Bulletin Newspaper 12 June 2020

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12 June 2020


015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123


Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS

The brutal assault on four people by an angry mob in downtown Tzaneen has placed the spotlight firmly on the question of “simunye” in our community. Clive Jones (53) and Martie De bruto (48) were violently assaulted after a motor vehicle accident in Skirving Street on Wednesday afternoon. The couple spoke to Bulletin in a shocking exclusive on page 3.

OUD-KOERANTMAN STERF OP 73 Nou loop ons verhaal in ‘n rigting waarvan hierdie rekenaar nog nie weet nie. Dis ‘n roete wat nêrens op ‘n padkaart verskyn nie, maar uitgestippel is deur die Skepper wat weet waarheen ons moet gaan. Soos Mandela se mense hul stryd om vryheid gevoer het, was ons stillig besig met ons eie stryd om oorlewing. Ek weet nie van jou nie, maar elke oomblik in die tydperk is in my geheue vasgemessel - met klippe van werklikheid. - Louis Roux

Bladsy 5

Is this ubuntu? ubuntu ?


12 June 2020





E-waste is an actual thing

■ Jeff Jackson Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Kantoor: 015 306 0198

Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 17B Second Avenue, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: joe@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

By 2050, the amount of e-waste will more than double to 120 million metric tons a year if nothing is done to tackle this massive problem. Data erasure could be the answer, but only if processes are implemented as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy. The abundance of e-waste is a growing problem because many of these IT assets are improperly recycled annually, exposing the environment to toxic waste. Data erasure provides a secure and more eco-friendly solution than physically destroying equipment or informal recycling. More importantly, data erasure enables devices to be refurbished and sold in a circular economy. Physical destruction of IT assets could do more harm than good. If companies are to resolve these growing environmental challenges, they will have to implement and communicate CSR policies across the company and address responsible e-waste disposal. They need to be specific about how IT hardware is processed when it reaches the end of its lifecycle, from mobile phones, to servers and flash drives. Many companies dispose of decommissioned hardware by shredding it to ensure stored data is irretrievable. This is done largely to comply with data protection mandates such as the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Shredding is mostly used due to a lack of understanding of other alternatives and a lack of understanding about the environmental impact

Athletes benefit from Covid-19 relief As the government announced plans to extend the lock down by another month, sporting clubs and organizations are feeling the heavy burden of a loss of income. Particularly the smaller sporting codes which do not enjoy the massive support from sponsors that is offered to professional sports such as rugby, soccer, and cricket. In Tzaneen, Phalaborwa and Modjadjiskloof in particular, there are several sporting clubs that rely on membership fees to remain operational. With the prohibition on sporting events in place, these clubs stare a very bleak future in the face. These include the bowls clubs, equestrian centres, dance academies, and gymnastics clubs. “The reality is that our industry is made up of small businesses across the country and all these small businesses (clubs) want, is to get on with trading,” explained Anne Vermaak, CEO of the South African Gymnastics Federation (SAGF) in a recently televised interview. According to her, they have put forward a detailed proposal to government to explain why this sport is able to adhere to strict social distancing and other covid-19 hygiene-related regulations. The entire structure of the gymnastics community relies on the gymnasts’ ability to access a facility to train. If they cannot train, the gymnasts will feel no obligation to pay the club where they are training. There have already been instances where parents have simply sent notice to the clubs stating that they just cannot afford to pay until the national coronavirus lockdown ends. There have been some families who have lost one income as partners were laid off. At the time of going to print we had not received any response on the issue from Zani Prinsloo, the owner of Zani’s Gymnastics in Tzaneen. We wanted to establish from her, what the level of impact on the local clubs has been.

Call Centre: 086 101 7488 Fax: 086 606 4606 Email: info@letaba.net


Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril

Bridgette Vermaak forward any residual data. They can be sold, reused internally or donated to charities. “In addition, components can be recaptured for use in future electronics and will simultaneously reduce the amount of e-waste produced. This could also provide affordable options for secondhand buyers or create sustainable jobs in the refurbishment of electrical components,” she said. Whatever option one considers, ongoing use or outright asset disposal, it’s critical to ensure data is erased properly so that data security and privacy is never compromised. Complete and verifiable data erasure complies with data protection and privacy regulations and ensures that company data is never exposed to unauthorised users.

“Wat bedoel jy Cyril?” ■ Louis Meintjies

■ Joe Dreyer

Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us!

of physical destruction. In a recent Blancco study titled ‘Poor Sustainability Practices: Enterprises are Overlooking the e-waste Problem’, they explore organisations’ approach to data sanitisation. The researchers found that surveyed companies collectively destroy hundreds of thousands of data storage items per year. Additionally, over a third of organisations physically destroy non-functional or end-of-life equipment because they believe it is “better for the environment”. However, if sanitised correctly, end-of-life drives and computers can often have their life extended. Obsolete equipment can also be used to responsibly harvest rare earth elements, precious metals and other natural resources for use in other electronics. Xperien ITAD expert Bridgette Vermaak says by changing their approach to IT disposal, business leaders can not only benefit the environment, but they can unlock the immense business value of e-waste. “The study also found that only 25% of end-of-life equipment is being recycled.” “This is astounding considering that the value of e-waste is about $62.5 billion per year. It states that there is more gold in a metric ton of mobile phones then there is in a metric ton of gold ore, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the UN e-waste Coalition,” she explains. Erasing and then reallocating devices within the company maximises value from IT purchases. They can even enter out-of-use hardware into the circular economy, older electronics can be erased, refurbished and reused without carrying

Nathi Mthetwa Similarly, the local bowls clubs have had a quiet few months, as their players mostly fall under the so-called high risk category due to their age. “Fortunately, we have been able to keep our heads above water as our members pay an annual fee and so those fees have all been collected, but the guys are yearning to get back onto the greens though!” explained Wally Hurfurth, chairperson of Tzaneen Bowls Club. “The property belongs to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality and so we have had to continue paying our monthly rent and rates and taxes, thankfully we have built up a financial reserve which is what is seeing us through.” The pristine greens of the club have been kept throughout the lockdown by the club’s live-in greenskeeper, which has added to the water and lights bills. But according to Hurfurth, it will all be worth it when they open for play again. “Whenever that will be, we will be ready.” The Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture, Minister Nathi Mthethwa, announced measures and a relief fund of R150 million towards assisting artists, athletes, technical personnel and the core ecosystem that supports them, to soften the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on their livelihood. Earlier this month Mthethwa announced that the fund has come to the aid of 293 athletes – 70 of whom were golfers. The 293 successful athletes are from Boxing SA (47), athletics (86), canoeing (2), equestrian (21), fencing (7), golf (70), gymnastics (3), netball (8), football (17), SA National Boxing Organisation (4), those with disability (15), surfing (5), tennis (2) and triathlon (5). Each athlete was entitled to a R20 000 capped claim.

Die Transvaalse Landbou Unie van Suid-Afrika (TLU SA) eis in ‘n ope brief aan die regering, geadresseer aan President Cyril Ramaphosa, duidelikheid oor stellings dat die nalatenskap van die ekonomie rassisties en kolonialisties is. Dié stellings is tydens die president se gesprek met die Suid-Afrikaanse Redakteursforum (SANEF) gemaak. TLU SA wil verder hê die regering moet in detail uitstippel wat bedoel word met “radikale ekonomiese transformasie” wat tydens dieselfde gesprek genoem is. Ramaphosa het reeds in vorige toesprake na die radikale transformasie verwys, maar het tot dusver nog geen verduideliking van sy planne bekend gemaak nie. “Hierdie opmerkings openbaar ‘n groot mate van onkunde in die regering, oor hoe die ekonomie werk,” sê mnr. Louis Meintjes, die president van TLU SA. “Dalk moet iemand vir die ANC ‘n les gee in Ekonomie 101. Die markkragte vra nie vrae oor die geskiedenis of oor rasse nie, maar toets elkeen volgens die wyse hoe hul die verantwoordelikheid van hul toekoms aanvaar.” Die ANC het as regerende party eens winsgewende en stabiele instansies soos Eskom, Denel, SAL en Spoornet geërf. As gevolg van hulle rampspoedige bestuur van die instansies, het dit op ‘n streep in bankrotskap verval. “Mnr. Ramaphosa, u is elke dag besig om te werk aan u nalatenskap,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Die ekonomie het onder jul beleid na rommelstatus geskuif. Dit sal net regverdig wees om u ondersteuners in te lig dat julle besig is om hulle toekoms van hulle te steel.” TLU SA doen weereens ‘n beroep op die ANC en die regering, om die beginsel van privaat besitreg te erken en die vryemark toe te laat om so effektief as moontlik te werk. Laat vaar daarmee saam die beleid van transformasie met begrippe soos SEB, grondhervorming en onteiening sonder vergoeding. Dit is hierdie aspekte wat veroorsaak dat die vertroue in ons land heeltemal afgebreek word. “Indien die ANC volhard op hierdie weg, sal die uitkoms vir die land nie gunstig wees nie,” waarsku mnr. Meintjes. “Dit is vir ons, as landbouers, wat deurentyd net konstruktief gebou het aan die toekoms van ons land, ‘n bitter pil om te sluk wanneer ons sien hoe ons land op ‘n glybaan na mislukking bestuur word.”

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 11/06/2020

Tzaneen 19.5%

Ebenezer 16.5%

Merensky 100.8%

Dap Naude 96.6%

Middel Letaba 3.0%

Blyde Rivier Poort 100.1%

Klaserie 103.5%

Tours 27.2%

Vergelegen 94.5%

Ohrigstad 11.8%

*Termes & voorwaardes geld.

Tel: 015 307 3703 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen





12 June 2020


Couple viciously attacked after accident ■

Joe Dreyer

A motor vehicle accident resulted in the brutal assault of a Tzaneen couple in the CBD on Wednesday afternoon. Clive Jones (53) and his partner, Martie De Bruto (48), were travelling through town along Skirving Street, heading towards Bearing Man. They were underway to buy spares for a quadbike. At the four-way crossing opposite Magic Build and Tzaneen Crossings centre, their Hyundai Getz collided with a delivery motorbike from Adam’s café. The motorcycle was coming from Sugarloaf’s direction and heading down Skirving Street. The motorcyclist had turned right to head into Crossings when Jones vehicle hit his motorbike’s back wheel. Jones pulled his vehicle over to the side of the road, climbed out and walked over to the driver of the motorbike who had now walked onto the pavement and was sitting down on the curb stone. Martie remained in the vehicle. Jones sat down next to the motorcyclist and asked him if he was okay. It was at that moment that a large crowd of men came running towards the pair from the Magic Build parking lot. They crowded around the two men sitting on the pavement. More men came running in from the taxi rank at the Crossings and still more from across the street. This is where the trouble started. “I know the bloke from Adam’s Café very well,” said Jones. “I used to operate my salon from that little centre at Adam’s and so I went over to him to ask him if he was okay. He still had his helmet on when I sat down on the pavement next to him. As I put my arm around him and apologized, I felt a vicious blow strike the side of my head. I turned to see what was going on and that is when the crowd started attacking me.” CCTV footage of the entire incident showed that two men started punching and kicking Jones as he tried to stand up and make it back to his vehicle. Bulletin has seen the footage. “They shouted at me that they were going to kill me and that I was not going anywhere. There were so many punches and kicks flying at me, that I didn’t know what was going on. All I could think of was to get to my partner in the car.” Martie saw what was happening and exited the vehicle. She ran towards Clive and shouted at the attacking crowd to leave him alone and stop hitting him. “They were very aggressive and the hate in their eyes was apparent as they started chanting ‘kill the whites, kill the whites’! I was terrified that they were going to kill Clive and so I pushed him

into the driver’s side of the vehicle. I tried to close his door, but the crowd started punching me in my ribs and slapping me in the face and on my head. One guy started punching Clive through the open window from underneath my arms. I shouted at him to drive away so that the situation would calm down and maybe the crowds would stop attacking us.” Martie recalled how some of the attackers opened the passenger doors to their vehicle and climbed into the backseat searching through the car as they did so. One man grabbed Clive’s cell phone while another went for Martie’s handbag. “They literally piled into our car shouting at us and laughing as they did so. I grabbed hold of my handbag while trying to close Clive’s door and the guy pulled at my bag so hard that my strap started breaking. The guy behind me who was hitting Clive in the face, went for the keys to the vehicle in the ignition.” Again she shouted for Clive to drive away. This time he did and the attackers turned their attention to Martie. “We are going to kill you right here, was he drunk huh? They screamed at me while they were pushing and pulling. From the corner of my eye I noticed a young guy taking a video and thought to myself, this kid is going to be the next target.” The young man taking a video was Christo van der Grijp (19). He and his mother, Loraine (46) just happened to be in their vehicle in the lane right next to Jones at the time of the accident. They were underway to Magic Build to buy supplies. The pair saw the entire event unfold. Both of them are also active members of the Letaba Brandwag. “I pulled into the parking lot and noticed people running toward Trophy Tyres across the road. I reported the accident over our WhatsApp Emergency group and looked over to see a large crowd of people shouting and screaming. I then saw that in the middle of the crowd there was a couple being assaulted and two men were running towards them from Trophy Tyres. I ran over to help and started taking a video of the events as evidence.” The crowd noticed he was taking a video and one of the men reportedly shouted, “catch him, he is making a video!” According to Christo, a group of around seven men b r o k e away from the crowd and started attacking him, trying to steal his phone. “I put my phone in my pocket and tried to run back to my vehicle. I was receiving punches to my head and my face and one guy was hanging onto my arm. I dragged him across the road with me as I made my getaway back to my vehicle where my mother was waiting for me.” Christo told Bulletin that in the parking lot at Magic Build, the seven attackers continued to pull at his clothes while hitting him as they tried to get hold of his phone. His mother had climbed out of their vehicle to try and help her son and was also violently attacked. She was punched in the face and had to seek medical attention later that day for vertebrae that had moved and muscles in her neck that were strained. “I saw my mother’s glasses were on the floor and she went back to the car. I was still being assaulted and screamed at my attackers that we had already phoned the police and they were on their way. One of the guys laughed at me and shouted “we own the f***ing police!” To seek help, Christo ran down towards Tyre Rack with the attackers in pursuit. It was at this point that security company bakkies were arriving and so the attackers ran off into the direction of the taxi rank. Meanwhile, back at the scene of the accident, Wynand McDonald and Lukas Botha, both employees at Trophy Tyres, were

trying to secure Martie and attempting to ward off the attacking mob. A passing motorist stopped at the scene, opened his vehicle door to let Martie climb in so that he could drive her to safety, but was prevented from doing so by the mob. “Wynand and Lukas were pleading with the crowd to stop hitting me and to let go of my clothes and my bag while trying to get me into the car. But one of the men kicked the car door closed and the mob started hitting and kicking the car while shouting at the driver to leave.” McDonald and Botha escourted Martie into the Trophy Tyres showroom where she would be safe until the police arrived. A police van arrived on the scene along with Northern Security and Canine Security. Large Security also arrived at the scene. At the sight of the approaching security vehicles the attacking mob instantly dispersed. The attackers ran into the direction of the taxi rank and disappeared. Clive had driven off towards Adam’s café where he reported the accident to the owner, Beate Altenroxel. “When I saw that Wynand and Lukas were with Martie, I drove away from the scene and went straight to Adam’s to report what had happened as I know the guy for many years.” Clive waited at Adam’s Café. He was later collected there by ambulance. Deon van Tonder drove the wounded Martie and Clive to Van Velden hospital and ensured that both of their files were in order and that they would be seen to before leaving. At the hospital Martie and Clive were given painkillers and only received an injection after they insisted on one. According to the pair, no thorough medical examination was conducted and no x-rays were taken, despite both of them complaining that they had internal pain. Clive’s retina was shifted from his right eye by what appears to have been either a scratch or a very hard hit. Martie made him an eyepatch. The pair gave their statements to the police and the matter is now under investigation. All four of the victims have given their statements to the Tzaneen police. Loraine van der Grijp has laid a charge of assault against two of the men in the video footage. All evidence has been handed to the police. At the time of going to print no arrests have been made. We were not able to speak to Beate Altenroxel, Wynand McDonald, Lukas Botha or the driver of the delivery bike at the time of going to print. The police in Tzaneen have confirmed that case of reckless driving and another case of assault is being investigated. We will follow up with the police in this matter and provide a follow up in our next edition.


12 June 2020





Cigarette ban: a sledgehammer for submission ■ Joe Dreyer The Fair Trade Independent Tobacco Association (FITA) presented their arguments to the High Court in Pretoria on Wednesday afternoon in the battle to unban the sale of cigarettes and tobacco products. FITA wants the ban during lockdown level 3 and level 4 to be lifted, while the minister of CoGTA, Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, wants it enforced. Advocate Arnold Subel represented FITA and presented his opening arguments before a full bench headed by Gauteng judge president, Dunstan Mlambo. Minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and the state was represented by advocate Marumo Moerane through whom they had the opportunity to explain the rationale behind the ban. After hearing the arguments from both parties, judge president Mlambo reserved judgement stating their decision would be emailed to both parties and would not be heard in open court.

Advocate Arnold Subel for FITA

Subel argued that the ban on cigarettes and tobacco products was nothing but a sledgehammer used to beat people into submission. “It is an act of cruelty to force people to go cold turkey,” he said. “There is no realistic prospect that you are going to stop people from acquiring cigarettes if they are addicted to it. Nobody can deny the health hazards of smoking cigarettes, of course there are. But the same can be said for driving a vehicle, consuming certain foods and drinking certain beverages. The same can be said for cell phones. Why is it that tobacco keeps getting targeted? None of the reasons given by the minister pass rational muster.” In their case FITA further raised the matter of the signed petitions opposing the ban on cigarettes which boasted close on 600 000 signatories which was simply ignored in favour of what the minister initially sited as 2 000 people supporting the ban. Referring to the minister’s claims that at the start of the lockdown when the ban was imposed, there was a drop in

cigarette sales, Subel put it to the court that this could very well be attributed to people having stocked up on cigarettes before the ban came into effect. “In the real world, the proposition that you are going to stop people from smoking through this ban is entirely farfetched. If this court were to uphold that, it would be supporting this proposition. While some people may have initially quit, this would not be sustained.” Subel further argued that evidence does not bear out the state’s claim that a reasonable amount of people have stopped smoking as a result of the ban. In his argument Advocate Marumo Moerane SC, opened by stating that responses to Covid-19 need to be proactive and swift and that because of the nature of the virus and it being a completely new disease, the state was forced to make decisions on the information they had at their disposal. “We don’t have the luxury of having inquiries that will take time and consume resources of the state. Actions have to be taken on the ba-

Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma insists on the cigarette ban

sis of what is known.” He put it to the court that it would have been impossible for the legislature to predict every item that may have to be banned under any given situations, and therefore provided the minister with leeway to prohibit the sales of specific classes of goods. In what was a three hour-long hearing with arguments and counter arguments from both parties being heard, Moerane closed by asking the court that if it should, for any reason find against the minister, it should first allow her the opportunity to remedy the regulation banning smoking, rather than suspending it outright. “As such, the public health gains over the past few months would not be undone,” he said. At the time of going to print, the judgement in this matter had not been made public. Stay updated on our website at www. reallysa.co.za and join in the discussion on our Facebook page.

Advocate Marumo Moerane for the state

Beauty industry goes to court over ban on business ■ Joe Dreyer

In the meantime, another court battle is heading the way of the minister of Cooperative governance and traditional affairs (CoGTA), Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma. Hairdressers and beauty therapists who are currently fighting for survival because of the ban on their operations during the national Covid-19 lockdown, are garnering support. Tomé Distribution have brought an application to the court to take legal action against minister Dlamini-Zuma, minister of Health Zwele Mkhize, the Minister of Trade and Industry Ebrahim Patel, President Cyril Ramaphosa and the National Coronavirus Command Council. The legal representative for the plaintiff is advocate Carlo Viljoen who handed in the paperwork to the court on Wednesday. The trail date is set for the 17th of June. According to a Network24 report on this matter, this will be the second attempt by Viljoen to have the matter heard as his first application was rejected two weeks ago because he allegedly listed the

wrong minister, Zwele Mkhise, as the first respondent in the matter. According to this same article the application by Viljoen which was handed in to court this week consists of 2 700 pages. In this new application, the president is listed as the first respondent with the ministers of CoGTA and the DTI as second and third respondents respectively. Fourth respondent is the National Coronavirus Command Centre and the minister of Health is the fifth respondent. Unions around the country have started making their voices heard as well. The trade union United Association of South Africa (UASA) called on government to urgently reconsider their decision to ban hairdressers and beauticians from operating under the lockdown as it is costing loss of income to thousands of selfemployed citizens. According to the union, hairdressers and beauticians will now be forced to conduct their business under the radar in the informal market which puts them at risk of

criminal prosecution. In the meantime the DA’s member of Parliament, Dean Macpherson said that he is still awaiting for an answer on his urgent application to take legal action against Dlamini-Zuma, the president and the cabinet in order to have the ban on hairdressers and beauticians lifted. In a statement last week he said that the beauty industry is the only one being impacted by the level 3 regulations while churches are allowed to reopen provided that they cater to only 50 congregation members. Macpherson wrote a letter to minister Dlamini-Zuma last

week wherein he requested she provide valid reasons for the ban. According to the DA, the minister did not respond to the letter. Because she did not respond, the matter has been taken to the High Court in Cape Town. At the time of going to print we had not received any further updates on the issue. There were however rumours circulating in Tzaneen that one of the most popular hairdressers had been arrested and fined for operating in contravention of the lockdown regulations, but this is untrue.

Taxi related violence kills two

■ Jeff Jackson

Taxi owners affiliated to the Bolobedu Long Distance Taxi Association (BLDTA) are living in fear after two shooting deaths hit their area shortly after the election of a new steering committee. Sources have alleged that the shootings started shortly after the new steering committee demanded to see the financial books of the previous committee. On Tuesday, the community of Momokadi village in Bolobedu woke up to the chilling news that the chairperson of the BLDTA, Alpheus Tepanyega (57) was found shot to death in his vehicle in the village. He was allegedly shot in his upper body several times. His death followed the shooting death of the newly elected secretary, Judas Moremi, who was killed in a hail of bullets two months ago. Police confirmed the death of Tepanyega. Police spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapelo said the deceased was found by community members of Mamokadi inside his vehicle parked near the farms. “The body of the victim had gunshot wounds and the victim is said to be the chairperson of the Bolobedu Long Distance Taxi Association. The motive for the killing is not known at this stage but taxi feuds cannot be ruled out.” It is reported that a witness received a call that there was a bakkie parked near the farms and it was suspected that it could be stock thieves. The witness called other farmers they rushed to the farm where they discovered the gruesome murder. “His car was almost driven into the bushes and the door on the driver’s side was open. I waited until the pathologists arrived.” According to concerned community members in

the area, the deceased secretary Moremi and the chairperson, Tepanyega, had met with police as part of investigations into missing taxi association funds. After the deaths of these two taxi bosses, the new treasurer was also shot at, but he survived and this has raised concerns that the police are not prioritising the matter and that more lives will be lost. The new committee was elected in November last year, and reportedly found out that there were millions missing from the coffers of the association. Tepanyega at the time reportedly said that he believed there was a list targeting the executives of the association after they allegedly discovered that the outgoing committee members were living in abundance while others were sinking in debt. He believed that this was as a result of the alleged missing funds. Their concerns within the ranks of the association that despite evidence they say they have that proves money was being misappropriated, the police are not acting on protecting the complainants or investigating those against whom the allegations are being made. This is despite the police in Tzaneen allegedly having been contacted by the now deceased, before their untimely demise, to investigate the matter. The police have not yet confirmed that this was indeed the case. The concerns of the BLDTA members come amid the taxi industry suffering loss of income due to the lockdown regulations which state that they should load only 70% of their normal capacity. Bulletin will follow up on the matter and report on any new developments in the case.





12 June 2020


Increase in crime poses threat to agriculture

Criminality affects not only the farmer but also farmworkers and the rural community.

Roelof de Jonge

The high crime levels, especially farm attacks, which leave the farming community vulnerable, have further escalated over the past weeks after relaxation of the lockdown measures. “This has once again sent shock waves through the farming com-

munity. Criminality affects not only the farmer but also farmworkers and the rural community, which can only be regarded as an economic and emotional attack on agriculture,” said Tommie Esterhuyse, chair of Agri SA’s Centre of Excellence for Rural Safety. He said farmers are suffering tremendous losses because of an increase in product and livestock theft, illegal slaughter of livestock and plundering of farms. Esterhuyse added that this trend could escalate during the next few months. According to him the release of prisoners, unemployment and accompanying poverty may contribute to this escalation in crime. The total loss suffered because of agricultural related crime is approximately R7,72 billion, of which stock theft losses, according to the National Stock Theft Forum, amount to approximately R1,4 billion per year. Stock theft, as a crime, is the biggest financial risk faced by agriculture. Illegal slaughtering on farms now also occurs in regions such as in Limpopo, where it had traditionally been extremely rare. The drastic increase in illegal hunting with dogs, especially by organised groups, poses a threat to wildlife, as well as livestock and game farmers, which in turn represents another risk for agriculture. However, much success has been achieved recently in arresting various groups involved in stock theft. A large group hunting illegally with dogs has also been arrested in the Eastern Cape, thanks to

successful collaboration between farmers and the police. Combatting crime imposes a further responsibility on primary agriculture whose main function is food production. The impact of criminality poses a risk to rural stability in rural areas and the country, as well as a threat to food security. The farming community according to Agri SA spends approximately R1,9 billion annually to safeguard themselves and their production against crime. To this end, the Agri Securitas Trust Fund recently approved 15 rural safety projects in five provinces to the value of approximately R1.9 million. These projects benefit more than 990 farmers and 7 000 farmworkers. This mainly entails the installation of camera- and radio systems, which require costly technology that farmers find difficult to finance. Such technological resources, as well as the information obtained in the process, also contribute to the successes of the police which led to arrests. In a further effort to improve rural safety, Agri SA has joined forces with Fidelity ADT, which is able to provide a variety of security products and services to the farming community. These products and services have already been used successfully in some areas. Agri SA has in the meantime asked the police for an urgent meeting to discuss the implementation of the reservist system, the National Rural Safety Strategy and the magnitude of illegal hunting with dogs. Esterhuyse called on the farming community to remain alert and to become actively involved in their local organised-agriculture and security structures.

Drought stricken farmers plead for urgent help ■

Roelof de Jonge

Agri SA welcomed the announcement by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Dr. Dlamini-Zuma, that the proclamation of drought relief would be extended by a further month. This was after Agri SA made this request earlier to the minister and this agriculture body is happy that she had heeded to the request. The summer rainfall season has passed without sufficient rain in most of the regions afflicted by devastating drought conditions. The lingering drought has had far-reaching consequences for agriculture and has been catastrophic for local economies in the drought-stricken areas. Since the national state of disaster was declared on the 4th of March 2020 and prior from the Minister of Finance’s budget speech, there has been no government intervention to mitigate the consequences of the drought. On the 5th of June, the Minister of Finance issued another notice in the Government Gazette, to provide for the immediate provision of unallocated disaster relief funds. However, it is unknown to

Agri SA if the R466.4 million referred to is for Covid-19 or for the drought disaster relief. “Farmers urgently require assistance if their farming operations, workers and communities and the fragile local economies are to survive. We are hopeful that some of the funds that were announced today will be utilised towards much-needed drought relief,” said Willem Symington, Head of Agri SA’s Disaster Management Unit. Agri SA also called on the government to provide financial assistance to farmers who are affected by the drought in the form of stock feed, water infrastructure, drills, equipment, upgrading of boreholes, and other interventions that could help to soften the burden of those who are suffering. Agri SA asked that a report on drought relief spending in terms of the national disaster be made available. Agri SA and its members have used the funds donated by the private sector and other donations since 2015 to assist many of the affected farming communities. Agri SA will continue to exert pressure on the government for proactive disaster relief through projects and financial support for all affected farmers, farmworkers, and communities.

Tot weersiens Oom Louis

Joe Dreyer

Net nog ‘n “menu” nê oom Louis? Net nog een van die lewe se “menus” hierdie. Nooit sou ek “hulle” glo dat slegs vyf jaar sou wees voor ek vir die laaste van die ou garde op so gepaste wyse moes groet nie. Julle is almal nou bymekaar, Francois Aucamp, Louis Roux, Sue Ettmayr en selfs ou Scooby. Daar om ‘n nuwe tafel, onder ‘n groter boom met ‘n mooier sonsondergang. Dat ‘n Ingelsman nou hier sit en snik, vergewe tog net die taalverkragting, oom se woordeboek lê lankal en stof opgaar hier op die rak waar Oom se lessenaar eens was. Ek het altyd gevra om Oom se lewensverhaal te vertel voor dit te laat is, dit is toe so. Maar net vanmiddag ontdek ons jonges hier ‘n weggesteekte lêer vol van oom se skryfgoed. Oom hulle is nog al drie hier. En die Bulletin ook. En dit is goed so. Louis Roux is twee weke gelede op ouderdom 73, by sy seun in Kaapstad aan kanker oorlede. Hy was een van die eerste joernaliste wat saam met die legendariese redakteur, Francois Aucamp, die Bulletin in Tzaneen as die stem van die gemeenskap gevestig het. In een van sy dagboek inskrywings wat on hier by die kantoor ontdek het, skryf oom Louis oor sy seun “Paul-Charl Lombard Nel Roux Blignaut is my lewende testament en onuitwisbare watermerk, soos ‘n permanente Disprin.” Hierdie is net nog ‘n “menu”, nê Oom Louis.

Agri SA also called on the government to provide financial assistance to farmers.


12 June 2020





Granny’s Grumbles -THE BIG RACE

In 1992 I took part in the Cape Times Big Walk which takes place annually. It starts in Simonstown and finishes in Cape Town – distance 36,2 km. Thirteen of us from the Phalaborwa Walking Club were taking part and we were all looking forward to it. The only walker who had actually ever taken part in one of these races was the man who had started the club and he told us it was a beautiful walk – all along the coast, but it would be far cry from what we were used to in the Limpopo Province. To be honest I thought it would

probably be a breeze since we had done a 34 km walk along the main road leading to Gravelotte and the road had been busy so we spent a lot of time on the gravel. A day after our arrival we had to catch a train from Cape Town to take us to Simonstown where hundreds of people were milling around awaiting the start. After taking in a few of the Simonstown sights I suddenly realised that the race was starting in ten minutes. As any walker/runner will tell you – the most important thing to do is to empty ones bladder before the start of any race. I was pointed in the direction of the toilets which had been specifically leased for the day – about 50 “Blue Bullets” were lined up – no telling whether they were for males or females but looking at the amount of people queuing up outside each one it was fairly obvious that I would never make it before the start of the race. Quite a few shops were open – namely small cafes and take-aways – I rushed into one and asked if I could use their toilet. “Only for staff and customers” snapped the assistant. Could I be classified as a customer if I bought some peppermints? The assistant indicated that it had to be a proper takeaway so I ordered a toasted cheese, paid her and then ran to their toilet facility. I exited the café as the starting pistol sounded but since there were more than 4000 entrants half of them had barely taken a step forward so I gave my toasted sandwich to some little guy sitting on the pavement and joined the crowd. Walking along the Cape coast was certainly

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very different from Phalaborwa – apart from the wind we were sandblasted with beach sand virtually every step of the way. However when you have a race with more than 4000 entrants you are sure to find some that are doing it “for fun” – I was passing groups of ladies who were chatting away and were obviously using the race as a social occasion. Eventually I caught up with three young males who were obviously locals judging by their speech which was hilarious to say the least and their tattoos stretched from their socks up to where they disappeared into the hair. The one tattoo was an extremely long snake which disappeared into the walker’s ear – when I overtook them I mentioned that I had been admiring their tattoos and I went on my way. A few kilometres later the same three gents overtook me and so it went until the 30 kilometre mark at which stage my age and my fitness were being severely tested and at this point my three tattooed friends once more overtook me. This happened as we were passing through an area which was full of spectators and a voice screeched from the crowd “Lady – why you letting those blerry men overtake you?’ Since I was obviously expected to answer I indicated that my age and strength were failing me and a coloured lady of indeterminate age stepped off the pavement, threw her shoes and handbag to the crowd, threw my arm over her shoulder and announced to everybody within earshot that we were going to show those blerry men a thing or two. I was propelled forward until we had caught up with the prey whereupon she gave them a few words

in the local lingo, gave me a shove and sent me on my way. I must say that the whole episode gave me a second wind and I managed to finish the race although I must confess that the three musketeers overtook me before the finish line with a lot of banter. Although I finished I was not in particularly good shape as unhappy memories of a previous race when my bladder had put me in an embarrassing situation were still with me. I had drunk virtually no liquid at all during the walk. This is not a particularly intelligent thing to do and as I collapsed over the finish line a few minutes later I was practically carried to the race “hospital” which was a large tarred area with grey blankets and pillows in lines where we unfortunate individuals were laid out – head to toe. I was in between two men whose feet were fairly close to my ears. Since all three of us were suffering from sore feet, complaining kidneys and various other ailments caused by fools who walk 36 kilometres for fun there was dead silence for at least five minutes until one of the men asked where I was from. When I told him he asked if that was the place on the top right hand corner of the weather map where it was always as hot as hell. I agreed. There was a long pause – “It’s a long way to come to walk 36km”. I didn’t answer – too tired and too sore. Did I take part the following year? No! I have a certificate and a badge and I did actually pass 3000 other walkers, but the old cliché of I’ve been there, done that, got the tee shirt certainly applied in this instance. The things we do for fun!



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12 June 2020


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12 June 2020





World of freedom with new Figo Freestyle ■ Joe Dreyer The Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa (FMCSA) is expanding its presence in the rapidly growing utility vehicle sector with its first-ever Figo Freestyle defined as a sub-B segment compact utility vehicle (CUV) based on the popular Figo hatchback. The new addition to the line-up complements Ford’s existing range of active lifestyle-oriented models, which includes the top-selling EcoSport compact sport utility vehicle (SUV), stylish and well-appointed Kuga and the impressively capable Everest seven-seater SUV. “The All-New Figo Freestyle builds on Ford’s reputation as one of the pioneers of the utility vehicle segment,” says Doreen Mashinini, General Manager Marketing at FMCSA. “With its SUV-derived design cues, robust stance with increased ground clearance and commanding seating position, it has the credentials of an SUV in a compact package that is ideally suited to city driving during the week and escaping to the countryside on weekends.” The All-New Figo Freestyle enters the sub-B CUV sector offering superb value for money, an extensive list of standard features, enhanced versatility and a sporty and adventurous cross-over character. The eye-catching exterior styling is matched to an upmarket interior with sophisticated two-tone treatment and an outstanding array of Ford technologies that are designed to make the driving experience safer and more enjoyable. There are two models are available in the Figo Freestyle line-up, starting off with the Trend and headlined by the comprehensively appointed Titanium series. Both models are powered by Ford’s eager 1.5-litre three-cylinder Ti-VCT engine used in the rest of the Figo range. The purposeful and sporty stance is emphasised by the upmarket black painted grille, along with a new sculpted front bumper that not only inspires a sense of confidence but also adds to its rigidity. The distinctive double-spoke 15-inch alloy wheels are unique to the Figo Freestyle. The wheels are framed by muscular looking black wheel arch mouldings that reinforce its adventurous theme, in conjunction with the creatively styled black foglamp housing accents. Special decals applied to the lower sections of the doors, along with “Freestyle” badging on the rear hatch, add further differentiation and youthful flair to this new model. A key element of the Figo Freestyle’s design is the raised ride height of 190mm, which is 16mm higher than the standard Figo. This enhances the Figo Freestyle’s all-round capabilities for active, outdoors-oriented customers, while integrated front and rear skid plates provide an enhanced level of underbody protection when driving on rougher road surfaces. The roof rails are fitted as standard, which builds on the versatility of the Figo Freestyle’s design. They are practical designed, allowing easy fitment of a roof rack to carry bicycles, canoes or other equipment to suit the owner’s sporting and lifestyle activities. Step inside the Figo Freestyle and it becomes abundantly clear that the creativity applied to the exterior styling is echoed inside the cabin. The neatly laid out dashboard and door accents create an exclusive and sophisticated ambience. This is matched to an attractive blended seat trim design with distinctive striped elements in the centre which are offset against black trim panels on the sides. Contrasting stitching adds further visual appeal. A soft-touch gear shift knob complements the Titanium model’s sporty steering wheel with remote audio controls, while practical touches on both derivatives include door scuff plates and durable all-weather floor mats. Driving convenience is provided with the standard fitment of reverse parking sensors. The Trend is equipped with Ford’s clever Device Dock which includes Bluetooth, USB and Aux connectivity and a handy receptacle to hold a smartphone. The Titanium series adds a reverse camera linked to the floating 6.5-

There are two models are available in the Figo Freestyle line-up, starting off with the Trend and headlined by the comprehensively appointed Titanium series.

inch colour display for the SYNC®3 system, which incorporates Bluetooth and voice activation that enables phone and audio functions to be controlled through intuitive, conversational voice commands. Owners can use their smartphone’s navigation functions and a variety of other apps in conjunction with SYNC®3 when seamlessly paired to Apple CarPlay or Android Auto. Other features unique to the Titanium derivative include keyless push-start button, automatic climate control, an auto-dimming rear-view mirror, automatic headlamp activation and rain-sensing windscreen wipers. As with the rest of the Figo line-up, the All-New Figo Freestyle is powered by Ford’s lively three-cylinder 1.5-litre petrol engine. This unit produces 91kW of power at 6 300rpm linked to a punchy torque peak of 150Nm at 4 250rpm. Drive is to the front wheels through a five-speed manual transmission. The standard safety and security package on the Trend model incorporate driver and passenger airbags, ABS brakes, remote central locking with driveaway locking function, electric windows all round, as well as a perimeter anti-theft alarm and engine immobilizer. Additionally, the Figo Freestyle Titanium comes with side and curtain airbags, along with the innovative Ford MyKey that allows owners to programme a key for younger drivers that can inhibit incoming phone calls, restrict top speed, reduce audio system maximum volume and disable the audio system altogether if occupants are not using safety belts. All Figo and Figo Freestyle models come standard with Ford Protect which includes a service plan covering four-years or 60 000km, three-year unlimited distance roadside assistance and a four-year or 120 000km comprehensive warranty. This is complemented by a five-year or unlimited distance corrosion warranty. Service intervals are every 15 000km.


Step inside the Figo Freestyle and it becomes abundantly clear that the creativity applied to the exterior styling is echoed inside the cabin.





All Star lesse nou in volle swang ■

Roelof de Jonge

Tharishca van der Walt van die All Star Equestrian Academy se perdrylesse vir kinders is weer in volle swang sedert die Covid-19 inbeperking na vlak 3 op die 1ste Junie geskuif is. Van der Walt het ouers verseker dat sy gerat is om klasse aan te bied met al die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls in plek soos vereis deur die department van gesondheid. Volgens van der Walt is sy verheug om weer lesse te kan aanbied. Sy het gesê die kinders en hul ouers is net so verheug om hul kinders vir perdrylesse en terapie te kan bring. Van der Walt het verlede jaar haar mikpunt bereik as ‘n vlak 3 Western Mounted Games ruiter tydens die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskap op Parys. As ‘n voormalige kaptein van die Hoërskool Merensky se perderuiterspan en gebore uit ‘n generasie perderuiters, was van der Walt se besluit om All Star Equestrian Academy te vestig beslis die regte een gewees. So tussen die perdry-afrigting studeer sy deeltyds onderwys deur die Universiteit van Noord-Wes in Potchefstroom. Sy studeer vir hoërskoolfase waar sy beplan om Geografie en Biologie aan te bied. All Star Equestrian Academy se naam het van der Walt na haar Western Mounted vlak 3 perd, All Star, vernoem wie ook een van die staatmakers by die perdryskool is. Die ander perd is Robyn wat van der Walt saam met All Star inspan om lesse mee aan te bied. Mense wie belangstel om hul kinders vir perdrylesse te neem, kan van der Walt by 072 843 7460 skakel of haar e-pos na tharishcavdw@gmail.com

Lowveld Academy ready

The personnel from Lowveld Academy Tzaneen welcomed back the matric learners on Monday the 8th of June. According to Anri Viljoen from Lowveld Academy Tzaneen, they are adhering to the safety procedures set by the government, and with the co-operation of their students, everything is running fine with no issues. Viljoen emphasised that the safety and well-being of their students receives top priority attention.

Rooiskool op dreef om klas te gee

Skole het Maandag die 8ste Junie amptelik vir gr.7 leerders en matriekulante oopgemaak. Die personeel van Laerskool Phalaborwa-Noord het reggestaan met al die nodige voorsorgmaatreëls in plek om die veiligheid van die leerlinge en personeel te verseker.

12 June 2020



12 June 2020






Top up your car’s “tank” at home ■ Roelof de Jonge

With a range of up to 470km the Jaguar I-PACE can easily cover the distances associated with most daily journeys.

The migration from internal combustion fuel powered engines to purely electric motoring will require a shift in mindset for South African drivers, but most of the behavioral adjustments will be accompanied by some attractive and convenient benefits which many have likely not yet considered. With electric vehicles (EV’s) your home essentially becomes your primary filling station. The practice of topping up from your very own wall socket or dedicated wall box, most often while you sleep, is a far better proposition and more convenient way than stopping to fill up while on the move as is necessary with traditional internal combustion engines (ICE). EV drivers will enjoy leaving home every morning with full “tanks”, much like fully charged cell phones which are habitually charged nightly. With a range of up to 470km the Jaguar I-PACE can easily cover the distances associated with most daily journeys, meaning that nightly recharges will require minimal top-ups. Recharging whenever possible, rather than waiting for the battery to completely drain, will dramatically decrease charging times. Charging at home while you sleep will also help to make the use of battery preconditioning a regular habit. When the

I-PACE is plugged in it is possible to set a departure time and preconditioning schedule from the on-board touch screen so the car can prime itself for the journey ahead. Preconditioning warms the battery to its ideal temperature, in turn maximizing its range, and is advised for any trips longer than 80km. This way drivers can ensure that the car will achieve its maximum distance abilities every morning before leaving home. Home charging is also by far the most economical way to keep mobile with an EV. Though electricity costs vary depending on the region in South Africa, an average of R2 per kW/h is a good rule of thumb. At this rate, a full charge from zero to full in an I-PACE would cost only around R180. Using these figures, the costs of driving an I-PACE work out to roughly 38 cents per kilometer when charged at home. A V6 diesel-powered vehicle on the other hand, which is of comparable size and power output, works out to around 68 cents per kilometre using the inland diesel price of R11.40 and its combined average fuel consumption (NEDC2) of six litres per 100km. For reference, the most economical car at the recent WesBank Fuel Economy Tour of 2019 had a winning average diesel consumption of 4.7 litres per 100km, resulting in a driving cost of around 54c per km.

New Kia Picanto now with “fancy car” abilities ■ Roelof de Jonge

KIA Motors has made substantial upgrades to its smallest model, the Picanto. Offering a range of new safety and telematics technologies often reserved for larger, more expensive vehicles, the upgraded model also boasts lower emissions from re-engineered powertrains, an optional new Automated Manual Transmission (AMT) for a smoother drive, and striking design updates inside and out. The Picanto line-up has received a comprehensive enhancement to its exterior design, with significant updates made to the sporty GT-Line and SUV-inspired X-Line models in particular. The result is a refreshed, more distinctive appearance. Both versions of the car now feature redesigned headlights and four-bulb LED daytime running lights. At the rear, the car also features a new LED rear combination lamp design and a slimmer fog light design, creating a more recognisable rear light signature at the same time. Inside, the Picanto features a series of visual and technological upgrades, centred around a larger eight-inch ‘floating’ widescreen audio visual navigation (AVN) system (see ‘Infotainment’ for more details), and a high-resolution 4.2-inch digital display in the driver’s instrument cluster. The upgraded Picanto is also available with a range of trendy interior colour packs to enhance customers’ ability to customise the cabin of their car, depending on vehicle specification and market. The upgraded Picanto is available (in Europe) with three new ‘Smartstream’ petrol engines, each maximising efficiency and lowering CO2 emissions compared to their predecessors. The engine line-

up features a 1.0-litre T-GDi (turbocharged gasoline direct injection) engine producing 74kW, or a pair of naturally-aspirated 1.0-litre or 1.2-litre DPFI (dual-port fuel injection) engines, producing 49kW and 62kW respectively. Among other innovations, the 1.0-litre T-GDi engine features a more efficient 350 bar high-pressure fuel injection system. Meanwhile, the two naturally-aspirated engines replace the multi-point injection with new dual-port fuel injection technology, with optimised injection timing for maximum fuel efficiency. They feature improved exhaust gas recirculation lines and optimised intake valve timing, for maximum fuel efficiency improvements. The updated Picanto is the first model equipped with KIA’s new Automated Manual Transmission (AMT). The AMT is based around a five-speed manual transmission with clutch and gear shift actuators to automate clutch operation and gear shifts. Using a single dry clutch, the AMT is a cost-effective option for customers who favour the convenience and ease-of-use of an automatic transmission, without sacrificing the fuel efficiency of a conventional manual transmission. The Picanto features a larger eight-inch ‘floating’ touchscreen navigation system, replacing the seven-inch system. It also features Bluetooth multi-connection, enabling users to pair up to two mobile devices at the same time, one for hands-free phone and media use, the other for media use only. The system features Apple CarPlay and Android Auto as standard. With KIA’s UVO system, the Picanto gives drivers access to live traffic information, weather forecasts, points of interest, fuel prices, and details of potential on- and off-street parking, including price, location and availability. The UVO App, compatible with Android and Apple smartphones, enables owners to activate a range of functions and features remotely. Depending on the country, users can remotely send route directions to their car before a journey, check the location of their vehicle, and access vehicle reports and diagnostic notifications. Furthermore, the Picanto will be one of the first KIA models to offer the brand’s latest ‘Phase II’ UVO Connect telematics features, providing owners with several new benefits to enhance their user experience via KIA’s UVO smartphone app. KIA will reveal more details of UVO Connect ‘Phase II’ technologies before sales of the new model commence. The upgraded Picanto features several of KIA’s latest Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and a range of new active safety systems

to enhance occupant safety, making it one of the the safest cars in its class. Depending on specification, the Picanto’s new ADAS range includes Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA) with vehicle and pedestrian detection. Additionally, the Picanto is available with Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA), Lane Keeping Assist (LKA), Driver Attention Warning (DAW), and Lane Following Assist (LFA).

The upgraded KIA Picanto is expected to make its South African debut in fourth quarter of 2020.

LFA uses the front-facing camera and sensors to monitor road markings, controlling the Picanto’s steering to keep the car in the centre of its lane. The Picanto also features Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA) which alerts the driver and stops the vehicle if it detects another vehicle approaching from the left or right when reversing out of a parking space. The Picanto is equipped with an Emergency Stop Signal (ESS), which automatically flashes the hazard warning lights to alert the car behind if the driver has to brake suddenly. Hill-start Assist Control (HAC) holds the car on the brake to ensure the car moves away smoothly from a hill start. The updated Picanto is also equipped with Kia’s Vehicle Stability Management (VSM), Torque Vectoring By Braking, Cornering Brake Control (CBC) and Straight-line Stability (SLS) systems as standard, helping drivers maintain control under braking and cornering. The updated Picanto is fitted with up to seven airbags throughout the cabin, including a driver’s knee airbag, depending on specification and market. It also features ISOFIX child-seat tether and anchor points. Note: All information contained in this release relates to European specifications, and may not be applicable to the South African market. The upgraded KIA Picanto is expected to make its South African debut in fourth quarter of 2020. Both the Picanto X-Line and the Picanto GT Line are under consideration for South African introduction. More information about South African specification, powertrains and transmissions will be released closer to the local launch date.






12 June 2020


Toyota Gazoo Racing maak virtuele Le Mans buiging ■

Roelof de Jonge

Toyota Gazoo Racing betree hierdie naweek ’n nuwe uitdaging wanneer die span in die FIA se wêrelduithourenkampioenskap (WEC) op die wegspringstreep vir die heel eerste virtuele Le Mansuithouren oor 24 uur gaan aantree. Die 2019-2020-WEC-seisoen, wat in Junie afgehandel sou word, is tot later vanjaar uitgestel met renne wat weens die verloop van onlangse gebeure nou eerder vir Augustus, September en November beplan word. Toyota Gazoo Racing het ’n uitnodiging aanvaar om op die 13de en 14de Junie aan ’n virtuele ren deel te neem, dieselfde datum waarvoor die oorspronklike Le Mans-uithouren geskeduleer is. Motor Nr. 7 sal beman word deur die span se gereelde jaers, die wêreldkampioenskapvoorlopers Mike Conway, Kamui Kobayashi en José María López, saam met die e-motorsportjaer Maxime Brient, 23, van Le Mans. Sébastien Buemi en Brendon Hartley verteenwoordig die gereelde nr. 8-jaers. Die Toyota Gazoo Racing Racing-jaer Kenta Yamashita,

wat die gereelde WEC-jaer Kazuki Nakajima vervang, en Yuri Kasdorp (23), van Montfort in Nederland, sluit hulle by die span aan. Mike, José, Sébastien sowel as Maxime en Yuri sal van nabootsers in hul Europese huise jaag, terwyl Brendon hom uit Nieu-Seeland sal aansluit. Kamui en Kenta sal in Tokio gebaseer wees, waar Kazuki beskikbaar sal wees om Kenta te ondersteun. Al die jaers sal deur ’n toegewyde ingenieurspan in Toyota Gazoo Racing se basis in Keulen, Duitsland, ondersteun word waar opstelling en renstrategie ontleed en ontwikkel sal word. Die reëls vir die byeenkoms vereis minstens vier jaers per motor en die span het gekies om twee ervare en suksesvolle e-motorsport-renjaers te nooi om hul ervaring en kennis met die rFactor 2-sagteware en die opstelkenmerke daarvan te deel. Aangesien geen LMP1-hibriedmotors vir die virtuele Le Mansuithouren beskikbaar is nie, sal Toyota Gazoo Racing soos al die ander prototipe-inskrywings in ’n Oreca 07 LMP2-motor, wat spesiaal aangepas is om die TS050-hibried-eienskappe te gebruik, deelneem. Die span kom teen sterk mededinging van bekende name uit

wêreldwye motorsport in 50 motors op die wegspringrooster te staan, waaronder inskrywings van IMSA en die legendariese Indycar-span Penske Racing, die nabootser-renspan Team Redline en Toyota Gazoo Racing Argentinië sowel as die gereelde WEC-mededingers Rebellion, Aston Martin en Porsche. Die eerste amptelike sessies word van die 9de tot die 11de Junie gehou, met ’n 12-uur-gleuf elke dag van 10:00 sentraal-Europese somertyd (CEST) vir oop oefening, en ’n verdere sewe uur van 10:00 CEST op die 12de Junie. Die wegspringrooster word bepaal deur ’n kwalifiserende sessie van 20 minute vir elke afdeling en begin op die 12de Junie om 18:10, waarna die hoofren die volgende dag om 15:00, die tradisionele wegspringtyd, begin. Die aksie sal regstreeks op sosialemedia- en stroomplatforms gestroom word, met verdere inligting wat binnekort van die organiseerders van die geleentheid verwag word. Lesers en volgelinge van die virtuele wedren moet daarop let dat daar net twee afdelings in die virtuele Le Mans-ren is, naamlik LMP2 en GT. Toyota Gazoo Racing gaan soos al die prototipe inskrywings in die LMP2-klas deelneem.

Toyota Gazoo Racing se span in die eerste virtuele Le Mans wedren.

Mitsubishi presents exciting model line-up ■ Roelof de Jonge Mitsubishi Motors South Africa (MMSA) is making strides in its 2020 product positioning which got under way well before the Corona crisis interrupted the world. Pre-Covid-19 MMSA launched the new ASX, Outlander and Eclipse Cross. Midway through Covid-19 MMSA has restarted the delayed year with special offers, plans for a host of new products and a renewed focus on customer satisfaction.

Some of the new models planned for the remainder of 2020 and early 2021 include: Upgraded version of the Triton Xtreme early next month. 2020 Pajero Sport including a brand-new derivative.Introduction of a brand-new model early in 2021. irst in the line of new models will be the Triton Xtreme early in July, followed by an upgraded version of the Pajero Sport with the introduction of a brand-new model in this popular range of Mitsubishi SUVs. One of the most anticipated newcomers in the Mitsubishi stable is the new for South Africa Xpander making its local debut early in 2021. The exciting Mitsubishi Xpander is a seven-seater compact MPV manufactured in Indonesia. This vehicle, only available in 4x2, will be powered by a 1.5-litre petrol engine coupled to manual or automatic transmission. The brand-new Xpander is an extremely practical

The brand-new Xpander is an extremely practical family-orientated seven-seater.

family-orientated seven-seater where all the seats behind the front row can be folded down and out of the way, converting the interior to a massive space for bigger items such as sporting adventure gear. Highlights of the new medium-sized compact SUV include a robust exterior, adventurous SUV styling, comfortable and pleasant driveability and practical features in a versatile interior design. The Xpander, as the newcomer will be called, is based on the Xpander which won various awards, including “Car of the Year”, the “Best of the Best MPV” and “Best Small MPV”. The long awaited 2020 Mitsubishi Triton Xtreme, an even more attractive version of the top-selling 4x4 Double Cab, will be the first new model in the Mitsubishi product range post-Covid-19. Available in limited numbers, the Triton Xtreme, which is only available as a 4x4 Double Cab Auto, will be launched at a small premium over the existing 4x4 Auto flagship. The Xtreme offers a host of upgrades, based on customer feedback and valued at around R100

000, but at only R40 000 more than the current model. An upgraded version of the 2020 Pajero Sport is expected to make its local debut in good time for the December holiday season. Some of the new features for the upgraded Pajero Sport include: Front Frill design, incorporating the Mitsubishi Dynamic Shield Same legendary styling and superior capabilities New Exceed model offering more tech The new models on the horizon will create excitement with a host of upgrades and improvements, and because of the international currency fluctuations that might come at a cost On international level, the Japanese marque has recently announced plans to expand its model offering significantly, with no less than five new SUVs in the next five years with a focus on with premium SUVs designed for discerning drivers. The longer-term plans of the Mitsubishi Motor Corporation include a variety of electric vehicles, including two all-electric SUVs.

Sport 12 June 2020

Comrades veteran ready for virtual race ■

Roelof de Jonge

from Dr Annecke Street and the first few kilometres of my 90km run will Dog Noel is one of the founding members of the Ofcolaco Harriers Running Club and be with my dogs”, said van Heyningen. a veteran marathon athlete who has completed no less than 25 Comrades Ultra MaraVan Heyningen said for him the Comrades Ultra Marathon is one of the thons. This achievement is even more astounding considering that he completed them ultimate and most iconic road races in the world. He said along his 90km all in consecutive years, a feat many other athletes yearn to accomplish. run on Sunday friends will join him along the route. Noel in all his humbleness spoke to Bulletin about his experiences in competing in 25 “I have competed in the Comrades Ultra Marathon since 2000. I am origComrades Ultra Marathons and mentioned that he was a former cartoonist for the Far inally from Johannesburg and after my studies and working for a few years North Bulletin. Being a cartoonist, Noel has an obvious sense of humour, even though in the city, I moved to Tzaneen where I joined Tzaneen Marathon Club he takes his road running seriously. as soon as I was established here. But I miss the atmosphere, the “While its somewhat embarrassing to talk about my own achievements, I suppose sound of Shosholoza and Chariots of Fire being played at the the timing is right, for two reasons. One, I’m rapidly coming to the end of my running start of the Comrades”, said van Heyningen. life, and secondly, it’s the first year since World War Two that the Comrades is not being Heyningen said during the lock down period he trained held, and being replaced by a ‘Virtual Race’, in which all persons may compete in.” on the treadmill at home where he completed up to Noel said he started running at the age of close to 40 years, when a group of similar- 500km in total. He said he was grateful to be running ly aged Ofcolaco residents, both male and female, decided that they would give up outside again and looks forward to Sunday’s Virtual all their unhealthy pursuits, bar alcohol, and try to extend their lives. He said this was Comrades Marathon. how the Ofcolaco Harriers Running Club was established, and still regarded as the most All runners need to do to compete in the Virtual Comprestigious club in Limpopo by its members. rades Marathon is go to the Comrades website, register “Well, one by one, members of that original team started giving up running for var- for ‘Race The Comrades Legends’, select the distance of ious reasons, others have died since. My boet, Bun, and I are the only ones who are 5km, 10km, 21km, 45km or 90km. keeping it going. We are happy that younger people are joining our club.” The cost is R150 for South African runners and $25 Noel said it took only a couple of years to run the first Comrades in the late eighties. for foreign athletes. Entry is free of charge to all South “Rob Stewart, a pair of Hayes brothers and this fool, Dog, lined up for that first Com- African runners who have entered the 2020 Comrades rades. In subsequent years, my brother Bun joined us for the emotional roller-coaster Marathon. race that is the road between Durban and Pietermaritzburg.” Entries close on Sunday the 14th of June 2020 at “I find it difficult to pick a race that stands out from the rest, having done it 25 times. 13h00 CAT (Central Africa Time/ South Africa StandBut for a Comrades runner, receiving your permanent, ‘Green’ race number is special. I ard Time). was lucky enough to be presented mine by the late, great Wally Hayward, who Cor van Heyningen was a past winner and the oldest runner at 80 years of age to complete the Comrades Ultra Marathon”, said Noel. According to Noel every Comrades run is a combination of excitement, worry, pain and then hopefully triumph. He said the other race that stands out for him, was most surely when he achieved his ‘Double Green’ number. “My ‘Double Green’ number was handed to me by none other than Alan Robb, a previous winner and hero of mine, a man with the unusual mixture of incredible athleticism and humility.” “I remember my penultimate Comrades race for two reasons. The first being that its recent enough to remember, and for the fact that I came awfully close to not finishing by the time the cut-off gun was fired.” “There’s a mean hill in the up-run, called Polly Shorts, and it ends about eight kays from the finish-line in Pietermaritzburg. I walked up the entire hill, knowing that I would not finish in time, but as I crested the hill, and attempted to run, I realized that the long walk or my prayers had worked.” “I started running like a scalded cat, passing other runners who were walking in the semi-darkness, beaten, dejected, some of them in tears. I got there just a minute or two before the final cut-off gun was fired, and the playing of ‘The Last Post’, a traditional tribute to the comrades who fell in the first war”, said Noel. Noel said that Tzaneen has its fair share of runners who regularly run ‘the ultimate human race’, at least one of whom, has run it more often than he has done. According to him, at 72 his age and good sense have stopped him from running long distances races. “But it will be with gratitude that I will, come Sunday, take on my own version of the Virtual Comrades, what I will call a Covid-19-socially-spaced 21km race.” “Gratitude also goes to my wife Rhoda, the ultimate supporter to me, and her support of my selfish pastime.” “It may be asked, why do this thing 25 times? Well, firstly it was to find out if it was possible, but thereafter it gradually became a sort of annual pilgrimage. The Comrades is more than a sign of insanity, it’s a day in the year when class distinction, race, even athletic prowess go out of the window, and because of that, it’s slightly addictive”, said Noel “My last run was, I confess, an act of vanity. I wanted to run the race wearing my 70 age tags. Would I do it again if I were young enough? For sure”, said Noel. Cor van Heyningen from Tzaneen Marathon Club is one of numerous other athletes from Tzaneen who will be competing in Sunday’s Comrades Ultra Marathon Virtual Race. Dog Noel from Ofcolaco Harriers Running Club along with an old friend, Mienkie Els Cor van Heyningen from Tzaneen Marathon Club, here with his daughter and supporter Tessa, “I am genuinely excited to compete with friends who were preparing with from Tzaneen Marathon Club, during Noel’s participation in one of his 25 Comrades will compete in Sunday’s Comrades Virtual Race of 90km. me for the Comrades before the lock down was initiated. I am starting at 06:00 Ultra Marathons in recent years.

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