Bulletin Newspaper 4 September 2020

Page 1

4 September 2020


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Things can only be changed if they are faced. And when a million faces stare into the eyes of all that needs to change, it will. This weekend, people from across the globe will join in solidarity with South Africans who have had to suffer under extreme conditions in a country rife with corruption, crime, murders, farm attacks and genderbased violence in a massive international demonstration. The “Move One Million” campaign will see 16 countries takes hands with their South African brothers and sisters as they stand up to the government who have failed dismally in their promise to secure a brighter future for all. “This is not a political campaign, this is a movement to enforce change and bring back the dignity and the freedom of all people,” said Joanita van Wyk, Co-Founder of the Move One Million campaign. She took some time out to speak to Bulletin about the drive behind the campaign, what it stands for and what it aims to achieve on Saturday, the 5th of September (tomorrow). “The immense socio-economic impact under one of the world’s most extreme lockdown’s during the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in South Africans uniting for their voices to be heard,” she said. “There are many smaller groups campaigning against various atrocities and what we usually hear is ‘it won’t achieve anything because who

POOR WORKMANSHIP COSTS MONEY The ongoing tug-o-war between Phalaborwa rate payers and a seemingly disinterested local municipality has edged another step into the absurd when one local business owner reportedly suffered financial loss as a result of what he believed to be shoddy workmanship. To understand the full story, turn the page and read inside.

will listen to a handful of peaceful protestors’. And those comments carry some weight, but when all those smaller groups combine their campaigns into one massive action, it cannot be ignored. Every person in South Africa has a voice and every business and household has a face, it is time that we show ourselves to the government and let them hear our frustrations. We are now done, and we as South Africans will no longer stand for this.” According to Van Wyk, this weekend’s mass-protest will be the catalyst to bring about significant change in South Africa. She explained that the idea behind the Move One Million was to become an umbrella movement under which smaller campaigns can find solace. “This movement is not specific. We are not going to protest farm attacks tomorrow. We are not going to protest GBV or human trafficking or corruption either. We are standing up against all of it in one massive movement. Because all of it negatively impacts on all our people, and all of it needs to change.” The movement, which Van Wyk co-founded with Jarette Petzer, is also working on a mass campaign for direct elections. In June 2020, the South African Constitutional High Court ruled that the current Electoral Act is unconstitutional as it does not allow for individuals to stand as independent candidates in local and national elections.

■ Continued on page 3...



Star Spares 5x8


4 September 2020




BPM causes harm to business

■ Billy Sibuyi Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print

Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Str, Arbor Park, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality (BPM) is making it even more difficult for business owners to make a living through their absolute lack of planning, maintenance, and poor workmanship. Two weeks ago the municipality arrived on site outside Laeveld Butchery in the town’s CBD to repair another burst pipe in their outdated and rapidly falling to pieces infrastructure. The BPM team ripped out the paving bricks right in front of the shop and started digging into the walkway to reveal the burst asbestos pipe. After repairing the pipe, the team left – leaving the butchery shopfront inaccessible from the street with patrons expected to traverse a literal mudslide. The bricks were never packed back into place nor was the rubble removed. Despite numerous calls and complaints from the owner of the butchery and some members of the community, at the time of going to print the municipality had still not returned to fix their mess. **Editor’s comment: This is in line with the modus operandi of the BPM who seem to be operating on a reactional policy rather than a preventative one. It would serve them well to budget for a total repair of the entire grid in planned, scheduled intervals which would allow for some form of pre-emptive planning by business and homeowners alike. This municipality’s failure to adequately plan has directly led to residents being left without water for days on

end and businesses suffering an income as a result of water shortages and shoddy workmanship as in the case of Laeveld Butchery. To add insult to injury, the Ba-Phalaborwa municipality informed its residents recently that they have delayed the issuing of billing statements for this month due to ‘technical errors’. “The municipality’s technical department must improve the standard of workmanship when repairing anything. As a result of poor workmanship in the municipality, the team just closed up the hole with sand on Saturday, to claim overtime, and left it like that,” this is the sentiment of a business owner within the CBD who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal. On the other hand, Laeveld Butchery owner, Francois Joubert, believed that this incomplete work of the municipality was the new norm and said that if that was the case, he may as well close up shop and migrate to an environment more suitable. Joubert said the shop had no water for a whole week and that he has had to get water using cannisters from his home to the shop. “What can we say, because when we report our grievances to the municipality, they fix things at their own time,” stated Joubert who is adamant that the walkway is still a construction site and not complete. “It is a big problem because if you struggle to go inside a shop, you won’t even want to go there in the first place. If you know that people are building on a

construction site, you do not even go there because you might even get hurt, and that is the case of this walkway by our shop.” The Chairperson of the Chamber of Business in Phalaborwa, Manie Kriel, labelled the municipality’s behaviour as nothing short of blasé and hurtful towards the people of the town. “More especially when their actions influence a business negatively! We need a Municipality for the people and not against the people!”

The rubble left behind at the butchery by the municipality.

Escape from H’burg Lorimer slams KNP ■ over allegations Joe Dreyer

therefore knows the area extremely A dangerous criminal arrested in the well, which may be the reason why Haenertsburg area in June this year the police are struggling to find him. has escaped from the police holding A source from the area alleged that cells. According to the provincial po- on the eve of his escape, the suspect lice spokesperson, the 21-year old assaulted a woman in her home apawaiting trail prisoner, Ashley Gun- proximately an hour after he fled from dani, escaped from the Haenertsburg the cells. “He committed a series of these holding cells on Sunday, 30th of August during a routine service of the serious crimes in the Haenertsburg, cells. The police did not explain exact- his profile process was still unfolding at the time of his escaping to ly how he managed to escape. “This escapee was arrested for bur- determine whether he is connected glary residential, rape, kidnapping to more cases in other areas or not,” and he is potentially a dangerous said Ngoepe. “The guy escaped at 17:40 and Haecriminal,” said SAPS spokesperson Col Moatshe Ngoepe. “Following this inci- nertsburg Neighbourhood Watch and dent, the special Task Team was acti- CPF were only notified an hour later. vated, and members have been work- At approximately 19:05 that evening ing tirelessly around the clock tracing I heard terrible screams coming from a few houses away and I radioed it the suspect with no success.” Bulletin confirmed that the suspect through and within minutes about 15 grew up in the Haenertsburg area and residents and members of the neighbourhood watch and the CPF arrived at the scene.” The source explained that the woman who lived in the house had just moved in that weekend. Her attacker had reportedly waited for her to come home and then pounced as she entered. This is the same house where a woman was attacked by the suspect in June. “He would not have known that a new woman had moved into the house, because he was behind bars during that time, but it seems he returned to his old stomping grounds,” our source speculated. The search for the suspect continued until after 22:00 that night before being called off and at the time of going to print the police Ashley Gundani, escaped from the Haenertsburg had still not come any closer holding cells on Sunday, 30th of August. to tracking Gundani down.

■ Billy Sibuyi

“We have some logistical challenges with regard to our readiness to resume full operations in some parks.” These were the words of the CEO of the South African National Parks, Fundisile Mketeni, when he spoke about the impact of maintenance work being done in the park. SANParks announced last month that it intended to reopen its hospitality operations gradually to ensure “optimum readiness to accommodate guests in compliance with new regulations and protocols.” Providing further detail into the logistical challenges to resuming full operations, Mketeni stated that the recall of staff and their induction on new protocols could only be undertaken over a period of days. He emphasized that the induction was in the interest of the health and safety of both guests and staff. “We had the option of staying closed for all business until we were 100% ready, however with the understanding that our guests are yearning to spend time in nature, we compromised by introducing a phased reopening of our guest facilities.” The accommodation in most of the parks is now fully operational, however Kruger National Park remains the most impacted by the ongoing maintenance work and will only open in a multi-phased approach. Many of the Kruger camps have reopened and are fully operational, however, Skukuza and Lower Sabie will be operating at minimum capacity until 1 October 2020 and 15 December, respectively. Biyamiti, Maroela and Orpen remain closed until mid-October and early November, respectively. Phaahla said that the bulk of the guests with affected bookings

have been contacted and that this would continue until the end of this month. Guests who wish to make queries about their bookings are invited to send emails to Kruger.overbookings@sanparks.org. Meanwhile the DA Shadow Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, James Lorimer, said that the Kruger National Park spending taxpayer’s money to sue guests lacks any sense of proportion. This was after the park said in a statement that they had consulted their legal advisors and were bringing civil and criminal charges against a guest for allegedly posting racist and fake news on Facebook that claimed bookings were not being honoured or were not available because accommodation was being occupied by staff. Lorimer stated that the growing number of reports indicate apparent management failure in the KNP. “If there was a racist offence, as alleged, then there are other ways of dealing with this. This is equivalent to a restaurant or hotel suing a customer for a bad review on social media,” stated Lorimer. “The KNP is a great national asset. It needs to maintain good relations with the public. Above all, it needs to be open about what is going on. Official communication is fuzzy at best. Threatening guests shows a failure to understand the hospitality industry. A large part of park’s funding comes from tourism. Tourists need to be encouraged, not fought with,” stated Lorimer. Lorimer stated his intention to write to the chairperson of the portfolio committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries to request the SANParks CEO and chairperson be invited to explain.

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911



Jaques van Niekerk



Help for Tourists

4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen met enige voorgeskrewe bril urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.

e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 31/09/2020

Tzaneen 12.7%

Ebenezer 12.7%

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Dap Naude 90.8%

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e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, 11 Rencole Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.

ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.



■ Joe Dreyer


4 September 2020



groups, all religions, and all social backgrounds. This weekend, this is exactly what they will see.” Continued from page 1. Join the Move One Million peaceful protest This campaign seeks to empower action on Saturday (tomorrow) at the South African citizens to stand Lifestyle Centre in Tzaneen and take united in ensuring all relevant hands with fellow citizens in every major Things can only be changed if they are changes are made to the Electoral city centre in the country and 16 countries faced. And when a million faces stare into Act within the 24-month time frame around the world. “This is set to become issued by the court. Direct elections the eyes of all that needs to change, it will. one of the largest movements against will mean that an individual can crime, corruption and the systematic stand for mayor without having decimation of human rights by the to belong to a political party. That mayor will “Currently the dynamic between the public citizens of a country in recent times. Join the answer directly to the public. and the government is twisted. The govern- movement and force change for a better life and The Move One Million team believes that this ment should fear its citizens, not the other way the future of our children.” will set the precedence for future generations around. Ministers and municipal officials alike Keep an eye on the Bulletin Facebook page by providing a legal process that will give more must be reminded that they are public servants as we will be streaming live from the Lifestyle power to the people of South Africa to ‘hire and and are there to serve in the best interests of centre in Tzaneen. Let us know what your exfire’ those who represent them in government. the public who are in actuality, their employers. perience of the event was, in the discussion on This is in contrast to the current legislature What the government does not want to see, our social media pages or by sending an email which provides for indirect elections whereby is a united front forged by people of all ethnic to joe@bulletin.us.com.

Report the polishers ■ Jeff Jackson The Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) has denied responsibility when it comes to street merchants harassing citizens as they embark on shopping expeditions in the CBD. This followed various complaints by citizens who claim that they were being harassed by young shoe polishers, street photographers, airtime dealers and even insurance salesmen on the sidewalks of Danie Joubert Street. According to one shopper, walking past Total Sports just next to the Tzaneng Mall entrance, a group of boys will spray your shoes with a foam claiming to help cleanup your dirty shoes and start brushing it after which they demand money for cool drink. “Failure to give them money for cool drink will subject you to verbal abuse or they will threaten to assault you,” he said. Walking past BB Motors there is another group of young boys with cameras and they photograph random passers-by, especially young women, without their consent, and demand money for it. At the same spot there is a group of boys and girls from an insurance company who also cause havoc by forcing pedestrians to join life insurances and if not, they demand money to buy bread. Meanwhile, when shoppers park their vehicles and enter the shopping centre or stores, they are met with illegal street parking attendants who flock to their vehicle and demand money for watching your car while you were shopping. They become agitated and aggressive when they do not receive payment. Attempt to gain comment from GTM Spokesperson, Neville Ndlala, were unsuccessful as his phone was not answered, but Municipal Manager Thapelo Matlala said those who might be harassed by these people must report them to the police.

Limpopo Health Department appalled at misuse of vehicles ■ Joe Dreyer A state-owned mobile clinic was used as a furniture removal truck in Tzaneen on Friday the 28th of August. The mobile clinic is an asset of the Limpopo Health Department and the furniture is the property of an engineering workshop owner who has a contract with the Health Department service provider from which the vehicles were bought, to service their vehicles in the Greater Tzaneen Municipal area. The contractor’s personal property was attached by court order and after having made payment, the contractor was permitted to collect his property from the Sheriff’s storerooms. A Mopani District Mobile Clinic arrived at the storerooms and a crew proceeded to load the personal property into the vehicle. The personal property in question included tools, vehicle jacks and furniture. This at a time when there is an urgent need for all state health vehicles, ambulances and mobile clinics especially, to be in top running condition and standing at the ready to serve the communities should there be an emergency. Bulletin forwarded photographs and a video of the incident to the spokesperson for the Limpopo Department of Health, Neil Shikwambana who expressed outrage at the abuse of state property. “We are absolutely appalled by this behaviour. It is nothing short of shocking and we have already followed up with the contractor in question to ensure that this does not happen again. We cannot allow state resources to be misused like this when

Parks week postponed ■ Billy Sibuyi SANParks will have to postpone their much anticipated “free week” which they offer each year due to Covid-19 restrictions on the number of visitors allowed in public spaces within the Park. The 15th Annual SA National Parks Week which is offered in partnership with Total South Africa and FNB, is traditionally held in September, but due to regulations has been moved to the week of the 16th of November to the 20th. SANParks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni, said that SANParks has implemented extra visitor management procedures in the parks to manage visitor volumes in line with regulations. SA National Parks Week is an annual campaign that gives all South African citizens the opportunity to enter

citizens vote for a party and each party chooses who they wish to put into national and provincial government.

most of the parks managed by SANParks, for free excluding accommodation facilities and tourist activities. SANParks has said in the past that they aim to increase the number South Africans who take advantage of this annual initiative and that since its launch in 2006, some 551 393 citizens have indeed done so. “The week is meant to cultivate a sense of pride in South Africa’s natural, cultural, and historical heritage, and a deeper appreciation of biodiversity. It is important for South Africans to visit and know the importance of their national parks,” Mketeni stated. “We urge every South African citizen to visit a national park in November for free and experience all that these parks have to offer. You will be doing your part to promote our tourism industry.”

there are people in communities who need these resources in times of emergency and find that there are none available to help them.” Shikwambana said that the department has started investigating the matter and will decide what action to take against the contractor in question. He applauded the person who reported the matter to the media and expressed the department’s wishes to be held accountable by the public. “If our citizens do not report irregularities such as this incident to us, we would never know about it. The public will likely see an ambulance or other state vehicle being misappropriated as in these images and think that it is a department employee taking chances. They will not know that it is a contractor, and that is publicity that we do not deserve. Thank you for bringing this matter under our attention.” In response to our official media inquiry, Shikwambana explained that the vehicles are not purchased by the department through a dealership, but are acquired through a national contract (RT46) which was awarded to Transit Solutions, a fleet management service based in Gauteng. The work allocation, or distribution of service and repairs of these vehicles is also managed through this RT46 contractor on behalf of the department. The work is allocated or distributed to all merchants on their database including dealerships. “The vehicles in question do not have service or motor plans any more since most have exceeded their 100 000 Kilometre or 5-year life cycle. As a result, they are serviced as and when required,” Shikwambana explained. “The years of acquisition differs from 2004 to 2019. Departmental vehicles are not acquired from dealerships, instead they are bought from the manufacturers as per National Contract RT57. The manufacturers include Mercedes Benz SA, VW SA, Toyota SA and Nissan SA.” We asked Shikwambana about the lifespan of departmental vehicles and what happens to these vehicles once this lifespan has been reached. “The life to date (a point at which the vehicle must be

sold or replaced) in terms of ambulances, patient transport and mobile clinics is 200 000km. However, the vehicle can still be utilized if it is technically and mechanically assessed and found to be in good working condition.” Regarding the contractor, Shikwambana said that the department does not have its own mechanical workshop and therefor the RT46 contractor appoints its own service providers in various areas. “The department never advertised any tender nor awarded any to the contractor in question. National Contract RT46 was awarded in 2015 and since has been extended to end in March 2021. This contract services all the departments in Limpopo (not only the Mopani district) and other provinces. In terms of the National Contract RT46, merchants like the one in question are appointed by the service provider who was awarded the RT46 National Contract.” At the time of going to print it was not clear what consequences the contractor faced or how the Department of Health dealt with the matter.

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Windsor Street 10, Tzaneen, 0850 0834972702 0153075587 Attitude, Believe, Choice


4 September 2020





Wolkberg Akademie hoof sê totsiens, nie vaarwel nie ■ Roelof de Jonge Wolkberg Akademie vir Christelike Volkseie Onderrig (CVO) het sedert sy ontstaan op 15de April 1997 van krag tot krag gegroei. Hierdie skool het hom bewys as ‘n skool van geleenthede en uitnemendheid op alle lewensterreine en leef die personeel en leerders voluit om die skool se leuse genaamd ‘Ter wille van ons kinders, voluit’, na te streef. Op Donderdag die 3de September het die skool se leerders en personeel Bybels en Christelike leesstof van die Bybelgenoodskap van SuidAfrika ontvang en dit is deur Hannes Steyn van die Kruispad- AGS gemeente oorhandig. Hierdie waardevolle skenking is deur twee van die skool se ouers, Herman en Julette Claassens, bewerkstellig. Tydens hierdie geleentheid het die kollig ook geval op die skool se huidige hoof, Marietjie Naudé, wie eersdaags die leisels ophang en kollega, Ronel Steyn, wie die pos na die September skoolvakansie gaan oorneem. Naudé is sedert 2011 verbonde aan Wolkberg Akademie CVO skool waar sy as onderwyser begin het. Sy vertel dat sy aanvanklik net vir ‘n kwartaal by dié skool sou klas gee en het aanvanklik ‘n ander personeellid afgelos. Haar tydelike pos het toe permanent geword Marietjie Naudé, Wolkberg Akademie CVO se hoof wie eersdaags die tuig neerlê, se skoene sal gevul word deur die ewe passievol onderwyser en kollega, Ronel en in 2014 het Naudé die pos as skoolhoof van Steyn, wie tans die skool se adjunkhoof is. Foto's: Roelof de Jonge. Wolkberg Akademie CVO aanvaar wat sy tot vanjaar beklee het. “Na 44 jaar in die onderwysberoep is dit nie net moontlik Tzaneen Kleuterskool, skool gegee. Steyn het gesê haar visie as hoof van Voor haar aanstelling as ‘n gr.2 grondslag-onderwyser in Wolkberg Akademie CVO is om hierdie om af te tree sonder om steeds ‘n hunkering vir die onderwysberoep te hê nie. Daarom gaan ek wel as hoof 2017 by Wolkberg Akademie, het Steyn haar vir sowat 20 skool verder te laat groei, maar binne perke uittree, maar ek gaan steeds twee dae ‘n week Bybelklasse vir maande in die begrafnis onderneming bedryf bekwaam. sonder dat die skool uit sy nate sal bars. “Ek het gou besef hierdie loopbaan is nie vir my nie en ek gr.4 tot gr.7 klasse aanbied.” “Daar is nog allerlei toekomsplanne wat vir die skool “Wat vir my besonders is van Wolkberg Akademie, nie net in het terug verlang na die onderwysberoep. In 2017 het ek ‘n beplan word. Die Covid-19 gesondheidsregulasies die tyd wat ek as hoof gedien het nie, maar in geheel is hoe pos by Wolkberg Akademie CVO gekry. Ek is tans die huidige het heelwat van ons inkomste geneem. Met tyd, positief hierdie skool gegroei het. Waar hierdie skool met 6 adjunkhoof. Ek moes soos almal vir die pos as hoof aansoek geduld en geloof sal ons wel hierdie toekomsplanne leerlinge begin het by die AP Kerk, spog Wolkberg Akademie doen.” ‘n werklikheid maak. Ek wil ook poog om die “Dit is die eerste keer wat ek die pos as ‘n hoof van ‘n skool gemeenskap en veral sake-ondernemings meer by vandag met 151 kinders. Met geloof, nederigheid en gaan beklee, maar ek sien regtig uit daarna. Ek is egter vol die skool betrokke te kry.” deursettingsvermoë het ons gegroei tot waar ons vandag is.” “Waar ons aanvanklik net een klas per graad gehad het, het vertroue vir die toekoms en met ‘n puik span onderwysers “Dan wil ek graag vir ons hoof, Marietjie Naudé, die skool so gegroei waar ons nou twee klasse per graad het. en ouer Opvoedingsraad wat agter my staan, weet ek dat baie dankie sê vir al die moeite en opofferings wat Hierdie teken van groei is vir my persoonlik 'n teken van seën hierdie skool net van krag tot krag sal groei.” sy gemaak het wat tot die sukses van Wolkberg “Vir my is die omstandighede van ‘n klein skool perfek en dit Akademie CVO bygedra het. Ek wil namens en genade uit die Hand van ons Hemelse Vader.” Steyn vertel sy is heel opgewonde en sien uit na die sal my werk as hoof vergemaklik om take suksesvol te verrig. die skool se leerders, personeel en die ouer uitdaging om die leisels as hoof by Naudé oor te neem. Sy My siening, veral in die geval van die Covid-19 pandemie, glo Opvoedingsraad vir haar ‘n rustige, geseënde en het haar onderwysloopbaan in 1989 begin en het by verskeie ek steeds kinders hoort nie by die huis nie, maar eerder in die heerlike aftrede toewens. Geniet dit voluit!”, het plaaslike skole, ondermeer Laerskool Tzaneen en die SAVF skool. Kinders moet onderrig ontvang.” Steyn gesê.

Hannes Steyn van die Kruispad AGS Gemeente het Donderdag die 3de September Bybels en ander Christelike leesstof aan Wolkberg Akademie CVO oorhandig.

Herman en Julette Claassens, ouers van Wolkberg Akademie CVO, was met geskenke bederf vir die organisering met die Bybelverspreiding. Die skool se hoof, Marietjie Naudé, het die bleik van waardering namens die skool aan hulle oorhandig.





4 September 2020


Maxim’s rocked hard SAVF Ligloop vanjaar ■ Roelof de Jonge

This past weekend saw the first live performance by a local band since the relaxation of the lockdown regulations which banned social gatherings at venues. Tzaneen’s popular local band, Rock Regime, had its first public appearance on Friday evening the 28th of August at Maxim’s Guest House and Restaurant. Even greater news is that Rock Regime and Maxim’s made a new standing arrangement for live show appearances every first weekend of the month. The next live show will be staged on the evening of Saturday the 3rd of October. Not only was the band starved for some live shows after being mothballed due to the Covid-19 lock down regulations, but also for live music fans who have yearned for an evening out. “We just could not wait to get back into the scene and bring musical joy to the people of Tzaneen,” said Helgard de Villiers, frontman and lead guitarist. “The air of anticipation among the patrons at Maxim’s was palpable and they literally could not wait for our set to start. What a great time, and what a fantastic venue.” The show started at 19:00 and as the curfew time of 10:00 approached, the livelier the audience became. With a list of classic rock songs being performed, the older generation especially did not hesitate to get those hips swinging and shake off some

of the Covid-19 anti-social rust accumulated during the lock down period. Sticking to the rules however, the band closed their set at 21:30 to ensure they had enough time to pack up and head home before the 22:00 curfew. Also make sure to follow Rock Regime on their Facebook social page (@rockregime) and remember to support local restaurants and other eateries in Tzaneen and surrounding areas who have all suffered significant loss in income due to the harsh lockdown regulations.

Helgard de Villiers. Photo: Roelof de Jonge

Stand like granite, shine like quartz ■ Joe Dreyer Times have changed. In a world gone topsy-turvy there is no longer room for half-baked, sort of, maybe or perhaps. The pandemic has changed all that, and from now on going forward, only the toughest, the bravest and those at the top of their game will survive. Like granite, the strong will stand sturdy in their tenacity and their expertise - no matter how they environment around them changes. They will stand unmoved. We have a lot to learn from granite. Like the way you stand back and admire that perfect finish the granite countertop adds to your new kitchen. It is sturdy, yet smooth and makes a strong statement about the individual in who’s house it serves. Come what may, water, chemicals, knife blades and even the occasional dirty shoeprint cannot impress its intentions upon granite. There are many cheaper alternatives that may look the same, at least for the first few years, and may even seem better value given the price, but when the going gets tough they soon start to buckle. There is a saying that granite is timeless – one needs only to speak to any of the satisfied Sleebok clients to understand that this is more than an adage. Granite is such a hard material that it not only resists scratches and burns, but cutting on granite will damage your knife. But there is a new material to compete

with granite, which many claim to be an even better option for your countertops. Engineered Quartz. Quartz is as durable as granite and just as beautiful. For the past 22 years Nina and Guy van Heerden have been considered the experts in their field. With their team of installers and expert craftsman, Sleebok have been supplying quality finishes to homes and businesses for more than two decades without fail. They are so knowledgeable and passionate about their business that most of the content in this article was obtained during a 20-minute walk through their factory in downtown Tzaneen. Factory Manager and material expert, Arnold Kok has been with the company for almost as long as they have been in operation and there is truly very little one can teach him about the trade – though he would argue that one never stops learning. But there is one thing still tougher than granite and engineered quartz. Weathering more than two decades worth of economic turbulence, political storms and changing trade environments, Sleebok have proven through their own endurance and unbuckling belief in exceptional customer service, that the strongest element on Earth, is the human spirit. Strong like granite and as smooth as quartz, Sleebok is the perfect match for any kitchen, any time, any place, and if they are not yet featured in yours, well then you really need to call 015 307 6005.

virtueel aangebied ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Covid-19 pandemie het heelwat nagevolge vir organisasies, veral welwillendheidsinstellings, gehad met jaarlikse geleenthede om geld in te samel wat uitgestel, gekanselleer of hersien moes word. Die jaarlikse Ligloop pretloop word aangebied deur die SAVF Tzaneen-tak en moes ook weens die inperkingsmaatreëls hersien word om te sorg dat dit wel te kon plaasvind. Vanjaar se nuwe gewysigde Ligloop geleentheid sal op die 12de en 13de September aangebied word. Vir die SAVF se Diensbestuur wat hoofsaaklik uit vrywillige werkers vanuit die gemeenskap bestaan, is dit van uiterse belang dat hierdie geleentheid wel plaasvind. Omrede die Ligloop as die hoof geldinsamelingsprojek vir die SAVF dien. Volgens Pamela du Toit van die SAVF se Diensbestuur, is daar besluit om wel vanjaar se Ligloop-geleentheid aan te bied, alhoewel in die vorm van ‘n virtuele geleentheid. “Die SAVF as ‘n nie-winsgewende welwillendheids-organisasie benodig geleenthede soos die Ligloop om geld in te samel. Ons is baie afhanklik van die gemeenskap se ondersteuning. Die geld wat ons insamel word ondermeer aangewend om behoeftige gesinne in nood te ondersteun wat veral deur die Covid-19 se inperkingmaatreëls geraak is.” “Daarom is ons baie hoopvol deur met die nuwe virtuele formaat en baie beskostigebare inskrywingsfooi ons soveel meer mense as moontlik wil lok om aan die Ligloop deel te neem. Die geld wat ons insamel sal ook vir ons beoogde pleegsorghuis aangewend word.” Vanjaar kan nie net vroue nie, maar enige persoon inskryf. Te midde van die ekonomiese

druk waaronder mense en ondernemings gebuk gaan, het die Diensbestuur van die SAVF besluit om die inskrywingsfooi te wysig na R110 per persoon. Sodoende is dit vir mense meer bekostigbaar om in te skryf en skep dit ook die geleentheid vir meer mense om deel te neem. Die Ligloop virtuele geleentheid sal oor ‘n afstand van 9 kilometer gehou word. Enige persoon, besighede of werksgroepe kan van enige plek in Suid-Afrika of selfs in die wêreld inskryf om deel te neem. Die Ligloop sal dus op die 12de en 13de September aangebied word. Persone kan enige plek en op enige tyd die 9km roete stap of draf, solank dit tussen 06:00 en 18:00 op die gegewe datums geskied. Inskrywings kan aanlyn gemaak word. Vir navrae rakende registrasie kan mense vir Pamela du Toit (015 307 2645) of Ilza Roelofse (083 773 0471) skakel. Om ‘n plek vir deelname in die Ligloop te bespreek, kan mense slegs die SAVF Tzaneen se Facebook blad besoek en op die ‘Book Now’ skakel klik om besprekings en betalings te maak. Andersins kan mense die skakel www.ligloop.co.za of https://pay.yoco. com/savf-tzaneen en onthou om die verwysing Ligloop en die besigheid se naam aan te heg. Vir mense wat EFT oorbetalings wil maak, kan dit na die volgende rekening oorbetaal: Absa Tzaneen Tjekrekening Rek nr – 1260 800 104 Verwysing – Ligloop met besigheid of persoon se naam


4 September 2020





Legals IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR THE SUB-DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN In the matter between: Case number: 374/2019 STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS EXECUTION CREDITOR And PHETOLE SYDNEY MAKWALA (ID NO: 650412 5820 08 9) EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court, granted on 16 OCTOBER 2019 the under-mentioned goods will be sold at 11h00 on 18 SEPTEMBER 2020 by public auction to be held at the SHERIFF BOLOBEDU’S OFFICE, HOUSE NO 1, HANS MERENSKY STREET PANORAMA, MODJADJISKLOOF, by the sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x 3 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE 1 x LG STAND FREEZER 1 x TV STAND 1 x LG PLASMA COLOUR TV 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, HOUSE NO 1, HANS MERENSKY STREET PANORAMA, MODJADJISKLOOF. 3. Registration as a buyer is

a pre-requisite subject to a specific Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneer being Mr. N.B. Segwana or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 13TH day of AUGUST 2020. (signed) S. JANSE VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK 11 LOOP STREET TZANEEN Tel: (015) 307 4458 Email: invorderings@vanrensburgprok.co.za Ref: WS0229/eb/SJVR Sep101___________________________


NORTHERN SPARK TRADING 5. FICA legislation in respect 389 (PTY) LTD t/a NORTHof proof of identity and adERN SECURITY dress particulars, payment EXECUTION CREDITOR of registration deposit of And R500.00 in cash. HIGH POINT SUPERMARKET 6. The office of the Sheriff (PTY) LTD will conduct the sale with (Registration No: the auctioneer being Mr. 2017/397889/07) N.B. Segwana or any repreEXECUTION DEBTOR sentative of his office. NOTICE OF SALE IN 7. Goods will be sold for cash EXECUTION – AUCTION only to the highest bidder or PURSUANT to a judgment by sold subject to confirmation the Ga-Kgapane Magistrate’s as per the Consumer ProtecCourt, granted on 2 MARCH tion Act upon instruction 2020 the under-mentioned from the execution creditor. goods will be sold at 11h00 SIGNED at TZANEEN on the on 18 SEPTEMBER 2020 by 12TH day of AUGUST 2020. public auction to be held at (signed) S. JANSE VAN RENSthe SHERIFF BOLOBEDU’S BURG OFFICE, HOUSE NO 1, HANS ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUMERENSKY STREET PANTION CREDITOR ORAMA, MODJADJISKLOOF, STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG by the sheriff for the MagisATTORNEYS trate’s Court to the highest RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE bidder for cash, namely: PARK ALL STOCK IN TRADE (GRO11 LOOP STREET CERY) TZANEEN 1. This sale is a sale in execuTel: (015) 307 4458 tion pursuant to a judgment Email: invorderings@vanobtained in the above honrensburgprok.co.za ourable Court. Ref: WN0310/eb/SJVR Sep102___________________________ 2. The rules of the auction NOTICE: LOST OR are available 24 hours prior DESTROYED DEED to the auction at the office Notice is hereby given in of the Sheriff, HOUSE NO 1, terms of Regulation 68 of the HANS MERENSKY STREET Deeds Registries Act, 1937, PANORAMA, MODJADJISKof the intention to apply for LOOF. the issue of a certified copy 3. Registration as a buyer is of Title Deed T11112/1995 a pre-requisite subject to a passed by in favour of specific condition, inter alia. PRIME INVESTMENTS 1159 4. Directive of the Consumer CC, Registration Number: Protection Act 68 of 2008; 1996/020888/23, in respect (Url http://www.info.gov. of PORTION 10 (A PORTION za/view/downloadfileacOF PORTION 2) OF THE FARM tion?id-99961)

TARANTAL 578, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo Dated at Tzaneen on this the 1 September 2020 Applicant: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay.co.za Sep103___________________________

Application in terms of chapters 5 and 6 of the Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management by-law Special consent for the construction and operation of a telecommunication mast and base station on Erf 2974 Tzaneen Extension 13 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 68 of the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-Law of Greater Tzaneen, that we, the undersigned, Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. applied to the Greater Tzaneen Local Municipality for consent to construct and operate a telecommunication mast and base station on Erf 2974 Tzaneen Extension 13 situated at 2 Aster Street, Rustic Estate, Tzaneen. Particulars of the application

will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the applicant at the address mentioned herein, and at the offices of the municipal manager: Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for the period of 28 calendar days from 04 September 2020 Any objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged in writing simultaneously with the applicant and with the municipal manager at the abovementioned address or deliver to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha street, Tzaneen on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/ representations, quoting the abovementioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description and phone number and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objection, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M.J. Mathye (015) 307 8031 Address and Contact Details of Applicant/Agent: Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. P O Box 32017, Totiusdal, 0134 418 Rustic Road, Silvertondale, 0184 Tel: 012 804 1504, Fax: 012 804 7072

Kleuterskool Onderwyser


’n Vakature is beskikbaar vir ’n opvoeder by die ZZ2-kleuterskool, in Mooketsi (Limpopo-provinsie) Die primêre taak van die persoon sal die opvoeding en versorging van kleuters wees, asook om dissipline en algemene orde te handhaaf binne die raamwerk van die ZZ2-waardestelsel.

Primêre pligte en verantwoordelikhede sluit in: ● Die posbekleër sal verantwoordelik wees vir skakeling met die skoolpersoneel sowel as die ouers van die kinders; ● Voorbereiding en fasilitering van voorgeskrewe kurrikulum; ● Die handhawing van dissipline en orde om ’n positiewe leeromgewing vir die leerders te help skep; ● Voorsien in die basiese behoeftes van die kinders. ● Pas roetine en dissipline toe; ● Veiligheid en ontsmetting van alle areas, speelgoed en apparate op standaard te hou; ● Die uitleef en toepassing van die ZZ2-waardestelsel

ZZ2 bied ‘n onderhandelbare markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asb u CV per e-pos aan talent@zz2.co.za. Dui asb in die onderwerplyn, die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen aan. Rig navrae aan Johan du Plessis by 083 676 0390.

Sluitingsdatum: 11 September 2020

Minimum vereistes ● ‘n Toepaslike kwalifikasie gerugsteun deur praktiese ondervinding in onderwys; ● Minimum van 5 - 10 jaar toepaslike of soortgelyke blootstelling; ● Goeie kennis dra van die ontwikkelings stadiums van ‘n voorskoolse kind; ● Die persoon moet oor eie vervoer beskik; ● Noodhulpopleiding en/of sertifisering sal as ’n aanbeveling dien; ● Die beskikbare pos is ’n voldagpos (07:00 tot 17:00), maar kandidate moet bereid wees om van tyd tot tyd in ooreenstemming met Tamatieland se rooster, wisselende ure te werk. ● Selfstandige en onafhanklike optrede, maar moet ook in spanverband kan werk; ● Die gekose kandidaat moet oor goeie kommunikasie- en leierskapvaardighede beskik.

Konstruksie Bestuurder ‘n Vakature is beskikbaar vir ‘n Konstruksie Bestuurder by ZZ2-hoofkantoor in Mooketsi, Limpopo-provinsie. Die pos vereis `n dinamiese persoon met bewese ondervinding in die konstruksie van paaie, damme, platvorms asook waterafloop beheer.

Primêre pligte en verantwoordelikhede sluit in: ● ZZ2 bied ‘n onderhandelbare markverwante vergoedingspakket aan. Stuur asb u CV per e-pos aan talent@zz2.co.za. Dui asb in die onderwerplyn, die pos waarvoor u aansoek doen aan. Rig navrae aan Johané van der Merwe by 066 023 1613

● ●

● ●

Bestuur van personeel en die produktiewe aanwending van konstruksie toerusting; Bestuur van die verkrygingsproses vir onderdele en toerusting om die beskikbaarheid van konstruksie masjinerie te verseker; Monitor en beheer van diesel verbruik en -voorsienning Algemene bestuur en toesighouding tydens projekte bv. Konstruksie van paaie, damme, en landbouverwante toepassings; Moet vertroud wees met die gebruik van konstruksie toerusting; Die geskikte kandidaat moet oor `n kode 8/ EB rybewys beskik.

Minimum vereistes sluit in ●

● ● ● ● ●

Kandidate moet oor ‘n tersiëre kwalifikasie in landbou, konstruksiebestuur of in ‘n meganiese dissipline beskik. Minimum van 5 -8 jaar ondervinding in konstruksie bestuur; Ondervinding in kontrak- en of projekbestuur. Goeie interpersoonike verhoudings met kollegas; Die geskikte kandidaat moet aan die waardestelsel van ZZ2 voldoen; Sterk tweetalig in beide Afrikaans en Engels, ‘n derde taal sal as aanbeveling dien.

Sluitingsdatum 18 September 2020

E-Mail: pp@Infraplan.co.za Ref No: ATLM243 Sep104___________________________

Aansoek in terme van hoofstukke 5 en 6 van die Groter Tzaneen Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebruiksbestuur Bywet Spesiale toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n telekomminikasie mas en basis stasie op Erf 2974 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 13 Kennis geskied hiermee in terme van Artikel 68 van die Ruimtelike Beplanning en Grondgebuiksbestuur Bywet van Tzaneen, dat ons,die ondergetekende, Vukani Infrastructure Planning Services Inc. aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit vir toestemming vir die oprigting van ‘n telekommunikasiemas en basisstasie op Erf 2974 Tzaneen Uitbreiding 13 geleë te 2 Aster Straat, Rustic Esate, Tzaneen. Besonderhede wat betrekking het op die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantore van die onderstaande applikant, asook by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder: Siviele Sentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, vir n tydperk van 28 kalender dae vanaf 04 September 2020 Enige besware of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet gelyktydig by die applikant en met die munisipale bestuurder by die bogenoemde adres aflewer word of aan kamer 257, Siviele Sentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen op of voor die sluitingsdatum vir die inlewering van besware / verteenwoordigings wat die bogenoemde opskrif insluit, asook die beswaarmaker se belang in die aangeleentheid, die gronde van die beswaar / verteenwoordiging, die beskikker se eiendomsbeskrywing en telefoonnommer en adres. ‘n Persoon wat nie kan skryf nie, kan die bogenoemde munisipaliteit besoek en versoek dat sy/haar beswaar, kommentaar of verteenwoordigings op skrif te stel. kontakpersoon: Mr. M.J. Mathye (015) 307 8031 Adres en kontakbesonderhede van die aansoeker/ agent: Vucani Infrastructure Planning Sevrices Inc. posbus 32017, totiusdal, 0134 418 Rustic weg, silvertondale, 0184 tel: 012 804 1504, faks: 012 804 7072 e-pos: pp@infraplan.co.za verw. nr.: ATLM243


BA-PHALABORWA AMENDMENT SCHEME 74 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF A TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME IN TERMS OF SECTION 57, SUBDIVISION IN TERMS OF SECTION 60, REMOVAL OF RESTRICTIVE TITLE CONDITIONS IN TERMS OF SECTION 58 AND CLOSURE OF A PUBLIC PLACE IN TERMS OF SECTION 67 OF THE BA-PHALABORWA MUNICIPAL SPLUMA BY-LAWS 2016 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Erf 1910 Lulekani-B hereby give notice in terms Sections 57, 58, 60 and 67 of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s SPLUMA By-Laws 2016, that I have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for the Subdivision, Closure of a Public Place (Park), Removal of Restrictive title conditions and simultaneous amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Management Scheme, 2008 by the rezoning of a part of the property described above, situated in Lulekani-B between Nghunghunyani Drive and Chris Hani Road, Lulekani-B, from “Public open Space” to “Residential 1” and “Business 1” respectively, with an Annexure describing the rights. Particulars of the application

will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Ba-Phalaborwa Municipal Offices, Phalaborwa for a period of 30 days from 04 September 2020 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen before 04 October 2020, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/her objections, comments, or representations. Contact person: Mr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031). Address of authorised agent: Omniplan Town Planners, PO Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850, Tel No (015) 307 1041. Ref No: J244 Sep106___________________________

BA-PHALABORWA WYSIGINGSKEMA 74 KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN ‘N DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57, ONDERVERDELING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 60, OPHEFFING VAN BEPERKENDE TITELVOORWAARDES INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 58 EN PARKSLUITING INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 67 VAN DIE BA-PHALABORWA MUNISIPALE SPLUMA BY-WETTE, 2016 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaar van Erf 1910 Lulekani-B gee hiermee ingevolge Artikels 57, 58, 60 en 67 van die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipale SPLUMA By-Wette, 2016, kennis dat ek by die Ba-Phalaborwa Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir Parksluiting, Onderverdeling, Opheffing van die Beperkende Titelvoorwaardes en gesamentlike wysiging van die D or psbeplanningskema bekend as die Ba-Phalaborwa Grondgebruiksbeheer Skema, 2008 deur die hersonering van ‘n deel van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, geleë in Lulekani-B tussen Nghunghunyani Weg en Chris Hani Straat, Lulekani-B, vanaf “Publieke Oop Ruimte” na Residensieel 1” en “Besigheid 1” onderskeidelik, met ‘n aanhangsel wat die regte beskryf. Besonderhede van elk van die aansoeke lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoor ure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Munisipal Kantore, Phalaborwa vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 04 September 2020 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik voor 04 Oktober 2020 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 257, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015-3078031) Adres van gemagtigde agent: Omniplan Stads- en Streekbeplanners, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. No. (015) 307 1041. Verw. No. J244






4 September2020


Smouskous l Classifieds Services Dienste Limpopo Paint Pot

Paint, arts and crafts and more. Visit us in store for specials. 56 Boundary Road, Tzaneen 015 307 3517 ________________________ Jaques van Niekerk Optometrist Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam met enige voorgeskrewe bril. Terms & voorwaardes geld. 015 307 3703


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Community Crisis Services 084 400 0911





Go Trans Tippers, Flat Beds & Low Beds. 071 108 0308 __________________________________

Quality Waste Management Honey Sucker, Waste Bins, Compactable waste. 079 511 3536 __________________________________

DASS Domestic appliances. Speed Queen, Bosch, Whirlpool, Defy etc. Repairs, spares and service. We collect and deliver. 11 Plantation Rd, Tzaneen. 015 307 1798 082 898 0468

Deep cleaning of all types of FLOORS/TILES. Rent our Walk-behind floor scrubber. Contact Lorraine: 073 722 7913 082 233 1506


Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R25.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R28/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R27.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R42/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R34.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R34.50/KM +BTW, 6 CUBE TIPPER @ R27/KM + BTW EENRIGTING, VRAGMOTOR MET KRAAN @ R2700/DAG (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)

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Pest Control Specialists Workplace readiness solutions. Protect yourself, your staff and the health of your customers. 015 307 4065 __________________________________

Saniplas Great packaging sells your products. 060 792 7034


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083 628 9257 Sleebok Supplier of quality granite, engineered quartz and Caesar Stone. Private home owners and building contractors are welcome. www.sleebok.co.za 015 307 1205/6005




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Full Colour Work Invoice Books, Statements, Receipt Books, Delivery Books, Order Books, Credit Books, etc. Programmes, Wedding Cards, Invitations, School Reports, Certificates, Mark Schedules, Advertising, Pamphlets, Calendars, Business Cards, etc.

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Time to get back into shape! We are CovidREADY @ Health & Fitness Gym Health & Fitness Gym Cnr Windsor & Agatha St, Tzaneen 073 265 2650 • 076 413 9257

Sport 4 September 2020

015 307 1998 • Ruan: 063 30 ruan@bfgroup.co.za

015 307 1998 • Ruan: 063 301 7208 ruan@bfgroup.co.za

Masks on, sights locked ■ Billy Sibuyi

It is back to the shooting range tomorrow, Saturday, the 5th of September, as the new alert Level 2 regulations allows for the reopening of non-contact sport. Bulletin spoke to SA Hunters (SAHGCA) Mopani Branch vice chairperson, Gavin Meridith, on the preventative measures that are now expected to be in place to operate in a ‘safe and hygienic’ space. Just like other sport institutions, a lengthy list was released indicating what is to be expected from the branch to operate a Covid-19 free environment. According to Meridith, the recent move to Level 2 did not change any of the responsibilities and protocols to be followed by SA Hunters branches during the management of shooting ranges under Level 3. “As with all activities during lockdown the resumption of shooting sport activities comes with certain conditions” stated Meridith. “Only 40 shooters, four relays of 10 shooters, would be allowed on the range at any one time and shooters must book prior to the event.” Designated Covid-19 Health and Safety Officers will manage and oversee the planning and execution of the event and adherence to the standards of hygiene and health protocols relating to Covid-19. Persons over the age of 60 and persons with pre-existing medical conditions should consider the risk to themselves, of attending sporting events. They would however not be turned away should they choose to attend the event. According to Meridith, the senior and junior shooters will participate on separate shooting ranges approximately 300 meters

apart. He said that the seniors will shoot the Bushveld shooting exercises for scoped (HG01) and open sight (HG02) rifles on the Zebra target at distances of 150m, 100m and 50m. Moreover, the Juniors will shoot the U9 springer air rifle (JA01), U13 PCP air rifle (JB01-B), and U18 PCP air rifle (JC01-B) for exercises. The range will also be sanitized before, during and after the event. All persons will undergo the completion of Covid-19 Questionnaire and Control List. Shooting points on the firing line should be at least 1.5m apart and social distancing on the firing line will be maintained. Masks must be worn by all who enter the range and facilities and only individually pre-packed meals with disposable drinking bottles will be allowed at the facility. “If a person’s temperature is above 37.5 degrees Celsius, we will let the person wait for a few minutes and take the person’s temperature again, if it is still exceeding 37.5 degrees Celsius, we will refuse entry to the shooting range. On completion of the event, no gatherings will be allowed, and everyone must depart immediately,” concluded Meridith.

Vorster wins division at new Marble Hall round ■ Roelof de Jonge

Rainart Schoonbee

Morné Huyseman Photos: Roelof de Jonge

Whilst the Tzaneen golfing fraternity were chasing birdies and possible hole in one’s at the course of Tzaneen Golf Club on Saturday, the Limpopo Amateur Championship contenders headed to the new course of Marble Hall Golf Club. With the Limpopo Golf Union and SA Golf making sure all the needed health protocols are in place, it is now up to players and the clubs to ensure that these protocols are being adhered to. The new layout of the Marble Hall course is also a new addition to the Limpopo Amateur Golf Championship. Gavin Lake from the Belfast Golf Club thus became the first winner of the new Marble Hall-round that was contested over one round of 18 holes. Lake won with a score of 72. Second place went to Polokwane’s Niko Koster. Tzaneen’s local golf talent, James

Vorster, had a good outing to finish third with a round of 76. Vorster competed in the A-division Gross category and his outstanding form on Saturday sealed the win ahead of his nearest rival, Ian Jacobs. The next round of the Limpopo Amateur Golf Championship will take place with the Sesambos Open on the 12th and 13th of September.

Dr Piet Botes

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