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- Letaba SPCA received a welcome surprise

— Page 3


The NTK Tzaneen branch management and staff handed over a cheque to the amount of R40 260 to the Letaba SPCA over the weekend. The funds were available after a provincial run by one of the VKB/NTK suppliers, Montego, named the ights around the Tzaneen CBD. He wasmade spotted sitting around a fire whichcompetition he Tzaneen overall winners. Frikkie van Vuuren, branch manager of NTK Tzaneen conducted the handover and thanked e fire to warm waterbranch in a canastothe bathe in. This is the same man that was spotthe SPCA for their hard around work within the community. “We also want to thank our loyal customers who made it possible for us to win ting a monkey. Pedestrians walked him as if he wasn’t there. With the competition and be a position toDreyer make this donation.” An emotional Ellie Potgieter and Tracey van den Dool of the g whetherthe thisprovincial is the bright future promised forinall? Photo: Joe Letaba SPCA were elated with the enormous gesture of kindness which will help further their efforts tremendously.

— Page 12


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29 March 2019 FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com

Lizan Botha 076 795 5000 lizan@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Fourie 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com | lizan@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Klein advertensies / Smalls: lizan@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.





Limpopo state hospitals exposed The state of government hospitals becomes glaringly clear when a community is trying to help an ailing cancer patient. Mona Runkel (69) from Haenertsburg was diagnosed with lymph cancer some three months ago. She’d had a biopsy three years ago but all was clear. This time, her former boss at a Durban laboratory took control of the biopsy and lymph cancer was discovered. The tumour is large and an operation to reduce it is not possible as it’s too close to a main artery. She was advised to get a CT scan to establish whether there’s a primary cancer site. Mona, a pensioner, does not have medical aid, lives off her meager SASSA monthly pension and is therefore financially not capable of going private. The Haenertsburg community has been most supportive with some angels paying for her to see private doctors as her lower back pain is unbearable. She and her older sister Esther Humphries, who has a serious heart condition, have been getting their medication from the state-run Van Velden Hospital in Tzaneen. With this recent diagnosis Mona returned to Van Velden and submitted her lab report as well as other vital documentation. Van Velden hospital has hard-

ly any functioning equipment. The sisters sat at the Van Velden for close on five hours to get those reports back. After that long wait, they were informed that the file had been lost. At some stage the file was found and Mona was told to return to Van Velden for a referral to Mankweng Hospital where there are CT scanner facilities. The Mankweng Hospital appointment was scheduled for 22nd March. On that day Esther drove Mona the 50 odd kms to Mankweng Hospital. They waited for hours and were then informed that the hospital CT scanner is broken. A private CT scan with Dr Moosa at Ivory Tusk Lodge costs R14, 500.00, an amount Mona is financially not able to pay. Mona’s life now hangs in the balance with the Haenertsburg community grappling to find a solution. With vital hospital equipment broken at Limpopo state-run hospitals and non-caring staff, the situation is dire for anyone not on a medical aid in Limpopo. Due to the caring nature of the Haenertsburg community an appointment was subsequently made with a compassionate Tzaneen doctor, in private practice, who

is waiving his consultation fee. He has arranged for Mona to receive immediate radiation treatment.

Trouble at the Mooketsi Agri hub The R81 road between Mooketsi and Sekgopo in the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) was on Monday closed for the whole day after hundreds of employees working for the Makepisi Agri Hub, took to the streets. This after they had allegedly not received their salaries for the month of February. The workers alleged that some of them had not been paid in two months. The Makepisi hub is a project in which farms which were bought by the government a decade ago as part of the land restitution and distribution programme, were handed to district municipalities and the Department of Land and Rural Development (DLRD) to manage. There are several farms within the Mopani District, including the once prosperous Bali farm outside Tzaneen, which are “managed” by the district municipality through the ‘Mosupatsela’ programme.

An employee who asked to speak on condition of anonymity said that workers were concerned that senior employees are being paid while junior employees are not being taken care of. The angry workers vowed to continue with protests until their demands were met. This comes at a time during which farmers in the area have requested that the farms which were redistributed in the past, be returned to communities and managed in a new, more productive manner. During the Big Debate on SABC last week, prominent local farmer and President of the World Farmers’ Organization, Dr Theo De Jager, called on the government to take the farms which were restituted in past and form a land bank to manage these farms. De Jager told the packed Auckland Park auditorium that, as farmers, they do not support expropriation of land without compensation

and instead they call on the government to open a new land bank to take care of the land that was restituted and the other land which might be obtained after its owners would be willing to sell. Last year, during the hearing on the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution to Expropriate Land without Compensation, various farmers in Mopani expressed discontent with the manner in which the restituted farms are controlled and appealed to parliament to first expropriate those farms before they could touch their farms. Black farmers from Hoedspruit said that having farms without funds to administer is useless. At the time of going to print we were unable to reach the spokesperson for the Department of Land Reform and Development (DLRD) Molebatsi Masedi. The situation in Mooketsi was reportedly stable.

Man beaten and left for dead

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Pandemonium broke out on the R36 road at the Vento Park and Shikwambana cross near Lenyenye on Saturday morning when a man was beaten with a metal object and left to die in the middle of the road. Motorists who were travelling along the route had to stop to avoid knocking the unconscious man before the traffic officers who were manning the precinct arrived to save the situation. According to witnesses, the man was walking on the side of the road when a white VW Polo

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sedan stopped next to him and without too much talk, the occupants exited the vehicle and started attacking the man with a metal object. When the victim had collapsed in the middle of the road, vehicles travelled on the side of the road until the traffic officers who were working at the nearby Lenyenye Crossing, ran to the scene where they closed the road and immediately called for medical assistance. The victim was taken to the Dr CN Phatudi Hospital. After the attack, the assailant went to a near-

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by tyre fitment centre. Upon arrival he too was attacked with fists and wheel spanners until he eventually managed to throw himself into a taxi, leaving his vehicle behind. The vehicle which was Gauteng registered, was then towed away to the police station. The cause of the fight could not be established by the time of going to the print. Residents did say that this was a very isolated incident and they had never experienced anything like it before. The police were still doing their investigations.

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 25/03/2019

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29 March 2019



Sheriff – in a different light


are not liable for the money claimed by the Creditor. The debtor is afforded ample opportunity to defend his case or to settle the debt. Failure to successfully do so will result in default judgement and subsequent warrant of execution. It should be noted that even after a warrant of execution had been granted, a debtor may still settle the debt and prevent the removal of their property. They even have the opportunity to rescind a judgement if the service of the Warrant is the first time they have knowledge of the matter against them. The sheriff, in executing his duties is permitted under certain circumstances to exercise force in order to gain access to the property to be removed. To prevent the sheriff from exercising his duties constitutes a criminal offence. The Bulletin previously reported that Osmers had opened cases against Robertson and Dilibo. The state prosecutor declined to prosecute Robertson and Dilibo and elected to prosecute the two Osmers’ and Haynes for amongst other, obstructing the sheriff in conducting his duties. Earlier this month it was reported on the matter of Mr and Mrs X of Tzaneen. Robertson indicated that he acted on the instructions of attorneys in the removal of Mrs X’s property. Being dissatisfied with the removal, Mr and Mrs X approached the regional court for an interim order, ordering the sheriff to return the removed property pending an application by Mrs X for the rescission of the taxation and the writ of execution or alternatively proceeding with an appeal procedure. The regional court granted the relief and Robertson complied by returning all the property in the very same

condition in which it was removed. Since an interim order was granted, for the return of the property, it does not mean that Mrs X’s property was unlawfully attached. It also does not mean that the property of Mrs X may not be attached and removed in future. Robertson is of the view that, like other person who’s property had been lawfully attached and removed due to their failure to comply with court orders, are disgruntled with him since he is burdened with the execution of the orders. It has come to Robertson’s attention that subsequent to the granting of the interim order derogatory, fraudulent and vindictive allegations had been circulated over social media involving the sheriff and depicting his wife. This malicious and criminal conduct is under investigation and the possibility that the person(s) who had created and or distributed these false social media posts, might be prosecuted cannot be excluded.

What you should know: •

When the Sheriff of the court comes knocking at your door, he is acting on order of the court. Essentially, the Sheriff is the face of the justice system and cannot act in his personal capacity – he is simply a servant of the court. When executing duties with a legal court order, the Sheriff can enter your premises even when you are not there, open any door, vehicle or piece of furniture on your premises and attach, remove and sell your vehicle or moveable or immovable property. If you interfere with a Sheriff performing their duty or do not fol-

Tertius Robertson, Sheriff.

low instructions given to you by the Sheriff, you may be liable for prosecution. Sheriffs are appointed by the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development and act under rules of, and orders from, the Court. Having your property attached and removed by the Sheriff is an extremely emotional process which often results in debtors channelling their frustration at

the Sheriff when in fact, they should seek legal advice – or ensure they honour their debt before it reaches the point where it becomes necessary for the Sheriff to attach and sell their property. If you wish to lodge a complaint against the Sheriff in your area, visit www.sheriffs.org.za where you can complete an online complaint reporting form. — Joe Dreyer joe@bulletin.us.com



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In recent media reports the local Sheriff, Tertius Robertson, and his deputy, Victor Dilibo, came under fire. The most recent complaints, featured in the media, originated from complainants from Phalaborwa residents, being the Osmers’ and two Tzaneen residents, for privacy purposes referred to as Mr and Mrs X. Bulletin approached Robertson for comment on the allegations and complaints. Robertson indicated that he is not inclined to litigate or defend himself through the media. He was however willing to comment on his general functions as a sheriff. According to him, one needs to view the complaints against the backdrop of the emotional state of the people lodging these complaints. Sheriffs in general are instructed by attorneys who had obtained a court order be it for failure to pay debt or in the Mr and Mrs X matter, the granting of a cost order. It is only after the order had not been settled, that a warrant will be issued for the attachment (creating an inventory of property to be removed in the future) or attachment and immediate removal. These instructions to the sheriff are from an attorney by way of the court. The sheriff does not act on his own accord but upon the instructions of the attorney. The attachment and the removal of property should come as no surprise to any debtor, since a warrant of execution can only be obtained after legal processes. This process starts with a letter of demand, which is followed up by the Summons. Both of these documents are sent to the Debtor and are delivered at the address that they themselves provide to the Creditor in any application made by them. These documents, by law, indicate the procedure to be followed by the Debtor to defend a matter if they

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Your Weekly Weather Forecast

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Weather by CustomWeather, © 2019 * Updated: 27/3/2019


Feels Like



Thurs 28 Mar


Mostly sunny


Fri 29 Mar


More sun than clouds

Sat 30 Mar


Sun 31 Mar







7 km/h



0 mm




11 km/h



0 mm



Few showers. Morning clouds


9 km/h



1.4 mm




Few showers. Morning clouds


9 km/h



1.5 mm



Mon 1 April


Light showers. Mostly sunny


8 km/h



3.7 mm



Tues 2 April


Rain showers. Cloudy


12 km/h



7.9 mm



Wed 3 April


Few showers. Overcast


8 km/h



1.4 mm




29 March 2019



Still no Hub

The much talked about Moshupatsela Agri-hub which is said to be launched on the old Bali farm next to the R71 outside Tzaneen, appears to remain another political pipedream. Six months have passed since Bulletin first broke the news in September last year of the planned rehabilitation of the once flourishing 158 hectare farm boasting 40 000 mango trees. The farm was purchased by the Mopani District Municipality in 2007 from the Land Bank. Since then, 11 years have passed and a number of attempts to try and transform the municipal farm into some form

of success have failed. In fact, the only mentionable achievement being the transformation of this once profitable farm into a pit in which to make funds disappear as is evident by looking at the history books. In these last six months the most information we were able to pry from the keyboards of the Mopani District Municipality’s Communication Department has been the promise of plans in place and that the budget for the project now needs to be approved. No estimated date for the launch of the project has ever been announced. This remains the case.




Skote in Pompagalana ‘n BMW is Sondagaand omstreeks 20:00 deur ‘n groep gewapende mans in die area van Nkowankowa gekaap. Die voertuig is toegerus met ‘n voertuigopsporingstoestel en die betrokke maatskappy het dadelik ‘n reaksiespan uitgestuur om die voertuig op te spoor. Plaaslike plaas- en buurtwag eenhede is ook geaktiveer en het by die soektog na die gekaapte voertuig

aangesluit. Die voertuig is uiteindelik sowat ‘n halfuur later in Tzaneen se Florapark woonbuurt gewaar en ‘n skietgeveg het tussen die verdagtes en die sekerheidslede uitgebreek. Die verdagtes het die voertuig in die bosse naby die Pompagalana-woonbuurt laat vaar en die bosse in gehardloop. Vir sowat ‘n uur daarna het ooggetuies rapporteer dat sekuriteitsmaatskapy voertuie die

buurt patrolleer het. Nie een van die verdagtes is egter vasgetrek nie. Teen druktyd het ons geen terugvoering van die polisie woordvoerder ontvang nie en ons is ook nie seker hoe of presies waar die motor gekaap was nie. Daar word wel bespiegel dat die drywer van die voertuig gekaap is nadat hy langs die pad gestop het om rylopers op te laai. Hierdie is nie bevestig nie.

Fifteen Years for explosives A man was convicted on charges of dealing in explosives and sentenced to 15 years behind bars on Tuesday afternoon. Vusi Kaizer Mabunda (40), was convicted for dealing in explosives by the Lulekani Magistrate’s Court following his arrest last year. Mabunda was arrested in Lulekani township outside Phalaborwa on the 2nd of February 2018, and charged for dealing in explosives following an


undercover operation by the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation unit. The investigating team seized various explosives which amongst others included electric detonators, shock tube assembly explosives, a bentonite booster, bulk explosive mixer and detonating fuses valued at approximately R37 000. Further investigations revealed that Mabunda was employed by a local

mining company and that he sold the explosives to suspects linked to Cash in Transit vehicles and Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) bombings. After making numerous court appearances, Mabunda was granted bail until he was recently convicted. The court has sentenced Mabunda to an effective fifteen years direct imprisonment without an option of a fine for contravening the Explosives Act.

CBD white washed

Following public outcry over the dastardly display of absolute arrogance by political parties which included the ruling ANC and the unruly EFF, who illegally flighted their election campaign posters, the municipality seemed to move on the matter. Rather reluctantly the municipality’s Traffic Department started removing the posters that were illegally pasted onto buildings and walls within the CBD by these political parties ahead of the coming May elections. The only party who stuck to the guidelines was the DA who paid their penance per poster to the municipality, printed their campaign placards on the required hardboard backing and fastened the posters to municipal lamp posts as prescribed by the bylaws and the rules of the IEC.

The EFF, true to their nature, disregarded the rules and sent out teams in the middle of the night to use industrial strength glue and paste their placards onto the brickwork of the middlemen dividing the Danie Joubert Street, bridges across the R71 and rocks at the entrance of town. Dustbins and billboard posts did not escape either. The ANC followed suit and everywhere around town, the face of President Cyril Ramaphosa could be seen smiling at passers-by from the sides of concrete dustbins. Some social media commentators made mention of the irony. Nevertheless, the municipality sent out their Traffic Department teams and the posters were all removed, rather haphazardly, leaving behind large white marks on the brickwork. This too, is rather ironic.

Testing officials arrested MONDAYS Ts & Cs apply.



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Four officials have been arrested at a vehicle testing station in Musina, Limpopo on allegations that they fraudulently issued roadworthy certificates for vehicles that they never physically tested. The arrests followed months of investigation by members of the Hawks, the Road Traffic Management Corporation’s National Traffic Anti-Corruption Unit and the Special Investigating Unit. The four officials including three vehicle examiners and a cashier, were arrested at Thusalushaka Testing Station and will be facing charges of fraud and corruption. It is alleged that the officials colluded in using the identity particulars of a 60-year-old man to generate roadworthy certificates for scores of vehicles that were never brought to the testing station for examination. Investiga-

tions however showed that the man was not even aware that his particulars were being used in this manner. Documents and computers were seized during the raid at the testing station. The suspects appeared in the Musina Magistrate Court yesterday (Wednesday 27th of March) and at the time of going to print the outcome of the court appearance had not been announced. A similar raid was conducted at the same testing station in December last year where two officials were arrested. They were released on bail and are expected to make another court appearance on the 29th of April. Vehicle roadworthiness is one of the major contributors to road crashes and fatalities in South Africa. The raid would assist in reducing this threat in the forthcoming Easter period.

SAPS clerk behind bars A 43-year old administration clerk at the SAPS Giyani Cluster was arrested this month for allegedly demanding a bribe of R10 000 from a job applicant in order to process his application. The suspect was a clerk in the SAPS Human Resource Development Department. Tshisamphiri Ragwala was arrested when the Hawks Serious Crime Inves-

tigations Unit was alerted by a young man who applied for the position of a police officer at the Giyani Cluster offices and was allegedly told that he would have to pay a fee for his application to be processed. The Hawks staged an undercover operation and the suspect was arrested. He appeared in the Giyani Magistrate’s Court on the 11th of March for formal

bail application. He was granted bail of R5 000 and his case was remanded to the 25th of April. The Provincial Head of the Hawks in the Province, Major General Thobeka Jozi, has welcomed the arrest and vowed the Hawks will not hesitate to deal with public servants irrespective of their stature in government as well as in the private sector.


Notorious house robber nabbed A highly sought after habitual housebreaker was finally arrested on Monday. The suspect was wanted for over 30 cases of burglary which he committed in the communities of Polokwane, Seshego, Tzaneen, Giyani, Mahwelereng and Makhado over the last six years. The suspect, in his thirties, ran amok around the province between the years 2012 and 2018, breaking into residential premises and stealing money and other moveable properties. Some of his targets when breaking into homes were plasma television sets and specific electrical appliances. On the 20th of April 2012, the suspect allegedly broke into a house at Bolobedu outside Tzaneen and stole a plasma television set. Seshego Cluster was mostly affected after the suspect was linked to 15 cases of residential burglary. It is believed that the suspect may be linked with more similar cases around the province as police investigations are still proceeding and will uncover further crimes committed.

He will soon appear in various magistrate courts. The Acting Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Major General Jan Scheepers, hailed the investigating team for the removal of this criminal from society. In the same vein though it is noteworthy to mention that the SAPS in Tzaneen and Letsitele have still not arrested any suspects in connection with the recent spate of transformer vandalizing which led to the theft of copper wires and a serious impact on the already crippled local power grid. The damage caused to three transformers by a group of copper thieves has been estimated at around R1,5 million. There have also still not been any arrests in the case of the five GTM employees who were caught in possession of stolen copper cables. Copper theft is considered an act of terrorism and should therefore logically be regarded as a priority slightly higher on the list than the theft of plasma television sets.




29 March 2019


The silent ones have water Residents of Khujwana North also known as Matshamahinkani, had for the past week been engaged in protest action after the contractor working on a project to supply residents of Khujwana South (Ward 16) disconnected a pipe that was illegally connected by residents two decades ago. This illegal connection was made twenty years ago when the Matshamahinkani Village was established. Residents said the pipe belonged to Gazankulu government and not the council.

The protest action that involved the cutting of trees which were placed on the tar road thus forcing local residents and visitors to use alternative routes to reach their destinations, started on the morning of Thursday the 23rd of March, Human Rights Day. “This water was organised by the community back in 1994 when the settlement was established by the South African National Civic Organisation leadership of the time. That the water pipe belonged to the council is news to us,” said a community leader. Attempts by the police to quell the situation on the first day were fruitful until the community (escorted by the police) went to the spots where the water supply was shut, and reopened the valves themselves. For that entire day the people had water. Following the restoration of the water supply, the protestors immediately re-

opened the road for the public. On Friday however, the closing of the road started again just after 09:00 and lasted until municipal officials finally intervened. Spokesperson for the community, Mpho Mametja, told Bulletin in an interview on Tuesday that residents were forced to take up arms in strike action after they had been left without water in their taps for more than three weeks. “We needed to get attention from the authorities who were otherwise ignoring our cries. We then, with the help of the police, engaged officials from the municipal offices who without haste ordered that new pipes be installed for the community”. “Water was made available on Saturday but due to some leakages on the main pipe, residents received water in full supply only as of this past Monday. The pipe that supplies water to our homes is the old pipe installed by the former Gazankulu homeland. It is on this basis that residents could not accept when told that they had illegally connected water to their homes,” added Mametje. Taxi drivers in the area said that they were dismayed by the activities of the community as instead of having the road closed they should have simply gone to the municipality where they should have handed a memorandum of grievances to the authorities. The suggestion was rejected by community members who said “such talk is for those who had no problem with water in their homes.” — Jan Mafetsa


29 March 2019





The Message

Granny’s Grumbles - NOT ALWAYS AS THEY SEEM

In 1955 when I was 14 years of age our family prepared for our first ever holiday to Durban. It had taken months of preparation and we were booked into a hotel in Umhlanga – this was obviously many years before the north coast became unaffordable for the hoi polloi. A week before we were due to leave my mother became ill and as the week progressed it became increasingly obvious that in spite of an improvement – relatively speaking – she would not be able to make the 1700km trip. As is normal with kids, we all loved our mom but were upset that our holiday plans might be jeopardised by her badly timed sickness. A couple of days before what was to be our departure date it was decided that the holiday should go ahead but my mother would stay behind and a good friend would stay with her. As the oldest I was told of the plans – obviously I would have to help my dad with the younger children - a sister aged nine and twin brothers aged five and prior to leaving the most important thing for me to learn was how to plait my sister’s hair. As I have mentioned in a previous article I suffered from a dearth of hair, but my sister’s was not much better and my father refused to allow her hair to be cut, so I had a couple of quick lessons in trying to tie her hair into two small pigtails. The day arrived when we left – just as well my mother had been left behind because the Sebakwe River (near the Republic of Enkeldoorn) was in full flood and we were virtually camped there until the flood waters subsided which was nearly a full 24 hours. My father was decidedly irked but us kids had a pretty good time because hordes of holiday-makers were waiting to cross and we made plenty of friends with the other youngsters. Eventually we arrived in Umhlanga –booked into the hotel and our first seaside holiday began. My first day at the beach was great – I made

friends with a teenager with a surf board and was taught how to catch the waves. My father eventually hired one for me for an hour. At the end of the day I begged him to hire one from the hotel for me to use the following day. It was a bit of a rigmarole – signed a paper agreeing to pay the full cost of the board if it was damaged or lost. The next morning I woke up at crack of dawn – my father and siblings were all asleep so I decided to go down to the beach and try out my new surf board. The beach was practically deserted – one elderly man advised me to watch out for the undercurrent. I didn’t have the faintest idea what an undercurrent was but agreed and doggy-paddled with my board further and further from the beach. I must tell you right now that I was not a particularly good swimmer – my father had been a provincial swimmer and my young sister showed great promise, but I generally got around in the water with a sideways breaststroke and part doggy paddle. I had reached a depth where I could no longer feel the sand under my feet and I suddenly realised what an undercurrent was because it started pulling me sideways. I found it impossible to get onto the board and didn’t dare let it go bearing in mind that my father had virtually signed a contract agreeing to pay the full cost should his errant daughter lose or damage it. I was struggling to hold the board and try to get towards the beach and was having no luck at all. Suddenly I heard a voice shouting “Help me – Help me”. A short way away a man seemed to be struggling frantically and his head kept disappearing under the waves. I managed to get relatively close to him and told him to hold the surf board, which he grabbed and thanked me profusely. Aha! I suddenly saw a way out of my predicament – offer him the surfboard whilst I tried to get back to shore and get help. He accepted the offer gratefully and I spent the next twenty or thirty minutes trying desperately to get back to the beach. I was eventually assisted by an enormous wave which dumped me rather heavily but fortunately close to two lifesavers who had only just arrived. I pointed in the general direction and waited anxiously to see if they would return with the expensive surfboard which was top of my priority list at that moment. A few minutes later they hauled the semi-conscious swimmer on to the beach and started CPR. No sign of the board. I asked the one lifesaver if he knew what had happened to it and got a filthy look while he explained that saving someone’s life was a lot more important than a bloody surfboard. A lady who had heard the conversation and saw my distraught look

suggested that I just walk up and down the beach – it was sure to be washed up. It was, but with a large gash caused by the rocks that it hit on the way back. I walked slowly back to the room holding the surfboard with gash not showing and put it on the balcony. I did not think it advisable to tell my father about my escapade since he appeared annoyed by the fact that I had disappeared without informing him, so kept quiet and when we went to the beach after breakfast I let the family think that I had had enough of the water and a suntan would be a good way to spend a couple of hours. In those days every hotel served morning tea at 10.30 on the veranda – practically every resident would be there waiting for the gorgeous cream cakes that were brought around on a trolley and we were no exception. Whilst busy tucking into things we only dreamed of under normal circumstances, I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up into the eyes of the man who had been rescued earlier that morning. He used the word “heroine” umpteen times and then turned to my father and asked him if he was not the proudest man on the planet with a daughter like me. Since my father didn’t have the faintest idea what he was talking about he looked bemused and the man launched into a story which made me sound like Grace Darling in action. Thinking little of my own safety, I had insisted that he have the surfboard which saved his life while I struck out for the shore and called the lifesavers. He would be forever in my debt. I strongly suspect that the man concerned was either an actor or in some way connected to the theatre because he made sure that the entire veranda heard everything.. My father was stunned – whether it was because of the fact that I had not mentioned it or because he knew that I was not a good swimmer I am not sure, but anyway since even the manager congratulated him on his amazing daughter, he did not delve too deeply into what had actually happened. I took the surfboard back to the desk that afternoon and explained the damage. I was told that I could have a free surfboard for the rest of the holiday but I demurred – I had seen people bodysurfing and I thought it would be safer doing it that way. The rescued man spent another three days at the hotel and inundated myself and my siblings with chocolates, sweets and cold drinks. On the same day that he left my father realised that having to plait my younger sister’s hair three times a days was a bit much and agreed that she should have it cut. I never mentioned to anybody that all I had been doing was trying to get rid of the surfboard which was hindering me and the drowning man was what actually saved me!! I had a great holiday!

“Dare to be different”

The Poultry Farm Workshop will be held on 30 March 2019 at the SEDA Offices from 09h00-13h00 at R200.00 per person. For more information contact 081 380 1689 or email mothupi@ mothupikgopa.com

Tzaneen Childhood Cancer Talk 5 April

The Childhood Cancer talk with Dr. Middleton will be held on 5 April 2019 at the Tzaneen Cancer Care Centre from 18h00 – 21h00. No charge BUT please give a donation as entry. For more information contact 083 635 4132.

Tzaneen Monya’s Mexican Themed Brunch Fiesta 6 April

Monya’s Mexican Themed Brunch Fiesta will be

Bulletin FAR NORTH


Greetings, In my last English article I mentioned the “secular lost,” today I want to look at the “religious lost” as I see these are those who came to see what church was all about and for some or other reason either don’t come back or only come on special religious days, otherwise you don’t see them. Then there are those who come but don’t actually get involved in any activity. I have asked why they come to church and get the reply: “because it is the right thing to do” some come because it is a tradition in their family. There are many who believe that church is too binding/traditional and would rather spend time in private prayer elsewhere. I believe it is all about community, we are the family of God and as such should act like a family, unite in prayer with other Christians. I know God hears and answers all our prayers, no matter where or when. The fact remains how can you actually know you are a true believer if you have no other measure than yourself? Although I am a priest, I often question my faith: am I truly serving God or is it all show, a need to be recognized? Unfortunately, there are those who are in the ministry for fame and fortune, looking for financial gain rather than spiritual gain, these too are the religious lost. So how do we move from the “religious lost” to becoming a true believer? Firstly by repenting of our sins and asking for forgiveness, not only from God but also from others and then truly believing that we are forgiven. Secondly by giving back, to God and the community. Not only financially but also time wise. We as Christian believers need to play our part by reaching out to those who are drifting away in this modern world where everything is confusing and tell them how we feel about God. Blessings

Newspaper Sponsor MotorMecca MOOKETSI

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Social Tzaneen Poultry Farm Workshop 30 March

Rev Ron Reiners Anglican Church

015 395 2112 / 2335 Email: mwgroble@mweb.co.za Tessa: 015 395 2175 | Marius: 082 493 0449

held on 6 April 2019 from 11h00-14h00 at R350.00 per person. For more information contact 063 422 2406 or email laureenpitout@gmail.com

Tzaneen Monthly Luncheon Meeting 12 April

The Tzaneen Chamber Of Commerce Monthly Luncheon Meeting will be held on 12 April 2019 at Hotel @ Tzaneen from 12h00 at R120.00 per person. For more information contact Naomi Le Grange on 083 280 9723 or email admin@ tzaneenchamber.org.za

Mind-blowing Fact #110 Captain James Cook was the first person to describe surfing (or he’enalu in Hawaiian), in 1778. He saw a surfer whom he described as someone “who had the most supreme pleasure while he was driven so fast and smoothly by the seas.”

Tzaneen Dirt Dash 13 April

Tzaneen Care Group is presenting the Dirt Dash on 13 April 2019 at Magoebaskloof Adventures from 09:00. For more information contact Melissa Strydom on 083 635 4132 or email admin@ tzaneencaregroup.co.za.

Follow us on Instagram: bulletintzn

To advertise your company in the next AgriBulletin, call: Jacques 071 268 2543 or Lizan 076 795 5000



Questions lead to assault Residents of Khusune and Long Valley units of the Lesedi Cluster of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) in Mopani are up in arms after the Ward 34 Councillor’s son allegedly assaulted a member of the community during a State of the Ward Indaba. Margareth Letsoalo who is also a member of the Executive Committee (EXCO) denied the claim. The matter according to sources came to a head after one the community members disagreed with the assertion by the councillor that employment opportunities brought by the Community Working Programme (CWP) benefitted every household in the ward. It is alleged that an argument then ensued which ended with Letsoalo’s son, his aunt and another relative attacking the victim. Though the incident was taken lightly at first has since raised concerns among the community that the family of the councillor act above the law because of her political position. Some community members went as far as alleging that those who criticise service delivery are subjected to bullying. It could not be ascertained if a case was opened with the police against the suspects Mwho L _ are M aknown s i n to g iBulletin. t a _ Bu l l When approached for com-



29 March 2019


Potholes – the bane persists

ment, a leader of the ANC in the Walter Mathole branch denied any knowledge of the incident but promised to investigate the matter. Councillor Letsoalo, when approached, initially claimed that she too was unaware of the incident and when pressed for comment on whether she would allow such acts to occur in her presence, responded with “that is not true, people are just talking.” Members of the community told Bulletin that it was not the Pot holes the size of a truck wheel at first time that a member of the Khiswine Village in the entrance of community was attacked durLephepane settlement has forced resing meetings at the community idents to rise up and demand action hall. They alleged matters mostly from the relevant authorities. The potcome to a head when people start holes were formed after the recent rains asking about the state of service that hit the area of Tzaneen in January delivery in the ward. “Mostly they and in February. These potholes pose attack members of the ANC and a serious threat to motorists who often they do not take their issues furtravel through this area at night. ther for fearing to put the name The pothole pandemic is not a new of the organisation into disretale. Not by a long shot. In fact this pute or open themselves up to be newspaper has published extensive victimised.” articles on the matter in the past. Each A few years ago Khuswine made time the potholes were mentioned and the news after a councillor shoutthe question regarding their repairs ed at his father when the old man were raised, we were met with the questioned why water was not same answer – the heavy rain caused being delivered to all the sectors the potholes and they will be repaired of the community. In another inin due course. cident in the same ward, a comIt would appear as though the bamunity leader was slapped after sics of good maintenance planning is he allegedly asked leaders in the in ecommunity t 1 about 2 0 the 1 9 slow - 0 3deli- 1 9 T a1 concept 4 : 3 3 that : 3 5is+not 0 2implemented : 0 0 any of the local municipalities as it is a very of free houses to the poor. common problem in all five local mu-

Miladys is opening a brand new store at Masingita Mall

nicipalities governed by the Mopani District Municipality. Two weeks ago we raised the issue of the 801 potholes counted in the streets of Phalaborwa town. We photographed workers marking the road mere metres from potholes large enough to damage the entire undercarriage of a regular sedan. Following our expose on the dastardly state of the roads in that town, the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality sprang into action and a week later started re-tarring the surfaces. We still have not had any feedback from the BPM spokesperson, Jonas Maheshu who seems to have taken the decision to ignore our media inquiries outright. We wanted to find out from him why the roads were allowed to fall into such disrepair when he claimed that the BPM have daily inspection teams and an annual roads budget of more than R4 million. Modjadjiskloof residents are experience the same issues with one of their

main routes, Uitzicht Road, still in danger of collapse after the formation of a sinkhole in 2018 swallowed up half the road surface. We have learnt that an engineer was appointed in December last year to do the initial planning and design and is to stay on the project until its completion. The construction of the new road has not yet started as the appointed company, T2Tech Consulting Engineers have still not completed their designs. “We are still to appoint a contractor on a multi-year project and this appointment will be made within the current financial year,” said Lovers Maenetja, spokesperson for the GLM. “When the engineer is done, that is going to give us an indication of how much we need (financially) for the construction phase to take place. It is only then that the bidding process for the construction tender will start hence we cannot at this moment say how much the tender costs.”

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29 March 2019





Their dream is unfolding Garry Wilkinson, a pilot, relocated his hangar from Polokwane to his Hilltop farm outside Haenertsburg in 2003. He broke ground in building a home, venue and accommodation facilities within the hangar by November 2006. He met his partner Louise Claassen the following year and together they’ve now completed a venue with the toilet facilities due for completion in time for this Saturday’s live performance. The Hangar will officially launch with famous singer and songwriter Jennifer Jones performing from 18:30 onwards. There is no stage and Jennifer will move around while performing. The Hangar got its liquor licence this year and so there will be a cash bar. Ticket prices depend on whether patrons only want snacks at R200.00 each or a three

course meal at R400.00. The Hangar, with seating for 65 people, is a most beautiful venue with a view onto the Iron Crown Mountain. A parking area has been created and from there it’s a slow meander through the forest to get to The Hangar. Jennifer Jones with her sound engineer husband Leon Joubert has performed opening acts for many famous singers like Tina Turner, Dion Warwick, Dr Alban, M People and all Michael Jackson’s concerts. She performed at both Madiba and Thabo Mbeki’s presidential inauguration ceremonies and sang at three of Madiba’s birthdays. Jennifer was also a Grammy nominee for her song with Hugh Masakela “Father of the Nation”. Jennifer also directs her own mu-

sic videos. Louise says, “I love doing big events and have done many in the past. Upcoming events at The Hangar are the Holistic Fair and a birthday party with a Great Gatsby theme”. In keeping with the aviation theme there are airplane seats and the bar will be selling a gin called Solo Aviator.

The hangar in Polokwane before it was relocated and turned into something else.

Above: Louise Claassen with her partner Garry Wilkinson at The Hangar. Left: The gin continues the aviation theme.

Poppy’s new poison

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Poppy Froneman from the Haenertsburg Liquor Store gives her goofiest smile showing their new product. Behind her is the equally grinning owner Martin Glodek.

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29 March 2019



Starting out in a male dominated trade Sandi Moore (51) moved into the then man’s world of sign writing at the age of 19. It was the days of paint and masking tape whereas today it’s all digital. Sandi was born in Harare, Zimbabwe and her family moved to South Africa in 1979 first to Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal and then Benoni. Sporty all her life, Sandi didn’t know what to do after matric at Benoni High. She knew she didn’t want to go to university. She had an office job for three months in Isando but hated it. She started teaching aerobics at The Gym in Benoni in 1986. At the end of that year she did a year’s graphic design course at a private college in Johannesburg. She cycled 40 kms there and back to get in her training and did her first sign for The Gym in 1987. That year she also started her Sandi Signs business that changed to Sign Girl in 2007. She gave aerobics classes for 25-30 students at different gyms from 1988-1991. She did a job for CNA and for a church and learnt the trade as she went along. Sandi then moved to Durban to do yacht renovations but

the deal fell through. She started teaching aerobics in Pinetown. She was asked to do a sign for a gym and needed special flexible pink neon paint for banner material. Thus she met the late Bob Wright. Bob had done his trade in the UK and offered to teach Sandi. She did all his outside work, learnt a lot, and was more on the beach than at work. She flew to the UK in 1994 and worked for a sign company in Swinden. She then moved to Wales and did signage for different companies. In Wales she did her bronze medallion lifesaving and worked for different leisure centres. The Welsh cycling coach wanted to train Sandi for the next Olympics. But life threw a curve ball and Sandi returned to South Africa in 1995. She got into the tanker industry. She’s done work, amongst others, for 1st National Battery, Idwala, Translux and Karan Beef Supplies. She did water tankers for Builders Warehouse and that required enormous physical strength in the blazing heat and often in wind. Her life still revolved around sport - table

tennis, Ironman, spinning and aerobics. The Cape Epic was her last competitive race. Then she came with the mountain bike training camp, cycling for Vodacom, to Haenertsburg in 2008. She fell in love with the village, bought her house in 2011, converted a portion to open up her self-catering unit HomeInDaHills in 2014 and moved to the village in 2016. Sandi now concentrates on her Mountain Company consisting of hikes and group excursions, works from home on her signage, does signs locally and still has major projects for clients. To what does Sandi attribute her

Sandi Moore with her logo on her vehicle.

success? “I won’t ever go big. I’m a one-man (er woman) band. I load the ladders and do the signs myself. I contract out printing and aspects I can’t do. I won’t install huge signs. For that I employ people. I give personal attention, take pride in what I do, make sure everything’s there, I’m on site and I take control.”

Sandi’s first job.

One of her first jobs for Total.

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29 March 2019





Sewe Larries deur na SA Skole

Laerskool Tzaneen het weereens geskiedenis gemaak, sewe atlete (die meeste in hierdie skool se geskiedenis) het gekwalifiseer vir deelname aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Atletiek Kampioenskappe op Vrydag en Saterdag, die 15de en 16de Maart in Germiston. Die Larries het nie teruggestaan vir die ander atlete nie, hul het hulself baie goed van hul taak gekwyt. Leandré de Lange, Jaimie de Carvalho, Ndzalo Makhubela, Ruan Beyers, Byatso Makhubela en Megan-Lee Mans het deelgeneem teen van die top atlete in die land. Theto Maake het ook gekwalifiseer vir die SA Kampioenskappe, maar het gekies om aan

Jaimie de Carvalho

die Glenwood Rugbyweek in Durban te gaan deelneem. Leandré de Lange (dogters O/10) behaal ‘n sewende plek in die finaal van die 70m Hekkies. Haar tyd was 12,95s. In die hoogspring behaal sy ‘n agtste plek met ‘n hoogte van 1,23m en in die verspring item eindig sy twaalfde. Jaimie De Carvalho (seuns O/10) eindig negende in die finaal van die 80m met ‘n tyd van 11,35s en in die verspring behaal hy ‘n vyfde plek met afstand van 4,33m. Ndzalo Makhubela (seuns O/10) behaal ‘n vierde plek in die finaal van die 70m hekkies met ‘n tyd van 11,78s. Die atleet in


Legals In the estate of the late MARGARETHA JOHANNA BOTHA, Identity number 3502050005083, Master’s reference number 1703/2019, pensioner, widow and who was ordinarily resident at Goue jare Old Age Home, Modjadjiskloof, Limpopo Province and, who died on the 10th of July 2019.

All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned with 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P.O.Box 35 Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/avs/R15060 Mar501__________________________

Ndzalo Makhubela

die derde plek se tyd was 11,72s, dit was dus ‘n naelbyt wedloop. In die 100m naellope behaal hy ‘n sesde plek in sy uitdun. Ruan Beyers (seuns O/10) eindig in die agtiende plek in die verspring item terwyl Byatso Makhubela (seuns O/12) ‘n negende plek los gehardloop het in die finaal van die 70m Hekkies item. Hy het oor die wenstreep getrap in ‘n spogtyd van 11.98 sekondes. Hy behaal ‘n sesde plek in sy uitdun van die 150m hekkies. Megan-Lee Mans (dogters O/13) behaal ‘n sewentiende plek in die gewigstoot en eindig algeheel vyftiende in die spiesgooi item.


Ruan Beyers

Byatso Makhubela

Megan-Lee Mans

Bulletin FAR NORTH

Leandré de Lange

Your agri advertising solution provider. To advertise contact Lizan 076 795 5000 or Jacques 071 268 2543

Smouskous l Classifieds Ultimate Security

Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768

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Duvenage Meubelvervoer Ons verpak & verseker landwyd. Puik diens en lae pryse.

Marlien: 083 252 8928


Nasionale Bestuur Skool Aan al die ouers van Tzaneen en in die omgewing, die einde van die jaar is vinnig oppad, moet nie op die tippie vir julle kinders se opleiding vir bestuurs lisensie wag nie. Vat die stress van julle as ouers se skouers af en plaas dit op ons sin. Ons doen volledige opleiding, en is behulpsaam deur die hele proses. Sien ons op facebook onder National Driving School vir verwysings. Kontak / Whatsapp Giane 083 279 2343

Wisani Burial Society 24 Hour emergency numbers 083 513 4988 helene@wisani.co.za __________________________________

Groblers MotorMecca Bespreek jou diens! Meganiese opknap, Insleep diens, Paneelkloppers. Kwaliteit diens, Kwaliteit gehalte, Ons waarborg! 015 395 2175

DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468


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Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________ Crusader Technologies Insure the safety of your family! CCTV, Alarm systems, Clocking systems, Access control systems. 072 731 4084 or 015 065 0302 ________________________

2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Furniture, appliances, kitchen ware, jewelry ect. Best value for your money. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483


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Jobseeker My name is Cecilia Mathakgatsa. I’m looking for full time employment a Domestic / General Worker / Cashier. I can cook and clean. Contact me on 076 119 5345. ________________________ To advertise Contact Lizan: 079 795 5000

VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 Epos:troktrek@mweb.co.za www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com

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Grannys Cottage: A rustic looking stone build. 1 Bedroom, open plan Granny Cottage to rent. 9km from Tzaneen on Deerpark Road. R3500 water & lights included. Contact Henta Bruce 076 811 2190 or via Whatsapp. ________________________

For Sale Te Koop Town House Flats, 12 in complex. Buy off plan. 2 Bed roomed units. Modern lounge, open plan kitchen, bathroom, carport, fully tiled floors, walled, automatic gate all for R810 000.00 – includes transfer costs. Contact Peter at Seeff Properties 079 905 9023 ________________________ Quality long & short feather dusters, mops, grass brooms, rakes, soft brooms, plastic feather dusters & sjamboks at affordable prices.

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Bulletin FAR NORTH

Services Dienste

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9 9





29 March 2019



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Sport 29 March 2019

Fransies flex at Provincials

Lucian Simpson

Hierdie naweek word alle rugbyliefhebbers in Tzaneen genooi om die magtige Letaba Rugbyklub te ondersteun wanneer hulle die manne uit Louis Trichardt die stryd hier op eie bodem sal aansê. Daar is oorspronklik berig dat Letaba Rugby hierdie week die spanne

Three Frans du Toit High athletes made their marks at the Limpopo Champs held in Polokwane on the 9th of March this year. Lucian Simpson, the U/19 Phalaborwa Powerhouse catapulted his discus a remarkable 45.60m to take gold in that event and later obliterated the competition in the shotput event for his age category with a winning distance of 16.49m. Though he sports a personal best of 47.9m in the discus and 16.49m in shotput events, his distances were enough to ensure him a spot in the nationals later this year. Bonginkosi Nxuamlo, the U/17 Triple jumper who impressed at the recent Soutpansberg Inter-high at Merensky, managed a gold medal in the event at the provincials with a new record distance of 13.69m for his age group. The current world record for this event in this age group is 17.41m set by the Cuban, Jordan Diaz in May last year. The speedster in the Fransies camp, Thato Nziyane, managed a fantastic sprint in the 100m finals which saw him take gold in a time of 10.53 seconds and a silver medal in the 200m sprint in a time of 21.95 seconds. The world record for the 100m event in this age category was set in 2017 by the American Anthony Schwartz who crossed the line in 10.15 seconds. The legendary Usain Bolt chalked up the boys U/17 200m record of 20.13 seconds in July 2003.

vanuit Witrivier sou huisves vir ‘n reeks tuiswedstryde, maar die Mpumalanga spanne het onttrek. Die wedstryde beloof om harde hardlooprugby te wees wat toeskouers op hul tone vanaf 14:00 die middag sal hou. Daar sal weer ‘n potjiekos kompetisie wees en die Eerstespanne sal mekaar om 17:00 aanvat. Sien julle daar!

Bonginkosi Nxuamlo and Thato Nziyane

Unicorns compete at SA Athletics

Three Unicorn Preparatory athletes qualified to participate in the South African Athletics Championships, which was held in Germiston, Gauteng Province, from the 14th to the 16th of March. The standard was extremely high and athletes from all over the country took part. It was truly a treat for the spectators to watch the stiff competition, and the Unicorn athletes performed very well. Flower Ngobeni managed a remarkably good sixth position overall in the

High Jump event for U/10 girls while Miyelani Nkuna managed a seventh place in the Long Jump, a seventh position in the 100m semi-finals, fifth spot in the 200m semi-finals and magnificent third place as part of the U/13 Boys Relay team. Unfortunately, Vutlhari Ngobeni was disqualified during his High Jump event due to a technical error. The high level of local athletes from all the primary schools in the area is an indication of a bright athletics future to come.

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