Bulletin 161021

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Diagnostic Radiologists R200 off all mammograms done in October —

Breast Cancer Awareness month

21 October 2016

015 307 7248



Rural ares:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Book your mammogram today!

Mediclinic Tzaneen • 015 306 0098 • www.afrirad.co.za

Photo: Joe Dreyer

A FLY IN MY POOL. Ockert Schoeman cuts through the water in lane six during Wednesday’s inter-schools gala held at Laerskool Tza-

neen Primary. The purpose of the gala was to determine which of the schools in this district would participate in the Top 10 Schools meet,

to be held in November. Schoeman won his race convincingly despite tough competition from Musina and Phalaborwa .

Transporter arrested Page 3

Page 7

Lees binne Read inside


R528 open in November Page 3

tioning and when informed that the plants were stolen, became aggressive and sped off towards Politsi. Botes gave chase once again, but this time called a local security company to assist. “With two security vehicles and myself in tow, we tried in vain to get the man to pull over. He swore at the security officers and refused to stop the vehicle as they were THE CHASE not police.” The driver then turned the vehicle around and was heading back towards Tzaneen. The security officials alerted Tzaneen SAPS who set up a makeshift roadblock on the R36 at the bridge leading into town from George’s Valley. He was finally pulled over and escorted to the police station where he was questioned and detained in the

Maand van selfstandigheid Bladsy 4

holding cells. According to the man’s statement he was acting under order of a well-known businessman from the area with dealings in Polokwane. “I know that these are my trees and I have the certificates to prove it. This seems to be a personal vendetta against me, as the businessman in question and I have a tainted past,” said Botes. Police spokesperson, Glenda Maimele, confirmed that Jean Grant Ellis (36) was arrested for possession of cycads and appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Thursday. — Joe Dreyer



Bowls round 2

Page 7

Page 15

Vossies beste in provinsie Bladsy 16



Mediese fondse | Korttermynversekering | Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning | Beleggings Testamente | Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid | Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments | Testaments | Estate planning | Pension funds | Disability insurance | Stocks


10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587




A prominent businessman from Polokwane has been implicated in the theft and transportation of cycads following the arrest of a man in Tzaneen on Tuesday afternoon. According to Mr Petrus Botes of the farm Lushof just outside Tzaneen, he reported the theft of 22 cycads off his property in September this year. “I grow these trees in order to conduct studies around the effects of introducing genetically modified organisms into the growth process of cycads,” Botes said. “A month ago these plants were stolen off my property and I immediately laid a charge of theft of protected species at the local police station.” The plants are protected species and Botes is in possession of permits for each one. A month later (on Tuesday) Botes was en route to the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre when he spotted a delivery vehicle transporting a large number of cycads travelling in the opposite direction. Noticing that the plants bore strong resemblance to the ones stolen from him, he gave chase and eventually caught up to the vehicle. “I followed the vehicle as it turned towards George’s Valley and flagged the driver down to pull over. It was a young man driving and what appears to have been his mother sitting in the passenger seat. We stopped next to the highway and I asked him where the plants were from as I was interested in purchasing some of them. He said he bought them for a man called George.” The driver allegedly became agitated at Botes’ ques-


21 October 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth


LiN Member

Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Publisher Laeveld Bulletin Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Angie Woodward 078 663 5556 angie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamry.n@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com

Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue.ettmayr@gmail.com Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 015 307 7248 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani

Vlieg Vlieg het nog nie hierdie dekolonisasie-ding heeltemal onder die been, of vlerk nie! Die dat hy maar op die uitkyk bly vir die een of ander brokkie inligting wat hom dalk tot beter of enige insigte kan bring. So hoor hy van die nie-wetenskap Ikey wat vandeesweek die volgende te sê gehad het tydens die voorslepende protes aan die voet van die plat koppie. “Wetenskap is ‘n produk van Westerse modernisering en die hele ding moet geskrap word, veral in Afrika. Ek het ‘n vraag vir al die wetenskapmense. Daar is ‘n plek in Kwazulu-Natal waar hulle glo deur toorkuns, julle noem dit swart toorkuns, hulle noem dit heksery, weerlig gestuur kan word om iemand te tref. Kan jy dit wetenskaplik verduidelik? Want dit is iets wat gebeur. Westerse kennis is bepaal deur Newton, wat met die idee van swaartekrag vorendag gekom het toe hy ‘n appel uit ‘n boom sien val het. Op grond hiervan het hy sy gelykstelling gemaak, wat sonder bevraagtekening oral aanvaar word. Maak nie saak waar ‘n mens is nie, dit is Newton se verduideliking wat geld en niks anders nie. Westerse moderniteit is die probleem wat regstreeks deur dekolonisasie gehanteer moet word. Dit is om te sê ons gaan dekoloniseer deur ons eie kennis te vervaardig en dit is kennis wat uit ons perspektief kom. Die dekolonisasie van wetenskap sal

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...

Vlieg se kolon-is-seer!

beteken dat daar in geheel weggedoen moet word daarmee en dat daar van voor af bewys moet word hoe ons reageer op die omgewing en hoe ons dit verstaan. Westerse kennis is pateties en daar kan meer gedoen word deur nuwe kennisvervaardigers te wees.” Vlieg was nou nie seker of dit tot hiertoe genoeg vermaak sou wees vir gereelde Vlieglesers as vandeesweek se bydraa tot hierdie nuuspapiertjie, en of hy nog ‘n bietjie moes uitwei nie. So wei wei hy toe maar uit. Om beter te verstaan, veral as dit oor akademiese sake handel, slaan hy toe maar weer na in sy betroubare Verklarende Handwoordeboek van die Afrikaanse Taal, omdat dit vir hom duidelik was dat of hy, of voormelde nie-wetenskap Ikey nie weet wat wetenskap en/of kennis en/of perspektief beteken nie. we’ten-skap s.nw. 1 Geheel van die menslike kennis; kennis van feite, verskynsels en wette, verkry en bewys deur waarneming, eksperiment en logiese redenering ken’nis s.nw. 1 Wat iemand ken of weet; die geheel van wat iemand weet 2 Bewussyn 3 Verstand, begrip 4 Bekendheid met per-spek-tief s.nw. Vermoë om dinge in hul verhouding en belangrikheid tot mekaar te sien Wat by Vlieg ‘n baie filosofiese vraag laat

ontstaan het, of wetenskap verskillende perspektiewe kan hê? Vlieg sal daaroor moet nadink en konsulteer, veral omdat hy nie seker is of die filosofie ook dalk gedekoloniseer gaan word nie. Dit maak die antwoord dalk nog meer gekompliseerd. Dis duidelik ‘n storie vir ‘n ander dag. Maar as Vlieg dan nou die voorgestelde dekolonisering van die wetenskap en die wegdoening met wat ons gedink het ons reeds weet en die daaropvolgende vervaardiging van nuwe wetenskaplike kennis verstaan, is ons in vir ‘n paar veranderinge in hierdie land. Ons sal moet wegdoen met behuising, elektrisiteit en watervoorsiening. Terug hutte, vure en riviere toe. Geen motors (nie eers luukse Duitse viertrek-nutsvoertuie nie), paaie en vliegtuie nie, terug na toonklap, donkiery en grondpaaie. Weg met selfone, die internet en data. Terug na posduiwe, boodskappers en briewe onder klippe los. Niks meer Louis Vittone, Jimmy Choo en Victoria’s Secret nie, eerder knapsak, vellies en uithangtieties. Geen Woolies, KFC en Nando’s nie, maar weer botter karring, brood bak en biltong maak. Maar dan weer, is dit nie maar in elk geval wat die laaste twee dekades in die land gebeur het nie… “Kennisvervaardigers”…bid Vlieg aan!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

Visit the Kuhestan gardens

E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: lihanie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: tammy@bulletin.us.com Sport: joe@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951

Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.

Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies

Chilly Lilly open The azalea maze at Kuhestan Organic Farm is ablaze with magenta azaleas throughout the ten minute stroll. The Farm, on the “J” dirt road off the R71 coming up the Kloof from Tzaneen, is also about to open a weekends only small coffee shop. Kuhestan has turned into one of the “must see” gardens in the Haenertsburg area. It all began when present owners Shahrzad and Brett Hone bought the four hectare property, that includes a portion of the Woodbush indigenous forest, fifteen years ago. The Hones planted 250 magenta azaleas for the maze in 2010 and shaped the plants to form the maze four years later. There are also white and miniature pink azaleas as well as a striking double red. Two camellia trees front the maze. Shahrzad is originally from Iran (once Persia) and Kuhestan means “land of mountains” in Persian. Two hectares are devoted to gardens with flowers, vegetables, fruit trees, exotics and all joined by arches and pathways. Shahrzad calls it The Garden of Unity. There are signs dotted around with quotes from every religion. The Hones spent the first three years fencing the property and planted 740 Hass and Fuerte avocados. They bought 50 bare root raspberry canes from a Cape Town nursery. These have

Jaques van Niekerk Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril *Termes & voorwaardes geld. Tel: 015 307 3703 • 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen

multiplied into tens of thousands of raspberries. Kuhestan Organic Farm is the only raspberry grower on the Mountain and holds a raspberry picking festival every February. The Kuhestan Gardens are open daily from 09:00 to 15:00. The Hones built three cottages consisting of five separate units. Two face the Woodbush forest and one faces the rolling gardens. Kuhestan Organic Farm was the first in South Africa to make natural cordials eight years ago. The factory is on the farm and makes 12 different flavours. Shahrzad, with her business-minded background, is a stickler for meeting government and international standards. She’s now applying for the ISO 22000, the food safety certification. This will enable Kuhestan Organic Farm to export. Shahrzad has had enquiries from the UK, Germany and Las Vegas in Nevada, USA. Earlier this year the Department of Agriculture awarded her female entrepreneur of the year. She also won an award as overall winner as Kuhestan Organic Farm complies with all government requirements. Today Kuhestan plants some 2,000 seedlings of bedding flowers per annum with Shahrzad’s latest pride and joy being peonies. — Sue Ettmayr

Ms Altha Addison (left) and her daughter Ms Xandy Schreiber from Magoebaskloof have opened their new restaurant Chilly Lilly at the 1927 historic home at 30 Agatha Street, Tzaneen. — Photo: Sue Ettmayr

ONLY R79.00

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lillyrestaurant@gmail.com • Yoga classes: Tuesdays & Thursdays 7am-8am & 5pm-6pm • Art classes: Wednesdays 2pm-3pm

Stand van Damme | Dam Levels

Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 17/10/2016

Tzaneen 17.1%

Ebenezer 62.2%

Merensky 40.5%

Dap Naude 72.3%

Middel Letaba 18.6%

Blyde Rivier Poort 39.4%

Klaserie 27.1%

Tours 30.6%

Vergelegen 67.5%

Ohrigstad 2.6%


Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen

21 October 2016


R528 will open in November A side view of the repaired section of the R528 which shows the newly installed concrete culverts. So sayeth Jomo Mashiane, the contractor appointed to fix the sinkhole in George’s Valley. The project is nearing completion and has had to overcome some unforeseen obstacles along the way which has hampered progress, but all is good on the valley front, Mashiane said in an interview last week. “The road will be open for use by the end of this month, guaranteed. The delay came as we waited for feedback from Telkom to assist us in moving their cable as we did not want to damage it by moving it ourselves. We now face a challenge regarding the correct type of soil for filling so that we can start with road surface.” According to him, the soil at the site was not the correct type for the job at hand and they have now shipped in a G5 type gravel to complete the current phase of the project. “The other, more serious issue we faced was when Telkom delayed in assisting us with that data cable which runs along the length of the road. We have been waiting for them since April and we cannot wait any longer, as we are approaching the rainy season and the project is not done yet.” Bulletin spoke to Telkom to get to the bottom of these allegations. We were told

a different story. “The contractor wanted to cut the cable,” our Telkom source said. “Our technical division along with a planner, Charles Banda, visited the site a few times and explained to the contractor that a fibre optic data cable cannot simply be cut and then mended afterwards. We explained to them that they can merely move the cable out of the way and continue work, after which they simply move it back again.” Be that as it may, the progress thus far in George’s Valley is looking promising. Bulletin paid a visit there this week and we saw the new concrete culverts have been installed and work has now started on the filling and reparation of the road surface. We were told by one of the workers at the site that the crew had been working non-stop to complete the project which is now a month behind schedule. “When we are finished with this section of the road, we will start with auxiliary service on the rest of the route such as patchwork, signage and road markings. At this stage, however, those are secondary objectives,” said Mashiane. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

A construction crew member stands next to one of the road closure signs which

AVB-CMP-04-BULL 2016-10-19T11:12:14+02:00 warns road users to use the alternate crossing when travelling from Haenerts-

burg towards Tzaneen.



21 October 2016



TZN word selfstandig

P.O Box 36, Modjadjiskloof, 0835 Tel (015) 309 9246/7/8 Fax (015) 309 9419• Email:greaterletaba@glm.gov.za

Greater Letaba Municipality invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following position: DIRECTOR: TECHNICAL SERVICES (5 years contract) REMUNERATION PACKAGE: R 768,305 - R 878,063 - R 987,820.00 p.a

(Total remuneration package will be paid as per the applicable Determinations on Upper Limits)

A Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering / B.Tech Engineering or equivalent. 5 Years experience at a middle management level, or as program/project manager. 3-4 Years, must be at professional/ management level, engineering management experience. Certificate of competency as required in terms of the General Machinery Regulations, 1988 and or registration with a recognized relevant engineering professional body will be an added advantage. A Qualification relating to the National Treasury Competency Requirements for Senior Officials i.e CPMD/MFMP/ELMDP will be an added advantage. A code EB driver’s license.


Good knowledge and understanding of relevant policy and legislation. Good knowledge and understanding of institutional governance systems and performance management. Must have extensive knowledge of the public office environment. Must be able to formulate engineering master planning. Project management and implementation. Must be computer literate and possess proven skills in respect of planning and organizing, problem solving, presentation, conflict resolution, communication and people management.


Manage the provision of services to the local community in a sustainable and equitable manner, including but not limited to the following: *Provision of water, sanitation, roads and storm water and sewerage, fully responsible for the management, operation, maintenance, planning and administration of the electricity network. *Provide advisory services to the Council regarding all aspects related to technical services. *Develop, implement and manage strategic goals, policies, procedures, and plans for the directorate.*Develop policies and guidelines for the effective operation of services delivery.*Develop a program for infrastructural services delivery within the municipal area in line with the IDP, and overseeing its implementation.*Coordinate and supervise the management of projects, implementing National Building Regulations, taking the required responsibility as defined in the occupational Health and Safety Act, and its regulations. *Ensure implementation of Council resolutions related to technical services.*Ensure submission of directorate reports in line with the legislative requirements for council and other organs of the state.

Greater Letaba Municipality is an equal opportunity affirmative action employer. It is our in-tention to promote representation (race, gender and disability) in the municipality through filling of this position. Candidates whose appointment promotes representation will receive preference. The municipality reserves the right not to fill any of the advertised position. Applications should be submitted on an official application form obtainable from the municipal website (www.greaterletaba.gov.za) / Greater Letaba municipality offices and must be accompanied by comprehensive curriculum vitae, certified copies of academic qualifications, academic records, Identity Document and driver’s license. Short listed can-didates will be required to produce original copies of qualifications and identity document on or before the appointment.

Afriforum Tzaneen het hierdie maand hul “Maand van Selfstandigheid” projek in Tzaneen geloods. Die projek is landswyd van stapel gestuur met die hooffokus op padveiligheid. Lede van dié organisasie

Diarise the 29th of October for the second annual Local is Lekka Family Festival hosted by Craig and Angie Woodward at The Manor Guest House. The festival promotes all local arts, crafts, products and artists and promises to be an event worth braving the fluctuating weather for. NTT Toyota is the main sponsor for the entertainment which will be local band, Framus and Pete Roxx, winner of the Limpopo Superstar Competition.

Enquiries must be directed to Dr. M.B. Letsoalo / Mr Mapatha S.P at 015 309 9246/7/8.

Closing date: 7 November 2016, 12:00.

The Lions are hosting the Potjiekos Competition as part of their 100 year celebration. Entry fees are R200 per team with a maximum of four members. Contact Endria Enslin on 084 487 9063 or Angie on 078 663 5556 for further info. There will be lots of stalls exhibiting and lots of fun for the kids. They are also hosting a Little Miss Manor Competition presented by Amone modelling Academy. Contact Leandri on 078 387 6838 / 076 423 4192 for further info.

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Please forward all applications through the prescribed form to: The Municipal Manager, Greater Letaba Municipality, P.O. Box 36, Modjadjiskloof 0835, or applications may be hand delivered at the Municipal Offices, Civic Centre, Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof. Faxed or e-mailed applications will not be considered.

daardie areas. Die span het ingespring en dié areas beveilig deur verfherstelwerk te doen. Hier is die span besig om die stopsteken oorkant Laerskool Tzaneen in Windsorstraat oor te verf.

Local is Lekka Family festival

NB: When you apply for this post, you give the municipality consent to process your personal information. The successful candidate will be subjected to security clearance, required to submit disclosure of financial interest, be expected to sign an employment contract and performance agreement. Recommended candidates will be subjected a competency assessment test. Correspondences will only be entered into with short listed candidates. Applicants will be penalized for canvassing.

se plaaslike tak het in die week spesifieke kruisings, voetoorgange, spoedhobbels, eilande en sypaadjies in die dorp identifiseer wat as onveilige kruisings gesien word weens die hoë volume verkeer deur







BED CITY POLOKWANE BED CITY TZANEEN BED CITY MOKOPANE BED CITY MANKWENG BED CITY THOHOYANDOU 015 291 1218 015 307 4855 015 491 5512 015 267 0016 015 962 5071

Mrs MASHABA T.G MUNICIPAL MANAGER bulletin©11362glm161021tb

TRADING HOURS - Weekdays: 08:00 - 17:00 Saturday: 08:00 - 13:00 - Public Holidays: 08:00-13:00

s j 3 2 4 3 8 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ 2




2 0 1 6 - 1 0 - 1 4 T1 6 : 0 5 : 2 6 + 0 2 : 0 0

21 October 2016



21 October 2016

Our Opinion


Ons reis deur die afgelope twaalf jaar...

The Message

21 October 2016

I allegedly fix(ed) it

Irresponsible gossip mongering can cause a lot of damage. More so when the origin of the rumour is not substantiated but presented as fact in order to strengthen other unsubstantiated claims to allow for the creation of a story where there really never was one. To illustrate the severity and impact of such irresponsible, unconfirmed spam, the community of Tzaneen is in a state of absolute panic following a rumour spread about a girl who was “almost kidnapped” at a popular family eatery in town. The confusion is further fuelled by the statement “allegedly” because now nobody seems to know what exactly happened – including the person who reported it. If she was almost kidnapped, how do we know with absolute certainty that the intention was to kidnap her in the first place? Bulletin spent the better part of this last week trying to trace the “alleged kidnap(ing)” victim but to no avail. We went to the restaurant and had a look at some of the CCTV footage of the incident and here is what we found: two girls, from different races, playing together before saying goodbye to each other at the restaurant entrance. The alleged kidnapping victim then went back inside to join her family. It was “alleged” that the girl was a pupil at Laerskool Tzaneen Primary – false. She was on a visit with her family from Botswana. It is “alleged” that an African woman in a white dress led her out of the restaurant to the parking lot – false. The alleged kidnapper is actually a pupil at said Primary school and not an adult woman. Lastly, and possibly the most important piece of this ridiculous puzzle is the fact that no case was opened. Be careful not to allow your own personal misconstrued fears and opinions to blind you to the facts. In conclusion, we cannot allow for the spreading of rumours to pass through the Alleged(ly) Arch as though it is a holy rite of passage to truth. *The information above was gathered through numerous phone calls and conversations with various individuals who had knowledge pertaining to this story. Video footage was also supplied clearly showing no wrong doing on anyone’s behalf.

10368 7 The Numbers 2459


The maximum number of joints mailed per month to four medical patients in the United States. They were the subjects of an experiment in 1976.

Local Hero Thank you to the men and women from this organization who took it upon themselves to make the roads a safer place for all in Tzaneen.

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church Mag die Here met u wees. Ek verstaan nie die mensdom al prober ek hoe hard! Ek lees in die koerant van ‘n Dominee wat by ‘n rugby wedstryd ‘n bier drink en almal klim op die wa en gee hul meening, die herrie is los. Hoe kan ‘n dominee so iets doen? Hier le die probleem; mense dink dat leeraars is bo enige iemand anders en al verkondig hulle die Evangelie aan, moet hulle in ‘n heilig toring bly. Hulle mag nie menslik wees nie. Ek wonder hoe mense hul Bybel lees? Gebruik hulle die Bybel vir hulle eie gewin? Daar is beslis riglyne in die Bybel maar dit moet in konteks geneem word. Enige skrif leesing kan verdraai word om die mens te pas en om vir ander te veroordeel. Maar Jesus het ook gese: “Die wie nie gesondig het, laat hom die eerste klip gooi” Nou wonder ek ook wat sal gebeur as dit kom by die Engelse kerke wat wel wyn in die nagmaal gebruik, is hulle ook sondaars? In die dae wat Jesus hier op aarde was, was dit die gebruik om wyn te drink by ‘n maaltyd, ek vermoed dat die rede was dat die water miskien brak was. Jesus het nie die mens hieroor veroordeel maar het ook daarvan gedrink. Maar matigheid was die sletuel woord en so moet alles gedoen word. As die dominee in ‘n besope staat was so dit heel te maal anders gewees het. Maar wat doen ‘n gewone mens as hy of sy sien dat ‘n dominee wel vervalle raak?Daar is riglyne in die Bybel hoe gewerk moet gaan, gebruik mense hierdie riglyne, of haardloop hulle en verkondig dit aan almal aan?

Die kantoor van Limpopo se grondeisekommissaris sit sonder geld. Waardeerders en landmeters gaan op ‘n sloerstaking, terwyl hotelle en gastehuise weier om grondeise-personeel te huisves weens wanbetaling of die gebrek daaraan. Van die waardasies sou ongeldig verklaar word weens die gesloer en agterstallige vergoeding. Nog nuus op die voorblad van 22 Oktober 2004 is die aankondiging van Plan C vir die redding van Magoebaskloof se teeplantasies, wat na twaalf jaar steeds smeul. Ons gaan vir die res van die jaar elke week ‘n voorblad wys. Dit gaan be-slis interessant wees om te sien wat twaalf jaar gelede die hoofnuus in die toonaangewende nuusblad van Limpopo se Laeveld was. Eweneens gaan dit interessant wees om te sien hoe die styl en adverteerders oor die jare verander het. Geniet dit gerus! Bulletin will show a front page of twelve years back for the rest of the year to recall memories on the main issues of yesteryear. Enjoy it!

Daar is ook ‘n ou gesegde wat se “Vee voor jou eie huis eers skoon voordat jy by jou bure skoon maak. Ja, ‘n mens is maar ‘n mens en so veroordeel on sander sonder om eers die waarheid te ondersoek. As jy Christelike is hoort jy nie ander te veroordeel, jy moet die beeld wat Christus gestel het na volg. Ons leeraars is menslik en maak voute maar ons is nie engele en ons gemeentes moet ons met liefde vertel waar ons fouteer en ons help om ons lewenstyl op ‘n gesonde voet bring. Dit is tog wat in die Bybel staan. Bid eerde vir ons en moet ons nie so maklik veroordeel nie. Mag die Here julle seen. Blessings.

Koopkrag in Tzaneen opgeknap

Die vergroting van die Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre staan sterk op die agenda van die ontwikkelaars, Resilient, en groot planne sal vroeg volgende jaar bekend gemaak word. Inwoners wag reeds meer as twee jaar lank vir nuus oor Fase Twee, soos destyds aangekondig is. Dit het egter nog in gebreke gebly, vermoedelik weens die land se swak ekonomiese vloei. Resilient se hoofbestuurder in Tzaneen, Me Alida Fraser, het gesê die groep is in Die slagoffer van ‘n botsing tussen ‘n voertuig en motorfiets het dié week vergeefs in Modjadjiskloof se landdroshof gewag op ‘n uitslag en vonnis oor die voorval, omdat die beskuldigde in die saak én die landdros nie opgedaag het nie. Mnr Wimpie van Wyk, ‘n lid van die Tzaneen Road Hogs motorfietsklub, het in sy rolstoel saam met verskeie ondersteuners van die klub by die hofsaal opgedaag, maar moes na anderhalf uur sonder uitslag vertrek. Van Dyk is op 10 Julie vanjaar ernstig beseer, nadat ‘n voertuig ‘n ongemagtigde U-draai voor sy motorfiets net buite Mod-

gesprek met verskeie winkelgroepe en handelaars oor die voorgenome uitbreidings. Sodra ooreenkomste bereik is, sal die nuwe planne vroeg in die nuwe jaar bekend gemaak word. Intussen het Resilient met ‘n opheffing van sy ander eiendom in Tzaneen begin. By die Tzaneng Mall word aandag gegee aan

die roltrappe en ingange om dit meer verbruikersvriendelik te maak. Nuwe winkels het ook hul verskyning gemaak, soos Pick’nPay Clothing en Mr Price Sport, terwyl die bestaande MTN Store en Exact ook opgeknap word. Fraser sê dit gaan gepaard met harde werk, besige kontrakteurs en ‘n mate van ongerief vir klante, maar dis deel van vernuwing wat die publiek sal aanspoor om graagter daar te wil koop. Volgens sy broer, mnr Jaco van Wyk, voorsitter van die motorfietsklub, is die oortreder weke later in Rustenburg opgespoor. Mnr Roy Pieterse het intussen na Tzaneen teruggekeer en het reeds op aanklagte van roekelose of nalatige bestuur en versuim om by ‘n botsing stil te hou skuld beken. Hy sou Dinsdag in Modjadjiskloof gevonnis word, maar het versuim om by die hof op te daag. Die vonnisverhoor sou uitgestel word, maar teen ons spertyd kon die ondersoekbeampte, mnr Malatji, nog nie ‘n datum daarvoor verskaf nie.

Beseerde wag vergeefs op hofuitspraak jadjiskloof gemaak het. Na die botsing het die motorfiets aan die brand geslaan, maar die voertuigbestuurder het die hasepad gekies en hom vir dood agtergelaat. Hy het brandwonde en ‘n ernstige beenbesering opgedoen. Sedertdien is hy sonder inkomste, omdat hy nie sy werk by ‘n vervoerkontrakteur kon voortsit nie. Hy is vir minstens ses maande op mediese verlof en verduur steeds baie pyn.

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Early detection saves lives


21 October 2016


Fear lessl y the tr uth

Visit vw.co.za/mastercars

Visit vw.co.za/mastercars Visit vw.co.za/mastercars Visit vw.co.za/mastercars Golf TDI, 2010

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

R169 000

Golf TDI, 2010

80-Point Technical Inspection

R169 000

Professional Vehicle Reconditioning Vehicle History Integrity Check Full Service History Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 129 00km Amarok BITDI 132kW 4Motion DSG, 2014 Golf TDI, 2010 R169 000

Golf TDI, 2010

Golf TDI, 2010

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 65 800km

TDI 81kW Trend & Fun 4x2 BMT, 2012 PoloTDI, Vivo 77kW Maxx, 2016 R215 950 Golf R369 950 Golf TDI,Tiguan 2010 R169 000 2010

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

R169 000

R169 000

Leather Seats, MultiABS, Function Steering, 85 225kmGrey interior, PDC, Towbar, Electric Windows, 64 121km Grey interior, dualGrey a/bags, mags, 129 00kmTowbar, dual a/bags, mags, ABS,Radio/CD, 65 800km 129 00km 65 800km interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 15 600km Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 47

Grey Up! interior, a/bags, 00km950 Move 55kW dual 3-door, 2016 mags, ABS, 129 R139

Golf TDI, 2010 Golf TDI, 2010

Golf TDI, 2010

Golf TDI, 2010

Golf TDI, 2010

R185 R169 000950

R169 000 R169 000

Electric Windows, Bluetooth Radio/CD, Cruise Control, 11 600km Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 27 600km mags, ABS, 27 Grey interior, dual a/bags, 89 600km

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 65 800km

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 27 600km

Polo TSI 81kW Highline DSG, 2016 Transporter Crew Bus 132kW 4Motion DSG, 2016 R639 950 R279 Golf2010 TDI, 2010 Golf TDI, 2010 R169 950 000 Golf TDI, R169R169 000 000 R169 000 R169 000 Golf TDI, 2010 R169 000

R169 000

Golf TDI, 2010

Mileage Certified

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 27 600km

R169 000

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

2-Year /Technical Unlimited Kilometre Warranty* 80-Point Inspection

80-Point Technical Inspection 24-Hour Roadside Professional VehicleAssistance Reconditioning 80-Point Technical Professional VehicleInspection Reconditioning 7-Day Exchange Vehicle History Integrity Check Professional Vehicle Reconditioning Vehicle History Integrity Check Balance of Volkswagen Automotion Plan FullFull Service History Vehicle History Integrity Check Service History Vehicle Customisation Mileage Certified Full Service History Mileage Certified Mileage Certified 2-Year /Unlimited KilometreWarranty* Warranty* 2-Year /Unlimited Kilometre

Other Master Cars

2-YearRoadside /Unlimited Kilometre 24-Hour RoadsideAssistance AssistanceWarranty* 24-Hour

12 Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

R169 000

12 7-Day Golf TDIExchange Highline, Candy Assistance white, 40 000km 24-Hour Roadside

R169 000


Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

R159 000

10 Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

R149 000

7-Day Exchange

7-Day Exchange

Balance of Volkswagen Automotion 11 Golf TDIof Highline, Candy white, 40 000km Plan Balance Volkswagen Automotion Plan R159 000 BalanceCustomisation of Volkswagen Automotion Plan Vehicle

15 600km Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 13

47500km 800km Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 7

89 600km Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 19

Vehicle Customisation

Vehicle Customisation

Windows,Alloy Wheels, Sound Plus Package, 16 120km Multifunction Steering, Towbar, PDC,ABS, Rear 89 View Camera, 12 110km Headlights, Leather Seats, Sunroof, Cruise Control, 9 058km Grey interior, Grey interior, dualElectric a/bags, mags, ABS, 15 600km Grey interior,LED dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 47 800km dual a/bags, mags, 600km

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 15 600km

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 47 800km

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 89 600km

Golf TDI, 2010

R169 000

Other Master Cars

All prices shown are recommended retail prices, which are not binding on the Dealers or Volkswagen South Africa (Pty)Golf Ltd. The recommended Dealer000 delivery and related charges. Golf TDI, 2010 R169 000 Golf TDI, 2010 R169of000 TDI, 2010 retail price excludesR169 Other Master Cars * The 2 year/unlimited mileage MasterCars Warranty is optional and does not form part of the vehicle price. Golf TDI, 2010 R169 000 Golf TDI, 2010 R169 000 Golf TDI, 2010 Please contact your Volkswagen Dealer or visit www.vw.co.za for full details as well as terms and conditions relating to the MasterCars Brand Promise.

R169 000

Grey interior, dual Grey a/bags, mags, ABS, 13 600km Grey interior, dual ABS, 7mags, 500km interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 13 600km Grey a/bags, interior, mags, dual a/bags, ABS, 7 500km OGILVY CAPE TOWN 61128/E/20x7


Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km


Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

10 Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

R149 000

12 11GolfGolf TDITDI Highline, Candy Highline, Candywhite, white,40 40000km 000km

12 Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

Highline, Candywhite, white,40 40000km 000km 11 11GolfGolf TDITDI Highline, Candy

Highline, Candywhite, white,40 40000km 000km 11 10GolfGolf TDITDI Highline, Candy

46 Agatha Street, Tzaneen. Tel (015) 307 5016

Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 19 600km

R169 000

R169000 000 R169 R169 000 R169000 000 R159 R169 000 R159 R159000 000 R159 000 R149 000 R159 000 R159 000

12 Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

LannieMotors Motors Lannie

46 Agatha Street, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307Grey 5016 Grey interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 13 600km interior, dual a/bags, mags, ABS, 7 500km

12 GolfMaster TDI Highline, Other CarsCandy white, 40 000km

12 12GolfGolf TDITDI Highline, Candy Highline, Candywhite, white,40 40000km 000km

10 Golf TDI Highline, Candy white, 40 000km

Grey interior, a/bags, 19ABS, 600km Greydual interior, dual mags, a/bags,ABS, mags, 19 600km

All prices shown are recommended retail prices, which are not binding on the Dealers or Volkswagen of South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The recommended retail price excludes Dealer delivery and related charges. * The 2 year/unlimited mileage MasterCars Warranty is optional and does not form part of the vehicle price.

R149 000

21 October 2016

Volkswagen South Africa has introduced the new version of its ever popular SUV, the Tiguan – and this one is an absolute stunner. Smaller than expected, it has a sleek, sporty look when you first make its acquaintance, but size is definitely not something that should be placed too high on the priority list here. This is the first SUV which uses the Modular Transverse Matrix system which has become all too familiar to this German automaker family. The VW Group’s weight-saving MQB modular platform, allows for larger dimensions while reducing overall weight by up to 53kg depending on the model. The vehicle is kitted with VW’s latest technology found in other members of the family such as the Golf and Passat, which means you could be guaranteed a pleasurable driving experience. The first generation Tiguan was launched way back in 2008 and has sold more than 2.8 million units worldwide as an indicator to how popular this particular SUV really is. If that success is anything to go by, it is safe to say that the newcomer will stand its ground in the competitive local market. The Tiguan Type II is 30mm wider and 60mm longer than its predecessor, with the wheelbase growing by 77mm, while the height has been reduced by 33mm. VW claims that it’s now one of the most spacious vehicles in


its class. Knee room is up by 29mm and boot space by 145 litres, and the two can be varied as needed thanks to a sliding rear bench with 180mm of adjustment, which allows a 615-litre boot when the bench is at its furthest forward. Initially only two engine options will be offered, both 1.4-litre TSI turbopetrol units but with differing outputs: 92kW and 200Nm in the base models, which have a six-speed manual gearbox, and 110kW/250Nm in the upper version, which comes with a six-speed DSG dual-clutch gearbox. VWSA has promised to expand the range during the last quarter of this year with a 2-litre TDI turbodiesel line-up that will be available in three outputs (81kW, 105kW and 130kW). To view this incredible new beast, pay a visit to the showrooms at Lannie Motors in Tzaneen and speak to one of the consultants. For more information feel free to visit the Volkswagen South Africa website at www. vw.co.za

Samuel Odendaal, better known as Sammy, has done it again. He has won the coveted VWSA Group Parts Manager award at the prestigious VW Grand Prix Awards. This is the second time in three years that Sammy has walked away with this title and will see him fly off to Bali soon to celebrate the achievement. “VWSA spoil us for our efforts,” he said proudly, “the last time I won this award I was shipped off to Mauritius!” As an employee at Lannie Motors Tzaneen for more than 25 years, Sammy really knows the parts business better than most in his field. But, humble as he is, Sammy doesn’t want all the credit and attributes his success to the skilled team that forms the backbone of this distinguished VW dealership. “It’s always nice to feel appreciated and rewarded, but nobody can achieve any sort of success working alone.”

W le NO ilab a Av

Vario: one day — one lens The only stockist of ADIDAS sunglasses in Tzaneen

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21 October 2016



21 October 2016


Change behaviour, change outcome As South Africans we are all too aware of the dangers on our roads. In Limpopo, specifically, the majority of accidents on our roads are caused by truck and taxi drivers. In the case of truck drivers many of the accidents are attributed to driver behaviour such as speeding or fatigue. “The problem here stems from a driver’s behavioural patterns that need to be adjusted rather than disciplinary action to condition him to no longer make the same ‘mistakes’ for fear of being dismissed,” said Wilco Niemandt of Driver Behaviour. “What happens in the transport industry is that a driver is fired for drunk driving for example. That same driver then applies for another job at a different transporter and the problem persists. By firing the employee you have not solved the problem, you have merely shifted it over to somebody else.”

Niemandt explained that by adjusting the behavioural patterns of the driver, you will systematically create a safer environment on the roads for everyone while simultaneously saving yourself the bucket load of labour issues involved in termination of employment or worse, insurance claims after an accident. “We realized this five years ago and started our research by gathering statistics from Fleet Watch on driver behaviour and what we found was startling. If you adjust the driver’s behaviour through proper conditioning, near miss accidents and even accidents themselves showed a drastic decline.” As a seasoned human relations veteran, Niemandt combined his knowledge of labour relations with these statistics and compiled a training manual to be used along with intelligent software to assess drivers. Based on the software analysis, companies can identi-

THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND DRIVER BEHAVIOUR A workshop for Fleet and Logistic Managers

Better and safer drivers! FREE Driver Behaviour Workshop Date: 25 October 2016

This workshop has been tailored for Fleet Operators/ Owners to explain the psychology behind judgements and decisions made by drivers. The psychology of driver behavior is critical in addressing the challenges on-road risks present. • Understand how driver behavior psychology should be applied to effective fleet management. • Learn how certain aspects of culture and human decision making affects drivers. • Use motivational skills by understanding perception. • Assistance with primary and secondary approaches in risk. • Understand the range of critical principles in behavioral psychology of risk.

Contact/RSVP: driverbehaviour@gmail.com Your application must state your business details as well as your personal details.


Time: 10:00-12:00 e, Venue: Dinamus Community Centr ea, Tzaneen Industria Street, New Industrial Ar

fy and flag potential dangers in the drivers which can then be dealt with accordingly. “Our program works by, among other things, analysing vehicle tracking software onboard your trucks and vehicles within your fleet. The software works on a point system which either deducts or awards drivers according to their behaviour. This in turn assists fleet managers in dealing with specific problems in specific drivers. Following the evaluation we work with the driver to modify certain behaviours.” And it works too. Just ask any of the nine logistics companies in the region who have successfully implemented the Driver Behaviour programme. But, along with the Driver Behaviour system, Niemandt is also an accredited level 3

Hirac assessor which enables him to offer other services such as risk assessment with regards to health and safety issues on site. He is also qualified to conduct drug and alcohol screenings. Aside from all the technological talk, this is all about helping companies cope. “We have compiled an extensive database of all the drivers in this region we’ve assessed. We urge transport companies to check this database before employing a driver so that they know exactly what the individual’s employment background is before taking on someone else’s problem. The system works and we have a number of high profile clients that can attest to this. Give us a call and see the change you’ve only been hearing about.”


21 October 2016


21 October 2016


Lots of stalls and entertainment!

Dankseggingsdag en Kersmark

20 - 22 Oktober

Graag nooi ons u met groot opgewondenheid om deel te word van ‘n Dankseggingsdag en Kersmark wat aangebied word deur Agri Letaba/Letaba Skou. Hierdie dag is vir almal om dankie te sê aan ons Hemelse Vader vir al die gawes wat ons elke dag uit Sy hand uit ontvang.

TENNIS: Diamantveld Tournament.

21 Oktober

Sakekamerete. 12:00. MHS Restaurant

22 Oktober

BOOGSKIET: Afsluitingsfunksie

Hoërskool Ben Vorster High School Source: www.school-communicator.com

21 Oktober Rugby Dinee

Laerskool Tzaneen Primary Source: www.school-communicator.com

Die Dankseggingsdag sal gehou word op 11 November 2016 vanaf 13:00 – 21:00 by Tzaneen Skouterrein. Program: 13:00 – laat: Hekke en Kersmark-kraampies open 16:00 – 18:30: Optredes deur Kerksanggroepe 18:30 – 20:00: Danksegging met Dewald Gouws 20:00 – 21:30: Opelug fliek – Faith like Potatoes

Donasie by die hekke: R2000 vir volwassenes R10.00 vir kinders onder 13 jaar Tesame met die volgende: • Nie-bederfbare voedsel • Klere, skoene en linne • Toiletware • Sagte speelgoed • Honde- en katkos

21-22 Oktober

NTS Swimming Level 2 and 3. Hillcrest Swimming Pool Pretoria. Gala at Northern Tigers Swimming.

Rugby - Sewes / Sevens. LS Witrivier / White River Primary. Toernooi in Witrivier. Tournament at White River.

22 Oktober

Mini Miss Manor

Soccer. 8:00. Laerskool Duiwelskloof.

24 Oktober

Exam demarcation. Handed out to pupils.

Anome Modelling Academy



29 October 2016


Ons bied die dag aan vir liefdadigheidsorganisasies in en om Tzaneen wat ons graag ‘n helpende hand voor wil bied. Uitstalruimtes nog beskikbaar teen R150 per stalletjie. Kontak gerus vir Hanneri by 015 307 2725/admin@letabashow.co.za

Business directory | Sakegids


015 306 0031

28 Koedoe Street, Shop GS12, Gratia Building, Tzaneen 24 H


Still water Juice Dispensers Oasis Ozone Energy drink • Ice • Personalised water bottles

015 307 2504 • 079 523 5253 tzaneen@oasiswater.co.za

Tzaneen 015 307 2493 / 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen www.trellidor.co.za

Medi 24, cnr Thabo Mbeki & Plein Street, Polokwane 015 291 2275


• • • •



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21 October 2016



Property l Eiendomme To Let | Te Huur Two bedroom spacious, secure flat to rent. Available immediately. In tranquil bush surrounds situated on the R71 close to Letaba Airfield. Please call 082 849 2603 to view. No large dogs.


Ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel onmiddellik beskikbaar by Strelitzia vanaf . R4 550 per maand Water en elektrisiteit uitgesluit. Skakel 082 551 1971


1.75ha grond onder nette, sink dam. Geskik vir groente boerdery. R5000/mnd + elektrisiteit Kontak: Thys @ 076 410 9503 Norman @ 082 851 7139


Business property to rent, 120m² prime spot, enough

parking. Close to all schools in town. Call 153075534/0827875733’ Oct301__________________________

Netjiese 2 slaapkamer meenthuis te huur. Grondvloer, elektriese omheining. Huur R4 450 pm Water en ligte uitgesluit Deposito betaalbaar. Geen Troeteldiere Kontak Corne 072 225 3960 Oct302__________________________

Tzaneen Garden Centre. 2 en n halwe slaapkamer huis met oopplan leefarea te huur. Skadunet parkernig vir 2 motors, koopkrag. Elektriese heining plus alarmstelsel. R3750 per maand. Deposito betaalbaar. GEEN HONDE NIE. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 0716043453.

For Sale | Te Koop House for sale Macadamia – R2.2 million Immaculate home of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, open plan living leading to a large wooden deck overlooking a spotless garden with trees, double garage on a large stand +/- 1300 sm. Arborpark – R1 460 000 Large 4 bedroom house 2 bathrooms, dining room modern kitchen granite top, lounge, family room, 2 aircons, doubel garage set on 1330 sm stand. Oct201__________________________

Urgently looking for a property in Macadamia to sell and let Contact Peter at SEEFF 082 890 8845 Oct202__________________________

Letaba River Estate 2 Brand new homes with modern finishes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with granite tops. Fully tiled, double automated garage, fully walled. Choice of two One for R1 .280 million or one for R1.3 million Contact Peter 082 890 8845 SEEFF Properties Oct301__________________________

Aquapark (meenthuis) 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, motorhuis, swembad (splash pool) Eie klein tuintjie. 1 klein hondjie welkom. R5 800 Aquapark (tuinwoonstel) 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer (stort) aparte toilet, eetkamer, sitkamer, klein tuintjie, afdak vir 2 voertuie, R400.00 krag ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere of kinders. R3 900

Kantoor: 015 307 5151 Isabel: 083 448 5171 Annette: 083 443 0328

Medipark Groot 1 slaapkamer woonstel, sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir voertuig. Water en ligte ingesluit. Geen troeteldiere of kinders. R3 000 Duiwelskloof 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, kombuis, eetkamer, sitkamer, TV kamer, plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel omhein met afdakke. R6 500 Aquapark (tuinwoonstel) 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer, oopplan, afdak vir voertuig, krag van R400.00 ingesluit, nie geskik vir troeteldiere of kinders. R3 700

Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede


Legals | Geregtelik LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DEDEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. Registration Number of Estate: 2959/2016 Surname: KROG Name: JOHANNES CHRISTOFFEL Identity Number: 5208285105080 Last address: 27 LUSHOF, TZANEEN Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street PO Box 35 0850, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3660 Ref: Mr Rech/avs/R14127 Oct301___________________________

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL CONSENT TO ESTABLISH A GUEST HOUSE AND OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATION (SPECIAL USE) IN TERMS OF CLAUSE 15 OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME 2000, READ TOGETHER WITH THE SPLUMA ACT 2013 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorized agents of the registered owner of Portion 62, Hamawasha 557-LT hereby give notice in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, read together with the provisions of the SPLUMA Act 2013, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to utilise the property for the purposes of a Guest House and Overnight Accommodation (Special Use). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the offices of the applicant as well as the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Tzaneen for a period of 28 days from 14 October 2016 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal

Manager at the above address or at PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, as well as with the applicant, within a period of 28 days from 14 October 2016. Address of authorized agent: Omniplan CC, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 3071041. Ref No: J126 Oct302___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: 1965/2014 In the matter between: JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS Execution Creditor And WENDY PELUSA Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 8 OCTOBER 2015, the under mentioned goods will be sold by public auction, on 10 NOVEMBER 2016 at 10:00. Venue of the sale: TRANSNET HOUSE 20, HAMAWASHA, TZANEEN By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of TZANEEN to the highest cash bidder. 1 x 3 PCE Lounge Suite 1 x Coffee Table 1 x 9 Piece Dining Room Suite 1 x Samsung Microwave Oven 1 x Samsung single Standing Fridge 1 x Coffee Table Glass 3 x Bar Chairs 1 x 3 Piece Lounge Suite (Black & Red Colour) 1 x Defy Double Door Fridge 1 x Sintec LCD TV 1 x TV Stand 2 x Telefunken LCD TV AUCTION 1. This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court, 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia, 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (Url http://www.info. gov/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500-00 in cash, 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions for the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on this 3rd day OCTOBER 2016.


NOTICE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000, read in conjunction with the Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws 2016 that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, intend applying to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to operate a Spaza Shop on Erf 421 Tzaneen Extension 4, situated at 1 Third Avenue, Tzaneen. The land is zoned for “Residential 1” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Town-Planning Scheme. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen and the office of the Manager Planning and Economic Development, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen from 21 October 2016. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds therefore in writing, with the Municipal Manager, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, not later than 18 November 2016. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Oct304___________________________

KENNISGEWING TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 Ooreenkomstig Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, saamgelees met die Tzaneen Spluma Verordeninge 2016, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, van voornemens is om aansoek te doen by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir Spesiale Toestemming om ‘n Spaza winkel te bedryf op Erf 421 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4, geleë te Derdelaan 1, Tzaneen. Die eiendom is tans vir “Residensieël 1” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde dorpsbeplanningskema. Planne en/of besonderhede van hierdie aansoek is ter insae gedurende gewone kan-

toorure by Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen en by die kantoor van die Bestuurder, Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, 0850 vanaf 21 Oktober 2016. Persone wat enige beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet sodanige beswaar saam met die gronde daarvoor skriftelik indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, voor of op 18 November 2016. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Oct305___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT GA-KGAPANE CASE NUMBER: 327/2011 In the case between: FOODCORP (PTY) LTD TRADING AS SUNBAKE 1ST EXECUTION CREDITOR MICHAEL XIBUTA NGAMUNI 2ND EXECUTION CREDITOR And MATLAKALA HANIEL MONYELA EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate GA-KGAPANE given on 12 AUGUST 2013 the under mentioned goods will be sold at the Sheriffs office at HOUSE NO. 1, HANS MERENSKY STREET, PANORAMA, MODJADJISKLOOF on 4 NOVEMBER 2016 by public auction to be held at 11:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X 1 Daihatsi Half Track With Registration No. Cmg697l 1 X 1 Defy Stand Freedge 1 X 1 Plasma Flat Screen 1 X 1 Defy Washing Machine 1. This Sale Is In Execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court, 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 1 Hans Merensky Street, Panorama, Modjadjiskloof. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia, 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (Url http://www.info. gov/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500-00 in cash, 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Nicolaus Boy Sekgwana.

7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions for the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN on 11 OCTOBER 2016. SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO. 1 AGATHA STREET TZANEEN Tel : 015 307 5792/5694 Ref: JS/sdj/BB0604 Oct306___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 707/14 In the case between: LAERSKOOL TZANEEN EXECUTION CREDITOR And MR LESIBA JOSEPH MOHLALA (ID: 6711185568082) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 11 APRIL 2014 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 10 NOVEMBER 2016 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO.2 INDUSTRIAL ROAD 20, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, TZANEEN to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X Defy Box Freezer 1 X Whirlpool Double Door Fridge 1 X Russel Hobbs Microwave Oven 1 X Electric Kettle 1 X 3 Piece 6 Seater Lounge Suite With Cushions 1 X Coffee Table 1 X Ecko Tv 1 X Tv Stand 1 X Sansui Tv 1 X Loose Front Door 1 X Blaupunkt Music Centre & 5 Speaker 1 X Electric Fan 1 X Fussion Dvd Player 1 X Wall Clock 1 X Closet 1 X Lg Pc 1 X Pc Stand 1 X Cane Chair 1 X Bedroom Suite 1 X Dresser 1 X Plastic Chairs 1 X Electric Fan 1 X Wooden Window Frame 1 X Dresser & Chair SIGNED AT TZANEEN on the 14th day of OCTOBER 2016. SHERIFF OF THE COURT (sgnd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORENEYS 32 HARRY DILLEY STREET TZANEEN, 0850 Email : enica@rvorster.co.za

Tel: 015 307 6797 Docex: 18 Ref: EMAKHUTHUDISE File No: BB0218 1. This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court, 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia, 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (Url http://www.info. gov/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500-00 in cash, 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON OR CHRISTIE BOUWER. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions for the execution creditor. Oct307___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PIETERSBURG HELD AT POLOKWANE CASE NO: 2785/2010 In the matter between: VOLTEX PTY T/A ATLAS POLOKWANE EXECUTION CREDITOR And G H MAREE 2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Magistrate Polokwane on 18 June 2010, the under mentioned goods will be sold at Sheriff ’s Letaba Store Room, Main Store No2, Industria Road 20 Tzaneen on 10 NOVEMBER 2016 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x LG TV 1 x Ecco DVD Player 1 x Complete Computer and Stand 1 x Defy Auto Dry 1 x Defy Twinmaid 800 1 x Honda Hatchback Reg no: BZP821L 1. This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court, 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia, 4. Directive of the Con-

sumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (Url http://www.info. gov/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500-00 in cash, 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON OR CHRISTIE BOUWER. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions for the execution creditor. DATED AT POLOKWANE THIS 18TH DAY OF OCTOBER 2016. (SGD) G P LABUSCHAGNE ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR STEYLER NEL & PARTNERS 126B SUID STREET POLOKWANE TEL NO: 015 295 9340 REF: BRONKHORST/NE/ MH0819 Oct308___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF LETABA HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: LP1073-16 In the case between: DAVID MAKWELA EXECUTION CREDITOR And HARDWARE CITY EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN TERMS OF SECTION 71 (A)(1) – AUCTION In terms of Section 71 (A) (1) under mentioned goods will be sold to cover storage fees and the sheriffs costs at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, MAIN STORE NO.2, INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN, on 10 NOVEMBER 2016 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrate Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 13 X 20 L PAINT 1. This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court, 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia, 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (Url http://www.info. gov/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500-00 in cash, 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with

the auctioneers being MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON OR CHRISTIE BOUWER. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions for the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON 5 OCTOBER 2016 TERTIUS ROBERTSON SHERIFF LETABA (TZANEEN) 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN Oct309___________________________

IN THE LABOUR COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA HELD AT JOHANNESBURG CASE NUMBER: LP2822-16 KGAUGELO BRYTON RAMALEPE EXECUTION CREDITOR And PROGRESS BURIAL SOCIETY EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN TERMS OF SECTION 71 (A) (1) – AUCTION In terms of Section 71 (A) (1) under mentioned goods will be sold to cover storage fees at the sheriff ’s costs at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, MAIN STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIAL AREA, TZANEEN, on 10 NOVEMBER 2016 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 2 X ADULT COFFINS / CASKETS 1. This sale is in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable court, 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia, 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, (Url http://www.info. gov/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500-00 in cash, 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being MR TERTIUS ROBERTSON OR CHRISTIE BOUWER. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions for the execution creditor. DATED AT TZANEEN ON 17 OCTOBER 2016. TERTIUS ROBERTSON SHERIFF LETABA (TZANEEN) 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, TZANEEN Oct310___________________________


21 October 2016


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External audit: Statutory audits; non-statutory audits; independent reviews; agreed upon procedure engagements; audit of attorney’s trust accounts; audit of estate agents; audits of schools, churches and body corporates. Internal audit: Risk assessments; operational audits; fully outsourced internal audit services; co-sourced internal audit services; compliance testing; governance evaluations; board and audit committee evaluations.

Accounting Accounting services: Monthly processing and management accounts; cloud accounting; preparation and submission of VAT returns; financial statement compilation. Payroll administration: Complete payroll administration and leave processing; prepa-

ration and submission of monthly UIF, PAYE and SDL returns, Compensation Commissioner Returns, bi-annual EMP501 reconciliations (Easyfile); assistance with other statutory payments; preparation of IRP5 and IT3 certificates. B-BBEE verification services: Preparation of B-BBEE scorecards; B-BBEE gap analysis and strategies; B-BBEE consulting. Company secretarial services: Maintenance of statutory records, preparation of minutes and resolutions; registration of new companies; submission of annual returns; compilation of MOIs in terms of the Companies’ Act. Tax compliance services: Completion and submission of annual income tax returns, provisional tax returns, VAT returns and Dividend Tax returns; Income Tax and VAT registrations. Other services: Preparation of business plans; valuations; business structuring; tax planning; software implementation.

We are committed to the Limpopo Province and we render services across the entire Province Telephone: 015 590 1000 • Website: www.veritasinc.co.za • 1 Pierre Street, Bendor, Polokwane

FAREWELL MESSAGE TO GRADE 12 LEARNERS Office of the Mayor has noted that the grade 12 learners will be commencing with their October/November examination on the 24 October 2016. This day comes after a long marathon of 12 years of schooling. This is the time wherein all stakeholders of education, i.e. parents, learners, teachers, department of education and entire community should be committed in supporting our learners so that they can write this examination without disturbance. This is the time in which all learners should remain focused and dedicate the remaining days to their studies. You have spent the entire year, since from January, working very hard and you should continue to work harder for the remaining days so that you can achieve your goals. Do not allow yourself to be disturbed by anything from your studies. Remember that your future lies in you, and you are the one to determine your own destination. As class of 2016, you should ensure that you work very hard, tirelessly and perform more than the class of 2015. I am happy that academic year, 2016 never had disturbances. Your teachers have done all what they can, and now it is your time to prove that you were able to understand what they have taught you, and I hope that you can do it. AS Mayor of Greater Letaba Municipality, I want to remind you that the future of this municipality depends on you. As the Municipality, we have budgeted an amount of R3million as full bursaries for 2017 academic year that will assists students who are in dire need, subject to the policy of the municipality. On behalf of Greater Letaba Municipality, I wish you good luck for 2016 examination.

Cllr. MP Matlou MAYOR


Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756


SANTA’S FABRIC MAGIC Upholstery, Curtains, Blinds, Furniture and more. 45 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2468


Franna Lamprecht Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850

Lannie Motors

Gintec Auto Electrical Electronic ignition system Electronic fuel injection Electronic diagnostics & scan General wiring & re-wiring Accessories installation & fitment Alarms, anti-hi-jack & immobilisers Starter motor & alternator repairs, services and sales Contact: 072 033 5534 / 015 306 0369 Visit: 6 Antimony Street, New industrial area


Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away

Project Services For : Steel fabrication + construction

p erl a n g PamPamper Haarsalon Pay with your card

it’s easy

Letaba Boulevard, Winkel nr 9, Tzaneen 015 307 6849 • 072 414 1613

TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Competitive rates. Excellent operator. Contact 083 580 2078 Oct101_____________________

Services Dienste Palisade Fencing Water and Sewerage treatment, Mechanical, Erectors, Ventilation, Carports, General welding Alf Wandrag: 082 490 9719 Email: awandrag@mweb.co.za


DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________

Services Dienste

Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557

Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928


Borehole Investigation Underwater video camera system to observe the general condition of your borehole i.e. blockages, aquifers, water levels, condition of casings. etc. Contact Rynier de Jager @ 079 883 5655

Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards,


We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security access gates We specialise inandBurglar • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors proofing, security and • Paving and light to medium steel and general construction access gates We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors.

Palisade fencing, electric

DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468

Services Dienste

school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.

Contact Mike at 071 302 8090 / 082 298 5352 gates and garage motors dedamsteelworks@gmail.com

Light to medium steel and general construction. We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@ gmail.com Jun328____________________

Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, bulletin©10377ds150703tb

Services Dienste

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________

Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884


Wendy Houses For the best prices, quality and guaranteed work we are the best, all sizes all types available 3 m x 3 m R4 000, 3 m x 6 m R7 500, 3 m x 9 m R10 000 don’t miss this winter special. We also do building and all types of renovation. Life 073 719 4145 Makhaya 082 745 6270 Jack 072 665 4381

Services Dienste Widest range, Custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493 Jun313___________________________

Ultimate Security Electric Fencing Carports Security Cameras Alarms And much more Contact Eugene at 078 460 4667 / 015 307 1768


Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com Jun320___________________________

Emergencies: 015 306 8500


Oogkundige Gratis Sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Jacques van Niekerk 015 307 3703 Loop Str, Tzaneen Jun311___________________________

TRELLIDOR The Ultimate Crime Barrier

Reyno Loodgieters Flinke diens. Afslag aan alle pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno by 015 307 4063 082 550 1357 Sep401_____________________

Services Dienste

Services Dienste Vervoer/Transport

Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863

Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076

Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R22.50/km + btw, 8 ton Koeler trok R25/km +btw. 12 ton trok R24.50/km + btw & 20 ton @ R31.50/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________

For Hire Te Huur Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936 Oct301____________________________

For Sale Te Koop 3 Vlak geweerkluis soos nuut. R18 000 Kontak Gerhard 082 853 2644 oCT302____________________________

21 October 2016



League Update

Tjokkie von Straate coaching Solly Masetla of Tzaneen Spar team.

Saira Junqueira and grandmother Fatima Junqueira.

As the annual Tzaneen Business League bowls championship heads into its pivotal stages, some fierce competition has led to the restructuring of the leaderboard. At this stage a two point lead separates team BRBF boasting 20 points, from nearest rivals Klofies in second position on 18 points. Buffel Cafeteria and Tzaneen Tennis Club occupy third and fourth positions with Mazfor completing the top five on 17 points. The addition of Saira Junqueira (14)

Uwe Suaer and Tjokkie von Straate of Ben Vorster and kiosk.

added credentials to the claim that bowls is a sport to be enjoyed by players of all ages. She is also the youngest player in Tzaneen Bowls Club’s history to join them as a fully fletched member. For the full score results, please view the table published in the column below this article.

Saira Junqueira (14) is the youngest player ever to join Tzaneen Bowls club.

Norbit Altenroxel of Adams Café

Twelve past seven This board is sponsored by | Hierdie naambord is geborg deur

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Sakeliga | Business League Bulletin Sakeliga | Business Punteleer 1 | RoundLeague 2 Telling / Score

Log | Punteleer

Pos. 1 2 3

Shot Team Points Ronde 2 - Round 2 Aggregate BRBF Telling / Score 20 18 Klofies 13 van Telling 18W=2 Totaal



Buffel CafeteriaVir

Tzn Tennis Club13

Bissett Real Estate

Teen 5

5 Tennisklub Mazfor Tzaneen



Fit Freaks Lannie6 Motors




-56 -35 -32


11 2

-2 -16







8 8


Reward 12 Properties Hi Q



Ben Vorster










Adams Café


WD Saailinge

Bulletin Postnet


Bulletin 8 14

ZZ2 Rooi Span



14 2 13 2 12 2

ZZ2 Groen 15 8 Span Bissett Real Estate Keyshop 10 TznZZ2


411 311


Kings11 WaldenTzaneen Superspar 8

17 4

17 4

rondtes 22 gespeel

16 4 16 2

7 Letaba Panelbeaters 22 5 Megapaints Tzn Gholf Club 16

L=0 D=1


2 0

Gaby Biemo, Mpho Mokoena and Gavaza Mashele.


Front: Carmen Nagel, Karisia Dohse, Caitlind Bridger and Ntsako Baloyi. Back: Xané du Toit, Simoné Pretorius, Limeryn Steyn, Lizani Mallinson, Faith Modjadji, Tebatso Mohale, Danica Teixeira, Nthabiseng Baloyi and Margaret Khosa.








VACANCY Rondte 3 - Round 3

Wie speel teen wie - Who plays against who

Penta Toro Hire4 4 15 vsPlant Tzaneen Tennisklub

Bissett Real Estate Lannie Motors


requires 11 vs aMegapaints

Mechanic 2 6 vsAssistant BRBF


12 11 Ad designed by Zoutnet Publishers

ZZ2 Groen Span 2 5 with experience in Earth Moving Plant. Auto Electrician Keyshop Tzn 2 2 vs Kings Walden 2 -2 experience will be an advantage. Successful Rewardapplicant Properties will2be based -2 vsclose BentoVorster Venetia Mine. 2 -6 BulletinFor more information, 2 -6 vs Postnet phone Jaco: 0


ZZ2 Rooi Span


0082 -12564 vs 9988 Rionet


Use this QR Code to take you to the SuperSport weekly schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com, as we will henceforth be publishing it on Bulletin’s website every Friday.

Fairview Hotel and Village was transformed into a grand affair as beautifully dressed fair maidens were escorted into their Matric Farewell by dapper looking young lords. It was a prestigious send off to the Grade 12 group of Merensky High School who gained their freedom into the adult world through the gates of the Seven Kingdoms on the 13th of October this year. After five years of hard work and dedication, these young students will now have their eyes set on bigger goals for not only

their future, but that of the generations who will follow in their footsteps. An appreciative audience welcomed the glamorous grade 12 kings and queens, who arrived in style, some in true Plasie fashion on the back of a tractor. Fine dining took place in the castle, where after merriment and dancing commenced. It was a night to remember not only for the guests of honour, but for their parents and teachers who will now see them flourish into the product they invested all this time in.

Bottom: Michelle Stevens (Deputy Head Girl), Bianca Spies (Deputy Head Girl) and Mariska Fourie. Top: Altacia Gubitz (Hostel Head Girl), Simoné Pretorius and Karisia Dohse.

See you at the gym. Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen • 073 265 2650

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Sport 7 October 201621 October 2016

Fear lessl y the tr uth

Ruan Hanaczeck-Krüger

Deane Toerien en Ben Viljoen swemmer

Vossies beste in provinsie Die Hoërskole se Top 10-swemgala is op Vrydag, 14 Oktober 2016, by die Lyndon Ferns swemsentrum by Hoërskool Pietersburg aangebied. Die top swemskole in die provinsie het aan hierdie gala deelgeneem en die Vossie-swemspan het dié byeenkoms vir die sesde keer in die laaste agt jaar gewen. Ben Vorster het die titel in die jare 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 en 2015 ingepalm. Tydens hierdie jaar se gala het Ben Vorster se swemmers 47 medaljes huis toe gebring, insluitend 27 goud, 14 silwer en ses brons. Zanel Steenkamp is as Junior Victrix Ludorum aangewys. Beide die seuns- en meisiespanne het hulself goed van hul taak gekwyt om genoeg punte bymekaar te skraap om ‘n gesamentlike totaal van 675.5 punte vir die Vossies op die bord te sit en die algehele eerste plek te verseker. Tweede was die


span van Hoërskool Ben Viljoen met 572.5 punte en in die derde plek was Hoërskool Piet Potgieter met 514.5 punte. Die seunsspanne se puntestand het sò gelyk; Hoërskool Ben Vorster eerste met 312,5 punte, gevolg deur Hoërskool Ben Viljoen op 290 punte en Hoërskool Piet Potgieter in derde plek met 279 punte. Die meisies se punteleer het nie veel verskil nie met die Vossies wat die eerste plek geneem het met 363 punte, gevolg deur Hoërskool Ben Viljoen op 282.5 punte en Stanford Lake College in die derde plek met 244 punte. Die Vossies wil van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die afrigters mnr. Johan Grobbelaar (SHAMU), mnr. Hein Toerien en me. Liezl Toerien (TASK) te bedank vir ongelooflike harde werk met die swemmers. So ook die borge en ouers wat dit moontlik maak om die Vossie-span die beste swemskool in die provinsie te maak. Dit word opreg waardeer.

trek die grotes uit bana en Laeveld Trekkers. Die wenners in die onderskeie afdelings was Willie van der Westhuizen van die Boulevard Cycles-span wat die grootste karp (10.580kg) op die dag ingetrek het, Jacolien Knox van die Hennox span met die grootst kurper (0.790kg), Wilisna Knox ook van die Hennox span met haar grootste swartbaars (1.775kg) en Damien Colbourn ook vir die Hennox span vir die grootste baber (6.900kg). Span met die swaarste sak van 17.125kg was die Mean Team. Daar word beoog om volgende jaar in April weer so ‘n sakeliga aan te bied en enige navrae in verband hiermee kan gerig word aan die voorsitter, Marco Spamer by 072 310 1199.

Letsitele Varswater Hengelklub het verlede naweek ‘n besigheidsliga hengelkompetisie gehou op Cramer dam. Dit was ‘n reuse sukses en die bestuur wil graag die borge en spanne bedank, want sonder hulle sou dit nie moontlik gewees het nie. Graag noem ons die volgende vir hul bydrae tot hierdie suksevolle naweek, Hi-Q Tzaneen, S&J Auto, Voltex, Supa Quik Duiwelskloof, Tzaneen Ice, Pam Golding, Hennox sekuriteit, Dass, Boulevard Cycles, Za-

Algehele wenners Josua Varrie en Gretchen Bekker

Oubal was van plan om die een en ander te sê oor die Groot Driedaagse SA Rakbie Indaba wat vandag ten einde loop, en wat Oubal dink ‘n mens te wagte kan wees, maar GertGrensvegter het ‘n stokkie daarvoor gesteek. “Dis hoog tyd dat jy ‘n slag iets oor die Curriebeker skryf,” sê GG verlede Saterdagaand nadat die BB’e ‘n doodsnikke oorwinning oor ‘n tot dusver sukkelende OWeePee behaal het. ‘Tja, Oubal moet bieg dat rondom al die dramas met Springbokrakbie die afgelope tyd, hy nie veel tyd gehad het om sy aandag ten volle by die CB te bepaal nie – anders as so baie inwoners van die bedroefde land, verkies Oubal om sy aandag te wy aan sake van nasionale belang. Maar laat Oubal dit dan nou maar sê: Aan al sy langlydende BB en Vrystaat vriende en vyande, baie geluk met julle spanne wat more in die eindstryd gaan speel; minstens gaan een van julle spanne darem moreaand weer ‘n slag ‘n trofee in die leë kas kan sit. Tensy dit natuurlik weer ‘n sustersoen-uitslag is soos laas in 2006. Laasjaar die tyd was dit natuurlik die Leeu-ondersteuners wat hulle borse getamboer het en besonder breedsprakig

Indaba, My Kinders? was. Hoe syn den helden gevallen, en hoe swygsaam het hulle nie geword nie! Toe Oubal verlede jaar uitgewys het dat ‘n CB sonder Springbokke maar ‘n half afgewaterde affêre is, het julle mos sy opinie in die wind geslaan. Die jaar het Oubal julle nogal jammer gekry, veral verlede Saterdag toe die Blikore julle met julle eie manier van speel ore aangesit het. As Oubal eerlik moet wees, het hy al met die Superakbie-eindstryd gesien julle moeilikheid vorentoe is geboek. Dis alles goed en wel om met elke bal te probeer hardloop, maar die Hurricanes het gewys dat julle uiters kwesbaar is teen opskietverdediging. Enige SA afrigter wat sy sout werd is, soos, sê nou maar Franco Smith, sou kennis geneem het daarvan, en dit verstom Oubal dat iemand soos Johan Ackermann nie ‘n bietjie meer variasie in julle span

se spel kon inbou nie. Die resultaat, ‘n 55-17 loesing. Eina! Maar gepraat van ‘n CB sonder Springbokke, dit het Oubal nogal so ‘n bietjie laat terugdink aan 1981 se eindstryd. Met die Bokke daai jaar op toer in NZ, het VS ook alles voor hulle platgevee, terwyl die BB’e deurgeskraap het eindstryd toe. VS het vier spelers in die Bokspan gehad, die BB’e tien, maar almal was terug en beskikbaar vir die eindstryd. VS het groot gewag gemaak daarvan dat hulle met die spelers wat hulle in die finaal gekry het sal speel en het nie hulle Bokke gekies nie. Brig. Buurman van Zyl het hom egter nie met daai slapriem laat vang nie en sy Bokke gekies – 23-6 vir die BB’e! Wat Oubal tog terugbring by die Groot Indaba. Oubal hoop van harte dit kry ons afrigters en administrateurs almal om vorentoe uit dieselfde liedjieboek te sing. Oubal het egter so ‘n spesmaas dat ons na dese nog steeds met ‘n paar Buurman van Zyls gaan sit wat sy eie belange eerste gaan stel. Nogtans, ter wille van SA Rakbie, hoop Oubal hy slaan die bal totaal mis. “Competition has been shown to be useful up to a certain point and no further, but cooperation, which is the thing we must strive for today, begins where competition leaves off.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!

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