Bulletin Newspaper 16 October 2020

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PROMISES, PROMISES Photo: Roelof de Jonge


An “investment” firm operated in Phalaborwa and Lydenburg since August claiming to offer 100% returns on investments in less than a week. All was well until the investors found the offices of MLT Investments abandoned this week when they arrived to collect their monies. The alleged fraudsters have since disappeared without a trace and their phones ring unanswered. Bulletin investigated the matter this week. Read the full exposé on page 3.



16 October 2020


16 October 2020




Tzaneen dam wall still stands as is Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print

Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


■ Joe Dreyer

Shiny statements and wonderful promises were made back in 2015 when then-president Jacob Zuma announced plans to address the long-term water and sanitation needs of communities and farmers in the country. One of the promised projects was the R2 billion Great Letaba River Development Project which included the raising of the Tzaneen Dam wall spillway by three metres to increase its storage capacity by more than a quarter “to meet the needs of 240 000 people”. The demolition was scheduled for completion in July 2017 with the second phase expected to commence in October that same year. (They had to lower the wall before they could build it higher). Along with this fantastic promise came one more though – the promise that a new Nwamitwa Dam would be built, roads would be re-aligned and bulk water distribution infrastructure would be installed. The first phase of the project commenced in September 2016 and was completed by Blackhead Consulting in 2018. And then everything just stopped. As you read this, the Tzaneen area has recorded the highest rainfall for October, in 72 years and the dam wall still stands incomplete. If the heavy rains forecast for our region, do come in the next few weeks, Tzaneen’s commercial farmers will effectively lose out on 40% of the water that could have been dammed up. This is because the dam can currently only hold 60% of its capacity. There is no need to question the strength of the wall though as Jacques Kruger of the Letaba Water Users Association explained. “The dam is actually “stronger” now as it stands, because it is in fact wider than it was originally. This means it can handle a lot more water in the event of heavy rains. The dam was built extremely strong so it won’t

pay a visit to the dam wall and get some answers (we even have a picture of him standing at the wall). And then nothing. Bureaucracy is preventing Bulletin from gaining any real clarity as we have to follow procedures and protocols which include sending media inquiries to spokespeople and media liaison officers (we still do not know exactly what the difference is between the two). This can take very long if the spokesperson remembers to respond to the emails – even longer when they don’t. For now, all we know for certain is that nothing is happening. We have sent our inquiry to DWS spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, but at the time of going to print, we had received no response. We attempted to contact the project manager too, but of course, he was not allowed to speak to the media. Read the previous years’ article on our website at www.reallysa.co.za

Land Expropriation Bill gazetted ■ Jeff Jackson The Inter-ministerial Committee (IMC) on land reform had last Friday gazetted the Expropriation bill 2020 which will be introduced in parliament for debate and divisions and signed into law by the president. This emerged on Sunday, the 11th of October, during a briefing by the committee and was described as one acquisition mechanism that, in appropriate cases, will enable land reform and redress. The committee, chaired by deputy President David Mabuza, comprises of the Public Works and Infrastructure minister, Patricia De Lille, Rural development, Land Reform and Agriculture Minister Thoko Didiza, and Justice and Correctional Services minister Ronald Lamola. The law has been in the process since 2018 and it will replace the Expropriation act of 1975 that is inconsistent with the Constitution. Before the matter could be sent to parliament, the public were requested to give their inputs and some of the stakeholders such as the DA demanded that the term “nil compensation be removed from the vocabulary - but it seems to be the case that the word “nil” seems to be dominating the wording of the bill. De Lille said the expropriation of land without compensation was not a silver bullet for land reform and redress. She said that the presidential advisory panel’s report on land reform and agriculture has agreed that “no Compensation is only but one acquisition 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


break, the only concern is the water we will not be able to contain because of the loss in capacity.” Bulletin attempted to speak to someone, anyone, on record to explain to us what exactly is going to happen, when this will happen and why nothing is being done. At one stage there was a meeting at the show grounds where further promises were made. Promises that said the Department of Water and Sanitation would be handling the construction themselves with their construction north team based in Tzaneen. At that meeting it was also said that an information centre would be erected which would house a scale model of the project where locals would be able to stay updated on developments at the dam. They also said local labour would be used. A committee was established and the DA’s Shadow Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, Keon Basson even travelled up to Tzaneen personally to



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equitable for nil compensation to be paid. It does not prescribe that nil compensation will be paid in these circumstances. The bill provides that the amount to be compensated will be determined by the courts.” Parts of the bill states that “it may be just and equitable for nil compensation to be paid where land is expropriated in the public interest, where the land is not being used, and the owner`s main purpose is not to develop the land or use it to generate income, but to benefit from the appreciation of its market value.” added De Lille.

mechanism which in appropriate cases will enable land reform ad redress”. De Lille further said the work of the presidential advisory panel is contained in the Expropriation bill 2020 and it had been submitted to parliament for introduction. After being tabled, it will be deliberated upon before it could be voted into law, and before it could be signed by the president. “The constitution provided that compensation for expropriation should be just and equitable and have regard to all relevant circumstances. The bill outlines circumstances where it may be just and


Thoko Didiza

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 12/10/2020

Tzaneen 9.9%

Ebenezer 13.3%

Merensky 103.5%

Dap Naude 97.5%

Middel Letaba 0.9%

Blyde Rivier Poort 82.7%

Klaserie 92.1%

Tours 16.5%

Vergelegen 102.3%

Ohrigstad 9.1%





16 October 2020


Investment scammers disappear into thin air ■ Joe Dreyer The promise of financial relief has left hundreds of Phalaborwa and Lydenburg community members duped out of thousands - in what they believed were legitimate investments. In what appears to have been one of the most ingenious operations, a group calling themselves MLT Investments, setup shop in Phalaborwa and Lydenburg in August this year and offered potential clients 100% returns on their investments within seven days. This meant that clients could invest a minimum of R500 with the investment broker and return a week later to collect double their investment (R1 000). Potential clients could investment any amount they wished, higher than R500. There was also a 10% administration fee, which the client would receive back as a referral bonus if they managed to convince a friend to invest in the scheme as well. At first glance, it seemed clear as daylight that this was a scam. A pyramid scheme of sorts. But then the clients started receiving their promised pay outs. “I was down on my luck and behind on my rent,” explained one Phalaborwa resident, Jane Doe*. “My domestic worker said that there was a solution which helped her financially and I should try it out. When she told me about MLT Investments I was very sceptical at first but decided to try it out after she showed me receipts of money she had received back.” Jane arrived at the MLT offices on the 2nd of October and swiped her debit card for R5 500 (R5 000 investment plus R500 admin fee) and received a receipt detailing her investment and the pay-out she would receive in just five days. Sure enough, on the 7th of October Jane returned to MLT’s offices and received her R10 000 as promised. She brought a friend along who also invested R5 000 after seeing that Jane had doubled her money in less than a week. Jane, in the meantime, pocketed R6 700 of her money, and re-invested the remaining R3 300 with the promise of another

pay-out on the 12th of October. Robert* also invested with MLT. “In the beginning when the company first arrived here in August, I invested R1 500 with them and five days later I received my R3 000 as promised. I then invested again and received double my money once more. On the 5th of October, I made two investments of R15 000 each, plus a R1 500 admin fee. I was meant to collect my returns on the 12th of October.” The two individuals who handled all of the communications with the clients were known as Andile Mhlongo and Amanda (Aleyka Chiya). They established a WhatsApp Group for all the investors and would keep everyone updated daily on their investments and the MLT special deals and offers. It is this practice that finally convinced even the most ardent of sceptics, that MLT was a legitimate organization. “Then suddenly the admin on the Phalaborwa WhatsApp group (known only as Mondi) removed two of the members from the group. He then removed himself from the group. This is when I started realizing something was not right, so I called Mondi. After our discussion about why he left the group and how suspicious this was making the investors, he added himself back onto the group, but all communications ceased,” recalled Jane. “Every time we asked about our pay-outs, Mondi would say that we needed to wait a little longer for the investment to come through. Then it stopped.” All communications between investors and MLT representatives stopped. The phone numbers listed by Amanda, Mondi and Andile go straight to voicemail. On the WhatsApp group, a woman (who claimed to be a sangoma) from Lydenburg raised the alarm after she told the group members of a dream she had where the MLT brokers paid her in shredded newspapers. Immediately, a group of MLT clients in Lydenburg formed together and set off to the MLT offices. Upon arrival they found the office was deserted and all signs of a business ever operating there, had been erased. The group opened a case of fraud at the Lydenburg police

station (CAS89/10/2020). This week, on the 12th of October (Tuesday), the Phalaborwa investors arrived in a group at the offices of MLT. “The place had been cleared of any trace that there ever was a business operating at the site. Furniture, signage, electronic equipment, everything had been removed. We asked one of the neighbouring offices in the Julian Thom building where they had gone, and he said that the group moved in on Saturday afternoon late and cleared the premises of all their furniture and equipment. He said they were driving in a white Audi without any license plates.” How did they make money? Bulletin spoke to the woman known as “Amanda”, a week ago to establish a few details about an advertisement which they ran in our newspaper that week. (They ran the same advert in the other local newspaper a week prior to that). They paid for the advert upfront, which made our team believe they were legitimate. We wanted to know where their offices were, what “MLT” stood for and why they had no website, no Facebook page, no landline number and why their management team was never available for interviews. We also wanted to know where the money came from. “Why do you need all these details? We have a physical address and MLT Investments is the abbreviation for Medium Long Term Investments. We invest in motor vehicle tyre manufacturing, specifically Continental. We pay our investors their portion in returns when we receive our profits from our investments,” said “Amanda”. Bulletin has received information of very large sums of money invested by professional people in these areas. A source said a doctor invested R800 000 and a lawyer is said to have paid in a million. Hundreds more people invested smaller amounts between R5 000 and R15 000. We asked her whether she had a contact number for someone at Continental who could verify all the information she just gave us, and exactly how they were “investing” in the company. To this she responded that she was very busy but would send all relevant information on email. We have not received said email, and since Monday morning, none of the numbers we have for “Amanda” or

“Andile” are answered. What we know so far We know that the fraudsters used an FNB account and a Capitech account to handle cash transfers. We know the account number and account name of one of the accounts. We know which rental agencies they used to acquire premises, we know who they used as an internet service provider and we know which lodges they stayed at the last two months. What we do not know, is how they managed to falsify id documents and open bank accounts. Bulletin contacted the rental agency in Lydenburg. They confirmed that the group had approached them to rent an office space for six months and had made their payments on time for August and September. Last week, however, when the payment for October was late, she contacted the office with no response and when she arrived at the premises, discovered it vacant. She was not willing to divulge the personal information on the rental agreement with me but referred me to their principal. We await his response. In Phalaborwa we know that the group spent their evenings at the Villa Luso restaurant where they paid for their meals and drinks by card. We spoke to the manager at the restaurant who does not recall any company or individual by the names we mentioned, who booked a stay at their lodge. The manager is checking through their systems to verify and will revert with any information. We know that they stayed over at another lodge in Phalaborwa for a period. When we contacted the lodge to confirm, however, they were not willing to assist. The rental agency through whom they acquired their office space in Phalaborwa confirmed that they presented the necessary documents, including identity documents and phone numbers and rented the office from them. It was only when the group suddenly vacated the premises, that the property agent discovered all the documents were falsified. We are awaiting more information on this matter and have already contacted the HAWKS and provided the information we have uncovered in our investigations to them. We will have more on this story as it unfolds.

These images are allegedly the only known photos of the three members of MLT Investments who operated in the Phalaborwa branch. The woman in the pictures was known as “Amanda” while the two men are believed to go under the names of “Andile” and “Mondi”. These images were posted over Facebook by one of their alleged victims, in an effort to warn people to steer clear of their operation. MLT claim to have been registered as a company 17 years ago, but we found no evidence of this. Photos: Facebook


16 October 2020





Son murders father, ANC Councillor in court ■ denied bail Michael Sakuneka

■ Billy Sibuyi

The duo from outside Hoedspruit accused of the murder of their father and uncle respectively will remain in jail until next week before their case returns to court. Mpopi Moses Malepe (43) and Lazarus Ramoshaba (38) are accused of killing 70-year-old Jackson Malepe and burning him, before covering his face with plastic in Ga-Mametja outside Hoedspruit. The 70-year-old deceased man was initially reported missing by his family in August this year after he was last seen two days prior to being reported missing, heading out to the bush with his cattle. According to the police, his family members were surprised when he did not return. The Hoedspruit Police spokesperson, Sgt Livhuwani Mulaudzi, said that the family and the community then went searching for him and discovered his body among the bushes of Santeng and Molalane villages “His family identified him with the clothes he was wearing when he left home, his cellphone was found in the pocket of his trouser and all of his cattle were found,” stated Sgt Livhuwani. “According to the information received, it is alleged that the suspect, Mpopi Moses Malepe, who happened to be the deceased’s son, requested an amount

of R10 000 from his father because he wanted to start a business,” stated the spokesperson. “The fact that his father was unable to produce the money, prompted the son to ask his father to sell some of the cattle, to raise the funds, to which the deceased refused.” According to Livhuwani, further allegations are that the son informed his cousin, Ramoshaba, about the challenge of not getting money from his father. It is then, according to the police, that they both devised a plan to sell the cattle. The police further said that the duo then went into the very same bush the deceased had herded his cattle to, armed with a hammer each, at around 20:00 to ambush the old man. “Then the old men was on his way going home during late hours when he was brutally beaten on his head with the hammer and the injuries led to his death,” the police said. “Investigations led to the arrest of the deceased’s biological son and one of the used hammer’s was found at the deceased’s home in an unusual place.” The first accused, Moses Malepe, appeared in the Hoedspruit Magistrate’s Court in September and his co-accused who was arrested last week, appeared on Wednesday, the 14th of October. They were both denied bail and are expected to appear again on Monday, the 19th of October.

A 58-year-old ANC Ward Councillor appeared briefly in the Bolobedu Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday on charges of rape. Ngwako Lawrence Seshoka, a Ward Councillor for Ward 27 in the Greater Letaba Municipality (GLM) was arrested a week ago on a charge of raping a 14 year-old girl. It is alleged that Seshoka offered a lift to the victim from Mokwakwaila to Rampepe Village where they both live. Along the way Seshoka allegedly drove his car into the bushes where he reportedly repeatedly raped the child. It is further alleged that Seshoka later gave the girl a cell phone and R20 and asked her not to tell anyone what's happened. A few hours after he dropped the girl at home he went to a local police station and allegedly lied to police that the girl had stolen his work phone. Police then accompanied him to the girl's home where the girl told them that she was raped. Seshoka on Wednesday abandoned his bail application as he was still going to have a discussion with his lawyer. The case has been postponed to the 19th of November for bail application.

Good Samaritan murdered

■ Jeff Jackson

A Good Samaritan was killed, and his wife injured when they stopped to offer three men a lift in their vehicle from Gauteng to Mopani. Peter Ramoshaba (51) and his wife were travelling back to their home in Maphalle village on Thursday evening when they noticed three men walking next to the side of the road at around 22:30. After Peter and the men agreed on a price to ferry them to Makgakgapatji, they entered the vehicle and the group resumed their travels. Reportedly, along the way, the men pulled out a firearm and pointed Peter, demanding that he kept driving. At this point Peter’s wife was thrown from the moving vehicle and they sped onward.

After having been notified of the incident, the police launched a searched and found the vehicle with Peter’s body, on a gravel road near Maphalle village. An investigation is underway and police have requested that anyone with information that could assist in the apprehension of the culprits, to contact Brigadier Will Mashava on 082 451 7188. In another incident, residents of Lenyenye were shocked when a bakkie which was transporting children to various schools in the area was involved an accident after the driver failed to stop at the Lenyenye crossing. According to motorists involved in the accident, the collision might have been caused by flooding of the roads because of the recent heavy rains. Except for damage to the vehicles, the children were not hurt in the accident.





16 October 2020

“To install lights, not make them work” ■ Joe Dreyer and Billy Sibuyi According to residents in Phalaborwa, the newly installed streetlights in Hardekool-, Park- and Nollie Bosman streets work periodically. In fact, the very controversial tender for the new LED street lights which Bulletin reported on extensively, has seen some of the lamps still without light fittings. There are even lamp posts that have no lamps at all, in the same streets where new lamps have been installed. Several sections of roads in the Phalaborwa area are in complete darkness at night due to streetlights not working, while others remain lit during the day. This has been the complaint of the President of the Phalaborwa Rate Payers Association, George Hepburn, for the past two years. According to Hepburn, the reason the lights are not working is due to the negligence and deliberate non caring attitude from the council of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality. In 2017 the tender worth R4.9 million for the installation of LED streetlights was awarded to Rivisi Electrical Contractors, a Giyani-based operation. This caused a major upset among the local suppliers who were all not only more than capable to do the job but were also (later discovered to be) cheaper. Their bid of R4.9 million was successful and the closest bidder to their price, came in at

R5.9 million. Work started in February 2018 and from the start it was very clear that something was not quite right with the appointment when most of the compulsory criteria were not being met. According to the advertised tender, the successful tenderer would need to own their own trucks (cherry pickers) and would need to erect two project boards at the entrance to town. Neither of this was done – in fact Bulletin reported later that the municipality was lending its vehicles to the contractor to complete installations. When we contacted the contractor at the time, all allegations were dismissed and the municipality denied that their trucks were being used in the project despite reports from residents to the contrary. To add insult to injury, when the project had been deemed “completed” some of the lights were not working at all while others were installed upside down and were facing up into the night sky. Hepburn, who has been very vocal in his approach to the dismal failures of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, approached the councilors on behalf of the rate payers association for answers. “We were told by the council that the contractor was hired to replace the lights and not to get them working. I found this to be a rather odd answer from a municipality who claims it acts in the best interests of its people,” said Hepburn. “I

Father sets house alight ■ Jeff Jackson

A father appeared to have committed suicide by setting his house on fire killing himself and his two daughters. The police in Ritavi outside Tzaneen have opened two counts of murder and an inquest after a 51-year-old man and his two daughters aged 9 and 13 burnt to death in their house in Nkowankowa township on Monday morning at around 07:00. The neighbours allegedly saw the house engulfed in flames and jumped over the wall in an attempt to rescue the occupants. They then broke one of the windows to gain access and in the process, managed to rescue the father who had already suffered from smoke inhalation. He died on the scene. The intense blaze and smoke forced the would-be rescuers out of the building. The Police and Emergency personnel as well as fire fighters were summoned to the scene and after the fire was extinguished, the burnt bodies of the two children were found in separate

rooms. Preliminary police investigations revealed that the deceased and his wife were separated and that his daughters were staying with him. Both children were scholars at Meridian College in Nkowankowa. It is also suspected the father set the house alight using a highly flammable substance. SAPS Provincial Commissioner Lt Genl Nneke Ledwaba condemned the incident and further advised the community who might be facing domestic challenges or strained relationships, to seek professional help instead of resorting to extreme violence. The deceased father was identified as Gledwin Mboweni, who was employed by Statistics SA as its Acting District Manager in the Mopani District. His daughters were identified as Mikateko Tonia Mboweni (13) and Tsakane Tilda Mboweni (9). The motive for the incident is unknown at this stage but domestic violence cannot be ruled out. Police investigations are continuing.

have reported the lights in my street a total of 78 times and counting, and still the municipality have not seen to my query. These lights have not been working for a very long time.” “What upsets me the most was I had to drive down from work the one evening and I hit a pothole because I couldn’t see anything,” continued Hepburn. “The only reason the lights are not working is because the council just does not care, as every time we query about it, we get the same answer of ‘there is no money’. We are paying money every month, but they are telling us there is no money?” The former Mayor of Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Pule Shayi, just before he joined office in the Mopani District as an executive Mayor, had stated that there were plans in place to replace the broken streetlight poles but not surprisingly that has never happened. The DA ward Councilor, Sybrandt de Beer, said that part of the reason why most lights were not

working was due to a lack of a cherry picker. “For an exceptionally long time the cherry picker [BPM’s vehicle] was not working, and it took long to fix it. About two weeks ago when we had an electrical outage one night, it broke again, and we were helped by a private company,” De Beer told Bulletin. As protocol dictates, and much to the community’s detriment, we have sent an inquiry to the spokesperson of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, Jonas Mahesu. Given that the editor of this publication is still awaiting an answer to emailed inquiries dating as far back as 2018, we will be turning to our faith, in the hopes of a speedy response.



16 October 2020





“Life as a woman is fabulous!” Chuckles. “Yeah, right.”

Sometimes it is great, and sometimes it is really frustrating because being a human on its own is challenging, now try that journey as a feminine one. Life is currently throwing so many challenges at us, and most of the time despite how it may appear to those around us, we really don’t have much of an idea what to do with it. Here’s an example of three challenges girls and women all across the planet, and all through time in fact, have had to silently deal with as it is seen as a “taboo” topics to discuss – you know, like how saying the word “sex” or “nipples” out loud in the 50’s would turn eyeballs and attract unwanted sneers. I have labelled them as X, Y and Z. Challenge X: Periods. Tampons. Pads. The pill. I was absolutely shocked to see what it costs. It is ridiculous to be honest. How are you to afford it when you have no income? This is a necessity for most females. I know I do not really have a say in it happening every month, but why does it have to be so damn expensive? And it is not like we can say - well this month I will skip it and use again next month. I have a problem with the fact that condoms can be distributed for free but young girls must pay for tampons and sanitary pads monthly. It is your choice to have sex and use a condom, but we do not have that choice as far as periods go. The government spends millions on entertainment, imagine how many females they would supply with 082 075 6862 sanitary products if they spent only half of their entertainment budget on supplying the youth with basic essentials? Sparing them the humiliation at school, at home and in public. To be safer, you need to be on the pill, oh my word, have you seen the variety and price of that? The pill is not just there to prevent you from getting pregnant, it also helps with pain, cycle control and hormonal stability. Now that is an easy R145-00 per month, that is if you are on one of the “cheaper” pills. Another issue to me is why you cannot, as a woman of 18 years old, decide to have a hysterectomy. There are young women who do not want to have children, why are they not allowed to have a hysterectomy? It is her body, her life, her future – why is it not her say? They should give each young woman the choice. With that, you will reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortions. You will have women who are confident and happy, living the life they wanted and succeeding in life. Not necessarily be stuck in life because of a child. It is nothing to be ashamed of to not want children. It does not make you an unworthy woman! You do not have to explain yourself to anyone if you do not want to have children. I know there will be a lot of people disagreeing with me, and that is okay too. It is just unfair that women are often forced into having children because of traditional and cultural expectancies. Challenge Y: Body shaming. Too skinny, too chubby, too fat, illness. When did it become okay to judge or even give your opinion on someone else’s body outright in public? Did you not think about how it would make the other person feel? And why does your opinion even matter? Some women accuse other women of being too skinny. “You look hungry.” “You should eat more.” “Get this lady a cupcake, she is too skinny.” “You are too skinny, that is unhealthy.” Those words hurt. I promise you it does. Did you consider why they look like that? Maybe they have a health problem. Maybe they spend hours exercising to look and feel good, and that is hard work. Maybe they eat healthy and try to exercise every now and then. Maybe it is in their genes. How would you know? Did you consider asking them why they look like that or did you just babble because it makes you feel better and takes the attention away from you stuffing your face with cupcake number three? Skinny shaming is just as bad as fat shaming. If you feel bad because of the way you look, do something about it. Go to the gym. Eat healthier. Live healthier. Make time. It takes hard work. It is for your not giving the necessary attention. My point here ly and think for a change. You have a mind, change own good. But shaming someone else is not going to make you feel better in is, project your mind to positive things and you it. You can; it is your mind. Choose to be happy, the long run. will have a happier soul. I am not saying ignore the not for anyone other than yourself. Choose to be Challenge Z: The mind wrong in the world and the things that really get to positive and see things for what they really are. Not The mind is an immensely powerful tool. It is your choice whether to use it you. Try and adjust your mind to see the problem, what other people want you to see and believe. for the good or the bad. We all have our horrible days and have thoughts that analyse it, be realistic about it and make the right “Cutting negative people from my life does not you wish you could say but you know - even in that moment of anger and frus- decision – take emotion out of it. I know some of mean I hate them, it simply means I respect me” – tration - that it’s not a good idea. Why? Because you will hurt someone close you are saying, easier said than done – why do you Marilyn Monroe to you and you will not be able to take it back. It’s “normal” to actually Huawei envision P30 Lite 2020 4Gnot do it, well I am busy with it. It is hard, trust me. I 4G P40over Lite 2020 yourself knocking yourHuawei husband the head with a frying pan+because 4G Huawei P30he Liteis2020 know it will be worth remove yourself emotional4G Samsung Galaxy A21s 32GB 4G Huaweiit, Y7P Aurora Blue Samsung Galaxy J4 Core Black 4G

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16 October 2020


Seven years imprisonment for former VBS Bank CFO ■ Jeff Jackson

Former Treasurer Phophi Makhodobwane, non-executive member Ernest Nesane and Paul Magula. KPMG engagement officer Sipho Malaba and Phalaphala Ramikosi, former CFO of the South African Police Services are also on the court roll. All the accused had pleaded not guilty in their cases. The money belonged to municipalities who invested illegally and the pensioners, most of whom had to date received their monies from the liquidators. The VBS saga, though it was playing itself out in the Vhembe district, soon made national headlines when it emerged that members of the ANC Provincial Executive Committee, Danny Msiza and Florah Radzilana were behind the disappearance of the municipal monies. Although they have since been put on hold by the Integrity Committee for two years, they have

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said that the plea and sentencing by the former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the now defunct Venda Building Society (VBS), Phillip Truter will strengthen their case against the other suspects in the case. This followed the commercial court in Palm Ridge that sentenced Truter to an effective seven years in prison after he pleaded guilty and offered to turn state witness in the case. This followed the arrest of the other seven former executives of the now non-operational bank in the past weeks in connection with the looting of nearly R1.5 billion belonging to the bank and municipalities. Though some senior officials and political heads in municipalities were suspended and subsequently dismissed, two members of the Limpopo executive were implicated in the matter but were not charged. Truter was sentenced to years in prison and three years were suspended for three years. From the beginning he co-operated with the police and was the eighth accused. The other accused are former chairperson, Tshifhiwa Matodzi, CEO Disgraced former CFO, Phillip Truter will spend seven years behind bars. Andile Ramavhunga,

been reinstated, the move which put the party`s chairperson, Stanley Mathabatha, straight in the sights of COSATU who accused him of being soft on corruption. The workers union has since called for the premier to vacate his position which he scorned as political tricks bent on removing him from his position. The Venda king, Tony Ramabulana, was not charged.

Venda King Tony

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16 October 2020



"The KNP fires were just coincidence" ■ Billy Sibuyi “Preliminary reports show no accelerant which rules out any foul play on all three fires.” Isaac Phaahla, the Spokesperson for SANParks, vehemently denied any suggestion of improper conduct by the employees within the SANParks parks, after three fires charred structures in three consecutive weeks. Three separate fires flared up in three structures in SANParks with two of those being in the Kruger National Park and the third in the Garden Route National Park. The latter, which was noticed at around 17:00 according to Nandi Mgwadlamba, Regional Communication Manager for SANParks, gutted the entire shop and investigators said they could not find any evidence of foul play. The first two fires, which occurred at the Letaba Rest Camp shop and Berg-en-Dal camp respectively, also gutted both structures entirely and nobody to this day knows what could have started the fire. Bulletin enquired as to whether the three fires were related, or merely a coincidence, and SANParks’ Phaahla, dismissed the notion of foul play immediately, stating that all the employees were returned back to their quarters in accordance to health guidelines, and they too understood that. “Yes,

it is a coincidence,” stated Phaahla. Earlier last month we required an explanation as to the curious case of shops spontaneously combusting within the park, at the time during which employees were being returned from the luxurious tourist accommodation, back to their living quarters. Phaahla revealed that the investigation reports for all three fires were most likely to be available in November, albeit the forensic expert, Anina Burger from Hexagon Fire Investigation, had completed her investigation into the fire at the Letaba shop. “SANParks’ insurers appointed Gary Kemp from Phoenix Fire Investigation in Port Elizabeth as forensic investigator, who attended the scene the morning after the fire. The full forensic report will only be available later, but Kemp indicated that he could find no evidence of any accelerant,” Phaahla assured Bulletin. “Anina Burger from Hexagon Fire Investigation was appointed by the concessionaire (Tourvest) but her conclusions are not known yet. As for Berg-en-Dal the SAPS did the forensic investigation but indicated that they will only have a report ready by November,” Phaahla said, also mentioning that the Park did not have the correct dates as to when the reports would be released but it “might be in November”.

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Legals IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF TZANEEN HELD AT LENYENYE CASE NUMBER: 367/2019 In the case between: CHAMP FOODS MANUFACTURING CC EXECUTION CREDITOR and BUDHYANA WHOLESALERS (PTY) LTD EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate Lenyenye given on 10 February 2020 the under mentioned goods will be sold at TRANSNET HOUSE NR 20, HAMAWASHA TZANEEN, on 3 NOVEMBER 2020 by public auction to be held at 13:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 X DISPLAY FREEZER 1 X ACER PC (PAYPOINT) 1 X STOCK IN TRADE 1 X TROLLEY (BLUE) 1 X ACER SECURITY SYSTEM 1 X FURNITURE IN TRADE 3 X STOCK SHELVES 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 13 Naboom Street, Phalaborwa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov. za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 1 OCTOBER 2020 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO. 1 CNR AGATHA & SHORT STREET TZANEEN P O BOX 1363 TZANEEN, 0850 Tel: 015 307-5792 / 5694 Fax: 015 307-2553 E-mail: johanprk@mweb. co.za Ref: J STEYN/sdj/BB4718 Oct301___________________________

NOTICE BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 SPECIAL CONSENT ERF 375 LULEKANI - B Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 20 of the Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Scheme, 2008, read in conjunction with Section 68 of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality Spluma Bylaws, 2016, that we, Jacques du Toit & Associates, have applied to the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality for Special Consent

to operate a place of worship on Erf 375 Lulekani-B, situated on the corner of Bridgeway Street and Nghunghunyani Drive. The erf is zoned for “Residential 1” purposes in terms of the above-mentioned Land Use Scheme. Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Nelson Mandela Drive, Phalaborwa, for the period of 30 days from 16 October 2020 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or posted to Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 on or before 17 November 2020, quoting the above mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours and within the objection period, visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting assistance to transcribe his/ her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Solly Mongale 078 746 7428 Address of Agent: Jacques du Toit & Associates, PO Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015307 3710 Oct302___________________________

XITIVISO BA-PHALABORWA LAND USE SCHEME, 2008 XIKOMBELO XO HLAWULEKA ERF 375 LULEKANI - B Xitiviso lexi xi nyikiwa ku ya hi xiphemu xa tsalwa ra 20 ra Ba-Phalaborwa Land Use Scheme, 2008, leyi hlayiwaka swin’we na Xiyenge xa 68 xa Masipala wa Ba-Phalaborwa SPLUMA Bylaw, 2016, leswaku hina, Jacques du Toit na Vatirhikulobye, hi endlile xikombelo eka Masipala wa Ba-Phalaborwa xo Hlawuleka leswaku hi tirhisa xitandi xa 375 Lulekani-B tani hi Ndzhawu yo gandzela (Kereke), leyi kumekaka emahandzweni ya switarata Bridgeway na Nghunghunyani. Xitandi lexi xi tirhisiwa tani hi “Vutshamo bya 1” ku ya hi Land Use Scheme leyi tshahiweke laha henhla. Vuxokoxoko bya xikombelo lexi bya kumeka leswaku byi hleriwa hi nkarhi wa ntirho ehofisini ya Mininjhere wa Masipala, eCivic Centre, xitarata xa Nelson Mandela, Phalaborwa, ku sukela hi ti 16 Nhlangula 2020 (kunga siku ro sungula ro hangalasiwa ka xitiviso lexi). Swivilelo na swibumabumelo mayelana na xikombelo swi nga yisiwa hi ku tsala eka Mininjhere wa Masipala, kumbe hi poso eka kerefu ya Private Bag X01020, Phalaborwa, 1390 ku nga se fika ti 17 Hukuri 2020, mi komberiwa ku tshaha xitiviso lexi hi ku hetiseka xikan’we na xivilelo xa n’wina, xitandi lexi mi

tshamaka ka xona, nombara ya rinqingho na kerefu ya n’wina. Munhu loyi anga koteki ku tsala a nga endzela hofisi ya masipala hi nkarhi wa ntirho leswaku a ta kota ku pfuniwa hi ku tsala swivilelo kumbe swibumabumelo swa yena. Munhu la nga mi pfunaka: Solly Mongane 078 746 7428 Kerefu ya muyimeri: Jacques du Toit & Vatirhikulobye, P.O Box 754, Tzaneen, 0850 Tel. 015-307 3710

Email: invorderings@ vanrensburgprok.co.za Ref: WL0173/jn/SJVR Oct304___________________________

IN THE MAGISTRATES COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF BOLEBEDU HELD AT GA-KGAPANE Case No: 124/2020 In the matter between:CAPRICORN VETERINARY LABORATORIES CC EXECUTION CREDITOR and MAKEPISI AGRI (PTY) LTD EXECUTION DEBTOR AUCTION Oct303___________________________ PURSUANT to a Judgment IN THE MAGISTRATE’S by the Magistrate’s Court COURT FOR THE SUB-DISin GA-KGAPANE given TRICT OF TZANEEN HELD on 06 AUGUST 2020 the AT TZANEEN under-mentioned goods In the matter between: will be sold at: SHERIFF LETCase Number: 116/2020 ABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN LETABA RIVER ESTATE HOME STORE NO. 2, INDUSTRIA OWNERS ASSOCIATION NPC ROAD 20, TZANEEN at 10:00 EXECUTION CREDITOR on 12 NOVEMBER 2020 by and the Sheriff Letaba to the MAKHULA HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD highest bidder for cash, namely: EXECUTION DEBTOR 1 x QUANTITY CRATES (Registration Number: 1 x ISUZU TRUCK (REG: 2016/336828/07) CPV049L) NOTICE OF SALE IN 3 x TRIALERS EXECUTION – AUCTION 1 x ROAD MASTER PURSUANT to a judgment 1 x INGERSALL RAND COMby the Tzaneen Magistrate’s PRESSOR Court, granted on 14 May 7 x LANDINI TRACTORS 2020 the under-mentioned As per Consumer Protection goods will be sold at 10h00 Act 68 of 2008: on 12 NOVEMBER 2020 by 1. This sale is a sale in execupublic auction to be held tion pursuant to a judgment at SHERIFF’S LETABA STORE obtained in the above honROOM – MAIN STORE NO. ourable court. 2 INDUSTRIA ROAD 20, 2. The Rules of the auction TZANEEN by the sheriff for is available 24 hours prior to the Magistrate’s Court to the auction at the office of the highest bidder for cash, the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Jounamely: bert Street, Tzaneen. 2 x APPLE COMPUTERS 3. Registration as a buyer is 1 x 5 PIECE LOUNGE SUITE a pre-requisite subject to a 1 x LCD LG TELEVISION specific conditions, inter alia. 1 x TELEVISION STAND 4. Directive of the Consum1 x SANSUI SOUND SYSTEM er Protection Act 68 of 2008; 1 x DOUBLE DOOR FRIDGE (Url) http://www.info.gov. 1 x KIC CHEST FREEZER za/view/downloadfileac1 x SANSUNG MICROWAVE tion?id-99961) OVEN 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof 1. This sale is a sale in execuof identity and address partion pursuant to a judgment ticulars; payment of regisobtained in the above hontration deposit of R500.00 ourable Court. in cash. 2. The rules of the auction 6. The office of the Sheriff are available 24 hours prior will conduct the sale with to the auction at the office the auctioneers being Tertiof the Sheriff. us Robertson or any repre3. Registration as a buyer is sentative of his office. a pre-requisite subject to a 7. Goods will be sold for cash specific condition, inter alia. only to the highest bidder or 4. Directive of the Consumer sold subject to confirmation Protection Act 68 of 2008; as per the Consumer Protec(Url http://www.info.gov. tion Act upon instructions za/view/downloadfileacfrom the execution creditor. tion?id-99961) DATED AT TZANEEN ON 5. FICA legislation in respect THE 14TH DAY OF OCTOBER of proof of identity and ad2020. dress particulars, payment BECKER ATTORNEYS of registration deposit of ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION R500.00 in cash. CREDITOR 6. The office of the Sheriff UNIT 2 PROFORUM will conduct the sale with BUILDING the auctioneers ISMINI OFFICE PARK 7. Goods will be sold for cash 4 ISMINI STREET, only to the highest bidder or POLOKWANE, 0699 sold subject to confirmation PO BOX 719, BENDOR PARK, as per the Consumer ProtecPOLOKWANE, 0713 tion Act upon instructions TEL NO: 015 291 1819 from the execution creditor. FAX NO: 086 555 3726 SIGNED at TZANEEN on the REF: PW BECKER/ 12th day of OCTOBER 2020. CAP10/0063/MW (signed) S. JANSE VAN RENSC/O VAN VUUREN ATTORBURG NEYS ATTORNEYS FOR EXECU38 BOUNDERY STREET TION CREDITOR TZANEEN, 0850 STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG P.O. BOX 3968, TZANEEN, ATTORNEYS 0850 RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE TEL: 015 307 6912 PARK REF: R VAN VUUREN/LJC/ 11 LOOP STREET; TZANEEN JC0426 Tel: (015) 307 4458 Oct305___________________________






16 October 2020


BPM must pay for private services ■ Billy Sibuyi Phalaborwa residents have been stepping in to keep Phalaborwa town clean and attempt to prevent the iconic Wildevye Park from turning into a ‘junkyard’. This followed a failed attempt by the municipality to clean up the park when they hired a contractor in 2019 to clean, uproot, and repot the park which was once the crown jewel of Phalaborwa. It appeared as if, at last, Wildevye Park would relive its glory days when dozens of men and women uprooted the grass last year with the hopes of replanting it. However, it was short-lived, as a week later heaps of herbage lay dormant and all the workers had disappeared with no grass replanted. Bulletin has since requested the scope of work for the Wildevye Park tender but to this day we are still waiting for a response from the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality’s spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu. Some days, when one enters Phalaborwa, you will see a group of people dressed in blue shirts cleaning the entrance. These people are not being paid by the municipality nor receive funds from the

The cleaning crew.

municipality, but depend on donations of water, refuse bags, and PPE from the community, to ‘Make Phalaborwa Great Again’. Armed with black garbage bags and a claw-like metal trash grabber, Marietjie Maré and her team have been working the streets of Phalaborwa for over three years now. Maré told Bulletin that at the start of the clean-up campaign, residents were initially extremely excited about the project but as the months went by, only fewer people pitched in to assist to a point where it has just come to three remaining helpers. “At the moment we clean from 8:00 to 10:00 on a Friday as it’s too hot during the afternoons. Allan and Madeleine Campbell and I are the only volunteers. There are only two paid workers in the CLEAN UP TEAM that help, as well as my gardener, Justice,” stated Maré. “Over the years the business community sponsored stones for the flower beds, plants, fuel for the truck, compost, etcetera, but now it’s a monthly battle to keep afloat. There’s only a handful of business owners and residents that support us.” She explained that she is battling financially to pay two of the workers who assist them in cleaning the town, a job which the municipality has failed (among the list too long to mention in this article) its residents on. “There used to be five people we were paying, unfortunately I had to let three go,” explained Maré. “I really only ask for financial help or any other donations like water, black bags and plants if I really need it. Now, finances are my main concern. I have everything on record, all the bank statements, proof of payments to the workers and all the cash I receive on a spreadsheet with all the proof of payments on hand. I make a point of it to thank every single donor for their donations so that the public (and the donors) can see what we receive,” stated Maré. *** Editor’s Comment: It is truly a shocking state of affairs when a municipality has fallen so far, that private citizens who pay their monthly rates and taxes have to sacrifice their time and money in order to maintain some semblance of a time long forgotten. A time when the municipality cared about their own home. It is my firm belief that this cleanup

German specialists open their doors

■ Joe Dreyer The renowned German motorcar specialists, SAS Workshop, known for their expert knowledge of VW, Audi, BMW, Mercedes and Opel engines, have recently opened a workshop in Tzaneen. That’s right, there is no longer any need to travel all the way to Polokwane to have a specialist look beneath the hood of your loved one, simply drive up to Antimony Street in the new industrial area. So, what is it that these guys do, that earns them the reputation of specialists? Whilst they specialize in repairs and maintenance on all German vehicles, SAS Workshop also undertakes repairs and services on all makes and models of vehicles and manufacture any make of cylinder head gaskets. Added to that they also undertake repairs and maintenance on all generators and diesel or petrol driven pumps, tractors and trucks. “We are what you refer to as “Preventative Maintenance Specialists”, which means you, our clients, don’t suffer any down time as we prevent problems before they occur. And we are very concise about how we work and what service we portray back into the market. Our workmanship really is our calling card,” said Johan Bester, owner of SAS Workshop’s Tzaneen branch. Arguably one of the services that truly sets SAS Workshop apart from being just another mechanical workshop, is their love for restorations of older vehicles. A rebuild is the process where your vehicle is literally stripped apart and every component, even every bolt and nut is replaced.

Your old vehicle is then returned to you in a condition rivalling that of when it first drove off the showroom floor. “It is much cheaper to renew an older car than to buy a new vehicle. Should a person decide to even buy another second-hand vehicle, the cost of overhauling or renewing your vehicle will simply be the right decision,” explained Bester. “There are not many workshops that do conversions either. More especially Lexus V8 conversions,” he added proudly. “For R47 500 we supply clients with the 3UZ VVTi Lexus Engine with a 6-Speed automatic gearbox.” All our Work is Fully Guaranteed for 1 Year or 10 000 km. As a December Special, We Fit and Supply the Following: • CV Joints from R695 • Wheel bearings from R495 • Brake Pads from R550 • Tie Rod ends and Ball joints from R480 • Brand new Clutch Kits from R1 890 • Major Services from R1 880 • Lube Services from R1 150. • We also undertake repairs to manual and automatic gearboxes from R880, even for Trucks and Tractors. • We are also open on Saturdays and will be happy to deliver or collect your vehicle. For any information on any of these special deals, or to make your booking, please contact Gerhard on 076 435 6436 (phone or WhatsApp) or Johan on 072 988 8522 (phone or WhatsApp).

Madeleine Campbell and Marrietjie Maré

crew should invoice the municipality for services rendered. What happened to the appointed contractor? Why are EPWP crews not employed to clean the town? Does the municipality not have a budget for cleaning and maintaining their own house? More concerning is that the municipality refuses to respond to these issues. We call on the municipal manager, Maite Moakamela, to respond to this article personally so that we may offer our communities the feedback they need.


16 October 2020





Nuwe Plasies prefekte reg om leiding te neem

Die 2020/2021 prefekte van die Hoërskool Merensky. Voor is Abigail Caldeira, Janke Basson (onderhoofmeisie), Suné Hermann, Zuleika Ferns, Mariesa Schutte, Charmaine Ramokhola, Ronel Maponya en Palesa Shiluvane. In die middel is Louis Botha (hoofseun), Michaela Elbrecht, Charlize Krause (onderhoofmeisie), Megan Jardine, Luné Fritz, Annaline Rood, Jo-Leigh Pretorius, Mariné Potgieter, Victory Mathebula, Hayley-Kay Buys en Emma Dalrymple-Hay (hoofmeisie). Agter is Daniel Smit, Christian Barnard, Rain Terblanche, Stef Lordan (onderhoofseun), Ronan Theron, Abrie Whelan (onderhoofseun), Willem-Albert Ludick, Anke Venter, Lungile Zandile, Ethan Valentine en Terence Fogwell.

■ Roelof de Jonge Die Hoërskool Merensky se nuutverkose prefekte vir 2020/2021 het die skool se jaarlikse tradisionele leierskamp vanaf die 2de tot die 5de Oktober te Faerie Glen by Westfalia bygewoon. Op hierdie kamp het die nuwe leiers verskeie uitdagings in die gesig gestaar wat samewerking, beplanning en die deurnag se aktiwiteite behels het. Soos gebruiklik is met die jaarlikse instelling, was daar ook tyd gemaak om die embleem en slagspreuk vir hul termyn te ontwerp. Op Donderdag die 8de Oktober het die amptelike

Die nuwe hoofmeisie, Emma Dalrymple-Hay, met haar ouers, Hamish en Janeta Dalrymple-Hay.

inhuldiging plaasgevind. Soos die tradisie betaam het die uitredende hoofleiers, Jamie Robertson en Gerhardus Fourie, hul afskeidsboodskappe gelewer. Die nuwe hoofleiers, Louis Botha en Emma Dalrymple-Hay, het op hul beurt die eerste toesprake gelewer. Spoggerig geklee in hul splinternuwe Uitvoerende Komitee (UK) baadjies, het die trotse ouers teenwoordig die nuwe leiers se speldjies aangesteek waarna elkeen die erekode onderteken het. Die verrigtinge was met die nuwe leiers se eie UK-lied afgesluit. Die gesogte UK-kamer was Maandag die 12de Oktober aan die nuwe groep leiers oorhandig.

Die nuwe hoofseun, Louis Botha saam met sy ouers, Anne en Marius Botha.

‘n Nuwe tradisie vir dié groentjies gestig ■ Roelof de Jonge ‘n Nuwe tradisie genaamd Tydkapsule was op Donderdag die 8ste Oktober vir die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se gr.8 leerders ingestel. Elk van die gr.8-klasse het twee artikels oftewel items, wat eie aan 2020 is, in die tydkapsule geplaas. Wanneer dié gr.8-leerders in 2024 in matriek is, sal hul die voorreg gegun geword om tydens ‘n spesiale funksie dié kapsules, met hul herinnerings aan 2020, oop te maak. Vir hierdie leerders mag vyf jaar klink of dit dalk ‘n baie lang tydperk is, maar voor hulle hul oë uitveë, gaan dié dag aanbreek wat beslis vir groot opwinding en nostalgie vir die toekomstige matrikulante gaan sorg.

Sumari Vorster en Juandré Marais.

Pietmos seëvier in Varkloop-toernooi ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Tzaneen Buiteklub het die afgelope naweek die eerste gholftoernooi gehou sedert die Covid-19 grendelstaat aangekondig was vroeër vanjaar. Volgens die bestuur van die gholfklub is die beplanning dat hierdie toernooi ‘n jaarlikse instelling gaan word. Pieter ‘Pietmos’ Mostert het na twee dae se spel in verseggende hitte as die oorwinnaar in die nuwe Varklooptoernooi uit die stryd getree. Mostert het met totaal van 74 gewen. André Fourie was in die tweedeplek met 72 en André Coetzee het die

derdeplek ingeneem, ook met totaal van 72. Die gaskunstenaar, Ivan van der Merwe, het die spelers en hul gades sowel as die borge tydens Vrydag- en Saterdaand se prysuitdelings vermaak. Pam Golding Eiedomsagentskap en Smit & Kie Makelaars het elk van die kolhouputjies (hole in one) geborg. Die ander maatskappye wie borgskapbydrae gemaak het was: Falcolinx, NTT, BB Motorgroep, Mieliekloof Abbatoir, Husqvarna, Cor van Heyningen, Willie McCallaghan van AGD en die Pro Shop.

Links is Phillip Mostert, voorsitter van Tzaneen Buiteklub, en regs is André Coetzee (onderkaptein van gholfklub) saam met die wenner van die Varkloop Gholftoernooi, Pieter ‘Pietmos’ Mostert. Foto: Tzaneen Buiteklub

Olive Evens.

Pieter Mostert, algehele wenner.

Mathye Mgama.





16 October 2020


Gutsy Filip heading for greater MotoX heights ■ Roelof de Jonge Mark Filip is a gr.10 learner from Merensky High School. When he is not behind his schoolbooks, this avid motocross rider travels across South Africa to various motocross events with his father, Markus, where he competes in national as well as inland (formerly known as regional) championship races. At the Cannabis Energy South African National Motocross Championship that featured a double header for round two and three at the Thunder Valley race course in

Pietermaritzburg on the 26th of September, Filips proved his mettle as a privateer entry by holding it up with the front runners. He rode a thrilling race on a quite muddy racetrack that required speed and precision. He managed to finish third in both heats. With both times combined for the two heats, Filips narrowly missed out on an overall podium spot which pushed him to fourth overall.

More recently, this gutsy rider who honed his skills since the age of 11 with his father when riding motorcycles on the farm, competed on the 3rd of October in the seventh round of the Inland Motocross Championship at the Dirt Bronco Raceway in Krugersdorp. In the first heat Filip took the chequered flag on his KTM and in the second heat he followed it up with another excellent performance to take second place. This performance rewarded Filip with an overall victory which puts him in good stead for the championship. With one more round to go, Filip leads the current standings in his class (125cc high school class or also known as the ‘Kamikaze Class’)

with 311 points. His closest rival is Hayden Tully with 290 points. Round 8 of the Inland Motocross Championship will be held at the Terra Topia Dirt Bike Club and Adventure Park in Midrand on the 21st of November. “This is my last year that I will be competing in the 125cc High School Class. Therefor I would like to finish on a high by trying to win the championship. I will be giving it everything to make sure I secure the title. In the meantime, I train on a weekly basis by going to the gym and jogging to make sure I stay fit and focussed for the task ahead”, said Filip.

Mark Filips in action on his KTM in the 125cc High School Class.

Duster more than just a capable people carrier ■ Roelof de Jonge Robust, spacious and equipped to go further, the popular Renault Duster is a force to be reckoned with within the B-SUV segment, with features and accolades to prove this, according to Renault South-Africa. The Renault Duster remains one of the most popular SUV models within its segment. Since the introduction of the first generation of the Duster model in 2013, over 21 000 vehicles have been sold in South Africa, and more than two million units have been sold worldwide. With a ground clearance of 210mm, the Duster is more than capable of conquering any terrain with absolute ease. This formidable vehicle is not only built for adventure but is really practical too with a super-spacious 478 litre boot. Driving pleasure is guaranteed in the Renault Duster, with a handsfree card with an auto-lock facility, and a convenient START-STOP button to get the vehicle on the move, depending on the model in the range. The Duster is visually pleasing, with its strong, powerful lines that is enhanced by 16- or 17-inch alloy wheels with signature C-shaped daytime running lights. Geared to harness the spirit of adventure, this SUV boasts features such as Hill Start Assist and Hill Descent Control, and an innovative 4x4 monitor to help assess the pitch and roll angles of this SUV at any given time. Other remarkable features include MediaNAV, a reverse camera, blind spot warning, park distance control and climate control. The 4x4 derivative elevates the Duster range offering 4x4 capabilities of the highest level, whilst the newly launched Duster TechRoad model presents an innovative proposition. Safety is paramount in the Renault Duster, which is equipped with up to six airbags, EBA, Electronic Stability Control and ABS brakes. Not only is the Duster powerful and capable, but it’s really economical too, with three engine options available, namely a 1.6 litre 16 Valve model and two versions of the 1.5 dCi turbo diesel engine. With a 50L petrol tank and stingy fuel consumption, 4.8 litre per 100km as claimed by the manufacturer, the Duster is designed to take on the open road frugally. Peace of mind is part of the package with the Duster that comes with a standard three-year or 45 000km Service Plan and a five-year or 150 000km Warranty. And if that’s not enough to warrant giving the Renault Duster a second or even a third look, consider this accolade too: The Renault Duster 1.5 dCi EDC 4x2 TechRoad won its category (Diesel Turbo 1300cc – 2000cc) in the 2019 WesBank Fuel Economy Tour. The Renault Duster, according to the French manufacturer, certainly provides a unique offering to the South African automotive market.

With a ground clearance of 210mm, the Duster is more than capable of conquering any terrain with absolute ease. Photos: Quickpic

The Renault Duster remains one of the most popular SUV models within its segment. This formidable vehicle is not only built for adventure but is really practical too with a super-spacious 478 litre boot.

Sport 16 October 2020

Game, set and match for tennis finalists ■ Roelof de Jonge

Taurai Ndadzibaya

Members of the Tzaneen Tennis Club held its annual club final championship matches on Saturday the 10th of October whilst the Limpopo sun was blazing down on Tzaneen. In the singles final Reenen Bergmann and JP Botha were up against each other. Bergmann defeated Botha in two sets, winning the match 6/2 and 6/3. In the second final of the day, the pair of Reenen and Zoë Bergmann were up against Bernard Schoeman and James Excel. The Bergmann’s coped a bit better in the scorching mid-day heat to win 6/1, 0/6 and 6/3. “We had a total of about 30 people who attended the day’s event and we enjoy a sheep on a spit braai as part of the Club Championships celebrations”, said the treasurer and secretary of Tzaneen Tennis Club, Bernard Schoeman. “There may still be smaller tournaments like round robin matches, but these have not been finalized yet. The club

however do play organized matches during the week and social tennis games on Saturday afternoons.” Applications to join can be made by emailing the secretary, Bernard Schoeman, at tzntennis@ gmail.com or messaging him on 083 2746 120. Members are supplied with keys to the Club House and the tennis courts and can make unlimited use of all the facilities available.

Zoë Bergmann

Reenen Bergmann

Meyer korrel bobaas in BJV-skietdag ■ Roelof de Jonge Die Bosveld Jagters en Wildsbewaring Vereniging se Letaba-tak op Tzaneen het Saterdag die 10de Oktober sy jaarlikse Rondomtalie Skietdag gehou. Die verskeidenheid van junior en senior sowel as mans- en vroueskuts het aan ‘n verskeidenheid van afdelings deelgeneem soos ondermeer kleiduif-, handgeweer-, luggeweer- en jaggeweerskiet. Selfs ‘n kort maar deurdrenkende reënbui in die agtermiddag kon nie die skuts van stryk afbring nie. Piet Meyer het die fynste

Van links is Carel Jacobsz, Lourens Kriel en Dré Jonker. Fotos: Roelof de Jonge

gekorrel om met die algehele louere en die ope-mans afdeling weg te stap. Dié skut het ‘n algehele puntestand van 720 aangeteken. Die naaswenner was HerJo Engelbrecht wie ‘n totaal van 705 punte behaal het. In die derde plek met 690 punte was Bryan Hyland. Kylie-Rae Eberhard was die voorste vroueskut en sy het met 490 punte die ope-vroue afdeling gewen. In die ope-afdeling vir o/16-skuts het Joubert Fleischmann die sekuurste geskiet om hierdie afdeling met ‘n puntestand van 560 te beklink. In die tweedeplek met 470 punte was Carel Jacobsz en hy was deur Lourens Kriel gevolg wie 410 punte aangeteken het. Die windbuks oftewel luggeweerskiet is veral onder die junior skuts ‘n

gewilde afdeling om aan deel te neem. Saterdag se rondomtalie was geen uitsondering nie met ‘n aantal junior skuts wat hul slag kom wys het. Mieke Pieterse het met 33 punte, ‘n skrale punt voor die naaswenner, in die luggeweer-afdeling vir o/13 skuts geseëvier. Die tweedeplek was deur MJ Pohl ingeneem met Jana Jacobsz ‘n kortkop agter die voorlopers met 29 punte in die derdeplek. Selfs in die luggeweer-afdeling vir o/10 skuts het die jongelinge nie op hul laat wag om te wys hulle is beslis ‘n fonds vir die sport se toekoms. Gerhard Benade was hierdie afdeling se wenner met 33 punte met MJ Pieterse op 31 punte in die tweedeplek. Die derdeplek met 26 punte was deur Anja Botes ingeneem.

J. Engelbrecht

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