Bulletin 13 Desember 2019

Page 1

Vertoonkamers in Tzaneen, Giyani, Phalaborwa, Mankweng, Polokwane & NOU ook in Acornhoek



13 December 2019

015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 060 691 2395



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Crème Brulee is the Dulux Colour of the Year for 2019. This warm amber shade has been chosen

Bladsy 2



The Specialist Paint Centre Tzaneen


to reflect a new mood of positivity and optimism – a desire to ‘let the light in’.

015 307 7756 40 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen bulletin©1083d190111tl

Water vloei...so bietjie

Ten spyte van die goeie reën die afgelope week, bly Tzaneendam se watervlak steeds onder die 5% kerf. Lees meer op bladsy 2


Another empty promise Page 5



Mediese fondse Korttermynversekering Lewensversekering Aftreebeplanning Beleggings Testamente Boedelbeplanning Pensioen- en voorsorgfonds Dood- en ongeskiktheidsversekering Aandele

Medical aid Short term insurance Life insurance Retirement planning investments Investments Testaments Estate planning Pension funds Disability insurance Stocks


10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587


Have your say on new land bill Page 5



Don English’ suspension lifted Page 3


Photo: Roelof de Jonge




13 December 2019





Reën bring maar min verligting

Personeel | Personnel

■ Joe Dreyer


Bulletin F A R


Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com


Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Bemarking / Marketing Sarel Barwise 071 484 5154 sarel@bulletin.us.com Erwin Venter 060 691 2395 erwin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

Die langverwagte reën wat die afgelope paar weke oor die Bulletin verspreidingsgebied neergesak het, het verligting vir van die landbouers in die area gebring. Volgens die Suid-Afrikaanse Weerburo (SAW) se webtuiste (wat twee weke terug laas opgedateer is) het areas soos Haenertsburg tot dusvêr bo-normale reënval syfers vir Novembermaand aangeteken. Die weerstasie op Haenertsburg het teen Sondagoggend, 1 Desember ‘n totaal van 140mm aangeteken wat 123% bo die gewone 114mm vir hierdie tydperk is. Hans Merensky stasie het sovêr 167% meer reën vanjaar ontvang met 135mm wat gemeet is. Hierdie area ontvang gemiddeld 81mm oor Desember. Hoedspruit lugmagbasis het ook goeie reën ontvang met 118mm wat vir November geval het. Oor die algemeen is Hoedspruit se reënval redelik konstant en ontvang dié area ‘n gemiddeld van 100mm elke jaar oor die Desember tydperk. Tzaneen se reënval word op Westfalia landgoed gemeet en volgens die SAW het daar teen die 1ste Desember reeds 121mm geval. Plaaslike reënval

intoesias, Fanie Oberholzer reken dat die 71-jaar gemiddeld vir die Aquapark-area oor Desember, 150mm is en dat daar tot dusvêr 73mm geval het. Phalaborwa inwoners glimlag breed nadat hul in November ‘n totaal van 239mm gemeet het wat byna vier maal die jaarlikse gemiddeld vir Novembermaand is. Teen druktyd Woensdagoggend het dit steeds gereën. Is hierdie syfers genoeg? Die Minister van Menslike Nedersettings, Water en Sanitasie, Lindiwe Sisulu het onlangs aan die media gesê dat daar 28 damme in die Limpopo provinsie is waarvan nie een heeltemal vol is nie. Volgens die minister is 14 damme tussen 50% en 100% vol, terwyl die ander 14 minder as 49% vol is. Volgens die nasionale woordvoerder vir die department, Sputnik Ratau, val vyf van die provinsie se damme, naamlik Middle-Letaba, Glen Alpine, Modjadji, Tzaneen, en Doorndraai op die kritieke lys van damme wat op minder as 10% kapasiteit staan. Die reën het wel die provinsiale water bestuur area se gemiddeld met ‘n halfpersent van 57.5% tot 58% gelig. Intussen word daar bespiegel oor die moontlikheid van ‘n herhaling van die verwoestende vloede

Spruitjie roer my nie ■ Joe Dreyer ‘n Wolkbreek oor Phalaborwa het amper ‘n gesin in Soetdoringstraat dakloos gelaat. Bennie Jacobs en sy gesin moes hulpeloos toekyk terwyl volumes water in hul agterplaas instroom en teen hul huis se mure opstoot. “Dit was ongelooflik om waar te neem,” het Jacobs vertel. “Die water het ons swembad laat oorloop en toe binne minute het ons hele agterplaas in ‘n dam verander.” Die Jacobs-gesin se huis grens aan ‘n spruit (bekend as die Tse-Tse Spruit) wat die hele dorpsgebied deurkruis en gereeld oorloop tydens swaar reën. Die 100mm wat binne ‘n paar minute neergesak het, op die dag ter sprake, het egter die spruit in ‘n breë rivier verander. Volgens Jacobs het hy vroeg die oggend wakker geskrik en die water opgemerk. “Ek het my vrou wakker gemaak en gesê sy beter gou kom help aan ‘n plan dink want die hele huis gaan binnekort oorstroom. Sy wou dit nie glo nie want die stormwater pype wat onder straat deur loop voor ons huis, sou tog die water wegvoer volgens haar.

Dit was egter nie die geval nie want ek het uitgestap en gaan kyk en die pype was heeltemal verstop.” Volgens hom het takke en riete en honderde plastiek bottels en ander rommel wat deur die stroom meegevoer is, die stormwaterpype wat onder die pad deurloop, so verstop dat die water oor die pad begin vloei het. “Die reën het nét betyds opgehou en die water het letterlik ‘n liniaal-lengte onder die vensterbanke gestop. Maar ek moes gate in my grensmuur in kap sodat die water weer uit my erf kon dreineer. Na dit het ek duisende spandeer om my swembad weer reg te kry. Ek het reeds die munisipaliteit vertel van die probleem met die verstoppings van die stormwater pype, maar hulle het nog nie uitgekom om dit reg te maak nie. Ek is bang vir die groot reën

wat oppad is want met die konstante reën wat ons die laaste week gehad het, het die water weer gelydelik begin styg.” Teen druktyd kon ons geen terugvoering van die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit se berugte media-skaam segsman af kry nie. Ons sal in die weke wat voorlê wel opvolg.

A planet of pretty awaits ■ Joe Dreyer If nails and beauty is your thing, then Shaun and Noula Draper should be your go-to supplier of all things related. Since July this year the couple, who just recently relocated to Tzaneen from Gauteng, have setup shop in the Crossings centre just walking distance from Postnet. Here they manage Plant Nails Tzaneen as one of a hundred national agents spread across the country. The franchise itself has been around since 2004 making it one of the most sought-after suppliers to the beauty industry in the country. Salons come here to order their stock which include a variety of Files, Tips, Nail Glues, Nail Liquids, Implements, Brushes, Nail Forms, Containers, Treatments, Massage Products, Acrylic Products, Gel and Gel Polish Product, Silk and Fibre Products, Gel Lamps, Disposables, Beauty Products, Salon Furniture and Equipment, Manicure and Pedicure Products, Beauty Cases, Display Items, Hair Products, Lash Products, Wax and Tint Products, Make-Up Products, Starter Kits and Nail Art. Literally everything in one place. Like a planet, just smaller. But they don’t just supply the products, when you visit them in the Crossings centre, be sure

to ask about the courses they offer. These courses are certified nail, beauty and makeup courses and could be just the passport you need to enter the industry. Planet Nails Tzaneen also stock Hannon products and have a range of Brazillian hair products on offer too. If you want to pamper that special someone in your life, why not opt for a gift voucher or hamper available in-store? Pop in to Planet Nails and have a chat to the Draper’s ahead of this Christmas Season and pick up some prettiness for the stockings.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels For your wireless Communication needs, contact us! Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net

wat in 2000 deur Mosambiek en Limpopo beweeg het as gevolg van die tropiese sikloon Demoina. Wanneer die hidrologie van die Limpopo-bekkengebied bestudeer word is dit opmerklik dat daar verskeie ernstige vloede die afgelope 50 jaar, die area getref het. Volgens die webblad www.limpopo.riverawarenesskit.org is die mees noemenswaardige van hierdie in 1955, 1967, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1981 en 2000. Daar is verskeie “ouer” Tzaneeners wat aan Bulletin vertel het dat die watervlakke van die Tzaneen dam reeds verskeie kere in die verlede tot minder as 5% gedaal het, maar ondanks ons beste pogings om enige gedokumenteerde bewyse te bekom om hierdie bewerings te staaf, kon ons nie. Elke landlynnommer vir enige van die provinsiale departmente lui ongeantwoord en die departement van waterwese se webtuiste hou nie veel histories hidrologiese syfers aan nie. Selfs die nasionale woordvoerder, Sputnik Ratau, het tyd gevra om behoorlik navraag te doen om ons ‘n antwoord te kan gee. Teen druktyd was daar egter nog geen merkwaardige verandering in die vlakke van enige van die damme in die Tzaneen-area nie.

Lynette Marais 015 307 4229 • lynette@fsabrokers.co.za Die senior burgers van Macadamia Village, Pioniers, El-Natan, God’s Haven en Goue Jare ontvang vandag gratis eksemplare van die Bulletin. Baie dankie!

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 9/12/2019

Tzaneen 4.8%

Ebenezer 29.6%

Merensky 24.2%

Dap Naude 75.3%

Middel Letaba 2.7%

Blyde Rivier Poort 44.1%

Klaserie 65.4%

Tours 20.4%

Vergelegen 77.9%

Ohrigstad 4.8%




13 December 2019



English and Magakwe back in rhino fight ■

Joe Dreyer

The controversial suspension of one of the Kruger National Park’s most respected rangers, Don English, was lifted this week. English and one of his colleagues, Victor Magakwe, were suspended in October after another ranger laid charges against them for allegedly mistreating suspected rhino poachers and fellow rangers. The plaintiff in this instance is a corporal who himself was suspended prior to laying these charges, for his alleged involvement in rhino poaching. With his own case still pending, the ranger lodged his complaint against English and Magakwe with his union. This after he and another ranger were arrested in a sting operation. News24 reported that the corporal was allegedly arrested after an illegal weapon was found in his tent at a bush camp. Neither SANParks or the SAPS have confirmed this though. At the time of the suspension, SANParks spokesperson, Ike Phaahla confirmed that the two men were suspended but refused to divulge any details on the matter. In the meantime, we tried to gain clarity from fellow spokesperson Rey Thakhuli, who sited labour relations as a reason to remain tight-lipped. “I’m certain you will appreciate that labour related matters are between an employer and employee in nature, therefore commenting on such could be prej-

udicial to both the employer and employee,” he said. As a senior ranger, English is known for spearheading the attack on rhino poaching syndicates in the park and has been at the forefront of the fight his entire career. It is widely accepted that he played a pivotal part in the sharp decline of rhino poaching incidents recorded this past year. Shortly after his suspension sources in the park reported an increase in poaching activity and it is said that close to 30 rhinos were slaughtered in the past month. We asked Thakhuli to confirm these allegations and whether the increase in poaching has any bearing on the suspension of English and Magakwe. “Fighting poaching cannot be placed on the shoulders of one individual. It can therefore not be true that there has been escalation in poaching since Mr English suspension. Unfortunately, this kind of rhetoric is misleading and projects other Rangers as doing nothing in the fight against poaching. It is divisive in nature and does more harm in lowering the morale of our hard-working men and women in green.” Even though these two rangers have now been reinstated, there exists concerns among the rhino poaching investigators and the prosecuting authorities as to whether the suspension of English will have a negative impact on the various high-profile poaching cases in which he is a key witness.

Don English receives the Ranger Post of the Year award on behalf of Crocodile Bridge Ranger Section in 2012. With him are Helen Mmethi and Abe Sibiya.

Maluti road project Meat exports and now at standstill auctions suspended ■

Joe Dreyer

The Maluti village road project has been in the news regularly over the past few weeks as it played a pivotal part in the tender debacle which saw the GTM’s municipal manager inexplicably suspended after an alleged failed assignation attempt. The Maluti access road formed part of a tender project which was awarded to a contractor, Tshiamiso, to upgrade. The contractor then demanded additional funding to the tune of R38 million, which resulted in the contract being cancelled. What makes the Maluti village even more relevant is that it is the home of the ANC’s Chief Whip, Chromwell Nhemo, who is rumoured to be a strong candidate for Tzaneen’s mayor at the end of current mayor, Maripe Mangena’s tenor in office. These allegations by a source have not been confirmed. With the tender contract to upgrade the access road cancelled, striking workers on the project scattered rubble across the roadway after it emerged that they had lost their newly acquired jobs. Road signs have been erected redirecting traffic along a detour, the project remains incomplete. The heaps of soil lining the access

road which were placed their mid-project, have since been washed away by torrential rains. Though it was initially promised that a new tender would be issued to continue with the task, so far nothing has happened. One of the local headmen in the village told Bulletin that they have heard rumours that the project to renovate the main access road to the village was terminated but nobody ever approached them to give an explanation. “We as headmen, we are never informed formally. There is always a loud hailing to invite people to meetings where they would hire each other for jobs and projects and it is only when things do not work out, that our attention is sought. The recent rains did not help either as it has only worsened the situation since the newly built road is no longer passable.” An observation by a source this week indicated that the project was not nearing completion as initially indicated and following the recent rains, the access road is now filled with deep ditches caused by flooding. This coupled with the sand which the rains washed away and the piles of rocks across the roadway does not make for a positive outlook for this project going forward.

Jeff Jackson

The national Department of Agriculture has described the outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) for the second time in a year in Limpopo as “too shocking” and as a result they resolved to suspend the exportation of meat from Limpopo to other provinces until the situation has normalised. This was announced by Agriculture and Land Reform minister Thoko Didiza on Monday last week after reports of the second outbreak emerged. She said preliminary investigations revealed that the disease might be caused by physical contact between domestic animals and wildlife since it was revealed the disease is derived from the buffalo during animal auctions. “That the disease broke out for the second time in a year has left us shocked as it has never happened before and left us confused as to what should be done to remedy the situation. We found out

that it is caused by close contact between wild animals and livestock and we felt it right that contact between the two species be alleviated,” she said. “Though the disease is not harmful to human beings it is harmful to the economy. People could continue auctioning the animals through social media as long as the animals do not have contact with each other. We urged the provinces to inspect their animals before they are transported to other areas as that would serve as immediate solution to the problem. Where necessary we will rope in the police.” Didiza added that she could not say when the ban would be lifted, and it would be determined by how the process to deal with the diseases turns out. She said the first outbreak was in November where the disease was diagnosed in animals from the Waterberg area. The Minister added that it was imperative that they do not look at one region but the prov-

ince as a whole. She said she had sent correspondence to all the MEC’s to place the disease in the spotlight and report back to her office. Though the issue seems a small matter in rural communities, the commercial farming sector is likely to be hit hard by the recent developments as business will surely suffer as the sales of animals would likely drop for the time being. She said that the situation should surely change after the disease had been contained. Earlier this month, President Cyril Ramaphosa (nicknamed Buffalo because of his love of the animals), had to lay off workers on his farm outside Nelspruit after some of his livestock were affected by the disease. Ramaphosa, who owns several game reserves is said to be an avid auctioneer of buffalos worth millions. Just last week, reports emerged that Southern Africa countries such as Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Botswana had banned the importation of South African meat to their countries because of the disease.

Parliament closes Geen kameras so geen kontant ■ Joe Dreyer

Jeff Jackson

The parliament of South Africa closed for the festive season and will resume next year with the expropriation of land without compensation bill put on the shelf until then. The shelving is mostly due to differences between the ruling ANC and the EFF as to how the land should be expropriated. The matter seems to be nearing no end. According to media reports, the issue hit a stalemate after the government wanted the land to be given to individual farmers while the EFF, who brought the matter to parliament, want the land which is to be expropriated want the land to be nationalised. The ANC had stated

several times that they have no intensions to privatise the land or any banks as the it not their policies to nationalise farms. Parliamentary sessions were short this year due to it being an election year and parliamentarians had to close early in March so they could complete political campaigning for their respective parties in leu of the May elections. The issue was shelved after it was presented to communities through public participation and later referred to the adhoc committee where the differences between the two parties emerged. 2020 should in all likelihood see a revisit to the issue which should again see public participation processes kick off.

Bewerings deur ‘n aantal Tzaneeners hierdie afgelope week dui daarop dat iets nie reg sit agter die munisipale toonbanke nie. Volgens een inwoner wat Dinsdagoggend sy voertuig by die Withuis wou lisensieer, is hy weggewys oor hy met kontant wou betaal. Volgens hom het die dame agter die toonbank hom ingelig dat hy slegs met debietof kredietkaart kon betaal aangesien daar gevalle van diefstal gerapporteer is en die geslotebaan kamerastelsels nie operasioneel is nie. Die man het dit vreemd gevind maar toe wel met sy kaart betaal waarna hy na die tariewe toonbank gestap het om daar sy water en ligte rekening te vereffen. Die dame agter hiérdie toonbank het wel sy kontant betaling aanvaar. “Jy staan vir ten minste ‘n halfuur in ‘n ry en wag om gehelp te word want slegs twee

kassiere is aan diens en dan wanneer jy uiteindelik by die venstertjie aankom word jy weggewys. Dit kan mos nie so werk nie? Van wanneer af is hierdie sisteem verander en waar word daar melding van hierdie veranderings gemaak?” Ons het met die GTM se segsman, Neville Ndlala hieroor gepraat en hy het die bewerings erken maar het verduidelik

dat die probleem ondersoek moet word. Hy het wel nie bevestig of daar diefstal vermoed word nie. “Die probleem hier is dat ons kassiere beweer hulle die regte bedrae opkas en bank, maar dat die kassiere by die bank dan laat weet dat die bedrae verkeerd is. Die verskil word dan deur ons kassiere uit hul eie sakke uit betaal. Daar sal nou kameras moet geinstalleer word en druppelkluise aangskaf word en dit is die huidige uitdaging waarmee ons sit. Totdat hierdie situasie nie behoorlik ondersoek kan word nie sal die publiek gevra word om met hul kaarte te betaal of deur middel van elektroniese internet betalings hul besigheid afhandel.” Ndlala het nie reageer toe ons hom gevra het of die kameras wat tans by die withuis geinstalleer is, werk nie en teen druktyd het ons steeds geen terugvoer ontvang nie. Wat ons wel kon aflei is dat die munisipaliteit nie hul kassiere vertrou nie.


13 December 2019



Child killer

Sangoma saved

■ Jeff Jackson A 35-year old man was arrested by the police in Jane Furse for killing his four-year old son and thereafter burying his body in a shallow grave in the backyard of his rental home. It is alleged that the suspect, who is a Lesotho National, suffocated the victim possibly over the weekend, dug a shallow grave and buried him. Community members at Ngwanamatlang village noticed what looked like a grave in the rented yard of the suspect and started questioning him. He then tried to run away but was caught and brought back to the scene where he was forced to dig up the soil. The already decomposing body of the child was then retrieved. The police were then called and on arrival, the suspect had already retrieved the body from the shallow grave. The suspect had to be rescued by the police from the hands of the angry mob. He was then taken to hospital. The mother of the victim, who was allegedly in Gauteng during the incident is also a Lesotho National and it is understood the father had just fetched the child from her two weeks ago. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner in Limpopo, Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba has condemned this latest incident of violence perpetrated against the vulnerable members of society. “As the police and the communities are joining hands to fight violence perpetrated against women and children, incidents of this nature must heighten our collective resolve to uproot this scourge from our societies.” The suspect will appear in Jane Furse magistrate court soon after recuperating from the injuries sustained.

Rifle recovered ■ Jeff Jackson

The police have arrested two young men aged 22 and 35 respectively, for being in possession of illegal ammunition and an unlicensed hunting rifle. The arrest was made by members of the Polokwane Public Order Policing unit, Masisi Crime Intelligence and the Musina Stock Theft unit on Sunday morning in Tshikuyu village outside Thohoyandou. The duo was arrested at their hideout during a joint intelligence driven operation during which the police recovered one .303 hunting rifle with three live rounds AK47 ammunition and two live rounds of an as yet unknown calibre. Both suspects are due to make appearance in the Musina Magistrate’s court on charges of possession of unlicensed firearm and ammunition. Further investigations will still be conducted to determine the origin of these recoveries and whether the suspects are linked to other offences.

Freezer burn

Double murder

■ Jeff Jackson

■ Jeff Jackson A 37-year old man killed his 39-year old wife and 17-year old stepdaughter on Tuesday in Bela-Bela and then committed suicide by driving his vehicle head-on into a truck on the R516 freeway. The incident was reported by the police and a case of two counts of murder and one of culpable homicide is being investigated. It is alleged that neighbours of the family became suspicious after hearing noises and went to check at the house. Someone was then seen lying on the kitchen floor inside the locked house. They immediately contacted the Police and on arrival, members of the SAPS forced opened the door to discover the woman lying dead on the kitchen floor and the lifeless body of her daughter in the bedroom. Police preliminary investigations indicated the two might have been strangled. The suspect apparently took the family car after committing the murders, drove onto the Rooiberg/ Bela-Bela R516 road and crashed it into a truck coming from the opposite direction. He died instantly. “The motive behind the incident is still unknown at this stage but domestic violence cannot be ruled out,” the police said in a media statement.

Man kills wife ■ Jeff Jackson A 45-year old man brutally stabbed and hacked his 35-year old wife to death in the Tshino location, Vuwani outside Thohoyandou because he believed she was cheating on him. The incident occurred over the weekend after a heated argument. The victim died on the spot. Angry community members pursued the suspect, caught him and started beating him up. The police were called and arrested him. He was then taken to the hospital where he was admitted under police guard. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner Lt Genl Nneke Ledwaba has condemned the incident and warned communities to desist from resorting to violent behaviour when dealing with domestic issues. “The SAPS will deal decisively with any perpetrators of gender-based violence and this arrest should send a strong message about our determination to stamp it out,” concluded Ledwaba. No mention was again made of efforts to become proactive and prevent these incidents from happening in the first place. The suspect will, after recuperating from injuries sustained, appear in the Vuwani Magistrate’s court on a charge of murder.

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■ Jeff Jackson A medicine man went missing in the Mphaphuli Nature Reserve in the Sambandou mountains outside Thohoyandou last week after he went to seek the council of his ancestors. The Traditional Healer from the Haluvhimbi location, Mpfunzeni Solomon Ramashia (53), was reported missing at the Thohoyandou police station on Monday the 2nd of December. This after he and his friend Moris Sambo (47) had on Sunday the 1st of December, gone to the Mphaphuli Nature Reserve to look for traditional herbs. The two became separated after the victim allegedly told his friend that he wanted to speak to his ancestors alone. His friend managed to return home. On Wednesday, the 4th of December, a team comprising members of the SAPS Search and Rescue, the K9 unit, Public Order Police, the Airwing, EMS Search and Rescue and Community members, led by the victim’s friend, conducted a search operation in the identified area. The search continued Thursday and his fainting screams were then heard down the mountain. A police helicopter was summoned but the bad weather in the area impeded the operation. The clearly exhausted victim, who apparently fell and was trapped in tree branches could only be rescued by the team on Friday, five days after he went missing. He was then taken to hospital where he is recuperating.

A 26-year old man was arrested by the police in Maake Plaza as part of Operation Loreal on Wednesday last week. As part of an intensification of their festive season operations around the Province, the SAPS conducted a Tactical Intelligence driven operation which led to the arrest of the young man and the recovery of four firearms and ammunition at Mokomotji village in the Maake policing area outside Tzaneen. The police followed up on information that led them to a house in the area and upon arrival they recovered one AK47 assault rifle, two R5 assault rifles, one pistol, nine rifle magazine fully loaded with live ammunition, one fully loaded 9mm magazine, a pair of gloves, a battery and a police reflective jacket. The items were stashed in an unused deep freezer in the house. Investigations to determine if these firearms were previously used in the commission of serious crimes, including Cash-in-Transit heists have already begun. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba has commended all the members who were involved in this operation and has urged all other members to be relentless in ridding this Province on illegal firearms. The suspect will appear in Lenyenye Magistrate’s Court soon on charges of possession of illegal firearms and ammunition.





13 December 2019


Latest land expropriation draft bill released ■ Joe Dreyer An Parliamentary ad hoc committee on the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution to expropriate land without compensation, has released a blue paper to enable written submissions until the 31st of January 2020. This followed opposition parties including the Freedom Front Plus (VF+) and the Democratic Alliance (DA) who opposed the amendment of section 25 of the constitution, submitting to the ad hoc committee that improvements to farms set to be expropriated, should be compensated for. The FF+ MP Corné Mulder and two DA MPs Glynnis Breytenbach and Werner Horn, suggested the specific circumstances should be included. Horn said that if these circumstances were not included, it could bring the amendment’s constitutionality into question. Mulder added that if the circumstances were included in the Constitution, it would provide some certainty. In response to these remarks, the ANC’s Regina Lesoma acknowledged that while their arguments were convincing, the Constitution could not be over-prescriptive. This emerged last week Friday when parliament was closing for the festive season until February next year when the president will be delivering the State of the Nation Address (SONA). Ad hoc committee chairperson, Mathole Motshekga said the bill has been released to all Members of Parliament for perusal and inputs would be expected until the

end of January next year. “The draft bill has a preamble, and if adopted will provide the context for the bill thus explaining that expropriation without compensation is a legitimate option for land reform to address the historic wrongs and ensure equitable access to land and further empower the majority of South Africans.” While subsection 2 of section 25 of the Constitution currently reads that “property may be expropriated only in terms of a law of general application for a public purpose or in the public interest: and subject to compensation the amount of which has either been agreed to by those affected or decided or approved by the courts”. And the draft bill adds this sentence to the quote of the section 25 of the constitution which the government is set on amending; “provided that in accordance with section 3(A) a court may where land or any improvements there on are expropriated for the purposes of land reforms, determine that the amount of compensation will be nil.” The EFF want the land and the farms to expropriated without compensation arguing the land was taken from their ancestors without being compensated and that the land should remain the property of the government. This is in contradiction to the views of the ANC who want the land to be given to the people and used for producing food. Corné Mulder Motshekga said the committee

intended publishing an advert on January 2 calling for public input until the end of January. Submissions and enquiries must be directed to Mr V Ramaano, 3rd Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town, 8000 or emailed to section25@parliament.gov.za .

Mathole Motshekga

More empty promises from Phophi ■ Jeff Jackson Residents of Long Valley and adjacent areas are up in arms after the project to build a clinic has been put on hold due to differences between community leaders over who should be awarded with the project. They were promised employment by Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba, during her visit to the area last year. The MEC visited the area after the community complained of the state of their clinic which was deteriorating. As initially reported in this newspaper, the MEC promised the community that the department would demolish the structure and rebuild the clinic from scratch which has not been the case. The clinic has so far been provided with a palisade fence but nothing more. This community now has no medical clinic. A member of the clinic committee at Khopo village who asked not to be named, told Bulletin that the de-

partment has sent a contractor to patch the cracks on the walls of the clinic which would fall over anytime if it was not attended to urgently. He said the community is worried because the MEC has defaulted on yet another promise to build the community a new clinic. When this reporter visited the area on Sunday, there was inaction at the centre except that the palisade fence had been finished but no work had yet started to renovate the clinic. An employee at the centre said the community should be blamed because they intervened and told the department that they want the work to be done by the locals instead of outside contractors as that would create jobs in the community. Chairperson for the Health committee in the area, Matome Malesa said they are still waiting for a response from the department. “The time in which the clinic would be rebuilt has passed already because they promised that by September the building would be completed,” he said.

“Initially the department promised that they would demolish the old structure and start a new one. They had only built a fence which at one side is already falling apart and we think the quality of the work was not up to scratch. We are going to meet with representatives from the department as they promised us they will come and do an inspection onsite.” Lesedi clinic was built by the new government to replace the existing Thabeng clinic which, according to the government, was not central enough to cater to the entire community. After some years the clinic began to deteriorate until it turned into a health hazard for its users, hence the community appealed to the MEC who then made what now appears to be another empty, yet not surprising, promise. The clinic serves the Segabeng, Rasebalane, Bvumeni, Mathlogwe and Leseka communities. Spokesperson for the department, Neil Shikwambana, could not be reached for comment by the time of going to print.

No pay on rainy day Caught for R8k license ■ Jeff Jackson The torrential rains over the past seven days have steered many community projects off course to an extent that some of them were suspended while others were abandoned with the festive season just around the corner. Construction at the Moime-Khujwana, Mathlogwe Access, the Lenyenye taxi rank and the Nabane Access road, have all been affected to name but a few. This comes at a time most construction companies and businesses in general are preparing to close shop for the holidays as of the 16th of December. This has left workers and the community worried as the roads will not be ready for the festive season which is already notorious for accidents during the Christmas period and workers are left worry-

ing whether they will receive payment. Work on the Moime-Khujwana Access halted on Monday due to heavy rain. Workers at this project told Bulletin that though they are elated at the long-awaited downpour, they are not going to receive wages for the days they could not work, and this was a very bitter pill to swallow. One employee said that they raised the matter with contractors. “We asked that at least we be paid during the rainy days as it was not our fault, but nobody listened to us and we were simply told that we would be paid for the days that we worked. We are worried that this festive season break would find us not prepared because of the rains and that in January the wages are likely to be lower because of the short period we might have worked,” she said.

■ Jeff Jackson The Hawks takedown operation resulted in the arrest of ten suspects aged between 29 and 54 at Malamulele and Mutale testing stations respectively for allegedly selling driving licences on Thursday, 05 December 2019. Following a community outcry since 2017, the Hawks’ Serious Corruption Investigation team in collaboration with Road Traffic Management Cooperation Centre (RTMC), embarked on a project-driven investigation aimed at addressing allegations of corrupt activities at the testing stations in the province. The Hawks’ investigation revealed that the driving licences were sold at a minimum of R8 600 per applicant. The suspects who include a senior licensing officer, three examiners, two clerks, a cashier, an instructor, a general worker and a middleman appeared in the

Malamulele and Mutale Magistrate Courts respectively on Friday, 6th of December. They have been identified as ME Khangale, T Tshikalange, R Rammenu, KS Netshimboni, MB Matsila, MJ Netshizwi, PM Mudau and TG Netshidzivhe. The accused were granted R10 000 bail each and the cases were postponed to the 27th of February. Two more suspects are still at large.


13 December 2019





Granny’s Grumbles - ROYAL VISITS

The Rhodes Centenary Exhibition was held in 1953. I think the entire population went to Bulawayo for this show. Fifty acres filled with stands from eighteen different countries and an entire city of asbestos chalets to accommodate the thousands who flocked to Bulawayo for the event. The Queen Mother was due to arrive for the official opening. I shall never forget that five day holiday. It was the first (as a family) that we had experienced. Indeed, the longest journey from Salisbury to Bulawayo in our small Citroen – there were six of us – was a cause for excitement. We arrived three days before the official royal opening and our first day at the exhibition was amazing. The flowers and plants that dotted the entire area were spectacular, but unfortunately not for long. That evening there was a black frost – during the night we practically froze in our little chalet. Early the next morning my mother insisted that we go into town and buy hot water bottles and a heater. We then returned to the exhibition to

see acres of black and dying plants. How on earth the organisers managed it I will never know but trucks of plants actually arrived from South Africa in the early hours of the next morning. There was no time to replant flowers and shrubs so they were left in their containers and inserted into the holes left by the dead plants and surrounded by moss and bark. The labour alone was astronomical and that night the plants were all covered just in case of more black frost. When the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret arrived everything looked tickety-boo and from then on everything ran without a hitch. Fast forward to 1980. Robert Mugabe had just become President of Zimbabwe and Prince Charles was arriving to join in the celebrations. The primary school that my youngest daughter attended was situated on the main road leading from the airport to the capital so the school was hyped up for the passing (on the road) of Prince Charles. Cindy (our youngest) was eight years old and for at least three weeks before the royal arrival the children had been briefed on what was going to happen. The school itself had been repainted and trees trimmed and the few shops on the opposite side of the road had been perked up. Now the nearest house to the school had years previously been owned by a fairly wealthy family and there was a tennis court, a swimming pool and a Roman summer house in the front garden. After the original tenants left the property it had fallen into disrepair and it appeared that directly after the elections either a chief or some parliamentary fellow had moved his four wives onto the property. The tennis court became a goat pen and the swimming pool a

giant wash area. Clothes hung over the sagging front fence. I saw the residence each day when I picked my daughter up from school and wondered if the owner had also been given instructions on a clean-up as I suddenly realised that the fence had been repaired, the goats removed, the swimming pool cleaned up and it also appeared that the house had been painted. However, it transpired that there was nobody at the house and the municipality had moved in and sorted things out. On closer inspection it was patently obvious that only the front fence had been repaired and only the front wall of the house has been repainted. Presumably since Prince Charles, plus numerous heads of state were due to arrive the municipality was attempting to put its best foot forward. Came the great day – my youngest was beside herself with excitement – all the pupils were being given miniature Union Jacks to wave as His Royal Highness went by and also instructions on when to shout “Hoorah”. When I picked up my daughter at lunchtime I expected non-stop chatter as she was a great talker. Nothing like it – as far as Cindy was concerned there was no prince – the man that was SUPPOSED to be Prince Charles didn’t arrive on a horse, wore no crown and was even travelling in an old car. The “old car” was a Rolls Royce but our little darling thought that Mustangs and other American cars were obviously new. A week later the prince and his entourage left and so did most of the other dignitaries. A few days later the four wives moved back to their home and life returned to normal. The things we do for Royalty!!!



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13 December 2019



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13 December 2019





Pusela channel a concern for board

Koos de la Rey, chairperson from the Pusela Irrigation Board along with members Henry Hays and Nino Burrelli. Photos: Roelof de Jonge

■ Roelof de Jonge The Pusela Irrigation Board held its monthly meeting on Wednesday the 28th of November at the clubhouse of Tzaneen Bowling Club. Koos de la Rey, chairperson of the Pusela Irrigation Board, said due to unforeseen circumstances such as the current drought the area is experiencing at the hands of Mother Nature it was necessary to reduce the water quota for users and its members once again. He said as a result the water quota for users and its members has decreased to as low as 30%. De la Rey said the dam levels have significantly dropped compared to the percentages of 2018. “In comparison with last year when Tzaneen Dam was 17% full and Ebenezer Dam at 70%, this year has been rather bleak. Currently Tzaneen Dam is a mere 5,1% and Ebenezer at 31%, which adds to the

The members from the Pusela Irrigation Board representing the Correctional Service from Tzaneen and surrounding areas are Eddie Tibane, Wonder Denson, Richard Shiba, Maanda Managa, Koos de la Rey (Pusela Irrigation Board chairperson), Nelson Nkhwashu (head of Tzaneen Correctional Services).

current usage limitations for our members”, de la Rey said. He also commented on the current situation of the Tzaneen Dam wall and specifically the sluice. According to him, the raising of the dam wall is still a controversial subject because there is still uncertainty over the progress regarding whether the dam will be raised in time or whether money would be made available to proceed with the project by the Department of Water Affairs. “I have been informed by the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation that work in the raising of the dam will proceed in January 2020, but it also creates an impression that work will only continue in the fiscal year when, or if, money will be allocated for this project”, de la Rey said. He said the implications and results of this problem with the dam wall in regard to agriculture in

this area is probably not completely understood. “If something is not done soon enough, it could well have a negative impact on economical growth which in return could lead to possible job losses and that can add to crime escalating”, said de la Rey. Concerning the Pusela Irrigation Board, he said that the lower water supply led to pro-active notions from its members to save every drop of water and to ensure it reaches the correct destination. “This has led to more constructive attention to the repairs and maintenance of various water channels and pipelines. Up until October this year an amount of R915 000 has been spent with an additional R200 000 made available for the rest of this year for maintenance and repairs.” This channel system was constructed in the 1960’s and being such an old construction requires

regular repair and maintenance. De La Rey said this structure which was, and probably still is a genius piece of engineering, receives its water from the Ebenezer Dam where it twists and turns for 150 kilometres down to Tzaneen where it provides water for several farmers. And even for the Tzaneen Correctional Services facility which utilises water for its own agricultural purposes. “We have called in the services of an irrigation specialist, Dave Mynhardt, to help us analyze the various problems we have with our water. Mynhardt and his team have the best available technology on the market to point out these problems and how they should be addressed”, said de la Rey. The Pusela Water Board has approved the motion to set aside an amount of R1 million from its reserve fund which will help to enable repairs and improvements to this outdated water system.

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13 December 2019


Local farm stars face United FC Limpopo golfers face tough challenge

The Limpopo U/19 IPT team photographed at this year’s national event at Herolds Bay’s Ernie Els Signature Course at Oubaai Golf, Hotel and Spa. Photo: Limpopo Golf Union

■ ■

Roelof de Jonge

In 2018 the Mark Fish Foundation and Agri Limpopo embarked on an initiative, called the Game of Stars, to establish a sporting culture on farms and in doing so build relationships, uplift skill sets and provide players with a platform to showcase their talent. This year the Mark Fish Foundation hosted five district tournaments where the participating teams played 47 matches and saw a whopping 117 goals to determine the top 10 teams that will battle it out at the finals. The finals then took place on Saturday the, 19th October, at The Ranch Resort about 36 kilometres from Polokwane. From this final tournament a team of players were selected for the AgriUnited team who competed in two friendly matches against the side of SuperSport United Football Club at the Lucas Moripe Stadium in Pretoria on the 15th of November. These players met in Pretoria on the 11th of November where they trained with Mark Fish, Eddie Motale and Christopher Manoka at the Tuks High Performance Centre. In the first match SuperSport United managed a 2-1 win. The players from AgriUnited were thrilled with this goal which was scored through a penalty by Sipho Maripane who is from the Schoonbee Landgoed team. In the second match later the day the SuperSport United outfit tightened up their defence and played a more attacking game, winning the match game 3-0. “We are eternally grateful for SuperSport United FC for allowing this friendly. It is an honour and privilege to have a team of this stature involved and affording the selected farm workers with a life changing experience” said Lourika Vlietstra, spokesperson for the Mark Fish Foundation. “The players performed really well against SuperSport United with only three of their fist team players not available for the

match. Next year the Game of Stars initiative will include a U/15 tournament focused on farm workers children and rural communities surrounding farms. If some of the players in the AgriUnited team were scouted 10 years ago their lives would’ve been drastically different. Paul Matthews, manager of SuperSport United, is just as excited about the possibility of Mark unearthing fresh talent”, said Vlietstra. “We are very grateful to the farms that supported the initiative, sourced sponsorships for their players and arranged for their workers to get paid leave to attend the camp.” “Thank you very much for the pleasure to host and play against the AgriUnited team. It’s a fantastic initiative and we wish the Mark Fish Foundation even more success going forward. It will be of great interest to us if you do a similar program with U/15 players as we are always looking to unearth talent. Especially from remote areas where there may well be players who just need a chance and some exposure” said SuperSport United FC’s manager Paul Matthews. The team players from AgriUnited were: Nhlaulo Ngobeni (Mahela Boerdery), Selo Tefu (Mockford Farms), Nyiko Mnisi (Richmond Kopano), Mpho Malesa (Mockford Farms), Prince Muleya (Maroi Boerdery), Stephen Chiloane (Richmond Kopano), Thomson Mzimba (Richmond Kopano), Sipho Maripane (Schoonbee Landgoed), Dumisani Maripane (Miami Canners), Stanley Kwinika (Maroi Boerdery), Devy Matukane (Bavaria Fruit Estate), Allan Baloyi (Mahela Boerdery), Sabath Khosa (Mahela Boerdery), Siphesihle Mzelemu (Letsepe Foods), Tshepo Kgohloane (Richmond Kopano), Henry Ngobeni (Mahela Boerdery), Simon Khoza (Miami Canners) Manuel Mphahlele (Schoonbee Landgoed), Lazarus Ramokolo (Schoonbee Landgoed), Clifford Ncube (Maroi Boerdery), Benson Ngwenya (Maroi Boerdery), Patrick Leshaba (coach, Schoonbee Landgoed), Robson Morema (coach, Richmond Kopano).

Roelof de Jonge

The South African U/19 Inter-Provincial Tournament (IPT) on Monday started with a 30km plus wind that raged around the Ernie Els Signature Course at Oubaai Golf, Hotel and Spa in Herolds Bay. This tournament started on Monday the 9th of December and will finish on the 13th of December. Tzaneen’s avid golf player and learner from the Hoërskool Ben Vorster, James Vorster, is the captain of Limpopo who will be leading his team in the B-section of this tournament. But, the first day of the U/19 IPT did not go as well as Vorster and his fellow golfers would have wished for. Limpopo’s players did not just have to contend with strong gusts of wind hallowing around the course, but also against some stiff competition from Mpumalanga and especially KwaZulu-Natal. In the first round Limpopo lost 8-4 to Mpumalanga. In the second match the KwaZulu-Natal outfit proved just to be too strong for the Limpopo players. The coastal side won 11½ to Limpopo’s ½. The Limpopo team was in sixth place with no points so far after Monday’s two matches, ahead of the Northern Cape also on 0 points, having lost both matches as well. The other front running teams had a slight lead over Limpopo, but that is because they played on Tuesday whereas Limpopo’s lads enjoyed a bye. The leader team by a country mile on Wednesday morning was the team of KwaZulu-Natal on eight points having scored 44½. The coastal side has won all four of their matches so far and seem to be firm favourites to clinch this year’s tournament. On Tuesday Limpopo enjoyed a bye along with Border. Limpopo still has to compete against the Free State, Border, Eastern Province and the Northern Cape. Bulletin will follow up on the remaining rounds in the following edition.

Fun walk at Tours ■

Jeff Jackson

Scores of sporting fanatics will converge at the Tours dam in Masoma village in Bokgaga on Monday, 16th of December, for the annual “Masoma Fun Walk”. The event is expected to start in the morning depending on the number of participants. According to organisers, Palmer Moagi and Doncy Sejaphala, the event which is organised in collaboration with the Greater Tzaneen Municipality is not open exclusively for the residents of Masoma but the community members are urged to attend for free of charge. Winners for the day will be given prizes that will include certificates. People will walk on the dam wall for several kilometres. Tours dam is situated about 50 kilometres South-East of Tzaneen and it caters to the residents of Masoma, Julesburg, Mogapeng, Pharare, Moyakayaka and Bokgaga for drinking water.

10 13 December 2019





Reynolds conquers the mighty Roof ■ Roelof de Jonge Greg Reynolds who grew up in Tzaneen and was in the Class of 2008 at Stanford Lake College, took part in the 2019 Motul Roof of Africa from the 4th to the 7th of November. In his first attempt Reynolds successfully finished this gruelling race. So ecstatic was Reynolds at the finish line that he jumped of his motorcycle after receiving his medal for finishing the Roof of Africa and started to dance next to his iron horse laying on the ground. For Reynolds who competed in the Bronze category, this moment of joy was not just about finishing one of the toughest off-road races in Southern Africa, but also about the fact that he almost did not make it to the starting line cause of a freak accident. The first day entailed a time trial, which determined each rider’s starting position for the main race. Reynolds completed this time trial in a time of 01:06:19sec, this whilst he obtained a terrible injury along the route. About 7km into the race, Reynolds crossed paths with a branch which pierced his throat, missing his artery by at least 1cm. He endured the pain from the injury to eventually finish the race in an incredible 20th place in the Bronze division. Reynolds qualified in May this year to compete in the Motul Roof of Africa with a lot of practice, hard work and dedication going into preparation for this big day. And a tree branch wasn’t going to dither

a gutsy Reynolds from for fulfilling his dream. This event which had its humble beginning in 1967 takes place in Lesotho and is regarded as one of the toughest off-road endurance events in the world. This race attracts some of the world’s best Enduro competitors. Reynolds competed against a total of 223 riders in the Bronze Class division. The second day the Motul Roof of Africa race started in all earnest, where riders were put to the test and endured a number of challenges over the mountainous terrain. Reynolds pushed on and finished the first day in a time of 04:46:33sec after a very tough day still recovering from the previous day’s injury, which placed him in 25th place in the Bronze category. Determined not to give up and rather to improve on his current position, Reynolds went out on the second and final day to finishing the race in 05:23:57sec to take up 20th position. His total accumulated time at the end of the race was 11:16:49sec, which placed him in the 20th place overall in the Bronze Class of the Motul Roof of Africa. “I am truly grateful to have had the opportunity to compete in this race. It has taken me basically the entire year to prepare. This of course would not have been possible without the immense support from my sponsors, Platinum Petroleum Supplies and Trophy Toyota, as well as my support crew, friends and family”, Reynolds said.


Greg Reynolds on his Husqvarna Enduro bike crossing one of the water crossings along the route of the 2019 Motul Roof of Africa. Photos: Supplied

An ecstatic Greg Reynolds celebrates at the finish line.

Greg Reynolds on his way to finish the 2019 Motul Roof of Africa race in his first attempt.


A leading co-educational independent school in Magoebaskloof, Limpopo, providing a balanced, all-round, quality education, based on a Christian foundation. Applicants from enthusiastic, innovative and suitably qualified backgrounds, who will support the above mission statement, are invited to apply for the position of Estate and Facilities Manager.

To commence 1 March 2020 The Estate and Facilities Manager position is a full-time position at Stanford Lake College and the successful candidate will report to the Bursar.

Applications for the post must be accompanied by a full Curriculum Vitae (no longer than three pages) and the names of three contactable referees, marked for the attention of the Headmaster.

Duties include but are not limited to: - Thorough & constant supervision and management of a multi-disciplinary team of staff including performance management, coaching, mentoring, training, disciplinary matters, leave, etc; - Supervision of sub-contractors and external service providers to ensure projects are completed satisfactorily; - Responsible for general routine maintenance of buildings, grounds, fields, swimming pool and security (gates, remotes, CCTV, alarms and perimeter fence), equipment & tools. Responsible for ensuring that all deviations (lights, water, plumbing, aircons, etc.) are reported timeously;

- Ensure compliance with all health & safety and environmental regulations and guidelines; - Close control of budget in conjunction with the Bursar; - Procurement of assets and consumables required for efficient running of the facilities department; - General handyman duties (ability to perform minor electrical, mechanical, plumbing or structural repairs him/herself); - Ensuring facilities are prepared for all requirements and events. In particular, working with the Head of Sport regarding marking of field and preparing for all sport activities; - From time to time overseeing building projects and renovations; - Fleet management, including vehicle bookings, safety checks and service scheduling.

Key competencies of this vacancy: - Be proficient in English and Afrikaans (a third language would be advantageous); - the ability to be assertive but flexible and to pay attention to detail; - a self-starter who can manage themselves and work independently; - a strongly driven work ethic; - excellent interpersonal skills with colleagues, students and parents; - good organisational and administrative skills. Applications will be received by e-mail ONLY at info@stanfordlakecollege.co.za CLOSING DATE: 15th January 2020 Stanford Lake College is an equal opportunity employer. We reserve the right not to fill this post. An application will not in itself entitle the applicant to an interview or appointment and failure to meet the minimum requirements of the advertised post will result in applicants automatically disqualifying themselves from consideration. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.





13 December 2019 11


Children learn to save lives

The children enjoyed the water sprayed from the fire hose which was a welcome relief from the searing heat.

Roelof de Jonge

A few children from Tzaneen and surrounding areas enjoyed an ambulance, fire department and South African Police Service presentation on Saturday the 30th of November at the Tzaneen Show Terrain. This event, entitled “Kids against Crime” Fun Day, was hosted by the Fire Medical Security (FMS) Academy which was born all the way back in 2012. Included as part of the educational fun day, were snack packs and something to drink for the little ones while they enjoyed the fire department show. There was water, there was smoke and there was educational demonstrations that could potentially save a life. One thing is certain though, it was a day these little ones would never forget. The show started with a simulation of a car accident where medical and rescue crew from FMS Academy stabilized the driver before being freed from a car wreck by the Jaws of Life courtesy from the Tzaneen Fire Department. The children then saw how the firemen and FMS Academy ambulance personnel rescue the ‘victim’ from the car wreck and then being placed onto a

spinal board and be transported away by an ambulance. For good measure the fireman set the car wreck on fire to simulate how they would go about to extinguish burning wreck at an accident scene. The last part of the presentation entailed a show by the K9 Unit of the South African Police Dog Unit stationed at Politsi with detective Bryan Hyland and his K9-partner Xeno. Hyland explained what Xeno’s purpose is in the SAPS’ dog unit and also showed them how disciplined and well trained his K-9 partner is. Although Xeno listened to his handler, he had a keen interest to meet the children up close and personal. The children eventually got to pet the K-9 detective and Xeno enjoyed every bit of attention aside that they also got the opportunity to handle one of the smaller fire extinguishers under the watch full eye of the Tzaneen Fire Department. Romé Malan, one of FMS Academy’s personnel and co-organiser of this fun day, said the aim was to provide a fun day for the children, free of charge. She said it is also to make children aware of crime and to learn how speak out about it.

The Tzaneen Fire Department provided some bit of extra for the children with this fire fighting simulation.

Children experienced an accident and rescue scene simulation.

Detective Bryan Hyland and his K-9 partner, Xeno, performed at the FMS Academy Fun Day at the Tzaneen Show Terrain on Saturday.

Sport 13 December 2019

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Donderweer en hoewe klap ■ Roelof de Jonge

Thundering Hooves Western Equestrian Klub op Tzaneen is baie trots om te sê dat ons die grootste Western Mounted Games klub in Limpopo is, volgens Zonya Beukes, klubvoorsitter en senior beoordeelaar van dié klub. “Die klub het drie jaar terug klein begin en het met uitmuntende ruiters en uitstaande uitslae van krag tot krag gegroei. Ons handhaaf ‘n balans van goeie waardes en ‘horsemanship’ waar ons ruiters in ‘n veilige omgewing as familie hul volle potensiaal kan uitleef deur hul gunsteling dissipline te beoefen”, het Beukes gesê. Die klub is bevoorreg om twee dinamiese Western Mounted Games senior beoordeelaars in sy midde te hê. Zonya en Dino Beukes gee die pas aan en handhaaf ‘n hoë standaard wat een van die bydraende faktore is tot die ruiters se sukses deur die jaar. Tydens die 2019 nasionale kampioenskap op Parys het 50% van Thundering Hooves se ruiters Limpopo verteenwoordig. Altesaam 12 van die 22 ruiters wat die jaar opgeskuif het met ‘n vlak in Limpopo is ruiters wat van Thundering Hooves afkomstig is. “Die ruiters wat van ‘n gewone plaasperd af op gewerk het tot hul volle potensiaal het uitmuntend presteer weens hul toewyding en harde werk. Elke ruiter kan baie trots wees op hulself”, het Beukes gesê. “Ons belê graag in ons ruiters sodat hulle die professionele Western Mounted Games afrigting tot hulle beskikking kan gebruik. Dusty Hill Western Venue, die tuiste van Thundering Hooves, is ‘n ten volle SAWMGA goedgekeurde klub waar elke ruiter ‘n gelyke geleentheid sonder uitsondering gegun word om tot hul volle potensiaal te groei”, het Beukes gesê. Beukes sê Thundering Hooves het vanaf die 6de tot die 8ste Desember by die ATKV Eiland ‘n fantastiese jaar afsluitingsfunksie gesamentlik met die klub se prysuitdeling gehou vir sy 27 ruiters wie in 2019 deelgeneem en presteer het. Beukes het ook spesiale dank aan Mariëtte van der Westhuisen vir haar toegewydheid as kommiteelid van Thundering Hooves. Deelname aan kwalifiserende skoue 2019 toekennings: Dawie van Jaarsveld (Dusty en Robyn), Denise van Niekerk (Van Dyk) Sunjana Olivier (Olef ), Geziena Wolmarans (Charlie), Philippe Wolmarans (Rodger), Theuns Kotzee (Ruby Girl), Tharina vd Walt (Nandula) Carli Mooi (Milan), Annabelle Kotzee (Penylope), Nicola Brink (Ceaser), Linke Viljoen (Rockall’s Shadow). Nasionale Span 2019 toekennings: Adriaan van Brakel (Sunset Beat en Saartjie), AJ vd Westhuizen (Willem), Anisa Müller (Little), Anya Beukes (Billy the Kid), Casey van Wyk (Ugo River), De La Rey Kotzee (Goliat), Egbert Mooi (Inka), Ettiene Beukes (Bosveld), Jacolien Knox (Hibie), Lene Kloppers (Nikita), Minete Wolmarans (Sangria), Tharishca vd Walt (All Star), Sieghard Müller (Yelo Deck en Drift), Stephanus van Jaarsveld (Robyn Ruby) Zonya Beukes (Lafras). Toekennings vir vordering in vlakke: Een vlak gevorder - AJ vd Westhuizen (Willem), De La Rey Kotzee (Goliat), Egbert Mooi (Inka), Jacolien Knox (Hibbie), Lene Klopers (Nikita), Minete Wolmarans (Sangria), Stephanus van Jaarsveld (Robyn Ruby), Sujana Olivier (Olef ) en Tharishca van der Walt (All Star). Twee vlakke gevorder - Anisa Müller (Little).

Ettiene Beukes

Drie vlakke gevorder - Casey van Wyk (Ugo River), Sieghard Müller (Drift). Toekennings vir toegewydste ruiters vir 2019: De La Rey Kotzee (Goliat) AJ van der Westhuizen (Willem). Toekennings vir opkomende ruiters 2019: Sieghard Müller (Drift) Casey van Wyk (Ugo River). Ruiter van die Jaar 2019 toekennings: Junior Ruiter van die Jaar - De La Rey Kotzee (Goliat) Senior Ruiter van die Jaar - Adriaan v Brakel (Sunset Beat) ‘n Aantal ruiters van Thundering Hooves het toekennings ontvang op Saterdag die 2de November in Polokwane by die SANESA en SAWMGA (South African Western Mounted Games) Limpopo se jaarlikse prysuitdeling. Die ruiters van Thundering Hooves was vanweë hul prestasies gedurende dié jaar met ‘n rits toekennings vereer. SANESA toekennings: Beste Ruiter Vlak 1 hoërskole - Minette Wolmarans Beste Ruiter Vlak 4 hoërskole - AJ van der Westhuizen Beste Ruiter Vlak 5 laerskole - De La Rey Kotzee. SAWMGA toekennings: Beste Ruiter Vlak 1 - Lené Kloppers. Beste Ruiter Vlak 2 - AJ van der Westhuizen Beste Ruiter Vlak 3 - De La Rey Kotzee. Die Horsemanship toekenning het aan Ettiene Beukes gegaan. Die volgende ruiters het SAWMGA toekennings ontvang vir rekords wat verbeter was: Jacolien Knox Sieghard Müller.

Tharishca van der Walt

Die Snyman Voere wisseltrofee vir die Western Mounted Games en SANESA Toegewydste Laerskole Ruiter was deur De La Rey Kotzee ingepalm. Hierdie toekenning vir ‘n hoërskole ruiter het aan Minette Wolmarans gegaan. Tharishca van der Walt was as die SANESA Skole Ruiter van die Jaar aangewys. De La Rey Kotzee het met die SANESA Ruiter van die Jaar wisseltrofee weggestap. Sieghard Müller het die SAWMGA Opkomende Ruiter van die Jaar toekenning ontvang. Adriaan van Braakel was vir die SAEF junior span verkies.

Adriaan van Brakel

Anya Beukes

AJ van der Westhuizen

Baie dankie aan ons borge

076 758 8866 adminlimpopo@mweb.co.za Thundering Hooves

076 412 8587 dino@pestco.co.za

015 307 5668 tommie@expeditionnorth.co.za

015 307 3200 082 758 9087 galitostzaneen@gmail.ccom

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