23 October 2020
EXCLUSIVE: Ivories now Hell’s Hotel Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
■ Billy Sibuyi & Joe Dreyer Ivory Gardens was a bustling hangout in the nineties. Phalaborwa’s youth would flock to its pool tables every weekend and the barman, André, knew most locals and their drinks preferences by name. It was an iconic part of the Phalaborwa that was once a beautiful, thriving bushveld society. Around 2005, the owner Bert Kruger, added a liquor store to the premises which did well until around year later when Tops opened its doors at Kruger Park SPAR next door. The family-owned business could not compete with the national chain, and Kruger closed shop. He sold the iconic venue to controversial businesswoman, Shamira Rinderknecht. “She had some really good plans for the site, and we rezoned the premises which enabled her to conduct any business on that property she wanted,” explained Kruger in a telephonic discussion with Bulletin. “Initially she wanted to construct a Formula One hotel there, but due to the proximity of the airport, she was not allowed to erect a tall building there, so the plans were dropped. She made us an offer to continue our business on the site, but my wife and I decided that we had had enough of the alcohol trade and declined.” Another report suggests that the plan was then changed to build staff accommodation, but this too never realized, and the premises was left to ruin. Skip twelve years to the present and the site has become a den for thieves, prostitutes, drug dealers and vagrants (much the same as what happened to the Letaba Boulevard building in Tzaneen which is also owned by Rinderknecht). Many residents have raised concerns over the goings on at the now overgrown and completely stripped building that borders the parking area of the Kruger Park Spar. “We know that those young boys who operate the remote jamming ring in town, hideout in those ruins and watch the parking lot. You can’t see them there because of the overgrown bush,” one resident said. “Strange men enter that building at all hours looking nervous as they head towards the ‘sex rooms’ where many of us know for a fact that sex is being sold.” Recently, Phalaborwa police officers supported by Hans Merensky security personnel raided the site and attempted to evict the occupants. Residents we spoke to, believe that this was unsuccessful as prostitutes still occupy the building. Bulletin spoke to one of the prostitutes, Tracy* who said that they were not going to leave the area because it attracts better business than the CBD. The courtesan said that the building provided them with privacy and allowed for
Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
The overgrown entrance to what used to be one of the most iconic venues in Phalaborwa. them to conduct their trade during the day as compared to being in the CBD where the business of sex only thrives in the evening. “I am a mother of two and the money I make here, I am able to send home to feed my family. When I first begun it was incredibly challenging because different men approach you for different needs, but overtime one accepts your fate and just learn to live with it. Two of the “residents” of the now dilapidated structure. Photos: Billy Sibuyi You would be surprised how many wealthy at the time of going to print. In the past, she has Phalaborwa men visit us here regularly for their promised me on a few occasions that she would fix,” she explained. meet at the Letaba Boulevard site in Tzaneen to “I do not think it will be easy to quit because there clear the air and explain why the promised R50 are no jobs for us out there. It is hard out there, my million revamp that was supposed to happen brother and we must keep trying everything we can in 2016, never materialized. At the last minute to make ends meet. One cannot run away from the however, she cancelled. We also noticed that fact that there is prostitution because it has been her other property, the Hans Merensky Spa and there from the very beginning,” concluded Tracy. Resort is up for auction. We will have more on this ***Editor’s Note: The notoriously publicity shy developing story as more information becomes Rinderknecht was not reachable for comment available.
ZZ2 Meat Corp – Operations Manager www.zz2.co.za A Vacancy is available for a young, self-driven, individual to form part of the management team in the newly established ZZ2 Meat Corporation in Mooketsi, Limpopo.
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
ZZ2 offers a negotiable market related remuneration package.
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If you qualify send your resume via email to talent@zz2.co.za. Please indicate in the subject line, the position you are applying for. Any enquiries can be directed to Mariana Kruger at 015 395 8331
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Primary duties and responsibilities include: ● Manage and oversee fresh/ frozen produce departments;
Minimum requirements:
Noodnommers Emergency numbers
ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen
STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850
● Interpret reports and predict future sales; ● Stock control - FIFO;
● At least 5 years’ experience in sales – fresh produce or meat preferable; ● Excellent computer skills (MS Office and G-suite) and experience with stock control and point of sale programs; ● Excellent track record and highly recommended references/testimonials; ● Candidate needs to be passionate about retail, sales and client relations; ● Fluent in Afrikaans, English. Other languages will be beneficial; ● High School (Matric) (Required); ● Relevant tertiary qualification will serve as an advantage.
Budgeting and implementation thereof;
● Maintaining and improving relationships with existing suppliers, while seeking new ones; ● Managing of staff on site – Team of 8 people; ● Monday to Saturday, early start at 05:00 to operate within market hours; ● Maintain good health and hygienic standards in the facility.
084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.
e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge
084 400 0911
e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.
e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.
ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 19/10/2020
Tzaneen 10.5%
Ebenezer 14.3%
Merensky 100.8%
Dap Naude 99.6%
Middel Letaba 0.8%
Blyde Rivier Poort 87.1%
Klaserie 97.5%
Tours 24.7%
Vergelegen 95.2%
Ohrigstad 9.1%
23 October 2020
Police say farm attacks are not political ■ Joe Dreyer “There is absolutely no evidence that these attacks are politically driven, we are not fighting politicians here, we are fighting criminals – and it is a fight we definitely can win,” said Limpopo’s deputy provincial police commissioner Maj-Genl Jan Scheepers on Wednesday. He was addressing a small gathering of local private security companies and farm watch groups in the hall at Tzaneen’s showgrounds. It was a rural safety information sharing meeting organized by the SAPS in conjunction with the Mopani Rural Safety Forum to allow for an open discussion between the provincial and district police and local safety organizations. Scheepers started off the proceedings with a reference to the recent happenings in Senekal where emotions reached tipping point after the murder of a young farm manager, Brendin Horner. “The moment there is a farm murder, it immediately evokes emotion and if we look at the current situation in the country where farmers are being murdered, we cannot allow or accept it. I am not here to tell you how to react, because no matter if you react violently or peacefully, it is already too late because we have lost a farmer. If there is no farmer, there is no food in this country.” He went on to say that despite the fingers being pointed in all directions, including the government, the minister and the police, it is not enough to blame without becoming actively involved in the safety of your family, your workers and the protection of your property. “Every farmer in this country needs to be involved as we are in a crisis. Crime is escalating and we are in a difficult situation which the police alone will not be able to turn around. One thing is for sure though, we are not fighting the government, we are fighting criminals. Definitely for sure, there are people out there who want to divide us and there are people out there who don’t want the communities and the police to work together as a united front. The more disorganized we are among each other, the more room we leave for individuals to move in and commit crimes in our areas.” An action plan has been tabled by the SAPS which included a Rural Safety Coordinator stationed at every police station in the province. The police in conjunction with the various stakeholders within the rural safety structure Maj Genl Maggie Mathebula have also developed a
national plan for rural safety and a provincial plan was signed by the members of the Mopani Rural Safety Forum present at the meeting. Scheepers, referring to the rural safety action plan, warned the meeting that if it is left in the hands of the police, nothing will come of it. “This is supposed to be your plan. I do not know what is happening in your community, on your farm or in your area, so you need to take ownership of this plan. Your station commander or provincial commissioner cannot own this plan because tomorrow or the day after, they may get transferred and then what happens to the plan? If rural communities take ownership of this plan, we will win. Every police station has a rural safety coordinator, and that person works for you. You are supposed to call that person to a rural safety meeting and from there, the police must be tasked to join in any operation planned for a specific date which includes roadblocks or search operations. If you follow this plan, I can tell you now that it will get support from the police all the way up to provincial level.” Following his hour-long address during which he touched on the poor service delivery within the police service, allegations of corruption and criminals within his own ranks, the floor was opened for questions. Scheepers admitted that there were police offices under his
Maj Genl Jan Scheepers
command who were leaking information on planned police operations to their criminal cohorts, and he was very aware of the fact that some high ranking officers were arrested on charges of corruption. To this he responded with “who do you think arrested those corrupt officers? I promise you, there are still some of us in this blue uniform, who care and who dedicate our lives to the protection of our fellow citizens.” In closing he reiterated the call for farmers and all residents living in rural areas, to become involved and do everything in their power to ensure that they keep their families and their livelihoods safe from the continuous attacks. “We are living in a time where you can no longer rely on the police, you can no longer rely on support structures. You need to rise up and say that you are going to start doing your bit. You know that as a man you would die for your family if the time came. So why then, are you not prepared to live for them?”
Hans van Schalkwyk
Politsi sakevrou in plaasaanval aangerand
■ Joe Dreyer
‘n Plaaslike sakevrou en haar bediende is Dinsdagoggend net na middernag in haar huis op Politsi deur drie verdagtes aangeval. Die vrou en haar bediende was alleen op die plaas. Haar man was in die buiteland op besigheid. Die plaas, Frisgewaagd, waar die voorval gebeur het is op die grondpad naby die kontroversiële kibbutz, Alon, geleë. Daar word beweer dat die drie verdagtes omstreeks 00:30, nadat hulle die elektriese heining by die skakelbord afgeskakel het, toegang tot die eiendom verkry het. Die verdagtes het hul pad tot by die voordeur gemaak waar hulle eerste die kragtoevoer na die woonhuis afgesit, en toe die veiligheidshek en soliede houtdeur begin oopbreek het. Daar word
verder verneem dat terwyl hul doenig met die deur was, hulle die huis se alarmstelsel geaktiveer het en die vroue binne in die huis laat wakker skrik het. Die eienaar se privaat sekuriteitsfirma se beheerkamer het dadelik geskakel en die vrou het na bewering aan die operateur gesê sy gaan ondersoek instel oor die rede vir die alarm. Op daardie oomblik het sy blykbaar geskree toe die mans deur die voordeur breek en die operateur het dadelik die reaksie voertuie ontbied. Volgens die polisie het die verdagtes die bediende vasgebind en probeer om die vrou ook vas te bind, maar dié het terug baklei wat in ‘n geveg onstaan het waar sy met ysters (vermoedelik ‘n gwala) ernstig aangerand is. Binne oomblikke was die drie rowers weer uit die huis uit en is met selfone, ‘n skootrekenaar en televisiestel vort. Die sekuriteitsmaatskappy se reaksie voertuie het die verdagtes se
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: EOI20/10/130 Invitation to submit an Expression of Interest (“EOI”) in potentially acquiring an equity stake in Foskor (Pty) Ltd (“Foskor”) Foskor is a producer of phosphates and phosphoric acid. It is the only vertically integrated phosphate producer in South Africa. From phosphate-bearing ores, the operations in the Mining Division process phosphate rock concentrate, which is crucial in agriculture to stimulate and raise crop yields. The Acid Division Plant manufactures sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid and phosphate-based granular fertilisers (MAP and DAP), using phosphate rock as a raw material. The Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited (“IDC”), which is the current controlling shareholder of Foskor, hereby invites interested investors to submit written EOIs to acquire a partial equity stake in Foskor. It is the IDC’s intention to retain a stake in this investment as it is considered to be a strategic asset to the IDC and South Africa, however an opportunity exist for an interested investor to acquire majority shareholding in this asset.
For any queries contact Patrick Khethani at 011 269 3317 or email projectlightning@idc.co.za Interested parties can download full details of the EOI from our website at www.idc.co.za under tenders. WWW.BASADZI.CO.ZA
Interested investors are required to submit their EOI complete with required minimum requirement by email to: projectlightning@idc.co.za. The closing date for the submission is 06 November 2020 at 12:00 noon.
spoor gesny tot by die grondpad waar dit wil voorkom of ‘n voertuig hulle opgelaai het. Die speurtak en medici is deur die reaksie-eenheid ontbied en het die vroue op die toneel gestabiliseer waarna hulle per ambulans na die plaaslike hospitaal geneem is. Bulletin het intussen met die vrou se man in kontak getreë. Die man het sy frustrasie met die Covid-19 regulasies meegedeel, wat dit vir hom moeilik gemaak het om dadelik ‘n vlug terug Suid-Afrika toe te reël. Hy het wel ingestem om met ons te praat sodra hy terug op eie bodem land. Teen druktyd was sy vrou steeds in die hospitaal waar ons verneem dat sy vir ‘n gebreekte hand en moontlik ook ‘n gebreekte sleutelbeen behandeling ontvang. Sy was nie bereid om met ons op daardie stadium ‘n gesprek te voer nie.
23 October 2020
New driver demerit point system explained
■ Billy Sibuyi The Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) will launch a new education campaign ahead of the South African Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act (Aarto). The Aarto Act will introduce a new demerit-point system for motorists in the country, with the first of three phases set to launch on the 1st of July 2021. According to RTIA CEO, Japh Chuwe, the ultimate intention of the Aarto Act is to create a new positive attitude that will promote safety on the country’s roads. “There should be less fatalities that occur as a result of infringements or offences caused by the motorists,” he said. In a statement published by RTIA on Tuesday, the 20th of October, the agency outlined some of the key changes under the new legislation. Within 32 days of receipt of a fine notice, an infringer has several options to choose from which mainly includes paying the fine within 32 days of receipt of the notice and receive an automatic 50% discount of the fine amount, or one could elect to be tried in court. Upon receipt of a fine notice via registered mail, the infringer will be allowed to arrange with RTIA for paying their fine in instalments of R750 or more over a period of six months. Should you not respond within the first 32 days, according to RTIA, they will send a letter serving an infringement notice. This letter is called a “courtesy letter”. “It is meant to remind the alleged infringer about the outstanding fines. It carries a R60 penalty fee and the infringer would have lost the discount at this stage,” the RTIA said. “An enforcement order will be issued if you fail to comply with the requirements of a courtesy letter, or have failed to appear in court, either following a traffic offence, or after specifically electing to be tried in court.” The enforcement order served on you will require payment of the penalty in full, plus representation fees and the fee of the courtesy letter, if any, as well as the prescribed fee of the enforcement order within a period of 32 days of the date of service of the order. “Until such time as you have paid the penalty and the additional fees as required in terms of an enforcement order, no license or license disk will be issued to you or in respect of a motor vehicle which is registered in your name until the enforcement order has been complied with, or has been revoked. The demerit point system has been introduced to reprimand drivers and operators who are habitual offenders.” But it also rewards law-abiding road users, as it reduces 1 point every 3 months down to zero demerit points if no further contraventions are incurred. Demerit points will be recorded against
your name when penalties and fees are paid, when you apply to pay in instalments, when you are convicted in court, or when an enforcement order is issued to you. “Every motorist starts with 0 points and the maximum permissible number of points allocated is 15. In other words, a person can drive until they have 15 points accumulated from contraventions committed.” Every point more than 15 points results in a three-month suspension of the license. One point is reduced every three months if no further contraventions are incurred within a three-month period. A license will be cancelled when it has been suspended for the third time. “If you have a learner’s license at the time of the infringement, your demerit points Billy Sibuyi will only start to reduce when your license is issued. If you are an unlicensed driver, you A 71-year-old woman who had been rereceive no discount, and your demerit points ported missing on Sunday, October 18, will only start to reduce when your license is was found hanging from a marula tree issued. If you are caught for the third time as the following day. an unlicensed driver you will be arrested.” The police in Lulekani said that doIf a person incurs demerit points which mestic violence cannot be ruled out. exceeds a total of 15 demerit points, that There are high levels of violence against person will be disqualified from driving or women in South Africa and last year the operating a motor vehicle and a person who president, Cyril Ramaphosa, said that is disqualified should immediately hand in the country was one of the “most unsafe any driving license or professional driving places in the world to be a woman”. permit to the Issuing Authority for retention Crime statistics released last year by such authority during the disqualification showed that 2 930 adult women were period. murdered in a 12-month spell, which Once disqualified a person may not apply for amounts to about one murder every a driving license, professional driving permit, three hours. Martha Khosa (71) went or operator card during the disqualification missing on Sunday and her body was period. found on Monday, the 19th of October. Any person who drives or operates a motor Lulekani SAPS spokesperson, Sgt Reoh vehicle during his or her disqualification Mabunda, said that an inquest investiperiod is guilty of an offence and liable on gation has been opened. conviction to a fine or imprisonment for a According to Mabunda, Khosa had left period not exceeding one year or to both a her home at Matiko Xikaya without infine and such imprisonment. forming anyone about her destination Upon expiry of their disqualification period, prior to being reported missing. a person may re-apply for and be issued “Her dissapearance was reported to with a new driving license in terms of the the police and a missing person file was applicable road traffic laws.
Gogo found hanged
opened and we immediately embarked on a serious search to locate the victim,” stated Mabunda. He told Bulletin that inquiries were made to all close friends and families without any success and later that Monday evening police received a complaint of a person found hanging from a tree and they responded to the scene. “They found the complainant who pointed out the deceased who was hanging by the neck from a branch of a marula tree in the nearby bushes of Matiko Xikaya,” Mabunda told Bulletin. He said that paramedics were immediately summoned, and the deceased was certified dead on the scene. Her body was transported to Maphutha Malatji hospital’s government mortuary by pathologists for an autopsy to be conducted to determine the cause of her death. “The motive of her death is unknown at this stage. However, domestic violence related issues cannot be ruled out,” mentioned Mabunda. The acting Station Commander, Captain Oscar Gezani Makhubele, has urged the community to seek counselling from professionals when encountering problems.
23 October 2020
BPM remain mum as roads fall apart ■ Billy Sibuyi Phalaborwa’s roads which are part of the Ba-Phalaborwa municipality’s function to maintain, according to their reviewed Integrated Development Plan (IDP), are supposed to be top priority. However, this does not seem to be the case.
January 2020
In an IDP document the municipality stated that it has an approved Road Master Plan, but the municipality was unable to implement the plan… due to financial constraints. In the same document addressing “key challenges” regarding the roads, the municipality said that there was a need to upgrade existing roads and that the road maintenance was not acceptable because of the lack of enough equipment. The BPM has been restoring potholes, but mainly outside of town as Tambotie Street still takes the prize for the biggest pothole in town. The pothole which stretches across the full width of the road surface, sits just after a speedhump, and has been increasing in size over the last two months.
King Fisher Street. Photo: Joe Dreyer
October 2020
Bulletin has requested the municipality to provide us with a detailed annual budget for the roads. Jonas Mahesu, the spokesperson of the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality, has acknowledged our email enquiries and told our journalist that he has forwarded the queries to the relevant person, who in this case is the Municipal Manager, Maite Moakamela. Mahesu has, on several occasions, told this publication that there are three types of maintenance schedules namely: the routine maintenance, planned maintenance, and daily maintenance. The daily maintenance involves the road crew attending to potholes daily. However, just like three years ago when Bulletin first ran an in depth expose on the absolute disgraceful mess which this municipality wishes to pass as roads infrastructure, it appears as though the memo was not received by the roads crew. Bulletin drove along two of the main roads Tambotie and Nolie Bosman street and we lost count at 103 potholes. Frans du Toit street which was allegedly repaired a few years ago, looks worse for wear. It occupies a spot in the top five worst
King Fisher Street. Photo: Billy Sibuyi
New fuelling station for village brings concerns ■ Jeff Jackson The construction of the first fuelling station at Khujwana village in ward 16 of the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) has commenced after it came to a halt during the lockdown period. Though there were concerns from the community that the structure had been erected on community ground, the work seemed to be continuing unabated. The construction of the project started late last year, but not without concerns because it was placed at the service cost centre, which is a place where residents were accessing services such as the electricity vending station and a post office. Though people close to the project say all the problems were ironed out, residents are still discontented over the new developments. A community leader familiar with the developments, said that the
Service Cost Centre was erected by the now defunct Tzaneen Transitional Local Council (Tzaneen TLC) in 1995 so that residents who could afford to pay for the services, could do so. But the project turned into a white elephant as it was never utilised for the purpose it was built for. Instead, it was hijacked by villagers who started to sell liquor. Each time, after elections, residents would be urged to pay for the services such as electricity, and during election time the calls would be dropped as it was feared by the politicians that they would lose their votes. However, Eskom came and constructed a vending station which was later followed by the post office boxes. A resident explained that matters came to a head two years ago when one of the leaders of the ANC, and a friend of the local councillor, announced to the community that the municipality had offered him
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streets in Phalaborwa, followed by Hardekool Street and Spekboom. Here are the contact details of the public servants appointed to ensure service delivery to the people of Phalaborwa. According to their website, all queries can be logged by contacting the municipal offices on 015 780 6300. A more direct route could be taken though; the municipal manager, Maite Moakamela, can be contacted on 078 851 5731. The mayor, Meriam Malatji, can be contacted on 073 144 6937 and their spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu can be contacted on 078 099 2830. ***Editor’s Note: On the 13th of September 2017, Jonas Mahesu responded to an inquiry into the state of the roads and the municipality’s plans to have the situation sorted. In that inquiry, our editor asked Mahesu what the annual roads budget for the municipality was, to which Mahesu replied “The total budget for operation and Maintenance is R 4 781 469.” Since then, official media inquiries sent to Mahesu, are hardly ever responded to in a manner expected from a spokesperson. Every inquiry is passed on to the Municipal Manager, Maite Moakamela (078 851 5731) who never responds.
the service station. He then started selling food at the spot which was later converted to a shebeen which attracted the anger of the community. He further said that villagers were shocked when one day a grader arrived and simply demolished the buildings - except the post office boxes which are still there. Sources further told Bulletin that the now deposed acting chief of the Nkuna Tribal Authority was paid R6 000 so the garage development could continue on his land after hearing that there were concerns from the community. Two local headmen were allegedly also paid R5 000 so they could ensure the smooth running of the project which is earmarked to be launched in December. We have not been able to gain comment from the owner of the new fuelling station.
“Please let us work!” ■ Billy Sibuyi Lodge owners and tour operators believe the lockdown needs to end to save jobs and for the survival of the tourism industry. This follows the alert level one which has been in place from September the 21st which allows for all travelers from the African continent and from countries outside Africa with a low rate of Covid-19 infection and transmission to visit South Africa. Hoedspruit’s Mzsingitana Tented Camp owner, Bhili Rackson, believes that the lockdown needs to end so that tourism can liven up again. “As a tour operator it is not easy to sell packages right now because most of the clients are from high risk countries and the ones that are not, are reluctant to come to South Africa,” Rackson told Bulletin. “I have not had a single booking since the lockdown restrictions, so I have been, like other operators, struggling since March. The sooner this thing ends the sooner we can start working hard again.” Phalaborwa’s Bushbaby Adventures owner, Elize Olivier is just as concerned. “If they do not open these borders soon, it will be a problem for a lot of businesses more especially the small businesses. I know big transfer companies that already closed down after being in business for more than 20 years,” she said. “We are all suffering, and it has been difficult for
everyone. We do not regularly get local market support and that means we must depend on the international market which is not forthcoming. Our debit orders are still going off even though we are not working.” The Department of Home Affairs on Monday published a revised “red list” and the DA believes that the system to identify these high-risk nations is not only illogical, but is having a devastating effect on the tourism industry, jobs and the economy. “The list, which was five days overdue, now stands at 22, down from an initial 60 nations. While the number of countries is reduced, the list now includes countries such as Germany, the United States and Canada which are among the most important source markets for tourism in South Africa,” stated DA member of parliament Manny de Freitas. “If total deaths per country was the criteria used to draw up this list then countries like Ecuador would have been included on the list as it has more deaths than Canada which was added onto the red list. Turkey and Bolivia with more deaths are not on the red list yet the Netherlands with less deaths than those two countries remain on the list?” The DA will write to the Minister of Home Affairs, Aaron Motsoaledi, to request clarity on the criteria used to draw up the red list comprising of countries South Africa considers as high risk for international travel due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
23 October 2020
Tzaneen Cold Storage celebrates 30-years ■ Roelof de Jonge It was three decades ago, in 1990, that the now firmly established Tzaneen Cold Storage (Tzaneen Koelkamers) laid the foundations for the legacy that has quite literally become a local institution among retailers, caterers and the general consumers of the Greater Tzaneen area. It was the second cold storage facility to be established within the BJ Group of companies at the time and was started with only 10 staff members under the ownership of Bennie and Sandra Jacobs. This popular store is still situated at the same address, 10 Impala Street, where it was originally established 30 years ago. “We realised the need within the local market for a decent cold storage facility to service direct to the public,” the Jacobs’ said almost simultaneously. “We had to work hard to make a name for ourselves in a market which was already relatively competitive. It was sheer commitment which was ultimately the driving force behind the success Bennie and Sandra Jacobs have been the of Tzaneen Cold Storage.” driving force and inspiration behind the Many a business owner will tell you successful establishment and existence of Tzaneen Cold Storage.
Photo’s by Roelof de Jonge The friendly and dedicated team of Tzaneen Cold Storage, with some of them employed in the business for the past 30 years.
ks that ensure the quality The drivers of the delivery truc
time. age reach its customers on products of Tzaneen Cold Stor
what it takes for the first five to ten years to establish a business successfully. Tzaneen Cold Storage started off with just three product suppliers. Today, 30 years down the line, they boast with no less than 20 suppliers ensuring the best value for money and a wider product range to their client base. According to the owners, Tzaneen Cold Storage always value the needs of its customers. In this way the business has managed to keep evolving, and adapting to the needs of its base. “We believe it is important for a business to invest time in your personnel for them to perform their duties with dedication. Our personnel, is one of the reasons why we have continued growing in stature after all these years. Even after 30 years, Tzaneen Cold Storage is still dedicated to its employees who in return are still devoted to further establish and improve the business for the future.” For entrepreneurs who are thinking of establishing a business, the Jacobs’ said that hard work, honesty, excellent service, and quality products are the only means to start, and more importantly maintain, a business successfully. “From management to the rest of the team we have respect and trust amongst each other. Cooperation with a clear communication system in place amongst all colleagues and most importantly faith in God, are the driving factors behind the successful 30 years of Tzaneen Cold Storage.” The Jacobs couple said the fact is that people need to eat. After 30 years in the industry the mission of Tzaneen Cold Storage will continue to provide affordable prices from its wide range of quality products to the public. Some of the personnel have been working at Tzaneen Cold Storage since its inception in 1990. Bennie Jacobs said that the saying “you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” comes to mind. In other words, if the employees take care of the business as if it is their own, we will surely look after their wellbeing. Here are the personnel who have long lasting working relationships with Tzaneen Cold Storage: Robert Mabunda, driver and employed since 1990. Albert Makwala, general worker and employed since 1991.
Alfred Mokgobi, storeman and employed since 1992. Kenneth Baloyi, general worker and employed since 1995. Phineas Malebane, driver since 2000. Maggie Malatji, cashier since 2002. For many a business owner it takes lots of commitment, time and hard work to be successful. But at some stage, especially over weekends and holidays, a person needs to switch off the lights and close the office doors behind you. “With most of the personnel being employed for many years, it enabled us to train them properly. This makes it possible for Sandra and I to make time to go away on tours. We both love camping and in our spare time we like to tour across Southern Africa and visit countries like Namibia and Botswana.” For many a person the mere thought of working with your spouse might seem to be quite a daunting task, as is the case with Bennie and Sandra Jacobs who have managed this so successfully over the years. “We decided from an early age in our lives that we would like to work alongside one another, and it definitely worked out well for us. But it takes a lot of discipline, trust, respect, and tonnes of love for our Creator and for each other. We praise God that He blessed this business for so many years, we are so blessed by His greatness.”
23 October 2020
23 October 2020
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23 October 2020
Fourth massive sinkhole on RAL road
■ Joe Dreyer
The Deerpark Road that veers left off the R71 in the direction of Bolobedu and reconnects at the four-way intersection in Tarentaalrand is a death trap waiting to claim lives of unsuspecting motorists. The road surface is riddled with potholes the size of truck tyres and deeper than a man’s ankles. They are unavoidable and spreading. Local business owners and farmers of this area have complained about the state of the road since 2007 when a massive sinkhole started forming right at a section where the road crosses a ravine. Trucks use this road daily and their heavy loads eat into the existing potholes which are never repaired adequately. Tenders are put out annually to fix this road, but instead of following standard procedures, the potholes are simply plugged with instant cold tar mix that last rough two months before being opened up again, forming potholes double the size of the initial one. Aesthetically, this stretch of road, which is roughly 20 kilometres in length, resembles a patchwork of bumps, bulges, dips, and gravel. The sinkhole is situated along the section of road that contains the largest potholes and has already swallowed up the entire emergency lane causing the safety barriers to lean toward the ravine. A motorist unfamiliar with this road will not see the sinkhole and will drive their vehicle into the sinkhole resulting in certain death for its occupants. “We have been complaining about this stretch of road for many years,” said Kruger Berries GM, Albert Smit. “Each time a contractor is given a tender to fix the problem, they patch only a few of the potholes with bags of tar and move on. The last guy did not even plug all of the potholes, and those he did repair, have already opened up again. We have lost many tires and even rims on our vehicles because of this road and nothing has come of it. That sinkhole is a major concern and if it is not repaired soon, will definitely result in a very tragic accident.” This sinkhole is one of four in the GTM area which we know of. Two of the biggest being situated along the Agatha Road. One of them, situated
on the Hamawasha road, has already claimed two lives. The road, as with the infamous Georges Valley Road (R528) is the responsibility of the Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL). At the time of going to print, we were not able to reach them for any comment on this extremely dangerous situation. On their Facebook page however, they posted an update this week on the progress with the construction of 23.66 kilometres of road D4200 from Marulaneng to Ga-Maila to Ga-Nchabeleng within the Makhuduthamaga and Fetakgomo Tubatse local municipalities of Sekhukhune District in Limpopo Province. It is not clear whether RAL is unable to tend to numerous projects simultaneously, or whether they only construct roads and outsource the maintenance thereof to contractors via a tender process. We will await a response on our inquiry and publish a follow up on this matter in next week’s Bulletin.
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23 October 2020
New magnificent Magnite heading for SA ■ Roelof de Jonge Nissan launched its new compact SUV, the Magnite, on Wednesday the 21st of October. The new Magnite is according to Nissan a perfect modern crossover that will surely grab the attention for South Africa as well Sub-Saharan countries. The pricing will be available closer to the start of sales in 2021. The Magnite was unveiled to a global audience through a virtual event with key spokespersons from Nissan’s leadership teams across the globe presented the live-streamed event. “The all-new Nissan Magnite plays a vital role in our Nissan ‘Next’ strategy and represents Nissan’s undeniable commitment to the South African and Sub-Saharan markets to be a customer-centric organisation.” We are very excited to welcome the Nissan Magnite as it reiterates our brand philosophy of keeping customers at the heart of everything we do to deliver exciting products for enriching experiences,” said Kabelo Rabotho, marketing director at the Nissan Group of Africa. Nissan stated the new Magnte is a testimony to its global SUV DNA of persistent innovation, advanced technology, and Japanese engineering. It features the latest technology as a part of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, the company’s vision as to how vehicles are powered, driven, and integrated into society. Designed in Japan, with the requirements and aspirations of its customers kept in mind, the allnew Magnite comes with numerous unique features that provide consumers with a differentiated, innovative, and accessible ownership experience. The Magnite’s presence can make it stand out even in the most bustling of streets. Made with a blend of style and functionality, Nissan’s newly developed Flare Garnet Red (Tint-Coat) Colour displays the Magnite’s premium status with the depth and quality of the paint emphasizing its modern design. The sleek L-shape headlamps with LED Daytime Running Lights (DRL) and dominating front grille
is unlike any other design Nissan had before and new to the compact crossover SUV segment. When it comes to the interiors, the designers of the all-new Magnite came up with the best level of packaging and seating comfort. Along with that, the all-new Magnite also has a tech pack which has a wireless charger, air purifier, puddle lamps, ambient mood lighting and premium JBL speakers powered by Harman. With a 60-40 split foldable rear seats for utmost flexibility and luggage room capacity of 336 litres, the Magnite is a top contender in its class for luggage space and can accommodate three suitcases with ease. A first in its segment according to Nissan, the all-new Magnite is also equipped with one of Nissan’s top support technologies, the Around View Monitor (AVM). The AVM technology gives the driver a virtual bird’s eye view from above the vehicle. Not forgetting the driver who likes their music, the eight-inch infotainment display with full flush touchscreen, Wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto with built-in voice recognition has all needs covered. This includes Nissan Connect, which offers 50 plus features (geofence*, roadside assistance, smartwatch connectivity amongst others) to transform the car as the customer needs. The Magnite seems to be a fuel-efficient SUV which consumes around 20km per litre. The Magnite’s new HRA0 1.0-litre Turbo engine is available with a five-speed manual and the X-TRONIC CVT gearbox. The HRA0 1.0-litre Turbo engine comes with a “mirror bore cylinder coating” technology from world-class sports cars such as the Nissan GT-R. This technology reduces the resistance inside the engine, thus delivering smooth acceleration and efficient use of fuel. It also features six technical improvements that result in better fuel economy and lower CO2 emissions. The HRA0 1.0-litre Turbo engine provides a new experience of responsive and quicker accele-
Nissan launched its new compact SUV, the Magnite, on Wednesday the 21st of October. Photos: MotoPress
ration, whilst also a reduction in engine noise. With Nissan’s signature X-TRONIC CVT gearbox, Cruise Control and wider gear range, the all-new Magnite is poised to deliver seamless performance even in peak city traffic. Built with high strength and impact absorbing efficient body structure, it is equipped with safety features such as: Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD) Hydraulic Brake Assist (HBA) Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC)
Traction Control System (TCS) Hill Start Assist (HSA) Speed sensing door lock Central locking SRS dual airbag system with pretension and load limiter seatbelt for driver and passenger. * Geofencing is a location-based service in which an app or other software uses GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi or cellular data to trigger a pre-programmed action when a mobile device or RFID tag enters or exits a virtual boundary set up around a geographical location, known as a geofence.
Notice is hereby given in terms of sections 10(1) (b), 16(4)(b) and 39 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, No 28 of 2002 (MPRDA), the National Environmental Management Act, No. 107 of 1998, as amended (NEMA) and related Regulations & Listing Notices. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY & LOCATION:
Evergreen Resources (Pty) Ltd is in the process of consulting the land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) as required by the law stated above in relation to prospecting activities for Gold, Silver, Copper and Zinc minerals on Farm Magwena 750 LT in the magisterial district of Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality. DMR Ref. LP13796PR.
A public meeting is being planned to take place in due course and upon conclusion of engagements with the Land Owner(s), Traditional Leadership and other Stakeholders, the date, venue and time of the meeting will be communicated in the community and published in the public areas around the said Farm. I&APs are also welcome to contact the contact person below for such meeting details and/ or comments. Due to restrictions by the COVID-19 Lockdown Regulations on Public Gatherings, the Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are urged to submit their comments and contact details via email on erasmus@pshgroup.co.za or arnold.muindisi@gmail.com
Land owners, lawful occupants, community and any Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are given the opportunity to access more information on the proposed activities and to give com-
ment on the process. Please submit your name, contact information and comments and/or requirements in writing to the contact person by 23 November 2020. CONTACT PERSON/CONSULTANT): Arnold Muindisi, Cell:
071 012 2607 / 081 439 7788,
Fax: 086 758 2869 / 086 512 6724, P.O.Box 509, Morula View, 0196.
CASE NUMBER: 145/2020 ERF 714 TZANEEN (PTY) LTD Execution Creditor and MTM AUTO MECHANICS & PROJECTS CC (REG: 2011/054541/23) Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION
IN PURSUANCE of a Judgment of the Magistrate, TZANEEN dated 17 JUNE
2020, the undermentioned good will be sold by public auction, on 12 NOVEMBER 2020 at 10H00. Venue of the Sale: SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM MAIN STORE NO: 2 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD TZANEEN By the Sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court of TZANEEN to the highest cash bidder. 1 x 4PCE Lounge Suite 1 x Samsung Printer 1 x Coffee Table 1 x Stramm 1 x Office Chair 1 x Tool in Trade 1 x Pixma Printer 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www.info.gov.
za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per hour Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. Dated at TZANEEN on the 16TH day of OCTOBER 2020. (SGD) J H JACOBSZ ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOUBERT & MAY 50 BOUNDARY STREET P.O. BOX 35, TZANEEN TEL: 015-307 3660 REF: MR JACOBSZ/JK/ J7884 Oct402___________________________
CASE NUMBER: 2075/19 In the matter between: L VAN HEYNINGEN N.O. Execution Creditor And CHARLES KHUMALO Execution Debtor IDENTITY NUMBER: 731028 5634 08 1 NOTICE OF AUCTION
In pursuance of a Judgment dated 28TH February 2020 and a warrant of execution in the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Tzaneen held at Tzaneen, the following goods will be sold on THURSDAY the 12th day of NOVEMBER 2020 at 10:00 by Public Auction to be held at the Sheriff Letaba’s store room, Main Store No. 2 Industria Road 20, Tzaneen by the sheriff for the district of Tzaneen held at Tzaneen, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x Arctix Electric Cooler Box 1 x TV Stand / Cabinet 1 x 3Pce Corner Lounge Suite 1 x Coffee Table
1 x Samsung LCD TV 1 x 7 Pce Dining Room Suite 1 x Defy Side by Side Fridge 1 x Hisense D/D Fridge 1 x Defy Microwave 1 x Bosch 4 Plate Gas Stove 1 x Hisense Front Loader Washing Machine 1 x Trojan Contender 320 Bench and Press 1 x Lazy Boy Recliner 1 x Bedroom Suite 1 x Ford Ranger Wildtrack with Reg no: DWC 434 L 1 x Jeep with Reg no: CZ 71 XS GP 1 x Opel Corsa with Reg no: JNC 114 GP AUCTION
1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgement obtained in the above Honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen. 3. Registration as a buyer is pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia: 3.1 Directives of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of
2008 can be downloaded from Url http://www.info. gov.za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961 3.2 FICA registration in respect of Proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 4. The office of the sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 5. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on this the 20TH day of OCTOBER 2020. ATTORYNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF THOMAS AND SWANEPOEL INC 19 PEACE STREET, TZANEEN TEL: 015 307 1027 E-MAIL:nadia@tslegal.co.za REF: C VAN HEYNINGEN/ NJ/J738 Oct403___________________________
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23 October 2020
Vossie-hoof onthul boek by kunsveiling
Here is the new head hostel leaders from Merensky High School. From left is Willem-Albert Ludick (deputy headboy), Abrie Whelan (headboy), Abigail Caldeira (headgirl) and Anke van Deventer (deputy headgirl).
Merensky announces new hostel leaders ■ Roelof de Jonge Voor is Mckayla Lauterbach, Shanté Pitout, Danielle Naudé, Tashne Opperman, Tina Roos, Marno Jacobs, Cilliers van Heerden en Mias Koen. Agter is Meyer Jacobs, Juan Meintjes, Gideon Goosen, Brooke de Beer, Jane Benson, Azel Vorster, Cara du Plessis en Yvonne Botha.
■ Roelof de Jonge Die Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op Donderdag die 15de Oktober sy jaarlikse gr.9-kunsveiling gehou. Dié skool was ook bevoorreg om hul hoof, Jan van Staden, se skrywerstalente te vier. Sy boek, Die Noagvoël/The Noah Bird, was tydens die kunsveiling bekendgestel met ‘n voorlesing as voorsmakie van die boeiende verhaal. Die gaste kon dan ook getekende eksemplare aankoop en ‘n woordjie wissel met Ben Vorster se begaafde skrywer. Die wins van die boek se verkope word goedgunstelik aan die skool geskenk. Die leerders het onderleiding van hul kunsonderwyseres, Anél Griesel, al weke voor die tyd die verf en kwas ingespan om vir die spoggeleentheid gereed te wees. Daar was verwag van die aspirante kunstenaars om landskappe te skilder en hulle het hulself oortref met die unieke kunswerke wat hul geskep het. Die geleentheid was ‘n opgewonde affêre met Fanie Oberholzer wat die afslaerhammer beman het. Oberholzer het die aand met sy kwinkslae en unieke afslaer-styl vir ‘n geleentheid gesorg wat vir lank deur die kunstenaars en
gaste onthou sal word. Dié afslaer het die beste moontlike pryse vir die leerders se kunswerke beding. Zoë Jacobs en Iloné Venter het met hul sangtalente die gehoor met hul musiek vermaak. Zoïse Pienaar is ‘n kunsleerder by die Hoërskool Ben Vorster en het gesorg vir die kunswerk wat op die boek se omslag pryk. Sy het ook tydens die aand se verrigtinge die oorspronklike kunswerk aan van Staden oorhandig. Die gr.9-leerders is dankbaar vir ieder en elk wat die aand bygewoon en ondersteun het om hierdie geleentheid ‘n reuse sukses te maak.
Holding the reins in the largest school hostel in Limpopo is not a walk in the park, according to Louis du Preez who is the marketing manager of Merensky High School. At this school, the more than 400 hostel learners are regularly referred to as the “heartbeat of the school”. These boarders are annually managed by a dynamic group of leaders. This new hostel leadership for 2020/2021 was inaugurated on Thursday the 15th of October. A host of proud parents together with Arno Last
who is the hostel father and Irma de Lange, the hostel mother, as well as the school’s executive management, listened to the farewell messages of the retiring head leaders, Duan Gubitz and Suandrie Corbett. This occasion was held in Merensky’s Appetito restaurant garden. The new heads, Abrie Whelan and Abigail Caldeira, officially took over the reins from them. In addition to their general duties, the group of hostel leaders meets regularly to plan for the reception of the largest group of hostel skivvies (gr.8 learners or also referred to as greenhorns) in the history of this school, according to du Preez.
Warriors of 2020 graduate with distinction
Danielle Naudé.
Pioniers sê hartlik dankie Die inwoners van Pioniers woonstelle in Grensstraat bedank graag die volgende persone wat gereelde skenkings maak en hulle grootendeels deur die Covid-19 pandemie gedra het, en steeds dra. Leon Whitehead vir die eiers, koolkoppe en brood vanaf die Lions en Thys Steynberg en Boere vir die heerlikste vars groente.
Gap year students from the Warriors Academy in Magoebaskloof just outside Tzaneen was in quite a celebration mood after they received their well-earned certificates on Wednesday evening, the 21st of October, at an unforgettable function. This was after they all completed their gap year programme. Read next week’s Bulletin for the full report on this event. Photo: Roelof de Jonge
Sport 23 October 2020
Raaths / Menge verstewig greep
■ Roelof de Jonge
Tydrenspanne het Vrydag en Saterdag die 16de en 17de Oktober stof opgeskop. Die derde en vierde rondtes van die 2020 Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Tydrenkampioenskap het die afgelope naweek nasionale en ook streekstydrenspanne van wyd en syd gelok. Die NTT Toyota Delmas Tydren was dan ook natuurlik ‘n onbekende terrein vir die deelnemende spanne weens die feit dat vanjaar se tydrenkalender as gevolg van die Covid-19 pandemie en gepaardgaande regulasies geheel en al moes verander word. Hierdie twee rondtes was dan natuurlik ook waar Tzaneen se plaaslike tydrennavigator, Louis Menge, saam met die Pretoriaanse tydrenjaer, Anton Raaths, hul streekstydrenkampioenskap voortgesit het. Menge en Raaths wat met ‘n Volkswagen Golf in die NR1-klas jaag, het ‘n goeie tydren beleef en het twee klasoorwinnings behaal om sodoende hul greep op die NR1-klaskampioenskap te verstewig. Menge het gesê hy en Raaths is vol vertoue dat hulle die klaskampioenskap in die laaste rondes van die kampioenskp, rondtes vyf en ses, sal kan beklink. Afgesien van twee uitmuntende klasoorwinnings die afgelope naweek het dié span bestendig gery om ‘n puik derdeplek in Vrydag se rondte van die streekskampioenskap te neem. In Saterdag se rondte het hulle weereens stof opgeskop in hul teenstanders se oë en in die vierdeplek geëindig. “Rondtes drie en vier was elk oor ses sneldele beslis. Elke tydrenrondte het oor drie sneldele beskik, waarvan elkeen twee keer voltooi moes word. Vrydag se rondte drie was die hitte ongelooflik en heel uitputtend vir die spanne. Dit is afgesien van die digte stofwolke waarmee ons ook rekening moes hou”, het Menge vertel. “Die Saterdag se tydren, ronde vier, was ook baie warm. Ten minste was daar dié keer ‘n bietjie van ‘n wind wat gehelp het om ons bietjie koeler te hou,
maar dit was nog steeds warm.” Wat tydrenjaers en hul navigators onderskei van baanrenjaers is dat hulle so vining as moontlik op ‘n onbekende roete die afstand van ‘n sneldeel moet voltooi. Baanrenjaers leer ‘n baan ken na ‘n paar oefenrondtes om te weet wat hul en hul renmotor se perke is. Tydrenspanne jaag byna blindelings op grondpaaie om te sien wie die vinnigste tyd opstel. “Ek wil natuurlik ons diensspan ‘n pluimpie gee vir hul ongelooflike raak vat werk wat verseker gehelp het om ons kanse om die klaskampioenskap te wen te help verstewig. Ek wil aan ons borge, S&J Auto Tzaneen en Roma Fuels, ook bedank vir hul getroue ondersteuning.” Die eindrondtes van die Suid-Afrikaanse nasionale tydren- en streekkampioenskap, rondtes vyf en ses, sal as die TRACN4 Nasionale Tydren bekend staan en sal op die 27ste en 28ste November in die Safcol plantasies in die omgewing van Belfast en Dullstroom beslis word.
Anton Raaths en sy Tzaneense navigator, Louis Menge, het die afgelope naweek twee puik klasoorwinnings behaal in hul Volkswagen Golf.