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28 Oktober 2016
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Fear lessl y the tr uth
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Lees binne Read inside Still no Psych ward Page 4
School trip to USA
Page 8
The Great Mooketsi MTB results Page 15
Who had the longest drive? Page 16
Oktober 201
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October 2016
Kry jou agri-nuus hierdie week! l. Sien bladsy
Optima die
Die werklikheid in beeld. Die boonste foto is ‘n jaar gelede van die Tzaneendam geneem en groot kommer is oor die min water uitgespreek. ‘n Jaar later het die toestand so versleg dat boere nou water uit die Ebenezerdam vra. — Lees meer op bl 3
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28 Oktober 2016
Fear lessl y the tr uth
LiN Member
Personeel | Personnel Uitgewer / Publisher Laeveld Bulletin Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Angie Woodward 078 663 5556 angie@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Branch 083 647 9551 tamry.n@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Louis Roux 072 043 2220 louis@bulletin.us.com
Sue Ettmayr 072 630 3051 sue.ettmayr@gmail.com Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Marietjie Barnard (Best/Man) 083 982 4663 marietjie@bulletin.us.com Lihanie Booysen 082 776 4431 lihanie@bulletin.us.com Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com Verspreiding / Distribution Cedric Manyama 015 307 7248 Kantoorassistent / Office assistant Catherine Mahasha Algemene assistant / General assistant William Modiba Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani
“If it wasn’t for this genetic error called mutation, the white f*****s would have never existed. You are the original Mother f*****s. We would not be in protest and s**t like this if you white f*****s went back to your native lands. Do you even have place of origin…?” Aldus ene Molele, pedagoog van een van die grênd skole in die godverlate winderige plat dorpie anderkant die bult in die Weste. Vlieg sal nou nie soos die meeste eendersdenkende eendersdenkendes op sy perdjie spring of by die AfriKerm klaagliedere inval sonder om darem eers objektief die opvoedkundige se stelling te oordink nie. Vlieg kom eerstens agter dat ene Molele net soveel van genetika af weet as wat verlede week se nie-wetenskap Ikey van wetenskap af weet. Daarom dat Vlieg maar ‘n knippie sout byderhand hou. Tweedens weerspreek ene Molele homself want ‘n “original Mother f****r” sal per definisie ‘n “place of origin” moet hê, anders is hy nie “original” nie. Derdens ‘n “grammar”-foutjie, “…would never have…”, nie “ …would have never…” nie, wat Vlieg sekerlik sal kan oorsien aangesien Ingels waarskynlik nie die man se moeder- of vadertaal is nie. Vierdens is Vlieg beindruk met sy erkenning “…protest…” deel vorm van “…s**t like this…”.
Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk...
Mother Vlieger
Laastens wil Vlieg darem self protesteer daarteen dat die pedagoog hom sal wil terugstuur na sy “…native land…” toe. Vlieg het darem al baie jare gelede geëmigreer uit Gauteng uit en sien nie kans om weer daar te gaan woon nie. Verder is dit vir Vlieg opvallend dat meneer Lesufi en sy eweknieë nie hierdie keer dringende ter plaatse ondersoeke instel en perskonferensies belê oor die aangeleentheid nie. Is dit dan nie dieselfde skoolgroep wat die wit en swart kinders in verskillende busse laat ry het en die swart kinders en wit kinders by aparte tafels laat sit en eet het tydens pouses nie? Behalwe dat dit Vlieg se ervaring is dat opvoedkundiges soms maar uit hulle beurt uit praat, sou Vlieg vir net nog ‘n rede darem ‘n lansie wou breek vir die man, omdat daar dalk ‘n klein sweempie waarheid in sy opmerking kan steek. Dit is nou wanneer Vlieg op die voor-
blaaie van al wat nuuspapier is moet lees hoe die “white f*****s” baklei om ‘n has been Afrikaanse resitasieopsêer soos Theuns Jordaan by ‘n gekoloniseerde musikale flop soos Afrikaans is Groot te laat optree, al dan nie. Is daar dan nie belangriker nuus nie? Mr. Molele, from the original Mother Vlieger: Vlieg in jou m**r!
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 307 7248. Fax: 015 307 7684. Crownstraat 8 Crown Street, Tzaneen
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Advertensies/Adverts: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: admin@bulletin.us.com Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Agri-nuus/Agri news: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Redakteur/Editor: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: lihanie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp/Design: tammy@bulletin.us.com Sport: joe@bulletin.us.com Laeveld Bulletin BK (Reg 2004/031396/23) is die uitgewer en verspreider van die Bulletin Lowveld Bulletin CC (Reg 2004/031396/23) is the publisher and distributor of Bulletin. Copyright on advertisements, editorial material & photo’s reserved. Kopiereg op advertensies, redaksionele inhoud & foto’s word voorbehou.
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
Letsitele / Modjadjiskloof / Mooketsi See / Sien tzaneen Giyani Ambulance / Ambulans Fire Brigade / Brandweer Police / Polisie Hospital / Hospitaal Water Telekom
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
Book launched in the village She was young and excited to study jour- opinions and believed in the ANC and that The quaint bookshop Memory-Hold-TheDoor in Haenertsburg hosted a launch of lo- nalism at Rhodes University. She had strong apartheid must fall. She got involved in student politics which ultimatecal writer Bridget Hilton-Barber’s latest book, “Student ly led to her being sent to prison. Afterwards she found out her best Comrade Prisoner Spy.” The friend was a spy for the security book hit the shelves earlier this month and the first police. This and the injustices of the time churned under the surlaunch was held in the area that forms the major part of face of Bridget’s mind for more this memoir – the Eastern than three decades. She knew she’d have to revisit the Eastern Cape. Cape and in particular RhoShe knew she’d have to write the des University. memoir. She also knew that there Opening the launch, Prowould be turmoil whilst writing fessor Louis Changuion said that it is a gripping account and reviving those memories. It was ultimately a cathartic jourof the students in the 1980s. ney and “Student Comrade PrisBridget admits in her book, oner Spy” has revealed the untold “I did not grasp the consestory of a generation. quences but believed in what Professor Louis Changuion introduces Bridget Hilton-Barber. I was doing.” — Sue Ettmayr:sue.ettmayr@gmail.com
Tzaneen dam
015 812 1629 015 812 0628/5030 10111 015 812 3251 015 812 0900 0800 203 951
Bel hier as die krag by jou lol Die GTM se beheersentrum kan navrae oor kragonderbrekings 24 uur per dag beantwoord: 082 679 0720 / 082 679 0794 015 307 8190 / 015 307 4356 (as die Telkomlyne werk). Meld elektrisiteitsprobleme by dié nommers aan, enige tyd van die dag of die nag.
Stand van Damme | Dam Levels Tel: 015 307 1530 | Fax: 082 586 7023 watermaat@telkoms.net
Webwerf | Website Besoek ons webwerf by www.bulletin.us.com en lees die jongste nuus sowel as vorige eksemplare ••••••• Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies
Source: www.dwaf.gov.za Information updated: 24/10/2016
Tzaneen 16.4%
Ebenezer 61.3%
Merensky 40.5%
Dap Naude 70.1%
Middel Letaba 18.2%
Blyde Rivier Poort 37.5%
Klaserie 26.4%
Tours 30.1%
Vergelegen 58.2%
Ohrigstad 2.3%
Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Lisensie No.: 17660
Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za
Baie Dankie!
28 Oktober 2016
Boere vra DWS dringend vir water Vervolg van bladsy 1 Sestig dae van kritieke afwagting op water lê vir ‘n groot deel van Limpopo se landboubydraende dele voor. Hulle is die kragtige rug waarop die provinsie se ekonomie staatmaak. Die hoop op Tzaneen en Letsitele se vrugteboere is nou gevestig op die departement van water en sanitasie (DWS), wat binne twee weke sal besluit of ad hoc-vrylatings uit die Ebenezerdam gemaak kan word om veral volgende jaar se sitrusoes in Letsitele te red. Tzaneendam se watervlak het reeds tot 16,4% gedaal, teenoor die 52,6% in dieselfde tydperk verlede jaar. Boere wat hiervan afhanklik is, is reeds tot net 30% van hul toegelate kwotas beperk. Dit het hulle gedwing om net voorkeurboorde te besproei en die res aan die natuur se genade oor te laat. As die kwota net tydelik tot 50% gelig kan word met aanvullende water uit die Ebenezerdam, kan dit sorg dat volgende jaar se sitrusoes minder rampspoedig sal wees as wat in die vooruitsig gestel word. ‘n Forum van die DWS en alle belanghebbendes (Stakeholders Operating Forum) by die Groter Letaba watervoorsieningstelsel het dié week ‘n hersieningsvergadering in Tzaneen gehou, waar die jongste stand van die watertekorte aandag gekry het. Die belangrikste lid van die forum, die Mopani Distriksmunisipaliteit (MDM), het vir die soveelste keer in sy afwesigheid geskitter. Op vrae hoekom waterbeperkings net deur boere nagekom word en nie op huisverbruikers afgedwing word nie, is gesê dat dit die verantwoordelikheid van die MDM is. Die voorsitter van AgriLetaba, mnr Pieter Vorster, het die forum meegedeel dat sitrus in Letsitele genoeg vog in die blomsetstadium moet kry om die volgende seisoen se oes te verseker. Die volgende sestig dae is die reg-of-weg tydperk. Sitrus is een van die kernbedrywe in landbou se bydrae tot Limpopo se ekonomie. Verteenwoordigers van die DWS het onderneem om “waarskynlikheidstoetse” op die verspreiding van die Ebenezerdam se water te doen en sal binne ‘n week of wat op landbou se waterversoek antwoord. Die dam se water is by voorkeur vir Polokwane aangewys, maar oorskotwater kan vir besproeiing beskikbaar gestel word . Kommer is deur lede van die forum uitgespreek oor die hoeveelheid water wat tussen die Tzaneendam en Letsitele verlore gaan. Dit word toegeskryf aan verdamping weens die warm toestande, swak verspreidingsmetodes, onwettige onttrekkings en wettige onttrekkings wat oorskry word. Daar was ook besorgdheid oor ‘n boer by Broederstroomdrift wat ‘n bykomende lisensie vir die besproeiing van 72 ha landbougrond ontvang het, sonder dat die plaaslike wateradministrateurs daarvan in kennis gestel is. Die forum se bestuur het onderneem om die geval te ondersoek. – Louis Roux louis@bulletin.us.com
Dring aan op die
Invisible Chef wanneer jy jou volgende byeenkoms beplan Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 elnajacobs@mweb.co.za. 34 Pompagalana Street
28 Oktober 2016
Mediclinic Tzaneen groundworks near completion
— Joe Dreyer: joe@bulletin.us.com
The groundworks around Mediclinic Tzaneen are coming to a speedy conclusion. Contractors have this week completed the mammoth task of moving and connecting gas lines, transformers and electrical cables at the new site. The boundary walls and terrac-
es have been constructed and work on the new parking area to the west of the hospital is moving swiftly. By the end of November, weather permitting, the project should be completed and Mediclinic Tzaneen will sport a new MRI facil-
ity. “The MRI unit should be fully functional and operating by 15 December,” said Dr Ig van Rensburg of Mediclinic Tzaneen. “With the addition of the new MRI unit, we will also gain the expertise of neurosurgeon, Dr Sarel Spies, who will join our team when he relo-
cates from Windhoek.” There are also plans in the pipeline to start construction on a neonatal ICU, a new intensive care unit and extra wards at the hospital. The arrival of Dr Spies has also raised the need for the addition of a fifth theatre.
popo Health, like many of their facilities, is a department in dire need of an overhaul. Bulletin has tried in vain to contact any spokesperson from the Department of
Health in Limpopo for further comment and even attempts to contact the MEC, Dr PC Ramathuba, have failed. — Joe Dreyer and Phidelia Rikhotso
Meanwhile at the state funded Letaba hospital...
Still no Psych ward Despite numerous promises by the Limpopo Health Department, Letaba hospital still has no psychiatric ward. The original ward, which was gutted by a fire in 2014, still stands in ruin and was to be rebuilt and handed over to the hospital by May this year. It is now six months after that deadline and there is still no sign of urgency with regards to completing the project. Derrick Kganyago, the spokesperson for the Department, has on numerous occasions told the media that renovations were on track and that by the end of May the psychiatric patients would be moved back into their proper ward. Currently, male and female psychiatric patients share wards with regular patients which has caused a number of concerns sur-
rounding safety and hygiene. “Regular patients have been complaining that the psych-patients steal their food and personal belongings while they sleep,” a source told Bulletin. “These psych patients need to be monitored around the clock because of their mental illness. To have them roaming the corridors of regular wards among regular patients is dangerous for staff, visitors and the patients themselves.” It is reported in audit statistics published on www.provinvialgovernment.co.za that this department showed Irregular expenditure of R544 881 and fruitless and wasteful expenditure of R43 356 during the 2014/2015 financial year. These figures were a sharp increase from the previous financial year which could point to the fact that Lim-
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28 Oktober 2016
28 Oktober 2016
Our Opinion
Ons reis deur die afgelope twaalf jaar...
The Message
Perspective The Tzaneen community seems divided on the exact extent of the water crisis we are currently knee deep (or rather, ankle deep) in the middle of. On the one hand we have the avid garden watering, motorcar washing, completely oblivious to reason party who believe that there really isn’t a crisis and the media is acting as a doomsday prophet in its search for sensation. “I’ve seen the dam worse than this before.” On the other hand we have the water recycling from washing machines to garden realists, who realize that water should be saved regardless of whether or not there is a crisis looming. I took the images of the Tzaneen dam from under the twin bridges exactly a year apart from one another. Have a look at the front page and tell me that we shouldn’t panic. Private vs Government Again, let’s throw something out there and see what happens. If you have a look on page four this week you will notice that we feature two health care facilities. One of them belongs to the government and the other to private stakeholders. One of these has not managed to finish reparations on one ward in THREE YEARS, while the other has successfully constructed an entire new addition to the existing building which includes a parking lot, and MRI facility and groundworks in preparation for new wards, a new surgery and further extensions in just THREE MONTHS. I’ll just leave it there. Independent Newspapers Being independent allows for certain freedoms that belonging to a large corporate just cannot afford. In much the same manner as the example on page four, we have the freedom to investigate a lead thoroughly, before we publish anything – without fear of being reprimanded by the bean counters. We trust that this has been the reason for our backing over the years, and the motivation behind our growing support. We won’t give you one-liners to drive our street sales. Through your support we will be able to continue uncovering the truth, providing you with the peace of mind that somebody has your back. Support your only independent, unbiased, fearless source of relevant information and stay informed.
Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church The Lord be with you! As we creep closer and closer to Christmas the more busy we get, rushing about to organize the holiday, if we are going away, getting gifts, and as it the days grow shorter the organization of the meal for Christmas day. Some however will book a place in a restaurant of hotel, somewhere, where the food is prepared for them. Do we ever give a thought to those who will not be with their family because they are catering for us? Yes, it is a calling they have chosen and perhaps they will be with their families later. I believe the true spirit of Christmas lies in the sharing of love for one another, by being in the company of those we love the most. Sometimes this is not possible because of something preventing this unity. Many forget the true purpose of Christmas day and that is that we celebrate the fact that God gave us His only Son to be born as man. In our preparations do we think of those out there who are homeless, orphaned or just without the means to celebrate anything, let alone Christmas day. Yet among these less fortunate people we often find true dedication and love, they often help others despite not having enough for themselves. This indicates their living in the steps of Jesus. How often do we reach out to others? Even to those closest to us, we are so taken up with our own lives that we just tend to forget that these people may be lonely, they have possibly reached out to you and not got the response they expected. Do we say, “well if they do not contact me I won’t bother to contact them, I am too busy” Political and traditional leaders in Tzaneen prepared for a mass action against the GTM’s one-sided decision to change the names of hospitals. The Van Velden and Dr CM Phatudi hospitals were involved, but the action was successful and the institutions retained their original names. There was also a fresh outbreak of foot and mouth disease amongst cattle in the north, causing great concern with cattle farmers in the Gravelotte area. Ons gaan vir die res van die jaar elke week ‘n voorblad wys. Dit gaan beslis interessant wees om te sien wat twaalf jaar gelede die hoofnuus in die toonaangewende nuusblad van Limpopo se Laeveld was. Geniet dit gerus! Bulletin will show a front page of twelve years back for the rest of the year to recall memories on the main issues of yesteryear. Enjoy it!
I therefore appeal to you to pick up that phone today and contact those in need. But above all pray for them and ask God to enlighten you in your quest to obey His command “To love one another.” Consider having a family reunion with all those family members, even if you have become disengaged with them. Perhaps, this is all that is needed to show you care, to rebuild trust and faith. This will also make it much easier in your relationship with God. Blessings Ron
Helpende Hand benodig ook JOU helpende hande! Vandag nog!
10368 7 The Numbers 2459
The number of teeth removed from an Indian boy. He had a rare disease that caused additional teeth to grow in his mouth.
Local Heroes Here’s to all the ladies who stared breast cancer in the face and survived to talk about it. You - are amazing and we look at you with admiration and respect.
We support all actions aimed at combating gender-based violence and the abuse of children
Die mense hoor
Let wel: Hulle sê nie so nie! Die gemeenskap het gevra daarvoor en na baie gesmeek en soebat is “Die Oor” toe nou terug. Geniet hom! • As jy nie Kwaliteit tyd saam met jou vrou spandeer nie, sal dit jou inhaal een of ander tyd. • Hoe slegter dit met besigheid gaan, hoe meer ekonomies raak die voertuie. Party het net geld vir ‘n tweedeurkarretjie, ander kan nie eers die dak bekostig nie. • As jy op ‘n toer gaan en ver-
trek van Suid-Afrika na Europa en weer terug, moet jy weet die landing gaan nie wat wonders wees nie, veral met ‘n onervare vlieënier. Dit het nie saak gemaak of jy nou ekonomiese-, besigheids- of eerste klas gevlieg het nie. Die landing was hard vir almal, seer voete en vreeslike hoofpyne. Blykbaar was dit ‘n jolige toer… • As jy die egskeidings so bekyk wat op die rol is, maak die somme eers sin vir die
gades na die koeël deur die kerk is: twee karre + plus twee karre = 6 personeellede. • Dis darem lekker om juffrou te wees, nuustyd kom Maandag en die kleine mondjie kan dalk net al die skinderstories oorvertel. • Die menere blink en die hele familie word oortuig dis die nuwe jag, maar of bees die stompe en klippe sal oorspring terwyl ouboet lekker lê en slaap, sal ons nog sien. Lank sal die nuwe avontuur nog lewe, of sal dit?
• Baard-olie werk slegs as daar ‘n baard is, maar as mamma eers gesê het dis tyd, dan moet hy seker af. • Hulle sê “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, dis bietjie moeilik as jy met daai rokkie in ‘n kroeg op daag. Die “specials” is nie net in die koerant nie, waarheen is jy oppad? • Jy weet die nuus raak min as jy die huisvrouens moet besig hou met ‘n artikel wat bestaan uit een sin en ‘n lekker foto.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Early detection saves lives
s j 3 2 4 3 9 _ 3 8 0 x 2 6 0 _ 2
2 0 1 6 - 1 0 - 2 1 T1 4 : 4 2 : 5 6 + 0 2 : 0 0
28 Oktober 2016
28 Oktober 2016
Plasies visit the USA
Marlu McLean, Dineo Shokane, Monique Zhanda, Belinda Nzadi.
Four Merensky pupils trekked across the globe to the United States during their October break, to experience life at some of the most renowned tertiary educational institutions in the world. Marlu McLean, Monique Zhanda, Dineo Shokane and Belinda Nzadi attended lectures at Harvard, Yale, MIT, Princeton and the University of Columbia as part of the Travel and Sport’s Academic Achiever Tour. As if stimulating academic lectures were not enough, the party of four also visited some landmarks in three major cities Boston, New York and Washington. Their flash tour included visits to the JF Kennedy Museum and Library, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 Memorial, the
Capitol Building, Arlington Cemetery and the Smithsonian Museum. A visit to a Broadway show, the comedy show Sheer Madness, dinner at the Hard Rock Café on Times Square and browsing on 5th Avenue provided entertainment to the teenage mind. After the whirlwind fourteen days the group returned to school - tired yet energized with broadened minds, new friendships with intellectual peers and motivated to improve their own academic achievement. “A life changing experience”, was the unanimous description of the tour by the four enquiring minds.
Belinda Nzadi, Dineo Shokane, Monique Zhanda, Mrs. Fransie le Roux, Marlu McLean.
Travel and Sport is a 20-year old school orientated travel company that has sent more than 30 000 school pupils on about 1 000 tours to more than 30 different destinations including Europe and the United States. The organization prides itself on acknowledging those top achievers in schools across the country and is respected as one of the market leaders in their field. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Michelle Stevens — Plasie van die jaar- en Dux-leerling.
Merensky matrieks vereer Op Maandag, 17 Oktober het die klas van 2016 en hul ouers bankvas in die Merensky skoolsaal gesit om hul laaste kerkdiens en prysuitdelingsgeleentheid by te woon. Ds. Edmund de Beer het op gepaste wyse die Woord gebring, waarna die tradisionele kleuterskool en laerskool-afskeidsitems onder luide toejuiging aangebied was. Michelle Stevens het haar skoolloopbaan afgesluit met twee top-toekennings: Plasie van die jaar- en Dux-leerling. JP van den Bergh het ‘n trofee vir boere-or-
dentlikheid verdien terwyl Blake Linder aangewys is as die mees veelsydige sportman. Ruan Genis is beloon vir getroue en onbaatsugtige diens en Reynard Brooks met die trofee vir toewyding en volharding. Benèche Jackson, Janco Theron en Charissa Ivy het elkeen ‘n goue erepenning vir hul boogskietprestasies ontvang. Nadat elkeen die beesklok vir oulaas gelui het, het Merensky in Union weergalm dat die dak dreun.
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Blake Linder — Veelsydigste sportman
28 Oktober 2016
Stanford bowls Piet Pot In a Golden League cricket battle between the first teams of Stanford Lake College and Piet Potgieter in Polokwane earlier this month, the Stanfordians managed a convincing seven wicket win. Stanford won the toss and bowled first in friendly bowling conditions. Surgically precise bowling from the boys in blue hit the right areas from the word go. The fielders offered support to the bowling attack which
resulted some fine outfield catches on the day. Justyn Trueman was once again the star of the bowling line-up, taking 5 for 22 in 8 overs. He was well supported by Matt Maritz who took 3 wickets, to end the hosts’ innings on 118 al out. Stanford went into bat with the challenge of low totals being notoriously hard to chase down. SLC lost their openers early but
the innings was put back together by Justyn Trueman who scored a quarter century not out, and Graeme Harty, who played a great captain’s innings, scoring 60 not out. — Joe Dreyer
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Jolandi van der Merwe, Lara Schu�e en Lorinda Esterhuizen. Afwesig: Rachael du Plessis
Sewe Prisma-medaljes Sewe atlete van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op Saterdag, 15 Oktober 2016, aan die Prisma Jewaskiewitz atletiekbyeenkoms wat by die Peter Mokaba stadion plaasgevind het, deelgeneem. Hierdie byeenkoms word bestuur deur Deon Jewaskiewitz en is een van die grootste eendag-atletiekbyeenkomste wat jaarliks in die stad gehou word. Daar is altesaam 169 veld- en baanitems waaraan atlete van regoor die streek deelneem. Die uitslae was soos volg: Meisies: Jolandi van der Merwe, (MO/14)
1ste in die 100m en spiesgooi. Lorinda Esterhuizen, (MO/14) 1ste in diskus en 2de in gewigstoot Rachael du Plessis, (MO/16) – 5de in die 400m. Lara Schutte, (MO/17) – 1ste in die 400m. Sy verbeter ook die rekord – 58,79 sek. Seuns: Liam Meintjes, (SO/14) – 2de in die 400m. Jaco de la Rey, (SO/16) – 2de in spiesgooi. Emile Kruger, (SO/16) – 1se in spiesgooi. Hy verbeter ook die rekord – 62,41m.
Liam Meintjes, Emile Kruger en Jaco de la Rey
28 Oktober 2016
Vossies verf Bloues rooi ‘n Vennootskap van 148 lopies tussend Frans Pohl en Hayden Butler was die doodsknal vir Hoërskool Merensky se tweedespan wat teen Ben Vorster te staan gekom het in verlede week se A-liga krieketfinaal kragmeting. Die wedstryd is op Polokwane gespeel. Ben Vorster het eerste gekolf en deur ‘n goeie openingsvenootskap tussen Vernon Harms en Wilco Janse van Rensburg, met 54 lopies, is ‘n stewige platform vir die span gelê. Die lopies is vrylik deur die kolwers aangeteken wat Ben Vorster in staat gestel het om ‘n reusetelling van 351 lopies op die telbord te plaas. Die span het ‘n totaal van 53 viere en 9 sesse geslaan. Hoërskool Merensky het na middagete gekolf, maar die rooimasjien se boulers het hard geveg en Merensky het paaltjies op ‘n ge-
reelde basis verloor. Briljante veldwerk het dinge glad nie maklik vir die Bloues gemaak nie en is Merensky in die 28ste boulbeurt vir slegs 113 lopies uitgeboul. Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die wedstryd oortuigend met 238 lopies gewen en word as Limpopo Kampioene gekroon.
Voor : Jaco de la Rey en Schalk Gagiano. Middel: Stefan Paulse, Danie Heckroodt, Hayden Butler, Pierre Roos en Rynier de Jager (krieket koördineerder). Agter: Vernon Harms, CJ Erasmus , Frans Pohl, Johan Harms, WC Kriel, Piet Prinsloo (afrigter), Tristin du Preez en Wilco Janse van Rensburg
Spesiale erkening word gegee aan van die kolwers wat die meeste lopies aangeteken het naamlik Frans Pohl met 89 lopies vanaf net 52 balle, Hayden Butler 72 van 71 balle en Vernon Harms wat 53 lopies na 35 balle aangeteken het. Wilco Janse van Rensburg se kliniese boulwerk het vir die meeste skade in die Merensky kamp gesorg met 5 vir 34 lopies in net 7 beurte. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Zack maak lyn nat Zack Verster, ‘n leerling van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, is vir die Junior span (wat uit agt bestaan) gekies, wat in Maart 2017 die Noordelike afdeling van die SABAA gaan verteenwoordig tydens die Junior Nationals by die Wriggleswade dam in die Oos-Kaap. Deur die seisoen moet hul aan
SAVF Konsert Baie dankie vir al julle harde werk!
ses kompetisies deelneem en ten opsigte van hul punte is hul gekies. Zack het 5de in die Noordelike afdeling geëindig en het ‘n trofee ontvang vir die swaarste sak vir die seisoen 2016. Uit die afdelings word ‘n Proteaspan gekies, wat SA later in 2017 gaan verteenwoordig.
Dankseggingsdag en Kersmark Graag nooi ons u met groot opgewondenheid om deel te word van ‘n Dankseggingsdag en Kersmark wat aangebied word deur Agri Letaba/Letaba Skou. Hierdie dag is vir almal om dankie te sê aan ons Hemelse Vader vir al die gawes wat ons elke dag uit Sy hand uit ontvang. Die Dankseggingsdag sal gehou word op 11 November 2016 vanaf 13:00 – 21:00 by Tzaneen Skouterrein.
Ons bied die dag aan vir liefdadigheidsorganisasies in en om Tzaneen wat ons graag ‘n helpende hand voor wil bied. Uitstalruimtes nog beskikbaar teen R150 per stalletjie. Kontak gerus vir Hanneri by 015 307 2725/admin@ letabashow.co.za
Donasie by die hekke: R20.00 vir volwassenes R10.00 vir kinders onder 13 jaar Tesame met die volgende: • Nie-bederfbare voedsel • Klere, skoene en linne • Toiletware • Sagte speelgoed • Honde- en katkos
Program: 13:00 – laat: Hekke en Kersmark-kraampies open 16:00 – 18:30: Optredes deur Kerksanggroepe 18:30 – 20:00: Danksegging met Dewald Gouws 20:00 – 21:30: Opelug fliek – Faith like Potatoes
Sakeliga | Business League Bulletin Sakeliga | Business Punteleer 3 | RoundLeague 3 Telling / Score
Log | Punteleer
Onthou opedag 4 November om 8:00 - 10:00 by SAVF Kontak ons vir 2017 aansoeke en meer inligting.
Blad geborg deur:
Marelize Auret
1 2 3
Shot Team Points Ronde 2 - Round 2 Aggregate Klofies Telling / Score 28 25 Mazfor 10 van Telling 26W=2 Totaal
Buffel Cafeteria13
Bissett Real Estate
5 Tennisklub Tzn Tennis Club16 Tzaneen BRBF Lannie6 Motors
5 8
7 Tzn Gholf Club 22 Megapaints
ZZ2 Groen 8 Span Fit Freaks
rondtes 10 gespeel
24 4
24 4
611 611 -16 -145 -122
16 Tzaneen Superspar
Keyshop 14 10 TznBissett Real Estate
24 4 21 2 21 2 20 2 18 2
18 2
-2 -12
Reward 12 Properties WD Saailinge 5
16 2
-2 -28
Kings11 WaldenZZ2 Ben Vorster
H/V Agatha & Grensstraat, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 4255/2943/076 500 7212 • Fax: 015 307 4255 • e-pos: kleuterskool@tzaneen.co.za
L=0 D=1
Letaba Panelbeaters 26 Vir Teen
Hi Q
Adams Café
Bulletin Postnet
ZZ2 Rooi Span
2 0
Bulletin 8 14 0 5
-6 -6
-10 -12
28 Oktober 2016
28 Oktober 2016
Smouskous l Classifieds Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756
Services Dienste
SANTA’S FABRIC MAGIC Upholstery, Curtains, Blinds, Furniture and more. 45 Agatha Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2468
Franna Lamprecht Sales Executive: Franna Lamprecht Cell: 082 739 1297 Tel: 015 307 5016 Fax: 015 307 2753 franna@lanniemotors.co.za www.lanniemotors.co.za Lannie motors Tzaneen 0850
Lannie Motors
DEBT STRESS Contact us for professional, confidential advice on 015 307 2772. Branches in Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Giyani. Registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR. Feb202___________________ Hobby Print For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. Aug110___________________________
TLB for Hire 3CX 4X4 JCB Competitive rates. Excellent operator. Contact 083 580 2078
p erl a n g PamPamper Haarsalon
Oct101_____________________ Pay with your card
Borehole Investigation Underwater video camera system to observe the general condition of your borehole i.e. blockages, aquifers, water levels, condition of casings. etc. Contact Rynier de Jager @ 079 883 5655
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00 Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom)
We also do building and all types of renovation. Life 073 719 4145 Makhaya 082 745 6270 Jack 072 665 4381
it’s easy
Letaba Boulevard, Winkel nr 9, Tzaneen 015 307 6849 • 072 414 1613
(BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Wendy Houses For the best prices, quality and guaranteed work we are the best, all sizes all types available 3 m x 3 m R4 000, 3 m x 6 m R7 500, 3 m x 9 m R10 000 don’t miss this winter special.
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Ons koop, verkoop en pand enige iets van waarde. Meubels, toebehore, juwele, kombuisware, gereedskap en vele meer. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd and get the best value for your money or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 Apr112____________________
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
Emergencies: 015 306 8500
Gravelotte Engineering General engineering, machining, sheet metal works, processing and packaging machine maintenance. Manufacturing of steel structures and supports profile / plasma cutting. Contact Hanno Meintjies at 015 318 4344 / hannomeintjies@yahoo.com
DASS Refrigeration, air conditioning. Repairs, spares and services to all makes of domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Whirlpool, Defy, Bosch, etc. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 8980 468
Agri Box Kontak ons vir enige pakmateriaal. 5c Rietbokstraat 015 307 1863
Danie Vaughan 083 307 2076
Steynberg Trok & trekker 8 Ton trokke te huur. R22.50/km + btw, 8 ton Koeler trok R25/km +btw. 12 ton trok R24.50/km + btw & 20 ton @ R31.50/km + btw eenrigting. Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503/ 082 851 7139 Of 015 345 1192 084 627 0956 Jan402_______________
Self storages with security to let. 9.18 and 32 sqm. From R250, R500, R1 000 pm plus vat. Contact 083 265 3129 or 083 451 9557 Reyno Loodgieters Flinke diens. Afslag aan alle pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno by 015 307 4063 082 550 1357
For Hire Te Huur
Tzaneen Trailer Hire
Business directory | Sakegids Welman Woodworks
Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936
Construction of New Pools Refurbishing of Pools Painting of Pools Fixing of cracks and leaks Aquatec Epoxy
Office: 061 233 6543Fax: 086 656 7843 Shaun: 079 056 0896 P.O Box 1041, Tzaneen 0850 Website: www.welmanwoodworks.co.za
Contact Dennis: 082 573 0336 email: loralebati@gmail.com
For Sale Te Koop
Specialists in: Kitchens | Bathrooms | Built-in cupboards
3 Vlak geweerkluis soos nuut. R1 800 Kontak Gerhard 082 853 2644
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Medi 24, cnr Thabo Mbeki & Plein Street, Polokwane 015 291 2275
Ultimate Security
and much more...
Electric Fencing Carports Garage & Sliding Gate Motors Security Cameras Alarms Intercom Systems
Eugene: 078 460 4667 • Office: 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen
We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com
Tzaneen 015 307 2493 / 015 307 1768 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen www.trellidor.co.za
082 789 2633 | 083 399 6696 3 Saligna Street, Tzaneen
OVERNIGHT Courier Service bulletin8535mrg130726dm
Accommodation / Marabalo
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Your go -to for firep -guys laces & braais
087 754 9618
CCTV, Clocking Systems, Electric Fencing, Alarm Systems & Access Control Systems
015 297 8964 • 083 417 6126 22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane, 0699 www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
28 Oktober 2016
Property l Eiendomme For Sale | Te Koop
Ruim 2 slaapkamer woonstel onmiddellik beskikbaar by Strelitzia vanaf . R4 550 per maand Water en elektrisiteit uitgesluit. Skakel 082 551 1971
1.75ha grond onder nette, sink dam. Geskik vir groente boerdery. R5000/mnd + elektrisiteit Kontak: Thys @ 076 410 9503 Norman @ 082 851 7139
Business property to rent, 120m² prime spot, enough
parking. Close to all schools in town. Call 153075534/0827875733’ Oct301__________________________
Netjiese 2 slaapkamer meenthuis te huur. Grondvloer, elektriese omheining. Huur R4 450 pm Water en ligte uitgesluit Deposito betaalbaar. Geen Troeteldiere Kontak Corne 072 225 3960
Tzaneen Garden Centre. 2 en n halwe slaapkamer huis met oopplan leefarea te huur. Skadunet parkernig vir 2 motors, koopkrag. Elektriese heining plus alarmstelsel. R3750 per maand. Deposito betaalbaar. GEEN HONDE NIE. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel 0716043453. Oct303__________________________
House for sale Macadamia – R2.2 million Immaculate home of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, open plan living leading to a large wooden deck overlooking a spotless garden with trees, double garage on a large stand +/- 1300 sm. Arborpark – R1 460 000 Large 4 bedroom house 2 bathrooms, dining room modern kitchen granite top, lounge, family room, 2 aircons, doubel garage set on 1330 sm stand. Oct201__________________________
Urgently looking for a property in Macadamia to sell and let Contact Peter at SEEFF 082 890 8845 Oct202__________________________
Letaba River Estate 2 Brand new homes with modern finishes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with
granite tops. Fully tiled, double automated garage, fully walled. Choice of two One for R1 .280 million or one for R1.3 million Contact Peter 082 890 8845 SEEFF Properties Oct301__________________________
Arborpark R1 460 000 Large 4 bedroom house, 2 full bathrooms, dining room, modern kitchen with granite tops. Cosy lounge, family room, 2 air conditioners, double garage set on 1330 sqm stand. Ideal for a large family. Walking distance from schools. URGENTLY needed properties in Hotel@Tzaneen or Vermont. Contact Peter at Seeff properties 082 890 8845
Aquapark (meenthuis) Aquapark (tuinwoonstel) 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan sitkamer, 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer (stort) aparte toilet, eetkamer, kombuis, motorhuis, swembad (splash eetkamer, sitkamer, klein tuintjie, afdak vir 2 pool). Eie klein tuintjie. 1 klein hondjie welkom. R5 800 voertuie, R400.00 krag ingesluit, geen troeteldiere of kinders. Aquapark (tuinwoonstel) R3 900 1 Slaapkamer, badkamer, oopplan, afdak vir voertuig, krag van R400.00 ingesluit, nie geskik Kantoor: 015 307 5151 vir troeteldiere of kinders. Isabel: 083 448 5171 R3 700 Annette: 083 443 0328
Huise, Meenthuise, Woonstelle, Kantore & Besighede
NOTICE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town-Planning Scheme, 2000, read in conjunction with the Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws 2016 that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, intend applying to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to operate a Spaza Shop on Erf 421 Tzaneen Extension 4, situated at 1 Third Avenue, Tzaneen. The land is zoned for “Residential 1” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Town-Planning Scheme. Plans and/or particulars relating to the application may be inspected during normal office hours at Jacques du
Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, 13 Peace Street, Tzaneen and the office of the Manager Planning and Economic Development, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen from 21 October 2016. Any person having any objections to the granting of this application must lodge such objection together with the grounds therefore in writing, with the Municipal Manager, PO Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850, not later than 18 November 2016. Address of agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850
toorure by Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, Peacestraat 13, Tzaneen en by die kantoor van die Bestuurder, Beplanning en Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, 0850 vanaf 21 Oktober 2016. Persone wat enige beswaar het teen die goedkeuring van hierdie aansoek, moet
sodanige beswaar saam met die gronde daarvoor skriftelik indien by die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850, voor of op 18 November 2016. Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Oct301___________________________
KENNISGEWING TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA, 2000 Ooreenkomstig Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, saamgelees met die Tzaneen Spluma Verordeninge 2016, geskied kennis hiermee dat ons, Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, van voornemens is om aansoek te doen by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir Spesiale Toestemming om ‘n Spaza winkel te bedryf op Erf 421 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 4, geleë te Derdelaan 1, Tzaneen. Die eiendom is tans vir “Residensieël 1” doeleindes gesoneer ingevolge die bovermelde dorpsbeplanningskema. Planne en/of besonderhede van hierdie aansoek is ter insae gedurende gewone kan-
Of Mawa Block 8 passed away on Saturday 22/10/2016 and will be buried on Saturday 29-10-2016. The service will be held from home in Mawa Block 8 and will proceed to the local cemetery in Mawa for Burial.
Of Taulome village passed away on Saturday 22/10/2016 and will be buried on Saturday 29-10-2016. The service will be held from home in Taulome village and will proceed to the local cemetery in Taulome for Burial.
Of Ga-Mmasa Eisleben village passed away on Sunday 23/10/2016 and will be buried on Saturday 29-10-2016. The service will be held from Church in Ga- Mmasa Eisleben village and will proceed to the local cemetery in Ga-Mmasa Eisleben for the Burial.
Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/2989
Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/2991
Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/2990
Vacancy Driver
• Experienced driver • Drivers License • Friendly peoples person • Fluent in Afrikaans, English, Sepedi, Tsonga • Presentable • 25 - 35 years of age
Fax CV’s to: 086 657 6686
If suitable you will be called for an interview.
Situated near Tarentaalrand. Specializing in poultry production.
REQUIREMENTS: • Computer literate – use of Xcel and Word. • Own transport. • Driver’s license. • English and Afrikaans. • Office hours Monday – Friday 07:45 till 16:30.
DUTIES (but not limited to): • Ordering of office necessities. • Receptionist. • Arranging pickups with Courier services. • Month end allocation of invoices to statements. • Communication between office and abattoir. • Communication with office and managers. • Daily statistics sent out to abattoir.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 29(1) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act No. 117, of 1998 that the 1ST Quarter Council Meeting will be held as follows: VENUE: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL CHAMBER DATE: 31 OCTOBER 2016 TIME: 10:OO ALL THE STAKEHOLDERS (I.E. YOUTH, NGO(S), FARMERS, BUSINESS PEOPLE AND THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE) ARE INVITED TO THE ABOVE MENTIONED MEETING.
SALARY: • Market related salary, negotiable depending on experience and qualification. • Please state your salary expectation. To apply for the above mentioned position, please send your CV to: preemagind@mweb.co.za. Applications close on: 11 November 2016.
dress particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 4. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 5. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on this the 14th day of SEPTEMBER 2016. THOMAS & SWANEPOEL ING THOMAS & SWANEPOEL BUILDING 19 PEACE STREET TZANEEN, 0850 REF: L J ERASMUS/MV/M3222
R6 500
R4 500
Legals | Geregtelik IN THE REGIONAL COURT FOR THE REGIONAL DIVISION OF LIMPOPO HELD AT TZANEEN CASE NUMBER: LP/TZN/ RC103/2014 In the matter between: PRINCE MONYELA EXECUTION CREDITOR And LEVY MONYELA EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF AUCTION In pursuance of a Judgment dated 2 JULY 2015 and a warrant of execution in the Regional Court for the district of Limpopo, Tzaneen, the following goods will be sold on Thursday the 10th day of NOVEMBER 2016 at 10:00 by Public Auction to be held at Transnet House number 20, Hamawasha, Tzaneen by the sheriff for the district of Lenyenye to the bidder for cash, namely: 1 x Quantum with registration number CBB569L AUCTION 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, Lenyenye 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 3.1 Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 3.2 FICA legislation in respect of proof of identify and ad-
Duiwelskloof 3 Slaapkamer, 2 badkamer, kombuis, eetkamer, sitkamer, TV kamer, plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel omhein met afdakke.
Two bedroom spacious, secure flat to rent. Available immediately. In tranquil bush surrounds situated on the R71 close to Letaba Airfield. Please call 082 849 2603 to view. No large dogs.
Medipark (meenthuis) 3 Slaapkamers, 1 badkamer, oopplan sitkamer, eetkamer, kombuis, afdak vir voertuig, erf omhein. Loop afstand vanaf besighede. Troeteldiere welkom.
To Let | Te Huur
MASHABA T.G. Municipal Manager
Cllr. MP Matlou (MAYOR)
28 Oktober 2016
Dubbelkuns vir Plasiegimnas Ezri Hugo, ‘n graad 11-leerder van Hoërskool Merensky, het haar merk gemaak nadat sy vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar bekroon is as die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioen in die “freedance” roetine, vlak 7 ritmiese gimnastiek. Die jaarlikse Suid-Afrikaanse gimnastiekkampioenskappe het vanaf 1
Hoof stap voor
Carl Döhse, Jaguars 3 times man of the match.
Sevens rugby alive and kicking at the Larries This is the second year running that the Larries are participating in the Laerskool Witrivier Father’s Ground Vodacom Sevens Tournament. This year the Larries also sent an u/11 team, and they all performed really well. Results are as follows: Under 12: Day 1 – Tzaneen Jaguars beat Pietersburg Noord A 71/10, Tzaneen Bulldogs beat Ehlanzeni Dev. 0/34, Tzaneen Jaguars beat Klipfontein 54/0, Tzaneen Bulldogs
Baie Dankie aan die borge vir Wysneusie Kleuterskool se Gholfdag
Wenners Mans: Richard Coleman en Peter Tooley
tot 9 Oktober in Kaapstad plaasgevind, waar meer as 2800 gimnaste van regoor Suid-Afrika, asook Namibië, mekaar die stryd aangesê het. Ezri het Limpopo verteenwoordig en het met een goue- en twee bronsmedaljes weggestap, ‘n prestasie waarop almal by Hoërskool Merensky baie trots is.
lost against Goedehoop B 10/12. Day 2 – Tzaneen Jaguars beat St. Peters 72/0, Tzaneen Bulldogs lost against Pietersburg Noord A 7/40, Tzaneen Bulldogs beat White River B and won the shield final against Curro 40/0, Tzaneen Jaguars beat Goedehoop 61/0 in the cup final. Under 11: Day 1 – Tzaneen beat White River B 44/0, beat Ehlanzeni Dev. 31/12. Day 2 – Tzaneen beat Curro 41/0 and beat Witrivier A 26/19 and they won Goedehoop 37/5 and end in 3rd place.
Mnr. Magnus Steyn, bekende skoolhoof van Hoërskool Merensky, is verkies om as ondervoorsitter vir die 2017-2019 PUR (Provinsiale Uitvoerende Raad) van die SAOU (Suid-Afrikaanse Onderwysersunie), Limpopo, te dien. Steyn dien reeds vir vier jaar op die uitvoerende komitee. Hoërskool Merensky is besonder trots op hierdie erkenning aan hul skoolhoof.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Early detection saves lives
Opedag 4 November 10:00 Kom word speel-speel slim! •6 maande - Gr.R • Vriendelike atmosfeer • Veilige terrein • Gekwalifiseerde Personeel met jare se ervaring • Opvoedkundige materiaal
Tweede Plek Mans: Calla Kruger en Jacques Gouws
Dames Tweede Prys: Michelle du Toit en Sjoerdie Kirstein
Ons is ‘n privaat skool wat kwaliteit onderrig en opvoeding bied! Kontak die skool vir tariewe en aansoeke vir 2017
Naaste aan die Pen: Mike Allen
Tel:015 345 1264 Sel: 083 320 8165 (Hoof) Annemarie Smit Sel: 082 335 2129 (Admin) Hestie Venter
28 Oktober 2016
Cyclists brave
the great Mooketsi MTB
The annual Mooketsi Mountain Bike Race resembled James Dashner’s ‘Scorch Trials’ as 330 enthusiastic cyclists readied themselves to face the heat – literally. At the 07:15 start of the event held in Mooketsi this weekend, temperatures had already climbed well onto the heavier side of 25 degrees and showed no inclination of subsiding. As is the case every year, the turnout was promising and saw a large contingent of primary school riders enter for the 10km ride while the more expert level cyclists braved the 35km and 70km routes. The fact that nobody lost their way or veered off course this year was a topic of discussion among many of the circles within the fraternity and can be attributed to exceptional organizational skills by ZZ2 in conjunction with veteran hosts, Le’Club. It was the first year that ZZ2 managed and organized this particular event in their own capacity with the assistance of Le’Club in the form of field marshalls and officials. The Mooketsi MTB Challenge is unique in the sense that it offers participants the opportunity to ride through a private game reserve. It is a qualifying event for Limpopo colours and is an officially sanctioned Limpopo Cycling event.
Scenery aside, the day was about racing and when it came down to the brass tacks of things, 19-year old Komborero “The Bear” Bere wearing bib number 857, took the win in the 70 km race in just under three minutes with a time of 02:59:00. Second place went to 42-year old Mario Ferreira, who
crossed the line two minutes after the youngster in 03:02:08. The oldest rider to complete the gruelling 70 km route this year was Brian O’ Regan (66) who clocked a time of 04:56:42 – a minute quicker than a 24-year old competitor in his group. The 35 km race was won by Reuben Beggs (29) in a convincing time of 01:49:58 followed by Jaco Liebenberg (31) in second place with a time of 01:50:57 and third placed Rofhiwa Kutama (14) who crossed the line in 01:51:26. An interesting battle of the ages played itself off in the 10 km race. Charl Hattingh (44) crossed the line first in a time of 31:02.49 with the 11-year old Meyer Jacobs hot on his heels in second place with a time of 31:06.65. Johannes van der Merwe (11) finished third in a time of 31:20.13. “We look forward to next year’s big race and we believe that if the turnout this year is anything to go by, we should have a bumper crowd in 2017,” said Rene Coetzee of Le’Club. — Joe Dreyer
Joshua Retief
Bevan Muller
Janke Joubert
Oubal wil vandag ‘n belydenis aan sy priester maak oor ‘n groot sonde wat hy verlede Sondag begaan het. Nee, Oubal het nie ‘n bier by ‘n krieketwedstryd gekoop nie, dominies, dis veel erger as dit. Oubal kon ook nie, sover hy weet, vasstel dat hy van demone besete was nie, maar dis seker ‘n moontlikheid. ‘Tja, dominies, laat Oubal nou maar met die sak patats vorendag kom - hy het sokker gekyk op die heilige sabbat. Oubal hoop daar is vergifnis vir hom, maar dominies moet verstaan dat die kalf in die put was om ‘n vriendskap te beredder. Die saak staan so, dominies, die enigste manier wat ons ou ArthurIngelsman by ons spanpraatjie kon kry vir die CB-eindstryd, was as ons bereid sou wees om Sondag saam met hom na die nuwe liefde in sy lewe te kyk. Of sy “roets”, soos hy dit vroeër gestel het. Ons was toe verpligt genooi om saam met ou AI te kyk hoe “Djoenaaited” vir “Tjelsie” gaan “diestroi” onder die bekwame leiding van ‘n man genaamd “Jousei Moerienhou”. Op ‘n tweede gedagte, doeminies, dink Oubal jy kan maar die vergifnis deel los, want vir Oubal en sy ander twee makkers was dit genoeg straf om net sokker te kyk. Maar daar was geen
Trevor De Beer
Jarred Watridge
Haak Vrystaat!!!
groter straf, behalwe miskien die vagevuur, as om ‘n huilende AI te aanskou nadat “Tjelsie” vir “Djoenaaited” met 4-0 kafgedraf het nie, doeminies! Die goeie nuus is dat ou AI na dese heel moontlik terug bekeer is na rakbie, veral na die sprankelspel van die Vrystaatse Cheetahs. Oubal is nie seker of ou AI na dese eerder ‘n Cheetah-ondersteuner gaan word nie, maar hy twyfel. Ou AI het Saterdag laat val dat hy hoop die “Laast Autpoust” koop weer die Vrystaat leeg. Hy hoop veral dat hulle die hele Vrystaat agterlyn oor die berg kan lok, behalwe miskien vir Clayton Blommetjies, want hulle het mos vir Curwin Bosch, SA se Junior Springbok van die jaar, daai kant. Op daai punt, dominies, het ‘n beteuterde GertGrensvegter opgemerk dat die Haaie, asook die BB’e, OWeePee of selfs die Kings, beter daaraan toe sal wees om eerder vir Franco Smith af te rokkel. GG sê hy is nou moeg
daarvoor om die handewerk van amateur laerskoolafrigters te aanskou. ‘Tja, doeminies, die verblydendste aspek van SA Rakbie op die oomblik is dat GG se lig ook vir neef Allister Coetzee opgegaan het. Oubal is dit eens dat die toevoeging van Franco tot die Bok afrigtergroep ‘n reuse voorwaartse stap is. Die man bring ‘n bewese agterlyn afrigtingsrekord na die Bokgeledere en hopelik sal ons nou leer hoe om drieë te druk. Oubal kan egter nie help om te wonder wat neef Mzwandile Stick se rol nou in die Bokkamp gaan wees nie. Neef Stick was ‘n bedrewe 7’s speler, maar dit maak nie van jou ‘n agterlynafrigter nie, veral nie as jy skaars ‘n jaar of twee se ervaring op afrigtersvlak het nie. Hoe SARU dit aan ons en die Bokke kon doen, gaan Oubal se verstand te bowe. Oubal dink egter die Franco-Stick situasie het al die potensiaal vir konflik, maar in die opsig het Oubal alle vertroue in neef Allister om dit te kan hanteer. ‘Tja, neef Allister is ‘n man met ervaring van sulke situasies, want hy het mos self in 2007 hulp gekry toe Jake White vir Eddie Jones as agterlynkonsultant nader getrek het! “In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I’m not a Republican.” H.L. Menchen
Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ensovoorts, van Oubal is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!
SALES • SERVICE • REPAIRS Use this QR Code to take you to the SuperSport weekly schedule. Alternatively, go to www.bulletin.us.com, as we will henceforth be publishing it on Bulletin’s website every Friday.
22 Agatha Street, Tzaneen • Opposite Laerskool Tzaneen, next to Tzaneen Gym
Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 17:00 • Sat: 09:00 - 12:00
Bike drop off from 05:30 at Tzaneen Gym, please fill in service form
Alan Gordon • 082 499 6243 Follow us on Facebook — “Tzaneen Cycle Cafe”
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Tel: 015 307 4448 email: alta@ickinger.co.za 28 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen.
7 October 201628 Oktober 2016
Fear lessl y the tr uth
Rene van Aswegen
Shane Budd tees off from the sixth at Tzaneen Country Club. Photos: Joe Dreyer
Unicorns bless the fairways
Exposure was at the order of the day as 144 local golfers braved the blistering bushveld heat for the annual Unicorn Primary Golf Day at Tzaneen Country Club on Saturday. The event is one of the school’s biggest marketing and public relations events on their calendar and attracts businesses from across the region who either enter teams for the competition or sponsor one of the 18 holes along the way. Known as one of the most fun-filled days a golfer can experience in the bushveld, this year was certainly no exception and went off without a hitch. The teams played in an Individual Stableford which started with the first tee off at 09:00 that morning. There was some fantastic golf to be witnessed on the day and some close calls at the infamous third, but the elusive hole-in-one evaded even the club regulars as they headed back
to the clubhouse for the prize-giving later that afternoon. Winners on the day were Chris Janse van Rensburg and Morne van Vuuren with Conrad Kruger and Dan Hollis in second position. Third spot went to the duo of Church Moshwana and Neville Sewdibe while Rene van Aswegen and Leon Pieterse claimed fourth position overall. Some impressive drives down the fairway earned Ryan Hyde the honour of longest drive on tenth. Although the exact distance of his drive is still uncertain, it is estimated to have been in the region of around 310 metres. Hyde also claimed nearest to the pin on the sixteenth while Karel Buitendagh, Leon Pieterse and Paul Wilshire added their names to the nearest to the pin tag at holes 2, 6 and 18 respectively. “It was a fantastic day out and despite the
heat, we all had such a great time,” said Rainer Stoltz of DU Paint in Tzaneen. “The dry fairways also helped boost our driving distances as it allowed for the ball to roll a little further than usual.” At the time of going to print the amount of money raised during the event was not yet available. “We have not yet finalized and auditted the takings for the day, but when we have completed that process, the funds will be allocated to the various need in and around the school,” said Steph Baker of Unicorn Primary. —Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Rainer Stoltz
Unieke Christelike Afrikaanse Privaatskool in Tzaneen
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Aansoeke en navrae - Marietjie Naudè 083 460 0309 / Kantoor 078 599 0266 Lushof hoewes, Tzaneen (Langs Venbeck) • Tel: 078 599 0266 • Hoof: 083 460 0309 • E-pos: wolkbergakademie@gmail.com