3 July 2020
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A Manic Monday As the schooling system braces for 6 million learners to return to the classrooms on Monday morning, teachers’ unions and parents alike have raised concerns over the safety of the children and the readiness of the teachers. Read more on page 2.
The Limpopo Health Department has dismissed rumours stating that Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba has tested positive for Covid-19. In a newspaper article by another local media outlet, it was alleged that the MEC had tested positive for the virus. We spoke to Neil Shikwambana, spokesperson for the department and he immediately dismissed the report as nonsense. Read the full article on page 4.
Photo: Joe Dreyer
3 July 2020
AG - “wrong hands are still at the till” Personeel | Personnel Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Kantoor: 015 306 0198
Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan Drukker/Printer: Novus Print Office: 064 650 7123
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
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Joe Dreyer
South Africa’s municipalities wasted R32.06 billion during the 2018-19 financial year. This is an increase of close on R7 billion from last year. According to the Auditor General (AG), Kimi Makwetu, this does not necessarily mean that there is corruption to blame, but rather that municipalities have failed to deal with the cumulative irregular expenditure either through recovering the outstanding amounts or writing it off. On Wednesday, Makwetu released yet another set of local government audit results for the 201819 financial year, which revealed that there has not been much progress in the management of the municipalities’ finances. His final report as South Africa’s AG (Makwetu’s seven year fixed contract expires in November) released on Wednesday was titled “Not much to go around, yet not the right hands at the till” painted a rather undesirable picture of the manner in which money is mismanaged in most of the country’s municipalities. “The safe and clean hands that can be relied upon to look after the public’s finances in local government are few and far between,” he stated. In the report Makwetu explains that services are rendered, and goods are delivered to consumers in all municipalities with the expectation that they will pay for them. Yet there has been a growing trend of established businesses across the chain showing signs of a diminishing ability to pay for these services, or completely refusing to pay.
Auditor-General Kimi Makwetu
cerned that the next phase of learners to return to school will coincide with the expected crest of Covid-19 infections. “We need to remain adaptable and forget about the current publicised school calendar. This situation calls for clear and innovative decisions by both the provincial education departments and the department of basic education.” Parents and teachers alike have eagerly awaited the return to normality which is set see Grades 1 to 3 and Grades 6, 10 and 11 return to the classrooms on the 7th of July. This leaves only Grades 4, 5 and 9 at home. The education department has not updated its stance on when exactly these grades will be allowed back into the system, but it is expected in August this year.
Joe Dreyer
This coming Monday more than six million children across the country will return to their school benches. The National Professional Teachers’ Organisation of South Africa (NAPTOSA) however feel that the schooling system is not ready for this massive influx of pupils and the date should be moved ahead to August. This is the same union that opposed the reopening of the schools in May and in June this year. According to them the schools do not have adequate personal protective equipment such as sanitizers and face masks, and many have no running water. It is, however, common knowledge that the running water and sanitation at (especially rural) schools has been a problem for the ANC-government’s lacklustre service delivery arm for many years - in some instances stretching back to the mid-nineties. This has led some commentators to believe the government is using the Covid-19 lock down to attempt to up its game in the eyes of the voting fodder before the coming elections. In Modjadjiskloof, Tzaneen, Letsitele, Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit, the schools were ready to receive their pupils a month ago, but were only open for a day before the minister of basic education took the absurd decision to close again after only a day. The department and NAPTOSA along with the South African Democratic teachers’ Union (SADTU) compiled four separate reports on the state of readiness of the schools since May this year. The group is of the opinion that many schools also do not meet the requirements for proper disinfection and cleaning and that there are not enough masks for teachers. This amid reports of large-scale theft of PPE and sanitizers at many schools in all provinces and the much-publicized scandals related to the supply of these masks and sanitizers by ‘tenderpreneurs’ who opted to purchase luxury German sportscars instead. On Wednesday this week, the executive director of NAPTOSA, Basil Manuel said that they were con-
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Witzenberg. Other municipalities that consistently perform well are Senqu (Eastern Cape), Midvaal (Gauteng), Okhahlamba (KwaZulu-Natal), Capricorn district municipality (Limpopo), Gert Sibanda and Nkangala district municipalities (Mpumalanga), and John Taolo Gaetsewe district municipality (Northern Cape).
Monday is back to school day (maybe)
Jaques van Niekerk For your wireless Communication needs, contact us!
To illustrate the prevalence and pervasiveness of this across the country, on average almost 60% of the revenue shown in the books will never find its way into the bank accounts of the municipality. This statement is true for Tzaneen and Phalaborwa municipalities as well. In the past three years Bulletin has reported regularly on municipal accounts running into hundreds of thousands of Rand simply not being paid for more than a year. We also regularly receive complaints from residents who have their water and lights cut off because of incorrect billing at the municipality. There is also the instance of the house in Phalaborwa, owned by a former municipal councillor, which is allegedly valued at R0. The list of irregularities is endless and according to the AG, can be blamed on the ineffective management systems at many of the country’s municipalities. There were exceptions to this unfortunate rule in the form of thirteen municipalities who’s financial statements showed discipline and meticulous billing and collecting practices. These were Cape Winelands and West Coast district municipalities, Bergriver, Cape Agulhas, Cederberg, Drakenstein, Hessequa, Langeberg, Overstrand, Prince Albert, Saldanha Bay, Theewaterskloof and
Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril
Basil Manuel, executive director Naptosa
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 03/07/2020
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3 July 2020
Crime wave on local farms continues unabated ■
Joe Dreyer
Avocado thieves struck Tzaneen twice more this week. Both times the crooks were apprehended by a local security company and at least three people were taken into custody by the Tzaneen police service. This brings the total number of avo-theft instances in the Tzaneen area to 11 since the start of the nationwide lock down. And these are only the ones that were caught. Marius Jacobs of Canine Security said that on Tuesday evening at around 20:00, his control room received a call about a suspicious white bakkie traveling down Agatha Street towards Tzaneen with a full load of avocadoes which were not in bags or bins. Canine responded with a patrol vehicle and blocked off the T-junction at High Grove at the entrance to town. The bakkie was stopped and the driver arrested. The Canine patrol drove back up Agatha Road and spotted three men walking down the road carrying bags of avoThe taxi which was stopped had been rigged specifically to transport Marius Jacobs and his team at Canine Security apprehended a suspicious vehicle on the Agatha Road on Tuesday evening. The vehicle was cadoes. One of the men was a security guard avocadoes. Some of the seats were removed. transporting stolen avocadoes off a farm in the area. from another local security firm, still in his uniform. When they spotted the patrol officers the three men allegedly bolted into the surrounding bushes. day, 1st of July in Georges Valley. Canine Security guards stationed at ning on transporting the stolen produce to. The sad part is that had They have still not been arrested. the Magoba Halls farm radioed into the control room that they heard we stopped this taxi on the tar road, it would have been said that The avocadoes were stolen off the farm below Mashuti Country movement in the avocado orchards. A patrol car was dispatched and it was transporting passengers and their belongings, and the driver Lodge. According to Jacobs, the police responded quickly as they waited at the entrance to the orchards where they soon spotted a would have likely not been arrested. Our farmers are suffering sewere already in Agatha responding to a separate incident. “The po- taxi driving into the property along the dirt road. They saw the taxi verely because of these criminals who just do not stop. So far, we lice told us that as they were heading up Agatha Road to respond to loading bags of avos and some suspects before attempting to drive have had no feedback on any of the avocado theft arrests in the last another call, when they drove past the suspicious bakkie. The officers out again. This is when the patrol car stopped them, and the stolen two months. We don’t know whether these suspects appeared in told me it was empty at the time, but they made a mental note to fruit was discovered. The driver and one of the pickers were arrested court, whether they are still in custody, or whether they were sencheck on it upon their return.” tenced. We have case numbers, that’s all.” and roughly R5 000 worth of produce confiscated. It is believed that on the same evening thieves also broke into the The arrested suspects in these latest incidents were charged with The avocado thieves are becoming more and more ingenious in storeroom of another big farmer in the Agatha area and stole crates their methods. According to Jacobs, the taxi was well-rigged for the possession of suspected stolen property and theft. Bulletin conof already picked and packed avocadoes. The total value of the sto- operation with many of the seats inside the vehicle having been re- tacted the spokesperson for the Tzaneen police to follow up on the len fruit is unknown at this stage, but rough estimates puts it in the moved to create space for the bags. “From the outside of the vehicle other cases, but at the time of going to print we had not received region of R12 000. nobody would have ever noticed anything suspicious and the taxi clarity as he was on leave. We will follow up on the matter in our The second incident occurred the following evening on Wednes- would have travelled undeterred to wherever it is they were plan- next edition.
Verdagte in sel vermoor Mopani now Covid-19 epicentre ■
Jeff Jackson
‘n Veertig-jarige gevangene is vermoedelik Dinsdagoggend in die Letsitele polisiestasie se aanhoudingselle deur sy selmaats doodgeslaan. Die gevangene is vroeër daardie oggend inhegtenis geneem. Die man, Chikinyongo Madala Masinge, was een van die mees gesogde kriminele in die omgewing en is deur die polisie in verband met ernstige misdade wat verkragting en poging tot moord ingesluit het, gesoek. Hy is Dinsdagoggend omstreeks 01:45 in Burgersdorp waar hy weggekruip het, opgespoor en in hegtenis geneem. Dit nadat die plaaslike gemeenskap daarop aangedring het na hy vermoedelik ‘n vrou wat gaan vuurmaakhout haal het, verkrag en haar hand met ‘n skerp voorwerp afgekap het. Dit het glo vroeër die maand gebeur. Volgens die provinsiale polisie woordvoerder, Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo, het die konstabel aan diens by die selle op Letsitele, die slagoffer in sy sel opgemerk waar hy erg aangerand op die vloer gelê het. Nooddienste het hom later op die toneel dood verklaar. Die polisie ondersoek tans ‘n saak van moord.
Dieselfde dag is daar ook in Letsitele ‘n man inhegtenis geneem wat vermoedelik ‘n vyf-jarige kind met ‘n baksteen dood geslaan het. Hierdie kon nog nie deur die polisie woordvoerder bevestig word nie. Verder is daar hierdie week ‘n polisiebeampte gearresteer nadat hy met 20 kartondose onwettige sigarette naby die Beitbrug grenspos betrap is. Die sigarette het ‘n beraamde waarde van R350 000. Die polisie sê dat die konstabel nog in uniform was ten tye van sy arrestasie. Die sigarette en sy voertuig is deur die polisie gekonfiskeer. In Phalaborwa is die lyk van ‘n jong vrou in die veldjie tussen Impala Park en Combretum woonstelle verlede week deur verbygangers gevind. Volgens ‘n bron is sy vermoedelik verkrag voordat sy vermoor is. Die vrou is later deur die polisie identifiseer. Sy was die 31-jarige Ruth Manganyi en was vir lank op Foskor myn werksaam. Haar familie het haar op die 23ste Junie as vermis aangemeld en haar lyk is op die 25ste gevind. Teen druktyd kon die polisie nog nie die oorsaak van haar dood bevestig nie.
Plaza hawkers return ■
Jeff Jackson
Tzaneen’s Coronavirus Command Council have relaxed their grip on the hawkers at Maake Shopping Complex and now allowed them to return to their favourite spot in front of the complex. This was after hawkers were removed during the hard lockdown in Level 5 to pave way for motorists who were then not allowed to enter the complex. The development was well received by the hawkers who said that it came late as they had already lost a lot of money while they were barred from trading in front of the complex. During Level 5 and Level 4 of the hard lockdown the complex was closed and manned by the police and security officers who were allowing shoppers to enter the complex in limited numbers. One of the hawkers told Bulletin that the closure of their stalls nearly turned violent
because not all hawkers were removed from their selling spots which created an impression that there might be favouritism. She said that during the time they were not allowed to trade, they had lost a lot money and some of them risked having their vehicles repossessed due to defaulting on payments. In Tzaneen, the hawkers in the CBD and at the taxi rank have also returned to the sidewalks. So too, have the hawkers crowding the side of the R71 highway – much to the dismay of many local farmers. On more than one occassion stolen avocadoes and other produce has been discovered at these stalls. Often, the fruit is picked too early and will therefore never be edible as they will not ripen. It is also not clear whether the hawkers at these stalls follow the prescribed health and safety practices. We have not seen any masks or sanitizers.
Jeff Jackson
The Limpopo Provincial Coronavirus Command Council has declared Mopani as the epicentre of the pandemic. This was announced during its sitting on Sunday. The Council urged members of the community to adhere to health and safety protocols in order to minimise the impact of the disease as the whole country braces for what has been forecast as the approaching crest of the infection wave. According to the president the situation will first worsen before it subsides. The department of Health has blamed the surge of the disease in Mopani on the relaxation of health and safety protocols and appealed to those with underlying disease such as Diabetes, Arthritis, High Blood pressure and heart conditions not to leave their homes. Limpopo’s Health MEC, Dr Phophi Ramathuba said that despite mines in the Phalaborwa area being regarded as the source of the disease in Limpopo, people in general are another huge factor as they do not adhere to health and safety protocols. The number of infections in the district on Sunday afternoon stood at 147 out of the 866 cases reported at the time. “There is a mine in the district that had recorded a lot of infections. It started with one worker from the Eastern Cape returning for work after the
mines were reopened. What is concerning is that there are other miners who reside in different places within communities and this tells us that there could be a lot of Covid-19 in those communities,” said Ramathuba. “We started observing a trend in the Mopani District where it moved from a district that had no cases at all, to being the epicentre. When you tell the people to observe social distancing they do not do that and continue to sit together in clinics and share utensils and cups. Just because they tested negative would never mean one is not sick as the disease would not had shown itself.” Ramathuba cited an example in one clinic where 15 nurses were infected with the disease which forced the clinic to close. She said that nurses are also responsible for spreading the disease due to their lack of adherence to health and safety protocols. The MEC raised concerns over the gathering of people in large numbers at shops. She expressed her concern that people who died from the disease were only identified as Covid-19 positive p o s t h u m o u s l y, which means they die before it is confirmed that they were infected.
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3 July 2020
Health MEC not positive ■ Joe Dreyer
The Limpopo Health Department has dismissed rumours stating that Health MEC Phophi Ramathuba has tested positive for Covid-19. In a newspaper article by another local media outlet, it was alleged that the MEC had tested positive for the virus. We spoke to Neil Shikwambana, spokesperson for the department and he immediately dismissed the report as nonsense. The article was first published in the Sowetan newspaper. “Limpopo Department of Health dismisses the sensational article published by Sowetan claiming that MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba has tested positive for covid-19. The department wishes to put it on record that MEC Ramathuba is not covid-19 positive. The article carries a bold headline which is not supported by any facts and the attributed quote does not in any way support the headline. We believe that this is dangerous journalism that is purely based on speculation while it is not supposed to be so,” Shikwambana said in a statement. “To us, issues of covid-19 are extremely sensitive and journalists cannot be driven by the appetite to break stories even
when they have no facts. We expect journalists to assist government in the fight against covid-19 and that can only be achieved through reporting truthfully and factually.” The statement further read that testing positive for Covid-19 was “not a train smash”. The department said that people who tested positive for the virus should not be treated as if they have committed an offense. “All they require is support from all of us so that they can recover. Reporting false news under lockdown regulations is still a criminal offense and in this regard it created unnecessary hype and anxiety amongst many people and impacted negatively on the work that the MEC does on a daily base to try to save lives of the people of Limpopo. The MEC encourages journalists to verify their facts with the relevant authority before publishing a story and she has never shone away from fielding any type of questions with journalists.” In closing, Shikwambana expressed his department’s dismay at the publishing of what they termed “fake news” by a newspaper like the Sowetan. They have called upon the editor of the publication to retract the article and publish a correction.
Three escape custody ■ Jeff Jackson The Police in Tinmyne outside Mokopane have launched a manhunt for three awaiting trial prisoners who escaped from the police cells in the early hours of Wednesday, the 1st of July at approximately 01:45 that morning. The three suspects are considered to be very dangerous and should not be confronted alone. Instead, the community are urged to contact law enforcement should any of the suspects be spotted. Moses Kgathola Kekae (34) was arrested on two counts of murder, attempted murder, theft and common assault. He is considered the most aggressive of the three. During his initial arrest in October last year, he attacked the police officers who effected the arrest and in the process stabbed a police captain. The second suspect, Philip Madimetja Chokwe (35) was in custody on a charge of rape while the third suspect, William Motshudi (20) was arrested for housebreaking and theft. All the escapees were previously remanded in custody and were scheduled to appear in the Mahwelereng magistrate’s court on different dates this month. Investigations into the circumstances of the escape have already begun and police are appealing to anyone with information about these escapees to contact Warrant Officer Frans Ngobeni on 078 157 7670 or the Crime Stop numbed 0860010111 or the nearest police. No photographs were supplied of the escapees.
Rapist sentenced More cigarette arrests Life for murder
■ Jeff Jackson
■ Jeff Jackson
A convicted murderer was sentenced to 24 years behind bars in the Polokwane High Court on Wednesday this week. The SAPS Provincial Commissioner Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba welcomed another long jail term handed down by the High Court against the accused, Matome Floyd Seliti (29) for murdering Clara Machaka (24). The accused was given 24 years imprisonment for murder, 11 years for robbery with aggravating circumstances and additional two years imprisonment for defeating the ends of justice. These sentences resulted from the accused brutally murdering Machaka who was believed to have been his girlfriend at Broekman village outside Senwabarwana. The incident happened on the 16th of April 2018 at about 10:00 after the accused believed to be the victim’s boyfriend at the time, raped and stabbed her with a sharp object. Afterwards, the accused buried her body in a shallow grave in nearby bushes. The Police commenced with their investigations until the accused was arrested on the 23rd of April 2018. After thorough investigations, the Police successfully uncovered the deceased’s body buried in a shallow grave in the secluded area near this village. The accused was also declared unfit to possess a firearm. “As we are currently confronting the scourge of genderbased violence, sentences like these should send a clear message that the police will be forthright when dealing with perpetrators of violence against women,” said General Ledwaba. “We take this time to commend all members who were involved in the investigation of this case for ensuring that the accused was brought to book.”
The fight against the smuggling and dealing in illicit cigarettes in Limpopo was intensified on Sunday 28th of June when four suspects aged between 32 and 34 were arrested, three vehicles and illicit cigarettes valued at more than R1 million confiscated. Members of the South African Police Service including the K9 (Dog Unit), the South African National Defence Force and Custom officials jointly conducted a snap operation along the N1 between Beitbridge and Musina after receiving information about certain individuals smuggling illicit cigarettes into the country. A vehicle with two occupants was then stopped and when the members searched it, illicit cigarettes were found stacked in bags. Further probing conducted by the members at the scene led them to the nearby mall where another suspect was found loading illicit cigarettes into a vehicle. The suspect attempted to evade arrest but was quickly apprehended after a short pursuit. The vehicle and the cigarettes were confiscated. Further information surfaced that these cigarettes were to be transported to a certain warehouse in Musina town
where more cigarettes were stored. The team rushed to the given address and on arrival, a vehicle already loaded with illicit cigarettes was found parked at the said warehouse. The team started searching and boxes of more illicit cigarettes were found in one of the rooms. The search continued and more cigarettes were found in another room and as the members were busy unpacking them, one suspect was found hidden between the boxes and was immediately apprehended. During the arrests three vehicles, including an Opel Corsa bakkie and two Nissan NP300 bakkies were confiscated along with 4 040 cartons of illicit cigarettes valued at R1 070 193. The cigarettes were of various brands. The suspects, all foreign nationals, are expected to appear in Musina magistrate court soon. Illicit cigarettes valued at more than R1 million where confiscated.
Illicit cigarettes valued at more than R1 million confiscated
■ Jeff Jackson
The SAPS Provincial Commissioner in Limpopo Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba welcomed more lengthy sentences handed down by the Polokwane High Court on the 30th of June against the accused who was convicted for raping and killing two elderly women aged 78 and 79 during separate incidents in the Maake policing area. The convict aged 30 was arrested, tried, convicted and sentenced for heinous crimes of rape and murder which he committed on the 11th of August 2012 and the 24th of November 2013 at Ga-Masoma and Mogapeng villages in the Maake Policing area outside Tzaneen. On both occassions, the court found that the accused broke into the houses of the deceased elderly women in the early hours of the morning, raped and then killed them. The cases were assigned to the investigating officer Col Hanyani Mathebula attached to Maake Detectives. The officer went about investigating these gruesome cases, meticulously gathering evidence including the circumstantial evidence through the Forensic experts, that ensured the perpetrator is sent to jail for a long time. The accused was ultimately sentenced to a combined thirty years (30) years imprisonment for both rape and murder cases that he committed in 2012 and another combined 32 years imprisonment for the crimes he committed in 2013. This translates into 62 years effective jail term. “The sentences will certainly ensure that this convict spends the rest of his life in jail and this should send a clear and strong message to all perpetrators that the police are more than determined to remove from society, all those who commit similar acts of gender based violence,” concluded Ledwaba.
3 July 2020
Make way T-Rex, here comes the T-Roc ■
Roelof de Jonge
Volkswagen has added a fifth model to the brand’s SUV range in South Africa, the T-Roc. The T-SUV range in the Southern African market now consists of the T-Cross, T-Roc, Tiguan, Tiguan Allspace and the Touareg. The SUV market is growing rapidly in South Africa and from 2015 to 2019, it increased by 44%. International experts estimate that the compact SUV segment worldwide will almost double in size over the next decade. It is for this reason that Volkswagen South Africa is introducing another attractive model in the compact SUV space, less than 12 months since the launch of the T-Cross. The new crossover from Volkswagen brings fresh impetus to the compact SUV class and sets a new benchmark in the SUV segment with its functionality, dynamic handling and technology. The T-Roc, which slots above the T-Cross and below the Tiguan in the Volkswagen SUV range, offers maximum personalisation, innovative digitalisation, perfect connectivity, class-leading driver assistance systems, dynamic engines and above all a modern and expressive design. In the local market, the T-Roc will be available in the following derivatives, namely the 1.4 TSI 110kW Design, 2.0 TSI 140kW 4MOTION® DSG® Design and the 2.0 TSI 140kW 4MOTION® DSG® R-Line. The T-Roc offering has the Design line for customers looking for more styling elements and the R-Line is aimed at customers looking for more sporty levels of specification. The T-Roc will also be amongst the first Volkswagen models to display the new Volkswagen logo in South Africa. The T-Roc is the first Volkswagen SUV that will be available to order in two-tone paintwork with a visually contrasting
roof section (including the A-pillars and exterior mirror housings). On the Design derivatives, customers have a choice of pure white, red and black on the roof and exterior mirror housings. These roof and exterior mirror housings can be paired with various exterior colours, thus giving T-Roc customers 26 different colour options. The R-Line derivative will have 21 different colour options. The Design derivatives come standard with the 17-inch Mayfield alloy wheels and have two further options of 18-inch Montego alloy wheels as well as 18-inch Grange Hill alloy wheels. The R-Line derivative comes standard with 19-inch Suzuka alloy wheels. The T-Roc is based on the modular transverse matrix (MQB), meaning that the T-Roc offers a Golf-like level of ride comfort. It is 80 millimetres longer than the T-Cross and 162 millimetres shorter than the Tiguan. When all five seats are occupied, luggage space is 445 litres. The interior has been adapted to match the exterior design. The interplay between the Active Info Display and the specific infotainment system creates a new, digital and interactive cockpit. The T-Roc will come standard with Composition
Media radio and App-Connect. The Composition radio has an 8-inch colour touch screen with two USB ports easily located in the centre console of the vehicle. App-Connect makes it possible to connect your smartphone to the radio system which enables the user to operate selected mobile phone apps from the touchscreen. We Connect Go is also standard in the range and allows T-Roc customers to pair their vehicle to their smartphone. The We Connect Go app functionality includes vehicle data, access to the nearest or preferred Volkswagen dealer, records for the tax log book and gamification. In the T-Roc, the level of passive safety features included are Electronic Stability Control (ESC), Park Distance Control, LED Headlights, Light and Vision Package, Blind Spot Monitor and Fatigue Detection. Emergency Assist which is standard on the T-Roc uses a number of technologies in the car to assist the driver when they are unable to. Traffic Jam Assist utilises functions from the Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Assist to enable convenient and safe stop-andgo driving in heavy traffic situations. Front Assist uses sensors to detect situations where the distance to the vehicle ahead is critical and it helps to shorten the vehicles stopping distance. In dangerous situations the system alerts the driver by visual and audible signals. Due to the volatility of exchange rates in the last few months, Volkswagen South Africa will only announce pricing for the T-Roc range in August 2020.
The T-Roc is the first Volkswagen SUV that will be available to order in two-tone paintwork with a visually contrasting roof section.
3 July 2020
Nuwe Lexus afslaankap sorg vir stylvolle opelug rygenot ■
Roelof de Jonge
Lexus se ontwerpspan het ’n gedugte uitdaging ontvang en dit was om die wêreld se mooiste afslaankapmotor te skep. Dit het eenvoudig voorgekom, maar die uitdaging was om al die noodsaaklike stylmotiewe van Lexus se bekroonde LC-koepee in die nuwe afslaankapmodel te behou. Tadao Mori, die hoofontwerper van die Lexus LC 500 Convertible, het die taak verduidelik wat hulle moes vermag het. “Min oopdakmotors is stylvol en elegant wanneer die dak oop én toe is. Ons het daarna gestreef om dieselfde pragtige daklyn te ontwerp vir die LC-afslaankap as wat ons met die koepee verwesenlik het.” Die sagtekap is so laag as moontlik gestel en vermy die bekende plat platform-voorkoms wat tipies van baie afslaankapmotors is. Die gordellyn skop agter die deure skerp op en dit het gehelp om die
skoon aansig van die Lexus LC 500 Convertible te bewerkstellig. Aangesien die kajuit meer oop is om te sien, gebruik Lexus ’n vernuwende kleurkombinasie, wat die model se spesiale karakter en dapper ontwerp verbeter. Die sagtekap is in twee kleure beskikbaar, naamlik beige en swart. Verdere keuses vir die binneruim se kleure gee eienaars die vryheid om ’n motor te spesifiseer wat hul eie persoonlike styl weerspreek. Die koördinering van die A-pilaar-afwerking met die kleur van die dakvoering is ’n seldsame ontwerpkenmerk wat Lexus in die hele LCreeks toepas. Die kleurkoördinasie kom meer stylvol voor in die LCafslaankap, aangesien die pilare duidelik sigbaar is wanneer die dak afgeslaan is, wat die luukse gehalte van die binneruim beklemtoon. Die sitplekbekleedsel het spesiale aandag gekry met ’n kwiltpatroon in die skouergedeelte van die voorste sitplekke en luggaatjies van drie verskillende groottes wat stadigaan verdwyn.
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Die LC 500 Convertible pronk met ’n V8-enjin van vyf liter wat 351kW se krag en 540Nm wringkrag lewer. Die enjin, wat aan Lexus se outomatiese DirectShift-10-ratkas gekoppel is, gee die LC die nodige versnelling om by sy sportaansig te pas. Die kraglewering kan volgens die bestuurder se rystyl aangepas word, met ’n gladde versnellingskarakter in normale omstandighede en ‘n aggressiewe gedrag wanneer die bestuurder dit vereis. Lexus sal die nuwe model, wat amptelik as die LC 500 Convertible bekend staan, in 2021 vir die Suid-Afrikaanse mark bekendstel. Lexus is vol hoop dat dié nuweling vanweë sy stylvolle en elegante ontwerp sonder twyfel ’n treffer op die pad sal wees.
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3 July 2020
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Sport 3 July 2020
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Club tennis can return to courts
Roelof de Jonge
Tennis players at Tzaneen Tennis Club will be ecstatic to have learned that all categories of club tennis can resume play with immediate effect. This was confirmed by Tennis South Africa (TSA) on Wednesday the 1st of July. All the players and facilities will need to comply with strict safety measures put in place to ensure compliance with the national government’s protocols. These measures are detailed in the safe return to tennis info pack that can be downloaded via Tennis SA stated though, that this does not mean “traditional club social” can return as players are accustomed too. However, “organised tennis” still needs to be in place where players make the necessary reservations. Social gatherings before or after tennis sessions is not allowed, braai’s or socialising remain prohibited. In terms of tennis coaching, all categories
of coaching can resume. This is for red ball and orange ball players, along with the nonleague or tournament players. The Tzaneen Tennis Club has a proud history of producing many excellent players including some national and even international players. According to treasurer and secretary, Bernard Schoeman, the oldest photo in their Club House dates back to 1938. This was when the first tennis club in Tzaneen was established near where the Tzaneng Mall is today. It was known then as the Railway Tennis Club. Tzaneen Tennis Club currently has 46 members and has capacity to take on more members. The youngest players of the club are in primary school whereas many of the older players are 70 years and older. Some, such as Val Bergmann, have been members since they were in high school. Young and old mix when playing socially. This provides a wonderful platform for the club’s younger players to learn from their
senior counterparts. Round Robin tournaments are organised throughout the year and annual Club Championships take place in the cooler winter months, usually July or August. “We are pleased that all the courts were resurfaced last year, and they look as good as new. Furthermore, all the court lights were upgraded in 2019. This is especially convenient for players who would like to play in the evenings. The current committee plans further upgrades this year by focusing on the fencing and the facilities of the Club House.” Applications to join can be obtained by emailing Schoeman at tzntennis@gmail. com or messaging him on 083 2746 120. Members are supplied with keys to the Club House and the tennis courts and can make unlimited use of all the facilities available.
Limpopo Leopards raring to start season ■
Jayden Mabayah. Photo: Roelof de Jonge
Roelof de Jonge
Indoor hockey is set to be revived with the Limpopo Leopards Franchise preparing for the rest of the 2020 indoor season, planned to take place from September until December. The Pro-Series Indoor (PSI) Leopards plan to host various one day events over this period, run trials for the PSI U/11 to U/18 tourney as well as host some coaching clinics. All the dates will be posted on various Limpopo Leopards social media platforms. The Limpopo Leopards franchise is owned by a former national men’s Olympic hockey player, Allistar Fredericks. Under Fredericks are two professional hockey coaches and two local area managers for Tzaneen and Polokwane. In the Tzaneen’s area, Jayden Mabayah is the assistant manager of the franchise which is based at the Astro pitch of Ben Vorster high school. Mabayah, amongst others, played for the national Zimbabwe schools’ team and for the Zimbabwe U/21 national squad. He also played for the Mpumalanga men’s team. Ma-
bayah is the coach of the Limpopo U/21 team. The Limpopo Leopards’ Tzaneen-based franchise utilizes the indoor sports hall and astro pitch at Ben Vorster as its home base. Mabayah can be contacted on 074 365 2691 for any queries. Parents can send an email to psilimpopo@gmail. com if they prefer. The Limpopo Leopards will regularly update their junior indoor hockey parents, players and staff with all the upcoming events and when indoor hockey is set to actually take place again. The franchise hopes that with its proposed program there will still be a possibility to host some of the set events originally planned for the 2020 season which included the PSI North National event in Johannesburg for the U/11 to U/18 players. The dates for the various proposed events will be confirmed in due course. The Limpopo Leopards trials for the following events will be held over the weekend of the 15th of August. The PSI Gauteng U/11 and U/12 All Star event will be held from the 24th to the 27th of September in Johannesburg. The PSI Gauteng All Star tourney for girls and boys from U/13 to U/18 is planned from the 8th to the 11th of October also in Johannesburg. The PSI North National tournament will be held in December for players from
U/11 to U/18 and is also set to take place in Johannesburg. The venue for the Limpopo Leopards trials will be at Ben Vorster and in Polokwane at the Indoor Sport Centre. The final details will be confirmed at a later stage. The cost is R100 per player on arrival along with the registration form. The Leopards’ capping dinner is also still set to be announced as well as the venue and the cost of this event. This dinner towards the end of the year in Johannesburg is to officially cap all the players who have participated for Limpopo Leopards teams at the PSI Nationals. The banking details for the Limpopo Leopards has since changed. Parents are advised to ensure they link to the new bank account to refrain from paying fees to any other previous accounts. Account details: Limpopo Leopards , FNB, Account number: 628 5335 3135. Branch: Northgate Reference: Please put down name of child and age group Proof of payment must be sent to limpopoleopards@ For any queries, parents can call the owner, Allistar Fredericks, at 083 550 1826 or email him at psilimpopo@