Bulletin 23 January 2020

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23 January 2020


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Still nothing




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10 Windsor Street, Tzaneen | Tel: 015 307 5587


Page 3

Homeless man’s corpse found at Jetty 3 Page 3



Who cares about polluting our water?


Photo: Shawn Potgieter




23 January 2020





Waitara randsteen-raaisel opgelos

Personeel | Personnel

■ Joe Dreyer


Bulletin F A R




Die debakel rondom die bestuurskool, National Driving School, wat wettiglik in Pompagalana deur Gideon Botha en sy dogter reeds jare-lank bedryf word, blyk nou tot ‘n einde te wees nadat nuwe inligting tot die lig gekom het. Twee weke gelede het Bulletin berig oor die ongelukkigheid onder inwoners van die Pompagalana woongebied oor ‘n blou 4-ton trok wat deur hierdie skool se instrukteurs op ‘n oop stuk grond in dié gebied gebruik word om leerlingbestuurders vir hul kode 10 bestuurlisensies voor te berei. Luidens ons vorige berig is daar klagtes oor hierdie vragmotor gelig en is daar ondermeer beweer dat hierdie voertuig vir die beskadiging van die randstene langs Waitara Straat verantwoordelk is. Daar is toe bespiegel dat die randstene moontlik deur vragmotors verbonde aan een van die besighede in daardie area beskadig kon word weens hul grootte en die swaar masjienerie wat hul dikwels vervoer. Bulletin het nadere ondersoek gaan instel en met

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Diesel theft at GTM offices

Office: 064 650 7123 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com

Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Bemarking / Marketing Sarel Barwise 071 484 5154 sarel@bulletin.us.com Erwin Venter 060 691 2395 erwin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

‘n paar inwoners geraadpleeg. Ons het ook gevind dat daar plek-plek verder in die pad af ook randstene losgery is. Dit wil voorkom of hierdie beskadiging van die pad en die randstene dwarsdeur die lengte van Waitara Straat strek van bo by Agatha Straat tot onder by die draai waar die pad dan Tibane Straat word. Op hierdie draai ontmoet Tibane Straat - deur middel van ‘n 30-meter stuk grondpad - die R36 hoofweg reg oorkant Trio Motors en Tzaneen Salvage Store. Dit is duidelik dat nie die Botha’s se bestuurskool, of die swaar vragmotors van die maatskappy oorkant hulle skool, verantwoordelik kan wees vir die beskadiging van dié randstene of pad nie. Volgens die inwoners waarmee ons gesels het, word daar menigmale randstene deur groot vragmotors wat die pad byster geraak het, van die sypadjie af losgery. ‘n Huiseienaar op Waitara Straat het aan ons verduidelik dat die vragmotors wat vanaf Johannesburg na Nkowankowa toe reis, dikwels die kortste roete volgens die vragmotor se GPS volg en deur Pompagalana gelei word. “Dié ouens ken nie altyd die area nie en volg maar

■ Jeff Jackson

Concerns over the security at municipal buildings within the Greater Tzaneen Municipality’s jurisdiction have again been raised following an incident at the GTM’s satellite branch in Lenyenye over the weekend. Municipal workers arrived at the offices on Tuesday morning to discover that a municipal truck, and a grader, had been completely emptied of all the diesel in their tanks. This despite the vehicles having been parked “safely” near the entrance of the facilities right beside the security guards’ post. This has led some of the workers and staff to believe that it may very well have been an inside job, albeit the first time that diesel had been syphoned from municipal vehicles. A reliable source told Bulletin that there have been instances of burglary in the past, but never diesel theft. The source added that upon discovering the theft, the senior management were alerted and immediately responded. The source also pointed the finger at the security guard who was allegedly also on duty at the Nkowankowa offices when diesel theft occurred there in September 2019. An employee explained that upon arriving for work, he and a colleague went to collect the truck and noticed a pool of diesel on the ground near the vehicle. Upon inspection they discovered that the diesel tank’s cap had been broken off with what could have been a screwdriver and the tank was completely empty. When they inspected the grader, they made the same discovery. Diesel theft in Lenyenye is said to be rife, although it has never involved government vehicles. According to sources, diesel theft is mostly committed by contract workers who would park the trucks in the bush and drain diesel from the tanks to sell to the public at a fraction of the cost of the pumps at fuelling stations. This practice comes at an alarming cost to the economy and ultimately the consumers.

His joyride ended in cuffs ■ Joe Dreyer

Valentine Ramudzuli (24), the waiter who mysteriously vanished during his shift at Kings Walden, was found alive yet traumatized, five days later in Seshego. The young man has been employed at the prestigious guesthouse outside Tzaneen for close on a year. On Friday evening during the middle of his evening shift, Ramadzuli inexplicably took the company vehicle and embarked on what

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

■ Jeff Jackson

Members of Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch were greeted with a strange sight last week Monday. According to Shawn Potgieter, the members had all gathered in the parking area of Ben Vorster High School at around 18:00 that afternoon in preparation for their evening’s patrol briefing. “We were doing our planning in the parking lot when suddenly a stationary vehicle a few metres from us in the parking lot, burst into flames. We were startled because the vehicle had no occupants and was not idling or anything.” Thankfully there were no occupants and the members alerted the Tzaneen fire brigade who quickly arrived to extinguish the flames. The details of the owner was not divulged.

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Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us! Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net

would become one of the most traumatizing joyrides of his young life. Bridget Hilton-Barber, the owner of the guesthouse said that she panicked when her staff informed her that her vehicle was gone from the premises and so too the young employee. They tried to call him, but he had left his phone at the guesthouse and so she contacted the police to register a missing persons case. In the meantime, a post was circulated over social media calling for the community’s help in finding Valentine. On Tuesday morning a young student from Polokwane’s University of Limpopo contacted Bridget and said that he had found the young man and she could come and collect him from either his house or the Seshego police station. Two detectives from Tzaneen SAPS drove to Polokwane on Tuesday afternoon and arrested Valentine who spent the evening in prison back in Tzaneen. According to Valentine he was too scared to contact his employers after the vehicle ran out of fuel near Louis Trichardt on Saturday morning. He abandoned the vehicle and hitch-hiked to Seshego in Polokwane where he was spotted by the young student in the street. He also briefly detailed how spending time in prison had sufficiently traumatized him into abandonment of any future thoughts of repeating his actions. Hilton-Barber wishes to extend her heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the sterling work by Detective Malatji and his partner in resolving the matter as efficiently as they did. She also expressed thanks toward the community and the media who greatly assisted in the search.


Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

blindelings wat die trok se komper vir hom vertel,” verduidelik die inwoner. “Dan kom hulle met daai groot, lang lorries tot halfpad die straat op voordat hul fout duidelik word. En jy kan nie sommer net ‘n “interlink” enige plek omdraai nie. Dit is daai trokke wat so oor ons sypadjies ry en die randstene tot binne in die pad in skuif. Die drywers los die goed net so en ry verder.” ‘n Ander inwoner wys na ‘n ou telefoonpaal. “Sien daardie paal wat so skeef staan? Daai paal staan so want ‘n trok wat bakstene vervoer het, het verlede jaar teen daardie paal vas gery toe die drywer probeer omdraai het in hierdie nou straatjie van ons. Dit gebeur gereeld dat die vervoer lorries of iets raak ry, of ons sypadjies se gras uitruk. Sommer nonsins,” het sy gesê. In al ons gesprekke met hierdie inwoners is daar een groter bekommernis wat wel gelig is. “Die mense jaag verskriklik in Waitara Straat af in die laat-middae en veral oor naweke. Iemand gaan nog ‘n helse ongeluk in hierdie straat maak, veral daar onder by die skerp draai. Die jonges reken mos hierdie is renbaan.”


Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 20/01/2020

Tzaneen 5.7%

Ebenezer 22.8%

Merensky 103.5%

Dap Naude 86.7%

Middel Letaba 2.4%

Blyde Rivier Poort 75.3%

Klaserie 101.5%

Tours 16.8%

Vergelegen 101.6%

Ohrigstad 7.8%

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen




23 January 2020



Man makes gruesome discovery at Jetty 3 ■

Joe Dreyer

The badly decomposed body of an elderly white man was discovered in a vehicle in the bushes near Jetty 3 a week ago. The man is believed to have been around 57-years of age, a vagrant who had been a regular sight in Tzaneen for several years. The vehicle, believed to be a Mazda B-series single cab bakkie from the early 90’s, was his final resting place. According to the Tzaneen Neighbourhood Watch chairperson, Chris van Vuuren, they received a call last week Sunday from Uwe Kroh, Chairperson of the Tzaneen CPF. “He alerted us that a body had been found in the bushes between Jetty 3 and Macadamia retirement villages. We set off to the site with the police and upon arrival found the old emerald green bakkie hidden in a clearing among the thick bushes. The driver’s door was slightly ajar, and the decomposed body was found lying across the front seat.” According to another witness, when the police opened the driver-side door two snakes came slithering out from it and it was clear that animals, whether wild or domestic, had gnawed at the body. The state of the corpse’s decomposition indicated that the homeless man had been deceased for some weeks and it is speculated that he may have died sometime between October and November 2019. It is believed that the vehicle was the property of the deceased, and that he had parked it at the spot in the bushes many years back, before the construction of the dividing wall which now prevents anyone from travelling to the other side of the dam from the Jetty 3 site. The spot where he made his home is situated right next to the old motocross

track a few metres from the edge of the dam. The vehicle was not driveable. By the looks of it, the old man used the front of the vehicle as a reading spot and made the back of the canopied bakkie, his bedroom. We asked Van Vuuren how the body was discovered given its well-disguised location. “A man from somewhere in Georges Valley came looking for the deceased. He told us that he had known him for a very long time. Over the years they had become friends and he became worried after he had not seen him for a longer than usual period. He knew where the man stayed and went to the site to inspect. It is then that he discovered the body and alerted authorities.” Another bystander alleged that the corpse was covered under magazines and books and it looked to him as though a pair of trousers had been carefully placed over the deceased’s face. According to the official police statement, the name given to the police by this friend of the deceased, was Gerry Jansen van Rensburg. The vehicle has been impounded and the police have opened an inquest docket. The cause of death is yet to be determined. Bulletin spoke to a number of Tzaneen’s older residents who unanimously believe the identity of the man to be Geoff, or Jeff. He was described as a gentle soul who never harmed anyone and was often noticed at the four-way intersection at Sasol near Ben Vorster or the traffic intersection near Lifestyle Centre. At the time of going to print it was not clear whether the man’s relatives had been informed of his death. It is believed that he had family living in Kwazulu-Natal and abroad.

Two taxi drivers use water from a stream to wash their vehicle.

The final resting place of the elderly homeless man at Jetty3

Gate groei, politici kyk anderpad ■

Joe Dreyer

Die massiewe gat wat helfte van die Hamawasha-pad se Noord-gebonde ryvlak reeds ingesluk het, groei steeds stadig sonder die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit (GTM) of die Limpopo Pad Agentskap (RAL) se inmenging in die saak. Bulletin het reeds menigmale oor die afgelope vyf jaar oor die gevare van hierdie, en die twee ander sinkgate op die Agatha Pad, berig gelewer, maar dit val op dowe ore. Drie jaar gelede, in September 2016, het die sinkgat in die industriële gebied op die Agatha pad, die lewens van drie mans, insluitend jong Danré Erasmus, geëis nadat die voertuig waarin hulle gery het in die

aand in hierdie gat in geval het. Sederdien het daar nog niks verder van gekom nie. Navrae aan RAL lewer min in die vorm van antwoorde. Die GTM is van mening dat hulle niks aan die drie sinkgate kan doen, oor dit nie hulle paaie is nie. Gemeenskapslede het self hierdie gate al toegespan met grensband en blikke sement, maar dit is net nie genoeg nie. Bulletin het dit goed gedink om ‘n ope brief aan die Minister van Vervoer, Fikile Mbalula te rig in ‘n poging om die lewensgevaarlike toestand van een van die besigste paaie in die omgewing aan die groot klok te hang. Indien enige van ons lesers insette hieroor wil lewer, stuur asseblief ‘n e-pos aan joe@bulletin.us.com

Taxis drivers continue washing in our park ■

Joe Dreyer

The appalling practice of washing vehicles in open parks using water from natural resources such as dams and streams feeding to and from these parks, continues unabated in Tzaneen. It is as though the GTM traffic department has been completely seized by the taxi industry. Not only do the taxi drivers seem to be above the law when it concerns basic road rules in especially Claude Wheatley Street, but they also have the privilege, unlike the rest of the town’s motorists, of washing their vehicles in the nearest park. Environmental laws do not seem to apply to these specialist transporters of the country’s workforce. The public park nestled between Bohemia, Poinsettia, Jacaranda and Park Streets was once a bird sanctuary and is still listed on all major maps, including Google, as a Nature Preserve. The local taxi drivers however deem it fair to pull their vehicles into this protected area and use the water from the dam and accompanying stream to wash off the muck from the busses. Bulletin has in the past reported on this illegal practice numerous times, but it has seemingly not reached the eyes and ears of the important people at the GTM’s

White House. The practice of spilling cleaning chemicals into a water source is against the GTM’s Environmental Health By-Laws which states under Chapter 3 sub-section 5.1 that an owner or occupier of premises creates a public health nuisance where “any stream, pool, marsh, ditch, gutter, watercourse, cistern, urinal, drain, sewer, septic tank, long drop, slop tank, ash heap or dung heap is so foul or in such a state or so situated or constructed as to be offensive or to be injurious or dangerous to the public health.” The remedy for this according to the by-laws is that a health inspector needs to inspect the site and decide on the health and environmental impact of the said practice. There is also mention of a fine or imprisonment should the practice be identified as a health hazard, and not cease. According to the GTM’s media liaison, Vutivi Brigettes, there is a health inspector at the municipal offices, but at the time of going to print, the frequency of this inspector’s inspections around town could not be established. We have asked the communications department for more information on this matter and will be reporting on their responses in the next edition.

‘n Man uit Johannesburg staan verslae en kyk na die massiewe gat in Hamawasha.

Read The Bulletin online • www.issuu.com • Far North Bulletin


23 January 2020





Used oil on farms cause major pollution ■ Jeff Jackson

Contaminated oil is dripping into agricultural land across South Africa, contaminating groundwater and rivers as a result of old-fashioned farming practices. Commercial farming relies heavily on technology and mechanisation – which in turn relies on the use of motor lubricant oils. It is estimated that South Africa generates an average of 120 million litres of used lubricant oil in a year with about 10 million litres of this being generated by the Agricultural sector. Considering that one litre of used oil can contaminate one million litres of water this is a potentially devastating amount of used oil that, if not collected and recycled responsibly, could make its way into the environment. Unfortunately, in many farming communities in South Africa, habitual practices that have been carried out on farms for generations are often not environmentally friendly and sustainable. These include

using used motor lubricating oil as a wood preservative, dust suppressant on farm roads or as a livestock dip, allowing a hazardous product to seep into the ground, contaminating the soil, and possibly seeping into the water table as well as rivers and dams, where it is taken up as irrigation or drinking water. “Conversion to more sustainable agricultural practice is necessary, both to preserve South Africa’s biodiversity and to ensure a future resource base,” said Bubele Nyiba, CEO of the ROSE Foundation (Recycling Oil Saves the Environment) - a national non-profit organization funded by the major producers of lubricants to promote and encourage the environmentally responsible collection and recycling of used oils and related waste in Southern Africa. “Global environmental concern is growing and the implementation of the Waste Management Act introduces “extended producer responsibility” which places an onus on all South African businesses,

farms included, to avoid, minimise, re-use, recycle, treat and dispose of their waste as a last resort.” Nyiba explained that under the requirement of the Waste Management Act a holder of waste must take all reasonable measures to avoid the generation of waste and where such generation cannot be avoided, to minimize the toxicity and amounts of waste that are generated. “Farmers are urged to gather and store their used oil for responsible collection by a ROSE registered used-oil collector who will come and remove the oil and take it to be recycled in an environmentally compliant and safe manner,” added Nyiba. Contact a ROSE registered used-oil collector who will come and take away your used oil for responsible recycling. Visit the ROSE Foundation website on www.rosefoundation.org.za, email info@rosefoundation. org.za or call 021 448 7492 to find out who your nearest collector is.

Do a background check on domestics ■ Jeff Jackson People working in your home or on your property can form a vital front-line in the fight against crime. This is why it is critical to do proper vetting before employing anyone or retaining their services. “We strongly recommend that homeowners make use of a specialist consultancy who can do the required background checks for you,” says Charnel Hattingh, National Marketing and Communications Manager at Fidelity ADT. “Doing the necessary background checks on domestic staff before hiring them may seem like a time consuming exercise but could make all the difference to your home security.” Hattingh recommends starting with a criminal record check which can be obtained through the police, with the potential employee’s consent. She also suggests doing a reference check with several previous employers. “Ask questions about dismissals, responsibilities, any security issues, tardiness, and so on. It is important to speak to more than one previous employer so you can get a good idea of the employee’s track


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record,” she says. Domestic staff play a key role in home security, so not only should they be vetted before employment but they should also be educated on security measures that have been installed “Your domestic staff should understand what security measures you have in place and how to react should your alarm be triggered, for example. It needs to be clearly explained how they need to deal with an alarm activation, what to do when the security company calls and when an officer responds,” says Hattingh. “Along with that a vital responsibility is verifying who enters your property when you are not at home. Unannounced workmen or suppliers should not be let in and suspicious persons or activity should be reported to a security company or police.” “Lastly, consider enrolling your domestic staff in local crime-prevention forums which take place in most neighbourhoods. These are often arranged by the SAPS or armed response companies, and teach domestic workers valuable crime-prevention and safety tips,” concluded Hattingh.

Tzaneen Care Group receives cycle donations ■ Roelof de Jonge On Friday the 17th of January the Tzaneen Care Group of the Tzaneen Cancer Care Centre (TCCC) received a donation of R64 203 from charity funds of the 94.7 Cycle Challenge. This donation all came about when local resident Heather van Heerden and passionate cyclist friend Jayne Abendroth arranged for the registration of Tzaneen Care Group as a charity organisation with the 94.7 cycle Challenge Charity Fund. Van Heerden’s close relationship with the Tzaneen Care Group started when her late husband, Doug, was diagnosed with cancer. He sadly lost the battle with this illness. “It was an honour to serve van Heerden and his family”, said Halima Omar, an administrator from Tzaneen Care Group and TCCC. The Tzaneen Care Group is a non-profit company and is dependent on donations, sponsorships and support from local businesses and the community in general.

“We do not receive any external support from government, and we host several money raising events to keep our funds going. The money from this fund enable the Tzaneen Care Group to cover the running costs of the TCCC. Our doors will always be open to terminal cancer patients in the Tzaneen community who need our care during their last days”, said Omar. The Tzaneen Care Group on behalf of TCCC send their heartfelt gratitude to every cyclist for going the extra mile for persons in need as well as the generous sponsors who also contributed. Other sponsors that contributed are: Agribox, Amelia Enslin, BB Motor Group, Bissets Engineering, Boulevard Cycles, Bruce Harrower, DJ Solar and Electrical, Ferreira Venter Laws and Nel, KM Bolt, Libby Devenish, Magoebaskloof Birders Cottages, O’Connell Accounting, Premjees (Dina Kalan), Radio Centre, Rodney Cooper Estates, Roma Fuels, Sleebok, Sugarhill OK Mini Market, Tzaneen Driveline, Vors-Cor Recycling, Wisani, ZZ2.

At the cheque handover were Magda Bootha (Tzaneen Care Group), Halima Omar (Tzaneen Care Group), Willem Venter, Gerda Drewes and Heather van Heerden (cheque donor). Photo: Roelof de Jonge


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23 January 2020


What is happening at the dam(n) wall? ■

Joe Dreyer

The Tzaneen Dam is at 5.7 percent capacity. Your reading of this article is currently the only attention being given to the completion of the Tzaneen dam wall project as yet another construction deadline edges down the political abyss. The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) is quite obviously still reeling from the large-scale corruption which has left it crippled. This corruption was ushered in by the former minister Nomvula Mokonyane who caused the irregular expenditure to shoot up from R13 million when she took office in 2009, to R4 billion by the end of her tenure in 2017. This woman did her rounds among the ANC cadres and has occupied positions including Minister of Environmental Affairs, Gauteng Housing MEC and Gauteng Premier. Thankfully she stepped out of politics shortly after the May elections last year. The DWS has also since merged with the Department of Human Settlements. This Tzaneen Dam Wall project was viewed as the first phase of the R2 billion Great Letaba River Water Development Project, aimed at addressing the long-term water and sanitation needs of the area. It is expected to raise the Tzaneen Dam wall spillway by three metres, increasing its storage capacity by nearly 25% (203 million cubic litres). The second phase of this project was to have been the construction of Nwamitwa dam in October 2017. Yes, that was two years ago. Lepelle Northern Water handled the first phase which was the demolition work to lower the wall, Blackhead Construction was appointed to handle the project. Early in 2018 this phase of the project was completed, and Blackhead signed off. Nothing further happened at the site and the wall, to this day, stands incomplete. In December 2018 a meeting was called at the showgrounds in Tzaneen. At this meeting it was said that R20.6 million (according to Chief Engineer at the DID and project manager for the raising of the wall, Thabo Hloele) had already been paid to the contractor who did demolitions on the wall and that R209 million had been budgeted for the 2019/2020 fiscal year to complete the project. He also said that a further R800 million was expected

to be spent to complete this project which will now no longer be worked on by private contractors, but will be completed by the DWS Construction North Team. He stated firmly that the project would have commenced in March or April that year. Not surprisingly, that never happened. In July 2019 (almost a year later) another meeting was called at the showgrounds. At this meeting the chief director of infrastructure development at the DWS, Steven Arumugam, said that construction will officially start in January 2020. “If all goes according to plan and there are no hiccups, we will kick-off in January next year. I have told my guys that this Tzaneen Dam Wall project is not a major complicated project and we can do this easily. I have worked on bigger dam construction projects and we will be able to be done in 18 months,” Arumugam claimed. Other grand claims were also made at this meeting which included the establishment of a project management office which will house a scale model of the construction site and will be open to the public to visit and gain insights on the progress of the project. Well… The DWS spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, could not be reached for comment. Further to all the meetings and rumours and claims and promises, there were the concerns that some residents had concerning the wall itself. One of the major claims doing the rounds in town is that the wall is cracked. This is decidedly untrue. Over the weekend a group of local men went to the site and did a close inspection of the wall. They used a highly sophisticated drone with infrared capabilities and scanned every inch of the wall from both sides, and found not one leak, nor a single crack anywhere along its surface. “Now, maybe we are just untrained, but from the looks of it, this wall is perfectly intact. We could not see any cracks anywhere.” Last week, Bulletin was told that the DWS have started drilling boreholes near the dam wall. Again, we have not been able to obtain any official comment from the DWS spokesperson and at the time of gong to print the chairperson of the Letaba Water Users Association was not aware of the drilling.

Top and bottom images show the Tzaneen Dam wall from the air. Photos: Shawn Potgieter and Uwe Kroh.


23 January 2020





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Ultimate Security Garage doors & motors, Roller shutters, Awnings and much more .Contact: 015 307 1768


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Jobseeker My name is Maria Rammola. I’m looking for Full time Domestic work or Old Care. Washing, ironing, cleaning and cooking. I can start immediately. Tzaneen area. Sleep in or out. Speaks Afrikaans very good. Contact me on 060 735 5691 ________________________ My name is Abel Sekgobela. I’m looking for a Driver position. I have a Code 10 licence. Busy with a course on firefighting. I can start immediately. Contact me on 079 831 2991 ________________________ My name is Cornelia Sekgobela. I’m looking for Full time Domestic / General work. Washing, ironing and all cleaning. I can start immediately. Tzaneen area. Sleep in or out. Contact me on 076 097 2200 ________________________ My name is Mavis Sono. I’m looking for Full time Domestic work. Washing, ironing and all cleaning. Can cook & look after children. I can start immediately. Tzaneen area. Sleep out only, Monday to Saturday. Contact me on 076 570 9858 ________________________




Self Storage space for rent Contact: 083 265 3129




Food Lover’s Market

Mangoes each





Pineapples each





Tomatoes 1Kg





Onions 3Kg












Frozen Mix Veggies 1Kg





Lettuce Crisp Head





Potatoes 7Kg





All price checks done by Bulletin Staffers. Prices were compared on 22 January 2020

TicketLine 0861 668 437 Standard rates apply. Free minutes do not apply.





Briewe • Letters Pioniers inwoners sê dankie Die inwoners van Pioniers woonstelle wil baie graag dankie sê aan die publiek wat hulle so onverpoos ondersteun. Thys Steynberg vir die heerlike groente, Tzaneen Koelkamers,NG Wolkberg Kerk vir die koekies, Lebaba Bass Masters vir eiers, Sandra Jacobs vir vleis en geskenk pakkies, Wilma en Pieter vir die kruideniersware, boeke en skryfbehoeftes, Eiers deur ‘n anonieme skenker, ZZ2 vir heerlike tamaties, Klippe en Anton Venter vir die komkommers, Mnr en Mev Schoeman vir die heerlike Kersete op Kersdag, Mangos vanaf ‘n anonieme skenker en Piesangs vanaf André Albertyn.





23 January 2020


Legals NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant T132047/1997 passed by A & HD INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number: 1980/003370/07 in favour of The Trustee for the time being of THE ALDO DRAGHI FAMILY TRUST, Number IT12590/1984 in respect of certain (1) Holding 36 Troutwaters Agricultural Holdings, Registration Division L.S., Limpopo Province and (2) Holding 48 Troutwaters Agricultural Holdings, Registration Division L.S., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 9th day of January 2020. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary

street, Tzaneen, 0850 Telno: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay.co.za Jan401___________________________

In the estate of the late CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS DE WET, Identity number 5011275064089, Master’s reference number 0009334/2019, married in community of property to MARIA ISABELLA DE WET, identity number 5503150097085 and who was ordinarily resident at Farm Lushof, Tzaneen, Limpopo Province and who died on the 12th of November 2019. All persons having claims against the above estate are hereby called upon to file their claims with the undersigned within 30 days from the date of the publication hereof. Joubert & May Attorneys P.O. Box 35 Tzaneen Ref.: A E Rech/Randy/ R15293 Jan402___________________________

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrates’ Court for the District of TZANEEN held at

LENYENYE Case No. 670/17 In the matter between: KAAP AGRI BEDRYF BEPERK Execution Creditor REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1995/000336/06 and WILLEM JACOBUS DU PLESSIS N.O. Execution Debtor IDENTITY NUMBER: 451215 5024 08 6 In his capacity as Trustee of WILLEM JACOBUS DU PLESSIS TRUST (IT1902/2019) t/a BIG TREE TIMBERS IN PURSUANCE of a judgment in the Magistrates’ Court of LENYENYE and write of execution dated 28th day of March 2018, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bitter on site at BIG TIMBER PRODUCTS, FARM LEADWOOD, HOEDSPRUIT on FRIDAY 7 FEBRUARY 2020 at 10:00am namely: 3 x Office Desks 4 x Office Chairs 2 x Filling Cabinets 2 x Printers 2 x Printers 1 x PC Screen 1 x Gas Pardo 4 Line Planter Dated at TZANEEN on this 20th day of JANUARY 2020 KELLERMAN JOUBERT INC.

Attorneys for Plaintiff 1st Floor, 98 Dorp Street STELLENBOSCH Tel: (021) 300 8660 (Ref: AH/mdp/AH0037) C/O VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS 11 Loop Street TZANEEN Docex 2, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4458 (Ref: PJ0016) Jan403___________________________

NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T93985/1999 passed by Johannes Hermanus Petrus Prinsloo, Identity Number 311119 5005 006 and Gerhardus Marthinus Alberts Prinsloo, Identity Number 310717 0004 00 6, Married in community of property to each other in favour of Die Trustees vir die huidige van Die Lusthof Trust Registration Number IT937/1995 in respect of certain Portion 4 of Erf 1970 Tzaneen Extension 18 Township, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province, In Extent: 2 249 (Two Thousand Two Hun-

dred and Forty Nine) square metres, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 21st day of January 2020. Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel No: 015 307-3660 Email address: dalene@joubertmay.co.za

ship, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province, In Extent: 2 551 (Two Thousand Five Hundred and Fifty One) square metres, which has been lost or des-troyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such

copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 21st day of January 2020.

Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel No: 015 307-3660 Email address: dalene@joubertmay.co.za Jan405___________________________


NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T45150/1995 passed by Erf 1970 Paneelkloppers BK Registration Number CK1987/024883/23 in favour of Die Trustees vir die huidige van die Lusthof Trust Registration Number IT937/1995 in respect of certain Portion 3 of Erf 1970 Tzaneen Extension 18 Town-

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23 January 2020








23 January 2020



Nissan unleashes all-electric beast

Nissan South Africa

Nissan brings excitement from the road to the track with LEAF NISMO RC - unleashed for the first time, only in Europe though. Nissan’s world-leading expertise in electric vehicles and top-class motorsport experience have seamlessly come together in the Nissan LEAF NISMO RC, an exhilarating showcase of the power, innovation and excitement of Nissan electric vehicle technology. The all-wheel-drive LEAF NISMO RC boasts more than double the maximum power and torque output of its predecessor, which was based on the first-generation LEAF and revealed in 2011. Delivering 240kW and 640Nm of instantly available torque, the LEAF NISMO RC offers lightning-quick acceleration, achieving the 0-100km/h sprint in just 3.4 seconds. The creation of the latest LEAF NISMO RC is not just for show, it acts as a testbed for future technological evolution and showcases the limitless potential of Nissan electric vehicles. It explores what can be achieved with an all-electric twin-motor and all-wheel-drive drivetrain, expressing Nissan’s dedication to continually evolve and improve its EV models for drivers worldwide. The LEAF NISMO RC clearly shares its advanced technology with the LEAF road car, the world’s most popular EV with 450 000 sold since 2010 and touches down in Europe for the first time at Circuit Ricardo Tormo in Valencia, Spain. “Nissan’s experience as a pioneer in electric vehicles for the road, combined with NISMO’s 60-plus years of motorsport innovation, led to the conception of a unique car,” said Michael, Nissan Global Motorsport Director. “For Nissan, the ‘E’ in ‘EV’ also stands for ‘Exciting’. Putting this philosophy front and centre, we created

the LEAF NISMO RC. It amplifies the fun-to-drive aspect of electric mobility, raising the thrills offered by EVs to a new level,” Carcamo added. As with the LEAF NISMORC, instant acceleration is a feature of every Nissan EV model. The all-electric powertrains offer a thrilling driving experience that is perfectly complemented by the LEAF’s intelligent design and advanced connectivity. The LEAF NISMO RC demonstrates the power and performance of electric vehicles, a key component of the Nissan Intelligent Mobility vision. The powertrain in the Nissan LEAF e+ increases range by approximately 40%, ensuring that the driving needs of a wider range of customers are met. Still equipped with Nissan’s ProPILOT technology and e-Pedal mode for one-pedal driving, the LEAF e+ delivers an enjoyable driving experience, allowing the driver to start, accelerate, decelerate and stop using only the accelerator pedal. This delivers a seamless, smooth drive, and gives maximum control to the driver through enhanced pedal feedback.

The LEAF NISMO is ready to tear up the race track. The cockpit of the LEAF NISMO

The Nissan LEAF NISMO was released in Europe recently. Photos: MotorPress


23 January 2020





Toyota Gazoo Racing Hilux’s tames Dakar Rally ■ Toyota Hilux Gazoo Racing Team The 2020 version of the grueling Dakar Rally finished on Friday the 17th of January in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia after two weeks of body and soul mangling competition. “We came here to win, so we can’t help but be disappointed with the final result. Then again, we have three cars in the Top 10, and finished second after a tough battle, so there’s plenty to be proud of.” This was Toyota Gazoo Racing Team Principal Glyn Hall’s summary of the 2020 Dakar Rally, which saw defending champions Nasser Al-Attiyah and co-driver Mathieu Baumel finish the iconic race in second place, only 6min 21sec behind the winner, Carlos Sainz in a MINI. The pair pushed hard over the closing stage, which was shortened to just 167km, in an effort to close on Sainz, who started the stage with a lead of 10min 17sec. In the end the Al-Attiyah recorded the fastest time of the day, notching up the team’s second stage victory of the race and closing the gap by more than three minutes. This was good enough to fend off MINI’s Stephane Peterhansel, who had his eyes on the second place, but it wasn’t good enough to wry the top step of the podium away from Sainz. “It was a tough fight,” said Al-Attiyah after the race finished in the entertainment complex of Qiddiyah, 40km from the city centre of Riyadh. “Unfortunately, we just lost too much time to punctures, a penalty and one navigational mistake. It cost us the victory, but we’ll be back to fight again next year.” The 2020 Dakar also saw South Africa’s Giniel de Villiers and Spanish co-driver Alex Haro record a stage victory. In their case, this came early in the race, when they powered their Toyota Hilux to victory on Stage 2 of the 12-stage race. Their progress was also hampered by multiple punctures, especially in the first week of the rally. They did, however, maintain a Top 10 position throughout the event, and finished in fifth place in the overall standings, 1hr 7min 9sec behind the winners. Bernhard ten Brinke, who had two consecutive retirements from the Dakar Rally in recent events, partnered with Tom Colsoul for 2020, and completed the event in seventh place. The Flying Dutchman and his Belgian co-driver were

1hr 18min 34sec behind in the final standings. Dakar 2020 was a spectacular effort by Fernando Alonso and Marc Coma, as the Spanish duo not only finished the rally, but Alonso also attained the highest finish position for a rookie. The pair suffered a setback on Stage 2 of the rally, losing more than two hours after hitting an unmarked ditch, but fought back to a Top 10 position mid-rally. They again lost time when they rolled their Toyota Hilux on Stage 10, but showed tenacity and determination to not only complete the race, but to finish in 13th place overall. “In the end, we brought all four of our cars to the finish without any technical issues,” concluded Hall from the final bivouac (halting or resting point) at Qiddiyah. “That in itself is a great achievement, especially considering the terrain we had to traverse.” Saudi Arabia offered a spectacular backdrop for the 42nd edition of the Dakar Rally, and included dunes, fast sandy tracks and rocky crossings. The race consisted of 12 stages, starting in the Red Sea city of Jeddah, and concluding on the outskirts of the Saudi capital, Riyadh.





23 January 2020


Still Tzaneen’s shining Star ■

Joe Dreyer

Regular and prospective customers can still get all their needed and favourite items from Star Spares Tzaneen. The owners and its employees did not linger around for too long to find a suitable temporary space from whence to operate this spares business whilst the rebuild and repairs to its fire-damaged building continues. Currently, the Caroto-family is in the process of a major clean-up at the site of the completed gutted building near the taxi-rank. It is expected that the new building, which will be erected on the very same stand once the rubble has been removed, will be completed near the end of October this year. In the meantime, the Star Spares Husqvarna garden and commercial department is operating from the premises of Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie in Loerie Street. Here, Star Spares Husqvarna display and still stock the same wide range of agriculture, garden and forestry tools such as chain saws and brush cutters. The only difference is that they now share a retail space with their neighbours. Star Spares in Oasis Mall stock a wide selection of motor, tractor, forklift, trailor spares, accessories and tools. Their service here is still the same reliable service Tzaneen has become accustomed to over the years. Their spares department which incorporates Star Spares’ coffee shop, Coffee D’Light, is now temporarily situated in the Oasis Mall on the corner of Voortrekker Road and Aqua Avenue. Before the devastating fire, Coffee D’Light operated separately, but has since been galvanised into the spares division from

whence it operates. Clients can now enjoy a delicious cup of coffee should they need to wait for an item or service from the parts desk. Old or new vehicle owners can rest assured that the spares they need, will be available at their favourite dealership. Star Spares have it all under one roof and as per their reputation, the knowledgeable, friendly and professional personnel manning the desks, are ready to receive and be of service. Another newcomer to the Star Spares family is the newly acquired tuk-tuk. Customers can now contact Star Spares from anywhere in the Tzaneen Central Business District (CBD) to get a free ride to Star Spares Oasis Mall or Husqvarna and back. To render this unique service from Star Spares, customers can simply send an SMS or WhatsApp message, make a phone call or even send a Please Call Me message to 076 035 0023. For any enquiries, customers can contact Star Spares on 015 307 1849 or send an email to contact@starspares.com

A wide range of all sorts of garden equipment and parts can be found at the Husqvarna branch of Star Spares.

Kenny Khosa is the driver of the newly acquired tuk-tuk.

Front: Cj, Alpheus, Luxon, Brendon. Agter: Dwayne en Gert. Absent: Phineas

The friendly personnel of the Husqvarna department of Star Spares is situated at the premises of Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie. Photos: Roelof de Jonge


23 January 2020





Toyota’s GR Yaris – a rally car for the road ■ Roelof de Jonge The world premiere of Toyota’s rally-inspired GR Yaris has revealed a pure performance car born from Toyota’s title-winning experience in the World Rally Championship (WRC). Toyota’s GR Yaris brings motorsport technology and design directly to the world of a road car. Powered by a 200kW and 370Nm three-cylinder 1600 turbocharged engine, the GR Yaris benefits from the design and engineering skills of TOYOTA GAZOO Racing (TGR) and Tommi Mäkinen Racing, Toyota’s partner in the WRC. Compact and lightweight, the DOHC 12-valve engine features a single-scroll ball-bearing turbo and is matched to a six-speed manual transmission, engineered to accommodate high torque levels. As well as serving as the official homologation model for development of the next Yaris WRC car, the GR Yaris also has all the attributes required for owners looking to compete successfully in local rally competitions. Every aspect of the car has a performance focus such as an all-new platform and engine, new suspension, lightweight construction, aerodynamic styling and a new GR-FOUR permanent all-wheel-drive (AWD) system. With high power and low weight, it has all the credentials for competition success, and for delivering exhilarating performance as a super-hot hatch for the road. The GR Yaris is strikingly bolder than its standard sibling and has a three-door body that is lower and wider with dramatic angles. Completing the rest of the styling of the GR Yaris are enlarged 18-inch wheels, extended wheel arches, an imposing front air intake, specially designed brakes with red calipers and twin exhaust tips. Toyota of course has a long history in the WRC that dates just over two decades ago. The new GR Yaris is Toyota’s first genuine AWD sports car and its first homologation model for WRC competition since the end of production of the Celica GT-FOUR in 1999 to be exact. Across two generations and three models, the Celica GT-FOUR featured in Toyota’s most successful WRC campaigns, a golden age of rallying that brought the company 30 rally victories, four drivers’ championship titles and one manufacturers’ championship. In a reference to its illustrious predecessor and its AWD technology, the GR Yaris features a GR-FOUR logo on its tailgate. Since re-joining the championship in 2017, Toyota won the manufacturers’ championship in 2018 and, with Ott Tänak, the drivers’

championship in 2019. The WRC-skilled team of designers and engineers at Tommi Mäkinen Racing focused on perfecting the aerodynamics, weight distribution and light weight of the new car. These three qualities are essential to achieve the best performance and drivability. A lower roofline improved the car’s ability to cut through the air. The engine is placed further back towards the centre of the car and placing the battery in the boot helped to produce a better chassis balance for improved handling, stability and responsiveness. The three-door body shell is made from lightweight materials including carbon-fibre polymer and aluminium, to deliver ultimate power-to-weight ratio. The GR Yaris accelerates from 0-100km/h in 5.5 seconds and an electronically limited top speed of 230km/h will prohibit any aspirations to set up any sort of land speed records. The Yaris GR is currently under study for local introduction. Further detail from Toyota South Africa will be communicated in due course. After the Yaris GR was announced on social media from different motoring platforms in South Africa, requests directed to Toyota

South Africa to bring this three-door, three-cylinder hot hatch to local shores flooded the comment sections. Hopefully for true fans of Toyota, hot hatches, motorsports and otherwise true petrol heads like this author, the powers that be at Toyota SA will hear their voices. Any sort of pricing is also a state secret, never mind introducing the Yaris GR locally.

Exciting model line-up ahead for Opel SA The new Opel Zafira Life.

■ Opel This promises to be an exciting year for Opel here in Southern Africa. The planned arrival of the Astra with its adjusted styling happens in the second quarter. The Zafira Life PLUS, the Vivaro Cargo panel van, will be arriving in the third quarter, both with 2.0 Turbo Diesel engines to extend the Opel range into the greater seater and larger transporter segments to reinforce this manufacturer in the LCV sector. The eagerly awaited new-generation Corsa that will be hitting the streets during the third and fourth quarters, offering a comprehensive model range to satisfy the B-segment category. Final specification, model derivatives and pricing to be supplied at the Southern African launch. Opel Astra: The Astra’s front grill will now conform to the

The new Opel Corsa.

new Opel design language with its slim, double-wing chrome winglets embracing the brand logo and flowing outwards to the Eco-LED headlamps. Opel’s design philosophy ‘Sculptural Artistry meets German Precision’ is further enhanced by the hood’s signature Opel crease and new fog light design. Opel Corsa: Opel is going full speed ahead into the future with Corsa ‘Number 6’, the latest generation of the small car which premiered at the 2019 Frankfurt International Motor Show. A highlight is the adaptive glare-free IntelliLux LED matrix light, which Opel also offers for the first time in the small car segment. In addition, there are numerous state-of-the-art driver assistance systems such as Forward Collision Alert with Automatic Emergency Braking and Pedestrian Detection, as well as radar-based Adaptive Speed Control which make driving even safer and more

relaxed. As with all the other newly developed cars, Opel optimised the Corsa’s aerodynamics at the Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines in the wind tunnel of the Stuttgart University. Opel Zafira Life: The Zafira Life offers ultimate practicality, connectivity, comfort and safety for nine occupants. Especially practical in everyday life, the spacious 2.0 Turbo Diesel van is less than 1.90 m high and thus drives easily into normal underground garages, an important feature for use as a hotel shuttle, but also for any user who wants to park hassle-free. At the same time, the Zafira Life impresses with its small turning circle, good handling and substantial luggage and packing space. In addition to the highly flexible space and comfort, the Zafira Life scores with numerous technologies that make travelling even more relaxed and

safer. The portfolio includes, among others, stateof-the-art driver assistance, infotainment systems and IntelliGrip electronic traction control. This modern technology is combined with the typical Opel-look and attractive proportions with short overhangs. A fun-to-drive as well as comfortable multi-purpose vehicle (MPV). Opel Vivaro Cargo Panel Van: The light commercial vehicle offensive gains traction with the safer, more comfortable and practical third-generation Vivaro 2.0 Turbo Diesel van which continues to build its strong reputation as a cargo carrier or ‘office on wheels’, placing it as the perfect partner for professionals in this rapidly growing market for mid-size delivery vans. Keeping Opel’s momentum, the new, third generation Vivaro is now safer, more comfortable and more practical than ever, thanks to Opel’s ongoing vision to produce vehicles to suit the various requirements in a competitive industry.




23 January 2020



Larries in Lim hokkiespanne

Nuwelinge sluit by Annies aan Laerskool Dr Annecke op Letsitele het Woensdag die 15de Januarie sy nuwe Gr.1 leerders asook nuwe leerkragte vir 2020 verwelkom.

Limpopo se O/12 seuns- en meisies hokkiespanne was aangewys en die Larries van Laerskool Tzaneen het met trots aangekondig dat daar nie minder as 11 spelers in die spanne is nie. Voor: Thabo Matlou. Eerste ry: Hanru Marais, JP Botha en Rian Botha. Tweede ry: Nhluvuko Shiviri, Ndzalama Mbhalati en Jaimie de Carvalho. Derde ry: Onthathile Ramoloto, Leandré de Lange en Ndzalo Makhubela. Agter: Amoré Duvenage.

Jana Eastman (wiskunde Gr.6 en 7)

Patricia van der Merwe (Gr.4 LS, SS en NS).

New teaching recruits for Tzaneen’s fine young minds Unicorn Preparatory welcomed Thelma Maloko who is an ex-learner from Unicorn, into the Intersen Phase Educational Support role. As the name of her position implies, Maloko will be assisting the Grade 4 to 7 learner support programme. She will also be teaching Sepedi from Grade R to Grade 6. Also for 2020 at Unicorn after a sabbatical is Shelley Hoets who will be teaching the Gr.2A class.

Nie minder as sewe nuwe personeellede het vanjaar by Laerskool Tzaneen se onderwys-span aangesluit. Die nuwe onderwysers is Lourikie Bekker, Jorina Vorster, Simoné Smalberger, Ciska du Plessis, Elmarie Jansen, Amoré Roos en Suné Bezuidenhout.




www.bulletin.us.com 064 650 7123


23 January 2020





Rooiskool se nuwe Lelies Ben Vorster krieketspelers

skitter vir Limpopo-spanne

■ Roelof de Jonge

■ Roelof de Jonge Die Laerskool Phalaborwa Noord oftewel bekend as die Rooiskool het gewriemel van nuwe, opgewonde Gr.1 leerlinge op die eerste dag van skool, Woensdag die 15de Januarie, alhoewel sommiges tog senuweeagtig dié dag by die werklike skool begin het. Nie net het die Rooiskool die nuwe Gr.1’s verwelkom nie, maar het met groot geesdriftig drie nuwe leerkragte in hul midde verwelkom. Rosel Roeloffze gaan vir die Gr.2 E2 leerders onderrig bied en Corlia Fourie gaan vir die Gr.3 E2 kinders klas gee. Christine Green gaan Afrikaans Eerste Additionele Taal (EAT) vir die Gr.4 tot 6 leerlinge aanbied.

Die Limpopo Impala Krieket se O/15-span het vanaf die 5de tot die 9de Desember aan die nasionale Momentum O/15-kriekettoernooi in OosLonden deelgeneem. Nsuku Mathye, Letago Sekgotla en Zack Duvenhage van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het Limpopo by die toernooi verteenwoordig. Die Limpopo span het ‘n moeilike toernooi beleef en het al ses hul wedstryde verloor. Limpopo se O/17–span het vanaf die 11de tot 15de Desember aan die nasionale Momentum O/17-krieketweek in Port Elizabeth deelgeneem. Ben Vorster se Ruan Paulse het as die aanvangskolwer vir die span gespeel. Dié O/17-span se hulpafrigter, Tapiwa Kuhlengisa, is ook van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Hy het gesê die winderige toestande en stadige kolfblaaie het veroorsaak dat die kolwers hard moes werk vir hul lopies en was die lae tellings wat aangeteken was ‘n aanduiding van hoe moeilik die omstandighede was. Limpopo se O/17-span het nietemin hul staal getoon en het vier van hul ses wedstryde gewen. Dié span het naelsk-

raap met vyf lopies teen ‘n gedugte Northern Titans-span verloor. Ben Vorster se Ruan Paulse het uitgeblink met die kolf en het altesaam 179 lopies vir die toernooi aangeteken. Altesaam 16 provinsiale spanne het aan die toernooi deelgeneem. Paulse het die 12de meeste lopies tydens die toernooi aangeteken wat ‘n aanduiding was hoe mededingend die kompetisie was. Limpopo se O/19-span het vanaf die 16de tot 20ste Desember aan die nasionale Khaya Majola Week op Pietermaritzburg deelgeneem. Hierdie toernooi is Krieket Suid-Afrika se prestige toernooi vir alle 0/19-krieketspelers. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole- en Colt-spanne word na afloop van die toernooi aangewys. Lulama Shilubane van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster was as naatbouler vir Limpopo se span gekies. Limpopo was in ‘n sterk afdeling geloot en het ondermeer teen die spanne van Grens, Suid Westlike Distrik (SWD), Westelike Provinsie, Northern Titans, Namibië en NoordKaap slag gebied.

Laerskool Phalaborwa Noord spog met drie nuwe onderwysers vir 2020. Van links is Rosel Roeloffze, Corlia Fourie en Christine Green.

Unicorn is #BTG for 2020

■ Roelof de Jonge

Hierdie is die nuwe Gr.1 leerders wat verlede Woensdag die 15de Januarie hul skoolloopbaan by Laerskool Duiwelskloof begin het.

Laerskool Duiwelskloof se Top 10 akademiese Gr.5-leerders vir 2019 was onlangs aangewys, alhoewel hierdie leerders vanjaar in Gr.6 en Gr.7 is. Voor: Palesa Moremi, Jessica Spykerman, Mine Odendaal, Diné Booyse en Buhle Ncube. Agter: Christene Beukes, Joshua Botes, Azraa Khan, Luhann Janse van Rensburg en Kgodiso Mohale.

#BTG is an organisation started by singer Jo Black and after consultation with the organisation, they have agreed that Unicorn Preparatory school may use its #BTG for the school’s theme this year. As such Unicorn will be working in conjunction with the organisation. #BTG means Be That Girl Be That Guy. Unicorn however will be expanding on that and a few variations will include Be That Great, Growth, Genius, Glow, Good, Gift amongst others. A representative from #BTG, Willem Engelbrecht, the brother of Jo and Christian who is a motivational speaker, addressed the staff and parents of Unicorn on Wednesday evening the 15th of January. Engelbrecht elaborated on the theme and gave parents more information on using this theme in their child’s life. The core message from Engelbrecht was to validate all children, give them hope

and be present in their lives. All the teachers and the management team gave their support to this initiative. Unicorn believes this will lead learners to become that kind of person. This organization hosts regular presentations at schools in across the country and is currently running a social awareness campaign aimed at Anti-Bullying. #BTG aim to promote leadership among the youth, for every boy and girl to ‘Be That Guy’ and ‘Be That Girl’. The ethos is to promote integrity, respect, honour and leadership, promoting positivity and building each other up among the youth toward their peers. This initiative has received a phenomenal and positive response reaching a huge number of children and parents who support this cause. Bullying is a big problem in schools and appears in many forms, including cyber bullying. These talks included highlighting the colossal negative impact of bullying, and techniques how to deal with everyday challenges.





23 January 2020


Stanford records vanishes in the mist s

Sifiso Magagula, Vhukhudo Makhomu, Michael Pieters, Michael Scriven, Llewellyn Rogers, Benno Kotzé. Photos: GKT SportPics

■ Roelof de Jonge Stanford Lake College’s annual inter-house athletics day took place on Saturday the 18th January. The “misty mountain” stayed true to its name, as the day kicked off with the track shrouded in mist. The weather did not deter the anxious competitors, as they walked out proud in their house colours, chanting house songs and eager to push themselves on both the track and on the field. Despite the damp track and generally less than perfect conditions, four school records were broken on the day. David Ramalepe, a Gr.9 learner who only joined the Stanford Lake family a week before, managed to make his stamp on Stanford Lake College’s history, setting a new school record for U/15 Boys in the 100m item with a time of 11.94 seconds. Isabella Drewett set a new Girls U/16 Javelin record of 28.18m. Additionally, Lia Revelas, a matric learner who has represented Limpopo for the last two years in athletics, managed to break two school records. In the girls open 100m item, she set a new record of 13.19 seconds, whilst in the 100m hurdles item she set a new record of 15.79 seconds, breaking her own record she set in 2019 of 16.57 seconds. The following trophies were awarded by the

guest of honour, Laura Revelas: Ethan Jones - Vavasour Cup for Boys Open 1500m. Lia Revelas - McGaffin Trust Trophy for the Top Sprinter. Fenwick House - McGaffin Trust Relay Trophy. Dale Clay - Cheerio Trust Trophy for the Best Middle Distance Runner. Tanaka Makanza - Kenney Trophy for the Best Boys Discus Athlete. Layla de Bruyn - Kenney Trophy: Best Girls Discus. Devon Coad - Revelas Trophy for the Best Boys Hurdler. Lia Revelas - Revelas Trophy for the Best Girls Hurdler. Tristan Brett - Loubser Trophy for the Junior Victor Ludorum. Nanaki Kgopong - Loubser Trophy for the Junior Victrix Ludorum. Devon Coad - Loubser Trophy for the Senior Victor Ludorum. Lia Revelas - Loubser Trophy for the Senior Victrix Ludorum. Fenwick House - Stanford Lake College Spirit Trophy. Fenwick House - The Zamparini Family Trophy for the Winning House Team.

Low water levels won’t hinder EB Mile ■ Roelof de Jonge

Swim enthusiasts who might have pondered whether the Ebenezer Mile open water swim event, will be hosted this year, don’t despair, as the organisers confirmed with the Bulletin that the event, although a bit altered because of the lower water levels, will certainly take place this year on Saturday the 21st of March at the Old Smokey Club House. “Another Ebenezer Mile coming up again. People are asking whether the Mile would take place at all considering the low water levels. The answer is yes, indeed, the Mile will be staged this year. It may not be the traditional triangular course, but we are committed to making it happen”, organiser Robin Gardner said.

Online entries are open for the annual Ebenezer Mile open water swim event, sanctioned by Swim South Africa (SSA) and organised by the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg, for the 20th year running. As always, this festive event is for the whole family to enjoy, whether in the water or outside. The traditional mile of 1600m, the 3000m for the serious competitors and a 500m fun swim for all ages will be some of the highlights of the Ebenezer Mile. There will be plenty of food stalls, a cash bar along as the usual great atmosphere. The first race will take place at 11h00. Entries for any of the races can be emailed to ebenezermile2020.myactive.co.za or visit the Rotary Club of Haenertsburg’s website, www.rotaryhaenertsburg. co.za, for more information.

Isabella Drewett

Mpho Makwarela

Danica Altenroxel

Sport 23 January 2020

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Buffels dra Luiperd mombakkies ■ Roelof de Jonge Die PSI binnenshuise hokkietoernooi vir O/14, O/16 en O/18-spanne het oor Desember plaasgevind. ‘n Aantal van die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se spelers het hierdie spanne verteenwoordig en het vir die Limpopo Leopards Indoor Franchise gespeel. Gideon Goosen, Juan Meintjes en Adriaan Coetzee het vir die O/14-seunsspan gespeel. Dié span het algeheel vierde uit 12 spanne geëindig. Ben Vorster se Tessa van Heyningen en Dineo Letsoalo was in aksie vir die O/14-meisiesspan. Letsoalo het veral goed vertoon en

was beloon deur as die Speler van die Toernooi aangewys te word. Dit is die tweede jaar agtereenvolgens wat Letsoalo hierdie prestasie behaal het. Liam Meintjes en Tiaan Botha het saam Ben Vorster se Jayden Mabayah as afrigter, die O/18-span verteenwoordig. Dié Limpopo Leopards-span het ‘n sewende plek uit die 16 deelnemende spanne vermag. Op hul beurt het O/18-meisiesspan die beste tydens die toernooi presteer deur na die eindstryd deur te dring. Die span moes egter swig vir die tweedeplek. Die Vossies se Zoë Bergmann was die kaptein van dié span. Amberley Bergmann, Khani Mnisi en Rene Thete het ook deel van die span uitgemaak.

Plasies se Theron werf SA-silwer ■ Roelof de Jonge Van die Plasie-swemmers wat in die Limpopo skolespan ingesluit is, het aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Swemkampioenskappe gedurende die Desember vakansie in Pretoria gaan deelneem. Die byeenkoms is by die ikoniese Hillcrest-swembad gehou. Ronan Theron, Daniel en Donia Smit en Kagiso Hoaeane het almal Merenksy en Limpopo verteenwoordig. Theron, wie in die afdeling vir seuns O/16 geswem het, het aan sewe items deelgeneem en veral in die 50m Vlinderslag item sy talent ten toon gestel deur ‘n uitmuntende tweede plek te behaal en sodoende ‘n silwer medalje in te palm. Hy het die item in 27.14 sekondes voltooi. Dié veelsydige swemmer het ook in die bors- en rugslag-items deelgeneem. Daniel Smit het in die ses items waaraan hy deelgeneem het ondermeer ‘n vierdeplek in die afdeling vir seuns O/16 in die 200m

rugslag-item behaal wat sy beste uitslag was te midde van die room van Suid-Afrikaanse skole-swemmers. Sy tyd vir hierdie item was 2:25.69.

En daar gat hulle! ■ Roelof de Jonge Die atletiekseisoen is amper in volle swang en daarom het die aspirante jong atlete van Laerskool Tzaneen verlede week hul nuwe skooljaar met ‘n massa-atletiekbyeenkoms afgeskop. Die byeenkoms is oor twee dae gehou en het as vertoonlokaal vir die komende interhuis gedien. Soos oudergewoonte het die klein Graad Eentjies die pawiljoen op hul voete gehad van opwinding soos hulle dit op die veld en baan uitgespook het. Daar is so paar goeie vertonings gelewer veral onder die meer senior atlete en 2020 beloof om weer skitterende atletiek op te lewer. Vir al die fotos wat op die dag geneem is deur Bulletin, besigtig gerus ons gallery op ons Facebook-blad.

Vossies kruis swaarde op atletiekveld ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het sy jaarlikse interhuis atletiekbyeenkoms op Donderdag die 16de Januarie en Vrydag die 17de Januarie gehou. Die Vossies se drie interhuisespanne naamlik die Atheners, Trojane en Spartane het luidrugtig hul atlete op die veld en baan aangemoedig. Soveel so was die gees onder die drie spanne dat die beoordeelaars eenmalig besluit het dat die Geesbeker eerder deur die drie spanne gedeel moet word. Die geesdriftige aanmoediging onder die drie spanne vanaf die pawiljoen was ook nie tevergeefs nie met ‘n aantal rekords wat in die slag gebly het gedurende die verloop van vanjaar se interhuisbyeenkoms. Megan Mans het in die afdeling vir meisies O/14 die gewigstootrekord van 10,21m wat in 2001 opgestel was verbeter het na ‘n allemintige 11,24m. Dié junior-atleet het ook haar slag in die skryfwerp item getoon toe sy die rekord van 28,0m van 1992 met rasse skrede verbeter het na 34,15m. Nelvin Nhuvunga wie in die afdeling vir seuns O/14 deelgeneem

het, het in die 100m item die rekord van 11,98sek van 2010 nouliks verbeter na 11,75sek. Shammer Ngobeni het in die afdeling vir mesies O/17 meegding. Hierdie veldatleet het die hoog- en verspring items met klinkende seges oorheers. Ngobeni het in die hoogspring item die rekord van 1,60m van 1994 na 1,62m verbeter. In die verspring item kon sy net nie daarin slaag om die rekord van 4,98m, opgestel in 2012, te verbeter nie, maar sy het die afstand wel geëwenaar. Die volgende atlete het toekennings vir hul prestasies na afloop van hierdie byeenkoms ontvang: Megan Mans - Beste Junior Meisiesveldatleet Quinton Schrader - Beste Junior Seunsveldatleet en Junior Victor Ludorum atleet Wanga Terwey - Beste Junior Meisiesbaanatleet Nelvin Nhuvunga - Beste Junior Seunsbaanatleet Shammer Ngobeni - Beste Senior Meisiesveldatleet en Senior Victrix Ludorum atleet Tshegofatso Ramaloko - Beste Senior Seunsveldatleet en Senior Victor Ludorum atleet

Mixo Nxumalo - Beste Senior Meisiesbaanatleet Paballo Legodi - Beste Senior Seunsbaanatleet Megan Mans - Junior Victrix Ludorum. Vanjaar se Atletiekbeker is deur die Spartane met 947 punte verower. In die tweedeplek was die Trojane met 929 punte met die Atheners op 669 in die derdeplek. Die geleentheid was met prettige aflos-items tussen die mans en dames personeel en die O/19-atlete afgesluit.

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