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1 March 2019


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Naweek van smart — ‘n Pakhuis vuur veroorsaak groot skade, en die dood van sewe mense laat twee gesinne in flarde.

Bladsy 3

‘n Lid van die Mopani Brandweer kyk toe terwyl ‘n rookwolk vir Wynand Horak byna heeltemal insluk tydens die brand by die Laeveld Sitrus Pakhuis op Letsitele die afgelope Saterdagmiddag. Horak was een van nagenoeg 40 lede van die gemeenskap wat die noodroep beantwoord het en gaan hulp verleen het om die verwoestende brand onder beheer te kry. Teen druktyd was daar steeds geen duidelikheid oor die oorsaak van die brand nie. Meer op bladsy 3. Foto: Joe Dreyer




TROPHY TOYOTA 015 309 9258 22 Botha Street, Modjadjiskloof, 0835

See Medical Index inside


1 March 2019





Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man)



Lenyenye painted red for Malema visit

Bulletin F A R


071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution

Politicians of the ANC in Tzaneen were on their toes on Tuesday shortly before the arrival of EFF leader, Julius Malema to the community hall where he was to meet his supporters who were bussed in from all the sub-regions in Mopani. The Malema visit which was mostly anticipated by community members certainly did not go down well with other political parties in view of the upcoming elections. According to community members, Malema started his leg of the region with a visit to Maruleng Municipality where he was to address members of his party and farmers from the area. In Lenyenye the drama began with a bus dropping people at the government complex in front of the police station on Wednes-

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Klein advertensies / Smalls: lizan@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

State of affairs in the communication section of the ANC in Lithuli House will take on a new twist after the dismissal of former communication managers, Pule Mabe and Zizi Kodwa. It was initially stated that they were both relieved of their duties on the same charges related to ill treatment of women, while Dakota Legoete had been installed as the new spokesperson. The party however said they volunteered to step aside. This happened at the time of a major power struggle within the party between the supporters of the

former state president, Jacob Zuma, and those supporting the new president, Cyril Ramaphosa. The power struggle became apparent when the organisation and its former head were rushing to release election music albums. Ramaphosa was to release an album of the party, while Zuma was to release the one featuring himself. Pule Mabe, who is said to have some links in Mopani through his Phalaborwa roots, was the spokesperson of the party until he was suspended last year after a woman claimed that he had sexually as-

saulted her. He was then accused of the ill treatment of female staff in the offices of the ANC. He was replaced by Zizi Kodwa who was the spokesperson for the presidency during the Zuma years. According to weekend newspapers, Kodwa had now made news after he was accused of sexually assaulting a woman. The ANC, during its top six meeting on Monday, resolved to release Zizi Kodwa and replaced him with Dakota Legoete who emerged as the spokesperson for the party during the January 8th Statement earlier


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In what could be viewed as electioneering by Mopani politicians, mayor of the financially embattled Mopani District Municipality (MDM), Nkakareng Rakgoale, made news again this week when she controversially adopted yet another child-headed family at Mageva village on Tuesday. The “good Samaritan” was accompanied by members of her mayoral committee, Councillor Nyiko Baloyi and former Ba-Phalaborwa mayor (now a councillor at MDM) Annah Sono. The two councillors were joined by the mayor of the Greater Giyani Municipality (GGM) Basani Shivambu and the acting headman of Mageva village, Tatana Bvuma, who witnessed the act to the child-headed family of 26 members. The children were given among others, groceries which included two bags of maize meal, soap, tinned fish and toiletries to name just a few of the items.

After close on six weeks of absolute traffic chaos at the busiest intersection in town, the GTM has finally seen fit to repair the traffic lights at the entrance to town opposite Lifestyle Centre. Despite numerous enquiries (which like most every other enquiry from this paper was blatantly ignored), and public complaints, no response has yet come from the office of the GTM communications department. Nobody knows what caused the delay in reparations to these traffic lights which were damaged when a vehicle allegedly ploughed through the intersection late one evening, nor do we know how much the repairs

Jaques van Niekerk

Access Control Systems Clocking Systems Alarm Systems CCTV

this year. It was after Mabe was suspended. Reports are that the state is building a case to reopen the charges laid against Mabe. Mabe had since the suspension been unavailable in the public domain until recently when the Bulletin wrote about the tuk-tuk three-wheelers which were discovered in a warehouse in Phalaborwa. He has since denied ownership of these machines. Mabe was the spokesperson for the party while Kodwa communicated for the presidency. — Jan Mafetsa

Mayor uses poverty to garner support Spokesperson for the council, Witness Tiva said that both parents of the children died a few years ago. Speaking during the handing over of the food parcels, Rakgoale appealed to her community stakeholders such as business and the church communities to join hands with the government and assist the impoverished families within their localities. Tiva said the children receive monthly social grants with which they managed to build a three roomed house but the house could not accommodate all of them. Tiva could not comment on why the families did not receive a house from government years ago. The news was rightfully received with much scepticism by community members who claimed that the gesture was in view of the elections which are around the corner.

It only took a month Noodnommers Emergency numbers

problems the community experienced with the allocation of houses in the area. The meeting was nearly disrupted when a sea of EFF supporters started filling the parking lot of the hall. During his visit to Lenyenye last year, Malema was met with complaints from the communities of Tzaneen and Maruleng who wanted to know why the land that was restituted by the government wound up in the hands of the ANC elites. He was in Tzaneen last year during the roadshow for the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution to expropriate land without compensation. By the time of going to the press he had not yet arrived. Thousands were waiting for him. — Jan Mafetsa

Mabe, Kodwa out - Dakota in

Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa


day morning. Thereafter the bus left while the pedestrians were mobilizing people from the township to fill the hall. The purpose of the visit which was not the first, was aimed at enticing the people of Mopani to vote for his party. His entourage was preceded by the DA in full force putting up posters on lamp poles so when Malema arrived he would find the township painted blue. Like in many visits by Malema to Mopani the ANC was caught off-guard. On Wednesday leaders of the ANC in Lenyenye supplemented by ward committee members and the officials from the housing section of the municipality, were seen converging at the community hall to discuss some of the


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cost. We are however truly relieved that rush hour traffic is now once again flowing smoothly. It is still a matter of concern that in the 42 days that the lights were not functioning, no traffic officers were deployed to the area to regulate traffic. Is the local department short staffed, or is the problem one of prioritizing? One would think that the cacophony which is the Claude Wheately taxi rank would enjoy priority, but alas here too, the problem is being ignored in favour of speeding tickets on the R71. The same R71 where illegal street hawkers, illegal hitchhikers and jaywalkers enjoy more privileges than licensed road users.

*Editor’s note: is it not absolutely absurd that the head of a district municipality that can barely supply its area of jurisdiction with adequate water, sanitation and electrical services, would prioritize the plight of only one of thousands of similar cases within the province, in order to blatantly gain favour among potential voters? In the years between elections, residents in the five local municipalities who fall under the MDM, struggle with frequent water shortages, power outages and other service delivery failures directly as a result of their financial mismanagement. Yet come election time, funds are generated for campaigns and groceries which can in no way whatsoever be seen as a solution to any of the miserable failings which will continue to plague this district long after the 8th of May. — Jan Mafetsa

Still no arrests The GTM has still refused comment on the progress of their internal investigations into the five electrical department employees who were caught by GTM security in possession of stolen copper cables. This was in November last year. The investigating officer in the case is a Constable Ngobeni and the case number is CAS11/11/2018 with the official charge being “attempted theft at power station”. Our attempts to gain clarity on the matter from the police and the municipality have continually drawn to a blank and we have resigned ourselves to the notion that we might never reach a conclusion to this saga. In the meantime the community are left wondering how many of the current issues being faced with power outages are truly because of the faults on the lines. It is also not exactly clear how many technicians are currently actively tending to the problems reported by the ratepayers, as these five suspects are allegedly still on suspension pending the outcome of the internal investigations into the reported theft.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 25/02/2019

Tzaneen 17.7%

Ebenezer 65.8%

Merensky 101.9%

Dap Naude 99.9%

Middel Letaba 8.4%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.6%

Klaserie 100.6%

Tours 392%

Vergelegen 98.7%

Ohrigstad 12.6%

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

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1 March 2019



Letsitele antwoord op noodroep Tannie Bets Vorster het kwart oor agt Saterdagoggend ‘n noodroep oor haar WhatsApp veiligheidsgroep uit gestuur. “Laeveld Sitrus Pakhuis op Letsitele brand enige hulp sal waardeer word” het die boodskap gelees. Binne etlike minute het die eerste van wat later 20 bakkies sou word, by die pakhuis

hekke ingejaag gekom. Daar is twee pakhuise op Laeveld Sitrus se eiendom. Die pakhuis waar die brand ontstaan het is volgens tannie Bets Vorster, die oupakhuis wat tans in die proses van opgradering is. Die masjiene is reeds uit die gebou uit geskuif na die nuwe pakhuis toe. Die brand het nogtans erge skade aan die struktuur verrig en lede van die gemeenskap het vir ure lank gestry om dit onder beheer te kry. “Dit lê ons regtig na aan die hart dat soveel mense, mense wat ons nie eers ken nie, in hul massas hier in ons tyd van nood ingespring het om ons eiendom te beskerm. Ons kon nie ons oë glo toe bakkie na bakkie by ons hekke ingejaag kom en mans, vrouens en selfs kinders hand by sit om die vuur te bestry nie,” het tannie Bets gesê. Die brand is eers opgemerk deur ‘n sekuriteitswag verbonde aan Canine Sekuriteit, wat sy gereelde patrollie om die geboue uit-

gevoer het. Die wag het die situasie aan sy bestuur gemeld en die eienaars is so in kennis gestel. Met die pakseisoen reeds in volle gang het daar kommer onder die boere geheers oor of die pakhuis betyds sal reg wees om die werklading te kan hanteer. Tannie Bets het daardie kommer ter syde gestel. “Ons sal natuurlik reg wees vir die seisoen. Inteendeel, ons het klaar begin pak en die gebou wat gebrand het is nog nie gebruik nie. Dit is baie min dat mens twee pakhuise sal aktiveer in paktyd. Huidiglik gebruik ons die nuwe pakhuis in afwagting van ons nuwe geoutomatiseerde masjinerie wat reeds op die skip oppad Suid-Afrika toe is. So ons sal verseker reg wees.” Teen druktyd was die assessors en die forensiese ondersoekspanne nog besig om deur die puin te sif om die oorsaak van die brand asook die skade te bepaal. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Willem Brits

Willem Stolp en Ben van Coller

Daryl Blanchard

BMW-padvark eis sewe op R71

EKSKLUSIEF Vyf kinders, die jongste skaars agt, treur oor hul mammas en ‘n pappa wat in ‘n oogwink die afgelope naweek van hulle af weggeraap is. Die gru-ongeluk wat omstreeks 17:30 Saterdagmiddag op die R71-pad naby die gewilde ‘On the Rocks’ eetplek gebeur het, het die lewens van Frank (38) en Elaine Greeff (37), Chantelle Gouws (42) en vier ander geëis. Deon Gouws (51) was in een van die voertuie ten tye van die ongeluk en herstel tans van sy fisiese beserings in die hospitaal. Bulletin het met hom gaan gesels oor die gebeure van die middag wat hy van sy liefling vrou van 17 jaar, en twee van hul dierbaarste vriende moes afskeid neem. “Ek en Chantelle het die middag by Frank en Ellaine gaan kuier op Letaba Estates. Later het ons almal in Frank se voertuig, ‘n Ford Ranger dubbelkajuit, geklim en is oppad Junction toe om iets vir my te gaan oplaai. Frank het bestuur en ek het in die voorste passasiers sitplek gesit

met die vrouens agter ons,” het hy verduidelik terwyl hy sukkel om die trane terug te hou. “Die volgende oomblik was die BMW hier by ons. Hier reg by ons in ons baan. Ek onthou die slag en die glas en die geraas en toe is dit swart en stil. My oë gaan oop en ek roep na my vrou. “Chantelle, Chantelle antwoord my”, maar daar was niks. Daar was geen antwoord, net stilte. ‘n Stem van buite skree vir mense om te kom help om die voertuig te lig sodat hulle my hand van onder die wrak uit kan bevry. Ek kon niks sien nie want ek was vol bloed en baie deurmekaar.” Die impak van die botsing was so geweldig dat Deon heeltemal in sy sitplek omgedraai is onderstebo aan die veiligheidsgordel bly hang het. Hy is nie seker of die ander mense reeds uit die kajuit verwyder is teen tye hy weer by sy bewussyn gekom het nie, maar wat hy wel weet is dat die voertuig op sy dak gelê het. Volgens wat Deon onthou, het die BMW van

voor af aan gejaag gekom. Daar was ‘n ry motors in die aankomende baan en die drywer van dié BMW het bloot versnel en probeer om die ry voertuie voor hom verby te steek. Die seksie van die pad waar die ongeluk gebeur het is ‘n dubbel-soliede streep en geen verbygaan word toegelaat nie. Teen die hoë spoed wat die voertuig gery het was daar geen kans vir Frank om uit die pad uit te swaai nie en is hulle kop-aankop teen die BMW vas. Oogetuies vertel dat die Ford Ranger se agterste as deur die impak van die botsing heeltemal onder die voertuig uit geslinger is. Die drywer van die BMW sowel as drie insittendes het ook in die slag beswyk. “Dit was so onnodig. Twee gesinne is uit mekaar geskeur deur een padvark wat geen respek vir sy eie lewe of die wette van die pad gehad het nie. Hulle dink mos hulle is onaantasbaar agter die stuur van ‘n duur voertuig. Hoeveel

mense moet nog hul lewens verloor voordat daar enige werklike wetstoepassing uitgevoer word op hierdie stuk pad!?” Inwoners in die Letsitele, Tzaneen en Gravelotte gebied sal goed weet hoe daar gejaag word op die R71, veral oor naweke. Die presiese stuk pad waar hierdie ongeluk gebeur het, is juis berug hiervoor maar steeds word daar nie genoeg gedoen deur plaaslike verkeer, om hierdie gedrag stop te sit nie. Chantelle se begrafnisdiens sal Donderdag, die 7de Maart, vanuit die Dinamus Gemeente gehou word. Die diens sal om 12:00 die middag geskied. Teen druktyd was die begrafnisreëlings vir die Greef-egpaar nog nie bekend nie. Hulle twee seuns is wel na familie in Polokwane toe. Teen druktyd kon ons nie daarin slag om kommentaar vanaf nooddienste of provinsiale verkeer te verkry nie. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

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Light showers. Afternoon clouds


Fri 1 Mar


Showers late. Morning clouds

Sat 2 Mar


Sun 3 Mar








Thurs 28 Feb

12 km/h



3.4 mm




10 km/h



10.5 mm



Few showers. Morning clouds


8 km/h



2.8 mm




More sun than clouds


11 km/h



- mm



Mon 4 Mar


More sun than clouds


9 km/h



- mm



Tues 5 Mar


Showers late. Mostly sunny


8 km/h



3.0 mm



Wed 6 Mar


Thunder storms. Broken clouds


7 km/h



4.8 mm




1 March 2019





Some more election quick fixes Residents of Ndhindhani village in the Giyani area have expressed hope and gratitude after the visit by Deputy President David Mabuza and the Minister of Transport, Blade Ndzi-

mande, to the area resulted in the commencement of the construction of the 32 kilometre stretch of road which the community had been pleading with the government to build for

them since 2008. Earlier this year as part of the ANC’s attempts to encourage residents to register and vote in the upcoming elections, Deputy President David Mabuza said he was confronted with the problem of the road in the area. He then promised to return to the area, which he fulfilled with the visit by the Minister of Transport, Blade Ndzimande. Community spokesperson Cedric Baloyi, said the community were happy that the Mabuza had come with the solution of the road to the community. “The road was promised to the community back in 2008 and we are happy that the deputy president himself finally provided this solution. People had migrated to other towns while teachers could not come to work during heavy rains because of the road.” He went further to say that those who were suffering from chronic illness would be relieved as the road will be constructed to ease the problems of ambulances not reaching remote areas

during rainy days. “We could not buy vehicles because of the state of the road but now we can and the migration of people to other towns will finally be a thing of the past.” Mabuza, while explaining the journey ahead of the implementation of the project said that people can have everything but roads are at the centre of service delivery. “When we were here in the past, people had a concern over the long standing issue of the road. I spoke to the province and the municipality and they said there are funds.” Mabuza said that he consulted with the Minister of Transport who is responsible for SANRAL. “When the Minister agreed, I then said let us go and talk to them. When we arrived we met with the traditional leaders before the community and members of steering committee. Another problem we identified lies with water and I will return with Minister (Gugile) Nkwinti to resolve that.” — Jan Mafetsa

Heavy rains point out more failures Due to heavy rains which fell in Mopani in the past few days, residents of Namakgale, Lulekane and the other adjacent areas in Phalaborwa were left without water after the purification plants were flooded with mud, thus blocking pipes which are supplying the affected communities with water. However by the time of going to the print it could not be established if the problems were solved. Mopani District Municipality (MDM) spokesperson, Witness Tiva, said that Lepelle Northern Water (LNW) was forced to close the plant due to high water levels in the Lepelle river where water is extracted from. The system is unable to purify the muddy water coming from the only available source in the area. The MDM has allegedly deployed technicians who are said to be working jointly with LNW to normalise the situation. Tiva further said that the technicians are

working tirelessly to ensure the purification process units are cleaned to allow the plant to fully recover. “The MDM and the LNW take this opportunity to apologise for the inconvenience they might had felt. The affected areas are Namakgale, Lelukane, and the adjacent communities around Giyani.” In Tzaneen the rains that fell on Monday in some areas had left many of the streets impassable. However the spokesperson for the district municipality said no incident was reported to their office. The Tzaneen area recorded an unofficial 190mm of rain during the past seven days which is said to be more than the 71-year average for February of 164mm. Letsitele and further up towards Phalaborwa also received a welcome amount of rain which seemed to, at least for the time being, indicate an end to the debilitating drought. — Jan Mafetsa


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in love with our community





1 March 2019


Jong fietsryers kry hupstoot

Jacques De Witt, Verkoopsbestuurder, Alan Gordon, eienaar van Cycle Café, Dick Roodt, Tegniese Bestuurder.

Maandaoggend het goed begin vir die Hoërskool Merensky fietryspan waar Alan Gordon die eienaar van Tzaneen Cycle Café ‘n splinternuwe Silverback 29’er geskenk het om die span te help in die ontwikkeling van opkomende fietsryers. Die fiets is aan die skool geskenk en die skoolspan se afrigter, Pierre Cronje sal dan dié fiets aan ‘n spanlid uitleen om te gebruik vir die tydperk wat die spesifieke fietsryer aan die Meresnky span verbonde is. Die logistieke van die ooreenkoms sal tussen die span afrigter en die betrokke fietsryer bespreek word. Die Merensky fietsryspan het ‘n goeie afskop geniet

vir die nuwe jaar met ‘n totaal van 17 fietsryers wat reeds gereeld oefening bywoon in die middae. Skole begin nou reeds voorberei vir die jaarlikse XCO-reeks wat in Julie vanjaar sal afskop en die skool beloof om ‘n baie sterk span vanjaar in hierdie reeks in te skryf. “Ons wil graag ons hartlike dank aan Tzaneen Cycle Café uitspreek vir hul betrokkenheid in die ontwikkeling van hierdie sport en hul onbaatsugtige ondersteuning van fietsryers in ons area,” het Pierre Cronje bygelas. “Dit is as gevolg van hierdie ondersteuning wat die sport jaar na jaar merkwaardige groei toon.”


1 March 2019





Die Boodskap

Granny’s Grumbles - FRIEDL

In 1994 I opened a Bed and Breakfast. Since the children had all left home it seemed a good way of putting the two extra bedrooms to use. A retired friend who had been a builder very kindly assisted in converting the larger of the two bedrooms into a very acceptable room with its own entrance and en-suite bathroom. At the end of two years we had many regulars and decided to convert the second bedroom by the same method. Now anybody who has ever entertained paying guests under their roof will tell you that there are a lot of strange people in this world and quite a few of them stayed with us!. One particular individual stands out – his name was Friedl and he was an Austrian. Friedl had a sister called Gerda who was the mother of a young man who I will call Matthias. This young man was very friendly with my daughter who was working in Johannesburg. Evidently his mother had always wished to come to Africa so Matthias phoned and asked me to book her in for ten days and take her to various places of interest as part of the deal for which she would be more than happy to compensate me. Gerda duly arrived – a delightful lady who had worked for the third richest man in Germany for forty years and had only recently retired. I think she and I explored every interesting part of the Far North – this lady had had a most interesting life – she started off as a maid at the age of six-

teen and had eventually ended up as companion/housekeeper to her employer’s third wife. Since the employer had three different homes – one in the Black Forest, one in the Bahamas and an apartment in Frankfurt – part of her job was to go ahead to whichever residence they were headed for at any particular time of the year, and organise the staff, have the house all spruced up with fresh flowers. and be ready to welcome them when they arrived. During the forty years that she worked for this man she had never married but had given birth to Matthias who was brought up with the employer’s son and treated as one of the family, so I had a slight suspicion that somewhere along the line the employer and Gerda might have been a little more than friendly. Especially since the employer had also paid for a very nice villa as part of her retirement package. Prior to her departure, Gerda gave us a beautiful gift and kept up a correspondence with us until she died a few years later. Shortly after her death, her son contacted us and asked if we would welcome his uncle and give him the same package as we had organised for his mother. Of course we would be delighted. My daughter, who had in the interim, visited Austria and met Gerda’s family, was doubtful – she had met Friedl who was nothing like Gerda and was the black sheep of the family. However I was not put off. Friedl arrived – I picked him up at the airport and realised that this was no male counterpart of the lovely Gerda. But ……. I had promised to take care of him and I would. Friedl did not speak much English – in fact very little and this was a problem but I had discovered that sign language was pretty good when tourists arrived who did not know much English. The day after he arrived we went into the Kruger. After three hours in the Park and sitting in close proximity to him I realised that Friedl did not have a close relationship with soap and water – the body odour was overpowering and one could have planted vegetables under his fingernails. The viewing was good and I thought he would be happy, but he indicated that he had seen all of this on TV. When we stopped at a picnic spot for lunch, I asked him if he had been or was married – he indicated that he had been married three times – he used sign language to indicate the problems he had experienced with each of his wives. His third wife he explained in two words “No sex” and

then praying hands. I changed the subject and stuck to the main roads until we got home. The Kruger trip had not been particularly successful, but I was hopeful that a trip up to the Flowering Cherry show in Magoebaskloof would hit the spot. My friend who was part of the show knew some German and chatted to him. A few short minutes later she told me confidentially that Friedl was not at all interested in plants and wanted to go home. When we arrived at the house he managed to explain to me that he wanted to hire a bicycle and cycle to some place the following day. Eventually I managed to hire a bicycle and Friedl left and I didn’t see him for six hours which was actually a relief since he obviously hadn’t showered since his arrival. He kept the bike for two days and I managed to con my husband into taking him to a local pub one evening. I knew of an Austrian couple and asked if they would like to join my husband who would be at a particular watering hole with one of their countrymen. The evening evidently did not go off well Friedl asked his countryman where the nearest brothel was situated and upon being told that there was no brothel locally, he became totally obnoxious and tried to come on to some of the ladies present. The following morning was something I prefer to forget – I had two middle-aged brothers (who ran a small company and were regulars) at the breakfast table when Friedl arrived at the table complete with an open bottle of beer and a large dry German sausage. He was attired in a pair of old-style air conditioned underpants which had originally been white and that was all. I obviously had to introduce them – and Friedl then proceeded to start slicing his sausage with a filthy pen-knife. When the sausage was finished he laboriously sharpened a matchstick and proceeded to pick his teeth – the grand finale was a loud belch and he retired to his room. I apologised profusely to the brothers who fortunately appeared quite amused and said they would get some mileage out of this encounter when out with pub friends. I was most certainly NOT amused and phoned his nephew in Johannesburg and asked him to come and fetch his uncle as soon as possible This brother and sister did not come from the same pod!

“Common sense is like deodorant, the people who need it most don’t use it”

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church In most sports there is always two sides, and one team is the opposition. One chooses to support one of the two teams, now you can be an avid fan of the team and sometimes can get quite upset if someone you don’t trust wants to join the supporters. You may even feel so concerned about it that you approach other known avid supporters and ask for their support in stopping this person from becoming a member. Are you being too judgemental or jealous? If that person is genuinely interested in joining, why not allow him to do so? Do you have the sole right to membership? When John approached Jesus about someone who was driving out demons in His name, he, John, was showing his concern that only those appointed by Jesus had the right to do so. John uses the words “because he was not one of us” perhaps, in their eagerness to please Jesus and do the right thing John and the others were over- zealous. Jesus’ reply is that they should not prevent others from doing what is right, provided they are doing it for the right reason. Jesus use the words “for no one who does a miracle in My name can in the next moment say anything bad about Me.” This powerfully indicates that when we do something in Jesus’ name we cannot turn around and say that Jesus had abandoned us or the prayer did not work because He was not listening. The lesson I see here is in the giving, and the service to others. Praying for someone else is also a form of healing, as we are interceding for that person. What we often forget however, is to give God the glory. I have often seen news reports stating “Pastor heals many” did the pastor actually heal them or was it God? The pastor gets the recognition and often no mention is made about the power of God. So do I as an ordained priest have the right to prevent anyone from preaching the Good News of Jesus? I can only intervene if what they are preaching is not factual. It is also in the manner that I do this which is important, I must do it for the right reasons and diplomatically, not with any malice, but with love and concern. God’s word needs to be spread and we need all to heed God’s calling of us, He might just use you, be ready.

Social Tzaneen St Peter’s Pancake Party 5 March

Take the night off cooking & come buy a pancake for super. Pancakes with various savoury and sweet fillings will be on sale from 5pm on the lawn. Bring your own drinks. At St Peter’s Anglican Church, Corner of Agatha and Hermanus Street.

Mind-blowing Fact #107 Traditionally, during Lent, foods such as eggs, flour, fat and sugar are not allowed to be eaten, so Shrove Tuesday was the day to use up the ingredients, and Pancakes are the best (and tastiest) way to use them up.

1368 09 2 57



The Numbers

The largest pancake ever tossed measured 15.01m wide, 2.5cm deep and weighed 3 tonnes!

Newspaper Sponsor MotorMecca MOOKETSI

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1 March 2019



Sharing her art knowledge

Ina van Schalkwyk at one of the student’s easels.

One of the greatest living artists, Ina van Schalkwyk, is sharing her knowledge in a series of countrywide workshops. Undertaking massive renovations and refurbishments on her beautiful Georges Valley farm, Ina presented a course for the first time at her sprawling home. Five students were housed at her home for the five day oil course. The students were taught the use of brushes, palette knife techniques and how to mix colours and to see the hues in their subjects. “The tone value and the hue on that blue door are not right,” Ina said to a student as she pointed out how to correct it. Youngest in the group was Antonet Behr, from Bela-Bela. Antonet had already attended one of Ina’s five day courses in Mossel Bay in the Cape. Drawing has been in her blood from childhood when she played with various mediums at her mother’s art supply shop. She’s always drawn and done portraits for friends. She says, “What I’m producing under Ina is more than I’d ever expected. For the first time Ina’s taught me the palette knife method. Ina’s approach is something

Benita Hartman from Letsitele.

unique.” Antonet studied nature conservation, worked at Sondela outside Bela Bela and is now doing IT from home. Antonet’s aunt Elza le Roux from Modjadjiskloof and retired Arts and Culture teacher at Merensky High School was also on the course, this being her fourth workshop with Ina. Previously Elza had studied under art teacher Brenda Routledge from Haenertsburg where she was taught the art of pencil and coloured pencil. Elza said, “Mixing the colours is interesting as that gives the painting life.” Elna van Rooyen from Centurion had been following Ina’s work through her Facebook page for four years. She’s a demand manager at Sasol. Elna painted as a child but took up art seriously some eight years ago working in water colours and oils. “I prefer oils as the colours talk to me. It’s in my soul. This is my first formal training and the themes I want to concentrate on are seascapes and flowers.” Benita Hartman from Letsitele was a subject advisor for Agricultural Sciences for 30 years. She left permanent employment and started art full time. Benita’s already had five workshops with Ina including hosting two workshops for Ina at

Sanloo Manor in Tzaneen. She comes from an artistic family and says, “I enjoy oils but to master Ina’s style requires a lot of practice.” Benita is currently doing a commission for Nwabidzi Lodge in Ofcolaco. She’s painting indigenous birds of the area and has completed 20 with another five to go. Benita’s creative flair extends to poetry and together with a group of poets called Puur Plesier has published three works of poetry books. Margarete Fourie from Middelburg, Mpumalanga, heard about Ina through Tanya, one of Ina’s five daughters. She says, “I never thought I’d go into art but I have a flair for bringing things together as I’m very good at designing gardens and doing interior decorating.” In her early 70s, Ina is working harder than ever, sharing her expertise with students. She takes up to eight students for these five day courses and can be contacted through her Facebook page. Upcoming courses will be held in Hartenbos in the Cape and Richmond in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Elza le Roux from Modjadjiskloof.

Fast Weight Loss Medical weight loss

Fast weight loss, stabilisation and maintenance diets. Medication, consultation, menu included. Dr Barbara Cawood has helped people with weight loss for 29 years. She is a General Practitioner, Intergrative Medicine Practitioner and Occupational Medicine Practitioner.

Margarete Fourie from Middelburg.

Elna van Rooyen from Centurion.

Cawood Clinic

Established Weight Loss Clinics in Messina, Louis Trichardt, Polokwane and Tzaneen. 15 Irwin Street, Messina, 0900 Email: manager@cawoodclinic.com

Graphic Designer Position Available

HW Signs Printers & Promotions is looking for a Graphic Designer to join our team. You are: • Capable of surviving periods of high pressure without melting down • At least one year’s experience with CorelDraw/Adobe Suite • Proven creative skills • Attention to detail • Fast learner and Self Starter • Ability to meet tight deadlines and turn-around

To advertise in the Bulletin or AgriBulletin please call: Jacques 071 268 2543 Lizan 076 795 5000 Visit our website www.bulletin.us.com or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest news

Your Primary Responsibilities: • General graphic design, layout and typography • Client interactions face to face, written and by telephone • Basic project management How to apply: Please send a short email to marli@hwsigns.co.za or info@hwsigns.co.za. Include some information about yourself and why you think you would be an asset to the business. Don’t forget to attach your CV and Portfolio (if available).

Contact an agent in your area: Tzaneen: Christa 082 556 7499 Messina: 015 534 0044 • 071 659 1695 Louis Trichardt: Amanda 082 339 4455 Polokwane: Zelda 065 305 1511 Gauteng Clinic: Horisane 0823654827


1 March 2019





Vossies lig Coke trofee

Voor: Nsuku Mathye, Cobus Geldenhuys, Johan Harms (kaptein), Lulama Shilubane en Ruan Paulse. Agter: Mnr. Rynier de Jager (afrigter), Ernst van der Schyff, Christiaan Ackermann, Johndé Grobler, Edward Clements, SJ Velthuysen, Letago Sekokotla en Tebogo M’khomazi.

Die uitklopfase van die Limpopo Coca-Cola Skole T20 Kompetisie het op die 23ste en 24ste Februarie in Polokwane plaasgevind. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se Eerste span - “Black Caps” - word vir die tweede jaar in ‘n ry gekroon as die kampioene van die Limpopo Coca-Cola Skole T20-kompetisie en word ook beloon met ‘n wennerstjek van R 30 000. Hul kwalifiseer vir die Provinsiale uitspele, wat eerskomende naweek sal plaasvind, tussen die onderskeie wenners van Mpumalanga, Easterns, Northern Titans en Limpopo. Die wenner van die uitspele kwalifiseer vir die Nasionale finale later in Maart. Die Black Caps het Bochum Cricket Club in die uitspeel rondte getrek en besluit om eerste te kolf en het 139/4 in hul toegelate 20 boulbeurte aangeteken. Soos oudergewoonte het Johan Harms (40), Cobus Geldenhuys (39) en Ernst van der Schyff (34) die kolwe grenslyn se kant toe gemik en die meeste lopies op die telbord gehang. Op hul beurt het Bochum in die 17de boulbeurt vir 90 lopies die knieë gebuig. Ben Vorster het

die wedstryd met 49 lopies gewen en kwalifiseer vir die semifinale. Die volgende dag het die Vossies in die een semifinaal teen Phalaborwa Hub te staan gekom. Ben Vorster is gevra om eerste te kolf en met hul telling op 24/4 na 5 boulbeurte was hul kniediep in die moeilikheid. ‘n Vennootskap van 66 lopies tussen Johan Harms (31) en Ernst van der Schyff (35) het egter dinge vir die Black Caps gestabiliseer. ‘n Vinnige 34 lopies van 22 balle deur Lulama Shilubane het die Black Caps in staat gestel om ‘n medingende totaal van 144 vir 8 aan te teken. Phalaborwa was op hul beurt in ‘n baie aanvallende bui en met hul telling op 71/1 na 9 boulbeurte, het dinge nie goed vir die Vossies gelyk nie. Swak boulwerk en verbroude vangkanse het dinge net vererger. Phalaborwa het slegs ses lopies van die laaste boulbeurt benodig met nog vyf paaltjies staande. Kaptein Johan Harms het die laaste boulbeurt geboul en het Phalaborwa verhoed om enige lopies aan te teken. Die Vossies wen die spannende wedstryd met vyf lopies en

kwalifiseer vir die finaal teen Hoërskool Merensky dieselfde middag. Merensky het die loot gewen en besluit om eerste te kolf. Die Black Caps se boulers het baie gedissiplineerd geboul en het dit moeilik gemaak vir Merensky om lopies aan te teken. Met hul telling op 65/6 na 14 boulbeurte het die Vossies boulers by hul plan gehou en die Plasies almal uitgeboul vir 93 lopies. Johan Harms het 3/18 in vier beurte geneem, Lulama Shilubane 2/17 in drie beurte en Ernst van der Schyff 2/4 in twee beurte. Die Black Caps het op hul beurt hul openingskolwer Edward Clements met die eerste bal verloor, maar Ruan Paulse en Johan Harms se vennootskap van 58 lopies om die tweede paaltjie het die Vossies in ‘n gunstige posisie geplaas om die finaal te wen. Johndé Grobler het ‘n grenshou deur die dekveld vir die wenlopies geslaan en die Vossies het die finaal gemaklik met sewe paaltjies gewen. Johan Harms het 54 lopies aangeteken en nie uit van 45 balle.

Azel mik hoog Die Graad 8 ruiter uit die Hoërskool Ben Vorster stal, Azel Vorster, het die afgelope naweek op Vivo aan die SA Show Jumping provinsiale kompetisie gaan deelneem. Die prestige byeenkoms is by Blouberg Ryskool gehou en

Vorster het uitsonderlik goed presteer. Sy het Vrydag, 22 Februarie, ‘n manjifieke tweede plek met haar perd Thornhill Savuka behaal en die volgende oggend ‘n Eerste plek losgespring in die 1 meter kampioenskap klas.

Legals NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN PLANNING SCHEME, 2000 IN TERMS OF REGULATION 18(1)(a) OF SPLUMA REGULATIONS, 2015 AND SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAW OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY 2016 TZANEEN AMENDMENT SCHEME 409 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Portion 1 Groblersrust 970LS, hereby give notice in terms of Spluma 2013 and the Greater Tzaneen Spluma Bylaws, 2016 that we have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for the amendment of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000, for the incorporation

into the Scheme and zoning with an annexure to extend the rights of Portion 1 Groblersrust 970LS to include a facility where organic produce will be processed and sold. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 30 days from 1 March 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to Room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 1 April 2019, by quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the

matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307 8031). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar101__________________________



Lof-en aanbiddingsleier Voorvereiste: 1. Toepaslike kwalifikasie in musiek as begeleier met pyporrel en klavier. 2. `n Passie vir musiek, aanbidding en toewyding aan die Here. 3. Geskikte kandidaat sal verantwoordelik wees vir alle aspekte van gemeentesang, afrigting van musiek en sanggroepe vir spesiale geleenthede asook beplanning van musiek en uitvoerings tydens paassang en kersdienste. 4. Ondersteunende diens lewer aan die leraar rakende gepaste musiek vir bepaalde dienste. 5. Rekenaarvaardigheid `n voorvereiste vir die samestelling van PPT met elke diens vir die woorde van die musiek. 6. Vertroud wees met die nuutste musiek vir die erediens beskikbaar by Bybelmedia op die Vonkk en Flam platforms. 7. Lid wees van die orreliste vereniging SAKOV om op hoogte te bly van die nuuste tendense in kerkmusiek. Navrae kan gerig word aan die die Voorsitter van Diensverhoudinge met kontakbesonderhede as volg: cobie.kemp@minnaar.co.za • Sel No 0823701332 Lets asb daarop dat aansoeke sluit op 15 Maart 2019 en dat geen korrespondensie gevoer sal word met onsuksesvolle kandidate nie.

DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT TZANEEN WYSIGINGSKEMA 409 Ek, Floris Jacques du Toit van Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van Gedeelte 1 Groblersrust 970LS, gee hiermee kennis ingevolge die bepalings van Spluma 2013 en die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit Spluma Verordening, 2016, dat ons by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir die wysiging van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000, deur die insluiting van die eiendom en die uitbreiding van regte om die verwerking, verpakking en verkope van organiese produkte in te sluit op Gedeelte 1 Groblersrust 970LS. Besonderhede van die aan-

soek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 1 Maart 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor 1 April 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by Kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die

bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr M J Mathye (015-3078031). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar101__________________________

SPATIAL PLANNING AND LAND USE MANAGEMENT ACT, 2013 MARULENG SPLUMA BYLAWS, 2016 MARULENG LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME, 2008 AMENDMENT SCHEME We, Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice in terms of Chapter 5 Part C(23)

SALES • SERVICE • REPAIRS Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 17:00 Saturday: 9:00 - 12:00 Corner Agatha & Winsor Street

of the Maruleng Spatial Planning & Land Use Bylaws 2016, that we have applied to the Maruleng Municipality for the amendment of the Maruleng Land Use Management Scheme, 2008, for a departure from the Scheme to make provision for Tourism Accommodation and to increase Coverage and FAR on Portion 8 Erf 214 Hoedspruit Ext 3 as more fully described in the Annexure. The property is situated at no. 8 Raptors Safari Junction. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit, for the period of 30 days from 1 March 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager, PO Box 627 Hoedspruit 1380 or be delivered to Civic Centre, 65 Springbok Street, Hoedspruit on or before 2 April 2019, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr G Mailula (015-793 2409). Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710 Mar101__________________________

Alan Gordon 082 439 6492 Shop: 082 499 6243


Medewerkers, Stads- en Streeksbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die eienaar van die eiendom hieronder genoem, gee hiermee ingevolge Hoofstuk 5 Deel C(23) van die Maruleng Spluma Verordeninge 2016, kennis dat ons by die Maruleng Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het om die wysiging van die Maruleng Grondgebruikskema, 2008, deur afwyking van die Skema om Toerisme Akkommodasie by te voeg tot die huidige sonering op Gedeelte 8 Erf 214 Hoedspruit Uitbr 3 asook die verhoging van die VOV en Dekking soos meer duidelik sal blyk in die voorgestelde Bylae. Die eiendom is geleë te Raptors Safari Junction nr 8. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 1 Maart 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet skriftelik voor of op 2 April 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder, Posbus 627 Hoedspruit 1380 of afgelewer word by Burgersentrum, Springbokstraat 65, Hoedspruit, met verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure en binne die beswaretyd die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontakpersoon: Mnr G Mailula (015-793 2409). Adres van agent: Jacques du Toit & Medewerkers, Posbus 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Mar101__________________________





1 March 2019


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082 672 8131

Dulux Paint Centre Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 __________________________________

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Duvenage Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd. Puik diens en lae pryse.

Marlien: 083 252 8928


Nasionale Bestuur Skool Aan al die ouers van Tzaneen en in die omgewing, die einde van die jaar is vinnig oppad, moet nie op die tippie vir julle kinders se opleiding vir bestuurs lisensie wag nie. Vat die stress van julle as ouers se skouers af en plaas dit op ons sin. Ons doen volledige opleiding, en is behulpsaam deur die hele proses. Sien ons op facebook onder National Driving School vir verwysings. Kontak / Whatsapp Giane 083 279 2343


Wisani Burial Society 24 Hour emergency numbers 083 513 4988 helene@wisani.co.za __________________________________

Groblers MotorMecca Bespreek jou diens! Meganiese opknap, Insleep diens, Paneelkloppers. Kwaliteit diens, Kwaliteit gehalte, Ons waarborg! 015 395 2175

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Paint Pot Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundry Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005 __________________________________

Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________ Crusader Technologies Insure the safety of your family! CCTV, Alarm systems, Clocking systems, Access control systems. 072 731 4084 or 015 065 0302 ________________________

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To Let Te Huur

To Let Te Huur

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TE HUUR MACADAMIA VILLAGE (50JAAR +) Oopplan kombuis, eetkamer en sitkamer, 2 slaapkamers, 1 Voledige badkamer, 2 toesluit motor huise, tuin R6 800 P/M KONTAK PROP X 0153077504


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1 March 2019





Soutpansberg Interhoër

Simone Raubenheimer aangewys as dirigent van die dag.

Frans du Toit wys hul ‘moves’.


uners gooi su

PHS onderste

Frans du Toit se Mpho Sekgopo en Chulumanco Qotoyi.

Merensky dirigente in volle gang.

Juane Vorster



2019 skouspel



1 March 2019


KENNISGEWING Geliewe kennis te neem dat mnr. André de Lange met ingang van Donderdag 21 Februarie 2019, as ‘n direkteur van die volgende maatskappye verwyder is: 1. Dream World Investments 58 (Edms) Bpk 2. K2015055881 (South Africa) (Edms) Bpk 3. Dartingo Trading 139 (Edms) Bpk 4. Limosa Investments 319 (Edms) Bpk 5. Mystic River Investments 27 (Edms) Bpk 6. Polkadots Properties 66 (Edms) Bpk 7. Scarlet Ribbon Properties 16 (Edms) Bpk 8. Tzaneen Croc Ranch (Edms) Bpk 9. Tzaneen Lion and Predator Park (Edms) Bpk Neem verder kennis dat mev. Natacha de Lange op verpligte verlof geplaas is hangende dissiplinêre optrede teen haar. Die maatskappye gee hiermee derhalwe kennis dat mnr. André de Lange en mev. Natacha de Lange geensins meer namens hierdie maatskappye optree nie. Enige navrae in hierdie verband kan gerig word aan me. Adele de Lange by info@ivorytusklodge.co.za.

NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Mr André de Lange has been removed as a director of the following companies with effect from Thursday 21 February 2019: 1. Dream World Investments 58 (Pty) Ltd 2. K2015055881 (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd 3. Dartingo Trading 139 (Pty) Ltd 4. Limosa Investments 319 (Pty) Ltd 5. Mystic River Investments 27 (Pty) Ltd 6. Polkadots Properties 66 (Pty) Ltd 7. Scarlet Ribbon Properties 16 (Pty) Ltd 8. Tzaneen Croc Ranch (Pty) Ltd 9. Tzaneen Lion and Predator Park (Pty) Ltd Further notice is hereby given that Mrs Natacha de Lange has been placed on compulsory leave pending the disciplinary action being instituted against her. These companies therefore hereby give notice that Mr André de Lange and Mrs Natacha de Lange no longer represent these companies. Any enquiries in this regard can be sent to Ms Adele de Lange at info@ivorytusklodge.co.za.

Sport 1 March 2019

Interhoër skud Tzaneen Theuns Jooste

Die streek se grootste atletiekskouspel is verlede Vrydag deur die Hoërskool Merensky op Plasiepark suksesvol aangebied. Die jaarlikse Soutpansberg Interhoër Atletiekbyeenkoms dien as trekpleister vir die beste atlete uit die top skole in die streek om mekaar op die baan en die veld die stryd aan te sê. Sewe spanne het laer getrek rondom die hoof pawiljoen langs Merensky se sportveld. Hoërskole Pietersburg, Frans du Toit, Eric Louw, Louis Trichardt, Merensky, Northern Academy en HTS Tom Naudé het in hul massas op Tzaneen toe gesak, slaggereed vir die stryd van die seisoen. Voor in die tou was die dirigente wat met sang en ‘n verskeidenheid uitstekend gechoreografeerde danspassies hul baanen veldkrygers in die stryd in gelei het. Die gees wat deur hierdie jongspan gewek is was tasbaar en om die vertonings was asemrowend om die minste te sê. Die onuitgesproke “reël” met betrekking tot die “eintlike” wenners van die interhoër het nog al die jare om die Sangbeker gedraai. Alhoewel daar vir ewig oor hierdie punt gedebateer sal word, sal die toeskouers en selfs die atlete erken dat ‘n lang, warm dag op die veld of baan nie sonder die ondersteuning en onuitputbare aanporring van die dirigente en sangspanne kon geskiet nie. Na afloop van die indrukwekkende dirigente opkoms, het plaaslike musiek legende Jak de Priester, wat die vorige aand by Merensky opgetree het as deel van die nasionale OPTOG!-projek, per helikopter arriveer en die skole se gees behoorlik aangeblaas met die gewilde “Roer jou voete”.

Toe die stof uiteindelik gaan lê het was dit die Fransies van Phalaborwa wat met die gesogte Sangbeker, die Dirigente trofee asook die Algehele Geesbeker weggestap het. Merensky se dirigente het met die louere vir die mees aanskoulikste opkoms weggestap en is as naaswenners vir die Geesbeker aangewys. Op die atletiekveld het Tzaneen se ‘Goue Meisie’ Elandri Janse van Rensburg ‘n 23-jaar oue rekord met 7.8m gebreek in haar spiesgooi vir dogters o/14, item. Haar nuwe rekord van 38.68m (ou rekord was 30.88m) het vir haar 1 150 punte op die ABSA-tabel besorg (die maksimum wat ‘n atleet kan verdien). Sy is ook aangewys as die beste dogter veldatleet en het ‘n trofee ontvang vir die beste spiesgooi item. Bo- en behalwe dit, is sy bekroon as Junior Victrix Ludorum vir die dag. Merensky se zzValley Ngobeni (seuns o/15) was ook in

die kollig deur die trofee te ontvang vir die beste hoogspring item. Een van die hoogtepunte van die dag was die aanskoulike onderwyser aflos item wat gewen is deur die Plasiespan. Hulle raap ook die Beste Sportmangees-trofee op. In totaal het Merensky 102 medaljes verower waarvan 25 goud, 43 silwer en 34 brons was. Na afloop van die byeenkoms kan die gashere met breë borse spog nadat hulle met 681 die tweede plek ingeneem het. Die kragtige PHS-span het die byeenkoms oorheers en met ‘n totaal van 924 punte die algehele eerste plek behaal. Louis Trichardt behaal 434 punte en eindig derde. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com

Brandon Cronjé (PHS spankaptein) en Bian Strydom. Fotos: Joe Dreyer

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