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20 November 2020
015 306 0198 • 072 930 1462 • 064 650 7123
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COLLATERAL DAMAGE Tzaneen residents were caught in the crossfire between the striking SAMWU members and the Greater Tzaneen Municipality. As a result of the tug of war which lasted eight days, residents were left without water and in some parts without power, for up to two days. Photo: Joe Dreyer
TWO MORE WHITE RHINO POACHED IN HOEDSPRUIT Despite the best efforts by conservationists to push for the legalization of the trade in rhino horn in an effort to prevent the sporadic poaching of this endangered species, poachers have again struck a game reserve in Hoedspruit and killed two white rhinos for their horns. Read the full story on page 4 inside.
20 November 2020
“Dit was ‘n mooi huis gewees”
Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 Drukker/Printer: Novus Print
Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan
Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa
Kontak besonderhede Contact Details
Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853
■ Joe Dreyer
Die verlate strukture op die hoek van Agatha en Pienaar Straat in Tzaneen was op ‘n tyd luukse woonhuise vir staatsamptenare. Die huis naaste aan die munisipale kantore wat grens aan beide strate, was so paar dekades terug die woning van die Nagel-gesin. Die hoof van dié gesin het vir Korrektiewe Dienste gewerk, en het maaltye vir die bandiete voorberei. Hierdie huis het aan die Department van Openbare Werke en Infrastruktuur behoort maar is later aan die munisipaliteit oorgedra. Tussen die twee huise staan ‘n oop veld waar boemelaars reeds jare terug nes geskrop het. Die grootste van die twee huise was die woning vir die destydse hoof landdros, Jan Steenkamp. Daar is na bewering gereeld “hooggeplaastes” by hierdie woning gemerk en die huis het bekendheid vir die gereelde onthale verwerf. Sedertien staan beide eiendomme leeg en verwaarloos. Volgens die woordvoerder vir die munisipaliteit is daar reeds ‘n tydlank bespiegel oor wat om met hierdie huise te maak. Die woordvoerder het verder gesê dat daar planne in die pyplyn is om die Nagel-huis te sloop om plek te maak vir nog munisipale geboue aangesien die Withuis nou te beknop begin raak. Dit spreek boekdele van die hoeveelheid werknemers wat daar kantoorspasie opneem. Die Steenkamp-huis is steeds die eiendom van die staat en daar is nog geen aanduiding of dieselfde lot op hierdie gebou wag nie. Intussen bly die geboue en die boemelaarnes wat hulle skei, steeds een van die dorp se groot oogsere. Nog meer interessant, is die feit dat Pienaar Straat nooit as ‘n straat gepromulgeer is nie. Dit is eintlik ‘n deel van die munisipaliteit se erf en is oorspronklik bedoel om ‘n deurgang vir munisipale voertuie te wees.
So staan alles stil Park “carwash” serious eye sore ■ Joe Dreyer
E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: Briewe/Letters: Events: Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.
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Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen
Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line
10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555
ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen
STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850
■ Joe Dreyer Tzaneen se munisipale swembad is nou al amper groener as die grasperk wat om die bad groei. Die klein swembadjie wat bedoel is vir die kinders om in te swem, staan leeg. Teen druktyd het ons nog geen terugvoering oor die stand van sake by die hierdie fasiliteit gekry nie, maar ons het navrae aan die segsman, Neville Ndlala gestuur en wag vir terugvoering. Dit is vir ons kommerwekkend dat die swembad wat veronderstel is om vir die publiek oop te wees, nou duidelik buite werking is. Nog meer kommerwekkend is dat selfs na miljoene spandeer is om die fasiliteit en geriewe op te gradeer, hierdie swembad nog nooit weer behoorlik deur die inwoners van Tzaneen benut kon word nie. Bulletin het die afgelope vier jaar gereeld oor dié teerpunt (die Poolgate skandaal soos ons hom benoem het) berig gelewer. Daar is keer op keer oor ongeruimthede berig, insluitend die lagwekkende aanstelling van lewensredders wat nie kon swem nie, en die aanstelling van Vikhram Singh as hoof van die fasiliteit, selfs nadat hy uit dieselfde pos in Buffalo City Munisipaliteit afgedank is oor hy na bewering die ingangsfooie by die hek in sy eie sak gesteek het. Ons wag steeds vir terugvoering.
The park situated between Pointsetta and Park Streets in Tzaneen has long been a hot potato for the municipality. The park which is still listed as a Nature Preserve on Google Maps, is a registered public area and meant as an open air park for the neighbourhood. Over the years however, taxi drivers have started using this park as a carwash despite it being prohibited by the GTM bylaws. Taxi drivers have been spotted daily as they park their vehicles under the trees right next to the dam and use its water to wash their vehicles. They use buckets to scoop water out of the dam and then digard the used water back into the stream. The entire area is littered with plastic bags, used polystyrene food containers and other rubbish which the taxi drivers simply throw out of their vehicles into the park. Recently, some aspiring artist entrepreneur took it upon himself to setup an official car wash at the edge of the dam. The words carwash is graffitied all over trees and rocks right at the entrance to the park. Plastic chairs have been placed in the shade to provide seating for the illegal clientele and judging by the smell of urine, this carwash offers secluded ablution facilities. We have taken the matter up with the DA Constituency Head, Desireé van der Walt, who in turn put her ward councillor for that area (ward 15) Tienie Prinsloo, onto the matter. “It is absolutely unacceptable and I have instructed my ward councillor that the area must be cleaned up and fenced off so that there can be no access to the park by the public. I am unfortunately still in Cape Town, but upon my return to Tzaneen, I will personally take the matter up with the municipal manager,” said Van der Walt. We have not had any response from GTM on the matter as the spokespeople were occupied with the SAMWU strike and the service delivery issues it has left in its wake.
Briewe Pioniers sê hartlik dankie Die inwoners van Pioniers woonstelle in Grensstraat bedank graag die volgende persone wat gereelde skenkings maak: Tzaneen Koelkamers vir die gereeld maandelikse Hoendervleis bydrae. Thys Steynberg en die Boere vir die gereelde groente en vrugte. Lions vir brood vanaf Sunbake en die Tuindienste wat die twee komplekse weekliks skoon hou. 084 4000 911 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911
4 Maritz Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen urists in any predicament can phone their 24 Hour Tourist Friend on 084 4000 911 or 072 98 98 911 d help will be on the way.
e TZANEEN Crisis Centre is offering all tourists to our area absolute peace of mind when visiting this beautiful part the Limpopo, absolutely free of charge
084 400 0911
e Crisis Centre offers access to a 24 hour emergency control room, Ambulance, Fire and Rescue services, SA Police, med response, trauma counseling, roadside assistance etc.
e also support victims of crime, violence, accidents, fires, floods, rape, child abuse or just a lost tourist.
ed a mechanic, a dentist, lodging after hours? Personnel of the Crisis Centre will help with any problem, and even ke most of the arrangements on behalf of the tourist.
Stand van Damme Dam Levels
Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: Information updated: 16/11/2020
Tzaneen 8.9%
Ebenezer 14%
Merensky 100%
Dap Naude 98.1%
Middel Letaba 0.7%
Blyde Rivier Poort 82.9%
Klaserie 95.3%
Tours 24.7%
Vergelegen 97.4%
Ohrigstad 8%
20 November 2020
No arrests after infrastructure sabotage ■
Joe Dreyer
The hostage situation that had Tzaneen at the mercy of a handful of municipal employees for eight days, finally ended on Tuesday, the 17th of November. A week ago, on the 10th of November, the South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) embarked on a legal strike in front of the GTM main building in Agatha Street. The workers were demanding to have their leave days encashed and the municipality was not willing to do so citing a document, the Main Collective Agreement, in its defence. The agreement was entered into between SALGA and SAMWU in 2015 and is valid until 2022. (Read the full explanation of the agreement on our website). This enraged the workers who soon turned to arson and acts of sabotage in an effort to force the municipal manager, Thapelo Matlala, into submission. The following day, on the 11th of November, when the situation escalated to the point where it was no longer safe for the general public and office workers to enter the GTM premises, Matlala approached the Polokwane High Court for an urgent interdict to prevent further destruction of property and interference with the running of administrative tasks by the municipality. The court order was issued to the Tzaneen SAPS station commander, Brig Charles Masinamela, the Vispol commander, Col Baloyi and four members of the SAMWU leadership by the sheriff of the court, Tertius Robertson. The sheriff also read the court order to the SAMWU members gathered at the entrance to the GTM building after which he stuck copies of the document onto a notice board and onto the entrance at the main building. Furthermore, he sent the court order digitally over WhatsApp to all respondents named in the order. He also informed the SAPS Cluster Commander, Brig-Genl Maggie Mathebula of the process. Following an altercation between the GTM’s security team and the strikers, the acting head of security, Kenneth Makhubela, laid charges of public violence and contravention of a court order against Moses Malatji and Peter Maake whom he identified as instigators. The case number is 137.11.2020 and it was opened on the 11th of November. On the same day, Moses Malatji, the Chairperson of SAMWU, opened a case of fraud and corruption against the Municipal Manager, Thapelo Matlala. Malatji alleged that Matlala committed fraud when he issued tenders for roads
projects in 2019 and that he failed to follow due process when he appointed extra security at the GTM offices after an attempt on his life when he cancelled said tenders. Despite the court order, and the case against two of the respondents named in the court order, the strike continued. Members of SAMWU were burning tyres and wooden pallets every morning. Many bags of rubbish were strewn all over the premises and a bakkie was seen delivering fresh tyres for the fire in intervals daily. The media was chased away by the Regional Chairperson of SAMWU, Victor Manyama, who is an employee of the municipality and was at the forefront of the protest. Despite the police being present and capturing some of the action on their cellphones, no arrests were made. The police alleged that the court order was not served on the respondents, while the sheriff provided proof that it had been served. For the remainder of the week, in the evenings and early mornings, small splinter groups sabotaged the water and electrical grid in and around Tzaneen. In one instance the distribution board providing power to the Pioniers retirement village in Boundary Street was vandalized (the power was switched off and the switch broken) leaving the retirees without power for two days. In this week however, the group crossed the line when they turned off the water pumps at the dam wall leaving Tzaneen without water for two days. Still no arrests were made. The water pumps could not be turned back on as the municipal workers who were not striking, were being intimidated by those who were. Eventually after an entire day without any water, a private security team lead by Dave Protter, escourted a team of Lepelle Northern Water employees to the pump stations to turn the pumps back on. The reservoir had however run dry and many residents were forced to go an extra day without running water. Still the debate over the court order raged and eventually culminated in a meeting between the SAPS legal team, the Sheriff and the GTM’s legal team. Once the matter had been resolved, the police stated that if the strikers continued with
Is there not a water crisis currently?
their action, they would arrest the instigators. The strike ended on Tuesday, the 17th of November when the municipal manager recalled a circular issued by the municipality regarding the leave day encashment. At the time of going to print (yesterday) there had still not been any arrests. We asked police spokesperson Col Moatshe Ngoepe why no arrests had been made even after the instigators were named and a case opened against them, and even after the case was opened against them, they continued to contravene the court order. “Police investigations are continuing” was his response. When Bulletin contacted SAPS Cluster Commander, Brig Maggie Mathebula, in the midst of the strike after the court order was issued, to ask her why the police have not dispersed the strikers or arrested those starting fires and damaging property, her response was “why are you asking me these questions? Did you see me at the strike? You must contact the communications department and speak with the station commander.” ***To summarize: There was a legal strike which turned into arson, public violence and sabotage by
municipal workers who are members of the workers union SAMWU. A court order was issued and a case was opened against them. The police arrested nobody because they alleged that the court order had not been correctly served on the SAMWU members and the two men against whom the case was opened have not been arrested as police investigations are continuing. Bulletin wanted to know why a court order was needed in the first place, for the police to ensure the safety of members of the public and other non-striking municipal employees. We will also attempt to gain clarity from SAMWU’s leadership as to why they started the strike over leave encashment, but then turned to accusing the municipal manager of fraud and corruption over a case that was dealt with extensively a year ago. In fact, the roads projects SAMWU were apparently concerned about, was already heard in the high court and the ruling was in favour of the municipality who then cancelled the tender and re-advertised the project. Last year, this was the same union who attempted to have Matlala removed from office, citing reasons including “he is too bossy”.
The same workers who vandalized the premises of the GTM, this week had to clean up their mess.
Joe Dreyer
Between 20 and 30 trucks stop at the fire hydrant in Industrial Street in the new industrial area every day. These trucks have JoJo tanks strapped to their low beds and they use the fire hydrant to fill these tanks with water which they then transport to the Nkowankowa and Lenyenye areas who are in dire need of water. One of these vehicles is a Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) truck. The rest are not, and belong to outside contractors, which the municipality said were appointed to help them deliver water to the outlying communities. The problem however, is that Bulletin has received numerous reports from community members in these outlying areas which suggest that the water is not being distributed, but is being sold at R350 per 200 litres. We calculated that one truck with a 5 000-litre tank would pocket roughly R8 750 per trip. We know that some of these trucks return to the fire hydrant to refill their tanks up to three times a day. Do the calculations and you suddenly have a very profitable, tax-free business that easily nets close to a quarter of a million a month. That is if you
work on an average of twenty days in a month and two truck loads a day. The GTM’s communications department however said that the practice of filling the tankers with water from a fire hydrant was perfectly legal given the circumstances. “Only GTM water trucks and those of our service providers are permitted to draw water from the fire hydrants under the supervision of trained personnel,” said Vutivi Bridgettes, media liaison at the GTM. “However there are water trucks that draw water without permission, at the moment we cannot prohibit them due to the fact that there’s water shortages and GTM water tankers are unable to satisfy all the villages. Water is a constitutional human right, and everyone has a right to access clean water.” Bulletin has asked Bridgettes for a list of their service providers. We also asked whether the truck drivers each have their own key for the fire hydrant and what were to happen should one of these trucks damage the hydrant. Furthermore we wanted to know who fits the bill and how it was possible that this system was being run without any supervision by any GTM member as there has never been a municipal worker spotted at the site since the reports started flooding in. Lastly we want to know why this specific fire hydrant which is very well hidden, was designated as the one to be used by these entrepreneurs.
20 November 2020
Poachers murder two more white rhino ■ Billy Sibuyi
Two white rhinos were shot dead and stripped of their horns in Hoedspruit on Monday, the 16th of November. Hoedspruit SAPS have started their search for the suspects after two hornless white rhino carcasses were found with bullet wounds on a game reserve in the area. “This discovery was made during an intensified patrol in various parts of this game reserve after gunshots were heard on Sunday night,” said the Limpopo Police Spokesperson, Col Moatshe Ngoepe. The suspects are still unknown at this stage and there have been no arrests. The Police investigations are underway. Anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of the suspects involved in this matter, may contact Detective Warrant Officer Johan Chomse on 063 316 9809 or Colonel Alpheus Mokale at 082 565 6524 or the crime stop number 0860010111or the nearest Police Station or MySAPSApp. Rhino horn is used as an ingredient in certain traditional Chinese medicines and despite the lack of
evidence that it provides health benefits, many ignorant users of these socalled medicines still believe rhino horn has medicinal benefits. Statistics suggest that the future of the rhino population is uncertain, consequently increasing the value of the rhino horn as a commodity. This could all have been prevented if the South African government would legalize rhino horn trade. Big game farmers who keep rhino on their farms, have their animals dehorned regularly to protect them from the ruthless barbarians who savagely slaughter them and remove their horns while the animals are still alive. These horns grow back, therefore there is absolutely no reason for the rhino species to die out. The South African government either does not understand this or does not care enough to ensure the survival of this species.
Meetings instead of service Phalaborwa still has no water ■ Billy Sibuyi
■ Billy Sibuyi Shockingly, the residents of Phalaborwa town still suffer under the “leadership” of the ever absent municipal top structures who spend their time at conferences in Blyde River Canyon rather than the neighbourhoods they have mismanaged for more than two years. In Augusta Crescent and Nollie Bosman Streets there is no power and no water. There is also very little left that resembles a functioning street. “There are no streetlights in front of my house and it’s pitch dark at night,” Lorraine Hebler stated. “The whole of Nollie Bosman is pitch dark and full of potholes. We are pensioners and have reported this so many times, but nothing happens. There have been no lights for more than a year,” wrote Hantie Sharp on the same group in response to Hebler. Residents have tried to report the issues surrounding streetlights, but these attempts fall on deaf ears at all times. George Hepburn, the president of the Ratepayers Association in Phalaborwa,
has also attempted 78 times to report the issue but he too failed as the municipality remained mum. Bulletin has, in a previous publication, reported on the lack of lighting in several areas of town which in turn creates a portal for criminals looking to exploit the vulnerable. Even after enquiring with the spokesperson of the municipality, Jonas Mahesu, regarding this situation more than a month ago, tto this day no response has been received. And these are supposed to be new streetlights. Maybe after the Municipal Public Accounts Committee’s “strategic planning session” which was held between Thursday and Friday last week at Blyde Canyon Forever Resort (because the municipal buildings do not have adequate space for meetings of this kind?) will the residents receive the services they are entitled too. The meeting, which according to the municipality communications department, was to exercise oversight over the executive functions of council and to ensure good governance in the municipality.
There are still Phalaborwa ratepayers who have no water in their homes. This despite the Mopani District Municipality’s intervention last week where they very quickly managed to repair a burst water main in President Brand Street. The crisis started many months ago when pipes across town kept on bursting repeatedly and to this very day, the problem has not been resolved. The infrastructure of Phalaborwa town is aged and needs to be replaced. The current municipal “leadership” however, do not seem to be capable of planning or executing projects of this magnitude. The problem is not limited to Phalaborwa town only. Community activist, Edmond Mbetse, said that parts of the semi-rural areas in Namakgale have been without water for over a year. “On numerous occasions people take the matters into their own hands and are forced to go to the rivers or to dig wells to access water. Places which are at the top such as Longtill has not been having water and it seems as if the municipality will not do anything about the situation,” he said. Mbetse stated that ward councilors should be held accountable for the lack of water in certain areas. “We are not saying it is the councilors’ fault, but they need to advocate for our people. We voted for these people to serve us, but they are not doing that,” he continued. Joyce Mabundza, another resident, said it was a struggle to get a water tanker to the area as was the case during level 3 of lockdown and, on the rare
occasion that it did come, preference was given to the wards where the councilors live. The main pipeline at Combretum Avenue was still gushing out squeaky-clean water on Tuesday. Water projects have been left unattended and barricaded in the middle of the road for many months now. Aalwyn Street has been barricaded, in the middle of the road, for more than two months as the Municipality’s supply chain wait for a new water pipe. Grosvernor Crescent, Prinsloo Avenue, Nollie Bosman, and Gelderland streets to name a few, are streets that are also suffering the effects of the ‘aged-infrastructure’.
20 November 2020
Veterans pay tribute to the fallen ■
Billy Sibuyi
“For they shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old, age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn, at the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them”. These were the words of Elmarie Schnettler, the Paybill of the memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) Phalaborwa Minefield Shell hole, ahead of their Remembrance Day on Sunday, November 15th which commemorates the negotiated end of five years of slaughter. The Remembrance Day Parade is held every year on the closest Sunday to November the 11th. Armistice Day commemorated the end of a war, it celebrated when the guns went silent, at least for a while. Doug Fullard, deputy of the Minefield Shell hole said that World War 1 ended when hostilities ceased on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918. “During this war, just over 62 million soldiers were involved and almost 10 million of them lost their lives, just over 21 million were wounded and 8 million were missing in action,” stated Fullard during the parade which was held at the Minefield Shell hole in Phalaborwa. He mentioned that the participants had vowed that this would be the ‘war that ends all wars’. That dream of a ‘war to end all wars’ was shattered in 1939 when the world once again went to war. “Subsequently many small battles were fought and in many of these, South Africans were involved,” he stated. During the parade, Schnettler, read the war poem ‘Flanders Fields’ by John McCrae. “In Flanders fields the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row, that mark our place;
and in the sky the larks, still bravely singing, fly scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago, we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, loved, and were loved, and now we lie in Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: to you from failing hands we throw the torch; to be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who died we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders fields”. The Old Bill of Minefield Shell hole, Moth Skip Bischoff, laid a cross on behalf of the MOTH and Minefield Shell hole. Moth Sybrandt de Beer, laid a cross on behalf of all South African soldiers who lost their lives in past wars. Lieutenant Colonel Angus Christie laid a
cross on behalf of the South African Police members who lost their lives during the internal uprising and on the border. Other individuals laid crosses on behalf of family members who lost their lives during WWII and the border war. In Tzaneen, the veterans at the Long Tom Shell hole held their Remembrance Day ceremony on the 8th of November. This year however, they laid a wreath in remembrance of two of their own who past away in the last year. MOTH Jacques Myburgh and Old Bill and founder of Long Tom Shell Hole, Alan Odendaal will not be forgotten.
Plasie-legende laat diep spore na ■
Me Henriëtte Haar
Roelof de Jonge
Henriëtte Haar, ‘n onderwyslegende van die Hoërskool Merensky wie diep spore by die skool na laat, gaan na 36 jaar in die beroep die tuig neerlê om haar aftrede te geniet. Sy het in 1978 as ‘n jong Wiskunde-onderwyser by Plasieland begin onderrig gee. “Nog in die dae toe dissipline met die rottang gepaard gegaan het”, onthou sy met ‘n glimlag. In haar se besonderse loopbaan het die veeldoelige leerkag haar nie net by Wiskunde-onderrig beaam nie. Sy was ondermeer betrokke by die afrigting van netbal en tennis, verversingskommittees, organisering van Valentynsokkies en matriekafskeidsfunksies, opstel van eksamenroosters, redenaars- en debatorganisering. Verder was sy ook betrokke by die Geïntegreerde Kwaliteit Bestuur Stelsel (IQMS) se evaluering van personeel. Sy het ook met groot deernis en passie die verantwoordelikheid gedra deur Wiskundevraestelle vir gr.12-leerders na te sien. So het sy
gevorder van ‘n gewone, na senior nasiener en uiteindelik tot die onderhoofmerker in Limpopo. Haar beste uitslae was in 2011, toe haar sekuur nasienwerk altesaam 18 onderskeidings opgelewer het. En in 2018 met Carmi Venter van die Hoërskool Merensky wat as die Beste Kandidaat in die Mopani-streek aangewys was. Uit haar skatkis van herinneringe het die Merensky-familie ‘n spesiale plekkie. Van die interessante staaltjies uit die vroeë tagtigerjare was toe een van die groen busse (die Avo Express) op pad na ‘n interhoërbyeenkoms in Polokwane, skuins na Buffelsberg, die gees gegee het. “Kollega Ockert le Roux keer toe terstond ‘n leë lykswa voor en bondel ‘n groep atlete wat aan die eerste items moes deelneem, agterin. Ons onderwysers het altyd ‘n plan gemaak.” “Ek onthou ook een Valentynsbal met ‘n woudtema. Vir weke lank verf al die gr.11’s feetjies, skoenlappers en dromme met ‘glitter’. Ek vra toe vir ‘n ouer, Janet Landman, om ‘n paar
palms vir die geleentheid te leen. Sy gaan toe groot en so kom ‘n hele 1 000 palms vanaf Du Roi Kwekery hier aan.” “Nog ‘n lekkerlag was in 1979 van ‘n sedige Jan Schoeman wie die koshuisvader op daardie tydstip was. Kollega Peet Vorster en vriende plaas toe ‘n advertensie dat Schoeman se MercedesBenz vir slegs R2 000 te koop is. Die stomme Schoeman was oorval met oproepe van opgewonde kopers. Hy het glad nie gedink die poets was snaaks nie!” “Die ergste voorval wat ek onthou was toe ‘n klip tydens ‘n dinamiet-ontploffing, om ‘n klipbank op die krieketveld op te breek, oor die saal getrek en deur my spiksplinternuwe Polo se dak en agtersitplek, tot binne in die kattebak geval het.” “Die dorpenaars het omtrent gestaar toe ek met die hengse gat in my motor se dak na die paneelklopper toe ry. Nog was dit einde niet. Die hoof, Johan van den Heever, bied toe die ou Datsun plaasbakkie vir my aan om mee te pendel, so ewe met ‘n groot M vir Merensky op die deur.”
20 November 2020
ANC puts SAA bailout before housing ■
Joe Dreyer
The Department of Human Settlements (DHS) has sent a letter to provinces, instructing them to put measures in place to immediately downscale the delivery of units (government houses). According to the letter sent to Provincial Heads of Department by the Acting Director General, “the current economic reality renders the housing subsidy approach to delivering top structures fiscally unsustainable”. This means that the ANC has unilaterally changed its housing policy as it can no longer afford to build houses for destitute South Africans. This is because over the past 26 years, money meant for housing projects has either been looted or used to bail out vanity projects such as the bankrupt South African Airways (SAA) and Eskom. According to DA Member of Parliament, Emma Louise Powell, this policy shift has been enacted
prior to its formal adoption by Cabinet or Parliament and without any public participation. With this instruction, the DHS has essentially put a unilateral halt on future housing projects and placed several restrictions on provinces. Provincial DHS have been notified that housing projects planned for next year will only be supported if: they will prioritize the elderly, military veterans, people living with disabilities and child-headed households. They contribute to medium to high density development and promote integrated development. There are current contractual commitments for the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework period, as part of a contractor’s current work package which has been awarded at present; and provinces have further been informed that no new top structure projects may be awarded until approval is sought from the National Department
first. This instruction was given to provinces without clarity on how Provincial and Municipal housing departments must manage concomitant issues of beneficiary allocation and amongst others the Priority Housing Development Areas as gazetted earlier this year by the National Department. The National Department has also instructed provinces to provide evidence of measures taken to downscale the delivery of units. “Housing delivery has already been dealt with major budgetary blows this year. In May, the ANC wiped R2.26 billion off the 2020/21 housing budget. R1.7 billion was cut from the Human Settlements Development Grant (HSDG) and R1.1 billion was cut from the Urban Settlement Development Grant (USDG),” said Powell. Powell also mentioned that R377 million was cut from the title deeds programme to fund the informal settlements upgrading programme, “A policy
shift that saw the ANC actively perpetuating asset poverty amongst South Africa’s most vulnerable citizens”. She went on to state that during the October 2020/21 adjustment budget, an additional R345.399 million was transferred from the Housing Budget to the Department of Public Enterprises for the implementation of the SAA business rescue plan. “This instruction should therefore not come as a surprise as years of looting, wasteful expenditure on zombie SOEs and incompetent governance has inevitably caught up with the ANC and its empty promises,” stated the Shadow Minister of Human Settlement. Powell said that instead of taking full responsibility for the unilateral shift in policy, the Minister, acting on behalf of the ANC, has now placed the burden on provinces and local authorities to deal with the fall-out from their empty promises.
Legals IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTEND DIVISION, PRETORIA CASE NO: 27041/2014 In the matter between:VERVEEN INCORPORATED 1ST EXECUTION CREDITOR MALOKA ATTORNEYS 2ND EXECUTION CREDITOR and NGOMA TRADING CC 1ST EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In execution of a judgement of the Supreme Court of Appeal of South Africa, held at Bloemfontein, in the above matter, a sale will be held at Sheriff’s Office, 33A Pieter Joubert Street, Aqua Park, Tzaneen, Friday the 27 November 2020 at 10h00 of the under-mentioned goods of the Execution Debtor: 1. Erf No: 3487 Tzaneen Extension 78 2. Erf No: 3488 Tzaneen Extension 78
3. Erf No: 3489 Tzaneen Extension 78 4. Erf No: 3463 Tzaneen Extension 78 5. Erf No: 3486 Tzaneen Extension 78 6. Erf No: 3431 Tzaneen Extension 78 7. Erf No: 3479 Tzaneen Extension 78 8. Erf No: 3454 Tzaneen Extension 78 9. Erf No: 3425 Tzaneen Extension 78 10. Erf No: 3446 Tzaneen Extension 78 SIGNED AT PRETORIA ON 28 OCTOBER 2020 (sgd.) G ERASMUS MALOKA ATTORNEYS HARRY DILLEY STREET CENTRAL PARK TZANEEN TEL: 015 307 7496 REF: SEBOLA C/O GILDENHYS LESSING MALATJI INC ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFF GLMI HOUSE, HARLEQUINS OFFICE PARK 164 TOTIUS STREET,
PURSUANT to a judgement by the magistrate TZANEEN given on 5 October 2020 the under mentioned goods will be sold at the SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2, 20 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN, on 10 DECEMBER 2020 by public auction to be held at 10:00, by the Sheriff for the Magistrates Court, to the highest bidder for cash, namely: 1 x FORKLIFT 1 x QUANTITY OF CRATES 1 x JOHN DEER TRACTOR 2130 1 x TWO WHEEL TRAILOR 1 x MASSY FERGUSON TRACTOR 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 33 A Pieter Joubert Street, Tzaneen.
3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash. 6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being Tertius Robertson or any representative of his office. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 17 NOVEMBER 2020 (sgnd) J STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR
EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO. 1, AGATHA STREET TZANEEN P O BOX 1363 TZANEEN, 0850 TEL: 015 307 5792 / 5694 FAX: 015 307 2553 E-MAIL: REF: J STEYN/sdj/BB5053 Nov302_____________________
NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCOPING AND EIA PROCESS Notice is given in terms of Regulation 41(2) of GNR 326 as Amended (7 April 2017) published under section 24 and 24D of the National Environmental Ma -nagement Act (No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA) for submission of applications for environmental authorisations (EAs) in respect of activities identified in terms of GNR 327 as Amended (7 April 2017) to the Limpopo De-
partment of Economic Development Environmental and Tourism (LEDET) for the following: APPLICANT: Matsarene and Projects Pty Ltd PROJECT OVERVIEW: Matsarene and Projects Pty Ltd proposes to establish an abattoir and animal feedlot on a farm MIAMI 44 LT, in Eiland area, Phalaborwa, Phalaborwa Local Municipality, Limpopo. Due to the nature of the construction, the LEDET required us to follow a Scoping and EIA process to gain environmental approval prior to the commencement of the Proposed Project. ENVIRONMENTAL APPLICATION: The following legislative requirements are applicable: — NEMA: GNR 327 Activity 4; — NEMA: GNR 327 Activity 12; and — NEMA: GNR 327 Activity 27. STAKEHOLDERS
ENGAGEMENT PROCESS: Two Shades 33 Construction and Projects Pty Ltd has been appointed as an independent Environmental Assessment Practitioners to undertake the Scoping/ EIA process and associated Stakeholders engagement. In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter, in writing, to the contact person given below within 30 days of publication of this advertisement. Background Information Document [BID] and Draft Scoping Report related to this development can be obtained from Avhatendi Bethania Maiyana at, Fax 0865618936, Cell no: 0823030752, PO BOX 334 LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920. LIMPOPO Nov303_____________________
Smouskous l Classifieds Te Koop For Sale MANGO BOME TE KOOP HOEDSPRUIT Tommy Atkins en Keitt Bome te koop vir R20. Kwekery geregistreer by Dept Landbou . Kontak Tony: 0823872880 of Willem: 0832633321 Chester Kwekery Hoedspruit __________________________________
To Let Te Huur Netjiese 2 slaapkamer woonstel in veilige kompleks. Oopplan sit-/eetkamer, moderne kombuis en badkamer. Toesluit deel tandem motorhuis. Geen troeteldiere. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 20. R 4 500-00. Bel Kobus by 071 401 0950.
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20 November 2020
Bright spark Beukes rakes in awards ■
Keratilwe Mohale gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award and Most Outstanding Learner in Afrikaans First Additional Language Kgodiso Mohale gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award, Inter House Athletics Award Luhann Janse van Rensburg gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award Mahlatse Mahowa gr.7 – Most Oustanding Learner for English Home Language Naledi Machethe gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award Tiné Botha gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award Duiwelskloof Primary School also recently announced its new prefects for 2020/2021 with the head leaders to be announced at a later stage. The new prefects are: Lethabo Moilakgomo, Celeste Labuschagne, Mpho Mahlatji, Ayanda Maswanganyi, Elanie Botha, Bonolo Mashele, Miné Odendaal, Lydia de Souza, Diné Booyse, Alicia den held le Roy, Mandle Modjadji, Buhle Ncube, Bibi Botes, Senelo Sambo, Elizma Schreuder, Carlien Cordier, Hunadi Mafambe Christené Beukes and Palesa Moremi.
Roelof de Jonge
Duiwelskloof Primary School held its annual awards event on Wednesday the 11th of November. It was however this school’s ‘Einstein’ learner, Christené Beukes, who scooped the majority of the grade 7 academic awards. Beukes received the school’s most significant academic prize for a grade 7 learner, namely the Dux Learner of the Year Award. She was also the best of the top ten academic learners in grade 7. For this achievement she received an honorary academic award. This was already an arm full of trophies for Beukes, not mentioning the host of other subject awards she took home. These subject awards were for Afrikaans Home Language, English First Additional Language, Social Science, Economics and Business Studies, Technology, Life Orientation and Maths and were handed to the learner with the highest marks per subject. The other learners who were awarded for various achievements are: Amore Coetzee gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award, Culture, Debating Azraa Khan gr.7 – Juan Venter Trophy of Perseverance, Most Outstanding Learner in Natural Science, Top 10 Academic Award Carlien Ras gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award, Most Outstanding Learner in Art and Culture Henk de Wet gr.7 – Top 10 Academic Award, Recognition for being chosen for the Mopani District Athletics Team
Medical Business Directory
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Notice Residents of Ward 14 and 15 Tzaneen: You are invited to a community meeting to discuss service delivery: Monday, 23 November 2020 at Fairview Hotel, Old Gravelotte Road – 17:30 for 18:00. Inwoners van Wyk 14 en 15, Tzaneen: U word uitgenooi na ‘n gemeenskapsvergadering om dienslewering te bespreek: Maandag, 23 November 2020 om 17h30 vir 18h00 by Fairview Hotel, Ou Gravelotte Pad. Desireé van der Walt Tel: 082 452 0444
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Sport 20 November 2020
Inspiring cricketer motivates children ■ Roelof de Jonge
Limpopo Impala Cricket, this province’s cricket union based in Polokwane, had its turn to host the KFC Mini-Cricket provincial seminar on Friday the 13th of November. Fittingly, one of the guest speakers was the current Proteas fitness coach, Tumi Masekela, who was born in Limpopo’s capital. Masekela acknowledged the influence the KFC Mini-Cricket programme’s coaches and players had on his career and currently have on growing and sustaining the sport across the country. Masekela, who was appointed as the Proteas Strength and Conditioning coach in December last year, was sharing his experience in the sport during a question and answer session along with the South African Girls u.19 and the Women’s National Academy coach, Dinesha Devnarain, and the Proteas assistant coach, Enoch Nkwe. “My fellow colleagues and speakers have played Mini-Cricket as children. My start to cricket was kind of different because I never played Mini-Cricket. I was exposed to cricket through my friends who played Mini-Cricket,” said Masekela. “The KFC Mini-Cricket coaches inspires children directly, and indirectly, just like they have inspired me. It is because of my friends who would come to our home and invited me to come play cricket with them. I asked them what cricket is because I did know anything about the sport.”
Children from the Limpopo KFC Mini-Cricket Provincial Festival. Photos: Supplied
“They showed me how to play and from there on I was hooked on this game. Later I started playing for clubs. The job that the coaches are doing is massive. I would not have been here today if it were not for those coaches. Because I was able to learn the game from my friends who were taught by these Mini-Cricket coaches.” Soon after taking up the sport as a youngster, the now 33-year old progressed quickly through the ranks, representing Limpopo at u/13 and u/18 level before turning out in a combined 173 First Class and List A matches, with 318 wickets as a bowler for the Titans and the Knights, most notably. Through cricket, Masekela received a bursary to study Sports Science at the University of Pretoria (Tuks) and during his playing days at Northerns, his journey in high performance began in earnest as he shadowed the renowned cricket fitness guru, Greg King, at just 22-years of age. The former right-arm fast bowler called it a day on his career after the 2015/16 campaign following his stint in the Free State, where he then completed his honours degree in favour of following a career in sports science. Youth-centred initiatives like the KFC Mini-Cricket programme, played a big role in the life of Masekela and those alike, on and off the field, and he encouraged current coaches to continue creating conducive conditions for learning the game of cricket.
Tumi Masekela during his days as a formidable bowler.
“Create a good environment for the players to work and train in. That is the biggest thing at the end of the day for the children, to let them enjoy it and encourage them to embrace the sport. If the children do not enjoy what they are doing, then their interest will be quite low. Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life.” The virtual seminars aimed to highlight some of the past season’s gains and to further communicate the plans for the season ahead to all the volunteer coaches and coordinators, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the most exciting prospects that were discussed included the planning of a mass campaign with the aim to have 5 000 KFC Mini-Cricket matches played in one day on the 20th of February 2021. The KFC Mini-Cricket provides a platform for children in South Africa to have fun and to be active at the same time. The KFC Mini-Cricket is the largest grassroots development sports programme in South Africa and is also an essential building block for learning the cricketing basics and entrenching a love for the game. There are currently 126 642 children from 6 617 schools active in the KFC Mini-Cricket programme who are coached by 13 673 volunteer coaches.
Lindiwe Thobejane of Masebudi Primary School with Marcello Piedt from the Titans.