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“Jou Sukses Ons Spesialiteit”

2 August 2019



015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 071 268 2543

Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

- Tzaneen and surrounding areas face a busy fire season following a very dry year thus far. Photo: Joe Dreyer

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Battle lines drawn

015 004 0370 • tzaneen@lvt.co.za • www.lvt.co.za Industri Park, Trichardsdal Avenue, Letsitele

Hou nou gemaak?

Die plek brand af maar ten minste word die gate toe gestamp

Bladsy 3


2 August 2019


Bulletin N O R T H


Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset



Season starts with terrifying blaze




Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Design Intern: Alicia du Toit Office: 064 650 7123

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 071 268 2543 (Jacques) 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: jacques@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

A haunting image of the farm owner and neighbours tending to the flames to prevent them from reaching the citrus orchard to the left. Below: Images taken on the night of 24 July at Taganashoek in Tarentaalrand showing the ferocity and destructive force of a fire fueled by Lantana and Paraffin bush. Photo’s by Joe Dreyer

Joe Dreyer

On Wednesday evening a fire engulfed close on four kilometres of private farm land in flames along the Taganashoek area of Tarentaalrand. It is reported that the fire could have started as a result of the property owners initiating firebreaks ahead of the fire prohibition which started today. It is however unclear exactly how it happened. Though the fire was fuelled by paraffin bush and Lantana, volunteers from neighbouring properties were able to contain the fire and prevent it from reaching or destroying any of the structures on the property. The Mopani District Fire Department arrived on scene with their main concern being the safety of the residents within the structures. The fire was initially reported just after 16:00 the Wednesday afternoon. An hour later it was reported that the fire was under control and members of the fire department and volunteers could stand down. That evening at 20:00 the flames scribbled a bright orange line across the sky as the entire ridge lit up again. This reporter was at the scene until midnight, by which time the blaze had again been brought under control. No structures were damaged by the fire which was successfully held away from the citrus and mango orchards. Nobody was injured during the blaze. The following evening there were reports of another fire. This time in Mokgoba village outside Modjadjiskloof in the Greater Letaba Municipal area. In this instance the Mopani District Fire Department managed to extinguish the blaze but not before eight shacks were destroyed and several people left homeless. No injuries or fatalities were reported and the displaced were assisted with food parcels and tents supplied by the district municipality. In this last week there have been seven fires in just the 30 kilometre

Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist

Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

distance between Letsitele and Tzaneen. “This is why it is vitally important that the members of the public adhere to the fire prohibition which starts on the 1st of August and will remain in effect until the 31st of October this year,” explained Maritza Swanepoel, media liaison officer at Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA). “We would also encourage all landowners to become members of the LFPA.” Fire Prohibition The LFPA wishes to advise landowners and the general public in the Greater Tzaneen and Greater Letaba Municipalities that a fire prohibition is in force from the 1st of August 2019 up to and including 31 October 2019 for any fire made in the open air. This prohibition applies to the lighting of all fires except fires made for the purpose of preparation of food and for warmth in a purpose-made stove, fireplace or hearth or within a demarcated picnic or camping area or Caravan Park, or holiday resort, but only at places within such an area which have been specifically prepared and maintained for that purpose. This also provided that such fires are properly extinguished with water and, or sand. Care must be taken in the disposal of any ash from such fires. The cost of fires A recent Medical Research Council report estimated that each year 3.2 percent (1 600 000) of the country’s population will suffer from burn injuries, with the vast majority being from poorer communities. Children are particularly vulnerable, with death as a result of burn injuries claiming approximately 1 300 young lives each year. It is estimated that damage caused to infrastructure by fires every year exceeds the R700 million mark. Two such instances locally serve to reinforce this statement – the fire that destroyed the Letaba Junction exactly a year ago, and the fire that destroyed the Laeveld Citrus pack house in March this year.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 29/07/2019

Tzaneen 12.8%

Ebenezer 57.1%

Merensky 89.6%

Dap Naude 95.6%

Middel Letaba 5.2%

Blyde Rivier Poort 90.9%

Klaserie 93.1%

Tours 38.6%

Vergelegen 81.7%

Ohrigstad 19.8%

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





2 August 2019


Opinie: Bo bont en onder vol… saligheid ■

Joe Dreyer

Dit het maar net ‘n jaar van konstante gesanik gevat om uiteindelik die munisipaliteit te kry om die slaggate in ons dorp se paaie reg te maak. Vroeg die week is die manne in die oranje en blou oorpakke reeds besig daar in King Edward om die slaggate uit te sny. Gisteroggend (Woensdag die 31ste Julie) het die spannetjies begin om die sakkies teer in die gate in te gooi. Wonder bo wonder is daar hierdie jaar ‘n regte egte padroller gebruik om die klaar aangemaakte teer te kompakteer. Selfs langs die strate is daar spannetjies oranje oorpakke besig om die gras te sny en die ou palmtakke te verwyder. Afriforum het darem verlede week die straatname mooi duidelik op die randstene geverf. Die straatsmouse is steeds daar met hul gesondheids en beroepsveiligheid oortredings en die manne met die taxis staan nogsteeds die hele ryvlak in Claude Wheatley vol, maar ten minste het ons nou al amper weer ordentlike paaie – al is dit net vir so halwe jaar tot die reën weer kom en die ongeslote padoppervlaktes van hul kitsteer pleisters verlos. Vanaf vandag is die jaarlikse brandverbod weer van krag. Dit sal nou beteken dat daar tot en met die 31ste Oktober geen vure in die openbaar gemaak mag word nie. Behalwe as die vuur in ‘n duidelik afgebakende area gemaak word wat spesifiek vir die doel van vuurmaak ontwerp is, soos byvoorbeeld in ‘n piekniek-area, kampeerterrein of die braaiplek by jou huis. Nou, hier is waar die moeilikheid inkom. Vir sommige mense is die skeidslyn tussen die sypaaidjie, die hoek van ‘n straat of onder ‘n brug in die middedorp, en ‘n “duidelik afgebakende area spesifiek vir vuurmaak” nie so voor die hand liggend nie soos wat daar verwag word nie. Stap maar bietjie deur die sentrale sakegebied. Sal die GTM werklikwaar hierdie verbod en selfs hul eie wette kan afdwing op hierdie straatsmouse en die groeiende bevolking straatslapers wat op elke hoek en draai hul vuurtjie stook om saans warm te bly? Wat van die hoeveelheid vure wat daar elke aand in die veld en parkies reg rondom Tzaneen gesien kan word? Geen wonder die LFPA-mense lei aan slapeloosheid nie. Net hierdie week is daar reeds agt vure (die grootste een van hierdie klomp op die bladsy hier langsaan te siene) gerapporteer. In die meeste gevalle is hierdie veroorsaak deur nalatigheid. So wat gaan

Een van die enigste bekombare fotografiese bewysstukke, geneem in King Edward rylaan Tzaneen, van die bestaan van die munisipale padroller. Foto: Joe Dreyer

die munisipaliteit se verweer wees wanneer een van die geboue in die dorp afbrand as gevolg van een van hierdie straatvure? Daar staan reeds ‘n hele dorp vol uitgebrande geboue, kan ons werklik nog ‘n paar bekostig? Die kragkwessies en die water te kort met die halfgeboude, of afgebreekte damwal saam is nog ‘n gesprek vir nog ‘n dag. So ook die feit dat die vier gesondheidsinspekteurs van die munisipaliteit klaarblyklik kieskeurig met hul wit handskoentjies en rooi penne te werk gaan.

Daar is net nie genoeg tyd in een week om die verkeersligte wat al vir ses weke lank flikker of die gesteelde Telkom kabels wat nie vervang gaan word aan te spreek nie. Wat nog te sê van die wetsoortreders wat hul wapens in die teenwoordigheid van polisiebeamptes in die middel van ‘n woongebied op bystanders rig en dreig om hulle dood te skiet na hy reeds vier skote in hul rigting afgevuur het? Nee, oor hierdie knelpunte mag mens nie te veel geraas maak nie. Maar ten minste lyk die strate nou mooi.

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2 August 2019





Distorted truth

152 guns confiscated during raid

■ Jeff Jackson

■ Jeff Jackson

The SAPS in Limpopo is aware of video clips that have gone viral on various social media platforms, showing scuffles between the police and a group of community members in Burgersfort outside the periodical court building. Subsequent media articles that are based on these clips clearly created an impression that the people of Limpopo are up in arms against the police. The fact of the matter is that this was a group of hooligans who wanted to disrupt the proper administration of justice by wanting to forcibly remove from the courtroom, the two accused who were appearing on a murder charge in the Regional court sitting in Burgersfort on Monday the 29th of July. Appearing in this court, were the two accused who were arrested for murdering an educator from Driekop, dismembering her body and then disposing of the parts at different places in the area along the R37 road between Burgersfort and Lydenburg. “As much as we are sympathetic to the family of the deceased, due process must however be allowed to unfold unhindered”, said General Ledwaba. “The Police did the work by apprehending the suspects in this case and we will therefore not tolerate any form of vigilantism”. Following the public violence and the assault on a police officer that erupted on Monday in Burgersfort, two suspects were immediately arrested. The suspects, Prudence Magagane (37) and Thato Magabane (27), both related to the deceased, have appeared in Burgersfort Magistrate’s Court on charges of Public Violence and assault. They were both released and warned to appear again on the 8th of September 2019.

Crimes perpetuated through the use of firearms are immense, hence the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Limpopo Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba took it upon himself to dispatch the Flash Unit to trace and hunt down all the security companies that have closed down but their members are still in possession of company firearms. These are the results of the concerted efforts by the Police in the province to eradicate all possibilities of criminals to commit crime through the use of firearms. The operation will still continue across the province, the police said in a media statement. During this operation in the Thohoyandou Clus-

Not Shayi ■ Jeff Jackson Fraudsters have been contacting several Mopani District Municipality service providers in a bid to solicit money from them by impersonating the executive mayor. The business community and general members of the public are warned of fraudsters who impersonate the Mopani District Municipality Executive Mayor Cllr Pule Shayi and solicit money from unsuspecting business people. The Office of the Executive Mayor received several calls from service providers complaining about fraudsters who contact them and demand money in exchange for projects. In some instances, the fraudsters pretend to be community leaders and solicit money from unsuspecting service providers saying that they have been instructed by the Executive Mayor Shayi. “I want to take this opportunity and distance myself and the institution which I’m leading from such fraudulent activities. Members of the public who might be confronted by these scammers are urged to immediately contact the police as those are clear cases of extortion and fraud”. The district municipality will refer all the complaints to the police for a formal probe.

Two of three

■ Jeff Jackson

The police said in a statement to a journalist this week that their operational strategies that were put in place in Limpopo, to fight incidents of property and TRIO crimes across the province, keep producing positive results. This after three suspects aged 35, 40 and 44, were arrested during the ongoing operations that were conducted since the previous week in the Giyani Cluster, by tracing suspects involved in several business robberies in that area. On the morning of the 25th of July three suspects pretending to be customers entered a spaza shop at Jarome Village in the Malamulele policing area outside Giyani. The three men threatened the owner with firearms and robbed him of airtime vouchers, cellphones and an undisclosed amount of money before they fled the scene. A few minutes after the robbery, the victim managed to escape the shop and that’s when he saw a Police patrol van and stopped it. After he explained what had happened, these members immediately started tracking down the suspects until they located them at the nearby bushes. The robbers opened fire on the police, who retaliated. During the process, one suspect was injured, and the other two managed to evade arrest. Following this arrest, the Station Trio Task Team was assembled to hunt down the remaining suspects. This team, joined by members from the SAPS Saselamani, worked tirelessly until one of the remaining suspects was arrested on the 29th, at Mhinga Village. During the arrest, police recovered an Ak47 rifle with ammunition. The police also arrested another suspect aged 44, in the same house after he was found in possession of two rifles, one pistol, 35 rounds of ammunition, two rifle silencers and six rifle scopes. The suspect was charged with possession of prohibited firearms and ammunition. He will appear in the Saselamani Magistrate’s Court soon. Further investigations will still be conducted to determine whether he is linked to this business robbery and possible linkage to other serious and violent crimes in this area and the surroundings including in the Province. Meanwhile, the two suspects, Voster Chauke (35) and Elvis Chauke (40), were positively linked to several business robberies committed in the Malamulele policing area during this year. The two have briefly appeared in the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court on charges of attempted murder, possession of prohibited firearms and ammunition and business robbery. Their cases were postponed to the 7th of August 2019, for formal bail application and further police investigations. Tracing for the remaining suspect is still underway and Police appeal to anyone with information that can lead to his arrest to contact Captain Rogers Khanye at 082 319 9724 or the crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest police station.

ter, 34 security companies were visited and 152 fire arms and 93 live rounds were recovered. The recovered firearms and ammunition will be destroyed after proper procedures are completed. “Security companies who are not complying with the South African Fire Arms Control Act, must pull up their socks, failing to do so, they have to face the harsh might of the law,” concluded General Ledwaba. Anyone with information about this unscrupulous companies that are still operating in their areas, may contact Luitenant Colonel Justice Nchabeleng at 082 468 3848 or any Flash coordinator at the nearest Police Station across the Province or the crime stop number 0860010111.

120 years jail time for robbers ■ Jeff Jackson The Mokerong Regional Court in Mokopane outside Polokwane this week sentenced David Shiburi (37), Frank Tshona Baloyi (45), Peter Thebe (39) and Brain Mashakoe (30), to a consolidated one hundred and twenty (120) years imprisonment for house robberies that occurred separately, in the Mokopane Policing area. On the 17th of March 2016 a couple was at their house in a suburb of Mokopane town, when a group of men arrived and requested the husband to sign some business documents for them. He agreed and took them to his office inside the house. When they entered the office, the four men became aggressive and pointed the victim with a firearm while demanding money from him. The victim refused until they tortured him with a hot iron and in the process, threatened his wife’s life. He then transferred an amount of R1 million electronically to his two business partners and to his accountant and asked them to withdraw the money and bring it in hard-cash to his house, as he was directed by these armed robbers. A few hours later, the money was delivered in hardcash by one of his employees. They further robbed the couple of their properties including jewelleries

before they fled the scene. During the torture, the husband sustained severe burn wounds. A case of house robbery was then opened and the investigations started. In another similar incident which occurred on the 6th of April 2019, the victim was closing a gate at his home at Mokopane Extension 12, coming back from work when two men appeared from nowhere, pointed him with firearms, demanded money and pushed him into his house. They then tortured him with a hot iron and demanded safe keys. After some hours, they robbed him of his television and music system set, leaving him with burn wounds. The suspects fled from the scene with the victim’s Red Chevrolet vehicle. The Police were also alerted about the incident, and opened a case of house robbery. The vehicle was later found abandoned within the area. The sentences of these criminals for house robberies were categorically handed down as follows; David Shiburi was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment, Frank Tshona Baloyi was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment, Peter Thebe was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment and Brian Mashakoe was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment and he is since 2017, serving 18 years imprisonment for another house robbery that he committed with another group.

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Twigs for the forest

The owner of Twig’s Coffee Shop, Dale Kenney and her staff, celebrating the moment.

■ Joe Dreyer Dale Kenney and her devoted-to-all-things-sweet-and-fluffy staff at Twig’s coffee shop in Boundary Street have reason to celebrate this week. This little secret, hidden away between your busy schedule and that relaxing afternoon break from the office, was awarded a Top 100 Coffee Shop award at the Restaurant Association of South Africa Best 100 Coffee Shops Awards.

The prestigious awards ceremony was held at The Dome in Gauteng last week. Of the 2 000 nominees and more than 150 000 votes, Twig’s stood out enough to be honoured as one of the finest coffee shops in the country. And it only took them five years - and around a decade’s worth of hours - to be recognized. Don’t take our word for it though, stop by there and have a relaxing lunch under that great big tree in Boundary Street and taste for yourself.

2 August 2019



At ease, soldier

■ Joe Dreyer

Jacques Myburg passed away on Monday morning at the age of 49. He was a good friend to many and a fantastic conversationalist. Many in Tzaneen will remember him as the guy who ran the show at Fairview Hotel and one of the more vocal members on most of the local electricity groups where he went out of his way to ensure that vital information on load shedding and power outages be communicated to the masses. There was another side to him however. It was a side he only spoke about to those close to him and mostly for his own benefit because he had to. Jacques was known by his nickname “Gunner” to his select group of close friends. This was because of his time as a SADF Ratel 90 gunner with the Mechanized Battalion stationed in East Ovamboland during the war in the late 1980’s. Jacques received the bad news on the 2nd of July this year that he had stomach cancer. It was in an advanced stage, and at that time had sown out to the liver and lymph nodes throughout his body cavity. Due to the size of the nodes which ranged from between 3mm and 63mm, no radiation or surgical intervention was possible. In the

days that led up to Monday morning he and his partner, Nora, had travelled to Polokwane frequently for check-ups, but sadly to no avail. Jacques will be deeply missed and remembered fondly. Our sincerest condolences to his family. At the time of going to print the details of his funeral service had not been made known yet, but the service will be held in the chapel at Fairview Hotel either tomorrow (Friday) or Tuesday the 6th of August. Bulletin will post these details on our Facebook page.

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2 August 2019



Granny’s Grumbles - RAIN

The Message


I arrived in Phalaborwa in 1980. I remember it rained a lot that year. I was living in a budget mobile home – the rain poured down every night and the heat and humidity during the day in the mobile home was horrific. A few years hence I realised that 1980 must have been a good rainfall year because suddenly we had water rationing and the rainfall was sparse. During this period I made friends with an ex Rhodesian lady called Jenny. Her husband had just started at Palabora Mining Company and had been issued with a house that was classified as “temporary accommodation”. She and I became good friends and I was disappointed when she told me they were waiting to apply for another house. Why would they want another house? Evidently Jenny had a fear of being flooded as their home was at the bottom of a slope. My own home was at the bottom of a slope but why on earth would anybody consider flooding in Phalaborwa? Anyway Jenny got her wish and ended up choosing a house that was on top of a slight hillock. I was still amused at the idea of flooding. We had a large tiled courtyard and since the house was at the bottom of an incline the maintenance man from the mine had suggested that we have an open drain built in front of the courtyard in the case of heavy rains. Since the mine was paying for it I agreed. A couple


of years went by and one night a thunderstorm erupted – it was raining really heavily and I poked my nose out of the window – the entire courtyard was under water – probably two or three inches deep. Hubby and I leapt out of bed in our night gear and grabbed two brooms as the water was about to go under the front door and into the house. It appeared that the drain was unable to cope with the water so I was sure it was merely blocked with leaves but there were no leaves anywhere – they had all been washed away. Trying to sweep out water which has no place to go is actually a waste of time and effort. Standing in a shorty nightie whilst the rain pours down is no laughing matter either. The water was already going under the front door – a metre or so in front of that was the kitchen door and then the back door. Hubby had a master plan – grab blankets and towels and position them so that the water had no place to go except out of the back door. The plan worked to certain degree but generally speaking the water was seeping through the barricades and onto the fitted carpet in the lounge. Has anybody ever noticed how wet carpets smell like damp dog? After two fruitless hours of battling the forces of nature we retired to bed after getting into dry nightwear. We both had to work in the morning so I phoned a carpet cleaning company at break of day and asked them to come and sort out the saturated carpet. No chance – I was the fifth person who had phoned that morning. Evidently Phalaborwa had experienced 150mm of rain in the space of a couple of hours The Open Pit was flooded and pumps were under water. All over Phalaborwa there were uprooted trees, flooded shops and stinking carpets. Years went by and a contingent of Canadian families arrived as part of the underground project. They arrived in December – loads of heat and very little rain. I told them that we did not have a lot of rain in our area. During December and January we had very little rain and then at the beginning of February the heavens opened and we had more rain than even the most hardened resident could remember. The Selati River was in flood and so was the Letaba. I was going

to the Selati River Bridge as I had heard that it was anticipated that the bridge might give way so I picked up one of the Canadian ladies to go and see the spectacle. I think the whole of Phalaborwa was there – the cops were stopping traffic from using the bridge as it was expected to give way. The Canadian lady was a bit shattered to see the amount of people watching the river and photographers in action all over the place. She didn’t seem to understand that a lot of rain is a bit of a shock to the residents of this part of Limpopo. The Canadians all got a lot of mileage out of the fact that I had told them that it rarely rained in this part of the world, but worse was to come. One of the Canadian ladies asked if I could take her into the Kruger so she could see the effects of the rain there. I decided we should see if Sable Dam had improved as it had been little more than a puddle the last time I had been to the park. The first road leading into the dam had been blocked off by branches – obviously impassable, so I decided to try the road leading to the hide. On the way there a small stream of wear was pouring across the road. Since it was no more than a couple of inches deep I ploughed in with my little Mazda Rustler which promptly sank into what appeared to be quicksand and refused to move. I told my Canadian friend not to worry – a few branches and rocks under the wheels should sort us out. She was apprehensive about getting out of the vehicle – she appeared to think that lions, leopards and hyenas. were probably just waiting for us to stick our noses out of the bakkie. To cut a very long story short – we spent five hours stuck in the rivulet. Larger and more robust bakkies actually went past in the same stream and managed to get through. Two of them attached ropes to our front bumper and the ropes broke so both of them eventually gave up. A busload of tourists stopped to look at us and took numerous snapshots which was embarrassing. Sitting in the bakkie was so hot that I eventually managed to persuade my companion to paddle through the water and join me under a tree and eat our padkos. At twelve o’clock a park emergency vehicle came and winched us out. I never heard the end of it from the Canadians. They told their friends to take no notice of anything I said about the weather here –“ she thinks it never rains!” Jenny was too polite to say anything untoward!!

“Do not be angry with the rain. It simply does not know how to fall upwards”

Social Tzaneen St. Peter’s Night Fun Run 2 August

The Magoeba Trek will take place over 3 days, 2325 August 2019 from 06:00 at different venues in Haenertsburg. Tickets available at www. entryninia.com. Visit www.magoebatrek.co.za. For more information contact 066 231 6094 or email info@magoebaskloofmtb.co.za.

Mind-blowing Fact #124 During wildfires, trees can explode if water deep inside the tree quickly turns to steam.

Tzaneen Vossiefest 30-31 August

Tzaneen Letaba Show 7-9 August The Letaba Show will be held from 7 - 9 August 2019. For more information contact 015 307 2725 or email info@letabashow.co.za.


Follow us on Instagram: bulletintzn

Haenertsburg Magoeba Trek 23-25 August

The St Peter’s Night Fun Run will be held on 2 August 2019 at the Cnr of Agatha & Hermanus Streets from 17:00. For more information contact Wendy Graham on 015 307 3534 or email stpeters@tzaneen.co.za.

AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634. Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” 1 Peter 1:3-5. We have an incredible hope. But sometimes life can “get in the way” and it can be hard to hold on to that hope. There are many Bible verses about hope that encourage us and remind us of how much we have to hope for! Our hope is that after we have lived this life for Jesus we will be like Him and we will be with Him eternally. That’s what we live for. This requires that we don’t have our focus on things of the earth, but that we have our eyes set in the heavenly places. “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:1-2. Sometimes this can be hard to do, as the cares of this world threaten to choke out our hope and draw our sights down to an earthly level. But we know we have a better hope than that! Here is a collection of Bible verses about hope that can be used as a weapon to fight back those threats and help us to see past this world to the eternal. “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.” Ephesians 1:18. “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:17-18. Hope causes us not to get discouraged, not to give up, because we have something to keep going for. “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6. “Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14.

Hoërskool Ben Vorster bied die VossieFest aan op 30-31 Augustus 2019 vanaf 09h00 teen R60.00 per persoon. Vir meer inligting skakel 015 307 4490 of epos info@benvorster.co.za.

Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystr,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.

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Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594. NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastraat, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: 015 307 4807.

1368 09 2 57


The Numbers

6000 The amount of times the earth gets struck by Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469.

lightning every second.





2 August 2019


Star Spares rolbaldag ■ Joe Dreyer Die ATKV-Eiland rolbalspelers was hierdie afgelope week verras om te hoor dat op dieselfde dag as hulle Jaareinfunksie, hulle ook vir oulaas kon rol om goeie pryse te wen. Hierdie week se spel is deur Star Spares Tzaneen geborg. Tulli De Beer, Vakansiegangers Spelbestuurder, het die

pryse aan die wenners oorhandig. Die span van Johann Neethling, Jonel Hudson, Sonja Malan en Elize Malan het Saterdag se toernooi gewen met Manie Engelbrecht, Marius Steyn, Floors Venter en Toekie Swanepoel se span in die tweede plek. Keith Alexander, Nelia De Beer, Pat Strachan en Sas Struwig het met die derde plek weggestap.

1ste plek:- Johann Neethling, Jonel Hudson, Sonja Malan en Elize Malan Back: Oupa Ndou,Hitler Mathebula(Captain),Themba Machimane, Enos Maake, Nhlamulo Mkhari, Jordaan Ngobeni, Richard Vukeya. Front: Godfrey Blessie,Regionald Shinyangani, Sunday Sekgobela, Tiyiselani Mathye, Valen Blessie. Coach : Romeo Mongwe/David Mehlape.

More than country footy ■ Joe Dreyer SA Home / Tzaneen Country Lodge Soccer Club played against Leswika Classic United at Tzaneen Country Lodge’s sports grounds – AWETHU, on the 19th of July. The hosts won their match by a magnificent margin five golas to three. The beauty of this soccer club lies in the ideology of Simunye it propagates through the coming together of the communities in Tarentaalrand. The

regular practice sessions and the weekend matches help bring villagers and co-workers together in good spirits while keeping them fit and healthy. Through the players and their coach, Romeo Mongwe, this team has aided in getting the youth off the streets and out of trouble. The players also wish to thank Mrs Adri Kruger, owner of SA Home/Tzaneen Country Lodge for the support she is giving them as her employees and the surrounding community.

2de plek:- Manie Engelbrecht, Marius Steyn, Floors Venter en Toekie Swanepoel

3de plek:- Keith Alexander, Nelia De Beer, Pat Strachan en Sas Struwig


2 August 2019





Driekuns vir Plasies op 2019 Kaskar Prix ■ Joe Dreyer Die jaarlikse NG Kerk Letsitele Kaskar wedren het die afgelope naweek weer gesorg vir groot opwinding onder die plaaslike bevolking. Die Laerskool Dr Annecke het wééreens gasheer gespeel vir hordes skoliere en toeskouers wat op die terrein toegesak het vir wat net as ‘n byeenkoms soortgelyk aan die Formula 1-reeks beskryf kan word. Hierdie is nie speletjies, dit is ernstig met deeglike vooraf beplanning en strategie onder die “hardlopers” en die “drywers” – afgee en pitstops word beoefen en verfyn en daar word selfs aan gepaste oorlogkrete gewerk. Ja, die NG Kerk Kaskar is die ware Jakob. Die eerste wedren het al vroeg die oggend na die SAVF-Tzaneen Kleuterskool trompoppie-vertoning afgeskop met 10 Laerskool Junior spanne wat die baan aangepak het. Die amptenare moes wyd staan soos wat die kleintjies mekaar die stryd aangesê het om te sien wie die vinnigste tyd en die meeste rondtes kon voltooi. Vanjaar se wenners in hierdie kategorie was die fluse spannetjie van Rainbow Combined School geborg deur Northern Pump and Pipe, wat ‘n totaal van 31 rondtes (7.4 kilometer) afgelê het. Hul beste tyd was tydens rondte nommer vier aangeteken wat hulle in slegs 50 sekondes voltooi het. Tweede was Meridian College geborg deur Letsitele Signs en in die derde plek was The King’s Court wat deur Blinkwater Meule geborg is. Alhoewel Dr Annecke 1 in die sewende posisie geëindig het, het hierdie spannetjie die hoogste spoed in hierdie ouderdomsklas van 23.1 kilometer per uur behaal. Die kleuterskole het hul beurt om die baan gehad en daar het altesaam agt spanne mekaar in die oë gekyk. Die SAVF-Tzaneen Kleuterskool geborg deur Alliance Fruit het wéér vanjaar hierdie ouderdomsklas se resies gewen met ‘n pragtotaal van 30 voltooide rondtes en ‘n top spoed van 8.58 kilometer per uur. Hierdie spannetjie het daarin geslaag om ‘n totale afstand van 2.4 kilometer af te lê om hul geliefde skoolhoof, Annette Eastes, se twee-dekade lange loopbaan by dié skool op gepaste wyse af te sluit. The King’s Court geborg deur NTK het die tweede plek ingeneem met Jack and Jill, geborg deur Trophy Tyres wat die derde posisie bekleë het. Die vinnigste spannetjie in hierdie wedren was die vierde plek wenners, Voetspoortjies geborg deur Lannie Motors, wat ‘n top spoed van 12.31 kilometer per uur behaal het. Dinge het ernstig geraak net so na middagete toe die hoërskoolspanne nader staan en die groot karretjies nader getrek word. Daar was oorlogsverf, krete en dirigente met toeskouers wat bankvas op die hoofpawiljoen gesit het. Altesaam agt drywers het hul plekke ingeneem. Vier-en-twintig hardlopers staan slaggereed. Hierdie was ernstige besigheid. Die Hoërskool Merensky – hierdie jaar geborg deur NTT Toyota het net een span in geskryf. Maar hierdie een span was genoeg. Ten


einde van die toegelate tydstip was dit die Plasies wat vir die derde agtereenvolgende jaar as die wenners uit die stryd getree het met 39 rondtes, ‘n totaal van 9.36 kilometer en ‘n top spoed van 21.66 kilometer per uur. Hierdie oorwinning was Merensky se 13de wen in die 20 jaar bestaan van die Letsitele Kaskar wedren. Phalaborwa se Frans du Toit 1, geborg deur Du Roi Kwekery, het tweede geëindig met 38 voltooide rondtes en ‘n totaal van 9.12 kilometer. In die derde plek was Rainbow Combined School, geborg deur Laeveld Trekkers met 36 rondtes en ‘n totale afstand van 8.64 kilometer. Meridian College, geborg deur Wolvaardt Boerdery, het die vinnigste spoed geklok op die dag toe hulle in hul tweede rondte die 35 kilometer per uur merk verby gesteek het. Die laaste wedren van die dag was die Laerskool Senior spanne. Twaalf spanne het mekaar hier op die baan ontmoet en ten einde die voorgeskrewe tyd was dit Rainbow Combined School, geborg deur Bosveld Smeermiddels, wat met loure weggestap het. Hierdie spannetjie het ‘n totaal van 8.64 kilometer afgelê in die 36 rondtes wat hulle voltooi het. Die tweede plek het behoort aan die span van Meridian College Tzaneen, geborg deur KM Bolt, wat 35 rondtes voltooi het met 8.4 kilometer in totaal afgelê. Die derde plek het aan die span uit Modjadjiskloof gegaan. The King’s Court, geborg deur Dole, het ‘n totaal van 33 rondtes, of te wel 7.9 kilometer voltooi. Om al die foto’s op die dag te besigtig, gaan besoek gerus ons Facebook blad of volg ons op Instagram @Bulletintzn vir daaglikse foto’s en video plasings.







Frans du Toit





2 August 2019

Ben Vorste


King’s Court







2 August 2019





Flying silver Filen

The Annies’ golden ballers

Riley Filen, a Grade 9 Stanford Lake College pupil, is a downhill mountain biker by heart and loves going fast and getting technical on the tracks. This past weekend, he took part in the fourth round of the SA Cup Downhill series. This took place at Iron Throne Bike Park at the Hartbeespoort Cableway. Riley did very well, finishing in second place on the day, bringing home the silver. With this result, he also managed to finish second in the series for Gauteng and Mpumalanga.

Two Annies were recently selected to represent their country in the sport of Ringball. Sven Hedin has been selected as a player in the Ringball South Africa RSA U/11 Boys team at the Ringball SA National Championships that took place during the week of 24 to 29 June in Pretoria (He receives his SA col-

ours). This team will participate in exhibition games on Friday, the 9th of August and Saturday, the 10th of August in Durban. Tyra du Plessis also received her SA Colours at the Ringball SA National Championships and is selected as a player and the Captain of the RSA U/13 Girls team.

Coetzees bring Noordvaal buit huistoe

Lia Coetzee het tydens die Artistiese gimnastiek kampioenskap op Thabazimbi in Mei vanjaar, haar Limpopo kleure verwerf met ‘n brons medalje vir vlak 3. Daarna het sy in Junie by die Noord Zone byeenkoms in Centurion ‘n silwer medalje gewen vir artistiese gimnastiek op Vlak 3 in die O/8-ou-

derdomsgroep. Haar suster, Katryn Coetzee het ook haar Limpopo kleure verwerf vir vlak 1 artistiese gimnastiek en stap weg met ‘n goue medalje. Tydens die Noord Zone byeenkoms het sy nog ‘n goue medalje ontvang vir vlak 1 O/6 jaar artistiese gimnastiek.

Miami Magoebaskloof MTB Challenge So paar van Dr Annecke se fietsryers het onlangs aan die XCO MTB Limpopo reeks en aan die Miami Magoebaskloof MTB Challenge deelgeneem. Elrene Knoetze het haar XCO-wedren in ‘n algeheel vyfde plek in die Nipper afdeling klaar gemaak en het daarna ‘n tweede plek losgetrap in die Nipper afdeling van die Miami Magoebas. Hardus Louw het ‘n vierde plek ingepalm in die XCO-resies in die Seuns Sub-Junior Afdeling waarna hy aan die strawwe 35km Miami Magoebas Half Maraton deelgeneem en sesde geëindig het. Bernard Louw het ook 18de in Limpopo geëindig na die laaste XCO wedren en 15de uit 88 ryers in die Miami Moagoebas.


August 2019

Foto deur: Kobie van Jaarsveld, Burstforth


2 August 2019






Publication of: FAR NORTH

Bulletin F A R



Personnel Editor / Journalist Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Accounts / Admin Jacqueline Fourie 083 294 7747 admin@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Jacques Smuts (Best/Man) 071 268 2543 jacques@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tamryn Lancefield 083 637 9551 tamryn@bulletin.us.com Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi Letsitele • Gravelotte • Mica Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco Lenyenye • Nkowankowa Giyani • Phalaborwa

Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Mahindra-trekkers nou in Suid-Afrika ■ Mercedes-Benz South Africa Mahindra Suid-Afrika is besig om sy voetspoor in Suid-Afrika te vergroot met die bekendstelling van sy reeks taai en doeltreffende plaastoerusting. Die aankondiging is in Mei vanjaar in Noord-Wes gemaak. Die maatsskappy se volledige reeks Mahindra trekkers en werktuie, Sampo Rosenlew oesdorsmasjiene en Hisarlar plaaswerktuie is in Suid-Afrika bekend gestel. Die produkte word ingevoer van Indië, Finland en Turkye. Tydens die bekendstelling van die reeks landbouwerktuie, het Arvind Matthew, Hoof van Internasionale Bedrywighede by Mahindra & Mahindra, gesê: “Aangesien Suid-Afrika een van die mees ontwikkelde markte vir plaasmasjinerie is, en nou ook met ons sterk teenwoordigheid wat reeds met motors, generators en konstruksietoerusting gevestig is, is die tyd geleë vir Mahindra om sy uitgebreide reeks boerdery-oplossings hier aan te bied. Ons sal voortgaan om die standaarde te verhoog met betrekking tot tegnologie en innovasie sodat ons positiewe verandering in Suid-Afrika teweeg kan bring.” Met hierdie aankondiging verteenwoordig Mahindra Suid-Afrika nou vier bepaalde produkreekse in Suid-Afrika. Die maatskappy is welbekend vir sy reeks bakkies en SNV’s, met die Mahindra Bolero- en Pik Up-modelle wat goed deur boere ontvang is. In dié hoedanigheid is Mahindra, wat ‘n aanleg in 2018 oopgemaak het. een van die snelgroeiende voertuig-handelsmerke in Suid-Afrika, met die Pik Up wat een van Suid-Afrika se top 10 gunstelingbakkies is. Mahindra bied ook ’n reeks konstruksietoerusting onder die Mahindra EarthMaster-handelsmerk aan, wat trugraaflaaiers en ander geelmetaalprodukte insluit. Laastens, bied Mahindra ’n omvattende reeks Powerol industriële diesel-aangedrewe generators, wat hy in Suid-Afrika verkoop en diens. As deel van sy verbintenis om landswye verkope en dienssteun te voorsien, het Mahindra ’n vennootskap met MB Plant SA (MBSA) aangegaan om sy netwerk van stedelike en plattelandse verkoops- en diensafsetpunte te gebruik. MBSA is ’n afdeling van die internasionale MB AfroA-

Die maatsskappy se volledige reeks Mahindra trekkers en werktuie, Sampo Rosenlew oesdorsmasjiene en Hisarlar plaaswerktuie in Suid-Afrika bekend gestel.

sia-groep, met bedrywighede in meer as 20 lande. Mahindra 6000- en 7500-trekkers: Die hoogtepunt van die aankondiging was Mahindra se reeks trekkers, wat sy 7500- en 6000-reeks insluit. Die reeks strek van die 55pk-Mahindra 6060 tot die kragtige Mahindra 7590, met sy 92pk-dieselenjin. Die 7500-reeks trekkers is toegerus met ’n swaardiensgietyster-onderstel, die keuse van viertrekaandrywing en tweegangkragaftakkerstelsels (PTO). Krag word aan die wiele gelewer deur Mahindra se eiendoms-Easy Shift gesinchroniseerde ratkas. Al die 7500-modelle het viersilinder-turboaangejaagde dieselenjins met tussenkoelers. In die 6000-reeks, is die viersilinder-turbodieselenjin geoptimaliseer om ’n besonder plat wringkurwe te lewer, wat maksimum kraglewering in beide die PTO- en trektoepassing bied. Beide die 7500- en die 6000-reeks het toegewyde, linker-

handse gesinchroniseerde truratte wat gladde beheer vir maksimum rendement gedurende swaar laai- en wenakkerbedrywighede bied. Die agteras het groot olieverkoelde skyfremme en swaardiensbinneplaneetreduksie-eenhede vir sterkte, veiligheid en betroubaarheid. ’n Luukse kajuitmodel met kragwisseltransmissie ondergaan tans homologering en sal binnekort by die produkreeks gevoeg word. Hisarlar- en Mahindra-werktuie en ander plaasmasjinery: Mahindra se reeks landbouwerktuie word afgerond deur ’n uitgebreide reeks werktuie vir elke stap in die oessiklus. Hierdie werktuie, wat in Indië en Turkye vervaardig word, is kragtig getoets op verskillende grondtoestande en toepassings. Die omvattende reeks werktuie sluit in: Ploegtoerusting - swaar beitels, ploeë, egte, draaiploeë Saai- en plantmasjiene Bemestingspreiders en toedieners Na-oestoerusting - klepermaaiers en snippermasjiene Hooitoerusting - harke, klein vierkantige baalperse en kuilvoerbaalperse Sampo Rosenlew-oesdorsmasjien: Sampo Rosenlew is ’n wêreldbekende vervaardiger van oesdorsmasjiene met meer as 50 000 eenhede wat in 60 lande, in warm sowel as koue klimate, verkoop word. Mahindra se volledige reeks plaastoerusting was vanjaar ten toon gestel word by NAMPO Oesfees wat in Mei op Bothaville in die Vrystaat plaasgevind het.

Suzuki Super Carry a world first for SA New-generation Super Carry LCV makes world début in SA First LCV to be introduced by Suzuki Auto SA mpressive 750 kg payload ensures exceptional utility Benefits from Suzuki’s established quality and durability

■ Roelof de Jonge The Suzuki Super Carry compact bakkie made its world debut in South Africa in 2016, and was the first market worldwide outside of India to introduce this pickup. The latest version of the Super Carry also became the first Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) to be introduced by Suzuki Auto South Africa. The ultra-compact bakkie, with its cabover design and large load deck, has since became a popular choice for small business owners and entrepreneurs seeking a lightweight, user-friendly workhorse with exceptional load carrying capacity linked to low running costs. At the same time, the Super Carry benefits from Suzuki Auto SA’s established dealer network, its enviable service reputation, and the renowned reliability of the marque’s vehicles. Now in its 11th generation, the Super Carry was first launched in Japan back in 1961 under the Suzulight banner. Since then, it has become a popular and legendary small utility vehicle, not only in Japan, but also in a long list of export markets. The latest Super Carry boasts an impressive payload of 750kg, together with a class-best load bay width of 1,49m, while a 175mm ground clearance allows the compact bakkie to go across challenging ter-

rain. A turning circle of just 8,6m ensures exceptional agility and manoeuvrability, even in tight spaces. Powering the new Super Carry is Suzuki’s tried and tested GB12 four-cylinder petrol engine. The multipoint fuel-injected unit has a maximum power output of 54kW at 6 000 rpm, combined with a maximum range of 101Nm torque at 3 000 rpm. The gearbox is a five-speed manual powering the rear wheels. The combination of low weight and an economical drivetrain makes the Super Carry the most fuel-efficient vehicle in its class, while also keeping running costs low, a factor that will be of particular importance to small enterprises. The suspension combines the ride comfort of an independent front suspension featuring MacPherson struts and coil springs, with the robustness and load carrying capacity of a rigid axle and leaf springs at the rear. The cab-over design allow for compact dimensions and a surprisingly spacious two-seater cabin. The Super Carry is just 3,8m long and 1,56m wide, yet features a load deck measuring a generous 2,18m x 1,49m. The raised seating position allows for superior visibility, adding to the vehicle’s overall ease of use. The new Suzuki Super Carry is produced

in India for the SA market and is on sale through Suzuki’s national dealer network. The Suzuki Super Carry includes a three-year or 100 000km warranty.

For more information on the Suzuki Super Carry, contact BB Suzuki Tzaneen at 015 307 3749 or visit the BB Suzuki Tzaneen dealership at Skirving Street.





2 August 2019



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2 August 2019






Familieboerderye van onskatbare waarde ■ Vroue Landbou Unie Dr Theo de Jager was gedurende Mei vanjaar in Luxemburg as die president van die Wêreld Landbou Organisasie (WLO) herverkies. Hy was in 2017 die eerste Suid-Afrikaner om as president van die WLO verkies te word. Hierdie organisasie word deur ongeveer 1,4 miljard boere van sowat 54 lande van regoor die wêreld verteenwoordig en asook die landbougemeenskap by die Verenigde Nasies. De Jager het die kwessie van ‘n familieboerdery aangeraak en vertel juis waarom hierdie aspek in boerderye regoor die wêreld so ‘n belangrike rol speel. “Hierdie jaar is die begin van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) se Dekade vir Familieboerderye. Na ʼn suksesvolle bewusmakingsveldtog deur 2014 se Internasionale Jaar vir Familieboerderye, het die VN besluit om ʼn hele dekade aan hierdie tema te wy, en daar is goeie redes hiervoor,” het Dr de Jager gesê. Hy is van mening dat boere oral oor die wêreld die mees konserwatiewe deel van samelewings vorm, en ‘n anker vir ‘n waardesisteem vorm. “Familieboerderye is die knooppunt van ondernemerskap en vindingryke welvaartskepping waar die wêreld dit die nodigste het, naamlik in die platteland. In geen ander bedryf word kennis, vaardighede en ekonomiese impak sterker of wyer van geslag tot geslag oorgedra, as in familieboerderye nie.” De Jager het gesê dat familieboerderye die grootste enkele werkskepper in die wêreld is. Volgens hom skep 20 boere wat elk 100 hektaar bewerk byna dubbeld soveel werkgeleenthede as een groot boer wat 2 000 hektaar bewerk. “Familieboerderye is die fondasie van plattelandse dorpies. Dit hou

die buitestedelike wêreld in stand. Dit skep geleenthede vir boekhouers, prokureurs, onderwysers, verspreiders, verwerkers en kleinhandelaars om in klein landelike dorpe te werk, en is die naaf waarom hulle besigheid draai.” Hy het gesê dat die stryd teen armoede, honger en werkloosheid die grootste faktor van die huidige generasie is, en volgens hom lê familieboerderye in die voorste loopgrawe in die oorlog daarteen. “Die probleem is dat familieboerderye ʼn bedreigde spesie is, want wêreldwyd neem groter korporatiewe boerderye met die voordeel van skaal, markte en waardekettings oor. ‘n Mega-boerdery se diensverskaffers is eerder in die stad as in ʼn klein dorpie, en so word geleenthede, ondernemerskap en besluitneming dikwels buite die plattelandse gemeenskap geneem”, volgens de Jager. Sy mening is dat groot boere groter word, en die kleineres agterweë gelaat word. Volgens de Jager is dit waarom die VN besluit het om die eweredige verspreiding van welvaartskepping en geleenthede ʼn hupstoot te gee, deur vir die volgende dekade op die vestiging en uitbreiding van familieboerderye te konsentreer. “Wanneer ons hierdie verskynsel hier ter sprake onder die vergrootglas sit, is daar ‘n paar feite wat mens van familieboerderye besef”, het de Jager gesê. “Familieboerderye sluit ‘n baie breë spektrum in, van groot tot klein, ryk en arm, wit en swart, oud en jonk, en dek die hele politieke speelveld ook. Hulle raak wel minder, van 125 000 in 1990 tot 35 000 huidiglik. Familieboerderye is die grootste enkele teenmiddel teen verstedeliking, maar verkeer onder geweldige politieke, ekonomiese en sosiale druk, wat hulle welstand en voortbestaan bedreig.” Volgens de Jager is familieboerderye grondgebaseerde ondernemings wat deur ʼn familie besit en bestuur word. “En in die middel van ʼn gesin is daar ʼn ma. Sy is die gom wat ʼn ge-

sin aanmekaar hou. Vroue speel vandag ʼn reuse rol in landbou. Daar is meer vroue wat boer as mans, in Afrika en Asië byna twee keer meer”, het de Jager gesê. Van die wêreld se heel sterkste burgerlike vroueleiers buite politiek is nasionale landbouleiers soos Katie Milnes van Nieu Zeeland, Minette Batters van Brittanje, Christiane Lambert van Frankryk, die Ugandese Elizabeth Nsimadala van die East African Farmers Federation, Lone Anderson van Denemarke, Fiona Simson van Australië en Arianna Giuliodori van Italië. “Elkeen van hulle troon uit as pasaangeërs in ʼn uitdagende tyd, van Brexit, Geelbaadjies en klimaatsonderhandelinge tot die herstrukturering van die Afrika-unie se landboustrategie.” De Jager het verder gesê vroue is vir nog ʼn belangriker rede die spilpunt waarom landbou draai. Volgens hom is die hele landbouwaardeketting deur markte gerig. “Boere produseer net dit wat die mark by hulle sal koop. En daardie mark is in die laaste instansie ʼn ma in ʼn gesin wat besluit wat vanaand vir ete voorgesit gaan word. Dit bring ons terug by die kern van die VN se prioriteit vir die volgende 10 jaar, die gesin se plek in die platteland, oftewel familieboerdery. Dit is ʼn viering van die rol van die vrou, tot in die verste hoeke van die wêreld. En hier in Suid-Afrika is dit julle vroue wat help om die deurslag te gee”, het de Jager gesê.

Break environmental laws at your own peril ■

Louise Agenbag, Polygon Environmental Planning There were some headlines recently that sent shock waves through the environmental and agricultural industries in recent weeks, after a Clanwilliam farmer, Tierhoek Boerdery, was fined a whopping R3.5 million for 11 transgressions relating to the construction of two dams without the necessary authorisations. Comments on the case ranged from outrage that a farming operation, which plays a vital role in the local economy and by all accounts also makes a significant socio-economic contribution to their local community, should be slapped with such a big fine to concerns that the fine was not big enough to deter big developers who may be weighing their options about proceeding without authorisation. The charges sprang from two off stream irrigation dams which were constructed by Tierhoek, and for which they failed to obtain the required authorisations, including a Water Use Licence (WUL) for storage of water, Environmental Authorisation (EA), licence to construct a dam with safety risk and registration of dams with safety risk after completion of construction amongst others. Two years after the activities were first identified during an “Enforcement and Monitoring Blitz” by

the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in 2017, Tierhoek Boerdery has now been fined for six transgressions of water-related legislation and five environmental transgressions. This farming business was ordered to pay R1,25m to DWS, R1,25m to the Western Cape provincial Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, and R1m to the National Prosecuting Authority. This is still far below the maximum penalties allowed for in legislation. The National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, 1998, as amended) makes provision for fines of up to R10m per transgression (and there may be several transgressions as part of one development) and/or imprisonment of up to 10 years, while the National Water Act (NWA, 1998, as amended) allows for a fine and/or imprisonment of up to five years for a first conviction or up to 10 years for a second or subsequent conviction. It is important to note that in terms of both NEMA and NWA, penalties become harsher when it is not the first conviction, to discourage repeat offenders. Potential penalties for transgressions have become more significant over the course of the last two decades since NEMA and NWA were promulgated, and enforcement has also been progressively tightened by the authorities. Louise Agenbag from Polygon Environmental Planning shared these guidelines for prospecting

farmers and developers regarding this issue. The old saying, “It’s easier to say sorry than to ask permission”, definitely does not hold water. But what can be done to ensure that such people stay on the right side of the law and prevent a scenario where they face fines and/or prison time? These few basic steps should keep you safe: Remember, not knowing is not an excuse. It’s tough keeping up with evolving environmental legislation, especially if that’s not your primary business. However, the authorities won’t excuse a transgression just because you genuinely didn’t know that authorisation was required. That’s where an environmental consultant comes in. It is their job to know what is required and to give advice accordingly. When in doubt, approach an expert. When planning any new activity, expansion or upgrading of existing activities, consult an environmental consultant. An environmental consultant will quickly be able to tell if an activity is likely to trigger authorisation in terms of environmental, water or related legislation, and will likely provide that advice for free. Cooperate with the authorities. They are more interested in solving the problem (non-compliance which should be brought into compliance) than in simply punishing a farmer or developer for the sake of punishment. If a department such as LEDET (Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism) or DWS approaches farmers or developers about suspected non-compliance, provide them with the requested information.

• Environmental impact assessment. • Water use licence applications. • Environmental compliance monitoring. • Environmental due diligence

And if you receive a “pre-compliance notice”, a notice of intention to issue a compliance notice, make sure to respond within the specified timeframe, which is usually 14 days. Don’t try to hide any activities. It always comes to light sooner than later. While the authorities themselves don’t have the resources to scrutinise every property for possible non-compliance, unlawful activities usually get exposed either by neighbours or members of the public, or if you apply later for authorisation for another activity on the property and the original one is discovered. If you have already undertaken activities without authorisation for whatever reason, there are processes by which you can apply for late authorisation. Polygon Environmental Planning in Tzaneen would be happy to do a screening of planned or existing activities in order to advise on the authorisations required, as well as to undertake the required applications from start to finish, ensuring that a project is fully compliant.

and screening investigations. • Cultivation, biodiversity and Alien Invasive Species permit applications. • Section 24G applications for ex post facto environmental authorisation.

Contact: Louise Agenbag 015 307 3606 / 083 339 2731 E-mail: louise@polygon.co.za www.polygonenvironmental.co.za 21C Peace Str, Tzaneen, 0850

Make sure your project is legally compliant – contact Polygon for guidance on the environmental requirements for your project.





2 August 2019



Verhoog die opbrengste van jou Koolgewasse ■


Die toename in insetkoste en die vraag na gehalte produkte noodsaak die groenteboer van vandag om ten alle tye optimale produksie na te streef en die skaars hulpbronne so goed as moontlik te bestuur. In hierdie artikel bespreek Sakata, ‘n leier op die gebied van koolgewasse in Suid-Afrika, twee van die belangrikste faktore om optimale produksie te bereik, naamlik die bemesting en besproeiing van hierdie gewasgroep. Besproeiingswater word al hoe skaarser en die regulering daarvan gaan steeds strenger toegepas word. Ons sal moet leer om ons beskikbare besproeiingswater so doeltreffend as moontlik te gebruik. Een van die mees doeltreffende en ekonomiese metodes om hierdie doel te bereik is deur gebruik te maak van drupbemesting. Die persepsie bestaan dat wateroplosbare bemestingstowwe duurder is en vir hierdie rede word daar soms weggeskram van hierdie praktyk. In werklikheid is hierdie metode baie meer effektief deurdat die voedingstowwe direk by die wortelsone toegedien word en dus onmiddellik vir die plant beskikbaar is. Dit het ook vandag nodig geword om die verskillende variëteite te bemes volgens hulle spesifieke behoeftes. Daar is byvoorbeeld geen sin daarin om steeds stikstof toe te dien as die plant dit nie meer kan opneem nie. Hierdie benadering lei telkens tot besparings op bemesting en ‘n verlaging in produksiekoste. Nieteenstaande sulke verlagings, kan die gehalte en opbrengs steeds verbeter word. Dit is belangrik om beide grond- en besproeiingswater te laat ontleed. Deur die analises gereeld uit te voer, kan akkurate bemestingsprogramme opgestel word wat weereens telkens groot besparings in die hand werk. Wateranalises is nodig om die mineralesoute wat in water voorkom te bepaal. Hierdie soute bepaal die beskikbaarheid van voedingstowwe aan die gewasse en moet in aanmerking geneem word in die samestelling van ‘n bemestingsprogram. Drupbemesting is baie eenvoudiger as wat soms

geglo word. Daar is ‘n hele aantal bekostigbare, eenvoudige stelsels beskikbaar wat maklik is om in stand te hou en goeie waarde vir geld bied. Dit is ‘n voorvereiste om slegs wateroplosbare bemestingstowwe in hierdie stelsels te gebruik, aangesien produkte wat moeilik oplosbaar of onoplosbaar is, die druppers kan beskadig en verstop. Afhangende van die boer se bestuurstelsel en behoeftes, kan hy kies tussen voorafvermengde mengsels wat reeds die makro- en mikro-voedingstowwe in een sak bevat, of hy kan sy eie kombinasie van mikro- en makro elemente saamstel. Hierdie “saamgestelde mengsels volgens behoefte” is meer bestuursintensief maar kan baie koste-effektief wees. In hierdie geval word tot ses of meer verskillende elemente vereis om aan die voedingsbehoeftes van die gewas te voldoen en word dit gelyktydig toegedien. Vir koolgewasse word daar normaalweg tussen 10 en 20 % van die bemestingsbehoefte vooraf in die grond ingewerk. Na plant word daar aanvanklik klein hoeveelhede bemesting deur die drup toegedien en dan geleidelik verhoog in ooreenstemming met die fisiologiese groeibehoeftes van die plant. Nadat die volwasse stadium bereik is neem die behoeftes geleidelik af tot met oes. Dit is verder belangrik om die regte variëteit te plant op die regte tyd om optimale opbrengs te verkry. Vandag se baster variëteite beskik oor goeie siekteweerstand wat nodig is vir die produsent om ‘n goeie oes te verkry en om chemiese bespuiting te verminder. Sakata se koolvariëteite bied presies wat die produsent verlang – goeie kwaliteit groot kole met uitstekende siektebestandheid. Optima beskik oor weerstand teen Swartvrot en is dus hoofsaaklik geskik vir areas waar die Swartvrot druk baie hoog is. Met die huidige wisselvallige klimaatsomstandighede, bied dit vir die produsent addisionale versekering van goeie kwaliteit koppe. Optima is ‘n sterk groeier en neem ongeveer 80 tot 100 dae om bekwaamheid te bereik nadat dit verplant is. Die groot raam bes-kerm die koppe baie goed teen sonbrand asook windskade. Koppe is semi-rond tot rond met ‘n kopgrootte tussen 3 en 5 kg.

Superslam* beskik oor uitstekende koue toleransie en het ‘n baie hoë opbrengspotensiaal

Superslam* is Sakata se nuutste kool variëteit en is soortgelyk aan die bekende Grandslam van ouds. Superslam* kan gesaai word vanaf laatsomer tot vroeg in die herfs en is baie aanpasbaar tot die verskeie areas in Suid-Afrika se klimaatsomstandighede. Die saailinge is baie groeikragtig met goeie eenvormigheid. Superslam* produseer ronde koppe met ‘n groot raam en goeie gewig (3 tot 5 kg) met goeie houvermoë op die land. Vir meer inligting oor koolverbouing of Sakata se koolvariëteite skakel gerus Leon Labuschagne by 083 585 1181 of besoek Sakata se webwerf by www.sakata.co.za *Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.

AFWYSENDE KLOUSULE: Hierdie inligting is op ons waarnemings en/of inligting vanaf ander bronne gebaseer. Aangesien gewasprestasie van die interaksie tussen die genetiese potensiaal van die saad, die fisiologiese eienskappe daarvan en die omgewing, bestuurspraktyke ingesluit, afhang, gee ons geen waarborg uitdruklik of deur implikasie, vir die prestasie van gewasse relatief tot die inligting gegee, nog aanvaar ons enige aanspreeklikheid vir enige verlies, direk of as gevolg daarvan, wat tewyte aan enige oorsaak ookal mag ontstaan. Lees eers asseblief Sakata Seed Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd se verkoopsvoorwaardes voordat saad bestel word.

Sandriver Crop Protection wil u graag in kennis stel dat ons beskikbaar gaan wees vir die voor en na blom blaaspootjie spuit seisoen. Vir enige navrae of besprekings, skakel ons gerus. Ockie Erasmus 083 456 3265 • Billy Erasmus 082 444 7998 Leon De Lange 072 323 0168 email: info@sandrivercrop.co.za • leon@sandrivercrop.co.za

Vir al jou lugbespuitings-behoeftes


2 August 2019






Uitstekende somervariëteit Uitstaande hitte toleransie Uitstekende somervariëteit

Intermediêre Uitstaande hitte bestandheid toleransie teen Swartvrot Sakata kool variëteite:

Intermediêre bestandheid teen Swartvrot

kata kool variëteite:



* Eksperimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.



erimenteel: Hierdie variëteit is steeds eksperimenteel, maar registrasie is reeds ingedien vir Suid-Afrikaanse kultivar lysting.





office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requested assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr M J Mathye (015-307-8031). Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850. Tel. 015 307 1041. Ref. J218

I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 964 Haenertsburg hereby give notice in terms of Section 68 of the SPLUMA By-Law of Greater Tzaneen Municipality 2016, read together with Clause 15 of the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme 2000, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for Special Consent to utilise the property for the purposes of a Guest House. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 02 August 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 02 September 2019, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during



SULE 15 VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA 2000 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 964 Haenerstburg gee hiermee ingegvolge Artikel 68 van die SPLUMA By-Wet 2016 van die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, saamgelees met Klousule 15 van die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema 2000 kennis dat ek die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir Spesiale Toestemming om die eiendom te gebruik vir ‘n Gastehuis.

2 August 2019



THE KING’S COURT Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 02 Augustus 2019 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik voor 02 September 2019 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmak-

er se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015-307 1041. Verw. J218 Aug102__________________________

Destined to win through the Word

Christian School

Destined to win through the Word


EDUCATOR VACANCIES We have the following vacancies for Educators: High School IEB Gr 10-12 Accountancy Appropriate teaching qualification, experience and SACE registration is required. Applicants must be fully committed Christians and possess excellent English skills. All applicants must be in possession of full police clearance.

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2004 Mazda Drifter s/c, 4x4, 2,5L diesel R85 000 Marius: 082 493 0449

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2006 Ford Ranger s/c, 2,5 diesel R80 000 Marius: 082 493 0449


Jeep Grand Cherokee, 2003, TDi 2,7L, R95 000 Marius: 082 493 0449

My name is W. Mbhombi. I’m looking for Driver Position. I have a Code EC1 licence with PRDP. I can drive Tipper Truck and all other trucks. Contact me on 073 861 2994 ________________________

1½ Bedroom to rent – R3800.00 water & lights included. Key deposit. 9km out of town. Contact Henta – 065 092 0606




Of Ga-Mahowa village passed away on Wednesday 24/07/2019 and will be buried on Saturday 3/08/2019.

Of Ga-Kgapane village passed away on Friday 26/07/2019 and will be buried on Saturday 03/08/2019.

Of Mawa Block 8 village passed away on Thursday 25/07/2019 and will be buried on Saturday 03/08/2019.

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DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468


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VW Tiguan 2.0 ,TDi, b/m trend, 153000km, R195 000 Marius: 082 493 0449

The service will be held from home in Ga-Mahowa and will proceed to the local cemetery in Ga-Mahowaat 08:00

The service will be held from home in Ga-Kgapanevillage and will proceed to the local cemetery in Ga-Kgapaneat 08:00

The service will be held from home in Mawa Block 8 village and will proceed to the local cemetery in Mawa Block 8 at 08:00

Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/3882

Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/3883

Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/3884

2011 Toyota Hilux 2.5 d4d, R145 000 Marius: 082 493 0449

2018 VW Polo Vivo, 1.4i, comfort line, 16045km, R195 000 Marius: 082 493 0449

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2 August 2019





Vernuftige Vossie-Skuts ■ Ben Vorster Die Vossie-skuts het hul vernuf weereens gewys by die afgelope naweek se kompetisie wat deur PHS aangebied is. Vier skole het aan die kragmeting deelgeneem. Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster-skuts is by uitstek van deursettingsvermoë en durf aanmekaar gesit! Hulle oefen vier keer per week en neem aan 12 kompetisies deel van Januarie tot Oktober. Hulle is díé span in Limpopo met ses eerste plekke, 10 tweede plekke en 11 derde plekke. Ben Vorster–fynskuts, wat hul staal gewys het, was Maryke Basson, Mareli Delport, Zack Verster, Johandré le Roux en Liam Meredith (O/21). Zander Engelbrecht, Cleo Kotzé, Semilda van Hansen, Pieter Basson, (O/16) en Tiard Thompson en Joshua Prior in die O/14 ouderdom. Mareli was eerste in die 3P-lê posisie (O/21) met ‘n telling van 194/200, met Maryke tweede, (193/200) en Zack derde (189/200). Cleo was tweede in die lê-posisie (O/16) met 188/200 en Pieter derde met 186/200. In die O/21-staan-posisie was Maryke eerste met 176/200, Zack tweede met 160/200 en Johandré derde met 160 op ‘n terugtelling. Pieter was tweede in die O/16-staan met 160/200 en Cleo vierde.

In die O/21-knielposisie was Johandré eerste met 175/200, Mareli tweede met 172 en Maryke derde met 169. Zander was tweede in O/16-kniel met 184/200 en Pieter derde met 171/200. Tiard was derde in die O/14-ouderdom. Maryke was eerste in die 3P-totaal, 10m-staan en Algeheel - met ‘n totaal van 353/400 (10m), Mareli tweede en Johandré derde. Pieter was tweede in die O/16 10m-staan, 3P-totaal en Algeheel met Zander derde. Tiard was derde in die O/14-ouderdom se 3P-afdeling en Algeheel tweede. Maryke vertrek hierdie week na Engeland om te gaan deelneem aan die Junior British International Championship in Bisley, Engeland. Sy’s die enigste Limpopo skut wat in die SA-Skolespan is. Die Vossies sien uit na goeie tellings en medaljes! Maryke Basson vertrek hierdie week na Engeland om te gaan deelneem aan die Junior British International Championship in Bisley, Engeland.

Voor: Zack Verster, Cleo Kotzé, Johandré le Roux, Maryke Basson en me. Anél Griesel (afrigter). Agter: Pieter Basson, Mareli Delport, Tiard Thompson, Zander Engelbrecht, Liam Meredith en Semilda van Hansen. Afwesig: Joshua Prior.

Lebogang a netball champ ■ Ben Vorster

Voor: Marnus Kruger, Juan Meintjes en Armand van Vuuren. Agter: Liandri de Bruin. Afwesig: Erno Botha.

Swemmers presteer!

Lebogang Maupye was selected as a player identified with talent for further netball at the All Ages netball tournament at Boksburg during the school holiday and was invited from 11 – 14 July to the TID training camp and trials for the U/20 team of Netball South Africa held at the UJ. She went through a fitness test, physical strength test, and mental tests and learned a lot of skills during this time. She was selected as a non-traveling reserve player. We are extremely proud of Lebo and wish her all of the best for her future in netball.

■ Ben Vorster Vyf leerlinge van Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het uitstekend gevaar tydens die Age Group 2 Swemgala, wat op Saterdag 20 Julie 2019 te Ben Vorster, plaasgevind het. Die uitslae was as volg: Seuns - Juan Meintjes S O/13 - 50m-rugslag 1ste, 100m-rugslag 1ste, 50m-vryslag 1ste en 100m-vryslag 3de. - Armand van Vuuren S O/13 – 100m-vlinderslag 2de, 50m-rugslag 2de, 100m-rugslag 2de, 200m-rugslag 2de en 200m-IM 2de. - Marnus Kruger S O/14 – 200m-IM 1ste, 100m-rugslag 1ste, 50m-borslag 1ste, 200m-borslag 1ste, 100m-vryslag 1ste en 100m-vlinderslag 1ste. - Erno Botha S O/16 – 100m-rugslag 2de, 50m-vryslag 1ste, 100m-vryslag 2de en 50m-borsslag 2de. Dogters - Liandri de Bruin D O/15 – 200m-IM 3de, 50m-rugslag 1ste, 50m-vryslag 1ste, 100m-vryslag 3de en 50m-borslag 3de.

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2 August 2019



Merensky 7’s een voor na openings segetog P


Breëbors junior en senior Plasies met afrigters: Tiaan Knoetze en Steve Kruger (links); Willem Hermann en Clinton Gerber (regs).

■ Merensky

Carl Dohse en Altus van Heerden ontvang een van die o/15-trofees.

Hoërskool Merensky se O/15en O/17-rugbyspanne het die afgelope Saterdag aan die eerste Sewes toernooi van die seisoen deelgeneem. Die Hansie 7’s Toernooi is aangebied by Hoërskool Hans Strijdom in Mookgopong. Deelnemende spanne was Hoërskole Nylstroom, Merensky, Frans du Toit en Hans Strijdom. Die Plasies se O/15-span het in hul eerste wedstryd met Hans Strijdom-A afgereken met ‘n 22-17 oorwinning. Daarna het hulle Hans Strijdom-B met 38-0 kafgedraf en wéér Hans

Strijdom-A die stryd in die eindstryd aangesê, om uiteindelik met 26-12 te seëvier. Hierdie belowende span wen ook die trofee vir die aanskoulikste rugby van die dag. Merensky se O/17’s het ook as toernooiwenners uit die stryd getree, nadat hulle Frans du Toit-B met 43-0, Hans Strijdom-B met 12-5, Frans du Toit-A met 26-15 en Hans Strijdom-A in die eindstryd met 3810 geklop het. Die Plasiespanne sal weer, saam met hulle hokkie en netball eweknieë, op die 24ste Augustus by die PHS Blitzfees te siene wees.

Ruan van der Schyff en Wikus Swart ontvang die trofee as wenners van die toernooi.

Plasies staan hul man ■ Merensky

Hoërskool Merensky het rede om hierdie week te spog. Drie van hul seunshokkiespanne het vandeesweek aan die Noordvaal seunshokkiekampioenskap deel geneem. Twee van hierdie drie spanne het ‘n top 10 plek algeheel na afloop van die toernooi ingepalm. Die O/14-span het na Curro Castle Klerksdorp gereis waar hulle teen vier skole te staan gekom het. Hul Noordvaal veldtog het afgeskop met twee wedstryde teen die magtige Monument en Ligbron en beide hierdie kragmetings het gelykop tellings van 2-2 en 3-3 onderskeidelik opgelewer. Die Plasies verloor egter hul tweede wedstryd teen Monument met ‘n enkele doel van 1-2, maar stuur Sasolburg met 4-1 kous

oor die kop huistoe. Hulle eindig algeheel negende. Merensky se O/16’s het in Krugersdorp gaan kragte meet teen Lindin waar hulle die knieë moes buig met ‘n nederlaag van 2-3. Daarna het hulle teen Dr Malan en Eldoraigne ook vasgeval met 0-1 tellings in die onderskeie stryde, maar klop Vereeniging met ‘n allermintige 12-0 om in die 11de-plek te eindig. Menlopark het die Merensky Eerstes die grootste terugslag van hul seisoen gelewer toe hulle die Plasies met 0-7 op Hoërskool Middelburg se astrobaan geklop het. Linden het naelskraap met 2-3 ook met die besoekers afgereken, waarna die bordjies verhang word en hulle Vereeniging en Ben Vorster elk 2-0 en 2-1 verslaan. Hulle eindig ook negende in die toernooi.

Hier is die O/11 krieketspan van die Larries wie die 11-tal van Phalaborwa-Noord verlede week met sewe paaltjies geklop het. Voor is JP Botha. In die middel is Hanru Marais, Zak van Niekerk, Ignus Ferreira, Wilhelm Brummer, Morné Huysamen, Jaydrian Moolman, Vir Patel, Anrich van Wyngaardt, Rian Botha, Franco Pohl. Agter is die span se afrigters, Neville Huysamen en Christo van Niekerk.

Larries klop met 7 paaltjies Die O/11 krieketspanne van Laerskole Tzaneen en Phalaborwa-Noord het op Dinsdag die 23ste Julie op die Larries se tuisveld kragte gemeet. Die Larries se span het eerste gekolf en het ‘n teiken

Janderik Eloff (links), o.16, veg vir die bal.

van 82 lopies aangeteken vir die verlies van slegs drie paaltjies. Phalaborwa-Noord het in hul beurt 79 lopies vir die verlies van 10 paaltjies behaal. Die Larries het met sewe paaltjies gewen.

Rian Botha van Laerskool Tzaneen in aksie teen Phalaborwa-Noord. Foto’s: Verskaf

Sport Spor 2 August 2019

Bosbokke gaffel Noordmanne

Gladwin Khoza, linkerflank van Letaba se Derdespan, was een van sy span se driedrukkers teen Noordelikes

■ Roelof de Jonge Letaba Rugbyklub het Saterdag die 27ste Julie op Tzaneen gasheer gespeel teen die besoekende spanne van Noordelikes Rugbyklub uit Polokwane in die laaste-rondte wedstryde van die Limpopo amateurliga se kampioenskap. Letaba se Eerste- en Tweedespanne het met naelbyt seges hul teenstanders die loef afgesteek. Die gasheer se Derdespan het nouliks verloor met 27-23 toe Noordelikes in die doodsnikke van hierdie kragmeting met ‘n strafskop geslaag het. Beide spanne was met 24 punte gelykop voor Letaba ‘n strafskop ontvang het. Letaba se eerstespan het weereens bewys dat hulle ‘n span is om moeilik op hul tuisveld geklop te kan word. Die groentruie het rotsvas verdedig en hul balbesit beter gebruik om uiteindelik met 15-8 te wen. Noordelikes het slegs ‘n onverdoelde drie en ‘n strafskop vir hul agt punte aangeteken. Tzaneen se agtsteman, Nhlangganiso Sibanda, en heelagter, Carel O’Neill, het elk vir ‘n drie agter die pale gaan kuier. Tian Knoetze op buitesenter het die stelskoppe waargeneem en het een drie verdoel en met ‘n strafskop geslaag. Letaba se Tweedespan het bygedra tot die afrigters en ondersteuners se afgekoude naels. Hierdie tweedeligaspan was deurentyd in ‘n hewige tweestryd met Noordelikes gewikkel. Met die skeidsregter wat skril op sy fluitjie die einde van die wedstryd aangedui het, is dit Letaba wat met ‘n skrale punt die wedstryd beklink het. Die telling vir die tweedeliga stryd was 27-26. Al drie Letaba se spanne het na Saterdag se vertonings hul plek in die halfeindstryd in Polokwane verseker wat op die 17de Augustus gespeel gaan word. Letaba sal dan in sy eersteliga halfeind teen Louis Trichardt te staan kom. Die Tweedespan gaan na Saterdag se naelskraapse oorwinning wéér met Noordelikes in die halfeindrondte kragte moet meet om te sien wie na die eindrondte gaan deurdring. Die Derdespan, ondanks hul verloorslag Saterdag, se oë sal na die eindrondte gerig wees maar sal éérs teen die span van Kruinies Rugbyklub van Polokwane moet slag bied om deur te kan dring. Hou hiérdié koerant dop vir al die hoogtepunte en wedstryd verslae. Bulletin staan bankvas agter ons Letaba Bosbokke.

Willem Snyman, agtsteman van Letaba se tweedespan, duik hier oor vir een van sy span se drieë Saterdag teen Noordelikes.

Joseph Krone, slot van Letaba se Tweedespan, in aksie teen Noordelikes

Blessing Montlane

Hlulani Sambo, vaskopstut en kaptein van Letaba se Derdespan Saterdag teen Noordelikes. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge

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