Bulletin Newspaper 5 June 2020

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Limpopo’s new measures


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“Declaration of invalidity is suspended until such time as the minister, after consultation with the cabinet, reviews, amends and republishes the regulations mentioned above with due consideration to the limitation each regulation has on the rights guaranteed in the bill of rights as contained in the constitution,” reads the court ruling. Read more on page 3.

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5 June 2020

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Virtual Comrades Legends Race Page 12


5 June 2020





Schools will only open next week Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com

Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Walter Hohensee 078 893 2721 walter@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123 Kantoor: 015 306 0198

■ Joe Dreyer “It will be very risky for us to have a blanket reopening of the schools because not all of our schools are on the same level of readiness or compliance with the health and safety measures of Covid-19.” This was the reason for the last-minute postponement of the reopening of the schools across the country today, offered by Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga. She addressed the media in a live broadcast on Monday morning this week, and spent the first 28 minutes apologizing for the inconvenience her late decision may have caused, and enforcing her blunder with some arbitrary facts. Much like Dlamini-Zuma.

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa FAR NORTH MEDIA

Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

The Grade 12 and Grade 7 learners from schools across the country were meant to return to their desks this week, but Motshekga said this will only happen next week Monday, the 8th of June. According to her, this is because the majority of schools she inspected, were not at a satisfactory state of readiness. “As late as Saturday, there were still schools who have not received PPE. Some teachers who arrived at school were visibly fearful and there was not enough time for the principles and governing bodies to induct and prepare these teachers. The provision of water and sanitation is still a major challenge with most of the promised water tanks, still not delivered to the schools without proper water and sanitation facilities. Teachers and support staff need to be inducted and orientated to work under the new “normal” brought about by Covid-19,” she said. There was also a very stern message to parents who feel too anxious about sending their kids to school amid fears of the coronavirus. “Those parents who feel that they do not want to send their children to school, are obligated to enrol their children for home schooling. By law, children between the ages of 6-years and 15-years old, must be in school. You cannot just keep your children at home and then expect that we must look after you.” Regarding the concerns related to the matric pupils who have missed

Suspect escapes in leg irons ■ Joe Dreyer A 24-year old man managed to escape from a police van in Letsitele on Monday afternoon. The strange escape is currently the topic of an internal investigation according to police spokesperson Brig Motlafelo Mojapelo. Miraculously, the prisoner, Thabiso Ramokgona, who was being transported back to the holding cells in Letsitele after appearing in court on a charge of rape, managed to escape from the police vehicle, while in shackles and being escorted by a police officer, at the moment they arrived at the police station. According to a source, the police officer guarding the prisoner, was apparently unable to determine in which direction the escapee had run off to (while in leg irons), and allegedly only radioed for support ten minutes after the escape. A manhunt was launched by the police and the suspect was rearrested early the following morning - allegedly at a house in Mogolobotsi. We asked the provincial

police spokesperson for clarity on how the prisoner managed to escape from a van, in leg irons, under escort and the police officer not knowing which direction he went into. We wanted to know why it took the officer ten minutes to radio for back up and how it was possible that a man in leg irons, was able to outrun an armed police officer. “According to the police escorting the suspect from court, he was cuffed with leg irons but escaped at the moment he was being taken from the back of a police van after somehow managing to loosen the cuffs,” said Brigadier Mojapelo in response to our inquiry. “We have launched internal investigations to find out how it was possible for the suspect to escape in these circumstances.” In response to our other questions regarding the police officer’s account of the escape and his supposed hesitation to call for backup, Mojapelo said, “Whether he provided the necessary information or not will be determined by the investigations.”

their midyear exams, the minister said that there is a lot of anxiety on the matter and therefore the May/June examination is going to be administered in December. “If something happens that forces the government to extend the reopening of the schools into next year, we will then reassess the situation and update our parents and learners.” The minister addressed the question of whether the department would close a school should it be found to be non-compliant. “As a sector, we are obligated to find alternatives in instances where it is found that opening a school is impossible. We will have to find a way that enables all children to access their rights to education.” In Tzaneen, Ben Vorster High School, Merensky High School, Stanford Lake College, Unicorn Preparatory School and Laerskool Tzaneen Primary were all open and ready to teach. DA Constituency head and Member of Parliament, Desiree van der Walt conducted oversight visits to all of the schools in the area and found that some were in dire need of basic PPE before they could reopen. She has asked for donations of masks, sanitizers and thermometers to assist the schools that have not yet received these from the education department as she does not think the department’s aid will reach all the schools in time. Those who can assist should please contact Desiree on 082 452 0444 or via email at dvanderwalt@ parliament.gov.za. She has specified that Manorvlei Primary and Sebone Primary need 200 face masks each and some sanitizer. One thermometer is needed at Sebone.

Save the hairdressers! ■ Joe Dreyer The Democratic Alliance has joined the fight against the irrationality of the regulations under Lockdown Level 3. Dean Macpherson MP, DA Shadow Minister of Trade and Industry said in a statement on Monday that the party will take legal action against the minister of CoGta should these regulations not be amended. The Democratic Alliance’s (DA) lawyers have written to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA), Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, over the continuous ban on personal care services, like hairdressers. In Tzaneen, Letsitele and Phalaborwa particularly, there have been a few of these salon owners who have been forced to become “criminals” in order to generate an income. “We are not allowed to earn an honest living by servicing one client at a time, yet we look out of the window at the street hawker and the taxi filled with passengers. How fair is that?” asked one salon owner who had to let two of his staff go and close his doors permanently. The continued criminalisation of the personal care services industry under Level 3 is irrational, arbitrary and unlawful, and should the Minister not answer the letter from our lawyers by 14:00 on Wednesday, 3 June, she will leave the DA no option but to litigate. The fact is that Minister Dlamini-Zuma has not provided a shred of evidence as to why this industry cannot return to work. It is completely unacceptable. Thousands of people in this country earn a monthly income in this industry.

Our litigation will especially be for the sake of the single mothers and the young entrepreneurs who have no other source of income than the personal care services they provide, often from their homes and other low-rent venues. The continued ban of the personal care services industry bars hundreds of thousands of people from earning an income during an incredibly stressful and financially devastating period in South Africa. The Covid-19 pandemic is ripping lives and livelihoods apart and adding more dependents to the roll of grant recipients every day. The National Treasury projected that 50% of South Africans could lose their jobs during the pandemic, and instead of trying to stem the tide, these nonsensical regulations from the Minister will simply ensure that those projections become set in stone. It is very clear that these businesses are able to comply with sanitation protocols; have the ability to track and trace any client or employee who may have come into contact with anyone infected by Covid-19; and are able to adopt social distancing measures to prevent the spread of the disease amongst clients and employees. It simply makes no sense that the personal care industry is excluded from taking part in the economy in a safe manner with proper Covid-19 hygiene protocols in place, when so many other industries are allowed to open during level 3 of the lockdown. The DA said it will not stand for this and will do what it takes to open up this industry as soon as possible and to get rid of this irrational and devastating regulation.


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5 June 2020


Lockdown’s irrationality finally acknowledged ■

Joe Dreyer

The Pretoria High court declared the regulations promulgated for the Covid-19 Lockdown levels 3 and 4 unconstitutional and invalid. This news broke over social media on Wednesday evening and the country gave a collective sigh of relief. The move came after Reyno Dawid de Beer and the Liberty Fighters Network challenged the regulations as set out by Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (CoGTA) Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, arguing that they encroached on and limited their rights as contained in the Bill of Rights in South Africa’s Constitution. In response, the court found that the lockdown regulations indeed did not satisfy the rationality test and were not justifiable in an open and democratic society based on human dignity, equality and freedom as contemplated in Section 36 of the Constitution. The court’s declaration of the invalidity of the rules, is suspended until the minister reviews, amends and republishes the regulations in consultation with Cabinet (which has seemingly been completely circumvented by the five

Dlamini Zuma

ministers forming in effect, our very own Politburo. This means that nothing will change for the next 12 days and the lockdown alert level 3 remains applicable. “Declaration of invalidity is suspended until such time as the minister, after consultation with the cabinet, reviews, amends and republishes the regulations mentioned above with due consideration to the limitation each regulation has on the rights guaranteed in the bill of rights as contained in the constitution,” reads the court ruling. Judge Davis said that while the declaration of a national state of disaster in terms of Section 27 of the Disaster Management Act in response to the Covid-19 outbreak was rational, some of the regulations imposed after the fact were not. “A substantial number of instances are not rationally connected to the objectives of slowing the rate of infection or limiting the spread thereof,” Davis said. This was after arguments by the chairperson for the Liberty Fighters, Fanie de Villiers highlighted prohibition of movement such as the riding of motorbikes, the prohibition of gatherings while churches were opened for business and the closure of hair salons which service one client at a time while taxis can operate at 70% capacity. The claims on the losses of income suffered by

Fikile Mbalula

these businesses could be billed against the government. On the issue of a blanket cigarette ban, judge Norman Davis made no ruling and instead stated that in future, other courts will rule on the matter. The cigarette matter has been challenged by the FairTrade Independent Tobacco Association, British American Tobacco and the Democratic Alliance (DA) among others. Minutes before our deadline the news broke that Dlamini-Zuma faces the prospect of being pursued for contempt of court after missing a court-ordered deadline to file an answer to the first major legal challenge to the government’s controversial cigarette ban. The minister had until the close of business on Wednesday to respond under oath to lobby group Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association’s (Fita’s) challenge to the rationality of the tobacco ban, which is due to be heard by the high court in Pretoria next week. At the time of going to print, cigarette sales were booming in downtown Tzaneen and Phalaborwa’s CBD. A packet of 20 Pacific Blue or Remington Gold was priced at R40, a loose draw was R5 (R7 for Stuyvesant) and Camel Activate 20’s were going for R100 per packet.

Cyril Ramaphosa

Reyno de Beer

Van Velden hospital nurse tests positive for Covid-19 ■

Joe Dreyer

The communities of Tzaneen and surrounding areas have launched into an unfounded spiral of panic after a news report surfaced on Wednesday, 3rd of June, that a nursing sister at the state hospital had tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. Bulletin tried throughout the day to gain clarity on the matter from the Limpopo Health department and eventually managed to speak to the national spokesperson for the department of Health, Popo Maja. Initially, he was unable to respond as he was in the middle of a Zoom conference, but when he finally managed a response he said “we are not allowed to comment on individual cases. We could be sued for violating the privacy and dignity of citizens.” Maja managed to reach Limpopo Health’s spokesperson who then contacted Bulletin to respond to our initial inquiry we sent to his office. He noted poor cellphone reception as the reason for his silence on the matter. Eventually we obtained clarity. A nursing sister at Van Velden hospital in Tzaneen has tested positive for Covid-19 this week after she had a private test done at a lab in town. Her test result came through on Monday morning and upon receipt of her positive diagnosis, she took the correct measures in immediately self-quarantining and informing the provincial health department. According to Niel Shikwambane, the spokesper-

son for the Limpopo Department of Health, the calls for the hospital to be closed because of the positive diagnosis is unfounded and irrational. He told Bulletin in a telephonic interview that all the department’s hospitals undergo rigorous disinfecting daily and the nurse in question is currently in self-isolation. “Can you imagine what would happen if we were to close every hospital around the country each time one staff member tested positive for the virus? We would have a very dire situation as we enter the winter months and people start contracting other illnesses like the seasonal flu, with no medical facilities to assist them,” Shikwambane said. “Over 60 people, who came into close contact with the nurse, have been identified , tested and quarantined. That includes family members and her colleagues who work with her at the hospital. We are waiting for their results,” he added. Thursday morning, the 4th of June, a very irresponsible rumour started over the social media platform, WhatsApp, urging residents to avoid shopping at the very popular OK Sugarloaf store situated across the road from the hospital for fear of being infected. This is an absolutely ludicrous notion and points to the panic stricken, uninformed and the dangers associated with spreading their broadcast messages. The management of both the OK Sugar stores in Tzaneen have insured that their stores comply with all legislation and have taken measures far beyond

the required standards to secure the safety of their staff and clientele. At the time of going to print yesterday, Limpopo had recorded a total of 200 Covid-19 positive cases, three deaths and 145 recoveries. This meant


that at yesterday’s cut off period, there were only 52 active cases in the entire province. The national totals of infected, deaths and recoveries reflect a 53% recovery rate among those infected. This figure keeps climbing.


5 June 2020





Weldoener meisies bak en brou vir DBV ■ Roelof de Jonge

Die sinnelose mishandeling van diere en troeteldiere in Tzaneen en omgewing is niks minder as ongelooflik nie. Bulletin het met Ellie Potgieter, inspekteur van die Letaba Dierebeskermingsvereniging (DBV) gesels oor van die jongste voorvalle. Volgens Potgieter kan sy ‘n aantal van die sake te sprake nie met die Bulletin bespreek nie, aangesien van hierdie sake nog in die hof aangehoor moet word. Potgieter het gesê indien van hierdie sake vooraf gepubliseer word voor dit in die hof aangehoor word, mag dit dalk net die uitspraak bëinvloed en sodoende die saak belemmer wat kan verhoed om die skuldiges tot verantwoording te bring. Maar, so tussen die slegte ervarings wat die diere aan blootgestel word deur mense wat net nie bevoegd is om diere enigsins aan te hou nie, is daar ook darem nuus wat mense se harte laat warm klop. Die afgelope naweek het twee susters van die dorp, Isabella Brett en Layah Mahomed, saam ‘n maat van hul bure, ZoëLeigh Thompson, geld vir die DBV ingesamel deur mense se voertuie te was en tuisgebakte muffins te verkoop. Die meisies het met hul welwillendheidswerk altesaam R800 ingesamel wat vandag (5 Junie) aan die DBV geskenk gaan word. Een van die sake wat Potgieter wel met Bulletin bespreek het gaan oor ‘n eienaar op Haenertsburg wie se Labrador geskiet is met ‘n luggeweer. Potgieter sê die koeël het die sewe jarige hond se agterlyf binnegedring. Volgens Potgieter was die skade van die koeël wat op die veearts se x-trale duidelik te siene is, van so aard dat die Labrador se agterlyf heeltemal verlam is. Potgieter het gesê daarom was daar toe besluit om eerder die hond te laat uitsit. Potgieter het gesê volgens die eienaar was hy nie by die huis nie en dat dit moontlik inbrekers was wat die Labrador geskiet het. Hierdie saak word tans ondersoek, volgens Potgieter. Nog ‘n skokkende saak wat Letaba DBV tans ondersoek is waar ‘n eienaar met hoenders

buite Tzaneen, met die geveerdes wat vrylik rondloop, sy buurman se twee honde wat na bewering die hoenders dood-gebyt het, aan die nek met toue opgehang het. Potgieter het die foto’s gewys van hoe die honde van die boomtakke af hang met die toue om hul nekke. ‘n Inwoner van Tzaneen het in ‘n oomblik van waansin ‘n kriminele rekord op die lyf geloop. Dit na die manspersoon in die hof sy skuld erken en ‘n boete betaal het. Potgieter het gesê die DBV het die saak aanhangingig gemaak nadat die persoon ‘n kat eers teen ‘n blompot gemoker het. Die kat is volgens ooggetuies daarna teen ‘n voertuig geslinger waar dit aan sy wonde ontkom het. Maar dit is nie net slegte ervaringe waarmee Potgieter en haar span by die DBV te make kry nie. “Ons het ‘n basterhond ingeneem wat uit ‘n landelike gebied afkomstig is en met ‘n voorwerp soos ‘n panga bygedam is. Toe ons die hond gaan haal het was daar ‘n hengse groot wond op die rug. Die wond het intussen volkome herstel en mens kan amper nie sien daar was ‘n wond nie”, het Potgieter gesê. Die hond is volgens Potgieter nog bietjie skrikkerig vir mense na die nare ervaring, maar andersins spekvet en gesond. Potgieter het vertel dat sy en haar personeel die hond met die naam “Panga” gedoop het. Potgieter het mense weereens aangemaan om nie diere net weg te gee vir ander mense nie, veral baba diere soos hondtjies en katjies. Sy het mense eerder aangeraai om diere eerder na Letaba DBV te neem. “Mense reken as hulle diere na die DBV

Die sinnelose mishandeling van diere en troeteldiere in Tzaneen en omgewing is niks minder as ongelooflik nie.

toe neem om aangeneem te word, dat dit ‘n doodvonnis vir die diere is. Dit is glad nie die geval nie. Ons maak seker dat troeteldiere liefdevolle huise kry waar hulle na gesorg kan word. Ons maak ook seker dat die nuwe eienaar bevoeg is om ‘n troeteldier te kan aanhou en ook dat die ligging geskik is om ‘n troeteldier aan te hou”, het Potgieter gesê. Potgieter het gesê die sogenaamde liefdevolle huisgesinne waarvan sommige van die diere by opeindig wat deur mense weggegee word, is soms meer getraumatiseer as gevolg van verwaarlosing of mishandeling. Daarom doen sy ‘n beroep op die gemeenskap om eerder diere na die DBV te bring as om dit net bloot weg te gee.

Robert Mashatola, een van die DBV se werkers, is hier saam met Panga.

Hierdie meisies het die afgelope naweek mense se karre gewas en muffins verkoop om geld vir die DBV in te samel.

Popcorn tydens sy huisvesting by Letaba DBV met sy eienaars wat met die inperking in die Kaap moes bly het.





5 June 2020


Mathabatha: “One doctor per 100 nurses” ■

Jeff Jackson

Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha has said that the government does not regret the decision to close Morula Mine in Sekhukhune. He added that the decision was informed by inputs from various stakeholders in the mining industry who advised that since there was no corona virus outbreak in the province, people who came from the other provinces should all be quarantined. Mathabatha spoke on the side-lines of the provincial Coronavirus Command Council (PCC) held on Friday where he said the surge in the disease in the province was precipitated by the opening of the mines in the province. He said the owners of the mines did not comply with the regulations which resulted in the rise of infections and his regret is that people did not do what they were supposed to have done. “We are now at a situation where we are no longer reporting five cases per day and we decided to act strongly on the mines, visit them to ensure that they comply and if they do not, we then close the mines. We do not want the situation to continue like this and as a result we need to come up with long lasting measures that will take us through.” Mathanatha continued by stating that government has so far seen the curve successfully being levelled and as the province they had adopted the Community Health Plan. “With this plan we are going to look not only at Corona, but the other chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. The province has about six million people which include 160 000 households and we are going to hire community health workers to assist.” The Premier said that one community health worker will be responsible for 160 households and one professional nurse would be assigned to 100 health workers. One doctor would be assigned to oversee 100 nurses. The premier touted the community health plan as the provincial strategy to deal with Covid 19 infections in the province.

Limpopo Premier Stan Mathabatha

Lepelle Northern Water CEO suspended ■

Jeff Jackson

The Public Service Commission has raised concerns on the misuse of public funds by the office of the premier and various members of the Executive Committee. This after they took their time finalizing the suspensions of public servants, and after the suspensions were lifted, those employees continued to stay at home. PSC chairperson, George Mashamba, wrote to the office of Premier Stan Mathabatha ordering him to lift the suspensions of employees that had passed the 60 day deadline as per the law. He accused the province of non-compliance with the principle that if an employee is on suspension the matter needed to be finalised within 60 days and if not, reasons had to be provided. Mashamba, who is from Limpopo, is also the chairperson of the ANC Integrity Committee which played a significant role when

Ramaphosa selected his cabinet after last year’s elections. He has given the province seven days until Thursday (yesterday) to provide the PSC with a consolidated report on all suspensions and the progress made so far. In a circular to the office of the premier, the PSC said that they had noted a general non-compliance with the prescripts or stipulations related to the 60-day rule on suspensions and thus cautioned that it is in contravention of the Disciplinary code and procedures for public servants. The PSC requested that the chairperson of the hearing provide the reasons for the postponement of some of the suspensions. “The prolonged precautionary suspensions of employees with the Limpopo administration had proven to be so slow for the state in terms of the factsheet and can be deemed illegal if such extensions were not decided by the respective chairpersons.” The consolidated report as sought by the PSC, was yesterday (Thursday the 4th of

Pooza Monday

Elzabi Diederiks, shop assistant at Uptown Liquor Shop, was ready to receive customers for the first time since the national lock down started about two months ago, prohibiting the sales of liquor. Photo: Roelof de Jonge

June) due for submission by the Limpopo government. Limpopo spokesperson Kenny Mathivha confirmed the correspondence but was reluctant to answer further questions. Mathivha said that the correspondence was internal. “The government receives some correspondence from time to time and the one in question is an internal one. Phuti Seloba was the government spokesperson until being suspended and though the suspension was declared illegal, he is no longer active.” The intervention by the PSC came in the wake of the suspension of the Head of Information Technology, Lesetja Kganyago which was put aside after he blew the whistle on Limpopo’s R500 million Limpopo Connection Broadband scandal. Another suspension of note is that of the Lepelle Northern Water (LNW), CEO Phil Legodi, who claimed that the suspensions were aimed at silencing them on irregularities at the water department.


5 June 2020






Many years ago I took part in the Phosphate Half-Marathon. I was not a runner but an avid speed walker. We were allowed to take part but were not eligible to win prizes – not that we were likely to overtake the runners!

Only three walkers had decided to take part and the other two were the stars of our club so I realised that I would in all probability be the last to finish but it would be fun anyway. The distance was just over 21 kilometres and started at the Phosphate club in Namakgale. As we wended our way through Namakgale there was a large crowd cheering us on and letting let me know that I was the tail-ender and had better move. It was actually a genuinely nice day and I was feeling good in spite of the fact that I was trailing. At about the 3km mark a young man appeared from nowhere – he was wearing old takkies and a vest and was presumably part of the race. I mentioned that I had assumed I was last and he told me he had started late. His name was Vincent - he was about eighteen and a pleasant young man. It appeared that he was in no hurry because at the ten-kilometre mark he was still beside me - if I zipped ahead, he stayed with me – if I slowed down he did the same. At the 15km water table he was still with me and my bladder was complaining. The only place to go was into the bush but I couldn’t get rid of Vincent. Eventually I told him that I had to go behind some bushes that were set back from the road. He nodded sympathetically and said he would look after my track suit top and water bottle and wait for me. I felt more than

a little embarrassed and couldn’t figure why a long-legged teenager had attached himself to me in spite of knowing that I was the tail-ender. Worse was to come – a police car that had been going backwards and forwards to check on the entrants had stopped to find out why Vincent was just standing next to the road and he pointed in my direction. Over the radio the police told the organisers (I presume) that a young male and a tannie who was in the bush were the last people in the race at that time. I cringed inwardly – police radios are always on full blast. Another three kilometres and I saw five people under a shady tree looking slightly the worse for wear – the one man had his head between his legs and was covered in sweat. I should blush to say that I was quite pleased to know that I appeared in better shape than these five runners. Vincent however appeared quite alarmed. He appeared to think that they had stopped for a rest and would be catching up with us shortly. I assured him that they were merely waiting for the ambulance/combi to pick them up and take them to the club as they could not carry on. A couple more kilometres and we could practically see the finish line. At this stage Vincent clutched his stomach and indicated that he was in terrible pain and I should just go on without him. Oh well – at least I wouldn’t be last. I was so far behind the last runner that there was

virtually nobody at the finish line to give me a thumbs-up and a pat on the back. I handed in my number, collected my badge and wandered over to the refreshment stand to get my free coke. Whilst chatting to some friends I saw Vincent and asked him how he was feeling. “Very angry” he said. It transpired that my young friend had seen a poster advertising the race which had many cash prizes and indicated that a special tortoise prize would be awarded to the runner who came in last. I pointed out that the race had been organised by runners for runners and that the two of us had actually been walking. Anyway why didn’t he go and get his free coke and hot dog…they had refused to give him one according to the young man. I told him I would sort it out for him and went to speak to the lady who was dishing out the coupons for the cokes and hot dogs. It became apparent that Vincent had never filled in an entry form and in actual fact had never been at the start line…he had merely been waiting on the main road to see who was coming last and then tagged on and stuck with me. Hadn’t I noticed that he didn’t have a number? Poor Vincent – I bought him a coke and explained the intricacies of taking part in a marathon – I think the only thing that made him feel better was when he heard that the tortoise prize was actually a wooden carving of a tortoise.

”Any idiot can run, But it takes a special kind of idiot to walk a marathon”

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Legals NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T16843/2001 in favour of SELATI HARDEWARE 1963 PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number: 1963/000758/07 in respect of certain FARM VLUCHTHOEK 568, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, In Extent: 17,0448 (SEVENTEEN COMMA ZERO FOUR FOUR EIGHT) hectare which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds, Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 3rd of June 2020. Applicant: Joubert & May

Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel No: 015 307-3660 Email address: yolanda@ joubertmay.co.za Ref: Y Wiid/GS2763 Jun101__________________________

LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN DECEASED ESTATE LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution account (first and final) in the estate specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with interest therein for a period of 21 days from the date of publication hereof, and at the offices of the Master in Polokwane and the Magistrate’s office in Tzaneen. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.

Registration Number of Estate: 9334/2019 Surname: DE WET Name: CHRISTIAAN JACOBUS Identity Number: 5011275064089 Last address: LUSHOF, TZANEEN Married in community of property to: MARIA ISABELLA DE WET Identity Number: 5503150097085 Joubert & May Attorneys 50 Boundary Street P O Box 35, 0850 Tzaneen Tel (015) 307 3660 Ref.: Mr Rech/avs/R15293 Jun102__________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer ST3139/2017, passed by ESTATE OF LATE SUSANNA JOHANNA CATHARINA VAN LOGGERENBERG, Estate Number: 002496/2017, in favour of ABRAHAM JOHANNES VAN

LOGGERENBERG, Identity Number: 890728 5108 088, in respect of certain Section No. 6 as shown and more fully described on Sectional Plan No SS21/1985 in the scheme known as AQUA WOONSTELLE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 10th day of March 2020. Applicant: Abraham Johannes Van Loggerenberg p/a Nazia Carrim Attorneys / Ref: Mandi de Sousa Address: 28 Ismini Avenue, Polokwane Email address: mandi@ncttorneys.co.a Contact number: 015 295 7625 Jun103__________________________

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5 June 2020





EPWP workers staying for now ■ Jeff Jackson Hundreds of community members who were contracted to the Empowered Public Works Programme (EPWP) who were panicking that they would lose their jobs can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being. This after the termination of the contracts which were due in the middle of June, were put on hold because of the effects of the Coronavirus lockdown regulations. According to one employee who requested anonymity, there was a meeting in which it was determined that the they continue to work until time would be appropriate to hire new people to fill their positions. Most of them were already employed at the start of the lockdown as most are either working in the engineering or the community departments which were responsible for essential services. The EPWP is a project in which unemployed people from all the wards in various municipalities are hired in order to alleviate poverty among the various communities. In Tzaneen all was well with this system until some contracts had to be terminated and the workers rocked up to the municipal buildings, trashing the grounds and blocking the entrances. The appointment of the people for positions within the programme, was not without its share of usual controversy as it was alleged

that only members of the ruling ANC and their relatives were employed into the projects. This thought was because it was the prerogative of the councillors to decided whom to hire and they tend to abuse the system. In Lenyenye the process had to be changed after the same complaints were raised and people had to come to meetings with their identity documents. Also in Tzaneen, most of the EPWP contract workers were not hired by councillors and instead had to remain with the municipality when the companies which were contracting to the municipality had their contracts come to an end.

An employee of the EPWP

R17 000 paid for no water ■ Jeff Jackson

While many residents in Lephepane and Khopo villages had successfully collected money in groups and sunk water to their homes, at Muthumeni village things were not the same as one of the members of the group vanished with the money. That it was at the beginning of the National State of Disaster did not help either, as they could not move to report the matter as the offices of the Small Claims Court were closed. A concerned resident told Bulletin that “after realising that there was no water in the vicinity because we sometimes share water with animals from the nearby fountain, we then called a meeting and collected money. Between us, about 20 households, we collected the sum of R17 000 and it was decided that two people be responsible for taking the money to the bank.” After some months and several meetings, it was ressolved that the money be brought back and a contractor be hired to drill for water. “It started as a rumour that the money was not banked until when we held a meeting and wanted to see the money,” said the resident. “Six people were selected during the level five lockdown to go to Tzaneen and verify whether the money was still there. We returned empty handed because when we reached a roadblock at the former Telkom Tzaneen headquarters, one of the handlers of the money disembarked from the taxi and said he do not have a permit so he would meet up with the group in town. We never saw him again.” It is said that in a follow-up meeting it was resolved that women should leave the matter to men which left some unhappy as they did not have men in their homes to handle the problem on their behalf. One of the women told Bulletin’s sister newspaper, Matume Times, that she had lost hope to ever see her money again. Muthumeni, a small village founded near the Wetland called muthumeni because of the Matuma trees which had been there for centuries and also been regarded as the main source of water in the area which even feed the Khujwana dam. Before the municipality drilled for water in the area and planted tanks on the hillside, people relied on the wetland for their household water needs. A few years ago, after seeing the trend of borehole drilling by the communities in that area, residents in Ntwanano joined and started sinking boreholes for water. The first project was a success and during the 2019 elections, the leadership of the DA had to visit the project to see for inspections. That motivated people to start collecting money for similar projects, and simultaneously opened the way for a new criminal trend. An employee of the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) told Bulletin that the matter will not see its day in court, and it would be advisable that people come as individuals and claim the money through the assistance of the sheriff. He said in most cases they will have to pay money at the office of the sheriff and the matter will then be referred to the courts. The small Claims court does not handle cases over R5 000.

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5 June 2020



V.W’s T-Roc to make a digital premiere in S.A ■ Roelof de Jonge Volkswagen’s major vehicle launch for 2020 was streamed via a digital event. The new T-Roc premiered in South Africa on Thursday the 17th of June 2020. “Covid-19 has necessitated our brand to find new and innovative ways to communicate with our customers as well as launch our exciting range of products. We are excited to debut the T-Roc in South Africa through a digital event which will be a first for the South African automotive industry,” said Martina Biene, Head of the Volkswagen Brand. The sporty, stylish and contemporary T-Roc will complete Volkswagen’s SUV T-range in South Afri-

ca which currently consists of the T-Cross, Tiguan, Tiguan Allspace and the Touareg. The T-Roc slots between the T-Cross and the Tiguan in Volkswagen’s SUV range. The T-Roc will officially be launched in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana from November 2020. At its South African debut, Volkswagen will announce the T-Roc model line-up that will be available in the local market, Namibia and Botswana. Detailed specifications and retail pricing of the new SUV will also be announced. Volkswagen South Africa’s social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter), will provide media and customers with detailed information on the T-Roc closer to the launch date.

The new T-Roc premiered in South Africa on Thursday the 17th of June 2020.

Thule makes any travel a pleasure ■ Roelof de Jonge Thule prides itself on enabling people to enjoy their active lifestyles by making it possible to travel simply, safely and in style with accessories and lifestyle gear taken along for more than just the ride. Predictions are that motorised movement will become the method of choice for those looking to plan their next family getaways. In a country that has beautiful places to explore, “DIY” holidays are expected to become more popular than ever. Caravanning, camping, road-tripping, slackpacking, hiking and even bicycle touring are going to be high on the agenda. In addition, empathetic members of humanity are thinking about activities that will have less environmental impact and be healthier. And, says Richard Downey of SA Sport & Cargo, the brand is expecting motoring consumers to continue relying on the Swedish brand for solutions, albeit closer to home than before. Watersport junkie Downey explains: “Whether you’re taking your family and their lifestyle gear 100 kilometres or 1 000, it needs to be attached in a secure manner - for the sake of not only the gear’s integrity but the safety of vehicle occupants too. Loose objects are a major cause of secondary injuries in an accident and with Thule, items of all shapes and sizes can be safely stowed.” “Thule has a vast range of solutions and whatever your passion, our national network of 22 Thule Partner stores and other specialist retail outlets is geared up for your gear. Our doors are open again, and that means you can get outdoors in the best

way possible.” Those who know the Thule brand will be aware that a set of Thule “roof racks” is in many cases your license to getting to a destination where your brand of leisure activity starts. “We have roof racks to fit 95% of the South African car market and that percentage considers the models ranges that have long since been discontinued. Whether a car is fitted with factory-installed longitudinal rails or not, it is possible to add Thule transverse racks to a vehicle using fundamental Thule mounting methods.” “Once our crossbars are in place, you simply attach what you need with the appropriate Thule product. The bars are versatile and are not necessarily vehicle-specific, it can generally be transferred with minimal effort and cost between vehicles.” If you’re looking to increase luggage volume then a lockable luggage box (of which there are 21 locally-available models) or an open luggage basket such as the Canyon XT is a great solution. In either instance, Thule’s Chasm range of hard-wearing and colourful duffle bags is an ideal solution to fully utilize every litre of volume. Bicycles, canoes, windsurfers, surfboards, fishing rods, they each have their own specific Thule roof-mount solution and with a little adaptation and ingenuity, just about any lifestyle accessory you care to think of can be transported. “The Thule pay-off line, “Bring Your Life”, is probably more relevant than ever and we believe people will be looking for added value from their leisure time. Thule’s effective designs and practical solutions make that possible, as they have for more than 60 years,” concluded Downey.

Read The Bulletin online • www.issuu.com • Far North Bulletin

Bicycles, canoes, windsurfers, surfboards, fishing rods, they each have their own specific Thule roof-mount solution.


5 June 2020





Updated Isuzu mu-X now more sophisticated ling functionality as standard. Another of the stand-out features is the striking new 18-inch gloss black diamond-cut alloy wheels, which adds a sporty flair to Isuzu’s stylish SUV, and combines well with a new gloss black finish for the side steps. The rear of the mu-X echoes the attractive new front-end changes, with a colour-coded upper section for the rear bumper, gloss back treatment for the lower trim, two-tone silver and

Visually, the front of the refreshed mu-X features a bolder radiator grille design, complemented by a restyled front bumper.

■ Roelof de Jonge Isuzu Motors South Africa (IMSA) has revamped its seven-seater mu-X sport utility vehicle (SUV) with black roof rails. The an eye-catching array of styling enhancements new tail light clusters for the exterior, along with more sophisticated with a combination and upmarket finishes for the cabin. of chrome and gloss The safety package has also been upgraded black finishes lends with the addition of a Brake Override System the mu-X with a greater (BOS), as recently introduced on the Isuzu D-Max visual interest and sorange, which helps reduce stopping distances in an phisticated appeal. emergency. The cabin has been upVisually, the front of the refreshed mu-X features a dated with several exclusive bolder radiator grille design, complemented by a retouches that enhance the soThe cabin of the newly updated Isuzu mu-X styled front bumper incorporating colour coding for the phisticated ambience. Additionalupper section and a contrasting gloss black finish for the lower ly, the switches located on the leatherportion, as well as for the fog lamp bezels. trimmed steering wheel for the audio sysThis endows the mu-X with a more robust and dynamic appearance in conjunction with the existing and very distinctive LED day- tem, phone functions and cruise control are picked out in black with time running lights and bi-LED projector headlamps with auto-level- a silver garnish. Ambient lighting has been introduced in the door trims, adding a

further dash of exclusivity and upmarket appeal. Balancing practicality with luxury and comfort, the mu-X appeals to both families and adventure-seeking buyers alike thanks to the flexible folding centre and rear rows of seats, allowing up to seven passengers to be carried with ease. The electronic climate control system caters for both front and rear occupants. The rear passengers have access to their own cooling vents, ensuring high levels of comfort for any distance trips. Leather trim is standard for the seats, with the driver’s seat offering six-way electric adjustment. A multi-function infotainment unit is standard on the mu-X. It boasts an eight-inch colour touchscreen display that provides Bluetooth connectivity and audio streaming, as well as Apple CarPlay and Android Auto functionality. As expected of a leisure-oriented SUV, a multitude of storage compartments are strategically located around the cabin, including dual glove boxes, an upper dash storage binnacle and cup holders for all three rows of seats. The rear-facing camera is linked to the infotainment display to ease parking and reverse manoeuvres, with audible sensors for the rear park assist system. Security is taken care of with the factory-fitted immobiliser and alarm system which is fitted as standard. The mu-X comes with an array of passive safety equipment like dual front, side and full-length curtain airbags, linked to the front seat pre-tensioner seatbelts, plus a high tensile steel passenger safety cell that offers outstanding strength and rigidity. The mu-X is powered by Isuzu’s three-litre four-cylinder intercooled turbodiesel engine that produces 130kW of power and 380Nm of torque. It is mated to a six-speed automatic transmission which includes a sequential sport mode. A three-tonne towing capacity makes the mu-X a great choice for pulling trailers and boats, in keeping with its adventurous, lifestyle-oriented customer profile. Buyers have access to a wide range of accessories to personalise the mu-X. This includes functional items such as an optional mechanical diff-lock for the 4x4 and 4x2 models, audible parking sensors, a storage box located beneath the luggage compartment, a tow bar, bonnet guard, weather guard kit for the windows, front spoiler set and rear bumper scuff plate. Isuzu is committed to giving its customers exceptional ownership peace of mind. Accordingly, the Isuzu mu-X comes standard with Isuzu Complete Care, comprising a five-year or 120 000km warranty and Isuzu Roadside Assistance, a five-year or unlimited km anti-corrosion warranty and a five-year or 90 000km Service Plan. Service intervals are every 15 000km or 12 months. Extended cover can also be purchased for Roadside Assistance, Service Plans and Maintenance Plans through the Isuzu Mobility plan.

Mitsubishi now offers no-deposit special deals ■ Roelof de Jonge Mitsubishi Motors South Africa (MMSA) is coming to the rescue of customers with a friendly smile behind its mask, offering relief halfway through the world-wide corona crisis with a host of special offers. These include: • No deposit on the Eclipse Cross • No deposit on the Pajero Sport • No deposit on the Pajero LWB With the reopening of business on Monday the 1st of June as South Africa enters Level 3 of the lockdown, MMSA has come to the rescue of its loyal SA customer base with a variety of value-added special offers and extensive relief for a no-deposit and worry-free restart of its business. “We realise that many customers who are looking for a new vehicle, are still unsure about the future,” said Nic Campbell, General Manager of Mitsubishi Mo-

The latest Pajero Sport offers cutting-edge technology with urban agility and off-road prowess.

tors South Africa (MMSA). “Value for money is one of MMSA’s core values, and with the restart after the long stay at home the focus is on giving customers the best value possible in these difficult times.” MMSA has also absorbed a price increase due to the depreciating value of the South African currency to provide even more assistance to customers. Eclipse Cross 2.0 GLS CVT AWD: No deposit, 72 months to pay: The compact Eclipse Cross, which is proving to be a popular choice for younger families, single professionals, young men and women at the start of their careers as well as students, is offered with no deposit and a linked interest rate of just 5,41%. “This means buyers can get behind the wheel of this compact SUV for only R5 566 per month,” says Campbell, adding that the list price of R449 995 has not increased because of the lower value of the rand. Pajero Sport: No deposit, 72 months to pay: The Pajero Sport 2.4L 4x2 Automatic, 4x4 Automatic and the 2.4L 4x4 Automatic Shogun,

priced at R589 995, R639 995 and R659 995 respectively, are all available without a deposit, 72 months to pay and a balloon payment of 35%, making the range even more affordable. Known for its decades of off-road expertise, including a 12-year reign in the Dakar Rally, including 7 consecutive victories on African soil, the latest Pajero Sport offers cutting-edge technology with urban agility and off-road prowess. The price of this versatile 4WD family SUV has also not increased because of currency fluctuation and offer outstanding value for money even without a deposit. Pajero LWB: The legendary Pajero LWB is an SUV made for family adventures and proudly holds its title as king of the road and the great outdoors. This flagship in the Pajero stable offers a full house of technology and luxury spec, including its powerful 3.2-litre 16-valve intercooled turbo-diesel engine offering 140kW and a massive 441Nm of torque. The Pajero LWB with no deposit, 72 months to pay and a 35% balloon payment comes in at an unchanged R799 995 and R10 008 per month. “This range of trusted Mitsubishi vehicles in the MMSA stable have retained their price in these difficult times but improved its value for money in spite of the exchange rate, rising prices and difficult economic outlook,” says Campbell. Mitsubishi Motors South Africa also highlighted the company’s lockdown outreach together with the SANZAAR Rugby Referees Jaco Peyper, Rasta Rashivenga and Junior Springbok assistant coach Bafana Nhleko who embarked on community feeding projects earlier this month as part of “The Pebbles Project” and the Rainbow Republic Rugby Programme. “Our aim was to reach community members in need with a small food parcel during this time. A small donation from us can make a world of difference to families in need, especially when children can go to sleep with a full tummy,” said Campbell. “Covid-19 has had a significant impact on the economy, placing additional strain on consumers. This “0 Deposit” offer is there to support our wide customer base and new customers who will be able to purchase a brand-new Mitsubishi vehicle* without having to worry about the deposit,” said Campbell.





5 June 2020


More horsepower for Ford’s Pony Car ■

Roelof de Jonge

Ford announced on Friday the 29th of May that the Mustang Mach 1 is roaring back to life with development already commencing this year. The all-new 2021 Mustang Mach 1 is set to return as the most trackready five-litre Mustang ever, once again delivering design magic while adding to its performance legacy. The iconic fastback coupe that debuted during the first golden era of muscle cars in the late-1960’s, now returns for the Mustang enthusiasts who are looking for that little bit extra oomph that will be provided from the naturally aspirated performance from the Mach 1’s five-litre V8 powerplant. “The Mach 1 has a special place in the history of the Mustang, and it’s time for this special edition to claim the top spot in our five-litre V8 performance lineup and reward our most hardcore Mustang enthusiasts who demand that next level of power, precision and collectability,” said Dave Pericak, director, Ford Icons. “Like the original, the all-new Mustang Mach 1 will be true to its heritage, delivering great looks and as the most track-capable Mustang ever.” The Mach 1 debuted in 1969 and immediately carved out its place in the Mustang lineup for its performance delivery and improved handling dynamics provided by its GT suspension. In the years that followed, the Mach 1 saw improved performance versus the Mustang GT and was more attainable than the Shelby and Boss variants. “The Mach 1 has always been that bridge between base Mustangs and the Shelby models,” said Ted Ryan, heritage brand manager at Ford Archives. “From a style and handling perspective, the original Mach 1 managed to stand out as unique, even in the Mustang lineup, and as the name implies, it could really move.” Two years after its debut, the Mach 1 with its competition suspension hit the streets in 1971 longer and larger than the original, with

an assortment of powerful engine options. In 1974, the Mach 1 again saw major changes, reimagined for the first time as a hatchback. This Mach 1 generation enjoyed a five-year run and beefed up its handling capabilities more with an optional Rallye Suspension Package. The Mach 1 returned for the 2003 and 2004 model years, blending modern power with the nostalgia of the 1970s-era Mach 1 design elements. Its unique Mach 1 handling suspension with larger Brembo front-disc brakes improved

on-road performance, while its matte black spoiler and hood stripe helped the coupe to standout. Seventeen years later, the all-new 2021 Mustang Mach 1 is set to return to provide Mustang enthusiasts and collectors with the design magic and performance which has been a renowned feature of the Mach 1.

Suzuki se “mooier” Ignis word bekendgestel ■

Roelof de Jonge

Een van die land se gewildste kompakte stadsportnuts voertuie, Suzuki se Ignis, kry ’n nuwe voorkoms en meer funksies wat dit ’n nog beter waarde vir geld-aanbieding vir Suid-Afrikaners maak wat werk toe teruggekeer het. “Die Ignis is een van ons voorste verkopers. Ek glo die rede is omdat dit ’n toonbeeld is van die beste van ons kompakte stadsvoertuie en ons kompakte veldry-sportnutsvoertuie. Dit is rats en maklik hanteerbaar in die stadsomgewing, maar bied ruimte, ’n uitsonderlike ryervaring en grondvryehoogte van ’n sportnuts wat dit geskik vir ons padtoestande maak,” sê André Venter, afdelingshoof van verkope en bemarking van Suzuki Auto Suid-Afrika. Die nuwe Suzuki Ignis is reeds by handelaars landswyd beskikbaar. Die opkikkering van die

Ignis is drie jaar na sy wêreldbekendstelling. Sedert die Ignis se bekendstelling het die motortjie verskeie toekennings soos die plaaslike nominasie in 2018 as ’n Suid-Afrika se Motor van die Jaar-finalis, die Drive 360 Motor van die Jaar-toekenning en verskeie internasionale toekennings soos die 2018 Wêreld Motor van die Jaar se Stadsmotorkategorie-naaswenner en die Skotse Stadsvoertuig van die Jaar. Die opgeknapte Ignis spog met ’n vars voorkoms wat ooreen stem met Suzuki se ikoniese sportnuts-ontwerpstyl, wat byvoorbeeld ook op die nuwe S-Presso, die opwindende Vitara en die immergroen Jimny pronk. Die prominente S-embleem op die sierrooster voor, is herontwerp en spog nou met nuwe chroom detail. Op die GLX is die sierrooster boonop met chroom omlyn. Die nuwe sierrooster skep ’n meer doelgerigte voorkoms en vul die ruimte tussen die voorligte om ’n eenheid van kant tot kant tussen die voorste modderskerms te vorm. Soos voorheen, het die GLX-modelle dagryligte rondom met projektor tipe LED-hoofligte. Die GLX het boonop dakrelings en uitgeboude wielboë wat, saam met die 180 mm- gro nd vryehoogte, dit meer opmerklik laat vertoon. Onder die sierrooster, het die ontwerpers ’n nuwe

buffer geskep wat ingeboude misligte huisves. Op die GLX-modelle is daar ’n A-vormige silwer skermplaat wat eie aan die sportnuts se voorkoms is. Agter is daar ’n soortgelyke skermplaat wat die vorige swart buffer vervang en dít sorg vir ’n deurlopende sportnutsvoorkoms. Die twee regop weerkaatsers rond die veranderings agter af. Soos voorheen, het al die modelle bypassende gekleurde kantspieëls met die GLX-modelle se spieëls wat ook ingeboude flikkerligte het en elektries kan platvou indien daar in baie nou ruimtes geparkeer moet word. In kompetisies is die hoë spesifikasievlak van die Ignis deur beide Suid-Afrikaanse beoordelaars sowel as dié van oorsee geprys, asook Suzuki se vermoë om ’n ruim kajuit op ’n kompakte as-onderstel te skep. Dit bly onveranderd met alle modelle wat ’n 60:40-agtersitplekverdeling het, 260 liter se bagasieruimte en voldoende spasie vir vyf insittendes. Daar is ook luukses soos ’n klankstelsel met USB en Bluetooth, kontroles op die stuurwiel, elektriese ruite en sentrale sluitstelsel. Verder spog die Ignis met ’n multi-mediavertoonskerm in al die modelle. Alle Ignis modelle bied omvattende veiligheids-aspekte aan soos ondermeer die twee lugsakke, ABS-remme met elektroniese remkragverspreiding en ISOFIX-hegpunte vir kinderstoeltjies. Sekuriteit word voorsien deur ’n alarm-en immobiliseerder-kombinasie as standaard. “Die nuwe Ignis bou voort op ons tradisie om nie veiligheid-en sekuriteitstoerusting opsioneel te maak nie. Dit beteken jy kan voordeel trek uit al die passiewe en aktiewe veiligheidstoerusting, selfs in die intreevlak GL-modelle,” sê Venter.

Diegene wat die hoër GLX-spesifikasievlak verkies, sal ’n lang lys met ekstra toerusting kry soos ’n raakskerm-vermaakstelsel met Apple CarPlay en Android. Die groot skerm dien ook as ’n truratkamera-vertoonskerm en daar is selfs parkeersensors agter. Die Ignis GLX bied verdere gerief soos sleutellose toegang en drukknop aan-en afsluit van die enjin, klimaatbeheer, chroom en silwer afwerking op die handrem, deurhandvatsels en die ratknop. Soos voorheen, het al die modelle Suzuki se gewilde K12M 1.2-liter petrolaangedrewe enjin met aanpasbare kleptydreëling en veelpuntbrandstofinspuiting. Die enjin lewer 61kW teen 6000rpm met ‘n wringkraglewering van 113Nm teen 4200rpm. Saam met ’n gewig van 860kg beteken dit die Ignis is rats,hetsy in die stad of op die oop pad. Die enjin is aan ’n vyfgang-handratkas gekoppel en daar is ook ’n keuse van Suzuki se nuwe generasie outomatiese handratkas op die GLX-model. Om die Ignis se vars voorkoms te vier, het Suzuki ’n paar nuwe kleure en kleurkombinasiesbeskikbaar gestel. Soos voorheen, sal die bakkleur binne weerspiëel word in ooreenstemmende kleurafwerkings rondom die ratkastonnel en invoegsels in die voorpaneel. Die ontwerpers het ook nou keuses gelaat vir silwer of blou afwerkingselemente binne, afhangende van die buitekleur en die opsie van ’n tweekleur-kombinasie vir die meer avontuurlustige Ignis-eienaars. Die Ignis is nou beskikbaar en het ’n twee-jaar of 30000km-versieningsplan en Suzuki se vyfjaar of 200000km-meganiese waarborg wat padbystandhulp insluit.

Sport 5 June 2020

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Athletes set to run Comrades virtually online

Roelof de Jonge

So many long-distance road runners from the various athletic clubs in Tzaneen and surrounding areas was left disappointed for not being able to compete in the 2020 edition of the Comrades Ultra Marathon. Now long-distance athletes will be able to compete in a whole different kind of road race than what they would have ever imagine. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused sporting events from around the globe to be postponed and cancelled, as was the case for the organisers of the Comrades Ultra Marathon. The world’s greatest ultramarathon is all set to stage the world’s greatest virtual event with runners from around the globe invited to participate on Sunday the 14th of June with free entry to all South African runners who entered for the 2020 Comrades Marathon. The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) in May launched its one and only officially sanctioned virtual race, ‘Race the Comrades Legends’ which promises to be The Ultimate Virtual Race. So far, over 9000 entries have been captured in this virtual event which will be one with the significant difference of creating a sense of camaraderie for athletes within their social space, adding value to running clubs and the running scene; and helping raise funds for the charitable sector whilst also contributing to needy communities. Thus far have athletes from 67 participating nations entered for the Comrades Ultimate Virtual Race. From South Africa a total of 7 776 runners

have entered, with the second most entries of 454 coming from Brazil. Participants who sign up for and complete the ‘Race The Comrades Legends’ are guaranteed a real finishers medal, together with the bragging rights of having completed the very first virtual event hosted by the CMA. It may seem new age to traditional Comrades Marathon runners but ‘Race the Comrades Legends’ is a great option for runners who for months have done training runs in isolation and no longer feel part of a close-knit running community. The CMA’s ‘Race The Comrades Legends’ is a running concept based on the stories of the greatest Comrades Legends in history. The official Comrades Marathon website will include an online functionality where runners can virtually compete, run with and compare with each other and the likes of Bruce Fordyce, Frith van der Merwe, Samuel Tshabalala and many others. Each participant will be able to create their own personal story and on completion is able to earn a real medal. By creating an international virtual event with great public focus, based on a series of distances that various running legends have defined in their time, from the 5km to the marathon as well as the Comrades Marathon Ultra Race, the CMA has effectively created a virtual mass-participation event for everyone to be a part of. All that runners need to do is go to the Comrades website, register for ‘Race The Comrades Legends’, select the distance of 5km, 10km,

21km, 45km or 90km. The cost is R150 for South African runners and $25 for foreign athletes. Entry is free of charge to all South African runners who have entered the 2020 Comrades Marathon. Entries close on Sunday the 14th of June 2020 at 13h00 CAT (Central Africa Time/ South Africa Standard Time). Athletes will then run their race and capture their finish time using a normal timing device, upload their time manually, after which their results will be calculated and updated automatically. They will thereafter receive personalised race feedback by e-mail with results analysis and extended results comparison. The programme will include full integration of all popular fitness apps, including Strava and Endomondo for direct upload, as well as Garmin, Polar and Suunto. Runners who do not have any of these devices or apps can upload a GPX, TCX or FIT file format from other devices and apps or they can manually enter their time based on any watch. The race will be run on Sunday, 14 June 2020 at 00:00am (12 midnight) and finish at 23:59pm on the actual race date in your time zone. Athletes can run anywhere, whether it be on your property, a treadmill or on public roads. Athletes are advised to plan their run wisely. Bring enough nutrition, water and energy drinks with you, or plan so that the course covers nutrition and fluid needed on race day. For further enquiries, participants can contact info@comrades.com

Mogodi’s cricket beacon shines brightly

Roelof de Jonge

The president of Limpopo Impala Cricket (LIC), John Mogodi, is certainly moving up in cricket’s corporate ranks. Mogodi was recently appointed as a non-independent director on the board of Cricket South Africa (CSA). Mogodi is an acknowledged accountant. He serves currently as an accountant and project manager at Ditsie Financial Consultants in Polokwane. He served on the boards of numerous companies. Mogodi is currently a member of both the Audit and Risk Committee and the Finance and Commercial Committee of CSA. “My new CSA appointment will consist of three parts which I will need to focus on. I will serve under human resources, finances and the commercial department”, Mogodi explained his new role. Mogodi’s accounting pedigree speaks for itself. But there will always be the pundits of the sport who would like to know what his physical experi-

ence is like and if he ever played a game. Or is it only about financial figures. Mogodi’s ties with cricket started when began playing in primary school. He also represented Limpopo’s u/13 and u/15 sides amongst others as a youngster. “I was born for this sport. Cricket runs through my veins. But the financial side was my true calling. And I am happy to be still able to play a vital role in the sport”, said Mogodi. Mogodi has been at the helm of Limpopo’s cricket union for the past six years. He is currently in his second term, with each term consisting out of three years as determined by the constitution of LIC as authorised by CSA. Mogodi said this year will be his final as president of LIC. Mogodi said LIC and CSA does a lot to support development in cricket along with corporate partnerships like KFC that sponsors the KFC Mini Cricket program for grass root players. He said although

there is a lot of development being done, there will never be enough funding to fully support their cause. Between a professional career and being a sport administrator, many people would find this juggle between careers quite a challenge. Mogodi said time management and being passionate in what he does is how he cope and striving to success. Regarding the Covid-19 lock down situation, Mogodi said this pandemic has affected every aspect of the sport as it had on many other sport codes. “Due to the uncertainty of the outcome of this pandemic, CSA has decided to stop all cricket activities until January 2021. We are fortunate that cricket is not a contact sport which will make it easier to enforce safety-regulations for the players once we can play again. We will however have to take responsibility as a sport to ensure the safety of everyone involved, but I am confident it can be done”, said Mogodi.

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