Bulletin Newspaper 18 September 2020

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TWO FIRES IN ONE WEEK IN KRUGER This week SANParks confirmed that a second camp had suffered severe fire damage as a restaurant at Berg en Dal Rest Camp went up in flames on Monday evening. This was just days after the shop and staff room in Letaba Rest Camp suffered a similar fate. The spokespeople for SANParks have asked people not to speculate after rumours were spread that the fires could have been caused by disgruntled employees now forced to retrun to their staff quarters. Page 2.



18 September 2020

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2 18 September 2020




Alert Level 1 but masks must stay Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print

Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

■ Joe Dreyer South Africa held its breath on Wednesday evening, the 16th of September, as they anticipated the live address by President Cyril Ramaphosa on the progress of the

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

nation’s efforts to curb the spread of Coronavirus. Not surprisingly, the national State of Emergency has once again been extended for another 30 days, to the 15th of October. The reason for this apparently, is to prevent what Ramaphosa claimed to a second wave of infections which will be deadlier than the first. “A number of countries passed the peak of the disease and some even lifted most of the restrictions on economic trade and some of these countries were hit by a second more deadly wave,” said Ramaphosa. “We now have efficient capacity to expand the criteria for testing. All those admitted to hospital as well as outpatients will now be tested. Along with increased testing, effective tracing and contact systems like mobile apps will be implemented. I want to

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 24 Rooibos Str, Arbor Park, Tzaneen E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


make a call to all people with mobile phones to download the Covid Alert Mobile App.” Alarmingly, Ramaphosa announced that all international travellers who enter South Africa, will be requested to present proof of a negative test result and will be required to download the Covid Alert app. To drive home the apparent urgency to have as many citizens registered on this app, he marketed the app as zero rated, which means it does not use data when operated. He also claimed that the app does not collect and distributed personal information but will alert users if they have come into contact with anyone who tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 14 days. The drop to Alert Level 1 brings some, but not full relief to the local economy, specifically to businesses in Haenertsburg, Tzaneen and Hoedspruit which is predominantly carried by the tourism industry. Some of these measures include a relaxation on the total number of patrons at venues from 50, to 500 for outdoor gatherings and 250 people for indoor gatherings. The allowances are subject to the wearing of a mask and sanitizing of hands. The national curfew will still be in effect, albeit as well policed as it has been thus far but will now apply between midnight and 4:00am which means restaurants and other venues can serve patrons for an

extra two hours. Alcohol can also be sold at these venues with strict adherence to the national curfew. The sale of alcohol is now permitted from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00 for home consumption. Still, for some logical reason which completely escapes this writer, there will only be a maximum of 100 people allowed to attend a funeral, and night vigils are still off the cards. Exercise facilities and theatres will be allowed to operate at 50% of their venue’s capacity while existing restrictions on certain sporting activities and events remain in place. Restrictions on international travel will be lifted as of the 1st of October, though a list of countries with high infection rates will be published and travel to those countries will be prohibited. Only three airports in the country will be permitted for international departures and arrivals namely King Shaka, OR Thambo and Cape Town international airports. All long-term visas will be reinstated. Ramaphosa made mention almost in passing, of the massive unadulterated raping of state coffers by members within his party and their cadres. “Law enforcement agencies are investigating the allegations of all misappropriation of Covid funds. As the Special Investigations Unit completes their studies we will be able to make their findings public.”

Another fire in the KNP ■ Billy Sibuyi

“No speculations please,” these were the words of the SANParks management following the Kruger National Park (KNP) reporting a second fire in the park within days of the first one in Letaba Rest Camp. A restaurant in Berg en Dal Rest Camp was set ablaze on Monday, the 14th of September. The fire reportedly started in the restaurant’s kitchen. This fire, which is believed to have started around 10:00 on Monday is still being investigated, similarly too, the first fire a week ago in Letaba which started around 22:00. Currently it is unclear what, or indeed who, started the fires in either of the cases. However, DA Shadow Minister of Environment Forestry and Fisheries, James Lorimer, believes the fires are coming at a time when the park management are failing to provide answers about the availability of accommodation in the park. SANParks countered in a statement on Monday afternoon that people should not speculate. “The contractor team who are refurbishing the units at the camp, along with staff members, reacted quickly and managed to contain the fire before it could spread throughout the whole building, but part of the facility, kitchen and dining hall, has been damaged.” A great big thank you The Move One Million Tzaneen Committee would like to express their sincerest appreciation to the community of Tzaneen who participated in the Awareness Campaign on the 5th of September. A special word of thanks go to Far North Bulletin - Joe and Roelof for the extensive exposure, the Tzaneen SAPS and their members present, the Municipal Traffic Department, ER24, Northern Security, Letaba Security, Large Security, Dave Protter and last but not least, Soundmaster - who played Jerusale-

with which SANParks has treated criticism on social media. Meanwhile a trade union has made allegations of wide-scale corruption and nepotism in the Park’s management structures,” concluded Lorimer. “Minister Barbara Creecy and SANParks owe the public an explanation.”

Lorimer said that at a Portfolio Committee, meeting which was held earlier this month, he requested the parks CEO, Fundisile Mketeni, to provide more details of how many accommodation units were not in-use and what the reasons were for the units not being available. He had given Mketeni 24 hours to respond to his query but due to other relations he was afforded 7 days to respond. “That deadline has come and gone, and if Mketeni has delivered his report, it has not been passed on to MPs,” stated Lorimer. Furthermore, Lorimer stated that the lack of response strengthens the perception that there are major problems at the Park, which are being deliberately hidden by Park management. “This perception is fed by large numbers of complaints by members of the public who have visited the park and by the extreme hostility ma for us so loudly that you could not resist joining in. Further thanks go to Blue Dot Printers for the sponsoring of posters and printing of t-shirts, and Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre for the use of their parking area. Move One Million Tzaneen is an Awareness Campaign working in connection with Move One Million Internationally. It was started by Jarrette Pretzer and it stands for a South Africa that is undivided. One South Africa without crime and corruption. One South Africa ruled by truth and justice. Move One Million stands for one South

Africa for all - regardless of race, religion or language. A country where hate is overcome by love and unity. Move One Million supports direct Elections and the right for every SA citizen to choose their leaders at all levels in government, to ensure future accountability and the future of South Africa. A future where all South Africans are guided by the love for their country. Should you like to have more information, follow the Move One Million Tzaneen Facebook page for regular updates on more campaigns. Rona McGaffin

084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


Jaques van Niekerk




4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen met enige voorgeskrewe bril urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.

e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part Gratis voorgeskrewe sonbril saam the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 14/09/2020

Tzaneen 11.4%

Ebenezer 12.6%

Merensky 100.4%

Dap Naude 92.7%

Middel Letaba 1.3%

Blyde Rivier Poort 79.5%

Klaserie 89.8%

Tours 15.5%

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Ohrigstad 10.1%

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11 Rencole e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, Building, Loop Street, Tzaneen med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.

e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.

ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.





18 September2020


Confusion over water troubles Almost ■ Billy Sibuyi

There has been a total censorship of information coming out of the municipality regarding the water crisis that is currently affecting Phalaborwa on a week-in and week-out basis. The water scarcity in Phalaborwa has become a forced norm and it is left to the various ward councilors to try and calm down infuriated residents who have been without water, for longer than they have had access to water this past month. Over the past week, and for a period of no less than three days, residents in different sections of the town were either left with no water, or minimum water pressure, something which does not seem to bother the powers that be.

Despite the band-aid stuck over the massive gaping hole in the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s service delivery in the form of a water truck, some residents are still not receiving any water. “The truck does not even stop at our street, and this is something that normally happens,” said a resident. “We don’t need a damn water truck, we need water in our taps! Fix your mess and get your priorities straight for the sake of your rate payers!” Residents of Molengraaf and Frans du Toit Street were left to fend for water, using buckets or purchasing from a local mineral water supplier if they were to have any water at all in their homes. Bulletin has reported weekly over the last month on this crisis and we have tried in vain to gain any real clarity other than a generic response from the spokesperson of the BPM. The situation is not being resolved and lip service or blame shifting is not going to mend it any sooner. The municipal manager must be held accountable. Frustrated Phalaborwa residents, who have been hit hard with the self-imposed municipal drought say that they have been living off purchased water for days on end and are willing to boycott the water bill at the end of the month. Different pipelines across town have been seeping out squeaky-clean water for over two months now and to date have not been fixed. Water projects have been left unattended and barricaded in the middle of the road for many months across town and in one instance an excavator operator employed by the municipality uprooted one of the main water supply pipes while digging to repair it. As reported several weeks ago, Aalwyn Street is

still barricaded, in the middle of the road, for over three months now. Hundreds of residents have been affected and are outraged at the incompetence of the municipality as suspicions arise that the real reason behind the problem is in fact being covered up. This is because the municipality has not provided an adequate explanation as to exactly what the problem is. The seemingly empty claims by the district municipality’s spokesperson, Odas Ngobeni, that the district would take over the water billing from the Ba-Phalaborwa municipality has not produced any outcome as the water woes continue. The Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, has countless times acknowledged to Bulletin that the water infrastructure in Phalaborwa was aged and that the matter had been reported to the district municipality, who are now saying it is not their duty to maintain the water infrastructure but that of the local municipality since they don’t collect revenue. Bulletin issued an enquiry to the Ba-Phalaborwa Spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, last month and to date we have not received a response from the competent spokesperson. ***Editor’s Comment: The spokesperson for this municipality is neglecting his duties by ignoring the media and their inquiries. I still have inquiries which have remained unanswered related to matters as far back as 2018. It is almost as though the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality have elevated themselves above the interests of their ratepayers. It is indeed a sad day.

a statistic

■ Jeff Jackson An elderly couple narrowly escaped what could have been another farm attack on Wednesday evening. The couple, both in their 80’s, live on a plot in Lushof just outside Tzaneen. Sometime during the evening, the couple noticed that their dog was behaving strangely, looking up at their roof while barking incessantly. The elderly gentleman went to investigate and noticed three suspects on their property around their home. One of the suspects was on top of the roof. The elderly gentleman fired shots at the suspect on the roof with his air rifle while his wife pressed the panic button which activated armed response. The three suspects fled into the night. Breedt Security, the farm watch and Letaba Brandwag reacted to the panic signal. It is reported that upon closer inspection it was discovered that the suspect on the roof was intended to distract the inhabitants of the house while the other two broke through the front door. It was also discovered that one of the window’s putty was being removed, presumably by one of the suspects who was interrupted by the gentleman and his air rifle. Due to the swift response by the reaction teams the couple was unharmed. Residents of the Lushof area are reminded to remain vigilant as criminals will take advantage of the rainy evenings to pursue their evil intentions.

Narrow escape for spokesperson ■ Joe Dreyer

have been hijacked.” Smit said at that moment he saw the suspects in the bush. They The spokesperson for the Limpopo Health Department, Neil were armed and appeared to be heading into the direction of Shikwambana, was saved from what he termed “certain death” on where they were parked, so he fired warning shots to ward them Friday evening. This after he was hijacked near Burgersdorp on his off. It worked. The men ran off into the darkness. The police way home to his wife and baby. and other security teams including Tracker SA arrived on It is reported that three men hijacked him and loaded him into scene and a search for the suspects began. Information the boot of his Mercedes C220d before driving off to a secluded attained from Shikwambana sent some police members section of the dirt road that connects the Julesburg road with to Maake Plaza where it is believed that the third suspect the R36 near Ofcolaco. This was at around 19:30 on Friday was busy drawing money from the victim’s bank account. evening. Bulletin managed to contact Shikwambana the Local security company owner, Willie Smit, received following day over Facebook messenger as his cell the call of the hijacked vehicle and with the phone had been taken by the suspects and we assistance of another security company managed could not reach him there. “That man is my hero” to locate Shikwambana’s cell phone location. he said. On his Facebook timeline he wrote “And Tracker SA and the SAPS in the area were activated through it all I silently prayed; God is our refuge and while Smit and his wife Annatjie rushed toward strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” the location of the phone. “He told me that just moments before our “It was pitch black darkness along that stretch arrival, he had heard his two captors tell each of dirt road and out of the corner of my eye I other that they were going to kill him and leave spotted something reflecting my bakkie’s lights his body next to his vehicle. He said all he could in the dense bush to the side of the road. That’s think of was would he ever see his wife and baby when we spotted the white vehicle and the again,” said Annatjie. suspects in the dark,” recalled Smit. The Smits’ and Shikwambana have been in contact At that moment, a man came running out of since. We requested an interview with the spokesperson the bush towards the Smits’ vehicle. “I initially and his saviours, but at the time of going to print we had thought he was one of the hijackers and almost not been able to get all parties together in one place. Smit shot him as he ran up to my driver’s side window. suffered some damage to his bakkie during the chase Limpopo Health Department When I pointed my firearm at him, he held his after the hijacked vehicle and Shikwambana was heavily hands up and yelled please, please don’t shoot I spokesperson Neil Shikwambana

Willie Smit, owner of Wilkie Security.

traumatized albeit uninjured. The department of health in Limpopo have not released a statement on the matter.

4 18 September 2020





Fines for dumping Murderer gets life ■ Billy Sibuyi Phalaborwa residents are embroiled in a battle that would seem they cannot win. Illegal dumping. More specifically the dumping of household rubbish by people who have no regard for the environment, let alone the municipal bylaws. Heaps of rubbish is visible along one of the main arteries that runs through town; Park Street. Bulletin has been inundated with calls from concerned residents who often must walk past the piles of household trash, including old fridges, broken microwaves, bottles, and doors strewn at the side of the road just near the stream. The municipality? Well the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality (BPM) simply does not enforce the dumping bylaws in their area of jurisdiction. Bulletin has the name and address details of one of the biggest regular dumpers. In the past, we have contacted dumpers like these, and offered them a deadline to pickup their rubbish or we will publish

their names. A year ago, the municipality spent thousands of Rands erecting a barricade across Wildevy Park in a bid to deter illegal dumping and parking. The municipality also spent several thousand Rands in ‘revamping’ the dilapidated park after it became the center of the town’s embarrassment. The revamping of the park only lasted a few days as workers removed the wild grass with the hopes of replanting new grass and getting the fountain working again amongst other things, but just like any other municipal project it came to a complete halt and is far worse now than what it used to be. Bulletin has several times requested for the scope of work into Wildevy Park, which is located across the post office, but to this day our enquiry is being tossed from pillar to post. The spokesperson for the municipality, Jonas Mahesu, appears to have other far more important items on his agenda than dealing with the media as per his only mandate. He did however say that as the municipality it was their responsibility to ensure the town stays clean and with people dumping everywhere it hindered that process. He said that the municipality would impose a fine to anyone who is found to be dumping illegally in town, and that people would be sent to clean up the area. “We know that there are some places where people dump their things illegally and we call upon anyone who sees such activity to report the culprits,” concluded Mahesu. ***Editor’s Comment: If you know that people are regularly dumping illegally in the same neighbourhood, Mr Mahesu, why do you not send a cleaning crew to said area and catch the perpetrators in the act. You can fine them on the spot. How is the BPM going to enforce the fines when they cannot even enforce decent service delivery?

Michael Sakuneka

A 26-year-old man was sentenced to life imprison after he was found guilty of the murder of a 24-yearold student medical doctor, Xongile Shiluvane in Mankweng earlier this year. His case was heard in the Polokwane Magistrate Court on Tuesday. Ntiyiso Xilumani was arrested in January this year after the body of Dr. Shongile Nkhwashu, who was his girlfriend at the time, was found in her room at Mankweng hospital. Xilumani was sentenced on evidence that he had organized to kill his girlfriend and that for several months he had been sending threatening sms's to Dr. Nkhwashu's father,

threatening that he was going to kill her. Meanwhile in another court appearance, two suspects who are Zimbabwean nationals were denied bail in the Polokwane Magistrate Court, also on Tuesday, where they appeared on charges of the murder of Polokwane businesswoman Lizette Deacon, and her mother Hettie Deacon last weekend. The two suspects were arrested in Mokopane and Polokwane respectively. The case has been postponed until the 15th of September for trial. Limpopo Police Spokesperson, Brigadier Motlafela Mojapelo said they are expecting to arrest more suspects into this murder.

No kidnapping syndicates ■

Jeff Jackson

A video clip of an apparent abduction doing the rounds on social media platforms has created panic in Polokwane and Tzaneen. The video clip allegedly shows a woman being kidnapped by two men and forcefully put into their vehicle, allegedly in Polokwane. Provincial SAPS spokeperson, Spokesperson, Brig Motlafela Mojapelo confirmed that this incident did not occur in Polokwane. “We are aware of video clips and messages that are doing the rounds on social media and we do not have records of these events in Polokwane. All these are meant to cause unnecessary panic.” Other messages, claiming that a syndicate of kidnappers has arrived in Polokwane, is also doing the rounds. These messages are also urging people to avoid the central business district as well as visiting malls on their own. Again, Mojapelo has

denied this. “We do not have a problem of human trafficking in Polokwane. In fact, since May until now, only five people were reported missing in the Polokwane area and all of them have been found, either at their boyfriends, brothers or fathers homes,” Mojapelo added. He said the city or the province cannot have nogo areas, and urged people to be vigilant when walking the streets, as well as report any suspected criminal activity. “The Station Commander, Brig Gift Makhubela, is leading targeted operations at our identified hot-spots in the city to prevent crime. For them to be successful, we need active involvement from the business sector and community members,” he added. Mojapelo said they are not in any way saying there is no crime in Polokwane, but that it has not spiralled out of control as insinuated on social media platforms.

MEC ‘shocked’ over roads Meters are currency ■

Michael Sakuneka

The construction work for two major roads in the Greater Letaba Municipality will be expected to resume in November this year. The two roads include the D11 in Mamaila Kolobetona in Sekgosese and D3200 between Mohlabaneng and Mokwakwaila in Bolobedu. This after provincial MEC for Public Works and Infrastructure, Dickson Masemola visited the two roads on earlier this month to assess their condition. Masemola was accompanied by a member of the Mayoral Committee for Transport in Mopani, councillor Japisa Mathonsi, and Greater Letaba Mayor, Peter Matlou. Speaking after the oversight visits at the two projects, Masemola said community leaders must work together to ensure the projects are completed in time. "Our people had been stressed by the condition of these roads for too long and through the construction of the two roads we will relieve them of extra stress,” Masemola said. The Mohlabaneng road which was tarred years ago

through the Kundo Lashu project, where manual methods (hand and wheelbarrows) were used, was badly degraded and becoming a death trap for motorists traveling between Khosothupa and Molwakwaila. In January this year, Limpopo Premier Stanley Mathabatha, who is also an ANC Provincial Chairperson lambasted Greater Letaba Mayor Peter Matlou for ignoring the road. ***Editor’s Comment: Is it not strikingly apparent that only moments before elections, the ANC councillors spring into action? The roads in question did not suddenly become degraded and potholed overnight. Nor can it be believed that MEC for Public Works and Infrastructure, Dickson Masemola or Premier Stan Mathabatha, were not aware of the state of the roads under the care of their departments and their municipal managers. The article clearly states that the residents of this area have had to endure the state of these roads for many years and that the last time the roads were worked on, they were still using wheelbarrows and shovels. Who are you kidding MEC Masemola?

Joe Dreyer

Water problems in parts of Tzaneen can be attributed to more than just an empty reservoir. On Thursday morning five residents reported stolen water meters in Circle Drive, Park street and MediPark which caused huge volumes of water to spew into the sky. The GTM’s water management team were quick to respond and had to shut down the water supply to these areas in order to repair the damage. “We are losing between five and seven meters a day due to theft and its costing the municipality money. A meter costs almost R500, plus the cost

of repairing the leaks. When we repair these leaks we have to switch off supply which affects our residents. We are also losing thousands of liters of purified water due to this theft. We suspect that the meters are being stolen to be sold as scrap metals. We will engage the SAPS to look closely into the matter,” said GTM Head of Communications, Neville Ndlala. In the meantime a water pipe was struck by a drill during horizontal drilling exercise in Arbor park earlier this week which caused the entire neighbourhood to sit without water for a good portion of an entire day. The damage was done by a contractor affiliated to the Frogfoot fibre installers currently digging up the town.

Farewell Sue On the 4th of September this year, Tzaneen bid farewell to another of the town’s beloved inhabitants. Sue Randall, loving mother, daughter, sister and a friend to many, passed away at the age of 75. Born in Kenya and having lived in Zambia and South Africa, her unrivalled passion for nature and love for life was as infectious as her laughter. She operated the Avis Agency in Tzaneen for over 30 years. She will be sorely missed.

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6 18 September 2020





Granny’s Grumbles - FLIES (Remembering an old friend)

I have written about rats, weevils and lice and I think it’s about time flies get an honourable mention. My daughter posts these stories on Facebook and I always get a nice warm glow when I get “likes” and comments, but my last story – The Hapless Louse received only one comment, Now was this because it was a lousy story or because the actual subject was lousy? Who knows? The one and only comment was from a teacher and I suspect that teachers know more about lice than the average Joe and although she admitted that she felt traumatised she was quite open

about sharing her views. However ten days later I received a whatsapp from a friend who resides at Macadamia Village which I found extremely amusing and thought I should share it: “I happily gave my mother a memo from school and she suddenly transformed into somebody I hardly recognised! She shot off to the nearest pharmacy and before I even had lunch my hair was being washed with some evil-smelling shampoo and then my scalp was nearly ripped off with a horrible little two-sided black comb. It was absolute torture as I had long thick, curly hair and I had to hang my head over a white sheet to make sure nothing got away! I don’t remember seeing anything other than the loose hair that came out so I assumed that all was well” ...and now on to my fly story. Flies have always been a problem when one decides to braai in Phalaborwa, but during the eighties there was a year when it was particularly bad. My hubby was convinced it was my six laying hens which were resident at the bottom of the garden but since the whole of Phalaborwa was complaining I felt more than a little aggrieved that my poultry was being blamed. Anyway – on a visit to the stables I saw their home-made fly traps which seemed to be doing an amazing job so I persuaded my better half to visit the stables and then make something similar. He was very taken by the idea and within a day he had made one. I don’t know if any reader has seen these contraptions – made out of a two litre plastic coke bottle with four holes drilled about halfway up the bottle. Plop in some foul-smelling raw mince and half a cup of water, then replace

container of Jeyes fluid and half a litre of bleach was emptied into said drain and still the flies remained and the smell got no better. Since the in-laws were arriving the following afternoon I gave him an earful and told him I didn’t care what happened – that stench must be removed. When I arrived home from work the smell was gone – he had eventually removed the flies with a small spade and then buried them in the garden. However, the original trap had been so successful that he had made another one. Our guests arrived and the father at least was so impressed by the gadget that he immediately made one when he returned home and from all accounts it gave him hours of pleasure. Which I suppose proves that the trappers of old obviously passed down a lot of their genes…

the cap, tie some string around it and hang from a tree. The results were incredible – within thirty-six hours the body count was staggering. Flies appear to be able to find their way through any tiny hole to get to food, but they don’t know how to find their way out. Each day after work my spouse would check on the trap and congratulate himself. He was even inviting friends around to witness the results. Men love this sort of thing. After about ten days I reminded him that our daughter’s soon-to-be inlaws were coming to visit for the first time and a smelly fly-trap (it was beginning to stink} would not be a particularly good first impression. My husband mused on how to empty it – I suggested a large hole and bury the entire contraption, but he had other ideas. I arrived home after work the following afternoon and walked through to the kitchen to be met by the worst stench imaginable. What the heck was going on? The bathroom smelt even worse but I couldn’t find the source. Hubby was on afternoon shift so I had to wait for him to arrive home that night. Turned out that my knuckle-headed spouse had decided to remove the fly mass out of the bottle and put it into the kitchen drain. As he explained to me he had taken the grid out of the drain and assumed that the solidified mass of fly carcases would be swept away with the kitchen water. An entire

“The sense of smell is most closely related to memory. Memories that incorporate smell are the strongest.”

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www.reallysa.co.za Legals DEVELOPLAN KENNISGEWING - Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit: Ek, Theo Kotze, as die agent van die eienaar van ondergemelde eiendom, gee hiermee kennis dat ek aansoek gedoen het by die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, in terme van die Groter Tzaneen Ruimtelikebeplanning en Grondgebruikbestuur By-wet (2017), vir die volgende: i) Spesiale toestemming vir die oprig van ‘n 25m telekommunikasie (boom tipe) mas en basisstasie op Gedeelte 2 van Erf 640 Tzaneen Uitbr. 6 (Sirkelrylaan 30). Besonderhede van voormelde aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Direkteur: Stadsbeplanning, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat 38, Tzaneen, vir 'n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 18 September 2020. Enige beswaar/ vertoë moet hetsy skriftelik of mondelings (indien u nie kan skryf nie), by of tot die Munisipale Bestuurder voor die sluitingsdatum vir die indiening van sodanige besware/vertoë by bovermelde adres of by Posbus 24, Tzaneen, 0850 ingedien of gerig word, tesame met vermelding van bogenoemde beskrywing van die aansoek, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die grond(e) van die beswaar/vertoë, die beswaarmaker se erfnommer en telefoonnommer(s) en adres. SLUITINGSDATUM VIR DIE INDIENING VAN BESWARE/VERTOË: 18 Oktober 2020. AGENT: DEVEL-

OPLAN STADSBEPLANNERS, POSBUS 1883, POLOKWANE, 0700, TEL. 015-2914177 FAKS: 0862183267. tecoplan@mweb.co.za. NOTICE - Greater Tzaneen Municipality: I, Theo Kotze, as the agent of the owner of the property mentioned below, hereby give notice that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality, in terms of the Greater Tzaneen Spatial Planning and Land Use Management By-law (2017), for the following: i) Special Consent for the establishment of a 25m telecommunication (tree type) mast and base station on Portion 2 of Erf 640 Tzaneen Ext 6 (30 Circle Drive). Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager: Town Planning, Civic Centre, 38 Agatha Street, Tzaneen, 0850 for a period of 30 days from 18 September 2020. Any objections/representations must be lodged with or made in writing, or verbally if unable to write, to the Manager: Town Planning, at the above-mentioned address or posted to P.O. Box 24, Tzaneen, 0850 on or before the closing date for the submission of objections/representations, quoting the above mentioned application description, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s erf number and phone numbers and address. CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF

OBJEC TIONS/REPRESENTATIONS: 18 October 2020. AGENT: DEVELOPLAN TOWN PLANNERS, P.O. Box 1883, Polokwane, 0700. Fax: 086 218 3267. Email: tecoplan@ mweb.co.za. Sep301___________________________

NOTICE: LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 68 of the Deeds of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, of the intention to apply for the issue of certified copy of Title Deed T44766/1994 passed by STUART DOUGLAS CAVILL TAYLOR, Identity Number 410213 5006 00 5, Married out of community of property, in favour of DOORNLAB EIENDOMME PROPRIETARY LIMITED, Registration Number: 1985/000893/07 in respect of certain PORTION 4 (A PORTION OF PORTION 1) OF THE FARM HANSFONTEIN 456, Registration Division L.T., Limpopo Province which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Register of Deeds Limpopo at Polokwane within two weeks from the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen on this the 11TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2020. Application: Joubert & May Attorneys Address: 50 Boundary Street, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel no: 015 307-3660 Email address: fransie@joubertmay.co.za

Ref: Fransie/FD294 Sep302___________________________

LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Transfer T54989/2008, passed by DOORNHOEK EQUESTRIAN ESTATE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED, Registration Number 2005/019290/07, in favour of DOORNHOEK EQUESTRIAN ESTATE HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION (VERENIGING INGELYF KRAGTENS ARTIKEL 21), Registration Number 2007/004715/08, in respect of certain ERF 4730 TZANEEN EXTENSION 81 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, Deeds Office, 101 Dorp Street, Polokwane, Limpopo within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 16th day of September 2020. Applicant: Thomas & Swanepoel Attorneys / Ref: S2621 / J Jacobsz Address: 19 Peace Street, Tzaneen E-mail address: judy@tslegal.co.za Contact number: 015 307 1027 Sep303___________________________





18 September2020


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POSTE BESKIKBAAR Die SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool het onderwysposte beskikbaar vir 2021. Toepaslike tersiêre kwalifikasies waaroor persone moet beskik is NQF 4-7 in Grondslagfase. Diensaanvaarding: 1 Januarie 2021. Sluitingsdatum vir aansoeke: 7 Oktober 2020. Persone wat aansoek wil doen, kan vir Mariette Cronje kontak: tzaneen.principal@savf.co.za of tel: 015 3074255.

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8 18 September 2020





Palabora Copper return to refill taxi sanitizers ■ Billy Sibuyi

Raymond Motubase, a taxi rank chairman, was full of praise after a local mine refilled their vehicle sanitisers. “We have different mines surrounding Ba-Phalaborwa and it is only Palabora Mining Company (PMC) that has assisted us with PPE,” he said. “We are really happy, and our customers are also happy because of PMC helping us out.

Second round of sanitiser distribution at local taxi rank.

It shows that they don’t just focus on their employees only but everyone else.” PMC is no stranger to the Local Taxi Association of Phalaborwa and Lulekani area. The company, for the second time, went out to the taxi rank to educate, create awareness on the basic principles of hygiene practice for Covid-19 purposed on Friday, the 11th of September. According to PMC, the programme was a quest to re-fill the taxi driver’s sanitising bottles with the objective of ensuring that both commuters and the taxi community were being disinfected before and after they handle money in the taxi. The Transformation, Stakeholder Engagement and Internal Communications Department in conjunction with the ‘Covid-19 Busters’ at PMC felt that giving sanitisers to the local taxi drivers was a step in the right direction to keep the community safe. “Before we are employees of PMC, we are community members and therefore we care equally for your health and safety. This is a boost to the stock that you will be buying to protect yourself and your communities,” said Nozipho Zitha, PMC Transformation Superintendent. The outreach programme also included other strategic stakeholders from the Department of Health locally, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, South African Police Services (SAPS) and the local South African National Defence Force (SANDF) who make up the Joint Operations Committee (BaPhalaborwa JOC), who in turn shared knowledge on life lessons and prevention measures to stop the spread of the virus. Colonel Rakhadani from the Mopani District, Zone 3, and

Local taxi drivers getting thier bottles filled up with sanitisers.

Chairperson of JOC Covid-19 sealed the day with a strong message and cautioned drivers not to contravene the Covid-19 regulations. “We are still seeing overloading in taxis. Remember you are carrying people’s lives”, exclaimed Rakhadani. The remaining sanitising 5 litre bottles were left with the Taxi Association Chairperson to continue empowering their members by refilling the empty bottles.





1821 September2020 August 2020





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10 18 September 2020





Merensky matrieks kyk terug hul na ‘skiewiejaar’ ■ Roelof de Jonge Een van die tradisies by die Hoërskool Merensky is dat die gr.8 groep leerders jaarliks ‘n tydkapsule met gedenkwaardighede versamel en dit langs die skool se museum begrawe. Wanneer dié leerders hul matriekjaar bereik, grawe hulle hul tydkapsules op om terug te kyk na die vele oomblikke van hul eerste jaar op hoërskool oftewel skiewiejaar. Die matriekklas van 2020 het hierdie tradisie vier jaar gelede ingestel. Kort voor die aanvang van die rekordeksamen het dié gr.12 Plasies uiteindelik hulle tydkapsule opgrawe. Die ‘skiewies’ van 2016, Suandrie Corbett en Dirk Crafford, het met ‘n graaf uit die skool se museum die eerste tydkapsule opgegrawe. Die geleentheid het vir groot opwinding gesorg en daar was veral lekker geskater oor die destydse modes, haarstyle en gunsteling keuses van daardie betrokke jaar. Met die deurblaai van die individuele skoolfoto’s was dit duidelik hoe die jong en skaam skiewies letterlik ‘n

gedaantewisseling ondergaan het, na pragtige jong mense wat Merensky met trots in die toekoms sal verteenwoodig. Liedjies soos ‘Smaak jou stukkend’ van Snotkop, ‘Hartseer Gangster’ van Bittereinder en Designer se ‘Panda’ was ondermeer die gunstelinge wat tydens hul gr.8 jaar gewild was. Die Fees Must Fall-veltod, Donald Trump se aanspraak op presidentskap en die Springbokke wat teen Japan gesneuwel het in ‘n Wêreldbeker rugbywedstryd was ondermeer van die nuushoogtepunte van daardie betrokke jaar. The Purge, Tarzan en Central Intelligence was van die ‘moet-kyk’ rolprente van 2016 wat die leerders se aandag op daardie tydstip getrek het. Daar is ook teruggekyk na van die hoogtepunte van die 2016 Skiewiekonsert en die vuurdoop in die MooPoo modderdoopbad om die gr.8 leerders in te lyf. “Ons sien uit na wanneer die gr.8 leerders van 2020 wie in 2024 hulle tydkapusles gaan opgrawe. “Wie weet, behalwe van Covid-19, wat dan gaan opslae maak?”, het Louis du Preez, bemarkingsbestuurder van die Hoërskool Merensky gesê.

Thiart at the helm

Dirk Crafford en Suandrie Corbett. Foto:Verskaf

Exciting times ahead for Merensky’s MDDA

■ Roelof de Jonge

Pharmacist Louise Thiart (centre) was recently appointed as the new manager of Van Heerden Pharmacy Tzaneen. With her is the dedicated team of pharmacists consisting out of Annin van Rensburg, Annelise Hugo, Ancá du Plessis and Walda Campbell. Photo: Roelof de Jonge

■ Roelof de Jonge Louise Thiart, pharmacist at Van Heerden Pharmacy Tzaneen, is one of the humblest persons one would come across. She has been with this preferred medical aid provider since February 2007 in the Oasis Shopping Centre. Thiart’s commitment to the Van Heerden Pharmacy Tzaneen-family, now situated at the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre since March 2012, was recently acknowledged when she was appointed as the new manager. “I am originally from Pretoria and after school I studied pharmacy at the University of North West in Potchefstroom. After completing my studies, I started working as an intern at a pharmacy group in Pretoria. This town has become my home, and the community my friends,” said Thiart. “In my opinion as manager, Van Heerden Pharmacy will provide the same outstanding service our customers have become so accustomed to since our establishment in Tzaneen. And we would like to continue to improve our service excellence.” Part of these improvements on excellent services rendered is Van Heerden Pharmacy’s new WhatsApp line. Customers now have the additional choice to place an order through a WhatsApp message. The order will be then processed and delivered to the address of the customer. “No manager can achieve success without a dedicated team of professionals. I am fortunate to work alongside an outstanding group of pharmacists and personnel. For me as a pharmacist there

is nothing more satisfying than to be able to have helped someone. To help and make a difference in someone’s life is quite a gratifying experience for me.” The first Van Heerden Pharmacy was established by Pieter van Heerden some 30 years ago in Bela-Bela. Today, there are 19 Van Heerden pharmacies located in Limpopo, Gauteng and Mpumalanga. The Van Heerden group is part of the Script Savers network and is a preferred provider for most medical aids. This limits excess for client payments and it further ensures that privileges last longer. The pharmacists at Van Heerden Pharmacy Tzaneen can also assist with chronic authorizations. This ensures that a client’s day-to-day privileges last longer. The Van Heerden group including the Tzaneen branch consists of 10 fully equipped clinics that offer primary health care, a baby clinic and health assessments to name but a few. Because Van Heerden Pharmacy know how precious the time of their clients are, delivery and telephonic order services can be arranged as well as the prepacking of chronic medication. The Van Heerden Pharmacy is situated at Shop 5 of the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre on the corner of the R71 Road and Voortrekker Street. For inquiries or orders, contact Van Heerden Pharmacy Tzaneen at 015 307 4301. Alternatively, clients can WhatsApp to place orders on 073 443 0748. The Van Heerden Pharmacy is open from Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 until 18:00. Business hours for Saturdays are from 08:30 until 14:00 and on Sundays from 09:30 until 13:00.


The formidable team of Merensky High School's MDDA (music, dance, drama and art school) is now being strengthened with the appointment of Martinette Muller as tutor in the art of public speaking, which includes individual orators, debating and team orators in Afrikaans and English. Muller has been involved with public speaking at school level for 20 years, specifically in writing, coaching and judging. She hails from a family of language lovers and a love for music. She is a well-known accompanist and also sings occasionally. The 2021 MDDA registrations will open in November. Keep an eye on Merensky's website for more details.

King’s Court's new principal

■ Roelof de Jonge The King’s Court Christian School proudly to announce the appointment of Glynis Labuschagne who will be this school’s new principal as from the 1st of September. Labuschagne is passionate about equipping young people and seeing them develop into strong Christian leaders. She has 31 years of experience teaching across all phases. She has served in various leadership positions and functioned as an IEB moderator and senior marker. She also has previous experience of being principal of a school. Partnering with committed staff, the King’s Court Christian School’s personnel, learners and parents are looking forward to many successful years under her leadership.





18 September2020 11

SAS responds to Spitfire’s mayday ■ Roelof de Jonge Johan Bester, owner of the SAS Workshop in Tzaneen’s new industrial area is currently restoring an incredibly unique car for a client, Bernard Froise. This unique collector’s item is a 1972 Triumph Spitfire Mark II. With Bester’s passion and dedication for cars and restoring them to its former glory days, this Triumph Spitfire two-seater convertible is surely set for more driving pleasure under the sunny South African skies. Returning this piece of British engineering to its former glory will certainly be worth the while. But there is still lots of work to be done before it can roll out of the SAS Workshop. After years of use and lots of mileage, the Spitfire needs attention on the body work with some panels that need to be cut out

Johan Bester, master technician from SAS Workshop with the Triumph Spitfire Mark 2 convertible he is busy restoring for a client. Photos: Roelof de Jonge

and replaced completely. The Triumph Spitfire is a small British two-seat sports car that was manufactured between 1962 and 1980. The Spitfire was largely based upon the chassis of the Triumph Herald saloon, but shortened and without the Herald’s outrigger sections. The Herald’s running gear and Standard SC engine were also carried over to the Spitfire. The Spitfire was manufactured at the Standard-Triumph works at Canley, in Coventry. The bodywork was fitted to a separate structural chassis, but for the open-top convertible Spitfire the backbone chassis’ rigidity was augmented by the use of structural components within the bodywork, with the rear trailing arms being bolted to the body rather than the chassis. The Spitfire was provided with a manual soft-top for weather protection, the design improving to a folding hood for later models. Factory-manufactured hard-tops were also available. The Spitfire at SAS Workshop was originally purchased with the hard top. In March 1965, the Spitfire Mark II was launched. It was remarkably similar to the Mark I but featured a more highly tuned engine with a revised camshaft profile, a water-heated intake manifold, and a tubular exhaust manifold, increasing power to 50kW at 6 000rpm. Unfortunately, the Spitfire at SAS Workshop does not have its original engine anymore and is being powered by a Nissan 1400 engine. Bester said because of the unavailability of parts in South Africa and that it would be too costly to source and import parts from the United Kingdom, the owner opted for a second-hand aftermarket engine. Thanks to the similar dimensions of the Nissan engine, its fits like a glove in the Spitfire’s engine compartment. The engine is still in a good running condition though and just needs a bit of paintwork before it goes back into the car once it is finally restored. Watch this space as Bulletin will follow up on the progress of this remarkable little vehicle. SAS Workshop is one of few mechanical repair establishments that is

open on Saturdays. The operating hours of SAS Workshop is from Monday to Friday from 08:00 until 17:00. On Saturday, SAS Workshop operates from 08:00 until 13:00. For more information, contact Johan Bester on 079 021 1714 or the office on 072 988 8522.

Sport 18 September 2020

Back with dirty vengeance

■ Roelof de Jonge

There was plenty of action in the first two rounds of the 2020 SA Rally Championship. A total of 22 teams came together in this double header that was held in Secunda over the weekend of the 11th and 12th of September. The location for the 2020 Lake Umuzi Rally lent itself to a superb combination of fast and flowy stages, hairpins, tight turns and narrow gates. An array of Regional Championship teams also competed as part of the regional championship. Tzaneen’s local rally competitor, Louis Menge, who navigates for Pretoria-based driver, Anton Raaths, was more than little excited to get back into the ‘hotseat’. Menge and Raaths had a trouble-free run in both rounds with their Volkswagen Golf. Competing in the NR1 class for regional rally entries, the pair did very well to come home in third position overall in the first round, and second in their class. “The car handled the rough sections in some of the stages very well. We experienced shock absorber damage during the first round on the Friday, although it did not hamper us at all as we were able to fix it”, said Menge. “On Saturday, in the second round of the Umuzi Rally, electrical problems in the first stage of the day caused a misfire that slowed us down a bit, but we sorted it out quickly to proceed to the end of the rally.” Menge and Raaths were flying along despite the electrical gremlins from earlier to claim another third place and a NR1-class win. In the overall results for the National Rally Championship (NRC), the pair finished in 11th place, ahead of more powerful cars. “This was our first participation in a rally since last year. Because of the Covid-19 lock down regulations, we were not able to race at all. I was a bit nervous initially, but we quickly got back into our stride to post some extremely competitive times.” According to Menge, there

Anton Raaths with navigator Louis Menge from Tzaneen raced to two third places overall and one class win at the past weekend’s Lake Umuzi Regional Rally.

are two more rounds left to compete. The next round is scheduled for the 17th of October, with no indication yet as to where the location of the rally might be. Motorsport South Africa and the commission of the National Rally Championship will make an announcement in due course. Round four and five will again be a double header with the TRACN4 Rally to take place on the 27th and 28th of November around Dullstroom. An impressive new feature at this year’s National Rally is the R4 class. This all-wheeldrive FIA category was recently added to the FIA World Rally Car hierarchy to fill the gap between front-wheel drives R3 and R2 categories and the all-wheel-drive R5 and WRC classes. The reigning South African champion driver, Guy Botterill, and navigator Simon Vacy-Lyle, made the change to an R4 spec Toyota Etios, fully FIA homologated and known as a Rally 2 kit on the international stage. It is a 1600 turbo all-wheel drive, making it a little monster compared to the previous R2N class which was a front-wheel-drive with no turbo boost. In fact, they are even faster than the 4WD S2000 cars which we were used to seeing compete for top honours up to a few years ago.

Anton Raaths (left) with navigator Louis Menge from Tzaneen at the 2020 Lake Umusi Rally in Secunda over the past weekend. Photos: Supplied

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