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READ INSIDE Your area’s crime stats
14 September
24 Sept 20 18 r rich herit age
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Tzaneen attended the launch of the brand new House of Interiors on the corner of Boundary and Loop Streets. The event was an intimate semi-formal affair which highlighted the hard work and effort by Renthea and Fanie Geyer (pictured) and their team in preparation for the decorative extravaganza they will serve up to a very willing local clientele. Photos: Joe Dreyer
SMIT & KIE FSP: 11184
2 14 September 2018
Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com
Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com
Rekenings / Accounts / Admin Ansie Smuts 076 333 0523 ansie@bulletin.us.com
Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com
Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Wat het in Agatha Straat gebeur?
Bulletin F A R
Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa
“Ek kan nie met sekerheid sê dat ‘hulle’ my dogter wou ontvoer nie, maar ek is verlig dat Steven daar gestop en my meisiekind in sy motor gelaai het,” het Marlene van Zyl verlede week aan Bulletin gesê. Dit na afleiding van die dorp se gegons oor die “mislukte ontvoeringspoging” op die Graad 11 leerder van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, Dinsdagoggend, verlede week. Oomblikke na die voorval het die gerugte reeds die rondtes begin doen van die blanke meisie wat na bewering deur ‘n groep swart mans amper-amper in ‘n taxi gelaai is. Volgens van Zyl is dit nou nog nie bekend presies wat gebeur het, en of dit werklik ‘n poging om haar dogter te ontvoer was nie. “My dogter het van my huis af skool toe gestap soos wat sy elke oggend doen. Ons woon net ‘n blok weg van die skool af so dit is niks nuuts nie. Sy was net om die draai uit die sig van my huis uit toe daar ‘n taxi voor haar op die sypaadjie in draai. Sy het toe gestop en
begin agteruit loop. Dit is toe dat Steven Jacobs aangery kom en vir haar die toeter druk. Hy het haar in sy motor gelaai en skool toe gevat.” Volgens van Zyl se dogter het die deur van die taxi oopgegaan net voordat sy in Jacobs se voertuig in geklim het en sy beweer die insittendes het toe vir haar gelag. Volgens haar was daar net vier mans in die taxi. Op sy beurt vertel Jacobs dat hy oppad kleuterskool toe was om sy kinders af telaai toe hy die meisie langs die pad, in Agatha Straat, sien stap. Toe die taxi van die pad aftrek en op die sypaadjie voor haar gaan stilhou, het hy sy motor laat versnel en die toeter gedruk om haar aandag te trek. “Omdat ek die meisie en haar ma goed ken, het ek aangebied om haar ‘n geleentheid skool toe te gee. Sy het in my motor in geklim en ek het haar gevra of ek haar skool toe of na haar huis toe moet neem. Sy het toe gevra om skool toe te gaan en ek het haar daar gaan aflaai.” Jacobs het ook erken dat hy nie met enige se-
kerheid kan sê of die insittendes van die taxi die meisie wou ontvoer of nie. Hy waarsku tog dat mens versigtig moet wees en as iets uit plek uit lyk of voel, mens tog moet aksie neem. “Net hierdie week hoor mens oral oor die radio en die televisie van kinders wat ontvoer is, of wat amper ontvoer is, en dit maak mens nogal heel op jou hoede. So toe ek ‘n taxi sien met ‘n deur wat oopgaan en ‘n skoolmeisie wat agteruit loop, het ek gevoel ek moet eerder stop.” Van Zyl hou egter vol dat iets definitief verdag is aan die manier waarop die toneel homself afgespeel het. “Vir wat sou die taxi dan net daar op die sypadjie stop? Dit is mos nie die taxi-staanplek nie? En vir wat sou hulle vir haar staan en lag? Nee wat, ek is net dankbaar ek het my meisiekind geleer om nie in vreemde voertuie in te klim nie.” Die meisie het intussen oor die naweek berading ontvang en teen druktyd is daar nog geen bevestiging oor ‘n polisie ondersoek nie. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com
Old man calls for CPA disbandment
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Pobus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Admin & rekenings/Admin & accounts: ansie@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Kleinadvertensies / Smalls: ansie@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
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A 98-year old pensioner and the founder of the Mulati-Rooiwater land claim, Lepatu Peter Malatji, has claimed betrayal by the Bakgaga Community Property Association (CPA). This after he assisted in the formation of the CPA and later was left out when it was time to reap the benefits of the return of their ancestral land. This land was paid for by the government as part of the land redistribution programme in 2010. “When the land was returned to us, we wondered how a councillor of a municipality could lead the CPA because he was the one who was supposed to be guiding us in how the land was to be used. In the process, former councillor and a community member, Freddy Rasebotsa, told officials that I was the one who knew all about the farm ‘Rooiwater’ and that I should not be left out,” said the old man. In an interview with Bulletin at his home in Pharare village near Julesburg and Tours, Malatji said when the government has succeeded in expropriating land without compensation, he would like the farm to be returned to the community where the descendants of his clan would be the beneficiaries. He said the traditional council in
Bokgaga should distance themselves from the farm because they know nothing about it. “I had personally approached the chieftainess of the Bakgaga Traditional Authority (BTA) and asked to claim the farm back as it belonged to us before we could be removed in 1973 by the then Apartheid regime. The chieftainess provided the forms and I completed and submitted them. In 2010 I received a message that I was wanted at the tribal council where I was told that the claim had been successful. I was informed that a committee will be formed with the constitution to manage it.” He went on to explain that a while later he went to the farm with members of that newly formed committee, to inspect the farm for themselves. “Back then, we found 470 heads of cattle which were left by Piet Warren who was compensated for the farm and the livestock that was inside,” he alleged. “But now only 40 cattle is left. Also there were mines there namely Cornerside, Jaseriver, and Masheneng. But to date the mines have been leased out without the consent of the beneficiaries,” added Malatji. He described the land as being a com-
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then I started to smell a rat. From then people began to accuse me of conniving with the CPA against the community,” he lamented. The old man who could not walk properly due to an open wound on his left leg, said he would not sleep peacefully in his grave knowing that people who might be more educated than himself, are using that advantage to rob his community of what belongs to them. He further said the government should intervene and disband the CPA before more damage could be done. -Jan Mafetsa
Malema speaks out against GTM leaders In what seemed to be a veiled attack to the political leadership of the ruling ANC in Tzaneen, Commander In Chief (CIC) of the EFF, Julius Malema, said the granting of title deeds to people before the land issue is settled will not assist in the process to expropriating land without compensation. Malema was addressing hundreds of EFF delegates during the provincial conference which took place at Tivumbeni Multi-Purpose Community Centre (MPCC) at Nkowankowa on Friday. His speech coincided with the handing over of title deeds by the Mayor of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Maripe Mangena at the Lenyenye community hall. These proceedings were followed by the #Thumamina campaigns the following day. According to those in the thick of things in Tzaneen politics, the handing over and the #Thumamina campaigns were political ploys by the Mopani ANC big heads to demobilise people so they could not be swayed by opposition parties.
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bination of four farms which stretched as far as from Pharare village to Mafarana. Malatji said what concerned him most is when the traditional authority says they do not know his children, and said he could no longer be involved with the farm because he was old. He said that in the beginning his daughter was the secretary of the CPA until she was removed with all papers seized from her by the CPA. Malatji said he was born in the 1920`s and raised on this land until he married in 1944 and in 1973 had to leave to the present day Pharare. He said the name of the place is ‘Mulati’ in their language and was renamed ‘Rooiwater’ because of the two dams in the vicinity which, when it rained, would be filled with red water caused by the red soil in the area. In August last year, the community called a meeting to discuss what was taking place at the farm. “We organised transport to the farm, but could not see livestock. The next time residents were taken to the farm, infighting erupted within the members of the community and from
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“Handing over of the title deeds before the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution would not assist the cause, because when the poor people go hungry, the same politicians would return and buy those farms for themselves. They know the poverty of our people therefore when hunger knocks they would be the first ones to come and buy the farms for themselves,” said Malema who was once the ANCYL president for two terms. The visit by the parliamentarians in Lenyenye was aimed at addressing the youth on the importance of politics and serving their communities. It was expected that the parliamentarians would conduct house-to-house visits and ask community members about service delivery challenges. It is reported that the needs of people collected during this #Thumamina drive would be used to construct a manifesto of the ANC for the 2019 poll. Reports are that the politicians did not conduct these visits.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
The rivalry among the ANC grew after the public hearings of the Constitutional Review Committee on the Amendment of section 25 of the Constitution to allow expropriation land without compensation. This saw the EFF and DA gaining support from the public. The co-chairperson of the Constitutional Review Committee, Vincent Smith, has since recused himself from the committee after allegations that he received R800 000 for a tender. In a statement on a Facebook wall, GTM spokesperson Neville Ndlala said “residents of Lenyenye are urgently invited to consumer rights education and the handover of title deeds. The names of the beneficiaries were obtainable at the Lenyenye Community service centre.” The event was attended by among others, the manager for the GTM housing department, Handswell Phakula, Mayor Maripe Mangena and local councillors. -Jan Mafetsa
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 10/09/2018
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14 September 2018
Namakgale (Total Crimes: 2 740) There were four murders and seven attempted murders in this township on the outskirts of the Phalaborwa town. Assault GBH rose from 135 to 141 counts with sexual offences increasing from 53 to 57. There were three cases of arson and 92 reports of malicious damage to property. Burglary at residential premises was down from 434 to 347 while burglary at non-residential premises dropped from 99 to 56 cases. Theft of motor vehicle (including motorcycle) dropped from 21 to six counts and theft from motor vehicle, was down from 81 last year to 57 this year. Stock theft dropped to two counts. Drug-related crime was up from 193 to 244 and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol rose from 104 to 128 counts. There were 45 rape cases, 11 sexual assault cases and one attempted sexual assault case reported.
Gravelotte (Total Crimes: 347) Gravelotte recorded one murder for the last year which was the first report since 2014 when three murders were reported. There were three attempted murder cases and two sexual offences. Assault GBH was down from nine counts to seven this year and common assault dropped to 11 cases from the 20 reported in 2017. Burglaries at residential properties were down from 20 to 14 counts while burglaries at non-residential premises dropped from 15 to just eight cases.
Phalaborwa (Total Crimes: 2 227)
20 Murders, 28 attempted murders and 108 sexual assaults cases were reported in this area for the last year. Assault GBH was up from 244 to 277 counts with common assault also up from 113 to 126. Common robbery saw an increase too with 61 cases reported while robbery with aggravating circumstances rising to 203 cases. There were nine cases of arson reported and 163 cases of malicious damage to property. Burglary at non-residential premises dropped from 101 to 81 counts while burglary at residential properties shot up from 274 counts to 359 cases. Illegal possession of weapons or ammunition was the highest in the area with 17 cases opened. Drug-related crime was up from 119 to 153 and there were 16 car-jackings reported. There were 106 rapes and two sexual assaults reported.
One murder and one attempted murder was reported in Phalaborwa for this year which is a drop from five counts reported during 2017 (the highest since 2009). Assault GBH was up from 27 counts to 30 this year while common assault dropped from 46 to 44. Robbery was up from 26 to 27 counts and robbery with aggravating circumstances increased drastically from 31 to 44 counts. Burglary at residential premises was up from 138 to 178 counts while burglaries at non-residential premises was down from 82 to 67 cases. Theft of motor vehicle (including motorcycles) increased from 13 to 17 counts and theft out of motor vehicle dropped from 57 cases to 53. Commercial crime was up from 96 to 102 and shoplifting increased from 73 to 84 counts. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol increased from 60 counts to 86 while drug-related crime dropped from 38 to 37 counts.
Lenyenye (Total Crimes: 4 651) 21 Murders, 30 attempted murders and 115 sexual assault cases were opened in the Maake precinct for this year alone. Assault GBH was down from 345 cases last year, to 318 for this year while common assault remained the same on 181 counts. Common robbery dropped to 75 cases and robbery with aggravating circumstances rose sharply from 171 counts to 195 in the last year. There were 12 cases of arson and 165 cases of malicious damage to property. Burglary at non-residential premises dropped to 172 counts from 198 reported last year and burglary at residential premises was down from 325 to 275. A total of 18 vehicles were stolen with theft from motor vehicle dropping to 64 counts from the previous year’s 90. Drug-related crime was down to 212 cases and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol was up from 46 to 52 counts. There were 22 counts of carjacking reported. By far the most shocking statistic is the 107 counts of rape (up from last year’s 91 cases), five counts of sexual assault and two counts of attempted sexual assaults reported for this year alone.
The sleepy hollow of the Mopani region reported three murders for 2018. This is two counts less than the five cases reported last year. Sexual offences were down from 33 to 24 and attempted murder decreased by 50% to 4 cases this year. There were 20 cases of rape reported. Assault GBH was down two counts to 93 cases while common assault dropped from 54 cases in 2017 to 47 reports for the current period. Robbery with aggravating circumstances showed a sharp increase from 35 to 43 cases and common robbery climbed to 14 cases. Burglary at residential premises dropped by three counts to 74 while burglary at non-residential premises was almost cut in half to 37 cases. A major problem in this area is the 51 cases of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol which almost doubled from 27 cases to 51 in the space of just a year.
Stock theft remains a major concern for the farming community in this area. Stock theft showed an increase this year from 53 cases reported in 2017 to 59 cases for 2018. Theft of motor vehicles (which include motorcycles) increased from 9 counts to 11 while theft out of a motor vehicle showed a decline from 63 cases reported last year, to 41 for this year. Residential burglaries were up from 201 to 215 with non-residential burglaries dropping from 137 to 98 cases. Assault GBH showed a massive increase from 278 cases last year, to 315 this year. Common assault was also up from 118 to 129. Murder dropped down to eight cases this year with attempted murder cases down by one count to 23. Sexual Offences continue to rise with 100 cases reported this last year. Drug-related crime was up from 115 cases reported last year, to 159 counts for this year. Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol was up drastically from 96 to 120 counts. Rape was up by seven counts to 88 and attempted sexual offences rose to 10 counts.
Three murders and five sexual offences cases were opened in this little village during the last year. There were 16 counts of assault GBH and six counts of common assault. Common robbery dropped from five cases last year to three this year and robbery with aggravating circumstances rose from 16 to 17 counts. There were 23 cases of malicious damage to property which is the highest on record since 2009. Burglary at residential premises dropped from 56 counts to 50 this year and burglary at non-residential premises was down from 17 to 12. Theft out of motor vehicle rose drastically from three cases to 14 which is also the highest number on record since 2009. Theft of motor vehicle (including motorcycles) dropped from four cases to one. Drug-related crime was up from 35 to 46 counts and there were two cases of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. There were three counts of rape.
Braai Hamper Post your best Braai Day pics on our Facebook page, tag us on instagram or watsapp 071 268 2543 to stand a chance to WIN a BIG braai hamper!
19 701
13 179
12 142
11 953
11 259
11 124
6 475
5 496
Louis Trichardt
4 564
2 227
1 573
The ugly truth of Rape in the various areas:
Letsitele (Total Crimes: 3 643)
Haenertsburg (Total Crimes: 469) Modjadjiskloof (Total Crimes: 1 399)
How does your area compare to others?
Total Rapes
Crime in Tzaneen seems to be on the decrease if the national Crime Statistics released this week are to be believed. Though the numbers have dropped, the problem still persists and if one takes into account the crime to population ratio, the 6 475 crimes reported for the Tzaneen precinct are still cause for concern. A total of 13 murders were reported which is lower than last year’s 17, but still equals the 2016 figure. Sexual Offences cases were up by one from last year to 82 cases reported. This category showed a drop in rape cases from 76 reports in 2017 to 69 cases in 2018. Sexual assault however, was up by five cases to eight reported this year. Theft and robbery still remain a problem. This year there were 300 cases of shoplifting reported which, although high, has dropped down from a staggering 460 cases way back in 2009. Last year the number of reported shoplifting cases were 325. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs showed an increase from 45 case to 54 in the last year while drug-related crime drastically increased from 122 cases to a worrisome 172 for 2018. These crimes were all detected because of direct police intervention and do not include the crimes reported by the public. Property-related crimes showed some mixed results. Residential burglaries declined from 356 in 2017 to 336 reported in 2018, but non-residential burglaries (business premises) showed an increase from 199 last year to 208 reports this year.
Nkowankowa (Total Crimes: 3 987)
Total Murder
Tzaneen (Total crimes: 6 475)
Total Crime
2018 Crime Stats – here’s the break-down
How does your area compare to others?
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4 14 September 2018
Letaba hospital launches new Operation Gingirika Employees at the Letaba Hospital converged in the dining hall to launch the institution`s leg of the “Gingirikani” with the building oversight committee. The event had a dual purpose though, as it was also used to celebrate the new buildings which had been constructed, those still under construction and the future infrastructure promised to be in the pipeline. The aim of the “Gingirikani” project is to ensure that proper maintenance is done on the new infrastructure to prevent their deterioration into health hazards that could adversely affect the employees and patients at this facility. Hospital CEO, Gabriel Mashile said that following complaints from the media, the public and the employees themselves about the poor conditions of
hospital buildings, the provincial office launched a project to focus on hospital buildings to make sure that they reach specific requirements to create an able environment for employees to work in. Addressing hospital staff at the packed to capacity auditorium, Mashile said that the project is aimed at ensuring that the buildings remain in good order for future generations. The project was launched provincially by MEC Phophi Ramathuba. He said each hospital is expected to have a programme of its own. “The buildings in the institutions would make working conditions acceptable where there would be no incidents of doctors having to drop their sweat on the patients due to heat in hospital wards. The new oversight committee will play an oversight role and not
act as the replacements for maintenance officers or supervisors of the technical support staff. It will operate within the constraints of available resources.” “Gingirikane” means “engaged” in English and Mashile said all stakeholders would always be engaged to take care of the available resources the hospital has. Bottlenecks will be discussed and ways found to streamline the process. Other speakers who graced the occasion were Lucy Masindi, representing the contractor, who said that this forms part of the hospital revitalisation and organisation programme aimed at improving service delivery. Others included nurse manager Muntshidisi Mashaphu, Psychologist Letlang Malumbete and social worker Refiloe Nkoana.
— Jan Mafetsa
Bursaries awarded to graduates
VACANCY Front of House Manager Panarottis require the services of a neat, proactive, hard working front house manager willing to go the extra mile. Qualifications: • Matric. • Fluent in English. • Previous restaurant experience an advantage. • Leadership skills and team oriented. • Hours and salary will be discussed during interview. Email 2 page CV to: christoerasmus12@gmail.com Applications close 19 September at 12:00
More than two dozen computer graduates and their parents from the N`wamitwa and the adjacent areas, were given a surprise to remember when one of the graduates was offered a bursary to study with the L&P Computer Academy at an event held at the African Calabash Lodge on Saturday. The event which was attended by parents, community leaders and motivational speakers also marked the one year celebration of the school which is run at Mavele village at the Baloyi Traditional Authority. One of the co- founders of the school, Pfufulani Ngobeni, said that she decided to open the school in order to bring learning straight to people as well as alleviate the pain caused when people fell victim to fly-by-night colleges - of
which she herself was a victim. She further said that at the school people need not to have a matric to be computer literate and they start with end-user technology. The courses are completed with a national certificate which is recognised by South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). She said they had registered 26 learners and they are proud to be contributing to the upgrade of knowledge in rural areas. Among the attendees of note included local author, Case Ngoveni, who was the motivational speaker, and the local pastor Maxwell Ntimba was the guest speaker. Their addresses were followed by the leaders of the school and parents who performed cultural poetry. A local rapper who mixed his rap with Tsonga music, spiced with traditional regalia clad primary school children dancers. The school will host its graduation in September.
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-Jan Mafetsa
Round Table gives back On the 28th of July, the BB Group in Tzaneen held their BB Group Bass Festival. During this event, the Round
Table of Tzaneen gathered funds for local charities and organizations. Three organizations were identified including Tzaneen
Care Group, Noah’s Ark and SAVF Tzaneen. A total of R18 000 was distributed among these charity organizations.
Tzaneen Care Group: Tracey Pratt and Melissa Strydom with members of the Round Table, Lucas Jansen van Rensburg, Stephan Raab, Leon de Lange, Nick Dorfling (BB Group / Nissan), Henco Prinsloo, Martin van der Schyff and Herbie Fox. They recieved R5000.
Noah’s Ark: Sylvie and Remi Delsouiller with members of the Round Table, Lucas Jansen van Rensburg, Stephan Raab, Leon de Lange, Nick Dorfling (BB Group / Nissan), Henco Prinsloo, Martin van der Schyff and Herbie Fox. They recieved R8000.
SAVF Tzaneen: Ilze Roelofse en Trudi Schwartz with members of the Round Table, Lucas Jansen van Rensburg, Stephan Raab, Leon de Lange, Nick Dorfling (BB Group / Nissan), Henco Prinsloo, Martin van der Schyff and Herbie Fox. They recieved R5000.
14 September 2018
Annual Spring Festival around the corner There are two venues where visitors can celebrate the coming of spring this year. The Magoebaskloof Spring Festival at Magoebaskloof Hotel will take place from 22 – 30 September and the Haenertsburg Spring market will take place in Haenertsburg Village from 22 – 24 September. For 34 years the Festival has delighted visitors with its array of hand crafted delights. As an NPO, it takes pride in giving craftsmen a platform to sell their creations. This year there are baskets in all shapes and sizes from Siloe School for the Blind; HiKurile’s beautiful bags and table sets; Annelle Murray’s range of jewellery from a master craftsman; Wrought iron work; beads galore from Patricia, Wilbur and Dennis; artists Pieter de Beer and Renier Oosthuizen’s paintings; Johann and Tinus’s pottery; Liz McGaffin’s collection of plants from azaleas to indigenous flowers to flowering cherry saplings; Toban McMahon’s handcrafted knives. There will also be wooden and educational toys as well as squashy dolls for children. Food aficionados can enjoy Magriet’s delicious cakes and rusks, Wegraakbosch’s interesting organic cheeses and their famous chorizo sausage; a garlic stall with garlic products; Mankwana’s jams, and an array of tasty treats. After your shopping spree, relax on the hotel patio with its spectacular view, and enjoy a coffee or the local Zwakala beer. More food choices at the Village Hall are pap and kaaings, pancakes, rib burgers, Greek souvlaki , espetadas, stir fries, pizzas, ice creams and designer cupcakes. There are also organic cheeses, pickles, preserves, and halaal and vegan dishes. The Iron Crown Pub and Bistro will have its beer garden behind the Village Hall with live music on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
The Old Packhouse Distillery will be offering their award winning gins and will also launch their first batch of handcrafted rum. Joining them is Flow Stone Gin from the Cradle of Humankind. Wine tasting from selected wine estates will be on offer and elegant branded wine glasses will be on sale. The stalls will be spread throughout the village, from Red Plate to the Village Hall and beyond. Erie and Laurie Railton will be selling plants such as Japanese maples and azaleas. There are designated parking areas and parking will not be allowed in the main road. Friendly parking attendants will direct visitors to the various areas. There will be a Spring Farm Run of 3 and 10km on Blueberry Heights Farm on 22 September. Enter on www.blueberryheights.co.za or on the day. Cheerio Gardens, Kuhestan Organic Farm and Sequoia Garden Retreat will be ready for spring with masses of azaleas in shades of mauve, pink and white, flowering cherry blossoms, may flowers and a host of other spring flowers. These gardens are famous for their beauty and there are enchanting winding pathways on Cheerio Gardens, an azalea maze on Kuhestan Organic Farm and interesting little corners at Sequoia Garden Retreat.
6 14 September 2018
Granny’s Grumbles - The Humble Weevil
My grandmother was eccentric – not slightly eccentric, but very eccentric. However, that is a story for another day. When my mother left England as a war bride in 1946 to travel to Livingstone, my father was still in the navy, so she travelled alone and arrived in Livingstone to meet her mother-in-law with whom she would be staying until such time as my father was demobbed. I was only five at the time, but remember being enthralled by everything, especially my grandmother who was driving a Model T Ford whilst wearing
an enormous hat. My mother came from a small fishing village in Devon and since Livingstone in the forties was still rather wild I think it was a shock to her in more ways than one, so when my father arrived six months later he realised that his mother and his wife were not getting along so we moved to Southern Rhodesia where our great-grandfather had left my father some land. Some years later during which time my mother had given birth to my sister and twin brothers, my grandparents moved to Salisbury. My parents who were living some 50 miles from the capital used to drive through once a month to visit Granny and Grandpa, do necessary shopping and visit odd friends. I was 11 years old at the time and remember that we children would be dropped with my grandparents and I would be instructed to help Granny prepare for lunch. Now in those days, weevils were prevalent in anything and everything that was bought at the trading store. When my mother baked, it was my job to sieve the flour and then destroy all the weevils that remained in the sieve. When mother made soup, it was my job to wash the dry beans, split peas, soup mix and any other weevil-bearing foodstuff to get all the bugs to the top and scoop them out. Grandmother always made rock-buns for our monthly visit and I soon realised that she had no problem with weevils – the flour went straight into the bowl and when I mentioned the weevils, she more or less insinuated that only a wimp would have a problem with something as irrelevant as that. I didn’t
mention the rock-bun weevils to my mother, but some months later in the middle of winter we were dropped off at the grandparents and Granny was in the middle of making a large pot of soup. Into the pot went all the weevil-bearing dry pulses, followed by a good handful of rice also loaded with weevils. As the soup bubbled away I realised that my mother would have to be blind to not notice scores of little corpses floating on the top of the soup, so suggested to my gran that maybe I should scoop them out. I was then given a lecture on the humble weevil which was absolutely harmless and was in fact a source of protein. I didn’t argue – I actually admired my grandmother –I had heard a couple of my father’s cousins chuckling one day when they were discussing her and they agreed that she probably wrestled with pythons in her spare time. I was scared of being classified as weak so agreed that the weevils should be left. The soup was served – my mother looked long and hard at her plate – picked up her spoon, scooped up a few and said “These are weevils”. My father – ever the pacifist – was silently spooning his soup into his mouth whilst trying to evade the corpses. I am proud to say that I ate every single weevil in my dish possibly because I realised that all hell was about to break loose. My siblings, who evidently didn’t know what a weevil was, were happily cleaning up their plates. My mother pushed her plate to the side and indicated that she had no intention of eating weevil-infested soup. And that, my friends, was the start of all mother-in-law jokes.
“Contrary to popular belief, weevils are not dirty, are totally harmless and quite safe to eat”
Social van 10 kan ook bespreek word teen 10% afslag per tafel. Vir meer inligting Kontak: 083 488 3885 / events@iinfo.co.za.
Tzaneen SAVF Ligloop 2018 16 September
Dis weer tyd vir die SAVF Tzaneen Ligloop wat aangebied word op 16 September 2018. Daar is net 100 plekke beskikbaar. Kontak ons SAVF kantoor by 015 307 2645 of Ilza by 082 773 0471.
Tzaneen Amanda Strydom 14 September
BNI Letaba Tak - Stop Trafficking fondsinsamelings aand met Amanda Strydom in “State of the Heart “. Coenraad Rall op klaverbord. Korporatiewe tafels
Tzaneen Eco Club Talk 19 September
The Tzaneen Eco Club invites you to join us for an amazing presentation on Wednesday 19 September at the Macadamia Community Centre. We are thrilled to be hosting international wildlife photographer and cinematographer Shannon Wild, who will be
telling us about her experiences capturing wildlife on camera and her motivation for travelling around the world. She will share stories of her adventures in some of the most extreme environments on earth, while trying to capture the beauty and behaviour of wildlife for clients such as National Geographic, the United Nations, WildAid and many other conservation organisations. The talk will begin at 6:30pm; tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Visitors are most welcome and pay a small fee of R25. Contact Marianne McKenzie for further information.
Magoebaskloof Spring festival 22 - 30 September
The Magoebaskloof Spring Festival will be held on 22-30 September 2018 at Magoebaskloof Hotel from 09:00. Visit www.springfestival.co.za. For more information contact 082 883 4449 or email haen@telkomsa.net.
Tzaneen Mooketsi MTB Challenge 22 September
The Mooketsi MTB Challenge will be held on 22 September 2018 at the APC Camp Mooketsi from 07:00. Online Entries at www.mooketsimtb.co.za. For more information contact Joanell on 015 395 8548 or email info@mooketsimtb.co.za.
Tzaneen Piet Pompies 28 September
Piet Pompies tree 28 September 2018 op by Hoërskool Merensky Byekorf vanaf 18:30 teen R100.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel Wysneusie Kleuterskool by 015 345 1264 of epos annemariesmit13@gmail.com.
Tzaneen The Dino Expo 26-28 October
The Dino Expo will be held on 26 - 28 October 2018 at Tzaneen Showgrounds from 10:00. Tickets available at www.computicket.com. For more information contact 078 624 1513 / 076 327 0392 or email info@thedinoexpo.com
The Message Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church Shalom! Social media has crept into many lives today and we use it for sending messages and looking up things that plague us, when last have you written a letter with pen and paper and posted it? It so much easier to e-mail it. The unfortunate thing is that the old methods have become so unreliable and people have changed, service has changed, it seems that no longer is service rendered without those serving feeling the need to be rewarded for doing over and above their job. Status seems to be the key word not how well you render service. On some social media there is a section for status e.g. “John and Mary are in a relationship” and often people get upset if one party does not post in what status they are in. I often wonder if Christians ever think of what relationship they are in with God? Imagine if every Christian posted what relationship they are in with their heavenly Father and how far this relationship has progressed or deteriorated. Are you in a relationship with God? Have you accepted Christ as your Saviour? If not, why not? With the commercialization of the modern world often God takes second place, which is a great pity. People may argue “But what has God done for me” and “does God actually exist”? Only a true believer will be able to answer this. It is all about our relationship with Jesus and our belief in His promises. Often this takes a lot of soul-searching, yes we all fall far short of His expectations of us. However, God’s expectation of us is that we love Him. He is a jealous God as far as this is concerned, but the rewards far exceed the disappointments we have daily. We tend to blame Him when things do not go smoothly in our lives. We expect miracles to take place immediately. We are not patient enough, or, we do not actually perceive that things are changing in our lives. We often forget how we actually mess up our own lives by doing things that we believe are to our benefit, we chase after money, status and things that are of lesser importance than we think. We want to be known as the best in what we do and always expect acknowledgement for this. But God see all what we do or say and He knows how much effort we put in. How much effort do we put into our faith? I believe that perhaps the only question God will ask us when we finally meet Him face to face is “How much did you love?” If asked that question today how will you answer? - Blessings
Briewe • Letters Graag bedank ons inwoners van Pioniers vir Thys Steynberg vir die heerlike, kraakvars groente, Mariaan de Beer vir die smaaklike tamaties, Fanie vir die lekker piesangs, Bruce vir die avo’s, Eloff vir die soet groenrussies en die NG Kerk Piesangfees organiseerders vir al die groente en vrugte. Dankie ook aan Bennie van die Tzaneen Koelkamers vir die hoendervleis.
Newspaper Sponsors MotorMecca MOOKETSI
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14 September 2018
Braai Day
24 Sept 2018
Braai Hamper See page 3 and Facebook for details
Celebrate our rich heritage Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen Joseph Costa Centre
Tel: 015 307 1207
Klipdrift 750ml
R14599 Rump Steak
T-Bone Steak
Bells 750ml
R21199 Captain Morgan 750ml
traditional boerewors
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Black label dumpies 18 pack
R12499 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof
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8 14 September 2018
Braai Day
Enter our competition and WIN!
Jan Braai’s top 10 braai rules 1. Nothing beats a real wood fire. 2. ‘Gas’ is Afrikaans for a guest at your braai, not something you braai with. 3. Braaing is the only fat-negative way of cooking food. Even when you steam food, the fat in it stays behind. When you braai, the fat drips out. Be healthy and braai. 4. Whereas steak is served medium rare and pork is served medium, lamb is served pink
yet not quite medium rare or medium, a tricky ask. You need to have the thickest part of it at 63 degrees Celsius, then it’s perfect.
7. Smoke flies to pretty people, have a few at your braai and there will not be any smoke in your eyes.
5. Braaing is a direct form of energy use, from the coals to your meat. With conventional electricity, there is a lot of spillage between the power plant, power lines, electricity box, wires, stove and pan. If you love the earth, braai.
8. Animals eat grass, leaves and vegetables and convert them to meat. Eating meat is like eating vitamin pills.
6. Have enough ice at your braai. Use it for your Brandy and Coke, to make beers cold in and to treat burn wounds.
Let us help you light the right fire!
9. A cow must only be killed once. Do not braai your steak until the flavour is dead. 10. A braaibroodjie is your chance to have your bread buttered on both sides. https://www.thesouthafrican.com/jan-braais-top-10-braai-rules/
Layered biltong, mushroom and feta pap tart
Your go-to-guys for fireplaces and braais in Limpopo.
015 297 8964 • www.lekkerfireplaces.co.za
22 Industria Street, Industria, Polokwane (Across the street from the new MTN tower)
Serves 4-6 Pap: • 750ml (3 cups) warm water • 2.5ml (½ tsp) fine salt • 15ml (1tbsp) butter • 250ml (1 cup) maize meal • 250ml (1 cup) fresh or frozen corn kernels Filling: • 15ml (1tbsp) olive oil • ½ (75g) red onion, diced • 250g mushrooms, sliced • 5ml (1tsp) garlic, crushed • 15ml (1tbsp) chives • 180g (1 cup) sliced biltong • 100g (1 cup) feta, crumbled • 250ml (1 cup) cream • 125ml (½ cup) Gruyere cheese, grated • Fresh basil, to serve Preheat the oven to 180°C. For the pap, place the water and salt in a pot and bring it up to a boil. Stir in the butter and then whisk in the pap. Turn the heat
R115 00 750ML AMARULA
R129 99
down, cover with a lid and cook it over very low heat for 15 minutes. Whisk twice during cooking to get rid of any lumps. Stir in the corn and cook for a further 5 minutes. For the filling, heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Gently sauté the onion for 5 minutes until tender. Turn up the heat and add in the mushrooms. Fry for 3-4 minutes and then add the garlic and fry for another minute. Stir in the chives and lightly season the mixture. To assemble the tert, place half of the pap at the bottom of a 15cm x 20cm ovenproof dish. Add the mushroom filling on top. Add a layer of biltong and then the crumbled feta. Pour over half of the cream and then the rest of the pap. Neaten the edges so that all of the filling is covered. Pour over the rest of the cream and then scatter the grated Gruyere on top. Bake for 15 minutes until the cheese is melted. Scatter some fresh basil on top and serve.
R99 99 750ML
R115 1800Pack
OK Minimark Store Juntion Garage Letsitele 083 327 6881
Offers valid from 6 September - 14 September *While stock lasts
R19 99
Per Pack
Braai Day
Enter our competition and WIN!
14 September 2018
Vetkoek Steak Sliders with Horseradish Mayo
Pork Braaipack Bulk
R5999 /kg
Garlic Bread
Boskamp Boerewors
R5999 /kg
3 Steak Combo - R7999 /kg
The Mayo • 2 egg yolks • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) Dijon mustard • 1 C (250 ml) canola oil • squeeze of lemon juice • 1 Tbsp (15 ml) creamed horseradish • salt and pepper The Vetkoek • 2 C (140 g) cake flour • 2 Tbsp (30 ml) sugar • 2 tsp (10 ml) baking powder • 2 Tbsp (30 ml) dried thyme • 1 tsp (5 ml) salt • 2 large eggs • 1 C (250 ml) boiling water • 3 C (750 ml) canola oil for frying The Steak • 1.5 kg picanha steak, or your favourite cut • salt and pepper or your favourite braai spice • canola oil To Serve • wild rocket • Parmesan, shaved The Mayo Place egg yolks into a large bowl then whisk in the mustard. Slowly add the oil while whisking until the mayo starts to form. Keep adding oil and whisking until the mayo reaches a thick consistency. Squeeze in
the lemon juice then whisk in the creamed horseradish. Season and place in the fridge until needed. The Vetkoek Sieve the dry ingredients for the vetkoek into a large bowl. In another bowl, whisk the eggs and boiling water together. Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well to combine. Heat the oil to 180 °C in a large saucepan. Using a large ladle, spoon dollops of batter into the oil and cook until golden on one side then use a slotted spoon to flip the vetkoek over and continue frying. Once you have a golden vetkoek, remove from the oil and drain on kitchen towel. The Steak Season the steak with salt and pepper then coat with oil. Cook the steak to your liking in a large frying pan over high heat or over a very hot braai. Around 4 minutes per side for medium rare. Remove the steak from the heat and allow it to rest for at least 10 minutes before carving. Slice thinly. To Serve To assemble your Vetkoek Steak Sliders with Horseradish Mayo – cut the vetkoek in half and give the bottom half a good slather of mayo. Pile on some rocket and top with a generous portion of sliced steak. Season with salt and pepper and garnish with Parmesan.
Braai Wood
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10 14 September 2018
Braai Day
Old School Coke Beef Short Ribs Makes : 6 Prep Time : 45 mins | Cook Time : 2:45 hours
Enter our competition and WIN!
Braaied Mielies with Three Dipping sauces
time and sear the meat as you would a steak. The better the crust the better the flavour. Place the garlic and thyme into a large roasting tray and arrange the ribs on top. Add the stock until the ribs are almost half covered. Seal tightly with heavy duty foil and braise in the oven for 2 hours. At the 2 hour mark, check the ribs and if they are not fork tender then braise for a further 30-45 mins. When the ribs are fork tender remove them from the oven and allow to cool.
The Marinade • knob of butter • 1 large onion, finely diced • 2 garlic cloves, finely diced • knob of ginger, finely grated • 1 tsp (5 ml) dried rosemary • 1 tsp (5 ml) dried thyme • 1 tsp (5 ml) dried parsley • 2 C (500 ml) Coke • ¾ C (190 ml) tomato sauce • ¾ C (190 ml) chutney • 2 Tbsp (30 ml) soya sauce • juice of 1 lime The Ribs • 6 large beef short ribs • salt and pepper • canola oil, for frying • 5 cloves garlic • 5 sprigs of thyme • 6 C (1 ½ litres) good quality beef stock
To serve Remove the ribs from cooking liquid and paint with the marinade. Finish over the braai or grill to caramelise.
Ingredients Prep time: 10 min | Cooking time: 10 min | Serves 6–8 people • 6–8 Mielies • 50 g butter, melted • Salt and pepper to taste For the herby mayo • 100 g mayonnaise • 50 g Dijon Mustard For the olive tapenade • 1 jar Olive Tapenade For the braai relish • 1 jar Braai Relish • 50 ml Peri-Peri Sauce
Cook on a grill over the braai or use a griddle pan on the stovetop and cook for about 10 minutes, turning every few minutes until your sweetcorn is nicely charred. For each topping, combine the ingredients and set aside in separate bowls. Place the grilled corn on a platter, drizzle with some melted butter and top with salt and pepper. Serve hot along with the three delicious toppings. Alternatively just spoon bits of dip on one side and bite down as the buttery sauce drips down your chin, sand in toes, crickets chirping in the distance. The stuff holidays are made of.
Method Pre-boil the corn for 8 minutes. Remove from the pot and drain.
https://www.yuppiechef.com/spatula/ braaied-sweetcorn-with-three-dippingsauces/
Use our ideas for dipping sauces here or experiment with what you’ve got at home and enjoy that slightly charred sweetcorn deliciousness.
The Marinade In a medium size saucepan over a medium heat, fry the onions in the knob of butter until they soften and begin to colour. Add the garlic and ginger and fry for another minute. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir well to combine. Bring the saucepan to the boil then turn down the heat and simmer for 20 minutes until the marinade thickens. The Ribs Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Season the beef well with salt and pepper. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a high heat. Sear the beef, two pieces at a time, until you have a seared crust on all sides. This step is crucial for flavour so don’t rush it! Take your
Specials valid from 12 - 18 September 2018 *While stocks last!
Only at
Rump Steak
R11999 /kg
T-Bone Steak
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Lamb Loin Chops & Ribs
Braai Day
Sugarloaf 015 307 6337 • Sugarhill 015 307 3539
Limpopo-7’s kampioene
Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die afgelope naweek in Polokwane aan ‘n rugby-7’s toernooi deelgeneem waar die O/15-span as Limpopo-kampioene gekroon is en die O/17-span in die 2de plek geëindig het. Die Vossies se O/15-span het die bordjies van verlede naweek verhang. Dit was ‘n suksesvolle uittog vir die jong Buffeltjies, wat hulle poelwedstryde teen Hoërskool Louis Trichardt (met 35-5) en teen Hoërskool Piet Potgieter (met 550), gewen het. Die semifinaal was soos ‘n jukskeiderby tussen die Vossies en Hoërskool Merensky. Die Vossies se rugby is op ‘n gesonde plek en het vir Hoërskool Merensky met ‘n wegholtelling van 35-0 gewen. Daarna was dit tyd vir die finaal teen PHS. Die jong Buffeltjies het verlede week geleer ‘n mens wen nie totdat tyd nie verby is nie. Dié les was definitief geleer en die Vossies was met half-
14 September 2018 11 tyd 12-0 agter. Hier het hulle terugveg poging begin. Paballo Legodi het ‘n skitterende individuele drie gedruk - direk na halftyd. Met tyd so te sê verstreke het Tsegofatso Ramaloko gewys dat hy een beter as sy spanmaat kan doen en onder die pale gaan kuier. Die telling was op daardie stadium 14-12 in die Vossies se guns. Die Vossies het vir twee minute in oortyd verdedig asof hulle lewens daarvan afhang. Met tyd verstreke is as hul eindelik as Limpopo-kampioene gekroon. Die Vossies se O/17-span het die dag skitterend begin. Hulle het vir Curro Heuwelkruin 47-7 en Hoërskool Ellisras 31-5 gewen in hulle poelwedstryde. Daarna het hulle vir Hoërskool Piet Potgieter in die semifinale met 29-5 les laat opsê. So kwalifiseer hulle vir Noordvaal se top 16-spanne. Die span het daar teen PHS in die finaal vasgeval en moes tevrede wees met ‘n tweede plek.
BO: O/15 Limpopo-kampioene: Voor: Bradley Mokwena. Middel: Tebogo M’khamazi, K.G Ramaloto, Nhlamulo Shilubane, Nzalama Twala, Paballo Legodi en Erich Ackerman. Agter: Liam O’Reilly Du Toit Hartzenberg, Phaleni Vutlhari, Tsegofatso Ramaloko, Erno Botha, Shaun Matthysen, Josh Dippenaar, mnr. Uwe Sauer (afrigter) en mnr. Regardt Kleingeld (afrigter). REGS: O/17-span 2de plek: Voor: Eugene van den Heever, Louis Koen, Lehann Marais en Christiaan Smit. Agter: Meyer Vorster, Sean Roulston, Lennard Joubert, Franco Broodryk, Renzo du Plessis, Doran Kleynhans, Nathan van den Heever, Tiaan Meintjes en mnr. Peter Schutte (afrigter).
Vossie-hokkie ploeg terug!
Op Vrydag, 7 September 2018, het die Hoërskool ontwikkeling porte feulje) aangebied. Die leerdBen Vorster hul Astro-baan beskikbaar gestel vir ers het die dag baie geniet en die kliniek was ‘n ontwikkeling en bekendstelling van die sport- reuse sukses! hokkie. Vir van die skole, wat teenwoordig was, was dit vir baie van die leerders die eerste keer wat hul ‘n hokkiestok vasgehou het en op n astro-baan gespeel het. Daar was 120 spelers teenwoordig en die kliniek is deur Clarika Strydom (Voorsitter van Limpopo Laerskole dien op SASCOC-Laerskole sekretaresse- en afrigtingsportefuelje) en Louis van Dyk (astro-bestuurder), Mpho Moretsele (dien op Limpopo-bestuur van Laerskole vir ontwikkeling Mpho Moretsele (dien portefuelje), Clarika Strydom (Voorsitter van Limpopo Laerskole, dien op SASCOC-Laerskole sekretaresse en op Limpopo-bestuur afrigtingsportefuelje), Elrisa Oosthuizen (Hokkie organiseerder), Thandi Makhubela (Deputy Director School van Laerskole vir Sports Mopani), Nyiko Mhlarhi (School Sports Coordinator).
Die groot Larrie ‘impasse’ Dit was weer tyd vir die baie gewilde skaaktoernooi wat aangebied is by Faunapark Primary School in Phalaborwa op Saterdag, die 8ste September. Laerskool Tzaneen Primary het verskeie medaljewenners gehad tydens hierdie toernooi om weer te wys dat Tzaneen se meesterstrateë hul man op die geruite bord kan staan. In die
ouderdomsgroep 5 – 9 jaar wen Francois Thiart en Bernice van der Walt medaljes. Jadrian Moolman, Simon-Junior Makwarela, Solly Maake, Eduaro Venancio en JP Wheeler stap met medaljes weg in die 10 – 11 jaar ouderdomsgroep. WJ Botha, Anthony Cerva en Ryno Schultz wen medaljes in die 12-13 jaar ouderdomsgroep.
Proven profile operator related training advantageous; Knowledge of all the functions of a profile operator as well as finger-joint products and sizes; Technical understanding of the equipment advantageous; The employee is responsible for operations relating to the profile operator function, whilst complying with company standard and health & safety regulations; Responsible for overall profile performance and product quality (required to meet volume and quality targets set);
Proven planer operator related training advantageous; Knowledge of all planer functions, lumber grades and sizes (as well as finger-joint products and sizes);
Valid forklift licence/certificate required; At least 2 years’ proven experience operating a forklift required; Required to safely operate forklift in the dry mill (including, but not limited to unloading / loading of stock, packing, stacking and stock movement responsibilities in and around the mill);
4. GRADER • •
Grader certification / Knowledge / Experience / proven training regarding grading and/or dry mill operation will be beneficial; Required to grade timber as per relevant SANS specification and/or SATAS.
Bernice van der Walt
Jadrian Moolman
Simon-Junior Makwarela
Solly Maake • • •
(Please note these foremen positions are production/sawmilling specific junior position and is not an engineering/mining foreman) Supervisor’s Certificate/similar qualification/s beneficial; Proven experience in the applicable department; Proven sawmilling and supervisory experience with references essential (minimum 3 years’ experience).
Section 13 Trade Certificate; Knowledge of sawmilling equipment; Strong on preventative maintenance.
Relevant to all the above positions: - EE/AA Candidates will enjoy preference, although all applications will be considered; (Suitably qualified and experienced African females are encouraged to apply). - Proof of grade 12 school- and other qualification/s required; - Proven sawmilling experience with references essential;
Eduardo Vanancio
JP Wheeler
WJ Botha
Anthony Cerva
Ryno Schultz
For info / to apply: hrm@wrsm.co.za before 28/09/2018
12 14 September 2018
(V)lippen vinnige voete vir die Plasies Fast 5
In die vriendskaplike PHS Hyundai Blitzfees by Hoërskool Pietersburg op Saterdag, 8 September, het Hoërskool Merensky se netbal Fast 5 o/17-span geseëvier en met goue medaljes van die baan gestep. Hulle het nie een wedstryd teen Hoërskole Nylstroom, Tom Naudé of Pietersburg verloor nie. Die o/15’s verwerf brons met wentellings teen Nylstroom se o/15- en o/17-spanne.
Quick six
In die Quick Six hokkie-afdeling het die Plasie o/17-seuns stem dik gemaak en eerste geeïndig nadat hulle PHS in die finaal 4-2 verslaan het. Jaco van Staden is aangewys as senior seunspeler van die fees. Die o/15-seuns- en o/17-dogterspanne eindig in die 4de-plek.
O/15 SEWES: Theoniel Kleynhans, Janco Grobler, Neil van Vuuren, Francois O’Connell, Ruan van Rooyen, Dewald van Graan en Rain Terblanche. O/17 QUICK SIX SEUNS: Voor: Dian Fivaz, Hardus van Staden, Arné le Grange en JP de Lange. Middel: Afrigter Izelle du Preez, Nico Pretorius, Jaco van Staden, Tertius van Zyl, Pieter Engelbrecht en Arne Verster. Agter: Hyundai-verteenwoordigers.
Limpopo 7’s
Alhoewel Merensky se o/17seuns in Poel C tydens die Limpopo 7’s finaal by PHS slegs hul wedstryd teen Heuwelkruin kon wen, het die o/15’s by HTS Tom Naudé opgemaak met wentellings teen Mitchell House (68-0) en HTS Tom Naudé (26-5). In die beker semi-finaal het hul vasgeval teen Ben Vorster en teen Ellisras in die plaat finaal te staan gekom. Met ‘n pragtelling van 35-5 het die span breëbors die plaat ontvang.
O/17 FAST 5: Voor: Steph-Marie de Lange, Shibu Ramango, Mandi Botha en Koketso Seima. Middel: Afrigter Tommie Potgieter, Bianca Moller, Kayla Armstrong, Pheladi Mametja en Suandrie Corbett. Agter: mnre. Mark Vermaak (Hyundai), Willie Schoeman (PHS skoolhoof) en Pierre Coetzee (PHS sporthoof).
‘n Stêr reis oor Bethlehem
Voor: Marais Botha, Ruben Potgieter, Franco Pretorius, Ross Hunter en Rudolph Schutte. Agter: Nina Grové, Aimeé Schoeman, Luané Maré, Suzaan Schutte en Jessica Lind.
‘n Seuns- en dogter tennisspan van Hoërskool Merensky het vanaf 6 September aan die Inter-Africa Bethlehem uitdaag toernooi op Bethlehem deelgeneem. Meer as 30 spanne van regoor die land was by die toernooi en het Merensky in die B-afdeling (wat 19 van die skole ingesluit het) teen hoërskole Helpmekaar, Voortrekker, Witteberg, Fichardtpark, Middelburg, Linden, Landboudal, St Michaels, Frankfort, Randburg en Afrikaans Hoër te staan gekom.
Op Donderdag en Vrydagoggend is poelwedstryde gespeel, waarna uitkloprondes Vrydagmiddag en Saterdagoggend gevolg het. Alhoewel die meisies nie hul tennisskoene aangehad het nie en 19de geeïndig het, het die seuns hul rakkette gespan en 6de geeïndig. Hulle verloor teen Voortrekker (21-48), Fichardtpark (27-38) en Randburg (33-37), maar tree as oorwinnaars uit die stryd teen Helpmekaar (38-28) en Witteberg (33-32).
Ruben Potgieter, Marais Botha, Rudolph Schutte, Franco Pretorius, Ross Hunter, Suzaan Schutte, Nina Grové, Aimeé Schoeman, Jessica Lind en Luané Maré.
O/17 QUICK SIX DOGTERS: Voor: Danielle Kasselman, Bercha Venter en Michelle Brummer. Agter: Jenelle de Jonge, Mariesa de Wet, Charlize Meyer, Kesia Pohl, Jessica Botha en Dominique Blandin de Chalain.
Homey got skills Valley Ngobeni is a very noticeable Grade 8 pupil from Merensky High. Noticeable not only for his athletic prowess, but for his remarkable ability to change a lightbulb without incorporating the use of a ladder. His exceptional stature, and remarkable ball handling ability, has earned him a spot in the Limpopo U/15 basketball squad. Ngobeni will join his fellow team mates during the national tournament to be held in Bloemfontein on the 21st to the 23rd of September. He now joins the hoop-dunking ranks of Enslin Sambo, the 12th Grader who was included in the U/20 team earlier this year. With basketball’s fast-paced growth among the youth of South Africa, Merensky is honoured that two of their own giants have made such a mark in the sport and they wish both these players a promising career in the future.
Almost there The Tour de Lake (third round of the Limpopo Schools Spur MTB Series) was held at Stanford Lake College last weekend. Stanford managed a few podium positions with Isabella Drewett coming in 3rd for the Sub-Junior Girls, Herman Fourie claiming 1st for the Youth Boys and Lara Dando and Ani Gutierrez finishing 3rd and 1st respectively in the Junior Women category. These positions, together with all the other SLC riders who finished, put the Badgers in second place in the series, just behind Louis Trichardt High School. This also places Stanford in a very favourable position for the Spur Schools MTB National Championships, with just one race to go in that series.
14 September 2018 13
Dit het gewoeker by die Vula
Die plaaslike langasems wat die 100km wedren aangepak het. Foto’s: Jacques Smuts
Louis, Cecilia en Fidelia Krugel
Die speke het wéér behoorlik gesing tydens vanjaar se ATKV Eiland Spa Vula Vula padwedren in Letsitele. Vanjaar se inskrywing van 466 deelnemers was 32 inskrywings meer as verlede jaar se 434 fietsryers, en getuig van die skerp opwaartse groei wat hierdie fietswedren geniet. In 2016 was daar maar 415 deelnemers wat klaar 104 meer was as die intree wedren in 2013. Hierdie wedren is aangebied deur die NG Kerk, Letsitele en hordes fietsryers het vroegdag aangemeld, waaronder fietsryers vanuit al die omgewing se skole asook spanne uit meeste van die plaaslike besighede wat in die verskeie klasse en afstande teen mekaar kragte gemeet het. Die byeenkoms laat deelnemers
Lucky Chauke van Miami Canners
toe om in een van vier afstande - 14km, 45km, 70km, en vir die langer asems, die 100km - deel te neem. Daar is ook ‘n spesiale spanbou kategorie, naamlik die ‘dikwiele’ waar spanlede op tradisionele dikwiel plaasfietse die wedren voltooi. Laerskool Tzaneen Primary se Jason Bosman (12) het eerste oor die streep in die 14km wedren in ‘n tyd van 34:00 getrap terwyl Pelo Makoti (8) die heel kleintjies se wedren in ‘n spogtyd van 40:33:64 gewen het. Shané van den Heever (12) het in die Vroue O/14 kategorie, ‘n eerste plek in die 45 kilometer wedren losgetrap in ‘n tyd van 1:55:45. In die 45km wedren het Annaline Rood en Jodi Spaumer 2de- en 3de-plekke in die Sub Junior Meisies-afdeling ingeneem. Hierdie kategorie is deur Simon Oberholzer in ‘n tyd van 1:27:05 gewen. In die Sub Junior Seuns-afdeling trap Johan van den Heever ‘n 1ste-plek los met Jurgens Spaumer kort op sy hakke, in die tweede plek. Gunther Katzke wen die 45 kilometer sub-junior seuns afdeling in 1:16:16 wat vir hom ook die tweede plek algeheel verseker het. Hierdie 15-jarige het net ‘n sekonde na Paul Venter (45) oor die streep getrap. In die junior seuns en –meisies afdelings spog Merensky met 3 eersteplekke naamlik Laryn Bezuidenhout oor 45km met ‘n tyd van 1:59:09, Armand Cronjé (wat 70km in 1:57:41 afgelê het om die Junior Seuns afdeling te wen) en Sheldon Muller wat algeheel vyfde geeïndig het oor die moordende 100km in ‘n Junior Seuns wentyd van 2:37:39.
Sheldon Muller en Armand Cronjé.
Mario Ferreira (44) het vanjaar se 100 kilometer Laeveld Sitrus 1 ingepalm en Miami Canners se wedren in 2:37:36.81 gewen met Linda Fouche vier lede het saam seker gemaak om die vyfde (48) wat eerste vir die dames oor die wenstreep posisie vol te staan. — Joe Dreyer geseil het in ‘n tyd van 2:43:33.15. In die 70 kilomjoe@bulletin.us.com eter resies het Gerhard Booysen (44) en Marinus Pretorius (35) die algeheel eerste plek gedeel vir die mans in ‘n tyd van 1:57:32.45 met Dorothy Rood (41) wat die dames kategorie in ‘n tyd van 1:58:06.42 gedomineer het. Annellize Vincen en Hugo Goodey het die tandem kategorie in ‘n tyd van 1:57:39.21 gewen. Die hoogtepunt vir elke toeskouer tydens elke jaar se Vula Vula is verseker die 45 kilometer Dikwiel resies. Vanjaar het die manne van Gubitz A-span gesweet om die wenstreep eerste oor te steek in hierdie opwindende kategorie. Drie van die vier spanmaats van Gubitz A, Simau Mikheswana, Arton Mbombi en Solly Metebula, het hul wedren in 58:34.60 voltooi met Nikolaas Gubitz wat ‘n sekonde later in 58:35.61 saam met hulle kon feesvier. Mabete Sitrus se Winna Monareng was tweede in 1:00:33.46 met die vier spanlede van Laeveld Sitrus 2 in die derde plek in ‘n tyd van 1:01:46.78. Innocent Mawila het ‘n vierde plek vir Marleen, Pieter, Pedri en Carel Minnaar
Gunther Katzke en Bevan Muller.
Johan van den Heever.
14 14 September 2018
by the magistrate GIYANI given on 27 October 2016 the under mentioned goods will be sold IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF’S STORE – LIMDEV (NPDC) BUILDING, MAIN ROAD, GIYANI, on 3 OCTOBER 2018 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X QUANTITY STOCK IN TRADE 1. This sale is a sale in execu-
tion pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileac-
tion?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Sydney Park or Johan Clack. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 8 AUGUST 2018 J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS OFFICE NO. 203 & 204, 2ND FLOOR OLD MUTUAL BUILDING GIYANI Tel: 015 307-5792 / 5694 Ref: JS/sdj/GA2764 Sep201___________________________
In the estate of the late MARIA ALETTA SUSANNA MC CABE,
identity number 310404 0032 085, widow, Master’s reference number 006116/2018, who was ordinarily resident at 23 Soetdoring Street, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 11th of July 2018. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P O Box 35 Tzaneen Ref: A E Rech/avs/R14893 Sep202___________________________
FIXED PROPERTY AUCTION: Duly instructed and appointed by JOUBERT & MAY ATTORNEYS, I TERTIUS ROBERTSON will sell the undermentioned fixed property of Mrs Tinyiko Sarah Bayane and Mr Butinkie Judas Bayane by public auction on FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMEBER 2018 AT 10:00 AT 33A PIETER JOU-
• •
Inter-persoonlike vaardighede. Hoë administrasie- en rekenaarvaardighede. Moet uitnemende organisasievermoëns besit. Telefoon etiket: Mediesefonds korrespondensie. Moet hoë druk omgewing kan hanteer met prioritiseringsvermoë. Debiteure hantering: invorderings. Verkieslik vroulike persoon tussen 40-50 jaar. Stuur CV na cv@k2h.co.za
BERT STREET, AQUAPARK, TZANEEN. THE FIXED PROPERTY WHICH WILL BE PUT UP FOR AUCTION: ERF 2262, NKOWANKOWA-B TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION: LT, OF LIMPOPO, MEASURING 480 SQUARE METERS HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER NO TG40683/1997GZPTA. IMPROVEMENTS: A DWELLING CONSISTING OF (NOT GUARANTEED): BRICK WALL HOUSE WITH TILED ROOF AND GARAGE. Photos can be viewed at my office situated at 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Aquapark, Tzaneen. CONDITIONS OF SALE: - In terms of Regulation 26 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 potential bidders must register in the bidder’s record with the auctioneer, prior to sale, which registration must meet the requirements of the regulations in terms of the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 38 of 2001. - TERMS: 10% (TEN PERCENT) of the purchase price in Cash on the day of the sale; the balance payable against registration of transfer – a guarantee to be furnished within 14 (FOURTEEN) days from the date of the sale. - The rules of the auction and sale conditions will be read out prior to the sale. Terms and conditions available on request. - Auctioneer’s charges payable on the day of the sale, to be calculated as follows: 5% (FIVE PERSENT) on the purchase price PLUS VAT. - R10 000.00 (TEN THOUSAND RAND) refundable buyers deposit payable upon registration. AUCTIONEERS NOTE: This is an ideal opportunity to acquire a residential property in a popular area of Nkowankowa. The auctioneer can be contacted at (015) 307 2906 or 084 579 4584. Dated at Tzaneen this 5th day of September 2018. TERTIUS ROBERTSON 084 579 4584 Sep203___________________________
I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 4638 Tzaneen Extension 86 hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Law 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of a part (±681m²) of the property described above, situated at Griffith Mxenge Street, from “Private Open Space” to “Business 3” with Annexure 248. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 14 September 2018 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 14 October 2018, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850. Tel. 015 307 1041. Ref. J186
Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 4638 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 86 gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Wette 2016, kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van ‘n deel (±681m²) van die bogenoemde eiendom, geleë te Griffith Mzenge Straat Tzaneen, vanaf “Privaat oopruimte” na “Besigheid 3” met Bylae 248. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 14 September 2018 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik voor 14 Oktober 2018 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015307-8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015 307 1041. Verw. J186
For Sale
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste SMIT & KIE Mediese fondse Korttermyn versekering Lewensversekering Aftree beplanning Testamente / Beleggings 10 Windsor Street 015 307 5587 Jun310___________________________
Tzaneen Trailer Hire Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Trailer hire: Double/Single Axle, Car, Piggyback, Cattle & Luggage trailers. Hennie: 083 651 0936
TRELLIDOR The ultimate crime barrier Widest range, custom made for any opening. Visit us at 32 Hospital Street, Tzaneen 015 307 2493
Ultimate Security Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768
Sleebok Granite, monuments, Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops, marble, Bathrooms Quality Workmanship. 015 307 6005 / 1205 www.sleebok.co.za
Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R24.50/km + btw, 8 Ton Koeler Trok R27/km + btw, 12 Ton Trok R26.50/km + btw & 20 Ton @ R33.50/km + btw, Lowbed trailer @ R33.50/ km + btw. 6 cube tipper @ R26/km + btw eenrigting. Vragmotor met kraan R2600/dag.
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139
Terme & voorwaardes geld.
Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com
Skakel vir Kwotasie: 076 410 9503 / 082 851 7139 / 015 345 1192 084 627 0956
Nasionale Bestuur Skool
Nasionale besuur skool Aan al die ouers van Tzaneen en in die omgewing, die einde van die jaar is vinnig oppad, moet nie op die tippie vir julle kinders se opleiding vir bestuurs lisensie wag nie. Vat die stress van julle as ouers se skouers af en plaas dit op ons sin. Ons doen volledige opleiding, en is behulpsaam deur die hele proses. Sien ons op facebook onder National Driving School vir verwysings. Kontak / Whatsapp Giane 083 279 2343 Mar301____________________________
For all your woodwork needs. Repairs to wooden furniture. Making of furniture. Contact Rob on 071 727 2377
Bulletin FAR NORTH
Koriek beleggings: Revoluta palms: Revoluta saailinge – R4.00, Groot moederplante – R500.00. Mandela’s gold geel Strelitzia’s: Saad – R0.50, Saailinge – R4.00 plante in blom – R30.00, Moeder plante in blom – R300.00 of (R1, kom haal self per blom) (BTW en posgeld uitgesluit) 082 466 9884
Caretaker available for farm or flat maintenance. Fully qualified plumber, electrical, building, tiling ect. Can farm and do all mechanical work. Contact 079 882 7518. Apr302___________________________
Handyman General Steelwork, Plumbing & Waterproofing. Tzaneen & Letsitele Area Contact Marius 064 918 4161
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Furniture, appliances, kitchen ware, jewelry ect. Best value for your money. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483 DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
Die Wasbalie Laundry Service at No 3 Pieter Joubert Str, Aquapark.
082 672 8131 Maltese Poodles for sale.
Specializing in Wendy Houses, site offices, tool sheds, guard rooms. Can also move Wendys. Price includes wooden floor, window, corrugated zinc for roof @ special waksol for waterproofing. 3 x 3 m R5 500. Big and small size as per order. Contact me on 078 485 2342
7 weeks old. 2 Boys available. Ready for their FURR EVER FAMILIES! R900 each. 076 795 5000
We will beat any written quote!!
071 063 4983 24 Hour
Emergency Plumber
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We specialise in: • New Buildings •Tiling • Renovations & Alterations • Electrical • Roofing & Waterproofing • Ceilings • Air conditioners • Plumbing • Carpentry • Steelworks • Painting • Stainless Steel Balustrade Tobie: 076 312 8806 chukudutzn@gmail.com
2010 Gypsey Rhapsody in excellent condition with full (unused) tent and toilet. Stored under cover. One owner, seldom used. All standard equipment plus Yellow Blade stabiliser, awningin-bag, travel blanket, canvas cover. R 130,000 To view at Haenertsburg 082 802 1870
Jobseeker My name is Ralph Hutamo, I have Grade EDC security qualifications, willing to work as warehouse assistant, stock controller, floor sales in retail sector. Please contact me on 072 612 5512. ___________________________ My name is Evelyn Ramadi, I am looking for any general cleaning or domestic work I can speak English and look after children. I have previous experience. Please contact me on 063 045 0974.
Duvenhage Furniture Removals Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd . Puik diens & lae pryse. Faks: 086 262 3152 083 252 8928
For Sale Te Koop Meenthuis te koop 3 slaapkamer Groot badkamer Baie veilige kompleks Groot stoep met canvas ASSEBLIEF GEEN AGENTE TEL 0834563466
To Let Te Huur 4 Slaapkamer woonhuis met 2 motorhuise in Arborpark @ R8400- p.m. Beskikbaar 1 November 2018. Water & Ligte uitgesluit. Kontak 082 533 2647. ________________________ 3 Bedroom house situated in a security complex in Medi Park. This home offers a spacious open plan living- and dining area, full bathroom with shower and separate toilet. Lockable tandem garage for 2 vehicles, private courtyard with braai and outside buildings. No pets allowed. Available immediately. R6 000-00 per month. Deposit required. Phone Kobus 071 401 0950.
Ringballers by SA’s
Devin van der Westhuizen, Hanno Stassen en Carlo Moller.
Devin van der Westhuizen, Hanno Stassen en Carlo Moller is drie Larrie ringbalspelers, uit net 24 spelers wat landwyd opgeneem is in die Suid-Afrikaanse Uitnodigingspan . Dié trio het al ‘n handvol wedstryde gespeel. Op die 18de Augustus, in Middelburg, speel hul ‘n vertoonwedstryd teen die O/11 A-span wat hul 36/16 wen. Daarna, in Kemptonpark, meet hul kragte teen die Suid-Afrikaanse O/13 A span en verloor naelskraap 18/22. Op 1 September, in Polokwane, speel hul teen ‘n O/15 Uitnodigingspan en wen 22/8. Hul wen hul tweede wedstryd vir die dag teen die O/13 A-span ook 28/26. Ringbal is ‘n amateursport wat vining gewild word in skole regoor die land. Devin, Hanno en Carlo sal weer op 15 September in aksie wees in Polokwane.
14 September 2018 15
The fast four
Four Laerskool Tzaneen swimmers were selected to represent their province at the South-African Schools Swimming Championships that will be held in Cape Town from the
9th to the 14th of December this year. They are Elné Haynes, Jason Bosman, Larike Joubert and Juan Meintjies.
Business directory | Sakegids bulletin©0833ow2018tl
Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111 info@hobbyprint.co.za
015 307 2504 • 079 523 5253 Shop 1, 11 Plantation Road #RefreshReviveRefill
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We specialise in: • Burglar proofing, security and access gates • Palisade fencing, electric gates and garage motors • Light to medium steel and general construction We also service and repair all makes of electric gates and garage motors. Contact Mike at 071 302 8909 / 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail.com
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14 September 2018
Tel: 015 590 7780 | tzaleba@gmail.com Plot 39, Hamawasha, Lydenburg Rd, R36 - 1km outside of town.
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Closing date for entries 25 Sept 2018
Post your best Braai Day pics on our Facebook page, tag us on instagram or watsapp 071 268 2543 to stand a chance to WIN a BIG braai hamper!
‘n Gubitz van ‘n Vula
Arton Mbombi, Solly Metebula, Nikolaas Gubitz en Simau Mikheswana is die vier spanlede van Gubitz A wat die 45km Dikwiel uitdaging by vanjaar se Vula Vula gewen het. Lees meer op Bl 13.