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13 September 2019
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In the wake of the three-day fire that destroyed 120 hectares of land in Magoebaskloof, we investigate the cost of the battle - both the financial
Bladsy 7
Page 13
and physical toll. Photo: Joe Dreyer
Page 3
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2 13 September 2019
Rinderknecht refuses to comment
Personeel | Personnel
■ Joe Dreyer
Bulletin F A R
Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Drukker/Printer: PaarlColdset
Bemarking / Marketing Erwin Venter 060 691 2395 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan 083 294 7747 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Office: 064 650 7123 015 306 0198
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Mica • Trichardtsdal • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Giyani • Phalaborwa
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads:
Another week has gone by and Tzaneen is now not an inch nearer to a conclusive riposte from Shamira Rinderknecht regarding the future of her Letaba Boulevard building which desecrates the landscape of an otherwise picturesque daily commute. Three weeks ago a large plume of smoke was seen poetically rising above the faded over-sized Coca-Cola bottle which stands guard over the memories of what was once a beautiful, popular shopping centre. A cigarette butt was said to have caused a fire somewhere between the service corridors that could have led to a catastrophic blaze had the local fire department not been proficient enough to extinguish it in its infancy. Bulletin documented the events of the morning of the 20th of August live over our Facebook page. The footage went viral and caught the attention of our municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, who accompanied Bulletin editor Joe Dreyer to the site for an inspection of the premises an hour after the incident. Matlala was appalled at the state of the structure and that following morning called a meeting with Rinderknecht. Following the meeting, the notoriously publicity-shy businesswoman contacted Dreyer and explained that she would like to meet that following Friday at the site to cast clarity over the future of the building. The meeting never took place and subsequent talks over text
messages and phone calls resulted in further planned meetings not being met. This week, on Monday morning, we called Rinderknecht for comment once more. This time we were met with a much different response. When asked whether we could speak to her for a few minutes, she simply answered with “no thank you” before putting the phone down. We sent her a text requesting comment on the plans for the Boulevard. We are still awaiting a response. There were plans in the making for a R50 million revamp and return it to its former glory back in 2016, but those too proved to be nothing but empty promises as construction never started. Before that, in 2011 similar plans were unveiled and these too, amounted to nothing. She also owns the Hans Merensky golf estate in Phalaborwa. In January 2012 Rinderknecht was allegedly forced to sell some of her properties to the Palabora Mining Company (PMC) in order to settle debt believed to have been in the region of R5 million. At the time it was reported that home owners on the golf estate were planning legal action against her. She is also said to have waved an offer of R45 million to sell the estate during this same period. Rindeknecht is currently involved in a court battle which sees her and co-accused, Corne Langenhoven, facing charges of contravening the environmental management act at the Hans Merensky Golf Estate in Phalaborwa. The matter went to court in November 2018 and is still ongoing.
Beware the Night Crawler
Briewe/Letters: Events: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos:
■ Joe Dreyer
Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Local security companies, neighbourhood watch groups and the SAPS have had their hands full with a cat burglar that has been operating in the Tzaneen suburbs for more than a year. Dubbed the “Night Crawler” the suspect is an African male, most likely in his mid-thirties who targets homes and businesses mostly in the Medi Park area. He has never been caught and has thus far made off with loot which is speculated to include at least 30 cell phones, a number of laptops, handbags and purses. He has never harmed any of his marks and some of the victims have said that he is extremely polite, well spoken, fluent in both English and Afrikaans and non-threatening in his demeanour. For the most part Night Crawler always hits a target premises when the occupants are not in the building and his name is derived from his modus operandi. Information currently alleges that before entering a premises he removes his shirt and shoes and slithers in through the burglar bars of an open window or unlocked door. Once inside, he scavenges small valuables, exits the building, looks straight at the CCTV cameras, and then leaves. “It is almost as though he smiles at the camera in a taunting manner, and he always knows exactly where the cameras are positioned,” said one of the security officers who has been hunting the Night
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
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Crawler for more than half a year. One woman said that she was relaxing on her couch in broad daylight at her home in Second Avenue when a man approached her and politely asked whether she would empty her handbag for him. She told him where she kept her handbag and he asked if he could have it, upon which she agreed. He thanked her and bid her a good day as he left. According to her, she was so shocked at the polite manner in which she was robbed, that the incident didn’t register at first until she realized her phone was really gone when she wanted to call the security company. The last confirmed Night Crawler hit was in the Hospital Street area two weeks ago where he was caught on CCTV leaving an apartment building at around 22:30. Tzaneen police in collaboration with the local neighbourhood watch and security companies have ramped up their efforts to bring the Night Crawler to book, at the time of going to print no new information has been released. “We don’t condone the behaviour of the Night Crawler at all. Though we are relieved that he has never harmed anyone, he is still a criminal and who knows when his demeanour might suddenly change into something not so polite?” said one member of the neighbourhood watch. “We ask anyone with information to come forward and if he is spotted to please contact the SAPS or your security provider immediately.”
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 09/09/2019
Tzaneen 9.9%
Ebenezer 48.8%
Merensky 64.2%
Dap Naude 90.0%
Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 •
Middel Letaba 4.3%
Blyde Rivier Poort 75.3%
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Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Baie dankie!
Tours 33.1%
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Ohrigstad 18.4%
13 September 2019 3
How much did the Kloof fire claim? We break down the aftermath of the massive Kloof blaze
Joe Dreyer
The fire that relentlessly ravaged the landscape of the Magoebaskloof mountainside for three days cost an estimated R800 000 to eventually extinguish. By the end of the third day roughly 120 hectares was destroyed by the fire on the farm Diepkloof which is owned by ZZ2. Like every year, fires seem to flare up right at the start of the annual fire prohibition causing damage to properties and affecting people and livestock around Tzaneen and the surrounding region. This year’s fire in the Kloof however, was different. It was ferocious and though Letaba Fire Protection Association (LFPA) ran point during the mammoth task of containing and eventually extinguishing the fire, the success of this operation came down to com-
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Photos: Joe Dreyer
munities banding together as
one in the face of adversity. Teams of foresters, volunteer firefighters, and able residents from Haenertsburg, Georges Valley, Tzaneen, Letsitele and even Phalaborwa joined hands with the ground crew from the LFPA and Mopani District Disaster Management to battle the blaze. Supporting these ground crews were two LFPA helicopters, a Bell Huey and a B3 Squirrel accompanied by Siem Venter in the Cessna spotter plane keeping an eye on the fire from high above. Incident Command was a team effort between Ruoan Snyman and Trevor Phillips from the LFPA and Hannes Steyn, Head of Mopani Disaster Management. Between 70 and 100 people operated a total of 24 bakkie sakkies, two trucks, a tractor and a water tanker every day over the course of the three day battle. These brave men were supported and nourished by a team of dedicated support staff lead by Louise Claassens, Naomi Excell, Hanneri van Tonder and Megan Baragwanath. These ladies supplied food and water and ensured open communications between the various teams throughout the fight. Emergency services were on standby at all times and local police and traffic services ensured that the R71 remained tightly monitored and cordoned off for the safety of the firefighters and motorists. It was a grand effort and one that proved what can be accomplished by a community in unison. Contrary to other media reports, the fire was not started by a truck accident. It was started by a spark which was caused by the branch of a Wattle tree that touched an overhead powerline. The truck accident that occurred on Monday morning was as a result of the thick smoke that covered the roadway which obscured the vision of the driver of the truck and caused him to crash through the barriers and land his vehicle right in the middle of the already uncontrolled blaze. There was no loss of life during the fire and no animals were reportedly harmed either. The exact extend of the damage was still being calculated by the time we went to print yesterday.
4 13 September 2019
Dealer busted
Life for rape
■ Jeff Jackson
Sebotane Emmanuel Mamogobo (32) was convicted for dealing in drugs by the Nebo Regional Court on Tuesday, 03rd September 2019. During June 2018, the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation in collaboration with Crime Intelligence and the Provincial Organised Crime Unit raided a drug storage in Groblersdal and seized drugs worth R600 000. Mamogobo was arrested for dealing in drugs and was never granted bail until he was convicted and sentenced. The probe was initially in 2014 specifically targeting the Groblersdal area. On Tuesday, 3rd of September Mamogobo was sentenced to ten years direct imprisonment for dealing in drugs by the Nebo Regional Court. Meanwhile, emanating from the same investigation, suspected drug lord John Baseapai Maila (53) was also arrested in the Groblersdal area for dealing in drugs and possession of unlicensed firearm in February 2016. Maila is still in custody after making a couple of court appearances at the Nebo Regional Court. He will appear again at the Groblersdal Regional Court on the 25th and 26th of September.
Zama don(a) ■ Jeff Jackson
A disruptive operation between the Hawks’ Serious Organised Crime Investigation unit, Department of Mineral Resources and Giyani Public Order Police resulted in the arrest of a 30 year-old suspect for illegal mining on Wednesday, 21 August 2019, at Nhlaniki village outside Giyani. The suspect was allegedly found mining gold bearing material at the rehabilitated Ellerton mine when the team pounced. Mining equipment including 2 generators, 2 pendukas, 13 drill beat and explosives were seized. In the last 2 years, similar operations have resulted in numerous illegal miners being arrested in an effort to curb these activities that impact negatively in the country’s economy. The suspect is expected to appear at the Giyani Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, 22 August 2019. More operations are still going to be conducted in other parts of the province to fight the scourge of illegal mining. 015 306 0198
Dirty cops ■ Jeff Jackson Two police officers stationed at Morebeng SAPS were arrested on Tuesday for allegedly defrauding a local informal betting ring commonly known as Fafi through illegal spot fines. The officers who are both aged 37, and attached to crime prevention allegedly arrested the complainant on different occasions for reportedly operating (mo-china) and issued spot fines payable to them as admission of guilt and they would issue a receipt on each occasion. The complainant alerted the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Crime Investigation team after he suspected that the money could have been lining up the officers pockets instead of being registered at the station. The Hawks investigation revealed that the amounts that were recorded in the admission of guilt register between June and August 2019 did not correspond with the ones on the complainant’s receipts. The Sergeant and a Constable were arrested at their workplace and are expected to appear at the Morebeng Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, the 11th of September to face fraud charges.
CPF cuffed ■ Jeff Jackson A 34 year- old community policing forum (CPF) member is expected to appear at the Giyani Magistrate’s Court today. The suspect was arrested in Giyani yesterday by the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation for allegedly impersonating a police officer. It is alleged the suspect attended to a complaint of assault from a victim in the area and instead of escalating the matter to the police, he contacted the alleged perpetrator, identifying himself as a member of the local Public Order Police. Furthermore, he allegedly demanded R3000-00 in order not to register a case docket of assault against him. The perpetrator who is the complainant in the matter alerted the Hawks who swiftly arrested the suspect after receiving the bribe.
Infinity fire hoedspruit. Pty. Ltd. have lodged a Consent Use application in terms of section 68; read together with the Provisions of Chapter 6 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management , By-Law of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, 2016 read togheter with the provisions of Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 of 2013. Particulars of the application are available for inspection during office hours (07H30 16H30) at the office of Town Planning Manager: Civic center, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, 1390 for the period of 30 days. Objections or representations in respect of the application must be lodged in writing to the: Municipal Manager, Private Bag X02030, Phalaborwa, 1390 within a period of 30 days
Infinity fire Hoedspruit. Pty. Ltd. yi yisile xikombelo xa nhluvukiso wa misava hi kulandza section 68 leyi hlayekaka xikan’we na Chapter 6 ya Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, 2016, leyi hlayekaka xikan’we na Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act 16 ya lembera 2013. Vuxoko-xoko bya xikombelo byi nga kumeka ku byi kambela hinkarhi wantirho (7H30 - 16H30) eka Hofisi ya Town Planning Manager: Civic center, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, 1390 nkarhi waku fika masiku ya 30 ku sukela. Kherefu yava endli va Xikombelo: Municipal Manager, Private Bag x02030, Phalaborwa, 1390 within a period of 30 days from 13
from 13 September 2019 to 13 October 2019.
September 2019 to 13 October 2019.
Address: 48 Grosvenor street, Phalaborwa
Address: 48 Grosvenor street, Phalaborwa
Tel: 076 772 7341
Tel: 076 772 7341
■ Jeff Jackson
■ Jeff Jackson
The SAPS in Limpopo say they are elated at the recent heavy jail terms handed down to criminals in the province by various court throughout the region. This became further evident following the milestone achievement made by the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit (FCS) in the Mahwelereng Cluster, for securing a life term handed down to Thapelo Nkiba Phillip Marakalla (28) who raped a 7-year old child. The incident took place at a village in the Gilead Policing area outside Mokopane. The sentence was handed down by the Mokerong Regional court last week after the victim, a girl child was raped by the accused on the 12th of November 2017 at about 18:00. The victim’s guardian was at her home searching for the child at the time, when a witness informed her that the accused has locked himself in his house with the victim. She quickly rushed to the said house, on arrival, she found the child inside with the accused. She asked him what was happening and he alleged that the girl was only attracted by his cell phone and she was playing games. She then took the victim back home. On the way, she questioned the little girl as to what happened to her, and the girl described in vivid detail that she was raped. The guardian went straight to the nearest clinic with the victim and subsequently, the police were immediately summoned, they responded promptly and started with their initial investigations. The case was assigned to Detective Warrant Officer Matsobane Lekalakala attached to this Unit. Because of his relentless dedication to the case, the suspect was eventually arrested. The Warrant Officer, opposed the bail in court until he secured this long jail term. The Acting SAPS Provincial Commissioner Maj Gen Samuel Manala has commended the investigating officer of this case on a job well done.
The Acting Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo Major General Samuel Manala, has condemned the killing of an 11-year old girl at Ga-Marishane village in the Nebo Policing area outside Groblersdal. This condemnation follows the murder which occurred between the 5th and the 6th of September when the deceased, Thandi Mampane, allegedly left home to school and never returned. The missing person incident was reported to the police and a search operation ensued until her lifeless body was found in the bushes outside this village, on the 6th of September. The cause of death of this young girl is not clear at this stage but the ongoing Police investigations will tell. The suspicion and allegations that the deceased might have been raped before she was killed, will be confirmed by the post-mortem examination, still to be conducted. The Police are requesting Bheka Rapolai to come to Nebo Police Station or to the nearest Police Station to assist with investigations in this matter. Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect/s involved in this matter, may contact Detective Warrant Officer Ernest Mogawane at 082 348 7949 or 013 264 0005 or the crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest Police Station. “Members of the community who are still perpetrating these type of heinous acts targeting young children, are going to be dealt with mercilessly and without compromise,” concluded Major General Manala.
Infanticide ■ Jeff Jackson The Acting Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo Major General Samuel Manala, has condemned the killing of an 11-year old girl at Ga-Marishane village in the Nebo Policing area outside Groblersdal. This condemnation follows the murder which occurred between the 5th and the 6th of September when the deceased, Thandi Mampane, allegedly left home to school and never returned. The missing person incident was reported to the police and a search operation ensued until her lifeless body was found in the bushes outside this village, on the 6th of September. The cause of death of this young girl is not clear at this stage but the ongoing Police investigations will tell. The suspicion and allegations that the deceased might have been raped before she was killed, will be confirmed by the post-mortem examination, still to be conducted. The Police are requesting Bheka Rapolai to come to Nebo Police Station or to the nearest Police Station to assist with investigations in this matter. Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect/s involved in this matter, may contact Detective Warrant Officer Ernest Mogawane at 082 348 7949 or 013 264 0005 or the crime stop number 0860010111 or the nearest Police Station. “Members of the community who are still perpetrating these type of heinous acts targeting young children, are going to be dealt with mercilessly and without compromise,” concluded Major General Manala.
DiVideD ■ Jeff Jackson
A disruptive operation between the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation unit, SAPS-Polokwane and Film and Public Board ruffled counterfeit dealers in the Polokwane CBD this morning. The operation that was aimed at addressing counterfeit goods culminated in the arrest of 2 suspects aged 32 and 39 and seizure of counterfeits DVDs worth over R94 000-00. Both suspects are expected to appear at the Polokwane Magistrate’s Court on Friday, 23 August 2019 for Contravention of Films and Publications Act 65 of 1996(1) (3) (5)( trading without a certificate, selling pornographic material without a license and failing to display age restriction signs).
Swindler’s ■ Jeff Jackson Gugulethu Tony Ngoma (23), was convicted for fraud and sentenced by the Mokopane Regional Court on Wednesday, the 28th August 2019. Ngoma bought a vehicle worth R300 000-00 at a vehicle dealership in Polokwane on 3rd April 2019, using what the Hawks’ investigation ultimately proved to have utilised a fraudulent pay slip and bank statement to purchase the car. The accused was traced and arrested by the Hawks’ Serious Commercial Crime Investigation team at Kwaggafontein Court in Mpumalanga where he was appearing for another case. The fraudulently obtained motor vehicle has already been recovered. Ngoma has been sentenced to six (6) years imprisonment of which two years imprisonment is wholly suspended for five (5) years on condition that he is not found guilty of fraud and theft during a period of the suspension.
13 September 2019 5
Die Feniks staan weer ■
Joe Dreyer
Skaars ‘n jaar na ‘n genadelose vlamme-hel ‘n groot gedeelte van die Junction op Letsitele vernietig het, staan daar vandag ‘n splinternuwe gebou wat pronk aan die oewer van die Letaba. Op Vrydag, 27 Julie 2018 omstreeks 03:00 die oggend het Alfie Viljoen en sy vrou Christel moedeloos gestaan en toekyk hoe vlamme uit hul kombuis uit soos ‘n honger gedierte deur die gange van hul geliefde onderneming vreet. Die vuur het in die kombuis aan die restaurant gedeelte van hierdie gewilde eetplek uitgebreek, en binne etlike oomblikke deur die res van die onderneming beweeg. Alles wat in die vlamme se pad gestaan het is in puin gelaat. Boere en sakemanne uit Letsitele het blitsvinnig reageer en brandbestryders gegryp om te help. Trekkers en bakkies is ingeroep en ‘n tenker van die Mopani Distrik Brandweerdienste het oomblikke later op die toneel aangekom. Omstreeks 06:00 daardie oggend is die vlamme geblus en kon daar van die skade rekenskap geneem word. Die brand het die kombuis en kroeggedeelte asook die voorportaal heeltemal vernietig. Die gewilde ‘Orange Matters’ geskenkwinkeltjie wat aan Albi Smit behoort het, is ook tot niet. Die bekroonde buitearea wat op die Letaba rivier uitkyk, is minstens gered en so ook die oornaggeriewe en selfsorg eenhede van die lodge. Genadiglik is niemand in die brand beseer nie. Dit was ‘n paar dae later toe Alfie dié profetiese woorde gespreek het, “Jy kan hierdie sommer baie groot in die koerant publiseer; daar gaan wéér ‘n Junction wees. ‘n Groter, beter Junction sal hier soos ‘n Feniks uit die as gebore word.” Hierdie week het Alfie en Christel weer emosioneel gestaan en toekyk toe die nuwe Junction opnuut deur Piet Smit, Edward Vorster, Pieter Vorster en Antoinette Thalwitzer tydens ‘n intieme bymekaarkoms geopen word. “Wat ‘n ongelooflike gevoel! Ons nuwe Junction is klaar, en hoe lekker is dit nie!” het Christel op die Junction se Facebook-blad geskryf. “Ons is so trots en so bly saam met elke liewe klient om weer ‘up and running’ te kan wees, dit was ‘n lang jaar…” Die nuwe Junction is in elke opsig van die beskrywing, ‘n absolute opgradering van die oorspronklike gebou met modern nuwe afwerkings, groter speelterreine, groter restaurante, ‘n koffiehuis, ‘n groter kroeg en soveel meer. Daar is dood eenvoudig net nie genoeg spasie op hierdie ou koerantblaaitjie om ten volle te beskryf wat die kontrakteurs, die argitekte en elke ander aandeelhouer in
die projek bemagtig het nie. Letaba Junction se bestuur en aandeelhouers wil graag die volgende bedank: Argitek: Stefan Lombaard (Bardi Creative), Bouspan: Ansaki (Nico Oosthuizen/Karl Osmers), Interior: Christel Viljoen Alfie Viljoen Stefan Lombaard, Tuine en Besproeiing: Johan Fourie (Komati Group), Aircons: Hannes Fourie (H&M Refrigeration), Elektries: Sydney Swart (SS Electrical) en Neels Visser (Vissies Electrical), Tzaneng Plummers: Hannes Kleynhans, Staalwerk en stoepreelings: James Walkinshaw (Gravelotte Custom Steel), Hout decor en hout ligte: Shaun Potgieter (KitchensRus), Plaveisel paadjies: Johan Du Toit, Restaurant en funksie tafels: James Walkinshaw (Gravelotte Custom Steel), Junction staal logo’s: Juan Meintjies, Logo stickers, decor plakkers en Perspex tekens: Jackie Steyn (S&J Labels), Hout dekor in Koffieskroeg en Restaurant: Ai Ai’s Handmade Crafts (Azaan Hafner), Staalboom en leer banke in restaurant: Kallie Mamba, Hangligte: Heroldt’s Lightning, Spyskaarte: Renaldi Barnet, Upholstery: Elsabe Eastman (Fantique Trading), Die Ikoniese Padkaart: Marnel Botha en die Fotograaf: Derius Erasmus (3.D.E Studios). “Spesiale dankie aan Piet Smit (Komati Groep), Fransie Venter (Duroi) en Marcel O’Connell (ANB groep) vir al julle leiding, ondersteuning, bystand en hulp aan my en Alfie, julle het ons ongelooflik baie gehelp met hierdie projek, baie dankie daarvoor.” The last time a fire of this magnitude tore through the iconic Magoebaskloof, was in 2006 when a similar incident caused the road’s closure for more than three days.
Piet Smit van Komati Group en Abraham van Rooyen, HUB van ANB Investments.
Pieter Vorster, Antoinette Thalwitzer en Edward Vorster. Nuwe restaurant wat uitkyk oor die Letaba rivier.
So lyk die nuwe Letaba Junction.
Trading Hours: Monday: 06:30 – 22:00 Tuesday: 06:30 – 22:00 Wednesday: 06:30 – 22:00 Thursday: 06:30 – 22:00 Friday: 06:30 – 23:00 Saturday: 08:00 – 22:00 Sunday: 09:00 – 15:00
NOW OPEN FOR BOOKINGS: Letaba Junction Restaurant: 015 004 0873 Email:
6 13 September 2019
The Message
I was born with very little hair – in fact a bald-headed eagle chick probably has more to begin with than I have ever had. First child! Not only did I enter the world minus any hair but with ears of different sizes – one was a reasonable looking appendage but the other was a lot larger and should have belonged to Spock of Star Trek. I only realised in fairly recent years that all the photos of me as a baby had me strategically placed so that my offending ear and hair were not obviously visible. My father only saw me for the first time when I was two years old due to the fact that he was in the navy and I was born during the Second World War. As I got older and due to the fact that it is almost always cold in England my head appeared to be continually hidden by pixie caps or bonnets. Throughout the years leading up to my pre-teens my poor mother tried in vain to do something about my sticking out ear. I remember a Tony Home Perm that was considered a distinct possibility for covering up the fact that I was practically hairless and had a funny ear to boot. It was a disaster – so frizzy that people looked stunned anyway. When I left school I was fortunate to have a cou-
ple of friends who became apprentice hairdressers. One of them was my best friend who I have mentioned in a previous story nearly ruined my teen years by giving me a perm when she had only been an apprentice for six weeks. Fortunately I had another friend who became a very good hairdresser. In those days a second year apprentice was allowed to “practice ’´on her friends in the confines of the salon – the friends paid only half price and seniors were in attendance to make sure that nothing absolutely awful happened. I had a standing appointment every Saturday morning – those were the days of bouffant hair styles – my poor friend spent an awful lot of time trying to make my sparse and limp hair look passable and at the same time cover up my ears. The owner of the salon actually appeared quite pleased that I was a regular. It was just what the apprentices needed - a special challenge, as they “had to learn how to work with difficult hair”. Those were also the days of pencil skirts, stiletto heels and sweaters a la Marilyn Monroe, Sabrina and Jayne Mansfield. In retrospect I should not have considered wearing any of the aforementioned since I was somewhat chubby. However when you are a teenager you want to look like your peers so I tottered around on five inch heels and wore pencil skirts (with a laced-up corset underneath) and thought I looked pretty good. This was the late fifties and something exciting was on the horizon. Greatermans was having a Grand Opening of its new and amazing store which was going to be the first of its kind in Salisbury. One of my friends suggested that we spend our lunch hour there on the opening day and so it transpired that the two of us – suitably tarted up – entered the shop and battled our way through the crowds until we suddenly realised that our lunch hour was practically over. We were upstairs and made a beeline for the stairs. Pushing my way down the stairs I obviously caught my heel in a stair rod or something similar because my stilettos assisted in practically making me airborne. I landed at the bottom of the stairs
and was (I think) semi-conscious because I could hear people talking and commiserating with me but was unable to answer. It took some time for my eyelids to discover that they could actually flutter open – one look at the throng bending over me and I closed them. Visions of newspaper headlines with “Teenager ruins opening of new Department Store” floated before my eyes and I decided to stay unconscious to avoid further embarrassment. A stretcher was collected and I was taken to the manager’s office where I was propped up and sprayed with something. I eventually allowed my eyes to open properly and apologised to the manager who appeared delighted that I was alive and not about to ruin his opening. My pencil skirt was ripped and my one stiletto heel was hanging by a thread. The manager tactfully allowed us out of the back door to avoid me further embarrassment I then had to hobble to my place of work in one shoe – on the way I looked into a shop window and discovered that my beautiful bouffant hairstyle was no longer where it should have been. One look at my ripped skirt, lopsided bouffant hair and one stiletto shoe was enough for my boss to send me home for the afternoon, where I had a miserable time trying to figure out what to do about my hair. As everybody knew in the fifties – you did not wash your hair more than once a week – the natural oils in your scalp would all be washed away and something dreadful would happen to your hair. Since I would not be at the hairdresser for another five days and did not have the faintest idea of how to repair a bouffant style I made an emergency call to my friend who arrived with lacquer spray and attempted to replace the hair to its original position. My pencil skirt and shoes might have been beyond repair but my hair at least was cemented into place, so I stumbled into work the next day looking almost half-human. My hair and ears never improved but fortunately as I got older those things were of less importance and I have large bunions to prove that stilettos were probably not the best choice for me. The things we do when we’re teenagers!
“If you’re always trying to be normal, You’ll never know how amazing you can be” Maya Angelou
Mind-blowing Fact #126
Social Tzaneen MDDA Eisteddfod 2 - 13 September
Merensky High School is hosting the MDDAEisteddfod on 2-13 September 2019 from 08:00 to 18:00 at R150.00 per item (solo & groups). Visit For more information contact 015 305 7901 or email
Haenertsburg Magoebaskloof Spring Festival 21 - 24 September
September 2019 at African Calabash Lodge from 09h00-19h00. Registration: Individual R150.00, Couple R350.00, Crew of 3+ members R750.00. For more information contact 079 569 3150 or 078 652 9848.
Tzaneen Spring Fling 28 September Dukebux Entertainment is hosting the Spring Fling on 28 September 2019 at Mashutti Country Lodge from 14h00 at R50.00 - R150.00 per person. For more information contact 072 783 8755.
The Magoebaskloof Spring Festival will be held on 21 - 24 September 2019. Visit For more information contact 072 370 1886 or email
Tzaneen Shikhumba 4-in-1 Marathon 5 October
The Shikhumba 4-In-1 Marathon will be held on 5 October 2019 at Shikhumba Filling Station from 05:00. Enter Online : www.shikhumbamarathon. For more information contact Amos on 072 731 6225 or Kenny on 073 748 4537 or Jeff on 083 208 4118 or email
Tzaneen Future Hope Talent Show 21 September
The FutureHope Talent Show will be held on 21
AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275. AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697 6881. AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112. Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534. Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634.
Catholic Church Tzaneen Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845. Catholic Church 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859. Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111. Evangelies Geref Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371. Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatleystr,Tzaneen: 015 307 1874. German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road,
In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit I greet you. One of the youth in our church asked me to send him five reasons as to why young people either leave the church or don’t attend at all? Now this is a question that we in the leadership have been battling with for a long time, but to be asked by a young person was really a challenge. After a period of prayer I came up with these reasons: 1. Certain churches/priests fail to include the youth in the service. 2. No Bible study groups for youth (only) 3. Lack of interest of the youth to get involved in church activities. 4. School activities during weekends 5. How the youth is perceived by the community. We in the leadership are often too involved in our own cocoons, to see the potential of others, let alone the youth. What if they make a mistake? However, some churches do this and have reaped the success of having the youth involved. Some only have special services for the youth and do not include them in the everyday services. We often do not recognise the potential we have sitting right there in our churches because we have become so involved or perhaps indoctrinated as to the fact that only the priest has the sole right to preform services. The youth often follow the example set by the family of the church, you and me, are we doing our part? Are we working to our fully potential in the church, do we set the example of being involved in our church? Or are we just “bench-warmers”, letting others do the things necessary for the growth of the church community? How many get-togethers do we attend, are we involved in Bible study groups, or attend courses offered by our particular church? Do we really know what is required from an “active Christian”? Unity in our Christian life is one of the most important part of being a Christian. We can only be part of any family if we are truly involved in it, putting aside our differences and getting alongside those who need us the most, our brothers and sisters in Christ.
CFC Special service
The International is the biggest Dota 2 tournament in the world. Each edition of The International has surpassed the previous one in growing prize pools, and it has always offered the highest prize takeaways among esport tournaments.
Christian Family Church Tzaneen will be having a healing event on the Friday the 13th, Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th of September 2019. Pastor Jaco Jacobs who got healed of lymph node cancer in 2011 will be teaching how to receive by faith the healing that Jesus has made available through His wounds on the cross. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY AND FOREVER, Heb 13:8. Healing is as freely available TODAY as it was in the book of Acts. Children services will be available for all three services. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT PASTOR THINUS FERREIRA ON 082-821-0998 or email:
Modjadjiskloof: 082 653 5498. St Paul’s United Church Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534. Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729. Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastraat, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920. Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525. Hope Methodist Church Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 8594.
Briewe • Letters Pioniers inwoners sê dankie Uit die diepte van ons harte sê ons baie dankie: • ZZ2 vir die heerlike tamaties. • Koelamers vir die gereelde Hoendervleis. • Pampoen vanaf Tinus du Plessis van Alldays. • Lemoene en Tamaties vanaf Thys Steynberg. • Groente vanaf Thys Steynberg. • Komkommers vanaf Anton en Klippe Venter. • Komberse vanaf Tzaneen Rotariërs. Die Here seën julle!
NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323. NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastraat, Letsitele: 015 345 1618. NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307 4497. NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062. New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Drive: 015 307 4807. Ned Herv Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat,
Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9580. Ned Herv Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128. Ned Herv Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508. Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate, Tzaneen: 015 307 1111. Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Tzaneen Family Church Avispark Lodge Conference Hall Tzaneen: 083 598 0004 / 073387 2469.
13 0 25
13 September 2019 7
Die klong klap sy tong vir die oumense ■
Roelof de Jonge
Die Tafelrondte 96 Tzaneen het Vrydagaand die 6de September by die Ivory Tusk Lodge sy jaarlikse wynveiling gehou. Die gewilde Afrikaanse musiekkunstenaar, Thys Die Bosveldklong, was die gaskunstenaar en het die gehoor met sy musiek en unieke sin
Herbie Fox, Andre Rossouw, Albert Vermeulen, Conrad Botes, Leon de Lange, Clayton Pieterse en Henco Prinsloo.
Thys Die Bosveldklong en ‘afslaer’ teken die geroemde bottle rooi voggies wat ter waarde van R11 000 opgeveil is.
R 330 000
Passionate about Pre-owned vehicles
R 185 000
Nissan X Trail, 1.6 dCi, LE, 4x4 (T32)
VW Polo Vivo GP, 1.6, Maxx, 5DR
R 210 000
R 195 000
Nissan X-Trail, 2.0, XE
VW Polo GP, 1.2 TSI, Trendline, 66kw
R 418 000
R 139 800
Nissan Qashqai, 1.5 dCi, Acenta
Hyundai Grand i10, 1.0, Motion
Alan Odendaal en Martin Froise
Thys Die Bosveldklong en Amanda Rautenbach.
vir humor vermaak. Hy het ook as die afslaer van hierdie wynveiling opgetree. So tussen Thys se musiekvermaak en die wynveiling het mense gesellig gekuier. Die doel van hierdie wynveiliing vanjaar was om geld in te samel vir die God’s Haven Sorgsentrum en die Heart NPO (Non-profit organisation). Daar is net meer as 30 lotte wyn opgeveil. Die hoogste prys is met die heel laaste lot behaal. Thys het die vyf liter Zandvliet Shiraz vir R11 000 aan die gelukkige koper, Amanda Rautenbach, opgeveil. Maar dit was omtrent ‘n stryd tussen die voornemende kopers vir dié laaste bod om hierdie vyf liter rooi wyn te koop. Dit was ook die hoogste bedrag wat ‘n lot wyn vir die aand behaal het.
R 175 700 Renault Clio IV, 900, T Expression, 5Dr, 66kw
R 150 800 Ford Fiesta 1.4 Ambiente, 5 DR
R 156 800 Honda Civic, 1.8, Executive, 5 DR, A/T
Proudly part of the
015 307 5754
Terms and conditions apply. Offers only valid while dealer stock last. Please note pictures are for illustative purposes only but the model derivative and offer are consistent. The colour shown on advertised models will not necessarily be available as stock are limited. All rates and payments on offers advertised are subject to customer credit approval by the bank and cannot be guaranteed to customers. All transaction fees excluded. Vehicle on the road costs excluded. Price subject to change without prior notice. E&OE
8 13 September 2019
The Great Maltese Sugar Rush ■ Joe Dreyer Malta is an archipelago in the central Mediterranean between Sicily and the North African coast. It’s a nation known for historic sites related to a succession of rulers including the Romans, Moors, Knights of Saint John, French and British. The past week however it was visited by another group of rulers. In Maltese one would call them “Zokkor tal-Kavallieri” meaning “Knights of the Sugar”. In native Tzaneenese however, we know them as Stjohn Clegg and Lino “Sugarman” De Carvalho. For the second time in the past three years, team OK Sugarhill Mini Mark blew away the competition to be named the best OK Minimarket store in the OK Foods, the retail division of Shoprite Checkers, franchise during their annual conference held in Malta. Zokkor is Maltese for sugar. It is also the sound of applause when pronounced phonetically, and that is exactly what filled the conference hall in Malta, on Saturday evening, the 8th of September when OK Sugarhill Mini Mart took top honours in their category. That’s right, Tzaneen’s favourite
convenience shopping hub, OK Sugarhill Mini Mark, is the best in the country. The store known for its great range of grocery items, clean aisles and welcoming counter staff, is now officially the flagship Mini Mart in the retail group. This follows the recent regional nominations which saw OK Sugarhill take top spot above all 112 stores in the Northern Division. This means that this afternoon when you greet those friendly ladies behind the counter, you are doing so inside the best OK Mini Mark store in the country. And it is right here, in this tiny farming town. The victory came as no surprise with the management team and staff being known for their friendly, efficient service under the leadership of renowned retailer, Lino de Carvalho. The award followed closely on their achievement last year when Sugarhill was crowned the best of the best in St Petersburg, Russia. Bulletin congratulates our very own Sugarman and his team on this fantastic achievement. We are proud to be associated with the Sugar group and wish Lino, Stjohn, Hannelie and the rest of their team only the best for the coming year.
Baie geluk aan Sugarhill wat aangewys is as Minimark van die jaar!
13 September 2019 9
Deli Staff
Cashiers on duty
Proud suppliers to
Join the
Everything Fresh for Less
Trotse ondersteuners!
Baie geluk aan Sugarhill vir die spoggerige toekenning. Chantelle De Carvalho 083 463 9012
1 Windsor Street Tzaneen • Next to Tzaneen Gym Past 2 Present Creations
SUGARHILL We congratulate you with your Prestigious Award. Well deserved!
We are open on Sundays from 8:00 - 13:00
Well done with your prestigious title of
Minimarket of the year! Skirving Centre - Opposite Shoprite • 015 307 2484 Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster wens graag vir Sugarhill Tzaneen geluk met hul toekenning: Beste OK Minimark in die Land. Welgedaan
10 13 September 2019
Business Directory | Sakegids
Medical Business Directory
Showrooms in Tzaneen, Giyani, Phalaborwa, Mankweng, Polokwane & NOW also in Acornhoek
015 307 2854 • 015 307 3650/1/2/3 34 Peace Street, Tzaneen Independent 24 hour emergency service, located at Mediclinic Tzaneen
Direct ER line: 015 306 8526
Office Hours / Werksure
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00 Saturday 08:00 - 11:00
Specialist Urologist Dr Nathan October MB ChB (Stell), FC UROL (SA) • Pr no: 0478725
Tel: 015 308 0041 Specialist Rooms B12 & B13 Ivory Tusk Lodge • Tzaneen
For 20 years, Sleebok have been suppliers of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome to contact us for a free quotation.
We will beat any formal written quote.
20 Koedoe Street, Old Industrial Area, Tzaneen • Tel: 015 307 1205/6005 Facebook: Sleebok Granite & Tombstones
Advertise your service here! Contact 015 306 0198
Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc.
Tel: 015 309 9382 • 078 1919 111
The kitchen is the heart of the home — love yours!
Planners Notebook
Panarottis Tzaneen Tel: 015 306 0597
Spes aanbi iale eding e
Tzaneen Geldig tot 17 September 2019
R84.99 015 307 2504 • 079 523 5253 Shop 1, 11 Plantation Road #RefreshReviveRefill
23 Skirving Street, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 7168
Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste Dulux Paint Centre
Need paint or other supplies? Get in touch right away 40 Danie Joubert Street 015 307 7756 __________________________________
Hobby Print
For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material, calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382. ________________________
Fabric & Decor Your one stop interior decor and fashion design destination. Curtaining, Upholstery, Blinds, Haberdashery, Dress Fabrics, Wool, Bed Linen, Exclusive Furniture. 015 307 4467
VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015 345 1192/ 084 627 0956 076 410 9503 082 851 7139 www. steynbergmeubelvervoer. com
Limpopo Paint Pot
2nd HAND SHOP Bargains Galore We buy, sell and pawn. Furniture, appliances, kitchen ware, jewelry ect. Best value for your money. Visit us at 11 Plantation Rd or call 015 307 1171 082 472 8483
Ultimate Security
Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768
Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. 015 307 1205/6005
Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R25.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R28/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R27.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R42/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R34.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R34.50/KM +BTW, 6 CUBE TIPPER @ R27/KM + BTW EENRIGTING, VRAGMOTOR MET KRAAN @ R2700/DAG (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)
SKAKEL VIR KWOTASIE: 0764109503 0828517139 OF 015-3451192 0846270956
Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Forum Makelaars Makelaars / Brokers Contact 015 307 4229 ________________________
Party Hire
Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.
073 265 2650
Security/Steelworks/ Construction Contact Mike on 071 302 8909/ 082 298 5352 dedamsteelworks@gmail. com ________________________
Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________ Tzaneen Container Warehouse Contact 015 307 1998 or 063 301 7208 Duvenhage Furniture Removals Ons verpak en verseker landwyd. Marlien 083 252 8928 ________________________
Tzaneen Trailer Hire & Ice
Service & repair on trailers and caravans. Suppliers of ice. Trailers for hire: Double & Single axle Car, Piggyback Cattle Luggage trailers
Hennie: 083 651 0936
Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703 ________________________
Self Storage space for rent Contact: 083 265 3129
Bargain Shop
We buy and sell quality new and used goods. 015 306 0036
BDM Diesel Centre
We specialise in: Repair of diesel pumps and injectors, Service of diesel pumps and injectors, Calibrating of pumps and injectors and Repairs of all turbo-chargers. 20 Plantation rd, Old industrial area
015 307 3774/5
Limpopo Party Hire
Jumping castles, Water slides, Balloon water dunk, Popcorn machine, Candy floss machine.
073 265 2650
Afri Supreme Car Wash
Mini Valets starting from R350.00 3 Billy Maritz St, Tzaneen 015 065 0102 ________________________
DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468
Jobseeker My name is Chipo Masamba. I’m looking for Domestic work. Cooking, washing & ironing. I can start immediately. Can also look after children. Any area. Sleep in or out. I have a valid work permit. Contact me on 065 176 7003 ________________________ My name is Flora. I’m looking for Domestic or Office job, 3 days per week or full time. I can start immediately. Can speak English and Afrikaans. Contact me on 076 651 7166 ________________________ My name is Mmapula Rabopape. I’m looking for full time Domestic work. Can look after children. Any area, can start immediately. Contact me on 079 845 5572 ________________________ My name is Joyce. I’m looking for full time Domestic work. Any area, can start immediately. Contact me on 076 759 6595.
MOSES FOX SEWAPE Of Relela village passed away on Wednesday 04/09/2019 and will be buried on Saturday 14-09-2019. The service will be held from home at Relela Village and will start at 06:00 and proceed to the local cemetery in Relela.
Of Babanana Village passed away on Friday 06/09/2019 and will be buried on Saturday 14-09-2019. The service will be held from home at Babanana Village and will start at 06:30 proceed to the local cemetery in BabananaVillage.
Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/3921
Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/3925
We can’t sell your children in the classiefied section, but we can sell anything else! 015 306 0198
13 September 2019 11
Die Vossies kén netbal
0/17 Span
Ben Vorster
Die O/15- en O/17-netbalspanne van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die naweek van die 6de en 7de September aan die Hoërskool Oos-Moot se Fast 5-netbaltoernooi in Pretoria deelgeneem. Beide spanne het goeie wedstryde beleef en het gewys dat die Vossies nie terugstaan vir ‘n uitdaging nie. Albei hierdie spanne het as wenners uit die stryd getree. Uitslae: O/15-span: Ben Vorster het 20-17 met Hoërskool Monument afgereken en gelykop met 18 elk teen Hoërskool Pietersburg (PHS) gespeel. In die halfeindstryd klop die Vossies die PHS 2-span met 25-20. Ben Vorster kom in die
eindstryd teen Oos-Moot se span te staan en het gemaklik met 41-14 gewen. O/17-span Ben Vorster klop in sy eerste wedstryd die span van PHS met 22-12. Die Vossies pak Wagpos volgende en wen met 26-21. In die volgende wedstryd het die Vossies ‘n verassing gekry toe Oos-Moot met 21-17 die wedstryd wen. Ben Vorster kap egter terug in die volgende kragmeting teen Monument met 28-11 te beklink. In die laaste rondomtalie wedstryd teen John Vorster het die Vossies met 20-15 hul plek in die eindstryd verseker. In die eindstryd kom Ben Vorster weer teen Oos-Moot te staan en die keer haak die Vossies die knoop deur en wen met 21-16 om as algehele wenners uit die stryd te tree.
Zoë in MPU IPT-hokkiespan ■
Ben Vorster
Zoë Bergmann, ‘n 16-jarige leerder van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster, was tydens die Julie vakansie as ‘n lid van die Mpumalanga senior vroue IPT-hokkiespan verkies. Dié span het van die 26ste tot die 31ste Augustus aan ‘n nasionale toernooi in Bloemfontein deelgeneem. Bergman se span het vierde geëindig. Alhoewel die kompetisie sterk was, het Zoë geen tree teruggestaan vir die senior spelers in die toernooi nie. Bergman het gesê die ondervinding wat sy opgedoen het was beslis die moeite werd. Sy het gesê sy sal dit weer doen, sou die geleentheid hom voordoen.
0/15 Span
Legals An auction that is to take place on the 11TH October 2019 at The Sheriff ’s office at no 1 Hansmerensky street Modjadjiskloof 0835. The items that will be on sale are:1. 1 x 1 Telefunken plasma TV 2. 1 x 3 Piece Lounge Suite 3. 1 x 1 Coffee Table 4. 1 x 2 Stand Freezer and Deep Freezer 5. 1 x 1 Sunbeam Stove 6. 1 x 7 Piece Dining Room Suite Our Ref: FM1622 MOLELEKL R Mokgola & Associates Mokgola Building 15 Botha Street Modjadjiskloof Tel: 015-309 9799 Email: mokgola@mweb. Sep201___________________________
NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE MANAGEMENT SCHEME 2008, IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 AND 58 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAW, 2016 OF BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY AND AMENDMENT OF TITLE CONDITION AMENDMENT SCHEME 67 I, Floris Jacques du Toit of Jacques du Toit & Associates, Town and Regional Planners, being the authorized agent of the registered owner of Erf 1317 Namakgale-C, hereby give notice in terms of SPLUMA 2013 and the Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaws, 2016 that we have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the amendment of the Ba-Phal-
aborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2008, by the rezoning of Erf 1317 Namakgale-C situated at House No 1317 Namakgale-C from “Residential 1” to “Special for a Guesthouse”, and the amendment of the title condition from Residential to “business purposes”. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 13 September 2019 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 on or before 14 October 2019, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments or representations. Contact persons: Paul Maluleke 076 954 0448 or Johan Behrens 079 522 1821 Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box
754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Sep202___________________________
TSEBISHO KA GA KGOPELO YA DIPHETOGO GO BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE MANAGEMENT USE SCHEME 2008, IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 AND 58 OF THE SPLUMA BYLAWS 2016 OF BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPALITY AND AMENDMENT OF THE TITLE CONDITION MORERO WA TOKISHO 67 Nna ke le Floris Jacques du Toit gotswa ga Jacques du Toit & Associates and Regional Planners,ke dumeletswego go ba motsweletsi wa motsweletsi wa mong wa lefelo la Erf 1317 Namakgale-C, ke tlileng mabapi le go fa molaetsa go ba SPLUMA Bylaws 2016 ka ge re dirile kgopelo go ba Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality go dira diphetogo go lefelo la Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme 2008,go ya ka maleba a go tsweletsa Erf 1317 Namakgale-C, go tswa go “Bodulong bja mathomo(1)” go ya go “Bodulo bja Baeti” go ya ka kgopelo ya Boemo bja Sehloogo go tswa go Bodulong go ya go Morero wa kgwebo. Ditlabakelo tsa kgopelo di tka be di dutse ka fase ga hlahlobo mo nakong ya mosomo go Municipal Manager Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive Phalaborwa, mo Nakong ya matsatsi a Masometharo(30) go tloga ka di 13 September 2019 (go tloga ka letsatsi la mathjomo
leo tsibisho e tsweleditswego ka lona). Dikganetso go ba baemedi ka hlompho go ya ka kgopelo eswanetswe e tsibishwe go ba go ngwalelwa go Municipal Manager ka fase ga aterese ye e latelago go ba le fihlishwe ka kantorong ya Private Bag X01020 Phalaborwa 1390 pele ga letsatsi la 14 October 2019. Go ya ka kgetho ya seo se ngwadilego mo hlogong ya taba.Baganetsi bao ban ago le kgahlego mo tabeng y ,ditlabakelo tsa moganetsi etlaba nomoro ya mogala(founu)le aterese ya gagwe ya bodulo. Go bao bas a kgonego go ngwala ba ka etela go diofisi tsa Masepala ka nako tsa mosomo go yo kgopela mothushi go hlalosa dikganetso go ba polelo ya gagwe. Contact Persons: Paul Maluleke 076 954 0448 go ba Johan Behrens 079 522 1821 Adress of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates P O Box 754 Tzaneen 0850 Tel 015307 3710 Sep203___________________________
2ND EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate GIYANI given on 3 December 2018 the under mentioned goods will be sold IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF’S STORE – LIMDEV (NPDC) BUILDING, MAIN ROAD, GIYANI, on 3 OCTOBER 2019 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X STOCK IN TRADE 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 2
SEPTEMBER 2019 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS OFFICE NO. 203 & 204, 2ND FLOOR OLD MUTUAL BUILDING GIYANI Tel: 015 307-5792 / 5694 Ref: JS/sdj/GA3464 Sep204___________________________
AUCTION IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG DIVISION PRETORIA Case Number: 67952/2017 In the matter between: THE STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED PLAINTIFF (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1962/000738/06) And LIVHUHANI CROSSBY MULUNGWA FIRST DEFENDANT (IDENTITY NUMBER: 740420 6069 087) MOKGADI VALENTINE MULUNGWA SECOND DEFENDANT (IDENTITY NUMBER: 770417 0708 085) NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In execution of a judgment of the High Court of South Africa, Gauteng Division, Pretoria in the abovementioned suit, a sale with reserve, if any will be held by the Sheriff, LETABA, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, AQUA PARK, TZANEEN, will be put up to auction on FRIDAY, 27 SEPTEMBER 2019 at 10H00. of the under-
mentioned property of the defendants’ subject to the conditions of sale which are available for inspection at the offices of the Sheriff Offices, LETABA during office hours. ERF 1130 SITUATE IN THE TOWNSHIP TZANEEN EXTENSION 12, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., NORTHERN PROVINCE, MEASURING 1909 (ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NINE) SQUARE METRES, HELD BY DEED OF TRANSFER No. T33665/2002, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS THEREIN CONTAINED AND SPECIALLY SUBJECT TO THE RESERVATION OF MINERAL RIGHTS. ALSO KNOWN AS: 12 AWIE WESSELS STREET, TZANEEN EXT 12; The following information is furnished regarding improvements on the property although nothing in this respect is guaranteed: 2 LOUNGE, 2 BATHROOMS (1 SHOWER), KITCHEN, STUDY ROOM, DINING ROOM, 4 TOILETS, 3 BEDROOMS (1X ENSUITE) ENTERTAINMENT ROOM The property is zoned residential. The sale shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the High Court and the rules made thereunder and the Purchaser (other than the Execution Creditor) shall pay a deposit of 10% of the purchase price in cash at the time of the sale. The full Conditions of Sale and rules of auction shall be inspected
at the offices of the Sheriff of the High Court, LETABA. Take further notice that:1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above court. 2. The Rules of this auction is available 24 hours before the auction at the office of the Sheriff LETABA, 33A PIETER JOUBERT STREET, AQUA PARK, TZANEEN. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to the conditions, inter alia: (a) Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (URL za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=99961). (b) FICA-legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; (c) Payment of a registration fee of R15,000.00, in cash for immovable property. (d) All conditions applicable to registration. The Execution Creditor, Sheriff and/or Plaintiff ’s Attorney do not give any warranties with regard to the description and/or improvements, DATED AT PRETORIA ON 5 AUGUST 2019. PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS VEZI & DE BEER INCORPORATED 319 Alpine Road,Lynnwood P O BOX 13461 HATFIELD, 0028 Tel: (012) 361 5640 Direct fax: 086 685 4170 REF: M MOHAMED/MDP/ MAT27238 E-mail: Sep205___________________________
12 13 September 2019
Die Sewes op die Sewende ■
Hoërskool Merensky se O/15- en O/17 7’s rugbyspanne het op Saterdag 7de September, na Phalaborwa gereis om deel te neem aan die Frans du Toit 7’s toernooi. Die Plasie-seniors het hul wedstryde teen DZJ (29-0), die Kavaliers (19-5), PHS (22-0) en HTS Tom Naudé (36-7) in die beker halfeindstryd gewen. Hul het egter in die beker-eindstryd teen Frans du Toit skrams 21-24 verloor het en as naaswenners uit die stryd getree. Die O/15-seuns het al hul wedstryde gewen en eerste in die toernooi geëindig. Hul het teen DZJ (58-0), HTS Tom Naudé (26-7), PHS (22-5 in halfeindstryd) en HTS Tom Naudé (19-12 in beker-eindstryd) te staan gekom.
Klofies wys hul slag Leerders van die Laerskool Duiwelskloof het verlede week en afgelope naweek hul skool se naam hoog gehou met hul deelnames aan verskeie sport en kuns geleenthede.
Lerese du Preez Karlien Cordier, Dine Booyse en Amieke Cordier het aan die Tzaneen Arts Festivus in Tzaneen deelgeneem. Al drie dié meisies het goud vir hulle danse verower.
Ruan laat rekords spat ■ Merensky
Hierdie leerders het Saterdag die 7de Augustus aan die Vula-Vula padfietswedren deelgeneem by die ATKV Eiland-Spa. Chantene van Wyngaardt het ‘n eerste plek vir meisies 0/12 behaal en Anke Rood was eerste in die meisies 0/14-afdeling.
Hoërskool Merensky het op Dinsdag die 3de September ‘n baie suksesvolle interhuis swemgala op eie bodem aangebied. Die plaaslike swemsensasie, Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger, het in nege items deelgeneem hy het nege goue medaljes in rekordtyde ingepalm om as die Senior Victor Ludorum vir die dag aangewys te word. Ander swemmers wat hul merk gemaak het is Kagiso Hoaeane, Junior Victor Ludorum, Donia Smit, Junior Victrix Ludorum en Lerese du Preez, Senior Victrix Ludorum. Tussen Huise Terra, Ignis, Aqua en Ventus het Terra die grootste geraas gemaak en die geesbeker gewen. Hulle swemmers het ook gesorg dat hul hierdie jaar as die beste swemspan op die dag aangewys is.
Ruan Hanaczeck-Kruger
Donia Smit
Hierdie drie leerders het Saterdag die 7de Augustus in Centurion aan die Suid-Afrikaanse landloop kampioenskap deelgeneem. Voor: Andrew Dauth. Agter: Luhann Janse van Rensburg en Theo Dauth. Links: Anita Stoltz het Saterdag die 7de Augustus aan die Lente Trap fietswedren in Polokwane deelgeneem waar sy ‘n derde plek in haar afdeling vermag het. Regs: Abigiyal Koekemoer het aan die Tzaneen Arts Festivus deelgeneem en het ‘n goue toekenning vir haar solo dans item verwerf. Foto’s: Laerskool Duiwelskloof.
Kagiso Hoaeane
13 September 2019 13
New MDDA Eisteddfod attracts top performers ■ Roelof de Jonge
Ilana Lubbe
Merensky High School presented a brand new MDDA Eisteddfod from the 2nd until the 13th of September. All of these Eisteddfod events took place in the MDDA (music, dance, drama and art) Centre of this school. This Eisteddfod attracted the highest standard of participants. The dance, drama, instrumental, photography and vocal section include two or more items for all the participants. In the fine art section, only one artwork had to be submitted. On Monday dance participants took to the stage with the wellknown actor Izak Davel from Isidingo and more recently from Kyknet’s Binnelanders soapy as the judge for the dancing section of the MDDA Eisteddfod. According to Mari Weber, culture manager of the centre and organiser of this event, the final results will only be released once the Eisteddfod has been concluded.
Well-known television soapy actor Izak Davel evaluated the dance participants Mieke Honeyball
Photo’s: Roelof de Jonge.
In honour of Ma’am Lizzy ■
Bright Bridges Success School
One man once said, “It is not a must to commemorate a certain soul but it is within people’s hearts to keep their loved ones closer and honoured.” Our hearts were filled with sorrow and sadness when one of our heroines passed on to our Creator and the moment the news reached us, we fell into deep grieving with so many condolences that yet made such a difference. The co-founder and builder of Bright Bridges Success School, Ma’am Lizzy or Mukansi Mokgaetji Elizabeth. It was not with hatred of this earth but with God’s will which keeps us wondering why a precious, strong, tremendous, courageous, optimistic, loving, ambitious and caring soul had to fall. She left a big indelible mark in many people’s lives and she should be remembered for her
marvellous and adorable work. The learners at Bright Bridges Success School came up with a special way of celebrating the life of Ma’am Lizzy. The celebration was done in style as it incorporated talent search events. This day started off with a bang. Teams competed in a bean bag race followed by fast footed sprinters in a race to get to the finishing line first. The third event for the day was an egg and spoon race. This was followed by a bean bag dash. Netball was next on the program, and the competition between the woman and men caused quite for an exciting match. In the end the woman managed to edge out the men. What would a fun day be without a foot shake and dance? Good vibes and tunes echoed around the school as everyone, including the teachers, enjoyed an awesome ending to a fantastic fun day.
Learners from Bright Bridges Success School compete in a round of netball during this school’s fun day recently.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR: We are looking to adopt two slightly awkward yet highly motivated people into our motley crew. The two we are looking for, need to be well presented self-motivated coffee connoisseurs with the uncanny ability to market our product to their peers. You will be screened. You will be tested, and if successful, you will be loved. SKILLS: Ability to transform pressure into positive energy They will need to be analytical, not critical They will need to know the teachings of Robert Kiyosaki Above all, they need to lust after victory Job Type: Full Time Email CV to: You will have an interview with our entire team. During this interview you may be requested to quote Jordan Belfort. Applications end once the adoption is complete.
Size: 440mm & 520mm: STEEL PLATES: R100 each 4 Skirving Street, Tzaneen. Tel: 015 307 7775 | 083 450 2426 079 222 2900
14 13 September 2019
Steve kom sing vir sy mense ■
‘n Kleurvolle helpende hand verseker ■
Roelof de Jonge
Aanhangers van Steve Hofmeyr en selfs mense wat glo in welwillendheid moet hul dagboeke vir hierdie Saterdag die 14de September oophou. Die gewilde Suid-Afrikaanse sanger gaan by die APC Jag Kamp optree en sy vertoning gaan om 19:00 begin. Die hekke na die vertoning gaan reeds om 16:00 al oop wees. Hierdie vertoning se winste gaan uitsluitlik aan die Goue Jare Bejaardesorgsentrum op Mojadjiskloof geskenk word. Volgens die organiseerders van Hofmeyr se optrede, is dit die tweede keer sedert 2018 dat so ‘n geleentheid gereël word waar die winste agterna aan ‘n behoeftige organisasie geskenk word. Dit sal die eerste keer wees dat Goue Jare se bejaarde inwoners by hierdie geleentheid sal baat. Die organiseerders moedig inwoners van Tzaneen, Mojadjiskloof en omgewing aan om hierdie geleentheid van welwillendheid te ondersteun en saam te kom geniet. Volgens die organiseerders van APC Jag Kamp sal die kontantkroeg sowel as die verskeidenheid van kosstalletjies deur die Tzaneen Rotariërsklub behartig word. Die organiseerders wil mense wat Hofmeyr se konsert kom bywoon aanmaan om nie koelers (cooler boxes) te bring nie en die kosstalletjies eerder te ondersteun aangesien hierdie opbrengste ook vir welwillendheid gaan. Johan Kleynhans, tesourier van die bestuur van Goue Jare Bejaardesorgsentrum, het ook sy dankbaarheid vir hierdie opkomende geleentheid betuig. Hy het ook die mense wat deurentyd welwillendheidswerk vir Goue Jare bewillig asook die organiseerders van Steve Hofmeyr se optrede Saterdag geprys. “Hierdie weldoeners in ons gemeenskap is ongelooflike mense. Sonder die hulp en insette van die gemeenskap sal ons maar min gedoen kan kry. Goue Jare het sowat 52 inwoners waarvan driekwart van hul in rolstoele is. Daar is 44 werknemers wat help met die versorging van die bejaardes en salarisse vir hierdie werknemers is sekerlik ons grootste uitgawe maandeliks”, het Kleynhans gesê. Kleynhans het gesê dat hul geen ondersteuning van die Staat ontvang nie en is daarom grootliks afhanklik van skenkings en bydraes deur die gemeenskap. Kleynhans wie selfs ‘n pensionaris is vertel dat hy selfs nie huiwer om moue op te rol nie as daar instanthoudingswerk gedoen moet word nie. Die hekke sal al reeds om 05:00 oopgemaak word vir die Mooketsi MTB Challenge bergfietswedren. Enige navrae of vir kaartjieverkope kan mense vir Amanda (083 631 7164) of Karien (071 585 1352) skakel.
Koos Smit (links) en Anton Muller (regs) oorhandig die skenking aan die SAVF wat namens Ilza Roelofse en Ina Janse van Rensburg in ontvangs geneem was.
Nadine du Plessis en Riekie Smit het namens Helpende Hand Tzaneen Studiefonds die skenking van die Smit en Kie, Paint Pot gholfdag ontvang. Saam hulle is Koos Smit (Smit en Kie) en Anton Muller (Paint Pot).
Roelof de Jonge
Na afloop van die Smit en Kie Makelaars, Paint Pot Gholfdag vir welwillendheid wat die 30ste Augustus by die Tzaneen Buiteklub gehou is, het die organiseerders donasies van hierdie opbrengs aan verteenwoordigers van die begunstigde instansies oorhandig. Die organisasies wat baat gevind het by hierdie gholfdag was Helpende Hand Tzaneen Studiefonds, God’s Haven, Goue Jare tehuis vir bejaardes en die Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie (SAVF). Volgens Koos Smit (Smit en Kie Makelaars) en Anton Muller (Paint Pot) was dit eintlik Smit se vrou Riekie, wat met die gedagte vorendag gekom het om die twee ondernemings saam ‘n gholfdag te laat aanbied. Smit en Muller was dit eens dat hierdie ‘n uitstekende plan was en dat die deelnemers hierdie gholfdag terdeë geniet het. Hulle het gesê dat hulle ‘n baie goeie opkoms vir deelnames gekry het en dit vir hulle kon help om dit moontlik te maak om aan die gemeenskap terug te kan gee. Die twee sakemanne meen hulle beplan om vir volgende jaar se gholfdag selfs meer deelnemers te lok. Hulle wil graag Tzaneen en omgewing se gemeenskap meer betrokke kry en selfs meer verskaffers kry om hierdie geldinsamelingsprojek te ondersteun. Dié twee het nietemin die betrokke verskaffers en borge hartlik bedank vir hul ondersteuning om hierdie gholfdag ‘n klinkende sukses te maak. Hulle sê omrede dit die eerste keer was dat die twee maatskappye kragte saamgespan het om die gholfdag te reël, sal hulle in die vervolg hierdie geleentheid selfs vroeër bemark om meer spanne te kry vir deelname.
PRE-REGISTRATIONS 11/09/2018 - C y c l e C a f é Tzaneen
13 September 2019 15
Gerrie vir Limspan Jonges wil toppies aanvat ■
Gerhardus Fourie, ‘n graad 11-leerder en die hoofseun van Hoërskool Merensky, was onlangs vir die Limpopo-span ingesluit. Hierdie span gaan van die 13de tot die 15de September op Senwes Park in Potchefstroom aan Krieket Suid-Afrika se T20 interprovinsiale toernooi gaan deelneem. Hierdie toernooi word as een van die grootste provinsiale kriekettoernooie in Suid-Afrika gereken. Limpopo sal teen die 11-talle van Mpumalanga, Grens, Noordwes en die Westelike Provinsie slag bied. Fourie was ook onlangs ingesluit by die Krieket Suid-Afrika TAP (Talent Acceleration Programme) O/19-span wat by die St David’s Festival in Johannesburg deelgeneem het.
Roelof de Jonge
Rugbyliefhebbers en ondersteuners van dié sport word deur die bestuur van Letaba Rugbyklub gemaan om alle planne vir die dag van Saterdag die 28ste September opsy te skuif. Dis wanneer die jaarlikse Letaba Ou Manne teen die Jong Manne Rugbydag gehou gaan word. Hierdie rugbydag word op die rugbyveld van Letaba Rugbyklub by Tzaneen se skouterrein gehou. Volgens Bennie Krüger, ‘n addisionele lid van Letaba Rugbyklub se bestuur, was die ‘n jaarlikse tradisie van die klub. Hy sê nadat die geleentheid vir ‘n paar jaar opgehou het, het die tradisie weer in 2016 begin en sedertdien het dit weer jaarliks ‘n instelling op Letaba Rugbyklub se kalender geword. Krüger sê verrigtinge vir hierdie geleentheid gaan begin word met ‘n vertoning van die Springbokke se Wêreldbeker-wedstryd in Japan teen die span van Suid-Afrika se buurland, Namibië, Daarna gaan die aksie op Letaba se rugbyveld in alle erns begin wanneer Letaba se derdespan teen die Pumbas XV uitdraf. Na die wedstryd gaan twee spanne van spellers bo 40 jaar oud me-
kaar aandurf. Die hoofwedstryd van die dag, die Ou Manne teen die Jong Manne, word vir laaste gehou. Volgens Krüger is dit om oud-spelers van die klub asook die voormalige Tzaneen Rugbyklub op ‘n manier te betrek by die sport, maar die uiteindelike doelwit volgens hom is om pret en ontspanning vir die spelers, families en
ondersteuners te bied. Program vir Saterdag die 28ste September: 12h00 - Suid-Afrika vs Namibië 14h00 - Letaba 3 vs Pumbas XV 15h30 - Bo 40 jaar vs Bo 40 jaar 17h00 - Ou Manne vs Jong Manne 20h00 - Prysuitdeling word gevolg deur bring en braai.
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015 306 0198
Are you smart? Professional? Efficient? Effective? Passionate about your work? The Government Pensions Administration Agency (GPAA) is a government component which reports to the Minister of Finance and administers funds and schemes on behalf of the Government Employees Pension Fund (GEPF), the largest pension fund in Africa. It thus administers the pension affairs of approximately 1,7 million government employees and those of pensioners, spouses and dependants. To meet the needs of our changing client base, the GPAA is modernising. In order for this modernisation to be effective, we are looking to bring bright and enthusiastic professionals from all disciplines of life, who are interested in contributing towards positive change, into our fold. If this is you, please apply for the post detailed below:
Client Services ● Permanent ● Limpopo Region (Polokwane) ● Ref: CLO/LIM/2019/09-1P Salary: R376 596 per annum (basic salary) - Level 9 Purpose of the role: The purpose of the Client Liaison Officer is to provide client outreach, education and employer compliance. The successful incumbent will be responsible for a wide variety of administrative and client service tasks. For detailed information on this position, please visit the GPAA’s website: How to apply: Please forward your application, quoting the relevant reference number (on application and envelope) for the attention of Ms Felicia Mahlaba on 012 319 1455, Government Pensions Administration Agency, 34 Hamilton street or Private Bag X63, Arcadia, Pretoria 0001 or handdeliver to our Limpopo Regional Offices based at: 87(a) Bok Street, Polokwane CBD, 0700 to reach us before 12h00 noon on the closing date. REQUIREMENT FOR THIS POSITION: CANDIDATES MUST BE WILLING TO TRAVEL AS AND WHEN REQUIRED. NO LATE/E-MAILED/FAXED APPLICATIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED.
CLOSING DATE: 04 OCTOBER 2019 BEFORE 12H00 NOON. Note: Employment Equity target for the post is Coloured/White/Indian male or female and people with disability. Candidates of the specified groups are encouraged to apply.
R1.30 per Litre Refill at Oasis Water Tzaneen - Shop 1, 11 Plantation Road, 015 307 2504 079 523 5253
13 September 2019
Fouché vat Vula loshande ■ Joe Dreyer
Padfietsryers het Saterdag die 7de September die ATKV Eiland Spa Vula-Vula padfietswedren in koud en nat toestande aangedurf. Jaco Fouché was soos ‘n vis in water en het die hoofwedren oor ‘n afstand van 100km gemaklik gewen. Fouché het die wedren in ‘n tyd van 02:42:13.2 voltooi. Die tweede en derde plekke se fietsryers het byna nek aan nek oor die wenstreep gejaag. Die tweedeplek is deur Roan Cloete (02:49:17.9) ingeneem met Jacques Coetzee (02:49:20.5) wat in die derdeplek klaargemaak het. Soos wat Fouché die 100km wedren vir mans oorheers het, so het LS Fouché die vroue se 100km wedren gewen. Sy het met ‘n tyd van 02:50:30.2 dié oorwinning behaal. Die tweedeplek was deur Shirley Schriven (02:57:10.5) ingeneem met Janine Pretorius (02:57:11.5) wie die derdeplek behaal het. Die 100km se tandem-afdeling was deur Walt en Zelda Katzke gewen. Gunther Katzke wie slegs 16 jaar oud is, het die 70km wedren in ‘n tyd van 02:02:59.7 gewen. Hannes Malan (02:03:00.6) was tweede en Elmo Barnard (02:03:00.7) het in die derdeplek gevolg. Eliz- Mari Pretorius was die eerste vroue deelnemer oor die wenstreep in die 70km wedren. Sy het die afdeling in ‘n tyd van 02:03:06.8 gewen. Christelle Coetzer (02:10:32.8) het Pretorius in die tweedeplek gevolg met Simoné Oberholzer (02:17:03.3) wat in die derdeplek vir Oberholzer gevolg het.
Jaco Fouché, mans- en algehele wenner van die 100km hoofwedren. Foto: Roelof de Jonge
Uitslae: 45km mans Eerste - Tyrone Anders (01:29:27.6). Tweede - Wayne Burger (01:29:31.9). Derde - John-Robert Honiball (01:33:33.6). 45km Vrouens Eerste - Shani Rudder (01:35:50.6). Tweede - Elisma Minnaar (01:39:15.7). Derde - Erika MacConnel (01:43:04.1) 14km seuns Eerste - Max Drewett (00:28:45.8). Tweede - Gordon Noëlet (00:30:26.4). Derde - Matthew Scriven (00:30:36.7). 14km meisies Eerste - Chantene van Wyngaardt (00:37:16.6). Tweede - Sharon Jones (00:40:23.6). Derde - Chantelle Luther (00:40:32.1).
Die 16-jarige Gunther Katzke het die 70km wedren. Hannes Malan was tweede en Elmo Barnard was derde.
LS Fouché het die vroue se 100km wedren gewen. Tweede was Shirley Schriven en Janine Pretorius was derde.
Dames 70km.
Dikwiel Gubitz span.
Die 100km se tandem-afdeling was deur Walt en Zelda Katzke gewen.
Acrylic or Aluminium R120 each R240 per set 440mm/520mm • Key coding • Safes • Key cutting • Master keying • Access control • Ignitions • Number plates
Tel: 015 307 5999 A/H: 015 307 4661 Cell: 083 628 9244 10 Skirving Street Tzaneen Behind Letaba Dry cleaners