Bulletin 180511

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Diagnostic Radiologists

11 May 2018


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Meet your ne‘X’t — Merc unveils its much anticipated bakkie

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Page 4



R5k a day for Beamer rental • Page 2



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11 May 2018





Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com

Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com

Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com

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Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line



R5 000 per day for Mayor’s Beamer?

Bulletin F A R


10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

The Executive Mayor of the Mopani District Municipality, Nkakareng Rakgoale, and her Municipal Manager, Republic Monakedi, might have to settle for second-hand vehicles going into the new financial year. This after their financial committee allegedly placed a spanner in the works following a request for two new vehicles. According to a trusted source within the Mopani District Municipality’s Finance Committee, the request was denied and it was suggested that two ‘old’ Mercedes Benz ML350 vehicles currently listed on the municipality’s asset register (and due for auction) be serviced and issued to these officials instead. “These guys sell the older vehicles to their friends when it comes time for an auction. It is a waste of money and counts as fruitless and wasteful expenditure. There is nothing wrong with driving a three year old Merc. They could be using public transport,” our source said. The Mayor currently drives a rental (BMW X5) as her official

vehicle which is rented from Avis by the Mopani District at an astronomical R5 000 per day. The vehicle is not used every day but the rental equates to a minimum of R20 000 per month, our source said. The move to repurpose the older vehicles and cycle them back into the pool, comes at a time when Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene, revealed this week that of the 112 municipalities nationwide which won’t have enough

Lenyenye want Mangena at meeting The much anticipated meeting organised by the Greater Tzaneen Municipality at the Lenyenye community hall did not take place. This after the residents demanded the presence of the mayor, Maripe Mangena, so they could address him personally about the state of the roads and the water crisis. According to the community in this township, the water crisis has had them in its grip for close on five years. The meeting which was publicised in this newspaper a few weeks ago, could not take place on the scheduled date (29 April 2018) as residents demanded to be addressed by the mayor as they claim that their concerns are ignored by their councillor and members of the ward committee. It is reported that the residents arrived at the hall, but then disbanded when the may-

or did not show. This would be the last time the meeting was postponed as it had been several times prior. Why the Mayor was not available to meet the residents is still not clear, but it is clear that the community is fed up with their ward councillors. After the Sunday meeting was postponed, another was called on Wednesday where matters came to a head. Reportedly the meeting went well until after the singing of the national anthem as an opener. Councillor Justice Ramodipa was unable to complete his address as he was interrupted by the residents who said that they were tired of hearing the same old stories and would only be pacified by a visit from their mayor. Ramodipa was dismissed by the residents with a message to the mayor that his people


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need to see him. When asked what the way forward may be after the meeting was disrupted, our source within the council said that according to the rules the meeting would not be called again and instead roll calls would be submitted to the relevant office as proof that efforts were made to organise the meeting. Following the impasse, the councillor was not seen in public for some time. Residents have whispered their concerns that he is found daily in the Lenyenye CBD on his phone, allegedly leaching off the free wifi from the shops in the precinct. It was the last meeting in the municipality to discuss the draft IDP and budget before the council move for adoption at the end of June. — Jan Mafetsa

Ritual murderers appear in court The two Mopai brothers from Lulekani outside Phalaborwa who were convicted of the ritual killing of their 40-year old sister, remain behind bars. Ishmael (28) and Michael (30) Mopai were arrested on the 25th of February this year after police discovered the headless body of their sister, Irene, at their home in Matiko Xikaya village outside Phalaborwa. Her head was later discovered in nearby bushes. The brothers appeared in the Lulekani Magistrate’s court on Tuesday this week and their case was remanded to the 25th of June for further investigations. They were denied bail. Ritual murders are not a new phenomenon in the Limpopo province. As early as 2006 the high number of ritual killings attracted the attention of the Limpopo legislature which hosted a public hearing on the matter. The Thohoyandou Magistrate’s Court sentenced four traditional healers to lengthy jail

terms on September 18 of that same year, for attempted murder and murder. A fifth accused, Ramafamaba Tanzwani, was acquitted due to insufficient evidence. In April 2016, Frans Madzive (59) and his accomplice, David Mnisi (31) were sentenced in the Makhado Magistrate’s Court for the ritual murder of one Philip Chabeti Benzani in May of 2012. Benzani’s body was discovered with his private parts missing, after he had gone to fetch wood on the Mununzu-Henning farm near Mutonga village in the Elim area. The body parts were wrapped in a plastic bag. In May last year, a young woman, Lufuno Mandebvu, who was ritually murdered in Mutale when she was consulting a foreign prophet. The prophet is still behind bars. A month prior to his murder, Kenneth Mukhari, another man from the same area was discovered murdered and his body dumped near a soccer field.

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finances to cover their expenses come 30 June, the majority are in Limpopo. Nene said in a response to the DA in parliament, that this is because these municipalities run off unfunded budgets. He concluded by stating that his department will take hands with Cooperative Governance to intervene in municipalities who continue to operate in this manner. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

There is a massive public outcry for the police to intervene, but given the difficulty there exists in apprehending these murderers, or preventing the acts in the first place, it would seem nigh impossible. The SAPS Forensics department just do not have the capability to fight these crimes. Because of this, many traditional leaders have decided to take a stand. Last year, the Venda King, Toni Mphephu Ramabulana, met with senior traditional leaders, Pastoral Forums and the police within the Vhembe district to find a way to stop the escalation of these killings. “I don’t understand why some people still believe that human body parts can make them rich. You cannot get rich by taking other people’s lives. Those involved must stop this cruelty with immediate effect,” he warned. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 7/5/2018

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11 May 2018



James oorleef transitoroof “Hierdie moederhart juig vanoggend! Van gisteraand af tot vanmore is daar ‘n tagtig persent verbetering in James se kondisie, my kind gaan ok wees.” So het die boodskap van Anette Reed gisteroggend oor WhatsApp gelees. Haar seun James (43) is al sedert vandeesweek in Mediclinic Tzaneen se hoësorgeenheid onder observasie. Hy word vir drie skietwonde wat hy tydens ‘n mislukte transitoroof naby die Tweelingbrug op die R71 opgedoen het, behandel. Die voorval het verlede week Donderdag omstreeks 09:00 die oggend op die hoofweg net buite Tzaneen plaasgevind. Na bewering het daar ‘n groep swaar gewapende mans ‘n Fidelity geldwa ingejaag en op die bemanning losgebrand. James, ‘n oud-polisieman wat nou as begeleiding vir Fidelity se geldwaens werk, is drie keer raak geskiet - vermoedelik met ‘n AK47-aanvalsgeweer. Twee patrone het hom in die rug getref en is voor by sy buik uit, en ‘n derde het sy skouer verskeur. Gewond en bebloed het James aangehou ry en by die Magoebaskloof kruising regs van die R71 af op die Hoërskool Merensky ingangspad gedraai. Daar, het die begeleidingsvoertuig tot stilstand gekom. Van die lede van die bende het Reed agterna gesit en hom uit sy voertuig in een van hul eie in gelaai. Hulle het terug gejaag geldwa toe (wat steeds op die Tweelingbrug gestaan het) aangesien Reed na bewering die enigste persoon was wat die kluis van die wa kon oopsluit. Die bende het egter oomblikke later op die vlug geslaan en Reed uit hul motor in die veld in gegooi. Die rede hiervoor is steeds nie bevestig nie, maar daar word beweer dat ‘n aankomende polisievoertuig wat bloot per toeval oppad Tzaneen toe was, hulle moontlik die

skrik op die lyf kon gejaag het. Nooddienste en die SAPD is ontbied en Reed is hospitaal toe gejaag. Daar aangekom het hy aan sy ma verduidelik dat daar ‘n bejaarde vrou was wat by hom gesit en hom kalm gehou het totdat hulp ontbied is. “Niemand wou my help nie, almal het net verby gery. Net die die ou tannie het gestop en by my gewag totdat die ambulans opgedaag het. Sy het vir my gesê ek moet net kalm bly, alles sal ok wees,” het Reed aan sy ma vertel voordat hy sy bewussyn verloor het. Volgens nooddienste wat eerste op toneel was, was daar egter geen ou tannie in sig nie. Bulletin het onverpoost probeer om die bejaarde vrou op te spoor maar kon nie daarin slaag nie. Elke persoon met wie ons gepraat het, het die bestaan van die vrou ontken. Selfs die paramedici het hierdie weergawe van die gebeure bevraagteken. “Daar was niemand daar toe ons by hom kom nie.” Anette glo vas dat die “ou tannie” ‘n engel van God was wat haar seun bygestaan en kalm gehou het. “Dit is die enigste verduideliking. My kind se lewe is daar langs die pad in die bosse deur die Here bewaar.” Teen druktyd gister het Anette aan ons rapporteer dat James se toestand stabiel is. “Sy pyn is onder beheer, hy praat duidelik maar herhaal die gebeure oor en oor. Hy het vandag bietjie in die stoel gesit en as dinge goed gaan sal hy teen die naweek saal toe geskuif word.” Intussen vra die familie dat die gemeenskap sal aanhou bid vir haar seun se genesing en dat indien enige iemand moontlik inligting het wat kan lei tot die opsporing van die bejaarde vrou, hulle die inligting sal deurgee. Die familie wil haar graag bedank. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Public servants to down tools over pay Thousands of public servants are expected to down tools and take to the streets next week demanding a pay hike after negotiations over salary increases hit a grinding halt earlier this week. public servants represented by the South African Democratic Union (SADTU) are not in agreement with the proposed 7 % increase and they are to consult their members. This emerged at the Public Service Bargaining Council (PSBC) this week. The employer has tabled an offer of 7, 5 % for those on level one to eight, and the other level workers were to be offered a 7 % increment. However the move was not well received by all. Other sectors including teachers argue that the offer does not represent them because their levels are beyond those specified.

Bulletin FAR NORTH


Labour relations expert, Terry Bell, said the government has no reason not to pay its employees decent salaries because money is used for the things which are not helping the government with anything. He said the state has money but it is used for things which has nothing to do with service delivery. According to him, public servants should be paid decent salaries as that would alleviate corruption within state employees. Bell added that the problems which the government experience had nothing to do with the workers. The government has agreed to channel R2 000 towards housing needs of the employees each month but this was dismissed by workers as an insult to their demands. Meanwhile the bus strike which dragged

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itself on for about a month seems to be nearing an end after workers were offered at least 8,75 % this year and another 8,5 % the following year. The other matters including leave pay and housing allowances were referred to the bargaining council which will be headed by the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA). They initially demanded 8,5 %. South African Transport and Allied Workers Union (SATAWU) spokesperson Zanele Sabela, said that the employer has offered to up the offer from the 8% to 8,5% and 8,2% respectively. She however said that they were going to consult members on the ground before they could respond to the offer. According to Sabela, the offer was retabled

after the employer withdrew from the offer last week and had to revert to the same offer after an intervention by the CCMA. In Tzaneen, only busses owned by the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA), the Great North Transport (GNT) were not on the roads while others owned by private companies were on the roads. The busses still operating were Risaba Bus Service which serviced Nkowankowa, Mariveni, and Burgersdorp, Mathole bus service which services Ga-Kgapane and Bolobedu areas. The other bus services not affected by the strike are Mponya which services areas such as Maruleng, Hoedspruit and Maake communities. - Jan Mafetsa


11 May 2018





Merc moves into local bakkie arena When Merc announced that they would be entering the bakkie market last year, the international motoring media fraternity went into hyper drive. Their South African counterparts, choked on their coffee. “A bakkie? Mercedes Benz is launching a bakkie!?” To be fair though, the new Mercedes X-Class is not entirely new to the bakkie market. The bakkies destined for the South African market are manufactured by the Nissan-Renault alliance at its Barcelona factory in Spain. This means that the new X-Class is essentially a modified, spruced up Navara. This is not a bad thing either as the local motoring experts reckon that the Navara offers the perfect foundation and has helped Mercedes achieve their goal of the perfect balance between a comfortable ride and a powerful workhorse. The X-Class chassis, suspension, transmission and 2.3-litre turbo-diesel four-cylinder motor are all Navara. Unique to its class is the coil spring rear suspension which separates this bakkie from the rest (besides the Nissan) which employ leaf springs in their rear suspension. Does this mean you are basically buying a Nissan Navara with a Mercedes badge? Not at all. In fact, allowing Nissan to handle the mechanics of this new breed of bakkie, has freed up Merc to focus

LEFT: The CEO of Mercedes Benz South Africa, Johannes Fritz. ABOVE: The new Mercedes X-Class bakkie which was unveiled on Monday morning at the dealership in Tzaneen.

on the important things such as safety and luxury and the option to customize your vehicle to suit your needs. There are currently two classes available at

Mercurius Motors Tzaneen where the new bakkie was unveiled earlier this week. They are the Progressive and the Power models. The Progressive is the baseline model which will be perfectly suited for the farmer or the construction contractor, while the Power will appeal more to the taste of the urbanite. Between the two models there are the usual upgrade differences such as the rims, sideboards and the electric rear window. The interior of this bakkie screams Mercedes. From the perfect stitching on the super comfy seats, to the stylish finishings around the dash. Mercedes Benz says that there will be no safer bakkie on the market. Currently the pricing on the X-class is in the region of R640 000 for the X-Class X220d 4X2 Progressive (Manual Transmission) and around R820 000 for the X-Class X250d 4X4 Power (Automatic Transmission). Mercedes

has announced plans for a V6 X-Class to be released later this year, but there is currently no pricing available for that model. It is a good-looking bakkie and if one had to judge simply on the aesthetics and comfort of the vehicle, it truly appears to be in a class of its own. The vehicle was launched at a gala function on Friday evening which coincided with the relaunch of Mercurius Motors Tzaneen branch. The event was supported by many of the local business people who saw to it that six of the nine X-Class models have already been sold on pre-order. The evening was graced by a keynote address by Johannes Fritz, CEO of Mercedes South Africa. Contact Yogi or Ridwaan at Mercurius Motors Tzaneen to book a test drive and find out more about the various pricing and upgrade options.

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ABOVE: Ridhwaan Jeewa, Graeme Wood and Johannes Fritz. BELOW: The Mercedes Bens offering for the South African bakkie market looks the part. Rugged yet stylish on the outside with the typical Mercedes class and comfort in the interior.





11 May 2018


Pupils meet their heroes

Together as one. The teams of the Mopani Emergency Services, ER24, Working on Fire and Letaba Fire Protection Agency.

Friday the 4th of May, was celebrated around the world as International Firefighters’ Day. In light of this global celebration to honour the sacrifices both collectively and individually offered by the men and women in the emergency services, Letaba Fire Protection Agency (LFPA) organized a mass parade. Mopani Fire Department and other local services including ER24 and Tzaneen Search and Rescue heeded the call by the LFPA and gathered on the driving range of the Tzaneen showgrounds at 09:00 that morning. From there, the various teams moved in convoy through the streets of midtown Tzaneen, sirens blaring onwards toward their final destination on centerfield at Laerskool Tzaneen Primary. “Firefighters are men and women, brothers, sisters, mothers and fathers who risk everything to save the lives of strangers trapped inside burning buildings or car wrecks. These men and women you see here today, work tirelessly to keep you and your family safe. Many of our firefighting family have in the past lost their lives to save another. For that we thank

them, and we remember them,” said LFPA Chairperson, Trevor Phillips in his address to the first and second grade pupils excitedly applauding on the grandstand. A marching display by the team members of Working on Fire was followed by a brilliantly executed mock-rescue from a vehicle wreck using the Jaws of Life. The mock-event was conducted by members of the Mopani Fire Department and ER24 paramedics. Arguably the highlight of the day’s showcase was the firehose display which caused screams of delight from the young ones as the firemen sprayed water all across the stands from their water canon and fire hoses. The children presented each firefighter and emergency worker with a small gift of appreciation before the ceremony was concluded. It was a day most would never forget and certainly seems a fitting tribute to the unsung heroes in our midst.

Firefighters demonstrate the efficacy of the Jaws of Life at a mock accident scene.

— Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com


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11 May 2018





Granny’s Grumbles - Dyslexia

Many, many years ago – probably in the early fifties – in our school class there was a boy named Douglas. In retrospect I think that Douglas was probably dyslexic but I don’t think parents/teachers knew or understood this problem in those years. In Standard Five, Douglas was still having problems reading and writing. He got his alphabet totally confused and was basically considered more than a little stupid. None of us minded his stupidity – he was the class clown and kept us continually in

hysterics by his pranks in the class. Not so the teachers who habitually found chameleons, frogs, blindworms and other crawling creatures in their desk drawers. Apart from that he regularly put bull-thorns on the teacher’s chair and on occasion put creepy-crawlies in her jacket pockets. Douglas spent a lot of his school hours at the headmaster’s office. In those years getting “six of the best” for misdemeanours was the norm so Douglas regularly had a bruised and battered backside. His parents had five children – Douglas being the middle child. His behaviour at home was not really much better than at school so he was regularly gated or spent his weekends helping his father fix cars at home as it was obvious that the family was rather financially constrained. When he finished junior school he was sent to a boys technical college where he showed enthusiasm for working with his hands and could answer questions without any problem, but reading and writing still appeared to be beyond him, so the moment he turned 15 he was removed from school and started a welding/panel beating apprenticeship. Fortunately for all concerned he evidently took to this like a duck to water which was a great relief to his parents! I occasionally saw his parents who told me that he had joined the merchant navy and was travelling the world. I think they were more than a little relieved since their other

four children were actually very clever and Douglas had always been a bit of a problem. Twenty years passed and I returned to my old suburb to attend a family wedding. I landed up at the same table as Douglas’s parents and enquired after their children. The two eldest girls were both principals at rather posh schools and the two youngest boys had qualified as electricians. And Douglas……well….after travelling the world keeping the ships afloat he decided he wanted to move to Australia where he got a job on a sheep farm as their maintenance manager. He married the farmer’s daughter {clever lad} and they moved to a jade mine that had only just opened right in the back end of the outback. The nearest shopping centre was five hundred miles away and the only entertainment available at the mine was stock-car racing every weekend. Not only was Douglas the only panel-beater in the area but he was also a very good mechanic due to his weekends spent fixing cars with his father. From all accounts not only did he have a very wellpaid job at the mine but his big money was made over weekends. His parents beamed as they told me how Doug and his wife (complete with their two children) flew to Rhodesia every two years to visit his parents and siblings. It gave me a nice warm glow to think that in spite of his reading/writing problems he had managed to carve out a niche for himself in what can very often be a cold and hostile world.

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There are a number of things wrong in this world, one of them being reverse racism and the other being the notion that you should donate blood. Personally, I am of the opinion that if the blood is being harvested for free from the thousands of donors around the country, then it should be utilized for free too. It’s only fair. “You have very rare and valuable blood sir, we need you to donate urgently so that you can save a life.” Really? For what? A cookie and a 30% fruit juice blend in one of those overly colourful cardboard boxes with the short plastic straw? If my blood is so valuable, why do you want it for free, and secondly how is it going to save the life of anyone if said person cannot afford the transfusion? “Oh but you know we will never refuse anyone blood in an emergency.” True. But you will add it to the invoice later. And boy, oh boy if you don’t have a medical aid scheme you are surely going to wish you knew someone on the black market for that extra kidney that you’re just carting around everywhere. And that’s another thing. Medical Aid. Nowhere else has the term “legalized criminal institution” been so perfectly analogized. I paid R780 for an x-ray just the other day. I had to pay it upfront too, in cash before they would scan my 7-year old’s broken arm. If I had medical aid? I bet he would still have a broken arm because I would be too scared to use my medical aid and lose my “savings”. Perhaps if we were paid for every pint of “precious blood”, we would all be able to afford Medical Aid.


Briewe • Letters

from 11:00 to 15:00 at R220.00 per person. For more information contact 072 217 5115.

Magoebaskloof SLC 20 year celebrations 18 -19 May

The Stanford Lake College 20 Year Celebrations will be held on 18 to 19 May 2018. SLC Society Dinner - 18th May. Music Festival - 19th May. Sporting Derby vs. St Dunstans - 18 & 19 May. Visit www.slc.co.za. For more information contact 015 276 6103 or email mbanks@ stanfordlakecollege.co.za

Tzaneen Mother’s Day Lunch 13 May

Join Tzaneen Country Lodge for their Mother’s Day Lunch at Feather’s Restaurant on 13 May 2018 at R230.00 per person. For more information contact 015 304 3290/1 or email reservations@tznlodge.co.za.

Letsitele Mother’s Day Buffet Lunch 13 May


The Mother’s Day Buffet Lunch will be held on 13 May 2018 at Letaba Junction Restaurant & Lodge

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241

Tzaneen Lollos & Lettie 10 Jaar basaar 19 Mei

Lollos & Lettie se splinternuwe vertoning 10 Jaar Basaar! is 19 Mei 2018 by die NG Kerk Tzaneen vanaf 17:00 teen R80.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel 082 317 3101 / 082 410 7682 of epos admin@kindervermaak.co.za.

Tzaneen Movie Night 30 May

Join Wolkberg Akademie CVO for the Movie Night on 30 May 2018 at Merensky Highschool from 18:00 at R35.00 per person. For more

Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-str,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran

information contact 078 599 0226.

Tzaneen Bella en Buster 1 Junie

Bella en Buster kom kuier in Tzaneen. Waar: NG Kerk Wolkberg. Wanneer: Vrydag 1 Junie om 14:00 (2 nm). Kaartjies/Navrae: Wolkberg se kerkkantoor 0153074062.

Tzaneen Hondeskou 2 Junie

Pret Hondeskou in samewerking met die plaaslike DBV. Waar: NG Kerk Wolkberg. Wanneer: Saterdag 2 Junie. Inskrywingsfooi: Hondekos/Katkos. Navrae: Wolkberg se kerkkantoor 0153074062.

Tzaneen Farm Fair 9 June

The St Peter’s Church Farm Fair will be held on Saturday 9 June from 9am to 2pm. Find us on the corner of Agatha & Hermanus Street. Fresh produce, dairy and meat products, plants, arts and crafts, cakes, books, pudding, panckes, samoosas, carious food stalls, music and fun for the children!

Die inwoners van Pioniers in Tzaneen wil graag die volgende persone en instansies vir hul omgee en gereelde hulp bedank. Die Lamprecht gesin vir die Paaspakkies, Tzaneen Koelkamers vir die hoendervleis, Ansie Opperman vir die vrugte en Fanie vir die gereelde donasies blikkies kos en groente.

1368 057 24 9

The Numbers

155 million The world’s biggest red wine consumers are the Chinese, they drank their way to a record 155 million 9-litre cases of red wine in 2013, thereby surpassing the French. Mind-blowing Fact #74 Amazingly, there are people around the world who are afraid of wine and there’s even a name for it, it is called “oenophobia”.

Church Zwariri Road, 015 309 8594. Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, 015 309 9580. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Haenertsburg: 015 309 9323. Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. 015 307 3534. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Bothastraat, 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Gravelotte Rd, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, May & Pearlmanstrate, Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk 015 309 9920. Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: Methodist Church 10 Peace St, New Apostolic Church Tzaneen 015 307 3240. Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, 015 307 4807. Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 Modjadjiskloof: Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld 0004 / 073387 2469.






11 May 2018


Glenshiel School gets a facelift

BEFORE A before photo of the main building.

AFTER The school as it looks now.

A Bulletin article late last year highlighted the state of Glenshiel Primary School outside Haenertsburg. Powerhouse couple Marion and Eric de Jonge had galvanised locals and had found sponsorship in Europe for necessary purchases, construction and various upgrades. The Limpopo Department of Education as well as Haenertsburg Rotary began contributing meaningfully. The roof of the main house, once a farmhouse, and the supporting columns were fixed. The roof was extended to form a verandah. The children are now seated at mealtimes on the shady verandah. Two new portable wood-fired stoves cater for their nutritional needs. The stoves are moved inside when not in use. A dual sink has also been installed on the verandah. Marion and Eric de Jonge used their combined talents to make a difference.

Construction of the long drops has begun.

This area is still incomplete and the additional features are in the pipeline. Marion says, “Family from Johannesburg came for a weekend to repaint the tired murals.” She says that the children returned to school, after the recent holidays, and were delighted with the revamp. Marion and Eric are currently buying school shoes and socks for winter for the needy. The existing long drops will be removed as soon as the new ones are completed. The jungle gym, donated by Appleby College from Canada, has been temporarily stored and will be re-erected at the soon-to-be-no-longer-functioning long drop site. All windows have been fixed, the classrooms have been repainted and desks and chairs have been purchased.


11 May 2018





Black and White All through the Night Months ago, the idea struck me like a lighting bolt: although I don’t have the means (financially) to contribute to causes that are close to my heart, I can use my hands to DO something to be able to! This is where my plan began: to use these hands to play the piano all night and with the sponsorships of businesses in the area with hearts for non-profit organisations, we can all contribute. My heart lies with the animals and the obvious choice for an organisation serving mostly, but not only, our domestic strays and stricken furry ones, was the Letaba SPCA. Always having had great admiration and appreciation for the work Ms Louise Joubert did at SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary, I approached her too. Both Ms Ellie Potgieter, chairlady of

the SPCA, and SanWild’s foster-mom, Louise Joubert, were enthused by my suggestion and I got busy with the paper work. When I had the wording ready and sent an email to abovementioned dames, I learned that sadly Ms Joubert had been in an accident the night before and had passed on. Expressing condolences with her loved ones and seeking their advice regarding my project, I got the go-ahead to keep SanWild in the plan. The piano marathon now has an added motive: to bring honour to the legendary Louise Joubert – who had devoted her life to the injured, neglected, left-behind, traumatised wild creatures who crossed her life path. Her talk was straight and backed by her walk and such people inevitably make enemies

along the way, but her focus remained on those that mattered to her: a vast collection of adopted needy ones from nature, whom she served through decades with constant care and deep devotion. When one makes such a choice in life, you set yourself up for heartache, where success with many is life-balanced out with the loss of some. She mourned her losses through the years, but the poaching of her “blue-eyed boy”, fondly named Big Boy, was possibly the most brutal blow of all, having fought many fierce battles to get him under her care and protection at Sanwild. Like all poaching, it was a senseless killing of yet another one of this highly endangered species, but this was intensely personal to

Louise – so shortly before her own life came to an abrupt end in an accident not far from the wildlife sanctuary. And so, the life of the care-taker, who is now at last care-free, will be celebrated during this musical vigil. In conclusion, the event is for funds for these two worthy causes, celebrating the life and mourning the loss of Louise Joubert and creating awareness for the plight of our natural and threatened animal-life. The venue will be open to the public all night long, where anyone can pass through, have coffee or tea, admire the wildlife art work of some exceptional local artists and also pay homage the labour of love of some exceptional individuals. — Bobbi Gerber

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11 May 2018


Stanford Lake honours their athletes

Junior Achievers awards were presented to: Isabella Drewett (Biathlon), Wernich Schmidt (Swimming), Felicia Pilusa (Athletics), Devon Coad (Biathlon), Anika Schmidt (Half Colours Swimming) and Luca Wasley for both Swimming and Biathlon.

Full Colours for Athletics were awarded to Mokgadi Mangena, Frank de Witt, David Pullinger and a re-award to Lesedi Motumi.

Danica Altenroxel (Athletics) and Anika Schmidt (Swimming) both received half colours.

Honours (White Blazers) were awarded to Lia Revelas and Mafanedza Maiwashe for participating in Athletics. Lia qualified for the South African Schools Championship running the qualifying time for Girls u/17 and Mafa ran the South African Schools Championship qualifying time at Club level. He also has shown leadership skills and was very committed to the sport.

Half Colours for service during the Athletic season were awarded to: From left to right: Renato Vieira, Sarena Wolff, Nikita Espach, Muzzammil Cassim, Cailin Desmet, Christian Schmidt, Tammy Dyason, Nsuku Muyimane, Jamela Maswanganyi, Tanweer Ghood, Kholofelo Monyepao and Maryam Kollia.


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11 May 2018



Legacy Kit for Vossie cricketers On Monday 25 April Coke visited Ben Vorster High to hand over a Legacy Kit to this school’s Senior cricket team. They also received R33 000 for winning the Limpopo Schools T20 competition. Coke also handed out a free can of Coke to all the pupils of the school. The Coca-Co-



Rooies terug na Klawer

la Legacy Kit consists of the following items: Agility hurdles, cones, saucer cones, three jump ropes, one set of 10 slalom poles and two fielding single stumps. Ben Vorster wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to Coca-Cola for these fantastic prizes and for spoiling the pupils in the day.

Nicole Bergsma en Thabiseng Ramatwala teen Stellenberg!

The members of the 1st cricket team receiving the kit: Front: Damian Viljoen, Fumani Maluleke, Mr Rynier de Jager (coach) and Mr Oscar (Coca-Cola) Middle: Johan Harms, Roehan Steenkamp (captain), Emile Kruger, WC Kriel, Cobus Geldenhuys and Vernon Harms. Back: Fredrich Lombard, Wilco Jansen van Rensburg and Atwell Mokgoloboto.

Die Wildeklawer netbal- en rugbytoernooi het vanaf die 27ste tot die 30ste April in Kimberley plaasgevind. Die Top 12-netbalskole in die land word jaarliks na hierdie toernooi uitgenooi en Hoërskool Ben Vorster se netbalspan is vir die vyfde keer uitgenooi. Die volgende netbalspanne in Suid-Afrika woon dié prestige geleentheid by: Affies, Hoërskool Menlopark, Sentraal Bloemfontein, Paarl Gimnasium, Hoërskool Waterkloof, Hoërskool Rustenburg, Paarl Meisies, Stellenberg, HTS Middelburg, Hoërskool Diamantveld, Potchefstroom Gimnasium en Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Ben Vorster se netbalspan is geloot om teen Menlopark, Waterkloof, Diamantveld, HTS Middelburg en Hoër Meisieskool

Paarl te speel. Hoërskool Ben Vorster het teen die volgende skole verloor: Hoërskool Menlopark 19-30, Diamantveld 22-27, Paarl Meisies 1934 en HTS Middelburg 20-21. Hulle het teen Hoërskool Waterkloof 18-16 gewen. Na die bogenoemde wedstryde het hul teen Stellenberg gespeel en 29 – 21 gewen. Die Vossies het daarna vir die 9de en 10de posisie gespeel teen Hoërskool Rustenburg en 24-37 verloor om algeheel 10de geplaas te word. Sentraal Bloemfontein het die algehele eerste plek gevat vir die toernooi met Afrikaans Meisies Hoër Pretoria in tweede en Hoërskool Menlopark in die derde plek. Die NTT Toyota netbalspan van die Vossies het hulle goed van hulle taak gekwyt.

P.O Box 36, Modjadjiskloof, 0835 Tel (015) 309 9246/7/8 Fax (015) 309 9419 4 Botha Street, Civic Centre, Modjadjiskloof


BID NOTICE AND INVITATION TO BID Experienced as well as emerging bidders are hereby invited to bid for the following:

Contract Number


Project name

Provision of Professional services for Town and Regional planning for Ga-Kgapane new cemetery earthworks

CIDB Grading


All bid documents will be obtainable as from the 09th May 2018 at 44 Botha Street, Greater Letaba Municipality in Modjadjiskloof, upon payment of non-refundable amount. Bid documents will be made available until 15H00 every working day till a day before the closing date. Both cash payable to Greater Letaba Municipality as well as point of sale (POS) payments will be accepted. All bids will remain valid for a period of 90 days after the time and date of opening. Late submissions, telegraphic, telefax or email transmission bids will not be accepted. Greater Letaba Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to accept

Dr. Sirovha K.I Municipal Manager

Date for Compulsory Briefing Session

Point scoring system

15 May 2018

80/20 & Functionality

Closing date

Nonrefundable Amount

Technical Queries

(VAT inclusive)

25 May 2018 @ 12:00pm


Dr. M Mokoena @ 015 309 9246/7/8

the bid as a whole or in part. All bidders must submit in their bids the Master Registration Number (Central Supplier Database registration number) to enable the Municipality to make verification on the bidders’ critical information. All bids and supporting documents must be sealed in a cover / envelope clearly marked “the relevant bid number and project name above” and must be deposited in the bid box, at Greater Letaba Municipality foyer not later than 12:00 midday on the closing date when they will be opened in public. All Supply Chain Management queries will be directed to Mr Ngolele HJ at (015) 309-9246/7/8 at Greater Letaba Municipality.





11 May 2018



Making all the right moves After finishing in a disappointing 21st place at 2017’s Super 12 Chess tournament, the Larries were eager to show an improvement this year. And they did, finishing overall in

16th place with the Junior team in 17th and the Senior team in 14th place, they came home smiling. Well done to you all for being determined and brave.

LEFT: JUNIOR TEAM - Front: Exandré Dique, Tristan de Lange, Godent Letsoalo, Skyla Thompson, Marika Wheeler. Back: Erigh Kriek, Henert Wheeler, Lené Streaton, Riaan Botha, Zak van Niekerk, Karla Maree. ABOVE: SENIOR TEAM - Front: Christo van Niekerk, Kirsty Shayawabaya, Jannes Jacobs. Back: Michelle Janse van Rensburg, Carlo Moller, Armand Coetzee, Ryno Schultz, Xander Koster.

Fietsry bly groot by Larries Fietsry, soos swem, is nog altyd groot by Laerskool Tzaneen. Twee naweke terug het so paar van dié skool se fietsryers aan die Nashua Limpopo XCO Fietswedren op Stanford Lake College se gronde gaan deelneem. Die Larries is goed

Jason Bosman (links) en Christo Ferreira.

verteenwoordig met Mark van der Merwe en Pelo Itumeleng Makoti wat beide goed geplaas het in die Nipper-klas vir Seuns. Ilne Kotzé het in die

Nipper Dogters afdeling ‘n tweede plek losgery. In die Sprog Seuns afdeling was Jason Bosman negende met Christo Ferreira wat twaalfde geindig het. In die Sprog Dogters afdeling was Shané van den Heever algeheel vyfde. Die Larries kyk nou met groot afwagting na die res van die seisoen se wedrenne en vertrou dat hierdie nuwe groep fietsryers hul goeie prestasies sal herhaal.

Pelo Itumeleng Makoti

Shané van den Heever

Mark van der Merwe

Ilne Kotzé

PUMBAS SPOG MET NUWE TRUIE Laerskool Tzaneen se derde rugbyspan, die Pumbas, spog met splinternuwe rugbytruie geborg deur Voltex. Voor: Devinn van der Westhuizen en Waldo de Kock. Middel: Arno van der Merwe, Ulrich Faber, Joszua Joubert, Raluano Ramano, Makondelele Musekene, Deon Eckard, Sbusiso Sithole, Aiden Elliot, Juanita Elliot en Nico de Beer van Voltex. Agter: Theto Maake, Boyi Nyakale, Kudzaishe Chiphatiso, Thabiso Matjokotja, Wihan Jacobsz, Xander Perry, Katlego Hoaenane, Lethabo Sejake, Jeffrey Mokgadi.


11 May 2018





Valbylpot vir vuurige vier Vossies op die setperk Die volgende leerders van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Limpopo op die SA-skole tennistoer -nooi in Pretoria vanaf 24 tot 30 April 2018 verteenwoordig.

Die Vossie-leerders wat Limpopo se O/19-tennisspan verteenwoordig het was, Louise Snyman, Christene Kruger, Jolandi van der Merwe en Nicole Fourie.

Verlede week Vrydag, die 4de Mei, het die Ben Vorster A-gholfspan aan die Limpopo gholf liga finaal by Kameeldoring gholfklub in Polokwane deelgeneem. In ‘n baie ge-

lykop stryd tussen Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Hoërskool Pietersburg, Hoërskool Potgietersrus en Curro Heuwelkruin, moes die Vossies die knie buig op die laaste putjie.

Baie dankie aan James Vorster, Wilco Jansen van Rensburg, Franco Broodryk en Jaco de la Rey wat die Vossies se naam hoog gehou het.

Vier B’s bo aan Sakeliga ranglys Sakeliga | Business League 2018 Week 3 Total Skoot Points gemiddeld


Skoot gemiddeld

Bowls of Fury





Bissett Engineering





Big Balls




















Elbow Rockers





Cook 4 Life





Mike Elektries





WD Saailinge




- 22






Afri Deli





Noise Girls





Convenient Coffee





Instant Lawn





Tzaneen Tennis Klub





KW North 1





Forms Media





NTT Isuzu





BB Group










Spar Tzaneen














- 14

Letaba Wireless 1


- 16


- 16

Lannie Motors




- 18

Letaba Wireless 2









Volgens die President van die Tzaneen Rolbalklub, Wessel Pretorius, bars die jaarlikse Sakeliga behoorlik uit sy nate. Daar is vanjaar 28 spanne (die maksimum getal deelnemers wat die Tzaneen klub se bane kan hanteer) wat aan hierdie toernooi deelneem en met net twee rondtes oor, is die kompetisie aan die top van die ranglys straf. Bowls of Fury is oudergewoonte weer heelbo aan die lys op 30 punte en ‘n 25 skoot

gemiddeld. Nie té vê agter hulle in die tweede posisie is Bisset Engineering op 28 punte en ‘n 22 skoot gemiddeld. Daar is ‘n geweldige tweestryd vir die derde plek tussen Big Balls en Bulletin wat albei huidiglik op 27 punte staan en net deur skoot gemiddeld geskei word. Bulletin is een van die hoof borge van die jaarlikse sakeliga maar kon in die laaste drie nie daarin slaag om in die top tien te eindig nie. Hul sukses vanjaar word toegeken aan die nuwe spanlede (en die feit dat hul redakteur hul eerder in abscentia ondersteun as op die baan). Die Tzaneen Rolbalklub bedank graag elke besigheid en elke een van hul klublede wat die sakeliga so wonderlik

ondersteun en elke jaar dié fantastiese initiatief suksesvol dryf. “Vir die klub lede wat so gereeld help sê ek baie dankie, julle is stunning. Eerstens aan Carine vir al die reëlings rondom die spanne, Frans dankie vir die aartappel slaai en ander hulp, Willem, Rex , Carine, Hendrik en Rose wat in die kroeg uithelp, Koos en Peter vir die bane en klub huis, William vir die pap en sous Lucille, Elsje, Beate , Shirley, Benita , Petra, Fatima, Adriana en Lenie wat met al die kombuis take en Johan Roos wat ook hulp verleen soos benodig. Met n span soos julle kan ons enige taak aanpak en suksesvol wees , weereens baie dankie.”




11 May 2018



Archers fair well in Pretoria

MEDAL WINNERS: Canell Jackson, Lin-Mari Theron, Benéche Jackson, Dawie Theron and Sean Hunt.

FIRST TEAM, AWARDED SECOND PLACE Lin-Marie Theron, Benéche Jackson and Sean Hunt.

Merensky’s Archery club participated in the two day prestigious African Bowhunting Organization’s (ABO) Triple Crown Leg 2 - 3Di competition at Wildcrete in Pretoria on 5 and 6 May. This may sound like Greek to the uninitiated, but has been described as one of the toughest competitions in archery. Competitors are divided into groups of between four and nine competitors, and sent into the field in what is known as a 3-Di event. During this competition the shooters aim at mock-animal targets as they would appear in their natural environment and are scored based on their grouping on the target. This is slightly more

challenging than the traditional archery target shooting as it forces the archers to navigate rocky and often uneven terrain loaded with shrubbery, trees and outcrops which obscure their view. The targets are placed over distances ranging between 13 and 50 meters and archers compete according to draw, weight, sex and age. Both of Merensky’s teams claimed positions in the schools league and boast a host of individual achievements. The second team, consisting of Rohan Wewege, Armand Wiers, Ashley Hunt and Rikus Faurie claimed a 4th place ,while Merensky’s first team: Lin-Mari Theron, Sean Hunt and Canell Jackson, obtained a podium 2nd in the tour-

nament. Martin Mostert, Rikus Faurie and Benèche Jackson shot their personal best scores during the competition. The following archers obtained provincial qualifying scores: Sean Hunt (x2), Lin-Mari Theron (x2), Benèche Jackson (x1), Martin Mostert (x1) and Dawie Theron (x1). There was no disappointing in the medal earning category as coach Dawie Theron claimed a sought after gold to prove that the Merensky Club is trained by the best. Silver medals were awarded to Lin-Mari Theron, Sean Hunt and Benèche Jackson, while Martin Mostert and Canéll Jackson bagged the bronze.

Merensky make it Two-up In an astonishing follow-up to the Hans Strijdom victory, the rugby and netball teams of Merensky High School reiterated their dominance on the fields and courts against HTS Tom Naudé in Polokwane on Saturday, the 5th of May. The rugby boys won all their matches convincingly with the First team triumphing 31-11 over their visiting opponents. The Second-team scored 35 points in answer to the two tries downed by their opposition and the U/16 boys managed a fantastic 31-5 vic-

tory. The flagship of any school – the U/15 boys, lived up to their name and took command of their match early on. At the end of the 90 minutes they emerged victorious with a scoresheet of 47-12 in their favour. The most junior team in the school (U/14) reiterated this performance with a 24-10 win of their own. On the netball courts it was a rather similar unfolding of outcomes, so to speak. With all the teams excluding themselves from defeat, barring the

Donné Oosthuizen (1st team).

Second Girls team, the Plasie femme fatales sent the Tommie girls back to Polokwane with a valuable education on the intricacies of goal-scoring under pressure. The Senior team scored a 21-13 victory while the Second Team lost narrowly by three goals with a score of 6-9. The U/16 team

chalked up a decent 33-6 win with the U/15A and B-teams each recording wins of 29-11 and 22-4 respectively. The two U/14 teams also won their games 15-7 and 16-10. Tomorrow the Merensky teams will face the Ben Viljoen forces on their home turf and will look for their hat-trick win.

Steph-Marie de Lange (1st team).

11 May 2018





FRUIT PROCUREMENT ADMINISTRATOR A vacancy exists for the position, as described below, at a leading agri-business situated in Nkowankowa. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of a grade 12 qualification, be fully bilingual (ie English and Afrikaans), with at least 5 years administrative experience in an agricultural environment.

STAFF VACANCY Pfunanane Academy is a registered English medium, Christian Independent School situated just outside Modjadjiskloof. We are looking for committed English speaking Christians for the following position:


The person must be fully competent in Excel and having experience in SYSPRO will be an added advantage. The responsibilities include: • • • •

• • • • • • • •

The receiving of Piquanté Peppers and other fresh produce during the harvesting season; All related administration and liaison with producers; The management of the fruit grading department (on-site training will be provided in this regard); The administration and control of the piquanté pepper seed stock, including all export facilitation and documentation.

The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with this position.

• • • • •

Presentable & well spoken Filing Reception Petty Cash Honest & reliable Good communication skills Proficient in English Computer literate: word, excel. Pastel knowledge will be a bonus Data processing Organized Flexible Ability to manage staff Practising Christian

Interested candidates must forward a CV to Helgard de Villiers at helgarddevilliers@telkomsa.net

Closing date for applications: 18 May 2018. Include a CV with certified copies of ID, professional qualifications and references. (ONLY short listed applicants will be invited to an interview for a possible selection).

If the company does not contact you on or before 25 May 2018 you must accept that your application was not successful.

All applications to be sent via e-mail to marise.jordaan@gmail.com or alternatively hand delivered to the school office.

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IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE SHIKWAMBANE LESLIE VULELA, ID number: 540813 5676 088, who resided at 267 Nkowankowa Section B, Nkowankowa, Limpopo Province and who died on the 21st day of November 2017. All the persons having



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Of Mohlaba Cross village passed away on Thursday 03/05/2018 and will be buried on Saturday 12-05-2018. The service will be held from home at Mohlaba Head Kraal Village and will start at 06:30 and proceed to the local cemetery in Mohlaba Cross.

Of Leolo village passed away on Tuesday 01/05/2018 and will be buried on Saturday 12-05-2018. The service will be held from home at Leolo Village and will start at 06:30 proceed to the local cemetery in Leolo Village.

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11 May 2018



Hy grom en sy sing Opgewonde leerders van Hoërskool Merensky het op Maandag, 7 Mei, tydens ‘n saalbyeenkoms omtrent gejuig toe een van die tradisionele toekennings op Plasieland aangekondig is: die gesogte titel van Mnr. Bosvark en Juf. Loerie. Hierdie jaar se gunsteling onnies is mnr. Frik Döhse en mev. Merise Katzke, beslis ‘n gewilde keuse. Elke Plasie het die geleentheid gehad om te stem vir die personeellid wat na sy mening die grootste bydrae tot die opvoedingsproses, unieke gees en medemenslikheid op Plasieland maak. Die UK het aan elkeen ‘n geskenk oorhandig, waarna die Plasies uit volle bors Merensky in Union laat weergalm het.

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Sport 7 October 2016

11 May 2018

Clash of the season!

Chelsea Hudson and Rachel Rose Thompson U/14

Seven hockey games were played between the teams of Stanford Lake College and Ben Vorster High on Monday afternoon this week. Of these games, the visiting Badgers managed two close wins against their hosts who have now become accustomed to the speed of the astro turf surface. The U/15 boys had a see-saw of a match going into the second half with a one goal lead which they just could not hold onto. Ben Vorster responded quickly with two smashing goals to jump into the lead. They managed to defend this lead right through to the final whistle to win the match two goals to one. In the junior teams clash the Vossie U/14 girls took advantage of their home ground and kept the Badgerettes at arm’s reach to win the game

four goals to one. Stanford Lake will now have to find a strategy to counter the pace of the astro in the interim as they await the official opening of their very own astro sometime this month. In the meantime, the disadvantage of practicing on a grass field and facing off against an opponent of the Vossie calibre on astro, was very apparent and should serve as a wakeup call to players and coaches across the region. In the U/16 girl’s game, the Vossies scored early on in the first half to put the Stanfordians on the back foot. The visitors seemed to have needed the jolt as they launched wave after wave of counters at their hosts. By the end of the first half, both teams seemed mentally depleted as the stalemate continued into the second half. It was an action-packed match which lasted a full 90 minutes with

neither side letting up. In the end, it was Ben Vorster who took the game 1-0. The highlight of the day’s games was when the senior girls took to the pitch for the First Team face-off. Ben Vorster again played to their home ground advantage and struck quickly in the opening minutes of the match to lead by one goal. The Stanfordian response came equally as swiftly and pretty soon the two teams were drawn at a goal apiece. With players in both teams accustomed to the speed of the astro surface due to their participation in the club league, the spectators were in for a truly wonderful display of top class hockey.

Dani Ramalepe and Lia Revelas U/16

It was a relentless onslaught of the goal box on both sides of the field as the teams sent in wave after wave of attacks without breaking through. The halftime whistle offered a welcome reprieve to the visibly tired legs of both teams who were ready to slug it out for another 45 minutes in the second half. Both the Vossies and the Badgers literally flung everything they had in their stick-bag at their opponents

and for the better part of the half, it was a goal exchange between two packs of very hungry forwards. In the end however, Stanford Lake emerged victorious with a 4-3 victory and another, very well deserved, scalp for their clubhouse. “It was a great day hosted in good spirits and we thank Ben Vorster for being such great hosts. We cannot wait to host them on our very own astro field up at the Lake next season.”

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