Fear lessl y the tr uth
2 September 2016
Pay up, GTM!
015 307 7248
Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
Sheriff visits GTM to attach assets (in lieu of R20 million)
Rhulani Ndlala (Gr 12) from Merensky, is No 1 in the country! See page 3.
In a crazy run up to celebrating the Tzaneen mayor’s brand new R1,2 million luxury official car last week, the sheriff walked through the GTM’s front door with all the necessary documents empowering him to attach assets to the value of more than R20 million! The high court in Pretoria granted a judgement in favour of Expectra 388 CC in July this year, for a capital amount of
R17 million. This amount has now escalated (interest, penalty costs etc) to more or less R20 million. The lawyer for Expectra, Mr Louis Erasmus, yesterday said the GTM apparently want to start a new legal process and therefore he will not comment at this point in time. To add insult to injury, the sheriff had a second set of documents allowing him
to attach assets on behalf of another creditor. We are still trying to obtain full information about this claim by a Johannesburg company. Tzaneen’s legal fraternity is divided on the issue of the GTM’s legal costs. Some lawyers seem to benefit disproportionately from the GTM’s mishaps. — Francois Aucamp
Two Alumni from SLC have made history in London. Turn to page 7 for the story. Lyk of Oubal hom begin vererre vir die ‘Bokke én hul nuwe afrigtingspan. Bl 16
Telkom cable sabotaged Tzaneen also suffered the wrath of saboteurs this past week when business and private users experienced a communications down-time for close on 72 hours. Telephone and internet connectivity were heavily af-
fected by damage to the Telkom Optic Fibre Cable between Polokwane and Bela Bela (Warmbaths) and the copper cable in Tzaneen. The Tzaneen incident was captured on CCTV cameras. To view the video footage, visit the video section on our website at www.bulletin.us.com.
Despite the remnants of winter still lurking through the morning sunrise, it would seem as though the lady Spring has started cleaning house. Trees have begun to blossom as the evenings start to warm and mornings are ushered in by the cheerful chirps of a feathered choir welcoming the dawn. Bulletin wish our readers a very happy Spring. Model: Charline Colbourn of Limpopo Beauty Modelling Academy. Photo: Joe Dreyer. Special thanks to Camelia Florists.
2 September 2016
Fear lessl y the tr uth
LiN Member
Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Redakteur Publisher / Editor Francois Aucamp 083 266 6906 francois@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Angie Woodward 078 663 5556 angie@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Een van die lewenslesse wat sy ouers destyds ‘n maaier-Vlieg probeer leer het is dat ‘n mens aan sy vriende geken word. Daarom dat ‘n mens nie sommer met enige Jan Rap en sy Margaret moet maatjies maak nie, maar eerder mooi moet kies. Seker die dat Vlieg nou besluit het hy wil nie weer saam met die wegkluipeltjies speel nie. Hulle het hom in elk geval almal gebôl, want terwyl hy nog lekker op soek is na waar hulle wegkruip, toe kruip hulle een vir een uit hul wegkruipgate en blok hulself! Nou is hulle omtrent almal nuutverkose en ingesweerde raadslede, sit in opgestopte leerstoele en gaan eersdaags dik nekke en dubbelkenne hê, en wil in elk geval nou niks meer met Vlieg uit te waai hê nie. Maar dis vir Vlieg OK, hy hou in elk geval nie van wegkluipeltjie speel nie, veral nie as hy moet aan wees nie. Dis natuurlik in Vlieg se aard om altyd op die verkeerde plekke te loop soek ook. En
in elk geval het hulle hulself ook nou lekker gebôl, ten minste die van hulle wat gedink het die ander wegkluipeltjies is rêrig hul maatjies. Maar dis maar hoe kinderspeletjies werk! Vandag speel almal lekker saam, totdat een Maatjie al die koek opeet, dan baklei almal
weer more met hom. Teen oormore het almal vergeet van die koeksteler en help hy hulle weer om ‘n ander Maatjie te boelie. Tot volgende week as almal moeg geword
het vir die boelie, en dan team almal weer teen hom op. En intussen sien nie een van hulle die huilerige klein rooikop kermgat wat in die agtergrond besig is om al die meisies te charm nie! Die spulletjie moet nou maar mooi saamspeel in onse nuwe mislikepaliteite, terwyl Vlieg hulle beslis sonder enige groen oë van die kantlyn af gaan dophou. Vlieg gaan wil sien watter Bok Bok gaan styfstaan, wie gaan gly, wie gaan swaai, wie is op die rondomtalie en wie gaan vir wie bollemakiesie slaan en belangriker nog, wie die vroteiertjie gaan wees. Waaroor Vlieg egter die meeste wonder is wat in die donkerkamertjie aangaan. Wat Vlieg die meeste pla van hierdie kinderspeletjies is dat dit lyk of onse adjunk-president nog aan die wegkruip is! Wanneer gaan hy homself kom blok?
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Five things entrepreneurs can do after hours to aid self-development It has become commonly accepted that entrepreneurs spend more time working after hours than conventional employees who work the standard 9-to-5 job. The fact that the small and medium business sector contributes approximately R530 billion to the South African economy through working beyond the standard business hours – according to a global survey by Sage in 2015 – is proof that entrepreneurs are not afraid to put in the extra hours. David Morobe, regional general manager at Business Partners Limited (BUSINESS/ PARTNERS), says that while such dedication to a business is somewhat inherent to entrepreneurs, they need to strive to strike a balance between work and personal time in order to ensure sustainable success in their business. The survey revealed that 26% of South African business owners have taken less than five days holiday a year, and 44% have opted to choose their work over family time. “While dedicating large amounts of extra hours to a business can be vital for future success, especially in new businesses, there are also a number of things business owners should be doing after hours that focus on self-development.”
“It all comes down to a good plan and system” says Morobe, who explains that when running your own business, it is important to strive for an efficient system that can free you up to deal with the unique problems; and not just with the mundane issues which invariably arise daily. Morobe shares his top five after-hours tips for entrepreneurs and their self-development: 1. Clear your mind: Whether it’s a run or walk before or after the work day, or a session at the gym, time spent getting some fresh air or doing some exercise is one of the best remedies for entrepreneurs to maintain balance amid a chaotic business schedule. The human body is not designed to remain inactive for hours on end and by keeping a regular exercise regime, both the mind and body are kept healthy, which ensures entrepreneurs continue to perform at the top of their game. 2. No man is an island: Especially true for entrepreneurs, keeping healthy relationships — both personal and professional — is vital to success. Entrepreneurs regularly rely on their networks to build their brand and business and, as such, they need to make a conscious effort to build and maintain these networks — either through social
Jaques van Niekerk Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril *Termes & voorwaardes geld. Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen
Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies
Een, twee, drie… blok myself!
media, regular socialising or professional networking at industry events and talks. There is no limit to the value that networked relationships can bring to the business. 3. Stay grounded with family: As highlighted above, family time is often the first thing to be sacrificed when faced with limited available time in a day, when in fact, entrepreneurs need to prioritise this time. At work, an entrepreneur always has to be “the boss” and the pressures of this role can be overwhelming at times, whereas at home, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to be removed from this role. Family can play a vital role in being an entrepreneur’s rock and their consistent honest feedback is often an underrated asset of an entrepreneur. 4. Relax, reflect and read: Entrepreneurs can use the hours after normal business operations have closed for the day to further their self-development, by committing to read at least one chapter or article, on topics outside of their general business interests. These can be books, journals or industry publications, new perspectives or marketing approaches, or different skills like how to use a new software that the entrepreneur wishes to learn. 5. Plan and systemise: One of
the best ways an entrepreneur can strive for efficiency is to systemise the business as much as possible so as to free up time to deal with the unique problems; and not be tied down with the mundane run of the mill issues which arise on a regular basis and take up an inordinate amount of time. Many entrepreneurs credit their productivity and efficiency in the office to this activity, which to some forms the backbone of their day. Morobe concludes by pointing to the survey once more, which showed that 77% of small business owners say that working after hours in order to make their business successful is worth it. “In a highly competitive economy where entrepreneurs need to be extra diligent about the time they dedicate to business operations in order to be successful, it is also increasingly important for entrepreneurs to plan their daily routine to incorporate balance, and avoid burn-out.” About Business Partners Limited: Business Partners Limited is a specialist risk finance company for formal small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in South Africa, and selected African countries. The company actively supports entrepreneurial growth by providing financing, specialist sectoral knowledge and added-value services for viable small and medium businesses. Visit www.businesspartners.co.za for more information.
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 29/08/2016
Tzaneen 23.9%
Ebenezer 67.8%
Merensky 74.7%
Dap Naude 83.3%
Middel Letaba 21.6%
Blyde Rivier Poort 54.4%
Klaserie 36.1%
Tours 36.3%
Vergelegen 101%
Ohrigstad 4.4%
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
Baie Dankie!
2 September 2016
‘Bridge requires maintenance’ The Road Agency Limpopo at last sent an engineer last week Tuesday to assess the dilapidated bridge over the Letaba River at the Letaba Hospital on the D670 road to Tarentaalrand. According to RAL spokesperson Mr Maropeng Manyathela the bridge
needs maintenance. “On Tuesday last week our engineering expert, Mr Hannes Groenwald, was on site for the assessment. The findings are that the bridge requires some maintenance, especially on the section that was damaged by an accident. Our Engineering section will
- RAL spokesperson
give me the way forward once they have
Tzaneen Country Lodge (TCL) received Diamond Arrow status in three separate categories during this year’s prestigious PMR Africa Awards. The awards serve as a marker by which those individuals and institutions within the province are measured, and awarded for their efforts to stimulate the economic growth and development of the Limpopo Province. These accolades are awarded every twelve months, following ratings by a random, provin-
determined that,” said Manyathela.
— Phidelia Rikhotso
cial sample of 148 respondents comprising of CEO’s, MD’s, business owners, company directors and managers and senior local and provincial government officials based in the province. This year TCL was awarded First Overall in the Wedding Venue, Lodge Venue and Spa categories. Seen here are Mss Lorraine Ntimana, Adri Kruger (owner), Mr Robert Sebopetsa and Mss Petra Anderson and Cecilia Saunders after the handover.
Die land se beste! ‘n Graad 12-seun van die Hoërskool Merensky, Rhulani Ndlala, is die wenner van vanjaar se landwye Rekeningkunde Olimpiade, wat jaarlikse deur die SA Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA) aangebied word. Hy was een van 3 510 leerlinge van 310 openbare skole landwyd wat vir die olimpiade ingeskryf het en 980 van hulle het na die tweede ronde deurgedring. Die gemiddeld vir die eerste ronde was 58%. Agt leerlinge van Merensky het na die tweede ronde deurgedring. Rhulani is aangewys as die manlike wenner vir openbare skole. Met
‘n gemiddeld van 92% (teenoor 91,5% vir die vroulike wenner) is hy ook die nasionale algehele wenner uit openbare skole.
Hier is hy saam met skoolhoof Magnus Steyn en me Nicky Barbeiro (die gr 12-rekeningkunde-onderwyser).
Rhulani Ndlala Merensky High School Limpopo with 92%
Simonè Balt Hoërskool Linden Gauteng with 91.5%
Liam Roubach De Kuilen High School Western Cape with 91%
Husnaa Motala Westville Girls High School Kwa-Zulu Natal with 91%
Muzaffar Ahmed Malani Orient Islamic School Kwa-Zulu Natal with 96.5%
Raadiyyah Seedat Lenasia Muslim School Gauteng with 91%
Musina: Main Road, Musina. Tel: 015 534 0462.
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2 September 2016
You can grow your own way Self-sustainability is a big word. But it is attained through making some very small adjustments to your everyday living — like growing your own food. Tired of the not-so-fresh fresh foods at your favourite retailer, but you really can’t afford any of the possible solutions you like to pin to that “Home Ideas” Pinterest board? Well, Martin Dale Seedlings are revolutionizing the idea of self-sustainability through the launch of their exciting new Homegrown DIY Greenhouse. There’s no catch or clever sales pitch here. The Homegrown DIY Greenhouse is exactly what the name says. It’s a greenhouse. For your home. But, it’s a very affordable Greenhouse, which you assemble yourself — hence the little “DIY” they snuck into the title. The idea is so brilliant in its simplicity that one could quite literally have the first greenhouse erected in the time it took to read this article. The idea was inspired by a recent visit to Lithuania coupled with the increasing number of complaints Martin Dale Seedlings received from their clients regarding their struggle with monkeys, cold weather and controlling the water usage to their gardens. “We designed the Homegrown DIY Greenhouse tunnel as an answer to having your
own successful vegetable garden. The Greenhouse is monkey proof and will help in the colder areas to allow for growing of strong, healthy and organic vegetables. With the rising cost of food, this will allow you to grow your own in an affordable way.” The greenhouses kits are available in 3,5 m x 3 m squared or 3,5 m x 6 m squared and can continue in lengths of 3 m for as long as you specifically require. There are further options which include fully or partially enclosed in plastic, enclosed in both plastic and shade cloth or just shade cloth. Because this product is moveable and lightweight in structure, it is perfect for those who live in small townhouse complexes or apartment blocks as it is not a permanent fixture. The kits do not include irrigation, boxes or growing medium, but these can all be purchased from Martin Dale Seedlings; also at a fraction of the usual cost. For more information on these brilliant little greenhouse tunnels, please like the Martin Dale Facebook page or pay their website a visit at www.mdseedlings.co.za — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Martin Dale Seedlings For all your Seedling Requirements... Growers with Greenhouse Solutions The No 1 supplier in South Africa’s Limpopo Province of all Garden and Greenhouse requirements from Seedlings to Hardware.
We also supply all Green Industry Related Products.
Tel: 082 906 0410 • 082 906 3649 Email: sales@mdseedlings.co.za Plot 56, Lushof, Tzaneen Website: www.mdseedlings.co.za
Seedlings and services: Vegetables & Fruit Bedding Plants Forestry Seedlings Herbs Flowering Pots and Shrubs Propagation Requirements Garden Hardware & Organics Rivulis Plastro Irrigation Greenhouse Supplies
Die hoof van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, mnr Chris Denysschen, se verjaarsdag verlede week is op ‘n prettige manier deur die skool gevier. Die leerlingraad het hom vanjaar laat werk vir sy geskenk, deur hom op ‘n skattejag deur die skool te stuur. By elke
punt was daar een van sy gunsteling eet- of drinkgoed. Die leerlingraadslede het Denysschen by die laaste punt ingewag, om hom namens die skool geluk te wens en sy ‘skat’, ‘n naweek se bederf by “Ondangwa”, aan hom te oorhandig.
Manhunt for Mozambican still underway Three inmates escaped from the police holding cells in Letsitele on Sunday evening. According to reports the three men made their escape through the roof of the exercise room at the holding cells, by cutting through the reinforcing wire mesh. A manhunt was launched and one of the three suspects was rearrested on Monday morning, when the search teams discovered him hiding on a farm. The suspect,
27-year-old Ike Ngobeni, a Mozambican national, was awaiting trial on two counts of robbery, one count of rape and two counts of housebreaking. The search team consisting of members of local private security companies and the SAPS continued their search of the area. A helicopter joined the search party and at noon on Monday a second suspect, Muye Makgopa (26) from Mbekwane village near Mandlakazi, was rearrested. He was found hiding in a cave in the Letsitele area. At the time of going to print, the third suspect was still at large and the search continued. The suspect is
Bethuel Simango (25), also from Mozambique, who was arrested for two counts of house robbery, rape and two counts of housebreaking and theft. The public is warned not to approach the suspect as he is considered to be dangerous. The suspects who were rearrested will appear in the Nkowankowa Magistrate’s Court on charges of escaping from custody. Any person with information that could lead to the arrest of this criminal should contact Capt Masilo Notoane on 082 469 0900 or their nearest police station. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
s j 3 2 0 4 6 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ nn_
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2 September 2016
2 September 2016
Ons Mening
Dis heerlike Lente, die Winter’s verby...
The Message
02 September 2016 Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church
Arrogante verkwisters
Ons hoor dié week ons is geswartlys by die GTM. ‘n ANC-voorbok dra dié aardverpletterende nuus ewe vertroulik aan ons oor. Asseblief! Vertel ons iets wat ons nie weet nie. Die boikot duur al die hele jaar lank. En ons het al verlede jaar vir ‘n afvaardiging van senior amptenare, onder wie die GTM se regsadviseur, gesê ons word nie met advertensies en hul propagandistiese en onbeholpe sogenaamde medianuusvrystellings gekoop nie. Ons het nie ‘n prys nie. ‘n Pot lensiesop of advertensies gaan ons nie stuit om te veg teen die afgryslike vermorsing van mense se swaarverdiende geld wat deur skelms ge-oes word nie. In die jongste gebeure gaan koop die GTM ‘n meer as R1 miljoen se motor, nog voor ‘n ordentlike vergadering van die raad gehou is (hoe is die hele ding in elk geval goedgekeur?). Maar op einste die dag dat die blink nuwe vuurwa gevier word, stap die balju daar in om beslag te lê op goed ter waarde van meer as R20 miljoen. Die een eis is vir ‘n padprojek (nog een!) waar die GTM weer, soos gereeld, hul voet in ‘n ding gesit het. Die hoërhof het reeds in April vanjaar die eis voorlopig per vonnis toegestaan en in Julie is dit finaal deur die hof bekragtig. In plaas van om te begin dink hoe hulle gaan betaal, hou die raad en amptenare hulle besig met onnodige aankope. Waar is die raad se hoog besoldigde regsadviseur en waar is al die ander slim prokureurs wat die afgelope paar jaar miljoene der miljoene rand aan kostes uit die GTM gemelk het? Wanneer word die forensiese ondersoeke uitgebrei? Wanneer word die arrogante verkwisters se strooptogte gestuit? Wanneer word mense strafregtelik vervolg? Wanneer, wanneer, wanneer...?
This can have many definitions depending on the situation. Some of these are: Life: the time we spend on earth: Life: meaning a sentence of time to be spent in prison. Life: time spent with a special person until death and so on.
But what does life mean to you? What if you are just co-existing, having no specific goals or meaning? Are you real alive? In life we all need to form a relationship with others, be it platonic or love. Thus in forming this relationship we need to be careful in who and how we choose. Some people are either pessimistic or optimistic. The pessimist often is wary of forming a relationship with someone unless it does not work out, the “what if” person. The optimist on the other hand often believes that everything will turn out “rosy” both can, however, find out that life can serve you a curved ball and we can become very despondent, the optimist’s dreams shattered and the pessimist’s confirmed. In forming a relationship, trust is the major factor as promises are made and should always be kept, unless of course, abuse takes place. Sometimes it occurs that something happens in one of the partners’ life and all trust breaks down, a life time seems wasted. One thing I know is that if you form a relationship with God, this cannot happen. He will never leave you no matter what happens in your life. The greatest reward in this relationship is that eternal life is guaranteed. This cannot be said of human relationship as rejection is often what happens if one party does something the other perceives as wrong. God forgives us when we ask, this however, does not always apply to humans. Humans are not as forgiving as God. Thus, our relationship with God should be built on daily. He will never leave us. God Bless Die lente het vinnig gekom. Sommige mense sê selfs die lente het gekom en gegaan en die somer is al hier. Die afgelope paar dae voel dit nogal soos somer. Die plekke waar mense hulle aan die lente se koms kan gaan verkneukel, soos die bekende en gewilde Cheerio Gardens in Magoebaskloof, waar dié argieffoto geneem is, maak gereed vir die 2016-blommekykers se koms.
Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com
Say NO to gender-based violence
1368 0 7 The Numbers 2459 81 The half-life in days of a teaspoon,
according to a study entitled ‘Where are all the bloody teaspoons?
Local Hero
Social Calendar • Sosiale Kalender Haenertsburg Musical events L GLOOP 25 SEPTEMBER 2016 21, 25, 26 September
Tzaneen Ligloop 25 September
Ligloop is ‘n 9 km staptog. Die roete volg die pad van Dr Hans Merensky se bekende “morning walk” wat hy, altyd saam met sy honde, geloop het. Ons stap deur aangeplante plantasies, deur inheemse woude tot by ‘n waterval.
Wednesday 21 September: Richard and
Wees deel. Wees ‘n Ligdraer. Raak betrokke!
Daar is uitstekende belangstelling vir die SA Vrouefederasie in Tzaneen se Ligloop op 25 September. Die tak se bestuur het laat weet dat daar reeds 35 vrouens is wat hulle as Ligdraers verbind het tot die Ligloop Stap. Daar is dus nog net 15 plekke beskikbaar om saam te stap. Die SAVF benodig nog borge vir onder meer hoedjies, stapstokke, ‘goodie bags’ en piekniek-eetgoed. Enige bydrae sal waardeer word. Vir inligting: Ilza Roelofse by 015 307 2645 of 082 773 0471 of savf@telkomsa.net; en Lidell Botha by 083 389 3915 of lidellbotha@gmail.com.
‘n Besondere ervaring, slegs vir dames!
Sue Cock will perform with some of the members of the Johannesburg Festival Orchestra (JFO) in the Haenertsburg church. A new musician, Pietro Roffi will be playing the button accordion, accompanied by violin and cello. WAT MOET DIE LIGDRAERS DOEN? Die LIGDRAERS moet vir hierdie projek elkeen ‘n minimum van ‘n R1 000 insamel. ‘n Bedrag van R100 dien as inskryfgeld, betaalbaar wanneer jy onderneem om ‘n LIGDRAER te wees, en dan ‘n verdere R900 wat voor of op 16 September 2016 betaalbaar is. Hierdie geldinsameling moet egter op ‘n wyse geskied dat dit vir jou ‘n vreugdevolle en opbouende ondervinding is. Ons verwelkom enige borge en donasies maar ons wil voorstel dat elke LIGDRAER mini-geldsinsamelings hou om die bedrag te in. Deur jou naam as LIGDRAER te verbind sal jy deel word van die span dames wat hul tyd en
energie aanwend om ewigheidswaarde toe te voeg vir hul medemens in nood, maar ook vir hulself. Vir verdere inligting kontak: ILZA ROELOFSE • savf@telkomsa.net 015 307 2645 • 082 773 0471 LIDELL BOTHA • lidellbotha@gmail.com 083 389 3915 BANKBESONDERHEDE VIR INBETALINGS ABSA BANK SAVF Tzaneen Diensbestuur Tjek Rekening nommer: 1260810142 Takkode: 334349 Verwysing: Ligloop met jou naam
Sunday 25 September: A full concert
István Schuch, ‘n gr 8-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, het nasionale kleure verwerf in ‘n uitsonderlike sport. Hy is vir die o.14 SA Polocrosse-span gekies, wat onlangs in Lusaka, Zambië, aan ‘n internasionale toernooi deelgeneem het. Volledige berig op bladsy 16.
with the JFO under the baton of Richard Cock. R180/person in the Barnyard Theatre at Stanford Lake College. Bring your own picnic eats, drinks and friends and enjoy a magical evening of musical entertainment.
Monday 26 September: Children’s concert at Thusanang. All children welcome for a lesson on musical instruments and the orchestra — kids will love this one and it is free. Booking essential: Linda Miller on 082 575573 or Stuart on 082 7712655.
Tzaneen Auditions 8 October
The SA Association of Talent, Modeling and Entertainment is scouting for talent to represent this region at the SA Championships of Performing Arts 2017. Information: lizellecronje0809@gmail or call Lizelle on 082 806
2759 or Bonita on 083 390 4009. The semi-final audition round will be held on 8 October in the DR Church Hall in Tzaneen.
2 September 2016
Twins Talia da Silva and Tercia Jansen van Vuuren are the first sibling scholars of the Cambridge University in London’s Gates Trust.
Two Alumni from Stanford make history in London When Tercia Jansen van Vuuren (Néé Da Silva) was awarded a scholarship by the Gates Cambridge Trust last year, the Trust had no idea that her sister Talia had won the award in an earlier cohort. Talia started her Ph D in January 2014, a little under two years before Tercia started her M Phil in October 2015. Not only is Talia a fellow Gates Cambridge Scholar, she is also Tercia’s twin and both sisters chose to study engineering at Cambridge. The two sisters are the first Gates siblings. The fact that the links between the two was not spotted before Tercia started at Cambridge is somewhat understandable, as even though the sis- ABOVE; Mss Tercia and Talia da Silva (or maybe it is the other way ters look similar enough for some round?). RIGHT: The siblings when they attended SLC, and above right is brother Dario da Silva. people to confuse them, they have different surnames. Talia’s is derground construction. Tercia’s reDa Silva while Tercia has taken her husband’s surname. It is the second time the two sisters have studied together search looks at how soil responds at university level. They studied civil engineering together to the formation of voids such as as undergraduates at the University of Pretoria and gradu- sinkholes and how the soil can be ated in 2009. Their younger brother, Dario, also studied civ- reinforced to avoid catastrophic colil engineering at the same university, but there is no family lapse. The topic emerged from previtradition of engineering. In fact, their family background is ous work for her company on landfill in plant mechanics and they are the first in their family to engineering, where she was involved with the development of a new landfill attend university. over an existing landfill and where there was the potential for voids to form below While the twin sisters spent their undergraduate years to- the new construction.
Work and postgraduate studies
gether, when they started work their paths diverged slightly as they made a conscious decision to work in different companies. Talia went into geotechnical engineering and worked for four years before starting her Ph D. Her desire to do a Ph D stemmed from the encouragement of one of her mentors, who had studied at Cambridge, and her company, who were supportive of employees pursuing further study. She says that doing her Ph D was an opportunity to try something new, get a taste of academia and experience living abroad. Talia’s Ph D is in geotechnical engineering, which is the branch of civil engineering which focuses on soils and un-
rica. She was attracted to her course by the broad approach it took to sustainability. Her thesis investigates the sustainability of the construction industry and it draws on a number of interviews she conducted about how those in the industry understand sustainability. She chose an M Phil because she wanted the time out from industry to broaden her experience, but she was always keen to get back to work and “make a difference”. She knew the Cambridge system because Talia had told her about it and had also introduced her to Gates Cambridge. “I knew from Talia how valuable the Gates experience was, how it was a unique group of passionate, diverse people with a strong sense of community which other scholarships don’t have. I could see how much it was a part of her life,” says Tercia. Talia says her core group of friends at Cambridge are all Gates Cambridge scholars and she has also served on the Gates Cambridge Scholars’ Council. Tercia, whose husband moved to Cambridge with her, is now about to start a job in London in sustainability consulting in construction while Talia finishes her Ph D over the next year and decides what she will do next. “I want to keep a foot in both academia and industry,” she says. For now, the twin sisters’ paths will diverge again, but while they have been together in Cambridge they say they have been able to give each other mutual support. “We’ve loved being five minutes away from each other after years of living apart,” says Talia.
I knew from Talia how valuable the Gates experience was, how it was a unique group of passionate, diverse people with a strong sense of community which other scholarships don’t have. Tercia, who has just finished her M Phil in Engineering for Sustainable Development, came to Cambridge after spending six years working as a structural engineer in South Af-
*Picture credit: This photo is one of two by Tercia which won third place in the Gates Cambridge photo competition.
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2 September 2016
Vossies gaan in Australië dans Twee leerlinge van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het tydens die onlangse Dance Fusion se Limpopo-kompetisie gekwalifiseer om volgende jaar aan die ‘Bet the beat Australia’ te gaan deelneem. Marthinus Grobler en Zoë Victor is deur die twee beoordelaars van Pretoria goed genoeg bevind om in Australië te gaan deelneem. Marthinus het in die kategorie “Intermediate Hip Hop Solo under 16” onderskeidelik 96% en 94% verwerf. Hy en vier ander dansers moes in ‘n volgende ronde weer dans, waarna
die beoordelaars die rangvolgorde van die dansers aangekondig het. Marthinus het met ‘n persentasie van 98% gewen. Zoë Victor het in die kategorie “Open solo any age” deelgeneem
en het onderskeidelik 85% en 86% verwerf. Sy het ook in ‘n duet, ‘Roses’, met Ruchelle Jacobs gedans, waar hulle onderskeidelik 88% en 92% gekry het. Hulle was deel van die topvyf dansers wat weer moes dans en het algeheel derde plek verower met ‘n persentasie van 94%. Ruchelle Jacobs het in die kategorie “Acrobatic Beginner solo under 16” deelgeneem en het onderskeidelik 74% en 76% verwerf. Nog ‘n danser van ‘The dance place’, Mia-Lee Lautenbach, het in die kategorie “Hip Hop Beginner solo under 16” deelgeneem en het onderskeidelik 76% en 80% verwerf. Ruchelle en Mia-Lee het in die ‘Preparation’-afdeling deelgeneem.
Dr. Annecke se toptien akademiese presteerders vir die tweede kwartaal is aangekondig.
Graad 4: Voor: Waldo Pretorius, Zelri Gubitz, Carmen Saunders; Middel: Ramona van Heerden, Lila van Coller, Christelle van Jaarsveld, Tyra du Plessis; Agter: Junior Mboweni, Thabiso Ngwato, Ntokoto Mnisi.
Agri-Merensky skou in Pretoria
Aricia Brooks berei haar bees voor.
Van 24 tot 27 Augustus het veertien te stel. Vyf seniors en vyf juniors het van Merensky se Agri-leerlinge aan in die vleisbeeskategorie deelgedie interprovinneem. Drie sensiale jeugskouior- en een junior kompetisie by die leerling het in die Jacaranda Skou in vleisbokkategorie Pretoria deelgedeelgeneem. In neem. albei kategorieë Die Merensky was die leerlinge Pinz²yl-stoet het beoordeel op kenhul buiging in die nis, die was van ‘n ring gemaak en dier en die voorin die kategorie bereiding vir skou “verse onder 36 en skoumanskap. maande” en “3 Iszabella le verse in ‘n groep” Roux (junior) het Iszabella le Roux en Aricia Brooks. meegeding. In die eerste gekom. groepklas het Plasieland se verse Aricia Brooks (senior) het ‘n algehele 1ste, 2de en 3de geeïndig. tweede plek behaal. Albei die leerVrydag was dit die leerlinge se linge het in die vleisbeeskategorie beurt om hul skoumanskap ten toon deelgeneem.
Graad 5: Voor: Chris Snyman, Elai Joubert, Pedrie Minnaar, Gideon Goosen, Marno du Toit; Agter: Jackie van Heerden, Azél Vorster, Cha-Mari Bekker, Thabiso Seerane. Afwesig: Mané Swart.
Vossies maak kinderharte bly
Die finaliste vir Mnr en Mej Vossie 2016 het die Noah’s Ark Kinderhuis buite Tzaneen besoek en ‘n klompie babadoeke, waarvoor die finaliste self geld ingesamel het, tydens hul besoek oorhandig. Hulle het ook ‘n bietjie by die kinders gekuier. Tussen vele speletjies, gelag en opgewonde gesiggies deur is daar wors gebraai en lekker geëet. Mnr en Mej Vossie word Woensdagaand aangewys. Willem Botha gaan die gaskunstenaar wees en kaartjies is by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster beskikbaar. Die finaliste vir Mej Vossie is: Ndavi Nokeri, Mikateko Nkuna, Ntsakisi Maluleke, Cheny Lourens, Nadine Jacobs, Jozette Oosthuizen, Michelle Mhlongo, Melissa Naude, Miha de Jager, Zande-Lee de Bruyn, Shannon Mulder en Lara Schutte. Die finaliste vir Mnr Vossie is: Renaldo van Rensburg, De Wet Vorster, Bosman Kruger, Duval Strydom, Heini Ferreira, Pierre Roos, Wian Jacobs, Stefan Paulse, Tristin Du Preez, Wilhelm Roos, Tumi Mononyane en Bernard Vermaak.
Die onlangse Letaba Skou het oudergewoonte die kollig op plaaslike talent laat val en die Vossies het die beste van die geleentheid gemaak. Rumbi Shipalana het skougangers na hul asem laat snak, met haar pragtige stem en goeie klavierspel. Sky Zatschkowitsch het ‘n derde plek met sy uitstekende danse verower, ondanks ‘n besering. Die skool se rasieleiers het ook die kans gekry om skougangers met hul dansbewegings te beïndruk.
Graad 6: Voor: Zack Duvenhage, Franco Pretorius, Kean van Tonder, Wilco Botha; Agter: Ann Riley, Marlie le Roux, Chantell Meyer, Sanél Botha, Nyiko Mnisi, Risima Ngobeni
Graad 7: Voor: Celize Steenekamp, Dezi Dreyer, Palesa Shiluvane, Hlayisanani Shingange, Marius de Bruyn; Agter: Janke Basson, Elzaan Espach, Andrea van Jaarsveld, Louise Snyman, Bontlenyane Baloyi. Ywerige sangers en instrumentaliste van die Hoërskool Merensky het die geleentheid aangegryp om aan vanjaar se Tzaneen Eisteddfod deel te neem, en agtien Plasies het aan 42 items in die gesellige Teatro deelgeneem. ‘n Gesoute beoordelaar, mnr Chris van Staden, het met lewendige kommentaar en wenke gesorg dat voornemende kunstenaars daarna uitsien om volgende jaar weer deel te neem. Hier is Paige Stephenson, Dee-Anne Preece, Van Staden (beoordelaar), Cara Baker en Lera Avdysh.
2 September 2016
Vossies se akademiese uitblinkers Baie geluk aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se toptien akademiese presteerders van gr 8 tot gr 12 wat aangekondig is:
Suksesvolle dans-slypskool aangebied Mark Dooley, wat reeds meer as vyf keer gekroon is as die SA Baldans- en Latyns-Amerikaanse kampioen, het onlangs die Hoërskool Merensky se dansers met ‘n intensiewe slypskool verder met afronding gehelp. Dooley staan ook aan die hoof van Solo Danca Latina in Suid-Afrika. De dansers het ook aan ‘n plaaslike kompetisie deelgeneem. Chrystal Kirstein het ‘n goue medalje verower in die “Youth New Kids NRG”-afdeling, Chris Bill het weggestap met ‘n silwer medalje in die
Graad 8: Voor: Lisa Greyling en Jolandi van der Merwe; Middel: Jana Oberholzer, Lorinda Esterhuizen, Zené Kruger en Mienke Lombard; Agter: Grizel Lepart, Doné Aucamp, Nkosazana Mabunda en Zinnia du Plessis
“Young Adults NRG”-kategorie en Jamie van der Merwe het ‘n brons medalje in die “Youth New Kids NRG”-afdeling losgedans.
Colours splashed for cancer Stanford Lake College’s Interact Club hosted a ‘Colour Splash for Cancer’, at the school. The fun colour walk included the whole school and was held to promote awareness and funds to support children with cancer. All proceeds will be going towards one artificial eye and treatment for a child recovering from eye cancer. Motivation for the Walk: The Interact Club has been involved with Polokwane Hospital Chil-
dren’s Oncology Ward, and the Cancer Association of SA (Polokwane) this year. They are making this a focus area for the Club in 2016. “We were concerned when we realised that there is a high prevalence of eye cancer in our area and discovered that there is a need for artificial glass eyes for the children who survive the
treatment but lose an eye. The cost of an artificial eye and treatment is R7 200. Our goal is to raise R7 200 to provide one treatment and eye for a child. Apparently there are five children waiting for the treatment through Polokwane Care Centre,” said one of the Club members.
Graad 9: Voor: Elmé Genis; Middel: Nicola Joubert, Michaela van Wyk, Milané Smit en Malaika Coetzer; Agter: Christine Fourie, Liané Pretorius, Thys Nortjé en James Vorster. Afwesig: Ofentse Mokati
Graad 10: Voor: Zani Vorster en Tshepang Pilusa; Middel: Wilco Jansen van Rensburg, Christelle Smit, Lerato Hutamo en Michaela Bekker; Agter: Zanzeret Scheepers, Clara Molokwane, Juané Croukamp en Nielia Blignaut
Die eerste krieketspan van die Hoërskool Merensky het Saterdag in ‘n ligawedstryd teen die Hoërskool Ben Vorster te staan gekom en goeie wen behaal. Merensky het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf. Die plasies het 236 lopies aangeteken, in 48 boulbeurte. Staatmaker Timothy Elphinstone is aangewys as die beste kolwer, met ‘n allemintige 104 lopies op sy kerfstok.
Alex Jardim het 28 lopies aangeteken. Ben Vorster kon met hul kolfbeurt net 177 lopies aanteken. Merensky se beste bouler was AJ Fourie, wat 4 paaltjies laat val het vir net 25 lopies. Jardim lewer ook goeie boulwerk en neem 3 paaltjies vir 43 lopies. Merensky het dus met 59 lopies gewen. Die tweede spanne het op Plasieland kragte gemeet, met Ben Vorster wat daar as oorwinnaars uit die stryd getree het.
Die kookwater tennisspan van die Laerskool Dr Annecke het sover nog nie ‘n enkele spel in die huidige tennisseisoen verloor nie! LINKS: Dr Annecke se meisies wat die tennisrakette se snare laat sing is, voor: Janke Basson en Dezi Dreyer en agter is Elzaan Espach enLouise Snyman. REGS: Dr Annecke se seuns wat tennis uit die boonste rakke speel. Voor is Waldo Pretorius en agter hom staan Chris Snyman, Elai Joubert en Franco Pretorius. Graad 11: Voor: Jozette Oosthuize en Annemarie Venter; Middel: Nicole Swardt, Melissa Naudé, Bernard Vermaak en Adriaan Roets; Agter: Gerhard Bezuidenhout, Mpho Maloba, Shalom Ngobeni en Dewet Vorster. Afwesig: Phuti Sako
Graad 12: Voor: Nadia Paulse, Tumi Mosegane, Talenta Mabunda en Shiluva Mushwana; Agter: Marli Burger, Beauty Maake, Tebatso Mahasha en Abel Nortjé. Afwesig: Camilla Phakula en Nsovo Nkuna.
Die Vossies het hul jaarlikse oud-Vossiekultuuraand gehou, vanjaar ten bate van die Tzaneen Cancer Care Group. Die aand se lekker vermaak was deel van die Vossies se kultuurweek. Die Tzaneen Cancer Care Group bestaan uit ‘n groep vrywilligers wat hoofsaaklik omsien na kankerpasiënte, veral in hul laaste dae. Die groep is afhanklik van skenkings aangesien hulle geen pasiënt wegwys nie en min van die pasiënte kan bekostig om iets by te dra. Gaste by die kultuuraand het heerlik gesmul aan verskeie soorte
sop en brood en is getrakteer met uithaler sang, voordrag en instrumentale musiek. Die room van die Vossies se huidige en toekomstige talent het items gelewer, maar die hoogtepunt van die aand was die optrede van die oud-Vossies. Stefan Herhold, wat gereeld saam met drie tenore optree en wat pas sy eerste CD uitgereik het, asook Stefan Lombard, Jansen van der Walt, Bennie Bezuidenhout en Lizelle Pienaar het opgetree. Op die foto is oud-Vossie Lizelle Pienaar, wie se operastem bekend is in Tzaneen.
Nina nou ‘n gekwalifiseerde veldgids Nina Rudman, ‘n gr 12-Vossie, het stilweg gekwalifiseer as veldgids en is besig om die een kwalifikasie na die ander in te ryg, ter voorbereiding van ‘n loopbaan in die wildtoerismebedryf. Sy het in 2016 gekwalifiseer vir ‘n Vlak 1-natuurgidssertifikaat van die Veldgidsvereniging van Suidelike Afrika, nadat sy 93% in haar teoretiese eksamen behaal en ‘n praktiese assessering geslaag het. In die Julie-vakansie het sy Bushwise Academy by Hoedspruit se gasvryheid-oriëntasiekursus suksesvol voltooi. Nina sê sy wou nog altyd met diere gewerk het en sy wou graag meer weet oor wildtoerisme en natuurbewaring. Sy is vasbeslote om nóu al so goed as moontlik te kwalifiseer vir ‘n loopbaan in die bedryf. Volgende op haar lys is ‘n kursus in natuurbewaring en om as ‘n marinegids te kwalifiseer. Op die foto hierby wys sy die jongste sertifikate wat sy verwerf het.
22 Aug - 19 Sep Rekordeksamen begin / Trial Exam commences, Skoolsaal.
Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Source: www.school-communicator.com
2 Sep Graad 6 En 7 Sokkie / Spring Dance, Pieter
Joubert Skoolsaal / School hall. Graad 7 50c Dag / Grade 7 50c Day. Hokkie / Hockey, Liga / League 2 - 3 Sep Krieket / Cricket, Provinsiale proewe / Provincial trials. 3 Sep Club Swimming, Hillcrest Swimming Pool Pretoria. Hillcrest Sprint. Landloop / Cross Country, Laerskool Duiwelskloof LLSV Kampioenskappe / Championship 5-9 Sep Swem / Swimming, Laerskool Tzaneen Swembad / Swimming Pool, Uitdunne vir Gr 1 - 3 leerders. 6 Sep Tennis Liga Phalaborwa, Phalaborwa. Tennis league at Phalaborwa. 7-9 Sep Kuns Eisteddfod, HS Merensky 8 Sep Tennis vriendskaplik Vs Unicorn, Unicorn Preparatory School.
Hoërskool Ben Vorster High School Source: www.school-communicator.com
2 - 6 Sep Mnr En Mej Vossie: Oefening / MR AND
MISS VOSSIE: Practice, 8:00 nm, Skoolsaal / School hall.
2 Sep Entrepreneursdag. 3 Sep Krieket: A-liga HTS Tom Naudé, HTS Tom
Naudé. Krieket: Super 8 Liga vs HS Frikkie Meyer, Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Netball: Fast 5 o/17 Provinsiale Toernooi, Polokwane. Rugby: 7’s Merensky o/15 en o/17 toernooi, Tzaneen. 7 Sep Krieket: Meisies Limpopo Skoleliga vs Nkowankowa, Nkowankowa. Mnr En Mej Vossie / Mr And Miss Vossie, Skoolsaal . 8 Sep SêR Kleedrepitisie.
2 September 2016
Kom help om grootste broeikolonie te beskerm
Rowers slaan toe op Sapekoe Veiligheidswagte van die woongebied Middelkop op die Sapekoe-teelandgoed is verlede Dinsdagnag deur ‘n gewapende bende van vier oorval en van meer as R300 000 se toerusting beroof. Dit sluit onder meer agt kettingsae, twee selfone, ses motorwiele, 28 liter diesel, 20 liter olie, ‘n kompressor, opwekker en ‘n Nissan-kappie in. Die rowers het ook probeer om ‘n voertuig te buit, maar het in ‘n
onbekende voertuig gevlug. ‘n Private huurder op die landgoed net bokant Middelkop, mnr Gideon Breedt, het gesê Sapekoe wemel al ‘n geruime tyd van ongewenste elemente. Hy het Sondagoggend vroeg twee onbekende mans op sy voorstoep betrap. Nadat hy ‘n paar waarskuwingskote afgetrek het, het hulle vinnig verdwyn. Die polisie-ondersoek na die rooftog gaan voort en niemand is nog aangekeer nie.
Jan Alleman sal op 10 September die kans kry om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die bewaring van die grootste broeikolonie van Kransaasvoëls in die wêreld by die Blouberg Natuurreservaat. Dit is die dag waarop Wêreld Aasvoëldag internasionaal gevier word, met Blouberg, ‘n staatsbeheerde reservaat, wat ter feesviering ‘n Bosveld Skattejag beplan. Die skattejag word aangebied deur die Vriende van Blouberg (VVB), ‘n organisasie bestaande uit sowat 300 vrywilligers en wat spesifiek gestig is om die reservaat te ondersteun en seker te maak dat die broeikolonie behoue bly. Blouberg kry ook gereeld besoek van die baie skaars Rüppell’s-aasvoël, met mense wat van sover as die Kaap ry om na dié aasvoëls te kom kyk. Die reservaat beslaan ‘n gebied van 9 630 ha en spog met 248 voëlspesies, 24 vlermuisspesies, asook een van die grootste variasies van fynbos. Buiten vir ander klein en groter wild, is die reservaat
f o e Fac
Tzaneng Mall’16
17 Sept’16 Venue: Tzaneng Mall, Edgars Side Closing Date: 16 Sept’16
Only R300 entry fee
Free for Spectators
Age Categories: 4-6__ 7-9___ 10-12 ___13-15___16-24___
Name:______________ Surname:_____________ Age:____ Date of Birth:______________________ Cell:_____________ e-mail:__________________ Facebook name:___________________________ Town:_____________ Address:_______________
Each entrant should bring a shopping bag full of non-perishable food for Ga-maboi drop in Centre. The model who brings the most food will win our
Models Dress Code: South African Heritage Garment,
I, the undersigned, and above mentioned entrant hereby confirm that 1. 2.
On/before 17 September 2016, I am the correct age as the age category I entered into. I must submit 2 photographs of myself with an entry form. (One head and shoulder and one full length) original prints A4 Size! No cellphone photographs will be accepted. Photo’s will not be returned. Photo’s count marks. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.Professional judges with no direct ties to any models will always be chosen for our pageants. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash. The 1st Place winner from the previous year can’t enter the following year unless if they are in a new age group An administration fee of R 300, must accompany the application: Payments can also be made to: Limpopo Beauty Modeling- FNB Business Acc nr: 625 4644 2609 Branch: 260349. No refund of entry fees. The events coordinator, sponsors and hosts cannot be held responsible for any injuries, lost or damaged goods, hereby the above are indemnified to any claims whatsoever. I warrant that the information provided above is true and correct. All entry forms and proof of payment should be handed in at the Tzaneng Mall Management office (next to @Home ) in a sealed envelope or emailed to limpopobeautymodeling@gmail.com or given to the organizer. Photo’s must be printed and not emailed. The food raised for charity should be handed in on pageant day to get your contestant nr. I warrant that I have read, understood and accept the terms and conditions of the contest as reflected herein.
For any other information or questions phone Katryn
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Boere in die gebied van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit word versoek om ‘n opname te maak van die aantal transformators op hul plase in die stryd teen kabeldiewe. Die GTM het die inligting nodig om ‘n behoorlike opname te maak om die lewens-
Vir meer inligting: Jana by 082 895 9034, Barry Fourie (VVB) by 083 601 5530 of Johan van Wyk, bestuurder van die Blouberg Natuurreservaat, by 015 593 0702 of 083 251 7071.
vatbaarheid van moontlike geldelike hulp deur die stadsraad te bepaal. Die diefstal van transformators kom oor ‘n wye gebied voor, maar dit is veral die Letsitele-distrik wat die afgelope jaar of wat erg deurgeloop het.
www.bulletin.us.com facebook.com/LowveldBulletin Instagram: Bulletintzn
Trophy Award! Judging Criteria: Smile, Eye contact, Introduction, Outfit, Ramp Skills, Confidence & Personality
Die tweede prys sluit in twee nagte vir vier mense by die Pafuri River Lodge ter waarde van R3 200, met ‘n twee-nag-wegbreek na die Tambotikamp by Blouberg vir agt persone (ter waarde van R2 500) as derde prys. Daar sal ook kleiner pryse wees. “Elke voertuig sal iets wen,” het Jana gesê. Onmiddellik ná die prysuitdeling sal daar ‘n veiling van unieke items wees. Omdat deelname aan die dag gratis is, is die veiling waar die VVB wil poog om geld in te samel vir die reservaat. “Ons wil graag vra dat almal dus die veiling ondersteun,” het Jana gesê. Die dag sal afgesluit word met ‘n gesellige bring-enbraai, met die VVB wat bykosse sal voorsien. Eie vleis, kos vir die dag en drinkgoed moet egter saamgebring word.
GTM tel transformators
“Beauty with a Purpose”
Accessories/Props allowed! Anything in the theme of SA, from our flag to animal print! Be original! Prize for Best Outfit!
Registration: 9:30am Pageant Starts at 11:00 Rhinestone Tiara’s & Stunning Trophies to be Won!!!
ook tuiste vir ‘n groot trop siektevrye buffels. Die dag se program begin om 09:00 met ‘n baie interessante aanbieding oor aasvoëls deur David Pretorius van die Schoemansdal Omgewingsopvoedingsentrum. Deelname aan die skattejag, wat om 11:00 begin, is gratis met groot pryse op die spel. Die skattejag is vir spanne wat rigtingaanwysings moet volg tot op sekere punte binne die reservaat, waar hulle aktiwiteite soos onder meer graaf-surfing, bokdrolspoeg en benekap sal moet voltooi. “Die fokus is absoluut op die natuur en die bewaring van die reservaat se fauna en flora — alles ten bate van die aasvoëlprojek,” sê Jana Smith, ‘n lid van die VVB. Om 18:00 sal die prysuitdeling gehou word, om die dag se topspanne aan te wys. Die eerste prys is twee nagte by die Pezulu Treehouse Lodge in Hoedspruit, ingesluit ‘n “leeu stap” vir twee mense, alles ter waarde van R9 000.
Eden’s Nursery alon farm - modjadjiskloof
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2 September 2016 11
‘Spring Opener’ lok meer as 400 atlete marathon in 1:10:51 gewen het. Die vroue-afdeling is deur Joyce Netshifhefhe van Polokwane oorheers. Haar wentyd was 1:35:09. Mnr Paul Zaayman het namens die Marathonklub sy dank uitgespreek vir die hoofborge — BB Motors, Lifestyle Centre en Panarotti’s — terwyl bydraes ook van Total Tzaneen, Wimpy, Van Heerdens Apteek en PNA ontvang is. Verskeie maatskappye het by die reeks waterpunte diens gedoen en bygedra tot die sukses van die wedloop, terwyl die GTM se verkeersafdeling die roetes beveilig het. Congratulations to SLC Alumnus Caitlin Harty (Class of 2012) who was crowned Zee World Miss Grand SA 2016/2017. Caity will participate in the Miss World Crowning in Sept/Oct. Bring back the crown, we are all rooting for you, Caity! LINKS: Mnr Nick Dorfling van BB Motors (een van die drie hoofborge) staan by die wenners van die 21,1 km-wedloop, Geneva Rapharia (3de), Jane Mudau (2de) en Joyce Netshifhefhe (wenner). Regs is Anel Swart van die Tzaneen Marathonklub. ONDER: Die skoot het geklap en die atlete is op pad...
Preparations are all in place for the fundraising event for twenty-month-old Leukaemia patient Leo “Lionheart” Botha of Modjadjiskloof — set to take place today and tomorrow (2 & 3 September) @ Jezay’s Pub & Grill in Modjadjiskloof, said the event organiser, Mr Riaan Barnard, on Wednesday. “A variety of activities can be enjoyed by all, including the Sheep Spitbraai by the Roadhogs Tzaneen, Live performances by Comet D Strings, Borderline, Chill i Dea, The Meem Project, Jacques Mouton, Mario Santa Rita and Reinhardt Gone Solo! “Stalls offering food, toys, jewellery, kids entertainment, art, books, muffins, cakes, slush puppies, Spookasem & Mini Doughnuts and many more!” Barnard said. “Live POI Fire Dancing by local world champion Sky, the auction, various promotion activities and overall loads of fun stuff to enjoy — all in the effort to raise funds for the Botha family! “We look forward seeing as many people as possible,” he said.
Receptionist/Administ BioBee Integrated Crop Solutions is holding a CITRUS insect pest scouting & monitoring course Course dates: 22 September and 6 October 2016 Venue: Letaba Junction Lodge Duration: 08:00 – 16:00
Kyk net hoe lekker los is die litte nou...! Roadhogs Tzaneen held a very successful charity event in aid of Goue Jare Retirement Village in Modjadjiskloof. While visiting the residents to celebrate the funds raised, the bikers entertained the residents and with “lekka” golden oldies music there was no resistence to a few dance steps. This was the third event hosted for charity this year and 114 bikers attended the event. A Toy Run will be hosted by the Roadhogs Tzaneen in November. For further info, contact Jaco Van Wyk on 082 459 1668.
Handful of arrests in Tzn According to Tzaneen police station’s spokesperson, Sgt Glenda Mayimele, 53 suspects were arrested for various criminal activities over the past week: Five for assault, five for assault GBH, one for pointing someone as a witch, one for rape, one for murder, twelve for shoplifting, two for theft, one for attempted housebreaking, one person for housebreaking and theft, one for fraud, five for common robbery, one for armed robbery, one for malicious damage to property, three for possession of drugs, one for possession of live ammunition, three for drinking in public, four for drunken driving and five for contravening the Road Traffic Act.
Speel ’n putjie vir ’n behoeftige student Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Tzaneen-tak nooi ywerige gholfspelers om aan hul gholfdag op 14 Oktober op die Tzaneen Buiteklub (TCC) se baan deel te neem. Die tak hoop om hul huidige studiefonds te versterk, nadat hulle reeds vanjaar twee plaaslike studente met rentevrye studielenings gehelp het. Die tak nooi elke besigheid in die Tzaneen-omgewing om skouer aan die wiel te sit en die projek te ondersteun. Volgens me Riekie Smit, die takvoorsitter in Tzaneen, het die gemeenskap oop harte.
“Ons insamelingsprojekte is vir ons kosbaar en word altyd baie goed ondersteun. Hierdie projek kan die verskil beteken vir iemand wat na skool net ‘n werk soek of iemand wat met geleerdheid sy/haar kennis in ons gemeenskap kom terugploeg,” sê sy. Die spel sal in die vorm van ‘n “4 Ball Better Ball Scramble Drive”-kompetisie beslis word. Al die “vierballe” slaan af op ‘n “Shot gun start” (12:00). Registrasie is om 11:00 en “Vierballe” word teen R2 000 per vierbal verkoop. ’n Verskeidenheid borgskappe is nog beskikbaar.
Na die tyd sal daar ’n heerlike skaapspitbraai-ete vir slegs R50 per persoon aangebied word. Moenie die geleentheid mis om jou deel vir die Tzaneen- gemeenskap te doen nie. • Helpende Hand is ʼn nie-winsgewende organisasie wat daarop fokus om gemeenskappe sterk te maak, deur opleiding vir behoeftige leerlinge moontlik te maak. Helpende Hand se Studiefondssentrum het in 2016 meer as R31 miljoen uitbetaal om die drome van 1 291 studente te bewaarheid. Vir verdere navrae: Annette Malan by 082 572 6620 of Riekie Smit by 082 929 8781.
Price: R760.00 p/p excluding VAT Participation by reservations and pre-registration only. For more information, contact: 015 345 1572/075 • info@biobee.co.za
Boshoff Visser is 'n vooraanstaande oudit- en rekeningkunde groep, met 'n verskil. Met 22 gevestigde kantore in verskeie provinsies, verskaf ons 'n wye reeks van pasgemaakte oudit-, sowel as rekeningkundige dienste teen mededingende pryse by ons verskeie kantore. Kontak vir Marie Bothma by 072 409 7057 vir verdere inligting.
Boshoff Visser is a leading auditing and accounting services group with a difference. With 22 branches in several provinces, we provide a wide range of tailor-made auditing and accounting services at competitive rates at our various offices. Contact Marie Bothma at 072 409 7057 for more information. Quote from a satisfied Tzaneen customer: “Personnel at Boshoff Visser quickly proved themselves to be a very competent team, friendly, accessible, always promptly responding to calls and requests, impressively up to date with anything old and new on their subject, and very well connected to SARS.”
Meer as 400 deelnemers het Saterdag kragte gemeet in die jaarlikse Lifestyle Spring Opener- padwedloop by die Lifestyle Centre in Tzaneen. Die wedloop is deur die Tzaneen Marathonklub aangebied en het oor afstande van 5 km, 10 km en 21,1 km gestrek. Atlete van regoor Limpopo en selfs ander provinsies was in aksie. Die mansafdeling in die 10 km- en 21,1 km-wedlope is deur deelnemers van Gauteng gewen. Phuti Mohale, verlede jaar se wenner, moes sy titel prysgee aan ‘n vinniger Tihou Pheu van Bedfordview, wat die half-
It is all systems go for fundraiser
2 September 2016
Operation Basadi clamps down on crime As part of empowering women during their month and honouring Women’s month’s national calender activities, the SA Police officers in Bolobedu together with officers
from elsewhere in the area and Limpopo Traffic Department officers organised a successful crime prevention operation. The operation took place at the ga-Rapitsi
Police officers and traffic officials wait on parade for final instructions, before leaving for the Bolobedu area to execute Operation Basadi.
four-way stop and Madumeleng in the Bolobedu area last Friday. According to a Bolobedu SAPS spokesperson Const Millicent Mohale the operation was not only aimed at combating crime, but also at empowering female officers during the month. The operation, led by Col Mahlaola, resulted in 355 motor vehicles being searched and 820 body searches were also conducted. Mohale said the operation was a Police big success. “We managed to make several arrests, 35 Road Traffic Act fines were issued, three people were arrested for gambling in public, and other culprits were taken in in connection with assault GBH, theft, possession of dagga and for selling liquor without being
officers and traffic officials searched more than 350 vehicles during the operation.
licenced,” Mohale said. Mahlaola indicated that operation Basadi will continue as they want to ensure that the Bolobedu becomes crime free.
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2 September 2016 13
Property l Eiendomme For Sale Te Koop Gedeelte 45 - Lushof verkoop prys: R3, 750,000 netto of naaste billike aanbod. Grootte: 8.6239 Ha Gevestigde Mango bome (4.6 Ha) 2 en suite badkamers, Hoofslaapkamer met badkamer en sauna, Sitkamer/eetkamer/ kombuis met spens, Studeerkamer, Swembad en patio, 3 motor huise en stoorkamer, Personeel akkommodasie vir 3 arbeiders, boorgate. Skakel asb Anina 015 307 7469 om afspraak te reël vir besigting van eiendom
Contact Lihanie to advertise in the Property 015 307 7248
Boet Lombardstraat verkoopprys: R2, 750,000 netto of naaste billike aanbod. 5 Slaapkamers, 3 Badkamers, Eetkamer /2 Sitkamers, Kombuis met spens, Lapa, Swembad, Dubbel garage asook groot afdak met parkering vir 4 motors, Stoorkamer, omhein met elektriese heining en alarmstelsel, Trellideure op oopmaak deure, Mooi gevestigde tuin. Gastehuis regte. Skakel asb Anina 015 307 7469 om afspraak te reël vir besigting van eiendom
Doornhoek Verkoopprys R890,000 netto of naaste billike aanbod. Leë erf 5,023m2. Skakel asb Anina 015 307 7469 om afspraak te reël vir besigting van eiendom
To Let Te Huur Woonstel Netjiese ruim 1 slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit-/eetkamer en kombuis. Toesluit tandem deel motorhuis vir 1 voertuig. Geen kinders en troeteldiere nie. R2 850-00 per maand. Water en ligte uitgesluit. Beskikbaar 1 September 2016. Deposito betaalbaar. Skakel Kobus by 083 442 3696.
Arborpark 2 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamers, dubbel motorhuis, pre-paid krag. R4 500 Lena Roos: 076 652 8008
Immediate Occupation, loo, shower, hand basin, cupboard kitchen, tiled, parking under cover. No pets. R2 350 pm water & electricity. 083 345 9999
Agatha 1 Slaapkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak, loop afstand vanaf CBD skuins oor Munisipaliteit. R3 600 Medipark (Akasia) dupleks 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamer, 1 studeerkamer, oopplan sitkamer, kombuis, dubbel toesluit motorhuis, eie tuin, 1 klein hondjie toegelaat. R6 000 Kantoor: 015 307 5151
Isabel: 083 448 5171 Annette: 083 443 0328
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
Enkel ma met twee kinders wat van Phalaborwa na Tzaneen verhuis benodig dringend behuising. Woonstel of kothuis in ‘n agterplaas kan goed werk. Skakel asb 076 070 4698 dringend.
Legals | Geregtelik “Residential 2”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 28 days from 26 August 2016. Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, within a period of 28 days from 26 August 2016. Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Sep101___________________________
TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 351 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 56(1)(b)(i) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986 (Ordonnansie 15 van 1986), gelees saam met SPLUMA 2013, kennis dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die hersonering van Gedeeltes 1 en 2 van Erf 252 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4, geleë te Parkstraat
8, van “Residensieël 1” na “Residensieël 2”. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2016. Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet binne ‘n tydperk van 28 dae vanaf 26 Augustus 2016 skriftelik by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, ingedien of gerig word. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850
Job Seeker l Werkgeleenthede 088 1874.
Driver My name is M S Morwasehla i am looking for driver worki have code 10 with PDP and i have IQF level 2 full time or part time is speak English contact me on 072 525 3281 (23) _____________________________
My name is Solomon Thembi Malumane i am looking for driver work i have code 10 with PDP, computer literacy i am studying Business Financial Management, i speak English, full time or part time contact me on 073 378 6409 (24) _____________________________
My name is Masilo Ronnie Bopape I am looking for driver work code 10 with PDP, I speak Englis, full time or 3 days. Any other general work as well, contact me on 082 662 0738 (25) _____________________________
Domestic My name is Ralepelle Mapula Jeaneth. I am looking for domestic work or general work. I can speak Afrikaans and English. I can also look after children. Can sleep in or out. Three days a week or full time. I have five years experience. Contact me on 078 690 7243.
(442) ____________________________
My name is Makoma Portia Mphulwane, I am looking for general work. I can speak English I do have Grade 12 and is office skilled. I can work full time or part time. Please contact me on 074 993 6761.
My name is Chritina Makgoba I am looking for a receptionis or administration position. I speak english and is computer literate. I also have advance IT. I can work part time or full time. Contact me on 082 627 0064. (42)_____________________________
(443) ____________________________
ication level 4 or any other work related i have a licence code 10 i speak English and is computer literate, contact me on 072 148 6242 (146) ____________________________
My name is Thembi Mobe i am looking for any general work, shop assistant or domestic work have computer literacy , did a course FET College Electrical Infrastructure level 4, i speak English have a code 10 licence contact me on 082 089 5687 (147) ____________________________
My name is Mampe Sharon Bvuma i am looking for admin clerk work, i have Financing Economics and Account Level 4, 12 experience in office work (general) i speak English and is computer literate contact me on 079 616 0851 (38) _____________________________
My name is Selaelo Pertunia Moshoma i am looking for Receptionist work / clerk work i have N6 in Management Assistant 18 months experience, computer literacy, i speak English full time or part time code 10 licence, contact me on 071 747 5394 (39) _____________________________
My name is Dikeledi Tears Malatji i am looking for sales assistant, receptionist work, i speak English or Afrikaans, computer literacy Grade 12, Bussiness Management N4 contact me on 063 048 5180
(441) ____________________________
(40) _____________________________
My name is Takalane Faith Mokati. I am looking for general work as a shop assistant, domestic work or office cleaning. I can speak English I do have Grade 11. I can work full time or part time. Please call me on 081
My name is Gracious Setabola i have Business Management N5 i have grade 12 and i can work as receptionist i can speak English and write contact me on 083 979 9296 (41) _____________________________
My name is Goodness Rakgoale i am looking for cashier work full time or 3 days, speak English contact me on 078 486 5038 (142) ____________________________
My name is Annicky Ngobeni i am looking for care taker work i have matric, licence code 10 and experience, computer literacy or cashier worker i speak English contact me on 078 677 5833 (143) ____________________________
My name is Evelin Zitha i am looking for any general work i have matric, National Diploma in Business Management (retail) i speak English i am computer literate have code 10 licence, contact me on 072 569 9262 (144) ____________________________
My name is Olga Mabuza i am looking for Security work i have Grade C,D,E and firearm training, Compudium, also a computer diploma, full time or part time i speak English. Contact me on 071 724 1521 (145) ____________________________
My name is Doctor Matome Mashala i am looking for mechanical assistant i have Engineering and Related design National Certificate Quil-
My name is Daniel Rachuene I am looking for work as a TLB driver or Excavotor driver, I have 6 years experience I can speak Afrikaans and English contact me on 073 961 8828 (148) ____________________________
My name is Fatah Dzamwaraka I am looking for work as painter and I can varnish all kinds of wood products doors, frames, ect. I speak English full time or part time. (ref: Rowan Deacon 084 5808177) contact me on 084 011 5112 (149) ____________________________
My name is Pertunia Molewa I am looking for any general work I speak English, full time or 3 days, office cleaning, or Security Grade E, D, C with SERA, computer literacy. Contact me on 072 625 8481 (150) ____________________________
My name is Flippie Mabunda I am looking for painting work I have exeperience, I speak English and Afrikaans, full time or part time I can do house painting, office painting, ect. (Ref: Pieter 071 8275275 ) contact me on 072 756 1652 (151) ____________________________
IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 2390/2014 In the case between: CERILO 171 BK T/A HI-Q TZANEEN EXECUTION CREDITOR And MR NGWAKO JOHANNES MAEBANA (ID: 590508 5362088) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 16 October 2015 the under mentioned goods
will be sold at 11:00 on 16 September 2016 by public auction to be held at MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE GA-KGAPANE, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, BOLOBEDU to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x 4 Piece Lounge suite plus coffee table 1 x Flat view colour tv 1 x Defy Microwave 1 x 1Tecknics Music System 1 x 1 Kelvinator Stand Freedge SIGNED AT TZANEEN on the 05th day of AUGUST 2016. SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET
TZANEEN, 0850 Email: enica@rvoster.co.za Tel: 015 307 6797 / Docex: 18 Ref: EMAKHUTHUDISE File No: BB0543 This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sherriff BOLOBEDU HANS MERENSKY STREET, DUIWELSKLOOF/MODJADJISKLOOF Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov.
za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) FICA legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the autioneers being MR N B SEGWANA. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Sep101___________________________
www.bulletin.us.com facebook.com/LowveldBulletin Instagram: Bulletintzn
Ketelmaker / Plaatmetaalwerker ZZ2 se Tegniese afdeling het vakatures beskikbaar vir Ketelmakers of Plaatmetaalwerkers in die Limpopo Provinsie. Die suksesvolle kandidate sal verantwoordelik wees vir die herstel en installering van pompe, betrokke wees by die uitvoering van waterontwikkelingsprojekte, pypverbindings doen, afhandeling van algemene konstruksiewerk, instandhouding en herstelwerk in pakhuise doen. Kandidate moet aan die volgende kwalifiserende vereistes voldoen: • ʼn Gekwalifiseerde ambag in een van die toepaslike dissiplines voltooi het, met bewys van registrasie (Rooi Seël). • Kandidate moet selfstandig en onafhanklik kan werk, maar ook in spanverband en beskik oor goeie kommunikasie- en leierskapsvaardighede met verkieslik ʼn kode EC (14) swaarvoertuiglisensie. • Oor praktiese ondervinding en wye ervaring beskik in meganiese herstelwerk, algemene sweiswerk, die trek van boorgate en die instandhouding van boorgat toerusting. • Aansoekers moet planmatig en prakties in die uitvoering van take wees. Verantwoordelikhede sluit die volgende in: • Herstel, instandhouding, belyning en installering van pompe en algemene pypwerk doen (las, verbindings, buig ). • Algemene konstruksiewerk, instandhouding en herstelwerk in pakhuise kan uitvoer. • Betrokke wees met voltooiing van ontwikkelingsprojekte by die nethuise, pakhuise en waterontwikkelingsprojekte. • Voldoening aan die ZZ2 waardestelsel en optrede binne die maatskappy se etiese kode.
Die maatskappy bied ʼn onderhandelbare, markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asseblief u CV per faks na 086 608 4824, of epos na werwing@zz2online.com. Rig navrae Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390 of James Erasmus by 015 395 8304. www.zz2.co.za ZZ2Farming Sluitingsdatum: 3 September 2016.
TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 351 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Section 56(1)(b)(i) of the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance 15 of 1986), read together with SPLUMA 2013, that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, by the rezoning of Portions 1 and 2 of Erf 252 Tzaneen Extension 4, situated at 8 Park Street, from “Residential 1” to
2 September 2016
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste
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Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 Okt505___________________________
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Wisani Burial Society
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The Invisible Chef We will surprise your mouth! Birthday parties Office lunches Weddings Year end functions Elna 083 371 9190 Cindy 079 692 1180 Feb305___________________________
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Provento Crop Protection Verskaffer van kwaliteit pakhuis chemikalieë. Conrad Lubbe 082 927 4070 015 307 7042 Jun305___________________________
Tzaneen Country Lodge Accommodation, Weddings, Spa, Conference, Restaurant, Sunday Buffet. R71 Phalaborwa Road Tarentaalrand 015 304 3290 Jun306___________________________
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2 September 2016 15
Vossie-krieketspan wen met 300 lopies Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se tweede krieket- gawedstryd teen die Hoërskool Eric Louw gekolf en danksy die vernietigende kolfbeurt span het hul eerste twee ligawedstryde oor- met 54 lopies gewen. Die Vossies het eerste van Frans Pohl, wat 106 lopies van slegs 35 tuigend gewen. Hulle het die balle aangeteken het, slaag afgelope naweek ‘n groot sege bedie Vossies om 218 lopies in 25 boulbeurte aan te teken. haal, deur die span van die HoërEric Louw was almal uit vir skool Merensky met 300 lopies te wen. 164 lopies. Vernon Harms was die beste Die Vossies het eerste gekolf en ‘n totaal van 383/7 in 50 boulbouler vir die Vossies. Hy het 5 paaltjies vir slegs 17 lopies beurte aangeteken. Johan Harms in 7 boulbeurte laat kantel. met 108 van 83 balle, Ruan Steenkamp met 107 van 122 balle en Ben Vorster se o.18 Hayden Butler met 61 nun van 58 meisiespan het teen Giyani gespeel en met een paaltjie balle het uitstekend met die kolf verloor. Hierdie jong span gevaar. Merensky was nie opgehet vir ‘n naelbytwedstryd wasse teen die akkurate boulwerk van die Vossies nie en het slegs gesorg deur hul 94 lopies 83 lopies aangeteken. Tristin du met goeie veld- en boulPreez was die Vossies se beste Die Vossies se o.18-krieketmeisies: Voor is Melissa Naudé, Mercia Vorster, werk te verdedig. Hulle kon bouler met 6 paaltjies vir slegs 9 Bianca Janse van Rensburg, Poula Ntuli en Lerato Theko, en agter is Ted- egter net-net nie Giyani se 9’e lopies in 7 boulbeurte. dy Moliwa, Catherine Mathabela, Dieketseng Manyama, Diketso Manyama, paaltjie betyds laat val nie en moes die onderspit delf. Die span het ook hul eerste liMarizelle van Zyl en Sunell Strydom.
Use this QR Code to take you to the SuperSport weekly schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com, as we will henceforth be publishing it on Bulletin’s website every Friday.
Beeld-eindstryd Na ‘n lang en suksesvolle seisoen het die o.14-rugbyspan van Merensky in die eindstryd om die Beeldtrofee Saterdag teen Ellisras gespeel en met 17-5 verloor. Die Plasies se enigste punte is deur flank Tiaan Botha aangeteken met ‘n mooi drie.
Plasie-hokkie skud stadskole
Hier is die lede van die o.15-span: Voor is Jan-Carel van Niekerk, Moeletsi Manwana, Arné le Grange, Ryan Jackson en Masilo Mabilo. Agter: Mnr Louis Fourie (afrigter), Itumeleng Makhubela, Dillon de Lange, Ulrich Koster, Luann Botha, Johan Strydom en Gideon Engelbrecht.
Plasie-hokkiespelers het nogal amok gemaak by die jaarlikse Sutherland Seweshokkietoernooi in Centurion. Kragte is gemeet teen gerekende stadskole soos Eldoraigne, HF Verwoerd en die gashere self, Sutherland. Merensky het hard geveg en die vrugte gepluk. Die o.15- en o.18-seunspanne het die be-kereindstryd gewendus goue medaljes ver-
ower. Die o.15-meisies het silwer medaljes verower, terwyl die o.18-meisies die plaatstryd gewen het. Drie van die vier benoemde “Spelers van die toernooi” was van Plasieland: JJ Davis (seuns o.18), Dillon de Lange (seuns o.15) en Kesia Pohl (meisies o.15).
REGS: Dillon de Lange, Kesia Pohl en JJ Davis vertoon trots hul medaljes.
Sewes-rugby skop af
Hier is die Laerskool Dr Annecke in Letsitele se toplandloopatlete (van eerste tot tiende plek in die Inniemandjie- en die Lemoenfees. Voor is Kunene Sambo, Vukulu Masinge, Ntwanano Mashaba, Riko Gubitz (eerste by albei geleenthede) en Musa Shikwambana. Agter is Jani Minnaar, Palesa Montle, Palesa Shiluvane, Louise Snyman en Meonah Masekana.
Limpopo-kleure vir Vossies: Die
Hoërskool Ben Vorster se skuts het aan die Limpopo-skyfskietkampioenskappe deelgeneem en die spanlede het almal Limpopo-kleure verwerf. Rugert Schnell het tydens die kampioenskappe drie goue medaljes in die o.16-afdeling, een eerste plek en twee tweede plekke losgeskiet. Hano Sliep het ‘n derde plek (kniel) in die o.16-afdeling gewen en Maryke Basson het drie goue medaljes, een eerste plek en twee tweede plekke in die o.14-afdeling gewen, met ‘n totaal van 511/600 (85%). Hier is, voor: Maryke Basson, Johandré le Roux en Zack van Zyk, en agter is Rugert Schnell, Hano Sliep en Sean Fourie. Afwesig: Dirk Grobler.
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se junior en senior seuns- en meisieslandloopspanne het aan die interhoër-landloopkompetisie by die HTS Tom Naudé deelgeneem. Die senior meisies het die beste gevaar deur algeheel tweede, na die span van PHS, te eindig.Hier is die senior meisies: Jonelle Oberholzer, Racheal du Plessis, Lara Schutte en Jenna Auret.
Die Hoërskool Merensky se o.15- en o.18 Sewes-rugbyspanne het Saterdag aan die Sutherland Sewestoernooi in Centurion deelgeneem. Dit was die eerste wedstryde vir die seisoen en afrigters het van die geleentheid gebruik gemaak om spelers te begin voorberei vir wat voorlê. Die o.15-seuns het Sutherland High School en die Hoërskool Barberton in hul poelwedstryde gewen, maar vasgeval teen Pretoria Boys High. Hulle het in die Plaat-halfeindstryd teen die Hoërskool Centurion naelskraap 17-19 verloor. Die o.18-manne het in ‘n baie goeie begin die Hoërskool Hans Moore met 28-0 kafgedraf. Daarna het hulle nog twee wedstryde gewen en een verloor, om in die Plaateindstryd teen die Hoërskool Wonderboom kragte te meet. Wonderboom wen met 36-21. Masedi Manamela, Noko Malatji en Freddie Lubbe is in die o.18-span as “Spelers van die wedstryd” aangekondig.
WA R N I N G ! Monday
5:15 am
5:10 pm
6:00 pm
Ses Plasie-spelers is genooi om aan proewe deel te neem vir ‘n uitnodigingspan wat later vanjaar in Dubai gaan toer, naamlik Quiniso Madzhiga, Masedi Manamela, Dylan Herrendoerfer, Ruurd Jacobs, Jan-Carel Pretorius en Rudolph Beetge. Hierby is die lede van die o.18-
span: Voor is Delux Jooste en Morné Small. In die middelry is mnr Johannes Seerane (afrigter), Freddie Lubbe, Dylan Herrendoerfer en Rudolph Beetge, en agter staan Ruurd Jacobs, MJ Bensch, Jan-Carel Pretorius, Quiniso Madzhiga, Masedi Manamela en Noko Malatji.
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2 September 2016
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James Vorster, ‘n gr 9-leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is gekies vir Limpopo se junior Limpopo gholfspan. James was een van twee Vossies wat aan Limpopo se junior kampioenskappe deelgeneem het. Franco Broodryk het in die B-afdeling deelgeneem en 92 houe gespeel. James het in die A-afdeling deelgeneem en het in die eerste ronde 83 houe en in die tweede 78 houe gespeel. James het ‘n algehele tweede plek behaal. István Schuch, ‘n gr 8-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, presteer tans in ‘n uitsonderlike sport. Hy is vir die o.14 SA Polocrossespan gekies, wat onlangs in Lusaka, Zambië, aan ‘n internasionale toernooi deelgeneem het. Sy span het 2 van die 3 wedstryde gewen. Die huidige SA wêreldbeker se spanbestuur het bevestig dat hul spelvlak gedurende die toernooi van die beste gehalte nog vir ‘n o.14-span was. István is ook beloon met ‘n toekenning vir die beste speler in sy posisie tydens een van die wedstryde. Hy is ‘n lid van die Limpopo Crusaders Polocrosse Klub in Louis Trichardt.
Clariska Venter, ‘n gr 11-leerling van die Hoërskool Merensky, het aan die JKA Provinsiale Karatekampioenskappe deelgeneem en ‘n brons medalje vir Kata en goud vir Kumite gekry.
Mee Anandi Janse van Rensburg en Jorina Vorster (regs, twee onderwyseresse van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, het onlangs hulle Vlak 2-praktiese netbalafrigterseksamen suksesvol voltooi. Dit bring die getal Vossie-netbalafrigters wat Vlak 2 het tot by vier. Die Vossies het ook twee SASN-skeidregters!
In full swing…
Vier junior ringbalspelers van die Tzaneen-klub het onlangs hul SA kleure verwerf, terwyl nog drie vir die SA Uitnodigingspan gekies is. Agter is die vier wat hul nasionale kleure gekry het: Sharice Smith, Mia Mostert, Talah Woodward en Devinn van der Westhuijzen. Voor is die drie SA Uitnodigingspan-spelers: Stefan van der Westhuijzen, Rejani de Bruin en JJ de Beer.
Oubal wil vandag hulde bring aan ons Bok-afrigter Allister Coetzee. Oubal dink neef Allister is ‘n unieke, enig-in-sy-soort tipe mens wat bewondering waardig is. ‘Tja, want daar staan dit Maandag in vet letters op die sportblad van die GAD*: Allister is nie Moedeloos nie. Oubal kan met honderd persent sekerheid sê dat neef Allister na verlede Saterdag se verloor teen Argentinië die enigste SA rakbieliefhebber moet wees wat NIE moedeloos is nie, ‘n absoluut unieke posisie om in te wees! Maar miskien lees Oubal die gemoed in die bedroefde land verkeerd, dat ons inderdaad nie moedeloos is nie, maar in werklikheid tot keelwordens toe dik en uitermate gatvol is vir die geploeter van ‘n eens trotse Bokspan. Oubal is oud genoeg om te onthou hoe moedeloos ons was met oorlede Nelie Smith en sy 33 Bokke na die vernedering teen Willie-John McBride se 1974 Leeus, maar wat ons nou beleef is veel erger as toe. Oubal is nou eenmaal nie iemand wat daarvan hou om verkeerd bewys te word nie, maar daar kom kere dat hy nog minder daarvan hou om reg bewys te word. Oubal herinner dus graag sy lesers daaraan dat hy einde verlede jaar hier geskryf het, “Oubal dink dus Heyneke en Coetzee is vinkel en koljander..”. Maar Oubal was verkeerd, al was hy reg. Met Heyneke kon ons darem nog die Bokke se spelpa-
Stoffel Vermaak jr en Hannes Grobbelaar, albei van Tzaneen, het aan die Bela Bela Ystermankompetisie deelgeneem en saamsaam oor die eindstreep gehardloop in ‘n tyd van 4 uur en 4 minute.
The first age group gala of the 2016/2017 season was hosted by Shamu Swimming Club in Tzaneen. Swimming is now in full swing and the nice weather is an encouraging factor for those who thought of waiting a little bit before starting to practise full out.
In sy hart is Oubal oortuig dat selfs al was dit Allister se instruksie dat die bal in die hoeke in geskop moet word, was Mapoe se aksie nie wat hy bedoel het nie. Geen speler wat sy sout werd is en by sy volle verstand is, behoort in so ‘n belowende aanvallende posisie so ‘n stommiteit aan te vang nie, ongeag van die afrigter se opdragte. Wat Oubal nog meer ontstel het, is dat Morné Steyn twee seisoene terug presies dieselfde teen die AB’s gedoen het. Oubal het toe gehoop dat hy Steyn nooit weer in ‘n Boktrui sou sien nie, maar hoe bankrot ons rakbie werklik is, is versinnebeeld met die einste Steyn se herverskyning op die veld Saterdag. En ‘n mens kan nie eers vir Allister beskuldig van BB voorkeure nie! ‘Tja, met Steyn terug dink Oubal dinge kan dalk vorentoe nog lol teen die Aussies, maar duidelik het ons niks te vrees teen NZ nie. Daarvoor was Steyn se 8/99 op Centurion darem net te oortuigend, bekwaam bygestaan deur Vernon Philander en Kagiso Rabada, wat sekerlik die vreesaanjaendste snelaanval sedert die gloriedae van die Windies is. So, nee, ons is nie heeltemal moedeloos nie, Allister!
Ons is nie Moedeloos nie! troon op ‘n manier ontsyfer, al was dit ‘n naïewe, bedenklike manier van speel; as Oubal ‘n miljoen rand gehad het, sou hy dit met liefde weggegee het vir die persoon wat vir hom kan sê wat die Bokke verlede Saterdag probeer doen het. Oubal dink egter sy miljoen rand sou heel veilig gewees het, want daar wás geen identifiseerbare manier van speel nie (tensy ‘n mens ‘n afkophoender-geskarrel sonder die bal ‘n spelpatroon wil noem). Nou hoor Oubal die raasbek Leeu-ondersteuners sê die probleem is dat hul sterspelers, wat hulle Saterdag met net soveel glorie beklee het as ‘n paar weke terug in Wellington, nie inpas by Allister se spelpatroon nie. Een enkele insident in daardie wedstryd wys hoe verkeerd hulle is. Die Bokke wen omgekeerde besit (’n rariteit!) op die Poemas se kwartlyn en die bal gaan na links tot in Lionel Mapoe se hande, en wat doen hy? Hy skop die dêm bal in die kwartgebied oor die kantlyn!
*GAD: Grootste Afrikaanse Dagblad
“In reality, hope is the worst of all evils, because it prolongs man’s torments.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!