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Met sowat 100 000 ha wat deur verwoestende brande in puin gedompel is, het boere in die Vrystaat hulp broodnodig. ‘n Groep plaaslike inwoners het hande gevat en die Letaba Brandwag Plaaswag se Vrystaat hulp-projek ondersteun. Die projek is deur Carel van der Grijp en Dirk Joubert verlede week van stapel gestuur. Lees die volle storie binne.
November 2020
DENDRON FARM ATTACKERS DENIED BAIL The three suspects arrested for the brutal assault on the Joubert family on their farm in Dendron on the 6th of August will remain behind bars until their next court appearance. Read the update on page 10 inside.
Foto: Joe Dreyer
30 October 2020
First female Auditor General for SA ■ Jeff Jackson
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
South Africa will, for the first time, have a woman as Auditor General after parliament unanimously voted the current Deputy Auditor-General (AG), Tsakani Maluleke, as the new incoming Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA). She was voted in by the 299 Members of Parliament (MP`s) present in the National Assembly on Tuesday to replace Kimi Makwetu, whose term of office comes to an end in November. The former chartered accountant has since 2014 been deputy to Kimi Makwetu who, for many years, has been critical of the usage of municipal finances and the failure of municipalities to score clean records. Maluleke is credited for her brilliant set of skills that include chartered accounting, auditing credentials with specialised knowledge and
experience in state finances and public administration. The chairperson of the Adhoc Committee on the appointment of the AG, Nokuzola Tolashe, said two women were in the running for the position, and Maluleke`s experience as the deputy served as an advantage. She added that this was the first time in a democracy which is traditionally a male dominated sector and her appointment will strengthen women empowerment. All political parties, in a surprising development, came out in support of the appointment. ANC chief whip, Pemmy Majodina, said that they have no doubt that Maluleke will contribute to the empowerment of women. The IFP MP, Mkhuleko Hlengwa said Maluleke was not only their choice, but that of the committee as well. “All candidates that applied for the
position, those shortlisted for the job are deserving a word of thanks. She was not only our choice but was unanimously elected by the entire committee.” The DA MP, Jan de Villiers, also supported the appointment and said it demonstrates how much good can come from politicians working together and not for respective political parties. “The president has asked us to work together. In this committee I saw first-hand what happens when politicians work together and not their political parties. Maluleke is the best candidate and she was not chosen because of politics. She was chosen because she was the best candidate.” In Limpopo recently, almost all the departments coupled with municipalities were found to had not complied with financial regulations
which forced Premier Stanley Mathabatha to call his executives into order. He also promised during the State of the Province Address (SOPA) that municipalities whose finances were found in the wrong would have to go for training - which to date had not materialised.
Tsakani Maluleke
R2M for borehole Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.
■ Jeff Jackson
The Hawks in Limpopo arrested three immigration officials after they allegedly demanded bribes instead of arresting a man found to be in the country without papers. The three officers initially demanded a large bribe from a shop owner which was later reduced to R4 000 which was paid by the victim to the suspects. They were nabbed in a sting operation. Limpopo Hawks spokesperson, Capt Matimba Maluleke said in statement that the three suspects which included a Nebo Home Affairs control immigration officer and two Jane Furse Home Affairs immigration officers were aged between 30 and 42. He added that the matter was reported to the Hawks who arrested the suspects after conducting an investigation. “The suspects allegedly conducted a routine inspection at one of the foreign-owned shops and found an undocumented immigrant. Instead of arresting him, the officials allegedly demanded a R10 000 gratification for his freedom. The amount
Taxi fire kills two
was reportedly reduced to R4 000 and it was paid by the victim to the suspects. They were due to appear at the Motetema magistrate court on Wednesday.” In another incident, two businessmen who were trying to bribe an investigator from the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) while investigating borehole tender fraud in the province, had their case postponed to a further date at the Mankweng Magistrate court on Monday. This is sequel to investigations launched following claims that prices for sinking boreholes were inflated from a mere R40 000 to R2 million as is the case in Mopani. Spokesperson for the SIU, Kaizer Kganyago, said despite having been a short court session it is going well. He said that though it took long with six appearances, they are hopeful the matter will be settled quickly. He said the investigator in the matter had been removed from the area as he is the state witness at this point and they would want him protected. He added that they do not take it lightly if their officials are bribed.
■ Jeff Jackson
The police could not give the reason for the head on collision between a sedan and a taxi in the early hours of Sunday morning where two people died and five others sustained injuries. The collision caused the taxi to burst into flames on the R71 between Namakgale and Phalaborwa. The police were still investigating the circumstances which led to the crash. According to police spokesperson, Lt Col, Moatshe Ngoepe, two people died on the scene and five others were injured when a minibus taxi and a VW polo collided near Phalaborwa on Sunday morning. The head on collision happened around 05:40. “The VW polo had five occupants including the driver, while the minibus had two occupants including a driver,” said Ngoepe. The driver and a passenger died in the VW while the three other passengers and the two occupants of the minibus were seriously injured when the vehicle started burning. The police were in the
process of identifying the deceased. “The cause of this accident is not clear at this stage, ongoing police investigations will tell. A case of culpable homicide is under investigation,” added Ngoepe. Meanwhile, commuters who used to wait for transport at the Khujwana crossing will sigh with relief after the municipality installed a flood light which is set to bring an end to criminal activities in which people were mugged after alighting from public transport at night. This after it was promised by the GTM during the state of the municipality address in 2017 at the Tzaneen showgrounds. However, commuters have expressed concern that having lights in the bush will not help them and instead, will expose them to muggers as they could be seen from a distance compared to when it was dark. A resident nearby expressed concern that the flood light will increase crime as thieves will try to steal the electricity cables attached to the light. Councillors could not be reached for comment.
Illegal sand mining in riverbed continues ■ Joe Dreyer
Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen
STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850
The police have slowly started closing the net on illegal mining activities, despite the riverbeds in the Gravelotte and Ofcolaco areas still left to the will of illegal immigrant sand miners. On the 15th of October, sixteen suspects were arrested in the Driekop area outside Burgersfort on charges of illegal mining. Those 16 suspects appeared in the Praktiseer magistrate’s court on Monday this week. They were all denied bail and their cases were postponed to Thursday, 29 October, for further bail application and for further police investigations. The suspects aged between 19 and 55 were arrested by members of the Provincial Organised Crime Unit, the Air-Wing and the Tactical Response Team (TRT). They were identified as Ephraim Chabane Makwana (42), Nicholas Mohlala (30), Ernest Chipu (51), Potego Lefa Makwana (24), Isaac Maroga (30), Alex Manyangu (38), Calvin Maphanga (27), Salamao Zandamela (55), Sabino Mashela (40) and Mahlatse Makola (19), Sibongile Masuku (30), Kedibone Maphanga (26), Naume Brown (26), Monica Mupasi 084 4000 911 (29), Edna Simurai (38) and Tambudai Masuku (27). 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 dave@rescue911.co.za d help will be on the way.
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The arrests followed a tip off from members of the community regarding a group of suspects allegedly mining chrome illegally in this area. Police accurately operationalized the information which led to the arrest of the suspects and confiscation of items worth R10 million. During the arrest, Police confiscated three excavators, one Nissan NP200 bakkie, seven spades and five hammers. The Police investigations are still continuing. The situation in Gravelotte and Ofcolaco areas however, appear to be clearer cut matters with authorities being in possession of the necessary details (gathered and forwarded to them by concerned farmers organizations in those areas). According to correspondence between these organizations and the local police, which Bulletin has seen, the whereabouts of these illegal miners, the sites which are being illegally mined, the transport companies who support them and even the price they charge per load of sand, has been forwarded to the police and the department of minerals and energy on numerous occasions over the course of the last few years. Even documented photographic
and video evidence has been presented, but still, inexplicably, no arrests have been made and there seems to not be any interest from the relevant authorities to dispatch an investigation into the matter, in the very near future. This despite the onus resting wholly on the shoulders of the DMRE. We have not been able to gain any clarity from the department in this very urgent matter.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 26/10/2020
Tzaneen 10.2%
Ebenezer 14.3%
Merensky 100%
Dap Naude 98.9%
Middel Letaba 0.7%
Blyde Rivier Poort 86.8%
Klaserie 98.5%
Tours 25.3%
Vergelegen 101.6%
Ohrigstad 9%
30 October 2020
Plaaslike boere snel Vrystaat te hulp ■ Joe Dreyer Dele van die Vrystaat lê in puin na verwoestende veldbrande verlede week in die Hertzogville area uitgebreek het. Volgens dr Jack Armour, Operasionele bestuurder van Vrystaat Landbou (VL), is van die brande deur betogers gestig wat blykbaar oor swak dienslewering betoog het. Die erge hitte en sterk wind wat die naweek in die Vrystaat geheers het, het die situasie ook verder bemoeilik. In sommige gevalle is daar beeste wat volgens Armour, sewe plase vêr gehardloop het om van die brande te ontsnap en daar is selfs boere en hulle gesinne wat brandwonde opgedoen het. Gesinne het alles verloor. Meer as 100 000 ha is in die brande, wat as van die ergste in die afgelope paar jaar bestempel is, heeltemal verwoes. Verlede week Donderdag het Carel van der Grijp, voorsitter van die Letaba Brandwag Plaaswag en Dirk Joubert, aan die werk gespring om hul Vrystaat se boere te hulp te snel. ‘n Noodkreet is oor die plaaslike sosialemedia groepe asook WhatsApp groepe uitgestuur en binne etlike ure is daar skenkings van voer, water, kos en klere uit die Letsitele en Tzaneen omgewing ontvang. “Van daar af het dit net begin groei en mense het ons begin skakel om te hoor hoe hulle kan help, waar hulle ‘n kan bydrae lewer, en wat
die boere in die Vrystaat alles nodig het. Dit was regtig ‘n voorbeeld van hoe die kleinboer in ons area sy kant kan bring om sy mense te help,” het Van der Grijp gesê. “Alhoewel die Letaba Brandwag Plaaswag die voortou geneem het, was dit die gemeenskap wat hierdie projek ‘n sukses gemaak het, en ons dank ieder en elk wat hand bygesit het, daarvoor. Julle red lewens.” Bulletin het Donderdagoggend by Van der grijp gaan draai op sy plaas langs die R71 waar hulle hard besig was om voer en mieliemeel te laai. ‘n Vragmotor, geborg deur Muis Joubert van PPS Petroleum, het met ‘n vrag voer vertrek terwyl Johan Duvenhage, Angelique le Roux en hulle kinders besig was om blikkies kos op palette te laai. Willie en Christo van der Grijp het saam met van die werkers ‘n trokvrag vol se mieliemeel vrag afgelaai terwyl ‘n ander groep doenig was met waterkanne wat deur Oasis Water geborg is. Terwyl die mans op die plaas besig was om vragmotors te laai, het die vrouens spesiale kartonhouers vir die Vrystaatse vroue en kinders opgemaak. Elke houer het skoonmaakmiddels en kruideniersware bevat met spesiale bokse vir die kinders wat lekkergoed en ‘n speelding binne in gehad het. Hierdie bokse is uit die Oasis Winkelsentrum, waar die vrouens ‘n tydlike stoor ingerig het,
Plaaswerkers langs die R71 besig om bale voer van een trok na ‘n ander te laai. Foto’s: Joe Dreyer
aanmekaar gesit. “Daar het ‘n boer ons uit Carnarvon in die Karoo gekontak en vir hulp gevra. Hy het sy eie store leeg gemaak om die boere in die Vrystaat te help en het self nou ook hulp nodig gehad. Hy het aan ons vertel dat die Carnarvon streek nege jaar laas reën gehad het, so hulle soek nie geld nie, hulle soek water, voer en kos.” Die eerste vrag voer het reeds gister op Carnarvon gestop en die twee vragmotor was teen druktyd oppad met water, kos, kruideniersware en voer na die boere op Ottosdal. Die Letaba Brandwag lede is self ook oppad Vrystaat toe met bakkievragte kos en water. “Hierdie is nie ‘n projek wat deur enige van die landboustrukture gereël of beheer word nie. Hierdie is boere wat boere bystand bied. Dit is letterlik van hand na hand. Die boere onder in die Vrystaat stop by ons trokke en laai voer en ander benodighede direk op hulle bakkies. Geen derde party het insae hier nie, hierdie voorraad gaan aan ons mense wat bystand en ondersteuning verlang.” Vir ‘n volledige lys van die borge wat bygedrae het tot die sukses van hierdie projek, sien bladsy 2 van die AgriBulletin binne.
Carel van der Grijp, Johan Duvenhage en Annelien le Roux laai likkies kos.
Too little too late? ■ Joe Dreyer & Billy Sibuyi
It would appear as though thorough and consistent highlighting of the inadequacies within the Ba-Phalaborwa Municipality has led to a roads crew being dispatched in certain parts of that town. Bulletin has been critical of the municipality over the last few months with regards to their shocking service delivery failures as was evident by photographs published in this paper showing streets in once affluent neighbourhoods that are so badly deteriorated that they no longer resemble functional roadways. One would indeed be hard tasked to convince a visitor to the once beautiful town, that a municipal roads maintenance crew exists, not to speak of their workmanship. The municipality has dispatched a team of eight workers to refill potholes across town and they have been hard at work on it. Although most streets urgently need to be repaired, the municipality is reportedly working hard to fill the potholes they are capable of fixing. Streets like Kingfisher however, need far more attention than mere cold ash plugs. A month ago Bulletin started asking BPM spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu, for a concise roads maintenance plan and schedule to alert motorists and other users of the roads infrastructure of repair projects in their area. This has not been answered and we are still awaiting a clear response on the annual budget set aside to ensure that infrastructure is maintained. In an IDP document the municipality stated that it has an approved Road Master Plan, but the municipality was unable to implement the plan, due to financial constraints. In the same document addressing “key challenges” regarding the roads, the municipality said that there was a need to upgrade existing roads and that the road maintenance was not acceptable because of the lack of enough equipment. We do not know exactly what
equipment is being referred to. In the interim, and likely out of frustration, a young unemployed man started filling the potholes around Phalaborwa with sand and asking passing motorists for a donation. “The municipality is not showing any indication of fixing the road, so I decided to help the people of Phalaborwa help me,” said Alpha Mavunda. Mavunda who resides in Lulekani comes to town each day armed with a shovel and a bucket to fill with sand to fill the potholes. “I do not have any formal qualifications because of lack of money at home, but I work hard and am willing to work even harder.” We believe that the officials who occupy the municipal office must be held accountable for their actions and answer to the rate payers who essentially employ them and pay their salaries through rates and taxes. Here are the contact details of the public servants appointed to ensure service delivery to the people of Phalaborwa. According to their website, all queries can be logged by contacting the municipal offices on 015 780 6300. A more direct route could be taken though; the municipal manager, Maite Moakamela, can be contacted on 078 851 5731, the mayor, Meriam Malatji, can be contacted on 073 144 6937 and their spokesperson, Jonas Mahesu can be contacted on 078 099 2830.
A BPM Roads Maintenance team busy pluging potholes in Phalaborwa. Photo: Billy Sibuyi
30 October 2020
Phalaborwa communities burn tires (again) ■ Billy Sibuyi The Ba-Phalaborwa communities have again brought the town to a standstill by barricading its entrances both on the R71 and R40 with burning tyres and rocks during a protest on Friday the 23rd of October. This followed a perceived shortfall from the mines regarding the appointment of the new community interim structure. Live rounds were fired by the community policing forum and a few of the protestors were arrested on that day. The eight communities of Ba-Phalaborwa which are led by two representatives each, first protested in September this year, demanding the removal of the Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum (BCF), who according to a memorandum submitted in that same month, are no longer eligible to represent the communities within the mines as community liaison officers (CLO) after their term expired in August. “This is not a violent protest, we have sat down with these people but nothing has happened and we want to close everything until something happens,” said one of the protestors during a conversation with Bulletin in town. “The CLO’s have not done anything for these communities but enrich themselves and their families. We are hungry and we want jobs on the mines,” said one of the community representatives. The communities were also demanding that both mines, Foskor and PMC, should prioritize a 40% local joint venture as the communities are insisting that outside companies are obligated to empower local companies. In a video circulated over social media, the protestors could be seen gathered near the Foskor mine burning tyres with more people arriving in loaded trucks to demonstrate their seriousness. The Ba-
Gathering before blocking roads
Phalaborwa Municipality has since condemned the violent protest by the two factions, Ba-Phalaborwa Community Forum and Local Unemployment Forums. According to a statement released by the municipality, these “unfortunate” activities resulted in the hospitalization of other citizens with serious injuries inflicted on them, damage to properties, and emotional stress. “It is rumored that these violent protests are a coordinated effort by selected few individuals with personal intentions and interests,” said the statement. The municipality warned the communities that those who insisted on breaking the law and inciting violence should expect the police to enforce the law. The protest carried over to the following day, Saturday, when the representatives of the communities met with management at Sefapane lodge to find resolutions to bring the
unrest to an end. In the meeting held that Saturday between the mines, stakeholders, and the community representatives, the mayor, Merriam Malatjie, indicated that the election of the legitimate structure of the BCF should be accelerated ahead of an elective conference that will be held on the 6th and 7th of November respectively. During the meeting, a concern was raised on the usage of live ammunition against the crowd by the community policing forum as ten cartridges were collected from the shooting scene and that the arrested members of the protest should be released. A resolution was made that the elected leaders should be ratified officially by the chiefs and that the constitution of the BCF had to be reviewed during the consultative conference which will be held today and tomorrow, the 31st of October, respectively.
30 October 2020
Harley Magoebaskloof riders…will be back ■ Roelof de Jonge
accommodate such a large group of bike riders. The Magoebaskloof Hotel was more than able to tend to the requirements of the jolly riders who did not linger around to make it one memorable tour that won’t be forgotten for a long time coming. Close to 150 bikers on over a 100 thundering Harley-Davidsons descended on the hotel, in stark contrast to the picturesque and blissful surrounds of the Magoebaskloof valley. “Bikers rode in from all corners of South Africa, the furthest being from Langebaan in the Western Cape. The hotel staff and management are to be highly complimented for their hospitality, quality of food and service, and even calling on the services and expertise of past hotel chef Horst, who cater to the needs of the rowdy but discerning bikers”, said Martin. “Thanks and compliments must also go to the nearby establishments, such as the Iron Crown, Three Bridges and Tzaneen Country Lodge for receiving the bikers with warm and sincere hospitality, keeping them fed and ‘hydrated’. What’s more, the Martins’ as well as Magoebaskloof Hotel owner Deon Baker confirmed the popularity this tour attracted from the bikers and it will most certainly be planned again for next year.
During the cold reality of the initial Covid-19 hard lockdown, there were a few Harley-Davidson motorbike riders who just itched to get on their thundering American iron horses and join similar passionate bikers for a good old weekend cruise. Instead, albeit not the same as the real thing, these bikers initiated a virtual bike rally on Facebook, with the Magoebaskloof Hotel being the destination of choice amongst the riders. The initiators of this virtual tour and organisers of the actual rally are Dave and Elmarie Martin along with friends Groenie and Annie Groenewald. “This virtual rally attracted a few hundred “riders” from all over South Africa and Namibia, bringing temporary respite to the reality of being tethered to one’s house”, said Dave Martin. “Following this success, the bikers decided to bring fantasy to life and organised a live rally, replicating the virtual one. This was done during the uncertainty of lockdown and with the absolute co-operation of hotel owner Deon Baker, and his two sons Jadon and Shylo, a date was agreed to with the understanding that it be flexible to the uplifting or continuation of lockdown.” Within days, the Magoebaskloof Hotel was totally booked out, with nearby lodges taking up the overflow of the required accommodation. Baker was over the moon and full of appreciation of the support by the Harley-Davidson riders towards the Magoebaskloof Hotel and other hospitality establishments in the area. He added there was a bit of doubt whether the hotel would be able to
These biker riders are all Harley-Davidson owners from Polokwane who joined the 2020 Magoebaskloof Harley-Davidson Tour this past weekend.
Kallie Wolmarans from Vereniging on his Harley-Davidson.
Dave and Elmarie Martin.
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30 October 2020
Louis Roux
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Ds Kosie Gericke en sy vennote het destyds gesê mens praat nie lelik nie, maar vannag sal ek praat soos my hart vir my voorskryf. Al my harde werk is daarmee heen. Die ape het my pragtige groentetuin vernietig. Die kopkool en boontjies het enkele dae nog so mooi vertoon. Die Kaapse Wit pampoene se ranke was ruig en die botterskorsies het gepronk. Toe kom die swerm primate en donner alles op. Net 'n klompie tamaties het oorgebly, nadat die meeste daarvan vroeër deur die bosbokke afgevreet is. Ek was nog nooit 'n aanhanger van vuurwapens nie, maar hierdie klomp vernielers se gatte gaan brand. Die skinderbekke van die wêreld bly lekker bedrywig. Ek hoor uit die Kaap Ma hoor niks van haar verlore seun nie. En hy skryf so gereeld. Dis net dat die briewe nooit gepos word nie. Dis die seëls wat so duur geword het. Al die goeters in die hart bly egter dieselfde, al kom dit nie by die bestemmings uit nie. In die oomblikke van aandword kom daar soms antwoorde op vrae wat jare lank in die kop draal. Ek verstaan enigiets baie beter as ooit tevore. Al hindernis is dat ander mense nie begryp dat ek verstaan nie en dan in hul onkunde verstik. Hulle moet maar Jamaikagemmer en Wit Dulsies probeer. My heil is in die werklikheid. Dis nogal 'n gesukkel vir 'n 67-jarige koerantman om sinvol aan 'n 95-jarige matriarg te skryf. Ek dink nie die woorde is so belangrik nie. Dis die kontak wat saak maak. Snaaks dat mense soos ek en ander ons lewens gewy het aan kommunikasie maar dit nooit persoonlik toegepas het nie. Daar is so 'n stille wens dat my nasate die skryfgawe van persoonlike briewe in hul genes sal ontdek. So openbaar mens mos jou gevoel vir enige medemens. Met 'n moeg hart en haatstryd teen die ape sluit ek die kort maar lank uitstaande briefie af vol vreemde vreugde uit Limpopo, waar alles mooi is. Dit het egter nie naastenby 'n mandaat om met die Kaap vergelyk te kan word nie. My hart sit steeds teen die voet van Helderberg, waar die Groenrivier rondom die Bobbejaanklip vloei en Sophie se hoenders langs die wynkamertjie kekkel. En Slyn, wat die blouspirits soos water gedrink het as Fanie Saulse met haar raas.
Overcome life's many obstacles like a Warrior ■ Roelof de Jonge Wednesday, the 21st of October marked the Gap Year and its Multi-Activity Instructor (MAI) graduation at the Warriors Academy. Family and friends joined the Warriors to reminiscene on the past year, with informative videos of each student and some of the hilarious moments in between which had the graduates and guests in stitches. The evening centred around what had changed and the hopes for the future it created for the Warriors graduates during their experience. The past year was a challenging one for many, and even for the young Warriors it was no exception. The Covid-19 pandemic may have thrown a spanner in the works, but the Warriors Gap Year and MAI program went ahead with business as usual, albeit with a few tweaks and changes to adapt to the new prerequisite safety and social distancing regulations. In true Warriors style, everyone adapted and powered through. The Gap Year entailed students experiencing everything from skydiving, white water rafting on the Orange River, jumping off 20 metre high waterfalls, mountain biking, hiking along the wild coast and the mini Drakensburg traverse, bungee jumping and getting up close and personal with animals. The list of adventures other than those mentioned however, goes on. The Warriors not only experienced physical adrenaline-fueled activities, but were taught about body and mind connection and how to handle and control their emotions effectively. This was done through self-mastery workshops,
TRE (Trauma Release Therapy), Body Talk, Rebound and lymphology. On top of this, the students completed public speaking and personal branding courses, were taught needlework, gardening, how to cook, gave back through community service and completed a first aid course. “At the Warriors, we equip our Gap Year students with the skills needed to take on the next part of their lives, whether that means going on to study or going straight into work. There is a real need for these types of skills, which aren’t being taught at schools,” said Rowena Viljoen, Program Director at the Warriors Academy. The graduation dinner was a time to celebrate all the above achievements and to talk about their experiences. What was echoed by each student was that being part of the Warriors Gap Year was a privilege and something that will stay with them forever. Many said that at the start of the program they
did not know what they were capable of, and now they were leaving with a sense of self-belief, confidence and self-esteem needed to tackle their next challenge, whatever it may be. “We are so proud of how far this group of young
people have come. We watched them mature, grow and turn into confident adults who know that they can achieve all that they want to. As we set these Warriors out into the world, we know they are destined for success,” Viljoen said.
30 October 2020
Move1Million for unity
■ Roelof de Jonge On Saturday the 24th of October representatives and supporters of the Move1Million movement in Tzaneen once again staged a friendly nonpolitical affiliated protest as part of their awareness campaign, this time yielding their placards at three different parts of this town. Motorists were encouraged to blow the hooters of their vehicles to help make a change next to the road at the Lifestyle Centre, at the corner of Boundary and Claude Wheatly Street (on the corner at Ben Vorster High School) and the road exiting Tzaneen towards Nkowankowa. Aside from having non-political affiliations, this movement encourages or call on every person, regardless of race or religion, to join and stand with other supporters to help effect changes that will be beneficial to persons living in South Africa. This movement basically say a big no to corruption, gender-based violence, poverty, discrimination and a definitive yes to the people of South Africa being heard. The movement also makes its clear that there are only two factions in this country. The one faction are people who will stand and watch South African burn. Those are persons like state officials and politicians who are corrupt to the core and persons who condone such disheartening actions. These are the people who have visions of advancing only their lives and those close to them. Then there are the peace loving, honest, respectful, and sincere persons who are more than willing to
work together towards a greater good for South Africa. The Move1Million supporters wants to find a way to improve South Africa together. Thanks to freedom of speech and a free media to expose all criminal injustices affecting the general tax paying public, the poor, and unemployed millions of South Africa, is it hardly enough to make a change. That is where the Move1Million movement comes into play. It is to encourage all South Africans to join hands in unity and make their voices heard for a better, economical stable and crime free South Africa. The Move1Million movement will not tolerate hate speech, racism and individuals who set to divide. It is no state secret who those people are. Altha Addison, Field Representative for Move1Million in Tzaneen, said the movement is certainly not a charity organisation, but would like to encourage all Move1Million supporters to unite to help poor communities. Especially those who are in dire need after the very much questionable Covid-19 regulations left them even further impoverished than what they were before this so-called deadly virus struck the shores of South Africa. But it is not being generous or charitable, but also to help poor communities by teaching them how to create employment and being self-sustainable through support by setting up vegetable gardens, amongst others. Join hands with Move1Million and be part of the change for a genuinely greater South Africa and for all living here.
Eindrondtes vir sake-rolbal eersdaags beslis ■ Roelof de Jonge
‘n Aantal van 28 spanne ding mee in vanjaar se Besigheidsrolballiga by die Tzaneen Rolbalklub. Die eindrondte van die liga is opverdeel en sal op twee verskillende datums gespeel word. Die spanne vanaf die 15de tot die 28ste plek op die punteleer, sal eerskomende Donderdag die 5de November in die eerste eindrondte die balle aan die rol sit. Die voorste spanne, plekke een tot 14, sal in die daaropvolgende week op Donderdag die 12de November sake uitspook om die uiteindelike wenners en verloorders te bepaal.
Die spanne wat op 5 November gaan aantree is: Spar, Afrupro Marketing, Sure Viva Travel, Lowveld Labels, RO Bricks, Thomas & Swanepoel 2, Afrupro Packers, Sugar Group, Afrupro Investments, Webpritz SA, Instant Lawn, Tzaneng Roof Trussers 2, NTT Toyota en Avuxeni 1. Die voorste spanne wat op die 12de November speel is: Elbow Rockers, CJBK, Big Balls, Bissett Real Estates, AGD 1, Hi-Q, Letaba Rugbyklub, Tzaneng Roof Trussers 1, BB Motors, NTT Isuzu, Afrupro Farming, AGD 2, Avuxeni 2 en Thomas & Swanepoel 1. Vir enige navrae kan mense vir Carine Chadwick by 015 307 5136 of 083 444 8313 skakel.
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30 October 2020
Else bekoor plaaslike country-aanhangers ■ Roelof de Jonge Chris Else, Suid-Afrika se Facebook country-musiek sensasie, het Saterdagaand die 24ste Oktober op Tzaneen by Arborpark Lodge opgetree met plaaslike aanhangers wat aan sy lippe gehang het. Else het met sy unieke verwerkings en sonder om van die oorspronklike genres af te dwaal, bekende liedjies van legendariese country sangers soos van ondermeer Jim Reeves, Kenny Rogers, Don Williams en Chris Christofferson gesing. Dit het die gehoor en veral ouer gardes teenwoordig met heimwee na dae lank gelede teruggevoer. Die sanger is egter nie net beperk tot country-musiek nie en sy verwerkings van ‘n paar gewilde Afrikaanse nommertjies het selfs die gehoor se voete aan die jeuk gehad om bietjie langarm te skoffel, oftewel koekmeel op die dansvloer te wil strooi. Hierdie geleentheid is deur Sarie Vermaak, eienaar van Arborpark Lodge, met hulp van haar skoondogter, Pamela Vermaak, moontlik gemaak. Wat Else se optrede soos besonders maak is die feit dat die opbrengste aan welwillendheids-instansies geskenk gaan word. Volgens Vermaak (Sarie), het Else se optrede in die omgewing van R20 000 gelewer waarvan die geld eersdaags aan verskeie plaaslike welwillendheids-organisasies verdeel en geskenk gaan word. Die instansies wat baat vind by die opbrengste is: Cansa, God’s Haven Selfsorgsentrum, Suid-Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie Tzaneen en Noah’s Ark. “Ek het gedurende die afgelope maande se inperkings Chris op Facebook begin volg. Ek het toe besef daar is ‘n aantal van sy aanhangers hier op Tzaneen. Ek en my skoondogter het toe begin saamspan om ‘n optrede gereël te kry. Ek het met Else in verbinding getree om ‘n optrede hier te hê”, het Vermaak gesê. So gou as wat die gasvryheidsbedryf weer aan die gang gekom het met vlak 1 se inperkings, het Vermaak-hulle die bal aan die rol gesit om Else hier te laat optree. Met die datum geboek vir die 24ste Oktober, het die woord vinnig versprei vir Else se vertoning. “Ek het besef dat mense vanweë die afgelope maande se inper-
Elize Gouws was een van Chris Else se aanhangers. Fotos: Roelof de Jonge
kings uitgehonger is om gesellig te verkeer. Wat die ete aanbetref, het ek van die meet af ‘n kerriegereg met wyn ingedagte gehad om voor te sit.” Vermaak en die Arborpark Lodge span het weliswaar ‘n voortreflike geleentheid gereël wat beslis byval gevind het deur ierder en elk wat Else se optrede bygewoon het. Die driegangmaaltyd het soos koningskos gesmaak met ondermeer watertand kerriehoender en -beestert, groenboontjies met aartappels, soet pampoen en stampmielies wat vir die hoofgereg bedien was. Die persoon wat opgeskep het was beslis nie skaam nie, want dit was ‘n berg kos om te versit. Vermaak sê hulle uiteindelike doel van Else se optrede was nie om geld te maak nie, maar om eerder die winste terug te ploeg in
die gemeenskap wat dit die nodigste het, veral in hierdie moeilike ekonomiese omstandighede wat weens die Covid-19 se inperkings veroorsaak was. Sy het gevoel omrede die besprekings vir Else se vertoning soos soetkoek verkoop het en soveel belangstelling gewek het, het Vermaak die weg gesien om eerder die opbrengste aan nie-winsgewende welwillendheids-instansies te skenk.
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Legals NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE TZANEEN TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 2000 IN TERMS OF SECTION 57 OF THE SPLUMA BY-LAWS OF GREATER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY 2016 I, Willem Johannes Jacobsz of Omniplan CC Town Planners, being the authorised agent of the registered owner of Portion 16 of the Farm Lushof 540-LT hereby give notice in terms of Section 57 of the Greater Tzaneen SPLUMA By-Laws 2016, that I have applied to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality for consent from the Controlling Authority and the amendment of the town-planning scheme known as the Tzaneen Town Planning Scheme, 2000 by the rezoning of the property described above, from “Agricultural” to “Special” with Annexure 282 describing the rights.
Particulars of the application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Municipal Manager, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen, for a period of 30 days from 30 October 2020 (the date of the first publication of the notice). Objections to or representations in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing to the Municipal Manager at the above address or be delivered to room 257, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, Tzaneen within 30 days from 30 October 2020, by quoting the above-mentioned heading, the objector’s interest in the matter, the ground(s) of the objection/representation, the objector’s property description, phone numbers and address. A person who cannot write may during office hours visit the abovementioned Municipality requesting as-
sistance to transcribe his/ her objections, comments or representations. Contact person: Mr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Address of Agent: Omniplan Town Planners, P.O. Box 2071, TZANEEN, 0850. Tel. 015 307 1041. Ref. J256 Oct50__________________________
KENNISGEWING VAN AANSOEK OM WYSIGING VAN DIE TZANEEN DORPSBEPLANNINGSKEMA INGEVOLGE ARTIKEL 57 VAN DIE SPLUMA BY-WETTE VAN DIE GROTER TZANEEN MUNISIPALITEIT 2016 Ek, Willem Johannes Jacobsz van Omniplan CC Stadsbeplanners, synde die gemagtigde agent van die geregistreerde eienaars van Gedeelte 16 van die Plaas Lushof 540LT gee hiermee ingevolge Artikel 57 van die Groter Tzaneen SPLUMA ByWette 2016, kennis dat ek by die Groter Tzaneen
Munisipaliteit aansoek gedoen het vir toestemming vanaf die Beherende Gesag en vir die wysiging van die Dorpsbeplanningskema bekend as die Tzaneen Dorpsbeplanningskema, 2000 deur die hersonering van die eiendom hierbo beskryf, vanaf “Landbou” na “Spesiaal” met Bylae 282 wat die regte beskryf. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die kantoor van die Munisipale Bestuurder, Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen vir ‘n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf 30 Oktober 2020 (die datum van eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing). Besware teen of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoeke moet skriftelik binne 30 dae vanaf 30 Oktober 2020 gerig word aan die Munisipale Bestuurder by bovermelde adres of afgelewer word by kamer 257,
Burgersentrum, Agathastraat, Tzaneen, deur die verwysing na bostaande opskrif, die beswaarmaker se belang in die saak, die gronde/redes vir die beswaar, die beswaarmaker se eiendomsbeskrywing, telefoonnommer en adres. Enige persoon wat nie kan skryf nie mag gedurende kantoorure die bovermelde Munisipaliteit besoek en hulp versoek om sy/ haar besware, kommentare of voorstelle op skrif te stel. Kontak persoon: Mnr. M J Mathye (015-307-8031) Adres van Agent: Omniplan CC, Posbus 2071, Tzaneen, 0850, Tel. 015 307 1041. Verw. J256 Oct502___________________________
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a
certified copy of Deed of Grant TG16927/2007PTA, registered in the name of POLOKADOTS PROPERTIES 66 (PTY) LTD: REGISTRATION NUMBER: 2006/012863/07 in respect of ERF 30 GIYANI-BA, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE, which has been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, 101 Dorp Street Polokwane, Limpopo, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 26th day of OCTOBER, 2020 Applicant: POLOKADOTS PROPERTIES 66 (PTY) LTD c/o Conrad Krüger Attorneys Inc / Ref: CH KRüGER/ LB/KV3583 Address: LAW CHAMBERS, ABSA BUILDING,
15 DANIE JOUBERTSTREET, TZANEEN E-mail address: aktes@krugergroup.co.za Contact number: 015 307 7414 POLOKADOTS PROPERTIES 66 (PTY) LTD DATE: 26 October 2020 Oct503___________________________
LOST OR DESTROYED DEED Notice is hereby given in terms of regulation 68 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, to the intention to apply for the issue of a certified copy of Deed of Grant TG333/1984LB, registered in the name of EPHRAIM CHUENE MOLOKO : Identity Number: 461016 05609 08 4 and MOGOBA PHILLICIA MOLOKO Identity Number: 430717 0421 08 0 in respect of ERF 1367 GA-KGAPANE-A TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION L.T., LIMPOPO PROVINCE , which has
been lost or destroyed. All interested persons having objection to the issue of such copy are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds, 101 Dorp Street Polokwane, Limpopo, within two weeks from the date of the publication of this notice. Dated at Tzaneen this 26th day of OCTOBER, 2020 Applicant: EPHRAIM CHUENE MOLOKO AND MOGOBA PHILLICIA MOLOKO c/o Conrad Krüger Attorneys Inc / Ref: CH KRüGER/ LB/KM3664 Address: LAW CHAMBERS, ABSA BUILDING, 15 DANIE JOUBERTSTREET, TZANEEN E-mail address: aktes@krugergroup.co.za Contact number: 015 307 7414 EC & MP MOLOKO DATE : 26 October 2020 Oct504___________________________
30 October 2020
Datsun sets the tone for entry-level cars ■ Roelof de Jonge
The Datsun GO and GO+ are equipped with the latest in automotive technology and connectivity. Photos: MotorPress
Datsun introduced a new automatic gearbox, CVT (continuous variable transmission), for its GO and GO+ models in November in 2019. Datsun claims these latest updates provides for an even better power delivery, an improved fuel economy and for the first time in the South African entry-level vehicle segment’s history, the advanced convenience of seamless gear shifting. According to Datsun’s engineers, this CVT technology provides better control than traditional automatic transmission technologies, by doing away with the lag during acceleration and the sports mode, which further enhances the overall driving experience. Yet another first for an automatic transmission in this segment, according to Datsun. The Datsun GO and GO+ are equipped with the latest in automotive technology and connectivity. A seven-inch touchscreen infotainment system equipped with voice recognition and Android Auto/Apple Car Play is also fitted to the new updated models. The new CVT version delivers 57kW of power at 6 000rpm. That is 7kW more than the manual transmission version. The Datsun GO and GO+ are both powered by a 1 198cc three-cylinder engine which offers 104Nm of torque at 4 400rpm. Hide Kuwayama, Head of Datsun South Africa, said the aim with the new Datsun GO and GO+ CVT’s is to make the best available technology accessible to progressive, self-driven
young individuals. “In keeping with our customer-centric approach, we want to ensure that our customers across the board have the opportunity to experience Datsun’s progressive mobility by bringing even more innovation to this segment,” Kuwayama said. The Datsun GO was first launched in South Africa back in 2014. According to Datsun South Africa, this entry-level car has over the last five years established itself as the vehicle of choice for especially young South Africans looking for a well-priced, reliable set of wheels. The Datsun GO and GO+ comes VDC which is a safety technology that monitors various parameters like wheel speed, steering wheel position and lateral acceleration. The new Datsun GO and GO+ CVT also comes with dual airbags, ABS with EBD and BA, reverse parking sensors and followme-home headlamps. The new Datsun GO and GO+ CVT has front and rear power windows, battery saving features, remote key and power steering. The tyres are fitted on new look 14-inch alloy wheels which is rounded off with a chrome front grille frame and black main grille to further enhances the appeal of the GO and GO+ models. The Datsun GO and GO+ is available in a range of exciting colours including Red, Silver, Grey, White, Orange and the new Vivid Blue coat. Additionally, Datsun have the Sandstone Brown colour for the GO+ available. For any enquiries about any of the Datsun GO model range, visit BB Tzaneen Datsun today which is situated at 8 Danie Joubert Street and can be contacted at 015 307 4950.
Sport 30 October 2020
Baobabs win some, lose some ■ Roelof de Jonge
The Telkom Netball League (TNL) is South Africa’s premier netball tournament. The league showcases the best of South Africa’s netball talent with coaches and scouts frequently in attendance. The pride of this province, the Limpopo Baobabs, competed in the B-division of this League. The local lasses posted two victories out of the ten games they played. The Baobabs netball players had quite an uphill battle and was somewhat unlucky to have lost out narrowly on a few possible victories by the smallest of goal margins. Limpopo Baobab match results: 14 October: Kingdom Queens 42 – 34 Limpopo Baobabs 15 October: Eastern Cape Aloes 41 – 25 Limpopo Baobabs 16 October: Northern Cape Diamonds 36 – 31 Limpopo Baobabs 18 October: Mpumalanga Sunbirds 32 – 29 Limpopo Baobabs 19 October: Tornados 27 – 20 Limpopo Baobabs 20 October: Limpopo Baobabs 28 – 23 Mpumalanga Sunbirds
21 October: Limpopo Baobabs 41 – 35 Northern Cape Diamonds 22 October: Kingdom Queens 39 – 37 Limpopo Baobabs 23 October: Tornados 34 – 30 Limpopo Baobabs 24 October: Eastern Cape Aloes 28 – 0 Limpopo Baobabs. There were six teams in total which competed in the B-division of the TNL. Despite the two victories, the Limpopo Baobabs still finished bottom of the log with 4 points. The Northern Cape Diamonds which had one more victory than the Baobabs, finished second last on 6 points. For the 2020 TNL there were 12 teams from across the nine provinces that played over seven weeks, from the 14th of October until this past Tuesday the 27th of October, to be crowned as the best team in the country. The Spar u/21 TNL Team is a squad made up of invited u/21 players and will play exhibition matches in preparation for the 2021 Netball World Youth Cup. Proving highly popular amongst supporters, the TNL attracts netball lovers of all ages who attend in small and large groups. In the B-division final, the Eastern Cape Aloes
Merisca Steenkamp, a local teacher at Duiwelskloof Primary School, was also selected for the Limpopo Baobabs team which competed in the Telkom Netball League. Here she is in action during some of the TNL matches. Photos: Netball South Africa
were crowned champions after beating the Kingdom Queens 35-31. It was a bittersweet day for the Queens who gave away the game in the last quarter but being able to reach a final in their first appearance is something they can be proud of. The Western Cape Tornados finished third in Division B following their 45-25 victory over the Mpumalanga Sunbirds for the third and fourth place play-off match. The Tornados have had an incredible run in the tournament considering that this was their first appearance, winning seven out of ten matches during the group stage phase and finishing second on the log. The Gauteng Jaguars were crowned the champions of the Telkom Netball League following their 38-26 victory over the Free State Crinums at the Mangaung Indoor Sports Center in Bloemfontein. There were no decisive breakaways by half-time which ended 1615 to the Jaguars. The Gauteng side gained momentum in the third quarter and extended the lead by seven goals. The Crinums’ shooting circle was not on par and
their poor ball placements in all thirds also lost them the game at the end. Tournament awards: Best Shooter - Lefebre Rademan (Free State Crinums) Best Center - Bongiwe Msomi (Golden Fireballs) Best Defense - Nicola Smith (Southern Stings) Overall Best Player - Izette Griesel (Gauteng Jaguars).