work or office cleaning, sleep in or out, i speak English full time or part time or shop assistant contact me on 073 326 6139 (422) ____________________________

My naam is Ngaletsane Grace Nkgapela ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk voltyds of 3 dae praat Afrikaans kan kyk na kinders het 10 jaar ondervinding of kantoorskoonmaker slaap in of uit skakel my op 073 450 7969 (415) ____________________________

My name is Ngaletjane Stephinah Sekgoka I am looking for domestic work, office cleaner, or shop clener work I speak English, sleep in or out full time or 3 days contact me on 079 317 4248 (416) ____________________________

My name is Mapula Stally Rapatsa ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk praat Afrikaans, slaap uit, Man – Vry of 3 dae of kantoorskoonmaker ook, skakel my op 073 544 7550 (417) ____________________________ My name is Maria Raphala I am looking for a domestic work for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday I speak English, please contact me on 076 514 2168 (418) ____________________________

My name is Rosina Maponya ek is opsoek na huishoudelike werk, praat Afrikaans, Man – Woen – Don of kantoorskoonmaker skakel my op 063 181 5068 (419) My name is Linda Sekgwela I am looking for domestic work, I speak English, sleep out, full time or 3 days or office cleaner, contact me on 073 668 8919 (420) ____________________________

My name is Mokgadi Maria Mogale I am looking domestic work, I speak English, sleep out, full time or 3 days or office cleaner, contact me on 072 907 6264 (421) ____________________________

My name is Grace Nkgapele I am looking for domestic work full time or 3 days I can also look after children I speak Afrikaans, 8 years experience as domestic worker (ref Rauna – 072 690 2915) contact me on 073 450 7969 (423) ____________________________

My name is Nelly L. Makoala I am looking for any general work or domesric or office

cleaning work full time or 3 days, sleep out I speak English contact me on 079 906 2806 (424) ____________________________

My name is Sarah Khombo I am looking for domestic or office cleaning work I speak English, sleep in Mon- Fri or any other general work, contact me on 071 586 0012 (425)____________________________


da Moremi i am looking for admin work i did Busnisses Management Assistant i have N4 (studying N6) i speak English full time or part time have computer practice N4 contact me on 078 854 1507 (36)______________________________

My name is Casious Sewapa i am looking for admin work i did Busnisses Management finishing N6 end of June i speak English computer course full time or part time contact me on 078 191 5043 (37) _____________________________

My name is Mhloti Leah Mkhari i am looking for administrative work, i speak English, i have Business Management N6 quulification, full time contact me on 079 557 0909 (33)______________________________

My name is Mmakole Ethal Moloto i am looking for administrative work i have qualification Business Management N6, speak English, have code 10 licence (did a workshop of Financial literacy) full time work, contact me on 076 719 0824 (34)______________________________

My name is Vutomi Ethal Mhlarhi i am looking for work in admin or reception i have Grade 12, computer literacy, i have a N6 in Public Relation, i speak English full time or part time have a licence code 10 or any other general shop work. Contact me on 073 922 9194 (35)______________________________

My name is Elizabeth Bren-

My name is Mampe Sharon Bvuma i am looking for admin clerk work, i have Financing Economics and Account Level 4, 12 experience in office work (general) i speak English and is computer literate contact me on 079 616 0851 (38) _____________________________

My name is Selaelo Pertunia Moshoma i am looking for Receptionist work / clerk work i have N6 in Management Assistant 18 months experience, computer literacy, i speak English full time or part time code 10 licence, contact me on 071 747 5394 (39) _____________________________

My name is Dikeledi Tears Malatji i am looking for sales assistant, receptionist work, i speak English or Afrikaans, computer literacy Grade 12, Bussiness Management N4 contact me on 063 048 5180 (40) _____________________________

My name is Gracious Setabola i have Business Management N5 i have

grade 12 and i can work as receptionist i can speak English and write contact me on 083 979 9296 (41) _____________________________

My name is Chritina Makgoba I am looking for a receptionis or administration position. I speak english and is computer literate. I also have advance IT. I can work part time or full time. Contact me on 082 627 0064. (42)_____________________


(146) ____________________________

My name is Thembi Mobe i am looking for any general work, shop assistant or domestic work have computer literacy , did a course FET College Electrical Infrastructure level 4, i speak English have a code 10 licence contact me on 082 089 5687 (147) ____________________________

My name is Daniel Rachuene I am looking for work as a TLB driver or Excavotor driver, I have 6 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 073 961 8828 (148) ____________________________

My name is Evelin Zitha i am looking for any general work i have matric, National Diploma in Business Management (retail) i speak English i am computer literate have code 10 licence, contact me on 072 569 9262

My name is Fatah Dzamwaraka I am looking for work as painter and I can varnish all kinds of wood products doors, frames, ect. I speak English full time or part time. (ref: Rowan Deacon 084 5808177) contact me on 084 011 5112

(144) ____________________________

(149) ____________________________

My name is Olga Mabuza i am looking for Security work i have Grade C,D,E and firearm training, Compudium, also a computer diploma, full time or part time i speak English. Contact me on 071 724 1521

My name is Pertunia Molewa I am looking for any general work I speak English, full time or 3 days, office cleaning, or Security Grade E, D, C with SERA, computer literacy. Contact me on 072 625 8481

(145) ____________________________


My name is Doctor Matome Mashala i am looking for mechanical assistant i have Engineering and Related design National Certificate Quilication level 4 or any other work related i have a licence code 10 i speak English and is computer literate, contact me on 072 148 6242

My name is Flippie Mabunda I am looking for painting work I have exeperience, I speak English and Afrikaans, full time or part time I can do house painting, office painting, ect. (Ref: Pieter 071 8275275 ) contact me on 072 756 1652 (151)____________________________


5 Augustus 2016


Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Services Dienste

Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away

We will beat any written quote!!

40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 Okt505___________________________

Zama-Zama Building Services

We are the best in construction services. Scotcth roofs, roof leaks and painting, ceiling all types, painting, paving and renovations, Tiling floors/ roofs, built in cupboards and wardrobes etc. Building and Plastering Contact Dumisani 073 968 8718

071 063 4983 24 Hour

Emergency Plumber DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468 Gintec Auto Electrical Electronic ignition system Electronic fuel injection Electronic diagnostics & scan General wiring & re-wiring Accessories installation & fitment Alarms, anti-hi-jack & immobilisers Starter motor & alternator repairs, services and sales Contact: 072 033 5534 / 015 306 0369 Visit: 6 Antimony Street, New industrial area



Borehole Investigation Wenkem SA Vir ‘n volledige reeks: Mikro-element blaarvoeding Na-oesbederfmiddels Plaagdoders Swamdoders Citrosol Wakse Kontak: Cor Greyling 082 856 5445 Kantoor: 015 306 0090


Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________


Visit our website www. bulletin.us.com for the latest news. Also find us on facebook

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Jun301 ______________________

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5 Augustus 2016



Winter-kriekettoernooi was geslaagd Lara Dando

Vossie-krieketspelers: Voor is mnr Rynier de Jager (afrigter), Jaco de la Rey, Kobus Janse van Rensburg, Franco Oberholzer en Schalk Gagiano; agter staan mnr Fanie

Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se onlangse winter-kriekettoernooi was geslaagd en veertien skole se o.15- en o.19-spanne het teen mekaar kragte gemeet: Monument, Potchefstroom Volkskool, Kempton Park, Wonderboom, Benoni High, Dinamika en Penryn College. In die eerste vier dae is vyftig boulbeurt-wedstryde beslis en hiervolgens is die laaste dag se Pro20wedstryde bepaal. Die Sports Quizz het vir baie pret en stywe mede-

Oberholzer (voorsitter, ouerkomitee), Phillip Bester, Ruvan Kruger, Paul Harris, Gustav Prinsloo, Tristin du Preez en Kimmy Modiba.

dinging gesorg. Ben Vorster se eerste span het die sportvasvrae gewen en daarmee gewys dat hul nie net ‘n gedugte teenstander op die veld is nie, maar ook langs die veld. Tydens ‘n formele prysuitdeling is die beste o.15- en o.19-spelers vir hul uitstaande prestasies beloon. Oud-Protea-krieketspeler en tans ’n krieketkommentator op Supersport, Paul Harris, het die spelers en gaste ‘n blik gegee oor hoe sy loopbaan verloop het en hoe die Proteas

te werk gaan om een van die beste spanne in die wêreld te wees. Hy het die spelers aangemoedig om tot hul volle potensiaal te ontwikkel, maar om terselfdertyd te doen wat hulle geniet. Hy het ook die pryse aan spelers wat gepresteer het, oorhandig. Philip Bester van die Vossies is aangewys as die beste o.19-speler van die toernooi. Hy het 12 paaltjies geneem en 114 lopies vir die week aangeteken. Ben Vorster het drie van hul vyf wedstryde gewen.

Plasie-gholfspelers slaan goed af

Merensky se B-ligaspan het bestaan uit Armand Fourie, Setshaba Masehela, Danie Olivier (organiseerder), Blake Linder en Johan Meintjes.

Die C-ligaspan van Merensky se spellers was Janco Blignaut, Colleen Natorp, Danie Olivier (organiseerder), Herman Grové en John-Hendrik Muller.

Die Hoërskool Merensky het vanjaar twee gholfspanne vir skole se interhoër gholftoernooi wat deur die Hoërskool Frans du Toit in Phalaborwa aangebied is, ingeskryf. Ander skole wat deelgeneem het was Louis Trichardt, HTS Tom Naudé, Ben Vorster, Stanford Lake College, PHS en Frans du Toit. Merensky het in die B- en C-ligas deelgeneem. In die B-liga het die viermanskap tweede gekom en in die C-liga was Merensky derde.

Soccer win Stanford Lake College’s 1st soccer team participated in the PEPPS tournament in Polokwane. Not only were they the overall winners of


Paul Dando

Matt Wilkinson

The first Limpopo XCO (Cross Country Mountain Bike) event of the season recently took place in Phalaborwa. The event has grown significantly since the 2015 league. This is the 3rd year running for the Limpopo series and this year, more schools joined the series. Stanford Lake College had a small team, but still managed to claim a few podiums with Lara Dando coming third and Reese Bain first respectively in the youth girls; Kirsten Eastes came third in the

junior women, with Paul Dando and Matt Wilkinson coming second and third respectively in the junior men. As for the rest, more than half the SLC riders finished in the top ten of their respective age categories, with all of them still looking strong and enjoying the ride. We are proud of the team, which also includes the parents and all their support. We are looking forward to the next event which is at Stanford Lake (the Tour de Lake) next Saturday.

Die Laerskool Tzaneen se landloopatlete het aan die eerste LLSV landloopbyeenkoms in Modjadjiskloof wat deur The King’s Court aangebied is, deelgeneem. Eerste plekke is behaal deur Jurgens Spaumer (seuns o.12) en Jappie Makhubele (seuns o.13), terwyl Schalk Rossouw (seuns o.7) en Mohou Makgoba (meisies o.10) tweede plekke behaal het. Derde

plekke is behaal deur Hlulani Mbhalati (seuns o.11) en Thato Mantsho (seuns o.10). Die seuns o.12 was die spanwenners. Altesame 62 Larries het deelgeneem en die ouderdomsgroep met die meeste atlete was die o.7’s. Hier is Thato Mantsho, Schalk Rossouw, Mohou Makgoba en Jurgens Spaumer, en agter staan Hlulani Mbhalati en Jappie Makhubele.

the tournament, but they also received a certificate for the Match of the Tournament. The results for SLC were: 1-0 vs PEPPS, 2-1 vs Mitchell House and 3-0 vs Southern Cross.

Die Hoërskool Merensky se o.14en o.15-meisieshokkiespanne het aan die Noordvaal-kampioenskappe deelgeneem en heel goed gepresteer. Die o.15’s het in Witbank hul eerste poelwedstryd teen Uplands 1-0, gewen, maar daarna teen Delmas en Frikkie Meyer vasgeval. Die o.14’s het in Krugersdorp hul eerste wedstryd teen Overvaal 7-0 gewen, en later die dag Dr Malan met 3-2 uitoorlê. Later het hulle Dinamika met 3-0 gewen en in die kwarteindstryd Hatfield Christian School 4-3

gewen. Vervolgens het die span 2-1 teen die Hoërskool Twee boeties wat leerlinge van die Laerskool Piet Potgieter Tzaneen is, Adriaan en Alfred Nel, is twee langasems wat nie vir hardloop skrik nie. verloor, maar Hulle het aan ‘n Lima-landloopbyeenkoms in toe Dr Malan Naboomspruit deelgeneem en goed gehard2-0 gewen, om loop — albei het ‘n derde plek in hul onderderde in die skeie ouderdomsgroepe behaal. Adriaan toernooi te einstaan links en Alfred is aan sy sy. dig. Hier is die o.14’s, voor: Zonica van Niekerk (kapt), Manica van Schalkwyk, Bianca Prinsloo, Danielle Kasselman en Renate Joha du Toit, Jessica Botha en Botha. Agter staan Bercha VenJamie Robertson. Middel: Char- ter, Leoné Slabbert, me Elzette lize Meyer, Michelle Brummer, Hay (afrigter) en Zané Booysen.


for winter weight gain! We will henceforth publish the popular SuperSport weekly schedule on Bulletin’s website on Fridays. Use this QR Code (using any smart phone) to take you to the schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com and you will see the SS schedule on the Home page.

See you at the gym! Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650

5 Augstus 2016

Tzaneen 015 307 2493 / 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen www.trellidor.co.za

Plasies hou oog op Beeld-trofee Die Hoërskool Merensky se eerste rugbyspan sowel as die o.14’s het in die Beeld-kompetisie vir medium skole se uitspele (wat op Plasieland beslis is) hul opponente laat les opsê. Die o.14’s het teen Die Wilgers van Pretoria te staan gekom en heel gemaklik met 41-7 gewen. Die span kom nou volgende Saterdag (13 Augustus) in die Beeldkwarteindstryd teen die Hoërskool Hartbeespoort te staan. Merensky se eerste

Kevin van den Bergh van Merensky vat ‘n opponent deeglik vas

span het na ‘n taai wedstryd teen die Hoërskool Erasmus van Bronkhorstspruit met 15-13 geseëvier. Merensky se Noko Malatji het twee drieë gedruk, terwyl Wynand Scholtz die een drie verdoel en in die eerste helfte die bal met ‘n strafskop deur die pale gejaag het. Volgende Saterdag sal die eerstes teen die Hoërskool Vryburg kragte meet, om te bepaal wie deurgaan na die Beeld-halfeindstryd.

Nuwe afrigter Die Hoërskool Merensky het mnr Aubrey van Renen as krieketafrigter aangestel. Hy het van 2012 tot 2015 vir die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se eerste krieketspan gespeel. In 2014 het hy die beker vir die beste kolwer in die Ben Vorster Krieketweek ontvang. Hy het ook vir Limpopo se provinsiale o.18 Cokespan gespeel, van 2014 tot 2015. Alhoewel hy nou betrokke sal wees by die

o.15-span, gaan hy ook inspring by die eerste span se voorbereiding vir die nasionale T20-kampioenskappe later vanjaar.

Netbal staan sterk teen kampioene Die Vossies se netbalspanne in vier ouderdomsgroepe — o.14, o.16, o.17 en o.19 — het aan die jaarlikse Coke-netbaltoernooi in Potchefstroom deelgeneem en goed gevaar teen van die land se topnetbalskole. Die Vossies het die tonge laat klap, deur twee keer gelykop te speel teen Gauteng-kampioene, die Afrikaans Hoër Meisieskool Pretoria (Affies). Die o.16-span het gelykop 15 elk teen Affies gespeel en die die o.19-span se telling teen Affies was 32 elk. Die spanne neem dié naweek aan die nasionale topskole toernooi in Boksburg deel, en die o.15’s gaan

volgende naweek aan die provinsiale kampioenskaptoernooi deelneem. Die uitslae in die Coke-toernooi was: o.14: Vossies 10 – Affies 13; Vossies 6 – Rustenburg Hoërskool 10; Vossies 17 – Vereeniging Gimnasium 1; Vossies 9 - Diamantveld Hoërskool 14; Vossies 12 – Hoërskool Noordheuwel 13. o.15: Vossies 13 – Rustenburg 21; Vossies 14 – Affies 22; Vossies 20 – Vereeniging Gimnasium 4; Vossies 21 – Nelspruit A 29; Vossies 17 – Nelspruit A 16. o.16: Vossies 11 – Vereeniging Gim-

Oubal en GertGrensvegter sit hier langs die Copacabana in afwagting op die openingseremonie van die Rio Olimpiese Spele en Oubal kan sonder vrees vir teenspraak sy lesers verseker dat die uitsig asemrowend is. Die Brasiliaanse meisies... nee, wag, laat Oubal eerder oor sport as sports skryf! ‘Tja, na 165 getroue aflewerings van hierdie rubriek het Oubal se redakteur sy suinigheid in sy sak gesteek en Oubal oorgestuur om as ‘n geakkrediteerde joernalis (nogal!) eerstehands verslag te doen oor die Spele. GG is saam oorgestuur as Oubal se persoonlike lyfwag en tolk — ou GG het mos ‘n paar woorde Portugees geleer tydens sy omswerwings in Angola. Dit mag vir julle daar by die huis na ‘n vakansie klink, maar daar lê harde werk voor vir Oubal. Vanaand moet ons die openingseremonie bywoon, wat soos gewoonlik ‘n skouspel behoort te wees — Oubal verwag iets soos die Rio Karnaval met dansende kaalborsmeisies, waaroor hy natuurlik minder opgewonde is as ou GG. Maar werk is werk! Moremiddag moet Oubal gaan kyk hoe vaar Daryl Impey (kwotakeuse met só ‘n van) en Louis Meintjes in die padfietsren en die res van die week is dit ‘n geskarrel tussen die swembad en 7’s rakbie, met tussen in nog Banyana Banyana en Amaglug-glug wat sokker speel, Zack Piontek (hy moes

nasium 8; Vossies 15 - Affies 15; Vossies 13 - Diamantveld Hoërskool 14; Vossies 15 - Rustenburg Hoërskool 16; Vossies 24 – Hoërskool Noordkaap 8. o.17: Vossies 9 – Vereeniging Gimnasium 10; Vossies 9 – Hoërskool Nelspruit 16; Vossies 12 – Affies 17; Vossies 17 – Rustenburg Hoërskool 11; Vossies 11 – Pietersburg Hoërskool 9. o.19: Vossies 21 – Vereeniging Gimnasium 22; Vossies 18 – Diamantveld Hoërskool 22; Vossies 32 – Affies 32; Vossies 22 – Rustenburg 30; Vossies 47 – Hoërskool Noordkaap 14.

Die eerste netbalspan van die Vossies is hier saam met hul afrigter. Ongelukkig is geen name verskaf nie.

Bom dia!

Cordiais saudações do Rio de Janeiro! liewers veteraanmotors gery het) met judo, en twee bekendes hier in Tzaneen, Lawrence Brittain (hy neem vir SA deel!) en Shaun Keeling wat gaan roei. ‘Tja, Oubal is moeg as hy net dink aan die rondhardlopery wat dit als gaan verg en iewers sê GG sal ons nog moet tyd inruim vir sambas, bossanovas en cachaças. Oubal dink dis verskillende drankies daai, maar hy sal hom maar laat lei deur GG om nugtere besluite te neem. Intussen wil Oubal darem die Leeus gelukwens met hulle pragspel teen die Highlanders Saterdag. Elton Jantjies het nou sekerlik bewys dat as hy sy spelpeil kan handhaaf, hy die aangewese persoon is om Springbokrakbie in ‘n nuwe rigting te stuur. Oubal wil-wil ook by die groeiende juigkommando aansluit wat sê Allister moet omtrent al die Leeus Bokke maak. As Oubal so vinnig tel, kan neef Allister maar die hele Leeu-voorry kies, omtrent die hele agterlyn, asook Jaco

Kriel en Warren Whiteley (al het hy nie Saterdag gespeel nie), met Franco Mostert minstens op die bank. En met ‘n paar ander ysters soos Etzebeth, Pieter-Steph en hopelik Johan Goosen wat bykom, het Oubal sommer nuwe moed vir Bokrakbie! Maar van juigkommando’s gepraat, KoosKakie was so oorweldig deur die Leeus se oorwinning dat hy daar en dan vir ArthurIngelsman omgepraat het om saam met hom Wellington toe te gaan vir die SupeRakbie eindstryd. Ou KK sê al moet hy nou die laaste van sy pensioengeldjies gebruik, hy mis vir niks in die wêreld om te sien hoe Briljantjies nog ‘n NZ-span opdons nie. Ou AI moet saamgaan omdat KK net so goed is met Engels as met name... Met die dat Oubal hier in Rio sit, het hy nog niks weer gehoor van KK en ou AI nie, maar Oubal verwag probleme. Oubal vermoed KK dink die Leeus speel in Wellington in die Kaap, en as Oubal se vermoede reg is, hoop hy hulle geniet more se Curriebekerwedstryd tussen die Boland en die Vrystaat Cheetahs! Adeus até a próxima semana! [As neef Lino van die suikerwinkels hier lees, blameer asseblief vir GertGrensvegter as Oubal se Portugees dalk ‘n gebrabbel is!] “The Olympic Games are the quadrennial celebration of the springtime of humanity.” — Pierre de Coubertin

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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