Bulletin Newspaper 8 January 2021

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8 January 2021

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‘n Man van Tzaneen het vir amper week ‘n gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan. Oom Nic Bredenkamp (61) het vir maande gesukkel om sy ou lisensiekaartjie te hernu, en toe hy uiteindelik by Tzaneen se toetsstasie met ‘n nuwe tydelike lisensie uitgereik is, het hy die gesig erken, maar die naam, van en identiteitsnommer het aan ‘n vreemdeling behoort. Sy storie binne op bladsy 4.


Photo: Joe Dreyer

Juan: 079 197 8070


8 January 2021




EPWP workers gain another six months ■ Jeff Jackson Personeel | Personnel Kantoor: 015 306 0198 Redakteur / Editor Joe Dreyer 072 930 1462 joe@bulletin.us.com Joernaliste / Journalists Roelof de Jonge 078 672 7306 roelof@bulletin.us.com Billy Sibuyi 081 429 2040 billy@reallysa.co.za Drukker/Printer: Novus Print

Office: 064 650 7123 Ontwerp / Design Tessa Thompson 079 653 6317 tessa@bulletin.us.com Ontwerp / Design Deborah Varrie debz@bulletin.us.com Bemarking / Marketing Chrizelle Dreyer 082 628 4181 chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Admin / Finance Jacqueline Allan admin@bulletin.us.com

Verspreiding | Distribution Tzaneen • Haenertsburg • Modjadjiskloof • Mooketsi • Letsitele Gravelotte • Ofcolaco • Lenyenye Nkowankowa • Phalaborwa


Kontak besonderhede Contact Details

Posbus/P O Box 3838, Tzaneen, 0850. Tel: 015 306 0198 072 930 1462 (Joe) Fax: 086 502 1853 E-posadresse/E-mail addresses: Agri-advertensies/Agri ads: chrizelle@bulletin.us.com Briewe/Letters: joe@bulletin.us.com Events: tessa@bulletin.us.com Nuus & foto’s/News & photos: joe@bulletin.us.com Copyright © 2020 Far North Bulletin All rights reserved. No part of this publication (including editorial, artwork and layout) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without prior permission by Far North Bulletin.

Website Visit our website at www.reallysa.co.za and read the latest news, as well as back copies.

Noodnommers Emergency numbers Tzaneen

Ambulance / Ambulans Police / Polisie Fire Brigade / Brandweer Electricity / Electrisiteit Water Municipality / Munisipaliteit Letaba Fire Protection Ass. Fire / Brand nr. Citizen Band Van Velden Hospital/Hospitaal Mediclinic Tzaneen Child line

10177 / 015 307 7077 10111 / 015 306 2129 015 307 5555 / 7000 015 307 4356/8190 a/h 015 307 8000/8190 a/h 015 307 8000 076 550 2260 076 844 1646 Foxtrot Papa Alpha/ Letaba Fire Ops. 015 307 8800 015 306 8500 0800 055 555

ARITZ Street Aqua Park Tzaneen

STNET # 911 TE BAG X 4019 ANEEN, 0850


Hundreds of workers contracted to the government`s Empowered Public Works Programme (EPWP) in various municipalities throughout Mopani had their contracts extended for another six months. In Tzaneen they were due to have their contracts terminated towards the end of December 2020 according to letters these workers received in September. According to workers contracted to the Greater Tzaneen Municipality (GTM) they were the first to know that they were to stay after the good news was relayed to them by their team leaders. The services these employees are tasked with range from attending to sewerage leaks, cleaning the streets, cutting grass along the roads, and plugging potholes. Some of these workers have been with the council for more than a decade. Stephen Sathekge, who is based in Tzaneen, felt relieved that the matter was resolved and that he is still employed, albeit temporarily. He has been with the municipality since as far back as 2010 hoping that one day he and others will be absorbed into the GTM’s permanent staff contingent. “I joined programme several years ago after the contractor we had been working for had their services terminated. We had then been working under contractors and every three months our contracts

on government projects. The EPWP programme was launched in 2005 by former president Thabo Mbeki at Sekhunyane village west of the ATKV Eiland Resort and Spa. Then the residents of Sekhunyane were hired by the programme to build a tar road in the area by using picks and shovels instead of machinery. The project was codenamed ‘Gundolashu’ a Venda name for “our road”. Mbeki promised the road would create a million jobs. Following that project, similar projects were implemented including the Burgersdorp tar road which had since been destroyed by floods. Recently a new contractor was appointed to refurbish it.

Politics divide burial schemes

Stan must pay up

■ Jeff Jackson

■ Jeff Jackson

Community politics such as which political party people might be belonging to and the family a person might be coming from are some of the challenges that nearly derailed a community self-help project. The project is aimed at assisting with funerals of fellow community members in Lenyenye township. These challenges led to a break-away by some community members to form a new scheme. Though it is not uncommon for residents to raise funds to assist with funerals of their fellow community members in various villages around Mopani, the formation of the scheme in Lenyenye, differed to others. In other villages where funds for funerals were collected by traditional leaders, in Lenyenye, community leaders organised themselves and formed a scheme called the “Lenyenye Thusano Community Service (LTCS)”. The scheme operated as follows: during the lockdown, each time a family member passed away, messages would be circulated and a gathering arranged at the community hall. There, each household would contribute R10 towards funding the bereaved and arranging the relevant logistics. According to a community member, Pabalelo Sebothoma, the LTCS scheme

operated for a few months before challenges and disagreements forced some members to break away and form a new scheme “Botho le Thlompho”. “In the new scheme, R10 that was paid in the old scheme was increased to R11 which meant that while R10 will be contributed to the bereaved family, the remaining funds are used to pay for the loud-hailer. Membership of the new scheme increased from just 20 people, to 1 700 within the first five months of its formation. We hope the numbers will increase to 2 000 people,” explained Sebothoma. The loudhailer mentioned is part of a tradition where every time there is a bereavement in the community, a vehicle drives through the streets loud-hailing to inform residents of the death. Each member of the scheme receives a book with names of fellow members of the scheme. Upon hearing the message, the members would take these books and gather at the community hall or the old clinic. Once the money for the bereaved had been collected, a stamp is placed in the space next to the name of the deceased in the book. However, there are concerns that with the number of members rising daily, there might be room for corruption as the schemes are not registered as a non-profit organisations or financial services providers.

Limpopo Premier, Stanley Mathabatha, has been ordered to compensate an unsuccessful job applicant with a full year’s salary after another applicant was appointed who was not the candidate with the highest score and who misrepresented his qualifications. The General Public Sector Bargaining Council said though it could not reverse the appointment, it would order that the rightful candidate be paid a salary for twelve months totalling R1,4 million. The payment must be made by the 31st of January 2021. This after the appointment of the manager for human resources in the office of the premier which was re-advertised despite the availability of a suitable candidate. The post was advertised in 2012 and 143 candidates applied, after which seven candidates were shortlisted. After the interviews, reportedly Moipone Mathole received the highest points but the post was re-advertised with 72 applications and Mathole failed to make the shortlist. After the interviews of the re-advertised post, Michael Maseko and Mathole completed competency tests which resulted in Maseko’s appointment. It later emerged that Maseko had misrepresented his qualifications in his CV by stating that the four months course he completed, was a diploma. The results could not be verified as the college in which he obtained the qualifications had closed its doors. This highlighted the tendency by senior government officials to appoint people to positions based on their political standing rather than skills and expertise. It is not the first time that Mathabatha’s office was found in the wrong for their actions. Recently it was forced to re-instate the former head of communications, Phuti Seloba, after he was barred from entering the offices even after his suspension expired. Seloba was suspended after he allegedly told members of the opposition that premier Mathabatha misused government funds on international trips with his bodyguards.

Non-compliance in state health sector investigated ■ Jeff Jackson Health centre and clinic managers in Nkowankowa face accusations of non-compliance with the Covid-19 regulations after regular visitors there reported that they were allowed to enter the premi-ses without having their temperatures checked by security officers at the entrance. In some instances, residents of the affected health centres claimed that security officers sometimes allowed people to enter without being sanitised. “I was shocked to enter the Khujwana Clinic last week and the security officer at the gate just sanitised my hands, when I asked where the thermometer was, the guard told me that the cli084manager 4000 911 nic had locked the device away because 072 98 98 911 084 22 00 911


with them would expire, and then we would be left in the hands of a new contractor. We had to remain with the municipality in the hope that one day we would be absorbed through the system as applying for positions did not help,” said Sathekge. The extension came just few days before President Cyril Ramaphosa returned the country to adjusted risk strategy level three in which gathering of people except for funerals was banned. The banning of the gathering of people prohibits councillors from calling meetings in which new staff for the EPWP can be appointed. This step is required in order to avoid a repeat of the same people working



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the clinic did not open over weekends. He also said that there was no need to have sanitizers as people were not allowed to enter,” said one resident who works as a security guard. The issue of lack of sanitizers at public places comes at a time when the country faces the second wave of infections. In most places it is business as usual despite a call by president Ramaphosa that the wearing of masks and sanitizing of hands should be one of the tools with which to fight Covid-19. A clinic manager at Tickyline near Dr CN Phatudi hospital, who requested anonymity, said that since the emergence of Covid-19, operations became centralised. She said clinics are primarily used for the collection of medicine and injections, while most of the other services were transferred

to the state hospitals. According to her, one possible reason behind the apparent lack of sanitizers and other PPE’s might be stock shortage. “As far as we understand, patients are referred to hospitals and those with minor problems are attended to at clinics. Members of the public are even discouraged to visit these hospitals as they are considered Covid-19 hotspots. Health centres and clinics are not allowed to operate over weekends and the security officials there are only there to monitor the property.” During the budget speech last year, Health MEC Dr Phophi Ramathuba, told the provincial legislature that clinics and health centres could not operate on weekends or 24 hours, due to financial constraints.

Stand van Damme Dam Levels

Foto deur: Willie & Mariette Source: www.dwa.gov.za Information updated: 04/01/2021

Tzaneen 16.5%

Ebenezer 21.3%

Merensky 103.1%

Dap Naude 104.7%

Middel Letaba 0.7%

Blyde Rivier Poort 101.1%

Klaserie 101.1%

Tours 43%

Vergelegen 101.7%

Ohrigstad 6.3%




8 January 2021



Phalaborwa cyclist dies in tragic accident ■ Billy Sibuyi An avid cyclist and well-loved member of the Phalaborwa community, Mike Holtzhausen (76) was tragically killed in a motor vehicle accident at the dawn of the new year. The accident occurred at around 07:00 on the morning of the 31st of December 2020 in Blue Crane Street. He was declared dead on the scene. The female driver of the vehicle which struck Holtzhausen while he was out cycling with an acquaintance a few hundred metres from her home, contacted the police after the accident. She also met with his family following the incident. The Phalaborwa Police spokesperson, Sgt Elvis Mongwe, said that the circumstances related to the incident were still being investigated. “Unfortunately, the cyclist has died and that is a very sad fatality as he was an elderly man,” stated Mongwe. According to Mongwe, the driver of the motor vehicle stopped after the accident and immediately contacted the police and EMS who reacted swiftly

and upon arrival Holtzhausen was certified dead on the scene. Sergeant Mongwe revealed to Bulletin that all necessary procedures were followed in registering the case. “We took blood samples, and we are awaiting the lab results as well as the postmortem results.” “Jack’s Paint & Hardware in Phalaborwa mourns the sudden passing of our beloved managing member Mike Holtzhausen,” said Cilliers Brink in a statement on behalf of the family. “He was killed in a road accident on the last day on 2020. Mike leaves behind a strong business, a capable team and a culture of expertise and excellence that will be upheld in the years to come.” In 1997 Mike and his wife Alta, were recruited by the founder of the Paint Pot Group, Chris Muller, to establish a store in Phalaborwa. Mike had previously worked as a plant manager in Alberton. With Chris’ death in 2007, Mike and Alta became the owners of Paint Pot Phalaborwa. And in 2012 the Phalaborwa store became a Jack’s Paint &

Hardware franchise. Mike will be remembered as a tradesman - a qualification in which he took great pride - a businessman, a golfer, a hunter, a husband and a father. But mostly, he will be remember for his cheerful and often mischievous personality. He was at his happiest and best in the company and service of other people. Mike is survived by his wife and business partner Alta, his sons Anton and Izak and two grandchildren Michael and Alexandra. A memorial service will be held for Mike at the AFS Church in Phalaborwa on Friday, 8 January 2021. Due to Covid restrictions on the number of people allowed to attend events, the service will not be open to the public. Enquiries to the Holtzhausen family can be directed to Cilliers Brink on 067 407 9701.

Man electrocuted in ceiling Gun-carrier saves woman ■ Billy Sibuyi A 31-year old man died by electrocution on the 1st of January while he was working in the Lulekani township. The deceased was electrifying new and old homes in the Lulekani township and on that day was tasked with electrifying one of the homes in the area. CPF Medical’s Jaco Gericke, himself a qualified electrician, said the victim had been electrocuted whilst working on a live cable. “When we arrived, unfortunately we could not reach the municipality’s standby electrician, but fortunately I am a qualified electrician and I always keep my testers with me, so I made the area safe to enter for us and the SAPS,” stated Gericke. “After I made the area safe to enter through the ceiling, I noticed that the earth leakage had been bypassed.” The police in Lulekani are now urging community members to take extra caution when conducting electricity related duties. According to Sgt Reoh Mabunda,

spokesperson of the Lulekani SAPS, the police were busy with their official routine when they received a report of a man who was electrocuted. “On our arrival we were pointed out to a man who was lying down on top of a roof. An ambulance was called, and the man was certified dead on the scene,” stated Mabunda. “Preliminary investigations were conducted, and it was established that the man was hired to electrify the house when suddenly he was electrocuted and died instantly.” Mabunda said that an inquest docket was opened immediately which is currently under investigation and his body was taken to Maphutha Malatji hospital’s government mortuary where a postmortem will be conducted to confirm the cause of his death. “We are so devastated with the loss of a future leader as it happened exactly when everyone was celebrating for the new year, we appeal to people to not tamper with electrical equipment and should rather get a qualified artisan to assist you,” concluded Mabunda.

Rus sag Zuluman

■ Joe Dreyer Een van Tzaneen se mees bekendste inwoners is op die 27ste Desember oorlede. Oom George Lourens (82), ook bekend as “Zuluman” is vir jare lank ‘n bekende gesig in en om die dorp met sy boereworsrolletjies wat hy gereeld in die parkeerarea van NTK verkoop het. Oom George is aan beenmurgkanker oorlede. Sy roudiens is op die 6de Januarie hierdie week vanuit die AP Kerk in Tzaneen gehou. Hy laat sy vrou, Ria, sy kinders, George, Monica, Pieter, Elize, ses kleinkinders en een agterkleinkind na.

■ Jeff Jackson

A female security officer at the Nkowankowa Health Centre was rescued from her husband by a licensed firearm carrier on the last day of December. According to a report on the matter, the woman was being assaulted by her husband when a passer-by noticed the incident and came to her aid. The woman was apparently dragged across the road while being beaten, in front of her colleagues who allegedly stood idly by and spectated. According to an eyewitness, the guard was on duty when a silver polo sedan stopped and without haste, a man exited and ran to the guardroom where he dragged the woman to the vehicle by her hair. Because she was not willing to get into the vehicle, she fell at the rear passenger door and started screaming. This alerted community members.

The commotion started when a man arrived from out of nowhere and ordered the attacker to stop the assault. The attacker’s reluctance to stop, caused the Samaritan to draw his firearm which in return caused the attacker to jump back into the vehicle and speed off. It was long after the driver of the Polo had left, that three male security officers arrived and started to investigate the incident. Though the matter was not reported to the police, community members seemed more upset about the reluctance of the victim’s armed male colleagues not intervening in the situation. The incident raised concerns of security at public facilities, which was preceded by the shooting and robbery of staff at the Letaba Hospital earlier that year in which doctors were shot at and robbed in their residences.

2020’s Sins atoned for by the new year ■ Joe Dreyer Many Tzaneen businesses closed their doors temporarily this week, due to covid-19 infections among their workforces. The Tzaneen Police station announced it would be closed to the public again after four of their members tested positive for the coronavirus. The police station has closed at least twice before for the same reason. In the meantime, the sale of alcohol has still prohibited as the government attempts to ensure the availability of sufficient hospital beds in the country’s high care units to address a possible “unprecedented influx of covid patients”. The idea is that the prohibition would result in less alcohol related emergencies which would strain hospital resources including staff. The large-scale economic devastation of this prohibition was experienced by the alcohol industry when it was initially introduced during the early stages of level 5 lockdown in 2020. Local small to medium independent alcohol retailers will undoubtedly bear the brunt of this extreme measure. One Tzaneen-based bottle store owner has already placed his business up for sale after struggling to stand up from the economic ashes of the first round of prohibitions. In his address to the nation on the 28th of December, president Ramaphosa said that government would reconsider the prohibition in two weeks dependent on whether a steep decline in alcohol related emergencies was observed. He is expected to address the nation again sometime in the next week. Also this week, the Limpopo Department of Health MEC, Dr Phopi Ramathuba, criticised doctors within the health sector who claimed that covid-19 positive patients were dying

due to a lack of beds and ventilators in her hospitals. In response to an inquiry, the department’s spokesperson Neil Shikwambana stated that Pietersburg Hospital currently has three covid-19 wards, each with an average of 36 beds. He further stated that the high-care facility at Modimolle MDR Hospital had five ventilators. At the time (Wednesday 6 January 2021) only one patient required ventilation. “It also has 22 high-flow oxygen machines attached to its 27 high-care unit beds and currently only five patients are using those machines,” Shikwambana said. “Mankweng Hospital has a covid-19 ward with 57 normal beds. Twelve are high-care beds and an additional 12 are ICU beds. Only one patient admitted to the ICU is currently ventilated. The hospital has a team of doctors and nurses dedicated to the covid-19 ward and has opened a dedicated casualty ward for covid-19 patients only.” At the time of going to print the Limpopo Department of Health released a statement which reported that the province had recorded 1 575 positive case in 24 hours and that it was an increase of 900 cases compared to the previous cycle. Capricorn District, still bears the highest figure in the province and has recorded 623 new cases. Polokwane Municipality remain on high alert. Vhembe District has also seen a sharp increase with 408 new cases, Thulamela Municipality being a focus point followed by Mopani District with 253 new cases. Greater Tzaneen remains on high alert in the district. Although Waterberg District was leading in the province at some point, their numbers are no longer increasing at an alarming rate. The district has recorded 189 new cases. This is also the case with Sekhukhune District which has recorded only 98 new cases.


8 January 2021





Oom Nic word amper tannie ■ Joe Dreyer Tannie Joey (54) en Oom Nicholas Bredenkamp (61) het met ‘n probleem gesit. Na vyf maande se sukkel om die oom se rybewys te hernu, het die egpaartjie uiteindelik twee weke gelede ‘n tydelike rybewys ontvang, maar oom Nicholas Bredenkamp se naam, van, identiteitsnommer en geslag het ’n wonderbaarlike gedaanteverwisseling ondergaan. Sy tydelike rybewys het hom as Mev EM Badenhorst identifiseer. Hy was boonop nog ‘n jaar jonger ook. “Ek werk op ATKV Eiland en ek kry net een dag per week kans om in te gaan dorp toe om ons dinge af te handel. Die oom is op medies-ongeskikte pensioen, so hy kan nie werk nie en ek moet saam met hom gaan om lisensies en die klas van dinge uit te sorteer. Ons moes toe wag tot die volgende week, in September, voor ons wéér terug is toetsstasie toe,” het Tannie Joey vertel. Wéér is die paartjie weggewys as gevolg van die stelsel wat nie aanlyn was nie. Die volgende week gaan hulle terug en staan tervergeefs en wag net om weereens ingelig te word dat hul nie die rybewys daardie dag sou kon hernu nie. In Oktober, is die twee ‘n laaste keer weggewys by Tzaneen toetsstasie en aangeraai om Nkowankowa toetsstasie te probeer. “Toe ons by Nkowankowa toetsstasie stop, sê die vrou vir ons dat hulle ons nie kan help nie want hulle kantoor se dak het afgewaai. So, toe gaan ons maar weer terug Tzaneen toe en hulle was steeds van lyn af. Ons probeer toe Modjadjiskloof toetsstasie. Daar aangekom vertel ‘n man my dat hulle ons nie kan help nie want die vrou wat die papiere het, is by die huis. Dit was teen die tyd nou al 11:00 die oggend.”

Oppad uit loop die egpaar ‘n Modjadjiskloof munisipale amptenaar raak wat hulle aanraai om Phalaborwa toetsstasie te probeer. “Ek en my man het net nie kans gesien om al die pad Phalaborwa toe te ry net om daar te gaan vas sit nie. So die volgende week is ons toe weer Tzaneen toe. Ons het 06:30 die oggend reeds daar gaan sit in die ry, in die bloedige warm son en wag. Nogal gedink as ons vroeg daar is sal ons die lang toue mis, maar nee wat, daar sit ons toe en wag in die son tot 14:30 daai middag toe.” Volgens tannie Joey het André Liversage hulle te hulp gesnel en hulle na een van die kassiere verwys. Die vrou het oom Nicholas se details ingetik en sy ou bestuurlisensiekaartjie gevat. Oomblikke later is oom Nicholas se tydelike rybewys aan hom uitgereik en die paartjie is verlig terug huistoe. “By ons huis kom ons toe agter dat die naam en id nommer op die tydlike rybewys nie my man se besonderhede is nie, maar sy foto is wel daarby! En nou wat maak ons nou?” Bulletin het met André Liversage, hoof van die toetsstasie op Tzaneen gepraat. Volgens hom gebeur dit soms dat daar foute insluip in die sisteem, en hy sou ondersoek instel. Liversage het aangebied om persoonlik tannie Joey en oom Nicholas se probleem op te los by die toetsstasie. Bulletin het as tussenganger vir ‘n wyle opgetree en ons is later in kennis gestel dat die probleem wel opgelos is. Dit nadat hierdie berig oorspronklik oor sosialemedia versprei is, en die Badenhorst dame haar identiteitsnommer raakgelees en ons kantoor geskakel het. Ons is ingelig dat Liversage by sy woord gehou en altwee die persone verlede Maandag by die toetsstasie ontmoet en die probleem dadelik opgelos het.

496 citizens arrested over new year’s for breaching regulations ■ Joe Dreyer

The Police in Limpopo arrested four hundred and ninety six people around the province for contravention of alert level 3 restrictions as stipulated in the Disaster Management Act. The arrests were effected during the heightened operations that were conducted from the 31st of December 2020 until the morning of the 1st of January 2021 in all five Districts of the province. In the Waterberg district the police arrested 149 people four in Mopani, 146 in Capricorn, 59 people in Sekhukhune and 138 in the

Vhembe District. Some of the suspects were arrested for not wearing masks in public places, failing to confine themselves at their places of residence during the curfew, using fireworks in prohibited places, and others for dispensing or transportation of alcohol as well as consuming alcohol in public. SAPS acting Provincial Commissioner in Limpopo, Maj Genl Jan Scheepers thanked the various communities for generally conducting themselves in compliance with the regulations under the Disaster Management Act, even when celebrating the new year.

“This behaviour will strengthen and sustain the already existing sound relationship between the community and police,” said Scheepers. “I also want to thank all law enforcement officers for spending a sleepless night in ensuring that everyone complied with these regulations.” The operations will continue for the entire period of the lockdown. People with information about any criminal activities are urged to contact station commanders or District Commissioners of their respective areas.

Rus in vrede Gary

■ Joe Dreyer

In die vroeë oggendure van die 29ste Desember het ‘n motorongeluk die lewe van ‘n baie geliefde jong sakeman net buite Tzaneen geëis. Gerhard “Gary” van den Ende (43) se voertuig het vermoedelik met ‘n vragmotor naby Tarentaalrand kop aan kop gebots. Daar word berig dat hy op die toneel oorlede is, en dat die drywer van die vragmotor ligtelik beseer is. Die oorsaak van die ongeluk is teen druktyd nog nie vasgestel nie. Gerhard laat sy twee susters, Liezl en Ilse asook sy ma, Elfriede na. Sy gedenkdiens is op Dinsdag die 5de Januarie vanuit die Wolkberg gemeente in Tzaneen gehou. Die diens is deur Dr Jan Truter waargeneem, en per videostroomdiens oor Youtube uitgesaai sodat diegene wat as gevolg van die covid-19 inperkings nie die diens kon bywoon nie, ook die kans gegun kon word om afskeid te neem.





8 January 2021


Ridders op ysterperde maak hulle harte oop ■ Roelof de Jonge Die vervloekte Covid-19 virus kon nie die motorfietsgemeenskap van Tzaneen en omgewing weerhou nie om oudergewoonte hul harte en beursies oop te maak vir die jaarlikse Toy Run welwillendheidsveldtog vir minderbehoeftige kinders en gesinne. Volgens een van die weldoener motorfietsryers wie betrokke was, Ryno Kunneke, word die Toy Run tradisioneel jaarliks in November gehou, maar weens die Covid-19 inperkingsmaatreëls moes hulle die samekoms en datum wysig vir die geleentheid. “Dit is verblydend om die motorfietsgemeenskap van Tzaneen in sy geheel saam met motorfietsryers van omliggende dorpe te sien kragte saamspan met die een doel voor oë, om hul welwillendheid aan behoeftige mense te deel”, het Kunneke gesê. “Alhoewel ons vanjaar onder die rader vanjaar se projek moes benader weens al die inperkings, was ons nieteenstaande aangenaam verras deur die ondersteuning wat ons van die gemeenskap, borge en van verskeie besighede in die dorp ontvang het.” Volgens Kunneke is die jaarlikse Toy Run ‘n liefsdadigheidsprojek wat die motorfietsgemeenskap na aan die hart lê, en dit gee aan die ysterperd-ridders die geleentheid om iets besonders vir hul gemeen-

skap te kan vermag. Daar is drie geleenthede wat vir die jaar vir Tzaneen se motorfietsgemeenskap en organisies beplan word, ondermeer die Poker Run wat op die 8ste Mei gehou gaan word. In Julie word ook ‘n samekoms beplan en dan natuurlik die jaarlikse Toy Run wat gedurende November gehou word. Afgesien van hierdie drie geleenthede wat beplan word, is daar tientalle ‘breakfast runs’ oor naweke wat ook gehou word. Kontak vir Ryno Kunneke (083 560 8610) of Bruce Streaton (081 089 7864) om meer te wete kom. Kunneke is die President en Streaton die Vise-President van die Road Hoggs Motorfietsklub op Tzaneen. Kunneke het vir 12 jaar die pos as Vise-Pre-sident beklee en het sowat ses maande terug die leisels as President van die Tzaneen se Road Hoggs oorgeneem.

Thea Coad

Daleen Smit (SAVF maatskaplikewerker) saam met die motorfietsryers Eddie Coad, Raymond van Wyk, Thea Coad en Wimpie van Wyk. Agter is Bruce Streaton en Ryno Kunneke. Foto’s: Roelof de Jonge Links: Bruce Streaton, Vise-President van Tzaneen se Road Hoggs Motorfietsklub, was van die plaaslike ysterperd-ridders wie gehelp het om voedsel en speelgoed vir mense in nood gedurende Desembermaand te skenk.

Eddie Coad en Raymond van Wyk

Ryno Kunneke

Bosveld Pumbas will run with the big boys in 2021 ■ Billy Sibuyi

The Hoedspruit based, Bosveld Pumbas Rugby Club, always knew that they deserved to be in the Premier League and this dream was achieved this year after their promotion to the Mpumalanga Rugby Union Premier League for the upcoming season. The club is also set to participate in the South African Rugby Union (SARU) Gold Cup Qualifying rounds which is set to kick off in early March this year. “It is a big achievement for the players in the club, we always aim at achieving something at the club

and this is an achievement,” said Major Romeo Jones, chairman of the Bosveld Pumbas. “To be honest, we have been working extremely hard to achieve this and we will be competitive in this league as well. It is also an honor to be playing in one of the best and toughest divisions of rugby,” stated Jones. According to him their hard work from the previous three years has finally paid off and they are planning on being more professional regarding preparations in the build up of the season. Jones also established that the hardest club to beat this

year would be the current champions, White River Rugby Club, however he was positive in his team as he said that they have a winning mentality and do not give away points when playing at home. When quizzed about the strengths and weaknesses of his team, the Major was quick to point out that his team was strong all-round and was the best when it came to ball in hand and distribution. As the season is about to start, the chairman has urged all rugby lovers from both Phalaborwa and Hoedspruit to join the club.

Training will commence next week from Tuesday, 12th of January at 18:00 at the Drakensig Sports Complex and players from Phalaborwa will receive assistance from the club in the form of funds for fuel to practice and matches. Jones concluded that all players will be screened on arrival and all protocols related to Covid-19 will be followed as prescribed by the SA Rugby Union and the Pumas. For more info contact Romeo Jones at 083 439 2466 via Whattsapp or Phone Call. Email: Romjones@yahoo.com


8 January 2021





INSPECTIONS TO PREVENT SALE OF IMMATURE AVOCADOS found to be immature, the sale of this fruit will be prohibited. Avocado growers are advised to ensure that their fruit meets the required maturity standard before picking. For the cultivar Fuerte, fruit moisture content must be 80% or less. Reputable avocado packhouses are all able to carry out the necessary maturity testing. Inspectors will be checking avocado maturity on the

■ Issued by the South African Subtropical Growers’ Association (Subtrop) 4 January 2021

The sale of immature avocados (which will not ripen properly) is prohibited in terms of the Agricultural Product Standards Act. Inspectors will be testing maturity levels of early season avocados offered for sale. If avocados are

National Fresh Produce Markets. Growers should be sure that their avocados are properly mature before harvesting so that they do not run the risk of their fruit being rejected. The grower will be responsible for the cost of removing immature fruit from the market. For further information on maturity testing, contact Andries Bester the Subtropical Growers Association (Subtrop), tel. 015 307 3676.

VERBOD OP DIE VERKOOP VAN ONVOLWASSE AVOKADO’S ■ Mediavrystelling Die verkoop van onvolwasse avokado’s (wat nie behoorlik ryp sal word nie) is verbode in terme van die Wet op Landbouprodukstandaarde. Inspekteurs sal vroeg in die seisoen op die markte begin om avokado-volwassenheid te toets. Die verkoop van alle onvolwasse avokado’s sal verbied word.

Avokado produsente word aangeraai om seker te maak dat hulle vrugte voldoen aan die vereiste volwassenheidstandaard voordat dit gepluk word. Vir die kultivar Fuerte moet die vrug se voginhoud 80% of minder wees. Betroubare avokado-pakhuise is almal toegerus om die vereiste volwassenheidstoetse uit te voer. Inspekteurs sal avokado- volwassenheid op die Nasionale Varsproduktemarkte kontroleer. Daarom moet

produsente seker maak dat hulle vrugte aan die nodige vereistes voldoen voordat hulle oes. Sodoende sal hulle nie die risiko loop dat die verkoop van hulle vrugte verbied word nie. Alle koste om onvolwasse vrugte van die mark te verwyder sal vir die produsent se rekening wees. Vir verdere inligting oor die volwasseheidsbepalings kontak Andries Bester by die Subtropiese Kwekersvereniging (Subtrop) by tel: 015 307 3676.



1 x ORANGE WOOD CUT STOCK IN TRADE 1 x DEEP FRIDGE 1 x LG MICROWAVE 1 x OFFICE CHAIRS 1 x OFFICE TABLE 1 x SAMSUNG PRINTER 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honorable court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff, 2946 Tambo Street, Nkowankowa. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to specific conditions, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www. info.gov.za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961). 5. Fica legislation i.r.o. proof of identity and address particulars; payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash.

6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers being William Mkhonto. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instruction from the execution creditor. DATED at TZANEEN on 3 DECEMBER 2020 (sgnd) JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITOR JOHAN STEYN ATTORNEYS ELITA NO 1, AGATHA STREET, TZANEEN P O BOX 1363 TZANEEN, 0850 Tel: 015 307 5792 Fax: 015 307 2553


Ref: J STEYN/sdj/BB4709



TZANEEN HELD AT TZANEEN In the matter between: Case Number: 1265/20 NORTHERN SPARK TRADING 389 (PTY) LTD T/A NORTHERN SECURITY EXECUTION CREDITOR and TEBOGO SAREL MALATSI T/A MEDIGEN LIQUOR RESTAURANT EXECUTION DEBTOR NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION – AUCTION PURSUANT to a judgment by the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court, granted on 04 SEPTEMBER 2020 the undermentioned goods will be sold at 10H00 on 28 JANUARY 2021 by public auction at SHERIFF LETABA’S STORE ROOM, MAIN STORE NO. 2 INDUSTRIA ROAD, TZANEEN, by the sheriff for the Magistrate’s Court to the highest bidder for cash, namely:


1 x SAMSUNG DOUBLE DOOR REFRIDGERATOR 1 x 7 PIECE DINING SUITE 1 x OFFICE CHAIR 1 x QUANTITY OF MATRESSES 1 x LAND CRUISER (REG: CYN 744 L) 1. This sale is a sale in execution pursuant to a judgment obtained in the above honourable Court. 2. The rules of the auction are available 24 hours prior to the auction at the office of the Sheriff. 3. Registration as a buyer is a pre-requisite subject to a specific condition, inter alia. 4. Directive of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008; (Url http://www. info.gov.za/view/downloadfileaction?id-99961) 5. FICA legislation in respect of proof of identity and address particulars, payment of registration deposit of R500.00 in cash

6. The office of the Sheriff will conduct the sale with the auctioneers. 7. Goods will be sold for cash only to the highest bidder or sold subject to confirmation as per the Consumer Protection Act upon instructions from the execution creditor. SIGNED at TZANEEN on the 17th DAY OF DECEMBER 2020. (signed) S. JANSE VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS FOR EXECUTION CREDITORS STEPHAN VAN RENSBURG ATTORNEYS RENCOLE RIDGE OFFICE PARK 11 LOOP STREET, TZANEEN Tel: (015) 307 4458 Email: invorderings@vanrensburgprok.co.za Ref: WN0283/jn/SJVR Jan102___________________________

Smouskous l Classifieds Te Koop For Sale MANGO BOME TE KOOP HOEDSPRUIT Tommy Atkins en Keitt Bome te koop vir R20. Kwekery geregistreer by Dept Landbou . Kontak Tony: 082 387 2880 of Willem: 083 263 3321 Chester Kwekery Hoedspruit __________________________________

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8 January 2021



Baragwanath, Perry aim for Dakar top finish Brian Baragwanath and Taye Perry

Roelof de Jonge

For those who have not followed much of the 2021 Dakar Rally, one of the world’s most revered yet daunting motorsport events, should pay a bit of attention. Not only because a host of South Africans are competing again in this year’s race in Saudi Arabia, but also because a Limpopo born and bred racer and engineer is competing for his first time with a race car. Brian Baragwanath hails from Polokwane and experienced his first Dakar rallies on a quad bike in South America. These days he has his own engineering firm in Pretoria. The lady behind the roadbook in charge of navigation, Taye Perry, finished her first Dakar just a year ago in Saudi Arabia, on a bike. Both have high expectations in a Century Racing CR6 that has already proven how competitive it was on the world’s toughest rally. Despite retiring from his first Dakar in 2015, Baragwanath impressed a year later when he claimed a third-place podium finish in the quad race. A severe elbow injury however forced him to stop riding and he turned his attention to four wheels. Baragwanath is the perfect man for the CR6. For several years now he has been working for Century Racing as an engineer. He therefore knows this car inside and out. Perry lived her dream of doing the Dakar last year and struggled her way through the dunes of Saudi to eventually finish in 77th position sharing the title, with Kirsten Landmann, as the first South African woman to finish the event. Perry, a part-time journalist, will again have plenty to write about after her first experience in a car with

Baragwanath. Despite the lockdown, both were able to compete in the South African cross-country championship, tested together, and will be aiming for a top 10 spot despite their rookie status. “I was looking for a new challenge. Of course, the engineering aspect is great. I work daily on the CR6. I had always wanted to come back to compete in the Dakar. And Century Racing opened the doors for this amazing opportunity,” said the Polokwanean. “I know that it’s a lot more competitive in the car race, but we have a good base. The SRT team are our clients but we share a lot of information. We’ll push for results without making too much noise. A good result would be to finish in the Top 10. Perry wanted to race in the Dakar again. We started working together on the South-African championship and it went really well. And it’s also true that taking a South-African woman to the Dakar with me brings a lot of attention to the team.” Here is an update by Baragwanath of the stages they have completed so far: Stage 1 – “It was an interesting and challenging day. Starting out we went through a swarm of locusts just after the start and it blocked the radiator completely. The engine overheated but we stopped immediately to clear the grill.” “There were some nasty rocky sections and luckily we made it through with only one puncture, but it’s hard to go fast in these conditions without the risk of causing damage. We made four navigational mistakes and damaged a lot of bodywork in the bushy riverbeds. Can’t wait though to see what tomorrow’s stage 2 brings!” Stage 2 - “Had to fight back hard after a silly mistake

on the first dune belt. Perry got a bit buried in the sand, but take note, she might be small but she digs like a machine!” Stage 3 – “As we started the 403km stage our intercom failed. We quickly figured out a new sign language and all was looking good as we held a steady pace and attacked the dunes. We then got onto an open plain and found Carlos Sainz was backtracking toward us, then we knew there was trouble.” “We searched for the specific waypoint for 30 mins and eventually gave up and skipped it. This resulted in a 20 minute penalty. At least our pace is good, and the car is still in one piece. Nine more stages to go. This is what Dakar is about!” Stage 4 – “The longest day so far, having covered 813km. The special stage had its technical, rocky and canyon bits, but it was mostly fast open racing with equally fast paced complex navigation, which meant making up time wasn’t going to be easy, as in the auto class we’re limited to 180km/h.” “Which is exactly the speed at what we raced most of the day! We have been on the edge of speeding penalties and fines, along with everyone else. Today we had another puncture to deal with, and in all the heavy dust trying to pass multiple people at a time we missed one or two notes, causing us to circle back.” “But considering all, we had a really consistent and clean day. Everyday is an experience and an improvement in one way or another. Bring on stage 5!”

Brian and Giniel

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Sport 8 January 2021

Mud cannot stop young blood ■ Roelof de Jonge The Insect Science mountain bike team entered two teams for the popular Sani2C race which was held over three days from the 3rd until the 5th of December. The race took place around Scottburgh in KwaZulu-Natal. The event soon turned out to be a wet and muddy affair, providing for a very technical ride for the participants. The team’s youngest riders, Keagan Bontekoning and Brendan van Eeden, put in a stellar performance to win the u/23 category for men. This excellent result saw Bontekoning and van Eeden also claiming third in the overall standings. The other Insect Science team consisting of CP van Wyk and Alan Gordon, finished in a credible fifth place overall. They lost time on the final day due to mechanical calamities and a crash also hampered their progress. Van Wyk and Gordon however stuck to their guns to finish the race successfully. Van Eeden and Bontekoning completed their race in a time of 06:25:24. Teammates Gordon and Van Wyk finished in a time of 06:42:32. The DSV Pro Cycling’s Arno du Toit who partnered with Gert Heyns won the third and final Keagan Bontekoning

Danielle Strydom

stage to win the KAP Sani2C that finished at the Scottburgh Golf Club in a time of 06:10:38. Du Toit is the current SA XCM champ and the exciting news is that the Insect Science team recently announced that he will be joining their team for 2021. This event ended the shortened 2020 racing season as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Insect Science proudly and very excitedly announced that they would participate in the second round of the 2021 South African XCO Cup series where they would also take the role of title sponsor for the event. This race will take place at the Waterberg Trails in Vaalwater on the 6th of March. Insect Science has always been committed to the development of cycling in Limpopo and is excited to be a part of its first national XCO race. This race will also be doubling up as a UCI Junior World Series event and the new title sponsor is hoping to see some international talent showcasing their skills on South African soil. The first women’s rider to join the Insect Science MTB fray is Danielle Strydom. She competed her first outing in the Insect Science team colours and scored a first podium at the Midvaal 100 Miler on the 13th of December. Strydom raced in the Midvaal 100 Miler Solo Race where she competed in the category for senior women. She crossed the line in 14th place overall, took second step on the podium in her category and was also the second female rider to finish the race. The race was held over two laps, the first lap was run over 62km and the second lap 63km. Strydom completed this race in a time of 05:04:44. The Midvaal 100 Miler is held between Johannesburg and Vereeniging. Brendan van Eeden

CP van Wyk and Alan Gordon

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