11 September 2020
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123
Rural areas:FREE • Platteland: GRATIS
THE WAR OF THE TROUBLING TRENCHES Residents of Premier Park and Arbor Park neighbourhoods in Tzaneen are up in arms over the digging up of their pavements by outside contractors laying fibre optic network cables. Many have raised concerns over the destruction of their irrigation systems and expensive lawns and plants. Bulletin spoke to the contractors, the municipality and the residents in an attempt to get to the bottom of the dilemma. Read all about it on page 3 inside.
2 11 September 2020
Jetty 3 shelter set to close soon Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
■ Joe Dreyer
There are about ten people still staying in the tents at Tzaneen’s Jetty 3. These individuals are the last remaining of the homeless people who were sheltered here in March shortly after the nationwide lockdown commenced. The temporary homeless shelter was erected after a directive by the Coronavirus Command Council to prevent the homeless in town and city centres from contracting and spreading the disease. When the shelter was erected five months ago, there were 45 inhabitants who were fed three meals a day and stayed in tents with warm blankets and mattresses supplied by the Mopani District Disaster Management team in cooperation with the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The group comprised of homeless individuals from Tzaneen and as far as Nkowankowa. Some of them were taken from their usual residences behind the Boxer complex in the CBD and brought to the
shelter. Many of them walked away from the shelter in the middle of the night after a week or two in the camp. Some came back, others did not bother. The shelter came under fire from the residents and the local branch of the DA who claimed that establishing the shelter at the Jetty 3 site was counter-intuitive considering that it was during the start of the winter and the tents these homeless were housed in, were setup next to the dam in the middle of the residential area. The DA was concerned about the safety of the residents and the challenges that controlling a group of homeless people (many of whom were substance abusers) would bring at a mostly open site such as the Jetty. Many also asked how long the shelter would remain in operation and how the municipality would disperse these individuals once the lockdown had ended. We spoke to the municipal manager of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Thapelo Matlala, who said that they had received orders from the Provincial Command Council to start the process of wind-
ing down the shelter considering that the threat had not subsided. “Currently there is only a small handful of people still sheltered at Jetty 3 and we have started working on a closing down process whereby the remaining homeless will be moved to the nearest homeless shelter and the tents and other temporary facilities erected at the site, will be packed up. We are awaiting a full report on the matter which we will communicate with the community once it is completed.” The remaining inhabitants are still receiving three cooked meals per day and are still undergoing regular medical screenings from the health officials and social workers who visit the site daily. We have asked for some clarity regarding the tents and the mattresses and blankets (what will the District Municipality do with these items), as well as the expected duration before everything returns to normal at the site. We had not received feedback by deadline this week and will therefore follow up in next week’s edition.
Fire in the Letaba Rest Camp
■ Billy Sibuyi
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Str, Arbor Park, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
Fire departments from both the Kruger National Park and Phalaborwa fire station were needed to extinguish a fire that ripped through a shop on Wednesday night, the 9th of September. The SANParks shop in Letaba Rest Camp is said to have started burning some-time before 21:00 according to reports from personnel within the KNP. In a video captured by Johan Brits that went viral on social media, the shop is engulfed in flames and Brits can be heard saying “Hier brand Letaba se winkel, die kant van die winkel, iets brand. Argh dis jammer!” which can be loosely translated to “Letaba shop is on fire, well the side of it, something is on fire. This is sad.” The video was viewed more than 15 000 times in less than an hour. The cause of the fire is unknown at this stage, however, Bulletin can confirm that the fire was first noticed by a safari ranger, John Adamson, who was on a late-night safari. According to a source, Adamson was on a game drive that had started at 20:00 when he noticed the back of the shop on fire and alerted authorities The firefighters had their hands full as they battled the fire throughout the night and in a video
seen by Bulletin on Thursday morning, captured on that morning, the thatch rubble on the floor was still burning up. SANParks later confirmed via their twitter handle that there was indeed a fire in the Letaba rest camp. “KNP is sad to announce that a massive fire broke out in the Letaba shop on Wednesday evening. The cause of the fire is unknown at this stage. Staff and emergency personnel are busy trying to bring the fire under control. No injuries were reported,” read the statement.
The park went on to confirm that the fire was brought under control on Thursday morning without any casualties. “This morning guests and staff are waking up to a horrible sight of the burnt TV room and shop at Letaba Camp. Investigations into the cause of the fire have commenced,” read the statement, which also thanked those who were involved in extinguishing it.
TVET student found murdered Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen
STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850
■ Michael Sakuneka
A Letaba TVET College student went missing in August this year and her decomposed body was discovered a few days ago in Mokgoloboto village outside Tzaneen. Twenty-year-old Kgaogelo Shai was reported missing since the 29th of August after she was seen with her boyfriend two days before her disappearance. The boyfriend, who was reportedly out on parole after serving 10 years in jail for murder, committed suicide. He served time for murdering his former girlfriend. Former Mopani District Municipality executive mayor Nkakareng Rakgoale, reacted with shock upon hearing of the terrible crime which was reported along with a second incident in Groblersdal over the weekend. In this second incident, a 35-year old woman stabbed to death by her boyfriend.
“I have no more words. We have just reacted with satisfaction to the life sentence handed down to a man who raped his niece. Now we must mourn two promising, beautiful young lives. We simply cannot tolerate this any longer. It must come to an end.” She indicated that the Province’s virtual imbizo on Gender Based Violence and Feminism will assist in curbing this kind of incidents. The Imbizo will be broadcast on Energy and Choice FM and simulcast on various community radio stations as well as live streamed on the Office of the Premier’s Facebook Page. ***Editor’s Comment: Instead of media statements and virtual imbizos the MEC should do well to have a word with all the local police station commanders to find out what they are doing to prevent these heinous crimes from happening right under their noses. Talk is cheap and politicians are always on special.
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
Jaques van Niekerk
4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen met enige voorgeskrewe bril urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.
e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 9/09/2020
Tzaneen 12.2%
Ebenezer 12.8%
Merensky 100%
Dap Naude 93.4%
Middel Letaba 1.4%
Blyde Rivier Poort 81.2%
Klaserie 90%
Tours 16%
Vergelegen 94.5%
Ohrigstad 10.4%
*Termes & voorwaardes geld.
084 400 0911
Tel: 015 307 3703
11 Rencole e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.
e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.
ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.
11 September 2020
Trench warfare looms in Arbor Park
■ Joe Dreyer
Tzaneen’s homeowners are up in arms over the network of fibre optic cable trenches that have destroyed pavements in certain neighbourhoods around town the past week. Many took to social media to air their frustrations which resulted in the establishment of a WhatsApp group where residents can log official complaints and have them rectified immediately by the contractors responsible. So far, the quick response on this platform from the contractor supervisors have been promising. Bulletin did some investigating and disco -vered that there is in fact more than one company doing the digs, and for similar yet decidedly different reasons. In the long run however, the installation of a fibre optic network in Tzaneen will be to the benefit of every resident, albeit right now, the rose does have its thorns. The green and yellow nets noticeable in Premier and Arbor Park neighbourhoods indicate the presence of a Cape Town based fibre optics network installer, Frog Foot. We spoke to Frikkie Basson, the site supervisor for the company. “We are not an internet service provider, we are installing a fibre optic network which will eventually lead to every home in Tzaneen having access to a fibre optic connection point. Various internet service providers such as Vodacom and MTN will use our network to connect their customers and provide them with high speed internet connectivity.” Local labour is employed in the form of sub-contractors which serves to create jobs in a time where unemployment is at an all-time high and serves as a means to educate the locals around this new technology. “This means that we will be able to physically show the workers the cable and explain to them that it
contains no copper. This should eliminate concerns that have been raised around cable theft and an increase in criminal activity in neighbourhoods because of the presence of these networks. It also constitutes skills and knowledge transfer.” In this past week some residents voiced concern over the sub-contractor’s workers urina -ting in public and peering over the walls into their homes. Concerns over the destruction of pavements have also been raised. All of these were addressed by the contractor involved, and the representatives of the municipality, who requested that residents communicate any concerns with them to receive immediate attention. Frikkie Basson can be contacted on 064 517 2691, Dirk Grobler on 068 020 7630 and Willem Matthysen can be reached on 076 539 8915. Prior to their digging operations, all companies reportedly have an extensive strategy and “box checking” planning session with the local municipality. Once the “okay” is given, the work commences. According to Frog Foot, the work in Arbor Park and Premier Park should be completed within the next two months, weather permitting. They work closely with the GTM maintenance teams to ensure that as little as possible interruptions are caused to neighbourhoods. “In total, we are installing a trunking network of around 100 kilometres in which the fibre optic cables will buried before we close up the trenches again. We also will not lift your paving or damage your driveway if we do not need to. We dig our trench on both sides of your driveway and use a special horizontal drill to bore from one side to the other. If we have no other way but to go through your driveway, we will
first contact you personally to make arrangements.” What concerns residents most, however, is the fact that four service providers are planning on installing fibre optic cable networks in Tzaneen. “Will every one of them come and dig a new trench once the other one is finished?” is the concern most often raised. So far, the answer we received is “yes” and “no”. According to our information, some of the service providers have taken hands and agreed to use the same trenches to lay their networks beside one another. In areas where this is not possible, contractors will dig their own trenches. Two other companies have adopted a strategy where they install their cables above ground, like telephone poles, in areas where digging is not possible. Residents expressed their dismay at the complete destruction of their plants and lawns on the pavements in front of their homes. Though these pavements are municipal property, homeowners are enraged as some have had very expensive Clivia’s and irrigation systems damaged and destroyed, and in the area next to Minitzani Park, a waterpipe was struck twice in one week causing households in those areas to be without water for an entire day. In a communication to one resident, Dirk Grobler said “all irrigation pipes damaged will be repaired according to spec and all plants damaged will be replaced. Still in this week.” A Wild Fig tree in Maroela Street now stands in the way of the trench diggers and residents in that neighbourhood have banded together in an effort to save the tree which according to them has been planted at that spot many decades ago. At the time of going to print yesterday, negotiations were still underway.
Move One Million says no more! ■ Roelof de Jonge Supporters of the Move One Million group that was created on Facebook to give honest and law-abiding citizens of South Africa a chance to stand up and speak out against the corruption in government and the high crime levels, took to the streets in a friendly protest on Saturday to garnish support for their cause. Residents from Tzaneen and surrounding areas joined this campaign on Saturday with thousands of other South Africans across the country. This protest attracted the support from 16 other countries who joined in solidarity with their South African brothers and sisters. Tzaneen’s protest was held along the
R71-road in the vicinity of the Lifestyle Centre. The protesters held aloft various placards to encourage motorists passing by, to hoot in support. There were three local women who played pivotal roles in ensuring that all regulations and protocols were observed. Rona McGaffin, Nina van Heerden and Tracey van den Dool worked tirelessly behind the scenes to meet with local law enforcement and ensure the necessary permissions were obtained and arranged for posters and sound on the day. Nile McGaffin manned the microphone while Guy van Heerden provided footage of the event through his drone. A day before the event, Tzaneen SAPS Col Baloyi agreed that the protest could go ahead and arranged members of the local police station to oversee the gathering. Traffic officials and medical staff
were also present. A demarcated area was set aside to allow no more than 50 people to come together and perform the now iconic “Jerusalema” dance off the hit single by local DJ Master KG which has become the unofficial anthem for peace in the country. There were no incidents of violence or public disorder during or after the event, and right on schedule at 11:00, the protesters handed in their signboards, cleaned up the area and went home. To gain more insight on the Move One Million movement which has set social media alight (Bulletin’s live coverage of this event garnered a reach of more than 107 000 people on Facebook), visit the movement’s Facebook page or read the interview we conducted with the originator of this event, Joanita van Wyk, in last week’s Bulletin.
4 11 September 2020
Jimny ready to climb any mountain ■ Roelof de Jonge Replacing its predecessor after a successful 20-year life cycle and with an international Good Design Award already perched on the mantelpiece, the all-new Suzuki Jimny has been making big strides since its 2018 launch in Mzansi. With the unavailability due the Covid-19 restictions imposed on South Africans, the new Jimny is now again available at BB Suzuki Tzaneen at 71 Old Gravelotte Road. The 2018 Suzuki Jimny comes with the choice of two specification levels, namely the GA and GLX, and is offered with two transmission options with a five-speed manual and four-speed automatic coupled to the engine. A host of made-for-adventure Jimny accessories can further beef up this little but legendary off roader. Suzuki’s designers have worked hard to ensure that every styling cue and design element have both a cosmetic and a practical application. The Jimny’s striking angular design pays direct homage to the original LJ Series (1970 – 1981) and the SJ Series (1981 – 1998). The new model has the same upturned front fenders, round headlamps and round orange indicators of the LJ Series and the side slits in the clamshell bonnet of the SJ Series. The upright grille is reminiscent of the previous generation’s Jimny (1998 – 2018) and the SJ Series. This retro-modern design of the new Jimny has found favour the world over. Fans of the Jimny will also recognise the design of the GA specification’s steel wheel, which looks similar to those from previous generations. The moulded bumpers and wheel arches keep painted surfaces far away from rocks, and the squared off design allows for more wheel travel. The square arches also allow for more space to replace, inflate or deflate tyres, which is a boon for anyone who loves playing in the sand. The design of the instrument cluster, dashboard, partly exposed door panels and rear luggage area reminds drivers of the model’s nearly 50 year history, while also incorporating the improvement feedback from owners of these previous models. In front of the driver, the retro theme continues with the tachometer and speedometer housed in separate square binnacles. These instruments are always illuminated, which emphasises the vehicle’s practical application. Every single new Suzuki Jimny has the same mechanical pedigree and is ready for serious off-roading. The backbone of the new Jimny’s capabilities is the ladder frame chassis. In the new model, Suzuki’s engineers have added a patented cross member, the Suzuki X-member, between the two rigid axles.
As an additional benefit, the additional torsional strength has improved the Jimny’s onroad driving dynamics and overall crash safety. Suzuki has strengthened the axle housings by 30% and has added a steering damper to the front suspension to limit steering wheel kickback and vibration on rough terrain. The mechanical four-wheel drive system is greatly enhanced by Suzuki’s Brake Limited Slip Differential (LSD) and electronic stability control systems. The Brake LSD-system adjusts torque to the wheel with grip if another wheel on the same axle starts spinning. The system has an extra-power mode, which kicks in below 30km/h in low-range mode for the best possible traction. The latest Jimny improves on its predecessor’s off-road angles with an approach angle of 37 degrees (35 degrees on the previous model), a departure angle of 49 degrees (46 degrees before) and a breakover angle of 28 degrees (previously 27 degrees). The Jimny has a ground clearance of 210mm, which is 20mm more than the previous model. For the all-new Jimny, Suzuki’s engineers have replaced the M13A 1.3 litre engine with a new 1.5 litre K15B petrol engine. The new engine has a higher compression ratio (10.0:1) and greater thermal efficiency to deliver more power, while using less fuel. The new engine produces 75kW of power at 6000rpm and 130Nm of torque at 4000rpm. All of the Jimny models have air conditioning, power steering and the complete ALLGRIP PRO 4x4 system with Brake LSD, ESP, Hill Hold Control and Hill Descent Control. The GLX models get a host of additional features, including climate control, electric windows and mirrors, Auto LED projector headlamps, remote central locking and cruise control. The GLX models are also fitted with Suzuki’s Smartphone Linkage Display Audio (SLDA).
This double-DIN audio system has a 7-inch infrared-touch screen with Android Auto, Apple Carplay and MirrorLink integration. The system has a USB connector, SD-card slot and Bluetooth hands-free connectivity and the most important features can be controlled by buttons on the leather-covered steering wheel. In the luggage area, perfect for camping trips, the focus on practical space finds application in special utility hooks and screw holes for additional hooks, which are readily available at the nearest Suzuki dealer. The squared-off design means that the luggage space is now 1015mm wide (previously 915mm) and, on GLX models, the seatbacks have been covered in hard-wearing plastic for greater durability. On the GLX models, there are a host of additional features in the storage area. The rear seats can fold down individually, there is an additional removable luggage box and toolbox under the luggage area floor and Suzuki has added an extra 12V socket to power items such as a camping fridge. Suzuki will offer a wide range of accessories for both city-dwellers and off-road enthusiasts. These include mud flaps, side under-garnish strips, under-garnish for the front bumper, front and rear differential guards, utility and luggage hooks and side body mouldings. The GLX model is standard with a four year or 60 000km service plan and the GA model with a two year or 30000km service plan. All models are sold with a five year or 20 0000km mechanical warranty.
11 September 2020
Her More than “flenter-mense” “People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed. Never throw out anyone.” – Audrey Hepburn. As we enter this weird state of limbo between a health pandemic and an economical crisis, I am reminded of the value we place on people and people in our neighbourhoods and our society. As one of my influences (and hubby’s not-so-secret crush) stated above, people are important and in a small community such as ours, this has never been truer. We must stand together and help those around us to stand with us, as this is the only way that we will ever restore not only our own dignity, but that of the greater community. A dignified community is a strong community – a valuable weapon in the fight for change. When was the last time you said “hallo” to your neighbour? Do you even know your neighbour? Have you met that new family who moved into your neighbourhood two weeks ago? Do you know what struggles they face behind those friendly waves and that cloth mask? Guaranteed your children do. Because as any parent will know, there are no better conveyors of all things newsworthy in a neighbourhood, than a primary school pupil. My 7-year old is putting her editor-father to shame almost daily and our 9-year old’s teacher possibly knows more about the goings-on in the Dreyer household than she should. This brings us to a topic that is very close to my heart. Clothing. School uniforms in particular. The lockdown forced most of us into a state of hibernation which brought with it a few extra rolls in places we never even knew we had places. Skinny jeans are now the only thing “skinny” and my favourite top now resembles my favourite bandana. So what do we do about this? Donate it of course! Your clothes which have now become too small or too “last year” do not belong in the bin. There are people in your community much less fortunate than you, but most are too proud to ask you for a helping hand. This is why there are second-hand clothing shops such as that wonderful gem “Dit en Dat” in King Edward Street run by the SAVF. Laerskool Tzaneen Primary has an amazing clothing bank where you can take your child’s school uniform, socks, blazers and jerseys which no longer fit, and it will be redistributed to those learners who cannot afford R800 for a tracksuit or R150 for a shirt. But please, remember that just because your neighbours are less fortunate, does not equate to them not having a sense of pride and dignity. Don’t be that person who donates “flenter” clothes with torn pockets, missing buttons, holes in the trousers or torn collars. The quite simple rule of thumb is “if you would not wear it, don’t expect someone else to wear it”. If it is unfixable, throw it out, but it truly costs you nothing but a little bit of effort over a weekend to sew a new button onto that shirt, fix a zip or patch a small hole. If your child doesn’t want to wear it because of the condition, fix it and donate it, but do not expect another child to wear ripped clothes to school. The families who use the school banks already cannot afford to spend money, now they will have to spend extra money on a new zip or to have it fixed so their child is spared the mockery that will inevitably follow. Not all of us are blessed in the same manner, some are blessed in ways you will never understand, because you do not live in their reality. Yes, you pass them every day, but you do not know their struggles, blessings, or passions. It does not mean they are worthless because they have a different opinion on what is important in life. We must start to realise that every person is different, their minds work different, their hearts work different. And that is perfect! I like different. I like that you are your own person with different views and emotions, handling things differently. I respect you for being you and in the same breath, respect me for being me. I do not mean any harm. The world is filled with enough hate, rejection and judgement. You do not have to entertain the vibes by spreading it too. Much love and happiness,
Chrizelle Dreyer Shitsunge Estate and Development
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6 11 September 2020
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Steynberg Trok & Trekker. 8 Ton Trokke te huur R25.50/KM + BTW, 8 TON KOELER TROK R28/ KM + BTW, 12 TON TROK R27.50/KM + BTW, 35 TON TROK R42/KM + BTW & 20 TON @ R34.50/KM + BTW ,LOWBED TRAILER @ R34.50/KM +BTW, 6 CUBE TIPPER @ R27/KM + BTW EENRIGTING, VRAGMOTOR MET KRAAN @ R2700/DAG (TERME & VOORWAARDES GELD)
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Legals BBP MINING & PROJECTS CC NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR A PROSPECTING RIGHT APPLICATION Notice is hereby given in terms of sections 10(1)(b), 16(4)(b) and 39 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998, as amended (NEMA) and related Regulations & Listing Notices. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY & LOCATION: Barwa Ba Phaladi Mining & Projects CC is in the process of consulting the land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) as required by the law stated above in relation to prospecting activities for Antimony + Gold + Silver + Kyanite + Kyanite (Gemstone) + Feldspar + Feldspar (Gemstone) + Mica minerals (DMR Ref. LP13726PR) & for Copper and Zinc (DMR Ref. LP13784PR) on Farm Hamman 747 LT in the magisterial district of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting is being planned to take place in due course and upon conclusion of engagements with the Land Owner(s), Traditional Leadership and other Stakeholders, the date, venue and time of the meeting will be communicated in the community and published in the public areas around the said Farm. I&APs are also welcome to contact the contact person below for
such meeting details and/ or comments. Due to restrictions by the COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations on Public Gatherings, any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are urged to submit their comments and contact details via email on dphaladi@bbp-mp.co.za / ARNOLD.MUINDISI@GMAIL. COM Land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are given the opportunity to access more information on the proposed activities and to give comment on the process. Please submit your name, contact information and comments and/or requirements in writing to the contact person by 12 October 2020. CONTACT PERSON / CONSULTANT): Arnold Muindisi, Cell: 071 012 2607 / 081 439 7788, Email: ARNOLD.MUINDISI@ GMAIL.COM Fax: 086 758 2869 / 086 512 6724, P.O.Box 509, Morula View, 0196. Sep201___________________________
BBP MINING & PROJECTS CC NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR A PROSPECTING RIGHT APPLICATION Notice is hereby given in terms of sections 10(1)(b), 16(4)(b) and 39 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998, as amended (NEMA) and related Regulations & Listing Notices. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY & LOCATION: Barwa Ba Phaladi Mining
& Projects CC is in the process of consulting the land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) as required by the law stated above in relation to prospecting activities for Antimony + Gold + Silver + Kyanite + Kyanite (Gemstone) + Feldspar + Feldspar (Gemstone) + Mica minerals on Farms Scheiding 746 LT and Leeuwspruit 018 LU (RE) in the magisterial district of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. DMR Ref. LP13724PR. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting is being planned to take place in due course and upon conclusion of engagements with the Land Owner(s), Traditional Leadership and other Stakeholders, the date, venue and time of the meeting will be communicated in the community and published in the public areas around the said Farm. I&APs are also welcome to contact the contact person below for such meeting details and/ or comments. Due to restrictions by the COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations on Public Gatherings, any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are urged to submit their comments and contact details via email on dphaladi@bbp-mp.co.za / ARNOLD.MUINDISI@GMAIL. COM Land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are given the opportunity to access more information on the proposed activities and to give comment on the process. Please submit your name, contact information and comments
and/or requirements in writing to the contact person by 12 October 2020. CONTACT PERSON / CONSULTANT): Arnold Muindisi, Cell: 071 012 2607 / 081 439 7788, Email: ARNOLD.MUINDISI@ GMAIL.COM Fax: 086 758 2869 / 086 512 6724, P.O.Box 509, Morula View, 0196. Sep202___________________________
EVERGREEN RESOURCES (PTY) LTD NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR A PROSPECTING RIGHT APPLICATION Notice is hereby given in terms of sections 10(1)(b), 16(4)(b) and 39 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998, as amended (NEMA) and related Regulations & Listing Notices. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY & LOCATION: Evergreen Resources (Pty) Ltd is in the process of consulting the land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) as required by the law stated above in relation to prospecting activities for Antimony Ore on Farm Magwena 750 LT in the magisterial district of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. DMR Ref. LP13727PR. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING: A public meeting is being planned to take place in due course and upon conclusion of engagements with the Land Owner(s), Traditional Leadership and other Stake-
holders, the date, venue and time of the meeting will be communicated in the community and published in the public areas around the said Farm. I&APs are also welcome to contact the contact person below for such meeting details and/ or comments. Due to restrictions by the COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations on Public Gatherings, any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are urged to submit their comments and contact details via email on erasmus@pshgroup.co.za / ARNOLD.MUINDISI@GMAIL. COM Land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are given the opportunity to access more information on the proposed activities and to give comment on the process. Please submit your name, contact information and comments and/or requirements in writing to the contact person by 12 October 2020. CONTACT PERSON / CONSULTANT): Arnold Muindisi, Cell: 071 012 2607 / 081 439 7788, Email: ARNOLD.MUINDISI@ GMAIL.COM Fax: 086 758 2869 / 086 512 6724, P.O.Box 509, Morula View, 0196. Sep203___________________________
NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court, granted on 23 NOVEMBER 2016 the under-mentioned goods will be sold at 13h00 on 01 OCTOBER 2020 by public auction to the held IN FRONT OF THE SHERIFF STORE – LIMDEV BUILDING MAIN ROAD GIYANI by the sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x Xerox Printer 2 x Samsung Printer 1 x Lenovo CPU 2 x BA Chairs 1 x Pie Warmer 1 x KIC Box Freezer 1 x Box Fridge Sliding Door 2 x Box Freezer 1 x Kelvinator Microwave 1 x Generator 1 x 10 000 LT Fuel 1 x Stock in Trade 1.This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court 2.The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff 3.Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4.Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5.FICA legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6.The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7.Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or
sold subject to confirmation as per hour Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 17TH day of AUGUST 2020. (signed) S. JANSE VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN Tel: (015) 307 4458 Email: litigasie@vanrensburgprok.co.za Ref: RR0041/yb/SJVR Sep204___________________________
IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE SUB- DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN Case Number: 536/2019 In the case between: KADIMESO FINANCE CC E x ecution Creditor And MS OLGA DUNA MAHLO (ID: 700606 0778 081) Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 08 OCTOBER 2019 the under mentioned goods will be sold at 10:00 on 06 OCTOBER 2020 by public auction to be held at SHERIFF NAPHUNO, TRANSNET HOUSE NO: 20, HAMAWASHA, TZANEEN, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, NAPHUNO to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X DEFY DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE 1 X RUSSEL HOBBS MICROWAVE 1 X SMALL DEFY DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE
1 X DEFY BOX FREEZER 1 X DEFY TWINMAID 1 X 4 LOUNGE SUITE (4 X 6 PEACE SEATER) 1 X LG FLATSCREEN TV 1 X TV STAND SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 20 day of AUGUST 2020. (sgd) RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR RUAN VORSTER ATTORNEYS 12 POINSETTIA STREET TZANEEN0850 Email:enica@rvorster.co.za Tel: 015 307 6797 Ref: E MAKHUTHUDISE File No: BB3790 SALE NOTICE 1.This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above honourable court. 2.The rules of the auction is available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 NABOOM STREET, PHALABORWA. 3.Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific conditions, inter alia. 4.Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url <http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961>) 5.FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identify and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6.The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being MRS CINDY VERMAAK or any representative of his office. 7.Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. Sep205___________________________
11 September2020
Sport 11 September 2020
Skoolmeisie wys hardebaarde hoe ■ Roelof de Jonge
Danksy ‘n video van ‘n skoolmeisie wat soos ‘n veldbrand op sosiale media versprei het waar sy die krieketbal keer op keer skoon gemoker het, het die tonge in krieketkringe behoorlik gegons. Sedertdien skyn die kollig nou op plaaslike stêr, Elandri Janse van Rensburg. Die 15-jarige, Janse van Rensburg is ‘n leerder van die Hoërskool Merensky wie se broer, Kobus, op Saterdag die 29ste Augustus die video opname van haar gemaak het terwyl sy besig was om in die krieketnette haar kolfvernuf op te skerp. Diegene wie nog nie gesien het hoe hierdie meisie die krieketkolf na willekeur rondswaai nie, kan gerus Hoërskool Merensky se Facebook-blad besoek en bietjie gaan loer hoe dié gr.9 meisie kan kolf. Janse van Rensburg se passie vir krieket het sedert sy op laerskool was begin ontwikkel waar sy saam met haar broer en sy maats ‘tuinkrieket’ gespeel het. Dié meisie is ook ‘n kranige spiesgooi-atleet en net so behendig met ‘n hokkiestok. Sy was ‘n oud-leerder van die Laerskool Tzaneen waar sy ondermeer in spiesgooi by die Suid-Afrikaanse atletiekkampioenskap ‘n goue medalje verower het. Alhoewel Janse van Rensburg steeds aan atletiek en hokkie deelneem, is krieket haar werklike passie. “My Pa, Wessel en my broer, Kobus is grootliks wie my aanspoor om sukses in krieket te behaal. Hulle help my baie en verstaan wat ek wil bereik. Maar ek moet ook krediet gee aan al die afrigters wie my altyd help en my afrigter hier by Merensky, coach Stebian van der Walt.” Die Proteas vrouespan se openingskolwer, Laura Wolvaardt, is een van die rolmodelle wie Janse van Rensburg nastreef. “Laura het op ‘n baie jong ouderdom begin speel vir die Proteas. Sy het aan my bewys dat selfs op ‘n jong ouderdom kan ‘n mens jou drome bereik. Dis waarom sy ‘n aansporing en rolmodel vir my is.” “My rolmodel het ook selfs my video gesien en vir my ‘n baie bemoedigende boodskap gestuur waar sy gesê het ek moet net aanhou om hard te werk. Ek het vir my krieketheld baie dankie gesê waarop sy teruggeantwoord het dat as ek aanhou hard
werk, wie weet, dan kan ons eendag moontlik nog saam in die Proteas-span speel. Janse van Rensburg sê sy besef dat dit ongelooflike harde werk en deursettingsvermoë gaan verg om dié vlak van professionale krieket te bereik, maar dit sy wel kan sien daarvoor om haar droom te verwesenlik. “Ek maak gewoonlik video opnames met my selfoon van my oefensessies sodat ek na dié tyd dit kan bestudeer om te bepaal waar ek foute begaan. Wanneer my broer van Johannesburg hier kuier, dan maak ons tyd om saam krieket te oefen. Ek het regtig nie verwag dat die video só ‘n inpak sou maak nie!” Volgens die krieketbestuurder van die Hoërskool Merensky, Stebian van der Walt, verdien Janse van Rensburg die agting vir die individuele werk wat sy tydens die Covid-19 grendeltyd ingesit het. Sy en haar mede-spelers het geen keuse gehad as om op hul eie
te oefen nie. “Dit het geverg dat die spelers kreatief moes dink om hul krieketvernuf opgeskerp te hou. Ek het tydens die inperkings deur middel van die Zoom video program oefensessies aangebied. Ek het oefensessies gemaak vir die spelers om by hul huise toe te pas.” “Ek dink dié blootstelling wat sy gekry het deur die video het haar selfs meer aangespoor om haar doelwit te bereik. Maar dit gaan verg dat sy nou harder moet werk om daardie doelwit te bereik” Janse van Rensburg is egter vasbeslote en positief dat sy wel met volharding, geloof en hardewerk hierdie doelwit sal kan bereik. “Die spelers moes in hierdie moeilike omstandighede mense by die huis inspan om soms te help om die oefeninge te kan.” “Gelukkig was my broer tydens die eerste twee maande van die grendeltyd hier in Tzaneen gewees om my te kon help met die oefeninge. Sy liefde en passie vir krieket sowel as sy kennis van die sport was ek gelukkig om te kon oefen”, het Janse van Rensburg gesê. Om ‘n krieketbal keer op keer met mening raak te slaan vereis nogal fisiese krag om dit vol te kan hou. Janse van Rensburg reken spiesgooi het beslis gehelp om haar fisies sterker te maak. “Ek het ‘n onblusbare passie vir krieket en my mikpunt is om hard daaraan te werk, want dis al hoe ek my mikpunt gaan bereik. My eerste doelwit is om vir die Proteas se o/19-span te speel. Daarna wil ek my opwerk om uiteindelik vir die Proteas se senior vrouespan te speel.” “Ek sal net volhou om hard te werk en as ek wel eendag vir die Proteas in aanmerking sal kom, sal ek baie dankbaar daarvoor wees.” Janse van Rensburg sê vir ontspanning spandeer sy graag tyd om krieket op TV te kyk saam haar familie. Haar skoolwerk neem sy natuurlik baie ernstig op en glo dis belangrik om ook akademies te presteer. Vir ontspanning is oefen een van haar gunsteling tydverdrywe. Fiksheid is vir haar baie belangrik en spandeer graag tyd om te gaan draf.
Elandri Janse van Rensburg saam met die krieketbestuurder van die Hoërskool Merensky, Stebian van der Walt. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge