Bulletin Newspaper 22 May 2020

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Celebrating the sweet importance of “bee”ing Page 5


Geen roudiens vir Oom Fanie na tragiese afsterwe


Stop drop ‘n zol




22 May 2020

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22 May 2020





We’re not building, but repairing Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Walter Hohensee 078 893 2721 walter@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123 Kantoor: 015 306 0198

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2016 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.bulletin.us.com and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

■ Joe Dreyer “There is no building going on there at our site, we are doing crucial emergency repairs to some of our units at that site.” These were the assuring words of the site manager for a new development in the Aquapark area opposite Oasis mall. The site manager did not want us to mention his name and referred our query to the quantity surveyor overseeing the project. The site manager assured Bulletin that despite the complaints from residents in the area, nothing untoward was happening at the site. According to him, he had opened a case of theft with the Tzaneen police station last week, after thieves apparently entered the site and stole copper wiring out of the walls of some of their newly plastered units. We managed to speak to Mohammed Seedat, the quantity surveyor at the site. “You know, when the area was on Level 5 lockdown, we had no problems. No theft whatsoever. But the moment we moved to Level 4, it was business as usual for the criminal elements,” he said frustratedly. According to him their troubles started with a burst water pipe which caused significant damage to the newly installed cupboards in seven of their units. “What you see when you drive past the site is a team of six guys busy chasing the pipes in the walls. It may appear as though they are plastering, but in reality, they are patching up the damage. We reported this to the police when they were summoned to the site after receiving complaints from the public that our guys were building during the lockdown.” Seedat said that as per the procedures for emergency repairs, they had to appoint a safety

Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net

units as well.” In total, the damage suffered at the site amounts to roughly R80 000 excluding the labour costs. “We will only continue construction at this site when the province moves down to Level 2, which will hopefully be soon.” The new security complex will be named Aqua Nova and will comprise of a total of 28 units which will be divided into blocks of units. There will be 14 three bedroom and 14 two bedroom units once completed.

Full report on Jetty 3 homeless shelter ■ Joe Dreyer Shortly after the president declared a national disaster, the Greater Tzaneen Municipality actioned a Covid-19 preparedness plan. According to Regulation Gazette No:11098 of 29 April 2020 Item number 10 (1 a & b) Greater Tzaneen Municipality set aside a dedicated area for the homeless people, in order to provide food and basic needs during lockdown including protecting them from the spread of Covid-19. An area was identified, and eight tents were erected at Jetty 3, in Aquapark. The homeless were collected from the streets around Tzaneen town with assistance from the local SAPS. Upon their arrival, each one of the 45 homeless was given two blankets and a mattress. Each tent accommodated eight people. Once at the shelter, it was recorded that they were from different provinces including Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Cape Town and some were from Zimbabwe. Bulletin was handed a detailed report on the project by the GTM’s municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, this week. According to this report the primary objective was to encourage and motivate these homeless (many of whom were youngsters) to consider re-uniting with their families after the lockdown with assistance from social workers. The secondary objective would be initiated with the help of guidance councillors and social workers once the youngsters were reunited with their respective families. Right from the get go, residents of the area shouted foul and raised their concerns regarding the safety of the elderly who occupied the Macadamia retirement village adjacent to the Jetty 3 site. Many were concerned about an increase in crime that the arrival of the homeless would herald. Consequently many reports have reached our offices of people claiming to see many private vehicles at the site and questioning the validity of the operation because of this.

Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us!

officer on site while the contractors conducted their repairs. “Last Sunday we had thieves enter the site sometime during the evening and steal copper electrical wiring out of the walls of another block of units closest to the fence. The damage in stock alone, according to our electrical contractor is in the region of R28 000. We opened a case of theft at the police station and they are investigating the matter. In the meantime, the contractor has had to make the necessary emergency repairs to these


Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Matlala explained the reason behind the seemingly large number of vehicles. “There are a number of departments and municipal staff involved at the shelter to ensure the smooth running of the operation,” he said. “The departments present are from the Mopani District, Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Department of Social Development and Department of Health with MBS Security manning the gates and conducting perimeter patrols.” In addition there are staff members representing these departments at the site. They include a disaster coordinator, Essential Health Practitioners, HIV Coordinator, Disaster Secretary, representatives from social development, Mopani District, catering services, security services, department of health, department of social development, labour union, operational health and safety officer, Manager Machumele (Chairperson of Covid-19) and GTM director Mathebula. The temporary homeless shelter has had a few positive spin offs with the municipality finally repairing the dilapidated entrance gate and certain portions of the perimeter fence. The ablution facilities which was not operational, have been revamped and street lights that were out of order were repaired. But what about the health issues? How do we know that those people now huddled together at the shelter, are not Covid-19 positive? “Immediately upon the arrival of the homeless to this shelter, an arrangement was made with the Department of Health in regard to conducting an assessment on every individual,” said the report from Matlala. “Ten of them were taken to Van Velden Hospital for further management. One was admitted and nine were treated out with TTO (treatment to be taken at home). Another three were taken to the Psychiatric ward at Letaba Hospital.” Furthermore, a Mobile Clinic started making unscheduled visits to the shelter on alternate days for more than a week until the health professionals

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

were satisfied on their health status. Currently there are four residents of the shelter who are on chronic medication and their medication is controlled by health staff at the site. “There is daily monitoring of body temperature and sanitizing of hands of each person entering the Jetty 3 gate. Groceries are being catered for by the Patel family, social Development and Mopani District. Therefore, Greater Tzaneen Municipality works together with Social Development in issuing of groceries to the caterer for preparing meals. The homeless are receiving four meals per day, which include soft porridge at 08:00, tea and bread at 10:00, lunch at 13:00 and supper at 17:00.” The municipality wishes to thank the following donors for their donations to the shelter. The Patel family donated basic groceries, which was ordered once a week according to the needs as per the agreement. ZZ2 donated vegetables, OBC Tzaneen donated bread, Pick & Pay donated food, Tzaneen Nissan donated food parcels, Joe Dreyer donated bananas, Letaba Bassmaster brought ground nuts, Hanker Niekerk delivered avocados, Clinton N Meal brought a meal, Dumisani donated cosmetics, Mr. Allex donated mini groceries, some community members donated old clothing for the homeless. The Catholic Church donated meals and tinned fish and old clothes before the municipality received stable donors, Tzaneen women’s club donated old clothes, Mendes family also delivered old clothes, John Craig brought food parcels, Fire Medical Sewing Academy delivered old clothes, Harvest house: also dropped off old clothes while the Alliance Church donated old clothes, bread and milk and lastly the Patel family dropped off 40 blankets, 20 Duvet covers and 20 sponges. The report lastly listed some of the challenges at the shelter which included the unwillingness of some of the homeless to be reunited with their families, aggressive behaviour when they were not allowed cigarettes and absconding from the site.

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 11/05/2020

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Ebenezer 17.8%

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Middel Letaba 3.5%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.1%

Klaserie 103%

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Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





22 May 2020


Opvolg: Oom Fanie Pienaar sterf

Joe Dreyer

In Maartmaand het Bulletin redakteur, Joe Dreyer, ‘n breedvoerige onderhoud met die 71-jarige Fanie Pienaar by sy werkplek in Tzaneen gevoer. Hy het vertel van die aand wat sy hele lewe omvêr gewerp het na ‘n fratsongeluk wat hom in Van Velden hospitaal laat land het. Pienaar en sy vrou, Rena, het pas by hul nuwe woning op Georges Valley ingetrek en het hulself reggemaak vir ‘n braai. Daar het Fanie gegly en bo op sy mes geval. Die lem het sy borskas deurboor en hy is per ambulaans na die naaste staatshospitaal geneem. Dit is hier waar die nagmerrie eers begin het. Die volledige berig kan aanlyn gelees word. Intussen het Bulletin verneem van oom Fanie se afsterwe vermoedelik gevolg van ‘n bloeiende maagsweer. Sy dood kom slegs drie weke na die dood van sy vrou aan ‘n hartaanval. “My skoonma is ‘n week voor die grendeltydperk oorlede en sy is veras. My skoonpa is op Goeie Vrydag oorlede en ons kon dus nog glad nie sy roudiens hou nie. Hy is ook veras maar ons moet nou wag totdat ons op Vlak 3 is,” het Romè Malan verduidelik. “Selfs toe hy in die hospitaal opgeneem is vir die maagsweer, kon ons nie eers vir hom gaan kuier het nie.” Sodra daar ‘n datum en ander reëlings bekend gemaak word, sal dit aan die publiek deurgegee word. Oom Fanie laat twee kinders, Gerhard en Magnus, ses klienkinders en twee agterkleinkinders na. Oom Fanie en tannie Rena Pienaar

You could be sent to isolation after test ■

Joe Dreyer

This week saw the continuation of what many residents have termed “The Great Covid Roadshow”. After literally weeks of absolute inaction by the Tzaneen Traffic Department, local police, and members of the SANDF sent here from 7SAI in Phalaborwa, the desolate roadblock at the Riverside entrance to town has been buzzing. Last week we reported that seven weeks after the start of the lock down, local authorities decided that it would be the right time to conduct Covid-19 screenings at the R71 roadblock heading toward Letsitele. What we found disturbing is that last week there were now medical practitioners on scene and the screenings were conducted by volunteers affiliated to the South African Graduate Development Association (SAGDA). This week however, there was a noticeable health department presence with one of the mobile laboratories that was part of the Limpopo department’s launch two weeks prior, visible at the side of the road. We noticed that a large number of vehicles which included private sedans as well as taxis, were being stopped in what appeared to be random searches. Turns out, they were random. We finally managed to obtain some answers from Limpopo Health spokesperson, Niel Shikwambana who explained that the SAGDA members were not being paid by the department to conduct the screenings, but that SAGDA had obtained private funding from their own donors. We asked Shikwambana why the SAGDA members were not medical graduates at the very least, considering that we are entrusting them to make informed decisions that could very well impact the lives of hundreds of Mopani District residents. “You need training

in order to screen, not a qualification in medicine. I think we need to differentiate between testing and screening,” said Shikwambana. “It is for that reason that we have our health officials on site to supervise the work. And, no they don’t get paid, in fact they mobilised resources from private donors to buy thermometers, masks etc.” Shikwambana explained that the Limpopo department of health was working with the District Municipality and SAGDA to conduct roadblocks for screening. He said that through this project they were targeting certain areas in the district which they had predetermined. “The mobile testing unit accompanies the screeners so that if anyone presents with symptoms they get tested immediately. Through this initiative we are going all around the district. On Thursday we were in Ofcolaco in the Maruleng municipality.” It was troubling that tests were being conducted on site and so we asked him about the process, specifically in the event of a motorist testing positive for Covid-19. “In the case of a positive test, one of two options will be considered. First we will assess whether

The screening and testing station on the R71

the person has the capacity to self isolate, if not, the person will be taken to isolation if the material conditions do not allow, or if he or she volunteers to do so,” he said It is not clear where the isolation facility is situated. At the time of going to print he had not yet provided us with the number of vehicles that were screened, the number of motorists that were tested or the results of those tests.

Read The Bulletin online: www.issuu.com • Far North Bulletin


22 May 2020





Madala (67) arrested for dagga ■ Jeff Jackson In another “major bust” by the Tzaneen detectives and the K9-unit, a 67-year old man was arrested at his home in Bokhuta village, Bolobedu South, just outside Tzaneen. The arrest came as a result of what can only be described as sterling police work to apprehend such a dangerous criminal and rid the streets of another offender. The arrest was affected on Wednesday morning. In a statement by the police, the joint operation consisted of members from the Tzaneen police detective branch and the K9 unit who acted swiftly upon information received from an anonymous source. Upon arriving at the elderly man’s home, they found 14 sackcloth bags stuffed with marijuana which they estimated to have a street value of around R844 800. It is not clear how the precise estimation was determined, but the combined weight of the marijuana haul was 211.2 kilogrammes. The owner of the house was arrested and a case of dealing in dagga is being investigated. The case was registered with the Tzaneen charge office and the suspect will appear in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s court soon. At the time of going to print a case number had not yet been registered.

Colonel Marius Botha of tzaneen SAPS next to the dagga haul

Missing now dead

Back to Zimbabwe

■ Jeff Jackson

■ Jeff Jackson

The Police at Senwabarwana in Seshego Cluster have opened a case of murder after the partially burned body of a 14-year old girl, who was earlier this month reported missing, was found by community members on nearby hill at Driekoppies on Sunday 17th of May. Morongwa Marakalala, from Silvermine village allegedly went missing on the 5th of May at about 21:30. Police then launched a search operation immediately. A Police helicopter, the K9 Unit, Search and Rescue Unit and members from Senwabarwana police station, assisted by the community, jointly conducted a search operation in the area but the child could not be located. The police were later called when the gruesome discovery was made the following week. On Monday the 11th of May, the community members at Silvermine village went on the rampage and torched a house belonging to a 63-year old woman, accusing the family of witchcraft and that they were responsible for the disappearance of the child. Thirteen suspects were consequently arrested on charges of arson and appeared in Senwabarwana magistrate’s court on the 21st of May, for formal bail applications. The Provincial Commissioner of Limpopo Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba is saddened by the brutal murder of the child and has instructed the investigators to waste no time in hunting down the killers. “ I warn community members to desist from taking the law into their own hands but instead assist the police in the investigation of this brutal incident,” concluded General Ledwaba. Anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspects is requested to contact Warrant Officer Albert Manaka on 082 414 6634, the Crime Stop number 0860010111 or the nearest police

Two suspects appeared in the Louis Trichardt Magistrate’s court on charges of money laundering this week. Mahua Mashitara (44) and Tinei Kateula (35), were both released on warning and they will be deported back to their country of origin which is Zimbabwe. The suspects were arrested in Makhado after they were found in possession of R142 300 in cash. Their three accomplices, Stedmore Nau (23), Robert Mthandwa (28) and Andy Nare (40) are facing additional charges of contravention of medicine and related substances control Act and possession of unregistered medicine. They are expected to appear in the same court this week for bail applications. The suspects were apprehended earlier this month during an Intelligence driven joint operation conducted by detectives, the First Responder Team and crime prevention members from Makhado Cluster. At the time of going to print no further details had been made available.

Life behind bars sentence for Gogo rapist ■ Jeff Jackson

Eleven months after he was accused of the horrendous act of raping a 78-year old woman, Dudley Mhlongo was sentenced to life in prison in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s court this week. The 31-year old accused from Mokgwathi village in the Bolobedu area outside Tzaneen was on Tuesday, the 19th of May, sentenced to a life imprisonment by the Tzaneen Regional court after he was convicted for rape. The sentencing emanates from an incident in which the accused was convicted raping a 78-year old woman from one of the local villages in the area. The incident took place on the 21st of July 2019 at about 21:20, while the elderly woman was sleeping in her two roomed house. The vic-

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tim heard a knock on the door and asked who was knocking when the suspect forced the door open and entered the house. The suspect threatened the victim with a firearm, dragged her out of the house and repeatedly raped her before fleeing from the scene. Police intensive investigations commenced until the suspect was apprehended and detained until his sentencing. The Provincial Commissioner of the South African Police Service in Limpopo, Lt Genl Nneke Ledwaba said that he was delighted at the incarceration of the rapist and has commended members of the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offenses unit for meticulously investigating this case and successfully securing a life sentence.




22 May 2020



The only ‘bee’ worth celebrating

Talented young beekeepers from Makhado in Limpopo posing for a photograph.

Joe Dreyer

Wednesday was World Bee Day. The South African department of agriculture, land reform and rural development joined the beekeeping and horticultural communities in celebrating the most magnificent of creatures on the planet, namely the majestic honeybee. In a statement released on World Bee Day this week, the department said that it was important to acknowledge and recognise the role of honeybees in the agricultural sector and their benefit to humankind. “As we celebrate World Bee Day the critical role played by all beekeepers in agricultural production is also recognised,” the statement read. “The survival of the agricultural sector and humankind is dependent on honeybees through crop pollination. The drought experienced during past years and the veld fires in the Western Cape has significantly affected the availability of off-season

bee forage and swarms harvested from nature. As we recognise the importance of bees, we remain resilient in our efforts to reserve and conserve bee forage to ensure beekeeping sustainability.” The department also reaffirmed that the value chain of beekeeping activities is critical for food security, economic growth and development, as well as job creation. Like any other sector, the Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on beekeeping activities. However, in South Africa considering the importance of bees to the agricultural sector, the Level 4 regulations under the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) provides for beekeeping activities to continue operations under strict conditions. The disruption of beekeeping activities, such as crop pollination services, may adversely affect the country’s food production targets and export markets. Bees and beekeepers supply a critical service to

grower farmers, particularly the fruit and seed sectors. The Covid-19 outbreak occurred at a time that is critical to the success of fruit and seed industries for pollination services and key in the food security value chain. The department recognised the importance of bees, and therefore, allowed the movement of beehives during the lockdown period and for beekeepers to continue with beehive maintenance, which is critical and essential during this time of the year. It is for this reason that as the South African government is joining the rest of the world in celebrating the World Bee Day under the theme, “BEE ENGAGED: Bees impacting lives and food security.” The United Nations declared this day in December 2017 in recognition of the importance of bees and the role they play in lives of people around the world. “Let us join the international community in celebrating this day and appreciate that without bees,

food security would be severely impacted, and we would not have any horticultural products to export,” explained the department’s Reggie Ngcobo. “Let us all support and recognise the critical role of beekeepers in agricultural production, which includes commercial, developmental, and small-scale. We would like to invite and encourage everyone to join hands with the department, beekeepers and farmers in celebrating this day and appreciating the importance of bees to food production and security.” Without bees there is no life. A virtual engagement was held earlier in the day focusing on the impact of Covid-19 on the bee keeping sector and the role of beekeeping in supporting rural communities in improving food and nutrition during the crisis and beyond. “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man will have no more than four years to live.” Albert Einstein

Control room number: 015 590 9919 Canine Cellphone (WhatsApp 063 964 6747) Email: Marius@caninetzn.co.za • Peter@caninetzn.co.za Info@caninetzn.co.za


22 May 2020





Granny’s Grumbles - A COMEDY OF ERRORS

It was the latter part of 2007. I was managing a nursery on the outskirts of Phalaborwa and at very short notice had been offered a landscaping job which needed to be done immediately. The Board of Directors of an out-of-town company had let them know that they would be visiting the following week. Basically what the company needed was a complete make-over for what can only be classified as a terribly neglected garden which had not been looked at for years. I love a challenge and said I would start immediately. Two days later I set forth in my trusty old Isuzu bakkie with four gardeners, hundreds of plants and bags of compost. We spent eight hours of solid digging, planting, moving rocks and

generally trying to make a barren wasteland into something half-way decent. At 4.30 we loaded the bakkie with rubble, weeds, old branches and any other rubbish and I transported the staff to the bus-stop. I then headed for the home of the company manager to explain that we would need to collect another load of rubbish the following day. I was already anticipating the cool shower I would have when I arrived home since I was covered in sweat and grime. Upon arrival at the manager’s house I parked the bakkie in the driveway which was sloped down towards his garage. I was half-way to the front door when I heard a noise and I suddenly realised that my vehicle was slowly moving down towards the garage which housed a beautiful large, expensive looking bakkie-type vehicle which was facing my oncoming vehicle. I knew I would not make it to the driver’s side fast enough to put my foot on the brake so thought I would try a bit of brute force. Unfortunately brute force was of no use whatsoever as the bakkie carried on pushing me backwards. Eventually I was jammed between the two vehicles and there was no way I could get out. My belly-button felt as though it was practically touching my spine. “Help me” I screeched assuming that the home owners would rush to my aid. It appeared that nobody was at home so I screeched louder and louder. Eventually a head popped over the wall from the neighbour’s house. A lady I knew quite well – she was a regular customer. That was the good news – the bad news was that her husband was working in North Africa and she didn’t think she would be able to push the bakkies apart. Her idea was that she should get into my bakkie and start it up and reverse. I shuddered at the thought – old bakkies do not slide into reverse – they jolt. I had visions of my spine and belly-button fusing permanently. After some delib-

eration and discovering that none of the immediate neighbours appeared to be at home it was decided that Maia would attempt to push my vehicle backwards. How on earth a woman in her sixties who was less than 5ft tall managed to push sufficiently for me to slide to the ground is still a miracle. I lay on the ground with excruciating pain from my pelvis to my ankles whilst Maia contacted my husband and my doctor. Fortunately for me I had been a patient for more than twenty years and my doctor arrived in no time at all and said how fortunate it was that this incident had taken place only 200 metres from the hospital gate. He phoned the hospital and told them to send an ambulance. Half an hour went by – no ambulance – he made another call – ambulance was lost. Maybe it was at the police station – they were searching. Darkness descended and we heard the sound of a siren – it was indeed the ambulance which went straight past us and we heard it turning into the hospital grounds. My doc phoned the hospital again – good news – the ambulance had been found and was on its way. Presumably the driver did not understood two hundred metres because this time the ambulance went hurtling past with sirens blazing and disappeared into the night. Another call and eventually the ambulance did arrive and I was taken to hospital. A dollop of morphine and a few x-rays later the doctor told me how fortunate I was – my pelvis was still intact and although there was a lot of bruising and swelling I appeared to be okay but I would have to spend the night in hospital so I could be checked in the morning. I was happy for numerous reasons – I was expecting my daughter and grandsons to arrive from Bahrain the following week and the last thing I needed was to be crippled. I spent the next few days hobbling around with technicolor legs and buttocks but otherwise well. It was four days after the incident and my husband was leaving early in the morning to go to Johannesburg to pick up my daughter and

grandsons who were arriving that afternoon. He would be bringing them back the following day. My leg had swollen during the night and it looked as though I was suffering from a severe case of elephantiasis. I saw my doc directly after work that afternoon and he said that I obviously had a haematoma and I would need a small operation which could be performed early the next morning at the local hospital. For those who don’t remember 2007 was the year of the first load shedding and my doc met me with the news that the hospital back-up generator was out of order and if there was unscheduled load shedding it could be a problem if we were in the middle of an operation,. Did I mind having a local anaesthetic” An anaesthetic is an anaesthetic as far as I am concerned and I lay back on the operating table whilst my doc (bless his heart) gave me a running commentary on what he was doing. Suddenly he stopped – it was not a haematoma – it was fibrous tissue. Since I didn’t know the difference it really didn’t bother me, until he removed a large lump of what looked like fatty mince from my leg and waved it in front of my nose. Two handfuls later, during which time he stopped to tell me that what he had removed could fill a coke can, the anaesthetic wore off and I let out a yelp. He told me he could not give me a lot more local so I should grit my teeth and he would go as fast as he could. Suffice to say that the local wore off before the stitching began – the nurse standing next to me probably still has the scars left by my fingernails which were dug into her palms. A comedy of errors?? Depends on which way you look at it!! - A tired old lady forgetting to put on her handbrake whilst on a slope - A hospital losing its ambulance - An ambulance driver not understanding two hundred metres - My doctor thinking that we were fortunate that the incident had taken place so close to the hospital.

“Even in a bad situation – there’s always a positive side” - Susane Colasante

Negotiations on par for affordable water ■ Roelof de Jonge Agri SA welcomes the reduced increases in the proposed raw water charges for the irrigation sector for the 2020/21 financial year. The raw water tariffs for the 2020/21 financial year were officially published by the Department of Water and Sanitation on the 15th of May. Following the sector-specific consultations which were held in Pretoria on the 7th of August in 2019, Agri SA requested that proposed increases in water resource infrastructure charges be limited to 16.5% (i.e. 10% plus PPI as at April 2019) instead of the initially proposed increases of up to 50% in

certain areas. Agri SA accepted the proposed water resource management charge increase of 6.5% for all water management areas (apart from the Orange management area where an increase of 15.66% was proposed in accordance with the National Water Pricing Strategy). Government accepted Agri SA’s proposal and presented its revised charges during national consultations which were held in Boksburg on the 28th of August 2019. The revised charges became official through their publication last week. “South Africa’s agricultural sector stands to be severely affected by the economic consequences

of the Covid-19 pandemic as well as the lingering effects of droughts in certain part of our country” says Wayman Kritzinger, Chairperson of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence for Natural Resources. “The relatively moderate increases will go some way to alleviate the input cost and economic burdens and ensure farmers keep producing.” Agri SA will continue to consult with and strengthen its relationship with government to ensure that water not only remains affordable, but also that its management and regulation improve to ensure quality water supply. This will safeguard food security and economic growth for South Africa.

VF Plus: “Genoeg is genoeg!” Hoekom dan so duur? ■ Michal Groenewald Die VF Plus is bekommerd oor die vinnig verslegtende sosioekonomiese situasie in Suid-Afrika. Die negatiewe impak van die Covid-19-inperkings op gemeenskappe regoor die land begin nou ernstige afmetings aanneem. Die Covid19-regulasies, asook die afwykende en soms onsinnige toepassing daarvan, lei tot ‘n groeiende weerstand onder alle vlakke van die samelewing en ondermyn die geloofwaardigheid van alle regeringsvlakke. Die ongedissiplineerde optrede van munisipale werkers in noodsaaklike dienste wat nou met reëlmaat hierdie dienste in veral die groter munisipaliteite onderbreek met onwettige stakings, vererger die opvatting onder inwoners

dat die owerhede beheer oor die grootliks selfgeskepte, situasie verloor het. ‘n Styging in misdaadvlakke, veroorsaak deur misdadige elemente wat die polisie en wetstoepassers se betrokkenheid by Covid-19-verwante oortredings uitbuit, skend gemeenskappe se vertroue in die owerhede nog verder. Gemeenskappe voel weerloos en uitgelewer aan omstandighede waaroor hul geen beheer het nie en ervaar dat selfs wetstoepassers hulle in die steek laat. Die feit dat buurt- en plaaswagte verbied word om te funksioneer, skep ‘n nog groter breuk in die vertrouensverhouding tussen gemeenskappe en die owerheid. Die stemme van weerstand is besig om ‘n koor te word en oproepe tot belastingboikotte onder andersins wetsgehoorsame inwoners, is nie meer vreemd nie. Terwyl klein- tot mediumgrootte ondernemings steeds deur soms obskure regulasies gedwing word om gesluit te bly, raak die rye vir kospakkies langer en die aantal skenkers al hoe minder. Al hierdie faktore skep ‘n plofbare situasie wat nie deur die owerhede onderskat kan word nie. Die gesindheid van alle wetstoepassers insluitend polisielede, die weermag en amptenare wat verantwoordelik is vir die toepassing van die Covid-19-regulasies, moet ferm gemonitor word. Enige magsvergrype of onsensitiewe optrede moet in die kiem gesmoor word. Die VF Plus doen alles in sy vermoë om die regering te dwing om van irrasionele regulasies afstand te doen, die ekonomie te ontsluit en slegs maatreëls inplek te stel wat inlyn daarmee is om die verspreiding van die virus te beperk.

■ Roelof de Jonge Die pryse vir Suid-Afrika se brandstof word deur verskeie faktore bepaal, wat veroorsaak dat brandstof selfs duurder is as in ander lande waarheen SuidAfrika na uitvoer. Die Automobiel Assosiasie (AA) van Suid-Afrika het vandeesweek syfers bekend gemaak waarom SuidAfrikaners juis soveel moet opdok as ander lande dan soveel minder betaal. Volgens die AA en geskoei op die huidige beskikbare data van brandstofpryse, om ‘n 50 liter tenk met 93 oktaan op te vul sal ‘n person R601 in die binneland kos en R576 vir 95 oktaan as ‘n persoon by die kus sou volmaak. Met ander woorde, elke keer wanneer ‘n persoon ‘n voertuig se brandstoftenk opvul betaal ‘n mens in die omgewing van R292 aan aangehegde heffings. Brandstof verbruikers in Suid-Afrika sal

dus nie verbaas wees om te verneem dat ten minste 50% van elke liter brandstof aan belasting gaan wat deur die staat, met sy ‘n “uitnemende” baanrekord van wanbestuur en korrupsie, aangewend word. Van die ongeveer 50% word die grootste gedeelte daarvan vir die staat se Algemene Brandstofheffing en die Padongelukfonds gebruik. Die ander heffings word dan vir die Basiese Brandstof Pryse, groot maat verkope, verspreiding en vervoerkostes aangewend. Die AA het ook gemaan dat hierdie brandstofpryse en heffings wat tans ervaar word laas in 2016 gesien was. Die AA meen mense gaan onwaarskynlik weer sulke dalings in brandstofpryse ervaar aangesien die internasionale prys vir ru-olie stelselmatig besig is om te styg nalate die wêreld se ekonomie herstel na die impak van die Covid-19 inperkings.





22 May 2020


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22 May 2020





Prioritise hunger plight ■

Roelof de Jonge

Agri SA stated that food production and hunger relief must now be prioritised. It seems as if the Department of Agriculture and Land Reform and the Department of Rural Development have now finally merged. The new structure was presented to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on the 5th of May this year. The department also shared its strategic plan for the next five years with the portfolio committee. Willem de Chavonnes Vrugt, chairperson of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence regarding Land issues, warned that the new department’s mandate is extensive and that it should guard against neglecting agriculture-related aspects. A priority for the foreseeable future must be to ensure sustainable food production and combat hunger. Agri SA’s members play a critical role in this regard. There is a risk that the land debate could overshadow agricultural issues. Although Agri SA fully acknowledges the importance of land reform, the focus should now be on agriculture. Agri SA has learned with concern that the department intends to revisit the Regulation of Agricultural Land Holdings Bill. The controversial bill makes provision for land ceilings and the regulation of foreign ownership of land. It also seems that plans to amend section 25 of the Constitution, as well as the Expropriation Bill, are going full steam ahead. Agri SA and its members have already played a major role in hunger relief by delivering food to various communities. For

farmers to continue producing, they require policy certainty and security of property rights. It is also important that farmers who farm on state land have security of tenure and access to affordable financing to optimise production on such land. Covid-19 will change the world in many respects, said De Chavonnes Vrugt. “We now need visionary leadership to position our country for the changing world following the pandemic. Agriculture will play an even bigger role in future. Therefore, we need to cherish and protect our farming sector.”

Willem de Chavonnes Vrugt.

Wildlife ranching faces extinction ■

Roelof de Jonge

From the scientific results and estimations released by Wildlife Ranching South Africa (WRSA), South Africa’s wildlife industry is on the brink of collapse due to the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. This industry is currently losing billions of Rands in revenue and WRSA urged government to implement drastic changes in the lock down regulations to help ease this dire situation. WRSA said mitigation measures should be introduced urgently to allow for live game trade, the production and distribution of game meat and the introduction of incremental local hunting and tourism activities or else most product owners in the wildlife industry will not survive the impacts of Covid-19 restrictions. Despite wildlife management being stipulated in the National Disaster Management Regulations as an essential activity, the lockdown resulted in severe negative effects for the South African private wildlife ranching industry. According to WRSA, this did not only had an impact on the international hunting and tourism market, but also the domestic hunting and tourism market, live game trade, game meat sales and other related activities. WRSA recommended the urgent forming of a Wildlife Ranching Economy Recovery Task Team which should consist out of the private sector, financial institutions and government. This task team would then be required to investigate and develop models to assist wildlife ranchers. National and provincial government departments should use the opportunity to create positivity, with the necessary directives and protocols, by introducing specific recovery models to normalise the wildlife economy during or after Covid-19, as soon as possible, according to WRSA. From a survey that was conducted by WRSA, to determine the impact of Covid-19 on the South African private wildlife ranching industry, it indicates amongst others an 86% decline in hunters

or tourists visiting game farms or lodges during March and April. The survey indicated a 52% decline in live game sales during March and April. A percentage of 67% was estimated for permanent employees affected either being on reduced wages, being on unpaid leave or made redundant by the end of April. According to WRSA, this organisation has 1 500 members which is the largest collective membership of commercial wildlife ranchers (landowners) or business owners. This includes an additional number of individuals which ranges from students or persons with an interest in commercial wildlife ranching. Wildlife ranchers conduct their activities from millions of hectares of agricultural property dispersed throughout South Africa. WRSA’s key strategic focus areas include amongst others, to stimulate growth and create demand, working together with all stakeholders and especially the South African government, to ensure future sustainability and success of the industry. As an industry representative for commercial businesses, WRSA has a real and direct interest regarding the impact of Covid-19 on wildlife ranchers. WRSA is acknowledged by the government and stakeholders as an organisation representing the national and international interests of the wildlife ranching industry. This relates to the sustainable breeding, conservation, production and marketing of wildlife in South Africa.


KHENSANI MILKA SHIKWAMBANA Of FarmHlovani passed away on Sunday17/05/2020 and will be buried on Saturday 23/05/2020. The service will be held from home in Hlovani FarmLetabawhere the burial will also take place at 08:00. Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/4121

SHIHOZA NOEL NKHWASHU Of Khujwanavillage passed away on Sunday 14/05/2020 and will be buried on Thursday 21/05/2020. The service will be held from home in Khujwanavillage and will proceed to the local cemetery in Khujwanaat 08:00.

MOHALE ALBERT RAMALEPE Of Ga-Mapitlulavillage passed away on Thursday14/05/2020 and will be buried on Saturday 23/05/2020. The service will be held from home in Ga-Mapitlulavillage and will proceed to the local cemetery in GaMapitlulaat 08:00.

Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/4120

Tzaneen 015 307 3116 Member Of The NFDA BB: DIBB00224/4122

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Certificate of Consolidated Deed of Grant TG15883/2014, in favour of APOSTOLIC FAITH MISSION CHURCH, in respect of certain ERF 2120 LENYEENYEE-A TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby Advertise your business in the classifieds. Only R40 Contact 015 306 0198

required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen the 9th day of March 2020. Applicant: Doctor Thompson Mathebula p/a Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys Ref: A789/M van Rensburg Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Email address: Marelize@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 May401__________________________

To place your legals in the Bulletin email: admin@bulletin.us.com





22 May 2020


Game on with Ford ■

Roelof de Jonge

Ford owners who have the urge to get an adrenalin rush or to drive around just for the sake of doing so, can still get their engines rumbling and its revs racing, albeit virtually, with the best games to keep many a car enthusiast occupied. Ford vehicles have appeared in innumerable games, from PC to PlayStation, and Wii to Xbox, with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos to get the best out of your time on track, or to tear up a town’s tarmac. Forza Motorsport 7 (Windows, Xbox) – 2017: Regarded as one of the most successful motor racing video games of recent times, Forza Motorsport 7 has more than 700 vehicles in this Windows and Xbox One platform-friendly single or multiplayer award-winning game. One of the more exciting cars available to play with is the Ford #2 GT40 Mk II racer from the 1966 Le Mans. This classic 7.0-litre GT has been available on most preceding versions of Forza. In the Forza 4 version there features an opportunity to unlock the Legendary Battle achievement when you beat a Ferrari 330 P4 in any race while driving a Ford GT Mark II. An added bonus in the latest version lets you tear through a fictional street circuit in Dubai. Gran Turismo Sport (PlayStation) – 2017: The 13th game in the Gran Turismo series sees 334 cars battle for the sole attention of your controller thumbs, as you tackle 82 track configurations. From Ford Focus rally cars and ST’s, and Mustang GT’s, you are spoiled for choice. But it is hard not to find your way into a Ford V8-powered Shelby Cobra, or the spectacular mid-engine two-seater 2017 Ford GT. With two game modes, Sports and Arcade, there is a Nations Cup, Manufacturers Cup, both with “live” online event components. In Campaign Mode, gamers can through driving school, mission challenges, and circuit experience,

to be well prepared to take on the championship for the title. Blur (Windows, PlayStation, Xbox) – 2010: With box art featuring a Ford GT, the Blue Oval features heavily in one of the best arcade racing video fame created for the Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 platforms, Blur. Offering more than a standard racing experience, you can switch up your Mustang for an off-road adventure in the Bronco, F-100, or F-150 Raptor. Through online multiplayer modes one can drive with a Ford Shelby GT500, Ford GT or Ford Focus RS. For a unique thrill, one must reach “Fan Status 14” in career mode, or “Rank 40” in multiplayer, to unlock the Ford Transit Supervan3. Equipped with a high-revving V8 engine, this is a Transit that’s seriously quick, and serious fun, both in the game and in real life. Need for Speed (PlayStation, Xbox, Windows, Wii, iOS, Android) – Since 1994: It’s hard to pick which Need for Speed game to play, but it’s nice to have so many options. Starting with the one that requires the least amount of effort, Need for Speed: No Limits (2015). The game features a Ford Mustang GT as its cover

image, and all you need to play it is your phone, with the game app enjoying a heavy focus on street racing, and police avoidance. If you want to move a bit more, you might lean toward 2012’s Need for Speed: Most Wanted, which boasts a Nintendo Wii U version, replete with limited-edition track-orientated Ford Mustang Boss 302. But perhaps the best instalment of the, arguably, most successful video game franchise of all time, is Need for Speed: Rivals (2013). Straddling platforms between Xbox 360 and Xbox One, as well as PlayStation 3 to 4, and Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. Dirt Rally 2.0 (Windows, PlayStation, Xbox) – 2019: Colin McRae wasn’t only a spectacular rally driver, he also proved an astute businessman, having his name tacked to a racing game that has found a home on Game Boy, Windows, PlayStation, N-Gage, Linux, Xbox, Wii, and in mobile format. Having provided extensive technical advice during development, McRae’s name was the obvious selling point of Colin McRae Rally when launched in 1998, and remained in place on each instalment until a few years after his death, when the

game became known simply as Dirt 3 from 2011. McRae spent three years racing for Ford, and players can choose any of the Fords the Scotsman took the wheel of. In fact, you can pick World RallyCross Supercars, as well as historic rally cars from the 1960’s through to the 1980’s. With 12 Fords to take control of, including the Ford Escort Mk II, RS Evolution, Escort RS Cosworth, Fiestas, Focuses, and a Mustang, for fans of rallying and rallycross, there’s probably no better racing simulator out there. Ford set eyes on virtual racing: Ford is giving serious gamers the opportunity to have a hand in creating the ultimate virtual racing car. Having last year launched its first ever esports team, Fordzilla, Ford will build on its real-world racing experience and complete at the very highest level of gaming. Designed fresh from the ground up, Team Fordzilla – P1 will be Ford’s first virtual race car not to be based on an existing real-world model. It will see an auto manufacturer and the online racing community come together in a completely new way. Work on the project started in April already, and can be followed on @TeamFordzilla Twitter and Instagram channels.


22 May 2020





Toyota betree ’n ‘nuwe werklikheid’ ■

Roelof de Jonge

Toyota Suid-Afrika Motors (TSAM) het aangekondig dat hy sy bedrywighede by sy Prospecton-aanleg in Durban omsigtig hervat het, terwyl hy ’n soortgelyke benadering tot sy onderdelepakhuis en handelaars reg oor die land gebruik. Dit volg op ’n aankondiging deur die Suid-Afrikaanse regering in Mei dat hy sommige van sy inperkingsregulasies, wat daarop gemik is om die verspreiding van Covid-19 tot die minimum te beperk, verslap het ten einde ekonomiese aktiwiteite geleidelik te hervat en in fases te herstel. TSAM is in ooreenstemming met die regering se risiko-aangepaste strategie aan die gang om sy bedryfsaktiwiteite geleidelik te hervat, terwyl hy ’n noukeurige en oorwegende benadering gebruik om te verseker dat die gevaar van Covid-19-besmetting in die hele waardeketting verminder word. “Dit is die eerste keer in ons geskiedenis dat al Toyota se filiaal-vervaardigingsaanlegte terselfdertyd hul bedrywighede reg oor die hele wêreld moes staak, en daarom beweeg ons op onbekende terrein terwyl ons in Suid-Afrika ook begin om ons bedrywighede stelselmatig te hervat”, het Andrew Kirby, die president en uitvoerende hoof van TSAM, gesê. Ingevolge die nuwe regeringsaanwysings kan alle handelaars tot die 23ste Mei met 30% van hul personeel werk. Vir die tweede fase, vanaf die 25ste Mei tot die 6de Junie, sê die DTIC dat alle handelaars benewens ander verslapte reëls met 60% van hul personeelkorps mag werk. Alle handelaars sal in die derde fase vanaf die 8ste Junie totdat Vlak 4 opgehef word, met tot 100% personeel op die perseel mag werk. Kontak met kliënte sal ook op die terrein toegelaat word, hoewel dit tot die minimum beperk word, terwyl verkope van voertuie op ’n afstand steeds aangemoedig sal word. Voordat TSAM-handelaars hul deure amptelik heropen het, moes hulle eers voorbereidende maatreëls inspan om hul werkers en kliënte van ’n voldoende veilige werksomgewing te voorsien. Dit was alles deel van ’n multifase-plan om die sakewiele so vinnig as moontlik te laat begin draai, maar sonder om kortpad te kies. Dit het beteken die geboue moes berook en deeglik ontsmet word voordat dit vir die “nuwe werklikheid” opgestel kon word. Ander aanvullende maatreëls sluit in dat alle

verversingstasies vir kliënte afgesny moes word, brosjures en tydskrifte van rakke en tafels af verwyder moes word, terwyl werknemers oor Covid-19 opgelei en protokol vir skoonmaak en ontsmetting ingestel moes word. Daarbenewens moes alle Covid-19- opvoedkundige artikels tot voordeel van kliënte, waaronder naamborde en aanwysingsmerke vir fisieke afstande, opgestel word. Kliënte se hande sal eers ontsmet word voordat hulle die handelaarskap kan betree, terwyl betaling met geld ontmoedig sal word ten gunste van elektroniese oorbetalings, tjek- of kredietkaart-tiktransaksies sowel as selfoontoepassings soos Snapscan en Zapper (kredietkaartmasjiene moet gereeld ontsmet word). Net soos met die meeste Vlak 4-reëls vir sakeondernemings werk TSAM se onderdeleverspreiding-pakhuis tans met slegs 50% van sy personeel. Dit terwyl sommige werknemers steeds aangemoedig word om eerder van die huis af te werk (twee skofte word bedryf om aan die vraag te voldoen). Voor die heropening moes die pakhuis van 40 000 m² eers berook en deeglik ontsmet word voordat die personeel weer kon begin werk. TSAM het pendeldienste gereël vir werknemers wat op openbare vervoer staatmaak ten einde die gevaar dat wer-kers op pad werk of huis toe met Covid-19 aangesteek kan word, te beperk. Personeel word by hul huise afgehaal, met ’n aangewese spanleier aan boord om te verseker dat elke passasier se temperatuur gemeet en hande ontsmet word en elkeen ’n masker dra. Die spanleier sien ook toe dat iemand met ’n koors hoër as 37,5 grade nie werk toe gaan nie, dat die pendeltuig nie meer as 70% van sy sitplekvermoë oorskry nie, en dat alle protokol vir fisieke afstande in die voertuig nagekom word. Met hul aankoms by die werk ondergaan die personeel streng keuringsmaatreëls. Werknemers se koors word weer gemeet terwyl fisieke afstande gehandhaaf word, en hulle word ook vrae gevra oor hul fisieke bewegings sowel as moontlike interaksie met Covid-19- positiewe gevalle. Slegs werknemers wat hierdie voorondersoeke slaag, sal toegelaat word om te werk, terwyl diegene wie se resultate buite die bepalings val, op die terrein verder deur mediese personeel ondersoek sal word. As dit nodig sou wees, kan hulle selfs Covid-19-deeltoetse by die maatskappy se doelgemaakte veldlaboratoriumfasiliteit aflê. Vervaardiging onder bepaalde toestande het by die Prospecton-aanleg hervat. Dié fabriek het sy

TSAM se onderdeleverspreiding-pakhuis tans met slegs 50% van sy personeel

Met hul aankoms by die werk ondergaan die personeel streng keuringsmaatreëls.

bedrywighede in die eerste week van Mei met beperkte en noodsaaklike werknemers in elke gebied van die aanleg begin, wat dus voldoen aan die regering se bepaalde bedryfsvermoë van 50% ingevolge Vlak 4. TSAM sê slegs werkers sonder enige onderliggende gesondheidskwessies is in Mei weer by die aanleg toegelaat. Die bedrywighede is onder streng maatreëls hervat. Die fokus was om ’n veilige werksomgewing te skep wat fisieke aftande en persoonlike higiëne bevorder sowel as proaktiewe maatreëls om die verspreiding van Covid-19 by die aanleg te voorkom. Die gewone Covid-19-protokol beteken alle werknemers wat die fabriek se perseel binnegaan en verlaat, se koors moet gemeet word, en hulle moet die duidelike afbakenings wat op die vloer geplaas is, gebruik om die veiligheidsafstand van 1,5 meter tussen mense te handhaaf. Daarbenewens is die tafels in die kantien herontwerp met verdelings tussen personeel terwyl die gebruik van storte gestaak is. In die huidige klimaat is vervaardiging by die Prospecton-aanleg nie op volle vermoë nie, maar TSAM is positief dat hierdie uitdagings die bedryf die geleentheid bied om dinge anders te doen. Van die derde week in Mei af was vervaardiging 40% van die volumes voor die grendeltyd (met een skof ) en sal dit na verwagting 75% van die volumes voor die inperkings in die laaste week van Mei bereik.

Voor die heropening moes die onderdeleverspreiding-pakhuis eers berook en deeglik ontsmet word.





22 May 2020


Isuzu the brand with the best sales people ■

Roelof de Jonge

Isuzu has been voted as “The brand which has the best sales people” in a consumer survey conducted by cars.co.za as part of it annual Ownership Satisfaction Survey conducted in 2019. This announcement was made on Monday the 18th of May. The survey measured and tracked a wide range of issues of importance to South African car buyers, with more than 10 000 new vehicle owners who participated in the 2019 survey. “We are very proud of the recognition given to our dealer partners and sales staff by the people who matter the most, namely our customers. Over the past three years we have placed great emphasis on our commitment to ensuring that customers have convenient access to trustworthy and knowledgeable sales people when looking to make an investment in a new vehicle,” said Craig Uren, Senior Vice President Vehicles Sales, Service and Marketinting at Isuzu Motors South Africa (IMSA). As part of the Ownership Satisfaction survey, vehicle owners who have recently purchased a vehicle were asked about their experience in terms of the salesperson’s professionalism,

friendliness, (perceived) honesty, product knowledge, and how well extras such as insurance, on the road costs etc. were explained, as well as the sales person’s overall communication. Isuzu came out on top in two key areas related to the sales experience: The purchasing Experience, and Product Knowledge with impressive scores of 9.1 (out of 10) and 9.2 respectively. The top five ranked brands in terms of the sales process are: First - Isuzu, Second - Mazda, Third - Toyota, Fourth - Suzuki, Fifth - Ford. Last year 4 600 delegates from all departments within the 79 Isuzu dealer network in South Africa attended training at IMSA’s Training Centre. The company’s extensive curriculum supports the upskilling, personal development and career growth of the sales staff. “All Isuzu dealer staff are trained to be future fit in order to excel in the ever changing environment of the automotive sector. Isuzu dealer training focuses on essential skills comprising sales ability, product knowledge and personal development. We are very proud to have received recognition for our efforts in this area,” said Uren.

Isuzu is “The brand which has the best sales people” in a consumer survey that was conducted by cars.co.za as part of it annual Ownership Satisfaction Survey conducted in 2019.

Fiat’s Abarth still celebrates performance ■

Roelof de Jonge

Carlo Abarth’s “performance concept” went way beyond a quest for pure power, maximum speed, and acceleration. His concept was to give attention to all-round performance relating to research, development into innovative technical solutions, improved aerodynamics, road holding and brake power. This is how Abarth (the performance arm of Fiat) have produced the Spoiler ad Assetto Variabile,

The new Abarth 695 70° Anniversario.

which made its debut a few months ago on the limited edition Abarth 695 70° Anniversario. The epitome of the application of aerodynamics can be seen in the multi-prize winning 1960 “silver torpedo” Abarth 1000 Bialbero Record Pininfarina, which smashed multiple speed records. The equally famous 1966 Abarth 1000 Corsa was one of the first cars in the world to feature a resin spoiler. The new Abarth 695 70° Anniversario pays tribute to this very record with its new Spoiler ad Assetto Variabile. This characteristically Abarth racing component also recalls the spoiler of the 1980’s Lancia

Delta Integrale, which produced the sensation of being a real rally driver when on the road. The fruition of the work of Abarth engineers of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) in their respective wind tunnels, the Spoiler ad Assetto Variabile improves the car’s aerodynamic performance and therefore increases grip on fast mixed courses and stability at high speeds. Just like in a race, where it is not unusual to see technicians manually fine-tune the spoiler tilt so the driver can set the car’s behavior according to the course and his driving style, the spoiler fitted to the Abarth 695 70° Anniversario can also be manually adjusted. In an attempt to offer maximum flexibility, drivers are given the option to adjust the spoiler depending on the course they are about to tackle, as well as positioning it as they wish, regardless of performance. At maximum tilt (60 degrees), at a speed of 200 km/h, the spoiler increases aerodynamic load to 42kg. Especially on fast mixed courses, this ensures excellent vehicle dynamics and improved stability at high speeds. The Spoiler ad Assetto Variabile can reduce steering correction by almost 40%, for a “cleaner” and more efficient drive, giving the driver greater confidence to push back the limits. Optimization of aerodynamics also affects acoustics, curated ideally to reduce tur-

bulence, for a more comfortable daily run around. To achieve such a technical level, the new Abarth 695 70° Anniversario was tested in a full-scale aerodynamic wind tunnel. This center of excellence made it possible to develop and test the Spoiler ad Assetto Variabile on the Abarth 695 70° Anniversario, in all possible configurations and various conditions of vehicle attitude. From 1956 to 1966, Scorpion cars set as many as 133 records, the result of extreme use of the concepts and laws of aerodynamics. This illustrious history includes the eight astonishing records broken by the Abarth 1000 Bialbero Record Pininfarina in 1960. But coming back to the founder’s slogan of “Sunday on the track, Monday in the office,” it proved necessary to improve the aerodynamics of “normal” racing cars, too. Abarth did so by combining work on the official team and the production of racing components with sporting and commercial success. By the 1970s, Abarth sports tuning kits had converted city cars into race winners, opening the way for many young drivers to start a successful career in racing. The first model to benefit from these aerodynamic insights and knowledge was the Abarth 1000 Corsa (the racing version of the roadgoing 600). In 1962, its wins were ubiquitous, crossing the finish line with a famously open rear bonnet, which, apart from dissipating the heat from the engine, clearly resulted in an aerodynamic advantage. The ingenious Abarth then produced a resin spoiler in 1966, becoming one of the first companies to take advantage of that component on a racing car. The Abarth 695 70° Anniversario Spoiler ad Assetto Variabile tribute proves that its racetrack record has always been the ideal testing ground for the Abarth brand to test technical and technological solutions before fitting them to roadgoing Scorpion cars.


22 May 2020



Alfa Romeo’s sporty sedans in the service of the law ■ Roelof de Jonge

In post-war Italy, Alfa Romeo cars were legendary. They proved to be faster than any other car, both on the track and on the road. They had all the right technical and symbolic characteristics to become the natural choice for the State Police Corps. The connection between Alfa Romeo and the police has an interesting place in Italian history. From the 1950’s on, Alfa Romeo cars became the official emergency call-out vehicles. They were known as “volanti” and as they became a familiar sight, so too did they earn other nicknames. Those used by the State Police became known as “Panthers” and those of the military police were called “Gazelles”. The very first Panther was an Alfa Romeo 1900, built in 1952, its aggressive silhouette having inspired its name. The first Gazelle came into use a few years later. The most famous police car of all was the Giulia Super, but the Police used many other Alfa Romeo models, practically all the most important ones, from the Matta to the Alfasud, Alfa 75, Alfetta, 156 and the Giulia in use today. Appointed director of design in 1946, Orazio Satta Puliga had a hard task ahead of him. Not only did he need to rebuild everything that had been destroyed by the war, he also had to transform an artisan company into a modern manufacturing force. When Satta Puliga arrived, Alfa Romeo was producing every single mechanical part at its Portello plant. He rationalised the process, outsourcing the production of secondary parts and cutting the costs. Satta Puliga’s 1900, which dates to 1950, was the first left-hand drive Alfa Romeo and the first to have a monocoque body. He abandoned the traditional six- and eight-cylinder engines in favour of a new four-cylinder with aluminum cylinder head and chain-drive dual overhead camshafts. The engine was powered by a single carburetor, offering incredibly good performance and low horsepower. The 1900 delivered 80hp or 59kW. It was agile and fast and very easy to drive. Its launch slogan was “The family car that wins races”. The 1900 was also the first Alfa Romeo to be produced on an assembly line. The total manufacturing time needed to produce one vehicle was reduced from 240 to just 100 hours. This new approach led to an unprecedented success

in terms of sales. The 1900 alone sold more than the total Alfa Romeo production of other models up until that time. While the 1900 set Alfa Romeo on the serial production course, it was with the Giulietta that it truly became a large-scale automotive factory. Alfa Romeo focused all its design and industrial resources on this new objective. The Giulia became the product that defined this turning point in Alfa Romeo’s history, a car designed to boost sales but at the same time confirm the brand’s technical and sporting traditions. The new Giulietta returned to be the link between Alfa Romeo and the Italian police. The first Gazelle of the Carabinieri was none other than a Giulietta, destined for the patrol service. It commenced service equipped with a radio system for communicating with headquarters and the Italian Army’s referred to it as fast, agile and tough. Shorter, narrower and lighter than the 1900, the Giulietta took Alfa Romeo into a new segment. It offered a modern, streamlined exterior and comfortable interior, as well as exceptional road holding, quick starting and speed. Its all-Aluminium engine delivered 65hp or 48kW and a maximum speed of 165km/h. The Giulietta was a roaring success, becoming so popular that it earned the nickname “Italy’s sweetheart”. Its sales record is just as extraordinary with over 177 000 units being sold. The Giulia was one of the first vehicles in the world to feature occupant safety in its construction. The front and rear parts were designed to absorb shock and crumple, while the passenger compartment remained extremely rigid, to protect its occupants, solutions that would only become compulsory much later. The Giulia’s 1.6-liter twin cam engine was an evolution of the Giulietta’s 1.3-litre four-cylinder and it stood out for its sodium-cooled exhaust valves. The vehicle was overwhelmingly successful. It achieved a total of over 570 000 sales (more than triple those of Giulietta) and it became an Italian icon. Visitors to the Alfa Romeo Museum in Arese will find a room dedicated to Alfa Romeo in the world of film. It hosts many car appearances, but Giulia is the undisputed star of the show. In these movies where “cops and robbers” clash, Giulia often stars as both the police car and the getaway vehicle.

From the 1950’s on, Alfa Romeo cars became the official emergency call-out vehicles.



30 Junie spertyd vir Maties-aansoeke

Joe Dreyer

Voornemende studente aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het tot die 30ste Junie vanjaar (einde volgende maand) om hul aansoeke in te dien. Die Universiteit het een van die hoogste eerstejaardeurvloeikoerse in Suid-Afrika met meer as 85% van US-studente wat jaarliks na hulle tweede studiejaar vorder. In die lig van die huidige COVID-19 pandemie wat verskeie matrikulante met onsekerhede oor die pad vorentoe gelaat het, stel die Universiteit se Sentrum vir Studentewerwing en Loopbaanadvies aansoekers gerus. Die Sentrum is gereed om matrikulante by te staan om ingeligte besluite rakende hulle voorgraadse studies in 2021 te maak. Vir meer inligting oor die US se akademiese aanbod, of om die aansoekproses te begin, word voornemende Maties uitgenooi om www.maties.com te besoek. Matrikulante kan ook ’n e-pos aan csr@ sun.ac.za stuur vir ’n virtuele of telefoniese raadgewingsessie. ’n Vriendelike versoek word aan diegene wat reeds ’n aanlyn aansoek ingedien het gerig om asseblief seker te maak dat die aansoek volledig is, aangesien studente dikwels nie al die vereiste dokumentasie oplaai nie. Dokumente sluit ’n bewys van betaling (’n R100 nie-terugbetaalbare aansoekfooi), ’n getekende kontrak, sowel as die finale

graad 11-uitslae vir diegene wat tans in hulle finale skooljaar is, óf die Nasionale Senior Sertifikaat (NSS)-uitslae vir diegene wat reeds hulle finale skooljaar voltooi het in. Die keuringsproses neem slégs voltooide aansoeke in ag en volledige besonderhede is by www. maties.com beskikbaar. Daar is ook so paar nuwe programme wat vanjaar op US aangebied sal word. Omdat daar in vandag se werksplek soveel veranderinge plaasvind, bied die Universiteit jaarliks nuwe programme aan wat gegradueerdes vir die nuwe wêreld van werk sal toerus. Vanjaar het die Fakulteit Natuurwetenskappe drie nuwe interdissiplinêre programme geloods, wat gebou is op die wisselwerking tussen die Mediese Wetenskappe, Wiskunde, Chemie en Berekeningswetenskap. Hierdie drie programme is Biomediese Wiskundige Wetenskappe, Toegepaste Medisinale Chemie, en Bioinformatika en Berekeningsbiologie. Die Fakulteit Ingenieurswese bied Data-Ingenieurswese as ’n nuwe stroom in die Departement Elektriese en Elektroniese Ingenieurswese aan, terwyl die Universiteit ook van 2021 af ’n vierjaargraad in Datawetenskap sal aanbied, wat kunsmatige intelligensie, masjienleer en groot data (big data) insluit. Bystand met die aansoekproses is telefonies beskikbaar by 021 808 9111, per e-pos info@sun.ac.za of via webklets by www.maties. com (klik op Let’s Talk onder regs).

Sport 22 May 2020

Don’t spit on ball, rather use sweat ■

Roelof de Jonge

Cricket, like with all other sports worldwide, is feeling the impact of the Covid-19. Discussions on recommendations to help make the sport a safer environment has been discussed by the ICC Cricket Committee on Monday the 18th May. One of the recommendations that stood out in this meeting is the prohibition of using saliva to help bring out the shine on the one half of the ball. This occurence will be something of the past. If the ICC Executive Council accepts this recommendation into a law, a player can get punished if in breach of this new law. According to Divya George, the Club and Facilities Coordinator for Limpopo Impala Cricket sa the ICC Cricket Committee have still to submit their recommendations to the ICC Executive Council. She said according to her knowledge a decision would only made by early June. George said the cricket fraternity will have to wait for the findings or decision on the way forward in this critical period. This recommended changes to the ICC regulations to mitigate the risks posed by the Covid-19 virus will help to protect the safety of players and match officials. Bulletin spoke to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Limpopo Impala Cricket, Tommy Phiri, to get his take on this topic. “There is no doubt that the pandemic has changed the ways we used to things. It has made times for us as a cricket union difficult to perform our tasks. It is not just about playing cricket, even development of the sport and the hosting of popular events like the KFC Mini Cricket Program for children are affected”, said Phiri.

Phiri said there is no doubt that health measures will have to be in place once they are able to play again. He said there are a lot of aspects to be considered, like the health safety of the umpires, players and coaches amongst others which are more important. “Fortunately, although maybe not a popular word to use in the current situation, the cricket season was already near the end of its summer season when the national lock down was announced. It will be difficult to determine the winners for the 2019/2020 season as it was not formally completed”, said Phiri. Phiri who himself was an avid player himself, said from a public perspective it might be a disgusting habit to use saliva in order to help the surface of the ball shine. “From a cricket perspective, I am not happy with this decision, because it has been a tradition of the sport world-wide. But when it comes to help saving lives, we simply must adopt. We will eventually find other ways to make the ball swing. Even though I consider myself as a traditional cricket player, I do realise the dangers that the Covid-19 virus poses. Therefore, we just must adhere to the new laws that will be administrated to the game”, said Phiri. “Even celebrations on the field will be quite a muted occasion from now on as players would probably require keeping social distancing. I am confident going forward and we just must adopt, adhere and accepted these new bylaws, not just in cricket, but as a society”, said Phiri. The ICC Cricket Committee, chaired by for Anil Kumble, concluded a conference call convened to specifically address issues related to Covid-19 including maintaining the condition of the match ball and the appointment of non-neutral umpires and referees to international cricket. These recommendations of the Cricket Com-

Lance Trueman

mittee will be presented to the ICC Chief Executives’ Committee in early June for approval. The ICC Cricket Committee heard from the Chair of the ICC Medical Advisory Committee, Dr Peter Harcourt, regarding the elevated risk of the transmission of the virus through saliva, and unanimously agreed to recommend that the use of saliva to polish the ball be prohibited. The Committee also noted the medical advice that it is highly unlikely that the virus can be transmitted through sweat and saw no need to prohibit the use of sweat to polish the ball whilst recommending that enhanced hygiene measures are implemented on and around the playing field. The current regulations that apply to the appointment of match officials to men’s Test, ODI and T20I matches are summarised below. Since 2002, officials appointed by the ICC must not be from the same country as the participating teams. Given the challenges of international travel with borders being closed, limited commercial flights and mandatory quarantine periods, the Committee recommended that local match officials be appointed in the short-term. The appointments will continue to be made via the ICC from local Elite and International Panel referees and umpires. Where there are no Elite Panel match officials in the country, the best local International Panel match officials will be appointed. The Committee also recommended that the use of technology is increased to support the appointments of a wider pool of umpires from around the world and has proposed an additional DRS review per team per innings is introduced in each format as an interim measure.

Lance Trueman

Lance Trueman

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